Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 2

Chapter 30

Both of Hinata's clones took a leaf in their hand, one was trying to soak

the leaf and the other was trying to crumble it, as naruto instructed them,

they were far from the original duo, and started their elemental training.

Naurto had talked to Hinata about various of his ideas like, mixing her

gentle fist with her lightning and water style, she listen to him very

carefully and talked about her own ideas. Hinata had demonstrated all

the gentle fist techniques to Naruto.

Hinata was ready to leave the training ground, now she has some tasks to

complete as soon as possible, first was to train her byakugan to the

extreme to be able to see her own DNA.

The Second was to fully master her elements and to create her own

perfect kekkei genkai, now her goal was to complete these tasks.

In her opinion naruto had given these tasks to her how could she not do

as he said, if she didn't do as he instructed and trusted her so much,

wouldn't she be a bad girl in his eyes, she didn't care what others think

about her, only naruto's opinion matters to her, so in order to train

herself she leaves the training ground after bidding farewell with naruto,

she was going to do what he said, it doesn't matter if it is impossible for

others to do, but for her, naruto had trusted her, so she could do it, her

mindset was like that.

Naruto looked at the disappearing figure of Hinata, "It's time to learn the

gentle fist, better than a Hyuga, Hinata had told me everything and had

performed in front of me," Naruto said to himself, and soon more than

500 clones appeared in front of him.

Naruto looked at them, "boys… do you know what to do," naruto said to

his clones.

They had cocky grins on their faces like the original, "yes… and we are

going to beat a shit out of you, you know the rule of the game don't you,"

one of his clones said to him, he didn't know why but this clone was the

most arrogant amongst them.

"I know, no use of any other technique, only gentle fist, and you could

use whatever you wanted," Naruto said to his clones, all the clones


Nauto took the gentle fist stance, both of his hands in front of his with

open palms, "come" he said.

And then started one side beat down 500 vs 1. In the training ground

Rasengens as big as his size, thousands of admentium chains, kunai with

chara coating, some were appearing and disappearing using substitution

jutsu at their full potential, all of them activated kugara's mind eyes fully

using their sensory abilities, and some of clones using Kurama's full

chakra mode, and these were not normal clones, due to his highly dense

and pure chakra they didn't disperse in one hit, maximum 4 to 5 hit

needed to disperse them.

The clones were having fun, naruto didn't know why they were so

sadistic, maybe he knows after all they were all his clones.

Naruto among them, only using the gentle fist, had a hard time, the sharp

edge of the chain cut through his flesh, but as the cut appear it started

healing itself, some normal size rasengan hit him, and some of his clones

suddenly appeared in front of back of his, substituting themself with the

rubble around him.

But slowly he started to grasp the basis of the gentle fist, for him, this

was a life and death situation, the clones of his not going easy on him,

they struck him to kill him, if he deny this that he was not enjoying this

he would be lying to himself, in one minute he had minimum 100s of

small cuts on his body next moment they heal.

Small chakra scalpel in his fingers, he moved, getting the hang of the

gentle fist, he started to get to know where the chakra pathways and

chakra points were located in the body, as he hit his clones with his

fingers, after dispersing he get the memory of the clone and find out how

and where the chakra points were located in the human body, slowly he

started to envision the 8 trigrams symbol under his feet, and started to

practice the 8 trigrams palm.

After continuously training for 4 hours he was able to disperse all of his

clones, and from all of their memories he know where all the tenketsu

points were located in the human body, their exact location, and how

does it feel when his chara was disrupted, and in the end, he was able to

perform 8 trigrams 8 palms, if someone saw his progress, they will

consider him a monster or they will dought on themselves.

Naruto lay on the ground exhausted, all of his chakra was depleted to

95%, and this was the best exercise to increase his chakra pools, first

depleted 90% of the chakra from your body, and the next time when you

are full of chakra you will notice that your chara pools were increased


But for Naruto chakra was not a problem, the problem was how he empty

his chara pools, but he was not worried about his chakra pools, he knows

due to his pure Uzumaki his chakra pools were bound to be on an

inhumane level.

Naruto lay on the ground exhausted, it was 5 in the evening, and soon

the team konohamru appeared at the training ground, they were

informed by their former sensei that their sensei had been changed and

met him today at the training ground no. 43, this training ground on the

left side of the forest of death, closely aligned to it.

When they arrived at the training ground, they saw the destroyed and

desolated training ground, rubbles, big, and small stones, and pits were

everywhere, in simple words it was completely destroyed, team

konohamru was in awe and surprised at the scene of training ground they

could see that it was recently destroyed.

They had been told by ibesu that in training ground 43 they will find

their new and official sense, they didn't who is it, but seeing the looks of

the ground they could feel that the person who destroyed it must be


They enter the border of the training ground and they soon saw a

redhead boy with destroyed clothes lying on the ground, and they

immediately knew who he was, a smile appeared on all of their faces.

They thanked god that Naruto would be their sensei and no one else,

they looked at the destroyed ground, and in their eyes, their respect for

him increased.

"Big bro Naruto… did you all that distraction," konohamru asked him

knowing the answer himself while looking at the destroyed ground.

"What do you think," naruto asked, his eyes closed.

"Umm… it seems so," he replied him.

Naruto stood up dusted himself, and looked at them.

"Did you practice the jutsu I give you," naruto asked to them.

Konohamru, moegi, and udon had smug smiles on their faces, and they

disappear in the swirl of leaves, appeared far from him, and then

appeared again in front of him, this was the body flick jutsu, with some

hand sign you can brust out the chakra from form the tenketsu point of

your sole and travel fast in a straight line, it creates a tunnel vision, it

only works in the straight line, it was best for the fast travels or escaping.

Naruto looked at them, "Good that you had learned it, now that.. We will

start our training," although Naruto was exhausted 5% of his chara was

enough for him to train these kids.

Naruto had a grin on his face and took out a single bell, tied it to his

wrist, and looked at them, they all know what is coming next, and they

gulp, "you know the rules," Naruto speak to them, he put his hands in his

pocket and flick his finger to indicate them to came at him.

And then started one side beat down, just like what his clone did to him,

he did the same to these kids, just only using his kicks,

After two hours of beating, they all lay on the ground, it was much more

intense than the first time, they had cuts, bruises, and broken bones in

their body, they all looked at him with resentful eyes, they didn't have

the power to wake up from the ground, their body ached with immense


"Don't look at me like this, it's all for your own good," Naruto spoke to

them, and they knew he was right, but alas they were 12 years old and

not immune to his brutal kicks.

Naruto squat down near him, and a red chakra engulfed him, this time he

used Kurama's chakra to heal these kids, naruto could perfectly

differentiate the properties of Kurama's chakra, and healing was one of


They all feel warmth entering their body and they have a blissful

expration on their faces, "it's done," Naruto spoke to them, they all

opened their eyes, perfectly fine, if they were in this condition and

admitted to the hospital, it will take them weeks to get well.

"Now that's enough for today, from tomorrow, in the morning you will do

the missions and in the evening you will meet me at this spot." naruto

said to them, they all nodded, and Naruto disappeared from their site.

"He is so powerful," Udon said looking thoughtful.

"Yes big brother is the best," Konohomaru said, he had a special

attachment to Naruto, he really consider him as his big brother.

"He was so cool," Moegi said starts in her eyes, she didn't know when he

became his ideal, she want to be like him.

After chatting for some time they bid farewell to each other, and headed

to their own homes.

Naruto appeared in front of his apartment, entered, took out his shattered

clothes, and took a cold shower.

"From tomorrow, I will start my elemental training," he spoke to himself,

today was a productive day in his opinion, he had grasped the basics of

his gentle fist, talking with hinata, and training his team, he had a smile

on his face as he fell asleep.

[an~ how do you like the chapter tell me in the comments.

and some of you asked me about the timeline... the kazekage mission will

start in 6 months so you can guess the timeline from yourself.

and in some chapters, he will create his own kekkei genkai can you guess

which one he will create?


and give me some power stones man... ]

chapter 31

Chapter 31

It was morning, Naruto stood up from his bed, take a shower, and made

some breakfast, some fried eggs with milk and rice, he dressed nicely, as

usual, in a black high-collared jacket with red rings on its sleeve and a

white t-shirt under it, black pants with a white bandage warped around

his left thigh make it more on edge of good looking, he ruffled his hairs

and exited the house, and soon he reached training ground 43, it was his

personal training ground he had asked Tsunade for it.

As he reached, Hinata was waiting for him, he looked at her with a smile.

"Good morning hinata-chan," he speaks to her.

"Good morning Naruto-kun" she replied with a smile, her shy personality

in front of him starting to fade away.

"I am just a clone, if you have some questions regarding the training in

the gentle fist you can ask me, the original is training in the Hyuga

compound," Hinata's clone said to him.

"Oh… so my darling is working hard," he came near him, "No I don't have

any questions about gentle fist, you don't have to worry about me," he

speaks to her in her ears.

Her cheeks became red, and with a puff of smoke, she vanished, Naruto

slightly laughed he liked teasing her. He mused for a while thinking

about her.

He dispersed all of his thoughts, created a shadow clone, and looked at

him, "you know what to do," he said to the clone, the clone nodded and

vanished from there, this was the clone for team konohamru, they have

to do some mission and he was not going to waste his time for this types

of work.

Naruto created four more clones, all of them have chakra equivalent to a

tailed beast, he himself and the four clones stood in different places,

everyone had a leaf in their hand, and beside them, a bag of leaves was

on the ground.

Original Naruto had a leaf in his finger, he channeled his water chakra in

it, he had to soak this leaf completely, and others had to do the same

thing, one had to burn, crumble, cut in half, and harden like a rock, these

were the first step for the natural transformation of chakra.

Naruto took out the leaf and after trying for some time he was able to

soak the leaf completely like when paper dripped in the water.

This time when he channel his water chakra into another leaf, he

activated his six eyes, "it's time to understand the water element, what's it

molecular structure, how their atoms connected to each other, what is

the configuration of the molecules," Naruto said to himself, and his eyes

slightly glow.

When he poured his water chakra into the leaf, he could see the

molecular structure of the water element, how they are formed from his

chakra, At every step he saw it clearly, how the atoms connected to each

other, how are they so flexible, and how could they be molded in

whichever the shape you wanted.

Naruto saw everything about the water element, and he knows how the

atoms are connected with other, and how his chakra converts into the

water element, he knows everything about it.

The rotations of electrons around the nucleus, the orbital configuration,

the one atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen, the way they

connected, he knows all of the inner workings of the water element.

He closed his eyes, and understand in his mind, he pointed his finger

upwards, and soon a drop of water appeared on his fingertip.

Naruto didn't know how much time he had observed the inner working of

the water element, and when he looked around he found that it was still

morning, no it was the next day's morning, he had observed and

understood the molecular structure of water for continuously 24 hours,

but there was no tiredness or anything, but he was more excited.

He open his palm and a ball of water appeared in his hand, "it's time to

fully master the water element to its perfection," Naruto spoke to himself,

crossed his finger, and created 100 clones behind him, " you practice the

water element to its perfection" Naruto speaks to all of them.

Naruto looked at his 4 clones who were comprehending and

understanding the fire, wind, earth, and lightning, elements. all of them

had a cocky grin on their faces when they looked at Naruto.

They all extended their middle finger to him, on the first clone's fingertip,

a fire lit up, on the finger of the second clone a streak of lightning

caracal, one of the others, a small stone appeared on his fingertip and for

the last one a leaf was floating on his finger, indicating he was

controlling the wind element. Naruto looked at his clones unbothered by

their behavior, he had a satisfied look on his face, they all created 100

clones behind each other, and the clones knew what to do.

Naruto knew it will take him months, to fully master each and every

element to its fullest.

He had some theory like when you are able to perfectly master wind

element and had near to 100% control over it, you can extract the wind

from a specific area and make that area vacuum, and if you are able to

create a vacuum in a large scale all the living beings in that area will be

burst open, if they hadn't countermeasure to the vacuum or their body's

are not strong enough, it was his theory, maybe there are higher uses of

wind element than this that he didn't know.

And for the water element, you can compress thousands of tons of water

in a single drop, he didn't even want to know to think how much it

devastate the ground if it hit the ground.

As for the lightning, if you had near to 100% control over this element

you can summon the natural lightning from the skies as you wish.

And for the earth element, the highest form of the earth release is gravity

control, like third tsuchikage you can fly in the sky but he also didn't

have full control over the earth element, he can not control or use gravity

as he wishes, he could only change the gravity around his body and lift

himself in the air.

As for the fire, you can burn everything, and no one will be able to

extinguish your flames.

Naruto was sure that he would be able to control all the elements, he

knows there is no one who can control the elements 100%, this was an

ideal situation, we just can imagine, many shinobi in their entire life not

be able to control 20% of their elements. Nauto knows there was no

100% in chemistry, only 99.999%.

But Naruto was sure with six eyes he will be able to master all the

elements to the highest degree that no one had mastered until now, he

was sure that it will take years to master all the elements above 90% but

he will master them, that was sure.

And for creating the kekkei genkai, the fusion of two elements, he had to

master his elements above 50% then he will be able to create a kekkei

genkai, and the perfect fusion of two or three elements was powerful

much more powerful than a single element.

Naruto was sure he and Hinata would be able to create the perfect fusion

of their element, and able to create their kekkei genkai.

Naruto looked at all of his clones and nodded to them, indirectly saying

'practice well," he exited the training ground and entered the forest of

death, found an empty ground, and created 500 more clones, he could

create 1000s of clones so creating 500 more was no big deal, he entered

his gentle fist stance.

All the clones grin at him and entered KCM (Kurama chakra mode), and

the onslaught being, Naruto only using his gentle fist.

Cuts appear, and they heal. Rasengan slammed into his body, and some

chakra chains suppressed his chakra, overall the one-side beating started

again, naruot only use his gentle fist and no other moves, and slowly he

was improving, and this continue for 3 and half hours, relatively less

time from yesterday.

He lay on the ground, he was gaining experience from both sides, the

clones used so many tactics to attack him, and he improvised his practice

in the gentle fist.

And soon the evening descended and it was time for him to do the one-

side beating, team Konohamaru came to his current location, the clone

had told them not to go to the training ground 43, and soon the three

genins lay on the ground with broken bones and cut all over their body,

naruto healed them as a responsible teacher.

This continued for many months, his clones were training in elemental

transformation and he was practicing his gentle fist, and one of his clones

was doing his mission with his team.

This went on....and soon 5 months passed.

AN~ tell me how you like the chapter in the comments.

I had some questions for you guys tell me...

what time do you read my chapters so I could upload them at the right

time? or the time I upload is right?

should I upload daily or two chapters together after daybreak?

And after reading the chapter you can comment on the chapter the more

comment you will do it will motivate me to write more chapters.

and give me some power stones man....]



two chapters today... enjoy...


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

chapter 32

Chapter 32 ~ kekkei genkai




It had been 5 months since Naruto had started his elemental training, he

had completed many c rank missions with his team, obviously, he used a

shadow clone.

He and Hinata met a few times in these months, she was really immersed

in her training, and Naruto was really happy to see that was working

very hard for him.

He had sparred with her once or twice in a month, and the results were

good, He was on par with her in Gental fist, and since then Naruto had

just practiced his elemental moves or perfected the existing moves.

Today he stood in the same training ground as we remembered, in

training ground 43, which he had rebuilt, because of earth element. he

had flattened the ground.

"It's time to create my own kekkei genkai, I had waited for so long, to

master my elements to the level that I will be able to create my kekkei

genkai," Naruto spoke to himself.

He had told Hinata about this that he was going to create his kekkei

genkai, he had dispersed all of his clones, and a shadow clone was with

his team, he had created a barrier around the training ground so that no

one disturb him.

He sat on the ground, he knew it was going to long process.

His chakra control over his elements was perfect.

Naruto extended both of his hands and activated his six eyes, they

slightly glowed,

In the right hand, one molecule of water appeared, and in the left hand

one molecule of wind appear, if anybody tried to see they could only see

the empty air, but it was different for Naruto, due to his six eyes he could

see the one molecule of water and one molecule of wind.

He neared his finger, and molecules flew towered each other, in order to

fuse with each other, Naruto guided them, and as they touched each

other an explosion happened, it was on the molecular level but Naruto

could see this.

" 1:1 failed," Naruto said in a low voice.

Now 2 molecules of water and 1 of air, he guided them to fuse but failed


"2:1 failed," Naruto said in a low voice.

Now 3 molecules of water and 2 molecules of air, he guided them to fuse

but failed again.

"3:2 failed"

Now 4 molecules of water and 2 molecules of air, he guided them to fuse

but failed again.

"4:2 failed"

Now 5 molecules of water and 3 molecules of air, he guided them to fuse

but failed again.

"5:3 failed"








Now 50 molecules of water and 49 molecules of air, he guided them to

fuse but failed again,

"50:49 failed"




Now 101 molecules of water and 97 molecules of air, he guided them to

fuse but failed again,

'101:97 failed"

As Naruto was progressing he started to feel the coldness around his

fingertips, he had expected this to happen if creating a kekkei genkai was

this easy, everyone had one or two kekkei genkai.

He had estimated to do an experiment between 1000 molecules of water

and 1000 wind, almost 90% ratios are between them.

he was sure he will find the correct ratio, maybe this was near impossible

for the normal shinobis but for Naruto who could see the molecules of

elements and had perfect chakra control, it was not impossible.

Nauto tried… he didn't know how much time had time passed but he

knew he was very near to success,

Every time a small explosion happens or sometimes his fingertips felt

slightly cold,

And then when he mix 523 molecules of water and 521 molecules of air,

they suddenly attached together and formed a new element, it was ice, a

very strong coldness felt by his fingers, to normal people it was still

empty air between his finger, but for Naruto, he sees the element of ice

was between his fingers, it was so smaller, but he could see it clearly.

"I finally succeed, the ratio 523:521 is the ratio of prime numbers, but

alas in the end I succeeded," Naruto spoke while having a cocky grin on

his face.

He started to increase the output, multiplying the molecules of both

water and wind, not disrupting the balance between them, and soon ball

of ice appeared in his hands, due to the density and purity of chakra, the

temperature around him started to drop but he didn't feel the discomfort,

quit the contrary he was feeling comfortable.

He dispersed the ball of ice.

He put both his hands on the ground, "Ice release" he shouted, the

temperature started to drop at an alarming rate, the air around him

started to freeze and snowflakes started to form out of thin air.

He poured the chakra into the ground like a waterfall, the ice started to

fill the area at a fast speed, in just 3 seconds everything was covered in

ice, around 100 meters everything was white, he stood 3 meters high

upon the ice.

The atmosphere changed from summer to winter in just a few seconds,

the trees were covered in the white blanket, the air was so cold, it could

freeze the blood.

In a 100-meter radius, 3 meters in height everything was covered in ice,

and the ice was as hard as steel, Just by his raw chakra he created this

magnificent level of attack, no one could imagine how far he go with it.

Naruto looked at his handiwork, it was the sweet fruit of his labor, in this

coldness he felt comfortable, not slightly bothered that he had changed

the geography around some kilometers around him, due to his chakra

density every normal attack became deadly and its was fucking kekkei

genkai made out of chakra, now anyone could imagine how power full it


In the Konoha, the villagers who live slightly near this training ground

felt the cold wind and shivered, "Why is this so cold today" one muttered

to himself, and went on his way.

Naruto exited the training ground not carrying that the disabled training

ground and the ice will take months to evaporate from the ground.

He was happy and he was going to celebrate this, and who he would be

celebrating this with, he smiled, "Hinata my queen I am coming," he said

to himself and disappeared.

AN~ Tell me how you like the chapter in the comments.

and after reading the chapter share your opening, the more comment you

od on chapter it will reach more people.

and give me some power stons man.... or Naruto will freeze you.... just


,...your dear author san]


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

chapter 33~ Pride

Chapter 33~Pride

Naruto appeared far from the hyuga state, he know Hinata could see him,

and soon as he expected she appeared with a smile bigger than his on her


"You look very cute when you smile," Naruto teased her as she appeared

in front of him, she blushed and looked him in the eyes.

"Naruto kun, the task you give me I have succeed," she spoke, the pride in

her voice could be heard.

Naruto looked at her in amazement and he had pride in his eyes when he

looked at her, when she saw his eyes she felt happy in her heart.

"Which one," he asked.

Hinata activated her byakugan, but there is no sign of her activating it,

there were no veins on her temples, but the pressure in the surroundings

had increased, Naruto ignored this.

"I could see all the cells in my body," she spoke in a proud tone, the size

of a human cell is 0.0001mm, and she could be able to see it, no hyuga

had ever done it, she had practiced, and trained her eyes day and night,

only she knew how hard it was.

And then she extended her finger and a streak of lighting intertwined her

finger like a snake, it was as smooth and flexible as water, Naruto looked

at this single streak of the dark blue lightning and could feel the

destructive force coming from it, it was more powerful than his ice

release in terms of destructive power.

"Strom release," Naruto spoke to her the happiness and pride in his eyes

could be seen, "I knew you could do it, my Queen," he lifted her in the air

by the waist and swing around him, he was happier with her than

himself, he knows how hard it is to create a perfect fusion between


Hinata giggled in the air, he put her down and a flower of ice appeared

in his hands, he looked at her and came near him and put it into her hair,

the dark blue hair, and pure white flower in them looked beautiful.

She lowered her head when he put it on her hair, she was happy that, he

cared so much about her. He was very happy about her succession, he

loved her so much, she could tell just by looking into his eyes, she

hugged him, "I am really happy, that you love me so much, I love you

much," she spoke to him in low voice.

Naruto looked at her in his embrace, not knowing why she had a sudden

outburst, but in his heart, he felt warmth, he warped his hands around


Naruto lifted her face with his hands, he looked into her eyes, glistened,

"Why are you crying silly, you know I love you and I am not going

anywhere," Naruto said to her.

"I am not crying, it's just… I don't know… I just feel like it to tell you,"

she spoke to him.

Let's celebrate our successes. Nauto speaks to her.

Hinata looked into his eyes, she warped her hands around his neck and

put her lips on his, and enter her tongue into his mouth, seeing this he

warped his hands around her waist and started to suck her tongue with

his own, playing with each other with some time, they parted the string

of saliva between their lips.

"That's enough for me, I don't need anything else," she spoke to him.

Naruto felt every emotion from her, and it filled his heart with love and

warmth, he nodded to her.

[End of the chapter]






5 and half months had passed since Naruto had come to the village, and

now he was sitting on a chair in front of Tsunade, and his team,

konohamru, udon, and moegi, were standing behind him.

Tsunade looked at him, the atmosphere in the room was quite heated.

"Where were you, brat I was calling you for 15 days, only your shadow

clone was present in the village," Tsunade asked him.

Naruto had a cocky grin on his face and extended his finger, and frost

started to appear on Tsunade's desk, the temperature started to decrease

in the room and they shivered at the coldness.

Tsunade looked at him shocked all over her face, she knew what it meant

by this, this was a kekkei genkai, his former teacher sarutobi hiruzen was

called professor due to his knowledge of ninjutsu, he had tried to create

kekkei genkai but he eventually failed, and now in front of the perfect ice

release was shown, how could she not be surprised, if the outside world

knows that Naruto had created a kekkei genkai, he will be hailed as a

genius, this was the feet that no one in Konoha had achieved, all of the

anger vanished as saw the ice release in front of her, konoha had gained

a new kekkei genkai user.

"Good brat,,, you have done something amazing this time," Tsunade

looked at him, she was really happy about it, in the past 5 months she

had started to clean up Konoha's shinobi and civilian pests who were

unwanted and becoming the hindrance in the way of their progress.

Naruto looked at her, "Why are you looking for me Grandma....Tsunade,"

he spoke to her.

"You have to go to the capital of fire country and convince the fire

daimyo, he is pressing the village," she speaks to him.

"What… what he wanted.." naruto spoke to her, in his opinion, the

daimyo of the country is pathetic, they were normal civilians with no

power, they sat on the thrown, and started to command the hidden

village, they only had one card, the money, if they were threatened by

the hidden village they cut off their funds, they control the civilians who

were not shinobi.

Naruto despised people like these, who sat on the thrown with no power

and order around the shinobi villages, yes the hidden villages protected

their land, but they came under the command of the daimyo, if they were

not pleased with the hidden village they cut off their money supply, in

reality, there was no issue of money on their side, they earn billions of

Ryo from the tax. The civilian population pays those tax who lived in the

capital, and there are other mediums of earning money while the daimyo

sat on the chair and do fun as they pleases, and money that they give to

the village was not high in their eyes, but they wanted to control them,

the hidden village protects their land and gets paid by the daimyo.

But the daimyo had to suppress the hidden village in order to feel safe,

everybody who has in a high position had always fear to lose it, and they

were powerless in terms of strength, that's why Naruto hated these kinds

of people.

And now the fire daimyo was threatening Konoha to cut off their funds.

"Because he said the iwa and kiri were on his head, they were demanding

an explanation of what you did months ago," Tsunade spoke.

"That's bullshit," Naruto said.

"I know it's right, but the daimyo started to feel the changes in the

villages and was worried about his safety so he pull this stunt," she spoke

to him.

"So you want me to go to him and give him an explanation," Naruto

spoke to her.

"Yes," Tsunade said,

"And why me," naruto asked her.

"Because I feel like it," she spoke to him.

"Fine I will go, but it will take time," Naruto spoke to her.

"I don't know how will you convince him, but it's your mission now,"

Tsunade spoke to him.

In the past when 1st and 2nd Hokage ruled over the konoha, the daimyo

of the land didn't dare to speak or tried to do anything funny, and when

the saruotbi became, the third Hokage, he changed everything, he let the

daimyo take over them and did do nothing.

Really she was pissed at the leadership of the hiruzen, she cursed him

one more time.

"I will do as you said," Naruto said with a grin, he know what Tsunade

means by it, and Tsunade also had came to known the real personality of

Naruto, the hidden darkness inside him, she knew about it, and the past

months, he did cleaning missions for her, the people who mysteriously

disappear from the village, Naruto had done the mission given by

Tsunade to clean corrupts.

Tsunade also grinned at him, and cruel light passed through their eyes,

the team standing behind had shivers run down their spine, they all know

that smile on Natuo's face, it is going to be bad for someone.

Naruto stood up from his seat and looked at his team, "pack your things,

we are going out for a month, and meet me at the gate in one hour," he

spoke to them, they all nodded and disappeared from the Hokage office,

Naruto looked at Tsunade, "see you next month, Grandma Tsunade," he

said to her, she nodded to him, and Naruto disappear from her sight.

He told Hinata that he was going on a mission for a month. and she told

him that she will be going with her, after talking to her with some lovely

words of love and giving her some pecks on her lips, she calm down, he

told her to practice her byakugan, she was really a ticking bomb without

him near her. After calming down her now he stood in front of the

Konoha's big gate waiting for Kononamaru and others to come.

Soon they appeared with a bag on their backs, "ready go to" Naruot asked

them, they were excited this is the first time they were going to the

capital of the land of fire.

"Yes," they all shouted.

They all disappeared from the location and started heading toward the


chapter 34~ capital

Chapter 34~ capital

Naruto and the team, jumping forward at a normal pace, it had been 10

days since they departed from Konoha.

In the evening they train like usual, catch wild beasts for food, and sleep

on the ground, for naruto, he also trains his elements and practices his

ice release, naruto enjoyed the beauty of the way, he never tired of

seeing and marveling at the beauty of the world.

"When we will reach the capital big brother," konohamru said, they were

all sitting on a wooden log around a bonfire, and a roasted boar was on

it, the nights were slightly cold, and after sitting around the bonfire they

felt the warmth of the fire, it was a comfy atmosphere.

"Are you getting bored," Moegi spoke, today she had opened her hair for

buns, her orange hairs swaying in the air, she was enjoying this trip, her

idle was with her, she learn something new every day with him, she

looked at naruto admiring him.

"No, I am not getting bored, I am just curious," Konohamaru looked at

Naruto and speak again, " big Brother have you ever visited the fire


Naruto who was lost in his thought no one knows what he was thinking,

looked at konohamru, "me" he pointed his finger towards himself,

konohamaru nodded, "No, it's also my first time," Naruto spoke to him.

he had visited a few places with Jiraiya on his training but he never had

been to the capital city of the land of fire, this was the first time he was

going to visit, and sure he was taking his time on the way.

"So how are we going to find the dimeo" Udon spoke, he was the quietest

boy, he never talks like his other two teammates, and only when he

didn't understand or needed something from Naruto then he speak, he

also greatly value naruto other than anyone, he had learned everything

from him, and he knew any other genins were very behind him in term of

power. He looked at Naruto as his sensei and big brother, and he admired

him the most.

He had brown hair and dark eyes and wore circular glasses, and he

always seems sleepy, he was an orphan, and for him naruto who also is

an orphan, he respects Naruto and easily relates to him, the boy didn't

complain to him, he learns as Naruto teaches them.

"Finding the daimyo, hehe... it's not as hard as you think, the biggest and

most luxurious mansion in the capital will be his place, I can guarantee

that" Naruto spoke to Udon, in these past 5 months naruto had a liking to

all three of them, they spent their time with each other, doing missions,

eating together, he had fully open up to them, in the whole village,

Hinata, his team, these are the 4 people that naruto only cared about,

and for others, he didn't give a fuck about them.

Udon nodded to his remark, "it's getting late, you guys go and sleep in

your tents, I will be on guard duty," Naruto told them, they all nodded to

them, and go into their respective tents.

Nauto created his shadow clone, " you go on guard duty, while I will

sleep," Natuo said to his clone.

The clone mumbled under his breath and go to the guarding, every

shadow clone he created had a different personality from each other, but

they were obedient nonetheless.

Naruto jumped on a tree and lay his back against his big trunk and closed

his eyes.

The night descended, the sound of various beasts rang into the

surroundings, and soon all of them fell asleep.

It was the third day when all four of them came into view of the large

stone walls, they were high enough to cascade a very long shadow, and a

big steel gate was to welcome the visits, there was a long line of people

to enter the city.

the outside of the city was sturdy and strong.

Nauto and konohamru looked at the gates they were bigger than the one

Konoha had on their frontal walls. They stood in line to enter the city,

and the one who wanted to enter the city, had to pay some price, but

they were from the Konoha so this was their leverage over other people

to don't pay any price.

It was their turn to enter the city, the guards looked at them, then he

noticed the Konoha headband on the forehead of three genins, which

Naruto hadn't worn at the moment, "so you are from the Konoha, what

business you had in the capital," the guard asked.

the ninjas were not allowed in the city until they were on a mission or

had permission to enter the city.

Naruto took out a scroll and tossed it toward the guards, the guard

opened it, and he read it, "so you are here for the daimyo," the guard said

and he tossed the scroll to another guard and the guard took his leave.

"You can enjoy yourself in the capital, we will inform the daimyo about

your arrival," the guard spoke to them and let them in.

The trio and Naruto entered the city, and the first thing they looked at

was that the caricature of the city was slightly different from the Konoha,

the streets were bustling with people going here and there, and there

were stalls everywhere on both sides of the road, the city was clean.

All four of them started to visit all the shops and looked all around the

city, and soon they find an inn to stay. It was a two-story building, made

of wooden sticks, there was a small garden in the backyard, and it was

far from the inside city.

"Let's eat something first before going into the rooms" Naruto speak to

them, they all nodded.

The four sat around a table, and delicious food was served on it, this

restaurant was connected to the inn.

They started eating the food with blissful expressions, "this is heaven,"

konohamru spoke in between gulps.

"You are right, we have been eating roasted wild beast for days, in

compared to them this is,,, ahh" Moegi click her tongue while eating the


Soon they noticed that they were being spied on.

"Big brother do you feel that it's like someone is watching us" konohamru


"Don't worry about them, just eat your food in peace," Naruto said to

them while a piece of meat in his hand.

On the other side of the restaurant, three people sat, and all of them had

high chunin chakra reserves, "so these are the Konoha ninjas, that daimyo

sama told us to have an eye on them," one of them spoke.

"Yes, but they didn't look very strong to me," another one said.

"It didn't matter to us if they are strong or not, we will wait for the orders

on what to do with them, until then just watch them and don't let them

sense that we are watching them," the third man spoke, seeming the

leader of their small group.

[AN~ how do you like the chapter tell me in the comments.

I know things were getting longer but ... just bear with this... after this

arc, the story will pick up the high pace...

spoiler ahead... Naruto will not go on the Kazekage mission because he

will be in the capital at that time.... so enjoy the story

and give me some power stone man... }

chapter 35~Daimyo

Chapter 35 ~ Daimyo

Inside a big mansion, the walls around look luxurious, the carpet on the

floor was expensive, and there were many paintings hung on the walls.


The soldiers stood leaning against the walls, every meter there stand a

guard, the guards were not ninjas, but samurai, they held a sword on

their waist, and stood straight like bamboo.


And in a luxurious room, a man was sitting on a big chair, the table

around him, some papers were around the table, the man looked in his

mid-forties, had black hair and black eyes.


In front of him, a man was kneeling on one knee.


"Lord Daimyo, the ninjas from Konoha had arrived in the city, what's

your order,' the man said to him respectfully, this man was the same man

who was guarding the city gates.


"Tell me their description, are they some famous ninjas from Konoha or

someone else," the daimyo said.


The man told him about the description of the Naruot and the others.


"So they sent some kids, to talk with me, one 15 and three around 12,

Konoha is getting bolder and bolder day by day.


They had to be stopped, maybe I should cut their funds for an entire

year, then they will understand that not to be so brave, I should do that,"

Diomyo said.


Diomyo had his personal army of samurais, and he had also hired some

mercenary ninjas who were not affiliated with any ninja villages.


"Maybe I should teach them a lesson that in the future they will follow

my orders, this lesson will remind them not to mess with me, daimyo

thought to himself.


"Tell the leader of the mercenary, to capture all the Konoha ninjas,"

Diemyo said to the man in front of him.


"Yes my lord," the man said and exited the room.


Diamyo had a happy smile, he was thinking how will he more

pressurized the Konoha, after capturing their ninjas.


The man who exited the room was a messenger for the daimyo, he

walked out of the hall and soon exited the place.

Daimyo had not put the mercenary ninjas with his samurai army, he

didn't trust ninjas, and they will any crimes if you paid them enough, this

was the thinking of the daimyo.


The man entered a house, and there was a party going on, the boss was

sitting in the middle, meat, and wine were poured in large quantities,

there were 10 people, they were all mercenaries that the daimyo had

hired, and they were like a wild beast no rule no morals.


The man who had entered the house had a distenfull look on his face, he

hated the message delivery to these people, he was not even sure that he

will get out alive from here, that's why he hated them, he was fearful.


And soon he stood in front of the leader of these ninjas, the man had long

brown hair, black eyes, and a long vertical scar on the left side of his

face, he looks brute, the messenger told him what the daimyo had told

them to do


"So we had to capture these kids, what if we kill them, hehe… after many

weeks we had something to do, boys let's go we have some genins to play



The man said with an evil smile on his face, he was a Jonin and the

people around them were all chunin, they were not abide by the daimyo,

and they mostly didn't follow his orders, that's why the daimyo didn't put

them in his mansion.


"No you can't do that, they were from the Konoha," the messenger said to


He had a fearful expiration his face, he know if the Konoha ninja were

killed in the fire capital the daimyo had to face some problems.

They didn't want to push Konoha so much, they know the strength of the

strongest hidden village, and that's why they slowly pressurized them,

not wanting to push them so much that they will create some real

problems for them.


The leader of the ninjas didn't listen to him and took 5 men with him and

exited with them.


The messenger knew if he killed them it will be a blunder on their side.

He just hopes that everything goes fine.


The 1 leader around Jonin and 5 men around Chunin level started to

head toward the inn where the Naruto and team were resting.


In the inn, konohamru jumped on the soft bed, "it is soft, we have been

sleeping on the ground for days,''

He spoke while twisting his body on the soft bed, this was a single big

room, and there were four beds for all of them, he played on the bed for

some time, and all of them looked at his antics.


Naruto mused looking at him, "Let's rest for a bit, we have been on a long

journey for a long time," Naruto spoke to them.


It was already night, they had entered the city at noon, and playing

around the city had caused them to waste time, they all flung onto their

bed and slept peacefully, they didn't know much this peace will last long.


The next morning.


The four of them stood in front of the inn,

"Let's explore the city," Moegi said, the girl want to explore the city, this

was the first time she had been in the city and there were many things

that she wanted to buy.


For the two boys, they were the same as her, excited and ready to go,

they needed permission from Naruto, they can't go without his

permission, how childish they behave, Naruto had taught them to be

careful of their surroundings even if look beautiful.


Naruto took out some money that he borrowed from Tsunade for the

mission, and handed it over to Moegi, " you can go and have some fun,

and be careful on the way," Naruto said to them, after giving the money

to them he disappeared from there.


They all looked at the money, stars in their eyes, and they run towards

the city, poor lads didn't know what is waiting for them.


As they entered the main bazaar of the city, they started to enter one

shop and exit another.


Some men were looking at them from the distance, "So these are the

Konoha brats," let's have fun with them, the leader curled his lips and

said to the men behind him, they had the same expression as the leader.


They didn't know that a shadow was also looking at them from a tree

behind them.


"Let's see how you do against these," the shadow said, the tree branches

sway in the air, the sunlight fell on the face of the shadow revealing him,

it was Naruto who was looking at all of them.

[an~tell me how you like the chapter, and today two chapters will be

coming so enjoy.


and give me some power stones man...


Random trivia...

would you like to live in Hot or cold...

chapter 36~fight

Chapter 36~ tatakae...

As the Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon exited the shop.


A fireball was coming towards them at a high speed, their eyes widen,

they quickly jumped away from the fireball, the fireball hit the shop

destroying it.


The mercenaries didn't care about anything.

Seeing that someone had attacked in the middle of daylight, people

around the street panicked.


They run here and there like headless chickens, and soon the street was

empty and quiet.


The people had gathered far from the ninjas and three kids, they also

want to witness the between ninjas, although they had pissed in their

pants a moment ago.


But after gaining distance and finding out they were not the target they

regained their wits.


The leader of the Mersenroy band stood behind and order his men to

attack the Gennins.

He was not going to attack them until they became a problem and he

didn't think there will be any problems.


The five men, kunai in hand launched at the three of them, they all

ducked and rolled to the side.


"fire style: fireball jutsu" konohamru spit out a fire from his mouth

directly headed at all five of them.

They opened their eyes wide, they didn't have expected these kids to

know the elemental jutsus, one of them did some hand signs quickly.


"Water style: water ball" A water ball came out from his mouth the same

size as the fireball.

Both jutsu hit each other, and steam started to form around all of them,

blocking their view.

The other man didn't wait for any second and with some hand sign


"Fire style: fireball" he shouted, and a fireball shoot out from his mouth.

Seeing the big fireball coming towards them, they didn't panic.

"Earth style: earth wall "Konohamru put his hands on the ground and a

big wall made of earth rose from the earth covering them, the fireball hit

the earth wall, hardening it.


Moegi didn't wait for any instructions, she jumped on the already harden

earth wall, with some hand sign she put her hands in a ball-catching

position in front of her.


"Water style: water bullets" Small bullets of water started to form

between her hands, and at a high speed, the water bullets shoot out from

her hands.

anywhere the bullets hit they created holes, seeing the incoming attacks

they all scattered but some of them were not so lucky the water bullets

hit them.

The water bullet hit their hands and legs immobilizing them.


Udon who was waiting for this moment did some hand signs and

appeared beneath the ground beside the two immobilized ninjas.

"Water style: water prison jutsu" Udon opened a scroll and water hit the

ground and constructed a spear of water around them drowning them,

the two.

Ninjas grasped their thought gasping for the air, horrified looks on their

faces, they knew the horrors of the water prison jutsu.


Seeing this the leader of the ninjas bewildered, "What is Konoha teaching

these days to the kids'

The remaining three ninjas looked at their comrades captured in a sphere

of water and the boy was standing beside the spere holding his hands.


"Fire style: great fire ball jutsu," all three of them shouted at the same

time, mixing their attack.

The fireball was so big, around 10 meters headed toward Udon, he

widened his eyes, if this hit, he was a goner for sure, but he can't let his

prisoners go that easily.


"No, you don't" Moegi and konohamru appeared in front of Udon.

"Water style: water ball jutsu" Moegi did hand signs for the jutsu and

poured all of her chakra into this jutsu, and a 5-meter wide waterfall hit

the 10-meter fireball.


The water ball of Moegi evaporated and the fireball headed toward them.


"earth style: earth wall" konohamru speak with some hand signs and put

his hands on the ground

An earth wall around 5 meters rose from the ground and blocked the

incoming fireball, the fireball hit the earth wall, and the earth wall

crumbled, revealing the panting Moegi and konohamru, both the Jutsu



The three men and the leader looked at them surprised they didn't expect

them to block the fireball mix of three of them to stop and came out


"You kids are good," the jonin speak.

The men had lost their cool, they were not some trained shinobi, and

seeing their attack blocked.

They rushed at them with kunai in their hands, udon had undone his

water prison jutsu after two men inside didn't have the breath left in


Their lifeless body hit the ground, naruto had taught them how to kill

their enemies, seeing this they were all enraged they didn't expect this

outcome to be one of them dying.


Seeing the three men coming toward them, udon smirked, he set his

glasses with his finger, the glasses flashed a white light, he had his

reserves full.


Water style: water bullet" With some hand sign, udon raised his two

fingers towards them, and with three bangs, three water bullets shoot out

from his fingers.


Precisely hitting all three of them in their heart, they shoot backward.

Udon had this move from Naruto, the master of water style, but Udon

didn't have enough chakra to pierce the body of the three men in front of

him for now. but the force behind the water bullets was enough to injure

them although the water bullet didn't pierce their hearts but it was

enough for them to cough out a mouthful of blood from their mouths as

they hit the ground.


"Earth style: soft ground" With some hand sign konohamru put his hands

on the ground.

The Ground beneath the three men become so soft that they sank into the

ground and with a single hand sign the ground become as hard as a rock,

killing the three of them beneath the ground.


The leader who was watching this was stupified, in his wildest dream he

hadn't thought of this outcome.

His arrogance caused the death of his comrades, he was enraged that

blood come out from his fist as he clenched them, he looked in front of



The three kids in front of him became his mortal enemies, maybe he

hadn't experienced real ninja's before, but today he saw another expect of

the world, looks could be deceiving.


He clenched his fist, with bloodshot eyes he looked at the three of them.

"I fucking kill you…. All of you die," he did some hand signs and rushed

at them.

"wind style: wind blades" The blade made of wind shoot them at high


Destroying everything in its path, he was a Jonin so this was to be

expected from him.

Seeing this three of them panicked, they had so little chakra left after

fighting five chunins.

But they didn't run away, all of them started to do hand signs at high



"earth style: earth wall"....konohamaru spoke.

"Water style: water wall"...

Moegi and udon mixed their jutsu, two walls made of water and earth

rose from the ground.

The wind blades cut through the earth wall like a knife cutting butter,

but the last wall made of water stopped his wind blades.


Three of them depleted all their chakra in order to protect themselves,

and now they were panting heavily.

The leader become more enraged, he didn't give them time to rest.


He launched 100s of shurikens at them, they looked at the barrage of the

shurikens, quickly pull out their kunai, and started to deflect.

But how much they can deflect, and soon the shurikens started to hit

them, they had fought with 5 chunin, and stopped the attack from the

jonin, how much they can do?


They all hit the ground, blood came out from their mouth and wounds,

and shurikens were imbedded into their body.


The leader stood in front of them, looked down at them resentfully, and

soon the 5 other men appeared behind them, they were the remaining

people of the group.


"Where are our other brothers," one of the men spoke.


The leader looked at him and then at the trio who were lying on the

ground in their own blood, "these brats killed them," the leader clenched

his fist and spoke.

First, they became confused about how can these kids kill 5 chunins by

themselves but hearing that they killed their buddies

They all looked at them angrily and pull out their weapons, and started

to walk towards them.

The three kids looked at 6 men in front of them full of angered looks and

weapons in their hands, "are we going to die here" they thought to


"We are going to kill all of them," they shouted, reading their weapons.


"No, you won't" ...


A voice was heard behind them, all of them stopped in their tracks, they

tried to move their heads to see who had interrupted them.

But their body didn't listen to them, they stood frozen in place.


started to see their own deaths, one time, two times, three times…

hundredth time, they saw their death again and again.


Nauto appeared in front of his team, squatting down "You did very well"


He said and picked up them on his shoulder, the three of them looked at

6 men, frozen in place, their eyes rolled upside.


then they heard "earth style: demonic hands"


Nuruot slightly taped his foot on the ground, he didn't even look behind,

konohamru, Moegi, and Udon on his shoulder saw.


Hands made of earth emerge beneath everyone grabbed their ankles and

dragged them into the depths of the earth.


There was not even a single bit of resistance.

There was no trace of them.


Seeing this the three of them shivered, and soon they disappeared from


The crowd had horrified faces, there was not even a single scratch on the

ground, everything was as new as before, with no trace of blood or fight.




A|N~ can you tell me, what Naruto used to freeze them in the place?

Tell me how you like the chapter in the comments.

and give me some power stones man...



random trivia

would you rather go to your past or future if you have any chance?

chapter 37~ Maya (illusion or


chapter 37~ Genjutsu


Naruto put konohamru and the others on the bed, and looked at their

bloody state.


It was necessary for them to fight to the death. so they could gain battle



And he was impressed by their teamwork, everyone was supporting each

other, and no own was dragging anyone, in Naruto's view it was perfect.


He put all of them in one bed and started to heal them.

A green chakra clock covered all three of them.


They were very used to this feeling, and after some time they were

completely healed.


"To think that daimyo would attack Konoha ninjas," Naruto spoke in a

mused voice.


"He got the balls of steel," konohamru replied to his remark.


He was shocked to learn that their daimyo would attack them.

"Hehe.. he gets some guts… if he is not going to meet us… we are going

to meet him personally and solve this problem once and for all," Naruto

spoke to them.


He had a grin on his face, he was thinking about how he going to solve

this problem.

"Should I just kill him and put my shadow clone in his place, or should I

put him in a permanent genjutsu? Ahh.." he griped his hair in his mind,

"there are so many ways which one should I choose,"


"Take it easy, Naruto or you are going to pull out of your hair," Kurama

said to him.

laughing, his friend has so many dilemmas that only he knows.


"What about the security, how are we going to bypass them," udon asked



"What about we release a sleeping gas in the whole mansion and kidnap

the daimyo,"


Moegi spoke while having a thoughtful expression.

"No… that's dangerous if anyone from outside noticed and entered the

mansion," Udon spoke to her.


She pouted and crossed her arm, her idea was rejected.

"What about, we dug an underground tunnel and directly appeared in

front of the daimyo and tied him down," Konohamaru shared his idea.


"What if his room was on the second floor," Moegi said and mocked him.

He quieted down he hadn't thought about it.

Nauto looked at his team, they were slowly getting his traits. "Clap clap"

Naruto clapped his hands, their attention on him,


"no need to worry about the security we are going from the front gate,"

Naruto said to them.

They looked at him puzzled, but then they smiled at who is talking, "ok

let's go"


Saying this they all left the inn and started to walk toward the biggest

mansion in the city.


And soon they stood in front of a big mansion, there were guards

everywhere around it.


*Tap* tap*


Naruto started to walk towards the entrance of the gate, the 3 children

were behind him.


The guards at the entrance looked at them and didn't say anything and

opened the door.

Giving them a way to enter the mansion.


They leisurely walked into the mansion.

It was very quiet, as naruto walked inside the mansion the tapping of his

feet increased.


There were stairs, and anyone who wanted to enter the entered main

building had to walk past these stairs.


And there were stood samurai swords on their waists, each side of the


*Tap tap*

With every step they heard the tapping noise of his feet, the samurai

didn't even react to their arrival.


They just stood there without looking at them, it seemed that they were

invisible to them.


The three kids looked at Naruto, amazed.


They didn't know what he was doing or how he was doing, they were

fucking walking between 100s of samurai and they didn't even notice



Soon they reached the main gate of the building where the daimyo live.


Naruto opened the gate and entered the mansion.


It was quite beautiful, and the guards stood against the wall holding their

weapons, they walked inside the big hall.


Naruto's footsteps echoed in the big hall, with every step he took, the hall

echoed, the sound of his footsteps was in a rhythm, sounded like a tune

was played, the moment he took his first step outside the mansion, this

tune started to play, with each step it becomes more profound.


It was genjutsu, created by him an A-rank jutsu.


It was a sound-based genjutsu, with every step he released his yin chakra.


casting the illusions into surroundings, it was an overlapping type of

genjutu, with every step it became powerful.

and once you started to hear footsteps, you fall into a genjutsu with every



It alters their perception of reality, they started to see the repeated same

thing that they were seeing before they hear footsteps.


This means that they were seeing the surrounding where Naruto and his

team was not in front of them, and after falling into the genjutsu, they

will see the same reality, even if Naruto was standing in front of their



And that is what happen when Naruto and his team passed through them,

they didn't see them.


This jutsu worked with high chakra control over the yin element, there

was no hand sign needed, and with Naruto's perfect chakra control, he

pull it off.


There was only one way to come out from this genjutsu, you had to

continuously disrupt your chakra.


The moment you heard the footstep you had to disrupt the chakra into

your body, and the more you hear the footstep the deeper you fall into

the genjutsu.


This Jutsu was like quicksand, the more you move the more you sank

deeper in the sand, just like that the more footsteps you heard the more

deeper you fall into the genjutsu.

The effect of genjutsu last long to a maximum of 3 hours, or until wake

you up from the outside.


Naruto and his team stood in front of the big iron door, it was 6 inches



Naruto extended his hand to open the door but stooped he felt a barrier

around the room and a quite strong barrier.

Naruto didn't know who set up this barrier, if you are under the Kage

level shinobi you can't bypass this.


"So that's why he wasn't get killed until now," Naruto said in a low voice.

"What's the problem big brother, why are we not going inside the room,"

konohamru spoke.


"Oh.. there is no prombem… it's just a barrier," Naruto said while looking

back at him.

Naruto looked in front of him, he extended his right hand, his palm

facing the barrier and the iron door.


A Rasengan started to appear in front of his palm, the Rasengan got

bigger and bigger until it was bigger in size of his own body. Rasengan

grinded the barrier and the iron door, like grinding some vegetables, the

Rasengan disappear from their site, and a circular hole was created into

the thick iron gate.

[AN~ image]


And a man looked at them from this hole, his face was ashen.


He was stuck in his chair, horrified, he in his dreams hadn't thought that

the barrier he spend so much money, on would break one day.


And the ones who break it were the Konoha ninjas that he tried to

capture, now his fate was sealed.

When he looked at the face of 4 people who break the barrier, his heart

sank more, one had a cocky grin looking at his handiwork, and the three

behind him who he considered children had malicious smiles on their

faces, as they walked toward him his heart sank more.



AN~ it was very fun to write this chapter, how do you like his new

genjutsu move, if you like tell me in the comments, and if you have some

awesome moves in your mind and wanted to use them, tell me if I like

them I will add them in the future story.

Give me some power stones or you will hear his footsteps in the middle

of the night.

—----------your dear author san]

chapter 38~ Daimyo again

Chapter 38~ daimyo again.

AN~ some slightly dark shit is ahead, if you don't in that kind of stuff,

read after * mark, or if you like this kind of stuff, enjoy the chapter, it's

not too dark but slightly dark.




Naruto and the team entered the daimyo's office, they were all looking at

him like a wolf looked at a rabbit.


Daimyo was scared to death, his back was wet due to his own sweat.

His legs shivering, he could not stand up anymore and the temperature in

the room was decreasing but heat and fear in his body were rising.


"What do you want," the man spoke in a shaky voice.


"You were one you attacked us, and now you are asking us what we

want, ironic isn't it," Naruto spoke with a cocky grin on his face.


"I am daimyo, I order you to stand back and don't come near me," the

man said.


A laughter could be heard from all of them, they were looking at him like

he was a fool.


"Look at your condition... you are in no position to order us." naruto

spoke while looking at him,

The man looked around, his heart was beating fast, "where are my

guards, what did you do to them" he spoke.


He didn't find any of his samurai, not even a single sound of them after

the barrier was broken.

"Oh… they were very faithful guards, doing their duty with honesty,"

Naruto mused and said to him.

Dieome was confused but he knew the teenager in front of him did

something to them, or else they would be here protecting him.

He wants to speak something else but Naruto cut him off, "Enough of

your chit chat, you are the prisoner here, and we are here to interogete~

ahem negotiate with you," Naruto spoke with a smile.


He walked toward him, the earth beneath him slightly shook, and rose

from the ground, making a throne, it was hard as a rock and clear as a

jade, it had spikes in the back, and its arms had a lion head on it.

Naruto sat on the throne, and the three stood beside him, one on the

right, and two on the left.


"Now that I made myself comfortable, let's start with the first question,

and remember if you lie, it will be very hard for you," Naruto said.


"Tell me, you order you to cut off money for the Konoha," Naruto asked



" it was Iwa and Kiri, they were pressuring me, demanding an

explanation why Konoha killed their ninjas," the man spoke.

"Bullshit," Naruto looked at him and spoke, he really hated this man

more, in this position he had the guts to lie to him.


Naruto looked at Konohamaru and others, "I had taught you many things,

and today I will teach you how to do integration if you catch your

enemy, you will be the one who is going to do it," Naruto spoke to them.


He looked at konohamru, the latter nodded, and do some hand signs, and

put his hands on the ground.

A tub-like shape rose from the ground, circular in shape, half a meter in

height, naruto looked at Moegi she nodded she knew what to do, and

with some hand sign, the water filled the tub.


naruto looked at Udon, and he nodded and took out some rope from his

bag, and soon...

The daimyo was hanging upside down and beneath him was a tub of



He was screaming and saying something but all of them ignored him, the

other side of the rope was in the hand of Udon, he slightly lose it, and the

daimyo's head was in the water.


The bubbles started to make a noise on the surface of the water, udon

seeing this pulled the rope and pull out the daimyo from the water, his

eyes had tears in them, and he was screaming in fear.


But they didn't show him any mercy, udon again let loose his rope.

drawning the daimyo in the water, he gasped for air, his hands were also

tied up, and the water filled his mouth and nose reaching to his lungs,

the man was crying in pain but nobody hears this.


He didn't expect this, that the Konoha's ninja would be so cruel.


he regretted ordering the mercenary ninjas to capture them, and he

regret crossing the line with Konoha.

His father had told him not to cross the line with Konoha, but the third

Hokage was so soft he allowed him to do it, and now due to his

arrogance he thought the next Hokage would be like sarutobi.


He cursed hiruzen even more, and when he was about to die, udon pulled

him up, saving him from death, the man gasped for air and looked in

front of him, fear and panic all written on his face.


"Let me ask you again, you order you to do it," Naruto asked him again.


"It was no one, it was me, I did it myself, I thought Konoha was getting

ahead of itself so I pressurized Hokage with cutting off their funds," He

said hastily, admitting his fault.


"Oh… so it's your own doing, then there is more reason to teach you how

to behave in the future with Konoha," Naruto said to him, with a smile on

his face, he looked at the two of his students, and indicated them.


Konohamru and Moegi took out a kunai, and some senbons.


They approached the hanging man and started to press their weapon into

his body.




he screamed like a pig.


cuts started to appear on his body, his upper body was naked,

the senbons in her hands pushed into the body, the man screamed horsly,

tears were falling from his eyes, his blood dyed the water under him red.


This went on for an hour, there were so many scars on his body, while

konohamru and Moegi were torturing him with their weapons.

Udon pulled his head into the water, the now didn't even have water left

in his eyes, his thought ached due to screams, he couldn't even scream.


Naruto looked at his students, and there was a smile on their faces, they

fuking enjoying this, "you corrupted them so much," Kurama's voice

heard in his head.

"Why shouldn't I... after all, they were meant to be corrupted, when they

become my student," Naruto said to his friend.


"Tch, do whatever you want, just let me see this," Kurama said to his



"Enough boys put him down," Naruto said.


And soon the daimyo was sitting on this chair, fully healed, "now would

you do something like this," Naruto asked him with a smile.


The man shakes his head left and right.


"Good," "How much money do you send to the village annually," naruto

asked him.


"20 billion ryo per year," the man said, Naruto looked at him, slightly



"Form today you will send 40 billion," Naruto spoke to him, the man

looked at him "but.."


Naruto cut him off "I know you had enough money, don't try to fool me,

or do you want me to increase the money…hehe," Naruto said while a

smile crept on his face.


"no, no I will do it as you said," the man said fearfully, today's lesson he

was going to remember this his whole life.

He was sure he will not cross the line with Konoha even if someone force

him, today he learned his lesson, not to cross with Konoha.


Naruto patted his shoulder with a smile, "it's good that you understand,"

he said to him and took out the paper from his table.

In this paper, the contract was signed by the daimyo that he would send

40 billion Ryo to Konoha per year.


Naruto and his team exited his room, but before exiting Udon looked at

the daimyo and grinned, an evil smile with his sleepy eyes.

Daimyo's heart sank.


'Don't scare him more, udon" Moegi spoke to her quiet teammate.

He didn't say anything just followed them, but before exiting his smile

widened more, and looked at Diamyo while his glasses flashed a cruel


Naruto looked at his student, the quiet one has the darkest heart of all of

them, he mused for a while, they all know this.

There was no hidden secret between them, they exited the mansion, and

the guards were still as ever as hardworking doing their duty honestly,

Soon they reached their inn,

"Let's enjoy the city some more and then we will leave for our village,"

Naruto spoke.


They all nodded...



AN~ I have a questions for you gyus, should I use some words from

different languages... i promise it will suit the story.


I hold back in this chapter I don't how people will react to some dark

shit. tell me if you like this I will not hold back when I will write this

type of content.

or do you have a dark heart like me.... hehe... let the world shall burn...

give me some power stones man....



Random trivia...

do you like Itachi Uchiha or Hate him to the core...

chapter 39~ Deidara returns

Chapter 39~ Deidara the mad bomber returns.


This chapter is completely rewritten, I hope you will enjoy this.




Naruto and his team spent two more days in the capital city.

They explore all the sights and tasted many foods that the city had to

offer, these days no one bothered them, the Daimyo had learned his


Naruto and his team stood outside the city gate, "let's go home," Naruto

said to them.

"Yes big brother, I am already missing home," Knohamaru said to Naruto.

Naruto didn't say to him anything, nodded to him, and started to walk

toward Konoha, they were familiar with the route.

The four of them jumped on the trees, running towards their home,

Naruto and his team was happily chatting about somthing that was not so


It was the next day and it was the night they didn't stop on the way this


Suddenly a Kamui portal opened above Naruto, it was too sudden to

notice and then...

Suddenly Naruto saw a big clay bird around him, and everything around

him stopped. he quickly turned his head and saw thousand of small clay

birds on their heads, he squinted his eyes and saw.

on a big clay bird Diedara was standing and looking down at him, his lips


"It's time to payback, back then you almost killed me, bastard,"

This happened so fast that Naruto hadn't time to react.

"How can his clay birds escape my sensory abilities," Naruto had this

thought in his mind, "and why is Deidara here".

with his mastery over the lightning element, he quickly send electric

particles towards his mind, making him think so fast even his body

couldn't move at the speed his brain was thinking, this was one of the

best ways to use the lightning element in the middle of the battle.

Everything was slow down, he looked around and saw everything in a

segmented world, thousands of clay birds were on his head, but in his

eyes, they were stopped.

Naruto's eyes glow and he saw millions of small clay birds on a cellular

level present in the air and heading towards them.

Nauto observed this in a second, and all of these clay birds started to give

chakra pulse, the magnitude of this attack was on the cellular level and

big enough to eradicate everything in the kilometers.


First, he focused on the kids, he knew if they get injured they may be

permanently injured, and for him, he was not so worried about it, with

his healing factor even if his heart was injured he could come out alive

but this could not be said for the kids.


Three chains spurt out from his hands and tied the three of them

separately, and a dome of chains in a sphere shape manifested around

them, the three kids were in the middle of the sphere of his chains, they

were entangled in a way that they couldn't even move their fingers.

Naruto cut out his chakra chains from his hands.

"Kurama" Naruto shouted in his mind, and a red cloak manifested on his

body the next second, and three hands spurt out from his back made out

of Kurama's chakra.

These three hands were so big, they grabbed all the three spears in their

hands and threw them with their full power, three sonic booms were

heard as he threw the three kids that were sealed in his chakra chains.

the three spheres Peirce through the air and in just 3 seconds they hit the

ground like a meteorite 2km away from Naruto.


The three kids didn't even know what happened around them, three

craters were created around 5 meters deep and 20 meters in radius, as

the spheres made of adamantium chain dispersed, the three kids came

out from their spear perfectly safe.

And then they saw, a white light reaching the sky, it was so big its radius

was around 1 km, and with a loud sound, the explosion hit.

The explosion illuminated the night brighter than the sun, the area into

the radius of 1 km was completely erased, and then the shockwaves hit

them 3 seconds later, they flew back and hit the ground, and the

shockwave destroyed the trees and ground in 500 meters around the

crater created by the explosion.


Now the reality hit all three of them, that Naruto had protected them.


Konohamru, Moegi, and Udon, their eyes started to moist, when they

realized that Naruto was hit by the explosion.

"No, big brother, this can't happen to you," Konohamaru spoke tears in

his eyes, he looked at the explosion that was still happening in front of

his eyes, he dropped to his knees.


Moegi who considers Nauto her idol, looked at the explosion with her

lifeless eyes, tears flowing through them, "No you can't die," she

murmured to herself, just a few minutes ago they were happily talking

with each other, and now Naruto had protected them and he himself was

caught in the explosion in order to protect them.

"I didn't believe this, he can't die like this," Udon said in a low voice, his

glasses had cracked due to the shockwaves, and guilt started to buildup

in his heart, naruto was the closet person he had along whit his team,

"why I am so weak, I couldn't even protect the things that I value," he

said as he looked at the never-ending explosion in front on him.


In the middle of the explosion, after Naruto threw all of them out of the


"Kurama" Naruot speek in his mind.

But before Kurama's chakra engulfed him an explosion happen on his

hand, ripping some of his flesh form his hand, but naruto didn't care

about this.

his healing chakra kicked in and ripped flesh was healed, there was not

even a stretch.

"on it" As Kurama said this he entered his KCM mode, covered by

Kurama's chakra, the first explosion happened near his ear, blasting him

away from the ground, his ears rang from it.


Naruto breathed some air, the cellular level of clay birds entered his

body, and the other explosion happened around him, he was safe from

the explosions due to Kurama's chakra until the small explosions started

to happen inside his blood vessels.


Every millisecond his blood vessels burst open from inside, the small clay

birds had mixed with his blood, and they were in millions, every second,

hundreds of them exploded into his body.

His healing properties kicked in, consuming chakra at a very high speed,

repairing his shattered cells.


he poured his lightning chakra into his body, electrocuting everything,

now there were still thousands of clay birds in his body, but to his

surprise, it didn't work.

For Naruto everything was happening in slow motion. "so the lightning

chakra didn't work, it only means that these explosive birds contain

elements of earth," he thinks to himself.

but he was not discouraged, he immediately poured his water element

and disabled all the clay birds inside his body.

Now there was nothing in his blood vassals.

"now let's focus on outside," Naruto said to himself and saw the big

explosions still happening around him.

naruto started to do some hand signs, and speak in a low voice, "Ice

release: barrier"

A barrier made of ice started to surround him, in just a second a dome of

ice appeared around him. it was hard like diamond,

the explosions were still happening outside, but there was not even a

crack on the dome of ice.


after 3 minutes of mad bombing, everything was stopped.

the area was completely destroyed in the diameter of 1 kilometer.


deidara who was flying on the bird saw this his eyes excited in his

opening Naruto was dead.

soon everything was calm down. and Deidara saw the white dome of Ice

and his face froze.

his ultimate jutsu failed. he became inraged but still hold himself back,

he know he was no match for Naruto in a frontal attack, so he could only

sneak on him, and his sneak attack also failed.

soon the ice dome was cracked and revealed Naruto was looking at

Deidara, he had no injuries. his eyes have a dangerous gleam.

"you bitch," Naruto speak while looking at Deidara who was flying in the


hearing his curse words Deidara became furious, "You think you are

being Cute," his words echoed in the area.

"Bitch, I am Adorable," Naruto speak, he extended his hand his palm

facing Deidara. A Rasegan started to appear in his Palm,

the Rasengan moved out from his palm, Naruto extended his two fingers

and the Rasengan started to compress on the tip of his finger, ready to

shoot out.

[an~ Image]

But Before Naruto could shoot his Rasengan, Deidara waved his hands

and small clay birds in the Direction of Konohamaru.

Naruto saw this, but before leaving The Rasengan on the Tip of Finger

shoot out, exceeding the speed of the sound, with a sonic boom. the air

rings appeared around it. [AN~ IMAGE]

"Rasen...Dan..." his voice echoed.



Deidara's left hand was cut off, he didn't know what hit him.

But Naruto disappeared from there, he gritted his teeth and fly away.

Naruto appeared behind his team, they are crying that their big brother

has died in that explosion.

"Why are you crying," he speaks from behind.

all of them Quieted down and a happy smile appeared on their faces.

But Naruto didn't have time for the chitchat, he saw the clay birds had

approached them.

he could not do the teleportation with all of them.

so, He Grabbed all Three of them and shunshined away.

No one know that someone was watching this fight all along, black Zetsu

appeared on the battlefield.



AN~ before moving to the next chapter comment on this chapter and tell

me your thoughts. I had rewrite this chapter I hope you liked it.


Naruto's cell has some spacial properties that are explained in some

chapters ahead, so don't ask questions about why his cells are so



This is the turning point of the whole Naruto series, everything will go

haywire from this point.

the plot armor is so thin, it nearly killed Naruto...hehe.

give me some power stones if you want awesome chapters like this.

....your dear author san]

chapter 40~

Chapter 40~


An- some information about the chapter is down below in author's note



i deleted this chapter because some people don't like it, so don't blame

me, and for the chapter the things came into view bit by bit. so just read

the next chapters.


chapter 41

Chapter 41 Skip it

Because of the rewrite of the previous chapter, this chapter became

useless so I deleted it. so skip it.

bye bye

chapter 42

Chapter 42

After two days.


It was two days, and Naruto recovered from his injuries, if it was anyone

else he would have been permanently damaged to the point where no


Naruto stood in the same hospital, but in another room, there was laying

a man with a mask on his face with white hair, and one of his eyes was

hidden by his head protector, it was his sensei in name, Kakashi the copy



But now his condition was not so good, he was laying on the bed and an

orange book in his hands, while reading the book he glance at Naruto


Seeing this naruto spoke, "You are in a pathetic condition, aren't you

Kakashi sensei," Naruto looked at his sensei's condition, he was chakra


Kakashi looked at his student with his single eye, "yes" he simply replied.

"I heard you were attacked," Kakashi Asked.

"yes" naruto said


"Oh.. that's good, do you know who attacked you," Kakashi asked him.

"Yes, I know him, we have fought before one time, he was a mad

bomber," Naruto replied to him,

"How do you get into this situation," naruto asked Kakashi.

"We are on the mission, to rescue Kagekage, he was captured by

Akatsuki," Kakasi said to him.


Naruto opened his eyes and looked at the Kakashi, 'So they started to

hunt the bijuu,' 'How could I forget about it, so this is how it is, while I

was in the capital city, they captured the one-tailed,' Naruto thinks to


"What about Gara, how did the mission go," naruto asked him, although

he didn't feel any bad for Gara or anyone else.

"He was fine, but the bijuu inside him was removed, after the removal of

the bijuu from him, lady Chiyo use a forbidden jutsu to revive him,"

Kakashi said to him

"What about the Akatsuki members," Naruto asked.


"One was killed by Lady Chiyo and Sakura, and the other one escaped

from me," Kakasi said to him.

"And the one who escaped, he nearly killed my students," Naruto

completed his sentence.


Kakashi looked at him, his eyes wide, "So the one who escaped attacked

you on the way," now Kakasi realized, but it was too late.

The Akatsuki member who escaped, his student was attacked by him but

he was fine, and he was lying on the bed due to the overuse of his


"Why don't you remove it from your eye socket, it cost you so much

chakra, you will be fine or better without your sharingan," Naruto said to


He knew the man had immense chakra reserve, but the Sharingan was

costing him so much chakra, and without it, he will be truly an S-class

ninja or maybe above if he could overcome his guilt and sorrow.


Kakashi looked at his student, not knowing what to say, Sharingan in his

eye was his best friend's gift, he gave it to him, how could he remove it,

this was the last thing he had from his friend.

Seeing his expression Naruto sighed, "Fine, I just tell you what I felt, it's

up to you," Naruto said to his sensei.


Kakashi sighed, he knew Naruto was right, the Sharingan was causing

him so much chakra, due to him not being Uchiha he couldn't turn off the

Sharingan, and this was his main problem, but using the Shaingan he was

way better than the Uchiha's.

"You will be assigned to a new Jonin sensei and a new team member will

be joining your team," Kakashi said to him.


Naruto nodded to him, 'so Danzo still didn't learn his lesson, he will send

one of his best men in my team to spy on me,' Naruto think to himself

while remembering the last time he meet Danzo.

"We got the information from the dying Akatsuki member, that one of his

spies is working with the Orochimaru, he will meet him on Tenchi

bridge, and the spy will tell him the location of the Orochimaru and

Sasuke," Kakashi said to him.

Naruto heard his Sensei word, and after hearing the name Sasuke, a smile

appeared on his face, he had many plans for Sasuke, and he knows his

personality very well.

"So when did I will meet with my new team member and the new

caption." Naruto asked him, he was really looking forward to this

mission, in this mission, he could finally be able to meet his long lost

brother, "hehe.. It's getting more and more interesting, the butterfly effect

had changed so many things, I wonder what things are changed that I am

not aware of it," naruto thinks to himself.

"In two days, in the training grounds of team 7 and your mission will

start," Kakashi said to him.

Naruto nodded to him, "You rest well Kakashi sensei, I hope you can join

the team as soon as possible, without you there will be no fun," he said to


Kakashi nodded, seeing this naruto exited the room and came to an open

area outside of the time,

"Hey Kurama, are you ready to be complete," Naruto said to his friend

while walking on the street.

"I was waiting for this day," Kurama said to him.


"I have released that my power is still not enough, I have to speed up my

game," Nauto said to his friend.

"You are right, in the last fight you were barely able to come out alive,

but it's not your fault, the sneak attack was really impressive, and your

able to come out alive was more impressive," Kurama praised his friend

"Don't praise me so much," he said.


Naruto looked at his hand, "it's time to experiment on my cells and put

my theories into action, my darling should be waiting for me," Naruto

said to himself.

Naruto flicked his finger, disappeared from his current location, and

appeared in the forest of death, he was going to his personal lab, and

only two people knew about this lab, him and Hinata.


This lab was hidden in the forest of death and was made by Orocimaru,

naruto had found this lab some months ago, but he didn't start the real

experiments yet, but only cleaned the lab and made it properly run.

The lab was outside the village barrier if anyone went through the barrier

the Konoha control team would find out about it, but it was not hard for

Naruto to bypass the barrier, his substitution justly was ultimate.


This barrier detects the chara signature, even the civilian produces some

amount of chakra and constantly resealed it, and for him, it was

impossible not to be detected by the barrier but his mastery over

substitution jutsu allowed him to bypass the barrier, and Hinata, she just

had to close all of her tenketsu points and there will no chakra leaking

out from her body, she became the person without the chakra and the

barrier couldn't detect her.

after all going out of the village without Hokage's permission is an act of

treason, this was the rule of Hidden Villages.

Naruto could do the same thing, his mastery over gentle fist allowed him

to close all the tenketsu points in his body, but he didn't feel like doing it

this way, and why should he do that even when he could just substitute

himself out of the barrier?

Naruto appeared outside the barrier and opened the underground passage

and entered it, he stood in front of large iron gates, and with a slight

push he opened it and entered it, and the gate behind him closed on its



AN~ I know this there was no action in the chapter, but don't worry the

action will start soon, these chapters are important for the story, when

you daily read one chapter you didn't find it, but once you read the full

start from the beginning you will find out about the importance of these

chapters, but everyone had there own opinions, maybe you have another


tell me how you like the chapter in the comments

And give me some power stone or Uncle Danzo will put you in his root

program… just kidding

—--------------------your author san]

chapter 43~ cells~part 1

Chapter 43

As Naruto opened the gate of his hidden lab deep in the dark forest.

He walked inside, the lab was fully lit despite it having underground, the

temperature was normal, in this lab there were many pieces of equipment

that the previous owner of this lab uses, and they were all in working



There was a prison in this lab, and in this prison there were many

peoples were tied up, these were the people that Tsunade ordered Naruto

to eliminate, but Naruto didn't kill them, instead of killing them he

abduct them and put them in his prison, how could he kill his precious

lab rats. Their mouths were tied by rags so when Naruto passed them,

they could only watch him with fearful and pleading eyes.


He passed the prison and soon came in front of an open room it was

good, a kitchen, a bedroom, on the bed Hinata sat in a lotus position, still

training her byakugan, she was near to achieving the DNA vision, It was

not so far.

She noticed the presence of Naruto and a smile appeared on her face, she

opened her eyes, looked at him, stood up from her bed, and walked

towards him.

This was her home she was living here rather than Hyuga compound

these days, in the Hyuga compound she put a shadow clone in her place,

and nobody dares to peak at her, so nobody found out that she was a

clone, and the real one lives in this place, alone training with her whole



She came closer to him, "So it's the time, I guess,'' she said while hugging



"Yes, let's go to the main room," Naruto said while patting her back.

They enter the main room, which was well-equipped, and there were all

kinds of scientific tools.

Naruto created a shadow clone, the shadow clone looked at him and

nodded, and went away.


A few minutes later, the shadow clone entered the room while dragging a


He put the man on the bed tied him down, and looked at the original


"you go and bring some of them here, I know he is going to die," Naruto

said to his clone, the clone nodded and went away.


The man on the bed was horrified after what he heard, he look at them,

pleading with his eyes, but his mouth was shut.

Naruto took out a kunai and pull out some of his cells, he activated his

eyes, and they slightly glowed.

He looked at his cells, on the tip of the kunai, they were perfectly stable,

and he could see them as big as he wanted due to his eyes.


Some small chains appeared on his fingers, they were so small, the size of

a cell, he guided his chains.

the head of the chains was not sword-like, but it was needle-like, all of

the chains sucked all of his cells into them and stored them.

naruto guided one of his chains, it was so thin on the cellular level, the

chain carries one of his cells.


The chain appeared near the man's hand, the man couldn't see what was



The needle on the head of the chain pierced the man's skin and put his

cell into his body, the man didn't feel anything at first.


Naruto squinted his eyes, and Hinta activated his eyes, they both came

near the man's hand and observed the reaction.

As the cell entered his body, it started to divide itself at a very fast pace,

replacing the original cell of the body, and soon the man started to feel

that he had so much energy, his vitality increased, his face started to

glow with life, but it didn't stay long.

Naruto was looking at this with his full focus, all the cells of the man

were destroyed in a few seconds, and cracks started to appear on his

body, this body couldn't take it anymore, and soon the chains started to

appear in his every cell, and destroyed his body, completely, killing him

on the spot.


They both stood up from their initial position.


They looked at each other, "the life force and density was so much to

handle for his body," Hinata said, not even bothered by the death of a


she had inspected it closely with his byakugan and saw how every cell

reacted inside his body, while Naruto observed it only on the surface of

the skin but he got what she wanted to say.


"It's like my cells were looking for something in his body," Naruto said, he

had observed the body in front of his eyes.


They tied one another person and do the same experiment again, and the

result was the same.

"It's the same as before," Hinata said to him, "you were right, I have also

noticed the same thing, your cells were looking for something to stabilize

themselves in his body," she said to him what she observed inside his



"For stabilizing themselves, what could be it," naruto said while thinking.

He opened his eyes, "maybe that could work" Naruto said in a low voice.

He took a scroll, opened it and a small glass vial appear on the floor.


There were some white cells in it,


"What are these, these are giving a similar feeling to your cells but at the

same time different," Hinata asked him.

Naruto smiled and pick up the glass vail and looked at them with a glow

in his eyes, "these are Hasirama cells" Naruto spoke to her, Hinata

nodded to him, not asking any further questions.


Naruto looked at the cells, "This was the reason why I didn't kill Danzo

that time, after all, how could I be so cruel, hehe… I just took some

Hasirama cells from his hand,..." Naruto thinks to himself, the first time

he meet Danzo he secretly stole some Hasirama cells from his hands.

Naruto took out two small glass slabs, on the one glass slab he put his

cells, and on the second slab he put Senju's cells.


He took the glass slab on which Senju cells were present, and they both

looked at the glass, one had her byakugan active, and the other had his

six eyes activated, he took out some of his cells and injected them into

the Hasirama cells.


The result was shocking, this time his cells didn't react the same way as

before, as both cells meet, the first thing his cells do was stabilize the

Hasirama cells.

And then started to purify it, when there were no impurities left in

Hasirama cells, when they became 100% pure, both of the cells started to

merge together and make something new.

The power that was coming from the was immense, much higher than

both of his cells and Hasirama's cells, it is like that the new cells were

created were perfect on their own but still incomplete.

Naruto had some theories, The Uzumaki and Senju clans originated from

the Asura Otsutsuki, "so these are the cells of Asura Otsutsuki," Naruto

said in a low voice while looking at the new powerful cells.


They then both moved to the second glass slab, on which his cells were

placed, he took some Hasirama cells and implanted them into his cells,

but this time there was no reaction, and soon his cells expelled Hasirama

cells from them.

They both looked at the outcome, surprised, why can't his cells didn't

accept Hasirama's cells, while Hasirama's cells easily accepted them? .



An~ I hope you like the chapters, before leaving to the next chapter

comment on this how you feel.


and give me power stones man...


thanks for the reading. ]

chapter 43 cells~part 2

They looked at each other, "Hinata, please give me your hand I have

some theories to test," he said to her, she nodded to her.

He took out his kunai and do a slight cut on her hand, taking some of her

cells, as he took her cells he instantly healed her.[he knows medical

ninjutsu in case you forget about it]

There was no cut on her, she looked at him, happy by the care he show

her every time.


Naruto took out two glass slabs, on one slab he put his cells, and on the

other slab he put Hinata's cells.

They moved to the slab where Hinata's cells were presented, he took out

some of his cells and implanted them on the Hinata's cells.

But this time there was no purification process, their cells merged

together mercilessly, and creating something new, the power coming out

from these new cells was even higher than Asura's cells, the life force was

slightly weaker than but, the power and energy fluctuations were very

higher then Asura's cells, these cells gave the aura of nobility, they both

looked at them, surprised again.


They moved to another glass slab, on which Naruto's cells were present,

he took out some of Hinata's cells and implanted them into his cells.

But they were surprised again, his cells didn't reject her cells, but easily

accepted them merging smoothly, and becoming one, these cells were the

same as previous, their energy fluctuations were the same, the aura and

power were the same, they looked at each other surprised again.


"I have come to a conclusion," Naruto said to her.

"What conclusion," Hinata asked him.

"Do you remember the story I told you about the Kaguya and his sons,"

Naruto asked her?

She nodded, Naruto had told her about the Kaguya otsutsuki and his sons

and how their clans came into existence.


Nauroto looked at her, "First of all my cells work in different ways, let's

say my cells work as a stabilizer, they stable the cells of the person, and

second, they work as the bloodline purifier, not every bloodline, you

remember when we tried to implant my cells on that two people and they

died horribly, and my cells were looking for something in their bodies for

stabilizing themselves, they were looking for the otsutsuki bloodline.

My cells never be able to merge with any person if he didn't have any

single percentage of Otsutsuki blood in his veins,

And when my cells were implanted in Hasirama's cells first they purify

his cells, because in Hashirama's cells, they find the Otsutsuki bloodline,

and after purifying his cells they merge together and become Asura's


And the third property of my cells is that they didn't want to pollute,

when Hashirama cells tries to merge with my cells they were rejected

because they were not 100% Senju cells,

And why your cells didn't get purified when they mix with my cells and

your cells perfectly merged with mine and didn't get rejected, was

because you are from the main branch of the Hyuga clan and you are

100% hyuga without any impurities, that's the reason your cells were

merged into mine," Naruto said to her.

Hinata nodded to her, she perfectly understood what he meant.


"Kaguya Otsutsuki had two sons, Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki, they

both get the 50-60% Otsutsuki bloodline into their veins,

Latter Hagoromo had two sons Inda and Asura Otsutsuki, Indra Otsutsuki

got his father's visual powers and the other son got his physical and life

force, they both got the 25-30% Otsutsuki bloodline into their veins.

And then Indra creat his descendants who were known as the Uchiha

clan and the Uchiha clan members get 12-13% Otsutsuki bloodline into

their blood, and with time they became polluted, and nowadays the

Uchiha's had only 5-10% Otsutsuki bloodline in their veins.


The other brother Asura Otsutsuki created two clans Uzumaki and Senju,

both clans also got 12-13% Otsutsuki blood in them.

And the Senju clan due to marriage into other clans, their blood became

as polluted as Uchiha's only getting 5-10% of Otsutsuki blood.

As for the Uzumaki clan, stay away from elemental nations, barely doing

marriages from outside, so the Otsutsuki blood in their veins remains

pure from any other clans, while they also get the 12-13% of Otsutsuki

blood, but they remain pure.

That was the reason that the Uzumaki clan was more powerful than the

Uchiha clan and Senju clan, and due to the reincarnation of the Indra and

Asura into Madara and Hasirama, their bloodline became much purer

than any other Uchiha and Senju.

Accessing them to around 12% of the Otsutsuki bloodline, but only

having two individuals of this pure bloodline, didn't make the Uchiha

clan and Senju clan powerful, while all the Uzumaki had the same purity

in their blood.


And for the other brother Hamura Otsutsuki, who got 50-60% Otsutsuki

blood in him, he created one clan on elemental nations, named as Hyuga


Which got his 25-30% Otsutsuki blood and his visual powers, the Hyuga

clan remain close to themselves not polluting their bloodline, so all of

them had their bloodline pure,

That is the reason all the members of the Hyuga clan had their byakugan

activated, and the Maine branch of the Hyuga clan had 25-30% Otsutsuki

bloodline in their vain and they remain pure from the start not marring

into other clans.

So that's the reason is that you(Hinata) are a 100% Hyuga, owning

20-30% Otsutsuki bloodline in you, same as Indra and Asura, but didn't

properly utilize your Otsutsuki blood.

And the Homura's other clan on the moon also got the 20-30% of

Otsutsuki blood, and got the physical and life force from Homura," naruto

explained all this to himself and Hinata at the same time about the

Otsutsuki bloodline, how much everyone gets from the Kaguya Otsutsuki.


Now that Naruto had explained this all to Hinata and himself, "so I can

only integrate the Hinata's cells into mine so that my bloodline didn't

become impure," Naruto expressed.

"I have 100% pureUzumakii bloodline which contains, 12-13% of the

Otsutsuki bloodline, while Hinata is 100% Hyuga which contains 20-30%

of the Otsutsuki bloodline,"

If we want to merge our cells, we will remain 100% Uzumaki and 100%

Hyuga which contain 38-45% of the Otsutsuki bloodline, but there will

be some mutations," Naruto told to hinata.

she was really happy to have him, who didn't leave behind her in the

pressure of power, and she was really happy to merge with his cells one

way or another way, thinking this her face became red.


Seeing this naruto, he didn't know what she was thinking but, "Are you

thinking something naughty Hinata-Chan, aren't you" he teased her, it

was so fun to him seeing her beautiful like this, hearing his words her

face became redder.

"stop it Naruto, let's focus on the things in front of us," she spoke wanting

to divert the topic to something else.

Seeing this naruto only smiled, "ok fine, as you say my Queen" he said

while teasing her more.


Naruto was thinking about how to implant these cells into each other, he

shake his head and looked at Hinata, "are you ready for this," naruto

asked her, she nodded, there was no doubt in her eyes, she knew Naruto

didn't want her to hurt.

They both lay in the bed, there were some more other beds, but all they

needed were the only two beds.


As they both lay on the bed, side by side each other, naruto created 4

shadow clones, two stood beside his bed and two beside Hinata's bed.

The first part was to exert the cells from the body, their eyes glowed, and

thousands of small chains on the cellular level spurt out from their hands,

all chains had a needle-like end, where they can store the cells and

implant them, these thousands of chakra chains exerted thousands of

cells from their body.


The clones switch their places, and the two clones who exerted the cells

from Naruto stood in front of Hinata.

and all the thousand chakra chains containing his cells impaled her skin

and started to implant the cells one by one, she could feel that her chakra

density started to increase and her eyes started to change.

The Uzumaki and Hyuga cells mixed into her body creating something

new, she channel all of her chakra into her eyes, and as she poured the

chakra into them they started to burn, and blood started to drip out from

her eyes.

Her eyes started to change, her chakra reserves were growing at a fast

pace, and soon everything return to normal, she could feel the immense

power coming from her eyes.

she could feel the aura around all living being, the positive or the evil

aura, even though she didn't have opened her eyes.

she opened her eyes, a barely visible white pupil with a darkened sclera,

as opened them for the first time, she could see the invisible barriers that

are connected between dimensions, she poured all of her chakras into her

eyes, fully activating them.

And soon they returned to her normal byakugan eyes,

The clone of Naruto who was looking at her, was amazed, "JOUGAN" he

muttered in a low voice.

Hinata Touched her eyes, "so these eyes are called Jougan, which only a

high-class Otsutsuki clan member could have" Hinata said.

"Yes," the clone said, the byakugan was also ingratiated from the

Otsutsuki clan, every member of the clan has byakugan eyes.

Naruto who was also going through a similar process, opened his eyes.


In his eyes the white color of byakugan was mixed into red six eyes

making it look more celestial, he had a smirk on his face.

He achieved what he wanted to achieve for so long, his hinata had the

'Jougan' eyes which could be compared to Rinne Sharingan or maybe

higher if she could fully use them to their potential, he had finally mixed

his six eyes with byakugan, and they both had 38-45% Otsutsuki DNA

into them. more than Indra and Asura's.

Naruto stood up from his bed as did Hinata, they both looked at each

other, and laughter could be heard in the room.

"Are you going outside with me," naruto said to her.

She shake her head, "no I will practice the one remaining goal you gave

to me, until then I am here," she said to him.


Naruto nodded to her, he came closer to her, and embraced her, "I will

see you later," he whisper in her ear and slightly bit and vanished from

there only a leaf was floating there.

"Umm…" she let out a sweet voice, as he bit her ear, her face became red,

"Naruto… you are so naughty" she whispered and headed to her bedroom

with a sweet smile on her face.


an~ Here is an example of what his eyes could see... he could see the

bathing Kurotsuchi from Konoha to iwa, or he see the Tonori Otsutsuki

from the earth. this is the rough idea I could give you.

and you will find out in the future ideas.

{btw image of Kurotsuchi}

~ how do you like the chapter, tell me in the comments.

give me all of your power stones for more chapters...

chapter 44


Chapter 44

Two days later

It had been two days since Naruto acquired the Byakugan mixed with his

six eyes. He was practicing his new dojutsu and doing chakra control


With 38-45% Otsutsuki blood flowing through his veins, his powers were

increasing, and his chakra density had risen. He resembled a walking-

tailed beast in human form.


Naruto strolled through Konoha's streets, unaffected by the hateful glares

from the villagers.

He had turned off Kagura's mind eye to avoid overwhelming his mind

with negative and hateful emotions.

He knew these people were insignificant to him; he could easily kill them

if provoked.

Basking in the sunlight, he closed off his senses and walked in peace.

An apple in his hand, bitting while heading forward.


Soon, he found himself on an empty street, heading towards the training

ground where he and his new team members were to meet.

Suddenly, an ink tiger roared and lunged at him from behind. Naruto

continued walking, taking advantage of his perfect Byakugan vision. Just

as the tiger's paw was about to strike, it hit a fist-sized rock. Naruto

appeared 20 meters ahead.

Undeterred, the tiger roared again and charged at him. This time, a hawk

swooped down from the sky, dropping explosive tags.

Naruto, with his 360-degree vision, saw the approaching explosions. He

quickly infused chakra into a kunai and threw it at breakneck speed,

destroying the explosive tags and hitting the hawk. the hawk exploded in


Naruto jumped and turned to face the incoming tiger. Extending his left

hand, a chain shot out from his palm, obliterating the tiger upon contact.

The street ahead was soon filled with various ink creatures, ranging from

dogs and cats to lions and rhinos on the ground, and crows and hawks in

the sky.

Naruto smiled, finding the situation intriguing. He didn't anticipate his

new teammate possessing such powerful abilities. The ink creatures were

numerous and diverse, posing a challenge even for a group of skilled

Jonin ninjas.

These creatures varied in rank from genin to Jonin, and Naruto mused

about how well Danzo must have trained his teammate.

He observed the creatures closely, all within his field of vision. As they

rushed towards him, a spear launched from an ink-formed man. Naruto

deftly sidestepped, allowing the spear to pass harmlessly by his ear and

hit another ink creature.

Assuming a taijutsu stance, Naruto engaged in combat. His movements

were fluid and graceful, each strike swiftly dispatching an ink creature. In

just three minutes, all the ink creatures were vanquished, and not a

single stain marred his clothing.


Surveying his handiwork, Naruto noticed the destruction left in his wake.

The street was now in ruins.

Sai, who had been observing from a tree, was astonished by Naruto's

taijutsu prowess. He was unaware that Naruto hadn't even employed his

primary taijutsu style.

Sai began drawing more ink creatures but felt a disturbance in the tree.

"Are you done playing?" he heard a voice.

Turning, he spotted Naruto leaning against the tree, watching him.

Seeing Naruto there, Sai's iconic smile surfaced, giving him an innocent

appearance. "Yes," he replied with a smile.

Curious, Naruto asked, "So, who are you?" He knew Sai was his future

teammate but played along.

"Sai. I've been assigned as a new member of Team 7," Sai responded with

a smile.

Naruto nodded and commented, "That's good." He then leaped down from

the tree, landing gracefully on the ground. Sai followed suit, and they

continued towards their training ground in silence.


During the journey, neither spoke, maintaining an uneasy silence.

"You don't use your full power, do you?" Sai finally broke the silence,

sensing an odd tension.

Naruto grinned, replying, "You're right. Using my full power against your

ink creatures wouldn't be much fun." He subtly indicated that Sai's

attacks were relatively weak.

Unfamiliar with emotional nuance and humor, Sai didn't catch the

underlying message. "So, what's your real strength?" Sai inquired,

genuinely curious.

"Hehe... my true strength? You'll discover that in due time," Naruto

responded enigmatically.

Again, his words went over Sai's head, who simply smiled and feigned

understanding. Sai was used to following orders and executing missions

without such wordplay.


Soon, they arrived at the training ground. Sakura was seated on a rock,

waiting for her new teammates and the new sensei to initiate the mission.

She noticed two boys approaching and observed their changed demeanor

over the past six months, especially Naruto after his return from that

mission. Her mindset had evolved during this time.


As both boys reached her, she greeted Naruto, "Hey Naruto, how are

you? I heard about your injuries. I'm sorry I couldn't visit. Tsunade Sensei

had kept me busy."

"I'm fine, Sakura. No need to worry," Naruto reassured her.

Sakura turned her attention to the other boy, who greeted her with a

smile that appeared somewhat forced.

"I'm Sai, your new teammate. Nice to meet you," he introduced himself.

Sakura regarded him with a perplexed expression, finding his appearance

and mannerisms unusual. She settled onto the rock without saying much.

Sai, unsure of how to initiate conversation, settled on another rock,

slightly away from Sakura.

Observing their interactions, Naruto also took a seat beneath a tree. The

trio waited for their new team captain in silence.

Leaning against the tree trunk with his left leg stretched out and his right

leg bent, Naruto assumed a relaxed posture.

His gaze was directed at a specific point, and his eyes glinted with

intensity. His line of sight pierced through all barriers, reaching the

Hokage's office.

Merging the Byakugan with his six eyes eliminated the visual limitations

he previously faced.

Before, his vision extended infinitely as long as no obstruction

intervened, and he could even see down to the atomic level at close


After the merge, these weaknesses were eradicated, granting him the

ability to see in all directions simultaneously without hindrance. His

vision knew no boundaries, and he possessed the true 'ALL SEEING EYES.'


Naruto's gaze penetrated the barriers placed on the Hokage's office,

finally landing on his intended target—the Scroll of Sealing. His gaze

sliced through the seals as he studied and memorized the forbidden


His teammates regarded him curiously, witnessing his distant gaze and

enigmatic smile. Eventually, Naruto emerged from his trance, meeting

their puzzled stares. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he inquired.

Sakura voiced her curiosity, "You seemed lost in thought. What were you

looking at?"

Naruto chuckled, revealing, "Oh... I was learning some forbidden jutsus."

His mysterious tone piqued her interest, leaving her bewildered.

"Which jutsu?" Sakura asked, intrigued by his enigmatic response.

He smiled and answered, "You'll find out in due time." Naruto's response

only added to the puzzle, leaving Sakura even more baffled.


[AN~ how do you like the chapter, I tried to change my writing style,

tell me it's ok or not.

if you don't like I can switch to the previous one, but I hope this one is

more refined.


Before leaving for the next chapter I hope you could comment on this

chapter about what you like or not.


And give me some power stones man.... you know it's hard to write tow

chapters a day, so this is the request.

...... ]

chapter 45

Chapter 45

Sakura looked puzzled. In the past months, she rarely understood the

meaning behind his words. After the incident at the border of the Land of

Water, the fight had taught her a valuable life lesson.

Since then, her worldview had changed, and she devoted herself to

training. She became less loud and annoying than before, and Naruto

really appreciated her for the changes she had made.

He no longer mocked her, understanding that she was striving to become

strong despite her initial weakness.

They were all waiting for their sensei to arrive. They didn't know who he

was, and soon a figure appeared among them. All of them looked at him,

recognizing a special Jonin in their midst.

They instantly realized that this man was their new team leader –

Yamato, the wood-style user. He sized them up, having an excellent

mission record. When Tsunade assigned him to this team, he took full

responsibility for it.

Sai and Sakura also gazed at him, understanding that he was going to be

their new team leader.

"Hello, Yamato-san. How have you been?" Naruto spoke to him.

"Naruto…" Yamato replied. He was specifically chosen for this team

because of Naruto. Neither he nor the Hokage knew that Naruto had full

control over his bijuu.

The wood style was known for suppressing bijuu chakra, but Naruto

hadn't disclosed this. Sakura, on the other hand, had seen him use his full

Kurama chakra mode, but she didn't understand it. In her opinion, it was

just Naruto's jutsu.

"I'm doing well," Yamato answered.

Observing the interaction between Naruto and their new sensei, Sakura

inquired, "Naruto, do you know him?"

"Yes, we've met once before," Naruto told her, and she nodded.

Yamato cleared his throat, "My name is Yamato. I'm a special Jonin, and

from now on, I will be your new team leader." After his introduction, Sai

and Sakura also introduced themselves.

After some conversation, Yamato said, "Let's go. We have a mission to

complete. We'll reach the Tenchi Bridge in two days." They all nodded,

having already packed for the mission. Soon, they set off.

During the journey, there was silence among them. Naruto broke it by

saying to Sakura, "I think we're going to meet Sasuke."

Hearing his words, her heart skipped a beat. The reason she trained so

hard was to survive and meet Sasuke-kun. She looked at Naruto, her eyes

filled with hope. She never doubted Naruto, but her heart couldn't stay

calm. She asked, "How do you know?"

"I don't know, but it's a hunch," he replied.

Sai overheard their conversation and remarked, "Sasuke is a traitor to

Konoha. Why do you care about him?" He spoke as he had been

instructed by Danzo.

The atmosphere grew tense at his words. Sakura's mood turned somber as

she looked at Sai. "If you don't know about him, don't speak about him,"

she told him sternly.

She had become less violent recently, and while her opinion of Sai was

never positive, it had worsened.

"Let's not discuss unnecessary things," Yamato interjected. He bore the

responsibility of the team, and in his view, they weren't doing well. One

didn't care, the second struggled with words, and the third had temper

issues. He was already getting a headache from his new team after only a

few hours.

They quieted down at Yamato's words.

"I don't know why she's so angry. I just told her the truth," Sai muttered,

but everyone heard him.

"You," Sakura's scowl deepened. She wanted to punch him, but she

restrained herself. She was holding back her old violent tendencies. She

had a lower opinion of Sai from the start, and now it had worsened.

"Don't speak unnecessarily," Yamato said, putting an end to the tension.

He had to manage the team, and in his opinion, they were far from

functioning well.

Hearing his words, both Sai and Sakura fell silent. Naruto chuckled,

finding their interaction amusing. Seeing Sakura's glare, he laughed a bit


Knowing Naruto wouldn't stop teasing her, Sakura remained silent, and

they continued their journey.

As night fell, the team stopped by a riverbank. The water was pure,

allowing them to see the pebbles beneath the surface.

They washed their faces, seeking refreshment after a full day of travel.

They were deep in the forest, and they retrieved food from a scroll.

Seated around a campfire on wooden logs, they ate.

"This is the best," Naruto said while enjoying a piece of meat. Memories

of his days with his previous team surfaced, recalling moments when

they sat like this, chatting and eating during their travels to the Land of

Waves' capital.

After eating, Yamato stood up, moving to an open area. He began

forming hand signs, placing his hands on the ground. The ground

trembled, and wood emerged, intertwining to create a one-story house

with four rooms.

He admired his handiwork. Crafting architecture with his wood style was

one of his hobbies.

All of them gazed at the wooden house in amazement. Witnessing a

house rise from the ground was fascinating up close.

"This is the First Hokage's wood style," Sakura remarked.

"Yes," Yamato confirmed.

With that, they entered their respective rooms for the night.

The next day, they reached a massive bridge with a deep ravine below,

connecting two lands. On one side, a dense forest stretched, while on the

other, another dense forest spread.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sai stood before Yamato, who had transformed into


"Deepen your voice a bit more, sensei," Sakura advised.

Yamato cleared his throat and spoke in a deep, hoarse voice, "Is this


"Yes, you sound just like him. No one will realize you're not the real

Sasori," Sakura assured.

Yamato, disguised as Sasori, and the three of them concealed themselves

in the bushes, waiting for the spy to emerge.

Soon, a silhouette emerged from the dense forest. The figure moved

slowly, eventually stepping onto the bridge and standing in the middle.


[An~ tell me how do you like the chapte.

before leaving please do the comment, it motivate me to write the story.

and from now on i will be using this style of writing.

and give me some power stones....

and if you complete 50 comments on this chapter i will upload next

chapter as soon as the 50 comments are complete.

until than bye bye...]

chapter 46


**Chapter 46**

The man on the bridge stood in the middle of it, his hair ruffling in the


He had silvery white hair and wore round glasses on his face. It was

Kabuto, the spy of Sasori.

However, he had originally worked for Orochimaru. After Orochimaru

removed the seal on his mind that had been placed by Sasori, Sasori

didn't know that.

Kabuto stood on the bridge, waiting for Sasori to come and meet him.

On the other side of the bridge, Team Naruto and Yamato, who had been

disguised as Sasori, saw Kabuto's arrival.

They were surprised to see that the spy Sasori talked about was actually

Kabuto. They all looked at Yamato. The man nodded and started to walk

towards the bridge.

His Akatsuki cloak swayed in the air, and the bells on his straw hat rang

as he walked slowly towards the bridge. Soon, he arrived at the bridge.

Both Kabuto and Sasori stood facing each other. "Lord Sasori," Kabuto

slightly bowed to Sasori.

Sasori nodded, his deep voice devoid of emotions. "Tell me about the

base of Orochimaru and Sasuke Uchiha. I don't have much time."

Kabuto, observing this, nodded. "Yes, you are right, Sasori-sama. Sasuke

Uchiha is in the base with Orochimaru. As for Orochimaru..." As Kabuto

spoke, a chakra scalpel appeared in his hand, showcasing his mastery

over chakra control.

He swung his hand in an arc, swiftly destroying the puppet.

Inside the puppet, Yamato sweated, and upon seeing the incoming attack,

he cloned himself.

As the puppet was destroyed, a clone of Yamato was revealed inside,


The original Yamato appeared some distance away from Kabuto, and

soon Naruto, Sakura, and Sai appeared beside him. They all focused on


Kabuto, seeing this, was surprised. He didn't expect to be encountered by

the Konoha ninja. He looked at the destroyed puppet of Sasori.

Kabuto looked at them and spoke, "Seeing that you're here means you

have already killed the puppet master." Kabuto quickly deduced this,

understanding the purpose of their mission. They intended to kill Sasori


They also wanted to kill the Akatsuki members. Now, in front of him,

were Konoha ninjas, not Sasori.

That only meant Sasori had already been killed, and now there was no

purpose in this mission. Kabuto was about to escape from this; he didn't

want an unnecessary fight.


But they all heard a chuckle coming from the other side of the forest, and

soon, they started to hear footsteps, the crackling of wood breaking under

the feet of an incoming person.

Soon, they started to see the shadow of a man approaching them.

The man in the shadow came out into the light. He had black hair,

yellow eyes with slits, and pale skin. One of his eyes was hidden by his

hair. The man was the infamous Sannin, Orochimaru.

He stood in front of the bridge and looked ahead, particularly at Naruto.

"Kukuku... Naruto-kun, we finally meet again," Orochimaru spoke in


"Orochimaru," Naruto spoke while looking at him.


They both looked at each other. Orochimaru had witnessed Naruto's

powers when he was trapped in the middle of an explosion some days


"You look very fine. I wonder if there was any other person in your place,

he would have been dead long ago," Orochimaru spoke with curiosity

and amazement evident in his voice.

He had seen Naruto's healing powers and was fascinated by them. He

wanted a body like Naruto's. After obtaining Naruto's Uzumaki cells, he

started to experiment on them.


And he found some of their secrets, becoming captivated by his


Now, the person whose cells alone were so powerful was in front of him.

How could he not be curious and thrilled?

He had come to kill Sasori, but he didn't know his luck would be so high

to meet Naruto here.

He wanted to reveal all the mysteries in Naruto's body, and now he was

face to face with him.

"Yes, I am very fine and kicking around. Tell me, Orochimaru, how do

you know this?" Naruto asked.

"Kukuku... Naruto-kun, I witnessed it with my own eyes, and I must say,

it was a piece of art," Orochimaru spoke, a creepy smile always hanging

on his face.


"You don't realize what you've unleashed on this world, Naruto-kun. Do

you?" Orochimaru spoke in amazement.


They all looked at him puzzled, and Naruto also looked at him with a

puzzled expression, though he had a bad feeling about it. "What do you

mean by that?" Naruto asked him.

"Kukuku... You will find out later," Orochimaru spoke with a mysterious

smile, looking at Naruto.

Orochimaru didn't mention that his cells were taken by him, not only by

him but someone else.

This time, Naruto was truly confused. He didn't know what Orochimaru

was talking about, and Kabuto was also smiling at him.


Orochimaru spoke again, addressing Naruto's friend Sasuke Uchiha. "Your

friend Sasuke Uchiha was so worried about your safety. And I must say,

he is more powerful than you." Orochimaru tried to provoke Naruto,

knowing Sasuke was his weak spot.


However, Naruto's response was unexpected.


Naruto simply looked at Orochimaru, thoughts swirling. Seeing this,

Orochimaru spoke again, "Do you want to know his location?"

Orochimaru asked.


But this time, it was Sakura who spoke instead of Naruto.

She had been listening to the whole conversation, and when Orochimaru

spoke about Sasuke's location, she didn't stay still.

"Tell me where Sasuke-kun is. What have you done to him?" She spoke

boldly, not fearing the most wanted man in Konoha even a bit.

She knew Naruto was beside her, and he wouldn't let her get hurt. She

was really using her brain this time.

Naruto looked at her amused, his face saying, "You're using me as a

shield, aren't you?" She gave him a bitter smile.

"If you want to know Sasuke Uchiha's location, you have to go through

me," Orochimaru said.


He himself wanted to test Naruto's powers after already testing Sasuke's.

He wanted to compare them. Orochimaru had lost interest in possessing

Sasuke's body after experimenting on cells from the Senju, Uzumaki, and

Uchiha clans. He had reached his own conclusions.


After all, he was the best at his experiments and the finest scientist in all

the Elemental Nations. His dream of immortality led him to a new path.


An~ how do you like the chapter, before leaving for next chapter please

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give me you power stones....

chapter 46

Chapter 47

Naruto looked at Orochimaru, recognizing the man's intent to fight.


There was no issue with engaging in a fight. Naruto understood that

Orochimaru hadn't left because he hadn't obtained what he wanted.

"Let me come out, Naruto," Kurama's voice echoed from his seal.

"Let me come out naruto," Kurama spoke from his seal, he was really

getting bored inside the seal lately because Naruto didn't go to cause any


He was becoming too peaceful for his taste, and Kurama had seen Naruto

was learning the Edo Tensei and before he became complete and went

free he wanted to move his muscles.

And laying all the years in the cage Kurama was getting really excited to

become complete, and his excitement could be heard in his voice.

"You know I can handle him by himself, what benefit I get if let you fight

instead of me," naruto spoke to his friend.

He know that Kurama was just wanting to come out of his cage, and he

didn't have a problem with this.

"Tch, you're no fun, Naruto," Kurama replied from within him, causing

Naruto to raise an eyebrow.

"You're using my dialogue, you know," Naruto pointed out.

Kurama clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Fine, I'll let you see how I use

Bijuudama," Kurama said.

He recognized the danger of the technique. He knew Naruto was learning

the Edo Tensei, and Kurama wanted to stretch his muscles before Naruto

became complete and possibly freed him.

Lying in his cage, Kurama had grown excited at the prospect of becoming


He also knew the potential dangers of Naruto recreating the Bijuudama.

The technique could erase mountains from the earth's surface, and

Kurama didn't want such a powerful jutsu in Naruto's hands.

Naruto could even enhance it beyond what a Biju could manage.

Knowing how perilous forming a Bijuudama was, Kurama had refrained

from showing it to Naruto.

A smile crept onto Naruto's face. "Why didn't you mention this earlier?

Hehe, you can come out anytime. Just use up to four tails, or it'll be

overkill," Naruto suggested, then closed his eyes.


"I know," Kurama responded, excitement evident in his voice.

On the bridge, a strong wind began to blow, and red chakra swirled

around Naruto.

The iron pipes on the bridge cracked as three tails of chakra manifested

behind Naruto. The pressure in the surroundings grew heavy.

Naruto/Kurama opened his eyes. Slits formed in his eyes, reminiscent of


His nails elongated slightly. Before anyone could fully grasp the changes,

the wooden ground beneath Naruto's feet shattered.

He vanished from his spot and reappeared in front of Orochimaru,

striking him squarely in the face.

Orochimaru was sent flying from the bridge and into the forest.

Naruto stood on the bridge, looking at his hands. "This body is so perfect.

It doesn't even reject my chakra," Kurama's satisfaction resounded in a

low voice.

"Hehe... Naruto, you're the perfect vessel. Would you give me your

body?" Kurama playfully joked with Naruto.


Naruto, observing everything from within the sealed space, retorted,


"Tch, you're no fun," Kurama grumbled.

On the outside, witnesses marveled at Naruto's speed. His presence

continued to exert pressure, but this time, there was a change in his aura.

He had transformed into something different.

"Kyuubi has taken over him. I need to act quickly before things get out of

hand," Yamato thought to himself. But before he could react, he heard a


"Kukuku... Naruto-kun, that was rude of you," Orochimaru emerged from

the forest. His skin peeled, revealing fresh skin underneath. He looked

completely fine after the punch.

Naruto observed Orochimaru from the bridge. "I see you're fine. Entertain

me, mortal," Naruto spoke.

With a surge of chakra, everything around them was blown away. The

force of the wind sent the four people on the bridge hurtling into the

forest behind them.

Everyone landed in the forest as the bridge beneath Naruto shattered.

As he began to fall into the valley, he transformed into his fourth-tailed

beast form, the miniature Biju.

The four tails swayed, and with a burst of speed, he struck Orochimaru in

the gut.

Orochimaru was sent flying like a cannonball into the forest on the other

side. Naruto followed with his full speed.

On the other side of the valley, Sakura, Sai, and Yamato stood stunned.

Sakura was taken aback, realizing she had underestimated Naruto's


This time, all of Kurama's killing intent washed over them. Kurama had

relinquished control over his killing intent, allowing it to surge freely. A

weak-willed person would have crumbled, but they quickly regained

their composure.

Sai pulled out a scroll and swiftly painted on it with his right hand while

the scroll hung in the air. The hawk depicted in the painting came to life,

and Sai rode on it as it took flight.

Sakura and Yamato watched in surprise; Sai's swift action caught them

off guard.

Yamato rapidly formed hand signs. "Wood Style: Wood Clone."

His cells separated from his body, creating a wooden clone. Yamato

extended a long piece of wood from his hand, connecting the sides of the

valley. The wooden clone leaped onto the wood and advanced toward

Naruto's location.

This wood clone was distinct; it formed from the user's cells and could

employ all their known jutsu. It maintained continuous communication

with the original user.

As Sakura and Yamato stood alone on one side of the bridge, Sakura

asked worriedly, "Will Naruto be okay?"

"Yes, he'll be fine. If anything goes awry, I'll subdue him, and he'll regain

his senses," Yamato reassured her.

Yamato's clone advanced toward Naruto and Orochimaru, relaying all

information to the original. Meanwhile, Yamato provided updates to



Author's Note: And that concludes this chapter. How do you like it? Share

your thoughts in the comments.

The fight between Orochimaru and Naruto will continuoue in the next


do as many commonest as you can on this chapter.

and give me your power stones...


chapter 48

Chapter 48

Kurama, in the form of Naruto, stood facing Orochimaru. Their eyes

locked onto each other.

Now, Naruto had transformed into his mini-tailed beast form. His four

tails were swaying and hitting the ground beneath him, shattering it. The

pressure around them was immense, and the wind was blowing strongly.

The ground was barren, flat, devoid of trees, stones, or anything else.

Just a simple piece of land, roughly 400 meters in radius.

Naruto sat within his seal space, watching everything happening outside.

"This feels refreshing," Kurama, in the form of Naruto, inhaled deeply and

remarked, "This is the perfect body. My chakra doesn't even harm it, even

in this mini-tailed beast form." Kurama said with excitement.

A sinister grin on his face, which appeared even creepier in his mini-

tailed beast form. Kurama looked at Orochimaru and added, "Entertain

me, mortal. Here I come."

Kurama slammed his tails onto the ground, causing it to shatter.

He dashed towards Orochimaru, covering the distance in the blink of an

eye. Orochimaru anticipated the attack, ducked, and managed to evade

Kurama's punch.

Undeterred, Kurama leaped behind Orochimaru and delivered a

roundhouse kick to his back, sending him flying.

Orochimaru hit the ground twice before steadying himself, coughing out

blood. A wicked smile played across his lips as he gazed at Kurama.

"You're actually good," Orochimaru complimented with a twisted grin. He

extended his hands towards Kurama, summoning two giant snakes from

his sleeves. The serpents hissed and opened their jaws, charging toward


Observing this, Kurama placed his hands on the ground, channeling his


Hands formed from his chakra emerged beneath the snakes, grabbing

them by the neck and disintegrating them.

His chakra was potent and dangerous; anyone touching it would turn to

ashes, as the snakes did.

The chakra hands remained suspended in the air, forming two more

hands that aimed directly at Orochimaru. As Orochimaru dashed to avoid

them, the ground shattered wherever the chakra hands struck. Boulder

fragments filled the air as the hands multiplied.

On the battlefield, hundreds of red pillars formed, and more chakra

hands emerged from them, wherever Orochimaru moved, trying to evade

their grasp.

Kurama maintained his stance, controlling the chakra hands across the


Suddenly, Orochimaru emerged from the ground beside Kurama, dodging

the pursuit of one of the hands. With a powerful punch, Orochimaru

struck Kurama, sending him flying and crashing to the ground.

"That's what you get for being cocky," Naruto's voice echoed from within,

mocking Kurama.

"Shut up, Naruto. I'm just getting used to it," Kurama responded, ignoring

the jest.

Kurama slid across the ground and regained his footing, his gaze fixed on


Orochimaru's face contorted into a creepy grin as he licked his lips with

his long tongue.

He vanished from his spot, reappearing in mid-air, aiming a kick at

Kurama. However, this time, Kurama evaded the attack and swung his

hand, cleaving Orochimaru in half.

Unfazed, Orochimaru's upper and lower halves spewed forth hundreds of

snakes, connecting and reconstituting him.

Kurama punched Orochimaru powerfully in the abdomen, sending him

hurtling a hundred meters away. Orochimaru coughed blood, a hole in

his abdomen, and his organs scattered on the ground. However, he

merely looked up at the sky.

Orochimaru widened his mouth, and two hands emerged from within.

The mouth stretched even further, birthing a new Orochimaru who

emerged with a smirk.

Kurama vanished and reappeared in the air above Orochimaru. He

unleashed an axe kick, but Orochimaru sidestepped at the last moment,

causing everything to freeze.

Orochimaru struck Kurama's gut with a powerful punch, sending him

flying into boulders that shattered upon impact. "If I were you, I'd have

already clapped him," Naruto's voice taunted Kurama.

"Shut up, Naruto. I'm just warming up," Kurama retorted.

With a twisted look, Kurama stared at Orochimaru. The ground beneath

him shattered, and he appeared behind Orochimaru. Kurama's kick

landed on Orochimaru's back, emitting a bone-cracking sound.

Orochimaru's face smashed into the ground, creating a ten-meter crater.

Kurama wasn't finished; he leaped into the air, delivering a gut-

wrenching blow to Orochimaru, sending him crashing into numerous


"That's my boy, Kurama. You really showed that snake," Naruto cheered

on his friend's onslaught.

Kurama wore a smug expression, but it appeared eerie in his mini-tailed

beast form.

Orochimaru steadied himself, coughing blood. His spine and ribs were

broken, but he paid them no mind.

Orochimaru opened his mouth, and another Orochimaru emerged from

within, grinning at Kurama.

"This is truly fascinating," Orochimaru commented, observing Kurama's

four tails waving in the air. Kurama locked eyes with Orochimaru.

Suddenly, blue and black substances erupted from Kurama's body,

coalescing in the air. His mouth extended skyward, and his four tails

converged above his mouth.

The blue and black substances merged rapidly, forming a colossal

Bijuudama in front of Kurama.

The ground cracked as the Bijuudama's immense energy affected gravity.

Kurama swallowed the Bijuudama, causing the ground to sink and the

area to shake from the sheer weight.

Orochimaru, observing this, bit his thumbs and performed a summoning

jutsu. "Summoning Jutsu: Triple Rashomon," he chanted,

conjuring three massive demonic gates that towered over the


Holding the Bijuudama within him, Kurama lifted his head to the sky,

then focused his gaze on Orochimaru through the gates.

The ground ruptured as Kurama opened his mouth, releasing the

Bijuudama towards Orochimaru, ignoring the Rashomon gates. The

Bijuudama's blazing speed erased everything in its path.

The Bijuudama collided with the Rashomon gates, resulting in a powerful

explosion that even horrified onlookers like Yamato, Sakura, and Sai. The

explosion's force blew Sai away, leaving nothing of the Rashomon gates

but craters.


From one of the craters, Orochimaru emerged upside down, his face

buried in the ground. He pushed himself up, emerging again from his

own mouth.

Kurama looked at Orochimaru, he was panting, his chakra was exchoted,

he looked at the monster in front of him.


Kurama's hollow white eyes were staring at him, Orochimaru felt shivers

run down his spine.

This was only the power of 4 tails and he was already on the death bed.

Kurama looked at him, he disappear from and appeared in front of

Orochimaru, his hand was forming a fist.


the air rippel around Orochimaru's face and the punch hit him in the jaw,

he was lifted from the ground, and with a soninc boom he was shot out

from there.

a line was created by the destruction of trees and ground, orochimara

was sent flying across the forest.

"that punch held some power," Naruto's voice echoed in his head.

"of course, it was from me, what do you expect." Kurama boosted himself.

everything was calm down the dust was sattel dowend.

But Naruto heard the voice of his teammates.

Sakura and Yamato was looking at the minintailed beast form.

Kurama looked at them, his face twisted in a grin.



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