Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: 5


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Я, Луффи, пробуждаю Бога

Солнца на вершине (One Piece)

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One Piece

I, Луффи, Пробуди Бога Солнца на вершине

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Chapter 121

The big pirates were extremely angry and completely hopeless.

But, even more angry, too shameful.

These pirates who asked for help appeared in the original plot, and there

are four famous ones, namely Katrin Diemei, San Juan Wolf, Basque

Choate, and Abalo Pizarro.

Katrin Diemei, nicknamed "Crescent Moon Hunter", is the most dangerous

female pirate.

Basque Choate, nicknamed "Big Barrel", has a clown-shaped hat, a

drunken face, and carries a large wine jug.

San Juan Wolf, nicknamed "Giant Battleship", is a giant, one of the

legendary criminals imprisoned on the sixth floor of Advance City, and

sentenced to life imprisonment. His crimes were so brutal that they had

to be erased from history.

Abaro Pizarro, nicknamed "The Evil King", was one of the world's most

feared (Li Le Zhao) criminals, arrested by the World Government and

sentenced to life in prison, where he was erased from history .

Crocodile, Ivankov, and Jinbe were astonished, not because of rejection,

but because of Luffy's indifference.

"Let him see how powerful we are!"

"I can't do it, I'm trapped, but I can still show him."

"Yes, that's our aura, Overlord Color!"

All of a sudden, the angry big pirates on the sixth floor of the basement

burst into domineering arrogance and flocked towards Luffy.

In an instant, the sixth floor underground was like a real Hell Patrol.

All kinds of powerful domineering looks and auras come under

oppression, some are cold, some are fierce, some are evil, and all kinds of

terrifying auras all flock to Luffy.

Even Crocodile, Jinbe, and Ivankov are all depressed by it.

However, in the next moment, everyone on the sixth floor of the

basement was stunned! .

Chapter 125 Luffy Overlord Looks Like Red Hair

The domineering look of all kinds of powerful pirates bursts out. If it is a

domineering look, it will have no effect on the strong. However, there are

more than ten big pirates, and even many are so vicious that they have

been erased by history. That's extremely powerful, and not only the

domineering aura, but also the aura of various strong men came together.

Even Crocodile and Jinbei will feel a little depressed and uncomfortable.

Crocodile was shocked: "The domineering arrogance and momentum of

so many strong people combined is really uncomfortable."

As the former Qiwuhai, he is considered a strong man in the sea, but

now, even he feels a little uncomfortable. Although it is impossible to

faint, or even the feeling of fainting, but a few drops appeared on his

face. cold sweat.

Jinbe is the same, no surprise: "It's normal, although the overlord's

arrogance is useless to the strong, but the overlord's look and terrifying

aura from too many big pirates are all offering rewards of hundreds of

millions, or even billions. It's normal for us to do this."

Immediately, Jinbe became a little worried about Luffy.

Because, they are not targeted, so let them be like this, so what about

Luffy who was targeted?

Although Luffy is stronger than them, being the Five Emperors, it is

impossible to be more serious than them, but he should also feel

uncomfortable and even sweat a little, right?

Jinbe and Crocodile think so, but they are not very worried in their

hearts, at most they feel uncomfortable, after all, they are both trapped,

and they cannot do it through strength.

At this time, the big pirates who released the domineering color didn't

think they could hurt Luffy.

After all, if you can come here, you can't be hurt by the domineering

look, and their domineering look has no substance.

It is also impossible to make Luffy faint, even if their aura and

domineering color are combined, it is impossible to do it.

Therefore, they know that at most it is uncomfortable, depressed, and a

few drops of cold sweat on their faces.

However, they feel that this is enough.

"Hmph, let this kid despise us and prepare to make a fool of himself."

"Although it will only make him feel depressed and a few drops of cold

sweat break out on his face, it is enough. For the arrogant him, it should

be very uncomfortable, in terms of heart."

"Inevitably, being so young and being the Fifth Emperor, but if we make

him feel uncomfortable, we will feel at ease."

"It's enough to make him sweat coldly. After all, it's just the oppression of

momentum and domineering looks."

"I think he will still tremble. After all, there are too many powerful auras

of the strong, all of them are big pirates, big villains, killing countless

people, and he can't bear it."

"Hahaha, this is the best way. I will feel more relieved when I see him


Hearing this, Jinbe and Crocodile looked ugly.

"Brother Straw Hat, let's go directly, we don't have to bear their

domineering looks and aura."

For a while, those angry big pirates began to sarcastic.

"Hahaha, you want to go?"

"Let's go, that's even more embarrassing."

"I still want to see him trembling, but if he wants to leave, we can't do

anything if he doesn't bear our domineering look and arrogance."

"Going means you're afraid, so it's okay, let's go."

In their view, whether they go or not, it is a win-win for them.

Lu Fei shook his head: "I wanted to leave, after all, there is something

urgent, but since this is the case, let's stay here for a few more seconds to

make them even more unhappy."

They were naturally happier when they heard that Luffy would not leave.

They wanted to see Luffy sweating and even trembling.

However, when they heard the words behind, they were startled, making

them unhappy?

For a moment, the big pirates all laughed, as if they had heard a big joke.

"Hahahaha, make us unhappy?"

"Just stay for a few seconds, making us unhappy?"

"Do you want to do something to us? If so, there is no way."

"Let's fight, there is no sense of accomplishment like this, the five

emperors who are taking advantage of others, hahahaha..."

"It will really make us unhappy if we take advantage of the danger,


"It's okay, even if you do it, it's okay. My armed defense can still be used."

Luffy had a headache when he heard it: "You guys are so annoying, give

it to me, shut up!"

At the end, Lu Fei's eyes suddenly glared, a flash of red light flashed, and

in an instant, the domineering look burst out!

And, accompanied by the powerful momentum of the Five Emperors!

0····Ask for flowers····

The dark red domineering color swept away, and the black cloak

fluttered behind him, making a sound of hunting.

For a moment, looking at Luffy in front of them, Jinbe and Crocodile

were shocked, so domineering.

At this time, Luffy was extremely domineering, with a majestic

expression, and his momentum and domineering look completely


In an instant, more than a dozen overlord-like domineering, all collapsed.

In an instant, all the six underground floors were filled with Luffy's dark

red domineering aura.

Ka Ka Ka...

There was even a crackling sound.

Xunsheng looked over, Jinbei, Crocodile, and the other big pirates all

stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

"Okay... so terrifying domineering and domineering..."

"Our domineering domineering color collapsed in an instant..."

"How is it possible?! It actually caused substantial damage!"

"Besides, this is still the city of advancement, and it is possible to create

long and thin cracks on the wall of the city of advancement, how could it


"I'm not dazzled. Have you seen it too? It's really not where there are


"The domineering arrogance of the king's color can actually cause

substantial damage? How could it be..."

"I was imprisoned for a few years. I know that this exists. There is only

one person in the world who can do it, and that is Sihuang, the red hair.

But I didn't expect that there was a new person who could do it, and, also

So young. When a redhead can do it, she must be at least thirty years


"Being able to cause cracks here means that if it is outside, the actual

damage will be greater."

"Overlord color can only be improved by improving his spirit, his spirit is

so strong..."

"It really gave me the feeling of seeing a redhead."

They were extremely shocked, and because of their horror, their

momentum disappeared.

For a moment, the big pirates were sweating coldly, and even some of the

low-level strength trembled slightly.

Luffy regained his overlord look, and said to Jinbei and Crocodile:

"Okay, we can go."

At this moment, the strongest existence in the deepest passageway of the

sixth underground prison has been silent since the beginning until now.

At this moment, I was interested and opened my mouth.

Chapter 126 Five Emperors Luffy singled out General Akainu

"Young man, I didn't say anything just now, because I thought you were

not qualified enough to be the fifth emperor of the sea. But now I have

seen your courage, and I have approved it. So, let me give you an

opinion, will you Interested in."

The person who said this was arrogant and confident.

In other words, he should be like this, because he is the strongest and

most famous here.

The pirates who can be on the lowest level of the city are all big pirates,

even legends, and it is conceivable how powerful they are to be the

strongest and most famous here.

For a while, Crocodile and Jinbei were shocked.

It's not clear who it is, because it hasn't been long since they came here,

and the distance is very far, that person is in the deepest part, and even

since they came here, they have never heard this person speak.

However, since it is the most powerful, it must be the extremely powerful

"530", perhaps they have heard of it.

As the man spoke, the others didn't say anything.

Originally angry because of Luffy's contempt, but because he saw Luffy's

courage and dominance, he stopped talking.

But now, as this person said that he was the strongest, the pirates who

were imprisoned on the sixth floor of the basement did not speak, which

meant that they agreed!

The person who speaks from the deepest part is the strongest here.

Jinbe and Crocodile were curious about how Luffy would choose.

As you can guess, this person, like everyone else, is asking to be released

and help.

This person, of course, is the same.

If you don't come out, then no agreement can be reached.

The person in the depths introduced himself: "Let me introduce myself

first. As for whether you have heard of me, I don't know. After

introducing myself, I will tell you about my proposal. My name is


"No need for introduction, Jinbe, let's go."

However, when the strongest person on the sixth underground floor

introduced himself, Luffy suddenly spoke.

After speaking, Luffy will go up the stairs to the fifth basement floor.

This stunned Jinbe and Crocodile, and the pirates in other cells were also


Well, no introduction needed.

The person who spoke in the deepest part was ashamed and angry, which

he did not expect.

However, it has not reached the extreme yet.

It's understandable not to know what I said, after all, I haven't introduced

myself yet.

People in other prisons reminded.

"You are very strong, but it is best to listen to his opinion."

"With his help, going to the Navy headquarters will be more successful."

"It's best to remind you, don't provoke him like you angered us. Just now

is the best proof, and we didn't refute it."

"I have to admit, I am the world destroyer, Bondi Valpo is not his

opponent, I am not this underground; he is the strongest on the sixth


Chapter 122

At this time, Jinbei and Crocodile guessed something, although they

haven't finished the introduction yet.

"He called, Barlow what...could it be..."

For a moment, Jinbe and Crocodile were all stunned, looking at each

other face to face.

Their eyes were filled with shock, and they guessed it.

"Is he...Baloric Redfield?!"

The two shook, if it was him, then it was indeed the strongest here.

After all, he was the great pirate of Gol D. Roger's time, known as the

"Lonely Red" and "Red Earl".

However, many people also know that he hates alliances with others, and

takes loneliness as his creed.

So, what to say?

The Red Earl spoke again: "Young man, you heard me, my name, they

call me the Red Earl more. You release me, and I will go to the Navy

Headquarters to deal with Sengoku and Garp, to be precise, to single

them out Two. Of course, this is not an alliance, just to participate in by

the way, to help you indirectly. How about it, interested?"

This shocked Jinbei, and he was the only one who could single out Karp

and Sengoku.

Moreover, it is not arrogance, but capital.

If this is the case, the navy will be in danger if the war at the naval

headquarters breaks out.

However, Luffy is still not interested, very helpless.

"I'm too lazy to say anything more. I've already said it just now. It's for

training, so I'm not interested."

After the words fell, Luffy left, Jinbe understood, still refused, and


This made the Red Earl furious and was rejected again.


In an instant, the red earl's domineering look erupted, from the horror of

the old era, the domineering look of the overlord 0...

Luffy paused, his face turned slightly to the right, and he glared angrily,

domineering and domineering.

With a puff, the two domineering colors swelled, and the sound of cracks

sounded again.

Soon, the domineering look of the Red Earl collapsed.

Also, the crackle is louder.

In an instant, the sixth underground floor was filled with Luffy's overlord


Lu Fei said lightly: "The domineering look of the old era, don't let it go in

the new era, it won't come in."

This was even more humiliating to the Red Earl, but it could only be

incompetent and furious.

The other pirates were extremely shocked, and the Red Earl's

domineering look was easily defeated.

"So strong..."

"It seems that the domineering color is stronger than before?"

"Yeah, the cracks are more and deeper, how could that be?"

"It seems that the courage has become stronger..."

"Could it be because we oppressed him, which improved his spirit?"

"It's really terrifying potential, Five Emperors, it's not his limit."

They felt it carefully and found that Luffy's courage was indeed stronger.

It's not an illusion, Luffy is indeed more domineering.

Luffy also feels that it is worth wasting a little time here, because his

courage has been improved, his domineering look is stronger, and he has

a more royal demeanor.

Luffy and Jinbe, 3.1 Crocodile came to the fifth floor, followed by

Lightning, and Feng Kelei quickly went to the fourth underground floor.

Their fighting spirit rose, and they knew that they must fight.

Although there is Luffy, the general Akainu is here.

Also, Magellan is also awake and may also participate in the battle.

So, still have to be cautious.

Jinbe suggested: "General Red Dog, we should meet him soon, Brother

Luffy, at that time, you and I will deal with General Red Dog, and

Magellan will be handed over to Lightning, Ivankov, and Crocodile. ."

However, Luffy shook his head with a gloomy expression.

If you want to say who you want to fight the most, and if you want to

win and defeat him, then Luffy naturally wants to defeat Akainu.

Luffy said awe-inspiringly, "No, I want to single out General Akainu!".

Chapter 127 Luffy beats Blackbeard violently in fourth gear!

This shocked Jinbei, but seeing Luffy's firm expression, he didn't say


In this case, Magellan and other battle forces in the city will be handed

over to them.

At this time, the Navy Headquarters.

The sea soldier in charge of the investigation reported in panic.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, it's not good!"

Warring States felt uneasy, and asked with a frown, "How is it?"

"I can't find it anywhere. There are still ten hours before the execution of

Fire Fist Ace, but at the dangerous moment when the Whitebeard Pirates

will appear at any time, we went to the island where he is located, but

we couldn't find it. The figure of the black beard of Shichibukai under the


The sailor's voice was extremely heavy: "There is another thing. The

warship without permission to leave the ship has now arrived in the city

of advance."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's face changed, and he felt that something was


Could it be that it has something to do with Blackbeard, but at this time,

Warring States had to associate these two.

Warring States clenched his fists tightly, "Damn it, what exactly is

Blackbeard trying to do at this time."

At this time, a warship has entered through the Gate of Justice and

entered the city of advance.

04 From the warship, five figures stepped down, namely Blackbeard,

Badgers, Van Oka, Poison Q, and Lafitte.

As Blackbeard and others appeared from the warship, the face of the

navy advancing into the city changed, and they immediately reminded

them to stop them.

"Why is that guy here?"

"Go and investigate the internal situation of the warship they are on, I

will remind you to block it first."

"I'm going right now."

"Please wait, although the advance city is in chaos now, we have not

requested support. Also, general Sakaski has entered the advance city,

and will soon encounter the straw hat, and the director will take down

the straw hat together. Therefore, at all You don't need to come."

"Please don't enter, this is an extraordinary time, we cannot take


"We are confirming with the headquarters that if there is really no

permission, you cannot enter."

Blackbeard said: "It doesn't matter, no need to confirm, aren't we

companions, let me help you."

The meaning of these words is obviously to enter the city of


This made the sailors look even more ugly, and they were ready to do


"Although this is the case, pirates cannot enter the city of advancement

under any circumstances, and they need permission."

"If you continue to move forward, we will stop you with our hands."

"It's been confirmed, if you haven't got permission, block it immediately!"

The sailors were just about to start when they suddenly felt their bodies

sinking. When they looked down, there was a dark river-like substance

flowing under their feet, and they kept sinking, powerless.

The ability of the dark fruit was activated, and the dark river rushed to

the entrance of the gate. Soon, the iron fence of the gate collapsed, and

Blackbeard and others entered.

The moment he entered Advance City, Blackbeard's eyes were full of

excitement and ambition.

"It's time to start, now recruit troops from here."

Although the arrival of the general Akainu made him afraid, but

fortunately, there is Five Emperors Luffy.

Therefore, Akainu will not target himself.

At this time, Magellan knew about the arrival of the Blackbeard Pirates,

and his face was heavy.

The Straw Hats, and the others unleashed, were enough of a headache for

him, and now the Blackbeard Pirates are at it again.

This battle must end quickly, because Admiral Akainu has to rush back to

the Navy headquarters quickly.

Then, when the time comes, it will be up to him to advance the city.

Under the quick treatment, although he woke up, his injuries were still

not serious, and his combat power was naturally not that strong.

After a short pause, Magellan made a decision.

"Although I don't know why Blackbeard and the others attacked here,

don't panic, I've already taken measures."

Magellan talked to Hannibal, which made Hannibal curious, is the

Director coming in person?

But, in that case, who will deal with those troublesome guys released.

Magellan said in a deep voice: "That's the only way to go, release Shiliu

of the Rain."

Hearing this, Hannibal's face changed greatly, and he was a little


"real or fake…"

But think about it, the current situation has no choice but to release him.

Magellan's face was serious: "Now that the public execution is getting

closer and closer, the navy can no longer send support. Sending a general

red dog here is already a shame for me and the city of advance. I will not

allow the navy headquarters to We have combat support here, otherwise,

what would we do. Therefore, we must go all out to quell this turmoil."

"Understood, Director!"

Then, the tall, cigar-drinking Shilieu of the Rain wearing a guard uniform

was released.

The jailers came and asked for help as soon as possible.

Shiliu of the Rain just let out an evil laugh, and instantly pulled out the

famous sword Thunderstorm at his side, and rushed forward quickly. In

an instant, there were continuous screams.

When Shilieu of the Rain stopped and put away his knife, the more than

fifty jailers behind him all fell down, the ground was stained red with

blood, and all these people died.

Soon, Shiliu of the Rain met Blackbeard and his gang, and naturally

chose to join as in the original plot.

Blackbeard is very happy, a capable person will join.

But that's not enough, let's move on.

Soon, Blackbeard and his gang came to the fourth basement floor.

Blackbeard took the elevator down with the key, so it was faster.

The red dog is to prevent missing the straw hat, so it goes down layer by


Magellan's face was ugly, and he was extremely angry: "Damn Shiliu, you

actually joined the Blackbeard Pirates."

Magellan didn't do it directly, knowing that it was impossible to stop it,

and he was no match for the Straw Hat.

The most important thing is that Straw Hat and others are about to meet

Blackbeard and others.

Magellan was curious about what kind of confrontation and follow-up

would 530 be.

There should be, right?

Magellan thought so.

After all, Fire Fist Ace was captured by Blackbeard.

Because of the black beard, Fire Fist Ace was publicly executed, and the

straw hat came here.

The culprit of all is Blackbeard, so what happens when Wuhuang Luffy

meets Qiwuhai Blackbeard?

Soon, you will find out.

As Luffy and the others came up, it happened to meet the Blackbeards

who came down.

Chapter 123

Both sides stopped immediately.

Blackbeard grinned, "Oh, it's him."

As for Luffy, his face suddenly darkened and his eyes were cold.

The moment he saw the black beard, Luffy's anger rose in his heart, his

momentum exploded, and the black cloak danced, extremely


If there is anyone in this world who most wants to kill, then Blackbeard

must be one of them!

Feeling Luffy's terrifying aura, as well as his powerful appearance and

domineering masculinity, Blackbeard was unexpected and unexpected.

Even a few drops of cold sweat broke out on Heibeard's face, and he

smiled: "Xiehahahaha... The straw hat is really becoming more and more

masculine, and it is worthy of being the Five Emperors. But, what can

you do?"

Suddenly, it was Lu Fei who shouted angrily.

"Four gears! Snakeman!"

Seeing Blackbeard, Luffy directly blocked the Snake Man!

Because, Luffy wants to beat Blackbeard violently! .

Chapter 128

Seeing this scene, Blackbeard's expression changed.

But, of course, you can't be afraid, after all, your subordinates are here,

not to mention, Shiliu of the Rain just joined.

Therefore, even if it is the Five Emperors, Blackbeard doesn't care.

Because Blackbeard felt that he definitely possessed the power of the


Looking at the four domineering snake men, Blackbeard calmed himself

down, as sinister as ever.

Blackbeard provoked: "Straw Hat, when you get to Ace's grave, you have

to thank him. Because you are the one who deserves to die, Straw Hat."


However, the moment Blackbeard finished speaking, Luffy, the fourth-

rank snake man, suddenly moved in front of Blackbeard!

In an instant, even Shi Ping and Crocodile were unable to react.

Seeing Luffy in front of him, and then looking at the side of his body, it is

obvious that Luffy is still there.

No... No, the figure of Luffy next to him gradually disappeared. This is

not Luffy, but the afterimage left by the speed too fast!

Blackbeard's gaze was still looking at the direction Luffy was in just now,

it was difficult to react at all, and there was no time to dodge and defend.

The same goes for the other people around.

Luffy rushed over in an instant, and punched out fiercely.

"Rubber Industry Huobawang Jet Orochi Cannon!!"

With a punch, the karmic fire surged, covered with cherry blossoms, and

entwined with the overlord's color!


A punch landed on Heibeard's abdomen, causing a deep depression in

Heibeard's abdomen suddenly, as if he was about to punch through.

Blackbeard quickly flew backwards, and with a bang, he smashed a deep

hole in the wall.


Blackbeard let out a terrific scream.

Luffy, who was in a rage, went directly to the fourth rank of snake man,

and directly entangled with karmic fire, flowing cherry blossoms and

domineering color. The power of this punch was extremely terrifying.

What's more, the pain Blackbeard endured was twice that of ordinary


Therefore, the black beard who was hurt by the punch rolled his eyes,

vomited blood, and almost fainted from the pain.

Such a scene shocked everyone.

Jinbe: "What a fast speed... what a strong attack."

Crocodile was shocked: "It was the same end for me just now, and I

began to see his true strength little by little."

Crocodile has to admit in his heart that there is a huge gap in strength

between him and Luffy.

As Blackbeard was blown away with a punch, the rest of the Blackbeard

Pirates reacted.


The first thing to do was Sonic Fan Oka, who raised his gun instantly,

aimed instantly, and shot at the speed of sound.

In his opinion, it must be a hit.

Covering the armed bullet, the speed of sound came to Luffy's temple in

an instant.

In Fan Oka's view, the next moment will hit.

However, whoosh, Luffy moved again.

The bullet hit Luffy, but passed through, not really passing through, but

passing through without substance, it was just an afterimage left by Luffy

in situ.

"Be careful."

Suddenly, Shilieu of the Rain moved, noticing that Luffy had swept

behind Fan Oka.

Just now when the black beard was hit by the red hair, Shiliu of the Rain

was shocked, not daring to be careless, he had already grasped the

famous sword Thunderstorm in his hand, and put on the posture of

drawing the sword.

As Lu Fei skimmed behind Fan Oka and was about to attack, in a flash of

lightning, Shiryu of the Rain suddenly drew his sword and moved at an

extremely fast speed.

This is the art of drawing the sword, the profound meaning of Juhe,

drawing the sword in an instant to control the enemy, and killing with

one blow.

Facing Shileu of the Rain's attack, Luffy seemed to know it in advance.

The fist blasted to the side, colliding with Shileu of the Rain's slash.

The overlord's color entangled, but did not touch it. With a roar, Shilieu

of the Rain was blasted away.

After the shock retreated, the knife clanked and fluctuated rapidly,

because the blade received too much force.

And Shilieu of the Rain's hand was so painful and numb from the shock,

he was very frightened.

"Under the sword-drawing technique, I move very fast and slash

extremely fast, but I can catch it, and I can punch and hit my sword-

drawing slash in an instant."

He was extremely shocked, is this the power of the Five Emperors?


With a unique laugh, Badgers jumped up and slammed down on Luffy

with both fists.

Luffy stretched out his right hand, and there was a roar, and in the

scream, Badgers flew out backwards.

Fighting against strength, comparing strength, must be asking for trouble.

Taking advantage of the short moment, Fan Aoka moved quickly,

displaying the arrogance of knowledge and knowledge to the extreme

during the movement.

As the world's top sniper, the knowledgeable domineering nature is


While moving quickly, Luffy has been locked, but before locking, raise

the gun and pull the trigger first, this is a pre-judgment.


Another sonic bullet was shot out, aiming at Luffy's eyebrows.

In Van Oka's view, this time it must be a hit.

Of course, it is impossible to kill Luffy. After all, he is the Five Emperors,

so he can always cover his brows with armed defense.

However, it would be nice to make the straw hat feel the pain.

In his opinion, Luffy attacked Shiliu of the Rain and Badgers who were

suddenly attacking left and right successively, so now, it is naturally

impossible to escape.

However goose...

Under Fan Oka's horrified gaze, Luffy's head quickly turned to the right

side, and the bullets flew past the left side of Luffy's head better.

While Lu Fei dodged handsomely, he whispered contemptuously: "It's so


This shocked Fan Oka, his face was ugly, and he was so slow to be


I am a top sniper, known as Sonic Fan Oka, relying on fast sniping.

The faster the speed, the harder it is for people to react and dodge. It is a

great shame that he, who is the best at speed, is ridiculed for being slow.

However, Fan Oka didn't dare to say anything, feeling a little flustered.

While shaking, Fan Oka was still moving at high speed, constantly

pulling the trigger to shoot.

However, Luffy moved quickly, came behind Fan Oka, punched out, and

Fan Oka flew out with a scream.

At the same time, Lafitte also attacked Poison Q, but facing the Five

Emperors Luffy, he was naturally even more invincible, and was quickly

blasted away, screaming pitifully.

Because, the power it bears is too terrifying. Luffy's fourth-level snake

man is already powerful, plus Liu Ying, entwined with the overlord's

color, and the attack power is extremely strong.

In less than ten seconds, all members of the Blackbeard Pirates were

blown away by Luffy.

Shiliu of the Rain is okay, but Blackbeard, Van Oka, Badgers, Poison Q,

and Lafitte are all injured.

Especially Black Beard, who suffered severe stomach pain and serious

internal injuries.

In the rear, Jinbei, Ivankov, Crocodile and others were extremely

shocked, too strong.

Five Emperors Luffy, a crew member of the Blackbeard Pirates with one


However, this is normal, after all, when not in fourth gear, Luffy punches

a supernova.

Now Luffy is angry, and with all his strength, he must punch a

Blackbeard crew member.


Blackbeard was still screaming, showing how painful it was, and it lasted

for more than ten seconds.

Blackbeard stood up in embarrassment, with cold sweat on his face,

blood on the corner of his mouth, staring at Luffy in shock.

Level 4 snake man Luffy is domineering, with a low voice: "Who is dead?"

Blackbeard's heart was heavy, which gave him a sense of crisis, but he

didn't expect it to be so strong.

I also fully understood why the two generals of Shambord failed to take

down the Straw Hats.

"The thief hahahaha... is really stronger than I imagined, but if you want

to kill me, you still can't do it now."

Even though he said this, Blackbeard knew that he couldn't defeat the

Straw Hat.

Even, he will be defeated by the straw hat, but it is not easy to kill


After all, he still has another hole card.

Although he has not obtained the most powerful hole card yet, he will

find a chance to obtain it after the war when Whitebeard is seriously

injured, but now the two powerful abilities are enough to save his life in

front of the Five Emperors.

As we all know, it is his powerful dark fruit ability.

Blackbeard raised his left hand and spread it out, the black water-like

substance swirled and surged like a vortex.

"It makes you feel the pain, too, Straw Hat?"

"Dark water!"

After the words fell, a terrifying suction force suddenly appeared, aiming

at Luffy.

However, the goal was lost.

Blackbeard's face changed suddenly, and he moved quickly, trying to lock

on to Luffy and attract him, but he couldn't.

Suddenly, Luffy came over Blackbeard.

Black smoke surged all over Blackbeard's body, condensing above, trying

to resist and absorb Luffy's attack.

The dark fruit, known as the most dangerous ability in the history of

devil fruit, possesses a dark gravitational force.

At the same time, it is also a very special existence in the natural system.

When using the ability, the hands will turn black and the body will emit

black smoke. It can inhale, compress and shatter everything that comes

into contact with darkness.

It also has the ability to attract people with abilities from a distance, and

to touch people with abilities with their hands, regardless of their

species, to temporarily disable them. After eating, it cannot be immune to

external damage through elementalization like other natural systems, but

absorbs damage. It can also absorb fruit attacks, such as the attacks that

Whitebeard uses abilities.

Now, Blackbeard wants to absorb Luffy's attack, after all, in his view,

Luffy is also a person with abilities.

Moreover, even if it is not the attack of the ability user, it can absorb it.

Blackbeard didn't dare to be careless, and the dark fruit burst out, and

the dark smoke condensed above, becoming more and more dense.

Above, Luffy's fists are pounding together, the frequency is extremely

fast, densely packed, the arms are rising with karmic fire, and the

domineering look is entangled.

"The Black Mamba, the fire fighter of the rubber industry!"

All of a sudden, rain-like attacks rained down densely and violently, all of

which were smashed into the dark smoke and continuously absorbed.

Chapter 124

Blackbeard smiled with cold sweat: "The thief hahahaha, those who can't

hit will be absorbed by my ability."

However, the attacks were so dense that it was impossible to absorb them

all. Soon, he couldn't resist, and the black beard's face changed suddenly,

and he saw fists about to pass through the dark smoke above his head

one after another.

Boom boom boom boom...

The bombardment continued, almost hitting dozens of punches in a


Blackbeard panicked, feeling that he couldn't continue to absorb, the

attack was too strong and too much.

"Help me!"

Blackbeard asked Shiliu of the Rain for help.

Shilieu of the Rain drew his sword and slashed again, flashing past, a red

slash in the air.

However, it fell short.

Shiliu of the Rain has come to the air and passed by Luffy, but he didn't

cut it.

Shiliu of the Rain looked back, horrified, and was dodged.

Luffy continued to bombard the black beard below, and quickly dodged

the attack of Shileu of the Rain just now, but when he dodged, the attack

did not stop.

Badgers, Van Oka and the others were all ready to attack, but suddenly,

the rain-like attacks not only bombarded Blackbeard straight down, but

continued to bombard Blackbeard, and at the same time, some arms

turned and came to attack them respectively .

This made them extremely shocked, and even they were even more


Originally wanted to help, he shot Badgers and others, and let Luffy

concentrate on single-handedly fighting Blackbeard.

But now it seems that it is not necessary.

"It can turn a corner."

"And when he turned to attack others, the attack on Blackbeard


"How many hands does the straw hat have?"

"'~It is because the attack speed and frequency are too fast, which makes

it look like there are many hands."

For a while, Badgers and the others were blasted back again, or avoided

them, not daring to confront them head-on. They had seen the power of

Luffy's attack just now, and the bombardment was invincible.

Immediately, the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates were unable to step

forward to help, and could only keep dodging the incoming attacks.

Blackbeard's face was ugly, and he wanted to dodge, but if he knew how

to dodge, he left the darkness above to absorb the protection, and before

dodging, the straw hat might be faster than him, and it seemed that he

could see the future for a short time.

At that time, it will be attacked.

However, they would all be attacked. Blackbeard's eyes widened, his

pupils shrank, his fist passed through, and the darkness was scattered!

Absorption has reached its limit.

Boom boom boom...

bang bang bang...

Suddenly, dense fists pierced through the darkness and struck down, each

with a golden flame, like the sun emerging from the darkness, bursting

into hundreds of thousands of golden rays of light, shining through the


Blackbeard quickly raised his hands to cross to block the defense, but it

was useless.

The dense fists kept bombarding every part of the body, and the body

was continuously punched out one by one.

Every part of the body was in pain in an instant, and the attack frequency

was too fast, as if hundreds of thousands of people were attacking him at

the same time.

Suffering twice the damage made Blackbeard scream more and more

horribly one after another.


The screams kept screaming, which made people's scalp tingle, and one

could imagine how painful it was.

Heibeard was soon covered in blood, his whole body was swollen from

the beating, and his body was swollen with hundreds of big bumps. His

own mother would not recognize it when he saw it. It was extremely


With a bang, Blackbeard fell to the ground, and the bombardment



The screams continued, and Blackbeard's back was continuously punched

and dented, screaming loudly, and a large mouthful of blood was

continuously punched out of his mouth.

Looking at the miserable black beard, Jinping felt much more

comfortable, of course he likes to watch Luffy tyrannizing the black


After all, I was in the Whitebeard Pirates, and Blackbeard rebelled, killed

Sage, and captured Ace. Jinbe was naturally very angry when he saw


Badgers and the others looked at the miserable captain and knew they

couldn't ignore it.

However, while Blackbeard was bombarded by (Li Hao), attacks would

continue to attack them, and they could not help.

And, with Blackbeard unable to fight back and dodge, there were more

punches coming from swerving towards them.

In all directions, they are constantly and orderly intertwined into a large

net. The dark red arms and fists are constantly turning and intertwining


After the continuous bombardment, Luffy landed and attacked others

while moving quickly.

"Rubber Hydra!"

Even if they dodge, be cautious, and move quickly, it is useless.

Attacks with faster speeds and more variable trajectories came densely,

and soon, the places that were hit by the bombardment were greatly

dented, and the pain was extremely painful.

For a moment, Badgers and Shiliu of the Rain were all blown away, in

pain, burning, vomiting blood, and screaming in pain.

Boom boom boom...

With a few bangs, they hit the ground, making deep depressions, or

punching deep holes in the walls.

All of a sudden, all members of the Blackbeard Pirates fell to the ground

and were seriously injured, screaming in pain and bleeding from the

corners of their mouths.

Jinbe and the others were stunned, Five Emperors Luffy, slapping the

Blackbeard Pirates!

Now, they are all beaten to the ground! ,

Luffy stopped, and his mouth fluctuated for a while. Obviously, the high-

intensity and high-frequency attack just now made people a little tired.

Just like an athlete running at the fastest speed, he will gasp for breath.

Soon, Luffy calmed down, stopped panting, and was ready to do it again.

Suddenly, however, the ambient temperature rises.

tick tock...

It was as if something was dripping on the ground. When Jinping looked

at it, his expression changed. It was magma.

The magma flowed out first and appeared in front of them. Immediately,

before the figure appeared, the sound of iron and blood sounded.

"Straw hat, we finally met, you who are rubber, be melted by my


In the next moment, a figure in a white justice cloak and a dark red suit

walked out of the microphone.

In an instant, Lu Fei's expression was still low and cold.

It was the first time I saw General Akainu, or Red Dog.

Luffy smiled: "The magma melted me? Are you just a general?".

Chapter 129 Akainu: Is the Straw Hat Really Rubber?

Hearing this, Akainu's face suddenly sank.

With a low face, Akaken quickly smiled: "It's just the Five Emperors, don't

melt you too easily."

Luffy got off the fourth gear, and said in a deep voice, "Then let's try."

At this point, Magellan came out.

Now that General Akainu is here, he can act too.

If you didn't act just now, you knew that you would lose.

"Sakaski, I'll leave the straw hat to you, and I'll deal with the others."

After the words fell, Magellan awakened immediately, with dark red

venom all over his body again, and a huge skeleton emerged.

Jinbe, Ivankov, Crocodile, and Feng Klei, the four of them faced a

Magellan, and they didn't dare to be careless.

After all, toxins are dangerous.

Navy Headquarters.

At this time, the Sengoku already knew that the red dog had arrived in

the city of advance, and the red dog had met the straw hat.

Because, before taking Magellan to do it, the contact explained.

Warring States also knew that Blackbeard entered the city of


"Blackbeard, what do you want to do?"

Zhan Guo frowned, as if he had guessed something.

In doing so, it is undoubtedly impossible to continue to be Qi Wuhai.

Then, it is the pirates who are enemies of the world government and the

navy, and now they have gone to the city of advancement. Sengoku

guessed it and recruited combat power.

However, there is nothing to do.

Warring States knew that the most important thing right now was to deal

with the straw hats.

Akainu deals with straw hats, Magellan deals with Jinping and others, it

is impossible to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates.

Otherwise, it would be bad for Jinping and others to unite with straw

hats to deal with Akainu.

As for the Blackbeard Pirates, it is impossible to take the initiative to

participate in the battle, so they can only let Blackbeard take action.

This is his arrangement, which has been explained to Magellan.

At the same time, Sennai prayed in his heart: "I hope the Whitebeard

Pirates will show up later, Sakaski, within ten hours, it's best to defeat

the Straw Hats."

In this case, without the straw hats, when the war begins, even if the

straw hat regiment comes, it will be a powerful general without the straw


It is also possible that the Straw Hats will take the opportunity to invade

the city and save the Straw Hats.

Sengoku thinks this possibility is more likely, but this is also good, then

the navy may only have to face the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, the premise of these is that the straw hat was defeated by the

red dog and imprisoned in the city of advancement.

In the office, Karp was a little worried. He also prayed, which was

naturally different from the Warring States period.

"Luffy, I hope you can escape this difficulty again. This time, you have to

work harder."

Although Chambord and Luffy failed to defeat or lose to Kizuru, Garp

was a little worried about facing Akainu.

After all, Akainu's combat power is stronger, and his methods are more

ruthless and decisive.

Luffy couldn't be caught by the yellow monkey, it doesn't mean...

Therefore, Karp is worried, but he can't worry too much, let alone

interfere. This is a powerful enemy that must be faced on the road to

becoming a pirate and a strong man.

Advance the city.

After Magellan planned out his respective battle strength, Akainu glanced

at Blackbeard and the others.

Because of the appearance of Red Dog, Luffy stopped and continued to

attack Blackbeard and others, so he gave them breathing time.

They were seriously injured, especially Blackbeard, who was covered in

injuries all over his body, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Blackbeard's eyes were sinister and angry, but he was also grateful.

Badgers asked: "Captain, what should we do now? Leave or..."

The rest of the black group looked at Blackbeard, meaning to leave or

continue down.

Blackbeard's eyes are full of ambition: "The thief hahahaha, naturally we

will continue to go down, we must complete the goal this time. And, we

can also go down without any restraint, straw hat, what do you think,

thief hahahaha..."

After Blackbeard satirized him, he laughed even louder.

It means that now that the general Akainu is here, you can't continue to

attack us.

Could it be possible to deal with them while facing the general Akainu?

Blackbeard thought it was impossible, so it must be down.

I'm also glad that the red dog is here. When I thought about the desperate

situation, I could only use another hole card. I never used it. This is also

the reason why I can absorb the shocking fruit again.

The next goal is to rush to the Navy headquarters to get the final

powerful hole card, the ability to shake fruit.

The reason why this is possible is because of the hole card that has not

been used yet.

Chapter 125

Badgers suddenly said: "Then captain, let's continue down."

The others also stood up, followed behind Blackbeard, and prepared to go


Blackbeard walked to the bottom of the stairs on the fifth floor, and

smiled: "The general is here, so it's impossible for the straw hat to

continue fighting with me."

0····Ask for flowers····


However, Blackbeard's expression changed drastically after he finished


Because, during the fast movement, Luffy, the fourth-grade snake man,

had already swept to the stairway leading to the fifth underground floor,

blocking Blackbeard.

This made Blackbeard's face change in shock, and everyone in the black

group stopped instantly.

The five emperors stopped everyone in the black group in an instant, and

they all stopped, not daring to move forward.

Blackbeard's face was gloomy and extremely heavy, and he didn't want to

use his hole cards.

Lu Fei said in a deep and domineering voice, "The great future is here, so


This made all the powerful people on the four underground floors


Feng Kelei's eyes lit up: "The little straw hat is really domineering."

Ivankov praised: "The straw hat boy is really cool."


While the others were shaking, Akainu's face was ugly. Suddenly, the

magma in his right arm surged, gurgling, and smoked, making the

temperature of the fourth underground floor even higher.

"Straw hat, it's too arrogant! Now let you see what I can do."

"The dog gnaws the red lotus!"

The magma surging in the right arm suddenly turned into a lifelike dog's

head, stretched out instantly, and bit Luffy.

Immediately, Blackbeard and the others quickly dodged to the sides.

While dodging, Blackbeard and the others rushed into the stairs.

Akainu's combat power is strong, especially the attack power is extremely

strong, the strongest of the generals.

Facing the attack of the red dog, Luffy stretched his arms straight, and

blasted out wildly, entangled with the fire of karma and the color of the


"Rubber King Cobra!"

boom! !

The two collided, and there was a brief stalemate. With a puff, the head

of the magma dog was blown off, and the fists of the Karmic Fire surged


Akainu's expression shook, not because of Luffy's attack that defeated

him, nor because of this powerful punch that quickly hit him, but

because of the surging karma.

Akaken is puzzled, although he knows that Aokiji and Kizaru have said

that straw hats can carry flames when attacking.

They all thought it was friction and fire, but it didn't make Akainu feel

like it.

However, since it is a rubber fruit, what is it if it is not friction and fire?

Can only rub against fire.

However, Akainu felt something was wrong again, and was very confused

for a while.

Akainu wants to know, rubber, why there is a strong flame? Is it really a

rubber fruit? Inch.

Chapter 130 In fifth gear, the red dog turns into a dead dog!

Before he had time to think about it, facing Luffy's powerful punch,

Akainu's magma fist blasted out, and with a roar, Akainu retreated

slightly, and Luffy's fist shook back.

Magellan glanced and found that there was no disadvantage in the initial


Magellan looked coldly at the combat forces in front of him, all of them

were very strong.

Two Shichibukai, Jinbei, Crocodile.

And Ivankov, Lightning, Von Clay.

Although they are all very strong, and there are still five, Magellan is still

determined to win, must win, and end quickly.

"It has to end quickly, and then go to help Sakaski and end the battle as

soon as possible."

Magellan knew that Akainu couldn't stay here for a long time, he had to

leave as soon as possible, and he had to take off the straw hat as soon as


However, the straw hat's combat power is very strong, he has seen it,

even if the general Akainu wants to take him down in a short time, it is


However, if you add your own words, it is very possible.

Not to mention that I have severely damaged the straw hat, but as long as

my poison affects the straw hat, the condition of the straw hat will

become worse and worse if the battle continues, and it will be easier for

Akainu to defeat the straw hat.

"Red Poisonous Dragon!"

Magellan in the awakened state has stronger toxins, and the condensed

poisonous dragon is even bigger. It can swallow a building with its

mouth wide open, so even the five of Shi Ping and the others look very

small when facing the red dragon.

In the original plot, there is no Magellan in the awakened state, a

poisonous dragon, who wiped out the Blackbeard Pirates, not to mention

the poisonous dragon in the awakened state, which is more powerful.

"Want to end the battle quickly? It's stupid, it's impossible."

Facing the red poisonous dragon, Ivankov suddenly stared and closed his

eyes. In an instant, a strong storm like an explosion burst out, collided

with the red poisonous dragon, and directly blasted the poisonous dragon

away, splashing backwards.

"Die "five three three" wink!"

Magellan's face was ugly, but even if it was powerful, it must end


The red poisonous dragon condensed again, this time it was three huge

poisonous dragons.

Magellan said in a deep voice: "Even if you buy time, the straw hats will

not be able to escape from here, and you will definitely fail."

Crocodile said with a deep smile: "It's annoying, so sure that you can win

us? It's too much to despise me, right?"

Facing the three poisonous dragons, Jinping, Crocodile, and Ivankov

attacked at the same time.

"Murloc Karate! Five thousand Wazheng fists!"


"Death wink!"

The roar continued, and the poisonous dragon was either scattered by the

blast, or blocked by the sand.

Magellan's face was ugly, it was impossible to go on like this, and it

couldn't end in a short time.

Magellan reminded: "Sakarsky, get out of this battle."

This made Akainu frowned slightly, realizing something.

"Then change places."

Akainu rushed towards Luffy quickly, trying to blow Luffy away and

leave this floor.

It is obviously impossible for Lu Fei to change places to fight with him


Therefore, it can only be transferred by fighting.

Akainu wants to end the battle quickly, so naturally every move is with

all his strength.

"Ghost dog!"

Akainu must blow Luffy away, because he knows that Magellan may be

poisoning this floor.

Luffy is also clear that phase transfer is impossible.

Facing the ghost dog, Lu Fei didn't dare to be careless, and the karmic

fire overlord jet Orochi cannons blasted out continuously, densely

packed, against the red dog's trick, the ghost dog.

The ghost dog rushed forward, and was frozen for a while, and was

constantly bombarded by dense high-speed and powerful fists, blocking it


Minggou kept moving forward, and Lu Fei kept pounding his fists, unable

to stand still.

Magellan felt that he couldn't wait any longer. The huge red skull was

filled with red venom, which swept away like a river and quickly spread

to this layer.

This made Jinping's face change, but he couldn't be touched.

Crocodile sand diffused out, forming a wall, preventing the red venom

from spreading.

However, it was unable to resist for a long time, and soon, it was

continuously eroded by the red venom, and the sand also turned red and

was corroded.

At this time, mr3 also made a move, and the huge wax wall came to

block it, but it was quickly eroded by the red.

Lightning said: "Here, there is no need to confront him. What we have to

do is to leave, not to defeat him here."

Others understand, but they can't leave for a short time, and can't end the

battle, so Magellan and Akainu will join forces to deal with Luffy.

Lightning rushed forward and came to the venom, being careful not to

touch it, and then cutting with scissors on the ground.

Under the ability of cutting the fruit, the hard rock of the pusher car was

not so hard, and it was cut open like a piece of paper.

For a time, the spreading venom flowed into it.

This made Magellan's face ugly, he wanted to end the battle quickly,

while the opponent was delaying.

Jinping and the others really wanted to delay, because they knew that

Akainu would not stay here for long, and there were only a few hours left

before the public execution, and the Whitebeard Pirates were likely to


Faced with the combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy will

definitely let Akainu go back.


Magellan's face was ugly, the cut ground was deep, and the spreading

venom kept pouring in, and it would take a little time to fill it up.

However, it must end as soon as possible.

Magellan raised his hands, and a pair of huge **** hands of the huge red

skull also lifted up, and then grabbed towards Jingping.

Once caught, it's over, the toxin is too strong.

However, the space here is limited, and it is difficult to dodge.

It's just that the space is limited, many places have been occupied by red


Therefore, the movable space is very small, and the red skull is still so

huge that it is difficult to escape.

This is why the strength of Magellan's quasi-general, but here, can be

equivalent to the strength of a general, because the ability is combined

with geographical conditions.

When a general faced him, he didn't dare to say that he could defeat him,

he would find it very difficult and dangerous.

Jinbei and the others could only join forces to attack more powerfully,

defeating the red poisonous hands that were rushing over.

"Murloc karate, 10,000 Wazheng fists!"

"Erosion of reincarnation!"

"Galaxy wink!"

Jinbei's more powerful bombardment is terrifying.

Crocodile burst out the ability of the rustling fruit, and the sand

permeated the ground, touching the venom and continuously


This trick, after the right hand touches the ground, uses Dry Crack to

absorb the moisture of the creature or object it touches and gradually

spread to the surroundings. After it is activated, it has the terrifying

power that even rocks can be pulverized into sand. After using it, the

surrounding buildings will gradually become sandy It sank, and the

ground seemed to be dead, turning into a dry and cracked wasteland.

Crocodile knows that the venom cannot be completely collapsed, but it

can absorb some venom. The venom is also liquid and can absorb part of


Coupled with the desertification and depression of the ground, more

venom can flow in.

After all, they can't be in the air like Luffy's fourth-block elastic man,

leaving only a small piece of ground without venom behind them, so the

venom must be prevented from spreading.

At least, to prevent Akainu from leaving.

Ivankov was the strongest attack. In an instant, several huge faces

appeared, occupying the space in front of them, and they all blinked


This move is dozens of times more powerful than the winking eyes of


Amidst the roar, a pair of red skeleton hands captured were defeated.

This made Magellan anxious and unsuccessful.

At this time, Akainu's face was ugly, because the red venom had already


Akainu can only erupt magma, diffuse it, and continuously evaporate red


However, the red venom cannot be completely evaporated by Akainu's

magma, it can only slow down the spread of the venom.

For a time, most of the four underground floors were covered with red

venom, and the smaller half was covered with magma, and the junction

was constantly sizzling.

Akainu is in magma, and Luffy naturally cannot touch venom or magma.

Therefore, it is no longer in the form of a four-speed snake man.

Seeing Luffy's original appearance, Akaken said coldly: "Are you going to

surrender? If so, that's a wise choice."

Chapter 126

Luffy smiled: "What stupid things are you talking about?"

Lifting his left arm, he breathed heavily, and his body instantly swelled

against the wind.

"Fourth gear! Elastic Man!"




Luffy obviously wants to enter the fourth gear of elastic man. Under the

elastic force, Luffy is in the air, and the ground is covered with magma or

poison, so naturally he cannot stand on the ground.

This made Chiquan's face ugly, and it was very difficult to end it in a

short time.

The venom and magma couldn't harden the straw hat, and Akainu's voice

was cold: "I'll knock you down."

The magma surged and erupted, and Akainu punched out and roared.

"Big fire!"

Immediately, Luffy, who was able to blow up an iceberg in an instant and

blast the huge magma fist that melted into the sky.

Luffy's fourth gear was elastic, and he blew air on both hands at the same

time again, and his hands suddenly became huge, turning into giant

hands, stretching upwards, and at the same time, the fire of karma

erupted, and the overlord color entangled.

"Four gears! Karma Overlord Double Spears!"

boom! !

The terrifying attack of the five emperors and the general Akainu

collided, and the power was terrifying. The entire fourth underground

floor and even the city of Jinjin were shocked by it.

The terrifyingly huge magma giant fist collided with a pair of giant fists

of the same scale entangled with the karmic fire overlord, and they were

deadlocked in midair.

The red dog vibrated, breathed out fire, and even stagnated, which meant

that it was comparable.

The strength of the straw hat is stronger than he imagined.

Akainu also understood why Kizaru came back with a serious injury, and

it was really evenly matched with the Straw Hat....

I thought the five emperors sounded like a joke, and they couldn't be

compared with the four emperors, but now Akainu realized that there is

no difference between the five emperors and the four emperors.

Akainu's face was heavy, and he wanted to kill the straw hat even more,

such a young man with such strength.

It's just a rubber fruit. It sounds like an ordinary fruit, but it has been

developed so powerfully.

Now at this age, they are so developed that they can fight against

themselves in the fourth gear. So, will there be a fifth gear?


After the stalemate, there was a deafening roar, and it exploded. Luffy

flew upwards, smashing a depression in the stone wall above.

And the red dog is the same, the body sinks towards the ground.


The terrorist bombing caused the entire fourth floor to be torn apart in an

instant, with wide cracks all over it.

Because Lightning kept cutting the ground with its ability to cut fruit,

Magellan's venom did not spread over and slowed down a bit.

They also attacked with all their strength, constantly defeating Magellan's

giant skeletons.

Noticing that the fourth underground floor was about to collapse, they

were shocked.

Crocodile felt that he was a little ignorant before, not because Luffy was

arrogant, but because he was confident.

"It's so strong."

"Beyond my imagination."

"It's too powerful. It's the first time I've seen his full strength. He can be

called the Five Emperors. It's not an exaggeration to offer a reward of

three billion."

As the four layers cracked in a large area, more venom and magma

poured in.

Both Magellan and Akainu looked ugly because they wanted to end as

soon as possible.

If this continues, there is no sign of ending the battle at all, and the

opponent has not even been injured.

Magellan felt that it was difficult for him to maintain this state. The

injury was too serious before, but now he was getting tired and weak


However, Magellan gritted his teeth and insisted that he must defeat


This time, the huge skeleton directly opened its **** mouth, and

devoured towards Jinping and the others.

The sandstorm was raging, and Jinbe bombarded more powerfully.

Ivankov once again winked at the Milky Way, Feng Kelei's **** boxing,

bursting swan kicks, and mr3 played as an assist, setting up candle walls

at the front.

However, it can only resist the huge red skeleton for less than a second.

After breaking through the candle wall, the attacks of Jinping and the

others were ready to go, and they all blasted out.

The terrifying roar continued, the red skull stagnated, unable to move

forward, and was beaten to the point of crashing and splashing, and kept

retreating. The Magellan inside was also moving backwards, and his body

hurt even more.

Akainu fought fiercely with the fourth-speed elastic man, with magma

surging in both arms, facing Luffy in the sky above.

"Meteor Volcano!"

For a moment, dense fists of magma blasted Luffy in the sky.

Luffy's hands were huge, his karmic fire surged, and he quickly

bombarded downwards, densely packed with fists.

"Rubber industry fire tyrant ape king fights with guns!"

Boom boom boom...

click click click...

For a moment, the dark red karmic fire giant fists from above were

densely blasted down, colliding with the densely upward magma fists on

the ground, and the sound of roaring and cracking continued.


Akainu looked up, the magma fist couldn't get close to Luffy, and was

constantly defeated, his brows were furrowed more and more.

If it goes on like this, it can't end in a short time.

After the bombardment, Luffy bounced in the air.

Akainu did not attack again, staring at Luffy above.

It seems that magma can only be on the ground, and Karma Luffy is at

high altitude.

Akaken said in a deep voice: "It's different from what I expected. Not only

did I not take you down, but I couldn't hurt you. But one thing is good, I

know your combat power. Now you, go all out! , you are in the fourth

gear, it is the limit now, is there no hiding? Or ask this way, there is no

fifth gear, right?"

Luffy didn't answer directly, but coldly, Xinran.

"You should be lucky."

This made Akainu startled, fortunately?

However, the next words made Akainu clenched his fists tightly, his face

extremely gloomy.

While Luffy explained, he was murderous.

"Because, in fifth gear, you will become a dead dog!"

"Asshole! I'm Admiral Sakaski, let alone the Five Emperors, even if

Whitebeard wants to kill me, it won't be easy!"

Akainu was furious, and he turned himself into a dead dog by saying this.

The red dog leaped up, covered in armed colors, his fists were pitch

black, magma surged, and the two figures collided in the air, constantly


However, in the close-range bombardment, the red dog can't take the

advantage, in comparison, there is no overlord.

And Luffy, who masters the overlord's color winding.

Boom boom boom...

The fierce battle continued and was evenly matched.

Akainu's heart is heavy, because time is passing by, which is very bad for


When Shampoo landed, the yellow ape didn't take off the straw hat.

Pushing into the castle, can't you take down the straw hat yourself?

Chapter 131 The top war is about to begin!

At this moment, the battle continued, but one person was missing,

naturally Bucky.

Not engaging in combat, Bucky is constantly releasing prisoners.

Prisoners adore him enough to let them out.

"Magellan is not here."

"Seems to be fighting below."

"Admiral Akainu seems to be here too."

"With such a strong lineup, Bucky can still release us. It's too strong."

"So, who is blocking Magellan and the general? It's amazing."

Bucky started pretending now.

"What Magellan, what general, I'm not qualified to make a move, just

leave it to other people to fight, and I'm not interested."

"Wow, as expected of God Bucky."

"It's amazing, God Bucky is amazing, we are glad that he has come to

release us."

"Whether it is the director of the promotion city, what kind of general, I

am afraid that only White Beard can make Bucky interested in doing it."

For a moment, the eyes of the prisoners were even brighter.

At this moment, the upper-level jailers rushed in.

Bucky ordered: "You guys, let me see your strength and see if you are

qualified to be my subordinates!"

All of a sudden, the prisoners were beaten like chicken blood one by one,

their fighting spirit rose and their murderous aura rose.

"Oh! Leave it to us!"

"Let God Bucky see our strength."

"I want to fight with all my strength, Lord Bucky, just watch it, leave it to

us, I must be qualified to be your subordinate."

Immediately, Bucky breathed a sigh of relief, rejoicing in his heart:

"Great, it's all right."

Seeing the prisoners rushing forward, and soon, the jailers retreated

steadily, Bucky was completely relieved.

Bucky is very happy, it is really possible to leave Advance City.

The high combat power below was blocked by straw hats and Jinbei.

For the above, leave it to these prisoners, it should be no problem, after

all, the high combat power is dealing with the straw hats and the others.

Immediately, under the charge of the prisoners, Bucky kept going up, and

soon he came to the uppermost floor of the city.

The exit is not far away.

Bucky followed, relaxed and excited, to finally leave.

When the prisoners confronted the jailer, Bucky walked out in a

pretentious manner.

The moment Bucky walked out of the gate of Jinjin City Prison, he felt

the sea breeze and saw the blue sky. This feeling was great.

"It's finally out."

The prisoners followed up after solving the jailer, and stood behind

Bucky, adoring him more and more, their eyes bursting with stars, and

they kept flattering.

"As expected of God Bucky, you are the second existence to successfully

escape from the city of advancement after the legendary pirate Golden

Lion first escaped from prison!"

"God Bucky is mighty! The golden lion escaped from prison, paying a

high price, losing his legs, but God Bucky was unscathed, and escaped

with ease!"

"God Bucky is even more powerful than the legendary Golden Lion!"

"We swear to follow God Bucky to the death!"

Chapter 127

This exaggeration is getting more and more outrageous, and Bucky is a

little embarrassed to hear it.

Soon, Bucky realized a serious problem, how to get out.

Right now, he hasn't really left the city of advancement, because there is

a door of justice blocking it.

"God Bucky, let's go."

"There is still the door of justice, but I believe that God Bucky can solve


"Yeah, it's even more powerful than legendary pirates. Although the Gate

of Justice is huge and has strong defenses, God Bucky can smash it."

This put Bucky under a lot of pressure, sweating coldly, what a joke.

Bucky kept himself calm: "Don't worry, wait for those people behind, they

also made a little effort, I have to go out with them."

For a moment, the eyes of the prisoners were even brighter, some were

even moved to tears, and they wanted to follow even more to the death.

"This is Lord Bucky, we really read it right, it's too loyal!"

"Will go through fire and water for God Bucky!"

"My vision is indeed right. Meeting God Baki and following God Baki is

the wisest choice in my life!"

This made Bucky feel relieved, and these guys worshiped him even more

and became loyal to him.

At this time, the battle in the city of advancement continued.

Magellan was unable to end the battle, let alone Akainu.

Magellan's injury has relapsed, and it is difficult to fight anymore. Now

he persists entirely by perseverance, even overdrawing his vitality.

He knew that after this battle, he would inevitably need to recuperate for

a long time and would not be able to participate in any battles.

Akainu's face is still ugly, shame, because not to mention defeating the

straw hats, they have not yet been able to severely damage the straw


His own attack power is strong, but the straw hat's attack power is also

very strong, constantly canceling each other's attacks.

At this time, the Navy Headquarters.

Zhan Guo frowned and asked about the situation.

"What's going on? Are the Straw Hats about to be defeated by Sakalski?"

Know that the fight has been going on for a while.

"Report to the Marshal, there is no...even..."

The person who reported was shocked: "Even...the straw hat hasn't been



The Warring States was shaken, his face was ugly, he couldn't believe it,

he was still not injured? It was Akainu who did it.


Cap laughed, feeling more relieved.

I was a little worried just now, worried that something would happen to

Luffy, but now it seems that it is almost impossible.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, Magellan was blocked by Jinbei,

Ivankov, and Crocodile, so he couldn't join forces with General Sakasky

to deal with the Straw Hats. However, General Sakasky singled out the

Straw Hats. At present, it seems that they are comparable. Perhaps It will

take a few days to defeat the Straw Hats..."

It will take a few days, which is obviously impossible.

The face of the Warring States is heavy. This time in the promotion city,

is it still impossible to take off the straw hat?

Sengoku did not let Akainu evacuate, compared to the Whitebeard

Pirates, there is still no movement, and there are still six hours before the

public execution.

"Continue to let them fight and report at any time."


Warring States can only hope that Magellan can quickly end the battle.

Under such geographical conditions, as long as the poison touches those

people, even the former Shichibukai will not feel good.

In this way, Magellan joined the battle to deal with the Straw Hats, and

there is still a glimmer of hope to defeat the Straw Hats in the advance

city for a short time.

One hour

Two hours passed.

The face of the Warring States Period became more and more serious,

because the battle was still going on, and most importantly, Magellan

hadn't defeated Jinping, and even Magellan was almost unable to hold


Then followed by more fatigue.

This made Warring States feel that it was impossible, and there were still

four hours left in the public execution.

"`~Marshal Sengoku! No good! I found the whereabouts of the

Whitebeard Pirates!"

This made Zhan Guo's face change in surprise, and he stood up suddenly.

Compared with the Five Emperors, Luffy, and the Five Emperors Straw

Hats, if you want to say who is more troublesome for him and makes the

navy afraid, it is naturally the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Sure enough, here we come."

Not surprisingly, Sengoku knew it would come.

"Is it the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Mobidi?"

"No, it's some pirate groups under Whitebeard's banner. So far, we

haven't seen any trace of the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Warring States frowned, since some of the pirate ships under his banner

had already seen it, then White Beard must have come too.

"How far away?"

"It's predicted to arrive in three hours!"

Sengoku understood, and immediately dialed the phone bug.

Advance the city.

Magellan couldn't hold it anymore, the red skull dispersed, and there was

no purple venom. Magellan was exhausted, his injuries became more

serious, and he knelt on one knee.

This made Chiquan's face ugly, and it was impossible to make a joint


Just then, the phone bug rang.

After the two sides collided and retreated, Wu (Li Haohao) made another


Akainu felt a sense of uneasiness, anticipating it, but he really didn't want

this moment to come.

I knew it was from the Warring States Period, but I had to accept it.

After connecting to the phone bug, Akainu said, "I'm Sakaski."

Warring States made a long story short, and said directly: "Sakaski,

evacuate the city, the Whitebeard Pirates have seen some traces, they are

coming soon, go back to Marlene Vandor immediately, and prepare to

meet the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard! War , It's time to start!"


Akainu hung up the phone with an ugly face, gritted his teeth, and gave

Luffy a hard look.

I want to keep fighting until the Straw Hats are resolved, but it's

impossible and I have to leave.

"Straw Hat, I'll wait for you at the Navy Headquarters, if you dare to


After the words fell, Akainu quickly rushed away from the city.

Magellan's face was ugly, and he chose to retreat, knowing that it was

impossible, failed, Straw Hat and others must leave the city of


At this time, Jinping's face is heavy, which means...Kit...

Luffy's fighting spirit was even more explosive, and his expression was

awe-inspiring and domineering.

Akainu is leaving now, and Luffy understands that this means...

On top of the war! It's about to start!

This moment has finally arrived! .

Chapter 132 Luffy: Go to the Navy Headquarters! Join the battle on top!

Akainu left, and Magellan could no longer fight, so there was no obstacle

at all, and Luffy and others left the city.

Soon, we arrived at the gate of the prison on the first floor of the city.

Bucky breathed a sigh of relief and was very happy in his heart: "Great,

they're here, they can go out now."

Saying this in his heart, Bucky said face-to-face: "They are still too weak

to make me wait so long."

As soon as these words came out, the prisoners became even more

excited and worshiped, God Bucky is really too strong.

At this time, Magellan was lying on the bed, receiving treatment.

Magellan wasn't too worried.

"It seems that you have left, but in fact, you have not left. After leaving

the deep sea prison, it does not mean that you have left the promotion

city. There is a more difficult level waiting for you. To pass, it is far

better than leaving the prison in front of me It's going to be difficult.

Soon, you will be desperate. Waiting for the end of the war and

suppressing you inside and outside, you will still be finished."

Thinking of this, Magellan smiled.

This most difficult hurdle refers to the Gate of Justice.

At this time, Akainu left the promotion city, and the gate of justice was

closed before Luffy and others came out.

Although Akainu left first, Magellan blocked the exit with venom at the

end, so it took a while for Luffy and others.

Bucky had seen Akainu coming out before, and had no intention of

following up. He used waiting for Luffy and the others as an excuse,

saying that he would not take this opportunity to leave.

Therefore, when the door of justice opened just now, he didn't dare to go,

and he would definitely be attacked by the red dog.

The warship where Akainu is located is now heading for the Navy

headquarters quickly.

Akainu took the phone bug and contacted Sengoku.

"Marshal, I'll be there in two hours."

This made Warring States breathe a sigh of relief, fully catching up.

Warring States asked: "Is there any injury, is there too much



Warring States is completely relieved, so the combat power of the Navy

Headquarters will not be affected.

In the short battle between the red dog and the straw hat, neither side

was injured, and neither was consumed a lot. After all, the battle time

was very short.

Akainu turned his head and glanced at the Gate of Justice, looking at the

huge, sturdy and unbreakable Gate of Justice, Akainu smiled


"Hmph, Straw Hats, you will never be able to leave the city after all."

At this time, Sengoku also felt that it was possible, and was fortunate,

just like Akainu and Magellan.

That is, there is no way to leave through the Gate of Justice.

Akainu is confident: "This battle is bound to be won. The straw hats can't

come to Marin Fando. It's a pity that I want to solve him with my own

hands. Anyway, the war is won, and I will catch the turtles in the urn and

take them down. Facing the Whitebeard Pirates and losing the straw hats

The Straw Hat Pirates will definitely be able to take them down."

From the perspective of Akainu and Sengoku, it is difficult for the straw

hats to participate in the war, and they are blocked by the door of justice.

As for the other members of the Straw Hats, this is uncertain. Either help

the Straw Hats find a way out, or go to the Navy headquarters.

They think that the latter is more likely, because the door of justice is

unbreakable, and unless the manipulation is opened, there is no way to

get out.

As for the ship leaping over? Impossible, there will be dense muzzles

bursting out of the top of the city in an instant, and the shells are

extremely powerful and densely packed.

And, laser and other powerful firepower.

This was transformed by Vegapunk. As the pirate ship becomes more and

more advanced, it can even jet and fly at high altitudes for a long

distance. Therefore, a lot of firepower was set up above the promotion

city, and the cylindrical stone wall on the sea of ​​the promotion city. I

don't know how many In the dark groove, as long as there is a ship that

wants to leap, it will be extremely dense firepower, which cannot be

resisted at all, and the ship will definitely be destroyed.

Therefore, it is impossible to break through, and it is impossible to leap.

This is why Sengoku, Magellan, and Akainu didn't worry. They didn't

leave completely.

At this time, Lu Fei and others boarded a warship, away from the prison

gate on the first floor of the large prison.

The prisoners were very happy and excited.

"Finally freed."

"Hahahaha, that's great, I finally don't have to stay there, it's too painful."

"I want to change my past, go home to be with my family, and never go

to sea again. I was too ignorant before."

"I'm not going back, I'm going to continue sailing, and I'm going to be

Baki's subordinate."

Chapter 128

The prisoners were excited and happy, unaware that the despair was still

there for them.

The warship where the red dog was located quickly moved away from

the city of advance.

However, because the Gate of Justice is too tall, the Gate of Justice can

still be vaguely seen, and it still stands.

Akainu said in a deep voice: "I can't break through the door of justice

even if I have a strong attack power. Straw hat, even you can't do it. Wait

for me inside, deal with Whitebeard and your brother, and then deal with


The warship that Luffy and others were on was approaching the Gate of

Justice, and there was no warship behind to pursue it.

Many people think that they dare not, but in fact it is unnecessary.

Soon, the warship came to the Gate of Justice. Facing the huge Gate of

Justice, the warship seemed extremely small.

Mr3 realized, looked at the door of justice, put his head in his hands in


"I forgot to have this thing, too bad, it can't be opened."

Others despair.

"The Gate of Justice."

"Can't the five emperors' straw hats be opened?"

"Can't it, even a general can't do it, the five emperors are similar to a

general, so it's just..."

"Damn it, that is to say, what we did before was in vain. We actually can't

leave the city at all."

"Damn it!"

For a while, many people collapsed and knelt on the ground, in despair

and pain.

Hope was right in front of me, I thought I was going out, but there was

no hope in an instant, and it was an unshakable despair (aedb).

"Don't... don't panic, there is Bucky!"

When one prisoner opened his mouth, the eyes of the other prisoners

who were in pain and collapsed brightened, and they saw hope.

"Yes, there is also the omnipotent Bucky God!"

"The words of the great **** Bucky will definitely break through the door

of justice."

"After all, it is an existence that surpasses the legendary pirate Golden

Lion! Lord Bucky, can you open the door of justice?"

Seeing the expectant gazes from the prisoners, Bucky looked indifferent,

but he already wanted to cry in his heart, and kept cursing secretly.

"How can I break it open, it is impossible to leave a trace."

Bucky knew that he could only open it by manipulating it.

Bucky looked at Jinping and asked, "I leave this problem to you."

The prisoners startled.

"Is Bucky still not interested?"

"It's really low-key."

"Then let's see if they can do it first. If not, it's up to God Bucky."

Jinbei is heavy: "It is impossible to break open."

"Try it." Bucky panicked.

Jinbe jumped into the sea and came to his home field, so he can use more

and stronger moves.

Crocodile frowned: "It's all here, you can't be stopped here, stay in

despair, let's attack together."

Immediately, Jinbei, Crocodile, Ivankov, Feng Kelei, and Lightning

attacked with all their strength in an instant.

Lightning used the ability to cut fruit, but when the scissors touched the

Gate of Justice, they didn't penetrate a single bit, and couldn't cut it at

all. They could only draw a trace on it.

For the Gate of Justice, this trace is equivalent to nothing. If traces

continue to accumulate in this way, Lightning thinks that it may take a


Moreover, for a hundred years, it is only possible to plan continuously all

the time.

Lightning exclaimed: "This is the gate of justice, the gate of justice that

pirates cannot pass through, is it really impossible to pass through?"

Lightning looked at Ivankov and could only look at them.

"Erosion of reincarnation!"

Crocodile's explosive ability wanted to crack the door of justice, so that it

would be better to break open, but found that it didn't work.

"Galaxy Eye of Death!"

"Shemale Boxing, Explosive Swan Dance!"

"Desert Great Sword!"

"Murloc Jiu-Jitsu, sea current throws over the shoulder!"

In an instant, the four powerhouses all attacked the Gate of Justice with

all their strength.

Boom boom boom...

The deafening roar continued, and for a while, the prisoners on the ship,

Bucky and the others stared closely, expecting anxiously.

After the roar, the dust and sea water dissipated.

In the next moment, even Crocodile, Jinpei and the others, their eyes

widened and their pupils shrank, were shocked.

After a brief shock, his eyes turned gray.

Their attacks only left a little crack and a little dent on the surface of the

Gate of Justice, which was useless at all.

The door of justice is extremely thick.

Jinbe frowned: "It's just this little damage. Even if we attack with all our

strength and uninterrupted, it will take ten days and a half months to

punch a hole in the Gate of Justice. This is still regardless of physical

strength. Rest is inevitable. It will take two or three months to break


Ivankov said heavily: "But, it's impossible, the war won't last so long, it's

okay if the war is over and Whitebeard wins, but if the navy wins, then

the ones who will be targeted are us who are trapped here. "

Crocodile's face was ugly, the Gate of Justice's defense was so strong.

They have all arrived here, but they can't get out, very aggrieved and


"We can only rely on Bucky."

The prisoners didn't panic. In their hearts, Bucky was stronger.

Bucky panicked, what should we do.

Feng Kelei turned around and looked towards the direction of the city.


Mr3's expression changed: "Have you given up, are you going back?"

Although going back is more difficult to accept, but it looks like the

current situation is the same, you can't get out.

Feng Klei shook his head: "Of course not, return, let me sneak in, and I

will open the door of justice."

This made everyone look over, Jinbe guessed.

"It can only be opened by passing, it is too difficult to break open, it is to

imitate Magellan, so it is easy to open."


This is exactly what Feng Kelei thought, and said: "When I sneak in, you

will approach the door of justice, and leave it to me, and I will open the


Jinping's face changed slightly: "In that case, what do you do? When they

find out, it will be closed quickly. If you want to repeat the same trick, it

will be impossible."

Mr3 worried: "Yeah, you won't be able to get out."

Feng Kelei didn't care: "It doesn't matter if I can't go out, the little straw

hat can go out, and he must go out, to save his brother. For friendship!"

Hearing this, mr3's face became heavy.

Ivankov admired and was worried: "Fon boy..."

"It's okay, we will meet again, leave it to me! Don't waste time, little

straw hat, you have to save your brother quickly."

At this moment, Luffy spoke.

"Impossible, the Gate of Justice, leave it to us! I'm here to save you!"

Working hard to become stronger is to change and make up for regrets, it

is impossible to be like the original plot.

Therefore, Xiao Feng must be taken away!

Feng Kelei was stunned: "Little straw hat..."

Crocodile frowned: "It depends on us, even with you, it will take a few

days to break through."

Jinping, Ivankov also thinks so, although Luffy is stronger than them, and

attacking together, it will take several days.

After a few days, the war must also be over, meaningless.

Feng Kelei didn't care and said, "It's okay, just leave it to me."

Lu Fei shook his head. In the original plot, he had to rely on Xiao Feng to

save himself many times, but now, it's different!

In the bay in front of the prison gate, the warship stopped here without

chasing. The jailers watched the pirates stop there and sneered.

"It's impossible to break open. As for opening it, it's impossible. Although

I have this strength, the Director has ordered that the switch of the Gate

of Justice be destroyed. Therefore, it is impossible to go to the control

room to open it! The only way is to break the gate of justice. It's open,

but that's impossible."

"They can't leave after all. After the war is over, it will be their end."

"Yeah, because the war is about to start, only one general came, but after

the war is over, more powerful combat forces will come, and they will be


At this time, Magellan came with his injuries, and wanted to see the

Straw Hat and others being stopped by the Gate of Justice, helpless and

unable to leave.

When he came to the port outside the gate of the prison, he looked at the

straw hats and others blocked by the huge gate of justice from a distance,

and Magellan smiled.

"Stay there, wait with powerlessness and despair, when the war is over,

you are finished."

After glancing at Hou, Magellan turned around and staggered towards

the prison gate step by step.


At the same time, Akainu also turned around, turning his back to the

Gate of Justice in the distance, just like Magellan, don't look at it, go to

the Navy headquarters as soon as possible to end the war, and then come

back and take them down.


At the gates of justice.

Lu Fei took a step forward, and said in a stern voice: "I mean, let us break

the door of justice. It's not me and you, but me and..."

After a pause, Luffy suddenly shouted!









Luffy's voice echoed in this world, resounding inside and outside the city!


Hurrah! !

Following Luffy's shout, Jinping and the others heard the sound of the sea

breaking, as if something sprang out from the bottom of the sea.

But around, and not, which means, from outside the gates of justice!

Chapter 129

Zhenping was startled immediately, guessing what sprang out from the

bottom of the sea.

It could be... a boat!

Could it be that the Straw Hats of the Five Emperors are just outside the

gate of justice? !

At this moment, following Luffy's cry, a ship sprang out from the bottom

of the sea outside the Gate of Justice, and the sea water splashed and

crashed down.

With a bang, the ship landed on the surface of the sea, and it was the

Sunny Mery!

At the bow, eight people including Sauron were ready to stand side by

side, ready to go.

When Luffy's shout disappeared in the echo, Luffy shouted again.

"Do it!"

After drinking, Lu Fei didn't say anything, didn't make any moves, didn't

intend to do anything, but waited!

Outside the Gate of Justice, there was a piercing sound.

"Nine mountains and eight seas form one world..."

Following the chanting, Sauron jumped up and rushed towards the gate

of justice, the knives in his hands began to spin like a windmill, and he

shouted awe-inspiringly.

"Three swords style mystery! One big, three thousand, big thousand


At the same time, Sanji's right foot erupted with blue flames, jumped up,

rushed to the gate of justice, and kicked powerfully and quickly!

"Devil God Fengjiao! First Meat!"

Usopp sniped after gaining momentum, and the fire dragon roared out.

"Definitely kill! Flame Demon Dragon!"

Nami's weather stick pointed at the Gate of Justice, and the thunder guns

were fired together.

"Dark cloud weather, thundercloud lightning gun!"

Chopper became huge, his palms were pitch-black, flowing cherry

blossoms surged, the muscles of his arms clapped, and both palms blasted


"The biggest six-king gun!"

Franky has transformed into General Franky, with both palms forward,

and the barrel sprang out.

"General Cannon!"

Brook jumped up, stabbing repeatedly with the sword in his hand, and

the aura of **** filled the air.

"The Death Sword of the Soul, a series of stabs!"

As Luffy shouted, in an instant, Sauron and other eight people attacked

the Gate of Justice with all their strength.

Boom boom boom...


With a deafening roar, the Gate of Justice was cracked all over the place

where it was attacked.

Even the average person can hear the dense crackling sound.

Soon, cracks appeared in the door of justice in front of them, which




After a minute of various powerful attacks, under the horrified eyes of

Jingping, the door of justice opened a big hole! ]

It can be seen that Sauron and the others have put their hands down on

the deck, looking at Luffy through the hole.

"Luffy, you are finally over, we can't wait."


Lu Fei jumped up, passed through the hole, passed through the Gate of

Justice, left the city of advancement, and landed on the bow of the ship.

Jinping was shocked, looking at Luffy's back, the black cloak fluttering in

the wind.

Luffy looked towards the direction of the Navy Headquarters, and said


"I can't wait too! Now, let's go to...Navy Headquarters!".

Chapter 133 The Top War Begins!

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Sauron and the others were excited and

nodded in unison.

"it is good!"

Sanji couldn't wait: "It's finally coming."

Sauron's fighting spirit rose: "Qi Wuhai will be summoned, so Hawkeye

will be there too. It has been a long time since I fought with him last

time, this time, let's have a good fight again."

Frankie: "There are still a lot of hole cards that are useless. In this battle,

I will go all out."

Sailing to the present, to say that the battle is going all out, only Luffy,

Zoro, Sanji, these three main combat powers.

And Franky and others haven't done it yet. After all, the three of Luffy

have fought against the general. The most powerful opponent they have

fought against is Shichiwu Sea Bear.

Nami, Robin, and Brooke dealt with it the most, and it was Zhan


Therefore, they are also excited about this battle, and they can go all out

to fight.

Chopper was very happy to see Feng Kelei, and Luffy rescued Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng was very happy during the "May 37", and it was naturally the

best to go out together. Now, he and the little straw hat can leave

Jincheng City together.

Jinping and the others calmed down after being shocked by Luffy's

domineering just now.

Jinbe said: "Brother Lufei, let's go with you."

Luffy shook his head: "We can all go to the Navy headquarters, but when

the time comes, please help Whitebeard."

Luffy's words made Jinping and the others understand that they had

already made it very clear when they advanced to the city.

The Straw Hats are going to the Navy Headquarters to save Ace, and they

also want to hone and improve through such wars.

Jinbe nodded: "Okay, let's help Whitebeard."

Even though he said this, Jinbei, Ivankov, Feng Kelei, and even Crocodile

would all think about it.

If the Straw Hats are in danger, or anyone in the Straw Hats is in danger,

they will help.

"lets go!"

When Luffy gave an order, Franky was already ready.

"Go as soon as possible, then... the wind will spray!"


In an instant, under the astonished eyes of Jingping and others, the

Sunny Merri soared into the sky and leaped far to the direction of the

Navy Headquarters.

"As expected of the Five Emperors Regiment, they have strong combat

power and strong ships."

"It's too strong. The straw hat didn't make a move, but the door of justice

was still opened with a big hole. This is the five emperors' regiment, the

deputy of the double emperors, and the cadres of the six emperors'

regiment. They deserve their names."

"Which side will win this war?"

At this point, the prisoners were excited.

"Oh! It really came out!"

"Great! Complete relief!"

"God Bucky doesn't need to do anything!"

"Thank you Straw Hats, thank you Straw Hats."

"Will Lord Bucky go to the Navy headquarters?"

asked one of the prisoners.

Bucky naturally wanted to say, how could it be possible to go, all the

high combat power of the Navy Headquarters is assembled, and the

battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, it is too dangerous to go by himself.

Bucky wanted to say no, but just as he was about to speak, he was

suppressed by the words of the other prisoners.

"I want to slap you, how can you ask such a thing?"

"An existence like God Bucky, do you think you won't go?"

"Yes, Lord Bucky will definitely go, if you don't go, you will not be Lord


"Not only Bucky, but also us. Naturally, we will go, and our limbs will

degenerate after staying in the prison. Let's move around."

"The straw hats also saved us indirectly. Bucky did it directly, and the

straw hats did it indirectly. Let's go to the Navy headquarters too."

"You say yes, Lord Bucky."

Bucky's mentality was a little broken, and he straightened himself up,

cursing in his heart.

"Do you want to die so much, you know yourself, is that something we

can participate in, a bunch of idiots."

I cursed in my heart, but naturally I couldn't say it out.

Bucky had no fear on his face: "Of course we're going to make a big fuss!"


All of a sudden, the prisoners screamed, full of murderous intent, and

worshiped Bucky even more, wanting Bucky to be the leader, making a

big disturbance at the Navy Headquarters.

Mr3 is very speechless, these people are really good at brainstorming.

Immediately, Jinping and others drove the warship to the headquarters

of the Navy.

In their view, Luffy and others will arrive first.

However, not far from the headquarters of the Navy, a pirate group is

also approaching, and it will change. It is different from the original plot,

and will not meet the red-haired pirate group first.

This pirate group naturally refers to the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Just now, before advancing to the gate of the city prison, Magellan was

about to step in.

Hearing the continuous roar, Magellan still moved forward, feeling


However, there was a roar and a cracking sound, and Magellan froze and

turned around suddenly.

His eyes widened, the door of justice was broken open.

Magellan couldn't believe it. He took out his binoculars and looked over,

his pupils shrank. It was the Five Emperors who did it!

"how is this possible…"

Even if it was the Five Emperors, Magellan was extremely shocked, so

powerful, he actually broke through the door of justice 0...

Although it is far from completely destroying the Gate of Justice, it is

already outrageous to break through a large hole for warships to pass


The strength of the straw hat was beyond his imagination, not inferior to

the Four Emperors.

Now, the other combat power of the Five Emperors' Straw Hat Regiment

is also beyond his imagination, not inferior to the deputy emperors and

cadres of the Four Emperors.

Seeing the Straw Hats leaving, Magellan looked extremely ugly.

Not only did Luffy who broke in leave, he also left so many pirates. To

him, this was an extremely shameful failure. It was even more serious

than the escape of the Golden Lion back then, and even more humiliating

than the previous director.

The golden lion escaped alone, but when he was guarding, so many

people escaped, and a straw hat came in and out.

Moreover, the navy also sent general Akainu to help him, and it is still

the same.

He had failed too much, and Magellan collapsed directly on the ground

with a dusty expression, and he no longer had the idea of ​​continuing

to be the director of the city.

At this time, Akainu turned his back on the Gate of Justice, and was

about to stop looking at it and go back to the Navy headquarters. He

wanted to end the war as soon as possible, and then went to Jincheng

City to deal with the straw hats, and continued the battle without results.

However, the sea soldier on the side watched with binoculars, and his

face changed drastically.

Chapter 130

"No... it's not good!"

Akainu frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"General Sakaski, look!"

The sea soldier couldn't believe it, and handed the binoculars to Akainu.

Akainu took it and turned around to look, his face changed in shock.

3.1 The door of justice was broken open a big hole! The straw hat boat

soared into the sky and headed for the Navy headquarters in another


"It actually broke."

Akainu's face was ugly, but only briefly, and his voice was low.

"Forget it, I still have to come, just in Marlin Vandor, let's get rid of all of

you together! Fire Fist Ace, White Beard, Straw Hat!"

At this time, the navy headquarters is full of chilling air, and the combat

power is constantly gathering. It has been completed and is waiting.

A conference room, sitting in it is Qiwuhai who came.

Hawkeye, Doflamingo, Bear, and Edward Weible, who is different from

the plot and has just become the Seven Wukai in advance.

A sailor entered, full of energy. Now the navy headquarters, even the

sailors, are all elite.

After entering, the sea soldier spoke.

"The public execution is about to take place, please go to the port

together, the war is about to begin!".

Chapter 134 Assembling Combat Forces! The top war breaks out!

Immediately, the four Shichibukai headed to the port under the

leadership of the sea soldiers.

At this time, at twelve noon, there were still three hours before the


In Marin Fanduo's prison, two jailers held an iron chain in one hand,

their voices were indifferent.

"stand up."

Ace got up, his hands were cuffed behind his back, his face was ugly.

Ace is very worried, not worried about himself, still worried about Luffy,

I don't know if Luffy has left the city, and what is going on now.

"Luffy, I hope you're okay, and I hope you're still advancing to the city.

You can come out and leave after the execution is over."

Ace prayed in his heart, this is what he thought.

I hope that Luffy can leave the promotion city, but not now, because if he

leaves the promotion city now, he may come to the Navy headquarters to

save himself, which he does not want.

Because of himself, Luffy went to Advance City, which was very

dangerous. He couldn't let Luffy fall into greater danger because of

himself. He is an older brother, so how could he let his younger brother

be in danger because he kept saving himself.

It's okay to advance the city. Ace thinks that Luffy's five emperors should

be able to leave.

To execute himself, the navy can't send many high-strength fighters

there, so he thinks that Luffy can leave the city.

However, it must not be now, it must be after the execution is over.

In this way, Luffy will not come, and it will be safe.

Ace prayed again: "Father, you don't come either."

After praying, Ace, led by the jailer, walked along the dark passage to the

execution platform.


04 Walking to the end, the door was pushed open, and Ace looked up,

and there were very high steps extending to it.

Ace knew that after walking the steps, he would appear on the execution


Ace stepped up the steps step by step, and kept going up, which meant

that the outbreak of the war on the top was getting closer.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the world is a bit heavy, panic, and

restless, and people are talking about it everywhere in the world.

"There are only three hours left, has Whitebeard gone to the Navy


"Who knows, but will it really appear?"

"There are also the Five Emperors Straw Hats, will they go too?"

"I heard that the Five Emperors Luffy went to Advance City."

"real or fake?"

"I just heard the latest news, and it's not surprising. It must have been to

save Fire Fist Ace. But now, the Navy announced that the execution will

start three hours later, and the countdown will begin, which means that

the straw hat failed to save Fire Fist Ace."

"Yeah, this means that Fire Fist Ace has been taken to Marlin Vandor."

"Then the Five Emperors Luffy will go, it should not work, is he trapped

in the gate of justice?"

"It's possible that they won't be able to go out in such a short period of

time. Therefore, in this war, only the Navy will face the Whitebeard


"Who will win and who will lose?"

"It's hard to say, one is the most powerful navy assembled, and the other

is the world's strongest man, the powerful Four Emperors, the

Whitebeard Pirates, let's see."

"I think the Navy must win, Whitebeard is old-timer, very old, and

haven't heard him on the news for several years."

"Maybe, none of them will appear."

"You are thinking wrong. If this is the case, the navy will not be in such a

formation. Gathering all high-strength combat forces and forces means

that the Whitebeard Pirates will appear in all likelihood. As for whether

the Five Emperors Straw Hats will go , I'm not sure about this. But, I don't

care, the biggest highlight of this battle is the navy and the Whitebeard


"It makes sense. Every time in the past, the Straw Hats made the

headlines because they were compared to other Nova Pirates. The Straw

Hats were too bright to cover them. But this time, the Navy and the

Whitebeard Pirates No matter how dazzling the Straw Hats are, it is

impossible to steal the limelight from the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Yeah, although it is the Five Emperors Straw Hats, it is still

incomparable with the strongest Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Is the strongest Four Emperors the Whitebeard Pirates? I think it's the

Red Hair Pirates?"

"The red-haired pirates? Why do you say that? It seems that they have

never seen them fight before. I don't understand. The combat power of

the Four Emperors is the least well-understood and mysterious?"

"It is because of the mystery that it may be stronger."

"Red hair is the strongest domineering color in the world after all. I heard

that even a domineering color can stun a lieutenant general!"

"My God, is it true or not? Is it too outrageous? Overlord color can stun

me. Although the red hair is different, the only one that causes real

damage is outrageous, but it is impossible to be so outrageous that the

overlord color is domineering and stunned." Lieutenant general?"

"I don't know, but there's one thing wrong. It's not just the redhead who

caused real damage to the Overlord, but also the Five Emperors Luffy!"

"Yeah, I've heard it too, but I don't know if Overlord Color is as scary as

red hair, and if it can stun admirals as well."

"Even if you can't do it now, you can do it in the future, right? I think

straw hats can even surpass red hair. After all, at the age of seventeen,

overlord color can cause substantial damage, much earlier than red hair."

The world is in panic and discussions continue.

Many people think that war must involve great sacrifices on both sides.

After all, when the Golden Lion broke into the Navy headquarters alone,

half of it was destroyed. This time, the Whitebeard Pirates must be even


Almost everyone is talking about it, and many shop owners are not in the

mood to open their businesses anymore.

As for the Five Emperors Straw Hats, people don't talk much about it.

In their view, the headlines of the Straw Hats in the past were due to the

comparison with the Pirates other than the Four Emperors. But this time,

the limelight will definitely be taken away by the Whitebeard Pirates, not

by the Five Emperors Straw Hats.

At this time, Marin Fando was very quiet.

Towns populated by families of the Navy were deserted and all moved


To be precise, it is refuge.

In the Chambord Islands, three large screens have been turned on, and

the pictures inside are facing the harbor of the Navy Headquarters.

The people here are densely packed, all staring at the big screen intently.

There are all kinds of people, civilians, businessmen, underground forces,

bounty hunters, pirates, and reporters and photographers from all over

the place.

It is impossible for them to miss such an unprecedented world event, and

they must photograph it.

Not all places have such screens that can live broadcast what happened

in Marin Vanduo, so it is up to them to spread the photos and

information so that everyone in the world can know.

Looking at the screen, the reporters are holding pens in their right hands,

and the notebooks in their left hands are ready and ready to start at any


Looking at the screen, they were sweating and nervous.

Those who were not participants were all so nervous, you can imagine

how the navy soldiers felt.

"What a big battle."

"Even so, will Whitebeard still appear?"

"It must have come, because the reconnaissance warship sent by the navy

disappeared once it was not far away. It is likely to be the Whitebeard


"It seems that it has really come, so that's good, we can witness an

unprecedented event. As a reporter, it is the biggest event I have

encountered since I became a reporter. It is an honor."

Among the pirates here, there are all supernovas such as Kidd and Luo.

Originally planned to enter the fishman island and go to the new world.

However, knowing that the big war started, they came up, not wanting to

miss it, and they were all here watching intently.

Looking at such a lineup, they are all silent, too powerful.

A general can easily beat them, let alone such a lineup.

They realized that they were too far from being strong, and their pirate

group was also far from being strong.

It's not enough to face a general, let alone face such a battle.

However, the Whitebeard Pirates dared to come, this is the gap between

them and the Four Emperors.

At the same time, I was also thinking about one thing, the Five Emperors

Straw Hats, will they come, and will they be able to see them later.

Naturally knowing that the Straw Hats had gone to Jincheng City, they

thought in their hearts that maybe the Five Emperors Straw Hats would

not appear.

"Why did the straw hats go to Jincheng? Just go to the Navy


"Do you regret going now? I can't come out for a short time, and I can't

catch up with the public execution."

"Although the straw hats are very strong, even if they join the battle, the

Five Emperors Straw Hats and the Fourth Whitebeard Pirates will be very

difficult to defeat."

"I really dare not say that I will definitely win."

"It's fine not to go, I don't want the Straw Hat to be killed, I still want to

fight him again after I become stronger."


Kidd's fighting spirit was rising, and he didn't want the straw hat to

appear in his heart, worrying about being strangled.

A general cannot win the straw hat, but with such a lineup, it is not

necessarily the case.

Navy Headquarters.

Because the scout warship disappears as soon as it goes out, it is

impossible to grasp the movement of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is not

known whether it is near or far.

Is it still far away, or is it even nearby.

This is the common thought in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of

naval elites, so everyone is very nervous, and the tense atmosphere

envelopes the entire Marin Fando.

Marshal's office.

The execution was about to begin, and Ace was about to be taken to the

execution platform. At this moment, Garp's emotions became more and

more difficult to suppress.

Garp clenched his fist and hammered it on the table.

"Garp, you have to join the battle. You already know that the Straw Hats

have come out of the Fortress City. We all know that in this battle, we

will not only face the Whitebeard Pirates, but may also face the Five

Emperors Straw Hats. So, you have to go to war."

This is why Garp's mood is getting worse, and Luffy comes out.

Garp, like Ace, also hopes that Luffy will come out after the execution is

over, but it is impossible.

Warring States said solemnly: "You should be clear that this is not only

the execution of a pirate, but also affects the future world. This battle is

of great significance, and we must win. What I can do is that the Straw

Hats If they appear, you will not be allowed to deal with them, you will

deal with the Whitebeard Pirates."

Garp's face became more and more gloomy, very uncomfortable, and

turned away without saying a word.

Garp's back is slightly bent, and the justice on his body looks extremely


Chapter 131

Garp went out, to the execution platform, because he knew it was coming


At this time, if you look down from a high altitude, you can see that the

combat power of the Navy Headquarters has been fully assembled!

From a distance, the harbor is densely packed with people.

jingle bell...

At this moment, in the quiet harbor, the sound of chains ringing came

from above.

Everyone knows that the executioner, Fire Fist Ace, is getting closer to

the execution platform!

The top war is about to break out! .

Chapter 135 So what if the Straw Hats join the battle?

For a while, the atmosphere in Marin Fando became more tense.

Although the 100,000 navy is an elite force, it is such a battle after all,

and even they are getting more and more nervous.

Hearing the sound of the chains, he knew that Fire Fist Ace was about to

be taken to the execution platform, which meant that the Whitebeard

Pirates were coming.

At this time, Zhan Guo's face was ugly.

It can be said that the combat power has been assembled, but not

completely as expected, something went wrong.

That is, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel has not returned yet. And,

Shichibukai Boyahan Cook didn't come.

This made Warring States feel more and more wrong.

"The flying squirrel didn't come back. Hancock said on the surface that he

would join the war, but he didn't come. He even went to Jincheng before,

and the straw hats just started to make a fuss..."

Sengoku frowned, and didn't doubt it at first, because he felt that

Hancock didn't dare to do anything.

After all, there are still her people, she has to be Shichibukai.

But now, Zhan Guo was shocked and thought of a possibility.

Hancock met the Five Emperors Straw Hats, and the flying squirrel was

eliminated. Hancock no longer became the king of Qibuhai, but was

sheltered by the Five Emperors Straw Hats.

Thinking of this, Sengoku felt that it was very possible, and only if this

was possible, Hancock dared not be Qi Wuhai.

In this world, what a pirate wants to protect, any one of the three

conditions can be fulfilled.

One, he is extremely powerful and powerful, like the Four Emperors.

Two, become Shichibukai, so that you won't be targeted by the navy and

the world government.

Three, the strength and power are not as strong as the Four Emperors, so

they seek the protection of the Four Emperors.

With these three conditions, Sengoku now feels that Hancock is likely to

be the third. The Amazon Lily Kingdom was sheltered by the Straw Hats

of the Five Emperors.

"No wonder you dare to do this. The flying squirrel is in danger. Boa

Hancock helped the Straw Hats infiltrate into the city. That's why they

didn't come."

Zhan Guo frowned tightly, and quickly relaxed it, sneering.

"Hmph, Boa Hancock, your decision is not wise. Although the Straw Hats

are the Five Emperors, they are still a little bit worse. It is impossible to

seek their asylum. The most important thing is that they are this time The

primary target after the war is to deal with them, and who will protect

you. When the time comes, you Amazon lilies will regret and despair in

the face of the Demon Slaughter Order and the General."

"Even, maybe sooner, if the Straw Hats go to war, they'll be dealt with

here. Then after the war, it's your turn and your country's, Boa Hancock."

Warring States no longer think about it, it will be resolved sooner or


At this time, the giant vice-admiral who was in charge of the 100,000

elite navy stood on a high place, his voice was loud, and he had to

dissipate the tension in the soldiers' hearts.

"Don't be careless! No matter what happens, there are only three hours

left! Then everything will be over!"


All of a sudden, one hundred thousand navy elites raised their weapons

high and screamed, venting the tension in their hearts and encouraging


At the same time, because the combat power was fully deployed, they

were relieved.

The 100,000 elite navy are all well-known existences selected from

sailors from all over the world.

Every one of the local naval forces is outstanding, so the 100,000 sea

soldiers are all elite.

Fifty warships surround Marin Fando's sea area, inside and out, making it

difficult for pirate ships to break in.

On the crescent-shaped bay, all kinds of heavy artillery with strong

firepower have been deployed.

Looking straight ahead from the front of the port, the first thing that

comes into view are four figures.

Although there are only four figures, each of them is extremely imposing,

giving people a strong sense of oppression.

These four are the Seven Martial Seas under the king.

From left to right, Edward Weible, Doflamingo, Hawkeye Mihawk, Tyrant


The next row, full of visual impact, stood in a row, the eight tallest giant

lieutenant generals in the navy.

bang bang bang...

Footsteps sounded, calm and powerful.

The sound of these footsteps instantly caused the sea soldiers to turn

away from the lieutenant general of the giants and even the king

Shichibukai, and a hundred thousand pairs of eyes all raised their eyes to

look under the execution platform.

The three figures put their hands in their pockets, ready to sit down.

Sailors, shocked.

"It's a suffocating sense of oppression."

"Obviously didn't do anything, just walked around, just like that."

"After all, it is the highest combat power of the navy!"

Three figures sat down, guarding under the execution platform.

These three people are naturally the highest combat power of the Navy

Headquarters, the three admirals.

General Aokiji, General Red Dog, General Yellow Monkey.

Aokiji sits on the right side, with both feet on the ground, Akazuki sits in

the middle, and Kazuma sits on the left. The two sit in the same posture,

with their right leg resting on their left.

The three of them sat there with a strong momentum, which instantly

relieved the atmosphere of the Navy headquarters a lot.

One hundred thousand naval elites looked at the three generals, their

eyes lit up and they worshiped.

Above the execution platform, on the left and right sides, the elites of the

navy worshiped more and more, and the light in their eyes became


These two are the two legends of the navy.

Marshal, Sengoku!

Lieutenant General, Hero Garp!

This kind of combat power build-up is to execute Fire Fist Ace, and even

more to prevent Fire Fist Ace from being rescued.

At this time, Ace was about to walk to the top of the steps, lowered his

head, recalling the past scene, what he said to Luffy when he was a child.

"Listen well, Luffy, we must live without regrets..."


"Luffy, we will go to sea one day, and we all have to live as we please,

more freely than anyone else."

Thinking back to what he had said, the door opened with a creak, pulling

Ace back from his thoughts.

The light came in, and Ace walked out of the gate and came to the

outside world.

Shampoo ground.

A dense crowd of people looked at the big screen and immediately made


"Look! Fire Fist Ace is out!"

"It means, it's about to start!"

"Wait and see, what will happen in the future and how to solve it will

soon be known."

Marin Vandeau, Haven.

Hundred thousand elites raised their heads and looked at the figure

walking towards the execution platform with hatred in their eyes.

"He's the man who could have sparked a world war."

"He is also the culprit who controls the fate of the world."

"The ending must be our victory. He is executed. What is the fate of the

world? I don't know the specifics, but it must be beneficial to our navy."

Ace was escorted to the execution platform. Garp, who was on the side,

looked more and more embarrassed. He sat cross-legged on the execution

platform, with his head bowed and his face heavy.

Ace stood on the execution platform, looking into the distance.

All the powerful combat forces of the Navy Headquarters have been

assembled, and the surrounding sea area is also surrounded by fifty


However, there was no shadow of any pirate ship on the sea surface in

the harbor or on the sea surface in the distance.

Ace breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, I didn't see Dad and the others, nor did I see Luffy and the others.

I hope I won't see them later. Don't come."

Ace was just a little relieved in his heart, and prayed in his heart, hoping

that after three hours, when he executed himself, he still couldn't see Dad

and the others and Luffy and the others.

In this case, it is the best. If you are going to die, you can walk alone. If

you don't want to hurt anyone, you can walk alone.

The two executioners held long knives and stood upright, on both sides of


Naturally, they were the two most powerful ones selected from all the

executioners. They were tall and straight, full of chilling aura, and full of


At this moment, Zhan Guo said: "Bring the phone bug."


The executioner handed the phone bug to the Warring States Period, and

the hundred thousand elites looked up, curious, and found that it was a

phone bug, what do you want to say?

For a while, the entire Marin Fando was quiet.

Holding the phone, Zhan Guo said in a cold voice: "There is something I

want to convey to you in advance, and indirectly to the whole world."

For a time, the navy, and even everyone in the Chambord Islands, was


It must be an extremely big thing to pass on to the world.

At the same time, many places around the world are quiet.

Although there are only two places where there are live broadcasts on

the large screen of the Navy Headquarters, there are broadcasts in many

places, and the sound can be heard.

So, the world fell silent, ready to listen.

Warring States Rin said: "What I want to say is about the significance of

Portgas D Ace's death here today."

This made everyone even more curious.

Many people don't understand why there is such a big battle and public

execution. Although he is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, it

shouldn't be like this, right?

Or, to start a war with the Whitebeard Pirates?

There is no need for this, you can act directly.

But, why does an existence like Killing Fire Fist Ace still need such a

battle, and why.

The world is getting more and more silent, knowing that now is the time

to explain, to tell the truth.

Zhan Guo said in a deep voice, "Ace, tell me your father's name."

This made everyone startled. At this time, why did they report their

father's name? What kind of existence is his father?

The world is talking.

"Why do you want to do this?"

"Some surprises."

"His father, Whitebeard, is well known."

Chapter 132

"Yes, that's right, but it's not his own. Warring States obviously asked

about his real father."

"Then, who could it be? That's why he was publicly executed."

"I'll find out soon."

The world fell silent again.

Ace frowned slightly, and then said bluntly: "My father is a white beard,

don't ask such things that we all know."

Zhan Guo's voice sank: "I'm referring to your biological father, you know,

tell me."

Ace refused: "There is no one else, I only have one daddy, and that is


Zhan Guo said in a deep voice: "At the beginning we knew that he might

have left blood. We were very cautious and investigated the babies who

were about to be born and those who had just been born. We thought it

was completely wiped out, but unexpectedly, he survived. No wonder,

after all, it is In exchange for your mother's life, she can be pregnant for

twenty months and give birth to you."

Hearing this, Ace was very sad and clenched his fists.

"One year and three months after your father died, the baby with the

most evil bloodline in the world was born. It was you, Ace. You took

your mother's surname, not your father's. Tell me, you Real name, and,

your father's name."

This made the world even more astonished and curious.

The most evil bloodline in the world? Who is Ace's father?

Seeing that Ace was silent and said nothing, Zhan Guo took a deep


"If you don't say it, then I will. Your name is Gol D Ace!"

"And your father is...One Piece...Gol D Roger!"

In an instant, the Navy Headquarters, Shampoo Land, and even the whole

world fell into deathly silence!

Everyone, as if frozen, was stunned and horrified.

After the shock, everyone understood.

"So that's how it is."

"Roger's son, it's no wonder that he has to be executed publicly, even if

he goes to war with the Whitebeard Pirates."

"In this case, it must be resolved, the blood of the One Piece."

"Big news, print it now! We want to release it as soon as possible!"

"The first big news before the war broke out, the headlines! Print the

paper now! Absolutely a hit!"

All of a sudden, all the reporters got busy.

The commoners are discussing.

"'~ He was caught, great, as the son of the One Piece, he must be very


"Yeah, he must be killed, let him go to see his father."

"Soon, he will disappear from this world. Since he is the son of the One

Piece King, the navy will definitely get rid of him. Neither the

Whitebeard Pirates nor the Five Emperors Straw Hats can stop him."

In the Navy headquarters, the navy was extremely shocked.

Kebi was shocked: "I've always heard that Ace is Luffy's brother. I thought

his father was a dragon. I didn't expect it to be Gol D Roger, the Pirate


Beru Meber was surprised: "I always thought it was my brother."

Garp's face was extremely ugly, and he would think of the conversation

with Roger back then.

The child is innocent, so he agreed to adopt, not just because of his

friendship with Roger, Garp also agrees, the child is indeed innocent.

But now, there was nothing he could do, even if he said such a thing, it

would not help.

Warring States voice resounded: "So, you must be executed here, even if

it is a war with the Whitebeard Pirates, it will not hesitate!"

For a while, the navy became more powerful. This is justice, and there is

no need to be afraid of evil, even the Whitebeard Pirates.

Chambord Islands.

"No wonder."

"Even if the Whitebeard Pirates come, they will definitely start a war, and

it is impossible to let them go."

"As expected of a just navy, what the admiral said is so cool, what about

the Whitebeard Pirates, don't be afraid, fight when they come."

"I don't hesitate to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates, but what about

the Five Emperors Straw Hats?"

Hearing this, some people were taken aback.

"Yeah, the Five Emperors Straw Hats will definitely come too."

"So what, the Whitebeard Pirates are not afraid of the navy, but are they

afraid of the Five Emperors?"

"Yeah, the Five Emperors are no match for the Four Emperors, let alone

the Whitebeard Pirates."

"The Five Emperors Luffy is not just Whitebeard, and the Five Emperors

Straw Hats are no match for the Whitebeard Pirates. There are only nine

people in total. The Whitebeard Pirates are tens of thousands."

"So the one who said that just now is really naive. What can we do if the

Five Emperors Straw Hats are here?"

"Yeah, so what if the Five Emperors Straw Hats join the battle? Those

who come to die will be strangled. If it were me, I wouldn't go. It is king

to continue to grow and improve."

Everyone ignored the Five Emperors Straw Hats and talked about it.

(Li Haozhao) "The focus of this war will only be the Navy and the

Whitebeard Pirates. The Five Emperors Straw Hats are here, and they are

also supporting roles."

"That's right, it was dazzling in the past, but compared to other rookie

pirates, it can only be a supporting role when it comes here."

"At that time, everyone's attention will definitely focus on White Beard."

"I hope that the Five Emperors Straw Hats will come. They have

improved too fast, especially their fame and rewards. They should also

suffer setbacks and setbacks. I want to see them being hit by this kind of

battle after they come."

"Indeed, I want to see it too."

Soon, Shampoo Land and the world quieted down, no more talking.

Because, at the Navy Headquarters, a scout sailor came in panic,

sweating coldly, panicked.

"Report! Marshal of the Warring States Period! Not good! The Gate of

Justice has not received any instructions and opened! The power room

cannot be contacted."

Zhan Guo's face changed drastically: "What did you say?"

In an instant, the entire Marin Vanduo, the atmosphere was tense again.

Lieutenant General, Giant Lieutenant General, Shichibukai, Three

Generals, Sengoku, Garp and other high combat powers all looked into

the distance.

The door of justice suddenly opened automatically, which means that

there is combat power coming!

Zhan Guo's face was extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth.

"Damn it! Who did it!"

The Gate of Justice is an obstacle to entering the Navy Headquarters. It is

a great obstacle, but it is suddenly opened at this moment, which means

that the coming combat power will easily enter!

Doflamingo: "Fufufufu...is it coming, who will it be?"

Xiong: "The door of justice has just been opened."

Hawkeye: "If you want to break through, even if it is me, it is difficult to

do it."

The Warring States is ready, no matter who it is, the war is about to


For a moment, the shampoo ground, the world is silent.

Because, I heard it all.

"The door of justice has been opened!"

"Who did it!"

"There is combat power to enter, and the war is about to start!"

While the discussion was shaking, a question emerged in everyone's


Are they here, the Whitebeard Pirates of the Four Emperors, or...

Five Emperors, the Straw Hats? .

Chapter 136 Opening fifth gear angrily, beating Kaido violently

Three seats below the execution platform.

Huang Yuan looked ahead and cocked his mouth: "It's really amazing,

then, who is here?"

Red Dog Iron Blood, full of murderous intent: "I hope everyone will


Aokiji: "God, if you all come, it will be too troublesome."

On the execution stand.

Garp: "Luffy...is that you..."

Karp naturally hoped that it would be the best, but he couldn't tell at all.

Before the door of justice opens.

With Jinbei at the helm, the warship departing from Impel Castle came to

the Gate of Justice.

When they came here, Jinping and the others were puzzled. They did not

see the straw hats, did they already enter, or did they not come?

Jinping's face was ugly: "The door of justice has not been broken, so,

brother Lu Fei hasn't come yet, then, it is difficult to enter."

Others felt the same way, after all, it was the Straw Hat Pirates who left

Push City.

But now to go to Marin Vanduo, there is another door of justice that they

can't break through.

Bucky thinks it's great that he doesn't have to go into the...

However, in the next moment, they were all stunned, because the huge

door of justice opened slowly.

Bucky's heart is heavy, what's the situation, it suddenly opened, and now,

it's impossible not to go in.

If you leave now, you will definitely be looked down upon by your little

brother who is obsessed with yourself.

These people are all good combat power, they can't be missed.

Everyone on board was amazed.

"What happened? The door of justice suddenly opened."

"Didn't it mean that the door of justice will never be opened to pirates? Is

it because we are on a warship?"

"Don't be kidding, the navy is not blind, you can see that the ship is full

of pirates."

"Then, what happened, who did it?"

Jinping is also puzzled: "The power room should be in Marlin Vanduo. It

is far more difficult to open the door of justice here than to advance the

city. Who did it. Is there a ghost inside the navy?"

At this moment, Bucky felt that he had to show up.

Buck was on the bow of the boat, arms outstretched.

"It's here, it's finally here."

Bucky's voice was full of anticipation, as if he couldn't wait.

The prisoners looked at Bucky's back and felt that Bucky's figure shone

like a god.

They soon understood, they were even more shocked, and they

prostrated themselves in worship.

"Is it possible that you did it?"

"As expected of God Bucky, you are God."

"so amazing."

Chapter 133

Seeing the prisoners worshiping, mr3 was speechless, only these people

thought it was Bucky, how could it be him who opened it.

At this moment, Bucky was also curious as to who opened it.

However, since the prisoners all think so, it is logical.

Bucky sighed to himself: "My luck...God really likes me to become One


As the door of justice opened, the warship sailed in quickly.

At this time, Jinbe was still thinking about a question, why the Straw

Hats haven't come yet.

They set out faster than them, why did they come to the gate of justice


The door of justice opens for a short time and then closes.

Bucky knew that it was impossible to leave.

At this time, the face of the Warring States was ugly, the door of justice

had been closed, and the switch was directly destroyed, and it would take

a while to rebuild.

Therefore, the door of justice cannot be opened again, even if someone

goes undercover into the power room, it is useless.

It means that it is impossible for the pirate group to enter again.

At this time, there is a big event that is about to spread.

Outside Marlin Vanduo's Gate of Justice, not far from the sea.

Two pirate groups, to be precise, two royal groups, meet!

In the original plot, there are two Four Emperors, the Hundred Beasts

Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates meeting.

But now, something has changed.

The Beast Pirates meet the Straw Hat Pirates!

Soon, the news spread, because there was a reporter's boat in the sea not

far away.

They can't enter Marin Vandor, so they can only think about seeing here,

if they can meet anything, and capture the traces of the Whitebeard

Pirates, this is considered big news.

But unexpectedly, instead of seeing the Whitebeard Pirates, they saw the

Hundred Beasts Pirates instead.

Later, seeing the Straw Hats coming, they were about to go to the Gate of

Justice, but were stopped by the Beasts Pirates.

The reporters were extremely excited. The Straw Hats were blocked by

the Beasts Pirates, another major event during the outbreak of war.

Soon, the story was spreading, and newspapers were printing quickly.

First, the fact that Fire Fist Ace's biological father is Roger the Pirate King


However, not many people bought it, because most people knew about it.

People in the Chambord Islands will not buy it because they have seen it

with their own eyes.

Towns and cities with broadcasts everywhere will not buy it, and they all

heard what Sengoku said.

News agencies also realized that sales would not be too good.

However, it has to be printed. Even though many people in the world

know about it, the sales volume is still booming. The sales volume is

equivalent to the sum of the past three months.

But soon, the news agencies learned of new big events one after another,

and became even more excited, because this is something the world

doesn't know about!

In an instant, the newspaper quickly printed and stopped printing about

Ace's identity.

The headlines printed in all newspapers read:

[Before the war broke out, the Five Emperors Straw Hats met the Four

Emperors Hundred Beasts Pirates! ]

[The Fifth Emperor Luffy went to the Navy headquarters to save his

brother Ace, but was stopped by the Fourth Emperor Kaido! ]

[What will happen when the fifth emperor Luffy meets the fourth

emperor Kaido? What kind of ending? ]

For a while, the headlines were dominated by the Straw Hats and the


Almost everyone bought it, and bought it without hesitation immediately

after seeing it. It can't be fake, unless the news agency doesn't want to

mess around.

People all over the world bought it, looked at it quickly, and were

shocked, it is true.

Because, there are still pictures in the newspaper, on the sea, the Straw

Hat Pirate Ship faces the Hundred Beasts Pirate Ship.

It's not that the Beasts Pirates split the ship. On the ship, there is Drought

Jack, and Beasts Kaido!

For a time, the world was shaken, and there were many discussions.

"These two pirate groups actually met."

"Want to fight?"

"There is no grudge."

"Although not, but think about the Beast Pirates, Kaido is famous for

being a shit-stirring stick."

"So, if there is no grievance, I will also want to stop it, and disgust the

Straw Hat Pirates."

"That's right, disgust the new five emperors and show the power of the

four emperors."

"Then the Five Emperors Luffy and the Five Emperors Straw Hats will

definitely be disgusted."

"In other words, I could be mad and hate Kaido to death. I was going to

save my brother. I was not far from the Gate of Justice, but I was stopped

by the Beast Pirates."

"It's no surprise that the Five Emperors Straw Hats came, but the

Hundred Beasts Pirates are also here."

"I heard news that the Beast Pirates have also left the New World, and the

Red Hair Pirates. I didn't expect to come here to join in the fun."

"Looking at it now, it's obvious that Kaido is not joining forces with the

Whitebeard Pirates to start a war with the Navy, but Kaido is purely here

to join in the fun and be a shit-stirring stick."

"The Five Emperors Straw Hats can only admit that they are unlucky. It is

impossible to save Fire Fist Ace. After all, the execution is less than three

hours away. How can it be possible to bypass the Beast Pirates in less

than three hours?" Regiment's obstruction, go to Marin Fando."

"Yeah, it's impossible. The Straw Hats of the Five Emperors can only fight

with the Beast Pirates. The battle will last for a long time, and it is

impossible to end the battle in three hours. Of course, they will choose to

escape, otherwise they will continue to fight. Let the Navy take

advantage of it."

"Not necessarily, it depends on whether the Whitebeard Pirates will show


Shampoo ground.

Everyone is not looking at the big screen, the Whitebeard Pirates have

not yet appeared, everyone is looking at the newspaper.

"Really is."

"Being blocked, the Five Emperors Straw Hats must be very aggrieved."

"Five Emperors Lu Fei, are you burning with anxiety? After all, the

execution is about to begin, but, being stopped by such a powerful

existence, it is impossible to catch up."

"Yeah, it's impossible to participate in the battle. It can only be a battle

between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy. After all, Kaido is the

strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and he is the strongest in

singles. Although the Five Emperors Luffy is very He is strong, and he

will not be defeated in a single duel, but facing the strongest Kaido in a

single duel, he is definitely not an opponent in a single fight."

"We just met and haven't started fighting yet, but follow-up news will

definitely keep coming. Hurry up, I really want to know what will

happen quickly, how the Straw Hats will respond, give up and leave, and

choose to fight and break through the Beasts Pirates. stop."

"If you are sensible, you must give up, because it is impossible to break

through, even if it is the Five Emperors."

At this time, the supernovas in Chambord were also reading newspapers.

"The straw hat is really unlucky this time."

"It's troublesome to be stopped by Kaido."

"It is conceivable that the Straw Hats are extremely angry and anxious

right now."

"It's a pity that I can't see the Straw Hats participating in the battle here,

but it's good to see the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard


"It's fine if the Straw Hats don't participate in the battle. If they do, they

are worried that the Straw Hats will be killed. I have to wait until I

become stronger to challenge him. It's a shame."

Kidd was upset when he thought of being beaten by Luffy before, and he

wanted to meet Luffy again in two years, and fight with all his strength.

At this time, Jinping, who had just entered the Gate of Justice, saw

newspapers falling from the sky.

Holding it in their hands, they understood.

Jinbe said solemnly: "It turned out that we met the Hundred Beasts

Pirates, no wonder we arrived first."

Crocodile: "It seems that in this battle, we can only follow what the Straw

Hats said, and help Whitebeard, because there is no chance to help the

Straw Hats."

The meaning of Crocodile's words is obvious, that is to say, it is

impossible for the Straw Hats to come in this battle.

Even if they can come, it will be after the war is over, or even a long time

after the end. The Beast Pirates are not easy to deal with. It will take at

least a day to repel the Beast Pirates and come here.

Even, it is impossible to repel, that is the Beast Pirates, that is Kaido.

Jinbe and Ivankov were silent. Although they knew that Luffy was very

strong, and the short battle with Akainu could be seen, but against the

strongest creature in the land and air in Shanghai, they felt that even

Luffy was not the strongest. Kaido's opponent.

Feng Kelei is impatient: "The little straw hat must be very anxious now.

My brother Ace is about to be executed, but he is stopped by Kaido. I

really want to help the little straw hat."

Feng Kelei regretted coming in, but now he wanted to go out, it was


It was good luck to be able to come in. The door of justice was suddenly

opened, but now it is closed, and it is impossible to get out.

Jinbe, Ivankov also wanted to help, but there was nothing he could do.

"There is no other way, we can only move on and go to Marlin Vandor. If

the Whitebeard Pirates appear and fight with the Navy, we will go all

out. This is what we can do for Brother Luffy."

"Yeah, the straw hat boy can't come, it's up to us. The straw hat boy

rescued us, we will do our best to help him do what he can't do, that is to

help Whitebeard, and together with the Whitebeard Pirates Ace was

rescued. Only in this way can I be worthy of Straw Hat Boy, otherwise, I

will have no face to see Straw Hat Boy at all."

Not only Jinping, Ivankov thinks this way, but Crocodile also thinks the

same way. His character does not allow him to repay his kindness, which

is too inferior.

Bucky became more and more panicked at this time, the Straw Hats

couldn't come, and was stopped by Kaido.

It wasn't a panic at first, the navy is powerful, but there are also the

Whitebeard Pirates, the Straw Hat Pirates, and these powerful prisoners

in the city of advancement, they are even people.

But now that the Straw Hats are missing, they have lost a lot of combat


It is impossible to go out now, Bucky kept himself as calm as ever.

Prisoners adore, believe.

"It doesn't matter if the Straw Hats can't come, as long as Bucky is here!"

"Yeah, as long as Bucky is here, everything will be fine."

"Advancing the city is all done by straw hats, and the **** Bucky didn't

make a move, so the battle later will depend on the **** Bucky."

This made Bucky a little flustered, what should I do next, find a place to

hide, and wait until the war is over before coming out?

Marine Vandeau Harbor.

Naturally, newspapers also spilled here.

Soon, everyone will know.

"The Straw Hats met the Beasts."

"Phew... that's great, the pressure can be reduced."

"It would be even better if the Beasts met the Whitebeard Pirates.

Compared with the Straw Hats, I don't want to face the Whitebeard



"Yeah, I also prefer to face the Straw Hats instead of the Whitebeard

Pirates. If the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates meet, then we

will be much more relaxed, and the atmosphere will not be like this


"There is no if, but this is already very good. We only need to fight the

Whitebeard Pirates. The Straw Hats can't come."

"Even so, don't be careless."

"Of course I won't be careless. Although the enemy is only a pirate group,

it is the Whitebeard Pirates."

The 100,000 elite are a little lucky, but they dare not be careless. The

Straw Hats can't come, but the Whitebeard Pirates may still come. This is

the scariest thing.

At this time, after seeing the green pheasant and the yellow ape, they

didn't react much.

After Akainu found out, his face darkened and he was unhappy.

"You bastard, Kaido, actually stopped the straw hat."

Akainu wants the Straw Hats to come to Marin Vandor, and wants to

continue the unfinished battle in the city, and end the Straw Hats here,

but it's impossible.

Although the Straw Hats are strong, it is impossible for them to catch up

with the Hundred Beasts.

"Forget it, after the war is over, go find them and kill them."

Chapter 134

At this time, Garp was slightly relieved.

Ace, too, felt happier when he found out.

"Great, then, Luffy, you won't be able to come here."

Although he was facing the Hundred Beasts Pirates, Ace felt that it was

better than facing the most powerful navy.

The Hundred Beasts Pirates cannot have all of their combat power, and

there must be a part of their combat power.

Although Kaido is powerful, it is definitely not comparable to the current

build-up of the strongest naval forces.

Therefore, the Straw Hats are naturally much better against the Hundred

Beasts than coming here.

The Straw Hats are powerful, and against the Beasts, who are not at full

strength, Ace thinks that Luffy and the others will probably be fine.

Moreover, it is too late to join the war, which is the best.

Garp breathed a sigh of relief, thinking the same as Ace.

After rejoicing, Ace looked at the surprisingly calm sea in front of him,

and prayed: "Luffy and the others can't come, Dad, don't come either."

At this time, the Gate of Justice is not far from the sea.

After the Sunny Merri soared into the sky before, it was about to

approach, but the main ship of the Beasts Pirates appeared ahead,

blocking the way.

Kaido, as tall and burly as a demon god, stood in the center of the bow,

beside Jack, and behind him were hundreds of crew members of the

Beast Pirates, all kinds of animal abilities.

Seeing that it was the Straw Hats, they directly chose to block it,

frustrating the spirit of the Five Emperors, making the Five Emperors

suffer, and realized the gap with them.

Kaido said in a deep voice: "I want to go to Marin Fando to save people,

but you met me, you are very unlucky."

On the boat, the faces of Sauron and the others sank, which meant that

they wanted to stop them.

Sauron has already drawn the knife, holding the knife in both hands,

biting the knife in his mouth, ready to strike at any time.

The blue flame rising from Sanji's right foot is as powerful as a **** of

war, facing Kaido without any fear.

Usopp, Nami and others are also ready to fight.

They glanced at Luffy, they were upset, but they knew that Luffy was

even more upset.

Because the execution is coming soon, and now they are almost

approaching, but they are blocked by the Four Emperor Kaido.

At this time, Luffy was not in a hurry, but he was angry!

Lu Fei's face was domineering and low, and he looked at Kaido coldly, his

eyes were full of anger.

At this moment, Luffy really wanted to go into fifth gear and beat Kaido

violently! Inch.

Chapter 137 Luffy arrives at Marlin Vandor uninjured!

On the top of the war, I must participate in the war. All changes are

mainly for this moment, so it is impossible to be blocked by Kaido.

At this time, Zoro, Sanji, and Robin stepped forward.

Sauron's fighting spirit rose, and he looked down on Kaido.

"Luffy, leave the Beast Pirates to the three of us, you go to Marlin Vandor


Knowing that Luffy must be in a hurry, he must go to Marlin Vandor to

save Ace, so, the Beasts Pirates will be handed over to them.

Hearing this, the first to react was the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

The pirates on the ship were furious when they heard this.

"Three, deal with us?"

"Are you kidding, let alone the three of you, even your entire Five

Emperors Straw Hats are not enough! We are the Four Emperors Hundred

Beasts Pirates, and Master Kaido is the strongest creature in the sea, land

and air, the strongest single-handedly!"

"It's so ridiculous, or, is it too contemptuous of us?"

"Then, let them know how powerful we are."

"Master Kaido must be even more angry, they are going to be unlucky."

"Yeah, the angry Lord Kaido is terrifying."


Kaido was not angry, but laughed, as if hearing a big joke.

In his opinion, it is impossible for the Straw Hats to go to Marin Vanduo.

Now, three stop themselves? That's ridiculous.

Kaido said in a deep voice: "If you want to go to Marin Vanduo to

participate in the war, but you can't make it, even if you go, you will die.

After the battle with us, you still want to go to Marin Vandor to

participate in the war?"

Luffy ignored Kaido and looked at Zoro.

"No, let's end the battle together, and then go to Marlin Vandor together."

When Luffy said that, Zoro and the others nodded heavily.

Kaido frowned: "Hey, kid, if you want to end the battle, it's impossible,

you will only lose. Either you lose and flee, or you lose and go to Marin

Fando to die with scars, you only have these two choices."

In Kaido's view, fighting is inevitable, but the result must be their victory.

It is impossible for the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts' own "Five

Forty Zero" to lose to the Five Emperors Straw Hats.

It is impossible to lose to the so-called Five Emperors even if you are the

strongest yourself.

Kaido suggested: "Of course, if you are willing to join me and do things

for me, you don't have to fight. You can go directly to Marin Fanduo.

Otherwise, you will be captured, or flee, and then go to Marin Fondo

with scars. What is the result? , depends on your abilities."

Kaido's meaning is obvious, no matter what five emperors you are, in

short, there is no possibility of winning in the result.

If you refuse, if you want to go to Marin Fando to participate in the war,

you must be scarred.

However, Luffy said coldly: "These results are impossible, I think..."

Halfway through, Luffy paused.

This made Kaido frown, it was impossible, and obviously, he also rejected

his proposal, unwilling to join.

At a young age, with a bounty of 3 billion, the five emperors are on par

with the generals.

Kaido has heard of it, so he is very optimistic, but he refuses, so he can

only fight.

However, other outcomes are also not possible? So, what do the Straw

Hats think? That's only half the story.

Kaido frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Boy, what do you want?"

Luffy still didn't answer, and suddenly jumped up, soaring into the sky!

The moment it soared into the sky, the left arm blew up, the steam filled

the air, the body was huge, and it instantly entered the fourth gear of

elastic man.

This made Kaido frowned, his face was low, and he was angry, and he

ignored his own answer. This guy didn't say half of what he said, and the

straw hat said it was impossible. So, what does he want? Didn't say it.

Regardless, Kaido held the mace tightly with both hands, and instantly

the purple current raged, and at the same time the overlord color


In the air, Luffy the Elastic Man in gear 4 is above the Beasts Pirate Ship.

Don't worry about Drought Jack and the other Beast crew members on

board, Kaido is here, and this is obviously to be used...

It made them excited, anticipating, and staring.

I already really want to see the so-called Five Emperors being blown

away by Kaido.

Luffy's right hand blew up again, suddenly huge, like a giant's arm,

flowing cherry blossoms, entangled with the overlord's color, with a puff,

the karmic fire surged.

Everyone in the Hundred Beasts Group narrowed their eyes slightly, the

flames were very dazzling.

Kaido was a little interested: "Come on, the so-called five emperors, half

of what you say, do you want to use practical actions to say it, then, let

me see, what do you really want?"

Kaido's arms are strong, ready to deal with Luffy's powerful blow at any



However, Sauron jumped up suddenly, stepped on his feet, and swooped

down from the sky, his arms and muscles swelled.

"As opposed to Lord Kaido, let the four emperors fight the five emperors,

and the emperor's deputy against the emperor's deputy.",

Drought Jack was about to attack Sauron. At this time, Sanji quickly

knew that the Demon God's wind kicked violently and quickly, which

shocked Drought Jack.

Sanji said: "That's as you said, the emperor's deputy to the emperor's


Looking at the violent and fast kicks and the terrifying high-temperature

flames, Jack didn't dare to be careless at all. His body was instantly

deformed, and he became an ancient mammoth in the blink of an eye. He

rushed towards Sanji and directly head-on.

However, at the moment of the collision, Jack let out a series of shrill

screams, and his whole body was dented rapidly, because he was kicked

and hit by Sanji's Demon God's Wind Kick.

"Devil God Fengjiao! First Meat!"

Jack wanted to attack, but every time it missed, it was too fast, and Sanji

flashed around his huge body, as if there were dozens of Sanji in the

surrounding space.

bang bang bang...

Constantly kicking, for a second, Jack felt that every part of his huge

body was being kicked, as if he was not being attacked by himself alone,

and the power of each attack was extremely terrifying.

"Shoulder tenderloin!"

"Houston Meat!"

"Back ribs!"


"Tail meat!"


With the kicks, Jack was powerless and kept screaming.

Soon, Sanji gave his last kick.

"Devil God Wind Foot! Lightning Explosion Flame!"

In an instant, Sanji's right foot was not only blue flames, but also blue

lightning raged. He kicked violently and landed on Jack's elephant head.

With a whoosh, Jack flew upside down like a cannonball, screaming, and

his body was completely out of control.

It flew a thousand meters away before stopping, and then fell into the

sea, covered in blood and black smoke, rolled its eyes, and sank into the


On the boat, the crew of Hundred Beasts was stunned.

"Master Jack!"

"How...how could..."

"It's also the emperor's deputy, why is there such a big gap? Mr. Jack, he

has no power to fight back."

"Master Jack was kicked into the sea just like that..."

After Sanji kicked, he landed back on the Merry, took out a cigarette and

passed it across his right foot, and the blue flame ignited the smoke.

Sanji took a puff of smoke, looked at the place where Drought Jack sank

into the sea, and said contemptuously: "I'm sorry, I was wrong when I

said the emperor's deputy to the emperor's deputy. You are still far from

the emperor's deputy."

This shocked the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, their faces were

ugly, and they could not refute.

Even if Jack is here, he will be unable to refute it, which is extremely


Kaido's face was ugly, and he thought that Jack would block the

attacking Zoro, but he was kicked away by the Blackfoot Sanji of the

Straw Hats.

The crew of the Beasts Pirates was about to attack Sauron, but suddenly,

thunderclouds appeared above their heads, and thunder and lightning

raged inside, making them uneasy, afraid to deal with Sauron, and had to

face the attack from above.

Kaido didn't care anymore: "Forget it, one five emperors and one

emperor's deputy, I can handle it."

Kaido swung his mace up, feeling that this blow could completely blow

Sauron into the air, and then collided with the Straw Hat's attack and

resisted it.

Confidence in one's own strength, and one's seriousness, must be serious,

but one cannot let strength

Act on the ship, and the ship will sink.

But, the next moment, Kaido's face changed, this posture...

Sauron swooped down, holding two famous knives tightly in both hands,

armed and even entangled in the color of the overlord.

"Two Swordsmanship, Two Gang Liluo, Two Gods to Avoid!"

Kaido felt the terrifying slash, his heart was shaken, and he swung the

mace tightly with both hands.

"Thunder gossip!"

boom! !

Chapter 135

At the moment of the collision, a deafening sound erupted, and the

collision in the air, the knife and the mace did not collide together,

because they would all be entangled with the overlord.

call! !

The terrifying wind swept away, blowing the weak ones on the ship

away, causing severe pain all over the body, shattering bones, screaming,

and even being torn to pieces by the powerful storm.

Following the collision, the two overlord colors erupted, collided,

confronted, and even spread, and the two overlord colors collided

between heaven and earth.


In the sky, a deep gully suddenly opened in the middle of the clouds.

On the ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the eyes still on the ship were

wide open, looking up at the sky in disbelief.

"Cloud... no, the sky is cracked!"

Many people know that the battle leads to a split in the sky, and it

represents the emperor against the emperor!

But now, it is clearly Kaido of the Four Emperors, against Sauron, the

vice emperor of the Five Emperors! Why is the sky also cracked.

Could it be...

This shocked them, and their faces changed drastically.

Does Zoro of the Straw Hats have the power of an emperor?

The powerful swordsmanship is also entangled with the overlord, which

makes them feel that they still don't know enough about Sauron's

strength, they still underestimate it, and the bounty is also low.

The Straw Hats, two emperors in one boat?

Watching this scene, Sanji was surprised for a short while and then firmly

said: "Green algae head is so powerful, I have to become stronger, and

continue to develop stronger moves of Demon God Fengjiao, I can't be

compared with him."

At this time, the Navy Headquarters.

All the combat forces here are looking in one direction, that is the sky far


Naturally, they all saw that the sky was cracked.

One hundred thousand navy elites were shocked, seeing it for the first

time in their lives.

"The sky is cracked, what's going on?!"

"It looks scary."

"I have only heard it before, which means that two emperor-level

powerhouses fought against each other, which caused the sky to crack."

"So that's how it is. Is this the emperor? It's such a terrifying strength that

can affect the sky."

"As the newspaper said, the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts met with

the Five Emperors Straw Hats. The new newspaper has not yet come out,

but through this scene, we can already know that the battle between the

Four Emperors Kaido and the Five Emperors Luffy has already happened.

it has started."

"Yes, just started."

"Although it is the five emperors, it is not inferior to the four emperors,

and it also makes the sky crack."

"Well, if one of the Four Emperors is missing, the Straw Hat will

definitely become the new Four Emperors. After all, even General

Polusaruno is only 50/50 in fighting him."

"Great, so strong, the five emperors are not inferior to the four emperors,

but fortunately they were stopped by Kaido. Otherwise, in this battle, we

will face two powerful imperial groups!"

"Yeah, fortunately Kaido blocked us, otherwise this battle would be even

more difficult for us 0..."

"Even if it was harder, we would have won, but it would be better if it

were this way, and there would be fewer casualties."

They were glad that the Straw Hats couldn't come, otherwise the battle

would be even more difficult.

The green pheasant and the yellow ape didn't react too much, and the red

dog's face was gloomy.

"Kaido bastard, if I don't stop the Straw Hat, I can finish the Straw Hat in

Marin Fando, so I won't be able to kill him this time."

Warring States looked at the distant sky, not surprised at all.

"The straw hats have grown to such an extent that it is reasonable for

Shampoo Land and Push City to avoid being caught."

Warring States is also a little bit lucky, otherwise the white beard

regiment and the straw hat regiment, this battle will indeed be more


Ace looked into the distance, his eyes sparkling.

"It's amazing, Luffy, so I can rest assured. It's almost impossible for Kaido

to take you down, and you can't come here. That's great."

Ace looked at the sky cracking in the distance and was happy. Even if

Kaido was stronger, even stronger than Luffy, he would definitely not be

able to easily defeat Luffy.

What's more, there are powerful partners, Luffy and the others can


At that time, the execution will be over.

Even if the two sides are still fighting at that time, the navy dare not pass

easily. In that case, it would be facing two royal groups.

Therefore, Ace thinks that this time, Luffy and the others will be fine, as

long as they don't come to Marlin Vandor. With the strength of Luffy and

the others, they can retreat in the face of the group of beasts.

Garp had the same idea as Ace at this time, as long as he couldn't

participate in the war, he didn't want to lose two close relatives in one


Not far from the battle sea area, there is another imperial group, the red

dragon on the bow, it is the four emperors, the red-haired pirates!

Looking at the cracked sky ahead, the cadres of the red-haired regiment

were shocked.

"God, it's cracked."

"Luffy and the others really met Kaido."

"Let's go and have a look, just drop by, and help Luffy by the way."

At this time, the red hair shook his head: "It's a test for them, let's not

interfere, just watch from a distance."

The redhead thought before that if Luffy and the others joined the battle,

they would not step in to help, unless it was about to end, or when Luffy

and the others were in crisis, they would show up again.

This is also a test, so I won't intervene directly, let's see if they can cope.

Seeing the sky crack open in the distance, the red hair couldn't help

thinking of the same scene when he fought against White Beard.

The red-haired sighed: "Lu Fei, he is already so strong, he is the emperor

of the sea, and he is not far from your goal."

However, everyone does not know for the time being that it was not

caused by the battle between Luffy and Kaido, but by Sauron and Kaido.

If you know, you will be even more shocked and unbelievable.

It is normal for everyone to think this way. Anyone who knows that the

Straw Hats and the Beasts met and saw the sky split from a distance will

think that it was caused by the battle between the Straw Hats and Kaido,

but they will not think of anything else.

At this time, Kaido was shocked, and Sauron's two-knife slash completely

caught his own thunder and gossip.


Kaido couldn't accept it, he was the Four Emperors, how could he stand

in a stalemate with the Emperor's Deputy of the Straw Hats.

If it was Beckman of the red-haired group, I could still accept it, but now,

I can't accept it.

Using both arms, Kaido swung upwards violently, shaking Zoro 3.1 away.

Zoro leaped back, landed on the ship, glanced overhead, and that was


After the swing, Kaido can only re-attack, the power of this stick is

completely exhausted.

But, it's too late!

"Guo Moruo, Guo Moruo!"

"Fourth gear! Karmic fire overlord gun!"

Kaido held the mace tightly with both hands and pressed down, ready to

wave the thunder and gossip again, but it was too late, and the giant fist

of karma had already fallen from the sky.

Kaido's eyes widened, he was not afraid, he was the strongest creature in

the sea, land and air, it was impossible for him to be punched by this




In an instant, the giant fist of Yehuo slammed down heavily, completely

covering Kaido's face, and it was deeply sunken.

Kaido's pupils constricted, a pain he hadn't felt for a long time! Even the

inside of the body was severely injured and felt pain.

Blood spilled from the corner of Kaido's mouth.


Click! !

In an instant, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Ship swayed, collapsed in large

areas, and sank.

This punch not only fell on Kaido, but also made the whole ship bear the

punch, because Kaido did not fight back.

Kaido was slammed onto the boat and fell straight down, the deck

shattered, and Kaido was punched into the sea with a painful expression.


On board, the rest of the crew screamed and were blown away by the

aftermath and fell into the sea.

The whole ship was torn apart and sank into the sea, with a few planks

floating on the sea.

Kaido was lying on a wooden plank, still maintaining a prone position, a

little unbelievable, but the severe pain on his face, the humming in his

head and the brief dizziness told him that it was true.

This punch hurt him, it could affect him, and the damage was extremely



The sound of landing sounded, Kaido's body shook, his face was raised

slightly, his eyes looked up, and he saw that Luffy had already landed.

Luffy stood at the bow of the ship, his black cloak fluttering, looking

down at Kaido.

Now, I can finish what I just said.

Luffy said coldly: "I want to get to Marlin Vandor without injury!".

Chapter 138 Luffy: Ace! I'm here to save you!

Hearing this, Kaido was shocked, and rushed to Marin Fando without


While shaking, Kaido was angry and ashamed.

"If you want to get to Marlin Vandor uninjured, it means not only to pass

through my obstruction, but also to be uninjured after the battle? Kid,

stop joking, who do you look down on, I am Kaido!"

Kaido was angry and his momentum rose.

However, Luffy said again in a terrified voice: "Not only me, but also my

friends who want to get to Marlin Fandor without injury!"

This shocked Kaido again. He met and fought with the Beasts, and asked

all the Straw Hats to rush to Marlin Vandor without injury.

This is a disgrace to himself and the Hundred Beasts.

Kaido growled: "Boy, stop playing around..."

However, Kaido's words stopped abruptly.

Franky turned into General Franky, Chopper has a huge body, full body

armed with color, Sanji Demon Wind Kick reappears, blue flames surge,

blue electric current rages, and the control of Demon God Wind Kick is


Sauron has three heads and six arms, entering the nine-sword style.

Robin, Nami, Usopp, and Brooke are all fighting.

For a moment, the nine members of the Straw Hats stood side by side,

their aura even more terrifying.

This made Kaido's words pause for an instant, and his heart was shocked.

Only now did I realize that it was no longer the Hundred Beasts vs. Straw

Hats, but him alone, facing the Five Emperors!

Feeling the sense of oppression coming, Kaido knew clearly that he could

definitely be called the Five Emperors.

Sauron and Sanji are definitely the emperor's deputy. Even Sauron is not

an exaggeration to say that he is the emperor. Kaido knows only the red-

haired pirates.

After the shock, Kaido will not be afraid, otherwise it would not be


On the contrary, Kaido became more and more excited: "Then let's have a

good fight, you deserve my all-out effort."

Kaido wouldn't be so excited if he was only facing Five Emperors Luffy

alone, he's just a brat, even if he's formidable, he can beat him with a

little seriousness.

But now, facing the entire Five Emperors alone makes Kaido feel very


Chapter 136

"Although it's very interesting to single out the entire Five Emperors

Group, it makes my blood boil. I rarely feel this way. After all, there are

not many opponents. However, it is impossible for all members to arrive

without injury! Even if I If you single out the nine of you, it's impossible

for you to arrive uninjured, and it's even impossible for you to go to

Marlin Vanduo."

In the beginning, the Straw Hats were not allowed to go because they

simply wanted to attack the Straw Hats, but now, Kaido wants to vent his

anger, and he wants to stop the Straw Hats more and more.

Lu Fei said lightly: "Although I'm in a hurry to go to Marlin Fandor, it's

not enough for the whole group to deal with you alone. It's too bullying

for you."

Hearing this, Kaido's face darkened again, and his anger rose.

Who is he, the strongest one-on-one, the strongest creatures in the sea,

land and air, and the Five Emperors have a total of nine people. Is it too

bullying for me to fight with all of them?

Kaido is very angry, this is still a contempt for himself!

Luffy arranges: "Soron, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Chopper, let's do it. There

are three hours before the execution, and the two of us... No, we will beat

him up within an hour, Then go to Marine Vandor."

"it is good!"

For a while, Sauron and the others became more aggressive.

Especially Usopp, Franky and Chopper are excited, because all along, the

opponents they have encountered are not very strong.

In Luffy's battle, he fought against the general many times.

Zoro and Sanji have also teamed up to fight against the general. Only

they have not yet fought against such a top powerhouse, but now, the

opportunity has come.

"I can use my stronger technological combat power. I can't wait. But, let's

warm up first. I think I will go all out in Marlin Vanduo and show off all

my high-tech weapons, making cooler and stronger transformations."

Franky's words made the eyes of Chopper and Usopp shine, and they

were looking forward to it.

Same for Usopp and Chopper.

"Then, let's warm up first, Marin Fanduo is the main battlefield."

When Kaido heard this, he was extremely angry, and the Straw Hats were

one by one, it was so hateful!

"You are really challenging my limits!"


When Kaido roared, a dragon's roar sounded faintly.

In an instant, his body was huge, and he transformed into a dragon in the

blink of an eye, lying across the sky, looking down at the Five Emperors.

After transforming into a dragon, it is extremely huge, occupying the sky,

and has a stronger sense of oppression.

Although there is no boat and no place to stand, it can still fight in the

air. After all, it is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.

"Stop talking big! Don't try to get to Marlin Vandor through my

obstruction, let alone go uninjured!"

After Kaido roared, the dragon's mouth suddenly opened, a terrifying

heat wave burst out, and the flames condensed.

"Hot breath! 々.!"


In the next moment, a flame spurted out and fell from the sky, several

kilometers long, with a huge coverage area and extremely high


Sauron jumped up, holding the autumn water with both hands, and

slashed out.


Slashing and chopping out, under Kaido's horrified gaze, the protruding

and powerful heat was sprayed, and it was directly cut in half.

The heat parted, did not attack Luffy and the others, but fell on the sea

surface on both sides of the Meili, the sea water continued to evaporate,

and the fog filled the air.

Kai Duolong's eyes shrank suddenly, because in the mist, the giant fists

surging with karma rose into the air and slammed fiercely.

Kaido quickly condensed his heat again, spit it out, and collided with

Luffy's fourth-gear Karma Gun.

In an instant, there was a stalemate in the air, but Kaido was shocked,

because his heat was constantly dissipating, and the giant fist of karma

continued to rise.

With Luffy's low growl, the giant fist of Karma completely collapsed the

heat, and the giant fist hit Kaido's face hard again.

Kaido, who was transforming into a dragon, had his face deeply sunken

again, with blood gushing from the corner of his mouth, and he groaned

in pain.

The moment Kaido was hit by this punch and fell into a brief dizziness,

his brain suddenly roared again.


"Sure-kill stun bomb!"

It was Usopp who attacked, so he seized the opportunity and didn't give

Kaido time to recover.

Even being bombarded by Luffy's punch, a brief stun of 0.01 second is

enough for Usopp.

The powerful firebird soars, explodes, and the impact is extremely strong,

and the stun is not only due to the impact, but also contains the stun

smoke, which Usopp developed and added to the bullet.

In the teaching space, for Usopp and Franky, there is a good thing, that

is, to realize all kinds of plants, ores, etc. suitable for them, so as to

develop various bullets and various technologies.

This is why it is better for Usopp and Franky, because other things can be

obtained from it to improve their combat power.

Weapons cannot appear in the teaching space, so Sauron cannot obtain

weapons in it.

The impact and the heavy stun the smoke, although Kaido is the

strongest creature, but he will be dizzy for a short time, even if it is 0.1

second, it is enough.

For the strong, negligence of 0.1 second is fatal.

At this time, Chopper has been stepping up on the moon step. When

Kaido fell into a brief dizziness, Chopper was ready to attack with all his


"The biggest round, the Six Kings Spear!"

While bombarding, Chopper thought to himself, "I'm sorry, Teacher Kai."

I said sorry in my heart, but the attack was harder than anyone else.

boom! !

Chopper's blow directly made Kaido extremely painful.


Even Kaido let out a more painful cry.

Chopper's largest six-king spear, combined with fruit ability, is extremely


After all, the fruit's ability is very well developed, it's huge like a

monster, its own strength is already terrifying, not to mention the

combination of powerful physical skills, and Liuying, and when it went

up, it also took pills, so the bombardment power of this punch is

extremely powerful .

Two deep depressions directly appeared on Kaido's bombarded face, and

even the shock wave burst out from the other side of Kaido's attacked

face visible to the naked eye.


Kaido vomited more blood, several teeth in the dragon's mouth were

shattered, and the white eyes were briefly rolled up, bloodshot all over.

Just now, he rolled his eyes because of a brief dizziness, but now, he was

hit hard, and his mind buzzed.

Even so, Kaido has not fallen, and the dragon's body is still in the sky.

Meanwhile, Zoro and Sanji have arrived.

The muscles of Sauron's arms swelled, and the words "He Dao" in his

hands were entwined with the color of Qiushui Bawang, and he slashed

through the air with all his strength.

This time, it's not about avoiding God, but...

"Double God Fear!"


The two swords slashed out, surpassing the terrifying slash of God's

Avoidance, and slashed towards Kaido's face.

In an instant, two streams of blood splashed out.


For a while, Kaido let out a more miserable scream.

Sauron's two slashes caused the most trauma to Kaido. The two wounds

were wide and deep, and the flesh and blood inside could be seen. It was

also Kaido's most horrific scream until now.

But it wasn't over yet, Kaido's cries of pain continued.

"General Franky cannon!"

Franky fired from below, still aiming at Kaido's head.

The terrorist bombing made Kaido more painful.

"Devil God Wind Foot!"

Immediately afterwards, it was Sanji who kept kicking Kaido's head,

especially the two deep wounds.

The opened flesh was touched by the blue flames, making it even more

painful, causing Kaido to scream incessantly.

All this happened within three seconds.

First, Luffy's bombardment made Kaido dizzy for a while, and then

Usopp, Chopper continued to make Kaido's mind concussion and severe


Zoro slashed fiercely, Franky bombarded, and Sanji kicked the wound


The horrible kick made every part of his head hurt, especially the two

deep wounds, blood was continuously splashed out by the kick, and even

the opened flesh was scorched by the terrifying blue flames.

At the same time, the dragon's body lying in the air was already shaking

violently, as if it was about to fall, and it was difficult to hold it in the

sky again.

After Sanji Demon Kazun's last kick with lightning burst into flames, he

faced Kaido's Tianling Gai.

This made Kaido completely unbearable, and he fell directly towards the

sea as a dragon.

At this time, the red-haired pirates had arrived, not far away, and saw

this scene.

Redhead, Beckman and other cadres were all shocked and terrified.

The Straw Hats didn't have all the members to do it, so Kaido was so


Watching the huge Kaido fall, the dragon's head was covered in blood,

they were extremely shocked.


blah blah blah...

Kaido's huge dragon body fell into the sea, and Luffy and others landed

on the boat.

In the sea, Kaido's head was in severe pain, and the pain continued,

mainly due to two serious wounds.

Falling into the sea, Kaido turned into a human form, touched his face,

his hands were covered with blood, and most importantly, he felt two

deep wounds, which made Kaido think of the beheading that Kozuki

Oden caused to himself. blow, leaving a permanent cross scar on the

right side of his abdomen.

So these two wounds...

This made Kaido feel uneasy, ashamed, and furious. If he really left

permanent scars, it would be even more serious and humiliating. He is

the strongest creature in the sea, land, and air, but he ended up with two

horizontal scars on his face. Shame on.


Kaido was furious, and felt that it was his turn to fight back, and he must

say that all members of the Straw Hats were severely injured.

Aboard the Sunnymery.

Usopp looked down, thinking he could leave.

"It's over. As a capable person, he fell into the sea and was severely

injured by us."

Lu Fei shook his head: "It's not that simple, after all, it is the strongest

creature in the sea, land and air."

With a puff, the sea water splashed, and Kaido's figure jumped out of it,

standing on a wooden plank floating in the sea.

Kaido didn't look up immediately, but looked down at his own reflection

in the sea, to be precise, at his own face on the sea.

Kaido was stunned, his eyes widened, and his pupils shrank for a while,

with a shocked expression, it was difficult to accept himself like this.

I saw two deep horizontal wounds on my face, spreading horizontally

from the right side of the face to the left side of the face. The two wounds

were located above and below the nose respectively.

Such a wound, let Kaido know that it is impossible to fully recover, even

if it heals, it will leave a permanent scar.

"`~Damn it!!"

Kaido is in pain, his face is hurting, and his heart is hurting even more. It

is difficult to accept that there will be two permanent scars on his face.


Kaido raised his head suddenly, his eyes glared, his expression

frightening, like a demon **** angry, staring at Luffy and others on the


Looking at the angry Kaido, Luffy said: "It seems that it is unacceptable."

Sauron smiled: "The strongest creature in the sea, land and air, but I cut

off two permanent scars on his face. Naturally, he is very angry,

ashamed, and unacceptable."

Sanji sneered: "This is the best way to stop us and underestimate our


Usopp said: "We haven't all done it yet."

Franky: "There is no need for all the staff to do it."

Chopper: "Yeah, it's just one of the Four Emperors, so we don't need to

fight with the Five Emperors."

Chapter 137

This made Kaido even more furious, unprecedented fury, even if Kozuki

Oden left the permanent scar on himself back then, he didn't have such


And now, he was the angriest he had ever been in his life.

"Not only is it impossible for you to get to Marin Fanduo without injury,

but it is even more impossible for you to go to Marin Fandor. You will all

be stunned by me and sink into the sea!"

Kaido's body is ready to expand again, transform into a dragon again, and

attack the Straw Hats fiercely.

Luffy and others are going to fight again, if they don't give way, they will

continue to fight until they give way.

Suo Long said in a cold voice: "Just leave a few more scars on his body.

Let me think about it first. Where will I cut it? If there are scars on the

face, then the upper body or the lower body."

Usopp suggested: "You can cut off a pair of his horns."

Sauron smiled: "Not bad proposal."

Sanji said: "Don't, cut it elsewhere, let me break his pair of horns."

The conversation between Zoro and the others caused Kaido to be bullied

and furious. (Li Mo's) felt that every cell in his body was full of anger and


"You are courting death!"

Kaido is ready to do it, but Luffy and others are not afraid at all.

At this moment, the red-haired pirate ship sailed in, which made Kaido

stop, frowning.

Luffy didn't expect the red-haired pirates to come, because in the original

plot, the Beasts and the red-haired pirates met during the battle on the

top, and the red-haired pirates finally arrived at Marlin Vandor without


It's just that they arrived at the end of the summit.

As for myself, not only must he not be injured, but he must also arrive at

the top not long after the start.

Redhead didn't let the boat get too close, nor too far away.

Not too close, there is a reason, now is not the time to meet Luffy.

Of course, there is another reason, which is a warning.

Kaido suppressed the anger in his heart. He is not a reckless man, but a

rough man with a fine grain.

Seems rough and crazy, but very shrewd and scheming.

Even though he was furious now, in such a situation, he calmed himself

down and calmed himself down.

The red-haired group came, neither approached nor far away, let alone

planned to leave, but just stopped there.

Kaido pondered, this is a warning.

I can continue to fight with the Straw Hats, but what about after that.

Even though Kaido is confident that he can defeat the Straw Hats, it will

definitely not be easy. Although he is furious, he has seen the combat

power of the Straw Hats, but he still hasn't done everything.

Then, it is very difficult to completely defeat and defeat them, even in the

strongest form to fight, it is also very difficult.

Even if he wins, he must have exhausted himself a lot, so how do he face

the red-haired group?

The meaning of the red-haired group stopping here is an obvious

warning. If you choose to stop fighting, you may fight with the red-

haired group.

If you don't choose to stop, then you will fight against the Straw Hats

first, and then the Red Hairs.

Although both are troublesome, obviously, the former is better.

Luffy saw that Kaido did not transform into a dragon again, nor did he

intend to transform into other forms. He knew that it could be over.

They can go on, near the Gate of Justice, to Marin Vandor.

Luffy shouted in his heart: "Ace, wait a little longer, I'm here to save


Chapter 139 On Ghost Island, Kaido was destroyed in fifth gear!

Kaido looked embarrassed and hesitated.

The reason why he hesitated was because it was too humiliating to go

like this.

Even if we continue to fight for a while, the Straw Hats will suffer and

become embarrassed, unable to go to Marin Fando without injury, which

can relieve some of their anger.

But now, he was embarrassed first, and two permanent scars were left on

his face, which was even more unacceptable.

Kaido didn't want to just leave like this, he was talking about himself.

However, continuing to fight is very troublesome.

Lu Fei said in a cold voice: "If you want to continue fighting for a while,

come as soon as possible. You don't want us to go to Marin Vandor

uninjured. We want you to face Shanks and the others with more


This made Kaido look embarrassed and contemptuous.

But, more, I think it is a reminder. After seeing the strength of Straw Hat

and others, I don't feel that I underestimated them before, but have this


Luffy said: "I don't want to waste any more time. If we want to continue

fighting, let's be cheeky and bully you, the Four Emperors, together."

Although it sounds good, Kaido sounds very uncomfortable. He is the

Four Emperors, so what if we go together? How could the Four Emperors

be bullied? Only the weak will appear to be bullied when they face many

people. I am the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.

Kaido's face became more and more embarrassing. It wasn't all the

strength of the Straw Hats just now, which made him feel tricky. Now if

all the members do it.

It is impossible to make them all unscathed in a short time.

However, in a long-term battle, one-on-one with the Five Emperors Straw

Hats, you will definitely consume yourself and injure you even more.

Then when the time comes, we will have to face the red-haired pirates.

Kaido thinks he is strong, but he doesn't think he is stupid. It is

impossible to deal with the Five Emperors, and then the Red Hair.

It's even impossible to single out the red-haired group, and they will

choose to sell the red-haired group to save face and make way.

so far...

This made Kaido look ugly, and cursed secretly: "The red-haired ****

came at this time."

Kaido felt very upset, but he himself blocked the way when the Straw

Hats were going to Marin Vandor.

At this time, the new newspaper has been printed and circulated, and it is

still extremely popular.

Because, everyone wants to know what will happen after the meeting

between the Straw Hats and the Hundred Beasts, and the current news is

the follow-up.

There are many eye-catching titles that dominate the headlines.

[The Straw Hats and the Hundred Beasts met and fought against each

other. Five Emperors VS Four Emperors, who is stronger? ]

[Five Emperors Luffy VS Four Emperors Kaido, the battle has begun! ]

[Shock! When the two emperors met, it was the Four Emperors and

Hundred Beasts who were defeated first! What happened? Please read it

in detail! ]

[The two emperors are fighting! From the very beginning of the fight, it

was shocking to the point of unbelievable! ]

The headlines made people go crazy, and they bought newspapers

without hesitation, and kept scrambling for them, wanting to know what

happened when the two royal groups met and the first time they fought.

Could it be that the Five Emperors were deflated? It turned out to be a

group of beasts.

People all over the world are amazed, and they can't take their eyes off

the newspaper after buying it.

Watching at the same time, everyone was dumbfounded and extremely


"My God, the Hundred Beasts were severely damaged as soon as the

battle started."

"Half of the crew of the Hundred Beasts was stunned by the overlord's

color, and the rest were swept away by the collision storm, and the ship

was sunk by Luffy's punch, and the rest sank into the sea."

"The picture in the newspaper is what we can see in Chambord, the

picture of the sky cracking. However, it was not caused by Kaido and the

straw hat, but with Zoro!"

"My God, this is the most shocking thing! I thought it was the first

collision between the five emperors Luffy and the fourth emperor Kaido,

which caused the sky crack, but it didn't! It was the Straw Hats. Second

power, Roronoa Zoro!"

"Does Sauron have the strength of the emperor?! Not the emperor's


"The emperor's deputy is more than that. With powerful swordsmanship,

he also has the overlord's color, and he can also be entangled with the

overlord's color. When he collides with Kaido, causing a sky crack, it is

definitely not just the emperor's deputy."

"My God, the Straw Hats are just like the Redheads, one ship with two


"Indeed, it's just like the red-haired group, it's too strong."

"The Straw Hats really shocked us time and time again, giving us a new

understanding of their combat power every time, and making us feel

stronger every time."

"What a terrifying pirate group, they will definitely become stronger in

the future."

"First, they took away the title of the most balanced iron wall pirate

group from the red-haired group, and now, like the red-haired group,

they are also a ship with two kings. Then, will they surpass the red-

haired group again in some aspects in the future?"

"You mean... the red-haired duo, the double emperors, the straw hats are

not just the double emperors, but... the three emperors?!"

"It's... possible, Blackfoot Sanji is also very strong, one of the three major

strengths of the Straw Hats."

"Yeah, it's possible, it's really possible to have three emperors in one


"No, maybe the Straw Hats won't end up with three emperors in one

boat! Anyone who knows the Straw Hats knows that he wants to

become... Now that I think about it, it's not impossible!"

"He wants to become One Piece! If he does, the Straw Hats will be kings

and kings!"

Thinking of this, everyone was shocked. If the Straw Hats continue to

grow, they will definitely create unprecedented fame.

All over the world, the people of Chambord are shaking.

The supernovas also vibrate, too strong.

In particular, the sky crack turned out to be caused by Sauron facing

Kaido, not the Straw Hat.

Immediately, everyone was even more impatient and looking forward to

the follow-up.

The crew of the Hundred Beasts, and even the drought Jack of the Three

Plagues, all sank into the sea, so Kaido singled out the Five Emperors,

what will be the follow-up?

"Hurry up and continue reporting."

"Can't wait to find out."

"Kaido singles out the Five Emperors, what will happen?"

"Kaido must be furious. Although it is a one-on-one fight against the Five

Emperors, it is hard to say who will suffer."

Navy Headquarters.

The atmosphere can relax a little bit, and it is determined that the Straw

Hats are unlikely to come, at most the Whitebeards will come.

Newspapers are scattered, facing the headquarters of the navy, you don't

need money, the news agency under the navy.

Seeing the newspaper, the sailors were shocked, and their reaction was

the same as that of civilians all over the world. They were shocked and

unbelievable, but they were a little more worried.

"too strong…"

"One ship with two emperors..."

"Kaido, can you stop it... After all, it's a one-on-one fight against the Five


"It's hard to tell the outcome, but it should be able to stop it. Although it's

a one-on-one fight, it's Kaido after all. It's easy for Kaido to stop the war

until the end."

"Yeah, the execution is less than three hours away. Kaido will definitely

be able to single-handedly stop the Five Emperors for three hours, so

don't worry. We will only face the Whitebeards in this battle."

"Knowing that the Straw Hats are so strong, I don't want the Straw Hats

to come. Facing a Whitebeard Pirates is scary enough. If there is another

Five Emperors Straw Hats..."

"Don't worry, it's Kaido after all, and I'm glad it's like this, because Kaido

must be even more angry, and it's impossible to let it go. It's impossible

for the Straw Hats to catch up with the war."

After a short period of worry, the sailors breathed a sigh of relief,

thinking so, it is even more impossible for Kaido to let it go and let the

Straw Hats go to Marin Vanduo. Although the follow-up report has not

yet come, it is conceivable that a more intense battle must have begun.

Warring States also thought the same way. He knew Kaido's strength.

After all, this monster attacked the Navy headquarters many times, but

he couldn't be solved every time.

It is impossible for the Straw Hats to catch up with the top war.

Akainu was still scolding Kaido in his heart, because of Kaido, it was

impossible for him to solve the straw hat in Marin Fando.

Ace trembled, but also briefly worried.

"I don't need to worry too much. Kaido is very strong. An angry Kaido is

even more terrifying. It's impossible to let it go. The battle will continue.

Great, Luffy, it's great that you can't come."

Ace didn't want Luffy and others to be involved in such a dangerous

battle because of himself.

After knowing the latest information, I feel relieved.

Soon, new news spread, it was still the follow-up of the Hundred Beasts

Group and the Straw Hat Group.

This time, it will be even hotter.

It can be said that the further the future, the more impatient people are,

wanting to know the follow-up.

Chapter 138

Now, the Whitebeard Pirates have not yet appeared in Marin Vandor, and

the meeting between the two emperors is the most eye-catching.

Sales are still brisk and people are scrambling to buy.

After seeing it, I was still shocked and unbelievable.

"It turned out to be such a situation..."

"I imagined what it would be like. I thought it was Kaido's power, and it

was the turn of the Straw Hats to be deflated, but I didn't expect that

Kaido would still be deflated, and it would be even bigger."

0····Ask for flowers····

"The injury is serious! The Straw Hats are not all members, they are too


"Shooting down Kaido, who has transformed into a dragon, from the sky,

not everyone."

"Turning into a dragon, I thought I was going to show off my power, but I

was shot down."

"There was blood all over his face."

"Look at the photo below, the photo of Kaido returning to his original

appearance, the wound!"

"There is no doubt that there will be two permanent scars on the face."

"In this case, it's even more shameful and shameless. If other people are

okay, leaving scars is nothing, but it will add charm. However, Kaido is

known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and he is the

strongest creature in the end. There are scars everywhere, and there are

two eye-catching scars on the face, which is too shameful."

"The Straw Hats really took it beyond expectations."

People all over the world shook again.

The supernovas didn't even expect this to happen.

I thought in my heart, would it really be like the straw hat said, rushing

to Marlin Vandor without injury?

People in Chambord discussed it.

"Can the Straw Hats really arrive without injury?"

"It's still impossible. Next, Kaido will be even more angry and fierce. He is

the strongest form of the dragon? That's overthinking."

"Yeah, the Straw Hats can't arrive uninjured, Kaido is going to attack

more powerfully."

Navy Headquarters.

The elite of the navy was shocked, and they knew more about the

strength of the Straw Hats, and they were even more afraid of the Straw

Hats coming to Marin Fando.


"Good... so strong..."

"Kaido is too embarrassed..."

"I won't really come here, facing the White Beard Group and the Five

Emperor Straw Hat Group..."

"I used to think that if we face it, it's okay. The Five Emperors are not as

scary as the Four Emperors, but now, I clearly know that the Five

Emperors are just as terrifying!"

"Should still be unable to catch up. Kaido is still very strong. It's hard to

say whether he will win or lose, but I believe the Straw Hats won't be

able to do it when they arrive at Marin Vandor."

The Navy once again worried briefly, feeling that it was still impossible.

Sengoku, likewise, is not very worried.

Kaido must be even more angry. After all, there is a permanent scar on

his face. It is impossible to end the battle like this. He will definitely

launch more fierce attacks and revenge.

"Fortunately, we were stopped by Kaido. Otherwise, the Whitebeards and

the Straw Hats, even if there is a strategy against Whitebeard, it is hard

to say that they will win." Warring States is glad, but fortunately, the

Straw Hats met Kaido.

At this point, Ace is also worried.

Haibing is worried about facing the Straw Hats, and Ace is worried that

Luffy and the others can really catch up.

Ace cursed inwardly: "Kaido, you have to stop Luffy and the others, they

are the Four Emperors, the strongest creature, don't be too inferior."

Instead, Ace encouraged Kaido. He really didn't want Luffy and the others

to get involved. He wanted Luffy and the others to defeat Kaido after the

war and then retreat. This was what he expected most.

At this time, Luffy and others were about to leave.

"Continue sailing and approach the Gate of Justice!"

Luffy finished speaking, and Frankie took the helm.

Kaido did not leave, and still had an embarrassed and unwilling

expression on his face.

It was good that there was no scar on his face, and he retreated


However, not only was he embarrassed, but he also left scars on his face.

It was hard to accept and shameful to leave like this.

The Sunnymery sails, approaching the Gate of Justice.

Luffy came to the stern, looked at Kaido who didn't leave, was very

unwilling, and didn't plan to do anything, and said coldly.

"Are you unwilling? Can't accept the trauma on your face? I will help


This made Kaido startled, help yourself? Help yourself heal? Obviously


Kaido frowned, always felt that it was not a good word, and asked in a

low voice: "Boy, what do you want to say?"

Luffy is majestic and cold.

"Help you to hell. After you die, you won't be able to care about the scars

on your face."

These words directly made Kaido's whole body tremble with anger, the

veins on his face popped up, and he was extremely angry, but he was

helpless and unable to do anything.

Luffy said awe-inspiringly: "If you don't do anything, let's end the battle

here. Next time, we will have a real fight and decide the result. Go back

to your ghost island, I will find you. When you are on the ghost island, I

will help you, Kill you!"

Luffy actually wants to say:

On Ghost Island, open fifth gear! The sun **** destroys Kaido! Inch.

Chapter 140 White Beard Do It! The top war begins!

Now, Luffy is not in the mood to fight Kaido to the death, it is not the

time yet.

The most important thing right now is to participate in the battle, to

decide the outcome of the battle with Kaido, and then start after going to


Kaido didn't go after him, and said in a deep voice, "Let me wait on

Onigashima and take my life, kid, then wait for you to come and see who

will die on Onigashima."

The Sunnymery is approaching the Gate of Justice, and if it goes to war,

it will surely catch up.

Looking ahead, the shadow of the Gate of Justice can already be seen,

and Luffy's fighting spirit is rising.

It is finally about to start, and the change and improvement is mainly for

this moment.

Not only Luffy, Zoro and others are also fighting. This battle will be the

biggest training since the voyage, and Ace must be rescued.

At this time, the Navy Headquarters.

All the combat power of the navy was waiting, and I felt in my heart that

it was impossible for the Five Emperors Straw Hats to come.

Ace felt the same way, and continued to pray in his heart: "Luffy and the

others can't come anymore, that's great, Dad, don't come too, it's the


Ace doesn't want Luffy and the others to come, it's best if they don't

come, let the execution go smoothly, and die like this, don't implicate

anyone, and don't want relatives to be involved in this war .

At this time, the inner sea of ​​the harbor and the outer sea were very

calm, and the calm even made the elite of the navy panic, just like the

calm before the storm.

The sea soldier in charge of the investigation became more and more

nervous, standing on the watchtower and watching carefully with a


The ocean in the distance is faintly foggy, making it difficult to see


But, suddenly, the face of the scouting soldier changed drastically, his

pupils shrank, and suddenly a pirate ship appeared in the sea fog,

followed by more and more black shadows of the pirate ship.

"Come... come! The Whitebeard Pirates are here!"

The scouting marines reported immediately, and in an instant, the siren

rang through Marin Fando.

woo woo woo...

With the sound of the siren, all the elite marines were shocked, their

hands holding weapons were clenched a little bit, and their heartbeats


Because the "May 43" war is about to begin! The Whitebeard Pirates have


In other words, the war has begun!

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

The lieutenant general gave an order, and the elite navy and other

combat forces were all ready to fight.

All heavy artillery began to rotate, aiming at the sea ahead.

Standing on the execution platform, Zhan Guo's face changed suddenly,

heavy and puzzled.

"It suddenly appeared. Where did it come from? The Gate of Justice

didn't see a pirate ship entering, but just entered a group of pirates who

escaped from the city of advancement."

The Warring States didn't understand, they appeared completely like

ghosts and ghosts, and there was not one ship, but more than ten ships.

As the pirate ship approached, it became clearer and clearer. It was no

longer the shadows of black ships seen in the mist, but could be seen

clearly, with various colors and shapes, with pandas penetrating through

them, like the bow of the ship, the bow of the red bull ship, etc. A big

pirate ship.

As they approached the harbor, the navy saw clearly that there were as

many as forty-three pirate ships!

This means that all the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates are here!

"It's the large fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates! The forty-three affiliated

pirates are here!"

"The battle of the Whitebeard Pirates is not much inferior to ours!"

"Look, where is the Mobidi, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Where is Whitebeard!"

"I haven't seen it yet!"

This made the navy even more panicked.

The large fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates has appeared, but Whitebeard

has not yet appeared, which makes the atmosphere even more tense. If

you see the most terrifying and strongest man in the world, it will be

better, but I am afraid that I don't know where it is.

Now that the fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates has come, it means that

Whitebeard must also be here. This kind of unknown feeling of not

knowing where it is, coupled with the fact that it is still Whitebeard,

makes them even more panicked.

Shampoo ground.

Their eyes widened, watching intently, it was about to start!

"The fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates is coming!"

"So suddenly, so many."

"Yeah, it was quiet just now, but it suddenly appeared."

"The battle of the Whitebeard Pirates is no worse than that of the Navy.

There are so many pirate ships, and there are so many pirates!"

"It's definitely a big war, a big war beyond our imagination, and it's about

to begin!"

"Whitebeard hasn't appeared yet!"

Soon, he calmed down and watched intently, not wanting to miss this

unprecedented battle between pirates and the navy.

Even the supernovas are watching intently.

"Although it's a pity that we can't see the Straw Hats coming to Marlin

Vandor, the battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates is

enough to make people excited."

"It's finally about to start."

"While Whitebeard hasn't appeared yet, he's definitely coming."

"The Navy assembled the highest and most elite combat forces, and

Whitebeard did not give up, gathering all the combat forces."

"It's a big war beyond imagination, and it will last for a long time."

"It will definitely last for a long time. I must watch it intently, even if it

lasts for a day and a night."

At this time, the navy in charge of the investigation looked carefully with

a telescope, with a heavy tone, and saw many famous pirates.

"Whitebeard and the captains were not found, but there is no doubt that

these are the pirates under Whitebeard's command."

"There are Rangers, Doma."

Chapter 139

"Leiqing Maku Guy."

"Brother Dikalban."

"Great Eddy Spider, Scuado."

"Too many, all of them are first-class masters, and each of them is a well-

known existence in the new world! The pirate captain who is famous all

over the world."

"These existences are all affiliated fleets of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Listening to the report, the elite of the navy and even the lieutenant

general were all overwhelmed by it.

After Akazuki heard it, he was in a good mood. In his opinion, the more

people came, the better, so that he could catch them all.

The pirates couldn't wait.

"Can you see little Ace?"

"See you soon."

"Ace, we're here to save you!"

On the execution platform, Ace's face was ugly, shaking, and his

expression was very complicated.

It's useless to keep praying, everyone, here we go...

"Even you, are you here..."

Ace's heart was heavy, and all the affiliated fleets came, and there was no

shortage of one, which meant that Dad and the others would inevitably



Ace looked sad, he didn't want everyone to come, but they all came.

At this time, the heavy artillery was not fired.

"Are you going to attack?"

"Wait a minute, Whitebeard hasn't appeared yet, there must be some kind

of trick."

"White Beard should be on guard the most, let's see the situation first."

Immediately, although the Whitebeard fleet appeared and kept

approaching the harbor, the navy did not do anything, and neither did

the Whitebeard fleet.

Doflamingo looked excitedly at the approaching pirate ship ahead.

"Fufufufu...this is really fun and exciting. Come on! Whitebeard!"


Suddenly, the waters in Crescent Harbor became unsettled.

The sound of sea water fluctuations at close range made the faces of the

navy elites darken, very disturbed and panicked.

"This... this movement, where did it come from..."

"So close."

"Could it be..."

For a moment, the complexions of many navy elites changed drastically,

and they even trembled subconsciously. Thinking of something, they all

looked at the inner sea of ​​Crescent Harbor.


The sea water fluctuated. Everyone looked at it, and the circle of ripples

took the center of the inner sea of ​​Crescent Harbor as the dot, and

continued to ripple towards the surrounding sea surface.

That means, something will come out of there.

The Warring States understood, heavy: "So, all their ships came from the

bottom of the sea after coating, so they didn't pass through the gate of



A huge column of sea water rose into the sky, dispersed, and fell again

with a clatter.

Following that, the huge Mobidi also emerged, appearing in front of the

navy's assembled combat power at close range.

For a moment, the navy elite panicked.

"Mobidi, appeared!"

"White Beard, here we come!"

"Ready to start fighting!!"

For a while, the Navy Headquarters was no longer calm!

Shampoo ground.

Everyone's Adam's apple twitched, and their heartbeats accelerated.

"it has started!"

"No wonder, it came from the bottom of the sea."

"It didn't pass through the door of justice, otherwise, the navy wouldn't

be so caught off guard."

"Yes, if you pass through the Gate of Justice, even the Whitebeard Pirates

will have to spend some effort to gather the naval artillery fire and

prepare time."

"Beyond the Navy's expectations, and beyond our expectations."

"It looks just exciting, the war is about to start! I have been impatient for

a long time, and it finally begins. You can watch this big war that

concerns the fate of the world!"

In Crescent Harbor.

Following the appearance of the Mobidi, two ships of the Whitebeard

Pirates appeared on the left and right sides.

For a while, the sea soldiers panicked even more.

"That... that is... Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Phoenix, Marco!"

"There are other captains, fourteen captains, all here!"

"All of our combat power is assembled, and the same goes for the

Whitebeard Pirates!"

Suddenly, the restless Navy Headquarters fell silent, only the sound of

steady and powerful footsteps.

On the Mobidi, a tall figure held a naginata, stepped up the steps step by

step, and finally stood on the bow, appearing in front of everyone.

It is the strongest man in the world, white beard, Edward Newgate!

Shampoo ground.

"Whitebeard appeared!"

"So domineering."

"Facing the navy, one feels invincible. This is the strongest man in the

world, Whitebeard!"

"Gu la la la la... We haven't seen each other for decades, Warring States."

White Beard looked indifferent, looked at White Beard, and smiled


This demeanor is worthy of being the strongest man in the world. Facing

such a battle, he is calm and calm.

Warring States heavy: "White Beard..."

White Beard asked with a smile, but it also gave people an extremely

domineering and strong aura.

"Is my dear son all right?"

Warring States dignified: "I didn't expect to be invaded by you at such a

close distance, but, in any case, justice will prevail. It is impossible for

the Five Emperors' Straw Hats to come, and we will deal with you."

White Beard also knew about the Five Emperors Straw Hats, and knew

that the Straw Hats and others were coming.

The white beard said coldly: "To save people, you have to let me, the

father, come first. The Five Emperors, it's fine if you don't come. This

time the main responsibility lies with me. So, let me rescue my son." ."

Ace looked at the white beard with a complicated expression. He really

didn't want Dad to come, but he has already come, so there's nothing he

can do....

Ace blamed himself and roared: "Everyone, why did you come! It was my

waywardness that caused the current situation, why didn't you abandon


White Beard looked at Ace and said seriously, "I told you to go, it's my


Ace kept shaking his head: "No, no, I was the one who insisted on going,

and you obviously stopped me."

White Beard emphasized: "I told you to go, right, Marco."

Marco nodded: "Yes, I made you suffer, Ace. No matter what, we will

come, and if you are another partner, you will too. The world knows that

our Whitebeard Pirates are a family, so , don't worry about it."

Ace was silent, although it was like this, but he really didn't want to.

White Beard said solemnly, "Wait for me, Ace, I'm here to save you."


After Whitebeard finished speaking, the naginata was inserted into the

deck, and the body suddenly strode like a horse. The muscles of both

arms swelled, crossed in front of the chest, and then suddenly spread

outward, and the arms blasted to the left and right sides.

Ka Ka Ka!

What followed was a cracking sound. Under the horrified gaze of the

navy, the atmosphere cracked like a mirror, broken!

blah blah blah...

The sea was rushing, and in an instant, a huge tsunami erupted, and the

sea level rose instantly, and the sky was covered in the blink of an eye.

On both sides of the Navy Headquarters, there were high tsunamis

erupting. Everyone raised their heads, their pupils contracted, and they

were hundreds of meters high, overwhelming them.

Soon, the tsunami rolled down, and the entire Marin Vanduo fell into

darkness, and the navy was panicked and powerless.

"This... this is the strongest power in the world..."

"What... what to do, it will be swallowed up!"

"It's too scary, it's about to fall!"

The marines were desperate and wanted to run, but they were powerless.

Facing such a terrifying ability, it was impossible to hide, and they could

only wait powerlessly to be swallowed up.

Doflamingo panicked. After all, he was a capable person, and the horror

of Whitebeard was beyond his imagination.


Just when the tsunami was about to roll down, Aokiji jumped up, the

cold raged on his body.

Two ice edges spread out from both hands, touching the tsunami on the

left and right sides, and the crackling sound continued.

In an instant, the tsunamis on both sides were frozen.

"Ice Age!"

Not only the tsunami froze, but the seawater in the harbor also froze


Marines rejoice, adore.

"General Kuzan!"

"Huh, I'm saved."

"Frozen, too strong."

"Their ship will be difficult to leave, let's deal with the Whitebeard

Pirates here!"

The navy felt that the Whitebeard Pirate Ship could not leave, but the

people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group also felt good and provided them

with a place to land.

Shampoo ground.

Everyone stared intently and understood that war broke out!

With the outbreak of the war, people all over the world who couldn't

watch the live broadcast were not so looking forward to the current

situation of the Beasts and the Straw Hats, but wanted to watch the news

of the battle between the Whitebeards and the Navy.

Not far from the Gate of Justice.

On the Sunnymery, Luffy and others saw the tsunami erupting in the

distance and heard the movement.

Chapter 140

Luffy said: "It seems that the Whitebeard Pirates have arrived, and the

battle has just begun."

Sauron said: "We are almost there too, just in time, we are not late."

Sanji: "The world is watching, I have to perform well in 3.1 to attract the

attention of the ladies."

Usopp: "We can have a good fight."

At this time, the Red Hair Pirates.

Kaido has left and will not fight the Red Hair Pirates.

Without hindrance, the red-haired pirates did not approach Marin

Vandor directly.

"Boss, don't you want to go?" **** asked.

The red-haired shook his head: "Let's leave this battle to them first. If we

lose, let's step forward."

The cadres understand, so just wait and see how the situation will turn


The red hair looks forward to: "Luffy, in this battle, can you make

unexpected changes? I'm looking forward to it. No matter what, there

may be benefits. The worst result will temper you and leave in

embarrassment. The best result is tempering and successfully rescuing

Ace. Such a result is very difficult, even if you add the Whitebeard


Redhead won't help directly, although that will put more pressure on the

navy, but he won't do that, even if Luffy can't save Ace, he won't

intervene, he will only come forward when Luffy is in crisis.

At this point, the Sunnymery is approaching Justice's Gate.

However, a ship sprang out from the front of the seabed, and the figures

in white suits on it made Luffy and others instantly recognize that they

were the two groups of cp0 teams when they were on Judiciary Island.

Cook, the six-member captain of Cp0, said: "Meet you again, Straw Hats,

or the Five Emperors. I haven't seen you for a short time, and it's already

three billion Five Emperors. You have also become the Five Emperors."

Usopp frowned: "It's here to deal with us, and we don't want us to

interfere. But, when Judiciary Island, they couldn't take us down, let

alone now."

Cook said in a condensed voice: "Maybe you are stronger. It was difficult

to take you down on Judiciary Island. This time, I didn't aim to take you

down, and I clearly couldn't do it. However, our combat power makes it

impossible for you to take you down." Joining the war and dragging you

to the end of the war is still very simple..."

However, before Cook finished speaking, his face changed drastically! .

Chapter 141 The Straw Hats of the Five Emperors will be on top!

Luffy flew to the sky in an instant, and entered the fourth-level elastic

man form, blowing air with both hands suddenly became huge, with

karmic fire, flowing cherry blossoms, and overlord-like entanglement.

Moreover, both fists bombarded down, densely packed.

"Four gears of the Karma Overlord Spear!"

The power of each punch is extremely terrifying, not to mention the

dense and rapid bombardment like machine guns.

Even Cook's complexion changed drastically, and he went all out, and his

fists kept bombarding out.

However, at the moment of the collision, feeling the incomparably huge

gravity, I actually struggled, and it became more and more difficult.

Cook was shocked, it seemed, stronger.

Before, on Judiciary Island, he failed to fight the fourth gear Luffy. Now

that he is fighting, he has realized the true strength of the straw hat,

which is too strong.

Even myself is very stressful.

The other members of Cp0 were ready to help, but Zoro and Sanji did it,

and the other members could not assist Cook at all.

Cook and the others came here to prevent the Straw Hats from

participating in the battle.

I saw the news before, and felt that I would never meet him, and I felt a

little pity. If I met Beast Kaido, then it would be impossible to come to

Marin Fando.

Even if the battle with Kaido is over, Fire Fist Ace will be executed by

then, let alone come.

However, they didn't expect to meet so soon. The Straw Hats actually

came at the beginning of the war.

They didn't notify the 04 Navy, they who conquered the world cp0 felt

that they could completely stop it.

Even if it is difficult to defeat, it is not simple to prevent the Straw Hats

and others from participating in the battle? Couldn't they hold off the

Straw Hats for three hours?

They are cp0, the Tianlong people have the strongest shield, even if it is

the Five Emperors, don't even think about passing through their

obstruction in three hours, it will take at least half a day.

By then, the war would have ended long ago.

Cook is confident in his own strength, which is close to that of a general.

And the straw hats are the most generals, at most they are comparable to

themselves, or they are slightly inferior, and they fight for three days and

three nights, and they are slightly inferior and lose.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Straw Hats to participate in the battle.

Moreover, I thought that the reason why the Straw Hats came so early

was that Kaido gave up, but now it seems that it is obviously not the


I was very confused just now, why the Straw Hats came suddenly, Kaido

was seriously injured, and there would be permanent scars on his face.

According to Kaido's temperament, it is impossible to let it go.

They were still waiting for the news of the follow-up battle, but they

didn't expect to see the Straw Hats suddenly.

He was very puzzled, but now facing the violent attack of the straw hat,

Cook understood that perhaps, Kaido felt invincible and chose to retreat.

After all, the Straw Hat alone put him under such pressure, let alone the

entire Five Emperors.

Even if it is as strong as Kaido, if you want to single out the entire Five

Emperors, you must focus on thinking.

"You must be stopped!"

Cook suffered more and more strength, and gradually became unable to

support it, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

However, as Luffy roared, his attacks became more and more fierce.

"This time, I don't have time to play with you! Don't try to stop us!"

As Luffy roared, his expression became ferocious, and his attack became

more and more violent.

Soon, Cook couldn't bear it, and his body continued to be hit hard.

At the same time, Usopp, Nami, etc. all started.

It is impossible for them to stop them, it is impossible for them to waste

time, the door of justice is ahead, we must participate in the war, it is

impossible to stop here.

In an instant, all the members of the Straw Hats directly attacked.

Usopp aimed at Cook, and the other five cp0 members were blocked by

Sauron and Sanji.

For a while, Cook was even more stressed.

He was already under the violent bombardment of Luffy above, and

gradually lost, let alone Usopp's attack.


Finally, Cook died.

After being severely injured for a short time, more fists followed. Cook's

body was constantly bombarded by Luffy's Karma fists, causing him

extreme pain.

Even Kaido hurts, let alone him.

Following the bombardment, their warship collapsed directly, and all six

of cp0 were blasted into the sea.

Luffy landed on the bow and said in a stern voice, "We must join the


Cook sank to the bottom of the sea with an ugly face and a sense of


It's okay to fight on land, but at sea, as long as the ship is gone, no matter

how powerful you are, you will be affected, after all, you are a person

with abilities.

Other members of Cp0 grabbed Cook and wanted to rush to the surface.

However, what followed was the continuous bombardment of the Straw


They in the sea are very embarrassed.

Luffy's Karma Fist kept blasting towards the bottom of the sea, and the

sea water kept evaporating, bombarding the cp0 members, making them

scream in the sea.

They were astonished that such a battle situation was unexpected.

I thought it would be easy to stop the war until the end, but it turned out

to be so difficult.

From the start, they were at a disadvantage.

"You must persevere, you can't just lose like this!"

"They cannot be allowed to join the war! It must be delayed until the end

of the war!"

"If they are allowed to participate in the war, catch up with the war, and

rush to Marlin Vandor uninjured, it will be a shame for us in cp0!"

"The most important thing is to bring shame to the Tianlong people. After

all, we are the strongest shield of the Tianlong people. In the end, this is

the strongest shield of the Tianlong people? It will be ridiculed if it is


"Yeah, it will make some people think that it is not impossible to hurt

Tianlong people. The strongest shield is not very strong."

"We are disgraced, and the Tianlong people will be furious and punish us

severely! Success must be blocked!"

Originally, I thought that the outcome could not be decided on Judiciary

Island, but this time, it would be better to catch the Straw Hats.

After all, the straw hat killed a Celestial Dragon, and it would be best if

he caught it.

However, this is the case now.

Cook stepped on the moon steps. Although he is a capable person, he is

close to the existence of a general after all. He exploded to the limit,

filled himself with strength, no longer weak, and rushed out of the sea.

Stepping on moon steps, combined with powerful physical skills, attacked


However, Luffy wasn't in the mood to fight him one-on-one.


If it is an existence stronger than himself, Luffy can single out, which is

also a training.

However, with Cook's strength, Luffy is confident in defeating him.

Therefore, it is difficult to get tempered, and now I am in a hurry, so I

will not be singled out.

Immediately, what Cook was facing was all the strength of the Straw

Hats except Sauron and Sanji.

Even if it is close to the existence of the general, facing Luffy and other

combat powers of the Straw Hats, he is basically invincible.

Cook's heart is heavy, and he has no idea of ​​​​taking them down or

defeating them, but he can always stop the war until the end of the war,


But now, I am wavering again, and even feel that I can't do it. Even

thinking about how long it can last.

The battle continued, and after an hour passed, Cook and the others were

finally defeated.

First, the other members were defeated, and Cook couldn't do it in the

face of Luffy's siege. Once he was at a disadvantage at sea, he would

become bigger and bigger, especially those with abilities.

And Luffy's ship is intact and has a foothold.

Therefore, Cook and the others were seriously injured and sank into the

sea, failing to stop them.

Luffy and others, continue to move forward, still unharmed!

Soon, approaching the huge Gate of Justice.

Marlin Fando is coming, as long as the door of justice is broken, they can

join the battle!

"Ace, here I come!" Luffy looked at the Gate of Justice, ready to bombard!

Sauron and the other eight people also want to attack, smash this last

obstacle, and then they can join the battle!

The Straw Hats of the Five Emperors will be on top! .

Chapter 142 Luffy joins the battle, first give the navy a "big gift"

At this moment, except for Cook and others who sank into the sea, no

one knew that the Straw Hats were about to pass through the Gate of

Justice and descend to the top!

According to the time, Kaido admits that the Straw Hats have passed

Kaido's block without injury, and this matter has already spread. But, no.

No one knows that the Straw Hats have left, thinking that the battle is

still going on, that it is impossible for the Straw Hats to reach Marin


Shampoo ground.

"Why is there no follow-up between Kaido and the Straw Hats?"

"I'm also wondering why it's gone."

"It's been an hour, and logically, it should have been there long ago."

"Could it be that because the top has started, the news has paid more

attention to the war on the top, the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, and

less attention to the battle between Kaido and the Straw Hats."

"This is natural. Before the headline was the battle between Kaido and

the Straw Hats, that was because the war hadn't started yet. Now, the

Whitebeard Pirates have arrived, and both sides have already fought.

Naturally, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Got the headlines."

"Although this is the case, it is not enough to report the follow-up of

Kaido and the Straw Hats, right?"

Chapter 141

Soon, new news came.

Not Marlin Vandor's, but Kaido and the Straw Hats follow-up.

This makes many people interested, after all, it is also very curious.

With scars on his face, he was very embarrassed, and Kaido, who was

furious, what kind of posture would he fight back against the Straw Hats?

Kaido's strength is definitely more than that, and there must be stronger


So, curious to see, feel like the real battle is on.

After waiting for so long, although it is not too long, everyone can't wait.

However, after taking the newspaper, I found out that no money is


It says that the follow-up is unknown, because the ships and people of

every news agency in that sea area have lost contact.

This made everyone startled and lost contact?

It is understandable that one family lost contact, but all lost contact

means that they were wiped out! Does not exist anymore!

Otherwise, it is impossible for all the people in the newspaper office to

lose contact.

"To lose contact means to be wiped out..."

"For sure, all of them lost contact, which means they were all wiped out."

"Why? Don't want us to know?"

"I don't want to let people know, explaining things with shame."

"Then why?"

"Could it be that after Kaido got angry, he exploded with all his strength,

showing the true strength of the strongest singled out, the strongest

creatures in the sea, land and air, making the Straw Hats miserable and

being hit hard, which is a shame. So for the sake of face, the Straw Hats

don't let those news agencies spread, thus destroying them."

"That reasoning is very likely."

"It is indeed possible. I would do the same thing if I were to do the same.

After all, the journey has been smooth and smooth, and I have not

suffered any setbacks. It would be embarrassing if they were hit

suddenly, and it would be even more embarrassing for them."

"Yeah, maybe Kaido was angry and went all out, knocking out one of

them with a stick, making the Straw Hats too ugly, so they wiped out the

people from the news agency."

This is what most people think.

As for Kaido's destruction?

They find it unlikely.

After all, Kaido has basically no need for this.

Although it is a one-on-one fight against the Five Emperors, Kaido is the

strongest creature after all.

Especially with Kaido's temper, he would be more excited to single out

the Five Emperors.

After all, Kaido probably wouldn't be able to break into the Navy

headquarters many times and get arrested.

But, in fact, only the red-haired pirates know that it is indeed Kaido.

Kaido was angry and aggrieved. Seeing that the ships of those news

agencies were about to start printing, he naturally felt ashamed, vented

his anger on them, and wiped them all out in one breath.

That's why the follow-up news is gone, and everyone thinks that the

battle is still going on, including the Navy, as well as the Whitebeard

Pirates, Ace.

I don't know, the Straw Hats are already close to Marin Vanduo!

Navy Headquarters.

Marko said in a loud voice: "Also, Ace, this matter is not the most

important thing. We came to save you for only one reason. You are our

family! In this sea, everyone knows that if we attack our companions ,

what will happen."

The rest of the captains were murderous.

"We will never let anyone hurt you."

"Ace, wait for me, I'll come to rescue you right away."

"Ace, don't say anything unnecessary, just wait for us there, and we will

rescue you soon."


All of a sudden, the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates were full of

momentum, shouting, ready to fight.

On the navy's side, it can't be weak.

"It is impossible for the Whitebeard Pirates to escape, the ship is frozen."

"We have a general here, as well as the Marshal of the Warring States

Period, Lieutenant General Garp, and a white beard. There is nothing to

be afraid of!"

"Yeah, three generals, two legends, and the opponent is just a Four

Emperors. Although there are still powerful captains, we have Qiwuhai,

the lieutenant general, and we can compete with those captains. And

Whitebeard is just a , Is it against three generals and two legends?

Impossible, even for Whitebeard. Therefore, our winning rate is

extremely high!"

"`~Aww!! Whitebeard Pirates, regret coming here! You guys are


"Even if the Five Emperors Straw Hats come, we can fight, let alone you

Whitebeard Pirates."

"Bombard the Mobidi!"

Said by the navy elites, they were also comforting themselves, reminding

themselves that they have a great advantage here.

Boom boom boom...

The navy began shelling, but missed.

The captains all laughed.

"Cannonballs? This is fireworks."

"The war has begun, let's do it."

"I can't wait, and it's just right, it's frozen for us."

"We don't need the Five Emperors Straw Hats to join us, we Whitebeard

Pirates can save Ace! Now let you see how powerful we are!"

Immediately, the three captains at the bottom of the ranking jumped off,

stepped on the ice with the crew (Li Mahao), and rushed forward quickly.

At the same time, the navy kept shelling, and the elite jumped down to

block it.

Smoker and Da Siqi also jumped onto the ice and rushed over.

Smoker's fighting spirit rose: "It's a pity that the straw hats didn't come,

so my opponent, let's choose the Whitebeard Pirates."

beyond the gates of justice.

When the Straw Hats came, it was impossible to open the navy, so

continue to break open.

On this day, the two gates of justice will cease to exist! There is a gap!

Luffy could hear the screaming, the shelling came on.

On top of the war, catch up with the disturbance!

After breaking through the door of justice, you can join the battle!

However, thinking about the number of navy, Luffy had an idea.

If you don't appear before Marin Vanduo, give the navy a big gift first!

The navy is too big! then...

At this point, Sauron and the others have already guessed what kind of

gift Luffy is going to give to the navy! .

Chapter 143 Luffy: Overlord color stuns hundreds of thousands of elites!

At this time, Luffy is going to let the navy's combat power disappear by


However, let's start after breaking a hole in the Gate of Justice, or start


Luffy thinks it's better to make a hole first.

Navy Headquarters.

The navies don't know that they are about to lose a great deal of combat


On the ice of the harbor, the pirates and the navy were fighting, the

sound of weapons colliding, shooting, and gunfire continued.

Foil Vista is the fastest paced, holding two knives, and will continue to

slash and kill the sailors who block him.

Da Siqi said solemnly: "That is the captain of the fifth team of the

Whitebeard Pirates, Foil Vista."

Da Siqi's fighting spirit rose, and he was ready to draw his sword and

rush to fight, to see how far he was from this powerful swordsman.

However, it was difficult to get close, and a crew member of the

Whitebeard Pirates attacked with a hammer.

Dashiqi felt dangerous, but was rescued by Smoker, and the pirate was

blown away.

Smoker reminded: "Don't take it lightly, Dashiqi. The captain is not

something you can deal with now, deal with other elite combat crews.

Although these guys are not captains, they are the elites of the

Whitebeard Pirates after all. One hundred strength."

Fortunately, Da Siqi wiped off his cold sweat and nodded heavily: "I see."

As some captains rushed forward with the pirates, they were

approaching, ready to board the harbor.

However, swish swish several figures rushed over, blocking the way


The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates shuddered and sighed softly.

"It seems that it is not easy to climb up."

"Vice-admirals, and they are all elite lieutenant generals."

"Except for the flying squirrel, all the lieutenant generals are here."

"Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberg, Huoshaoshan, Gumir, Bastiyu,

Maynard, Dalmesia and more than a dozen lieutenant generals are ready

to attack."

"Even so, it can't stop us! We must save Ace, so at the very least, we have

to go to the harbor first! Not in this frozen Crescent Bay."

For a while, the real battle began.

Shampoo land, everyone watched intently.

"The real battle begins."

"Yeah, it was just an ordinary battle just now, and those who fought were

elite navy soldiers. Although they are elite soldiers, they are only better

than ordinary soldiers. Now, the mainstay of the navy, the lieutenant

generals are going to fight!"

"Although it is still unclear which side has an obvious advantage, I

believe it will soon be seen that the navy must have an obvious


"Inevitably, at the bottom level, the navy has more people. At the middle

level, it is at most equal. In terms of high-level combat power, it is also at

most equal, or even high in the navy. Although the former captains of the

Whitebeard Pirates are very strong, the navy has seven warriors. Ah. As

for the top-level combat power, the navy has the upper hand."

"The analysis is correct. There is only one Whitebeard in the top combat

power of the Whitebeard Pirates. As for the Navy, five! Three generals

and two legends!"

"So, in this battle, the Navy must win. The Whitebeard Pirates will fail.

Either they will return without success, and Fire Fist Ace will be

executed, or the Whitebeard Pirates will sacrifice part of their lives to

join Fire Fist Ace. die."

"Although I can roughly guess it, I still want to see it happen in the


This is what many people think.

Even the pirates and the supernovas have this idea in their hearts.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates are very strong, it is impossible to win

against the entire Navy Headquarters alone.

In that way, the four emperors are here, how will the navy play?

Therefore, they all felt that even though this battle would be fierce,

deadlocked, and sacrificed a lot, it would definitely be a victory for the


On a huge mangrove tree close to the big screen, Lei Li sat on it, drinking

wine, watching the screen, and Xia Qi was beside him.

Xia Qi sighed softly: "Little Straw Hats and the others were actually

stopped by Kaido. Otherwise, it would be hard for the navy to win."

Xia Qi's information is also limited to Kaido being traumatized, with two

wounds on his face.

Both Xia Qi and Lei Li felt that Luffy and the others were still fighting

Kaido, and it would be difficult to arrive in a short time.

Raleigh also knows that it is very difficult to defeat the Whitebeard


Chapter 142

Although the battle between the two sides has just started, and many

powerful combat forces have not yet made a move, but if you want to say

which side has the most powerful combat power, it is naturally the navy.

But Riley believed it.

"Although they were stopped by Kaido, I believe that Luffy and the others

can catch up."

Rayleigh wanted to help and told Luffy about it, but when Luffy

answered, he relied on them.

They will definitely rescue Ace, and this battle is also for training.

Although the current situation is not optimistic, it seems that it is difficult

for the Straw Hats to reach Marin Fando, but since Luffy said so, Raleigh

believes it and looks forward to a miracle.

Reilly drank, looked at the screen, expecting: "Let's wait and see."

The supernovas were talking.

"It's a pity that the Straw Hats couldn't participate in the battle."

"It's not a pity, you can watch the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Although there is no follow-up between Kaido and the Straw Hats, it

doesn't matter anymore. The battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and

the Navy has begun."

"Yeah, now we can see the strength of Whitebeard and these captains.

Let's see the gap with the strongest in the world."

"We already know the Straw Hats very well. Before Chambord, the Straw

Hats went all out."

"Yeah, we all know the full strength of the straw hats. They are

comparable to the general. Zoro and Sanji, the deputy of the double

emperor, are on par with the general. Although the others don't have full

strength, they are definitely not as good as the three. We probably know

the main force in our hearts. Therefore, we have a good understanding of

the strength of the Straw Hats."

"Well, it was impossible for the Straw Hats to hold back before. That's his

best effort. We know their details very well."

This is what they think, and they feel that they already know the basics

of the Straw Hats. Even if they don't see the battle between the Straw

Hats and the Navy in this battle, it's okay.

Everyone felt that the protagonists of this battle were the Navy and the

Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, Marlin Fando.

The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates were excited. Even ordinary pirates

of the Whitebeard Pirates were full of fighting spirit, but not afraid.

"I've never seen so many lieutenant generals gathered together."

"Yeah, there are far not so many demon-slaying orders."

"Although the navy has a big battle this time, if the opponent is us and

the old man, then it's a different matter."

At this moment, the lieutenant general He also came to the crowd of

lieutenant generals, and was in position C.

Huoshaoshan said: "Grandma He, you can step back and leave it to us."

"Yeah, just leave it to us here, you go to the rear to drink tea."

"We are enough."

Crane embraces the front of Xiong with both hands. Although it is old, it

gives people a strong sense of momentum.

He said lightly: "Don't be so handsome, you young brats, even if I retreat

to the end of the sea, there will be no safe place."

Obviously, Crane will also participate in this battle.

Even if the Straw Hats couldn't come, the navy, with its assembled forces,

was ready to attack.

Of course, except for a very small number of people who would think

about paddling.

However, it is not certain whether it can paddle like the original plot.

After all, little did they know, the Straw Hats were coming.

The pirate ship of the vortex spider Scuyad was already approaching the

entrance of the harbor and could not move forward because of the ice in


Scuyad raised his knife and shouted: "Little ones, go up! Rush into the

bay! I will go all out in this battle! For my father, I will die!"

The sound of fighting continued, and on the execution platform, Ace

watched this scene with a complicated expression and couldn't bear it.

The Warring States sarcasm on the side: "It's really stupid. It is impossible

to succeed if you choose to make a frontal breakthrough."

Warring States took the phone bug and ordered: "Bombard the troops,

aim at the enemy ships and follow-up pirates."


Boom boom boom boom...

For a while, the sound of artillery became more intense, constantly

bombarding the pirate ships behind.

The helm who stayed on the ship continued to dodge, and some stayed

on the ship and were responsible for the bombardment.

However, although the more than forty pirate ships are all well-known

existences in the New World, the configuration on board is naturally not

bad. But compared with the navy, it is still worse.

Immediately, the speed of more than forty pirate ships slowed down.

Looking at the entire battlefield from the top of the Warring States

Period, he ordered: "The frontline soldiers must completely prevent them

from boarding the square, and the other party's follow-up pirate ships

and pirates will be handed over to heavy artillery."


The navy elite breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, the pirates from the

other side would not come in a steady stream, and some pirates could be

blocked from behind.

However, they did not feel less stressed and were still stressed.

Because the captains are responsible for opening the way ahead.

Moreover, the captains are only a small part of the shots, not the

strongest few captains.

Under the execution platform, the yellow ape looked at the situation on

the battlefield, looked at Bista, the captain of the eighth team Namuer,

the twelve captain Harta, the fifteenth captain Fosa, and the sixteenth

captain Yizang. I can't go down.

Huang Yuan got up and sighed softly: "As expected of the captains of the

Whitebeard Pirates, all of them are as strong as monsters. If you want to

minimize the loss (aedb), then directly capture the thief and the king


The yellow monkey looked at the white beard standing on the bow of the

Mobidi in front of him, and was about to make a move.


The yellow ape becomes elemental, and the next moment it appears high

in the sky, shining golden light.

On the ice, the pirates stopped walking and subconsciously blocked their


"It's so dazzling, what is it?"

"I can't see clearly."

"It's too sudden, what's going on."

The pirates stagnated, and so did the elite navy.

After getting used to it, the pirates raised their heads to see the figures in

the sky clearly, and their faces changed drastically. Even the pirates of

the Whitebeard Pirates showed fear and panic.

"It's General Huang Yuan! I'm going to do it!"

"Do you want to shoot at the old man? Even if it is a general, it is too


"But, we can't stop it."

Pirates are powerless, they can only fight with these navy elites, the

generals are beyond their reach.

The yellow ape in the air crossed its arms, holding orchid fingers with

both hands, shining golden light.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu."

whoosh whoosh…

All of a sudden, dense golden light bullets covered the sky and covered

the ground.

White Beard raised his eyes and frowned slightly: "Hey, it's a bit


Even so, White Beard still stood there without any movement, burly and

majestic, calm and composed.

Obviously, not going to do it.

However, when the dense golden light bullets approached Whitebeard, a

blue figure flew up, blocking Whitebeard behind him, spreading his

wings, blocking the dense golden light bullets.

They all withstood the light bullets without making a sound of pain,

which surprised Huang Yuan a little.

The people on the ground were also stunned. They were shot by dense

light bullets, and it could be seen that the pair of wings were also

collapsing. However, it seemed that they would completely collapse, but

they didn't.

Huang Yuan's attack was completely blocked, and everyone stared at it

intently, shocked.

"The general's attack was actually blocked..."

"And it's fine."

"The wings are all hollow, but, it looks fine."

"Burning, the wings healing fast as the blue flame burns."

"He's... the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Phoenix,


For a while, the navy was shocked.

The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates admired their eyes, and their fighting

spirit was even stronger.

Huang Yuan looked at the figure in the sky below in amazement, his

body healed quickly, his eyes were intact, and he was unharmed.

Marco's whole body was covered in blazing blue flames, half of his face

was exposed, and he said solemnly: "How can you disturb our king as

soon as you come up, even if you are a general."

Yellow Monkey sighed softly: "It's so scary, Whitebeard Pirates.

Withstood my attack without a hair being hurt. This is an ability that is

even rarer than the natural ones. Animals are phantom beasts and


Suddenly, Marco completely turned into a blue phoenix and swooped up.

Huang Yuan continued to attack the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, but it was

still useless. Marco approached quickly and kicked out violently.

"Phoenix seal!"

Marko's attack method mainly relies on kicking. This kick landed on the

yellow ape, kicking the yellow ape into the air, and shot it under the

execution platform with a whizzing sound. The roar exploded, the dust

filled the air, and a pothole was smashed out.

This made the faces of the marines change drastically, and the people of

the Whitebeard Pirates became even more excited and their fighting

spirit was high.

The yellow ape's golden light dissipated, and he put his hands in his

pockets. Although he was kicked away, he was fine and had no intention

of attacking White Beard anymore.

"It seems that it is not easy to go straight to Huanglong."

The high combat power made a short shot, and it was the bottom, and

the middle-level combat power continued to fight.

Shampoo ground.

"Just at the beginning, it makes people boil."

"I haven't reached the peak yet, so I don't want to blink."

"As expected of the first captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is so

strong, and he is facing a general."

"Nevertheless, the Navy will win, and the advantages will soon become


"That's right. There are more navies at the top and more navies at the

bottom. Now the bottom combat forces are mainly fighting, and the top

combat forces haven't started much yet, but soon, the bottom combat

forces will have the upper hand in terms of the navy."

"Really, I thought that the bottom-level combat power of the Whitebeard

Pirates would have the upper hand."

"Don't be kidding, the Whitebeard Pirates have a maximum of 20,000

people, and the Navy's elite navy is 100,000! Besides, in terms of

firepower, the Navy is stronger, and, this is the home of the Navy, the

Whitebeard Pirates still choose It is a frontal attack, and the underlying

combat power will inevitably be at a disadvantage."

"Even so, but, you forgot one thing, domineering and domineering!"

When one person said this, many people were taken aback.

Yes, I forgot the domineering look.

"Basically no one in the navy possesses domineering aura, and the only

advantage of domineering aura is that it cleans up miscellaneous soldiers!

Whitebeard has a domineering look, so if the domineering color explodes,

won't the navy's bottom-level combat power be reduced a lot?"

"That's right, but White Beard didn't start to explode into a domineering


"If possible, it will naturally explode. After all, it can reduce a lot of

combat power, but why not do it?"

"It's not that I don't want to do it, but I think it's useless to do it. Although

he is the Four Emperors, the strongest man in the world, it is impossible

for the overlord to have too much influence on the battle situation."

"Yeah, after all, it's such a big battle, and it's useless to release the

overlord's color. Even if some people faint, they will wake up soon.

Moreover, it is difficult to faint too many people."

"Although the overlord's color and domineering are clearing up

miscellaneous soldiers, the navy headquarters has 100,000 naval elites,

and the elite are not easy to be stunned. Moreover, the battlefield is so

complicated, and if they fight together, using the overlord's color will

accidentally injure their people. To At that time, it is hard to say who has

the advantage at the bottom."

"That's right. It might stun the bottom of the navy's elite, but it will also

affect their people. Therefore, there is no plan to use the domineering

color at all."

Chapter 143

They reasoned and felt that this was a possibility.

Otherwise, why do you want to be bullying and evil, but don't use it.

In fact, this is true, White Beard has no intention of using domineering


In the battle situation, it won't do much. One hundred thousand navy

elites, the overlord's color is of little use.

So do the supernovas.

"Although the white beard has a domineering look, after all, not everyone

has the same domineering look as the red hair."

"If you have red hair, the domineering color will affect part of the battle

situation and make the navy's bottom-level combat power inferior, but

white beards can't do it, so I don't plan to use it at all."

"After all, it is the overlord's color that can cause substantial damage. Of

course, red hair is fine, and the overlord's color is also useful."

"Not just a redhead, but another one!"

beyond the gates of justice.

Luffy's first big gift to the navy is very clear.

That is... the overlord's color stunned one hundred thousand elites of the

navy! .

Chapter 144 Luffy's Domineering Color Covers Marin Vandor!

To participate in the war, the first thing to do must be to greatly weaken

the naval combat power.

Even if the underlying combat power is weakened, it is extremely

important, after all, there are too many.

However, a powerful overlord color is the nemesis of a huge army.

Therefore, the first big gift to the navy is ~ this.

At this time, Luffy and others are ready to bombard the Gate of Justice.

Then, it was Luffy who took the lead, and before meeting the navy, he let

them hit hard, and even more so shocked the world!

Shampoo ground.

Mentioning another aspect that the overlord's color can affect the battle

situation, the supernovas thought of Luffy.

"Yeah, and him, Straw Hat."

"His domineering look can also cause substantial damage."

"But it's a pity that it's impossible to participate in the battle. I'm still

fighting Kaido. Although I don't know how the battle is going, it will take

a long time before it starts and it will end. I won't be able to catch up."

"Even if the overlord's color has substantial damage, it can't be used in

such a war. If it is used, it will not benefit anyone, at most it will benefit

the Whitebeard Pirates a little bit."

"Yeah, if the red hair is overbearing, a hundred thousand navy elites can't

bear it, but most of the pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates can't bear it

either. One thousand enemies are hurt, and eight hundred are self-


"So, don't think about the overlord's color, it will not only affect the


"Perhaps, the horror of red hair is beyond our imagination, and the

control over the overlord's color."

"Isn't that outrageous? It only affects the navy, and the accuracy does not

affect the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates? Impossible. If there is no

battle, the two sides are in clear areas, and it is still possible. But now,

the melee is together , how could it not be affected."

"Yeah, it's impossible."

Everyone and Supernova felt that it was impossible for the navy's

100,000 troops to be destroyed.

In this battle, there can only be no shortcuts to speak of, and it can only

be weakened by combat power, and it is indirect. It is impossible for a

hundred thousand elite naval forces to disappear in an instant.

Navy headquarters, low combat power, mid-level combat power


Facing the captains, the sea soldiers couldn't stop them at all.

The sixth captain, Bramank, who is capable of pouches of fruit, took out

a huge wooden hammer from his chin like a pocket, and bombarded it

out. More than a dozen sailors vomited blood and flew into the air.

The sailors are heavy, but they can only keep going up.

"Block the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and don't let them land!"

Boom boom boom...

bang bang bang bang...

ding ding ding...

There are more and more sounds of shells, shooting, and weapons


At this moment, Kebi, who was on the battlefield, was sweating and

looked around.

"This is pirates... this is war..."

Beru Meber saw Kebi trembling, kneeling on the ground, powerless.

"They're all monsters. This kind of war is not for us youngsters to

participate in, is it, Coby? Let's run away!"

Facing Bellumebo's proposal, although Kebi was afraid, he didn't want to


"You still want to be a general, Kebi, run away, or you will die, let alone

become a general in the future."

When Kebi heard it, his expression was complicated, but he still didn't

run away directly.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, shaking the entire ice layer, and even the

ground of Marin Fando trembled.

Kebi followed the sound and looked over, raised his head, his face

changed drastically.

All I saw was an incomparably huge giant slowly approaching.

The marines were a little uneasy, but the pirates of the Whitebeard

Pirates were excited and looking forward to it.


"Hahaha, it's Ozzy!"

"Let's go forward now, faster, Ozzy will open the way for us!"

The ghost spider wielded eight knives in its hands, slashing and killing

the surrounding pirates, raised its head to look over, with serious brows.

I know, this huge guy is not easy to deal with.

The Whitebeard Pirates have a tricky presence, act.

As the lieutenant generals joined the battle, the progress of the

Whitebeard Pirates slowed down.

Although there were captains, the lieutenant generals began to fight

against the captains.

And the elite navy has more numbers. For a while, the pirates of the

Whitebeard Pirates were still some distance away from the square, and

they were all still on the ice.

The navy felt that if things continued like this, their advantage would

become bigger and bigger, but this movement caught their attention, and

when they looked at it, they were shocked, it was too huge.

If such existences open the way, then their temporary obstruction will be

ineffective again.

"It's huge..."

"Stop him! Don't panic!"

"We have a lot of people! Shoot, stop!"

The bullets kept shooting, but it seemed useless when they hit the body.

Little Ozzy holds a knife, which is not big for him, but Little Ozzy is

thirty-eight meters tall, and for others, this knife is extremely huge.

Slashing down suddenly, a group of sea soldiers screamed and flew away.

He frowned slightly: "That's the descendant of Yun Guo Oz."

Dauberman nodded: "Well, it's really huge."

The sailors kept rushing forward, trying to stop them.

"We can't let him rush to the harbor, that would be a breakthrough for

the Whitebeard Pirates."

Doflamingo looked at the huge Ozzy and grinned: "My hands are starting

to itch."

The battle intensified, and Doflamingo wanted to fight too.

On the execution platform, Ace shouted nervously: "Ozzy..."

Although Oz is huge and can make a big charge, but being too big is not

good. The target is too big, and he will receive many attacks. He is a

target, so he is very worried.

Oz was fearless and determined: "Ace must be rescued, Ace is very gentle,

I will never let him die!"

Facing Ozzy, the Navy did not panic.

"The elite of the navy retreat to the two sides first, and deal with other

pirates. This giant, let the giant lieutenant general deal with it."

"Yes, our navy has giant troops, leave it to them!"

"It's impossible to move forward!"

"The Straw Hats can't come, you can't win, even if they come, you can't

win. What's more, the Straw Hats didn't come, only you, this battle, you

can't win!"

The giant lieutenant generals waved their weapons, and many members

of the Whitebeard Pirates were thrown into the air, screaming miserably.

Troops of giants approach Little Oz.

"Their target is Little Oz."

"We can't stop it."

"Do your best and give Little Ozzy a chance to charge."

However, the ordinary pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates cannot be


Frozen in the harbor, there are also warships, constantly bombarding

Little Oz.

But the shells couldn't stop Little Ozzy from moving forward, and they

hardly caused any damage.

"Outrageous, many times bigger than the giant family."


"Don't give up, even giants are human beings."

However, Little Ozzy approached and slashed down with a knife. The

warship was split into two halves, and the sailors on it flew out



Watching Ozzy destroy the warship and continue to move forward, Ace

couldn't bear to watch it. He suffered more and more attacks, and if he

continued to accumulate, he would also be injured.

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo looked at this scene, still calm, as if

he was in control of the situation.

Warring States just sighed softly: "White Beard, you really brought an

amazing guy."

"Shoot, keep shooting!"

"Bullets, shells, use them all!"

"It doesn't work for a short time, but if it accumulates, it will definitely


The roar continued, densely packed with bullets and shells, bombarding

Little Ozzy.

Ace yelled: "Ozzy! No! Your huge body will be used as a living target,

don't go any further!"

Little Ozzy continued to move forward, seeing the giant army coming,

but in front of him, like a child, he knew where his knees were.

Little Ozzy picked up a warship and threw it directly. The giant army was

immediately shaken out, unable to block the thrown warship at all, it was

dragged back and forth, and hit the wall.

The other giants continued to charge forward, but facing Little Ozzy, they

were a little scared and held their heads high.

"For the first time I looked up to someone else."

"Me too, it's too big."

Chapter 144

"We treat him like a child."

The giant troop swung their weapons, and they collided with Little Ozzy

with great force.

But every time, their weapons were almost thrown out of their hands by

the shock, and the opponent's strength was even more terrifying, and

even soon, the huge knife was full of cracks and shattered.

With a puff, a giant lieutenant general was slashed by Little Ozzy's knife,

blood spurting wildly, and fell down.

White Beard watched, also worried, and shouted: "Reckless and brave are

not the same thing, you are rushing forward recklessly, back down."

Little Ozzy continued to move forward: "Dad, don't stop me, I'm going to

save Ace, as fast as possible."

Whitebeard knew that if he couldn't be persuaded, he could only arrange

for his sons to cover Ozzy.

Little Ozzy is hard to resist, even a lieutenant general can't do it.

At this time, the bear of Shichibukai took a step forward.

This has attracted the attention of many people, and the navy is also

happy. Although they are pirates, Qiwuhai belongs to the same camp.

The bear held its hands high above its head, and the white air pressure

cannon visible to the naked eye, like bear paw prints, was expanding and

getting bigger and bigger.

However, after it got bigger, the bear's hands began to gather together,

and the huge air cannon continued to shrink. Soon, it shrank into the

palm, and as the bear pushed forward, the small bear's paw-printed air

cannon flew forward.

Although the speed is not fast, it is impossible for the huge little Ozzy to


The bear shouted: "Bear's paw impact."


boom! !

The moment the small bear's paw print air cannon touched Little Ozzy, it

exploded in an instant.

The glaring white bear's paw air pressure cannon instantly became huge,

covering Little Ozzy directly.

Boom boom boom...


Hoo hoo...

With the explosion, the surrounding ice layer directly collapsed, and a

strong wind howled, blowing away all the surrounding pirates and elite


Little Ozzy showed pain on his face, but he didn't scream out. It wasn't

that his injuries were minor. After the bombing, he could see that Little

Ozzy was covered in scars all over his body, but he had amazing

perseverance and didn't let himself scream.

Even with such a powerful explosion, Ozzy insisted on not falling down.

However, Ozzy was already frozen there, bleeding from the corner of his

mouth, rolling his eyes, obviously seriously injured.

Ace's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed worriedly, "Ozzy!"

Ozzy's pupils gradually appeared, which meant that his consciousness

was recovering, and he heard Ace's words.

"Ozzy, give up! You can't get here."

With a bang, Ozzy knelt down, out of breath, with severe pain all over

his body, and at the same time, memories of the past with Ace emerged

in his mind.

After reminiscing, Ozzy didn't want to give up even more, and must be


Ozzy stood up with difficulty and continued to move forward, which

made Ace even more sad.

0····Ask for flowers····

Oz moved forward with difficulty, and was already close to the square, so

he could go up.

However, after approaching, Ozzy, who faced heavy artillery at close

range and was constantly bombarded, was seriously injured, and could be

affected by the shells.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, Ozzy was engulfed in flames and completely became a

living target.

With a bang, Ozzy knelt down powerlessly, looked at Ace in front of him,

obviously very close, raised his hand, stretched it out, and got closer and

closer. Feel.

Shampoo ground.

"As expected of the Qiwuhai under the king, it was reversed in an


"Tyrant Bear, it's too strong, it's a very strong existence in Qiwuhai."

"That's right, the unstoppable Little Ozzy, who is definitely the upper

class of the Seven Martial Arts Sea, was hit hard by Xiong's attack just

like that."

"It's impossible to want Fire Fist Ace, this is the combat power deployed

by the Navy."

"Although I had the upper hand against the Whitebeard Pirates just now,

and Little Ozzy is getting closer and closer, but I am not panicked at all.

Although the giant lieutenant general is difficult to stop, but Shichibukai,

the general, and the legend, did not make a move."

"Yeah, it seems to be close, but in fact it is still far away."

On the execution stand.

The Warring States period is calm and calm, which is why it is calm. It is

not so easy to fight the fire fist Ace.

White Beard hasn't made a move yet, so he must be calm, but now he is

not calm, so what kind of demeanor should White Beard make?

However, just when the Warring States period thought they could

continue to be calm.

The phone bug rang suddenly. I didn't want to answer this kind of war,

but it was called from cp0.

Warring States was slightly taken aback, and it was cp0 who sent this

time to deal with the Straw Hats.

Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with them, they went back, or

watched outside the gate of justice, but why did they suddenly contact



After the Warring States was connected, soon, his face changed


Hang up instantly, Sengoku exclaimed!

For a moment, Shampoo landed, and those who saw it were puzzled.

"Warring States answered a call."

"Who called? Why did his face suddenly change? He was still calm just

now. What happened?"

"Very panicked, what's going on, facing the current attack of the

Whitebeard Pirates, they have always been calm and composed, but why

are they suddenly so panicked?"

"What is Sengoku going to say?"

For a moment, Shambord became quiet, civilians, reporters, pirates,

supernovas, etc., all listened.

On the execution platform, Sengoku picked up the loudspeaker and


"Execute early! Execute Fire Fist Ace immediately!!! Execute!!!"

As the words of the Warring States Period fell, although the executioners

on both sides of Ace were puzzled and surprised, they naturally obeyed

the order.

In an instant, he raised the long knife.

This scene shocked the navy, and even made all the members of the

Whitebeard Pirates change their faces!

Even the white beard, his eyes widened in an instant, he didn't expect it

at all!

Whitebeard's eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and he felt a rare panic in

his heart. He wanted to raise his hand to bombard, but it was too late!

All this, too suddenly!

Suddenly, everyone in the navy did not react.

Suddenly, everyone who looked at Shampoo on the big screen didn't


The death-like silence was like a freeze frame. Everyone did not expect

such a suddenness at all. They could only watch helplessly as the

execution knife fell, getting closer and closer to Ace's neck.

Little Ozzy saw at close range that his hand was about to reach out, and

his face changed drastically. He had already reached his limit and could

no longer move forward. He was seriously injured and it was difficult to

lift it up.

"Ace... no..."

Little Ozzy cried out weakly, extremely worried, powerless, and hated.

He watched Ace being killed. His hand was very close to Ace, but such a

small distance was like heaven and earth. Touch, let alone change, let

alone save Ace.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates changed their expressions drastically,

exclaiming, panicking, worrying, and crying out in grief. Because I

thought Ace was going to die!


"Stop! Why the sudden execution!"


The exclamation was loud.

Navy, Akainu was slightly surprised: "Sudden execution, why."

Don't think too much, anyway, the Whitebeard Pirates will fail, because

Fire Fist Ace will die in the next moment.

Whitebeard was ready to attack, but felt it was too late, and exclaimed,


Shampoo ground.

Everyone felt that Fire Fist Ace was going to die!

And the whole world knows that Fire Fist Ace is going to die!

Can't see the picture, but can hear the sound, the whole world is waiting

for Fire Fist Ace's head to fall out of nowhere.


Outside the gates of justice!

Luffy felt bad when he heard the screams of the pirates. He put his

domineering arrogance to the extreme, and saw the future for a short


The moment I saw it, Five Emperors Luffy was furious!

In an instant, don't wait to break open the door of justice!

Five Emperors Luffy, furious, domineering, majestic, and extremely cold!

Never before!

Domineering and domineering, full of violent bursts! ! It swept away in

an instant! The world is pale!

The sky and the earth are dark red, and the entire Marin Vanduo is

shrouded in dark red, and every corner is filled with dark red!

Luffy's domineering look! Instantly cover the entire Marin Vanduo! Inch.

Chapter 145 The redhead is here? No! It's the Five Emperors!

The sudden execution caught everyone off guard.

When the execution knife slashed down, Garp's face changed drastically,

he was extremely sad, his fists were clenched tightly, and he really

wanted to rush to stop him.

Crane sensed it and held Garp down, putting his hands on his shoulders.

Garp's body trembled and shook, and he lowered his head, not daring to

look at it, blaming himself.

"Damn it! I can save it, but I can't. Damn it!!"

Crane was silent, and one could imagine Garp's mood, very broken, and

could only sigh.

"Hey, this moment is inevitable, he will die eventually."

Garp's face was ugly. Although the war broke out, as long as Ace is not

dead, then Garp still has hope.

Naturally, I hope that Ace will be rescued by Whitebeard. Although the

naval combat power is stronger, at least there is hope.

But now, the sudden execution made people almost unresponsive.

Even if you wanted to save yourself, it would be difficult.

Glancing at the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates, they haven't even made it

to the port yet.

Although Little Ozzy is very close, it is no longer possible. His hand is

very close to Ace, but extremely far away.

As for Marco and other captains, they couldn't catch up at all.

The strongest white beard, now it is too late to do it, will destroy the

execution platform, but before the attack, Ace will fall to the ground.

Garp felt extremely sad: "Is there no hope, Ai "547"..."

Garp's eyes were dim, his expression was sad, he blamed himself very

much, wanted to save him, but couldn't save him, and felt extremely


Shampoo ground.

Chapter 145

Everyone was stunned and had a lot of thoughts.

"Fire Fist Ace is dying."

"Why exactly?"

"That's fine, if you're caught off guard, even Whitebeard won't be able to

save Ace."

"Ace was executed. Even if the battle is not over, the navy has won."

"Yeah, after all, the goal of the Whitebeard Pirates is Fire Fist Ace. If Fire

Fist Ace is dead, they will naturally fail."

"It's too sudden. Even if the general Huang Yuan of Shining Fruit wants to

save him now, he can't catch up, let alone the white beard who is some

distance away from the execution platform."

"Although he is the strongest in the world, he seems helpless at this

critical moment, so he can only watch helplessly."

"This is a blow to the Whitebeard Pirates, and they can only watch


"I'm thinking, after Ace's death, will they give up and leave, or will they

be angry and fight to the death."

"I'll find out soon."

The supernovas are also full of thoughts in this short moment.

"too suddenly."

"The executioners are all carefully selected. No one would have thought

that after the Warring States answered a phone call, the execution would

be announced suddenly. And the executioner was on both sides of Ace. I

don't know how many criminals were executed. His movements were

capable, and the moment he gave an order , just swing the knife, move

like running water, and Fire Fist Ace's head falls on the ground in a short

moment, so suddenly, even if there are many strong people in the

Whitebeard Pirates, even if it is Whitebeard, it will be difficult to save

Fire Fist Ace."

"It's too late for the general Huang Yuan, and elementalization also takes

a short time. Even if he rushes over, it will only be the moment Huang

Yuan arrives, and the head of Fire Fist Ace will fall to the ground."

"So, I don't know how long the war will end, but the outcome will be

determined. The navy wins, Fire Fist Ace dies, and the Whitebeard

Pirates lose. No matter what happens to the navy in the future, justice

has won. , the most sinful bloodline, was purged by justice."

"It's really annoying. Although I don't know Fire Fist Ace, the most evil

bloodline is cleared by justice, which is not what we supernovas of the

evil generation want to see."

"Even if I activate the room space, it's too late to replace Fire Fist Ace. It's

too sudden. Just like the elementalization of the yellow ape, it takes less

than a second to activate the room space."

"Fire Fist Ace, it's doomed, completely hopeless, hopeless."

"Yeah, even Whitebeard can't do anything about it, who else can? The

Navy is going to win."

This is what supernovas think.

At the same time, after the world was stunned for a short time, it was too

late to think about why, but most people were instantly happy in their


"Great, justice is about to win!"

"The sinful blood is going to be cleared! Hahaha, that's great."

"Justice will prevail! Navy will prevail!"

"I knew the Navy would win."

"Although you can't see the picture, you can only hear the sound, but

when you hear the voice of the Whitebeard Pirates, you can hear that

they are powerless."

"Yeah, if White Beard could be saved, they wouldn't shout like that,

which means that White Beard couldn't save him in time, it was too


"The executioner is right next to Fire Fist Ace. The sudden order and the

extremely fast execution will be completed in an instant. There is no


The whole world is full of thoughts, feeling that the next moment, one

second, when the Warring States ordered the execution, the head of Fire

Fist Ace will fall to the ground, and justice will win.

Navy Headquarters.

On the execution stand.

After the Warring States gave the order, he was relieved to see the knife

raised and chopped down.

"Even if you come, it's useless."

Warring States naturally knew that cp0 was actually defeated.

He was instantly horrified, why did the Straw Hats suddenly come to the

Gate of Justice? Isn't the fight with Kaido going on?

Cp0 faced the Straw Hats, and it was the Harmless Straw Hats.

And after losing the battle, the Straw Hats are still unharmed!

This shocked the Warring States Period extremely. Has the Straw Hat

Group become stronger again?

If it arrives, it's really hard to say whether the navy will win this battle

with the two powerful imperial regiments. It's not very sure.

Therefore, this is why the face of the Warring States period changed

drastically, and the execution was suddenly ordered, and the execution

time was not followed.

The execution time is far from here, and it was set by their navy.

It will not be ahead of time, it will be a bit shameful, and it seems that

the navy is panicked and scared.

But, I have to panic.

He was calm before, not because it was just the Whitebeard Pirates.

Just a white beard pirate group is very dangerous, mainly because the

battle has just begun, and it is still a long time before we can save Fire

Fist Ace.

The Warring States period felt that when the execution time came, it

would be difficult for the Whitebeards to get close to the execution


Therefore, be calm and composed, even if the other party is the strongest

man in the world.

The most important thing is that they have a plan, they can instigate

rebellion, and let Whitebeard get injured before fighting.

This is also one of the reasons why the Warring States Period was

determined, but knowing that the Straw Hats were coming, such a

sudden panic made him panic, it was too unbelievable, he rushed all the

way without injury, and was blocked by Kaido of Beasts and the powerful

combat power of cp0. It is unbelievable.

Therefore, the Warring States could no longer remain calm, and his face

changed drastically in an instant, and he ordered the execution.

"Okay, justice has won. Even if the Straw Hats come and unite with the

Whitebeard Pirates to take revenge, we are not afraid, even if there will

be greater sacrifices, but Fire Fist Ace is executed, even if the navy

sacrifices the most in this war , also won."

This is the idea of ​​the Warring States period. I relax for a moment, and

I feel that it can be over in the blink of an eye. Fire Fist Ace's head is

about to fall to the ground.


call! !

Suddenly, the invisible and substantive overlord look permeates like a


Marin Fando's world was instantly dark red! It's like purgatory!

Sengoku's eyes widened, pupils contracted, in the line of sight, at close

range, the two executioners, the knives in their hands were frozen, very

close to Huoquan Ace's neck, but, when it was frozen, the knives and tops

were 0...

The executioner rolled his eyes, and even the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth

were bleeding!

His face showed pain!


Even, the sound of cracks sounded, and cracks appeared on the execution


Injuries, cracks, this is... the real domineering look!

The Warring States felt uneasy, and the executioners were all like this, so

it means that the hundred thousand elite navy also...

In an instant, before he had time to see the whole picture, he thought

that the terrifying overlord color was only aimed at this place, but as the

Warring States looked forward, there was a dark red in front of him.

Look up, the world is filled with dark red!

Looking around quickly, the entire Marin Vanduo was shrouded in dark

red! ~

The Warring States period was extremely shocking, this domineering look

was terrifying, not only did it cause great physical damage, but the

coverage area was even greater! It even completely covered Marin


bang bang bang bang...

In the next moment, a scene that made the Warring States uneasy


All I saw was a dense mass of navy elites rolling their eyes and falling

down in unison.

And, not just fainting, but just like the executioner, the seven orifices are

bleeding! Painful expression!

And there are cracks in many places throughout Marin Vanduo, such as

the ground, stone walls, houses, etc.!

bang bang bang bang...

The sound of falling to the ground continued, and the Warring States

period became more and more uneasy. Wouldn't it be possible for a

hundred thousand naval elites to all faint? !

However, as he thought.

Under the horrified eyes of the Warring States Period, hundreds of

thousands of elite naval forces fell to the ground and fainted in pieces,

bleeding from their orifices.

Moreover, what is even more shocking is that the pirates of the

Whitebeard Pirates did not faint!

It's not that they are strong, but that the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates

didn't faint and were not affected!

this means…

The Warring States period was extremely horrified, which means that

Bawang's domineering aura is not only extremely terrifying, but also has

substantial damage, a huge coverage area, and precise control!

"So... who the **** is... Could it be..."

Sengoku was extremely shocked.

Substantial damage, such a huge coverage area of ​​Overlord Color, and

such precise control over Overlord Color, is definitely not something that

can be achieved in a short time.

Well, only that man!

At this time, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates 3.1 was shocked for a

short time, and it was too late to be puzzled, but they were instantly

excited and relieved.

Ace, saved! Not sentenced! They still have a chance!

White Beard heaved a sigh of relief, and he was extremely grateful in his

heart. Who was it?

Like the Warring States period, Whitebeard thought of the man he had

fought against not long ago.

At this time, the navy was briefly shocked, but uneasy.

The elite kept fainting, and even if they were the mainstay with the

lowest combat power, they were still panicking.

Who else could have such a terrifying domineering look?

Shampoo ground.

Everyone was also stunned, Supernova was stunned, Xia Qi and Lei Li

were shocked and their eyes widened.

So scary, so damaging, such coverage.

In an instant, everyone thought of that man, the strongest overlord, the

four emperors, and the red-haired Shanks!

For a moment, the Navy headquarters panicked.

"One hundred thousand naval elites are going to faint!"

"Could it be... that man is here!"

"Not only the Whitebeard Pirates, but also the Red Hair Pirates?!"

"Red...Redhead is coming! Is it nearby?!"

The navy was panicked and uneasy. Everyone thought that it was the


But, they don't know, it's not the red hair coming, but...

The Fifth Emperor of the Sea is here! ! .

Chapter 146 Navy: The Five Emperors Straw Hats are here! !

bang bang bang...

The sound of falling to the ground continued, the elite navy kept fainting,

and the face of the Warring States Period was extremely ugly. More than

half of the 100,000 elite navy had fallen, and they were still falling at an

extremely fast speed.

This is not as simple as fainting. If you faint, you can fight again when

you get up. Even if other people want to take advantage of the fainting to

kill the elite, it will not require manpower and time-consuming.

However, after waking up like this, the injured body is not strong in the

first place, but slightly stronger than ordinary people. The injured face is

basically no match for the uninjured pirates of the same strength.

Moreover, such a substantive domineering color will hurt the fainted

person. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is

that it will faint for a long time.

bang bang bang bang...


Gradually, the sound of falling to the ground became less intense,

because the hundred thousand elite navy had all fainted, bleeding from

their seven orifices.

The pirate who was fighting the elite navy was still stunned when his

opponent suddenly fell down, bleeding from his orifices, lying on the

ground with his eyes rolled in pain.

And looking around, the elite navy was also down, and for a while, they

didn't know what to do.

Chapter 146

Their mission is to deal with one hundred thousand elite naval forces,

powerful ones, not something they 04 can deal with.

I thought it was a very difficult and difficult task. After all, their number

is less than half of the navy.

This is still the headquarters of the navy, and there are various artillery

configurations. The location and people are all on the headquarters of the


I thought it would be very difficult, but now, the elite navy, 100,000

people, have all fallen.

So what do they do?

Although their fighting strength is ordinary, but when gathered together,

they are also terrifying fighting strength.

If one person can't beat a powerful major general or brigadier general,

then, a hundred, a thousand, if they join forces to beat one, they still

can't beat them?

This is the thought of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates. They are

excited and hopeful in their hearts!

Although the fighting has been up to now, the momentum is high, but I

know that the battle with the navy is very difficult, and there is little

hope of saving Ace.

But now, hope is great, the navy's 100,000 elites are all gone!

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were terrified.

"Great... Ace is saved."

"It's so terrifying and domineering, the coverage is so large that it can

cover the entire Marin Fando."

"Yeah, it's terrifying, the coverage area is large, and the actual damage is

too strong!"

"In this way, we are much more relaxed. Originally, the navy had some

advantages, and the people and the people were on the navy's side. But

now, the people and the people are on our side, and our strength far

exceeds that of the navy!"

"Yeah, all 100,000 have fallen, and the navy has suffered too much


"It's too scary. This domineering look knocked down 100,000 people in

an instant, and all of them were injured. The most important thing is,

these 100,000 people are not ordinary people, but elite navy!"

"Great, we have more hope of rescuing Ace!"

"Is it redhead?"

"Do you still need to think about it? Of course it is. Besides red hair, who

else can do this."

"It's terrifying, and it has precise control, which means that the

knowledgeable domineering is also extremely terrifying."

"That's right, if you don't want the domineering look to affect us, you

must combine the overlord look with a powerful knowledge look."

"Thank you Hongfa. Although I had a conflict with my father before,

Hongfa is still very good."

The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates were shocked and thankful, and they

were also extremely grateful to the redhead.

Not only them, even the captain, the white beard thought it was red hair.

Marco: "Thanks to Redhead, Ace was saved, it was too dangerous."

The captains were thankful and extremely grateful, with heavy hearts

and lingering fears.

Without this terrifying overbearing arrogance, even if they were all there

and Dad was there, Ace would be dead.

Thinking of this, they felt a little frustrated and almost failed.

Whitebeard looked at the 100,000 elite navy soldiers who fell to the

ground. The combat power of the navy dropped too much in an instant.

In this battle, it is impossible for him to destroy the 100,000 elite navy,

because the high combat power will stop it. Even if he is alone against

the 100,000 elite navy and uses the fruit of shock, it will take some time

to wipe out the 100,000 elite.

Unlike just now, in an instant, one hundred thousand elites all fell down.

The dark red arrogance filled the world and Marin Vanduo, as if this

place was purgatory, ordinary people could not stay here, they could only

bear it.

White Beard is extremely grateful and envious in his heart, having such a

terrifying domineering look is something that the strongest man in the

world cannot do.

Such an overlord color owner, if he is still alive in a few years, then he

may not be the strongest in the world.

"I also want to have such a domineering look. Then Ace was in danger

just now. As the strongest dad in the world, I can save Ace myself. My

dad has failed a bit."

White Beard envies, yearns for, and blames himself.

Without this domineering look, Ace would really be dead.

Even if he was furious and made the navy pay a heavier price, so what,

Ace would never come back.

At this time, not many people were shocked by the navy, because the

100,000 elite fell, and the number of the navy suddenly decreased a lot,

and some were weak.

The lieutenant generals were shocked and stunned.

"too horrible…"

"The domineering look is still there, it's really like a purgatory."

"At the moment when the overlord's color came, I, the lieutenant general,

was in a trance for a short time."

"Me too, it's horrible."

The lieutenant generals were extremely shocked, they didn't expect the

overlord color to be so strong.

Cap, the only happy one in the navy, was relieved. ,

"That's great. Although I hate the red-haired kid, I'm very grateful to him


Garp also felt that it was the red hair who saved Ace.

Sengoku's face was extremely ugly: "Damn... not only the Five Emperors

Straw Hats are here, but the Red Hair Pirates are also here, and have

they already reached the gate of justice?"


Sengoku looked at the sea ahead, and looked at the Gate of Justice in the


Although the distance is far, the Gate of Justice is huge, and the

domineering look bursts from there.

For a while, the Warring States period was even more shocking, which

meant that the domineering look did not just cover the entire Marin

Vanduo! It was just too scary.

For the first time, Huang Yuan felt really scary: "It's really scary, this

domineering look, is there such a monster in this world?"

Aokiji exclaimed: "It's unbelievable. For me as a general, it's beyond my


Akainu looked ugly, and the execution failed.

But, he didn't care, his face was iron-blooded.

"Come on, no matter who it is, as long as it is a crime, it will eventually

be wiped out."

Although the 100,000 elites are gone, Akainu doesn't care, as long as he

is still there.

At this time, all the scouting telescopes of the marines were aimed at the

door of justice.

They were afraid, because the overlord's color erupted from there, which

meant that the red-haired group was right outside the gate of justice!

Boom! !


Suddenly, everyone in Marin Fando was shocked and looked towards the

Gate of Justice, because the deafening bombing sound came from there!

The scouting marines saw it with binoculars, and the door of justice was

broken open!

In an instant, their eyes widened and their pupils shrank!

No...not the Red Hair Pirates, but....

Chapter 147 Top! The Straw Hats burst onto the scene!

The domineering color stunned hundreds of thousands of naval elites,

covering the entire Marin Fando, and even the lieutenant general was in

a trance for a short time. Everyone thought it was the domineering

arrogance released by the red hair.

On the execution platform, the face of the Warring States Period was

ugly. The 100,000 elite navy was gone, and the navy suddenly looked a

little weak.

The elite is gone, so the firepower basically becomes a decoration.

"Damn redhead..."

Warring States heart is extremely heavy.

The Straw Hat Regiment of the Five Emperors, the Red-haired Regiment,

and the Whitebeard Regiment are all going to join the battle, so...

With the 100,000 elite navy gone, and the support from the world

government also lost, this battle will be very dangerous.

Ace was rescued, and the Whitebeard Pirates were completely vigilant,

including Whitebeard.

With the elite of the navy completely dizzy, for a while, the Whitebeard

Pirates moved faster.

After a brief shock and thanks, he continued to charge forward.

"Oh! One hundred thousand elites are gone, go!"

"Much less stressful!"

"Although the opponent still has a lieutenant general and a general, we

also have a captain, Dad."

"Ace almost died just now, but it's okay, but we have to work harder and

be more cautious. Once again, I don't know if there will be such an


"Ace will never be allowed to be in danger again! Hurry up!"

Zhan Guo's face was extremely ugly, and he prayed in his heart that it

would be best if the red hair was just a shock of domineering and would

not participate.

But, it's impossible to think about it. After all, they are all outside the

gate of justice, and they have exploded with dominance.

Obviously, he knew that Ace was about to be executed suddenly, so he

broke out.

On the execution platform, Ace looked complicated.

Although he didn't die, he was not lucky or happy.

If they are not dead, Dad and the others will continue to charge.

However, if they died, Dad and the others would be even angrier and

would not leave.

Still, can only continue.

However, I am still fortunate, because the combat power of the navy has

been weakened.

Although one hundred thousand elite fainted, it was a huge blow to the


In this way, the mainstay of the navy's combat power will be targeted by

more than 20,000 pirates.

With such a high combat power, you have to face the captains, Dad.

All of a sudden, the navy didn't have that much of an advantage.

Ace glanced at Warring States aside, and asked, "Your face changed

drastically just now, and the reason why I was suddenly ordered to be

executed is because the red hair is here."

Ace wanted to know, but at that moment, he was worried.

Of course, it wasn't that he was worried that he was going to die, but

why the Warring States suddenly changed his face and ordered him to be


Ace thought, could it be that Luffy and the others are here?

But, how come, isn't it facing Kaido? It stands to reason that Kaido will

be furious, and it is impossible to let it go. The fierce battle continues,

and it is impossible for Luffy and the others to come.

However, although it is impossible, why did the calm and composed

Warring States suddenly change his face and order the execution.

It means that there are emergencies that make the Warring States period

feel heavy.

Therefore, Ace thought of Luffy and the others, and was worried.

In this war, the two things I worry about most about my own execution

are that Dad and Luffy will come. Now that Dad and the others are here,

this can no longer be changed. I can only pray that Luffy and the others

don't come.

I can be a little happier in my heart, Luffy and the others were blocked

by Kaido, but if it really came, the two things I was most worried about

would happen.

Therefore, Ace, who was almost dead, did not rejoice, but asked

immediately, so that he was more at ease.

Ace thinks it's red hair, after all, this domineering color, although it has

not been confirmed yet, but I already feel that it is almost inseparable,

and I am relieved.

Facing Ace's question, Zhan Guo frowned and said seriously, "Yes."

Although what they said on the phone has nothing to do with the red-

haired group, but the red-haired group is outside the door of justice,

that's for sure, because that's where the domineering arrogance comes

from, and who else can it be if it's not the red-haired group.

This made Ace completely relieved: "Great, Luffy, it's great that you can't

come. One of the two things I don't want the most has happened, so you

don't want to come, and Kai Fight until this execution is over, and then

leave. Continue to become stronger and stronger, Luffy, I believe you will

definitely become the Pirate King. Don't fall into crisis and be strangled

because of me."

Although one hundred thousand elite fainted, in Ace's view, this battle

was still very difficult and dangerous.

One hundred thousand elite fell, but the three generals had hardly made

a move, especially Akainu, who was still sitting in the middle below.

Moreover, Garp and Sengoku haven't made a move yet, and Qi Wuhai

hasn't made much of a move yet.

Therefore, even though the 100,000 elite fell, and the strength of Dad's

men was still close to 20,000, the advantage still could not be revealed.

Chapter 147

Luffy and the others are here, maybe it will be better, but the navy will

definitely add support, and there must be a powerful lieutenant general

or general backup.

So, better not to come.

At this time, Qiwuhai shook.

Xiong: "This domineering look is unbelievable..."

Xiong was happy in his heart. Naturally, the greater the naval casualties

in this battle, the better.

Weibull: "One hundred thousand elites, if you faint, you will faint. Leave

the scum in front of you to me. I can do it all."

Weibull felt that he had become the elite combat force of the 100,000


After the words fell, Weibull was ready to jump up and deal with the

pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates who were rushing forward.

"I'm Daddy's son, you guys don't deserve it."

Weibull was ready to strike, to kill.

Doflamingo: "The loss of 100,000 elites does not mean that the navy has

no bottom-level combat power. Let me create it."

Obviously, Doflamingo is going to do it too, using the string fruit ability

to control these ordinary pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, it's simple.

"You will soon feel that it is not a good thing for one hundred thousand

elites to fall. Compared with dealing with them, you don't like what

happens next. It will be very painful. Let me admire your painful

expressions, fufufufu... "

Apparently, Doflamingo wanted to manipulate, causing the pirates of the

Whitebeard Pirates to kill each other in pain.

Hawkeye didn't intend to do anything, he didn't intend to do anything to

these nameless pirates, he just wanted to fight Whitebeard to see the


But now, Hawkeye is most concerned about this domineering look.

Hawkeye frowned slightly: "This domineering look doesn't look like..."

Hawkeye said to himself, he didn't think it was red-haired, he had

definitely felt it before.

But, it's not red-haired, but it's so scary, and only red-haired can do it.

Hawkeye was a little puzzled: "Only redheads can do it. Could it be that I

was overthinking it? Is it true? Redheads are outside the door of justice."

Shichibukai felt that it was red hair outside, and Hawkeye also thought it

could only be red hair after a short hesitation, which was the reason for

Sengoku's sudden face change.

Otherwise, I can't think of any other reason.

Knowing that the red-haired group is outside the gate of justice,

Doflamingo and the three of them plan to take action against the white

beard pirates. They are not worried about the red-haired group and leave

it to the general or Garp Sengoku.

Although it is Qiwuhai, they don't want to work too hard to fight the red-

haired group.

Qingzhi and Huangyuan were a little helpless at this time, it seemed that

it would not be so easy.

If one hundred thousand elites are down, they will have to work harder.

At this time, Akainu was still sitting in his seat, his face was slightly

lowered, and his expression was low.

Now, there is no intention of doing anything, even if one hundred

thousand elites fall.

Garp secretly said: "Although the 100,000 elites are gone, it is still very

difficult to save Ace."

He was ready to make a move at this time: "It's time for me to do it too.

The 100,000 elites are gone, so let me make up for the vacancy."

Karp knew that Crane was powerful.

Seeing that Crane was about to attack, Doflamingo was a little

apprehensive and sympathized with these pirates.

"One hundred thousand elites have fallen, and the opponents you face

will be even more terrifying."

Shampoo ground.

"Redheads are at the gates of justice!"

"The face of the Warring States period changed drastically, and the

reason why people immediately executed Huoquan Ace was that the red-

haired group came."

"I totally understand, no wonder."

"It can only be like this."

"I thought the Straw Hats were coming."

"Are you an idiot, how could you think of this? It must be impossible."

"Yeah, what an idiot. I didn't think about it at all. How could it be

possible? After all, I'm still fighting Kaido, so it's impossible to come.

Besides, even if I came, this domineering color can't come from the Straw


"Yeah, the red-haired group is here. Only the red-haired group can do

this. The coverage area is really huge. It broke out from outside the gate

of justice, so it doesn't just cover Marin Vanduo."

"It's too scary. Outside the gate of justice is the red-haired group."

"So, will the red-haired group join the battle?"

"Although the 100,000 elites are gone, the navy, Shichibukai can make

up for this vacancy, and there are even more. Although the strength of

the Whitebeard Pirates is higher than that of the navy, it still has

firepower, because the firepower of the navy is almost no People have

controlled it, but this kind of force and firepower are useless in front of

the strong."

"Yeah, Doflamingo can also be overlord, and he can also bring down

some pirates. The most important thing is their strength. If you want to

destroy the pirate ships, it's a matter of hands, especially Hawkeye,

absolutely One knife and one ship. Therefore, military strength and

firepower are useless in the face of this kind of war."

"Yeah, the disappearance of the 100,000 elites doesn't affect the navy

very much. I think the navy still has the advantage, and its combat power

is stronger. It doesn't matter if the 100,000 elites are the key to the battle


"It's about occupying the key, or high combat power. If the high combat

power of the three major navy generals is not there, then it is the key and

affects the battle situation. One hundred thousand elites will not affect


"However, the overlord's color knocked down a hundred thousand in an

instant, it's really domineering, shocking, and the visual impact is too


"As expected of a redhead, then, will you come in?"


"Red hair is really strong."

"This domineering color is beyond our understanding."

"Fire Fist Ace is not dead, the winner is still undecided."

"Will the red-haired group come in outside the gate of justice?"

"I'll know soon. If there's no movement, I just need a little help. If you

come in, you're joining the battle."

At this time, the biggest hot spot up to now, the big news, began to

spread, and naturally it was the overlord's color that stunned one

hundred thousand naval elites.

People all over the world still don't know what happened, and they can't

directly watch the live broadcast like the Chambord Islands.

The reporters in Chambord were busy, contacting other places. News

agencies around the world knew the latest news, received the pictures

and started printing them immediately.

People all over the world, can't wait.

"I really want to go to the Chambord Islands."

"I regret not going."

"It's useless to go there. If you can't squeeze in, how many people can it

accommodate on an island?"

"Listening to the radio is still not good. I can only hear the sound, and I

don't know what happened."

"Why did the Warring States suddenly order the execution? What


Soon, newspapers began to spread.

"The latest news! About why Fire Fist Ace was suddenly executed!"

"The hottest headline! Fire Fist Ace, not dead! Why, if you want to know,

hurry up and buy it!"

"Want to know the reason why the Warring States' face changed

drastically and the sentence was suddenly announced?"

"It's unbelievable! One hundred thousand elites of the navy, why did they

all faint in an instant! The seven orifices are bleeding!? Do you want to

know what happened?"

The shouts of the news spreaders immediately made everyone extremely

curious and itchy, so they bought the newspaper without hesitation.

People all over the world are buying, crowded together.

Soon, the world was shocked and understood.

"'~My God, Fire Fist Ace was rescued, this domineering look... so scary."

"Shrouded the entire Marin Vanduo, stunned the executioner, stunned a

hundred thousand elite..."

"Really, this newspaper..."

"It's all news like this, every newspaper is, so, it's true..."

"It's unbelievable, but it can't be fake, outrageous, this domineering look."

"It's not even covering Marin Vanduo, it's terrifying."

"Knowledge is also terrifying, and it didn't hurt any of the Whitebeard


"One hundred thousand elites of the navy are not only stunned, but also

bleeding from their orifices. This domineering look is really terrifying. If

they target ordinary people like us, will they be shocked to death?"

"Death from the shock or dislocation of internal organs due to the shock,

and serious internal injuries."

"Bawang's color can be so terrifying, it's really outrageous."

"Only the red hair can do it. No wonder the complexion of the Warring

States period changed drastically, and the execution was carried out

suddenly. It turned out that the red hair group came, just outside the gate

of justice, and the domineering color broke out from there. The gate of

justice is the world of Marin Vanduo In the room, it is all dark red, and

outside the gate of justice is the starting point of the explosion of

domineering color."

"Will the red-haired regiment participate in the battle? Let's wait and


Navy Headquarters.

Warring States shouted: "Major generals who are not dizzy, immediately

replace the investigation! Pay attention to the gate of justice! Because

outside the gate of justice, the red-haired group is there! They may come


The major generals were also aware of it, and immediately took charge of

the investigation, watching with binoculars from afar, focusing on the

Gate of Justice.

They were nervous, the red-haired group was outside, and if they

appeared, they would be the first to see it.

Except for the general, Karp, Sengoku, the lieutenant general, and the

lieutenant generals, they were all worried and flustered.

At first, the elite navy was nervous, and now they are too.

After all, it's not just the Whitebeard Pirates, the Redheads are out there.

boom! !

Suddenly, there was an explosion, and everyone was shocked.

Everyone in the navy looked over and knew that it must be the door of

justice, and it exploded!

Because, the red-haired regiment was there, and the sound of the

explosion (Li Zhao) came from a distance ahead. It could only be that the

red-haired regiment broke through the door of justice and was really

going to join the war.

They all felt that the red-haired group was coming!

In Shambord, everyone was watching intently.

In the whole world, in various places, the sound of explosions came from

the radio, and their bodies were all shaken.

The world is quiet, want to listen, want to hear from the mouth of the

navy, another imperial regiment joins the battle!

The major general in charge of the investigation was the first to see it, his

eyes widened and his pupils contracted suddenly, it was unbelievable.

Outside the Gate of Justice, there is indeed only one pirate group, but it

is not the Red-haired Four Emperors, but...

In Shambord, everyone kept their eyes on, and even turned their heads

forward, wanting to look more carefully.

However, although zooming in, you can see the huge Gate of Justice, but

it is difficult to see the pirate ship that appears.

I can only see the outline of black dots, but I feel that it must be a group

of red hair.


The investigating major generals spoke in unison, terrified, and their

voices resounded through Marin Fando! Resounding through the

shampoo, resounding through the whole world!

"Report!! No...it's not the red-haired pirates...it's...it's!!"

He was about to say the other party's name, but suddenly, an air cannon

roared through the air.

In the next moment, the pirate ship outside the Gate of Justice passed

through the broken hole, then soared into the sky, and rushed towards

Marin Vanduo!

Already, no need for them to say!

Let everyone know about the upcoming pirate ship and the next scene!



The pirate ship soared into the sky, came to the top of the ice in Crescent

Bay in the blink of an eye, fell with a bang, activated the recoil, and the

ship landed steadily on the ice.

Chapter 148

Everyone's pupils shrank, this ship is not the red-haired pirate ship!


Impressively, it was the Sonny Merry!

whoosh whoosh...

bang bang bang...

Nine figures swept up and landed on the ice layer. Headed by Luffy, the

nine stood in a row, attracting the attention of the entire battlefield.

Luffy's black stand-up collar cloak fluttered, his right hand raised his

straw hat, his face was raised, majestic and domineering.

"Finally, it's here."

The Straw Hats of the Five Emperors finally came to Marin Vanduo and

joined the battle on the top! .

Chapter 148: All the Straw Hats Do It! Burst the top!

When Overlord Color stunned 100,000 naval elites, the Whitebeard

Pirates were full of hope and felt that the winning rate had increased too


Even if the red-haired group outside the Gate of Justice doesn't help, just

Bawangse's help is enough, and the rest will be left to them.

The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates began to charge, but soon, Gao's

combat power started to attack.


Mihawk took a step forward and immediately attracted everyone's


The sailors above the major were shocked and their eyes lit up.

One hundred thousand elite fell, they were heavy, because they were the

bottom ones, and they were under a lot of pressure.

But now, Shichibukai, Mihawk is going to do it.

Mihawk's move caught everyone by surprise. Unexpectedly, it naturally

attracted everyone's attention.

Huang Yuan sighed softly: "This is really rare."

Akainu, who had been silent for a long time, always said: "That Hawkeye,

who does his own way, wants to join the war."

Doflamingo asked: "Are you going to go?"

Mihawk's sharp eyes stared straight ahead, with only one target, the

white beard standing on the bow of the Mobidi.

Hawkeye said in a stern voice: "I just want to have a try, the world's

strongest man in front of us, how far we are from him."

That's why Hawkeye got his hands on it.

Shampoo land, the crowd discusses.

"Is there such a reason?"

"I thought it was a hundred thousand elite fainted. The navy seemed to

be at a disadvantage. The navy wanted to cheer everyone up and let

everyone know that the navy was still superior. I thought that Hawkeye's

move was also to encourage the navy, but now it seems , It really is my

own style, acting according to my own ideas."

"Your idea is right. I believe that the high combat power will start to

attack one after another soon. When one hundred thousand elites fall,

they will naturally encourage themselves and attack the Whitebeard

Pirates. Now the Whitebeard Pirates are too arrogant."

"Yeah, all of them are like chicken blood, so the high combat power of

the navy will definitely hit them."

"Will it be hit?"

"Inevitably, the navy still has the upper hand, and the Whitebeard Pirates

are obviously more powerful. The outcome of this war is not determined

by the bottom-level combat power, so it doesn't matter if one hundred

thousand elites fall, but the high combat power. "

"Yeah, the arrogance of the Whitebeard Pirates will come down soon,

they will waver, and they will doubt again. The advantage is not theirs,

but the navy."

At this time, Hawkeye was ready to attack, and after seeing Foil Vista, his

fighting spirit rose.

"I have long wanted to meet him. 547, the world's number one

swordsman, is an existence that any powerful swordsman would want to

meet. This is the instinct of a swordsman."


As Hawkeye pulled out the black cross knife behind his back, there was a

clanging sound.

Smoker condensed his voice: "Is that the legendary black knife?"

Da Siqi stared closely: "To be precise, Heidaoye."

The sound of clanging sounded again, everyone stared at it, and Hawkeye

swung his knife.

He didn't make any fancy movements, and didn't call out any move

names, but he held the black sword in his right hand and slashed out.


Suddenly, emerald green slashes burst out, breaking through the ice and

slashing towards Whitebeard.

Shampoo ground.

"What a huge slash."

"Sure enough, it's just a try, it's just one hand."

"One hand looks so scary, but how strong will the black knife be with

both hands?"

"Look at the power. Through Whitebeard's counterattack, you can clearly

understand the power of this slash."

"You don't need to look at it to know that it must be a slash that can split

mountains and seas. Although it is a one-handed slash, it is after all the

slash of the world's number one swordsman."

For a time, everyone looked forward to it.

The slash was in front of Whitebeard in an instant, Hawkeye stared

ahead, wanting to see what would happen to Whitebeard.

However, White Beard stood there without any movement.

At this moment, Jozi rushed over and blocked the slash with his body.

This shocked everyone, this is the slash of the world's number one

swordsman, aren't you afraid that your body will be split in half?

However, the slash stopped. Joz roared hysterically. Although it was very

strenuous and his veins bulged, he lifted his hands up and sent the slash

flying into the air. It collapsed in the air and the clouds were shaken



"My God, even if the armed domineering is very strong, it's hard to resist

physically, right?"

"Look at his body! It's full of diamonds~!"

"It's the captain of the third team, Diamond Jozzy!"

As Diamond Joz blocked the world's number one slash, the momentum of

the Whitebeard Pirates increased, screaming and charging.

Sengoku frowned, now that the Whitebeard Pirates are like this, they

must attack.

After all, it is not yet known whether the red-haired group will come.

And, the Five Emperors Straw Hats will definitely come.

Joz felt that if he worked hard and his momentum increased, it was time

for him to do it.

It violently bombarded the ice surface, and immediately cracked a huge

circle-shaped gully.

Immediately afterwards, Joz grabbed it with both hands, set off with

explosive force, and turned his back to (aedb) the square.

While roaring, Joz set off a huge block of ice, which shocked many

people and puzzled them.

"What is he going to do?"

"Should I..."

"How is it possible, it's too huge, can he do it?"

"It looks very strenuous, and the veins all over the body are violent."

"There is something to stop it!"

Immediately, a huge block of ice was lifted up by Joz, flew into the air,

and fell towards the square.

In an instant, Marin Vanduo's execution square was dimmed, covered by

a huge ice block above, like a small iceberg.

The sailors were terrified, and even major generals, brigadier generals,

and even lieutenant generals all lost face.

"It's too huge, it's about to fall down."

"Even facing the giant lieutenant general, it looks small."

"What to do, it's about to fall down, like an ice meteorite!"

Shampoo ground.

"Does the Whitebeard Pirates have an advantage?"

"Thinking too much, now it just looks like it is actually a navy."

"Soon, the Whitebeard Pirates will be heavy and will realize it."

"Warring States just said that it's time to attack them, so wait and see."

Under the execution platform, Akainu's head finally lifted.

Akainu was helpless: "Really, those guys left their posts without

authorization. If we all attack, who will guard this place."

After the words fell, the magma surged in Akainu's fist and blasted

upwards violently.

"Big fire!"


Suddenly, the ice cubes shattered and melted and evaporated in the air

without even falling.

This made the Whitebeard Pirates' arrogance a little lower, and they were


"A huge block of ice, completely evaporated."


"Is this the strength of a general..."

"No... not good!"

The huge magma did not disperse, but dispersed suddenly, falling densely

like meteorites.

The faces of the Whitebeard Pirates changed in shock.


"It's a volcanic bomb!"

"If you get hit, you will die."

Immediately, the pirates fled quickly, but it was impossible to avoid them

all, they were densely packed, and every piece that fell would not only

hurt one person, but a group of people.

Boom boom boom...


Suddenly, the sound of bombing and screams continued.

Following Red Dog's move, the aura of the Whitebeard Pirates was not so

high, it was lowered a little.

Obviously, he was overwhelmed by the general's strength.

The red dog's voice was cold: "The overlord's color stunned the 100,000

elites, which gave you confidence and gave you the illusion of

superiority. Then, if the red hair makes our 100,000 elites disappear, I

will let your troops disappear."

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu turned his fists into magma and blasted into the air.

This made the pirates stunned, why didn't they bombard them.

But in the next moment, his face changed drastically again, because

densely packed lava fists fell from the sky, and their power would be

even stronger.


Chapter 149

"Is this the strength of a general?"

"It's like a natural disaster!"

Boom boom boom...


For a while, there were continuous screams.

Whitebeard frowned, feeling that he was about to do something.

Ready to swing and kick, the vibrating gas shield condensed in front of

the naginata, ready to swing towards Akainu from the air.

Warring States looked at Garp: "It is necessary to attack the Whitebeard

Pirates, and their momentum has dropped. So, leave it to the generals, Qi

Wukai is here to attack. But, Whitebeard is going to do it, so Garp, you

stop it Bar."

Karp also knows that if this continues, the Whitebeard Pirates will

become more and more powerful. Even if the navy is still in the upper

hand, it will be partially unconfident, and a blow is inevitable.

Seeing that Whitebeard was about to slash, Karp rushed over, and the

black iron fist slammed out, directly facing Whitebeard's naginata slash

combined with the ability of the shaking fruit.


The two terrorist forces collided, broke out, and stalemate.

White Beard frowned: "Karp."

Garp said: "I have to let you correctly confirm the situation."

Whitebeard was blocked by Karp, and immediately, the generals made a


The yellow ape flew high into the sky, and once again used the eight-foot

Qiong Gouyu, densely packed golden light bullets fell.

Marko wanted to block, but was briefly blocked by two Stoloberg,


The other captains wanted to stop them, but they were also blocked by

the rest of the lieutenant generals.

All they have to do is block, Garp blocks Whitebeard, and they block the

captains in multiples.

Then, leave it to the general to let the Whitebeard regiment be attacked,

and to recognize the situation clearly is still the navy's advantage.

whoosh whoosh…

Intensive light bullets fell, and suddenly, there were more screams.

At the same time, Crane also made a move, turning many pirates into

clothes and hanging them to dry.

Aokiji also made a move, and the icy air filled the air, freezing a large

piece of pirates.

Weibull, Doflamingo, and Xiong also made a move. For a while, the

pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates kept screaming.

The original illusion has dissipated, and the navy is still at an advantage.

The momentum of the Whitebeard Pirates dropped a lot.

"Really, high combat power determines the outcome..."

"We are not very useful..."

"I thought that if one hundred thousand elites were stunned, our

advantage would become bigger and bigger, but unexpectedly, we are

equivalent to useless."

"Advantage, is the navy really bigger..."

"It's so desperate... The navy's high combat power is too scary."

"The captains were blocked by all the lieutenant generals, and the old

man was blocked by Karp."

For a while, the three generals and the three Shichibukai made many

people in the Whitebeard Pirates despair, and they were hit and


Moreover, the pacifists were also dispatched, and the lasers continued to

be emitted.

Immediately, the arrogance of the Whitebeard Pirates disappeared.

Warring States Satisfaction: "This is what I want."

The mid-to-low combat power of other navies is relieved.

"This is our strength."

"Their advantage just now was an illusion, and we still have the


"They couldn't help lowering their aura, and even doubted it, and they

were a little desperate."

"Yeah, they're all self-doubting and thinking they're not good enough."

Shampoo ground.

"As we thought, it happened."

"Many of them are desperate, hahaha."

"No surprise, after all, the highest combat power of the navy is doing it."

"Whitebeard was blocked by Garp, and the captains were blocked by the

lieutenant general. They could only be desperate, powerless, and hit.

Who can help them?"

"Perhaps the red-haired group is really just Bawangse's help, and won't


"Hahaha, it's good to see them desperate. Their high combat power has

been blocked. They are desperate. Who can help? Those are the three

generals, the three Qibukai, and a powerful pacifist."

"Continue to be hopeless and powerless, and realize that you are actually

in a desperate situation. Facing the powerful navy, you have no hope of

saving people!"

The counterattack is to cheer up the navy. The effect is obvious. It is

completely opposite to what it was just now. Cheng Haijun is excited and

imposing, while the Whitebeard Pirates are down, and even more

desperate and shaken. Can it really succeed? It's so hard, it's too strong...

How can this situation be reversed? Impossible. General, Qi Wuhai, is too


The Warring States period made the scouts pay attention to the Gate of

Justice. As long as the red-haired regiment does not come, this advantage

will become greater and greater. When the war is over, they will win.

Hawkeye strikes again, this time, he clenched the black knife Ye with

both hands, and slashed out!

This immediately made the members of the Whitebeard Pirates even

more desperate!

Here, what should we do? They are powerless, worried, and feel


Shampoo ground.

Xia Qi exclaimed: "This kid with red hair is really getting better and


Riley smiled, "Yes."

I can't help recalling the time on the ship before, when Shanks was a

child, now, he is the Four Emperors early, and he is so strong.

Lei Li said: "The reason for the shocking changes in the Warring States

Period, I know, such a domineering look can only be..."

However, the next moment, Lei Li's words suddenly stopped.

Because the big screen of Shampoo is facing the Gate of Justice at this

time, and it is zoomed in, so it can be seen clearly.

In an instant, the people in Shampoo Land all stared wide-eyed in horror!

boom! ,

In the explosion, the ship flew to.

Everyone can see clearly that it's not the red-haired pirate ship.

The Sunnymery landed smoothly, and the nine figures on board were not

on board, but...

Sauron rushed out, dodged with a knife, and slashed towards the slash.

With a puff, the slash from Hawkeye's hands shattered!

Sanji leaped to the sky, kicked the yellow monkey off with a kick of the

demon god, and smashed it under the execution platform!

Chopper's largest round of six king guns, confront the bear! The bear was

shaken back!

Franky transformed into a general, fired several stronger lasers, and

bombarded the pacifists one by one!

Brook drew his knife and flashed, causing the crane to retreat quickly!

Nami's lightning gun, Robin's giant arm armed with color bombardment,

knocked Doflamingo back!

Usopp shot a huge flame bird, defeating the pheasant of the blue


And Luffy, entering the fourth gear of Elastic Man, is at the highest

altitude! The right hand is huge, pitch black, bursting with karmic fire,

domineering, and entwined with flowing cherry blossoms! The third gear

of the Karma Overlord Spear, bombarded down! Hit the red dog's head!

Akainu leaped into the air, and was originally bombarded downwards,

making the Whitebeard Pirates even more desperate, but suddenly,

Akainu quickly slammed up with his magma fist, but his body was

blasted to the ice surface and fell down with a bang!

Immediately, the three major navy generals, Qiwuhai and other high-

strength fighters either blasted or retreated!

bang bang bang bang...

The sound of nine figures falling could be heard, and they landed on the

bow of the Sunny Merri. Everyone on the battlefield, everyone in

Shambord looked over, shocked to the extreme!

The Five Emperors Straw Hats are coming! All hands on for the first time,

blast top! .

Chapter 149: Open the fifth gear on the top to kill Akainu!

Shampoo ground.

Everyone saw that the Whitebeard Pirates were at a disadvantage, and

the civilians were happy.

"The advantage really lies in the navy."

"The Whitebeard Pirates are obviously desperate."

"The captains were blocked by the lieutenant generals, and Whitebeard

was blocked by Garp. Those low-level combat forces will soon be wiped


"Although the navy's 100,000 elites have fallen, soon, these low-level

combat forces will all die, which is worse than the navy."

"At that time, the navy will have a greater advantage."

"Although it is the Four Emperors and the powerful Whitebeard Pirates, it

is still inferior to the navy's full combat power, and it is not as good as

the navy."

"Even if there is another Four Emperors, the navy is not afraid."

"Yeah, even if the Red-haired Pirates really come to Marlin Vandor and

join forces with the Whitebeard Pirates, I believe it will be very difficult

to win. Moreover, the Navy must have added support, on the way."

"Inevitable, so even the two royal regiments won't work, let alone the

Whitebeard Pirates."

"It's a good thing that the Straw Hats were blocked by Kaido. Otherwise,

if the three royal groups and the Navy face each other, it's hard to say

whether they can win."

"Yeah, but compared to the red-haired group, I hope Kaido stops the red-

haired group instead of the straw hats. I hope the straw hats can join the


"Me too. After all, the Straw Hats are definitely not as good as the

Redheads, and they are also not as good as the Whitebeards."

"Now it seems that the navy is not very lucky. If Kaido blocked the red-

haired regiment, then the navy's "May 47" spirit would be considered


"Yes, the Navy still has the risk of facing the red-haired regiment.

Compared with the red-haired regiment, it is naturally better to face the

straw hat regiment."

"If the Straw Hats participate in the battle, they will definitely not be able

to compare with the Redheads, nor can they compare with the

Whitebeards. Even if they participate in the battle, they will not be able

to reverse the disadvantage of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the navy will

still have the advantage."

"Yes, after all, the navy is too powerful. The Whitebeard Pirates and the

Red-haired Pirates may split 50-50, but the Straw Hats definitely have

the advantage. After all, they are only the fifth emperor at sea and cannot

be compared with the four emperors. "

This is not only the idea of ​​everyone in Shampoo, but also the idea of

​​everyone in the world.

Even the supernovas who have seen the combat power of the straw hats

and others think so.

"If the red-haired group joins the battle, I don't know who to look at. The

focus is on the red-haired group or the white-bearded group."

"Yeah, after all, they are all powerful existences. If it's the Straw Hats, the

main focus is on the Whitebeards."

"That's natural. After all, the Five Emperors are no match for the Four


"The Five Emperors Straw Hats are here, so they can only be beaten, and

they have been educated. It's so smooth."

"I would like to see the Five Emperors Straw Hats be beaten and

educated, but it's obviously impossible. The red-haired group is outside

the gate of justice."

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates were heavy, and the pressure was

too great in an instant.

Whitebeard felt that he had failed, and wanted to turn it around and

share it for his sons. Every time he did it, he was angry.

However, what he was facing was Garp, who was on par with Roger.

As for myself and Roger, it was hard to tell the difference.

Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of Karp's obstruction in a short time.

Chapter 150

Warring States Road: "Fire Fist Ace, although you were saved by

Bawangse, let's see, your ending will not change."

Ace was extremely worried, watching some pirates being killed

continuously made his heart ache.

"Everyone, retreat quickly, leave me alone."

Ace yelled.

However, even so, the Whitebeard Pirates will not retreat.

Hawkeye planned to slash more seriously to see the gap with Whitebeard.

"I was too casual just now. Next, let's slash seriously. Your captains have

all been blocked. Even if they didn't, this slash can no longer be blocked

by Diamond Joz. It can only be done by you." block."

After Whitebeard and Garp's bombardment retreated, Hawkeye made a

move. He would not attack suddenly during the battle. This is not his


Garp didn't do anything either, but temporarily stopped.

Hawkeye clenched Hei Daoya with both hands, and his arm muscles


For the first time, few people have seen it.

Everyone knows that Hawkeye's attacks are all ordinary slashes, basically

with one hand, and very few hands. What's more, now, the arm muscles

are swollen.

This makes the navy even more exciting.

"The Whitebeard Pirates will be at a greater disadvantage, and their

fighting spirit will be even lower."

"Yeah, Hawkeye is more serious."

"It's a bad situation, and it's even worse."

"Without the 100,000 elite, there is nothing at all. This kind of war does

not depend on numbers."

"Justice will prevail!"

Shampoo ground.

"Now it's even harder for Whitebeard to help his sons."

"Looking forward, Hawkeye's stronger slash!"

"The captains can't stop it, so White Beard can only do it."

"Although Garp has stopped, Whitebeard still can't deal with Shichibukai,

General, can't relieve the pressure on his sons, and can't turn the situation


"Although it is the strongest in the world, after all, it is facing the top

naval forces."

"It's impossible to reverse it. Even if the red-haired regiment comes, it's

impossible to reverse the situation in a short time."

"The ending is in my heart, it's already decided now, the navy will win

this battle!"

"A casual slash with one hand is that powerful. If you hold both hands

tightly, the power will be stronger. It's not just as simple as doubling.

Moreover, the muscles in both arms are swollen. I look forward to how

strong this slash will be."

Zheng! !

Suddenly, Hawkeye sent out a slash that was even bigger and more


Even the white beards are displeased by it and will not despise it.

Warring States shouted: "Karp, let's do it together!"

Garp's face was ugly and he was helpless, but he could only go up.

For a moment, White Beard frowned.

People in the Navy and Chambord became even more excited.

"As far as the Whitebeard Pirates are concerned, the bottom layer is in

despair and at a disadvantage, so now, will Whitebeard also be at a


"After all, in the face of Hawkeye's powerful slash, Garp's powerful iron

fist attacked at the same time."

"So much the better."

"Even if the red-haired group comes, they can't save them. The white

beard group is doomed to fail, and Fire Fist Ace will die."

whoosh whoosh...


The pacifists kept lasering, and the pirates kept screaming.

Zhan Taomaru ordered: "Continue! Magnify the disadvantages of the

Whitebeard Pirates! Until the war is won!"

The yellow ape in the air kept releasing the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, and

he relaxed a lot.

"This battle won't be too strenuous, Whitebeard Pirates, let's go to defeat


Aokiji continued to freeze the pirates, and sighed softly: "Ah Lala, we are

all going all out, the advantage is obvious, this battle will not be very

tiring. End the war as soon as possible and take a rest on vacation."

The bear kept sending out impacts, blowing up the pirates and


Doflamingo kept laughing, as if he was in control of a marionette,

watching the pirates kill each other, watching their painful expressions.

"Fufufufu, continue to cry bitterly."

The pirates were desperate and broke down.

"I don't want to kill my own people, what should I do?"

"Father, help us."

"Qiwuhai is too strong."

"One hundred thousand elite fell, is it really a good thing?"

"Get out of the way, I can't control my body!"

"what to do…"

Doflamingo smiled: "Fufufufu, no one can save you, you regret coming

here, do you regret joining the war?"

Crane kept washing the pirates into clothes and drying them in the sun,

affirming: "The result of this battle is known before it starts."

Akainu jumped into the air and bombarded the sky again, with the

magma fist upwards.

Such a meteor volcano can be higher, and if it falls, it will be more


The high-altitude red dog looked down, iron-blooded and cold: "Despair,

perish, I am here in this war, I will never let the evil pirates be arrogant

and proud, let alone let you succeed, justice must defeat evil! The red-

haired group It's useless to come!"

Akainu is extremely confident, no matter what, victory is inevitable, even

if the red hair may come to 0....

Shampoo ground.

"The navy must win!"

"The general is really powerful! This is the power of justice!"

"The pirates are getting worse."

"As expected of General Sakasky, I think the strongest existence among

the generals is so cool, it's useless if the red-haired group comes!"

For a moment, the civilians looked at it with incomparable admiration,

their eyes shining brightly.

However, the next moment, the smiles on their faces froze, horrified.

But suddenly, a roar broke out, and the Sunny Merry flew over and


Lu Fei jumped up, was above the red dog, suddenly entered the fourth

gear, and the Yehuo Overlord Spear slammed down hard.

boom! !

Akainu's face changed in surprise, and he bombarded upwards. He was

already at a disadvantage in the air, and faced with this punch, he was

bombarded down!


The red dog was smashed into the ice layer, shattered directly, and sank

into the sea water below the ice layer.

Soon, the seawater evaporated, sizzling, and Akainu magma emerged

from it and climbed onto the ice.

Akainu came up, his face was ugly, a little embarrassed, he looked up at

the sky.

Luffy looked down and asked, "Is it useful for the Five Emperors to


This made Akainu frown, why did it come, the Five Emperors Straw


Slash was about to reach Whitebeard, Sauron rushed over, looking at

Hawkeye in front of him, his fighting spirit rose and he was excited.

"In this war, your opponent is me."

Hawkeye was surprised, Roronoa Zoro.

Also, interested.

"Let me see how much you have grown."

Sauron directly dodged the knife and defeated Hawkeye's serious slash.

The white beard who looked behind was shocked.

At the same time, other navies with high combat power were blown

away or repelled by the members of the Straw Hats who came suddenly.

In an instant, the battlefield was extremely silent.

Shampoo land, extremely quiet.

The whole world is dead silent.

After the silence, it was extremely shocking.

The Navy was shocked, in disbelief.

"It's not the Redheads, it's the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"Not the Four Emperors, but the Five Emperors!"

"Where's the redheads?"

"Aren't you fighting Kaido? Why are the Straw Hats here?"

"It won't be like what we least expect, the Straw Hats and Red Hair 3.1

will all come!?"

"Report! Outside the Gate of Justice, there is no sign of the red-haired


In an instant, this report made the world as deadly silent again, and it

was even more shocking!

Marin Vanduo, Chambord, and people in places around the world who

have broadcasts realized a problem after hearing it.

Thinking of this question, they were shocked to the extreme, no matter if

they were civilians or powerful!

Outside the Gate of Justice, there is no red-haired group, they are wrong.

One thing I got right is that there is a royal group outside the Gate of

Justice, but it is not the red-haired group, but the five emperors' group!

This means that the domineering color just now did not come from red

hair! but...

The world was shocked!

The terrifying look just now, which stunned hundreds of thousands of

elites and enveloped the entire Marin Vanduo, did not come from the red

hair, but from Five Emperors Luffy!

Akainu was also shocked. Unexpectedly, such a strong domineering look.

"It turned out to be you who came, I really didn't expect it, but, it's

better! The most hope is that you are here! You can continue to fight in

the city of advancement! The winner will be determined!" Akaken's voice

was low.

Lu Fei said coldly: "I also have the same idea, not only to decide the

winner, but, in this war, I will kill you! Take your dog's head!"

In the face of war, Ace will save.

Another point, Luffy has already made up his mind and swore.

That is, the top must open five gears! The sun **** destroys the magma!

Kill Akainu! .

Chapter 150 On the top, Luffy once again burst into dominance!

Hearing this, Akainu's face darkened. In this battle, kill yourself?

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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