Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: проходы


Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8378840/1/Passageways



Гарри Поттер




Замок Хогвартс решает вмешаться в жизнь двух своих учеников,

чтобы изменить прошлое и будущее от ужасной войны и дать паре

возможность найти в его стенах нечто большее, чем просто защиту.

История AU, Политическая ситуация, Сытый по горло Гарри, О.К.


Рейтинг: Художественная

литература M

– Английский – Драма/Романтика – Гарри П., Беллатриса Л. – Главы:

37 – Слов: 277 162 – Обзоров:

5 529

– Избранное: 9 550 – Подписок: 10 029 – Обновлено:

11.07.2017, 07:52:59

– Опубликовано:

31.07.2012, 22:12:59

- идентификатор: 8378840

1. Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of the Harry Potter Universe, just

playing in the sand box as it were.

A/N: I'm back with another Harry/Bella Fic! I love this pairing too

much to not do another. This is an AU/ OC fic so some of the cannon

characters will be out of character. I will post the first two chapters

together and then expect an update in two weeks. I have four chapters

already written and four more already outlined. I was going to wait

until I had ten chapters completely written but decided to go ahead and

start posting.

Description: Hogwarts Castle decides to interfere in the lives of two of

its students to change the past and future and giving the pair an

opportunity to find something more than just protection within it walls.


Chapter 1: The Outcast

September 1, 1995, Hogwarts Express:

The gentle swaying of the heavily warded passenger compartment was

not at all comforting for the solitary occupant. His eyes stared unfocused

at the passing landscape just outside the window of the old steam engine;

the sun was high and presided over a beautiful clear blue sky. The perfect

weather however was a stark contrast to the dark and tempestuous

ruminations of Harry Potter.

He doubted that his life could get much worse, abandoned by those he

thought were friends, vilified in the daily news, and then the death of the

only family he had left. He wondered while he sat alone in his

compartment what he had done to piss off fate so badly. He had known

all of his life prior to Hogwarts what it was to be truly lonely and

ostracized. Growing up with the Dursleys had ingrained those feelings

deep within his psyche.

But when he came to Hogwarts, for the first time in his life he had made

friends and had found joy and happiness and learned how wonderful it

could be to have people that cared for you. Then it all went bad, so

terribly bad, and once again he was alone and ostracized. Not having

known what friendship or happiness was before Hogwarts was difficult,

but to have learned what it was to be cared for and liked and then to

have it ripped away from you was almost debilitating in its ruthlessness.

It had all started October 31 of last year, with the announcement of the

champions who would represent their respective schools in the historical

Tri Wizard Tournament. It had all gone swimmingly at first as the

Beauxbaton's Champion was named, and then Durmstrang's, and finally

Hogwarts which had been Cedric Diggory; a handsome seventh year from

Hufflepuff House, who also happen to be that house's seeker and a

competitor of Harry's who played the same position for Gryffindor House.

So it was with a sense of foreboding that Harry watched as a fourth name

was spat out of the ancient chalice that was the Goblet of Fire, this

primeval relic that would choose the champions from the three

competing schools, a relic that could only choose three champions.

Dumbledore had snatched the paper from the air and read the name

aloud in a disbelieving voice. "Harry Potter!"

The rest of the school year from that moment on was a complete

nightmare; Harry beat his previous record of hospital visits per year by a

landslide. He had been hexed and jinxed no fewer than sixty-two times.

Not only from Hufflepuffs who felt slighted at the attention seeking Boy-

Who-Lived, but from the other houses as well, even his own. Everyone

had believed he had cheated, even his best friends. Hermione tried to be

objective but he could tell that she was having difficulty believing him as


There was a not so secret pool of when the student-body and some

members of the faculty thought He-Who-Sought-More-Fame would finally

snuff it. He thought that Hermione was finally coming around to

believing him at the beginning of the third task when she nervously

wished him luck.

But fate would not be so kind to Harry Potter. She and his former

redheaded friend had begun dating and Ronald Weasley being the jealous

berk that he was made Hermione choose between the two. A combination

of low-self esteem and a desire to be loved and accepted by others caused

the bushy haired bookworm to ultimately choose Ron and sided with him

and the rest of the school against him.

His reemergence from the graveyard with a dead Cedric Diggory clutched

in his arms, and the outrageous claim that somehow Voldemort had been

resurrected from the dead with Harry's blood, was too much for the

student body to take. Those who had been sitting on the fence about

Harry moved against him in mass.

It was now widely believed that somehow Harry had most likely killed

Cedric either on purpose or by accident, but either way they saw it as an

attempt to add to his fame, but to claim the rebirth of Voldemort as the

cause of the handsome boy's death was more than they were willing to

take. It would be the last time that Hermione and most of the school

would speak to him in any manner considered congenial.

Most of the school had already judged him a liar, a thief, and a

manipulator, adding the title of murderer was not a far leap for most. He

had been banned from sleeping in Gryffindor Tower by its residents; all

his belongings had been tossed out of the tower and had lain in a heap

outside the portrait of the Fat Lady, who had left her frame in disgust at

seeing him approach. His father's invisibility cloak and the Marauders

map were conspicuously missing from his torn and broken possessions.

He had spent the last week of school sleeping in a far corner of the

Hospital Wing. Dumbledore tried many times to pacify the school by

showing tepid support for him at best, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Since there was no hard proof of foul play against him, the school

governors could not expel him, but it was not for a lack of desire. At the

end of the school year there were many whispered plots to seek justice

against Harry on the Hogwarts Express back to London. Dumbledore, not

wanting his weapon too damaged, apparated him back to the Dursleys'

avoiding the train altogether.

Harry was stunned at the indifference that Dumbledore had shown him

the last two weeks of school. He of all people knew that Voldemort was

attempting to return and his reluctance to stand by Harry and declare

that he was telling the truth was utterly puzzling to the young raven

haired boy. Why hadn't he at least stood up for Harry during the school

year and punished those that had hexed or cursed him.

The lack of support from the headmaster and those he had once

considered friends was excruciatingly painful. Malfoy and his cronies

took advantage of the turn in public opinion; their assaults on the former

golden boy of Gryffindor were now seen as just desserts for the attention

seeking brat.

Most of the student body guffawed as Harry was blasted off the staircase

by a combined banishing charm by Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson which

had him falling four floors to the hard flagstone floor below. Harry spent

the next three weeks in and out of consciousness in the hospital wing

recovering from multiple fractures and deep tissue injuries.

This incident made a small group of students rethink their treatment of

Harry but they remained silent and did not speak out against the horrible

conduct of their fellow students. They feared the repercussions of

speaking up for the widely unpopular boy. What angered Harry the most

was that no one was punished for all the attacks on him. No one spoke up

on his behalf, not even his own head of house.

Harry was left at the Dursleys a broken and tortured young man. The

Dursleys like sharks smelled the blood in the water when they saw him.

Vernon Dursley wasted no time in physically demonstrating to Harry his

displeasure of having him in his home again.

Just one week after being dropped off at Durzkaban another piece of

Harry's heart would be ripped out of his still wounded chest caused by

the betrayal of his friends. Unbeknownst to Harry, Sirius Black had come

to visit his godson in Little Whinging to try and cheer him up, and was

horrifically overcome by two Dementors and was kissed, having his soul

sucked from his body. Harry who had been in another altercation with

his cousin at the local park had felt the presence of the Dementors and

had grabbed his cousin and fled the area.

He remembered hearing the agitated barking of a dog when the intense

cold came and then it was suddenly silenced. It would be much later that

day that Harry would be informed by Dumbledore that Sirius had been

killed by the soul-sucking creatures. Harry was inconsolable for several


A week later, Harry found himself at Gringotts listening to the will of his

godfather much against the advice of the Head Master, who had strongly

suggested that Harry let him take care of it himself. He assured him that

if there was anything important that he needed to know he would let him

know immediately. This just did not set well with Harry who firmly told

the old man that he would be going.

Surprisingly, Sirius had left Harry everything including the title of Lord

Black which according to the Black family charter automatically

emancipated him because of his new status as Lord and Head of House.

This emancipation led to harry finally hearing his parents will and

receiving the Lord Potter title as well.

Not wanting to spend another moment with the Dursleys and having

several properties to choose from, he decided to leave the suburban

prison. A goblin provided port-key later and he stood in front of an old

building in a rundown urban part of London.

Harry immediately moved into Number Twelve Grimauld Place wanting

to be close to anything that reminded him of Sirius. And as this was the

former home of his late godfather, as dark and depressing as it was, it

was still a connection to the old marauder. The day Harry took

possession of number 12 Grimauld Place had been an eye opener. The

only other magical home he had been in had been the Burrow but this

was something completely different.

The Burrow was what Harry would call 'homey chaos', there was no

rhyme or reason to the modest home but it felt comfortable and lived in.

Grimauld Place however felt like a Gothic museum with its antique

furniture, ornately decorated rooms and portraits of various past family

members in almost every room. Harry jumped as he saw at least a dozen

severed heads of house elves leading up a staircase to the upper floors.

The most surprising had been the painting of a woman who he would

learn was Sirius' mother, Walburga Black. When he had first entered she

had noticed the mantle of House Black upon Harry and the Black signet

ring on his finger. She asked solemnly about her son Sirius and how he

had died. She crumpled at hearing that Dementors had taken her last

child. Harry and Walburga spoke for nearly six hours about Sirius and his

childhood that first night, and found to his utter surprise a source of

comfort in the former matriarch of the Black Family.

Walburga, Harry had learned, had never truly hated her son but had

merely disagreed with him philosophically, but that all seemed so

unimportant to her now. Although the Blacks had allied themselves with

Voldemort at the beginning of his rise they became silent opponents of

the Dark Lord's methods and had severed all ties with him when their son

Regulus had been killed by the Dark Lord himself.

In Harry she saw a chance to redeem herself as a mother and redemption

for the House of Black and began to instruct Harry immediately in how to

be the Lord Black that he needed to be, to bring honor back to the family.

Walburga went from portrait to portrait introducing Harry to the various

former heads of the family and informed him that they all would help

him to adjust to life as Lord Black. He became privy to all the secrets of

Number 12, concealed rooms, and hidden knowledge of spells, curses,

and hexes developed by the Black Family over the centuries, and of

course the powerful offensive and defense wards that only the head of

house could activate or deactivate.

Dumbledore had asked Harry if he could use Grimauld Place to hold

meetings for the Order of the Phoenix, a vigilante group Dumbledore had

created during the first war against Voldemort. Harry refused flatly after

learning that Snape and the Weasleys were part of that organization.

Harry had also exploded at the headmaster for his audacity in asking him

to house an organization to fight Voldemort when the old bastard did not

lend a hand to support him at the school.

The Weasleys had all but abandoned him and he didn't want to be

reminded of that bitter betrayal every time a meeting was held. The

public Howler Harry received in the Great Hall from the matriarch of the

redheaded family his last week in school had been traumatic, telling him

he was a disgrace to the Potter name and was not to darken her doorstep


Kreacher the House Elf, receiving orders from his beloved mistress to be

the best house elf he could be to the new Lord Black seemed to snap out

of his own depression and began to get the ancient house back in order.

Dobby the House Elf somehow learned of Harry's emancipation and

figured he could use his services as well.

Harry learned from the crazy elf that he was already bound to Harry

without his knowledge when the boy-who-lived had freed him from the

Malfoy's. Harry was bemused to learn that instead of freeing the elf he

merely transferred ownership. Dobby had conveniently not mentioned

that part.

Harry welcomed Dobby officially as part of the House of Potter-Black

.Within days Kreacher and Dobby had the old house in immaculate

condition, the House Elf Winky was also added to the Black Family, her

addition requested by Dobby. Soon the old manor became a house that

was befitting of a Noble family once again.

It was Walburga that convinced Harry to return to Hogwarts much to his

objectionable tirade. She had told him that he needed a proper education

and the training that the school would provide, to be a proper lord. He

was all set to leave the school behind him and isolate himself from the

rest of the magical world, but Walburga nixed that idea quickly and tried

to instill a sense of pride and purpose back into Harry's life.

He spent two months under the strict tutelage of Walburga Black and the

other former heads of house, who was quite pleased that Harry was such

a quick study. She taught him many of the Black Family spells, spells that

were only taught to family members.

She taught him simple warding that every Black should know to keep

him or herself safe from others. She taught him occlumency to protect his

mind, which surprisingly came easy to Harry. Having the large house all

to himself, and with nothing to distract him he found it easy to focus. He

had formed a good solid foundation in the art prior to his return to


He was taught about the Potter and Black genealogy, he was surprised to

learn that his grandmother Dorea Black was actually Walburga's aunt. He

was taught about the place that both families held in Pureblood society.

He was shown the family tapestry and where his line fit on the family

tree. He felt a wave of sadness when he came to Sirius' face on the

tapestry. Apparently Kreacher was told to repair all the damaged faces of

members who had been blasted off for one reason or another.

He recognized the face of Narcissa Malfoy, nee Black, but didn't

recognize the other two women who were her sisters. There was an

Andromeda Tonks, nee Black, and a Bellatrix Lestrange, nee Black. Harry

was surprised to see so many beautiful looking women on the ancient

tapestry and above average looking men as well.

When Harry asked Walburga about this she revealed to him a family

secret that had been kept for more than a thousand years. Twelve

hundred years ago, the then Lord Black, had fallen in love with and

married a Bulgarian Veela, and since then all children born with Black

heritage inherited this particular gene of beauty. It was also rumored that

some even were born with the ability albeit minimal of the Veela allure.

Walburga listed all the Black members who were still alive and Harry

was surprised that there were actually quite a few still living. He was also

worried when he learned several had been followers of Voldemort. He

received a measure of comfort though when Walburga explained some of

the special nuances associated with being the head of the Black family.

One of these nuances is that no member of the Black family can

knowingly do any harm to the Head of House. It was a spell put on each

child born into the family. But she assured him that most Blacks did not

follow Voldemort anymore but with a few exceptions.

By the time September first rolled around Harry was determined to not

let others dictate his life, and although he may not have a friend in the

world that did not mean he would hide himself away. He was the Lord of

House Potter and Lord of House Black, he came from two noble houses

with a long and infamous history and he would not be ashamed.

Walburga had taught him, "Harry, never show weakness in front of

others. There are those who would pray upon your weaknesses and try

and use them against you. Make alliances with those who will make our

house strong irrespective of which Hogwarts house they are from."

The problem though for Harry, was a heart crushing loneliness. He would

mask it with an air of indifference while at school and in public, but

beneath was a hunger to be accepted for who he was, to be believed, but

most of all to be loved.


A tall lanky redheaded wizard and a bushy brown haired witch made

their way down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express. Each had on the

typical Hogwarts robes with red piping that suggested they were in

Gryffindor House. And over the left breast of each was a shiny silver 'P'

indicating that they were school prefects.

"I tell ya 'Mione, I don't think he even has the guts enough to show up for

the train let alone come back to school." Ron Weasley guffawed as he and

Hermione Granger made their rounds.

"Well a second year Puff said that she definitely saw someone who looked

like him get on the train." Hermione replied to her boyfriend.

"Potter is too much of a coward to show his face! Besides, the House

voted at the end of term last year to ban him from the tower. He has no

place to go so why would he come back?"

"He does need to finish his schooling Ron." Hermione commented with a

huff. "And maybe we should re-vote, I mean cooler heads might rethink

what we have done, now that a couple of months have passed." Hermione

stated with a little bit of hope.

"Not likely, I'll make sure the glory hog never sets foot in Gryffindor

Tower again!" Ron stated heatedly. "Besides I doubt Seamus, Dean, or

Neville would want to share a room with a murderer, not to mention the

rest of the house." Ron snorted.

"B-but what if Harry was telling the truth? What if it was You-Know-Who

that killed Cedric?" Hermione asked softly.

"Are you joking, who would believe that Harry could best You-Know-

Who in a duel?" Ron chuckled mirthlessly. "The best dueler next to

Dumbledore and on top of that somehow miraculously escapes under the

nose of You-Know-Who and a dozen Death Eaters! Come on Hermione

use your brain, you're the smartest witch of our age! Do you honestly

think that Harry would have survived if all that he said happened was

true?" Ron spat at her challengingly.

Hermione ducked her head and looked at the floor, her shoulders

slumped. "I-I guess not." She shook her head slowly and let out a sad sigh.

"I guess I just don't want to believe that he would make all that up. He's

been our best friend since first year."

"All he did was use us Hermione! He copied mine and yours homework.

If not for me and you getting past the traps in first year the stone would

have been stolen. It was me who stopped Lockhart from obliviating us."

"But Harry did kill the basilisk." Hermione put in.

"So he says! No one knows for sure do they? He could have made the

whole thing up! Ginny was too far out of it to really know for sure." Ron


"But something was petrifying the students, and I-I remember the

glowing yellow eyes and did the research and everything pointed to a

basilisk." Hermione tried to defend Harry albeit weakly.

"Did you actually see a basilisk Hermione?" Ron asked haughtily

"Well no, it's like I said, I just saw a pair of yellow eyes." She whispered.

"Exactly!" Ron stated triumphantly. "That could have been anything, an

illusion or glamour to disguise the real culprit!"

"But, what about all the other…"

"No buts Hermione!" Ron growled. "All Potter wants is to become more

famous and get more money! And he'll do anything to get it, even if he

has to hurt or kill others like poor Cedric." Ron stated with finality. "Now

I'm tired of talking about the git. How's about we kip off to our

compartment and you can show me how much you like to kiss me?" Ron

stated creepily waggling his eyebrows.

"We have to finish our rounds Ron! We have the rest of the train to walk."

Hermione stated in a businesslike manner.

"Fine, but afterward you're gonna have to really make it up to me." Ron

smirked lasciviously. Hermione rolled her eyes surreptitiously and the

two resumed their patrol.

Ron and Hermione had come nearly to the end of the train when she

noticed a compartment that had the shades pulled down and the door

locked. She knocked on the door to find out who had locked the door

since it was a train rule that all compartment were to remain unlocked.

"Excuse me!" Hermione called through the door. "You are not allowed to

lock your door. Please unlock it now." She waited for an answer that

would not come. Knocking again she demanded entrance.

"We are school prefects! And you will open the door now or lose points

for your house!" Again there was no response.

"Fine!" Hermone replied in a huff in exasperation. "We'll just have to

inform the onboard professor to deal with you!"

"I'll take care of this Mione, no need to get the professor. Besides they

usually sleep during the trip anyway." Ron stated confidently.

Ron removed his wand from his robes and pointed the magical foci at the

lock on the door and incanted the unlocking spell in an attempt to open

the door. "Alohamora!" Ron voiced. The spell left his wand and connected

with the lock. There was a backlash as the spell was exponentially

reflected back at the caster and threw the tall redhead back and into the

compartment across the corridor. He hit the ground with a heavy thud

and had scared a group of second year Puffs who had been chatting.

"Ron!" Hermione screamed as she rushed to the side of her fallen

boyfriend. "A-are you okay?!" She asked worriedly at the dazed redhead.

"Ugh! What happened?" Ron mumbled his head spinning from the

returned spell.

"Your spell was deflected. I'm guessing that some seventh year put a

repelling ward on the compartment." Hermione replied helping Ron to

his feet.

"That's illegal!" Ron yelled.

"Well, I don't think it is illegal, but definitely against the rules." Hermione

corrected him.

Harry had heard the disturbance and had pulled up the shades covering

the door window to see who had tried to enter his compartment. He saw

his two former best friends; Hermione was helping Ron to his feet. He felt

a pang of sadness as he stared at the two but it was quickly suppressed

when he saw the rage in Ron's eyes as his own met his former friend's.

"Potter! You'll pay for that Potter! You'll be in detention for a month if I

have my way!" Ron Weasley yelled, spittle flying all over the

compartment, yells of anger from the Puff's ended his little tirade.

Before Hermione could say a word Harry had closed the shades again and

resumed his seat. Any hope of reconnecting to his friends he felt was

truly gone. Harry reflected back on the words of Walburga on showing

weakness. 'Do not let them see you any way but strong Harry. Show strength

in your words and actions. Do not make promises that you do not keep

whether those promises are made to an ally or an enemy. You control your

destiny Harry; never let anyone tell you otherwise.'

"I control my destiny." Harry whispered as his eyes returned to the

passing countryside. "But it seems that destiny has something to say

about that. I have a madman out for my blood, and I don't even know

why. I'm alone and isolated, hmpf, if I survive another year it would be a

miracle. I don't see as if I have any control over my destiny or anything

else for that matter."

Again that feeling of loneliness rose within Harry's chest. It was a burning

ache that just seemed to grow bigger and bigger as the days went by. He

was under no illusion that he would be received warmly at the ancient

Wizarding School, but he knew Walburga was right, he needed the

education and training and he could only get that from Hogwarts.

He had become such a societal pariah that finding tutors willing to train

him along with what the Ministry and Daily Prophet were saying about

him was near impossible. In the end Hogwarts was the only option left to

him and begrudgingly he was returning.

The pounding on his compartment door resumed. He heard Ron's voice

bellowing out a command to open the door. Underneath his loud tirade

he barely made out Hermione's voice trying to calm the redhead down.

Her efforts finally won out when she had whispered something to the

prat that Harry was unable to hear.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. The train pulled into Hogsmeade

Station and Harry waited patiently while the train emptied. He didn't

want any confrontations either from his so called former friends or

anyone else. He knew that they would come soon enough and he wanted

to enjoy the peace while there was any to be had.

The noise had almost died out signifying that the train was near empty.

He slowly slid open the compartment door and made his way off the

train. There was only one carriage left, as he made his way to it he

jumped at the sight of a skeletal winged horse or something horse-like

that was attached to the carriage by a harness.

He eyed the animal cautiously but it did not seem to be hostile at all, in

fact it appeared quite docile. He reached out gently and placed his hand

on the neck of the animal. It felt cool and surprisingly very soft to the

touch. The animal turned its head toward Harry and nuzzled his shoulder

with its nose. Harry smiled at the beast and rubbed the long snout which

seemed to be the perfect thing to do, the animal let out a contented


"Well, I guess I have one friend again." Harry chuckled mirthlessly. Harry

stepped up into the carriage and sat, it immediately made its way up to

the castle.


Harry stood just outside the Great Hall; he could hear the loud chattering

of the students within. "This is it." He sighed to himself. He took a deep

breath and squared his shoulders. He adjusted his cloak which was made

up of the finest acromantula silk. Walburga had insisted that as a lord he

should dress the part.

He took one more breath to steady his nerves and then strode into the

Great Hall with his head held high, shoulders back and a gaze of

indifference on his face. He took even strides as he made his way to the

Gryffindor table.

It was eerie; the whole hall fell silent and all eyes were upon him. The

only sound came from the heels of his custom made dragonhide boots as

they impacted on the flagstone floor. Harry came to the end of the table

closest to the door and prepared to sit. Those who had been sitting there

quickly shuffled further down the table distancing themselves as far as

possible from the deranged killer.

"Oi! Potter! We don't want your kind at our table!" Ron Weasley bellowed

but was completely ignored by Harry who did not even acknowledge that

he heard the boy.

"Potter! You're not wanted here! Dirty up someone else's table! OI


"Mr. Weasley that is quite enough." Dumbledore had risen from his seat

and spoke.

"But professor he's a murderer!" Ron yelled out getting nods from several

students, including the majority of Hufflepuff.

Harry sat stoically, not looking at anyone. "Mr. Potter is no murderer Mr.

Weasley, Cedric's death was tragically caused by Voldemort."

Dumbledore stated getting gasps and squeals from the majority of the

students and not a small few of the faculty.

"You weren't there headmaster; you can't know what really happened!" A

blonde Hufflepuff named Hanna Abbott yelled glaring at Harry. Several

voices added their agreement to hers.

"All we have is his word Headmaster." Marrietta Edgecombe stated from

her seat at the Ravenclaw table. "Even if it were true, I hardly think

Potter could match an adult wizard especially You-Know-Who!" She spat.

More voices of agreement began to join the rising tide.

Amidst the continuing back and forth amongst the students and the

headmaster, one member of the staff was smirking to herself. 'This will be

much easier than I thought' she mused as she plucked a piece of lint from

her pink cardigan.

A loud bang from Dumbledore's wand brought back order to the Great

Hall as students retook their seats, but the barely restrained hostility

would not be denied for very long. And the target of that hostility was

one Harry Potter. Plans were being made by every house to take out their

anger on the fame seeking brat.

The rest of the feast and sorting was a blur to Harry, his thoughts and

attention was turned inward as he tried to push down the anxiety and

sadness and yes the loneliness that he was feeling. He was grateful

however for the extra defensive enhancements he had placed on his

cloaks and robes by Madam Malkin. The extra twenty galleons would be

well worth the price. He knew that those enhancements would soon be

put to the test.

He was brought back to his senses as he heard the scraping of benches

being pushed. The four houses had gotten to their feet and were now

making their way up to their respective dorms. Harry felt a presence

behind him and immediately stiffened preparing for an attack. When

none came he turned around to see Albus Dumbledore standing behind


"Harry my boy; I wonder if you wouldn't join me in my office for a

moment. There are some things I wished to discuss with you before you

head back to the dorms.

"Of course, headmaster." Harry stated as he stood and walked out of the

Great Hall with the tall man. Harry noticed that there were several

disappointed looks at him as he walked next to the headmaster.

Apparently the impromptu meeting with Dumbledore had ruined a few

plans against the dark haired boy. Harry sighed resignedly as he kept

pace with the older wizard.

Ten minutes later Harry sat in a chair facing the headmaster who was

sitting behind his desk with his fingers steepled in front of him and his

light blue eyes twinkling. Harry knew that the headmaster was waiting

for him to speak, it was a game Harry had picked up on over the years,

he who cracked first lost the battle of wills. Harry was determined not to

lose this battle; it seemed childish but whatever victory however small

was what Harry needed to keep his spirits up.

"Harry I'm pleasantly surprised how you managed to hold your temper

during the feast, I was sure that you would have been on your feet

challenging everyone." Dumbledore stated with half a smile.

"And what would I have accomplished with arguing Headmaster? Their

opinions are what they are and no amount of me saying otherwise would

do any good. And when you consider that my closest friends have that

same opinion of me, it is very unlikely that others who do not know me

would change their minds." Harry replied flatly showing no emotion,

hiding his true feelings behind the mask of indifference that Walburga

had taught him to use.

"I'm sure your friends don't subscribe to what was said in there."

Dumbledore began.

"Are you serious Headmaster? Were you not in the Great Hall earlier?"

Harry answered in disbelief. "Ron was leading the charge against me."

"Well you know very well how impulsive Mr. Weasley can be, I'm sure

that deep down he believes you. He's just going through a difficult time.

But I'm sure you'll be best mates again by tomorrow."

"He led the group that kicked me out of the tower last year!" Harry stated

a little more heatedly than he wanted to. He quickly schooled his features

again and stared coolly back at Dumbledore.

"That was last year; I'm sure he doesn't feel the same way now, and I

know that Ms. Granger is quite fond of you and has always supported


Harry stared at the headmaster without blinking. "She stands with

Weasley headmaster. She abandoned me at the beginning of last year like

the rest of the school. If she was so fond of me and supported me, then

she has an odd way of showing it. No one forced her to wear those

blasted badges, I'm sure she just radiated fondness when the 'Potter

Stinks' message flashed across the badge." Harry said softly but the

underlying anger was there.

"I'm sure it was just a momentary lapse in her judgment Harry."

Dumbledore tried to justify her actions. Harry just shook his head. "All I

ask is that you give them another chance." Dumbledore smiled, but Harry

said nothing and an uncomfortable silence soon filled the room.

"Well then, on to another topic. I'm worried about your safety Harry,

being alone at Grimauld Place is not the best place for you to be. I would

like you to reconsider returning to your Aunt and Uncle's house at the

end of the school year…at least for part of the summer!" Dumbledore

added quickly.

Harry started to laugh, it started soft and low but quickly turned into a

full on belly laugh. "There is no way, no way headmaster that I will ever

EVER return to that place." Harry stated firmly ceasing all laughter.

Dumbledore continued undaunted, he figured that the Dursleys would be

a no go but using that as his opening he was hoping that Harry would be

more pliant for the next suggestion.

"I suggest a compromise then Harry." Dumbledore started. Harry raised

an eyebrow readying himself for the line of crap that was about to spew

from the headmasters mouth. "I will allow you to leave the Dursley's and

stay at Grimauld place if you allow some of the order to stay there as

well. They will just be there to protect you and keep you company."

Dumbledore smiled magnanimously.

Harry slowly stood from his chair at met the twinkling blue eyes of

Dumbledore with his own killing curse green eyes. Harry placed both

hands on the large desk and leaned forward his eyes staring through

Dumbledore's and spoke softly but sternly through his teeth.

"Let me make this perfectly clear headmaster. You no longer dictate to

me how I live my life; you do not get to decide where I go or what I do

outside these walls. In case you have forgotten I am an emancipated

minor and seen as an adult in the Wizarding World with all the rights

and privileges associated with being an adult.

"I will not return to the Dursleys and I will not allow anyone from your

bird watching club into my current home. Any attempt to usurp my

rights as not only a legal adult, but also as a Lord to two Ancient and

Noble Houses and you will find yourself answering to the Wizengamot.

Now, if that is all headmaster it is late and I wish to retire." Harry then

turned on his heel and walked out of the door and made his way to

Gryffindor Tower.

Ten minutes later Harry arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady, the

guardian of Gryffindor Tower. Harry sighed heavily as he saw his trunk

once again sitting on the floor. "I suppose I'm still not welcome into the

tower?" Harry asked the painted woman.

"As if we would allow someone like you into the house of the brave and

noble" The fat woman sniffed and then stepped out of her portrait.

"Just bloody fantastic!" Harry spat as he sat down heavily on his trunk. At

least he had put protections on his trunk to keep it from being broken

into or damaged.

"Now what am I supposed to do? Maybe McGonagall will over rule them?

On second thought 'Fuck em!' if they don't want me then I sure as hell

don't want anything to do with them." Harry spat and although his words

were strong, Harry could not help the few tears that escaped from his


As he sat there mustering the courage to go and ask Madam Pomfrey for

a bed again in the Hospital wing he noticed a glowing light just around

the corner from where he sat. A gentle voice seemed to echo 'follow me.'

"Hello? Hello, who's there?" Harry called out but received no answer.

Harry got up quickly shrunk his trunk and placing it in his pocket he

followed the light and the voice. Gryffindor tower was located in the

west wing of the seventh floor of the castle. The light was directing him

toward the east wing of the seventh floor. It was an unused and rarely

traveled part of the castle.

"Hello? W-who are you?" Harry called out to the ethereal voice that kept

beckoning him to follow.

"Where are you leading me?" Harry asked getting a little worried. He

drew his wand from his cloak and held it tightly in front of him.

Hogwarts students were used to seeing moving and speaking portraits

and the many ghosts that inhabited the ancient school, and although the

majority were benign…well no-one knew for sure about the Bloody

Baron, but on the whole the ghost did not bother the students.

But Harry had yet to see a floating light that could speak to him and lead

him to a seldom traveled part of the castle. But Harry being a curious sort

and never afraid of an adventure followed the floating orb, keeping

himself however prepared for anything.

Harry found himself in a corridor devoid of portraits, statues or any other

form of decoration except for one solitary tapestry depicting the attempt

of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet. The orb stopped in front of a

large section of wall.

The orb floated in front of him and spoke again in that gentle feminine

voice. "Speak thy need young wizard and three times pass this wall of

stone and I will provide thee with that which you require."

Harry raised an incredulous eyebrow at the orb and then at the wall.

"What the hell does that mean?" Harry murmured. Shrugging his shoulder

he began to pace back and forth in front of the bare wall and speaking

his need. "I need a safe place to stay and while you're at it I could use a

friend." Harry stated almost sarcastically but that was a true desire of his

heart. Yes he needed a place to stay but he desperately wanted someone

he could talk to, someone he could confide in, someone who understood

what he was feeling inside.

Harry was so lost in his own thoughts as he walked back and forth in

front of the wall, he didn't see the appearance of a large oak door until he

heard the creak of the door opening. Harry stopped and stared at the

formerly bare wall and gawked at the door that was slowly opening.

Harry cautiously poked his head through the door and saw a room very

much like the Gryffindor common room but smaller and much cozier.

There were medieval tapestries along the sides of the room a large hearth

with a fire blazing in it. Above the hearth was a large portrait but

apparently with no one in it. Two large comfortable looking chairs were

facing the fire their backs toward Harry as he still looked in from the

door and two comfy couches on either side of them.

To the left of the chairs along the wall were two other doors, he would

have to find out what lay behind them. To the right was a medium sized

table and along the wall a large bookcase with several dozen books. The

room was dimly lit and warm and inviting.

Harry stepped into the room placing his wand back into his robes. His

wonder filled eyes were roaming everywhere as he took in the decor. He

approached the two chairs deciding to take a seat in front of the glowing

fire. As he reached the chairs the door closed with a faint click which

caused Harry to turn toward the door. Harry shrugged his shoulders and

turned back around only to find a wand pointed straight at his face and a

feminine voice growling at him…"Who the hell are you!?"


2. Chapter 2

A/N: Here is Chapter 2, I hope the first chapter piqued your interest

and chapter two will keep you coming back.

Chapter 2: The Rebel

September 3, 1971 - Hogwarts Express:

"You can't hide from him forever Bella."

"The hell I can't! If he so much as looks at me sideways I'll curse him into

the next century!" The fifteen year old beauty known as Bellatrix Black

growled to her younger sister Andromeda.

"Really Bella, we're all in the same house there is no way to avoid

running into him. Besides, father hasn't agreed to it yet. You know how

he is; he will look over the contract with a fine tooth comb before ever

agreeing to anything." Andromeda told her sister placatingly.

"Andi, it's a bloody marriage contract! A contract to the dumbest, ugliest,

sorriest excuse for a human being that has graced the world of the living!

Sweet Morgana! How can father even think about forcing me to marry a

Lestrange! RUDOLPHUS LESTRANGE of all people! I won't do it, I just

won't do it!" Bella was almost hyperventilating she was so angry.

"He may not agree to it Bella. I'm sure if you just spoke to father he

would listen." Andromeda stated optimistically.

Bella sighed heavily, folding her arms tightly across her chest. "I already

spoke to him." Bella told her sister with a scowl.

"And?" Andi coaxed.

"And he said it was not my place to offer an opinion. That it was a matter

to be decided between wizards! Can you believe that?!" Bella fumed.

Andromeda sat across from her sister and tried to come up with

something to ease her sister's frustration.

"Well…you still have over a year before you have to worry about it."

Andi offered weakly. Bella looked at her in incredulity.

"What?!" Bella snapped.

"I-I just mean even if he does sign it, you don't turn sixteen for a couple

more weeks and you won't have to marry until your seventeenth

birthday. S-so you have a year to convince father to…"

"To what Andi?! Once he signs that bloody contract he's locked into it.

The Lestranges will have put all kinds of penalties in the contract to

prevent any rescinding on father's part. If he signs it Andi, it's all over.

Whether it's a year from now or a week from now, once he signs the

contract I become property of Rudolph bloody Le-gag-me!" Bella's voice

strained. Andi near tears for her sister sat back hard and slumped in her


Andi looked up to see her sister with tears in her eyes, slowly one tear

drop after another rolled down her soft cheeks. It was surprising to

Andromeda to see her sister in such a state. Bellatrix was the oldest and

the strongest of her siblings. She always had an air of togetherness about

her, an inner strength that could not be bent. She was extremely

passionate in her beliefs and was not afraid to voice her opinion.

But Andromeda on a rare few occasions saw the softer side of her sister.

Bellatrix was a romantic at heart; she loved life and was a free-spirit, but

the one thing that only she knew about her sister was that she wanted a

prince charming, someone to sweep her off her feet. She was in love with

the idea of falling in love. She dreamed of finding her prince charming,

he who would rescue her and whisk her away to a life of joy and

happiness. To have the threat of a marriage contract over her head was

the antithesis of what Bella believed in and it was something that would

kill her very spirit to have forced upon her.

A knock on the door brought Bella's and Andromeda's attention back to

the present. Bella pulled her wand and cleaned up her face then

surreptitiously held it to her side in case the new visitors were

undesirables. Andromeda rose from her seat and slowly slid the door


"Hi Andi! Hi Bella!" An eleven year old Narcissa Black bounced into her

sisters' compartment dragging a pretty redheaded girl with her.

"Hi Cissy." Bella replied. "Who's your friend?"

"This is my newest best friend…Lily Evans!" Narcissa stated proudly.

"She's a first year like me." Narcissa proclaimed happily.

"That's wonderful Cissy! I'm Andromeda, Cissy's sister and a third year.

This is our older sister Bella, she's a fifth year." Andromeda introduced

themselves to the eleven year old redhead.

"Evans…Evans...I'm not familiar with your surname." Bellatrix stated

tapping her chin in thought. "Are your parent's half-blood's?" Bella asked.

"Bella! What a rude question!" Andromeda chastised her older sister.

"Whoa Andi! I meant nothing by it. I was just asking." Bella held up her

hands as if to surrender.

"Sorry." Andromeda blushed apologetically.

"W-well I guess from what I've been told by others is that I'm considered

a muggleborn." Lily explained a little unsure if she had the wording right.

Bella looked at Andromeda and then to Narcissa and sighed heavily. "You

know what father would say, not to mention Aunt Walburga if they find

out that Cissy has a muggleborn friend." Bella stated to her sisters


"Oh poo!" Narcissa replied and stomped her feet. "I don't care what papa

says, Lily is really nice and I like her!" Cissy stated stubbornly.

Andromeda chuckled and patted her little sister's head warmly. "That a

girl!" Andromeda said to her little sister giving her an affectionate pat on

the shoulder.

"Is there something wrong with being a muggleborn?" Lily asked bluntly,

narrowing her eyes at the sisters and folding her arms in front of her.

Bella raised an elegant eyebrow as she heard the redhead speak with fire

and strength. 'I like this girl.' Bella mused to herself. 'She has spirit.'

"Come sit down Lily." Bella offered a seat to the little redhead, Narcissa

sitting right next to her. Andi and Bella sat across from them.

"Unfortunately in our world Lily, there are people who will judge you

based on your parentage or heritage. Blood status is very important to

the "Old" families." She explained.

"Blood status?" Lily asked in confusion looking between the sisters.

"Yes blood status; there are four classes of magicals in our world; Pure-

bloods, half-bloods, Squibs and muggleborns or mud-bloods as some

unfortunately call them. It is a very derogative term that some in our

society use, it means dirty-blood." Bella continued to explain before Lily

could ask.

"What's a squib and why does blood matter?" Lily asked.

"A Squib is a person born to magical parents but has little to no magic

themselves. Purebloods are magicals that can trace their family magic

back several generations. Some believe that the older your family the

purer your blood and the better magically you are, and your social status

as a pureblood puts you above everybody else." Andromeda offered.

"Is that true though? I mean, will I be weaker magically because I'm a

muggle-born?" Lily asked sullenly.

"No, not necessarily. I know some muggle-born and half-bloods that are

very powerful. The difference is in the family magic's." Andromeda told

the little redhead.

"I don't understand…family magic?" Lily asked a little confused.

"Well, many of the old family's have their own created spells, curses and

the like that they keep a closely guarded secret from outsiders." Bella


"Well that's selfish!" Lily huffed.

Bella chuckled at the naivety of the first year muggle-born. "Knowledge is

power Lily, and the more knowledge one has the more powerful they are.

We keep our family magic's secret to have an advantage over our

enemies. Do you understand?" Bella asked.

Lily nodded. "In other words blood doesn't make you more powerful, but

knowledge of unique spells can give you an advantage."

Bella smiled at the intelligent younger girl. "A Ravenclaw for sure." Bella


"So are you purebloods then?" Lily asked the sisters.

"We are Lily, and unfortunately our family is one of those who believe in

the blood purity thing, that, and our family is considered a dark family

because of some of our magical practices. More so because of our family

magic's than us being evil or anything like that." Andromeda told her

sister's new friend.

"Our parents believe in blood purity and that we as purebloods are better

than everyone else. My sisters and I have a different view than our

parents, but there is constant pressure placed upon us to have the same

views. I can't count the times that Bella has been punished for not acting

like a proper pureblood princess. Don't tell anyone but she's the rebel in

the family." Andromeda winked conspiratorially at Lily who grinned


"Why are you a rebel?" Lily asked the oldest Black sister.

Cissy giggled. "Well for starters; she likes muggle music and clothing.

This drives mother and father spare."

"So I like the Rolling Stones!" Bella hissed. "It's better than what we have

in the Wizarding world!"

"The who?" Lily asked.

"I like them too!" Bella smiled.

"No, I mean who are the Rolling Stones?"

"Oh!" Bella chuckled. "Being a muggle-born I thought you would have

known. They're this muggle band who came out a few years ago. They're

completely brilliant!" Bella told the young girl.

"So your parents don't approve?" Lily asked innocently. Three snorts came

from the Black sisters simultaneously.

"They don't approve of anything muggle." Andromeda replied with a slow

shake of the head. "They seem to think that muggle influences corrupt are

way of life and culture. I don't agree with that though, I think we can

learn a lot from them and there are some really wonderful and amazing

witches and wizards that are muggle-born." Andromeda said wistfully.

Narcissa giggled and Bella smirked. "That's because she has it bad for

some Hufflepuff named Tonks!" Bella laughed at her sister Andi who

maturely stuck her tongue out at her."

"Oh very lady-like Andi!" Bella said holding her stomach trying hard not

to laugh.

The laughter at Andi's expense was soon cut short when the door

slammed open and five boys dressed in Slytherin colors made their way

into the compartment.

"Well, well, well, if it's not the infamous Black sisters." A tall boy of

seventeen smirked obnoxiously at the occupants of the compartment. He

had long greasy brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail, he had a

large almost bulbous nose with overly large pores, and a bushy uni-brow

topped a pair of dull brown eyes.

"What do you want Rudy?!" Bella said with distaste in her voice.

"Don't call me RUDY!" The boy spat. "My name is Rudolphus! Not Rudy!"

Rudolphus Lestrange spat indignantly.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Bella stated dismissively waving her hand

absently at him. "What do you want Ruuudy?" Bella smirked at the

reddening face of the unsightly boy.

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you Bellatrix. As I'm sure you already

know, you soon will be mine and if you haven't learned your place by the

time we're married, I will put you in your place!" He sneered.

Bella was on her feet in a flash and had her wand jabbed underneath the

chin of the older boy. "Is that a threat Ruudy, should we find out here and

now who the better witch is?!" Rudolphus involuntarily gulped as Bella

dug her wand in.

Rudolphus glared at the raven haired witch and lowly growled defiantly.

"I will tame you yet girly girl, if I have to break you mentally and

physically to do it. You may think you have won this round but heed my

words you will be mine eventually, and you will learn your place."

"Just try it Cyclops! I can out duel you with one hand tied behind my

back." Bella replied condescendingly.

Unbeknownst to Bella, Rudolphus' friends had pulled their wands and

were in a standoff with her sisters and Lily. The two first year girls were

obviously out matched, and did not really know any useful spells but

they nonetheless stood their ground with Andromeda.

Fifth years, Rabastan Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, and

Vincent Crabbe had their wands pointed at the three girls. They were all

snickering at the useless gesture of the three younger girls. They were all

confidant that they could take them out easily.

Rudolphus slowly backed away from Bella who now had her wand

pointed at his heart. "This isn't over Bella; watch your back girly girl

because you will learn your place." With those parting words, Rudolphus

and his crew backed out of the compartment and returned to their own.

Bella slammed the door shut and sat down heavily on the compartment

seat. She lowered her head into her hands and her body began to

involuntarily shake. Andromeda was quickly beside her and wrapped an

arm around her shoulder and pulled Bella to her tightly.

Lily sat stunned at what had just occurred, Narcissa was holding her hand

telling her that everything was alright now. But Lily had never

experienced anything as potentially violent as this had been and began to

wonder about exactly what she had gotten herself into. The Wizarding

world seemed much more dangerous than she had imagined.

"If this is what I have to look forward to Andi, I don't think I can handle

it." Bella admitted with desperation in her voice. He and his peons will

just lay in wait for me, I can't deal with continually looking over my

shoulder Andi, wondering if this is the day I'll mess up and let my guard

down and be attacked and forced to…"

"Shhhhh…Bella. We'll think of something. We could tell Professor

Slughorn he could talk to them about leaving you alone." She stated

thinking of their head of house.

"Won't do any good, he can't be around all the time to watch them. I'm

not even safe in our dorm rooms. Rodolphus is a seventh year prefect and

can enter the girl's wing of the dorms anytime he likes. I'm not safe in

Slytherin anymore. I can't protect myself twenty four hours a day." She


"Well, let's ask Slughorn if there is at least another place where you could

stay." Andromeda offered. Bella nodded weakly but she was not


Bella spent the rest of the train ride in deep meditative thought. She

knew that part of the reason that her father and her Uncle Orion who was

head of the Black family were considering the marriage contract were

two fold.

First, The Lestranges' were old money and purebloods, not as old as the

Blacks but they could trace their lineage back about five centuries. A

marriage between the two families would lend to a stronger Old Family

alliance within the Wizengamot and thus more political power.

Second, and this was the most difficult for Bella to admit, was because

she was seen as too rebellious and too enamored with all things muggle.

They, her family felt that she needed to be reigned in and the contract

would ensure her obedience to her husband's wishes by an old family

ritual that would bind her will to her husband's once she signed the

contract with a Lestrange family Blood Quill.

Bella feared a loss of self more than anything else she could think of. She

was an independent young woman, strong willed and passionate and

that's how she liked herself. This marriage would suppress her very

nature and she knew she would rather die than give up her freedom of


Bella glanced over at her sisters and wondered what fates awaited them

in the future. Would they be forced into the same type of marriages?

Andi was always glowing after spending time with Ted Tonks, Bella knew

that if her parents found out about the relationship that she had with the

muggle-born wizard that Andi would most likely meet the same fate as

she herself was fated to have…a bloody binding marriage contract!

Little Cissy was so carefree and so full of innocent wonder, did she have

the faintest idea what their parents would say to her if they discovered

she had befriended a 'mudblood.' A snort of derision escaped from Bella

as she thought over her parent's reaction.

'There's got to be some way out of this mess. I won't lose my free will just

to satisfy my parent's ambitions and desires. I just know that there is

someone special meant just for me out there somewhere, and he damn

well better hurry the hell up and make an appearance! I swear I'll bloody

well kill Lestrange before submitting to that troll. Bella mused,

disheartened and frustrated.

The sun was nearly gone from the sky its dying rays casting the sky

above in orange and purple hues. She stood and opened up her trunk.

"We should get our robes on." She said. "We should be arriving in

Hogsmeade soon. Lily, do you need to go get your robes?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, they're in my trunk back towards the other end of the train." Lily

told the older girl.

"I'll go with you." Narcissa chirped in.

"I'll go with you to, wouldn't want the pair of you to get into trouble."

Andromeda told the two first years with a slight smile. "Be back in a mo'

sis." Andromeda told Bella as she escorted the two first years to get Lily's


Bella had finished changing and was flipping through her DADA book

when Andromeda returned to the compartment with Narcissa and Lily.

Narcissa had a scowl on her face when she entered and Lily looked ready

to spit nails. Both girls' hair was completely frizzy and almost standing on


"What happened?" Bella asked examining the two upset first years and

stifling a chuckle.

"We ran into cousin Sirius and Cousin James." Narcissa replied hotly.

Bella palmed her face in exasperation. "What did the two miscreants do

this time?"

Andromeda chuckled. "Oh they thought it would be funny to put a static

charm on Cissy's and Lily's trunks. When they reached for them they were

hit with a shock of static electricity and their hair frizzed out." The

middle Black sister laughed.

"It's not funny! Do you know how long it will take me to brush this out?!"

Narcissa griped.

"Not to worry little sister." Bella took out her wand and with a couple of

twirling passes over the head of the two first years and the hair returned

to the sleek long hair they each had. "There that's better isn't it?"

"I suppose…but those two are gonna pay!" Narcissa stamped her foot

down already planning her revenge on her cousins Sirius Black and

James Potter. Bella smirked and Andromeda chuckled at their little

sister's temper. Narcissa, although usually sweet, had a vindictiveness

about her that even frightened them.

The train began to slow as it approached the platform at Hogsmeade

station. The three sisters and Lily Evans made their way off the scarlet

steam engine. A booming voice called out "Firs' years! Firs' years to me!"

"Okay you two, we'll see you in the Great Hall." Andromeda told the two

first years.

"Oh and say hello to the giant squid when you see him!" Bella yelled out

to the two girls as she was heading for the carriages.

"There's not really a giant squid is there?" Lily asked Narcissa, her eyes

comically wide.

"Not sure, but I have heard it mentioned before." The blonde told her


"Oh dear!" Lily breathed.


The Great Hall was filled with chatter as the returning students conversed

and gossiped with their friends that they hadn't seen over the summer

holiday. A hot topic had been the whispered rumors of a political

movement of ultra conservative purebloods that popped up about four

years ago. All over Britain, both in large and small magical communities,

bully pulpits had sprung up, with a message of 'Return to Traditional

Values! – Down with Muggle Destructive Influences!"

Small riots had broken out in some of the smaller communities, it was

even rumored that there had been a few accidental deaths here and

there. A general unease had begun to spread across Magical Britain and

most of the older families were taking a wait and see attitude, while

other families including the Blacks were throwing their support to the

new movement.

The movement was being lead by a mysterious but charismatic Lord who

extolled the virtues of Pureblood society, he warned that the Pureblood

way of life was in danger of becoming polluted with muggle ideas and

corrupt values.

Bella and Andromeda had taken a seat at the end of the Slytherin table as

their fellow classmates fell in around them. Sixth year Slytherin Olivia

Rosier sat to the left of Bella her face looking like the cat who ate the

canary. "Sooo, I hear you are betrothed to Rudolphus." The short blonde

stated with a knowing smirk.

"I believe you have sadly been misinformed my dear Olivia." Bella

responded with an indifferent air about her.

"That's not what he's been telling everyone on the train. Word is he's

going to approach Slughorn about the two of you living in the married


"What?! That repulsive bastard has a lot of nerve!" Bella spat with


"I don't know why you've got your knickers in a twist. He's a pureblood

from a wealthy, not to mention old family. And…he is involved in

politics." The sixth year commented.

"Politics!" Bella chortled. "He wouldn't know his arse from a motion if his

life depended on it!" Bella sneered.

"I wouldn't let him hear you say that. The Lestranges have become very

active in politics of late. They are supporting the new movement that

promises those of our stature will one day be given our rightful dues!

And Rudolphus and Rabastan are officers in the youth corps of the cause.

They have actually met this mysterious Lord and they said that he will

bring back power and prosperity to us purebloods, and bring to heel all

these uppity mudbloods who think their way of life is better than ours!"

She declared with venom.

"The way you're talking it sounds like he's building an army or

something." Bella asked raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Well he's a revolutionary isn't he? The establishment wants' to keep him

quiet don't they. The ministry is suppressing our goddess given rights and

they are hiding their heads to the corruption of our society by all the

mudbloods! He needs an army if we're to make the ministry take notices

of our plight!"

"Our plight? What plight?! If I'm not mistaken the Rosier's are quite

wealthy, the Lestrange's as well, so exactly what is it that the

muggleborns are taking from us?" Bella asked in a clipped tone.

"Since when did you become a mudblood lover Bella? I know for a fact

that your father and uncle are providing funding for the movement!"

Olivia spat back. "I thought you'd be first in line to join the youth corp."

"I just don't believe all this rhetoric about muggleborns being the bane of

the Wizarding world." Bella replied tonelessly.

Olivia looked at her friend as if she had two heads. "Bella! The mud-

bloods and the half-bloods outnumber the purebloods now by almost

three to one! How long will it be before they demand seats in the

Wizengamot?! Or…or being put in positions of power within the

ministry! They would destroy our way of life! Can't you see that! They

need to be put in their place and soon!" Olivia whispered harshly.

"And how exactly does your "Great leader"…Bella spoke sarcastically with

air quotations. "…plan on accomplishing this huh?"

"With our influence, laws will be passed to restrict the half-blood's and

mudbloods from having any influence over or participation in our

government. And…eventually we may need to just thin the herd…as it

were." Olivia whispered with a smirk.

Bella stared at her friend in stunned disbelief. Did she just say what she

thought she said? 'Thin the herd!' Was she serious?! Bella immediately

envisioned what she had learned about the atrocities during the Muggle

Second World War where millions of people were put to death because of

their "blood status." Bella felt like she was going to be sick.

"Eventually Bella…" Olivia looked at her old friend, judging her reaction.

"…You will have to choose a side. The revolution is coming, will you

stand with your own kind or will you be found on the other?"

'What is it with everyone giving me these ultimatums?!' Bella thought to


"Well it's obvious you've chosen a side Olivia. The moderates in the

Wizengamot won't sit by and allow some extremist to dictate policy and

they won't stand by while two-thirds of our population is persecuted."

Bella retorted.

Olivia smirked. "Oh I'm sure that there will be some who will refuse to

see reason and try and defend the filth polluting our culture, but there

are persuasive ways to change the minds of enough that we can push

through any law we want."

Bella began to respond but was interrupted as Professor McGonagall

entered the Great Hall with the new first years for sorting. She looked at

the tiny new students and wondered if she ever looked that small. She

smiled as she saw little 'Cissy' standing next to her new friend Lily. Both

girls looked rather nervous as McGonagall placed a stool with the sorting

hat on it in front of the staff table facing the four house tables.

Bella tuned out the hat's song as she looked over all the other first years.

Her roaming eyes soon found her first cousin Sirius and her third cousin

James standing next to each other with identical mischievous looks on

their faces. Bella had to hold back a snort as she thought of the trouble

the two pranksters were bound to get in to.

She spied another dark haired boy standing close to Cissy and Lily, he

seemed to be whispering something to Lily, who, by her body language

seemed to know the hooked nose boy and was nodding to something he

had just said.

"Black, Narcissa!" Bella heard her little sister's name and hoped that the

youngest Black sister did not follow in her older sisters' footsteps of being

sorted into Slytherin. Bella and Andi hoped that their bright younger

sister would be in Ravenclaw and avoid all the political turmoil that

existed in the House of Snakes. But their hopes were dashed as the

Sorting Hat after a few minutes called out "Slytherin!"

Narcissa jumped up from the seat excitedly, but then, remembering who

she was she straightened her back and walked primly to the Slytherin

table like the pureblood princess she was taught to be. Bella and

Andromeda gave her a smile as she sat down at the end of the Slytherin


"Black, Sirius!" Bella watched and shook her head in mirth as her cousin

seemed to strut up to the stool and sat down as if he was sitting on a

throne. Bella watched as McGonagall placed the hat on his head, a few

moments passed and then the hat yelled out "Gryffindor!"

Bella was gob smacked! Never in recent memory had a Black been sorted

into the house of the foolishly brave. There had been the odd Ravenclaw

but most Blacks had always been Slytherin. She knew immediately that

Uncle Orion and Aunt Walburga would be beyond furious. Sirius was the

Scion to House Black and no head of House Black had ever been anything

other than a Slytherin.

It was a heritage the Black family was quite proud of. A glance toward

Andromeda and Bella could tell that she was thinking the same

thing…'there was going to be Hell to pay!' Bella was brought out of her

musing by the next name called.

"Evans, Lily!" Bella glanced over to Narcissa who appeared to be

bouncing in her seat. Bella noticed her fingers were crossed and saw her

sister's lips repeating the word Slytherin…Slytherin…Slytherin.

"Gryffindor!" Narcissa slumped in her seat at the hats' declaration. Bella

felt a pang of sadness for her little sister who seemed to really like the

redheaded muggle-born. Bella knew as did Andromeda the enmity that

existed between Slytherin and Gryffindor House and that few friendships

ever lasted between friends who were sorted into the two opposing


The sorting continued and as expected, her cousin James was sorted into

the House of the Lions along with Sirius. She almost felt sorry for their

head of house. Eventually the sorting was finished; she noticed that the

boy that was talking to Narcissa and Lily had been sorted into Slytherin

as well. Snape she believed his name was.

After the headmaster gave his start of term spiel dinner was served. Bella

avoided any further conversation with Olivia and tried to just eat in

peace but her housemates had other ideas as she felt the eyes of

Rudolphus and his gang upon her.

She involuntarily shivered as she glanced quickly at the boy. He had a

lascivious look in his eyes and a chilling smirk to go along with it. She

surreptitiously removed her wand from the wrist holster on her left arm

and held the wand loosely in her right hand under the table. All too soon

the feast was over and the four houses began to make their way back to

their respective common rooms.

Bella held back a bit allowing the majority of her house to leave

including and especially Rudolphus and his group of rabble. She

approached Professor Slughorn who had just stepped down from the staff


"Excuse me professor, but may I have a word with you?" Bella asked the

plump professor with the busy walrus mustache.

"Of course my dear, always have time for one of my potion prodigies!" He

stated with a mirthful chuckle. "You're Draught of Living Death has been

the best brewed of any student I have ever taught! And that's saying

something. You know I should really introduce you to Padraig

Kettleburn, he owns one of the largest apothecaries on the Isle. He's

always sending me a sample of his latest potion discoveries and…"

"Yes, yes professor that would be lovely, but I really need to ask you

something important." Bella cut off the rambling professor before he

really got going. It was well known that Professor Slughorn liked to brag

about all the people he had mentored or befriended over the years and it

was best to head him off before he really got going or you could be stuck

listening to him prattle on for hours.

"My apologies Ms. Black, once I get going on a topic…uh uhm, right, you

had a question my dear." Slughorn caught himself before starting to

ramble again.

"Yes professor, I was wondering if there was perhaps another place I

could stay besides in the Slytherin dorms." Bella asked seriously.

Surprised by the question Slughorn raised a curious eyebrow at the

young witch. "Are you having problems with your roommates?" He asked.

"No, my roommates are not the problem, it's just…it's just…"

"Come, come, now, whatever is bothering you I assure you I am a trained

educator and if I say so myself an excellent mediator." Slughorn offered.

"It's just, I don't feel safe sir." Bella told the older man.

"Has someone threatened you Ms. Black?" He asked worriedly.

"Well no, not threatened exactly as much as inferred in a roundabout way

that…he would put me in my place." She stated a little put out with

having to reveal this. She worked hard at portraying an air of confidence

and strength and she had no fear of taking on anyone in the school one

on one. But even she had to concede that six or more against one was too

much to ask of anybody. And she absolutely hated to reveal any kind of


"Well I'm sure there was no malicious intent my dear, I'm sure if we sat

down with the other party we could come to an amicable resolution." He


"But sir I don't think…" Slughorn raised his hand to stop her.

"Besides, there are no other quarters available for students besides their

house dorms." Slughorn stated.

'But…what about the married quarters?" She offered hopefully.

"You are not married my dear, and thus cannot use them." He said


"Please…" the word came out bitterly. "Please professor I really don't feel

safe in the dorm rooms."

Slughorn sighed heavily. "I will have a word with the headmaster

tomorrow and see what can be done. But no guarantees my dear." He


Bella's shoulders slumped a bit but it was better than nothing. She

supposed that she could get through one night in her dorm room; she

would just have to ward the hell out of her bed till something else was


"Thank you professor, I would be grateful for your help in this matter."

She told him resignedly.

"That's a good girl!" Slughorn smiled. "Now you better hurry to your

dorm room, it's close to curfew. Bella nodded and hurried out of the

Great Hall and made her way to the staircase that leads to the dungeons

where the Slytherin common room was located.

Approaching the door to the commons room she furiously realized she

had not heard what the password was.

"Merlin's bloody balls!" She hissed as she kicked the door.

"Tsk tsk, what do we have here boys?" A nasally voice whined, a voice

that suddenly sent chills down her spine. Bella slowly turned around her

wand just hidden in the sleeve of her robes to face none other than the

crux of her current problem…Rudolphus.

"Hmm…looks like we have a student out of her commons room after

curfew." Lucius Malfoy sneered silkily.

"Indeed we do Lucius." Rudolphus smirked. "What to do, what to do?" He

gestured to his friends who were all smiling predatorily at the buxom


"I suppose we could just let her in, but where would be the fun in that?"

He mockingly asked his friends who guffawed sycophantically. "I believe

a lesson is in order for our little princess here, don't you think lads?"

"Piss off Rudy!" Bella spat maliciously.


Bella was thrown to the floor from being backhanded by the much larger

boy. Bella got to her hands and knees and then wiped the trickle of blood

seeping from a newly split lip. Her head spun a little as she tried to

quickly think of away to get herself out of this predicament.


Rudolphus roared.

Bella was roughly grabbed by her hair and forced to stand on her tiptoes.

Rudolphus' face was within an inch of Bella's. His stale and almost

putrescent breath made her want to vomit then and there. With spittle

flying in her face from the angry tirade coming from the bastard she

devised a hopefully successful escape plan.

In a swift move with all the strength she could muster she brought her

left knee up hard right into the groin of the boy that held her hostage.

The hand pulling her up by her hair immediately let go and soon joined

the other one in cupping the block and tackle of its owner who had fallen

to his knees and was currently gasping for air.

Before the other four boys could respond, Bella had grabbed Rudolphus

by the neck putting his body between her and the others. Her wand was

positioned at the neck of Rudolphus glowing with a spell ready to be


"DROP YOUR WANDS NOW! Or lover boy here will have a new

orifice below his chin!" Bella commanded the other boys.

"Do as she says." Lucius spat. Lucius, Crabbe, Goyle, and Rabastan

Lestrange all put their wands on the floor.

"Now back-up!" Again she ordered. The four Slytherins stepped away

from their wands. In the time it took to take half a breath, Bella had

banished all of their wands further down the corridor well out of reach.

"This won't go unpunished Bella." Rabastan stated angrily. "My brother

will not let this go. There is no place you can hide that we can't find you."

"We'll see!" She stated as confidently as she could, but she knew that they

were right.

'Well, so much for staying in the dorms tonight.' She thought with

resignation. Bella maneuvered herself and Rudolphus toward the

staircase leading back out of the dungeon and with a quick flick of her

wand she banished Rudolphus into the other boys. Not waiting to see her

handiwork she sped up the staircase as fast as her legs could carry her.

She made it to the first floor which was completely empty. The torch

lights were low and she found herself in semi darkness. She thought

about running out the main castle doors, but to what and where?

She slumped against the wall listening for footsteps of her attackers but

none were heard. She was fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

This was not how she had planned her first night back at school to be.

She didn't think she could or would return back to the Slytherin dorms,

but she needed a place to at least sleep for the night.

Across the empty hall she saw something glowing, it did not look like

torch light or candle light. It appeared almost gold in color; cautiously

she stood and made her way slowly toward the light. She turned the

corner and found a floating orb of light. In all her years here she had

never seen anything like this before. The orb began to move, not knowing

why but Bella felt the need to follow it.

The orb climbed the staircases higher and higher it went till it arrived at

the seventh floor. It then moved toward the east of the staircase, she

followed it down a hallway that didn't seem to be used if the dust and

cobwebs were any indication.

The orb came to an abrupt stop in front of a bare wall. She then heard a

distinct feminine voice speak to her. "Speak thy need young witch and

three times pass this wall of stone and I will provide thee with that which

you require."

Suddenly the orb flew into the wall seemingly passing through it. Bella

was confused at what was going on but she thought to herself stranger

things have happened but couldn't think of any at the moment. So, she

began to pace back and forth in front of the bare wall and speaking her

need. "I need place of refuge to stay in, a warm bed and…and maybe an

understanding shoulder to cry on would be nice to." It couldn't hurt she


An ornately decorated set of oak doors suddenly materialized where solid

stone had been a moment ago. The door slowly opened and Bella gasped

as she saw a comfortable decorated room that resembled the Slytherin

common room a bit.

The warmth of a crackling fire lit in the hearth of the room beckoned her

in. She stepped through the doors and made her way to the fire place.

There were two large and comfortable looking chairs that sat directly in

front of and facing the roaring fire. There were also two couches on

either side of the chairs creating a nice sitting area.

She noticed several doors along the outer walls and decided to explore

them. She opened one door along the left hand side of the room from the

door and found a comfy looking bedroom decorated in a green and silver

motif with a queen size four poster-bed with forest green drapes, a small

loveseat sat at the foot of the bed. Along the left wall was a large

wardrobe; opening the wardrobe she discovered it was empty. Next to it

was a vanity table with a mirror and drawers to place her grooming


A door on the right hand wall opened to reveal a large oval shaped room

with an equally large bathtub with many knobs and levers; it looked as if

it could hold half a dozen people comfortably. A black and white Italian

marble tile floor covered the room. There were even a few Greek marble

statues on either side of the tub; one of the Venus Di Milo. On the

opposite end stood a staute of the god Apollo, in the middle of the large

bathtub stood the statue of The Three Kharites. She smiled at the stately

beauty and elegance that the ornately decorated bathroom seemed to


She quickly decided that fortune was smilingly upon her and why not

take advantage of what the castle seemed to be offering her. If she had

thought about it she probably would have been in shock that all this was

being provided to her by a building of stone and wood.

She removed her trunk from her robe pocket and enlarged it, placing it

near the wardrobe. Grateful she thought ahead and kept the trunk with

her instead of leaving it on the train. With a flick of her wand the trunk

opened and clothes, robes and other personal items found their way into

the large wardrobe.

After getting unpacked she changed into some comfortable clothes and

then decided to explore the other doors she saw when she entered the

magical room. Exiting "her" bedroom she saw another door just down

from hers. Opening the door she saw another bedroom similar to her own

however decorated in red and gold. A door to the left in the bedroom

opened up to bathroom she just saw. It appeared that both bedrooms

shared the same bathroom.

The fact that there were two bedrooms didn't seem to concern her, or she

was just too awed by the room that she didn't really give it any thought.

She returned to the commons area and curled up in one of the oversized

chairs tucking her legs beneath her. She sat there just staring at the

crackling fire and going over the events of the day and trying to


'Some tea would be lovely about now.' Before she had even finished her

thought a pot of tea appeared on the small table between the two chairs.

"Wow! Now that's service! I could get use to this." Bella poured herself a

cup of the aromatic chamomile tea. As the warm beverage made its way

down her throat and began warming her insides she sighed heavily and

sat back heavily in the chair.

Only a few minutes had passed when she froze at the sound of a door

opening up behind her. Had they found her? Her body screamed at her to

flee but her rationale side told her to calmly wait. Producing her wand

she quietly listened and prepared her body to fight.

She risked a quick glance around the back of the chair. A dark haired boy

about her age was gawking at the room and was not looking her way at

the moment. The boy began to make his way toward her and she noticed

that he did not have his wand out. She did not recognize him but that did

not mean he was not a potential threat to her.

She heard the door click shut and saw the boy turn in the direction of the

door turning his back toward her. Now was her chance to get the upper

hand on the intruder. Quickly but silently her bare feet rushed her

toward the young man whose back was still turned toward her.

She raised her wand and pointed at the back of his head. He turned

around a look of shock on his face as a pair of emerald green eyes opened

widely and had focused on the tip of her wand.

"Who the hell are you!?" Bella roared.


A/N: Please leave a review and let me know what you think. I will try

an update every two weeks. The next two chapters are already written

with the fifth started.

3. Chapter 3


Wow! I am humbly surprised at the response I got from these first two

chapters. Within just a few days I have received 43 reviews and

comments, 63 Favs, and 126 followers. I'm grateful for all the reviews,

some were very complimentary others not so much, but I appreciate

them all even when a review is a bit critical.

I wasn't going to post this chapter until next week but decided in posting

it sooner due to a couple of reviews, one, from my good friend N.

Flamel who has been following my stories since I began posting them

over a year ago. I have a great respect for his keen observations and

insight. I hope this chapter explains in some part Dumbledore's

character and what his goals are.

This is just a filler chapter and is short but it gives an explanation into

the mind set of some of the characters. Now just because a few critical

reviews got me to post this chapter earlier than I wanted, don't get the

idea that critical reviews will get me to post another in like manner. : )


P.S. Nick I still want you as a Beta : P

Chapter Three: The Headmaster's Folly

September 1, 1995, Headmasters office 9:00 p.m.:

Albus Dumbledore: Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and

Wizardry, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump of the

International Confederation of Wizards, and the defeater of the Dark

Wizard Grindelwald. With various other titles and accolades the

Wizarding World saw him as a powerful leader of the Light and the very

embodiment of what was good in the magical society.

So being who he was, there were very few who would ever challenge any

decision he made. So ingrained in the psyche of every witch and wizard

who had been born since the late nineteen forties, and every witch and

wizard who had been alive during that time, it was inconceivable for the

man to do wrong.

After so many years of being heralded as Merlin incarnate, the man

began to believe in the many stories of his own legend. And as such he

began to see himself in the role of guardian even a parent to all magical

society. And as any parent he knew what was best for his children, and

they were children in his eyes. He would teach and they would learn. He

would speak and they would listen. He would direct and they would

comply. It was just the nature of things and nature must be obeyed.

Of course despite his best efforts there was the occasional child who

acted up. It was inconceivable to see a child or two rebel against the

tender nurturing that he as a doting father provided. It saddened him

that they would stray from his caring arms and choose 'darker paths' to

travel. If they had just taken his teachings to heart they would see the

error of their ways.

He loathed forcing his children to obey him, but they must be brought to

the understanding that he was their father and he did know best. It was

for the Greater Good of his society that they follow him unquestioningly,

anything less than absolute adherence to his teachings would lead to

anarchy and unnecessary suffering.

So it was, that Albus Dumbledore stood overlooking the grounds of his

venerated school through the window of his tower office, reflecting on

his greatest failure; Tom Riddle, AKA Lord Voldemort.

Albus had such high hopes for the talented young wizard, he was

intelligent and powerful and had a charisma as inviting as Albus' himself.

But the child had been able to hoodwink most of the student body of

Hogwarts and the majority of his professors as well, in to believing that

he was the model child, a prodigious student who could one day walk in

the shadow of the greatest wizard of all times…Albus Dumbledore.

It wasn't until Tom's seventh year that Albus began to have doubts about

the heart of his protégé. There was a darkness and a rebelliousness that

while buried deep within the boy, Albus was able to catch a flicker of it

every now and then. Tom's true nature would finally reveal itself during

the mid sixties as he began to teach a philosophy of Pureblood

exceptionalism and an animosity toward anything and anyone that he

considered inferior. Isolationist and Pureblood extremist began to rally to

the man who had fashioned a new name for himself, a name that would

inspire loyalty to those who shared his values and fear into those who

found themselves wanting.

Lord Voldemort arose to be a fly in the soup of Albus' dream of a

Wizarding Utopia. On many occasions over the next fifteen years the two

would confront each other. Each time Albus tried to remind the boy of

his earlier teachings and that he was being unnecessarily stubborn in

accepting Albus' counsel and turning away from the path he was on.

Tom however would not listen to reason and eventually escalated his

attacks on the rest of Albus' children. Albus did not want to hurt his

wayward children but they needed to be reeducated and brought to

remembrance of the instructions that Albus had provided them.

In the early seventies Albus formed the Order of the Phoenix to combat

the radicals members of their society. Albus saw himself becoming the

stern father who needed to discipline his children who had gone astray.

The order was to capture…unharmed if at all possible, the rebellious

children so they could go through reeducation and realize their folly.

But his efforts were to be in vain, his pacifistic stance was not providing

the outcome that he had desired. He realized that despite his best efforts

he could not allow the continuation of the raping, torturing and killing of

his other children. He began to make plans to begin his own offensive

when a serendipitous event occurred in the spring of 1980.

A prophecy was made of a child, who would be born as the seventh

month dies, to those who had thrice defied the Dark Lord and this child

would end the senseless destruction of his children. And from the ashes

like a Phoenix, Albus would restore his children to the path that he had

set for them.

On the thirty-first of October nineteen eighty-one, the prophecy was

fulfilled but not exactly how Albus had thought it would. He had

believed that Tom would have been completely destroyed, but he hadn't.

Somehow he had survived the encounter with the Potter boy.

Furthermore his other rebellious children instead of running back to him

for forgiveness like he had believed they remained for the most part


A few like Severus Snape who had become his spy had returned but the

bulk of his wayward children remained in their lost state. It was then that

Albus realized that the role the Potter boy would play was not over with.

Albus knew that with Tom somehow managing to survive it was only a

matter of time before he would make a return and the cycle would repeat

itself. Pacifism would no longer be the answer to stopping Tom.

The Potter boy was the answer. A plan formed in Albus' mind, a way to

meet Tom and equal ground the next time he appeared. A pacifist could

not beat Tom, he needed someone or something just as terrible to defeat

him and frighten his other followers down to their very marrow, so much

so, that they would come running back into the waiting arms of their

forgiving father.

He knew that to do this he would have to make the life of the Potter boy

mirror that of Tom's as much as possible. One must know his enemy

intimately, feel as he felt, think as he thought. The Potter boy must

become in every way Tom's equal.

Was there a chance that this could backfire on him? It was a possibility,

but if orchestrated just right the Potter boy and Tom would destroy each

other in the end, thus eliminating the possibility of another dark lord.

And if one did survive they would be weakened enough where Albus

could safely subdue them and then humanely put them through the Veil.

His society must be kept free from the cancer of another evil wizard. He

knew the kind of life he was condemning the boy to, but it was for the

greater good. One or two deaths to save thousands was a price he was

willing to be for the redemption of his other children.

"…Albus…Albus! We have been waiting for the last ten minutes! Are you

going to start this meeting or should we call for tea to occupy us until

you're ready!?" An irritated Scottish brogue spoke, breaking Dumbledore

from his musings.

"Hmm…oh yes!" The old headmaster chuckled. "For give an old man for

getting lost in his thoughts." The old man chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

He moved from the window and took his seat in the throne like chair

behind the large mahogany desk and stared back at his four heads of


"Now, I believe we just have new business to go over if I'm not mistaken.

Minerva what do you have?" Albus stared at his deputy headmistress over

his half-moon spectacles.

"You need to end this madness Albus; I can no longer support you in this

endeavor. For Maeve's sake he is Lily and James' son! I can't imagine how

this is going to end in any other way than horrific!" Minerva McGonagall

had had enough. She had grown quite fond of the raven haired boy and

Albus' plan to harden Harry into a warrior of the light no longer seemed


She was drowning in the shame of going along with her mentor's plan in

manipulating the boy's life. Since his first year it had been a carefully

orchestrated test after test. He was pushed to the limits of his tolerance.

He was brought to the point of breaking, and then easing off, only to

start up again. She knew there would be a heavy penance demanded of

her when she met Lily and James in the next life, not that she believed

they would ever forgive her.

"Minerva we have had this discussion before. As hard as this is as

distasteful we may find it. It is what is necessary." Albus replied in his

grandfatherly way.



"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger Minerva." Albus stated.

"I agree with Minerva, Albus!" Pomona Sprout head of Hufflepuff stated,

standing by her friend. "Harry may be the chosen one to defeat

Voldemort, but he is not immortal! You need to act like you're the

bloody headmaster of this school and reign in your students before some

does succeed in killing the poor boy! He is a student under our care and

deserves every protection we can give him!"

"Oh yes lest coddle the spoiled brat, shall we hold his hand as he goes to

potty, cut up his food for him and feed him, powder his arse. Yes, let's

give the little gob-shite a life free of responsibility and just feed his

oversized ego some more." Pomona and Minerva glared dangerously at

Severus Snape who snorted at their attempt to quell him.

"You petty, miserable excuse of a human being, you should be boiled in

your own entrails, you…"

"Enough!" Albus shouted, abruptly stopping Minerva's tirade. "We have

enough to be going on about without us fighting each other! Need I

remind you that we all agreed during Harry's first year to guide him

toward his destiny!"

"So we did headmaster." Filius Flitwick remarked. "But we did not agree

to put the boy's life in danger and to ignore his pleas for help!" The

diminutive professor squeaked.

"I know that I don't need to remind you of the horrors Voldemort visited

upon our people." Albus looked at Minerva. "I recall comforting you

Minerva when your husband was killed. Pomona how many pieces did

they find your sister and her family in, after their home was attack by

Fenrir Greyback."

He turned his gaze to Flitwick. "Your entire family was wiped out Filius.

This is what we have to look forward to, now that Voldemort has

returned. I am absolutely convinced that Harry is the only one that can

stop him but he must be hardened!

He must learn to fight, and dodging curses and hexes from his fellow

schoolmates will fine tune and enhance his reflexes. Knowing betrayal

will harden his heart and resolve. Being isolated will cause him to turn

inward, making him realize that he can only depend on himself.

Voldemort is a monster and unfortunately it will take another monster to

destroy him." Albus told the group. Severus showed no outward emotion

about what had been said but the other three wore faces of shock as they

now understood the depths to which Albus was ready to go to end


"It's as if you want the poor boy to lose his humanity." Pomona stated

with a shaky voice.

"That is precisely what I'm trying to do Pomona. At least the weaker

emotions of humanity like love, compassion, kindness, loyalty. We need

to foster in him those emotion that illicit powerful feelings within him,

anger, hate, loathing. These are the emotions he needs in great supply if

he is to defeat Voldemort. Those emotions will fuel his magic to the

levels he needs." Albus explained.

"More likely you will send the boy running to Voldemort and then you

will have two powerful wizards to contend with." Filius commented.

"I seriously doubt it Filius, he sees Voldemort as the murderer of his

parents, the source of his misery and lot in life, and I've cultivated that

feeling for the last four years in him. He would rather cut of his own

limbs than join the man responsible for his miserable existence."

Dumbledore replied dismissively.

"I hope you know what you're doing headmaster." Pomona stated sadly.

"And I hope whatever deities exist will have mercy on all our souls. I fear

this will not end well." Pomona rose from her chair and walked out of the

office. She was quickly joined by Flitwick and Minerva who felt sick to

her stomach.

When the group exited the revolving staircase Minerva had come to a

decision and hoped that her colleagues felt as she did. She just couldn't

continue with the headmasters plans, for a little more than four years had

she followed Albus' but that would end tonight. She just hoped that

Pomona and Filius felt the same.

Minerva no longer cared about destiny or bloody prophecies, she had

failed her cub in the worst possible way and she needed to begin to atone

for her failure starting right now.

"Pomona, Filius…" Minerva began. "I can't…"

"We're with you Minnie." Pomona said fervently. A nod from Filius.

"But you don't know what I was about to…"

"If you are suggesting that we stop this foolishness and protect that boy

then Minerva we are with you!" Filius stated with fire in his tiny voice.

Minerva nodded to the pair in appreciation. "Let's meet in my quarters

after breakfast tomorrow and will figure out away to stop Albus." They

nodded in agreement and then parted ways. Minerva rushed to the

Gryffindor common room to find her abused cub and start to make



"I fear we may be losing the support of our colleagues Severus." Albus

stated as he crossed the room and was once more staring out of his


"Possible headmaster, but I doubt they would do anything about it. They

may disapprove but they will stay the course I believe."

Albus was pensive for a moment before he responded. "Your right of

course, Minerva and I have a long history together. We have disagreed in

the past but she has never gone against my wishes. Pomona and Filius

will follow her lead I'm sure." Albus commented.

"On another note, have you cast the compulsion charms on all the doors

to the commons rooms?" Albus asked glancing over his shoulder at the

sallow faced man.

"I have tried but failed. The castles seems to repel any spell I try and

place o it., though in truth it is not needed on the Slytherin entrance, my

snakes already have a dislike for the boy some stronger than others."

Severus sneered.

"We only have to keep the majority of the student body mildly

antagonistic toward the boy. There may be a few that reach out to him

but they will be severely outnumbered and fortunately the teenage mind

seeks conformity and therefore will not want to stand out and be looked

at as…different." Albus remarked.

"I am surprised at the level of animosity the youngest Weasley boy has

for Potter, and that Granger has followed him." Snape added.

Severus noticed a widening smirk on Albus' face. "Yes well, I had a bit of

a hand in that. I need Harry to feel betrayal on the deepest level, but Miss

Granger is extremely loyal to Harry, perhaps even loves him in a

romantic way. So of course that would not do. So I have been having her

dosed with small amounts of Amortentia since October of last year

attuned to Mr. Weasley. And a similar suggestion was implanted in her

mind that Ronald was the only boy who could ever love her. The more

her heart reaches out for Harry the more assertive the suggestion

becomes." Albus explained with a grin.

"Clever." Severus admitted, which earned him a smile from the


"I leave nothing to chance Severus."

"So it would seem headmaster."

"As for Mister Weasley, he has always been jealous of Harry's wealth and

fame. It was not difficult to fan the fires of his jealousy into a burning


"Compulsion charm?" Severus asked chuckling.

"No actually, simply an amplification of emotion charm. It was only

suppose to last through the end of last year but it seems that it has taken

on a life of its own. It's all Mr. Weasley now. Also, as we discussed this

summer Severus, I will be informing Mr. Potter that due to his connection

with Voldemort he is required to learn how to protect his mind."

"And you will be sending him to me to teach occulmency." Severus

sported a twisted grin.

"Indeed." Albus chuckled. "I want his mind so weak and open that if Tom

sneezes Harry will feel it. Allowing Harry to feel Voldemort's every

psychopathic emotion will only speed up the boy's descent. We need our

weapon merciless Severus." Albus stated.

"You're playing a dangerous game Albus should he discover what it is you

are doing to him." Severus warned.

"Not to worry Severus, have I not said I leave nothing to chance? Harry

will fulfill his destiny in one manner or another." Dumbledore smiled.


A/N: Please read and review! No flames please but if you have a

genuine critique and suggestion I'm more than willing to give it a read.

Have a great weekend!

4. Chapter 4

A/N: So I'm posting this sooner than I said I would. Oh well! I'm

stunned at the interest this story has garnered; I find the polarity of the

reviews very interesting. Some love it while others are highly critical.

All I can say is that I'll continue to write it the way I have envisioned it

and hope that I can at least keep most of you interested in continuing to

follow it.

My vision of Dumbledore in this fic is a man who is detached from any

morality. He sees himself as above that human frailty and as such does

not see people as people but as tools and a means to an end, thus his

treatment of Harry and the manipulation of the faculty and student

body. I know this is a point where some of you have really felt that I

have "gone wrong". To me he is a little bit Caesaresque.

Well enough explaining. I hope you enjoy this next chapter of

Passageways and would kindly leave me a review on what you think!

Chapter Four: The Roommates

Harry's stunned eyes went from staring at the tip of a wand to the most

gorgeous girl he had ever seen, even though the girl had a look of deadly

determination it did nothing to take away from the obvious beauty before

him. She had long wavy black hair that cascade down her back in gentle

waves; her features were fine and aristocratic in nature. Her eyes were a

startling violet that just sucked you in. Her complexion was fair and her

skin looked incredibly soft. Harry had an almost uncontrollable urge to

reach out and touch her full red lips.

Bella forced herself not to roll her eyes at the dazed look and goofy grin

of the boy in front of her. She knew she was an attractive young woman

and had many boys try and woo her for her affections, but none had

measured up to her standards of an ideal suitor or her station as a

member of an Ancient house.

Bella gave a quick smack to the top of his head with her wand to get his

focus back on the here and now. "I'll repeat myself only once more before

I start hexing. Who the bloody hell are you and what are you doing

here?" She asked with a firm tone, her wand now pointing at his chest

just above his heart.

"Ouch! What the bloody hell did you do that for?" Harry yelled rubbing

the top of his head that was smarting from the wand lashing he just


"To get your attention! Now are you going to answer my questions or am

I going to start cutting off things you might miss." She stated with a scowl

and a look in her eyes that Harry could tell she meant business.

"My name is Harry…as if you didn't already know." He replied tersely to

the raven haired beauty, his hand still rubbing the spot on his head that

she had whacked with her wand.

"A little full of yourself aren't you…Harry is it? I haven't a clue as to who

you are. I've never seen you before now." Bella responded.

"Yeah right. The whole bloody Wizarding world knows who I am, so don't

give me that tripe." Harry groused.

'Whatever!" Bella spat. "You just go back and tell Rudy and the others to

leave me the hell alone or the next time I see him I'll do more than crush

his twig and berries."

"Who?" Harry asked confusion clearly on his face.

"What year are you and what house are you in?" Bella barked keeping her

wand on him.

"You're kidding right?" Harry asked incredulously.

Bella closed the distance between him placing the tip of her wand against

his chest right at heart level. "Do I look like I'm kidding?! Now answer

the bloody question!"

"Fine! I'll play along. I'm in Gryffindor, as if you bloody well didn't know,

and I'm a fifth year. And while we're on the topic, what exactly is your

name and in which house and year are you in?" He replied tersely.

She looked at him skeptically. He was in her year and a Gryffindor but

she didn't remember ever seeing him in any of her classes she shared

with the lions. If he had been she would definitely remember him, after

all he was arguably one of the better looking boys she had ever met, and

there was no way she wouldn't remember those eyes they were in a


Bella shook her head to clear her errant thoughts, angry at herself for

letting herself get distracted by a handsome face and a pair of gorgeous

green eyes.

"You don't look like any of the fifth year Gryffs that I've ever seen in the

castle. So who are you really?!" She asked, her eyes narrowed

dangerously at the boy in front of her.

"What are you playing at?" Harry asked a bit bewildered, he could tell

from her eyes that there was no sign of recognition in them. "I've been

attending Hogwarts since first year." Bella just stared blankly at him. "I

answered your questions, how about you answer mine."

Bella stared back at the boy and he did seem to be somewhat familiar but

she could not place him. His features were similar to those of the Blacks

especially the aristocratic bone structure in his face and the black hair

that was prevalent among Blacks. The eyes were all wrong and he had

broader shoulders, males of the Black family tended to be tall with thin


Noticing he was waiting on her to say something she let out an

exasperated breath and spoke. "My name is Bellatrix, a fifth year…


Harry stiffened somewhat, it did not go unnoticed by Bella. She saw his

hand jerk like it wanted to go for his wand but he did not make the

attempt. He was a typical Gryff she figured as the enmity between the

two houses was evident in his new posture.

Harry knew he had just let his emotions affect his body as the girl in

front of him had responded to his body's sudden betrayal of emotion and

was now slipping into a more defensive posture herself.

"Look, I mean you no harm." Harry told the girl in a voice he hoped

sounded sincere. "As you know your classmates and I have had our

differences. But I don't recall you ever being a part of their actions

against me. Come to think of it I can't recall ever seeing you with any of

the fifth year Slytherins, or seeing you ever in the castle before."

Bella observed the sincerity in his eyes and became puzzled herself at

who this young man was and what trouble he had with Rudy and the


"I don't mean to be rude, but what was your name again?" Harry asked

softly. Something about her seemed familiar now, but he was having

trouble placing her.

"Bellatrix, Bellatrix Black." She told him.

Harry's eyes went wide as he was suddenly struck by the remembrance of

where he had seen her before. It had been on the Black Family tapestry

back at Grimauld Place. The woman in the tapestry was much older than

the girl in front of him, but there was no mistaking that it was her. But

that wasn't possible; Bellatrix Lestrange would be near forty years old


Harry stared at the young beautiful witch in front of him and was at a

loss as to what to think or say. If this wasn't Bellatrix she was a dead

ringer for her. But why would she call herself Bellatrix Black though, it

did not make any sense to him. Just then something ridiculously

improbable popped into his head. 'Why not?' He mused. 'Stranger things

have happened, although I can't think of any at the moment.'

"Bellatrix…uhm…may I call you Bellatrix?" Harry asked respectfully. She

gave a curt nod in acquiescence.

"May I ask you a question that may seem a tad bit strange, but

nonetheless I think may be important?" Harry began.

Bella looked at him strangely, but she shrugged her shoulder and

motioned him to go ahead. "Uhm…what year is it?" Harry asked almost


"You're joking right?" She looked at him as if he were daft.

"Just humor me for a minute." He asked again.

"It's 1971 of course, what are you a simpleton or something?" Bella stated


Harry fell with a thud as he landed on his backside on the floor and just

stared up at the witch who backed up a couple of feet but still having her

wand trained on the young man now sitting cross legged on the floor in

front of her.

"No bloody way!" Bella heard Harry exclaim. "No feckin bloody way!"

Harry repeated.

"What are you going on about?" Bella asked irritated. Harry rubbed his

face with both hands a few seconds later and he looked up at her.

"You're not a ghost or anything like that are you?" Harry asked her in

serious tone.

"No, I'm not a bloody ghost! I'm seriously beginning to think you are

mental whoever you are." Bella replied. Harry to her astonishment just


"Maybe I am, because what I'm thinking can't be sane." Harry stated

shaking his head back and forth.

"Are you always this irritatingly cryptic or is it just for my benefit." Bella

replied with impatience, tapping her left foot.

Harry laughed again. "I suppose even if I were, I'm not as bad as

Dumbledore." He chuckled.

Bella's eyes narrowed at him again. "Well!"

"Well what?" Harry replied.

"Well what the hell is going on in that head of yours! Sweet Maeve! I

should have just blasted you the moment you came through the door!"

Harry chuckled again. "Okay okay, you might want to sit down for this,

because as daft as you think I am now you're really gonna think I am

once I explain why I think it is we don't seem to know each other or have

seen each other in the castle." He grinned his patented lopsided grin,

which caused Bella's stomach to flutter for a moment surprising her


'What the hell was that' she thought to herself.

"Bellatrix what year were you born in?" Harry asked and then added. "It's


"September 15, 1955…why?"

"I was born July 31…1980." He stated in serious tone.

Bella looked at him and raised an elegant eyebrow. As Harry had

expected she began to laugh.

"You are mad aren't you!" She chuckled shaking her head at him. "1980

you say…what are you going to tell me next, that-that you are a time

traveler coming back to right the wrongs of the world?" She grabbed her

stomach as the laughs came hard and fast.

Harry looked at her silently his eyes showing to the world that he was

serious. "Would it help you to believe me, if I gave you a wizard's oath?"

Bella sobered up instantly after Harry's statement. She looked at him

skeptically. Like most purebloods she was taught of the seriousness of a

wizard's oath and how you didn't give one lightly, it had serious

ramifications on not only your magic but your life as well.

"Are you serious? You do know what will happen if you give your oath

and you are lying?" She stated in a grim tone.

"I do." Harry replied in the same tone. "Bellatrix, for me, today's date is

September first…1995."

"That's…that's impossible." It came out in a whisper. "It's September third

1971." She affirmed.

The two teens sat in silence for a few minutes, each with their own

thoughts on how this was possible. It just didn't make any sense. Bella

spoke first breaking the silence.

"If what you're suggesting is true, how can we both be here in the same

room at the same time but twenty-four years apart, there has to be some

natural or magical law that would not allow such a thing to happen." She

stated shaking her head and gesticulating with her hands.

"I've learned to never underestimate magic or this castle. For example I

think the castle might be alive." Harry offered to a skeptical look from

Bella who raised both her eyebrows in doubt.

"Just let me explain my thought process, okay." Harry stated with his

hands up entreatingly.

"You know how the stairs tend to move of their own free will, classrooms

moving around and appearing on other floors without warning. And just

today I was lead to this room by this floating golden orb that I have

never seen before and it spoke to me in a woman's voice and told me how

to enter this room."

At this declaration Bella sat up straight. "That happened to me as well

today. I was looking for a place to be saf…ahh…to sleep. And this golden

orb spoke to me and lead me here as well. Speaking of which why are

you not in your common room?" Bella asked glaring at him.

"Oh…well…I've been sort of banished from my house." Harry grunted.


"Yeah it's something I would rather not talk about." Harry stated flatly.

"What about you? Why are you not in your dorm room?"

"I'd rather not talk about it either." Bella stated.

"Fair enough." Harry replied.

"So back to your theory." Bella encouraged changing the awkward topic.

"Well…what if…" Harry paused here knowing what was to follow

sounded completely mad. If he heard it from someone else he would

probably tell them that they watched too many Sci-Fi movies. "…what if

somehow the founders created this room as some kind of time portal? Or

perhaps a place that is not affected by time maybe a space where time

doesn't exist?"

"I have not ever heard of anything like that being remotely possible.

There are so many flaws in that theory I don't know where to even

begin." Bella stated matter-of-factly.

"It was just a theory." Harry shrugged. "How else do you think it could

have happened?"

"I'm not entirely convinced that this is happening. This could all be some

elaborate prank…a prank." Bella whispered the last word to herself

looking closely at Harry again, and then it dawned on her. Harry looks a

lot like her prankster of a cousin little Jamie Potter.

"What is your surname Harry?" Bella asked suspiciously. He did look like

a mix between a Potter and a Black just like Jamie did. But Jamie was an

only child. Could there be another branch of the family out there that she

did not know about that also shared Potter and Black blood.

Harry didn't like the look in Bella's eyes and wondered what he should

reveal. Bellatrix according to Walburga had joined the Death Eaters. He

didn't think she was at this moment because she was wearing a short

sleeved shirt and there was no Dark Mark on her left forearm. And

according to Walburga all Death Eaters were branded with it.

Although she did not bear the mark didn't mean she wasn't sympathetic

to him now. 'What year did Voldemort become active anyway?' Harry


"Why is my last name important for you to know?" Harry asked


"Let's just say I have a "theory" and your surname could prove or disprove

that theory. Besides, I gave you my surname; it is only right and proper

that you give me yours." She asked suspiciously.

"Why would I make up a story like this Bellatrix, there is nothing that I

could gain from misleading you." Harry offered.

"Maybe, maybe not. But I'm not in a trusting mood at the moment. Now

are you going to give me your name or do I need to force it out of you?"

She threatened bringing her wand back to bear on him.

Harry went for his wand and had just clasped it when he heard Bella's

voice call out the stunning spell. "Stupefy!"

Harry waited for the red light of the spell to hit him but it never came.

He looked up at Bella who was looking at her wand in confusion. It was

all the time needed for Harry to raise his own wand and point it and


"Well it seems that we are at a stalemate. I was serious Bellatrix when I

said I meant you no harm. But since you have a hard time trusting me at

the moment I suggest we both put our wands away and discuss this like

two civilized people." Harry suggested.

Bella snorted and rolled her eyes. "My wand stays right where it is."

"Look." Harry said exasperatingly. "What will it take for you to believe

that I am not a threat to you or trying to prank you?"

"Nothing comes to mind as long as you're unwilling to give me your

surname and some hard evidence of you being from the future." She

stated emphatically.

"Fine. Can we at least be comfortable?" Harry stated nodding over to the

two chairs by the fire. Bella gestured to the chairs with a mocking half

bow and a wave of her hand toward them.

The two teens made their way over to the chairs and faced each other.

Harry warred with himself on what to disclose. On one hand he was

wondering why he was trying so hard to get her to believe him. Was it

because he was lonely and desperate for a friend or maybe it was just to

diffuse a tense situation before it got worse?

Maybe it had more to do with being Lord Black, and Bellatrix was

technically family, and Walburga had taught him the importance of

family loyalty and the Blacks were almost fanatically loyal to each other.

Should he tell her about him being Lord Black? Would that solve the

problem or exacerbate it?

Should he disclose his real surname? His parents would be first years now

if he had his dates right. What would Bellatrix do with that information?

And could she change the past concerning his parents? Also, and perhaps

the most intriguing question was, is she in his time or was had he gone

back to hers or perhaps neither? There were just still too many

unknowns. Finally coming to a decision his eyes focused on hers and


Harry took a deep breath and focuses his thoughts. "My title…is Lord

Hadrian James…Black, head of the House of Black." Harry could tell that

Bella was about to unleash a verbal assault of impressive magnitude on

him by the way her face reddened and her eyes tightly squinted. Before

she could unleash however, Harry concentrated on the ring finger of his

right-hand. Suddenly a large silver ring with a black opal with the Black

coat of arms etched into its center appeared.

Harry raised his hand and quickly showed the ring to Bella. She froze

with her mouth open about to challenge Harry's assertion when she saw

the ring on Harry's finger. It was to her utter shock the head of house

ring for the House of Black.

"As you are undoubtedly aware, only the legitimate heir to House Black

can place the ring on his finger without dying on the spot." Harry stated


Bella was completely gob smacked. She sat and alternated staring at

Harry and the ring on his hand. She was well aware as all members of

her family were that only the Head of House was able to wear the ring.

She had just seen Uncle Orion two days ago and he was as healthy as a

hippogriff. That meant that the impossible seemed to be true, Harry

could be from the future and…was indeed Lord Black.

Her years of Black Family inculcated training asserted itself and she

dropped to her knees in front of Harry. "Forgive me my Lord for not

believing you. I humbly apologize for my attempt to stun you and for my

lack of decorum when we spoke. I pray thee consider my ignorance to

your position before assigning punishment for my offenses."

Now it was Harry's turn to sit speechless. He looked down at Bella who

was on her knees with her head bowed low. Harry shook himself and

gently lifted Bella's chin. Bella looked up at him and saw confusion and

was it mirth?

"Bellatrix there is no need for that. As far as I'm concerned we are family

and I won't have my family kneeling before me." Harry stated firmly.

"But my lord I have behaved in a most…"

"Stop Bellatrix! I told you who I was not to assert authority over you but

to prove to you that what I have told you is the truth. I am from a

different time than you." He lifted Bella up from her knees and guided

her back to her chair.

"I believe you my lord. That also explains why my spell didn't work."

Bella began softly. A member of the Black family could not knowingly use

magic to harm its Head of House, it was old family magic.

"Please Bellatrix, it's just Harry no more of this "my Lord" tripe okay."

"Yes my…yes Harry." Harry smiled an appreciative smile. Bella returned

the smile and Harry's stomach seemed to flip at the dazzling smile of the

young witch.

"What do we do now?" Bella asked.

"Well I am curious about something." Harry stated with a contemplative


"What about?" Bella asked looking at him, wondering offhandedly what

the relationship was between them. Was he a cousin or a maybe a

nephew, she was old enough to be his…mother! Her eyes widened at the


Unaware of her musings Harry answered her question. "I'm curious if I

am in your time or if you are in mine or are we in both or neither." Harry

stated scratching the back of his head.

"I hadn't thought about that!" Bella replied thankful for the interruption

to her disturbing thoughts. "How do you suggest we find out?"

"Well, when we leave the room we'll obviously find out whether it's one

time or another. But seeing as its past curfew I suggest we wait till

morning and then we can go from there."

"Seems reasonable." Bella stated.

"Now how about you show me around this wonderful room?" Harry asked

wanting a break from their heavy discussion and a chance to reorganize

his thoughts.

For the next hour Bella showed Harry where her room was and where the

other bedroom was. They discussed briefly the coincidence of the room

having two bedrooms. Harry was amazed at the size of the bathroom and

tub/pool in the center of it.

Further exploration of the room revealed many other amazing things to

the teens. For example they found a large book on a pedestal in one

corner of the room where they discovered if they wrote what subject or

book they were interested in on the blank pages, that book or a book on

the topic they desired would appear.

By accident they both discovered another feature of the room. Harry was

looking at the Gryffindor color scheme in his room and it filled him with

anger bringing to mind the betrayal of his house. He had vocalized that a

nice forest green motif would suit him better. Before their eyes the colors


That began a small game between the two, where they would ask the

room to change certain things like furniture or lighting. When this was

met with success they began to try and find the limits of the room. To

their astonishment the room could appear anyway they asked for. It

became a library with thousands of books, an armory with weapons from

every age of man. It became a forest meadow then a starry night on the


It was nearly one in the morning, when the two tired teens sat cross

legged across from each other on the rug covered floor just in front of the

fire place. Each stared at the other, simultaneously realizing that there

were still questions that needed answering.

"Sooo…" Bella began. "..The future huh?" The curiosity was evident in her


"Yeah." Harry said with a shrug. There was an awkward pause as the two

teens tried to formulate questions that would not sound idiotic to the


Bella frustratingly blew a strand of her curly locks out of her face. "This is

ridiculous!" Bella whispered but was loud enough for Harry to hear. She

was dying to get some answers and finally just decided to go for it.

"So are we related then, like am I your mother or something?" Bella asked

Harry who had a dumbstruck look on his face.

"What!?" Harry gasped, taken off guard by the seemingly random

question. "No, no you're not my mother." Harry replied shaking his head

and allowing a chuckle to escape his lips.

"Well that's a relief." Bella stated with a relieved sigh, eliciting a raised

eyebrow from Harry.

"What do you mean by that?" Harry asked, feigning insult. Bella laughed

and just shrugged her shoulders and gave him an enigmatic smile.

"Seriously though…are we related? I mean I guess we have to be related

since you are Lord Black, and Uncle Orion is the current Head of House

Black in my time. So you must come through his line either from Sirius or

Reggie. Am I right?" Bella asked.

Harry was not sure how to reply to that or if he even should. How much

damage would happen to the time line by disclosing future events?

Hermione had told him in their third year that interfering too much in

past events could have disastrous results.

The events surrounding the use of the Time Turner to rescue his

Godfather from the Dementors kiss came to the front of his thoughts.

Hermione had gone on and on about not running into their past selves

that it could cause irreparable damage to the time space continuum, or

was that something he had heard from a SciFi show. Anyway it was

suppose to be very bad either way.

Deciding on just giving her the bare minimum, at least for now, that

could change…depending on what, he did not yet know, but he left it

open as a possibility.

"My Grandmother was a Black which gave me the bloodline, but there

were…a series of unfortunate circumstances that made me the head of

House Black in my time." Harry replied with a slight hitch in his throat as

the thought of his godfather's soul being sucked out by the guards of

Azkaban entered his mind.

Bellatrix Black was not just a pretty face but also extremely intelligent

and it did not take her long to formulate a scenario in her mind and she

vocalized it.

"If you're not from Orion's direct line…then something must have

happened not only to him but to Sirius and Reggie as well, as they would

be the heirs apparent. If Orion's family was wiped out somehow it would

go to his nearest sibling's family. Uncle Orion had only three other

siblings. My father, Cygnus Black, who is the youngest, Aunt Cassiopea is

the next oldest to him, that leaves Aunt Artemis just under Uncle Orion.

No, maybe another generation back." Bella was running through all the

family members in her head.

Harry's eyes widened as he watched as Bellatrix was making the

connections. He began to worry that his secret would no longer be a

secret in the matter of mere moments. How could he have been so

careless? Family was everything to the Blacks and of course every Black

is well versed in their genealogy.

Bellatrix looked deeply into Harry's eyes as she ran through her relatives'

names and who they had married. Aunt Cassie has never married but that

doesn't mean she couldn't before 1980. Harry stated that he wasn't her

child, however he could be from Andi or Cissy, but she did not think he

was. Something about him just told her that he was not from one of her

sisters or he would have been more familiar with her, at least that was

what she hoped.

Bella gasped as she looked closer at Harry's facial features, she could see

her great-aunt Dorea in his cheek bones and skin tone, but what clenched

it was that Harry had a small mole behind the earlobe of his left ear in

exactly the same place as her Aunt Dorea. The messy unruly hair looked

just like her uncle Charlus and her cousin James! James was an only

child; Aunt Dorea couldn't have any more…that meant!


JAMIE'S SON aren't you?!" Bella had jumped to her feet knowing she

was right and was further vindicated when Harry's face showed a mix of

fear and shock written all over it.

"Sweet Morgana!" Bella crowed. "I knew I would figure it out!" She

bounced around their commons room celebrating her superior intellect.

That was until she was forced to stop at a wand which was pointing right

between her eyes.

"Aaahhh…whats up…Harry?" Bella gulped as she saw her third-cousin's

eyes were set hard and unblinkingly glaring at her. She tried to back

away but found herself pushed up against the back of one of the chairs.

"You shouldn't have done that Bella." Harry spoke so softly that it came

out as barely above a whisper. "It was better that you did not make that

connection. That information is too dangerous to have." Harry growled,

thinking of all the horrible possibilities of Bellatrix a known supporter of

Voldemort in his time would do with that information.

"W-what are you talking about Harry?" Bella asked in confusion and

trepidation as the wand continued to be pointed at her head.

"This just complicates things.' Harry said more to himself shaking his


"What is complicated? We're family Harry, why would knowing that

we're related be dangerous? Or are you concerned with what I figured

out about Uncle Orion and his family?" Once again Harry's memories

replayed some of Hermione's warnings on time travel. A little bit of

foreknowledge could completely change the past and alter the future as


"Knowing the future can have unexpected…"

"Consequences." Bella finished for him. The two teens again looked at

each other, both of them wondering how to proceed. "Look…Would it

help if I said that I won't say anything about this to anyone?" She asked.

Harry raised an incredulous eyebrow at the dark haired girl. "You're a

Black Bella; of course you're going to use this to your benefit." Harry

stated, recalling one of the many lessons Aunt Walburga gave him on

using any advantage to benefit himself and his family.

Bella looked at him with interest. "I have had some tutelage in Black

Family philosophy." Harry smirked. Bella couldn't help herself and

grinned widely at Harry.

"Harry…" Bella started, not believing she was about to offer what she was

about to offer. There was just something about him that told her she

could trust him, and she trusted few people, that is to say just one

person…herself...okay maybe her sisters. So to feel this way about

someone she had just met a few hours ago was something completely out

of character for her.

Violet eyes stared into green as she considered all of the ramifications of

what she was about to do. There were so many ways that this could come

back to bite her in the arse.

"…if I give you a witch's oath to not reveal anything you tell me or any

secrets you reveal to another soul without your express permission

and…" Bella went on knowing that Harry was about to interrupt her. "Or

use said information for personal benefit unless you say so. Would that

allay your fears about me?" She asked in all seriousness.

Harry stared at her for a long moment deliberating on what to do.

Everything seemed to be moving too fast. Not eight hours ago, he had

barely gotten off the Hogwarts Express. Friendless, alone, and not

knowing what the school year would bring he made his way to the castle.

He felt all the malicious and hateful stares following him as he took his

seat in the Great Hall. Ron's outburst had not entirely been unexpected

but it hurt just the same.

Then being led to this magical room and finding it occupied with the

infamous Bellatrix Black. Although their meeting had been uneasy and a

little tense at first, it quickly moved to strange and then to almost

comfortable as they explored the room together and now back to tense.

But even so, looking into her eyes there was something that said…trust


Harry wonder if there was not some higher power at work here,

something beyond reason why he was lead here and why she was lead

here. Maybe there was a purpose…'maybe he thought too much!' Harry

mused with a dry chuckle.

Coming to a decision he looked at her, shaking his head…"You don't need

to make an oath." Harry said with a half smile. "A friendship should start

with trusting each other." Bella smiled at the raven haired boy but

immediately took out her wand.

"I Bellatrix Adien Black pledge on my life and magic not to betray the

secrets of Harry James…Potter." Here Bellatrix gave him a smirking

smile. "Unless he gives me permission to do so, nor will I use information

which he may reveal for personal gain unless he gives his permission to

do so. So mote it be."

"Bella! You didn't need to do that!" Harry growled.

"I know but I didn't want you to have any doubts about me." She replied.

"I'm still waiting Harry." Bella stated waiting for him to accept her oath.

"Oh! Umm…so mote it be." A blue light flared around both teens as Harry

sealed her oath.

With the oath made and Harry's anxiety calmed the two teens seemed to

relax again. Bella began the dialogue once more and asked about Harry's

obvious anxiety about the future. It had not slipped her notice that Harry

seemed to react almost viscerally to her making the familiar connection.

She knew there must be a story there and hoped that Harry would one

day tell her about it, but until then she could only speculate why it

concerned him so.

Eventually exhaustion overcame the two teens and they retired to their

respective bedrooms. It had been a bizarre day with a lot of highs and

lows for both, and tomorrow promised to be just as interesting as well.

As the two teens drifted off to the land of Morpheus a bemused golden

orb hovered over each teen in turn. Never had it taken an interest in the

personal lives of the students before, but if it could set these two on a

path of discovery together, the evil that has and would grip the

Wizarding world for over two decades could be destroyed before it

became a real threat to wizard kind. She had set the stage but it was up

to the two protagonists now who would decide where the story would go.


Saturday morning came way too early for Harry as he stumbled out of

bed. For a moment he panicked not recognizing where he was. It

definitely did not look like his dorm room in Gryffindor Tower. It was

then that he remembered the night before, and that he was no longer

welcomed in Gryffindor House.

"Oh yeah!" Harry chuckled, as last night came back in complete clarity.

'Mysterious magical room, Bellatrix Lestrange…Bellatrix Black he

reminded himself. At the thought of the raven haired beauty his mind

began to wander where most hormone fueled teenage boys' mind would

go and had the typical early morning reaction.

"Okay stop! Stop! Stop!" Harry told himself. "You barely know the girl

and she's family…in around about way, not to mention that she is older

than your own parents. Besides that girl is way out of your league! Not to

mention she became the most dangerous witch in modern history." He

told himself.

He made his way to his water closet which was not part of the larger

bathroom that connected his room to Bella's. After his morning ablution

he exited his bedroom to find that Bellatrix was already up and dressed.

She was sprawled out on one of the large couches lying on her stomach

reading one of her text books. Her legs were bent forward hovering over

a well put together posterior; her ankles were crossed as her legs bobbed

up and down.

Harry froze at the site in front of him. The fifteen year old Bella was

wearing a pair of red short shorts that showed off a pair of extremely

long and sculpted legs that ran all the way up and disappeared into the

tight shorts that hugged an incredibly firm looking arse. To add to

Harry's loss of blood to his head was her tight black tank top. With an

arm tucked under her breasts as she propped herself up somewhat to read

her book, it left an incredible view of milky white globes of femininity

that threatened to fall out of the stretched cotton fabric.

"Flies my lord."

"W-what?" Harry stuttered.

"You'll catch flies if you leave your mouth open like that." Bella coyly

smirked. Harry closed his mouth with an audible pop.

"I-I was just…uhm…just looking for s-something." Harry stuttered,

blushing furiously and looking anywhere but at where his eyes had been

moments before.

"I'm sure you were my lord." Bella giggled her eyes full of mirth. 'Boy's

are just too easy.' She mused as she sat up placing her book down.

"I thought we had an understanding about the 'My Lord' thing." Harry

stated a bit more in control of his voice and taking a seat in front of the

lovely witch who was giving him an appraising look.

"Sorry…Harry." Bella smiled mischievously causing Harry stomach to flip

again. Harry wondered why this kept happening. He'd never experienced

this when he was around other girls. He reasoned it off; it must be just

the odd circumstances they found themselves in. She being from the past

and all and knowing of her future reputation as hardcore supporter of

Voldemort. Yeah that must be it.

"So, what is the plan then Harry?" Bella asked crossing her legs in front of

her Indian style.

"Well, I would like to know what has happened, you know how are we

here at the same time and are we in the same time together or I don't

know…it's just all a bit confusing…don't you think?" Harry rambled.

"Well I guess the only way to find out in which time we're currently in is

to leave the room and find out who's about." Bella offered.

"That's what I was thinking as well. But you should probably change into

your Hogwarts robes." Harry offered.

"Why? Don't I look good in what I'm wearing now?" She said with a pout.

"Am I that hideous?"

"What! No you're gorgeous…I-I mean you look n-nice, you're legs are…

not that I was staring! I mean…I just…Oh!" Harry blushed furiously as he

spun around feeling completely had as he heard Bella laughing musically

and singing.

"You think I'm go-o-orgeous, you want to da-a-a-te me, hug me and k-i-i-

iss me!" Bella danced around singing mirthfully, enjoying how flustered

she got the young lord.

"I did not say that! I-I was just…all I meant was…oh Bollocks!" Harry

griped, he then spun on his heel and returned to his bedroom slamming

the door behind him. Bella cackled victoriously and returned to her own

room to get dressed.

Bella didn't know why she was teasing Harry so much. She was not a

flirt…well not a huge one anyway but she just couldn't resist teasing her

new roommate. He looked so cute when he was blushing red; it really

brought out the color of his emerald green eyes.

Upon some reflection as she got dressed, she was stunned to find how

quickly she felt comfortable around Harry, comfortable enough to

playfully tease him. She was not one who made friends easily; she liked

to keep people at a manageable distance not letting them get to close to

her either physically or emotionally. But with Harry it was so effortless

that it was amazing if not odd. She would have to think more upon this.

Twenty minutes later she exited her bedroom dressed in her school robes,

although it was a Saturday…well at least in her time, many students

wore them while on school grounds. She found Harry by the large

bookcase looking over the many ancient tomes that were stacked there.

She cleared her throat to get his attention.

Spinning around with her arms out to her sides, she asked. "More to your

approval my lord?" She teased with a small curtsey. Harry rolled his eyes

and just grunted which evoked another giggle from Bella.

"Just kill me now." Harry groaned. "Well, should we head to the Great

Hall and see who's about." Harry offered.

"I suppose, since I got all dressed and everything." Bella replied with a

smirk. They then turned and approached the large door that lead out of

the room and stopped.

They both looked at the door and all the amusement and jocularity of a

moment ago was gone. Back were the harsh realities of the worlds they

came from. Harry was thinking about how he was still the outcast of the

school, exiled from Gryffindor, friendless and looked upon with suspicion

and disdain.

Bella's face fell as she remembered the attack on her person last night,

and the threat that her housemates had made. Rudolphus for all his lack

of any social graces was a powerful wizard and with his brother and the

others they were a force to be reckoned with and they did not take any

defeat lightly. They would be out to 'teach' her a lesson.

Simultaneously the two teens looked at each other, each seeing the

reluctance in each other's eyes and each wondering why that reluctance

was there in the other. Neither had given the other a complete story as to

why they were refugees in the magical room and not in their own house

dorms. It had been an unspoken agreement not to pry and so neither had.

It was obvious to them both now, that whatever the other one was

dealing with was serious enough to make them apprehensive about

leaving the safety of the room and that gave them some common ground

to perhaps come to an understanding of each other.

"Well, ready?" Harry asked turning his head to look at her.

"Yeah." Bella stated after a brief pause nodding hesitantly.

"Let's not tell anyone about the room just yet, yeah?" Harry stated.

Bella nodded in agreement, no sense in letting others no where her safe

haven was.

"To the Great Hall then?" Harry asked.

"Sure." Bella responded emotionlessly.

Harry reached for the handle of the door and pulled it open. The teens

stared out into the empty hallway and both sighed in relief at no one

being around to see them. The two of them with determined looks

stepped out into the empty corridor.

"Well here we go…Bella?"

"Harry?" Bella spun around only to find herself alone in the empty



5. Chapter 5

A/N: I am totally blown away by the interest in this story. 54 reviews

on the last chapter alone! You guys are awesome. This chapter is over

10,000 words, typically I like my chapters between 5 and 7 thousand

words, so don't expect many chapters of this length. Not much Bella/

Harry interaction in this chapter but a lot more in the next. I hope you

enjoy the chapter and I hope you will leave me a review or comment on

your thoughts.

Chapter Five: The Mystery

Harry spun around but there was no sign of Bellatrix anywhere, the only

foot prints he could see in the corridor were his own from the previous

night. The door behind him gently closed and then vanished from sight.

Harry gave a start and turned to look at a solid wall in front of him now,

all traces of the door was gone.

"What the hell?" Harry mumbled as he pushed on the wall with his hands,

but the wall was hard, cold, and unmoving. He stood back and stared at

the wall.

"I guess the room closes up when not in use." He mused. His eyes swept

around still looking for his missing roommate but he found neither hide

nor hair of her. Suddenly a worrying thought crossed his mind. Was it all

a figment of his imagination, was it all some terrible joke? He scratched

the back of his head pondering the situation.

'The room had provided a common room, bedrooms, a large bath and many

other things. Could it have also provided the girl?' The thought depressed

him somewhat as he rather liked her, in the space of one night she had

made quite the impression on him.

He found her…fascinating, definitely dangerous and he really liked her

playful if not teasing personality. 'But why would the room go through all

the trouble of providing someone and why Bellatrix Black of all people?'

Maybe the room somehow pulled her from his mind, after all when he

had seen her image on the family tapestry he had thought she was very

attractive. Perhaps the room saw this and created her to be a friend for

him. And hadn't he requested a friend along with a place to stay when he

was first lead to the room?

'Get a grip Potter, I doubt the room could produce a living breathing person…

or could it?' He mused. 'Okay head; think logically, how would Hermione

look at this?' Immediately Harry felt as if something gripped his heart, a

heavy hand squeezing it forbidding it to beat as the thought of his former

best friend was brought to the fore.

Sadness quickly shrouded him in its oppressive cloak. He missed her, she

had always been there for him, and she was the sister he never had, a

kindred spirit. Why wasn't she there for him now, why didn't she believe

him, why was this time any different than all the other times. She

believed him in first year when they stopped Voldemort from getting the

Philosophers' Stone.

She had supported him in second year with all the trouble of being

accused of being the Heir of Slytherin and then the whole basilisk

incident, and believed him that Tom Riddle, AKA Voldemort had almost

been brought back to life through his cursed diary. She stood by him in

third year where they rescued an innocent Sirius Black, and saved them

from Dementors.

What was it that made the events of fourth year turn her against him?

Was she just fed up with all the adventures of the Golden Trio of

Gryffindor? Had she had enough of being in dangerous situations, did she

fear for her life?

Thinking about all these adventures and Harry was loath to admit to

himself that maybe she did have a good reason to pull away from him.

He was dangerous to be around. For Merlin's sake he had the most

dangerous Dark Wizard in a century out for his blood.

But Hermione took it a step further and completely turned her back on

him and joined the chorus of others calling him a cheat…a liar…and a…

m-murderer. Harry swallowed a rather large lump in his throat as the

sadness and loneliness powerfully asserted itself once again. He slumped

to the floor leaning against the wall, his knees brought up to his chest

and his head resting on them with his arms over his head.

Harry tried to stifle the tears that he felt coming. Walburga would be

disappointed in him; she had tried to instill in him an air of indifference

to be above the weakness of sentiment and emotion. To look with

contempt at those who would set themselves against him. But Harry was

a creature of powerful emotions; he wore his heart on his sleeve and all

though he had gotten better at hiding them the more powerful would still

seep through.

He needed a friend, he did not want to be alone, however he knew he did

not need a love sick fan girl like Romilda Vane, or a Ginny Weasley, or

even a promiscuous girl like Lavender Brown. He needed someone that

he could be himself around, someone with intelligence, but perhaps not

as overbearing, like Hermione tended to be at times. He needed someone

who he could have a serious conversation with that didn't just involve

Qudditch or Chess or if he had completed all his homework.

Bella was perfect, maybe too perfect. She was angsty just like him,

disillusioned with what the world had dealt her, just like him. She was

intelligent but not obnoxiously so, she was fun and flirty and just easy to

talk to once you got past the wand pointing and threatening stages. She

had secrets, and so did he.

Was she just a figment of his own imagination, a representation of what

he wanted most in a companion, a friend? Perhaps, but was it that bad…

really. So what if she isn't real, she was more company than he had right

now which was none. Harry decided that no matter the case it did not

bother him, though he hoped deep down she was real.

But where was she? Why did she disappear right when they exited the

magical room? Maybe she didn't exist, maybe she had turned around for

something and was coming right back out? But several minutes had

passed by now and she still had not appeared.

A growling stomach drew Harry's attention away from his missing

companion and on to finding some sustenance. He would worry about

the mystery of the magical room and the lovely Miss Black after he got

some breakfast in his stomach.

Harry made his way to the staircase passing by the entrance to Gryffindor

tower. He quickly hid behind a suit of armor when the portrait of the fat

lady swung open. He saw Hermione emerge from the opening quickly

followed with about a dozen first years. He assumed that she was

escorting the "firsties" to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Ron was not with her, most likely sleeping in. Ron never saw the point of

getting up any earlier than absolutely necessary on a weekend. In fact it

was an affront to his way of life. Laziness was an art form and Ron was

its Da Vinci.

Smirking to himself, Harry joined the procession falling in behind a small

little blonde haired girl with pig tails. As they traveled Hermione was

elucidating the group on the finer points of hard work and earning house

points for Gryffindor. Harry silently chuckled when he noticed that all

the first years had a homework planner similar to the one Hermione had

given him and Ron for Christmas second year. Harry shook his head with

mirth imagining a whole year of mini Hermione's. 'Merlin I miss her.'

Harry thought, glancing sadly at the mop of busy brown hair in front of

the marching group.

The group had just reached the third floor landing when Harry's musings

were interrupted by a high pitched scream. Harry immediately withdrew

his wand and searched for signs of an attack. Harry turned back to the

group he was following only to see a nervous Hermione pointing her

wand at him with the entire group of first years hiding behind her in


Looking at the small cherubic faces behind his former best friend he saw

that their fear was directed toward…him. Why would they be terrified of


"W-what do you w-want Harry?!" Hermione ordered, but her bravado was

lost on the tremble in her voice and her shaking wand.

Harry sighed deeply; apparently his former best friend was still following

the rest of the bloody sheep in the Wizarding World and only saw him as

some deranged psychopath. It was obvious from the looks of terror on the

faces of the young students behind her that they were informed of his

derangement as well.

"I want nothing Hermione." Harry softly spoke looking into her cinnamon

brown eyes. "I was just heading to the Great Hall for some breakfast,

nothing nefarious, nothing untoward, just going down to breakfast. I am

still allowed to eat am I not?" He asked.

"He's not going to kill us is he Hermione?" The same blonde girl he had

been walking behind asked with trembling lips. "It's just that Mr. Weasley

told us that he was a dark wizard and would kill us if he got the chance."

Harry glared at Hermione, his eyes glowing with anger. Hermione and

the group that had been following her unconsciously took a step back. A

wave of uncontrolled magic was flowing from Harry; his eyes seemed to

glow with unrestrained power.

"Is this true Hermione?" Harry asked in a low growling voice. "Is your

Boyfriend spreading malicious lies about me? Is that what you believe

too Hermione?" Harry spat.

Hermione was opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water, her

brilliant brain not knowing how to respond. Harry gazed searchingly into

Hermione's eyes but did not find what he was hoping for in her eyes. A

sign of belief, or guilt about betraying him, but all he saw was

trepidation and fear.



WAS YOU I COULD ALWAYS COUNT ON!" Harry balled his fists in

anger; he shut his eyes tightly shaking his head back and forth.

In a quieter voice Harry continued. "You were my sister Hermione; I

loved you as if you were my own blood. You were my rock, my solace in

the craziness that is my life. How could you betray me like this, did our

friendship mean nothing to you?" Harry's voice cracked with emotion, his

eyes reflecting the hurt he felt inside.

Hermione did not speak, her eyes were wide and filled with tears, but she

made no effort to speak, to deny what Harry was saying. So conflicted

were her emotions that she was frozen. Her heart screamed at her to run

into his arms and beg forgiveness, but Ron was her boyfriend and he had

forbid her to ever speak to Harry again.

Ron was the only boy to ever show romantic interest in her and she

desperately wanted to feel wanted. She believed herself to be a plain girl

and not very popular. She did not want to grow old and alone, so she

latched onto Ron's affection like a life line. In her heart she knew that

Harry was not the monster that people and the press had painted him to

be, yet she did not have the courage to defend her first true friend. Her

Gryffindor courage seemed to have fled her.

Harry slowly nodded his head. "I see…" Harry rolled up his left shirt

sleeve. On his wrist was a friendship bracelet that Hermione had made

for him for Christmas their first year. It had been one of Harry's most

prized possessions next to his father's invisibility cloak. It was a token of

a friendship that he thought would last forever. From the day Hermione

tied it to his wrist and explained its meaning he had never taken it off.

Hermione's eyes widened in recognition of the woven bracelet. Harry

grabbed the bracelet in his right hand and with a quick and hard tug he

snapped the threads that bound it together. Harry looked at the bracelet

longingly for a moment before slowly turning his hand over allowing the

token of friendship to fall to the cold stone floor.

Without another word and without looking back Harry walked away, and

in his mind ending any hope of reconciliation with the bushy haired

bookworm. Hermione fell to her knees and lovingly picked up the

bracelet as if it were the most fragile Faberge Egg in existence. The first

years all jumped as a mournful wail echoed throughout the corridor as

they watched the fifth year prefect sob uncontrollably.

'What have I done, what have I done?" Hermione repeated as she rocked

herself back and forth on the hard stone floor. Something had snapped in

Hermione when she had picked up the discarded bracelet, her mind

seemed to come to life as she held the token of friendship to her chest.

The sudden lucidity instead of comforting her wracked her soul with guilt

as the weight of what she had done to her best friend came crashing

down upon her. She could not fathom why she had treated her friend

thusly, but the memories stood clearly in her mind judging her harshly.

Hermione never made it to the Great Hall and was not seen again until

the first class Monday morning.


Having lost his appetite Harry made his way back to the seventh floor.

The scene with Hermione played over and over again in his mind. "She

said nothing, not a word, how could she do…I don't understand." Harry


Harry had made it to the fifth floor when he noticed a girl looking in and

out of classrooms and peering into broom closets apparently searching

for something. He almost turned to continue his journey to the seventh

floor when he noticed that she was not wearing shoes…or socks for that


Although it was September and still relatively warm, the flagstone floors

were always a bit cold. Looking closely at the girl's feet he noticed that

they appeared to be red with cold and the girl would repeatedly rub one

foot and then the other against her legs trying to warm them up.

Against his better judgment he approached the small girl. She was a good

six inches shorter than he was, with dirty blonde hair that reached her

waist. She had a thin frame and almost elfish facial features except for

her large almost bulbous blue eyes that oddly enough seemed to fit her

face beautifully. He noticed that she had interestingly tucked her wand

behind her right ear.

She wore an oversized knitted sweater with some sort of weird rabbit

looking creature with a single crumpled looking horn coming out of the

middle of its head. And a poodle skirt that came straight out of the

nineteen fifties. A necklace that appeared to be made of Butter Beer corks

and what looked like radishes dangling from her ears. It was an odd

ensemble but he had noticed that most magical didn't have the best

fashion sense when it came to muggle clothing.

Harry cleared his throat wanting to announce himself so as not to startle

the young witch. Without turning around to acknowledge him she

opened up another broom closet and searched it quickly and at the same

time spoke.

"Hello Harry Potter." The small girl stated in an airy voice.


"Have your shoes disappeared as well?" She asked now turning to face

him then looked down at his feet. "Oh! You found them…good for you! It

usually takes me till the end of term to find mine. Nargles are

exceptionally good and hiding things you know."

"Um…sorry…Nargles?" Harry queried never hearing of such a thing.

"Uh huh, they like to live in cold and damp places, so a castle is a prime

breeding environment. And with so many nooks and crannies to hide

things in they can't help themselves in borrowing items and hiding them.

I think it's kind of a game they like to play really."

Harry just stared blankly at the blonde witch, unsure what to think about

her. "We believe you by the way." She replied out of nowhere not

noticing the awkward silence coming from Harry.


"About Voldemort being reborn. My father and I believe you. Oh where

are my manors…I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood." The blonde stated and held

her hand out.

"Err hi and th-thanks." Harry intelligently replied taking her offered hand.

In a swift motion Luna had gripped his hand tightly and pulled him

closer to her. They were nearly chest to head. Luna kept a hold of his

hand and leaning her head back looked straight up into Harry's eyes.

Harry uncomfortably stared back at the smaller witch who seemed to be

studying him. "As I suspected." Luna nodded. "Wrackspurts, a large

infestation of Wrackspurts."

"Wrackspurts? Harry asked.

"Yes Wrackspurts. They're tiny creatures that enter a person's brain

through their ears; they kind of make your thoughts fuzzy and disjointed

and can also cause moodiness and depression."

"Uh huh…and how does a person get rid of w-rack…"

"Wrackspurts." Luna helped.

"Yeah those, how do you get rid of them?" Harry asked humoring the girl.

"Well there are two ways. The first way is to jump into a mountain lake

wrapped in seaweed and allow the plimpies to nibble it off your body

while you sing 'My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.'" Luna stated.

Harry's eyes widened. He didn't know whether to laugh or run away from

the odd girl in terror. "So what is the second option?" Harry queried

almost afraid to ask.

"Butterscotch pudding. I find the second option more agreeable." Luna

stated matter-of-factly tapping her lips with her left index finger.

"What do you have to do with the Butterscotch pudding?"

"Well you eat it of course!" Luna stated looking at the boy as if he were

daft or something. Chuckling Harry agreed that the second option

sounded much more…palatable.

In an effort to change the subject Harry asked Luna about her lack of

footwear. "Well like I was explaining before, Nargles have taken all my

socks and shoes again."

"Again? Does this happen often?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes, every year since coming to Hogwarts. Sometimes my shoes are

borrowed, sometimes my winter cloak and other clothing articles, on

occasion my homework disappears. Though this is the first time it has

happened on the first day back. Usually I find most of my things though

by the end of the school year. I'm sure the same thing has happened to


Harry looked at the girl with a touch of concern. He had a feeling that

the Nargles were most likely her housemates stealing the young girl's

things because she was a bit odd. "No Luna that has never happened to

me. Have you spoken to your head of house about your things

disappearing?" Harry asked.

"Oh no, he is much too busy to bother with something so trivial. Besides

sometimes they're returned and if they're not I can always owl daddy for


"Are you sure that these nettles…"


"Yes, uhmm Nargles. Are you sure that Nargles are the culprits here


"Well…I think so, but I'm a little confused because I have anti Nargle

talismans in my trunk and I wear one around my neck." She showed the

butter beer cork necklace. "So they must have become immuned so how."

"What about your room-mates? Maybe they have had a hand in your

things vanishing?" Harry asked, a cloud of sadness seemed to pass over

Luna's eyes, but it was so quick that Harry wasn't sure that he had seen it.

"Why would they do something like that though? I mean they never talk

to me so I don't see why they would be in cahoots with the nargles." Luna

half smiled. Harry shrugged but didn't comment. Luna began to rub her

feet again on her legs in an attempt to warm them up.

"Here let me help you." Harry stated kindly. He then took out his wand

and pointed them at Luna's feet and cast a warming charm.

"Oooh that's nice." Luna commented wiggling her toes. You know, you're

not at all what they're trying to portray you as. Not that I ever believed it

anyways you have too many gilded chumlies circling you." Luna stated

with assertion.

"Is that a good thing?" Harry asked

"Oh very good! Gilded chumlies are attracted to people of noble spirit,

unfortunately they can't chase away the nargles but I can give you one of

my talismans for that." Luna offered with a large smile.

"Well I think you are probably the only one who thinks that about me?"

Harry said a bit down heartedly.

"Oh no there are many Harry Potter, some are just too afraid of the

blibbering humdingers to show their support. But the curse is what's

turning most against you. But sadly there are those who just for whatever

reason allow the wrackspurts to effect their minds."

"Curse…what curse?" Harry asked.

"The curse that the sniveling wingbat has put on the students. Well not

the students per say, but at the entrances to the house common rooms."

"Something has cursed the students to be against me?" Harry asked.

"M' huh, not a very nice thing to do, but there you are." Luna replied

picking at a loose thread on her jumper.

"If that's true how come you are not affected?" Harry asked.

"Well I'm not one hundred percent sure. It could be my necklace, but that

wouldn't explain all the others who are not affected. So I think it must be

simply a mental thing. You choose to let it affect you or you don't. I

chose not to let it influence me." She shrugged.

"So the reason everyone hates me is because of this curse?" Harry asked.

"Oh no, there are plenty of people who hate you even without it, it just

negatively affects those who have no opinion one way or another." She


"How do you know this?" Harry asked curiously.

"Well I can see it over the Ravenclaw entrance and I assume all the

common rooms have it. And because, the magic leaves a visible trace on

everybody who passes underneath it."

"You can see magic?" Harry asked in an impressed tone. Luna smiled

brightly and nodded.

"Uh huh, all magic leaves a trace whether it is a curse, hex, jinx, or spell."

Luna confirmed.

"Do you know the counter curse Luna?" Harry asked hopefully.

Luna's countenance fell." I'm sorry Harry Potter, I don't. Does this mean

we can't be friends."

"What?! No o-of course not. Do you want to be my friend? I mean with

everyone else against me wouldn't that put you at odds with the rest of

the school."

Luna looked at him sadly. "Most people already ignore me. They think

I'm kind of…odd." Luna whispered conspiratorially with a small shrug of

the shoulders. "But I would love to be your friend if you'd let me." Luna

whispered in a small voice.

Harry stared at Luna for a moment. Her voice and facial expressions were

so genuine and open that it surprised him. She was definitely unique but

that wasn't a bad think at all in his book. Dobby gave new definition to

the word odd, but Harry counted him now as a good friend. "I'd like that

Luna, I don't have many friends right now as it is, and I would be daft not

to accept such a wonderfully unique person as you as a friend." Harry

smiled at the petite blonde.

Luna's smile threatened to eclipse her face it was so large, she launched

herself into Harry and hugged him for all she was worth. Harry not

totally unaccustomed to hugs, after all he had received them from Mrs.

Weasley and from Hermione. But this hug was not the smothering kind

that he received from the Weasley matriarch or the occasional bone

breaking hug from his former bookish best friend, but it had been a hug

full of emotion and gratitude that Harry couldn't help smile in spite of


Luna stepped back from Harry her cheeks flushed pink with

embarrassment. "Sorry Harry Potter, I guess I got a little too excited."

Luna mumbled.

"No worries Luna, that's what friends do right. And please it's just Harry,

okay?" Harry offered with a smile, Luna returned his smile and nodded

with enthusiasm.

"Have you had breakfast yet Luna?" Harry asked his new friend. Luna

shook her head in the negative.

"Well, how about we kip off to the kitchens and have something to eat

and then I'll help you try and find your shoes, yeah?" Luna nodded and

soon they were off to the basement and finding the entrance to the

kitchens, Harry tickled the pear on the painting of a cornucopia of fruit.

The pear turned into a brass door knob and with a gentle turn and a push

the two new friends walked in to the Hogwarts kitchens.

The kitchens were a bit larger than the Great Hall with long tables that

sat precisely under their counterparts on the floor above. There were

dozens of house elves running to and fro setting platter after platter of

breakfast foods on the groaning tables. Once the platters were placed on

the table the immediately disappeared and reappeared on the

corresponding table above.

An excited House Elf appeared before them wearing a ruffled pink apron

with the Hogwarts Crest in the center of it. From the longish white hair

he guessed she was female. She had large blue eyes and a pointy nose

and with the typical large bat like ears that all House Elves seemed to


"Howz can Ellie be'z helping young miss and young sir?" The little elf


"Um…we were wondering if we could have breakfast here in the

kitchens." Harry asked the diminutive elf.

Ellie bounced on the balls of her feet and clapped her hands together. "Of

course youz can!" She squealed happily dragging the pair to a medium

sized table. Harry and Luna had barely sat down when several elves

brought plates full of eggs, rashers, fried tomatoes, and pastries and

carafes of pumpkin juice and a tea setting.

Harry and Luna thanked the elves for the wonderful services they

received beaming faces in return and then returned to their other duties.

Harry and Luna began to load their plates with the delicious smelling

buffet before them. Harry had just taken a bite of his eggs as he looked

around at the busy elves. He suddenly had a thought and wondered if it

were possible.

Harry called to a passing elf and asked to speak to him. "Does young sir

need something from Tudgy?" The small elf asked.

"Um yes. I was wondering, my friend here as seemed to have lost her

shoes and socks and I was wondering, is it possible, I mean are you able

to find lost items within the castle. And if you are could you help us in

locating them?" Harry asked unsure if it were even possible.

"That is an easy thing to do sirs." The elf replied happily.

"Oh?" Harry asked.

The little elf nodded his head vigorously. "Oh yes, every witch or wizard

leaks their magic which gets into their clothing. All we needz to be

doings is looking at young miss's magic and weez can be finding her


"Wow, I didn't realize that was possible." Harry stated impressed.

"Is young miss wanting Tudgy to findz her thingses?"

"That would be ever so lovely if you could." Luna stated with a happy


Without another word the elf popped away, within moments the elf

returned with a rather large pile of clothing, shoes, jackets, and other

clothing. Harry looked at the rather large pile and then back to Luna.

"Where did you find all thisTudgy?" Harry asked.

"Somez were in the abandon greenhouse, others were being in the trunks

of other Ravyclaws." It squeaked.

"Luna…how…why…?" Harry was at a loss for words as he looked at the

large pile that had obviously been things taken from the young blonde

since her first year. Luna looked a little embarrassed and could only

shrug. She picked out a pair of mismatched socks and a pair of shoes and

quickly put them on.

"Tudgy, could you return Luna's things to her trunk please." Harry asked.

With an animated nod the small elf popped away with the items.

"Well at least I know where to come when the nargles take my things. "

She said softly. Harry glared at her and shook his head.

"Luna, I seriously doubt that nargles are responsible for all this. You

should really speak with Professor Flitwick about this." Harry told his

new friend. Harry was nearly seething with anger at the treatment that

Luna had apparently been receiving from her House-mates.

"I know you mean well Harry, but I'm sure that he is too busy and besides

my house-mates are only having a bit of fun, I'm sure their intentions are

not meant to be mean in nature." Luna sated in a sad voice dropping the

airiness from earlier.

Harry was about to argue the point but the pleading look in his new

friends eyes begged him to drop the subject. Reluctantly he dropped the

subject and the two sat in silence while they returned their attention to

the food in front of him.

An hour had passed and the two chit-chatted about this and that until

Luna told him that she wanted to return to her dorm room and sort

through her things. There were obvious articles of clothing and what-not

that no longer fit her and she wanted to owl them home. With a promise

to meet each other tomorrow for breakfast again Luna left the kitchen.

Harry sat there in the kitchens a bit longer and tried to organize his

thoughts with his novice occlumency skills. His morning so far had been

to say the least emotionally draining. He once again thought of Luna's

possessions being stolen from her and then he immediately thought of his

own, specifically his father's invisibility cloak and the Marauders' Map.

He was about to call Trudgy again when he thought of someone else.

"Dobby, I need you!" Not knowing if this would work or if it were

possible for the odd little elf to enter Hogwarts he called for his friend.

There was a slight pop as air was displaced and suddenly an overzealous

Dobby was hugging Harry's legs tightly.

"Master Harry iz needing his Dobby! " Dobby said excitedly nearly

toppling Harry. Harry chuckled at Dobby's antics and placed his hands on

Dobby's shoulder and pried the eager elf off of his legs so he could stand


"Dobby, I was hoping that you could help me with something." Harry told

the still bouncing elf.

"Of course! Dobby be doings whatever the Great Harry Potter asks!"

"Uh huh, well I was wondering if you had the same ability to sense magic

as the House Elves here to locate some personal items of mine?" Harry


"Yes Harry Potter, all house elves can sense magic, especially of their

master's magic!" Dobby said his head nodding fervently.

"Brilliant!" Harry exclaimed. "I need you to find my invisibility cloak and

a map that belonged to my dad, it's called the Marauders' Map, and it's a

magical map that shows the castle and everyone in it. My former friend

Ron Weasley took them and I believe he may still have possession of

them." Harry said bitterly.

"I's can try and find the cloak but it could be difficult…and the map

maybe more difficult, the magic of the map may not have allowed your

magic to seep into it. And the cloak Dobby remembers as being very

powerful and also may not have let your magic in it. But Dobby will do

his best for his master." Dobby stated.

"Just do your best Dobby, that's all I ask, but I would find Ron Weasley,

he most likely will have it near him." Harry told his little friend.

"I will keep looking until I have found it Harry Potter sirs." Dobby said

and snapped his legs together and bowed then with a small pop was


Harry did not know how long it would take Dobby to find and collect his

family heirlooms from the traitorous redhead so he decided that maybe

he would take a walk outside and get some fresh air. He climbed the

stairs from the basement to the main floor. He could hear that breakfast

in the Great Hall was in full swing. The chorus of voices echoed from the

hall and out into the foyer.

Not sparing a sideways glance Harry walked past the large double doors

that lead to the eating students and walked out the main doors of the

castle and out onto the grounds. He made his way toward the black lake

to the large Oak tree that had become a favorite spot of many students to

look out over the large body of water. He sat down and waited to see if

Dobby would be successful anytime soon.


"Harry? Harry? Lord Black?!" Bellatrix was confused and she hated,

simply loathed being confused. Harry had been right next to her when

they stepped through the door and then…poof! He was gone.

"If this is some kind of prank I swear I'll hex your bits, head of house or

not…Harry!" Bella spun around as the door behind her closed and then

disappeared. "Well shite!" She growled out, as she now stared at a solid

stone wall again.

"Suppose I should just head to breakfast and see if he turns up. If he's not

there I can just return here, besides I want to know if I'm still in my time

or not." Bella spun back around and began the long walk from the

seventh floor to the main floor where the Great Hall was located.

Fortunately it was still on the early side so there were not many students

around. She entered the Great Hall and walked to the Slytherin table and

immediately recognized her two sisters, well that answered her question

of what time she was in, but her sisters were looking worried about


As Bella approached her sisters, Narcissa spotted her and jumped up from

her seat and ran toward her and then threw her arms around her eldest

sister's waist and buried her head into her chest. "W-where were you?" A

muffled sobbed was heard coming from the little blonde girl at Bella's


Before Bella could answer, her other sister had arrived with a murderous

look on her face. "Do you know what we've been through?!" Andromeda

hissed in low tones to her sister so others would not over hear.

"When you didn't arrive in the common room we thought something had

happened to you! Then the bloody Lestranges and their lemmings came

in and were cursing your name and swearing they would get even!" Andi

growled. "Now will you tell us what the bloody hell is going on and

where you've been?"

Bella looked around and noticed a few eyes that found some interest in

the three Black sisters huddled up together. "Not here." Bella whispered.

"We'll talk in a bit; I need to eat a bite first." The eldest Black sister

informed the other two.

Bella led her sisters over to the far end of the Slytherin table furthest

from the door. Bella sat down pulling a plate toward her and began to fill

it. Andromeda and Narcissa sat together opposite from Bellatrix. The two

younger sisters looked at their older sibling with a 'well we're waiting'

look. Bella had just taken a bite of sausage when she noticed them

glaring. She huffed and quickly chewed the bit in her mouth.

Lazily she flicked her wand around the trio putting up some privacy

wards to keep other nosey busybodies from over hearing them. She

folded her arms in front of her, resting them on the table and then leaned

forward, her sisters doing the same in expectation.

Bella's eyes hardened a bit when she told her sisters about her

conversation with Professor Slughorn and that he had informed her that

there was no other place for her to stay unless she was a married or

betrothed student, and how he didn't seem overly concerned about her


Andromeda uncharacteristically swore and looked ready to kill when

Bella rehearsed what Rudolphus and the Git Patrol had attempted to do to

her. That explained the losers' tirade when they came through the

Slytherin entrance into the commons room. Cissy had a look of terror on

her face thinking about what could have happen to her idol of a big


The next part of the story Bella was not sure how to explain, how do you

tell someone that you were guided by some unknown entity to a room

that magically appears when asked, and then meet a boy who is

somehow from the future and on top of that the future Head of the Black


Bella opened her mouth to explain and…nothing. She could not think of a

way to start this conversation. She sat back in her seat and had a

complete stupor of thought. Andromeda and Narcissa looked at their

sister and then toward each other. Cissy shrugged in confusion. The two

younger sisters then turned back toward Bellatrix and patiently waited

for an explanation.

Before Bellatrix could start her explanation, she felt a large presence

approach her from behind. Turning slightly she saw the Slytherin Head of

House coming near. With a slight wave of her wand she dispelled the

wards that she had erected and turned fully to see him.

"Ah Miss Black, and Miss Black, and Miss Black." Horace Slughorn

chuckled at his own wit. "May I have a word with the oldest Miss Black?"

The walrus looking professor asked in his best sycophantic voice.

"Of course professor." Bella replied. "What is it that you want?" She asked

as she stood from the table and walked a small distance away from

prying ears.

"I discussed your situation with the headmaster and I have some good

news!" He smiled largely.

Bella did not respond but looked at him with an expectant look on her

face to continue. "Uh uhm, well as I was saying good news about your

request. The headmaster will allow you the use of the head girl room

within Slytherin that is currently unoccupied. That should afford you

some privacy and you would be the only one to be able to enter once you

set a password." He said magnanimously as if he had moved heaven and

earth to accommodate her.

Bella stared at the man or appeared to. Her mind was racing thinking of

all the pros and cons this would present. On one hand it would get her a

private room that only she could access and she would be near her

sisters. However she would still be living within Slytherin walls with the

Lestranges and the other dim wits that hung around him.

Then there was Harry, the raven haired boy from the future. In her

logical mind she believed that his appearance was not some random

happenstance. No there was a connection between them and therefore a

purpose for his presence. Furthermore, the castle itself had lead her to

the room. It was a mystery that she begrudgingly found to enticing to

give up. But perhaps she could have both, to accept the room but allow

Andi and Cissy to use it. That would give her sisters some added

protection and a place for her to stay if for some reason she needed to be


"That's wonderful professor. I'm grateful for your attentiveness to my

situation and think that the Head-Girl dorm would be more than

acceptable. Would it be possible for my sisters to join me if they needed

to?" She asked.

"I don't see why not. I believe the House Elves can modify the suite to

your needs." He replied.

"Thank you sir! I cannot thank you enough!" Bella stated stroking the

man's ego a bit.

"Excellent! You can move in as soon as you like Miss Black. Oh and

expect my annual invitation to my Pre-All Hallows Eve party. I will have

the most interesting people there this year; I have an actual descendant

of Vlad the Impaler as a special guest!" The fame mongering professor

stated with a wide smile.

"Looking forward to it professor." Bella stated with a forced grin, she then

spun around and returned to the table muttering about sycophantic


"What was that about?" Andromeda asked curiously.

"Slughorn just gave me the Head-Girl suite in the Slytherin dorms to use

for the year." She smugly told her siblings.

"That's great Bella!" Andromeda congratulated her older sister. "At least

Rudolphus can't use his prefect status to access you dorm room now.

"That's true but I'm not the one who will be using it." She whispered

conspiratorially. Once more Bella threw up a silencing ward created by

one of her ancestors. It was a combination of a notice me not charm and

a sound dampening charm that kept anyone from overhearing them even

with listening charms.

"What do you mean you won't be using it?" Narcissa asked in confusion.

Bella sighed. "Look, I'm going to spend as little time as possible around

the Slytherin Commons Room. And before you ask I do have some where

else I am staying and it is a safe place. And I know you want to know

where it is I'm staying, but for the moment I'd like to keep that secret, but

I promise I will let you know soon just trust me for now, okay?" Bella

asked her sisters and gave that I'm serious look that they knew all too


The sisters reluctantly agreed but were not happy about it in the least.

"So why did you except the Head-girl suite if you're not going to use it?

Andromeda asked.

"Because, you and Cissy will be using it." Bella stated

"Us?" Cissy asked.

"Look, I've pissed off ole Rudy and his goons, and if he can't take out his

frustrations on me he may turn them toward you. By staying in the suite

you'll be protected at least while you are inside of it."

"Do you think he would hurt us Bella?" Narcissa asked beginning to chew

on her bottom lip with apprehension.

"I wouldn't put it past him Cissy. I know mother made sure we knew how

to protect ourselves from unwanted advances but as much as I loathe

admitting it, he is very powerful and can be rather ruthless when he feels

slighted." Bella remarked.

Cissy shrunk in her seat trying to make herself small and inconspicuous.

Andi reached over and put her arm around her sister. Bella leaned

forward and looked her youngest sister in the eyes and with a wicked

smile asked her. "Do you remember the castration spell I taught you this

summer?" Bella asked conspiratorially.

Narcissa shyly grinned and nodded her head. "If anyone tries to hurt you,

remember you are the daughter of an Ancient and Noble House. So if

anyone tries to harm you, use that spell. The Lestranges' are not an

Ancient or a Noble house so they will have no legal recourse if they

decided to press the issue of line theft. Sometimes it's good to be at the

top of our society." Bella chuckled evilly. Narcissa's smile widened while

Andromeda just rolled her eyes but her small smirk let her sister know

that she found it amusing as well.


The three sisters after enjoying their breakfast returned to the Slytherin

Commons Room to move Andromeda's and Cissy's things. Fortunately,

neither Rudolphus nor his brother happened to be there. However, Bella

would not escape complete anonymity as fifth years' Lucius Malfoy,

Gregory Goyle, and Matthias Crabbe had just entered the common room

from the fifth year dorms.

"Well, well look who it is lads." Lucius sneered. "Rudolpus was most

displeased with your lack of…servility last night." Lucius stated, slowly

walking around the three sisters like a shark would circle its prey. "What

a fortuitous moment that we should find you here, we were so worried

when you didn't return last night."

"I'm sure you were all just devastated." Bella sneered.

Lucius softly chuckled as he continued circling. "Indeed, Rudolphus was

so wanting to continue his conversation with you. He feels he may have

come off a little to…abrupt." Lucius turned a questioning look at his two

companions who began to chuckle.

"Such a pretty young Black, with golden hair even, you must be quite the

rarity in your family." Lucius stated as he slid a finger across Narcissa's

cheek which caused the young girl to shiver in disgust.

"Touch my sister again Lucy, and I'll permanently remove your hand."

Bella spat.

"Tsk tsk Bellatrix, I was merely admiring the splendid genes you Blacks

have. Besides you mar that pretty face of yours when you scowl like

that." Lucius shuttered mockingly. "Quite unattractive."

"Why don't you just crawl back into the hole you came out of smeg-

heads." Andromeda sneered. And take your bitches with you!"

Andromeda continued, glancing back at Crabbe and Goyle over Malfoy's


"Who you calling a bitch, you…you bitch!" Goyle stuttered out and tried

to look triumphant.

Andromeda laughed mirthfully. "I see originality is not your strong suit.

Neither is bathing apparently." Andromeda's nose crinkled in disgust as

she caught a whiff of the two oversized fifth years.

Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other inquisitively and then each took a

whiff of their under arms. Each shrugged as if to say 'I don't smell

anything'. Andromeda rolled her eyes at the two boys. Many in Slytherin

were amazed that the two were still allowed in school. Their marks were

abysmal and neither had the power enough to stun a Bowtruckle.

Everyone just assumed their fathers had paid off the school board to

allow them to stay.

The confrontation began to attract the attention from the other Slytherins

in the common room. It was common knowledge that Bellatrix Black was

the current Hogwarts Dueling Champion and had been since her third

year, and her sister Andromeda was no slouch with a wand either. The

Blacks seem to always come to Hogwarts with quite the repertoire of

spells, jinx's, and curses already at their command.

"Ladies, ladies, there is no need for any unpleasantness." Malfoy raised

both of his hands showing he had no wand in them. "We are all

Slytherins here; and we are both from prominent pureblood families. We

should not squabble amongst ourselves like commoners. Our world is in

danger enough from the dirtying of our society by those who are less

than disserving of our gifts. We must stand united against the collapse of

our world." Lucius declared to the many nods of approval of those


"Rudolphus himself told me that you, Bellatrix Black, could become such

a powerful force for good and a leader of our cause if you would only

open your eyes and join him as co-leaders of the youth movement. Your

parents see the wisdom in it; they know that an alliance between your

two powerful pureblood families would go far in rallying others to the

cause." Lucius stated in his practiced smooth and silky voice.

"Spoken like a true politician Lucy." Bella replied. "I have no interest in

joining your little movement, and I have absolutely no interest in joining

the House of Lestrange. I will choose who I…unite myself with, so you

can just go find Rudy and tell him to stay clear of me if he wants to

remain a whole person before he graduates." Bella smiled mockingly.

""You forget yourself…Witch!" Lucius spat, letting his cool demeanor

slip. "You will have no say in your union with Rudolphus. This matter

will be settled between wizards, you have only to obey like a witch

should do!" The longhaired blonde sneered. Lucius comment, although

receiving approval from the wizards in the room it had the opposite

effect on the majority of witches that had heard the comment.

Regaining his former air of indifference and schooling his features, he

began to speak in the tone of voice his father had taught him in dealing

with all matters of a political or public nature.

"Miss Black, our 'little movement' as you call it, is the herald of a people

who wish to only reclaim what is by right of magic ours. Your Noble

family has generously provided funding to our Lord and as a boon to

your family you have been given an opportunity to be a witch of position

and prestige within our ranks. Our Lord has been informed of your skills

with a wand and your prodigious talent at brewing. He is most anxious to

meet you; he wishes to personally explain his platform to you.

Bellatrix this is a rare opportunity afforded to few. You could very well

be placed amongst the elites in the new government that he will

establish. Just think of the honor you will bring to your family, not to

mention that your family will be heroes to our people by funding this

great cause and fighting for our traditions and culture." Malfoy declared.

Bella admitted to herself that when Lucius wanted he could be very suave

and convincing, but Bella knew Lucius too well not to know him as a

manipulator. Bella did not give any outward expression of her thoughts

one way or another. Lucius took Bella's silence as a sign she was seriously

considering what he had said and began to prematurely congratulate


"Listen Bellatrix, our youth organization will be meeting on All-Hallows-

Eve, and you can learn firsthand what we are about and have the

information you need to make an informed decision on what we are

about and the goals of our Lord." Lucius offered trying to get at least a

small commitment from her. He was convinced that once they enticed

her with some power and authority two things that the Black family had

been well known to cherish, they would have her, and then once

indoctrinated by their masters philosophy she would become a powerful

tool that his Lord could forge into an even more powerful weapon.

Bella looked at Lucius, and like a good Black decided to look at all sides

of her current problem in order to see where she could benefit. If this

movement was as powerful as they claim and their intentions true, soon

the Wizarding world would be thrown into a civil war. And right now she

knew there were many of the Old Families who were throwing their

financial support to this new Lord Voldemort.

Bella did not share all of the same ideals of the more bigoted purebloods

but she was proud of the traditions and culture of her magical ancestry.

The fragmentation of her society was evident even to the most novice of

political watchers. If this Lord Voldemort was as organized and as well

funded as she was being lead to believe, it might be prudent to at least

show some interest in the movement but not commit to anything just yet.

"Very well Lucius. I'll come to this meeting of yours. But don't for one

moment think that I will put up with the shite you lot attempted last

night. Next time it won't be a banishing charm I throw at you. The

contract between Lestrange and I has not been signed yet and as such I

do not belong to him and I will not be treated as his property! Do I make

myself clear?!" Bella hissed at the feminine looking Malfoy.

"I will relay your sentiments to Rudolphus. Speaking for myself, may I

say that you have made a wise decision to join us at our meeting. I

guarantee it will be very insightful and enlightening." Malfoy then bowed

and quickly gave a less than pure wink at Narcissa causing the young girl

to shiver. With a quick turn he walked away from Bella and her sisters,

with Crabbe and Goyle following closely behind him.

"You can't be serious Bella?!" Andromeda hissed.

"Quiet!" Bella hissed back. "Not here. The two of you go collect your

things and get back down here as soon as you can. The head-girl suite is

the door left of the fireplace. Once you get back we'll get you two set up

and then set a password that only the three of us will know, understood?"

"Yes Bella." They two younger Black sister chorused and then were off to

gather their things.


It had taken Dobby no time at all to locate the invisibility cloak and the

Marauders Map. Both were located in the trunk of the redheaded traitor

that had turned his back on his master. Dobby was sorely tempted to

curse the snoring freckled face twit but he was not sure that the Great

Harry Potter would approve. So after retrieving the stolen items Dobby

quickly popped back to his master.

Harry was ecstatic about the return of his family heirlooms and told

Dobby he was incredibly grateful. Dobby had absorbed all the praise and

was bursting with happiness.

"Dobby if I need you again I'll call. I won't be in the Gryffindor dorms

though. They sort of kicked me out of the house." Harry told the little elf

who was now planning revenge on those who would treat such a great

wizard as Harry Potter.

'I'll be staying in a place on the seventh floor. It kind of appears and

disappears." Harry stated.

"Oh! Youz is in the comes and goes room!" Dobby stated knowingly.

"You know about the room?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes Harry Potter, it is also known as the Room of Requirement. I's

was bringing Winky here when she was having too much butter beers."

Dobby stated shaking his head sadly thinking about the female elf that

had been wasting away.

"So you know how to get into it then?" Harry asked.

Dobby nodded. "Youz is just telling room whats you want and it be giving

it to you."

"So can any elf pop in to the castle?" Harry asked thinking that Hogwarts

was not as safe as everyone believed.

"No master Harry Potter sirs." Dobby replied.

"Then how did you enter?" Harry asked puzzled.

Dobby looked a little embarrassed. 'Well Although Dobby is Harry

Potter's elf now, Dobby was never formerly released as a Hogwarts Elf."

"So are you still bound to the headmaster then?" Harry asked a little


"No Harry Potters sirs, Dobby was a free elf while at Hoggywarts, elves

here are not bound to headmaster whiskers, elf's only bound to school."

"Really, so the elves are loyal to the school not necessarily to

Dumbledore." Harry asked and Dobby nodded. "But I imagine the elves

report everything to Dumbledore though yeah."

"Hoggywarts keeps the secrets of her students from whiskers unless they

be in danger." Dobby stated.

"What! So all the crap that I went through over the years, all the

ambushes I walked into from the students, all the curses I took, the

headmaster knew about!" Harry yelled.

Dobby nodded sadly. "I's had warned headmaster whiskers myself on two

occasions. And he was telling Dobby that he would take care of it. But

whiskers never intervened sirs."

"Hoggywarts is not happy with headmaster, she is telling all house elves

to protect students now, she is breaking vow of non-interference set by

the founders, says that whiskers has broken his oath to protect students

by allowing you to face danger within the castle and allowing you to be


"Hogwarts is alive then?" Harry asked excited about confirming his


"As long as magics is being used within her, she has life master Harry

Potter sirs, but her magics is limited." Dobby confirmed.

"Brilliant!" Harry stated. "She has already helped once, by guiding me to

the Room of requirement. I can't wait to tell Bella." Harry stated thinking

again of the young girl.

"Thanks again Dobby, you've been a great help." Harry patted his small

friend on the shoulders affectionately.

Dobby smiled proudly. "I's be comings whenever you needz me Master

Harry Potter sirs." And with a small pop Dobby was gone.

Harry donned his cloak his body vanishing from sight. He made his way

back to the room that now had a name. The Room of Requirement, fitting

he thought. He did not stop at the Great Hall or visit any other area. He

realized that Monday would be here soon enough and he would have to

deal with the student body then. No need to hurry it along he thought.

Hoping to find Bella in the room he paced back and forth in front of the

wall, calling for the room he had last night. After the third pas the

familiar wood doors appeared and he stepped through.


"This is lovely!" Narcissa beamed as she and her sisters entered the suite

set aside for a Slytherin Head-Girl. It had a small commons area with a

couple of cozy looking sofas, a fireplace, a pair of desk. The hardwood

floors were covered by various ornate Persian rugs, the walls with

medieval tapestries. It had a very warm and comfortable feel to it.

To Bella's surprise there were two bedrooms with a shared bathroom

between them, similar to the setup in the magical room that she and

Harry shared. Andromeda was drooling over the large tub and Bella

could tell from the look in her eyes that she was ready to jump in and

give it a try.

Bella speculated that the house elves somehow knew of her desire for her

sisters to stay here and had made the room accordingly. Andromeda and

Cissy each chose a room and were soon unpacking their things.

Once her sisters were settled, the three took seat on the sofas. Bella then

explained to her sisters why she had agreed to attend the meeting with

Lucius. Both Andromeda and Narcissa voiced their anxiety about her

getting involved with people who were obviously bigoted and had voiced

their animosity toward anyone who wasn't of pureblood.

"Look girls, I'm not signing up with them, just going to listen to what they

have to say. Besides, our parents and Uncle Orion have already begun to

support this movement. And I don't think that they wouldn't ally

themselves with an organization that was truly evil." Bella stated.

"I think you're just trying to justify your decision Bella. We both heard

what Olivia Rosier said to you. They are planning a hostile takeover, they

want to bring down the Wizengamot and…and kill muggleborns!"

Andromeda challenged her older sister.

"Andi, I can't see them hunting down muggleborns. There are too many

of them. Besides if they started doing that popular opinion of them would

dramatically fall and would lose support of the moderates." Bella stated,

though there was no conviction in her voice.

"So they would kill people like Lily?" Narcissa asked with trembling lips.

"She is so sweet and funny and smart. Bella you can't let them hurt Lily!"

The blonde sister shrieked.

Bella pulled Narcissa into her lap, the younger girl burying her head in

her sister's neck. "Look, I promise if there is any serious hint that they

plan on harming others I will immediately turn away from them. And

perhaps if I do find out that they are truly going to bring a war to our

people I can convince the family to stop financing them." Bella said softly

hugging her littlest sister.

"I still don't like it Bella." Andromeda told her sister. "But, if you promise

not to join if they are as bad as I fear they are then I'll support you."

"Agreed." Bella responded. The three sisters stood and put their arms

around each other. "Sisters forever?" Bella asked the familiar call to her


"Sisters forever!" The other two replied.

The rest of the afternoon was spent just being sisters and enjoying one

another's company. Bella and Andi informed Narcissa about the various

professors, and what she could expect from each of them. After eating a

light lunch that a house elf Bella had called provided. Bella excused

herself to return to her 'safe place' and do some pre-class studying.

With kisses and hugs Bella left the suite, without looking around Bella

exited the Slytherin Commons room and made her way back to the

seventh floor. It had been an interesting day and she had much to think

about. As she walked thought of the raven haired, green-eyed boy

entered her mind. He had obviously not come out of the room with her,

so assumed he couldn't come through to her time. It was a mystery that

kept bugging her, a puzzle that she wanted to solve. Not to mention she

was looking forward to getting to know the boy better. Purely on a

platonically academic level of course, she told herself though somehow

her stomach had other ideas and was fluttering at the thought of seeing

him again.

Coming to the blank wall she walked back and forth thinking of her

request. A set of familiar wooden doors appeared and slowly opened. She

stepped into the room and suddenly found a pair of emerald green eyes

sparkling back at her.


6. Chapter 6

Disclaimer: See Chapter one.

A/N: Wow again 56 reviews for the last chapter! Up to 215 reviews, not

bad for five chapters! I want to thank all those who reviewed, I know

many authors say this and it is absolutely true that it is your reviews

and responses that really motivates us to get chapters out. I hope you

enjoy this next chapter of Passageways.

Chapter 6: The Room of Requirement

Saturday afternoon, Minerva McGonagall sat at her desk chronicling the

home life as well as the academic and personal life of Harry Potter since

the night he had been removed from the Wizarding World and then his

subsequent return to the same world. It was a painful study in

manipulation, engineered friendships, controlled but dangerous

conditions and methodic exploitation of the savior of the Wizarding


Albus Dumbledore for some reason from the moment the elder Potters

were murdered had taken a radical stand in the development of the

Potter heir. He had shared with certain people about the destiny of the

young boy and that he would one day be needed to stop the returning

darkness to their world.

Albus knew that Voldemort had not truly been destroyed that fateful

night so many years ago, and that he would one day return. How he

knew the Potter boy would be involved in the ultimate defeat of the

worst Dark Lord in a century no one else knew, for he kept this a closely

guarded secret. But his word was taken as fact, after all Albus was one of

the greatest wizards to have lived since Merlin. He was widely respected

and held in high esteem by witches and wizards not only of Great Britain

but the entire Wizarding world.

So without reason to doubt him, many including Minerva herself had

blindly followed Albus' directions in allowing the boy to be a pawn in the

headmaster's endgame. His motivation in the tests was to place Harry in

life and death situations and determine what specific stimuli would be

the best to motivate Harry to be the weapon he needed.

In Harry's first year, the Troll incident although not planned initially, was

a welcomed event in Albus' mind. It cemented within the young boy that

self sacrifice was a noble act as he threw himself onto the back of the

Mountain Troll to save the Granger girl. It meant that the boy was

unknowingly willing to put himself in harm's way to protect another. But

Albus would need to refine it even more, he would need to narrow the

boy's view of self-sacrifice as not something that he could do but

something that he must do to gain peace and acceptance by not only his

peers but his parents as well.

The Granger girl although instrumental at the time, had unwittingly

guided Harry's character; she was a potential complication though. Harry

could not be allowed to form an attachment that could distract him from

his destiny. Emotions especially those of caring and love were

unpredictable emotions at best, but perhaps under the right

circumstances they could be used to turn the love starved youth into a

more determined martyr.

The Mirror of Erised had been the first real test. Albus needed to know

what Harry desired most. This would be the key into developing the

groundwork for how to guide him and manipulate his surroundings to

push him into the desired direction.

Albus discovered that the boy's greatest desire was to be reunited with

his parents. Of course no one could come back from the dead once they

were truly gone, but a plan formed in the old man's mind to use that

desire to slowly encourage Harry to join them…but at the appropriate

time and in the expected manner.

Minerva was instructed to only speak highly of his parents, giving hints

to the scamp that is father was and the kind person that his mother was

known to be. This would reinforce a sense of pride in his parents. She

would remark often to Harry that he was so like his parents and would

talk of their sacrifice in saving not only him but through him the rest of

the Wizarding world, implanting the concept of self-sacrifice stronger

into the young boys head.

Albus encouraged Severus Snape the SLYTHERIN Head of House to

denigrate the name of James Potter as often as possible in front of Harry,

making Harry overly protective of his father and lash out at the potions

professors. This would allow Severus to punish Harry at whim. Harry

would begin to associate the punishment and sacrifice of protecting and

defending his family name and the follow up consequences of that

defense as the norm. But it would also jade Harry further against

anything perceived to be of the dark, reaffirming Ron Weasley's words

about all evil witches and wizards came from Slytherin.

Through word and deed, would Albus guide and manipulate the thoughts

and emotions of the Potter heir. The line between light and dark would

be shown as severe. Voldemort would encapsulate all that was wrong and

evil in the world and as a Potter it was his duty and family obligation to

combat and lay down his life so that others may have the happiness that

can only come from the self-sacrifice of the few.

And so with a game plan achieved, the next three years were carefully

constructed to push the young Potter's abilities, power, and temperament.

He was built up just to be taken back down. An emotional rollercoaster of

highs and lows kept him unbalanced. Friendships and betrayals, successes

and failures, praises' and ridicule, he was being hardened, molded, and


This would be the year where Albus would really begin to press his

agenda. Voldemort had returned and Harry had been used to resurrect

him. It would not be hard for Albus to play upon young Harry's guilt and

sense of honor. As being the one to allow the Dark Lord's return it was

now incumbent upon the boy to destroy him. Harry's sense of

responsibility would call for nothing less.

But for all his intelligence, Albus had miscalculated. He had pushed too

hard, thinking that Harry would harness all this antipathy that was being

thrown at him and use it to fuel his desire to destroy what was the

intended focal point of his misery, Voldemort. Instead He had created a

Harry who was losing all affection for the world that had "rescued" him

from the horrible existence he was forced to live with the Dursley's.

Albus had hoped that with the turning of the school against him that

Harry would place the anger squarely on Voldemort as the cause of his

strife. He hoped it would motivate Harry to willingly throw himself into

preparing himself to face Voldemort to prove to others that he was not

lying. So desperate was Harry's need for love and affection he thought he

could manipulate that desire in wanting to prove himself.

Eventually Harry would come to understand that what Albus had put him

through was necessary and for the greater good of the Wizarding world.

Albus was supremely confident that his plan would indeed bare good


A knock on her office door broke her self-reproving musings. She had

called her fellow confederates to a meeting to discuss how they would

protect Harry Potter. Minerva feared that it may be too little too late but

she had to try and redeem herself in not only her eyes but in the eyes of

James and Lily and save their son.

"Filius, Pomona, come in, come in." The stern transfiguration professor

called back to the door. The diminutive Charms professor and the plump

Herbology professor entered. Much to her surprise three other professors

came in as well. Professors Aurora Sinistra, Septima Vector, Charity

Burbidge, entered as well. Seeing the inquisitive look on the Deputy

Headmistress face, Filius spoke up.

"I've spoken at some length with them Minerva and they are as appalled

as we are at what has been happening to young Mr. Potter and are most

willing to help us in protecting the lad."

"As you know Minerva." Aurora Sinistra began. "Lily Evans and I were

study partners for our seventh year Transfiguration project. We became

quite close; I have never known such a warm and compassionate person

as Lily Evans. I feel an almost sense of obligation to try and help her son,

and payback some of her kindness." Sinistra stated passionately. Minerva

nodded at the young professor and received similar stories from

Professors Vector and Burbidge.

"Then let's get this meeting started." Minerva nodded and with a sweep of

her wand three more chairs appeared.




The two teens stared at each other awkwardly for a few moments before

the ever bold Bellatrix ended the staring contest with her typical frank

way of speaking.

"So are you going to tell me where the hell you went or are we going to

stare at each other and count the freckles on each other's face?" Bella

asked folding her arms across her chest.

"But you don't have any freckles on your face." Harry replied in


With a large smirking grin on her face she slowly with a little sway in her

hips walked toward Harry. "Been memorizing my face Harry? My, my,

my, aren't we just the observant young lord." Bella purred as she traced

her right index finger across Harry's chest as she walked by. She had to

stifle a giggle as she saw the reddening gob-smacked face on her


Harry stood there for a moment completely at a loss for words, but wisely

chose not to pursue this line of conversation. He turned and followed her

to the sitting room taking a seat across from her. Clearing his throat

which had gone dry for some odd reason, he restarted the conversation.

"Well, um…I'm still in my time apparently. When I exited the room I was

alone. I looked around for you but you were no longer there." Harry

stated as he relaxed back into the comfortable wingback chair. "I ran into

Herm…an acquaintance while I was out and knew I was in my own


"It was the same for me. I stepped out with you at my side but then all of

a sudden you were no longer there. I went to the Great Hall to discover if

I was still in my time or yours. When I arrived, I found my sisters and

realized that I was also still in my own time." Bella replied. "So I guess we

are resigned to our own timeline then?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, maybe. Perhaps if we time it

perfectly and step out at the exact same time…"

"Maybe…" Bella cut him off. "But perhaps we are simply tied by whatever

force to our own time line and this room is somehow outside of normal

reality and the only place we can be together."

This thought had strangely saddened Harry. "Maybe we should try it

again but maybe holding hands this time."

Harry reddened again as he saw that saucy smirk coming from Bella,

realizing what he had just said and how Bella would likely respond to

such an opening. "You are bold my Lord, we've known each other less

than twenty-four hours and you are already trying to hold my hand!"

"That's not what I meant!" Harry protested fiercely but his reddening face

only caused Bella to give in to her giggles.

"S-sorry Harry!" Bella gasped merrily. "But it was too good a moment not

to tease you!" Bella was leaning heavily back in her chair with her arms

wrapped around her belly as she tried to calm herself down.

Harry crossed his arms petulantly and rolled his eyes. "It was just a

thought." Harry said flatly.

"It's actually a good thought." Bella stated after she regained control of

herself. It still amazed her how comfortable she felt around Harry, she

would have to give that some serious evaluation later, because she never

felt comfortable letting her guard down around anyone.

"Yeah?" Harry asked

"Yeah. I mean it couldn't hurt to try. Maybe we should try it later in the

evening though, less likelihood of running into…problems." She stated

pensively. "I…I was thinking earlier, about why this is happening to us. I

mean there has to be a reason why the castle has brought us here. I'm not

a big believer in coincidence so I have to believe that there is something

else at play here. Some reason why you and I were brought together."

Bella stated thoughtfully.

"What do you think the purpose could be?" Harry asked

"Not entirely sure to tell you the truth. It can't be coincidence that we are

related and you are the Head of House Black in your time."

"Maybe we are meant to help each other somehow." Harry replied with a

shrug. "Aunt Walburga wants me to bring honor and pride back to the

family, maybe that's it." Harry finished

Bella looked thoughtfully at Harry as she considered his words. "I don't

think the castle would interfere in our lives just to bring back a family's

honor." Bella stated flatly. "No I think it has to deal with us personally."

This got Bella thinking of her own mess of a life right now. 'Could he be…

it was unlikely that he could stop the marriage contract with Lestrange.

Although Harry is the head of my house in his time, Uncle Orion is the acting

head in mine, and it is unlikely that he would order my father not to accept

the contract.'

Another thought entered her mind…a disturbing thought. What if there

were no Lestranges' to be married to. Could she make the two brothers

simply disappear, could Harry be enlisted to help her? What would Harry

think of her for contemplating murder? She wasn't even sure where these

dark thoughts were coming from. She had never taken a life, oh sure she

had thought about it, but never seriously considered doing it.

But desperate times call for desperate measures, and she was desperate

not to be forced into this union. She had heard about the dark magic that

could be put into these magically binding contracts, and she knew that

she would most likely lose her free will once she signed on the dotted

line, such was the magic imbued in these archaic rituals.

There were too many what ifs and how's that it was not worth dwelling

on it at the moment. Even if Harry was not repulsed by the idea, there

was the matter that he was stuck in his time and she was stuck in hers, so

how could he help even if he wanted to. So why were they brought

together if not to help each other? Maybe she was just over analyzing all

this. Maybe it is just some miracle of happenstance that brought them


'Nah!' She didn't believe in coincidences. They were brought together for

a reason; she just needed to somehow find out what it was. It was a

mystery and nothing attracted Bellatrix Blacks interest more than a


"Are you okay?" Harry asked worriedly as he looked into the blank face

of the girl in front of him.

"W-what? Oh! Sorry just kinda of zoned out there for a minute. I was just

trying to answer a question in my head."

"Did you find your answer?" Harry asked interestedly.

"No, not yet, but I'm nothing if not tenacious. I'll figure it out eventually."

"So what did you do while you were out?" Bella asked as she took a seat

in the comfy arm chair that she now claimed as her own. Harry took the

other across from it. Bella kicked off her shoes and tucked her feet

underneath her as she got comfortable.

"Some tea would hit the spot about now." Bella casually said rubbing her

tired eyes with her right hand. "I wonder if the room offers room service."

"Don't know, give it a try." Harry told her.

In a firm voice Bella called out for tea, a few moments later a tea service

and a plate of biscuits appeared on the end table next to her chair.

"Brilliant!" Bella stated. "Faster than a House Elf.

"Hmm…house elves, I wonder if Dobby could come here, after all he was

never officially released from the castle."

"Who's Dobby?" Bella asked.

"One of my house elves." Harry stated.

"One? How many do you have?" Bella asked curiously.


"My, my, aren't we the spoiled lord." Bella smirked jokingly.

Blushing Harry responded. "Well one I inherited, another I freed from a

bad former owner and now he serves me and another who had been

released from her family and was in bad shape so I offered her a home

with me." Harry told Bella defensively.

"Easy I'm not judging or anything, just that it's rare for most families to

have more than one elf unless they own multiple properties." Bella stated


"Sorry, I can be a little defensive at times. Aunt Walburga keeps telling

me to reign in my emotions but as you can see I do let them slip out at


"Aunt Walburga? Orion's wife?" Bella asked in astonishment.

"Yeah, why?" Harry asked curiously.

"Is she still alive?"

"Um, no, she died several years ago. When I moved into Grimauld Place

her portrait was there and we struck up a kind of mentor/apprentice

thing. She has been very helpful and very patient in training me to be a

proper lord." Harry said with admiration in his voice.

"So do you prescribe to her ideology then?" Bella asked warily.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked perplexed.

"I mean are you a pureblooded bigot Harry?!" Bella asked accusingly.

"What!? Of Course not! I'm a half-blood for Merlin's sake! I have…well at

least had friends who are muggleborn!"

"Then why are you learning from her?! For that matter why is she

training you? She detests everything that is not pureblood." Bella stated

matter-of-factly taking note of Harry's admission of being a halfblood.

"She may have been at one time…but her opinions have changed with

the death of…"

"Yes?" Bella asked leaning forward on her chair.

Harry again was kicking himself. He again had nearly let slip information

about the future that could have serious ramifications on his present

should the information get out to the past. Bella saw Harry immediately

close down. She had struck a nerve and wondered if she had pushed too

hard and quickly decided to ease his fears or at least attempt to.

"Look…" Bella stated slowly, getting up from her chair she walked toward

the fire looking into its snapping flames. "…I'm just curious Harry; I'm

not trying to trick you into revealing something you don't want to. I just

find this whole situation extraordinarily strange."

Bella turned back around staring deeply into the young man's eyes. "I find

you extraordinarily strange. Not in a bad way…just…I'm not sure."

At his bewildered stare she continued. "How is it that you a half-blood

are the head of the House of Black, what has happened to my family

Harry? It's obvious you're guarding secrets from me. As a Slytherin I can

appreciate you being reticent about giving me any personal information

about yourself and the future. But we are family Harry, however distant

we may be. If you are a Black and have been taught even just a little

about us, you know how important family is to us." Bella paused for a

moment collecting her thoughts again before she continued. Harry just

continued looking at her, somewhere lost in his own thoughts, but

carefully paying attention to the raven haired girl.

"Why have we been brought together Harry? Haven't you been

wondering about that? I mean there has to be some reason other than the

two of us trying to escape our own individual problems." She questioned

him coming closer to him snd sitting on the arm rest of the chair Harry

was sitting in.

"I have been thinking about it." Harry finally spoke looking up at her

from his seat. "I don't know why either Bella, maybe it has something to

do with…" Harry cut himself off again, staring almost judgingly at Bella,

at the woman who became the right-hand of Voldemort, the most feared

witch to have lived since Morgana.

"Tell her Harry…you can trust her. You will need to trust each other." A

soft musical voice stated from behind the two. Harry jumped from his

seat and in a smooth fluid motion had pulled out his wand and spun

around. Bella was a split second ahead of him drawing her own wand.

Both teens spun to see a beautiful translucent looking woman with

shockingly blue eyes and long plaited blonde hair that fell over her left

shoulder and hung past her hips. She appeared to be wearing a full

length gown that trailed behind her, wide sleeves hung from her wrists,

an oddly, a Celtic torc around her neck, the braided gold weaving in and

out ending with the head of a dragon on both ends. She appeared as if

she just stepped out of the dark ages.

"Who are you?!" Bella demanded of the apparition, pointing her wand at

her. The apparition chuckled musically.

"Why so jumpy Bellatrix Black of the House of Black. I would expect a

reaction like that from young Harry, but I thought you'd be a little more

composed." The woman smiled in mirth. Bella just glared. Chuckling

again the woman continued.

"But to answer your question Miss Black…well that is a little difficult to

explain. The short of it though is that…I am Hogwarts." The enigmatic

woman stated.

"Hogwarts?" Harry asked in surprise. "How can you be Hogwarts? I

mean…I recently began to believe that the castle was alive somehow, but

you are definitely not a stone castle." Harry replied looking the personage

up and down.

"Why thank you very much Harry Potter of House Potter and House

Black." Smiling at Harry warmly.

"Let me try and explain it then. When the founders built this wonderful

enchanted castle they each left a piece of themselves within the

heartstone. The heartstone is what powers the wards of the school. Along

with the inherent magic that exists here due to the magical ley lines the

castle sits on, the wild magic released from every student that has ever

attended here also gets absorbed into the heartstone.

One hundred and fifty years later something truly remarkable happened,

with so much excess magic flowing within my walls I somehow became

sentient. The last remaining founder was intrigued by my…birth…for

lack of a better word. But because a piece of each founder that was

placed within me I knew of their hearts desires; to teach and educate

young witches and wizards and provide them a safe environment to do

so. I was then commissioned by the last living founder, Helga Hufflepuff

to be guardian over the school.

I was to keep destructive outside forces from getting in and harming the

students. They did not foresee however, that one day the danger might

come from within my very walls, but not to interfere with the lives of the

students or professors was one of my tenants, tenants I am bound by

magic to keep. But because of…extenuating circumstances I am able to

interfere on behalf of each of you."

"What circumstances?" Bellatrix asked.

"In Harry's case I'm able to interfere because vows of protection were

broken. Every headmaster of Hogwarts takes a vow not to intentionally

harm or knowingly allow harm to come to any student under his care.

The current headmaster has broken his vows on both parts. Repeatedly.

In your case Miss Black I've taken some liberal license with getting

involved but nonetheless necessary action to prevent terrible things from

happening at the school and our world in the future."

"I don't understand." Bella informed the translucent woman.

"Terrible things will and have happened within my walls children; death,

murder, conspiracy, and betrayals. Young Harry here has been witness

and victim to many of them in his time."

"Then why haven't you stopped them before now?!" Harry asked hotly.

The specter lowered her head in sorrow and then spoke with a pain filled


"Because I was restrained by magic, I could only defend the castle from

outside influences. I could not interfere in the day to day happenings

within the castle. The founders wanted the students to be able to be free

to make their own decisions without influence. I have watched for

centuries the good and the bad, the heroic and the evil that children have

chosen to act upon.

But now…now that Dumbledore has acted against a student, has

willingly put you in danger and is currently planning on putting you in

great danger this year Harry, I am unrestrained. However I am not all

powerful. I can't physically interfere but I can provide you with sanctuary

and knowledge and other resources you might need if it is within my


"But why is the headmaster doing this?" Harry asked angrily.

"He has fallen prey to his own hubris. He believes you are the one that

will stop the one who has brought suffering and misery to the Wizarding

world; that you will be the catalyst who will bring people back to his

vision of the greater good. He is immovable in his belief Harry. His

objective is to turn you into his weapon, an emotionless martyr who will

sacrifice himself for the greater good."

Harry fell back into his chair gob-smacked. A million thoughts and a

myriad of emotions whirled through his tempest beset mind. Harry had

thought of the man as a mentor but now he was revealed to be nothing

more than the architect of his misery. Bella sat once again on the armrest

of Harry's chair and squeezed his shoulder showing her support.

"The depth of his manipulations extends well beyond your own sufferings

Harry. He has been subtly influencing our world for decades. He is a man

obsessed with making the Wizarding world his own private utopia.

Forcing all to follow his vision of what the world should be and in the

process taking away not only magicals' but humanities free agency as

well." Hogwarts informed him.

The physical manifestation of Hogwarts continued to explain to Harry

and Bella just what the headmaster had done and how he was

intentionally turning the students against him as well as Snape's

involvement. Harry felt utterly betrayed, anger rose within him to a level

he had never felt before. Bella stepped away from him as raw magic

appeared to arc around his very skin.

Harry stood from his seat quickly and tried to force himself to calm down

as he paced around the room. He tried to use what occlumency skills he

had to reign in his emotions but found it near impossible to do so. A

calming draft suddenly appeared on one of the small end tables near

Harry's chair, while simultaneously a calming draft disappeared from the

medical stores in the Hospital Wing.

"Harry, drink this." Hogwarts told him. "It will help you calm down."

Without thinking twice Harry downed the bitter tasting potion. Within a

few seconds Harry had visibly relaxed, he returned to his chair a slumped

into its comforting softness.

"Are you okay Harry?" Bellatrix asked in concern for the boy.

"I don't know. It's a lot to take in right now." Harry said honestly. Harry

closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, one of the exercises

Walburga had taught him to calm his mind. While Harry was focused on

himself for the moment Bella faced the beautiful woman.

"I can understand why you can help Harry, but I'm confused as to why I

am here, why are you helping me?" Bellatrix asked in an uneasy voice.

Hogwarts looked fondly at the raven haired girl.

"You have so much potential Bellatrix Black, and you were meant to

accomplish such great things, but sadly if events in your life continue

unchanged by the end of Christmas break this year your choices will be

made by someone else and it will force you to walk a path that will have

devastating effects on our world and on Hogwarts for years perhaps

generations to come." Hogwarts wore an expression of deepest sadness.

"What's going to happen to me?" She asked concernedly.

"Your mind and free agency will no longer be your own, but a slave to

someone else." The visage stated.

"The marriage contract." Bella whispered and saw the slow nod from

Hogwarts. "What will I do in the future if things aren't changed?"

For a moment Hogwarts said nothing, but watched the young girl in front

of her. Hogwart's memories only included those things that happened

within her walls and surrounding grounds. But she was made aware of

things that happened without her through the students and faculty's

conversations and the odd news article read.

So Hogwarts was aware of the horrors the Death Eaters had visited upon

the Wizarding world and the failed attack of 1978 against the school

itself. Bella had lead that engagement against the school, nearly two

dozen students were killed before Voldemort and his force of Death

Eaters were driven back.

"Terrible things Bellatrix Black, terrible." Hogwarts told her without

elaborating. Harry looked up at her words and saw the pain in Bella's

eyes. It was that moment that Harry realized that this was not Bellatrix

Lestrange the mass murderer and Voldemort's lieutenant, but this was

Bellatrix Black a fifteen year old girl who had not chosen that path.

"You are not that person Bella." Harry spoke softly. Bella turned her face

to his, her violet eyes storming with emotion. "You haven't done any of

those things yet.' Harry told her.

"I may not have a choice Harry." She stated her voice devoid of emotion.

"You always have a choice." Harry replied.

"Not if I'm forced to sign the bloody marriage contract my father has

from the Lestranges!" She almost sobbed.

"Marriage contract?" Harry asked.

"It's a pureblood custom Harry. Marriage contracts are used to form

political alliances between like minded families but also to keep the

bloodlines pure. They're magically binding and in some case can be used

to force the witch to be completely subservient to their husband. It strips

them of their free will." Bella stated morosely.

"Then don't sign it." Harry stated firmly.

"It's not that easy Harry, a refusal to sign and I could be banished from

the family or worse. To refuse would dishonor my family and have

serious ramifications to our standing amongst the old houses."

"Isn't there anything you can do?" Harry asked.

Bella was silently looking at her feet for a moment before she answered.

"There are a couple of options, neither is very pleasant. The first is

hoping the Lestrange brothers die. The second option…I do."

"There has to be another option Bella. We'll just have to look for it."

Harry stated not happy with her options.

"He is right Bellatrix Black; you have an opportunity here to change your

future and I think Harry will be the key to help you." Hogwarts stated

with an enigmatic smile on her lips.

"So we were brought here to help each other then." Bella stated.

Hogwarts smiled.

"By helping each other you help yourselves and hopefully our world as

well." She told the two teens.

"May I ask you a question?" Harry asked the woman.

"Of course."

"If you are the castle how come you look like…well a beautiful woman."

Harry blushed.

"Oh, Helga would give you a big kiss for that compliment Harry Potter."

"Helga?" Bella asked.

"I took the image of the last Founder, Helga Hufflepuff. She was flattered

by my choice."

"Huh, I always imagined Helga Hufflepuff to be a large burley Viking

woman." Harry stated a bit embarrassed.

"Helga was actually born in Ireland. Her father was a Norseman, but he

took a young Irish girl as his wife. As many Norse in the ninth century

who came to Ireland they adopted the Celtic way of life and customs.

Helga's father was no different." Hogwarts stated, amused at Harry's

vision of Helga.

"So what do we call you?" Bella asked.

"Helga called me the Lady Hogwarts." Hogwarts replied.

"Lady Hogwarts it is then." Harry smiled, receiving one in return from the


"Lady Hogwarts, could you explain to us about this wonderful room and

its capabilities?" Bella asked, wanting to know the limits and abilities of

the room.

Lady Hogwarts grinned. "Of course. This room is known as the Room of

Requirement. It gives within certain limitations anything the seeker

needs. It is infused with thousands of charms, runes, and spells, too many

to go into, and many of them only known to Rowena Ravenclaw and

Helga Hufflepuff who were a Charms Mistress and Runes Mistress


"So what are its limitations?" Harry asked.

"Well anything asked has to be already found within the castle or with

the castle wards. The room cannot create something from nothing."

"So the tea I asked for earlier…"

"Came from the kitchens." Hogwarts answered Bella's question. "And

Harry's calming draught from Madam Pompfrey's medicinal stores."

"So the burning question for me and Bella…is how we are here? Together

I mean, seeing that we're from different times." Harry asked.

"Excellent question Harry Potter. But not easily answered. As I said

before, this room can call anything that is within its walls, that includes

its students. Having the knowledge of the four most powerful and

creative wizards and witches in history running through me and some

creative magic of my own, I layered my own work with theirs.

When I finished my spell work I told the room I had need of both of you.

When I had need for the two of you the room for lack of a better word

created a hole between your time and Bella's time thus allowing you to

occupy the same space." She stated with obvious pride in her voice.

"So because you summoned us we can exist together here in this room?"

Bella asked for clarification.

"In essence yes, it's a bit more complicated than that but the whys and

wherefores are not important right now."

"So we can only be together in this room. We can't go to each other's time

in other words." Harry asked this time.

"Well that's not entirely true. The room will allow you to exit to one

another's time. However you must be touching and you will go to the

time of whoever is in the lead when you exit. I anticipated that you may

need to go back and forth, but I must warn you of the dangers of doing


Already the time line has been corrupted with you two meeting, but the

real danger lies with Dumbledore. He is the headmaster in both times

and is a master occlumens, should he see you in the past Harry he will

remember you and that would create serious problems for you in your

own time.

For you Miss Black as well, you are quite the infamous witch in Harry's

time, should you be recognized it could create pandemonium in Harry's


"I'm really that terrible in Harry's time?" Bella asked sadly.

"You are the nightmare of both the old and young. Your name strikes

terror across our world." Lady Hogwarts informed the young witch. Bella

couldn't imagine being so awful that she was feared by so many. "Take

extra care, young Bellatrix Black." Hogwarts counseled.

"Now, I believe I shall take my leave. I am sure you two have much to

discuss. But should you need me just call for me and I will come." With

those words spoken the Lady Hogwarts seem to dissolve into the

nothingness and was gone.


"Tell me about my future self Harry?" Bella quietly asked the boy sitting

across from her. She did not meet his eyes but kept them focused on the

low burning fire in the fireplace. She looked worried and Harry

wondered if it was a good idea to tell her the little that he did know.

"I want to know Harry, please." Bella's voice was soft and pleading.

"I don't really know much except for what Aunt Walburga told me and

the whisperings of some of the students." Harry told her honestly.

"Whatever you know Harry I would like to hear."

Harry sighed deeply looking at the witches profile in the firelight. Even

with a subdued looking face and her hair pulled back into a loose

ponytail she was stunning. Harry lost himself momentarily as his eyes

traced the outline of her forehead, it continued down the bridge of her

nose curving under to explore the supple looking sight of her full lips. His

eyes followed the path to her chin and then caressed the line up her high

cheekbones and then plunging down her long elegant neck. His eyes

traveled back up and found a pair of violet eyes staring back at him with

a speculative look in them.

There were no accusations or teasing, she just gave him a warm half

smile that reached up to her dark colored eyes. "You were going to tell

me what you have heard about me Harry." She said just barely above a


"Oh, oh…sorry." Harry blushed in embarrassment.

"No apology necessary Harry, but please I'd like to know." Bella kindly


"Well…according to Aunt Walburga you joined a group known as the

Death Eaters who were the soldiers I guess you could call them, of a dark

wizard who called himself Lord Voldemort." Harry began.

Bella knew the name. He was the leader of the new pureblood movement

who was advocating pureblood superiority and calling for stricter

regulations against muggleborns and half-bloods.

"This Lord Voldemort is actually a half-blood by the name of Tom Riddle

who went to school here some fifty years ago."

"A half-blood? Are you sure about that?" Bella asked.

"Oh yeah, told me himself he did. His father was a muggle and his mum a

witch." Harry told her.

"Well that won't go over well if his followers found out about that." Bella

lightly chuckled.

"Suppose not." Harry agreed.

"Anyway, he began a war, loads were killed. According to Aunt Walburga

those pureblood families who refused to join him were completely wiped

out. My family included." Harry said darkly.

"The Potters were wiped out?" Bella asked in shock.

"Yeah, I'm the last. It was because of me…well because of my mum

really, that he was eventually stopped. The ministry was losing the war

badly and was near to falling.

You were one of his top Death Eaters, and from what I understand one of

his deadliest. It's been whispered that you personally killed over a

hundred witches and wizards, including…children."

Bella gasped and her eyes began to fill with tears as she collapsed in on

herself hugging her knees tightly to her chest. Harry could see her body

shuddering in disgust. Harry stood grabbing a blanket that was draped

over one of the couches. He threw the warm blanket around Bellatrix's

shoulders and pulled it around her. Bella grabbed it pulling it tightly

under her chin and dropped her head into its softness.

"You mention that your mum stopped him." Bella asked quietly not

raising her head.

Harry decided to trust his new roommate with everything he knew and

so threw caution to the wind. "For some reason he decided to attack my

family. He killed my father and then killed my mother in front of me. I

was only a baby but I still hear my mother's screams, pleading with him

to kill her and not me. He then attempted to kill me with the killing

curse, but something happened and his spell rebounded on him

destroying his body."

"Sweet Maeve, poor Jaime." Bella gasped at hearing of her cousin's

premature death. "Who was your mother?" Bella asked softly.

Bella noticed the look of extreme pain in Harry's eyes; she immediately

began to regret the question and was about to withdraw the question

when Harry responded in such a small voice she barely heard him.

"A beautiful witch named Lily Evans." Bella gasped again recognizing the

name immediately as the spirited redheaded girl that Narcissa had


"I'm so sorry Harry." Bella's voice was sincere and sympathetic.

"I was just a baby when they died, but on occasion I can still here my

mum pleading with Voldemort to spare me and to kill her. I still can see

the green flash of the killing curse when I close my eyes and try to

remember." Harry's voice sounded so distant that Bella was sure he was

reliving that horrible night.

"Harry, I don't want to become some mindless killing monster. I'm very

happy with the person I am now." Bella told her roommate tucking

tighter into the blanket that Harry had placed around her.

"Then I guess we'll have to work on that won't we." Harry gave her a half

smile. Deciding she was done talking about morose things for the time

being and wanting to really get to know the boy in front of her and

*gulp* 'let him get to know me I need to change the mood.'

"Are you hungry Harry?" Bella asked in a cheery voice.

Harry momentarily surprised by the sudden change of topic nodded.

"Teenage male here, I can always eat." Harry joked.

"Good! Have you ever had the fantastical tasting muggle food called…



A/N: Had a difficult time with this chapter. It just didn't want to be

written and I'm still not completely happy with it, hence it being posted

a little later than I had planned. But this chapter was needed to lay a bit

more foundation and develop Harry and Bella budding friendship.

Harry has decided to be completely honest with Bella, but Bella will be

a little more cautious with what information she gives Harry. She is a

Black after all. Please leave a comment, suggestion or a review.

7. Chapter 7

Disclaimer: See chapter one for story disclaimers.

A/N: Wow! Seventy reviews for the last chapter! You guys are fantastic.

I hope to respond to some of them and let you all know how much I

appreciate your comments and suggestions. But if I don't get to yours

just know that I read them all and am truly inspired by your taking an

interest in my story.

A little warning; this chapter is a little angsty but not overly so. Next

chapter classes begin! How will Harry deal with his classmates and


Chapter Seven: Revelations

"Kill the spare!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Nooooo! Cedric I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Bellatrix Black did not know what to do. She had heard the screams from

her roommate's room and ran in as fast as she could to see what was

happening. She found him thrashing about like he was having some sort

of fit. He was soaked in sweat and tangled in the sheets of his bed.

As she took in the scene she realized that Harry was having some sort of

nightmare a really terrifying nightmare, and from the bits she could

understand it seemed he was reliving something, some event where

someone had been killed.

She stood at the end of his bed at a loss for what to do. He wasn't in any

danger so perhaps she should just return to her room and cast a few

silencing spells. That was probably the proper thing to do. She turned

and walked toward the door with every intention of returning to her

room, but then.

"Mum…dad…?" Bella stopped her hand just about to push open the door.

She looked over her shoulder and looked at Harry's face, her heart

dropped in her chest as she saw the look of such sadness and longing in

the raven haired boy's countenance. She didn't know why she did it; it

was just an overwhelming moment of compassion she would tell herself


She returned to the side of Harry's bed, he was crying in his sleep, the

discussion last night of his parents death coming to her mind. She gently

sat next to Harry's trembling form and cupped his cheek softly caressing

it. She had done this with Narcissa many times when she had bad dreams

and figured it couldn't hurt to try it with Harry. She shushed him with

soft cooing sounds, continuing to stoke his cheeks.

"It's alright Harry." She whispered. "You are safe, you are safe." After

about ten minutes Harry noticeably calmed downed. She continued to

look at the youthful face that was already showing the striking and

rugged looks of a soon to be handsome man and then she stared at his

eyes. Piercingly green, yet behind the emerald hue she had seen that his

true age belied his outward youthful appearance. 'What had he seen in

his short life to have such heaviness reflected?' Bella wondered.

There was much more to Harry Potter than he had revealed to her yet,

and she was actually looking forward to getting to know him better and

maybe learning more about what the future held in store. She gently

stood up from sitting next to the now deeply sleeping young man ready

to go back to her own room, but then from seemingly out of nowhere she

felt an intense urge to kiss him. This feeling shocked and confused her;

she had never felt the desire to kiss anyone like the desire she was feeling


Almost on auto pilot she leaned forward, her hair fell down and draped

around Harry's head. Closer she moved as she took in his strong facial

features, his scent was almost intoxicating and caused her to tingle all

over. This was wrong, she thought. She barely knew him, he barely knew

her. Yet she knew she was inexplicably drawn to him. Her lips were right

above his they looked so soft and she could already feel the warmth

radiating from them. Her heart began to beat wildly.

She couldn't do this, she was Bellatrix Black; men stumbled over

themselves to be near her, boys were putty in her hands. She was not a

slave to her emotions, she was in complete control always…and yet…she

found her heart racing when she was near him. Was it the circumstances

that surrounded their meeting each other that was so exotic, was it this

that was driving her desire? Something taboo, something so fantastical

that it was overriding her senses…possibly.

She moistened her lips as she was just a hair's breadth away from

learning just how soft his lips really were, with one final move she leaned

in and kissed…his cheek. At the last possible moment she lost her nerve

or maybe found it and turned her head slightly to the left where she gave

him a gentle kiss on his cheek. Harry suddenly stirred and she quickly

dashed from the room amazed at her obvious impropriety and a little bit

embarrassed. However, Harry would not wake and would remain

oblivious to Bella's nocturnal presence.


The Lady Hogwarts in her capacity as a school was supposed to be

neutral and dispassionate to the day to day goings on of the students and

professors that lived and studied within her walls. Every individual had

their free agency to choose their own path, to choose how to live their

lives, whether they choose to walk the path of light, darkness, or

something in between.

In her millennial existence she had watched silently as her children, for

that is how she saw every student who entered her doors, she watched as

they studied, interacted one with another, plotted and planned, hoped

and dreamed. Never interfering but keeping danger from outside

influences away from her children.

However things had changed and the danger was not only from outside

forces but from inside ones as well. Lady Hogwarts consciousness could

be everywhere with few exceptions, but she was not omnipotent nor was

she omniscient, so, plots and schemes could and many times were missed.

At best she could give reactionary assistance, such as moving a staircase,

creating walls and barriers, but never physically interfering in an

individual student's behalf in preventing incidents.

But now with the headmaster of the school purposefully endangering one

of her children and tempting the darkness that could destroy her into her

very walls, the oaths and mandates she once observed were now

discarded. Her abilities to interfere were still limited but she would do all

that was in her power to change not only the fate of Hogwarts itself but

also the lives of two of its students who she felt destiny had guided her to


Her consciousness was alerting her to someone casting spells on her

walls, spells that would affect all who passed under it, and yet it was

focused on a singular target. The spell was a powerful compulsion charm

placed on each archway of the four Hogwarts houses. This would not

stand; Lady Hogwarts would no longer allow herself to be used to harm

another. No longer would she allow her children to be harmed or


Unaware by the headmaster a gentle pulse ran through the ancient

edifice as the compulsion charm was removed from every stone in the

castle, and then a new ward was set in place one that would prevent such

manipulations on the school from ever being used again. Many Hogwarts

students would awake tomorrow not understanding why they had been

so antagonistic and in some cases violent towards one Harry Potter.


Harry walked into the commons area with a skip in his step; he had an

incredible night's sleep he hadn't slept better since…well ever. The night

had begun like many others had lately with terrible visions and memories

of the last year's events, but then it all stopped and he found himself

feeling so safe and secure and the dreams that followed were in no wise

scary or torturous but rather…pleasant.

Harry felt his cheeks heat up at the recollection of the steamy dream he

had last night starring his gorgeous roommate, he just hoped he would be

able to keep his emotions in check when he saw her this morning. It

wouldn't due to give his very perceptive roommate any reason to tease


Harry stopped in his tracks at the sight before him, Bella had apparently

had not slept in her room last night. The dark haired girl was sitting at a

desk with her head lying on a large tome with drool sliding from the

corner of her mouth. There were books and old scrolls covering every

inch of the desk she was sleeping on.

Harry silently approached her and took in the adorable sight, smiling at

her disheveled state. His grin quickly turned into concerned tightness as

he picked up one of the books and looked at its title. Harry read: 'Binding

Magical Contracts and How to Break Them.' Picking up another entitled

'Breaking Magical Oaths: A Path to Squibness and Death' and another

'Untraceable Poisons and How to Brew Them.'

The parchment under her right hand caught his attention. He carefully

moved in closer to see what she had been writing. A loosely held quill

blocked some of what she wrote but enough of the parchment was visible

to read what she had written. 'Virginity Clauses – must be a virgin on

wedding night-violation of such clause will null and void current contract.'

Harry speculated that Bella's marriage contract must have this clause in

it. He continued to read although her arm was covering part of the

parchment. 'How to overcome the chastity spell – impossible to do, requires

head of house to cast counter spell! Wait HARRY IS HEAD OF HOUSE!'

Harry read this last part with his name underlined several times and

nearly choked on his own saliva. 'She expects me to remove some chastity

spell from her!' Harry thought to himself in surprise. Still looking at the

parchment it seemed Bella had written down the counter spell and its

accompanying wand movements. 'Huh, seems that she intends to cancel the

marriage contract by losing her virginity.' For some reason Harry had to

swallow a large lump in his throat and his mouth went a little dry.

'Obviously Bella really does not want to marry Lestrange. Not that I blame

her.' Harry mused. 'Contracts, contracts that bind free will, how barbaric!'

Harry sat down at a small breakfast table and a side bar that had tea,

coffee, juices, and an assortment of fruit and warm scones and honey. For

several minutes Harry stared at his roommate and contemplated her

situation, wondering if he really would be able to do anything about the

contract. Sure he was Lord Black and Head of House in his time, but she

was not from his time, would it even work if he tried to cast the counter

spell. A slight groan caught his attention as he watched a disoriented

Bella open her eyes and look around.

"Good morning Bella." Harry greeted his roommate and then took a long

sip of his morning tea. He had to stifle a chuckle at the disheveled

appearance of the dark haired beauty. Her hair was sticking out in all

directions, her eyes were halved closed she staggered as she stood up

from the desk and quickly gathered her books and notes together and

tried to be inconspicuous as she crumpled up the piece of parchment that

had been under her hand and tossing it into the fireplace. The bleary

eyed girl then walked to the breakfast table. She had on a long silky

black night shirt that fell mid-thigh and a pair of fluffy pink bunny


She approached the small breakfast table and plopped herself heavily

into the chair across from Harry. Harry began to say something but Bella

forestalled him with a raised finger. She grabbed a mug and the pot of

black coffee that had appeared on the table. She took a long sip of the

steamy bitter beverage and then with a satisfied half grin sat back in her


"Morning Harry." Bella finally greeted the young man.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

Bella froze and nervously met Harry's eyes looking to see anything that

might give a clue to the meaning of the supposedly innocuous question.

Did he know she was in his room last night, was he aware of her trying to

comfort him. Sweet Morgana! Did he know that she kissed him! Looking

closely at his expression trying to discern anything from him, she relaxed

somewhat when he did not appear to be insinuating anything from the

question. "Oh…I was up and down all night." Bella replied. "How about

you? Sleep okay?" She asked quickly.

"Well, honestly it started out a little rough, but then…I don't know I

thought that someone…anyway afterward I slept pretty soundly." He

replied taking a bite of his buttered scone. He was about to say that he

thought he heard a calming voice whispering to him and that it broke up

his nightmare, but decided against it.

"Humph." Was all she said as she took another long sip of her morning


"So what are the plans for today? Tomorrow classes begin and I thought

we might spend today…you know…getting to know each other better

since we might not have much time after today." Harry suggested

finishing of the remaining bite of his scone.

"Uh yeah, I should make an appearance at dinner or my sisters will

become worried about me, but other than that, yeah. In fact there is

something I want to discuss with you later if that's okay."

"Sure." Harry replied wondering if this had anything to do with what she

had been researching on the chastity spell.

A flip of a galleon to see who would get the bathroom first and an hour

later saw the two freshly dressed teens in their mutual commons room

ready to start their day. They decided to test what they had been told

about being able to visit each other's time. Deciding that they would go

to Harry's first the two teens stood at the threshold of the open door and

the hallway.

Bella slipped her hand into Harry's and gave it a small squeeze. Harry

suddenly blushed at the act much to Bella's amusement. Bella had

glamored her features to show straight dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.

Being a Sunday they could roam the castle without their house robes.

Bella wore a pair of straight leg blue jeans after being informed by Harry

that her corduroy bell-bottoms were a bit out of style. A light charcoal

grey jumper over her 'The Who' t-shirt finished the ensemble.

"Ready?" Harry asked receiving a tentative nod from Bella. Harry stepped

out first, gently pulling Bella's hand as she followed just half a step

behind. Unbeknownst to each other they had both closed their eyes when

they stepped through. When Harry came to a stop he still felt the warmth

of his roommates hand in his own. Opening his eyes he turned his head

to the right and saw the girl still standing next to him, she just barely

opening her own eyes. She turned to look at him and a large grin broke

out on her face.

'It worked!" She almost giggled.

"It did." Harry replied chuckling at her excitement. "Where to first?" He


"Hmm, too bad we can't go into Hogsmeade. I'd love to see if it's changed

much." Bella said.

"I don't see why we can't go." Harry replied.

"Have the rules changed? In my time there were certain authorized days

that we could go otherwise it was out of bounds." She informed Harry.

"Same now." Harry told her. "But that never stopped me before."

"My my Lord Potter, you are a bad boy!" She smirked playfully. "And just

how do you intend to get passed the gates? Only a professor can open


"I have my ways milady." Harry responded with a devilish smile and half


"Well lead on them my mysterious Lord!" Bella continuing their flirty

banter. Harry extended his elbow which Bella took threading her arm

through his.

The pair made their way to the third floor coming to a stop in front of a

statue of a one-eyed witch named Gunhilda of Gorsemoore. Looking

around making sure that no one was about. Harry then looked at the

witch and said "Dissendium" Once the password was given, the hump on

the witch's statue opened to reveal a short slide into a tunnel. An hour

later the pair emerged through a trapdoor in the cellar of Honeydukes

Sweet Shop.

Bella cast a notice-me-not spell on the two of them and then quietly

made their way from the cellar to the main floor of the shop. The sweets

shop had a few customers looking around including two children of

about six and seven who were salivating over the various confections as

their parents chatted with other shoppers.

Harry and Bella stepped out into the warm autumn air and Bella took her

first glimpse of the future. The time traveler looked around with great

interest at first but them pursed her lips in disappointment.

"Nothings changed! Nothing has bloody changed. These are all the same

shops that existed in my time." She huffed, the disappointment clearly

heard in her tone.

"Perhaps, but I'm guessing that there will be the new product here and

there that didn't exist in nineteen seventy-one." Harry stated trying to

perk her up.

"Yeah, maybe." Bella agreed tepidly. 'Let's go explore." Bella dragged

Harry to the top of street, intending to go shop by shop and see the

changes (if any) to the various establishments. Bella removed the notice-

me-not spell from the two of them and with a few swishes of her wand

Harry was now sporting mousey brown hair and blue eyes his hair

forward and covering the scar. No matter what glamour she cast, the scar

always seemed to remain visible.

The first shop the pair stopped at was a clothier. Harry stood in an

absolute stupor as Bella had to look at every article of clothing in the

shop; the girl was like a whirlwind of shopping madness that all Harry

could do was stay out of the way. Despite being a completely magical

village the Hogsmeade shop had a larger than expected muggle section

with brand named clothing. Bella seemed to gravitate to the more

revealing clothing which actually Harry didn't mind so much as he was

made to sit and give his opinion as she model the various outfits she had


After a two hour eternity in Harry's opinion, they finally left the shop

with several outfits purchased by the eldest Black daughter and shrunk

down and placed in Harry's school bag that he had brought with him, her

jeans being too tight to fit the shrunken packages. Not that harry minded.

The next stop was the local franchise of Flourish and Blotts. Bella was

particularly interested in modern Wizarding history, finding a few books

on the subject she retired to a little reading corner with a couple of chairs

and sat down. Opening the book she skimmed the chapters until she

found what she was looking for, a chapter called 'The Blood War.'

Harry sat across from her and remained quite while she read. He knew

that she would most likely read about the gruesome details of the second

Wizards War. How the blood purist began a reign of extermination

against anyone who disagreed with their views and beliefs. These

murders were not restrained to just muggles or muggleborns, but half

bloods as well.

*Gasp* "Sweet Maeve, dear sweet Maeve!" Bella gasped in horror her eyes

beginning to well up with tears. "So many…so many died." An appendix

dedicated to the names of all those who were known to have perished in

the war revealed the true horror of what Voldemort visited upon the

Wizarding world. Hundreds of names, many of which she knew or had

known in this time. On the pages of the dead were several pureblood

families that were nearly or entirely wiped out. The McKinnons, the

Kilborns, the McGonagals, the Bones, the Elsegoods…the Potters, the list

went on and on.

So many friends that she knew from her earliest memories were wiped

out in Harry's time. It was hard to accept that one man was responsible

for a movement that would deprive the Wizarding world of some of its

oldest and respected families.

She looked up at Harry in morbid disbelief; all Harry could think to do

was give her a sympathetic nod of understanding. "My gods Harry! How

could the Ministry have allowed this to happen?"

"I don't know Bella." Harry commiserated with his new friend. "Blindness,

apathy, corruption, there are a lot of things that could be blamed, but I

think that initially the Ministry turned a blind eye because in the

beginning only muggles and muggleborns were being targeted. They

elites and upper crust felt no real need to involve themselves after all

they had not been affected. When Voldemort did turn his attention to the

purebloods and the Ministry he had gained so much strength that they

were all taken by surprise.

Bella set the book she had been reading aside and picked up a smaller

one. Harry happened to glance at the title just as she gingerly opened it.

"Bellatrix Lestrange: Into the Mind of Britain's Most Prolific Killer and the

Right Hand of the Dark Lord."

Harry jumped to his feet and slapped his hand down over the book. "Bella

don't, you don't need to read this!" Harry pleaded with the as of yet

innocent young girl.

"I need to know Harry. I need to know what I became." She told him


"No you don't. This is a different person altogether, you are not her."

Harry replied a little more hotly than he wanted to.

"Yet Harry…not yet."

"You never need be Bella. Like Lady Hogwarts said, we have already

changed the timeline." Harry told her.

"The books still here Harry, that means we have not changed time

enough to change what will happen to me." She reasoned.

"But we still can Bella, we can still change this. We can save you from

this-this…fate." He stated with sincerity.

Bella smiled gently at him, staring deeply into his eyes. Although a

different color at the moment the intensity and age in his eyes was still

quite obvious. "Maybe we can." She finally relented and handed the book

over to Harry, who took it and placed it on a nearby shelf.

"I could use a drink how about you?" Harry offered holding his hand out

to her.

"I could go for a drink and maybe a light lunch." She smiled grabbing

Harry's hand in her own. He gently pulled her up from the chair and

turned to head for the door. While his back was turned Bella shrunk the

book she was about to read and stuffed it in her pocket after disabling

the antitheft charm on it.

"Excellent." Harry said. "We could go to the Three Broomsticks. Rosmerta

makes a brilliant Sheppard's Pie."

"Rosmerta? Rosmerta Peasgood?" Bella asked.

"Um, don't know her surname. We just call her Madam Rosmerta." Harry


"Is she a tall bottle-blonde with an impressive set of…" Bella held her

cupped hands in front of her chest.

"Well this Rosemerta is quite endowed, every boy at Hogwarts drools

over her." Harry chuckled. He too found the pub owner somewhat

attractive for an older woman.

"Including you?" Bella challenged not meaning to sound so accusatory.

She was surprised at the sudden spike of jealousy within herself.

Harry shrugged. "She's okay, I mean I think she knows the effect she has

on the male population at the school. But I've never ogled her or

anything. I'm not really attracted to blondes." Harry replied quickly.

"Not that I care." Bella replied casually or at least tried to, but was

nonetheless internally pleased at his answer.

Harry opened the door and the two teens were immediately assaulted by

the sounds and smells of the old Pub and boarding house. After their eyes

adjusted to the lower light of the establishment they found an empty

table near the back of the pub.

Harry took the seat across from Bella and began to take in his

surroundings; his sudden stiff posture alerted Bella that something had

put Harry on alert. She casually got up and took the seat next to Harry

and cuddled up to him as if they were snuggling. She then surreptitiously

cast her eyes in the direction that Harry was staring.

To her shock she saw an older version of Lucius Malfoy sitting at a table

in a darkened corner of the pub. He was dressed in expensive looking

black robes no doubt made of acromantula silk with silver piping and

hems and with a Slytherin green lining. The long flowing platinum

blonde hair was a dead giveaway.

She also recognized the squat looking woman that was sitting across from

him. She was currently a seventh year Slytherin in her own time, one

Delores Umbridge. She was a conniving backstabbing bitch with little

real magical talent but was a huge simpering sycophant who would do

just about anything to be amongst the popular pureblood crowd.

Sitting next to her was another man she recognized, he worked at the

ministry as an undersecretary of some department or another. She had

seen him often when she accompanied her father to the many ministry

functions. He was another one who seemed to rise through the ministry

on his knees and puckering up to anyone he thought would give him an

advantage. She had witnessed him in all his suck-up glory at the Ministry

Yule celebration last year schmoozing with Minister Millicent Bagnold.

"What's got your knickers in a twist Harry?" Bella whispered softly in

Harry's left ear. The warm breath tickling his ears sent shivers down his

body and for a moment his train of thought was completely derailed by

the sensation.

"Still with me Harry?" Bella gently nudged him.

"Huh! Oh yeah…sorry." Harry stuttered. "You see those three over there?"

Harry motioned almost imperceptibly with his eyes at the table where

Malfoy and the others were sitting.

"Yeah, what about them?" She queried.

"Well the blonde peacock there is Lucius Malfoy; he's one of Voldie's

inner circle and a right evil git. Because of him terrible things happened

in my second year, the school was nearly closed because he had a hand

in unwittingly unleashing a basilisk." Harry whispered back to her.

"A basilisk!" Bella whispered harshly.

"Yeah, nearly killed several students. But fortunately it was killed before

it killed." Harry's eyes took on a haunted look that Bella instantly picked

up on.

"There's more to this story than your telling me isn't there?" Bella asked.

Harry shrugged noncommittally and refused to say more.

"The other man is the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge." Harry


"Minister of Magic eh, wow I guess he did manage to kiss his way up to

the top job." Bella remarked.

"Do you know him in your time?" Harry asked.

"Not personally but I know of him and have seen him at several

ministries functions when accompanying my father. He's a real or was I

guess huge suck-up, always trying to rub shoulders with the powerful and

the elite." Bella remarked.

"Huh, I guess that makes since why he would be here meeting with Lucy."

Harry replied with disgust. Bella chuckled.

"What?" Harry asked confused at Bella's smirking chuckle.

"That's what I call him in my time as well." Bella informed.

"You know Lucius?" Harry asked.

"Of course, we are in the same year at Hogwarts, he's one of Rudy's

crowd though much smoother and a lot more subtle than the Lestranges."

She confirmed.

"He has a son Draco that is in my year, we are like sworn enemies. He's

always trying to pull something. Damn near killed me last year." Harry

stated bitterly.


"Yeah, he and his lackeys banished me off the fourth floor landing and I

landed on the floor of the main hall. Still don't know how I didn't die."

"Were they punished?" She asked angrily.

"Nope, no witnesses. I accused them of it, but a professor gave them an

alibi, stating they were taking tuition from him at the time." Harry spat,

the venom in his voice clear.

"I see there is a lot to learn about you Mr. Potter; I hope you give me the

chance." Bella told him sincerely. Again Harry just shrugged


"They witch at the table is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts

Professor. Can't remember her name though, something like ugly,


"Umbridge." Bella spat.

"You know her to?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately and there is no way in Hades that she is qualified to teach

DADA. She received a Troll on her OWLS in that subject the way I heard

it. Be careful around her Harry, she's an evil bint. She will walk on

anybody to get what she wants and is not above harming others to get it."

Bella cautioned her roommate. Harry nodded.

"Hello darlings, shouldn't you be up at the castle?" The bottle-blonde

proprieter of the Three Broomsticks asked.

"We're home schooled Miss." Bella lied easily. "But wanted to come and

get a glimpse of the castle."

"Oh, well welcome to the Three Broomsticks. I'm your hostess Madam

Rosmerta, so what can I get you dears to eat or drink." The busty woman

asked with a coquettish smile at Harry. Bella tightened her grip

possessively on Harry's arm as she tried to stifle a glare toward the


"A couple of Butter Beers please and an order of Sheppard's Pie for me

and for my…"

"Girlfriend!" Bella responded quickly glaring at the woman. "I'll have a

Prawn Cocktail." She said tersely.

"Excellent choices, I'll be back shortly with your order." Rosmerta told the

pair, winking at Harry as she left.

"Girlfriend?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow looking at the girl next

to him.

"Don't get your hopes up milord, I just didn't like the way she was sizing

you up like some sort midmorning snack." Bella replied releasing Harry's

arm and hoping that he wouldn't question her obvious momentary loss of

cool. Harry gave her an appraising look but did not pursue clarification

on her response. He shook his arm a bit to get the blood flowing again

from where Bella had a death grip on it.

"So is that the same Romerta you know in your time?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, the little tramp." Bella whispered under her breath.

"What was that?" Harry asked not catching what Bella had said.

"Yeah it was. Rosmerta is in my year but a Hufflepuff. The boys in my

time are just as interested in her…assets as the boys in your time

apparently seem to be." Bella replied with disdain.

Harry was about to tell her that he thought she was much prettier than

Rosmerta, but his attention was diverted when he heard his name being

mentioned at the Malfoy table. Bella had heard it to and looked up. Bella

pushed her hair behind her ear and tapped a diamond stud earring in her

left ear.

Harry looked at her curiously, and before he could ask her what she had

just done she whispered. "It's a hearing enhancement charm, the earring

acts as an amplifier, it's dead useful when you want to get dirt on

someone. It's Black family magic. Hush and let me hear what they are

saying." Bella told him rapidly.

Bella concentrated on the conversation while Harry was trying to strain

his own ears to hear what was being said but could only make out a word

here and there. Rosmerta returned with their orders and placed them on

the table. Bella unconsciously slipped her arm through Harry's again as

the beautiful barmaid approached. Harry grinned at Bella, but wondered

was it for show or was she truly being possessive of him and did he mind.

He let the thought slip from his mind though and turned his attention to

the Sheppard's Pie that was calling to him.

Forty-five minutes later and Harry watched Lucius stand and walk out of

the pub. Fudge and Umbridge continued to speak in hushed tones for

another fifteen minutes before they to stood and left the pub.

"Well that was a disturbing but an enlightening conversation." Bella said

as she too stood. Harry took to his feet throwing five galleons on the

table as they made their way to the exit. As soon as they exited Bella took

Harry's arm again and started them back to Honeydukes.

"So what were they discussing?" Harry asked as he walked alongside his


"You." Was her short answer.

"What about me?" Harry asked concernedly.

"Not here let's get back to the ROR and I'll tell you the whole sordid

thing." Bella told him, he notice that she had a worried expression on her

face which got is curiosity not to mention his anxiousness up.

An hour later the pair found themselves in the alcove behind the statue

of the one eyed witch. It was nearly three in the afternoon and there

were many more students passing through the hall.

"I guess we're going to have to try and blend in with the crowds." Bella

stated to Harry not seeing a clear way of getting back to the seventh floor


"Not necessarily." Harry smiled mischievously.

"Oh?" Bella questioned.

Harry pulled a silky looking cloak from his school bag and through it

around him and instantly disappeared. Bella gasped in surprise. Then

suddenly Harry's head appeared seemingly floating in mid air.

"You have an invisibility cloak! My, my Harry, aren't you full of

surprises." Bella laughed.

"I have a few." Harry smiled. "We can both slip under and make our way

undetected to the seventh floor."

"Are you trying to get closer to me, milord?" Bella teased seductively

pressing up against him.


"Very eloquently stated milord." Bella giggled as Harry blushed scarlet.

"As tempting as your suggestion is, there are too many people roaming

the halls, the chance of being bumped into is high. We'll just have to risk

it with the glamour's." Bella suggested.

"Yeah, suppose your right at that." Harry conceded, his color still a very

impressive red. Fifteen minutes later the pair found themselves on the

seventh floor near the portrait of Barnabas the Barmy. Seeing that the

coast was clear they requested their room and seconds later a door

materialized on the opposite wall and the two quickly entered.

The two teens flopped down in their now self-appointed chairs, Bella's

was the one left of center of the fireplace and Harry's the one right of

center. Bella was the first to speak as they each got comfortable.

"Harry, Harry…what have you gotten yourself into?" Bella asked,

flopping her right arm onto her forehead as she leaned her head back

against the arm of the cushy chair lying across its length with her legs

dangling over the other arm.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the Ministry is out to make you out to be some kind of lying

nutter with delusions of grandeur." She said glancing at Harry from

underneath her arm.

Harry sighed heavily. "Doesn't surprise me. After the Triwizard

tournament fiasco Fudge all but called me a liar when I informed him

that Voldemort had returned." Harry told the witch who abrubtly sat up.

"The Triwizard tournament! They brought it back?" She asked stunned.

"Yeah. Last year, that's when the whole school turned against me." Harry

said morosely as he picked at a loose thread on his jumper.

"Back up a moment Harry, I think it's time you told me about your life.

You've let slip a few things and I can tell there is much more you are

keeping to yourself or hiding." Bella stated.

"I don't like talking about my life Bella; it's not something that I find easy

to do." Harry softly spoke, looking down at his hands.

"If we here to help each other…" Bella began. "…I think we need to be

open and honest with each other. Don't you think?" Bella asked sincerely.

Harry leaned heavily back into his chair and closed his eyes. For several

minutes he said nothing, but Bella could tell that he was fighting within

himself, trying to decide how to proceed. He didn't walk off so Bella saw

this as a positive that maybe he would open up.

Several more minutes passed when Harry suddenly sighed heavily again.

He opened his eyes and stared right at her. But she could tell that he

wasn't looking at her but at something far in the past, something painful

for his eyes held unshed tears just on the verge of cascading down his

face. She stood and slowly walked toward him and then knelt down in

front of him. He seemed to not have noticed she had moved. Bella

reached up and gently took both of his hands in hers. The physical

contact seemed to break Harry out of whatever place he had been. He

looked down at her face, searching green eyes meeting violet.

"On Halloween 1981 my life was turned upside down…" For the next

several hours Harry told his story to a captive audience of one. Bella by

the end of it was emotionally exhausted. She had felt sadness, anger,

rage, horror and a myriad of other emotions that wreaked havoc with her

ordered mind. On some kind of impulse she gathered herself off the floor

and crawled into Harry's lap and pulled his head to her shoulder as he

wept. It was a soul cleansing cry that Harry had desperately needed.

Neither seemed to be in any hurry to let the other go, they were just

content in holding on trying to take what comfort the other had to offer.

Finally Harry's gripped around her waist loosened and she reluctantly slid

off his lap and sat on the floor cross legged in front of him.

"Feel better?" She asked gently. He mutely nodded. "You are a remarkable

person Harry. To have gone through so much and still remain as

grounded as you are. It takes someone with a strong character to go

through all that and not go insane. You are sane aren't you Harry?" Bella

half smiled, giving him an over the top inquisitive look that made the

fifteen year old boy give a chuckle.

"Yeah, for the moment anyway." Harry teased back. Bella gave him a

spectacular smile.

"Good, can't have my head of house being a nutter can we now?" She


"S'ppose not." The tension in the room all but vanished as Harry looked at

Bella fondly. "Thanks." Harry told her. She just smiled and gave him a

quick nod.

"Morgana! It's six o'clock! I've got to meet my sisters for dinner Harry.

Sorry but I have to run." Bella told him hurriedly. Without thinking she

kissed his cheek and then ran from the room. Harry stood there in a daze

as he touched the cheek she had just kissed.

"Merlin's beard! I forgot about Luna, I was supposed to meet her for

breakfast." Harry chastised himself for forgetting about the quirky blonde

he had met just yesterday. Harry sprinted to the bathroom where he

washed his face quickly trying to rub away the splotchiness from his face

from his emotion cleansing. Dashing for the door he grabbed his bag with

the Marauders map and his cloak.


Bella entered the Great Hall and immediately spotted her sisters sitting

together just filling their plates with the evening meal. As she

approached Andromeda looked up and gave her a 'Where the hell have

you been!' look. Sheepishly Bella took her seat across from the other two.

"Sorry, I kind of lost track of the time." Bella apologized.

Andromeda looked skeptical at hearing her sister's excuse but decided to

let it go. "So what have you been doing all day?" Andromeda asked.

"Just doing some research and stuff." Bella replied as she plated some

roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding on her plate.

"What kind of research could you be doing? Classes don't start until

tomorrow." Narcissa asked in confusion.

Bella looked around the table before leaning forward her sisters

mimicking her. "Research on avoiding contracts." Bella whispered.

"Bella are you wearing men's cologne?" Andromeda asked after getting a

whiff of a musky scent from Bella.

"Then who is the boy you been snogging?" Andi smirked. Narcissa eyes

widened in excitement.

"You have a boyfriend?" Narcissa squealed.

"Cissy shush! Keep your voice down and no I do not have a boyfriend."

Bella denied.

"I can smell a man's cologne on you dear sister, so fess up who's the boy?"

Andi pushed.

Bella sighed. "He's not my boyfriend and before you ask I have not been

snogging with him. I gave him a hug and I guess his cologne spread to

me." Bella whispered resignedly.

"Is he cute? Narcissa bounced in her seat eyes sparkling with interest.

"Well, he's not ugly…yeah I guess he's kind of cute." Bella relented.

Narcissa squealed again clapping her hands in excitement.

"Who is he?" The middle sister asked.

"No one you know miss busy body." Bella

"Well what's his name then?" Andi continued.

"Look, not to be difficult but I'd rather not give you any details about my

love life." Bella replied tersely.

"Oooh you love him?!" Narcissa asked with wide eyes.

"I didn't say that Cissy! Can we just drop it please?" Bella glared at her


"Okay, Okay." Andi lifted her hands in surrender.

"So you mentioned contracts." Andi asked. "Am I correct in assuming you

meant Marriage Contracts?"

Raising an annoyed eyebrow at her sister Bella replied. "Possibly."

Andromeda softened her features as she looked at her sister. "So you

think you may have found a way out of yours?" Andi asked sincerely.

Bella relaxed realizing that her sister was trying to be supportive. "Yeah, I

think so."

"That's wonderful Bella!" Andi stated with a warm smile.

"Yeah that great sis!" Narcissa added.

"It is but…it's a little complicated and I'm going to need the help of

certain…person." Bella quietly revealed.

"Who?" Narcissa asked curiously. Andi's eyebrows shot into her hairline

as she saw a blush forming on her big sister's cheeks.

"You mean this mystery boy of yours don't you?" Andi leaned in and

whispered accusingly. The increased level of red in Bella's blush was all

the confirmation she needed.

"What exactly does he have to do?" Andi asked suspiciously.

"None of you business." Bella retorted hotly. "Besides, I'm not completely

sure if he will even be able to do it or that he would want to." Bella

sighed heavily resting her head on her arm that was on the table.

Andromeda rested her hand on Bella's arm, her sister's outburst not

fazing the more levelheaded Black sister. "So how does this affect the

contract before it's even signed?"

"If he is able to help me, it would violate one of the pre-stipulations

required in the contract." She replied. "An important pre-stipulation that

if violated would prevent the magic in the contract from binding my will

to the Lestrange's." She added enigmatically.

Andromeda had a pretty good idea what her sister meant, but would not

voice it out loud in front of Cissy. "Whatever it is you're trying to do

Bella…just be careful…okay." Andromeda told her sister with concern.

"I will, and like I said, he may not be able or willing to do it." Bella

grimaced sadly.

"Lily!" Narcissa suddenly squealed jumping up from the table to hug her

new friend who had approached the Slytherin table.

Bella turned to see the hesitant first year Gryf approaching the table,

many of the older year Slytherins were giving the redhead menacing

stares. Bella gave the redhead a welcoming smile. "Hello Lily won't you

join us for dinner?" Bella asked the first year warmly.

"Thank you." Lily said nervously glancing down the table at the affronted

looks of the others at the table. Bella took out her wand and placed her

hand on the table pointing her wand toward the other students and gave

them a 'don't provoke me' stare. The others quickly returned their attention

back to their meals.

"Excited for classes to start Lily?" Andromeda asked kindly.

"Oh yes! I still can't believe that all this is real and that I'll actually be

learning how to perform magic." Lily enthused.

"Mudbloods!" Someone further down the table sneered. "Not worthy of

having magic."

Lily shrank into herself and cast her eyes down. "Don't do that Lily!" Bella

stated firmly to the redhead, who snapped her head up at the forceful

tone from her friend's sister.

"You have every right to be here, you are a witch and I have a feeling

you'll be a powerful one! Always keep you head up and eyes firm. Don't

let these wankers intimidate you, always show strength and

determination understand?" Bella told her firmly. Lily nodded her head.

"And if anyone messes with you!" Bella spoke just loud enough for the

others at her table to hear. "You come to me and I'll make them wish they

were never born." Bella turned a hard glare toward her housemates and

in not so many words had declared the first year Gryffindor as

untouchable. Her housemates knowing of her prowess with a wand were

not in any hurry to test her declaration.

"Thank you…um…"

"Bella, you can call me Bella."

"Thank you Bella." Lily Evans smiled warmly her green eyes filled with

gratitude. Harry's eyes Bella noticed. That thought brought back the

conversation that she and Harry had just prior to her coming to dinner. A

wave of sadness flowed through her as she had been made aware of the

terrible fate that awaited this vivacious redhead.

Lily and Narcissa put their heads together as they were both comparing

their class schedules; they shared four classes together and had planned

to sit together if allowed. Bella hoped that Cissy and Lily would remain

friends; she decided that they were good together. She had never seen

Narcissa take to anyone outside of her own family as she had with Lily

Evans and it brought a warm feeling to her heart. She would have to ask

Harry if the two remained friends through their Hogwarts years. As close

as the two girls appeared now it was hard for her to see them drift apart,

but the house system was hard on friendships between those of different


"So are you sleeping in the dorms tonight or are you going back to your

secret hiding place? I wonder if this secret boy knows where it is." Andi

asked with a smirk.

"Back to my hiding place, and maybe he does." Bella replied cheekily

sticking her tongue out at her sister.


Harry pulled out the Marauder's map and tried to locate his friend Luna

on the map but was not having any luck. She wasn't in the Great Hall;

she wasn't in the library or in Ravenclaw Tower. Frustrated Harry shook

the map and said; "Where is Luna Lovegood!"

To Harry's surprise the map change and an image of the black lake

appeared with the trees boarding the north side. There at the edge of the

forest was the name Luna Lovegood. "What is she doing way over there?"

He mused. Reentering the room he spoke clearly. "I need a broom."

To his surprise his Firebolt appeared. He figured Ron had kept that as

well, but then he remembered that the room could call anything from

within the castle. He smirked when he thought of Ron's reaction when he

discovers that the cloak, the map and now the broom were gone. A quick

shrinking charm shrunk the broom. Harry stuck it in his pocket and then

made his main to the main entrance.

Harry ignored the stares and the hurried whispers as he made his way

through the castle. If he would have just paid a little attention to the

conversations, he would have heard many trying to apologize to him for

their behavior as he walked by. But Harry was focused only on finding

Luna and apologizing himself to the blonde Ravenclaw.

Once outside the castle Harry removed his broom from his pocket and

enlarged it and within half a heartbeat had jumped on it and he was

streaking through the sky heading to the north end of the Black Lake. As

he approached the tree line he saw a glimpse of light blonde hair. As he

got closer he noticed her situation. His blood boiled hot as he sped up to

reach his friend quickly.

He landed to find his friend stuck to the tree most likely with a sticking

charm about six feet above the ground. She had no shoes or socks on her

feet and was just dressed in a thin t-shirt and a short skirt. Her feet were

blue as were her lips that were chattering.

Harry countered the spell and caught her in his arms; the lithe blonde

was shivering from the cold. He cast a warming charm on her and then

began to massage her feet and legs to get the blood flowing again and

then moved to her hands and arms.

"Luna, Luna are you alright?" Harry asked with concern. Luna's shivers

began to subsided after Harry had cast a second warming charm and her

teeth stopped chattering.

"Oh, I'm okay I think. I'll just return to the castle." Luna said quietly not

looking at Harry and attempting to stand up.

"Luna stop." Harry told her as he grabbed her by the shoulders and forced

her to sit again. "What happened Luna?" She didn't answer and refused to

look at him.

"Luna, please talk to me. Who did this to you?" Harry asked again

pleading with her to talk to him.

"I-I thought we were friends Harry?" Luna whispered, it was so quiet that

Harry nearly missed it.

"Of Course we're friends Luna. Why would you say that."

"Y-you never came to breakfast this m-morning and I looked for you and I

couldn't find you anywhere. I th-thought you were avoiding me and that

you d-didn't want to be friends anymore." This all came out in a rush as

Luna pulled her knees to her chest.

Harry removed his cloak and put it around the small girl cinching it up

around her neck and sat next to her against the tree. "I am so sorry Luna,

I-I just forgot about our breakfast date, I know it's not a good excuse, but

it was unintentional." For a moment Luna said nothing but then laid her

head on Harry's shoulder.

"Am I forgiven?" Harry asked soflty. He felt her nod on his shoulder. She

scooted closer to him for warmth and Harry put his arm around the girl

and pulled her closer.

"So…who did this to you Luna?" Harry asked again.

"It doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done." Luna replied meekly.

"It does matter Luna, no one should do this to another person. You could

have died of cold out here." Harry stated a little heatedly.

"I'm sure they would have come back or the spell would have ended

soon." She responded snuggling deeper into Harry's side.

"Where's your wand Luna?" Harry asked wondering why she hadn't

reversed the spell herself.

"They took it from me and threw it over there through the trees." Luna

pointed her hand barely coming out of the cloak to point out the


Harry took out his wand and concentrated. "Accio Luna's wand!" A few

seconds passed and then a wand came racing toward them from the

foliage. Harry deftly caught it in his hand and gave it back to Luna.

"Thanks Harry."

"No problem Luna. Now will you please tell me what happened?" Harry

turned his head to look at her.

"My roommates were furious with me. They said I had gotten into their

trunks to retrieve my things. No word about why my things were in their

trunks. I tried to tell them that I didn't get into their trunks, but they

refused to believe me." Luna explained.

"Did you tell them that it was a house elf that retrieved them?" Luna


"They still refused to believe me. The next thing I remember is opening

my eyes and an older Ravenclaw is levitating me up to the tree and

another girl casting a sticking charm." She said.

"They stunned you?!" Harry asked in shock. Luna shrugged.

"Don't know for sure, but I don't remember leaving the tower or how I got

here. Anyway Marietta had my wand and walked over to the trees and

then threw my wand into the forest."

"So how long have you been out here?" Harry asked.

"Well, it was about an hour or so before lunch when my roommates

confronted me, so whatever time it is now is how long I've been here."

She stated.

"Luna! It's nearly seven o'clock! That means you've been out here alone

for nearly eight hours! We need to get you to the hospital wing to make

sure everything is okay." Harry stood quickly lifting Luna easily off the


"No Harry, I'll be fine. I'm just a bit cold. I am hungry though, I haven't

eaten anything today." She said sheepishly.

"Let's go get something to eat then. We'll head to the kitchens again,

okay?" Harry asked receiving a nod from Luna. After casting one more

warming charm on Luna, Harry mounted his broom with Luna straddling

the broom behind him and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.

Twenty minutes later the pair were in the kitchens warming up with

some hot chocolate as the ever helpful and eager elves had loaded up the

small dinner table with enough food for a dozen. After they had eaten

their fill Harry decided to try and convince Luna to speak with her head

of house she was reticent to do so but eventually agreed that she would

mention it to Professor Flitwick.

Harry walked Luna back to Ravenclaw Tower where she gave him

another warm hug before entering her common room. Their conversation

at dinner had been interesting and enlightening, as Harry learned a bit

more about his quirky friend and her father who was the editor of a

magazine called the Quibbler. She had promised to get him a free

subscription to the magazine; she called it the friend rate.

But, as quirky and odd as she appeared at times, she was incredibly

insightful and saw the world through very different lenses than most

people. Which in Harry's opinion; gave her a unique perspective on

things in general. She reassured him that he had more support than he

thought in the castle and that things were not always what they seem to


She had also told him that the castle had healed itself and that the curse

of the Sniveling Wingbat had been removed. She could no longer see the

magic on the entrances anymore but also notice that the castle seemed to

have changed somewhat, the vibrations as she put it had changed giving

the castle a friendlier feel.


Harry entered the ROR just a bit after curfew and heard someone crying

hysterically in the direction of Bella's bedroom. He quickly made his way

there but nearly fell to the floor when he had tripped over something

carelessly tossed on the floor.

Harry bent over and picked up the discarded book. Harry sighed deeply

and rubbed his face with his hands in comprehending frustration. It was

the book from the bookstore detailing the life and murders of Bellatrix

Lestrange. He had thought that she had left it at the shop but apparently

had clandestinely taken the book with her.

How was he going to deal with this he thought? How terrible would it be

to discover that you would become an insane mass murderer responsible

for the death of men, women and…children? He could think of no

soothing words of comfort to give her.

With resignation in his heart he entered her room quietly, hoping that

something would come to him to comfort the distraught witch. It donned

on him that this would be the second witch that he would try and

comfort today and this one had comforted him earlier, the day just

seemed to come full circle.

He saw Bella curled up in the fetal position on her bed, like Luna he saw

that she was trembling but not from cold but most likely guilt and or

fear. Two emotions he knew quite well. He sat down gently on her bed,

Bella giving no indication that she was aware of his presence. She was

facing away from him and perhaps not felt the bed move.

"Bella?" He called to her softly. She froze but didn't turn around. He laid

his hand gently on her shoulder and gave a soft squeeze.

"The person in that book is not you Bella; you never have to become her.

That is Bellatrix Lestrange, you are Bella Black a strong, intelligent and

independent young woman in control of her own destiny." Harry warmly

rubbed her back in small slow circles.

"I'm not her yet, Harry. But I could be by Christmas." Bella choked out

between sobs.

"Does this have to do with the contract?" He asked. She looked back at

him and nodded with watery eyes.

"If what I read in that…that book." She growled. "I'll be married by this

summer and not return to Hogwarts again until 1978 when I'm storming

the school and killing anything in my way!" She sobbed.

"I won't let that happen, Bella, we won't let that happen. Remember what

the Lady said, she brought us together to change things. Not just for the

school but for us as well. The future for you can be unwritten and…

maybe…my past as well." Harry told her, the truth of his belief evident in

his eyes. Bella turned over and threw her arms around Harry's waist and

hugged him to her.

She pulled Harry down until he was lying flat on his back on her bed. She

cuddled up next to him, laying her head on his shoulder her right arm

over his stomach and holding on to his waist pulling him tightly against

her. Her body had finally stopped trembling and she had gotten her

crying under control as well. They lay that way for what seemed like

hours until Bella broke the silence.

"Harry…" She whispered. "If…there was away, to assure that I didn't have

to marry Lestrange, away to get out of the contract…would you help

me?" Bella asked quietly but not looking up at him.

Harry took a moment to consider how to answer, although he already

knew, that yes he was willing to help her, he was just slightly afraid of

where this all would lead and how this would affect him not only on a

personal level but how this would affect the timeline. Hermione's

warning of the dangers of messing with the past came to his mind. But

wasn't that already happening with just Bella and Harry meeting. And

that is why the lady brought them together…to change things.

"Yes, Bella I'll help in any way I can. What is it that you need from me?"

He asked softly.

Bella slowly lifted her head from his chest. She sought out his eyes,

looking deeply into them. It was not for the first time that she was

amazed at how fast she had come to trust this boy from the future. How

fast she was actually…falling for him, and what she saw reflected in his

eyes she hoped was him falling just as hard and fast for her.

Three impossibly short days did not seem near long enough to develop

feelings like this for someone, but there was no denying that she had

indeed fallen for the raven haired boy. But then again was it her heart

telling her that she wanted him or was it her Slytherin brain telling her

that he was a means to an end to get her out of an unwanted marriage

contract, and if it was did it matter?

On this one thing Bella was willing to give her heart the benefit of the

doubt and allow her emotions to make the decision for her.

"Harry…" She called to him, her heart beating wildly. She looked lovingly

into his eyes allowing her emotions to flood her body. Her voice was soft

and low as she spoke her next words;

"Harry…make love to me."

A/N: I know, I know! Its an evil place to leave this, but I've already

written over ten thousand words and if I kept going to where I want to

take it, it would have probably reached over fourteen. And I personally

don't like really long chapters; around seven thousand is usually where I

like to keep them. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter though and would

be so kind as to leave a review or a comment, reviews are catnip to

authors so please feel free to send some catnip my way. : )

8. Chapter 8

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

A/N: 92 Reviews for Chapter 7! Freaking amazing! Thanks to everyone

who made that the most reviewed chapter I have had in any of my

stories! I'm sorry for the wait but this chapter kept getting longer and

longer and I was still adding more to it. I decided however to split it so

here is the first half, the second should follow next week. Thanks again

for all the amazing reviews!

Chapter Eight: Decisions

Last time:

"Harry…" She whispered. "If…there was away, to assure that I didn't have to

marry Lestrange, a way to get out of the contract…would you help me?" Bella

asked quietly but not looking up at him.

…"Yes, Bella I'll help in any way I can. What is it that you need from me?" He

asked softly.

…"Harry…" She called to him, her heart beating wildly. She looked lovingly

into his eyes allowing her emotions to flood her body. Her voice was soft and

low as she spoke her next words;

"Harry…make love to me."

Harry sat speechless at the side of the bed of the intoxicatingly beautiful

dark haired witch. His heart was beating so hard and fast he swore it

could be heard echoing throughout the room. Her violet eyes were moist

with recently shed tears and looked so vulnerable and yet so hopeful. Her

hair was wild and framed the delicate but refined features of her face.

She was the very image of a damsel in distress and was looking to him to

be her rescuer, her knight in shining armor.

When he had read over what she had been researching through the night

as she slept at the desk this morning, he knew that she was trying to find

a way out of being forced to marry Rudolfus Lestrange and that she

wanted or needed him to be a part of it. However reading her written

thoughts and then having her ask him to make love to her was complete

synapses overload for the teen.

He had avoided thinking about what he had learned all day, not giving it

any real weight. Beside it was just Bella brainstorming ideas…right? But

now faced with her petition he was in a word…stupefied. He did not

know how to respond to this. He was a virgin and completely clueless

when it came to the fairer sex. Did she really want him to have sex with

her! Why? What was so important about her losing her virginity anyway?

This was just all wrong, it didn't make any sense. They barely knew each

other! Three days ago all he knew of Bellatrix Lestrange was that she was

one of Voldemort's most feared followers, and now sitting in front of him

was a fifteen year old Bellatrix Black, still innocent, hands not bloodied

by the heinous deeds of her future self or her potential future self.

She was beautiful yes but also intelligent, passionate, and he felt all

funny inside when he was around her. But she was also a Slytherin,

cunning and ambitious. The Slytherins he knew were not above using

others to get what they wanted and then disposing of them. Was she just

using him, was he her means to an end? He did not know. Looking into

her eyes he saw vulnerability though…was it real?

"Bella…I-I don't know how to…to respond to this." Harry quietly spoke

while trying to hide the blush on his face. "We barely know each other

and I…"

"Harry, please listen to me and let me explain." Bella interrupted, she sat

up on her bed and folded her legs Indian style. Her hands were in her lap

and she was looking down, trying to decide how to explain all this to

Harry. She idled with the thought of just seducing him and manipulating

him in to doing what she wanted. But, she did not want to do that to

him, not to Harry, who she was genuinely becoming fond of. She did not

want to risk losing the budding feelings that the two were developing for

each other. She had to be honest and upfront. Not a very Slytherin way of

doing things but sometimes you just needed to be a Gryffindor and

charge right in.

"Harry, you know about the marriage contract I have with the

Lestranges?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, I know." He replied.

"And you know that if I were to sign the contract, I would become bound

to Rudolfus. Not just by legal means but by magical as well." Again Harry


"My will, my freedom to think and act for myself will be stripped from

me." Bella stated swallowing hard not to let her emotions get away from


"You mentioned that, but, I don't understand how that is possible. How

can a simple contract take away who you are and your ability to think for

yourself?" Harry asked genuinely interested.

Bella took a deep breath and let it out raggedly. "When a girl is born into

a pureblood family, especially a family who follows the old ways, blood

is taken from them, several vials in fact." Bella began.

"Blood?!" Harry gasped in surprise. Bella nodded.

"You may or may not know this, but blood is infused with a person's

magic it is a part of them, inseparable. You've heard of blood magics?"

She asked and received a nod from Harry.

"Blood magic is an arcane but powerful branch of magic; most rituals of

this sort have been banned by the ministry classified as dark. However,

some blood rituals, minor ones anyway, are still used today by not only

old families, but by the Ministry and also by the Goblins." She told him.

"Okay, so I'm assuming that the blood of infants is used in some kind of

ritual?" Harry asked.

"It is." Bella nodded. "In my case and in the case of many girls born into

my type of family, the blood of the girls is used to perform a chastity

binding." Bella blushed but continued. "It is also used in the creation of

betrothal or marriage contracts."

"I still don't understand." Harry replied cocking his head and trying to

meet Bella's eyes that were looking down.

"A chastity binding is performed by the head of house; in this case my

Uncle Orion. Before a girl reaches puberty a vial of her blood is used to

draw runes across her body. These runes are activated by the magic in

the blood and by the House magic of the head of house."

"But why is it the head of house, why can't it be anyone else?" Harry

asked confused.

"There is an anchor rune drawn on the body of the girl, it corresponds to

a rune that is etched into the head of house signet ring. Thus only a head

of house can activate or remove the binding, because only the accepted

head of house can even put the ring on without dying most horribly." She


"Oh…okay I get that. So you think that because I am the head of the

Black family in my time I can remove the binding?" Harry asked, as the

gears in his head began turning. "But, how can you be sure that I can

override your uncle's binding. He is after all, still alive in your time and

your head of house."

"True, but I think that there is a good possibility that here…in this place,

you would be able to do it." She replied a hint of hope in her voice.

"What happens if I try and it doesn't work?" Harry asked.

Bella looked reluctant to answer; again she would not meet Harry's eyes.

The consequence she knew would be terrible, not for Harry but for her.

She could wind up barren or something much worse.

"Bella, what are you not telling me?" Harry asked his concern ratcheting

up and her sudden silence.

"It…it could cause me some…damage." She quietly stated.

"Damage?! What kind of damage?!" Harry asked in a tone that came out

harsher than he intended.

"It could make me infertile or it could…kill me." Bella whispered the last

part so softly that Harry almost didn't hear it, but he had.

"No! No way am I going to attempt some spell that could kill you!

Absolutely not!" Harry was on his feet and yelling at the cringing witch.

"Harry…Harry! Please listen to me. I'm almost certain that it will work.

You are the head of the Black Family." She argued.

"IN MY TIME!" He rebuked.

"Then we'll go somewhere in your time to perform the ritual!" Bella

argued back.

"But there is still no guarantee that it will work Bella! You could be

throwing your life away!" Harry shot back.





her feet and standing toe to toe with Harry, her chest heaving up and

down. The fury and desperation was clearly evident in her tense face.

Harry staggered back a few feet and turned away from her. He closed his

eyes tightly wondering how this conversation had devolved into them

shouting at each other. He understood where she was coming from. She

was facing losing her very self. He knew that if he was in her place that

he would choose freedom over servitude as well.

"Bella, I just…I just don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want to

be the cause of…harming you." Harry's voice was soft and yet heavy with

emotion. He lowered his head, his hands coming up to rub away the


"Harry…" Bella whispered and gently touched his shoulder. He slowly

turned to face her, and suddenly found himself in a gentle embrace.

Harry was surprised at the sudden demonstration of affection. Bella

rested her head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to die either." She softly whispered. "But I…I want to be free

to choose my own path. Do you understand that?" She asked in a low

voice. She felt him nod his head as he tightened his hold on her slightly.

She liked the feel of his arms around her; she loved his scent and the

warmth his body provided.

"Please do this for me Harry; you're the only one that can help me." It

was a heartfelt plea that melted Harry's heart instantly.

Harry felt her heartbeat against his chest and was drawn in by the

warmth of her body pressed against his own. He became slightly dizzy as

her scent flowed through his senses. His decision made, he let out a long

cleansing breath.

"Okay Bella…I'll do it." Bella's arms tightened around his waist as she

buried her face into his neck.

"Thank you." Her breath was warm against his flesh.

He reluctantly released her from his embrace and took a step back. He

met a smiling face and couldn't help but return it. Bella grabbed his hand

and pulled him back to her bed where they sat facing each other again.

"I was able to find the ritual that was used on me and what runes were

used as well so you can draw them. The problem is getting another vile

of my blood." She stated.

"W-What, what do you mean draw the runes and a vial of your blood? I

thought all I had to do was release the binding?" Harry stuttered.

"Well yeah, you have to reverse the process and that requires that my

blood and the runes need to be re-drawn with the addition of the

cancelling rune." She stated staring at a worried looking Harry.

"I-I don't know how to d-draw runes or activate them." Harry explained.

"I can help you practice them before we perform the ritual and your own

magic through the signet ring will activate them."

"And where exactly do I have to draw these runes?" Harry asked fearing

the answer.

Bella blushed but kept her eyes locked with Harry's. "You'll have to draw

them on my body, Harry. I'll have to be…disrobed for the ritual." Her

blush deepened at the thought of Harry seeing her in such a vulnerable


Harry's brain froze again as he processed what he thought she was

saying. Seeing his frozen terrified features Bella nearly chuckled.

"You mean you have to be…you know…"

"Nude Harry?" She asked with a humorous smirk. "Yes Harry I'll have to

be nude." She was rewarded by a nearly catatonic Harry who's eye went

completely unfocused.

Bella took his hands in hers. "I trust you Harry. And believe me I'll

probably feel more embarrassed than you will." She chuckled. Harry just

numbly nodded.

"Now, Uncle Orion would have stored my blood somewhere at Grimauld

Place. I'm sure there will still be some there. They took about six vials of

blood from me after all, you know just in case they needed it. The Blacks

never dispose of anything that can be of value.

"Can't you use some of your own blood…you know from you now?"

Harry asked.

"No, it has to be from the blood that was first taken from me. Don't know

why, but that's what the text said."

"That could be a problem them, seeing as how I'll have to wait till the

Yule break before I can return to Grimauld Place." Harry sighed.

"What about calling your house elves? As head of house you should be

able to call them to you?" Bella offered.

"Do you think it would work through Hogwarts Wards?" Harry replied.

"Well the lady has been pretty accommodating so far, perhaps she'll let

them through." She offered.

"Well, no harm in trying I guess. Kreacher! I need you." Harry yelled out.

A few seconds later there was a small pop that had both teens turning to

see an ancient looking elf bowing so low that his pointy nose was

touching the floor.

"Young master is calling for Kreacher." The high gravelly voice intoned.

"I was, good to see you Kreacher. How is the mistress?" Harry asked the

diminutive elf.

"Mistress is missing you already and is hoping you are representing the

family well here at Hogywarts." Kreacher informed Harry.

Kreacher then realized that there was another human in the room. His

eyes widen as he recognized the young witch.

"Mistress Bellatrixi! What is you doing here and why is you appearing so

young? Did you escape from the wizard prison?" The startled elf stated

wringing his tea towel toga he was wearing, and looking worriedly at

Harry and back to the dark witch.

"Hello Kreacher." Bella said kindly.

Kreacher looked up at her and had a confused look on his face. "Miss

Bellatrixi is having Black Family magic again. How is it possible, she

marrying nasty Lestrangy, and Black magic gone?"

"What do you mean Kreacher, about her having Black Family magic."

Harry asked.

"When Miss Bellatrixi is bound to Lestrangy, she loses Black Family magic

and inherits Lestrangy magic. But she has the noble Black Family magic

back. How is this possible?" The elf looked accusingly at Bella.

"It's a little hard to explain Kreacher, but this is not the Bellatrix of our

time, but from twenty-five years ago." Harry explained.

"Kreacher is confused but her magic tells me she is Bellatrix Black."

Kreacher approached Bella looking closely at her.

"Harry is telling the truth, I am Bellatrix Black." She confirmed to the old


"It is good seeing you again Miss Bellatrixi. So what can old Kreacher do

for you young master?" He said turning back toward Harry.

"Kreacher, do you know where Orion Black has placed the blood vials of

the Blacks?" Harry asked hoping Kreacher knew of what he was speaking.

"Kreacher is knowing where all the vials of blood for the noble House of

Black is kept." He replied looking at Harry oddly. "Why does young

master want to know this?"

"I'm trying to help Miss Bellatrix and I need you to bring me the vials

containing her blood." Harry informed him. "Can you do this for me?"

"Aye, Kreacher can do this but Kreacher is curious as to why?" The old elf


"All you need to know is that it is to save her from a terrible fate." Harry

told him sternly. "Now go and bring back her vials please. And thank you


"Kreacher lives to serve the most Noble and Ancient House of Black."

Kreacher bowed low and with a soft pop was gone.

"Well that went well." Bella stated as she sat back down on her bed.

"Yeah." Harry replied sitting in front of Bella again.

"Thank you again for doing this for me, Harry." She told him warmly.

"I just hope I don't…well you know hurt you in anyway." Harry grimaced.

"I know it will work Harry, I have a good feeling about it." She told him

grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze.

They jumped when Kreacher suddenly appeared carrying three vials with

a red liquid substance in them and an empty picture frame.

"Here is Miss Bellatrixi's vials master." Kreacher handed the vials to


"What's up with the picture frame?" Harry asked curiously.

"Mistress was wanting Kreacher to bring her spare frame to you. She is

curious about what you and Miss Bellatrixi is doing."

"Um…okay. Is she in it right now?" Harry asked with some trepidation.

"You's be needing to tap the frame with your wand to activate it and then

call her to you, master." Kreacher informed him.

"Okay then." Harry said distractedly. "Um…I'll be sure to call her up

presently." Harry told the elf.

"Is young master needing anything else." Kreacher asked tiredly. "All this

popping about is tiring poor old Kreacher."

"No Kreacher, nothing else. Go back home and rest. If I need anything

else I will call Dobby." Harry told the old elf and jumped when the old elf

spoke to him.

"Is young master not happy with Kreacher's service! I am old but I still

takes care of the House of Black! I is not helpless master!" Kreacher


"Kreacher I did not mean to offend you. You have been an excellent

servant and caretaker to our Noble House, and one day I will proudly add

you head to those of your predecessors who have honored our house and

whose heads are displayed for all to see." Harry replied getting an

amused smirk from Bella.

"Forgive poor old Kreacher, Kreacher not yet use to other elves in my

mistress's home. But I is always willing to serve." Kreacher bowed and

with a pop was gone.

"Wow, he hasn't aged well." Bella commented on the state of the old elf.

"Well he was alone in the house for quite some time. I'm sure that had to

have had an effect on the poor thing." Harry defended.

"So what are you going to do with Aunt Walburga's portrait?" Bella asked

looking at the large ornate frame.

"Don't know. Guess I'll hang it in the sitting room, but I don't see a reason

to do it right now, maybe tomorrow or…next week." Harry chuckled.

"So um…I have the runes diagramed for you on some parchment and the

incantation you will need to memorize." Bella told him nervously turning

around and pulling some parchment from a desk. She handed him the

instructions and nervously pushed some loose hair behind her ear as she

looked up at him.

Harry took the parchments and looked at the runes." They seem

complicated." Harry worriedly commented.

"Not too difficult Harry, I'll help you practice them until your confident

enough to draw them on your own." She offered reassuringly.

"How long do you think it will take?" He asked sorting through the


"I hope to have you ready by next weekend." She bit her lip nervously.

"By next weekend?!" Harry gasped. "T-that s-soon?" Bella nodded


"You can do it Harry, I know you can." She reaffirmed her belief in him.

"So after we um…after we do this, you will be free of the contract?" He

asked taking a seat on her bed and facing her. She took a seat in front of

him and took his hands in hers; she looked down at their clasped hands

and answered his question.

"Not quite, Harry." She began and took a steadying breath. "That's just the

first part of what needs to happen. With the binding broken then I can…

do the most important part that will invalidate the contract." She softly


Harry apprehensively asked. "What does the second part entail?"

Bella fidgeted a bit as she plucked up her courage to continue. She knew

that this would not be easy to ask. And logically she knew that anyone

could fulfill the second part but she wanted it to be Harry. She did not

know why, but she knew, she knew that somehow Harry's and her life

were somehow intertwined. Her quick feelings for him were evidence

enough for her that he was someone special and she wanted to pursue

those feelings further.

"Harry…it has to do with what I asked you to do for me when you first

came in. Harry…I need you to…no, no, I mean I would like for you to

make love to me." Her voice was again soft and pleading. She saw the

look of shock and confusion on his face and needed to explain to him


"Harry, please listen to me. The-the contract is a binding magical item.

The parchment it is written on is called Blood-Parchment; it is infused

with my blood. The blood acts as a catalyst to activate the runes

imbedded within the parchment. The runes are for a compulsion charm

so strong that it is similar to the Imperious curse. It blocks the free will of

the person whose blood is added to the parchment. My blood Harry."

"But how does the act of us making love change that?" Harry asked a bit


"First let me tell you how it binds me to Lestrange. When Rudlophus and

his father sign the contract Rudolfus will use a blood quill. It is a quill

that magically uses your own blood as ink." Harry gasped in horror.

"Now, when he signs, his blood mixes with the Blood-Parchment but the

runes under where he signs creates an ownership bond with my blood. It

allows him to literally control me and my magic. This can only happen

after I sign my part and my blood soaks into the parchment and then

activates all of the runes within the document."

"I still don't understand Bella, how does it changes things if we…you

know." Harry asked again.

Bella scooted closer to Harry until they were sitting knee to knee. She

held his hands in her lap and continued looking deeply into his eyes.

"Because Harry, the blood in the parchment, has to be identical to the

blood of the signer. It's part of the binding magic. If we were to make

love…and you would need to…um finish in me." Bella blushed profusely

but continued.

"When we make love our…fluids will mingle and cause a slight chemical

change to my blood chemistry. This change, though small, will be enough

to not match the blood in the parchment. Thus the binding will not

activate, and it will invalidate the contract further by me not being a

virgin as stipulated in the writing." Bella finished looking hopeful for

acceptance in Harry's eyes.

"So…um…so if we make love, you'll be completely free of the contract

and Lestrange?" Harry stuttered.

"Yes Harry, yes! I will then be free." Bella told him expressively.

Harry looked down at their clasped hands deep in thought. Her hands

were soft and warm. He squeezed them gently and half smiled as he felt

her squeeze back. Harry felt like his head was spinning, so much

information seemed to be warring inside his mind. She had literally

dropped a bomb on him and he did not know if he was up to the task.

Rituals and spells, contracts and blood, it was just so overwhelming.

He really wanted to help her, not just because he was beginning to fancy

her, he realized it while they were walking in Hogsmeade with her arm

in his, but because it was the right thing to do. No one should be forced

against their will to do anything, especially having your free will taken

from you.

Taking a steadying breath he made up his mind, he knew that this would

definitely change the nature of their relationship once they had freed her.

He was also aware that this would be the first big change to the timeline

and briefly wondered what the repercussions would be. He gently

squeezed her hands again and then looked up into her deep violet pools.

"I know this can't be easy for you, and I know that to lose who you are

Bella would be a great loss to not only you but to…me as well." Harry's

gentle words and blushing face made Bella smile.

"When I first found out who you were, I admit I was a little worried and

was waiting for something awful to happen." Harry chuckled softly. "But I

have come to see you for the remarkable person that you are and never

in a million years would I have imagined wanting to get to know

someone more than you Bella. And I would hate to lose the opportunity

to get to know Bellatrix Black much better." Harry grinned.

"What I'm trying to say, however awkwardly, is that…I willing to do

whatever it takes for you to keep your freedom." Bella with happy tears

in her eyes launched herself into his arms hugging him tightly and

without thinking crushed her lips to his. Bella's forward momentum

pushed Harry over landing on his back on her bed with Bella lying right

on top of him.

The hard kiss soon softened and then became searching as Bella explored

his lips with her own. Slowly, gently she moved her lips over his and

soon Harry was responding in kind. There was no thinking no wondering

there was only raw emotion that was driving the two teens to explore

what had up to now been undiscovered territory as the both enjoyed

their first real kisses from a member of the opposite sex. It was only the

need for air that broke the two apart finally. Bella's forehead was resting

on Harry's their eyes locked on each other.

"Wow!" They chorused simultaneously. They lay there just staring at each

other for several minutes, neither in any particular hurry to move until

Harry became aware of a growing problem. Harry was saved however as

both of them jumped at hearing a loud buzzing sound. The two red-faced

teenagers look to the source of the noise and found the picture frame that

Kreacher had brought vibrating madly.

"I guess aunt Walburga wants to talk." Harry shook his head. "I better

hang her up before she gets too upset." Harry stated swinging his feet off

the bed and picking up the empty portrait.

"Why don't we hang it in the sitting room above the mantle of the

fireplace?" Bella offered standing up and straightening out her clothes.

"Good idea." Harry told her as they left Bella's room, Bella slipping her

hand into Harry's as they walked. Harry grinned blushingly at the gesture

which pleased Bella immensely.

With a sticking charm in place, the gilded portrait frame had been hung

just above the mantle. Harry took out his wand and then looked to Bella.

"Ready for this?" He asked.

"Let's say hello to the old woman." Bella smiled. Harry tapped the frame

and then stood back. Bella took his hand again and stood closely by his

side. He raised his eyebrow at her.

"I'm staking my claim to you milord." She smiled warmly. "And I'm sure

once she discovers what we plan to do she might be more accepting of it.

In my time line she thought very highly of the Lestranges, her own sister

had married into the family. So she was accepting of the contract

between our two houses."

"So you think she will be happy about us…being together? Are we

together?" Harry asked timidly.

Bella smiled beautifully and brought her lips to his again in a soft but

loving manor. "I'm in if your in." She stated the smile reaching her

sparkling eyes.

"I think I'd like that." Harry replied with a goofy smile.

"Then its official." Bella stated. "You're all mine milord." She giggled


"Aunt Walburga!" Harry called out. A second later a tall salt and

peppered haired woman with gray eyes and sharp aristocratic features

appeared and sat in a large wingback chair.

"Well it's about time young man. Kreacher has been back for more than

an hour! What took you so long to…Oh!" The former mistress of House

Black said now taking stock of the two teens in front of her.

"Bless my soul, is that really you Bellatrix?" The portrait asked.

With a small courtesy, Bella responded. "Yes Lady Black, it really is me."

Bella informed her respectfully.

"Amazing!" She said. "I did not believe Kreacher when he informed me,

but here you are. And from the past no less." The Black Matriarch said in

an astonished voice. She then saw the teen's intertwined hands.

"And what is the meaning of this?" She asked petulantly pointing at their

joined hands."

"It's a long story Aunt Walburga." Harry began.

"I have all the time in the world Harry, so explain yourselves."

For the next two hours the teens explained everything that had happened

to them from the moment they had entered Hogwarts three days ago. To

say Walburga Black was stunned was a serious understatement of the

obvious. She had listened to the couple only interrupting when she

wanted clarification, time travel or whatever this was, was beyond her

comprehension but she couldn't argue the fact that a teenage Bellatrix

was standing in front of her.

In the end and after much persuasive arguing the teens convinced her to

support them in their cause. She also told Harry that she would be

continuing his education as Lord Black and his instruction in Black

Family magic and of course strengthening his mind with training in

occulumency. Bella unsurprisingly we quite adept at the skill and

volunteered to help as well.

It was nearly one in the morning when the two teen returned to their

bedrooms after a quick ten minute goodnight kiss. Tomorrow was the

first day back to classes for both of them and neither was looking forward

to it.

Harry surprisingly slept well. His dreams for once didn't involve the re-

birth of the Dark Lord or the death of Cedric Diggory, but surrounded the

raven haired witch that slept next door. He could still taste her lips on his

and smell the lingering scent of the flowery perfume she wore.

He rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He opened up the

door and froze as he watched a wet and very naked Bella stepping out of

the large pool sized bath tub and reaching for a towel. Her back was to

him and he did not see anything inappropriate as he watched her wrap

the large fluffy towel around her torso.

Bella happened to glance back over her shoulder and noticed Harry

staring in a daze at her. Her blush went from her face and down her neck

and chest. Fortunately for her she was facing away from him and he

could not see.

She smiled shyly at him and walked to her door; she opened it and

walked in only pausing for a moment to send him a quick wink. The door

closed behind her and she fell against it hard her face burning from

embarrassment at being seen in the all together.

Harry finally came to his senses when the echo from the door alerted him

that she had left the room. For a moment he replayed over and over

again in his mind what he had just seen. The most perfect derriere that

he had ever seen. Well to be honest it was the first and only naked

derriere that he had ever seen…and it was spectacular.

A half hour later, Harry was finally bathed and dressed in his school

robes and was headed to the sitting room where he was greeted by a still

blushing Bella. Though blushing, Bella couldn't resist a chance to tease


"Did you see anything you liked this morning milord?" She asked


Harry's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as he tried to

formulate words, but the reintroduction of the image he had seen earlier

was now foremost in his mind. It took a minute or two but Harry found

his voice.

"I saw the most spectacular thing I have ever seen." Harry replied with a

glazed over look. Bella giggled at his reaction.

"What is this? What are you referring to dears?" Aunt Walburga asked,

suddenly announcing her presence and looking suspiciously at the two


"Oh nothing Aunt Walburga, just teasing Harry." Bella replied to the


"Impertinent youth." The Black matriarch grumbled. By the matching

blushes she could see on the two youths she could just imagine what they

were talking about.

The two enjoyed a light breakfast, neither really looking forward to the

day but determined to get through it. Harry received some last minute

advice from Walburga who told him to walk tall and proud and put to

heal all those who would challenge House Black. This advice got a

chuckle from Bella who remembered receive the same advice from her


Hand in hand they walked to the door that opened up on the seventh

floor. Harry pushed it open but neither teen moved. They stared

nervously at the empty hallway, schoolbags on their shoulders. The

silence seemed to stretch.

"Wish we could just go together." Bella spoke breaking the uncomfortable


"Me too." Harry replied with a sad smile.

"Maybe it is something we should look into." Bella told him turning her

gaze upon him.

"I think if the 'Saviour of the Wizarding World were to just up and vanish

it would cause quite the uproar." Harry smirked.

"To hell with them Harry! It's not like they have treated you well, you

don't owe them anything." She replied squeezing his hand.

Harry was pensive for a moment. 'What if I did just leave?' He mused. 'No

one in Bella's time knows me; I'm not even a twinkle in my parent's eyes

yet. I could probably find away to get a fake identity. I could load up

enough Galleons from the Black vault in my time and just disappear into

Bella's.' It was an interesting idea.

But then Harry thought about what he would leave behind. His friends.

'What friends? They abandoned me.' He amused. 'There is Luna, she is a

sweet girl but I really don't know her that well, but I'd feel bad if

something happened to her.' He tried hard to think of some other reason

to stay but for the life of him he could not find one. The only scrap he

could find was what Luna had said the day before that he had more

support than he realized and that there was some curse that had been

turning the student-body against him.

Maybe he could give it a couple of weeks, and if things hadn't improved

maybe he could just go to the past. Although, Voldemort is on the rise in

Bella's time and would soon throw the Wizarding World in to a brutal

civil war. Either way he knew deep down that he and Voldemort were

destined to confront each other. In the graveyard Voldemort had

mentioned a prophecy about the two of them and that Harry would not

be allowed to live. So he knew that the evil wanker would not leave him


But what if he could stop him before he got powerful enough to start the

first war? With his access to the past and everything about the first war

documented including where attacks occurred and battles fought. It could

save a lot of lives, maybe even his parents. Going to the past was looking

better and better the more he thought about it.

Harry turned to look at Bella with a mischievous grin. "What if I did do

just that Bella, just go to your time?"

"Are you serious Harry?" Bella asked in surprise. "I was thinking of

coming with you to your time. I would be free from the Lestranges and

all the drama with my family that will be created once we break my

binding and foil the contract."

"I guess we both have reason to escape our own times. Either way, we

will still have Voldemort and Deatheaters to deal with. I was just

thinking that if we concentrated our efforts in the past we could stop

Voldemort before he ever causes a problem." Harry said.

"Are you daft Harry? Why would you want to even get involved with that

monster? I say we just head off to America or the continent, and leave all

this behind."

"Bella, we could save a lot of innocent people from getting killed

including…my parents and Sirius. And besides Voldemort has a personal

interest in me and I don't think we can run far enough away that he

would not find us. And in the past he doesn't know I exist yet." Harry


"I don't know Harry." Bella sighed.

"Also, remember, Hogwarts brought us together to try and changes things

from happening the way they did. Voldemort is the cause of trouble in

both our times, and I'm sure us packing up and leaving isn't going to

change the past from repeating itself."

"Oh sure, guilt me into agreeing with you." Bella glared at the boy.

"So I guess for now, I need to continue to go to my time and get as much

information on the first war that I can." Harry sighed.

"Well I know several in Slytherin House right now who are either

members of Voldemort's movement or sympathizers to his cause. I can

keep my eyes and ears open for anything else of interest. In fact, I've been

invited to a meeting of his youth supporters on the eve of Samhain." Bella

told him.

"What?! You're not going are you? It could be dangerous." Harry asked

with worry.

"It's just kind of a recruitment meeting I think. They want me to join it

fairly badly, so I don't think they'll do anything to me or try and do

anything that will turn me off from their little group." She told him, but

Harry didn't look happy.

"Will the Lestranges be there?" Harry asked her.

"I suppose he will. He is actually the leader of the youth movement at

Hogwarts." She replied.

"It sounds like it would be a perfect opportunity for him to try and get

some payback for what you did to him the other day." Harry observed.

"I know how to take care of myself Harry. I've been doing pretty well

defending myself for some time now." She snapped back a little harsher

than she intended.

"Look, I know you can take care of yourself…just be careful is all I'm

saying." Harry apologized.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be so curt." Bella replied wrapping her arms

around Harry. "We better get going or will be late for our first class. We'll

talk about this later okay."

"Sure." Harry replied. They hugged each other tightly again and with a

quick peck on the lips from Bella they stepped through the door.

The first class of the day for Harry was Transfiguration with the

Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs. Trudging to the class room he noticed

the looks he was receiving as he passed. Some were still hostile while

others were…remorseful?

He entered the classroom and decided to take a desk at the back of the

room closest to the door. He looked around the room at the many

students who were already there. Not surprisingly he noticed Hermione

at a desk in front of the room. Her hair seemed to be a lot bushier than

normal, like she hadn't brushed through it in days.

She must have felt his gaze on her because she turned around to look at

him. He nearly gasped at her appearance. She was pale, very pale except

for the raw looking skin around her eyes which was red and blistered like

she had been crying non-stop. She had a pained look in her face that

screamed regret and sadness.

She looked like she was about to say something to him but her mouth

just opened and closed several times before she seemed to give up on

what she wanted to say in frustration. Oddly enough Lavender Brown

and Parvati Patil took seats on either side of Hermione. Lavender put her

arm around the distraught bookworm and leaned in to whisper

something into her ear. Hermione nodded jerkily.

Hermione then proceeded to gather her things up and stood from the

desk. In her hand she had a rolled up piece of parchment. She walked

straight up to him and placed the scroll on his desk with a watery but

hopeful smile before exiting the classroom. Harry picked up the scroll

and watched as Hermione seemed to burst into tears and left the

classroom. Before he could read whatever was on the scroll, is other

former friend walked in followed by one of his former roommates

Seamus Finnegan.

"What did you say to my girlfriend Potter?!" Ron spat at his former


"I have no idea what you're on about Weasley. What girlfriend?" Harry

replied with a mock look of confusion.

The redheaded boy placed both hands on Harry's desk and leaned

forward menacingly. "Hermione, that's who! I know you spoke to her the

other day Potter. And since then she hasn't said two words to me and has

been in a right state ever since! So what the bloody hell did you do to


"I have done nothing to her Weasley, so go pester someone else." Harry

said lowly with his own menacing look.

"I want answers Potter!" Ron roared pulling out his wand from his robe.

But before Ron could clear cloth Harry had pulled his own wand and was

now pointing it straight at Ron's chest. Ron's body blocked the view of

Harry's wand from the rest of the class and was unobserved when

Professor McGonagall entered the room from her office.

""Mr. Weasley! Take your seat this instant! I will not have you starting

fights in my class, fifteen points from Gryffindor, and a detention this

evening Mr. Weasley." The stern transfiguration professor informed the


"This isn't over Potter." Ron threatened lowly.

"Bring it." Harry replied back.

Ron and Seamus took seats two desks in front of him. A body all of a

sudden took the seat next to him. A sheepish looking Neville Longbottom

glanced at him. "Mind if I sit here Harry?" The timid boy asked.

"I suppose not." Harry replied getting a weak smile from Neville.


"No problem." Harry shrugged.

Professor McGonagall started the class with a speech on the importance

of the Ordinary Wizarding Level exams or O.W.L.S. A syllabus was

distributed to the class which included a lot of revision along with

learning new theories and concepts as well as a heavy practical

component to the class. She also announced that this year they would

have a Profession's interview with their Heads of House where they

would discuss future career paths.

An hour and a half later the class mercifully ended. They spent most of

the class going over what they had learned over the last four years and

demonstrating their transfiguration skills. Harry was impressed with

himself; he usually struggled with transfiguration but all the training he

did for the Tri-Wizard Tournament had sharpened his skills


"Mr. Potter, a word please before you head off. You have a break this

period yes, since dropping Divination?" McGonagall called to him as

everyone was packing up their things to go to their next class.

"Yes Professor." Harry grimaced and wondered why she wanted to speak

to him. As the last student exited Harry made his way up to the front of

the class.

"Come up to my office Potter, I think we should make ourselves

comfortable." She told him. Now he knew something was up. He had

never been invited to her private office before. He wondered what he had

done now to be singled out like this.

Harry entered the office and found to his amazement that the office was

warmly decorated with personal effects placed all around. Several

pictures lined the walls; he saw one of a much younger McGonagall being

embraced by a rather striking man with dark blonde hair, bright blue

eyes and wearing dark blue Hit Wizard robes on her left, and embraced

by another man on her right in red Auror robes. He was much younger

perhaps late teens or early twenties.

Suddenly McGonagall was behind him. "That one on the left was my

husband Robert McGonagall." She sighed heavily. "He was a Hit Wizard

during the first war, such a powerful wizard, but more than that he was a

wonderful husband and w-wonderful f-father." She choked up. Harry was

stunned he had not known she was even married or that she had a son.

"The other young man…" Minerva continued with a shaky voice,

reverently touching the image on the photo. "…is…was my son Richard.

Robert was a Hit Wizard, a team leader, and Richard was a second year

junior Auror." Minerva suddenly looked so much older than she usually


"W-what happened to them?" Harry asked but winced when he saw his

hard as steel professor begin to leak tears in steady streams down her


"They were killed Harry. They were both assigned to Hogsmeade village

back in 1978. I was thrilled that they were so close to the castle. I got to

see them every weekend." She smiled warmly in remembrance, but then

the smile quickly disappeared as she continued.

"It was June 1978; the school year was nearly over. There was a Death

Eater attack on the school; You-Know-Who led the attack. The Hit Wizard

and Auror contingent in Hogsmeade were quickly dispatched to aid us. It

was a brutal assault, many students were killed. It had been a beautiful

warm day and many students were enjoying themselves outside the

castle. They came three hundred strong out of the forbidden forest.

Shooting indiscriminately at anything in front of them."

1978, Harry remembered what Bella had said from reading the book she

had on herself. It was 1978 and she was in that battle and had stated that

according to the book she was responsible for many of the deaths that

occurred that day. His heart sank knowing what Professor McGonagall

was about to tell him.

"My Richard and Robert fought valiantly. I had been fighting next to my

son when I noticed a first year cowering behind the fallen body of

another student who was obviously dead. I left my position next to my

son to assist the young girl. While I was gone two Death Eaters had

surprised my son coming from the position I had just left. They didn't

even give him a quick death, they slit his throat and he slowly bled out.

When I returned to him his eyes were frozen wide open in terror."

"I'm terribly sorry professor." Harry whispered.

"I failed to protect him Harry, and because I failed him he perished. The

Death Eaters were finally driven back and they fled. I later found my

Robert, killed by the killing curse. But he took nearly a dozen of them

with him before he died; from witnesses that saw him fall he had taken

out ten Death Eaters before he was faced with Bellatrix Lestrange. She

was just too fast for him. She toyed with him for several minutes, cutting

away pieces of his body before she finally killed him."

Harry was speechless; he did not know what to say. Why was she telling

him all this. It obviously was not something she was comfortable with.

"Come sit down Harry." Again she called him by his name and not by

Potter or Mr. Potter. Harry had never seen this side of her and it made

him a little nervous. Harry sat in a very comfortable armchair as

McGonagall sat in a similar one right across from him.

"I know you're wondering why I asked you here Harry. It's simply this. I

have failed you Harry as sure as I failed my own son I have failed you. I

have not been by your side when you have needed me and I have

allowed you to come to harm because of my foolish, foolish belief in

someone I use to hold in high esteem, who said it was for the greater


But, no longer Harry. I know that you have no reason to believe or trust

me. But I will take a witches oath before you right now that I will do

whatever it takes to protect you and keep you from being placed in

harm's way. There are other professors who feel the same way and are

willing to swear an oath as well."

Harry wasn't sure how to respond to this. In years past she had ignored

his pleas for help and when he had come to her when he was being

targeted last year she had never defended him. Remembering all the

times she had dismissed his concerns and pleas were sparking his anger

and it was ready to burst free.

Harry stood up abruptly and unleashed a torrent of anger fueled

accusations and incriminations for the next half hour, and Minerva

McGonagall sat there and took it all without complaint or excuse. Her

face showed her remorse and shame for her part in Harry's treatment

over the last four years. Harry slumped back into his seat with his hands

covering his face when he finally ran out of steam.

Minerva remained silent as she watched the young man in front of her.

He looked so much like his father, but in that moment she saw the fire in

him that was definitely from his mother. She had witnessed more than

once the unleashed temper that the redheaded Lily Evans had and you

immediately felt for the one on the receiving end of it.

"Professor, I don't know if I can trust anyone but myself anymore. Those I

thought friends have turned their backs on me. I don't think I have it

within me to trust anyone." Harry calmly spoke, the hard edge in his

voice audible.

"I understand Harry, but nevertheless I swear on my magic that I will

always do my best to protect you." Minerva glowed a soft white for a

moment evidence of a magical oath sworn.

Harry gave her a small nod and then exited her office; he stopped short

of the classroom door that leads into the hallway as the ghostly visage of

the Lady Hogwarts appeared.

"My Lady." Harry gave a short bow.

"You can trust her Harry; she is serious about helping you and regaining

your trust. I've seen her in conference with other professors; they are all

willing to defy the headmaster on your behalf Harry." She informed him.

Harry sighed heavily. "But where was this help before?! Huh? Why are

they now so interested in helping me?!" He angrily spat.

The Lady taking no offense at his outburst explained. "They were blind

Harry, manipulated by one they all held as a leader of the light. But their

eyes are now opened and they are repentant. Allow them to help you

Harry. You and Bella cannot accomplish your goals without the help of

others and that means trusting again." She explained.

"I don't know." Harry sighed in frustration. "I just don't know if I can

allow myself to be that vulnerable again."

"Try Harry, it is important that you don't close yourself off to those who

want to help you." She tried again.

Harry let out a frustrated breath. "I'll try my Lady, but I won't promise

that it will happen overnight." Harry told her.

Lady Hogwarts smiled warmly at him. "That's all I can ask Harry."

Harry had just five minutes to get to his next class; he had been in

McGonagall office longer than he thought. The next class was Defense

against the Dark Arts with the Slytherins. "Bloody fantastic!" Harry

grumbled heading for DADA classroom. 'I wonder what kind of professor

this Umbridge woman will be?' Harry thought as he entered the



A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! It was actually over 14,000 words

so I decided to split it into two chapters. That means that expect the

next chapter to be out sooner than my normal update time. A lot of

information was given in this chapter and I hope it has you on the edge

of your seats for the next.

Please leave a review or a comment and let me know your thoughts

about the story so far!

9. Chapter 9

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Okay so here is the second half of the last chapter. It's not as long as

the first but it sets up the next chapter to come. Thanks for all the

reviews! Only a little over sixty this time but I'm posting this chapter a

lot sooner than I have on the others. Next chapter will be much longer.

This one is just to whet your appetites!

Chapter 9: Washroom Foreplay

It had been a long day and Bella was anxious to get back to the ROR and

unwind with Harry. The new status of their relationship was very

exciting to the young witch and she was looking forward to developing it

further. She was also anxious to begin going over the runescape that

Harry would need to learn in order to perform the unbinding ritual and

the spell work associated with it.

The other part of her foiling the marriage contract was also weighing on

her mind. On one side it terrified her. We're talking about her virginity

after all. It was a precious gift she knew she was giving him. But to her

family it was a tool to form political alliances between other likeminded

families. So not only was she giving up something sacred to someone she

was beginning to have feelings for, but also eliminating a family

bargaining chip.

What it all came down to for Bella, was that she was being true to herself

while at the same time defying her family and its outdated dogma. And

oddly, she was very okay with it, knowing that the fallout would be huge

once her family discovered what she had done, she felt at peace with her

decision. Just looking into those emerald pools and Bella felt that she had

found a soul mate. No, she didn't believe in the literally joining of souls

but more like a kindred spirit, a familiarity that made her feel complete.

Then again it could be just her teenage hormones and Harry was rather

hunky she mused…nah!

The morning had started out okay; she had not run into Rudolfus or his

minions except for Lucius who was in her Ancient Runes class. Lucius

surprised her, out of all Rudolfus' friends, Lucius by far was the most

intelligent, not the most powerful Rudolfus had him beat in sheer

magical power but Lucius was clever and calculating. Which begged the

question, why Lucius wasn't running the youth movement for Voldemort?

Maybe he was more of a behind the scenes individual, it would make

sense it fit Malfoy's personality. Needless to say that Bella was more leery

of him than any of the others.

Lunch saw the relatively good day turn sour, beginning with post from

her parents. Apparently word had been sent to them about her less the

hospitable interactions with Rudlofus. The letter had been scathing, her

parents had been severely critical of her behavior in an almost over the

top manner, they chastised her for her barbaric display which was

beneath her station. They went on to express the disappointment from

the Lestranges, who commented that they were shocked that a daughter

from the Noble and Ancient House of Black would act in such a manner.

Bella was about to torch the letter but stopped when she noticed a small

red dragon in the left hand corner just at the bottom of the parchment. It

was a mark that told her that there was a clandestine message hidden on

the parchment. It was a means by which secret messages were passed by

members of her mother's family the Edevane's. They were an ancient

Welsh house.

Her mother being of Welsh descent spoke the language fluently. Bella and

her sisters were also taught to speak the ancient language. Bella tapped

the image of the Welsh dragon with the tip of her wand and then spoke

the Welsh word "datgelu" meaning reveal. A message written completely

in Welsh appeared, but the letter still seemed to be written in code. The

letter warned of the DIEITHRIAID and the TYWYLLWCH in bold letters

and she was told to watch over her sisters closely.

Dieithriaid, was the Welsh word for strangers and tywyllwch meant

darkness. Why would her mother emphasize these particular words and

why not the others. Could her mother be referring to the Lestranges and

Voldemort, could she be warning her about them for some reason?

Why would she warn her though? Her mother never praised the contract,

but neither had she protested it when Orion brought it over for her father

to read and approve. Her father more or less bowed to the wishes of his

older brother who was the Head of House for House Black.

Could it be that she may have an ally in her mother? But even if she did,

Orion was still head of house and could force the issue and there was

nothing her parents could do but acquiesce to his will or be tossed from

the family. It seemed that at least her mother was becoming aware of the

coming darkness and was warning her. She would have to think on what

she read and perhaps send a reply to her mother asking for clarity.

Every where she went there was someone spouting off the rhetoric that

Voldemort was pushing with his Magic for Magicals, Beware the

Muggle Threat, and a pamphlet on Muggleborns: The Inconvenient

Truth. Its premise was that there was no such thing as a muggleborn, it

was muggles who had found away to steal magic from real magicals in an

effort to destroy the Wizarding World from the inside.

Her friend Olivia Rosier was one of the worst. Not only had she talked

her ear off with the hateful rhetoric but also kept talking up Rudolfus,

and how important he was in the Movement, and how he would be a

rising star in the new government and how he was a beacon to whom all

young purebloods should flock to.

Bella had simply rolled her eyes at her friend's ramblings and at one

point of absolute annoyance told the girl if she was so infatuated with

Rudolfus she should convince her father to write up a contract for her,

and that she, Bella, would gladly step aside for the enamored girl.

There was a definite unease in the castle. The half-bloods and

muggleborns were quickly becoming aware of the antagonism directed

toward them. Of course Purebloods only made up about a third of the

student population but they were by far the most vocal.

Narcissa's friend and Harry's future mother had been a victim of a nasty

prank from some third year Slytherins. While walking to the greenhouses

she was assaulted by the three Slytherins who covered her from head to

toll in mud. They had told her that she should feel at home in the mud

since she was a mudblood.

To Narcissa's credit when she found out she cursed the three boys with a

blistering boils hex at their genitals which had the three literally crawling

in pain to the hospital wing. Bella congratulated herself for having been

the one to teach Cissy the spell prior to coming to Hogwarts. Some boys

just needed to be put in their place she thought with a smile.

Bella had decided to take Lily under her wing and like Narcissa, she

would teach the young first year the subtle art of pain compliance spells

when it came to bullies. They were a mix of hexes, spells and curses

meant to torment a certain anatomical appendage of the male species.

Bella had made sure that everyone knew you did not mess with the Black

sisters; she would do the same for the muggle-born Lily Evans.

Lunch in the Great Hall had been very educational. She had noticed

Rudolfus and Lucius holding court at the opposite end of the table with

their usual sycophants. Rudolfus had produced a small satchel and was

pulling rings out of it and then distributing them to those around him,

about fifteen students in all including a couple of Ravenclaws. Olivia was

among them.

In her potions class Bella got a good look at the ring that Olivia was now

wearing. It was a silver skull with an emerald looking snake that made up

the band that wrapped around the finger with the head of the snake

coming out of the mouth of the skull. She recognized the motif from the

book she had read about herself. It was the tattoo that all the Death

Eaters had branded on their left arms. So it seems that the youth

movement had a good foothold within Hogwarts, she figured that it most

likely did, but now here was some physical proof. She would have to

make a list of those she saw wearing the rings and bring it to Harry.

"Interesting ring Olivia." Bella commented to her potions partner.

Olivia looked at her friend since before Hogwarts with something akin to

caution. "Oh…yeah." She began hesitantly. "It's just a ring of solidarity,

you know amongst the pureblood students."

"Solidarity?" Bella asked with curiosity.

"Well…yeah, so we know who we can trust." Olivia replied.

"Do all the purebloods have one?" Bella asked, knowing that she and her

sisters had not been given one.

"Well, um…not yet but I assume they will eventually. Well those who

aren't traitors to their own kind that is." Olivia shrugged. "I heard

through Malfoy that you'll be attending our gathering on Samhain. It's

about time Bella, I was beginning to worry that you had turned your back

on your family name and your own kind." She added a little bit more


"Yeah, I thought I might as well find out what all the excitement is about.

Have you met this Lord Voldemort yet?" Bella asked, not revealing her

true feelings about this so called lord.

"No, but not many have. He is very careful not to come out in public. The

muggle loving ministry would love to arrest him on some trumped up

charge and throw him in Azkaban! Can you believe that?! They'd lock

him away for only telling the truth about the mudbloods!" She whispered

harshly, keeping an eye out for Professor Slughorn who was roaming the

classroom inspecting the progress of his students.

"I don't think Minister Bagnold could legally do that without some

evidence that Lord Voldemort has committed a crime." Bella reasoned to

her friend.

"Don't you believe it Bella! The ministry is corrupt and is pushing a pro-

mudblood agenda. Soon they'll be turning over the Wizengamot to these

magic usurpers." Olivia hissed again. "I wonder how they do it."

"How who does what?" Bella asked.

"How the muggles are stealing our magic! Do you think they are

kidnapping magical babies and sacrificing them? That's what I've heard."

Olivia told her friend. "Some say they even drink the blood of magicals

they've slaughtered to somehow get their magic."

"Are you serious Olivia?! That's the most ridiculous thing that I've ever

heard!" Bella told her friend. Bella was shocked at the horrible rumors

that were being spread amongst the purebloods.

"I don't know Bella, who knows what the muggles are capable of." Olivia

replied with a significant shrug.

The rest of the class went by without incident as did her charms class and

later in her History of magic class where most of the students took

advantage of the class to catch a quick nap before dinner. Bella made her

way to the Great Hall to meet up with her sisters and have a bit of


Bella made her way to the Slytherin table and noticed that Andromeda

was already there. Andromeda had her head down and was reading a

piece of parchment. As she got closer she noticed the large smile on her

sister's face and the pink tinge in her cheeks. A small giggle then left the

middle Black sister's lips as she looked up and looked across the hall.

Bella followed her gaze to a handsome boy at the Hufflepuff table who

was smiling back at her sister. 'Ted Tonks', Bella surmised. He was a cute

boy; she had to give her sister that.

"No flirting at the table." Bella whispered in her sister's ear causing her to

jump in surprise.

"Bella! You shouldn't sneak up on people!" Andromeda hissed.

"Sneak up?" Bella replied indignantly. "I walked straight up to you.

Perhaps if you weren't sneaking longing looks over at your secret

boyfriend you would have seen me coming." Bella smirked playfully.

"I was not sneaking looks, I was just…I was just…oh just mind your own

business!" Andromeda pouted crossing her arms over her chest as Bella

couldn't help giggling at her sister's embarrassment.

"So where's Cissy?" Bella asked looking around for the youngest Black


"Over at the Griff table with her friend Lily." Andromeda told her

glancing toward the far end of the hall at the Gryffindor House table.

"Really? Brave of her." Bella replied impressed with her little sister's


"Yeah she wanted to be with her to show her support of her non-Slytherin

friend." Andi said with pride in her voice for Narcissa.

Bella watched curiously as little Jamie Potter was starring at the pretty

eleven year old Lily Evans. Bella had to smile to herself knowing that

theses two would eventually get together. But then a sudden sadness as

she remembered what fate awaited them and their future son. That

thought leaped frog to another as she sought out another face. Alice

Singleton, the future Alice Longbottom. She had read how she tortured

the future Lady Longbottom and her husband to insanity leaving their

young son for all intents and purposes an orphan much like Harry was.

"Are you alright Bella?" A concerned Andromeda spoke gently, laying a

hand on her sister's arm.

"W-what? Oh um…yeah…just got lost in thought for a moment." Bella

replied shaking the depressing thoughts from her mind.

"So, how goes the secret romance?" Bella asked with a grin, effectively

changing the subject.

"Just fine, and what about yours? Are you going to tell us who this

mysterious boy of yours is?" Andromeda replied flipping the conversation

towards her older sibling.

Bella's eyes unconsciously sparkled as the thought of Harry entered her

mind. The softening of Bella's facial features did not go unnoticed by her

astute sister.

"My, my Bella, if I didn't know better I'd say you've fallen for this

mysterious boy." Andromeda smirked.

Bella blushed hard and blustered. "You have no idea what you're talking

about Andromeda, he's…he's just you know…a friend!"

Andromeda's jaw nearly fell to the floor as she starred hard at her sister,

who continued to blush and look anywhere except at her sister. "You

have fallen for him!" She gasped. "Bellatrix Black has fallen in love! Is it

possible?!" Andromeda amusedly teased her sister.

"I'm not in love with him!" Bella protested in a harsh whisper quickly

looking around to see if anyone was listening in on their conversation.

"Deny it if you like Bella, but I can see it in your eyes and on your face,

you're in love or at the very least falling hard and about to."

Bella sighed heavily. Andromeda always had a gift for seeing the truth in

others, it was a gift she had since she was little. It was a gift that Bella

was extremely jealous of, how easy would it be to know whether or not

someone was being honest with you or not just at a glance. Bella's father

successfully had used Andi's gift several times when dealing with other

business men he was debating on getting involved with.

So it served no purpose to deny what Andromeda already knew

instinctually. Yes she had fallen hard for Harry and only in the space of

three days. She was stilled amazed at just how fast it had happened.

Andromeda noticed Bella's resignation and smiled.

"So does he love you in return?" Andromeda asked conspiratorially.

"I think so." Bella replied hopefully. "He's…something special and

unique." Bella smiled warmly.

"So did he agree to help you with uh…your problem?" Andi asked.

Bella's smiled enlarged reaching her sparkling eyes. "Yes, yes he did."

Andi grabbed her sister's hands and gave them a warm squeeze.

"That's wonderful Bella, I hope it all works out. I do hope we get to meet

this mysterious boy soon though." Andromeda looked meaningfully at her

sister. "He has to receive the Sisters Black's seal of approval you know."

Andi smirked raising a haughty eyebrow and then grinned at her older


"I hope you'll get a chance to meet him soon, Andi. But things are a bit

complicated." Bella told her sister.

"Complicated? How?" Andi asked.

"I can't explain it to you just yet, but I promise that I will as soon as I

can." Bella explained cryptically.

A disruption at the Gryffindor table caught Bella's and Andromeda's

attention as they witnessed their cousins Sirius Black and Jamie Potter

rushing out of the Great Hall but quickly being pursued by Narcissa and

Lily who were both now sporting purple hair. Both Andi and Bella

chuckled at the sight, to Bella's right a first year Slytherin boy also ran

after the four that had just left.

"I wonder why little Severus is running after then?" Andromeda asked.

"Don't know, but I think he and Lily are friends." Bella told her sister with

a shrug.


Harry had returned to an empty ROR, figuring that Bella had not

returned yet. He went into his room and pulled off his school robes

tossing them into a corner. He noticed that a scroll had fallen out of the

pockets of the robe. He bent down and picked it up, and then

remembering that Hermione had given it to him prior to her leaving

Transfiguration. He had seen her in his other classes and she had kept

giving him furtive looks but never approached him or spoke to him.

Between all the stares and apologies and the occasional insults and

sneers, Harry had completely forgotten about Hermione's note. He looked

at the rolled up parchment and debated with himself what to do with it.

The angry and betrayed part of him wanted to through the thing in the

fireplace and be done with it. But the noble and forgiving side of him

wanted to reconnect with his onetime best friend if it were possible. He

truly loved Hermione, he saw her as family a sister that he never had. In

the end it was his longing to have that relationship again that won over.

Sitting at the small student desk in his room he took the scroll in hand

and broke the seal on it. He unrolled it and laid it flat on the desk as he

began to read.

'Dear Harry,

I've started this letter at least a dozen times and a dozen times have thrown it

out in frustration. How do you put into words the indescribable shame and

pain that I feel in my heart and soul? How do I express the bitter sorrow I feel

for what I have done to you. I betrayed my brother, the only person outside

my parents that has ever shown me any love or kindness.

I know you think that I am with Ron…but I never truly was…at least

willingly. I can't explain it Harry, but the last two years has been like living in

a fog I did things and said things that I would never say or do in a million

years but somehow found myself doing them.

When we confronted each other on Saturday something happened to me it was

like suddenly I had awakened from a bad dream and had control of myself

again. I know you have no reason to believe me and I would not blame you,

but please Harry, I love you and would never willingly betray you!

I tried to speak to Ron about you and what had been going on with everything

after you left me in the hallway, but he would not listen to me no matter how

much I argued that we needed to sort things out with you. He said awful things

about you and when I tried to argue he stormed away muttering something

about me needing more treatment! I think I have been controlled somehow

Harry; it's the only thing I can think of for the way I've behaved toward you.

Please Harry, I need to talk to you in person and try and fix the damage I

caused between us. I'm all alone now and I need my brother. I ended things

with Ron, I don't think I ever really wanted to be with him, it's another oddity

about all this, Harry, I never fancied him, we are polar opposites I think that I

may have been artificially been influenced to be attracted to him as well.

Please Harry, please give me a chance to fix this, and please don't push me

away. I need my brother.



Harry stared hard at the letter, did he believe her? Is heart wanted to, his

head wanted to just be done with the traitorous slag. But because there

was a doubt in his mind to her having acted on her own free will, he was

willing to at the very least meet with her and decided where to go from

there. He would send her a note with Hedwig tomorrow with an offer to

meet and discuss things.

Harry finished removing his school clothing and threw on a pair of

comfortable sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt and returned to the sitting

room with the parchments that Bella had given him earlier with the

runes he would need to learn for the unbinding ritual.

He sat heavy in his chair and got comfortable. A tea set suddenly

appeared on the small table next to the chair and a plate full of biscuits.

He looked at the runes but had no idea what they meant or what they

did. 'Wish I had a book that could explain this to me.' The thought had

barely left his mind when a book appeared on his lap.

Harry chuckled at his own slow wit, 'of course Hogwarts would have a

book on the subject!' He mused. It took over an hour but Harry had

identified all the runes, twelve in total that had been used to bind Bella's

virginity. He was appalled at what some of them did. They were actually

punishments and/or curses that the female would be afflicted with

should she try and remove or circumvent the binding.

One rune would cause sterility, another would cause insanity and yet

another could kill her. It was barbarism the likes that he had never

known could exist between family members. How could Orion Black

place such heinous curses upon his own niece? It was unconscionable! He

wondered if this was the cause of Bellatrix Lestrange's insanity. Had

Rudolfus or someone else not want to wait to partake of the beautiful girl

and had their way with her before the binding was removed?

It was a possibility. But it no longer mattered to Harry; he realized that

this Bellatrix would never be that Bellatrix if he could help it. This gave

him the incentive to learn these runes and perform the unbinding as soon

as possible. The longer it took to learn added to the likelihood that

something or someone could harm his Bella.

It was a knee deep in parchment Harry that Bella found as she entered

the ROR. She had to stifle a chuckle at the sight of Harry's hands and

face. His fingers were stained in ink; he had a rather large smudge of ink

that ran down the length of his nose. She saw dozens of sheets of

parchment covered in runes. He had obviously been hard at work


It warmed her heart that he was so involved and dedicated in doing this

for her. She walked toward him and surprised him as she took him by the

shoulders and led him to the bathroom.

Uh, where are we going Bella?" Harry asked in confusion as she pushed

open the bathroom door dragging him along with her.

"You are in a right state milord, ink everywhere! We need to get you

cleaned up straight away." She said with a smile.

Still confused but not objecting he allowed her to direct him to the large

marble sink. She turned on the tap and allowed the warm water to flow.

She grabbed some soap and lathered up her hands. With a warm smile

and soapy hands she grabbed Harry's left hand between her own two and

slowly rubbed the soap into his stained skin.

Bella spent a lot of time slowly working in the ink removing cleaning

agent into the palm of his hand, she then moved to the top of his hand.

Her fingers massaged the skin tenderly and determinedly. Once the top of

his hand met her cleanliness approval she moved to his fingers taking

each finger individually and slowly massaged.

Bella's eyes never left Harry's as they stood there facing each other in the

low warm light of the shared washroom. Her ministrations were slow,

one could even say seductive, as her fingers slid in and out of Harry's,

distributing the sweet smelling soap between each finger and then

spoiling each finger with individual attention as she washed and

massaged it. It took Bella nearly twenty minutes just to finish one of

Harry's hands.

Once she finished his left hand she moved on to the right, giving the

same wonderful attention to that hand as she had with the last. Harry

was lost in the violet colored eyes of Bellatrix Black as she worked her

magic on his hands. His breaths became short and shallow as the

intensity and the intimacy of the moment caught up to his teenage mind.

Harry noticed Bella's breathing and the large dilated pupils looking back

at him, it was almost overwhelming the self-control he was barely

holding onto.

He did notice as she had finished with his right hand and then gently

took hold of both his hands and couple with her own rinsed them under

the warm water. She continued to rub his hands under the running water

making sure all the soap was washed off. Their bodies were pressed

against each other as Bella's ministrations continued.

Once his hands were clean she turned into him and gently pressed her

chest against his. He wasn't sure what to do but the decision had been

taken from him as she had taken a warm wet wash cloth and gently

cleaned the ink from his nose. She was so close that he felt her warm

sweet breath against his cheek. He was nearly trembling now as her

bodily continued to move against his as she washed his face. His eyes

closed on their own volition and a low moan escaped his lips. He heard

her chuckle softly at his unintentional sigh.

The cloth on his face suddenly disappeared, he felt almost disappointed

until he felt and tasted the warmest and sweetest pair of lips being

pressed ever so softly against his own. The kiss was slow and tentative at

first but quickly became more sure and searching. The tender kisses gave

way to more expressive kisses which turned to passionate.

Harry did not know nor did he care how long they had remained there

but he definitely felt the loss when they finally broke apart to take a

breath of much needed air.

"Hi." Bella whispered as she laid her head on his shoulder and draped her

arms around his neck. "I missed you today."

"I missed you to." Harry whispered back, wrapping his arms around her

slim waist.

"Good day?" She asked.

"It was…alright." He shrugged. "You?"

"It was a little eye opening, to tell the truth." She replied not moving her

head from Harry's shoulder. "We can talk about it later; I just want you to

hold me for awhile."

"Can't think of anything I'd rather do at the moment." Bella giggled at his

cheesy reply, but it worked for her.

"My room." She whispered hotly in his ear. Harry quickly scooped her off

her feet and made his way to Bella's room carrying her bridal style. He

placed her gently on the bed but she did not release the hold around his

neck and in a sudden display of strength pulled the dark haired boy down

on top of her for some proper snogging.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Now review, review, and review! Stay tuned for

the next chapter!

10. Chapter 10

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

A/N: Again you guys have been fantastic with all the reviews. Sorry for

the delay of this chapter, I've been a little under the weather. Hope you


Chapter 10:

Harry awoke from a blissful night's sleep to the scent of sandalwood and

jasmine and unfamiliar warm weight upon his chest. Groggily blinking

his eyes open, he discovered that his vision was blocked by a mass of

black curly hair. It only took Harry a few moments to recall the night

before and for a large grin to split his face. He had never snogged a girl

before Bella, but he couldn't imagine anything being better.

His lips felt slightly bruised but he didn't care in the least, in fact he was

reveling in the lingering taste of her lips as his tongue ran over his own

lips to capture any essence of her he could find that remained. As his

brain finally began to fully engage he realized that he was in Bella's bed!

With Bella on top of him! He rushed through his memories of the night

before fearing that he may have done something completely stupid. He

hadn't…they hadn't…had they?!

Harry's hands went to his own chest…he no longer had his sweater on!

'Sweet Circe!' his mind raced. His other hand that was wrapped around

Bella felt bare skin as well 'shite! shite! shite!' He couldn't believe he had

been that stupid…what if they had…what about the curses?!

Harry's hand drifted further up Bella's back, he sighed as he felt the lacy

fabric of a bra underneath his fingers. He allowed his hand to slid down

her back, there was someplace else that he needed to check, he hoped he

was right and that nothing…er umm…happened between them. His hand

felt nothing but warm skin as his hand slowly made its way to the small

of her back. Further down he traveled and…he little out a breath he had

not realized he was holding. He felt the heavy cotton fabric of her skirt.

"A little further south milord and I would be expecting an engagement

ring from you." Harry blushed, turning beat red as Bella's low sultry voice

broke the silence with a slight chuckle.

'S-sorry I was worried we had…well you know…umm." Harry stuttered

and Bella giggled musically.

"No Harry, we didn't have sex." She spoke amusedly as she turned into

him and propped her chin on his chest, looking up into his emerald eyes.

"Not yet anyway." She teased. "You know you're a pretty comfy pillow, I

should keep you around." Bella told him thoughtfully.

"Oh really?!" Harry challenged as he tickle attacked her exposed sides.

Bella shrieked as she struggled to get away from Harry's ten finger

assault. The thrashing only caused the two to become entangled more in

the sheets of Bella's bed and Bella accidentally pulling harry on top of her

as she fell to the floor.

Harry suddenly found himself in the blood pumping position of being

between Bella's toned legs that were at the moment wrapped around his

waist. The two stared at each other as the giggling and laughter slowly

died away only to be replaced with heaving chests and wanting eyes.

They were silent for a few hormone fueled moments, just staring

longingly at one another.

"Harry." Bella whispered softly. "I-I think we should um…maybe just

get…uh…ready for the day."

Harry tried to quickly unravel himself from limbs and bed sheets. Bella

giggled once again at his antics. His face was beet red from

embarrassment as he tripped over himself several times in his attempts to

get up. Finally freeing himself he brushed his hands through his hair

nervously as he searched for the sweater he had been wearing when he

entered her room last night.

Giving it up as a lost cause he stuttered out an apology and made his way

to his room through their shared washroom. Bella couldn't help herself

and laughed at the retreating youth. She laid her head on the floor and

stared up at the ceiling. "That was so intense!" She whispered to nobody.

"Sweet Maeve I hope I can hold out till he completes the ritual." Erotic

images of her and Harry floated through her imagination as she lay there

on the floor.

Two hours later the couple was dressed and ready to start their second

day of class for the school year. They both stood at the open doorway

again looking out to the empty corridor. Bella vocalized what they were

both feeling at the moment.

"Its getting harder isn't it? Separating I mean." Bella whispered reaching

for Harry's hand.

"Yeah." Harry agreed with his crooked smile.

"Have you thought anymore about what we talked about?" Bella asked.

"About choosing a time for both of us?" Harry asked already knowing the

answer. Bella nodded.

"Yeah, there's just… so much to think through, for both of us." Harry

replied with a heavy sigh.

"If it helps…I think you were right about using both timelines to help us

in fighting Voldemort. There are already many supporters in the school

right now, in my time. If we can determine from your history who really

went on to become Death Eaters, we may be able to stop them before

they ever get that far."

"It's definitely a thought." Harry replied, tugging at his collar and wincing

a bit.

"You okay?" Bella asked raising an eyebrow at him.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, it's just my neck is a little sore." Harry replied

grinning at her.

"Oh?" Bella asked confused. "Did you hurt yourself with all the wrestling

around we did?" She grinned.

"Nope, it was from last night I believe." Harry replied.

"Last night?" She asked.

"Uh huh, it seems my girlfriend decided to give me a nice chain of

hickeys all around my neck." Harry chuckled, pulling down his collar to

show her what her tender mercies had done to him.

Bella smirked at him. "Well, I was just marking my territory milord." She


"Well I'm definitely marked." He grinned.

"So, see you after dinner?" Bella asked, admiring her handiwork with a

satisfied grin.

"Unfortunately, no." He replied with an apologetic shrug.

"No?" She asked in confusion.

"Yeah, well it seems my DADA instructor and I had a bit of a

disagreement yesterday and she gave me a detention tonight and infact…

the rest of the week." Harry grimaced.

"Oh Harry." Bella sighed shaking her head. "First day of term and you got

yourself a detention. That has to be a record of some kind."

"Well Umbitch had it coming! Called me an attention seeking liar for

claiming Voldemort returned, in front of the whole class and hinted that I

may have had a hand in Cedric's death! She just fanned the flames on

that particular issue! There was no way I was letting that slide! And

besides that, she is teaching us absolutely nothing! Says all we need is to

learn the theory and nothing more! " Harry fumed. "It's like Aunt

Walburga told me…we crush our enemies, we don't allow an insult to

ourselves or our house stand." Harry recited Walburga's mantra.

"Harry I warned you about her! She's a conniving backstabbing bitch, and

from the conversation I overheard between her, Fudge and Lucius, this is

what they want, to make you out to be some sort of delusional

psychopath who needs to be put in Azkaban!"

"What should I have done then?" Harry fumed not sure why she was

getting angry with him. "Do I just do nothing as she drags my name

through the mud and incites the students against even more than they are

now?! I will not be a walking target this year Bella, I absolutely refuse!"

"Of course not!" She rebuked. "But there is the Gryffindor way, which

seems to be your specialty…" she huffed folding her arms accusingly. "…

and then there is the Slytherin way." Bella replied with a smirk.

"Then please enlighten me oh sage of Slytherin, how am I to respond to

this?" Harry smirked getting a raised eyebrow in warning from Bella.

"With subtlety, Harry, with subtlety. I know it's a foreign concept to most

Gryffs, but I have high hopes not to mention expectations for you." She

bantered back. "Now, I'm guessing that her tactic is to discredit you, yes?"

"Yeah, her and the entire Ministry." Harry groaned.

"Well then we turn the tables on toad face. I doubt she has the

prerequisite NEWTs not to mention OWLs to even teach Defense Against

the Dark Arts. I'd start there. Just whisper it around about her lack of

credentials and believe me by lunch time it will be all through the school.

And then sit back and watch as letters from students flood home.

Personally I'd start with the Ravenclaws, there the most uptight about

their marks especially those taking OWLs and NEWTs this year. I

guarantee that by the end of the week the school board and Ministry will

be dealing with a lot of angry parents calling for her removal." Bella

assured him.

"But until then what? Do I just suffer the abuse?" Harry shook his head.

"I'm not telling you to not defend yourself. Just be smart about it. Be

creative and ruthless to those who would persecute you, Harry. But do it

in such a way in your position as a Lord and head of an Ancient and

Noble House. Use your title and the weight it brings in doling out your

revenge; use their own laws against them. You be surprised what the

head of a noble and ancient house can get away with." Bella added with a

menacing smirk.

"Right, guess I need to release my inner Slytherin then." Harry mused,

earning a grin from his girlfriend.

"Now, give us a kiss or we're going to be late for class." Bella teased as

she planted a toe curling kiss to lips. "See you after your detention then,

and Harry, remember control, patience, and subtlety."

"Yeah, yeah." He replied as they both crossed the door's threshold.


Albus Dumbledore was pacing in his office in frustration. He performed

every diagnostic spell in his very extensive repertoire and yet could not

figure out why the silver tracking devices were not functioning. The

enigmatic headmaster was positive that they were all in working order

but for some unexplained reason did not report on the target to which

they were enchanted. Harry Potter.

One instrument monitored his health another provided his location, and

still another monitored his magical core strength, and still another yet,

monitored the strength of the spells that had been placed on the boy. So

it was with no small amount of anxiety that had the headmaster wearing

a hole through his carpets having lost all magical means of tracking the


Even the wards of the school no longer provided the ancient wizard with

the knowledge of the boy's whereabouts. And the portraits and ghosts

had out right refused to spy for him any longer. How was he supposed to

manage a school full of teenagers without the cooperation of the portraits

and the ghosts? And what had happened to the house elves? They had

reported that the castle had instructed them not to spy on students as

well but only to report when there was trouble afoot. The castle told


To make matters worse, Severus had reported that the castle had rebuffed

any attempt to charm or place spells on any wall, door, or any other

surface where the student population were prone to go. It was if

Hogwarts herself was turning against him. But that wasn't possible, was

it? He was the headmaster; he controlled the school…right?

Albus felt a tingle in the wards on the circular staircase that lead to his

office. "At least that ward is still working." He mumbled to himself.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in Severus." Dumbledore called from behind his desk just taking

his seat as the dark haired potions master glided in.

"What have you determined Severus?" Dumbledore asked his confederate.

"A complete reversal headmaster, which shouldn't be possible, even if the

compulsion charms had failed, there should be a slow degradation of the

charms effects. But in every student I have tested the compulsion has

completely vanished." Severus Snape reported with his usual sneer.

"Interesting." Albus stated, drumming his steepled fingers together. "This

is an unexpected turn, but not necessarily a detrimental one. And I admit

that it was not one of my more brilliant conceived ideas, turning the

student body against him. I need him malleable not broken and I may

have let it get out of hand last year. We need him to experience what

Voldemort experienced without actually turning the boy dark. He must

understand Voldemort in order to beat him.

But I need him to turn to me Severus, but so far he has not sought my

help or council, and I'm afraid he has become more headstrong than I

could have anticipated. Damn Sirius and his blasted will! Who

emancipates a fifteen year old and then makes him Lord of House Black! I

would have thought that Lucius would be fighting tooth and nail to

challenge the will." Albus in his frustration let his emotions get the best

of him.

"Not to worry headmaster, the Malfoy attorneys are already making plans

to challenge the mutt's sanity and overturn the will and the lordship. I'm

confident that Draco will be the new Lord Black by the end of term if not

sooner." Severus smirked.

"I'm not sure that would be a better option. I shiver to think what Lucius

could do with the Black fortune. He would give Voldemort a huge

financial advantage over anything the Order or the Ministry could come

up with. It would be better that the Black fortune laid dormant and the

House of Black to slip into oblivion." Albus remarked popping a lemon

drop into his mouth.

"That is unlikely to happen, headmaster. Even if Draco is denied the

Black lordship, Narcissa is a Black and the only Black remaining that

could legally take possession of the fortune. And I need not remind you

Albus that she is not a political novice, she is very astute and she will not

be denied what in her mind is legitimately hers." Severus remarked,

brushing off a stray piece of lint from his midnight black robes.

"I'm not a political slouch either Severus, and there are ways to tie things

up in the legal system that it could take years to unravel all the red tape

that would allow her access. And by that time our problems will have

been resolved." 'I hope' Albus thought to himself.

Albus then brought the discussion back to his main concern. "An

independent Harry Potter is not what this world needs Severus. To bring

order and stability back to our world he must be a willing martyr, only

then will Voldemort be beatable."

"If Potter's death is all that is required to defeat the Dark Lord, I could

always arrange a mishap for the pampered prince." Snape grinned an evil

smile, relishing the thought of ending the Potter line. He would finally

have his revenge over James Potter by ending the line once and for all.

"No Severus, it must be Voldemort that delivers the killing blow. The

prophecy must be fulfilled in order for him to be beat. And Harry must

face him willingly. Afterward Voldemort will be vulnerable, unwittingly

killing a piece of himself when he kills the boy, thus weakening him


"I still find it remarkable that his soul was split in two when he attempted

to kill the boy." Severus shook his head in reluctant belief.

"A remarkable happenstance to be sure, and the only reason he was able

to return. A portion that was ripped from him went to the only other

living thing in the room and thus anchoring him to this existence, while

the other half fled to parts unknown. But once he has been dealt with, I

will be able to get things back to the way they should be." Albus smiled

thinking of his perfect wizarding utopia.

Severus managed not to roll his eyes at Albus' naiveté at believing he

could actually unite all magicals under one standard. There were too

many egos and ambitious people for that to ever happen. Even with all

his manipulations of their society and his elevated status, it was just not

possible to sway everyone.


Harry approached the Potions classroom in the dungeons where many

students were already lined up to enter. You had the normal split of

students, Slytherins on one side and the Gryffindors on the other. Harry

sighed at the division the House system instilled in its students. Nowhere

was the animosity greatest than between the House of Lions and the

House of Snakes.

According to Bella, even in her time the animosity between the two

houses was deeply ingrained. Harry wondered briefly about when the

hostilities began and what caused them, or was it always the case since

the beginning?

"Hey scarhead!" Harry cringed as the familiar drawling voice broke into

his thoughts. What was it with Malfoy, did he have some sick and twisted

thing for him? 'Well I think it's time to take this rivalry in a new

direction.' Harry mused.

"Malfoy, I'm becoming truly worried about your behavior." Harry spoke

with a concern laden voice.

"About time that you admitted you fear me." Malfoy laughed, inspiring

Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle to join in, the other Slytherins

realizing that Potter had a small smirk and was setting the blonde ponce

up for something.

"Oh, I said nothing about fearing you Malfoy, although I am concerned

about this…abnormal obsession you have with me. I mean if I had a

girlfriend as gorgeous as Miss Parkinson, I would be giving her all my

attention and not…uh…chasing after other boys." Harry gave a

concerned look at Draco and a quick flirtatious wink to Pansy.

"I just don't fly that way Malfoy, so if I were you, I would direct your…

deviance toward another wizard, there's a good lad. " Harry gave him an

apologetic look and fought hard not to burst out laughing at the

completely gob smacked look on the ferret's face. It seemed Pansy on the

other hand was fighting dueling emotions, she wanted to defend Draco

but at the same time her cheeks flushed at the compliment the golden

boy had just paid her.

Crabbe and Goyle just didn't grasp the word play and so did not know

how to react one way or another, and surprisingly the rest of the

assembled Slytherins gave muted chuckles at the expense of the Malfoy

heir. Maybe they weren't all sheep. Harry mused.

The door to the classroom opened suddenly to reveal the ever so pleasant

countenance of the potions master. He quickly took stock of the amused

faces on his Slytherins and stifled laughs of the Gryffindors, his eyes then

turned to his godson who was spluttering but not forming a coherent

word and then swung his gaze to Harry who had a look of complete

innocence on his face. That innocent façade alone was enough for the

greasy haired professor to know where the source of the muted jocularity

had come from.

"What are you waiting for?!" Snape growled. "Take your seats!" The

Slytherins entered first, walking in single file. Harry was shocked to

receive a couple of approving nods from the Slytherin group as they

walked by him.

Harry entered in with the rest of his fellow housemates and took a seat at

the table at the back of the class. He was soon joined by none other than

Hermione Granger who gave him a timid half smile as she took her seat

next to him. Harry gave her a curt nod but gave no other form of


"Today, some of you with at least half a brain cell will be brewing a

sleeping draft; this will be one of the potions you will be tested on for

your OWLs. It is a complicated and temperamental potion that requires a

steady hand and precise measurements and constant monitoring of heat

distribution to your cauldron. As such I don't expect many of you to

complete this assignment…unscathed." Snape finished forebodingly.

With a wave of his wand the directions and ingredients needed for the

potion appeared on the large chalk board at the front of his class.

Students left their seats to gather the ingredients that they would need

from the supply cabinet. Hermione had gotten up quick to retrieve her

items while Harry decided to hold back until the crowd around the

cabinet thinned.

"I got your ingredients for you Harry." The hesitant voice of Hermione

came who was looking longingly at Harry for some sort of positive


"Thanks." Harry said dryly as he prepared his cauldron for use, Hermione

doing likewise.

Each had begun to prepare the individual ingredients in an

uncomfortable silence. It was too much to bear for Hermione and so

decided that she would have to break the silence. Harry was stubborn

enough to go the whole class without saying a word.

"I'm so sorry Harry." Hermione whispered her voice full of emotion.

There was a brief pause where Harry seemed to not hear her. "I know

Hermione." He finally spoke.

"Did-did you read my letter" She asked softly.

"I did…I was meaning to write you back." Harry stated calmly; that

statement nearly caused the girl to break down in tears of joy.

"You were?" She choked out and received an affirmative nod from Harry.

A lone tear flowed from her left eye and made its way down her cheek.

Harry saw the tear and felt a tug at his heart strings, the heart strings he

thought he had cut for the bushy haired girl. Without thinking he gently

brushed away the tear from her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

Hermione's watery brown eyes turned toward him and though he had not

said it to her, she could see the forgiveness in his eyes as he stared back

at her. She was about to throw her arms around him but a stern look and

a raised hand from Harry let her know that now was not the time for

reconciliations. Hermione gave him a jerky nod and another watery smile

and returned to her potion.

Harry had reached the third stage of five for the potion and had reached

a perfect lime green color which was exactly how it should have looked.

It now needed to simmer for twenty minutes while the Belladonna extract

was completely infused into the crushed Valerian.

"Tsk tsk Potter, allowing Miss Granger to do your work for you is

cheating and I will not allow cheaters in my class." Snape's sneer was

almost approaching what some would be considered a smile. "Gather

your things and leave my class, I will be informing your head of house

about your expulsion."

"No." Harry said in a calm flat voice.

"What did you say?" Snape asked dangerously.

"I said no, your accusation is baseless and completely without proof. If

you believe I have cheated then you must provide evidence." Harry

replied with the same even tone.

"Why you…just looking at your potion I can tell it is not your own work!"

Snape growled.

"Again I asked for proof and not assumptions. This is indeed my own

work and as you can tell by looking at Miss Granger's potion she is still

one step behind mine. So again, I ask what hard evidence you have that I

cheated." Harry asked looking straight into his professors eyes.

"You arrogant little sprog, I am the ultimate authority in this class and

my word is law." Severus spat his lips curled into a condescending snarl.

"Speaking of the law professor..." Harry replied over emphasizing the last

word. "According to the Hogwarts bylaws all disputes between professor

and student are to be brought before the headmaster and the

disagreement is to be heard by a quorum consisting of the headmaster

and all heads of house. Should the involved professor be a head of house,

another member of staff will take his place during the dispute


Severus was momentarily shocked, he expected Harry to lose his

infamous temper and go off on him, allowing the professor to deduct

points and perhaps give him a detention or two. He hadn't expected the

boy to remain calm and have knowledge of the school rules regarding


"The headmaster hardly has time for your whining Potter." Severus

retorted getting a snicker from Malfoy but the other Slytherins remaining

oddly quiet. The Gryffindors whether in stunned disbelief or still feeling

the shame from their treatment of their housemate stayed silent except

for Hermione who was giving him a look of awe.

Harry smiled a little eerily at the Potions Professor. "Is it my

understanding then professor that you are refusing to fulfill your

obligation as a contracted professor of this institution in taking our

disputation to the headmaster?

If that is the case professor, then I'm forced to remind you that by doing

so you are violating my rights as a student and by subverting the only

form of arbitration at this school, I will be forced to act in my role as

head of the Ancient and Noble House of Black and bring formal charges

against you in the only other place of arbitration left to me and that

would be in front of the Wizengamot, where I will call in to question you

fitness to teach and impartiality or lack thereof as a professor." Harry

glared at the man.

And there it was! Harry had forced the professor into a corner where he

either had to face Dumbledore and the other House heads and prove his

case, where he had no delusions that the other professors would side with

him, or be brought before the Wizengamot where the outcome was far

less certain. The older houses and even many of the younger ones would

side with Potter just to get into the good graces of a very politically

powerful family even if Potter did not realize it yet.

Either way he would have to face humiliation at the hands of the person

he hated just slightly less than James Potter. The thought sickened him,

but he had done this to himself. 'When did Potter get a brain?' Snape

seethed. He looked at the boy with a murderous stare and though

wandless at the moment looked poised to strike at the green eyed boy.

Harry noticed the posturing of his potions professor and wondered should

he push him just a little bit more to see the man completely unravel or to

let it go for now. With a calculating smirk he continued.

"If you push me professor I will destroy you publically to such a degree

that you would be lucky to get a job squeezing pus out of a bubertuber

pod. You have pushed and intimidated me for the last time Snape. The

line has been drawn…cross it at your own peril." Harry warned the

hateful man.

The entire class gasped at the not so subtle threat, and was completely on

the edge of their seats to see how this power struggle would end. Snape's

lips twisted and curled as he attempted to speak, with some painful

looking facial distortions he finally broke his silence.

"Headmaster's office, now!" He growled out slowly and then Harry

watched the overgrown bat sweep from the classroom presumably to

Dumbledore's office.

"Oh my god Harry, what have you done? " Hermione gasped fearing for

her friend.

"What is within my rights, Hermione, I thought of all people you would

have known that clause." Harry stated with a raised eyebrow. Hermione

demurely shook her head.

"I'm sorry I was not aware of it, if I had known about it I would have

suggested back in first year." She stated apologetically. "Is there anything

I can do for you know?" She asked hesitantly.

Harry turned to her and gave her a small yet warm smile. "Yeah would

you mind finding Professor McGonagall and let her know what happened

and to meet me in the headmasters office."

"Of-of course Harry." Hermione replied the left heading for the

Transfiguration classroom. Harry then made his way to Dumbledore's



"Bella, did you see the Prophet this morning?!" Andromeda Black asked

her sister in a hushed whisper after finding her in the Library buried

behind a mountain of books.

"Hmm, what?" Bella mumbled absently as she was writing something

down that she had found of interest in the current book she was studying


"The Prophet…have you read it today?" Andromeda asked in frustration.

"No why?" Bellatrix responded tersely, annoyed at the interruption.

Andromeda forced the periodical on top of the parchment Bella had been

writing on and pointed to the first page.

"Read it Bella, something terrible has happened to the Hemingways."

Andromeda sniffled. Muriel Hemmingway was a close friend of

Andromeda's, a third year in Ravenclaw. The Hemingway's were an old

Pureblood family, not as old as the Blacks but could trace their family

magic back six hundred years.

Bella looked down at the paper which showed a modest size Victorian

manor house with significant structural damage, but what grabbed her

attention immediately was what was floating above it a large greenish

skull with a large animated snake slithering from its gaping jaw.

"The Dark Mark!" Bella gasped quietly.

"The what?" Andromeda asked, hearing her sister mumble something.

"N-nothing Andi." Bella replied without looking up from the article she

was reading.

"…Six members of the Hemingway family were all found dead this morning.

The Prophet has learned through an anonymous source within the auror

department who informed this reporter that all members of the family except

for a Muriel Hemingway, who is currently attending Hogwarts, were all

subjected to the Cruciatus curse before being killed in very grotesque ways.

Lady Regina Hemingway, according to medical sources, had been raped

repeatedly before being disemboweled. Two older people believed to be the

parents of Lady Regina both were both hit with the Killing curse, no other spell

signature was found on them. Two younger children ages of 10 and 8 were

also found in the family room, their bodies dismembered.

Lord Hemingway was severely tortured and was hung above the family

fireplace with a spike through his head anchoring him to the wall, another

large metal spike was driven through his chest with a note attached to it which


Bella couldn't read anymore, her stomach threatened to revolt and spill

its contents on to the table. Pushing the paper away from her she took

several deep breaths and slowly pushed them out in an effort to get

control of herself. She looked up to see a teary eyed Andromeda.

"Muriel's Aunt and Uncle withdrew her this morning; I didn't even get a

chance to say goodbye. What is happening Bella? Why are all these

horrible things happening? I've been hearing all these whispers in the

common room about mudbloods and blood traitors. I'm not sure what to

make of it all." Andromeda looked to Bella for some kind of answer to the


Bella let out a heavy sigh before turning to her sister. "Terrible things are

coming Andi, much worse than you can imagine. We are spiraling toward

an all out blood war that will rip our world apart. Muggleborns are going

to be…targeted." Bella mournfully spoke.

"Does-does this have to do with the new movement your friend Olivia

was talking about?" Andi asked.

"It does. Andi…how serious is your relationship with that Tonks boy?"

Bella asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" Andi asked narrowing her eyes.

"I mean no offense Andi, I'm just curious." Bella kindly told her sister.

"Well we're just barely fourteen, so as serious as two fourteen year olds

can be. I mean we haven't pledged undying love to each other, but we do

like each other a lot." Andromeda confessed.

"Then you need to be extra careful Andi, and keep this relationship as

secret as possible, don't tell anyone that you don't trust with your life.

Understood?" Bella told her sister in a very serious tone.

"You're talking like something will happen to us if people find out."

"If the wrong people find out about it, something could." Bella warned.

"What do you think mum and dad would do if they found out about me

and him?" Andi asked a little fearfully.

"I'm sure that father would insist you get the chastity binding as soon as

possible. Mum has been able to postpone it up until now and fortunately

Uncle Orion hasn't forced the issue yet. But once they find out it will be

over for you and Cissy as well." Bella told her.

"Not if I do something about it first!" The middle Black sister said with


"What are you talking about?" Bella asked her sister slowly and with


"You have found a way out of your situation or soon will, and I know

away out of my situation as well." Andromeda stated, crossing her arms

over her chest in defiance.

"You're not thinking of having…Andi your fourteen! Do you know what

mum and dad would do to you when they found out?!" Bella shrieked

getting a stern look from Madam Pince.

"I didn't say I was going to go out right now and have my wicked way

with Ted, but it's an option if it comes right down to it. And don't get all

self-righteous on me Bella, I figured you are planning something similar. I

just don't know how you're getting around the ritual. Whatever it is will

most likely be dangerous, so don't lecture me on what I should and

shouldn't do. I'm supporting you and I'd like to think I have your support

in return!" Andromeda replied shortly.

Bella grimaced and rubbed her face in exasperation. She stared at her

younger sister long and hard for a few moments but could not argue her

points. She herself was planning to do something that had the potential

of causing great harm to herself, but her freedom was worth the danger

involved and had to concede that her sister had every right to choose her

path as well.

Sighing in defeat Bella nodded her surrender. "Just be very careful Andi."

Bella finally said.

"It's not like they would disown me or something." Andromeda grinned.

"Mum wouldn't allow it."

Bella smiled albeit weakly. "Alright Andi."

Bella gathered up her research and placed it in her bag, if Andromeda

had been more observant she would have notice that she had several

books from the restricted section, many dealing with curses and how to

create a chain curse that would affect one linked object to its other parts.

The idea had come from Harry although he had no idea that it had.

Harry had informed her that the Dark Mark from what he was able to

gather was a form of not only identification with confederates but a way

of communication as well. A Protean Charm.

Bella suspected that perhaps the rings that Rudolfus had distributed to

the other assumed youth Death Eaters was in fact a Protean charm used

to communicate to each other. If that were true she might be able to use

the rings as a way of distributing a curse to all those who wore one. If it

were possible she could take down every student who wore one in one

swift blow. In as much as the rings were in constant contact with the skin

it was plausible. But how to get the curse to piggyback on the signal was

the problem.

She would have to figure out a way to weave it and the transmission

together. She was okay with charms but this was well above her level of

expertise. She would need to work up an arithmetic charm and obtain

one of the rings to see if she could decipher the charm lattice used on the

ring. Once she knew the lattice on the ring she could begin

experimenting on her piggyback charm.

The plan was taking shape but she needed more advanced charms,

arithmancy, and runes books to help her research. Perhaps the ROR could

provide what she needed. The next problem was getting a ring. It would

be obvious if she tried to take a ring from someone already wearing one,

which meant she would need to find the satchel that Rudolfus had and

steal one from there.

And there was little doubt that he would have it in a safe place or on his

person at all times. But then again this is Rudolfus Lestrange and his one

weakness was his arrogance and he may not of even thought of someone

trying to take one, after all who would dare try something like that

against the prince of Slytherin House.

She would have to keep her eyes and ears open, and perhaps get Harry to

loan her his invisibility cloak for some late night reconnaissance into the

boy's dorm rooms. She left the library feeling confident that her plan

could work. It would certainly deprive Voldemort of his assets within the

school, and if successful could be used on the Dark Mark itself.


Harry was waiting at the gargoyle statue that hid the staircase to

Dumbledore's office. He was not foolish enough to walk into the

headmaster's office without his head of house. If she truly was on his side

now he could definitely use back-up before confronting both Snape and


Harry heard footsteps and smiled as he saw Hermione leading not only

Professor McGonagall, but Professors Flitwick, Sprout and Sinestra.

Minerva had told Harry about the other professors desire to make

amends as well and were firmly in his corner.

"Thank you professor for coming, all of you." Harry told the assembled

group. "Did Hermione tell you what happened?"

"Aye she did Mr. Potter, and I must say that you conducted yourself

brilliantly, a move worthy of your mother." Minerva McGonagall replied

with a look of pride in her eyes.

"Well should we get this show on the road?" Pomona Sprout stated.

""Yes I think we should. That will be all Miss Granger." Professor

McGonagall told the bushy haired bookworm who looked for a moment

like she was about to protest being dismissed, but a stern look from her

head of house quickly changed her mind and she headed to the Great

Hall for lunch seeing that the afternoon classes had just ended.

Harry, Minerva and the others rode the spiral staircase up to the

headmaster's office. Harry centered himself for the upcoming

confrontation and mentally told himself to think before speaking and

remember what Aunt Walburga and taught him about being a Lord and

Head of House.

"Ah Harry, come in my boy, come…" Albus began before seeing the

procession that followed the Potter boy.

"I was not aware of a staff meeting Minerva." Dumbledore spoke turning

toward the Transfiguration professor.

"We do not headmaster; I am here at Mr. Potter's request, is this not a

disputation resolution meeting?" Minerva asked tightly.

"I see, well I really don't believe all this is necessary. It seems to be just a

misunderstanding and one I believe can be sorted out without convening

a quorum." Albus said with his grandfatherly smile. On the inside he

wanted to get harry alone so he could recalibrate his tracking devices,

but he would need a sample of Harry's blood to do so, and taking

someone's blood was an extremely serious matter not to mention illegal

in the way that Albus wanted for.

"I don't think so professor. Snape accused me of…"

"Professor Snape, Harry." Dumbledore corrected.

"That's Lord Black, headmaster, and he accused me of cheating in front of

a classroom of my peers without any proof of said act but his own

assumption." Harry spoke in a hard and commanding voice.

'Why you arrogant…"

"Severus!" Dumbledore warned the potions master. Snape glared

loathingly at Harry but kept his tongue still.

"I'm sure you just missed understood him Harry." Dumbledore smiled


Harry bristled. "Again sir, while this is a formal meeting you will address

me by my official title." Harry glared at the ancient wizard.

"Is that absolutely necessary Harr…Lord Black." Dumbledore corrected

himself after receiving an icy green stare from Harry.

Dumbledore sighed heavily

"It is sir, now I would like to formerly accuse Professor Snape of slander,

and to demand a public apology for his baseless accusation of cheating.

Furthermore I wish to petition the quorum that it begin an evaluation of

Professor Snape's teaching ability and his professors pledge of non-

favoritism and creating a conducive learning environment for all

students." Harry added.

"What?!" Snape snapped out.

"According to the school bylaws every professor is required to take an

oath, vowing that they will cause no harm to students under his tutelage,

to be fair and unbiased and provide a learning environment that is

conducive to learning. Amongst other stipulations and requirements, if

these vows are not met the professor in question may face disciplinary

action including dismissal from his position." Harry finished with a

penetrating look at the greasy haired man.

Severus chortled. "Nice try Potter, there is no such oath. Once again you

show your ignorance and utter stupidity."Dumbledore nearly palmed his

face in exasperation. This was about to get painful for his spy and


"What!" McGonagall nearly shouted glancing at Severus. "There is most

certainly an oath! Every professor is suppose to take it before they ever

start teaching!" Minerva's Scottish brogue roared through, she looked at

her fellow professors for confirmation and received nods from Flitwick,

Sprout, and Sinestra.

"Would you care to explain to us Albus, why he has not taken the oath?!"

Minerva directed her ire onto the headmaster.

Albus knew that any explanation would be met with opposition if not

open hostility from his deputy headmistress. Of course he knew why he

didn't have Severus take the oath, he needed his spy unrestrained to do

the things he might be asked to do…all for the greater good of course.

"It seems that in my advancing years I may have let that slip my mind

Minerva." Albus decided to mislead his deputy headmistress.

"Well I think that needs to be resolved here and now professor!" Minerva

told the old man.

"I don't think now would be the best time Minerva, we have so much on

our plates and I believe this is one thing that can be taken care of at a

later date." Albus told her authoritatively, but it did not have the affect

he was hoping as Minerva's famous Scottish temper flared.

"It's the perfect time Albus! As we are here discussing Severus' apparent

lack of decorum in his own classroom. And let me assure you it is not

only Mr. Potter who has claimed that Severus' classes are hostile toward

anyone not in Slytherin! We will take care of this now or the quorum will

move for a suspension of Professor Snape until it is taken." The other

assembled professor voiced their support of Minerva.

"Very well, Minerva." Albus stated suddenly looking tired. "Severus lift

your wand."

"You can't be serious headmaster, this is an…"

"Severus lift your wand and repeat after me. I Severus Snape do hereby

promise on my magic that I will…" Albus continued and reluctantly

Severus made his oath, which was sealed by magic. Albus had lost a tool

at the school, one that had been free from the consequences of a

professor's oath. Things would now be a bit more difficult in

manipulating Harry through antagonism. But there were other ways.

"Well if we are finished with our business here…" Dumbledore began.

"Not yet headmaster." Harry interrupted. "I demand an apology and an

inquisition into Professor Snape tenure here at Hogwarts.

"Harry…I mean Lord Black, with Severus' oath you should see a change

in his teaching. I ask that you leave it alone and allow Severus a second

chance. Everyone deserves a second chance Lord Black." Dumbledore


Harry wasn't happy with this and would have continued to force the

issue, if he had not remembered the saying; keep your friends close and

your enemies closer. Perhaps it might be wise to know where the slippery

'former' Death Eater is at all times.

"I will agree to this on one condition Headmaster and that is a public

apology from him." Harry decided to see what he could still get.

"I will not apologize to this…" Snape began to protest.

"It is an acceptable condition Severus!" Dumbledore cut him off. Potter

may have neutered his pet but he still had uses and would rather keep

him at the castle. "He will apologize in your next class, Lord Black."

"At dinner." Harry responded curtly.

"Excuse me?" Dumbledore asked. "Why at dinner?"

"Because everyone who was there are now at lunch telling all their

friends about it and knowing the rumor mill the whole school will have

heard about it by dinner. So that is where I demand the apology be

made." Harry stated with all seriousness with a look that said this is not


Dumbledore sighed heavily. 'Very well, it shall be as you asked."

Snape looked gob smacked and the turned an impressive shade of red.

Snape glared at Harry and then swept angrily from the office.

Dumbledore shook his head and gave Harry a disappointed look.

"If that is all, I would like to speak to harry alone." Albus said looking at

the other professors and dismissing them with his eyes.

"Is this school related headmaster? If it is I request that my head of house

remain." Harry asked.

"Nothing like that my boy, I just thought we could have a friendly chat."

Albus tried to smile warmly to the boy.

"Perhaps another time headmaster, I really want to get to lunch before

my next class." Harry informed the old wizard and quickly exited the

office, followed by the other professors who excused themselves.

'Harry is becoming to defiant and to independent. I need to do something

to reel him back in.' Dumbledore mused. 'And how did he know about the

oath and the disputation quorum?'

Albus steepled his fingers in front of his face as he pondered over what

he had just seen. 'He was too well prepared, there is only one person he

knows with the intelligence to educate him in such matters. Granger! I

will have to do something about this.' The ancient wizard thought to

himself and then began to realize a plan where he could kill two birds

with one stone.


Bella was curled up on the couch reading when Harry returned to the

ROR just after curfew. He was staggering a bit and was rubbing the top of

his right hand. Bella got up and wrapped an arm around his waist and

helped him to the couch. Bella noticed that his eyes were slightly glassy.

"Harry, have you been drugged?" Bella asked worriedly, pushing open his

eyelids and looking at his pupils which seemed to be dilated. She grabbed

his hands and quickly released them after Harry winced. She gently took

his right hand and looked at it. She saw that something had been carved

into the top of his hands. The sentence read: I must not tell lies!

"What the hell is this Harry, who did this to you?!" Bella asked shaking

Harry gently.

"Lines." He whispered. "I must write my lines, I must write I must not tell

lies." Harry said mechanically as he reached for a nearby quill and

parchment. Bella knocked the items away from his hands and forced him

back on the couch.

"What is going on dear?" The voice of Walburga Black interrupted.

"I think Harry has been drugged Aunt Walburga. I think he was made to

carve into his hand." Bella replied.

"What?!" Walburga screeched. "Who dares to assault the Lord of our


"I don't know Auntie; I can't get Harry to focus." Bella's voice hitched.

"Kreacher!" The portrait bellowed. Within moments the ancient elf

appeared with a soft pop.

"Mistress is calling Kreacher." The old elf asked the portrait hanging

above the mantel.

"Yes Kreacher, I need you to go to back to Grimauld place and bring the

restorative draught in the potions lab. It will be on the middle shelf on

the back wall; it will be in a pear shaped green glass bottle. Hurry!" With

a pop Kreacher was gone.

"The draught he is bringing will flush out any remaining potions or toxins

in his system dear. Make him drink it all when Kreacher returns." She

instructed Bella, who nodded absently while she continued to try and get

harry to talk to her.

Kreacher popped back into the ROR and was instructed to give the bottle

to Bella. Bella uncorked the bottle and gently pressed it to Harry's lips.

Harry's instincts seem to kick in because he automatically opened his

mouth and Bella began to slowly pour the elixir down his throat. It took

several minutes but finally Harry had drunk the entire contents of the


"Lay him back dear. It may take several minutes for the draught to work

and he'll need a bucket…this won't be pretty." Walburga told her niece.

A bucket materialized on the floor next to the couch just in time as Harry

began to convulse. Bella managed to turn him on his side and a moment

later Harry began to empty his stomach into the receptacle.

The evacuation of Harry's stomach lasted for about five minutes before he

was finished. Bella vanished the contents of the bucket, and then cast an

air freshening charm for the room and a mouth cleansing charm on


Harry began to moan and cradle his hand while he lay on the couch only

semi-conscious. Bella conjured a cool wet flannel and used it to gently

dab at and sooth the inflamed hand that had been carved on. She then

cast a numbing charm on the hand as an after thought.

"Harry…can you hear me?" Bella asked gently.

"Ug…Bella?" Harry asked groggily.

"Yes Harry, it's me. Are you all right?

"I feel like my insides are all twisted up." Harry replied gingerly touching

his stomach.

"That's normal dear, the draught is a little rough, but it does the job."

Walburga added.

"What happened to you Harry?" Bella asked.

"Not sure exactly. My day was a little intense but everything went well

considering. At the end of the day I went to serve my detention." Harry


"Your detention with Umbridge?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, I sat down and she offered me some tea. I drank it and we talked

for a few moments. I began to feel a little strange or maybe tired…I don't

remember. She then told me I would be writing lines. I pulled out some

parchment and a quill but she said she had a special quill that I had to


I asked for ink but she said it did not require ink. So I shrugged and

began to write I must not tell lies! The toad face! Well I wrote a few lines

and noticed that the ink appeared to be red, but I also felt the back of my

hand itch. I soon realized that the ink was blood and it was coming from

my own hand!

The lines I was writing were being carved into my skin. I protested but

she told me to continue writing till it had sunk in. I don't know why, but

I could not get myself to stop, it was like my brain wasn't listening to me

and I had to do what she said. I know it wasn't the imperious curse

because I can throw that off." Harry said.

"A Blood Quill!" Walburga shrieked. "That hag was torturing the Lord

Black with a blood quill! Blood feud on that cow and her whole family!"

The Black matriarch was wailing.

Bella was unusually quiet, but her body had stiffened noticeably. She rose

from her seat and entered Harry's bedroom. A moment later she exited

with his invisibility cloak in hand. Harry noticed the look on her face and

it was one he would not want directed at him.

"Bella where are you going?" Harry asked wincing as his stomach was

still tender.

"Kreacher! Stay with Lord Black, I have something to do."

"Bella, what are you going to do?" Harry asked in concern for his


Bella looked at him resolutely and spoke in a voice that promised pain.

"Toad hunting." Bella then turned and quickly exited the Room of



A/N: What did you think? Leave me a review or a comment on how you

think the story is going. I hope all my friends state side had a great


11. Chapter 11

Disclaimer: See chapter one.

A/N: Another first! Chapter Ten received 110 reviews! First time I have

had a chapter break 100 reviews. You guys are great! I am truly

humbled by the interest in this story. I love hearing back from you all

and reading your thought and comments. So without further ado here is

Chapter Eleven of Passageways. Hope everyone has a Wonderful

Holiday! Merry Christmas!

Chapter 11:

Harry stared at the disappearing back of Bellatrix Black as the door to the

ROR closed behind her. Her last statement caught the raven haired boy

slightly off guard. If this were the Bellatrix of his time he would

definitely be suspecting the premature death of the newest Defense

Against the Dark Arts professor.

But she had left without him, meaning that she was going after the

Delores Umbridge of her time. Bella had told him that she was not the

nicest of people but he doubted she had done anything yet to deserve the

wrath of the girl who would one day become the most dangerous witch

in recent history.

"Uh…Aunt Walburga you don't think Bella will…you know…do anything

permanent do you? Harry asked as he felt another wave of nausea hit


"Whatever she does Harry, it will not nearly be severe enough." Walburga

sniffed contemptuously. "She has tortured the head of our family and that

does not go unchallenged!"

"In my time Auntie, not in her time." Harry tried to reason with the


"Bella will not see it that way dear, and Bella also has another motivation

as well." Walburga grinned.

"What other motivation does she have?" Harry asked.

"Why you dear. She is very taken with you and she will take that

woman's attack on you as an attack on someone she cares deeply for, as if

it had happened to one of her sisters, she will take it quite personally."

Walburga explained.

"Oh bugger!" Harry exclaimed as he dived for the rubbish bin and

relieved his stomach of what remained inside of it.


The castle seemed eerily quiet as Bellatrix slowly made her way from the

seventh floor down to the dungeons where the entrance to the Slytherin

commons room lay hidden. The quiet in her travel did nothing to

diminish the roaring fire she felt in her chest. No one attacks the House

of Black like that, no one tortures her Harry.

It struck her as she walked beneath the invisibility cloak just how quickly

she became possessive of Harry, almost obsessive. She had always been a

passionate person; though she kept up a cool mask of indifference to

those she did not consider her family. But Harry brought out a whole

new level of passion within her, one she was most willing to explore. She

felt she could be herself around him and that in and of itself was

something Bella prized above all else.

She could not really be herself around anyone else and that was why she

was so selfish in keeping him secretly to herself. She was not ready to

even share the knowledge of him with her sisters either…not completely


Bella was shocked to see that she had already arrived at the Slytherin

entrance, her mind had been so focused on what she was going to do to

the toad faced pygmy puff, she had not realized the passage of time. She

gave the password and silently entered the den of the snakes. Fortunately

no one had paid attention to her entrance not that they would have seen

her while underneath the cloak, but she thought at least someone would

have looked up to see who had entered with the doorway opened.

Bella looked around the dimly lit commons room and noticed that there

were still a few small groups lingering at the few tables and couches that

adorned the room. A shock of blonde hair drew her attention to a group

of four boys huddled together near the fireplace. It seemed that Malfoy

was holding court with a few others including Rabastan Lestrange,

Rudolfus was oddly not there.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she made her way carefully over

to the group. They did not seem to be too concerned with others hearing

them as they were not speaking in hushed tones. It was the top-dog or

alpha-male syndrome Bella sneered to herself. The knowledge that you

are the master of your domain; hence you do not fear the presence of

others or deem them a threat.

It wasn't very Slytherin in Bella's eyes. Never give a potential enemy any

ammunition that can be used against you no matter how inconsequential

you may deem it. Bella moved to within just a few feet of the group and

tapped her earring that she had used at the Three Broomsticks to listen in

to another conversation where an older Malfoy was present.

"I tell you she just disappeared!" Gregory Goyle spat.

"Need I remind you that apparition is impossible within the castle?"

Malfoy asked in a condescending tone.

"I am well aware of it Lucius! But nevertheless one moment she was there

and then she wasn't!" Goyle reiterated.

"Did you see her disapparate?" Rabastan Lestrange asked.

"Well no…I was following her as ordered right after dinner. She headed

up the grand staircase so I followed. She went to the fourth floor and

turned a corner, but when I got there and rounded the corner there was

nothing there but a wall." Goyle explained.

"A wall?" Vincent Crabbe asked with a confused look.

"Yeah a wall!" Goyle spat.

"Where were you on the fourth floor?" Malfoy asked the upset boy nearly

the size of a young troll.

"I was following her down the south corridor from the Library and she

took the first left, and then she was gone and there was this wall about

five feet down that corridor."

"Were you drunk Goyle! There is no wall there, that corridor runs to the

exterior east wall idiot! There is a large plate glass window there that

looks out toward the Quidditch pitch!" Lucius fumed.

"I tell you there was a wall there!" Goyle spat, jumping to his feet with

his fists clenched.

'Well that's unnerving.' Bella thought. 'They have been trying to follow

me, bastards! The wall being there is a little odd though." Bella reflected

on it for a moment before grinning. She would need to thank the Lady

Hogwarts next time she saw her.

"Calm down Goyle!" Rabastan growled. "This bickering isn't helping.

Rudolfus wants to know where the bint is sleeping and what she is up to.

She hasn't been in the dorms since we returned."

"Why does he care so much?" Crabbe asked looking bewildered. "It's not

like he's lacking for company at the moment." He chuckled.

"That's not your concern or any of your business!" Rabastan glared

menacingly at the bulky sixteen year old. "Your orders are to keep track

of her until told otherwise. Or need I remind you that the Dark Lord has

made Rudolfus his personal representative here and he has a personal

interest in the Black Family and wants to know their every move."

Rabastan hissed under his breath.

Crabbe swallowed hard and nodded his understanding. "W-what about a

tracking spell on her?"

"No good, I've tried." Malfoy commented. "She must have some sort of

repelling charm on her."

"Maybe we should ask her sisters." Crabbe opined.

"Not likely mate." Goyle replied. "That Andromeda has a wicked temper

not to mention casts a nasty scrotal enlargement charm. Last bloke who

hit on her had bollocks the size of coconuts for a week!" All the boys

shivered at the comment.

"What about the youngest sister…Narcissa? She's not a bad looking bird

for a first year." Lucius hummed. "I'm sure I can sweet talk her into telling

me whatever I want. I do have my ways with the ladies." He smirked

while licking his lips lasciviously. Bella would have unloaded a barrage

of hexes on the blonde ponce right then and there if she was not already

on a mission. But she would not forget and Lucius just made it to the top

five of her "hit" list.

The topic of the conversation turned to the latest conquests of the blonde

haired dandy, which turned Bella's stomach. While the goon squad was

thusly engaged in conversation, Bella thought it a good opportunity to

scout the seventh year male dorms for the satchel with the rings. If she

were lucky maybe she could get hold of one tonight.

She made her way to the stairs that lead down to the male dorm rooms.

Arriving at her destination she cast a silencing charm on the hinges of the

door and then slowly opened it. The first thing to reach Bella's senses was

the sound of a wet slapping. It was quickly followed by a female voice

moaning and panting. Bella entered the room and silently closed the

door. What she saw nearly made her puke.

Her friend Olivia was naked and straddling an equally naked Rudolfus

Lestrange. Her fingernails scratching into the seventh year's chest leaving

red marks with a trickle of blood in their wake. Olivia was bouncing up

and down on top of the oaf while Rudolfus was lying motionless with his

eyes closed and his arms folded underneath his head with a stupid grin

on his face. Bella's gag reflex threatened to expose her as she fought off

the stomach turning horror of seeing the hairy Sasquatch looking boy

getting his rocks off with her "friend".

She averted her eyes and began cautiously looking for the satchel she had

seen earlier. Five frustrating minutes later she finally saw it under the

pillow the uni-browed oaf was lying on.

'Shite! How am I supposed to get at it without lover boy knowing? I

suppose I could stun them both but I'm sure they'd figure that out once

they came to and that would be the first thing he would check.' Bella was

about to give it up as a lost cause for the night when suddenly Rudolfus

began to breathe faster and his hands flew to Olivia's bare hips. He began

to thrust in to her with abandon and within a few moments was releasing

his seed into her.

He fell back catching his breath as Olivia continued to grind on him, but

he had already softened and Olivia would get no satisfaction tonight.

"Get off wench I need to shower and get your stench off of me." Rudolfus

callously spoke shoving the girl off of him. Olivia looked like she was

about to cry as he dismissed her like a common whore. She gathered up

her cloths and stormed from the room. Bella heard the girl begin to sob

as the door closed behind her.

Bella was furious and wanted to kill the Lestrange scion right where he

stood, not for her sake but for all womankind. No one should be

subjected to the presence of such an arse. Bella in her rising anger was

not watching her surroundings and bumped into a small desk in the room

while she was moving away from the door.

Rudolfus stopped what he was doing, startled by the sudden noise. The

eldest Lestrange brother took stock of the room but did not see anyone.

But Lestrange was not a simpleminded fool like many wizards and knew

just because you couldn't see anyone did not mean there was no one


As casually as he could he reached for his wand that was also under his

pillow. He spun around with his wand coming up. "Homenum Revelio!"

He cast the human revealing spell. Bella nearly wet herself as she thought

she would be discovered and a fight would ensue that would surely alert


A few seconds passed by and…nothing. Rudolfus had a confused look on

his face as he slowly pivoted around to take in the entire dorm room.

Bella realized that his spell had not worked. It did not reveal her. Bella

wondered if it had been Harry's cloak that defeated the spell. But what

she knew of invisibility cloaks told her that a cloak could not defeat that

particular spell. That's why Rudolfus had cast it. It would reveal any

hidden person whether disillusioned or under an invisibility cloak.

Whatever happened, Bella was relieved, but she was still not out of

danger yet. Rudolfus after casting the spell two more times, finally

relaxed, figuring something must have fallen when Olivia had slammed

the door behind her. Rudolfus grabbed a towel from his trunk and

entered the adjoining washroom to take a shower.

Bella did not move for a few more minutes just in case Rudolfus was not

truly gone but listening for anyone in the room. Taking a chance she

moved toward the satchel under the pillow. She cast a silent revealing

spell to check the bag for any spells, jinxes or wards. Surprisingly she

found some sort of blood ward on the locking mechanism. It would take

someone's blood to open it, most likely keyed to Rudolfus' blood. It was

pretty advanced magic for Rudolfus. Someone must have set it up for


'Damn! Now what!' She raked her mind for an answer to the problem, but

none came to mind that would not raise suspicions. 'Wait Olivia

scratched his chest! It may not be much but there may still be some of his

blood still under her finger nails. That is if she hasn't showered yet and

washed her hands.

Bella moved quickly to the door but had to jump out of the way as it

suddenly opened. Bella pushed herself flat against the wall as Rudolfus'

dorm mates entered in. Before they could shut the door she managed to

get out. She wasted no time and headed to the fifth year girls dorm and

entered. She saw Olivia's clothes thrown unceremoniously on the floor,

but no Olivia. Just then she heard the girls' showers running. Panicking

she ran to the showers.

On the floor underneath the spray of the water sat Olivia, she was curled

up into a ball sobbing. Olivia's hands were soaking wet and were

entwined in the girl's hair which seemed keen on ripping it all out. The

girl began to rock herself back and forth and was mumbling angrily at


Bella would have felt sorry for the girl if she hadn't been so frustrated by

the loss of the blood. But Olivia had brought this upon herself Bella

mused. She, like many pureblood girls, and especially those brought up

with Slytherin values, aspire to attach themselves to the politically or

socially powerful, and the Lestranges were a politically powerful family.

To Olivia, Rudolfus Lestrange was a means to bring her social and

political status in this new regime that she like many other purebloods

believed would replace the current magical administration. So it was

hard for Bella to feel any sympathy for the girl, who even knowing about

the existing contract between the Lestranges and Blacks attempted to

seduce the seventh year troll.

Olivia's renewed screaming shook Bella from her musings. Bella looked at

the blonde who seemed to be struggling to pull her right hand from her

hair. A closer look showed that the blonde's hair had become knotted in

the Dark Mark ring. With a sharp yank Olivia managed to free her hand

but had pulled out a large clump of her hair at the same time.

Olivia cursed as she stood and went to a sink. She pulled the ring off her

finger and pulled the clumps of hair out of it. She set the ring down on

the sink and began to run her fingers through her hair to see the damage.

Bella saw an opportunity and quickly neared the sink. With the cloak still

firmly around her she was able to grab the ring with barely a finger

becoming visible. She moved to the door and before she left cast a silent

charm on the sink pipes which caused then to clink as if something had

fallen down the pipes.

The noise had its intended effect, as Olivia spun around looking for the

ring fearing it had fallen into the drain. She screamed as she desperately

tried to force her fingers down the drain in a vain attempt to find the ring

that was now securely in Bella's robes. Bella exited the washroom and

only briefly wondered what the consequences of Olivia losing the ring

would bring down upon the blonde Slytherin.

It was getting late and Bella had one more visit to make and that was a

visit to the toad, who was due her comeuppance. Bella entered the

seventh year girls dorm still concealed beneath Harry's cloak. Umbridge's

bed was easy to spot as its bed curtains were a gaudy pink in color. At

first Bella wondered if there was a bear in the bed the snoring was so

loud, and wondered why her roommates weren't cursing the squat witch.

A quick revealing spell made it all clear. Her roommates had placed

silencing wards around their own beds. That would make things easier

for Bella; she would not need to worry about anyone hearing her in the


Bella hadn't really thought through what she wanted to do to the toad,

she just knew that she wanted her to suffer pain and humiliation, and

maybe something worse. A stray thought of just killing the girl came to

mind…it would be so easy to immobilize her and then smother her. She

would never get the chance to hurt anybody…ever.

Bella suddenly heard an echoing cackle that came out of nowhere and yet

it shook her to her very core. It sounded so evil and unhinged that it

caused her to involuntarily shiver. The voice sounded eerily familiar it

sounded like…her!

Bella gasped as the images of her future self filtered into her head. A

cackling mad woman killing students indiscriminately as she stormed

Hogwarts castle along with a hundred other black cloaked and masked

individuals. She saw herself covered in the blood of the innocent, their

voices crying out for their mothers as they lay dying on the bloodstained


Hundreds of faces, both young and old swam before her vision in frozen

horror. She saw herself shooting killing curses at fleeing first years,

mocking them with a baby voice as each one fell to the ground never to

rise again. It was horror on a scale she could not imagine, yet she knew

that in Harry's world they had already happened.

Bella collapsed to the ground and wept bitter tears at what she had done

or would do. Agony like she had never felt welled up in her chest.

Suddenly a hand rested on her shoulder though it didn't startle her, but

she felt comforted by its touch.

Bella looked up to see the spectral form of the Lady Hogwarts, looking

down upon her with a sadness that a parent shows for a child whom they

must discipline for an indiscretion. But there was compassion and

understanding in her gaze as well.

"I needed you to see Bella…I needed you to understand that allowing

yourself to even contemplate the killing of another could lead you down

a familiar path. With just one act of murder Bella, you could set yourself

on that path that you have sworn not trod." Hogwarts counseled.

Bella hung her head and sniffed back the tears that threatened to fall.

"She tortured Harry." Bella softly whispered.

"No Bella, she has not. Not yet. You must not punish her for a crime that

she has not committed."

"But she will milady, she will. And she has in Harry's time!" A distraught

Bella replied.

"Think Bella, you do have an opportunity to stop her, but there are other

means in which to accomplish your goal. Harry is not the first or the last

to have suffered from her less than tender mercies, and I am confident

that you will find a non lethal way of making sure she never gets the

chance to repeat history.

Defend the ones you love Bella, but let the punishment fit the crime and

only use deadly force when you must. There is a difference between

killing in self-defense or to protect the life of another and murder." The

ancient manifestation counseled.

"What can I do to stop her then?" Bella asked pulling herself together.

"Are you not a daughter of the Blacks? Do you not possess the gift that

has been in your family for generations, passed from mother to daughter

since Morgana." Lady Hogwarts smirked at the shocked face of the raven

haired girl in front of her.

"Yes I know your line my dear. I know you have the blood of the first

enchantress in your veins Bellatrix Black of the House of Black. The gift

of enchantment runs rich within your veins. No mere spell, jinx or curse

has the permanence of a strongly placed enchantment. The true

knowledge of enchantment may have disappeared from the Wizarding

World, but a thousand years ago those of your bloodline were the most

feared of magicals. Use your gift now and have your justice." The spectral

form declared and then faded from view.

Bella was standing in the dark room digesting everything the Lady

Hogwarts had shown her and told her. The vision of what her future self

had done was more than enough to sober her up and rethink her strategy

with dealing with Umbridge.

Of course she knew she was an enchantress, every girl born of the Black

line had been blessed with the gift, but the incantations took a lot more

time than a simple spell and required more power to do so as well. That's

why she assumed the practice had been forgotten by others who

possessed the gift, given up because spells with a wand were so much

easier and quicker and enchantments' were heavily driven by intent and


Bella breathed in deeply to center herself and collect her thoughts on

how she wanted to proceed. An evil smirk spread across her face as she

thought of the appropriate punishment for the toad. She moved to the

head of the bed and hovered over the contorted face of the snoring

seventh year.

Bella slowly unsheathed a silver dagger that had been hidden at her

waist. The blade gleamed in the soft artificial moonlight that came

through a spelled portrait that showed the night sky similar to the Great

Hall ceiling but on a much smaller scale.

She placed just the very tip of it on Umbridge's forehead and made the

shallowest of cuts. The blades razor edge sliced the skin as if it were

made of warm butter. Umbridge did not even stir, she remained oblivious

of her attacker presence and what she had done. Bella then brought the

knife to her own left thumb and poked the pad of the thumb and watched

as blood began to well up.

She positioned her bleeding thumb over the small cut on Umbridge's face.

Bella let three drops of her own blood fall onto the cut and smiled

devilishly as the blood was drawn into the cut. Her own blood would

anchor the enchantment making it impossible for anyone else to remove.

Bella then began the long incantation that would be triggered by the

cows own hubris:

Through your hate will your magic be bound,

your words of bigotry shall force you to ground,

on your belly will you crawl,

in the mud and marsh shall you sprawl.

Let your loathing become the croaking

that echoes through the night…

Bella continued for another ten minutes before the incantation for the

curse was complete. She felt herself sway not use to the amount of power

needed to perform this type of magic. She was satisfied however that it

would be Umbridge herself who would cause the curse to initiate. She

just hoped she was around when it happened, she would love to see

everyone's reaction to the…um, changes to the girl.

It was nearly two in the morning when Bella returned to the Room of

Requirement, but Harry had obviously awaited her return seeing him

sitting in a chair facing the door. Before he could ask her anything about

what she had done she had curled up on his lap with her arms draped

around his neck and her head on his shoulder and with a couple heart

beats was sound asleep. Chuckling softly to himself he stood with the girl

in his arms and made his way to her bedroom. He carefully placed her on

the bed but her arms refused to release his neck. Sighing good naturedly

he laid down on the bed with her.

He didn't know if she was truly asleep or feigning it but as soon as he had

stretched out on her bed she instantly cuddled into his side and wrapped

her arm around his waist pulling him tight to her. He kissed the top of

her head and with a swish of his wand the comforter covered them and

another flick and the lamps were extinguished. He could get answers

from her tomorrow, but right now sleep did sound pretty inviting,

especially with a beautiful girl on his chest.


When Harry had awakened the next morning Bella was already gone. She

had left him a sweet note explaining that she had gone to the owlery

early to send a letter to her mum, she also asked him to meet her back in

the ROR at lunch time and that she had something important to show

him. Harry had a free period this morning and so didn't need to be up if

he didn't want to but his rumbling stomach had other ideas.

He decided to check on Luna to see how she was doing so he quickly

showered and dressed and headed down to the Great Hall to see if he

couldn't find the quirky but sweet Ravenclaw. He was still upset that her

fellow housemates had treated her so poorly just because she was a tad

odd. But Harry knew all too well the feeling of being ridiculed and

bullied and felt a kind of a kinship for the small blonde.

Harry entered the Great Hall and immediately found Luna sitting by

herself at the Ravenclaw table eating what appeared to be three slices of

French toast stacked on top of each other and covered in oatmeal topped

with a fried egg and a sausage that seemed to be cut to look like the Eifel

Tower coming up through the middle of all of it. Harry just chuckled as

he took the seat in front of her.

Good morning Harry Potter. Are you my Harry Potter or are you the

other Harry Potter?" Luna asked airily, not looking up from her creative

breakfast masterpiece.

"Huh? I'm the only Harry Potter as far as I know Luna." Harry replied,

confusion in his voice.

Luna looked at him and tilted her head to the side as if deep in thought.

"You could be my Harry Potter, yes, I think you are. But I fear the other

will be here soon and I would have lost my Harry. I hope he will be as

nice as you have been when he comes." Luna stated with a resigned sigh,

and then returned to her breakfast.

"Um…okay." Harry shook his head, he did not know what she was getting

at, so decided to change the subject. "So how have you housemates been

treating you lately?"

"Much better, I think Professor Flitwick spoke to them, either than or the

wrackspurt infestation in our commons room has been cleared out. But

I'm rather inclined to suspect the former. It is very difficult to get rid of

an infestation of wrackspurt without a generous supply of orange

marmalade to tempt them with, and I haven't seen any orange

marmalade lying about."

"That's good to hear Luna, but just remember if your things go missing

again the elves will help you get them back." Harry told his friend.

"Yes they've been quite helpful." Luna smiled.

"Luna…who's that man sitting next to Professor Sinestra?" Harry asked

seeing an unfamiliar face at the head table.

Luna gave Harry a concerned look at his question. "That's the Defense

against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Hedgeburn. Are you okay

Harry, I don't see any nargles around you but sometimes they're even

invisible to me."

"What happened to Professor Umbridge?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Who?" Luna asked.

"Professor Umbridge…you know the pink cardigan wearing toad." Harry

stated with a look of disgust.

"Harry, even I know a toad can't teach DADA, they would be much better

at Herbology I would think." Luna replied.

"No Luna, Umbridge is that ministry employee that began teaching here

this year." Harry tried to remind her but she still had a blank stare on her


"Oh dear!" Luna exclaimed.

"Oh dear? Oh dear what Luna?" Harry asked.

"Are you sure you're not the other Harry? No, no I don't think you are."

She corrected herself. Harry was getting a bit confused.

Suddenly Luna's face lit up, oh I have heard of an Umbridge though. My

dad told me something about a Delores Umbridge who was a seventh

year when he was a sixth. It was the first story he wrote for the Quibbler,

it was its inaugural publication. Let's see…what was the story about? Oh

yes! It had to do with Professor Slughorn creating his own toad army to

conquer Wales."

"Huh?" Harry felt a headache coming on from trying to follow his friend.

"Well according to father, Umbridge was undergoing some sort of

breeding regime to produce a master race of human-toads, when

something went wrong and she turned into a rather large toad the size of

a large dinner plate in the Great Hall exposing the conspiracy. She was

quickly gathered up by the professors and never seen again." Luna retold

the story as best she could.

"Do you have your DADA book with you Luna?" Harry asked curiously.

"I do!" Luna said pulling the book from her bag. I was the same book as

the one Umbridge had passed out. So this Hedgeburn must also be

following the same orders as Umbridge had, but he wondered if he was

as nasty as she was.

"Luna, have you had this class yet?" Harry asked her handing her book

back to her.

"Yesterday." Luna replied taking the book and putting it back in her bag.

"How did you like him as a professor?" Harry asked trying to get what

information he could get about the new addition to the staff.

"Well…" Luna began looking thoughtful. "He is a little timid for a DADA

professor, and he doesn't have a very strong magical aura. It's a little

frustrating that there is no practical wand work for the class. If you ask

me I think Fudge is planning on taking over the school with his army of

Heliopaths and he doesn't want us to learn how to defend ourselves. But

fortunately I know how to defend against them." Luna stated.

Harry couldn't resist so he asked. "And how do you defeat a Heliopath?"

"With fizzy drinks of course. The sugar attracts them but the bubbles

create a natural gaseous toxin that his deadly to the Heliopaths causing

them to explode. You see they can't belch the bubbles back up." Luna

whispered conspiratorially.

Harry grinned at his friend. "Maybe I'll have to buy a case of fizzy drinks.

Just in case." Luna smiled at Harry and nodded her head.

Harry stared up at the head table wondering if this subtle change in the

time line would have any serious repercussions or if it was small enough

to not have really made a difference. It was odd though that if

Hedgeburn had been here since the start of turn he had no memory of

him. Would his memories not change?

Harry leaned back on the bench he was sitting on with a pensive look.

"Bella what did you do to Umbridge that changed the time line?" Harry

looked down at his right hand where he was forced to carve the words "I

must not tell lies" and noticed that they were still there. Harry frowned at


'If Bella somehow changed the future why do I still have the cuts in my

hand?' Harry thought to himself.

"Are you feeling well Harry?" Luna asked, worried about her friend's

sudden pensive appearance.

"Uh…yeah Luna, I'm fine. Just thinking." Harry replied mechanically. "Uh

I need to go Luna, I need to look into something." Harry stood from the

bench and turned to go but was stopped as Luna called to him.

"Harry…" Luna began softly; her eyes looked wide and sorrowful. "I will

miss you when the other Harry comes. I hope that I don't forget you

though when he does."

Harry gave her a concerned look and grabbed her hand. "Luna I'm not

going anywhere okay. I'll talk to you later right?"

Luna jerkily nodded her head and smiled tearily at him. "Okay Harry, the

other you may not be here for awhile yet anyway. I just wanted you to

know." Harry gave her a confused but sincere smile and then left the

Great Hall. Harry made his way back up to the Room of Requirement

deciding to skive of his first class. He was hoping to ask the Lady

Hogwarts some questions about the time lines.


Bella entered the Great Hall with Lily Evans by her side; she had run into

the first year Gryffindor after she had sent an owl to her mother and

invited the vivacious redhead to join her for breakfast. Bella was

beginning to really like the intelligent girl and could see why Narcissa

had become such quick friends with her. She was warm and unbiased and

was so open to this new world she had been introduced to that you

couldn't help being drawn in to her enthusiasm.

"Lily!" Narcissa waved from her seat next to her sister Andromeda. The

redhead waved back and joined her friend. Bella took a seat across from

her sisters and began to plate her breakfast.

"Have you heard about Olivia?" Andromeda whispered across the table.

Bella looked up at her sister. "No, what happened?" She asked in interest.

"Apparently she fell down a few flights of stairs this morning, was hurt

pretty bad from what I've heard. She was sent to St. Mungos about an

hour ago."

"Really?" Bella asked looking down the table looking for Rudolfus but not

seeing him.

"Yeah, odd that though." Andromeda added.

"Oh?" Bella asked.

"Well Madam Pomfrey is one of the top healers in the country. It's odd

that she wasn't able to take care of her here." The second eldest Black

sister mused.

"Maybe she was just being overly cautious and wanted to make sure there

was no permanent damage." Bella offered.

Andromeda shrugged. "Perhaps, anyway I thought since she was your

friend you might know more about it."

"No, I don't." Bella looked down at her plate, pushing her eggs around.

"But thanks for letting me know."

Bella knew that Rudolfus would most likely be furious with Olivia if she

had informed him that her ring was missing. And maybe she was being

naive or maybe just didn't care what those repercussions were at the

time, but now she was feeling a little guilty. Not much, but perhaps a


"What is the Noble House of Slytherin coming to when a mudblood is

allowed to sit at our table?" A simpering voice vocalized for the table to


Lily cringed and lowered her head. "Don't do that Lily!" Bella order the

redhead, getting the first years attention.

"Lift your head, be proud of who you are, don't let people make you feel

inferior." Bella told the girl, who nodded with a watery grin before

straightening her back and glaring at the witch who made the comment.

"Oooh look the mudblood thinks she…*croooaaak*". The short curly

haired witch blushed.

"I-I don't know where that came from." She embarrassedly grinned.

"My Delores what big EYES you have." Bella cooed.

Students around the arrogant witch watched in fascination as her eyes

seemed to slowly grow to twice their normal size. They were literally

bulging from her eye sockets. Some students began to scoot away from

her at the sight.

"Oh my Delores what a big mouth you have." Bella continued in mock


Delores Umbridge's head began to flatten and elongate and her mouth

grew impossibly wide. Her hair began to fall out in large clumps leaving

a smooth bald surface exposed, the smooth surface then began to sprout

large brown warts. Students torn between running in fear and watching

in morbid fascination at the sight in front of them were frozen in place.

A large fly that had landed on the table was suddenly grabbed by a rather

large and sticky tongue. Students who hadn't moved away before

suddenly jumped in shock as they watched one of their own swallow the

pest in a loud gulp.

"Wha-wha-wha is going…*croak!*"

Delores Umbridge was in a full panic as her body was slowly morphing

into something reptilian, she brought her hands in front of her face and

witnessed as her thumb shrank back into her hand and the four

remaining fingers separated and elonganted.

She was feeling cold now and seemed to be shrinking, her neck all but

disappeared into her shoulders her legs folding underneath her. Her

shoes popped off revealing long scaly toes. The disturbance had finally

attracted the attention of the professors at the head table. Dumbledore,

Slughorn and McGonagall raced to the scene.

"Oh my, is that Miss Umbridge?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes professor." A Student in Slytherin robes informed her in a voice that

hinted at shock and wonder.

"Finite incantatem!" The Scottish professor cast to no avail. "It's not a

spell Albus." She told him in a worried tone.

"Perhaps a potion?" Horace Slughorn tested all the food and drink where

she had been sitting finding no potions.

"Fascinating." Dumbledore remarked with an impressed raised eyebrow

as they watched the transformation of Delores Umbridge complete.

Before them, on the bench, surrounded by student robes was an

extremely large greenish brown toad with dark oozing warts. It was as

large as a dinner platter and probably weighed at least twenty pounds.

Students looked on with mixed emotions on their faces. Some were of

shock, other of disgust, but no one seemed to notice the triumphant

smirk on Bella's lips.

Movement overhead alerted all in the hall that the post had arrived as

dozens of owls swooped into the Great Hall to deliver their parcels and

posts. The large toad did not go unnoticed by the owls that had in many

cases traveled long distances and were a bit famished. Toads being a

natural food source for owls brought a lot of attention to the rather juicy

looking toad. Dumbledore sensing an approaching feeding frenzy quickly

shielded the toad.

"I think we should take Miss Umbridge to Poppy. She may be able to

determine what has happened. If not I'm sure the perpetrator will come

forward and undo what has been done." Dumbledore told the other


'Not likely!' Bella thought to herself.


Several minutes later Harry was entering the ROR, and too his surprise

stood the Lady Hogwarts smiling at him knowingly as if she already knew

his mind and what he wanted to discuss.

"Come, sit Harry." She gestured to one of the chairs in the familiar

commons room that he and Bella shared. Harry sat in the offered chair

and the Lady sat in the other.

"You have questions for me." It was a statement not a question as the

beautiful spectral image of Hogwarts in the image of Helga Hufflepuff

began their discussion.

Harry cleared his throat and opened his mouth but then closed it a

moment later. He wasn't entirely sure how to ask what he wanted to ask

or what to ask truthfully. He folded his hands in his lap and looked down

at them. Seeing the scars on his right hand gave him reprieve and he

began by lifting his hand.

"Milady, something has changed…in my time." Harry stated in a rush.

Hogwarts looked at him to continue.

"Well, Umbridge is no longer there, I mean here anymore. I think Bella

did something to her." Harry stated.

"Indeed she did." Hogwarts chuckled. "Very inventive of her I must say."

"She didn't…you know…kill her did she?" Harry asked.

"No Harry." She reassured him. "Though it was a close thing." Hogwarts

didn't elaborate further.

Seeing no further answer from her, Harry continued. "So anyway,

apparently Umbridge never came to teach." Harry began to rub his hand

feeling the raised scars. Hogwarts noticed the action.

"And you are wondering how it is you still have the scars on your hand if

in your present she never was your teacher?" Hogwarts asked him and

received a nod.

"And why do I still remember it and I don't have any memory of the other

professor?" Harry asked with a furrowed brow.

Hogwarts stood and swept her arms around the room. "Harry, the

enchantments that I placed on this room has made it in a word "outside"

of time. While you remain in this room when changes are being made

your memories will not be altered. You and Bella will stay the same

while everyone else around you will have changed."

"So, I don't understand. If Bella or I alter the past, my present –her future

is changed but no one else will know about it? How is that even possible?

What if we stop people from being killed in the past? Will they suddenly

be alive and what about all the missing years in-between will they just

magically be filled in. What if…what if we stop my parents from being

killed…will I just know them and have new memories of them? I don't

understand the logic behind it, is there logic behind it?"

Hogwarts countenance fell as she looked upon the boy that fate had

treated so poorly. She had hoped that she would have more time before

she had to tell him, to tell them the full truth about their unique

situation. She needed to explain things to the both of them and she

expected that she was going to have a pair of irate teens on her hands.

But it needed to be done and they truly did have the potential for a

wonderful future together. It was one of the possibilities she had seen at


Harry jumped as the entrance door suddenly opened and a winded Bella

came running in. Her cheeks were flushed and she was breathing heavily

like she had just run a marathon.

"Are you okay Harry?!" Bella asked looking between him and Lady


"Yeah, I'm fine. The question is are you okay? You look like you were

being chased or something." Harry told her.

Bella stood as straight as she could but seem to have a stitch in her side

that she was holding with her left hand. "I was in class when I felt this

extraordinary strong need to return here." Bella related.

"I apologize for the alarm Bella, but it was I who summoned you."

Hogwarts told the panting girl. "I needed you here to explain a few things

I neglected to tell the two of you earlier. Please take a seat." Bella

grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to sit next to her on the couch.

The Lady stared back at the two teens who's hands were interlinked and

drew strength from the bond the two had already formed, and it gave her

hope that what she was about to confess to them might not be as

unwelcomed as it could be.

"You both know that I brought you two here for your protection and to

help me protect the school and its students by changing the events that

would lead to so much death and sorrow within and without my walls. I

have seen your future Bella, all the atrocities' and horrors committed by

Bellatrix Lestrange. I know how your mind fell into madness. But I also

see an alternate path, one that leads to a long and happy life." Here she

glanced knowingly over to Harry.

"Harry, I have also seen your future firsthand. I know what becomes of

you; how you meet an untimely end through treachery and deceit by

those you had trusted most on these very grounds. You were the lamb

brought to slaughter, unprepared, you blindly, though bravely went out

to confront a monster who would show you no mercy. But the path is not

set in stone.

And I have seen my own near destruction; it was because of so much

magical blood spilled on my grounds that I was able to create this place.

Through siphoning every bit of released magic from that horrible battle, I

was able to collect enough power to create this room. And thus bring you


However, time is a fickled thing, and every change creates a ripple. Those

ripples are impossible to predict. For example when you cast a stone into

a calm lake you create a distinct pattern of ripples that begin to spread

out, but in a way you can still somewhat predict.

However, now if you toss another stone and yet another stone, all those

ripples begin to collide and distort and the original ripples are completely

lost, and you have something completely different. Do you follow me so

far?" Hogwarts asked. The two teens nodded their understanding.

"The past and the future have already begun to shift and even I am not

completely sure what the end result would be. So this room creates a

constant to the chaos. From the moment you stepped into this room you

no longer belonged to time. You exist outside of it. This room shields you

from the ripples.

These ripples won't affect Bella as much since we are working forward

from her time. But it will have a very significant affect on you Harry and

your time. And this is why I must ask you Harry to forgive me." Hogwarts

apologetically spoke.

"I don't understand, I knew there would be changes. Why would you need

to apologize?" Harry asked with a furrowed brow.

"Should you continue on this path? And succeed." She gestured to him

and Bella. "You, the Harry of your world will cease to exist. The person

you are right now will have never been."

"What, do you mean… am I going to disappear or something?" Harry

asked in a panic, Bella paled and tightened her grip on Harry's hand.

Hogwarts placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "No Harry, you will

not vanish. You, as you are now will continue to exist. But the world you

come from will not know you; it will have its own Harry Potter. One that

has not lived the life that you have, a Harry who has not suffered at the

hands of his relatives, one that has not faced the horrors and dangers that

you have faced.

This creates a dilemma, a paradox if you will. There cannot be two Harry

Potters that exist in your time. Eventually Harry, you will have to make a

decision. And this is where I have not been as forthcoming as I should

have been Harry, and why I must ask your forgiveness for not telling you

before you started this journey.

And that is, whether you stay in your time or whether you go to Bella's,

you will no longer be able to be Harry Potter."

Harry was stunned; he didn't know whether to feel confusion, anger,

sadness, betrayal, or manipulated. So instead he settled for numb.

"So who will I be or become? I don't understand why didn't you tell me

this before?" Harry asked tightly.

"I have no excuse Harry, in the future you were heading, saw you dying

at the hands of Voldemort at the age of seventeen. Dumbledore in his

arrogance believed that a battle between you and Voldemort would

weaken him enough that Dumbledore could step in after you were killed

and kill Voldemort himself. He didn't…and our world was cast into


"Harry, it may not mean much to you." Bella quietly spoke. "But, I prefer

creating a new future with you than becoming the evil I might have been

had you not come into my life. And had the Lady not brought us together

I'm sure I would have. And for that, I am grateful to her for bringing you


Harry looked at Bella warmly. "Funny thing is, I should be furious, but I

find myself okay with it. Being the Boy-Who-Lived has been more of a

curse than a blessing anyway. I think I'd like a shot at happiness rather

than an early death." He half smiled. Bella kissed him tenderly on the


"As to who you become it is completely up to you Harry, there are many

extinct lines within the Potter and Evans family that you could restart."

Hogwarts stated.

"The Evans?" Harry asked.

"Your mother is the first active magical in a long line of squibs, Harry.

The name was changed to Evans from Eveningshade in the early

eighteenth century." Hogwarts continued.

"I've heard of that family!" Bella gasped. "They were a dark family weren't

they?" Bella asked the ancient lady.

"More a dark shade of gray. They are an ancient house Harry, not a Noble

and Ancient house like the Potters and Blacks and hold no titles, but they

are just as old." Hogwarts informed him.

"So I guess I still have some time before I have to give up being Harry

Potter right?" Harry asked

"It all depends on how fast you and Bella work. It could be a year or two,

maybe more, before the new Harry makes an appearance." Hogwarts


"I wondered how she knew." Harry suddenly chuckled.

"How who knew what Harry?" Bella asked.

"Luna Lovegood." He replied. "She said something this morning to me

that at the time made no sense. But now it does."

"What did she say?" Bella asked inquisitively.

"She said, that she hoped the other me was as nice as I was. And that she

hopes she remembers me." Harry said with an impressed look.

Lady Hogwarts smiled. "Yes Luna Lovegood, I have watched her on

occasion. She has a unique gift. Not the first in her family either."

"Is she a seer?" Bella asked.

"No, not in the traditional since. She is a magic reader. She can see and

feel magic around her; sense its ebbs and flows. It speaks to her. Magic

however is not linear it flows through space and time forwards and

backwards, side to side. Again it is partly why this room can exist. She

must have felt a change in your magic or the magic of the possible you. It

would seem similar to her but different and she could sense that it was

you but not you."

"Sounds confusing." Bella said with a shake of her head.

"It can be, she is trying to make sense of not only what her five senses are

telling her but what her magical senses are telling her as well. And

sometimes the two are at odds with each other, and why she seems so

odd at times. That is why most people avoid her unfortunately."

Hogwarts told them.

"Anything else that you want to know?" Hogwarts asked the young


"Lots…" They chorused.


The next few days seemed to fly by for the couple. The change in DADA

professors in Harry's time did not seem to have made any difference in

the current time line. Harry went to his classes and although the glares

had almost completely stopped there was still an air of discomfort for

many of the students who shared classes with him.

He had not really spoken to Hermione except in the classroom and

usually just about class related topics. During his free periods and in the

evenings he continued to practice drawing the runes and practicing the

incantation for the unbinding ceremony, and receiving lessons in

Lordship from Walburga.

They only distraction from the norm was the occasional request by

Dumbledore to visit him in his office. But Harry had managed to avoid

the request so far by.

Bella had not been idol either. She had informed Harry about the Death

Eater rings and her theory about them being a communication device and

the possibility of placing a curse on one ring that could transmit it to all

the others.

Harry was excited about the possibility, however Bella was having no

luck so far in trying to figure out the arithmancy behind the rings

operation and the charm work was well above her understanding. But

Bella loved a challenge and she would not relent until she discovered its

secrets. Then the next daunting task would be to weave her own curse

into the rings spell lattice.

She had a working premise on how it could work. But it was all theory

for now, and it would continue to be until she unraveled all the

protective spells on the ring itself and bean to experiment. The danger

came from accidentally destroying the existing mechanism of

communication in her attempts to understand it. If the ring became

inoperable it was back to square one, and somehow getting another ring

seemed was not a pleasant thought.

Bella was sure that Rudolfus had made an example of Olivia to impress

upon the others who had a ring not to lose them or let them out of your

sight, or they could face similar consequences.


The time had finally come to attempt the unbinding ritual and Harry was

a bundle of nerves. Walburga had tried to calm the nervous boy, but no

words of reassurance could ease his frazzled nerves. He was about to

perform a ritual he had never done before that could cause permanent

damage to the girl he was quickly falling in love with. One simple miss

stroke on a rune or a mispronounced word could be disastrous.

The only thing that kept him from falling apart was the faith Bella had in

him. They had spent the night together holding on to one another. He

had expressed his fears to her that night and she had told him that she

knew that she was in good hands and trusted him completely. The reams

of parchment he had gone through drawing and redrawing the runes was

a testament to his dedication on getting it right.

She had distracted him from his obsessive musing by making sure his lips

and mouth were to deliciously occupied to think of anything else but

exploring her lips and mouth in return. But now that the moment was at

hand those same nerves were threatening his confidence.

"The room is ready milord." Kreacher informed Harry who had been

pacing in his room. Harry nodded and took another deep breath to center


Harry exited his room into the commons area. He noticed that the

couches and chairs were no longer there, but a large alter dominated the

center of the room. It looked like shiny black onyx, he could see his

reflection in the surface of it. He ran his hand down it and to his surprise

found it warm to the touch.

A simple medical cart with wheels stood next to the altar with three vials

of Bella's blood and what looked like several old fashioned fountain pens

which would be used to draw the runes by dipping the head of the pens

in the blood.

Harry twisted the Black signet ring around his finger nervously and

began to recite the incantation in his head. He would not mess up, he

continued to tell himself as he paced. The room was warmly lit by the

roaring fire in the hearth, and several torches lining all four walls, and

four bluebell flames hovering above the altar illuminating it in soft light.

A door opening to his right caught his attention. He turned to see Bella

step out of her room. Her long curly dark hair was piled up on top of her

head to keep it off her shoulders and neck. She was wearing a forest

green silk robe that clung sinfully over her feminine curves. The robe was

pulled tight around her by a silk belt that just accentuated her femininity.

Bella gave him a shy smile as she made her way slowly to him, her own

nerves for the first time visible in her violet eyes. She pressed herself

against him as his arms encircled her narrow waist. They stood silently in

each other's embrace for a few moments, each gathering up their


"I know you can do this Harry." She whispered, her head tucked under his


All Harry could do was nod; he did not trust his voice not to expose his

nervousness at that moment. She needed to feel that he was confidant

and he would be that for her. She stepped back but still in his arms and

gently kissed him.

"I'm ready Harry." Bella told him. Not breaking eye contact with him she

stepped out of his embrace and pulled the silk belt loose and with a small

shrug the silken robe slid to the floor pooled at her feet.

She stood before him in all her vulnerability. Harry lost the power to

think or speak, for the very first time he was seeing her, all of her. He

was sure at that moment that not even Aphrodite could match the beauty

that stood before him.

Bella reached for his hand and pulled him with her as she approached the

altar. The altar lowered itself to just above Bella's knees. Still holding on

to Harry's hand she sat down on the edge of the altar and with Harry's

gentle help, she lay back and stretched out on the black shining surface.

As soon as she was completely reclined the altar rose again to allow

Harry easy access to her body. Bella continued to look deeply in to

Harry's eyes, her breaths quickened and her chest with its perfect breasts

began to rise and fall in nervous anticipation.

Harry closed his eyes and focused his thought on the task at hand. He

would start from the tops of her feet and work his way up until her entire

body was covered in the ancient writing. Harry took pen in hand and

dipped it into one of the vial of blood on the tray. He gently wiped the

excess blood from the sides of the pen.

Coming to the top of her left foot he made the first stroke of many. Harry

sighed in relief as the first rune was drawn perfectly. That success eased

the rest of his nerves and he proceeded with the next. Within an hour

Harry had drawn twenty-four runes that covered Bella's feet and legs.

The next three runes would be directly above Bella's smooth womanhood.

Harry felt the soft skin below as he prepared to draw the runes that

would affect her fertility. He lowered his head over her and could smell

her intoxicating scent as he began to draw the first rune.

Bella had to fight to keep herself still, she had to remain perfectly still,

and the slightest movement on her part could cause a miss stroke and

would be disastrous for her. But Harry's proximity and warm breath

around her warm nether regions was making the poor girl struggle to

keep her sanity. She had an overwhelming desire to wrap her legs around

Harry's head tightly and feel what his wonderful moist lips could do to


An agonizing fifteen minutes later and Harry had finished with that part

of her anatomy and had moved on to her hips then belly. But as soon as

he had reached her breasts she fought another internal struggle not to

force Harry's mouth down on her nipple and order him to suckle her.

He was so methodical and so close to her body she could feel the warmth

of his body and breath, it was torture not to just reach out and pull him

on top of her and have her way with him. She knew her juices were

already starting to flow from the eroticism of the moment; her scent was

already heavy in the air.

Harry had finished the runes that encircled her breasts and was now

moving on to her shoulders and arms. Two hours later and Harry had

completed the runes. Harry stepped back and sighed heavily knowing

that he had finished the most taxing part of the ritual. He had struggled

with himself constantly throughout the procedure, his mind continually

tried to run away with thoughts of an extremely beautiful and not to

mention naked Bella in front of him. His trousers had become painfully

tight around his manhood as it begged for release.

Harry picked up a silver dagger that was on the tray with the blood and

pens. He sliced the palm of his left hand and then with the Black signet

ring on his right hand ring finger dipped the stone into his blood.

He pressed the blood soaked gem to Bella's forehead and began the spell

that would initiate the runes that covered her body. Calling upon his

magic and stating his position as head of the Black Family he called for

the removal of the chastity bindings.

Harry felt a pull on his magic as one by one each rune began to glow a

brilliant red. It began from where he had touched her forehead and

slowly made it way down her body. He stepped back and watched as

Bella's body began to glow and tremble like a current of electricity was

going through her.

Suddenly the glow and her shaking stopped and the runes that had been

drawn slowly faded into nothingness. Bella's eyes were closed and she

was not waking, but Harry noticed that she was breathing.

Walburga had watched the entire ritual and could see the worry in

Harry's eyes. "She will be fine Harry; it just takes a lot out of a girl when

they go through this process. Take her and put her into bed." Walburga

told him. With a sigh of relief he gently scooped her up into his arms and

held her tightly to him.

Harry walked into her bedroom and discovered that her bed sheets and

blankets had already been turned down for her; most likely Kreacher had

anticipated the need. He knelt on the bed and then gently laid her down.

He brought up the sheets and blanket and tucked her in. Even asleep she

was the most beautiful woman in the world to him. He kissed her

forehead and attempted to turn and leave so that she could sleep but a

hand had grabbed his own.

He turned around to see a pair of sparkling violet eyes looking back at

him. Her eyes spoke volumes to him, they spoke of gratitude, and love,

but the dominate feeling they were expressing at that very moment was


She spoke in a low husky voice, her eyes sparkling with mischief and

passion. "We're not done yet."


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter would love to hear your comments

and thoughts.

S/N: Before anyone gets angry at me, the next chapter will have Bella

and Harry consummating their relationship-tastefully done of course.

Don't want the story pulled. : )

Also some of you might be upset with how Harry reacted to Hogwart's

revelation about his unique circumstance or rather his lack of reaction.

And yes it was manipulation on Hogwarts part. But I think when faced

with either an early death or a new life with Bella, Harry would choose

the latter, probably after a good long rant, but I didn't want to go all

angsty in this chapter, so Harry was a little out of character. I don't

think it diminished the story. I hope anyway. Thanks again for reading!

12. Chapter 12

Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

A/N: Thanks for all the reviews, a lot of great and insightful comments.

Just a warning that there is a Lemon in this chapter; it is identified

before it begins. More changes to the time line! "Woo Hoo!"

Chapter 12:

Orion Black, head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, sat at

his roll-top desk in his study located at Number 12 Grimauld Place. It

was nearing mid-night and he was going over the most recent financial

ledgers sent to him by his account manager at Gringotts.

He was gazing at what he had in liquid assets and hard currency and was

beginning to regret the decision he had made on behalf of his House to

be a financial backer of the new Pureblood movement. He was currently

giving a thousand Galleons a month to Lord Voldemort, money that was

being used for lining the pockets of various politicians, and economic

leaders within the Wizarding World.

Buying politicians and economic leaders was an age old tradition since

the dawn of the first organized civilizations. And the Blacks were very

savvy in the art of political maneuverings, whether by fair means or foul

their reputation for always getting what they wanted was not


It wasn't the political game that now worried Orion Black, but something

else that had him reconsidering his backing of this political newcomer.

Orion once again starred at the parchment in his hands that had been

delivered to him this morning. It was from Voldemort demanding an

increase of two thousand Galleons a month to the movements coffers and

that all believers in the cause were to meet in one week's time to swear a

blood oath of fealty to their new Lord.

This did not sit well with the Black of Blacks; his house had always stood

above the rest. They were never subservient to another house not to

mention to any one man. The House of Black had existed for millennia,

but it had done so by remaining in the shadows and never putting all

their assets into one basket. And here this Voldemort wanted all the old

houses to swear their lives and fortunes to him.

Despots and rulers had come and gone and the House of Black had out

lived them all by following one simple rule. Loyalty to one's House above

all else. And this time was no different, he would help the cause but he

would not put the well being and survival of his house in one basket.

Voldemort would either accept his conditions or he would cease all

backing of the movement.

As Orion was continuing to review his financial statements the smell of

smoke caught his attention. He lifted his head from the parchment and

looked around his office; his nose was indicating that the smell was

coming from behind a section of wood paneled wall. Orion jumped up

from his seat and took out his wand. He quickly tapped the wall three

times and uttered a password.

The wood melted away revealing a large walk in safe. Orion pricked his

thumb causing it to bleed. He placed the bleeding thumb in the middle of

the Black Crest which was at the center of the large metallic door, the

crest only being about six inches in circumference. The magic in the crest

recognized the blood immediately and the door slid to the side into a

recess in the wall.

The safe was lined with shelves on both sides, filled with ledgers,

notebooks, a few ancient Black Heirlooms and several files on every

member of the family. Orion then saw smoke coming from a cubby that

was labeled Bellatrix Black. He ran to it just in time to see the last few

remaining remnants of the Lestrange-Black marriage contract burn to

ash. Orion knew that there were only three ways that the contract could

be destroyed in this manner, and that was if the Lestrange patriarch

destroyed his copy thusly signifying that he no longer wanted to pursue

the agreement or if he himself had destroyed it.

The only other possibility was that if the conditions of the magically

binding contract were violated making it null and void. But the

ramifications and punishment of such an act were so severe that it was

almost unheard of a witch willingly breaking it. The only other way was

if she was raped. He needed to get to the bottom of this.

He exited the safe and walked to the floo to call Lord Lestrange to

ascertain if it had been him that had destroyed the contract. Though he

could not see why in the world he would want to, considering the large

dowry the Lestranges would be receiving not to mention the added

political strength.

He reached for the floo powder on the mantle and was about to toss some

in to the grate when his own fire place erupted in green flames and the

head of Lord Leonard Lestrange appeared. And by the look of fury on his

face he had his answer.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS BLACK!" The Lestrange patriarch


"Watch your tone Lestrange. Need I remind you that you are speaking to

someone above your station!" Orion hissed dangerously. "I have not

reneged on our agreement. I was about to floo you and asked if you had."

"Of course I did not! Why would I?" Lestrange replied indignantly.

"If neither of us was the one to destroy the contract then something has

happened with Bellatrix. Did your nephew lose his patience and attempt

to bed my niece before they were officially betrothed?" Orion accused. "I

made you and your son fully aware of the spells and curses I placed on

her during the binding to keep her pure! If he has befouled her then you

would have cost me a member of my family and I will seek retribution!"

"He would do no such thing." Lestrange insisted but there was doubt in

his eyes that Orion spotted. "If he was responsible…I will still honor an

arrangement of marriage no matter her um…condition."

Orion knew that it was the bride price and dowry that Lestrange coveted

and that this was the only reason he would still consent to a marriage

between his son and Bellatrix. Even if Bella were insane and barren the

money was worth it to Lestrange. And he always had another son that

could produce an heir for the Lestrange family.

"I suggest we contact your son and my niece tomorrow and determine

what has happened. Then after we determine the facts we may still be

able to come to some arrangement on a union between our families."

Orion stated noncommittally.

"Very well Orion. I will contact Dumbledore in the morning and arrange

a time where we can go and visit with the children and clear this matter

up." The Lestrange patriarch replied and then with a slight pop his head

disappeared from the fire.

Orion would need to contact Cygnus immediately. His younger brother

would not be a very happy man if they discovered a damaged Bellatrix.


Earlier that evening: *Lemon Warning!*

…She spoke in a low husky voice, her eyes sparkling with mischief and

passion. "We're not done yet."

Holding tightly to Harry's hand, she scooted herself to the edge of the bed

and then placed both feet on the floor on either side of Harry's feet.

Harry gulped as the nude beauty sat in front of him and stared

unblinkingly into his eyes with her sparkling violet eyes that were dilated

wide with passion.

Bella released Harry's hands and then with both hands free she tugged up

on Harry's tucked in shirt, freeing it from his trousers. Slowly and with

great dexterity she slowly began to unbutton the shirt working her way

methodically upwards never looking away from his eyes.

She stood as she came to the last two buttons; there was barely room

enough for a thin book to pass between them. Harry could feel Bella

breathe on his exposed neck, and she could feel his own shallow breaths

deliciously peppering her own skin.

She placed her warm delicate hands on his pectoral muscles beneath his

shirt and slowly slid them down to his strong abdominal core. Quidditch

players always had a strong core from the constant need to use all their

upper body muscles to keep them balanced on their brooms. Especially

seekers who were expected to push themselves and their brooms to their

fullest potential.

Harry let a small moan escape from his lips as her hands lingered around

his lower abs. Her hands made their way painfully slow back up his

chest, sliding over his shoulders and pushing his shirt over them. The

shirt fell silently to the floor.

Bella stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his chest, and

pressed her body against his. Harry felt his chest suddenly warmed as soft

flesh was suddenly pressed against his own. He felt Bella's firm breasts

against his own chest which caused an immediate tightening in his


Bella gently swayed her body side to side which had the intoxicating

sensation of her breasts sliding across Harry's chest. Harry's mind by now,

at least the rational part, decided to take a nap as his other primal

instincts began to assert themselves.

His arms wrapped around Bella and his hands began to caress and

explore the smooth skin of her upper and lower back. His hands with a

mission of their own slid to lower regions. Bella moaned her approval as

strong fingers found the luscious flesh below her waist and began to

massage and gently knead the twin globes.

Bella leaned her head back and placed one of her hands behind Harry's

head and brought his head to hers where their lips met in tender

exploration. Her right hand caressed Harry's left arm and slid down to

where her right hand covered Harry's left hand which was still occupying

itself with the object of its current fascination.

She lightly gripped his hand and slid it up her body and placed it on top

of her breast. She squeezed his hand sending him an encouraging signal

that she wanted him to continue. She moaned into his kiss as he began to

minister to her firm b-cup breasts.

Harry was surprised at the firmness of her breast but how velvety to the

touch they were. He felt her nipple harden below his palm. He took her

nipple between his thumb and forefinger and began to gently roll it

between the two fingers. He realized that he must have found a very

pleasurable spot because Bella moaned louder than she had heretofore

done, she had pinched her legs together and she was trembling slightly in

his arms, she then suddenly deepened her kiss passionately.

Both of Bella's hands fell to Harry's belt and made quick work of

unfastening it. She unbuttoned the trousers and finding the zipper

unzipped them, her hands then went to the side of his waistband and

hooking her thumbs in the waistband of the trousers and his boxers she

pushed them down off his hips. The pants pooled around Harry's legs and

whether conscious or not of what he was doing kicked his shoes off and

then stepped out of the fallen trousers and boxers removing his socks as


Bella took a half step back from Harry to properly see him for the first

time. She gasped as his manhood came into view. She had been

unfortunate enough to have seen Rudolfus' as he was shagging Olivia, but

he had nothing compared to Harry.

She cautiously reached out with her right hand and wrapped her fingers

around his shaft. At Bella's touch Harry gasped causing Bella to look up

in worry that she may have hurt him. But his crooked smile and dazed

eyes reassured her that he was definitely not hurting.

A bit more confidently she wrapped her hand around the shaft again and

began to move her hand up and down its length. She marveled at its

rigidity and yet its softness. Her other hand came up and with her index

finger she circled the head of his manhood. Her eyes widened as it

seemed to inflate and become larger. She wondered briefly how she was

going to fit him inside her, when Harry gasped again and his hands flew

to her shoulders, he had a look of panic in his eyes.

Bella was worried again for a moment that she had hurt him, but then

she realized that she must have brought him close to orgasm without

realizing it. She released him and then stepped into his embrace again

and brought his lips to hers once more. Their kissing became more

passionate as they tried to explore every part of each other's mouths,

neck, and ears.

Bella grabbed Harry and forced him to lay reclined at the head of the bed

with his legs outstretched; she then straddled him, kissing him languidly

for several minutes before breaking the kiss and sitting back on his legs.

"I'm ready Harry." Bella said breathlessly. Her eyes were large and were

swirling with a mix of emotions. Harry saw love, lust, anxiety, and worry,

and a host of other emotions.

"Are you sure?" Harry said with genuine concern which made her smile

appreciatively. She nodded demurely.

"But I want to be in control and set the pace if that's okay?" Bella asked

nervously. "I know it's going to hurt a bit and I want to be able to start

and stop if I need to." Harry nodded with an understanding smile.

The lights in the room seemed to dim and the flicker of fire light was the

only thing illuminating the room in soft yellows and oranges. Bella

leaned forward again and gently took Harry's lips with her own and

gently moving her lips across his. The tip of her tongue traced across his

lips asking for permission to enter, Harry though inexperienced with this

type of kiss parted his lips in an open invitation. Both were quick studies

and their tongues soon danced like well practiced partners.

Excitement and passion filled the couple as their bodies began to respond

to the other, the heat between them increased until they were both dizzy

with lust. Bella could not wait any longer, she needed him and

maneuvered herself into a position to receive him.

She slid herself along his length, allowing her fluids to coat him and to

prepare herself. She slid all the way forward aligning herself with him

and then gently slid back sinking him gently into her warm folds. Harry

was immediately overcome by a feeling of great warmth enveloping his

length. It felt amazingly warm and snug, nothing could have prepared

him for the intense feeling of pleasure he was now enjoying.

Bella slowly rocked back and forth taking her time and taking a bit more

of him with each pass. He finally reached her barrier and without

hesitation she rocked back hard with determination breaking through the

thin membrane.

She froze as she was hit with a tearing pain, she did not move and

allowed the pain to dissipate and for the burning to lessen before she

continued. Harry looked at her with concern but she shook her head and

gave him a watery eyed grin. A few minutes passed and Bella began to

move again. She placed her hand on his chest as she moved back and

forth. It took a bit more time but Bella had finally managed to take Harry


Although awkward at first the young couple found a rhythm, but it soon

became apparent that Harry would not last much longer. But that was

quite alright with Bella, she knew that this was just the beginning of their

relationship and that there would be many more wonderful nights ahead

of the two, and it had been quite pleasurable for her but for a brief

period when her maidenhead was broken.

Harry's breathing suddenly became labored and fast, his hands had

gripped her waist and she knew what was about to happen. Freedom. She

would be free from the marriage contract and free to pursue a life with

Harry in whatever time they decided on. Harry's movements suddenly

became erratic as he looked at Bella with wide eyes; she smiled and

nodded to him and at that very instant Harry's world exploded as their

coupling reached its zenith. Bella was pleasantly surprised that Harry's

excitement had triggered her own happy ending.

She collapsed forward onto Harry's chest who wrapped her up in his

arms. They cuddled into each other and were blissfully unaware of what

was happening hundreds of miles away in London to two marriage

contracts that suddenly ceased to exist. Nor were they aware of the

sudden re-write of history.


The next morning found Harry and Bella snuggled together in a twist of

limbs, both awake and enjoying the warmth that they were creating

together with their bodies pressed so deeply into one another that they

appeared to be one.

"Well, milord…" Bella began with a grin. "As much as I would love to stay

in bed with you all day, we should probably start the day."

"Don't wanna." Harry said with a goofy grin. "I'm quite willing to stay just

like this."

Bella gave him a tender kiss. "Yes milord, but my bladder is telling me to

get a move on, and besides if you get up now we can enjoy a hot bath…

together." Bella waggled her eyebrows.

"Sold!" Harry grinned. "I'll get the water running." He said leaping from

the bed and dashing to the wash room. Bella chuckled at his enthusiasm.

Two hours later and a very thoroughly washed and sated couple walked

arm and arm into the commons room to a breakfast table filled with fruit

and hot scones.

"About time you two decided to join the land of the living." The portrait

of Walburga stated. She smirked at the glowing faces of the two teens as

they sat at the table, Bella practically in Harry's lap.

"So I take it everything went well last night?" The smirking portrait asked

the profusely blushing couple. "Although in my day, one waited till

marriage for such activities but in your case I understand your

motivations. However the use of a silencing charm next time would be

appreciated. Six times! Sweet Maeve, you two were insatiable!"

Harry and Bella glowed an even brighter red if it were possible. "Sorry

Auntie." The two teens replied not looking up at the portrait.

"I imagine Orion has discovered by now that the contract has been

voided, if not it will be soon. We need to come up with a plan to deal

with this. If I know my husband he will be marching up to the school as

soon as he can to find out what has happened." Walburga informed the


Bella's countenance dropped noticeably. Harry hugged her to him and

kissed her temple. She snuggled into his chest and let out a deep sigh and

closed her eyes.

"What did you have planned to deal with him?" Harry asked gently.

Bella shifted in his arms so her head was on his chest. "Honestly, I hadn't

given it much thought. I knew that there would be an eventual

confrontation…but I was more focused on getting things done than what

the aftermath would be." Bella sighed.

"Well, I suggest we come up with something, because your uncle will be

on a tear once he discovers the binding has been broken." Walburga


"What would he do to her Auntie?" Harry asked.

"My dear, I shudder to think. He could disown her from the family,

confiscate her trust vault, publicly disgrace her and make it impossible

for her to find any family who would take her in. The Black family has its

hands in many many pies; he can effectively cut her off from any help by

threatening other families from helping her in any way." Walburga told

him sadly.

"You knew this Bella? Did you know that this could happen to you?"

Harry asked angrily.

Bella tightened her grip on Harry and nodded her head against his chest.

"I knew Harry…and I would make the choice again. I don't want to lose

myself Harry, and I don't want to lose what has begun between us." Bella

replied earnestly lifting her head and looked deeply into Harry's eyes.

"Am I alone in my feelings Harry?" Bella whispered worriedly. Something

arose in Bella's chest something she had never really felt


Harry looked at Bella's hopeful face and his heart beat wildly in his chest,

his words left his lips without hesitation. "No Bella, you're not alone."

Bella collapsed back into Harry's chest hugging him tightly.

"So what do we do? How do we handle this?" Harry asked.

"The Lestrange marriage contract was a political move on the part of my

husband. The Lestrange family was among the first of the Old families to

join the new movement and as such were in a prominent position. Orion

hoped by creating an alliance with the Lestranges the Blacks would be

well positioned to reap any benefits should the movement be successful.

Bellatrix was the "tribute" as it were to seal the alliance. If the movement

were to fail, it would not have affected the House of Black too severely,

Bellatrix not being in the direct line of House succession. She could easily

be expulsed from the family without repercussions." Walburga stated

apologetically to the seething young woman.

"So in other words I was expendable!" Bella hissed.

"Sadly, yes my dear. Politics is an ugly game and you were to be a pawn

in that game. You must understand Bellatrix that we believed at the time

that Voldemort was on a just crusade to restore the old ways, and we

wanted to be a part of that return. However, prudence dictated that we

play both sides.

Your cousins, my sons, were also used, groomed to be on opposing sides,

Sirius we would subtly guide to be loyal to the light and Regulus we

groomed to be loyal to the darker families. We hoped that whichever side

won we could claim allegiance through one of our sons. By Sirius' sixth

year we knew we could no longer support Voldemort but we were in too

deep, Voldemort had a stranglehold on our House.

You had become one of the Dark Lords top Lieutenants by that time; you

were quite mad and extremely dangerous. Cygnus had been coerced to

sign a marriage contract by Abraxus Malfoy between his son Lucius and

Narcissa. We suspect it was on orders from Voldemort to put more hooks

into our family.

Andromeda had fled the family in her fifth year and married a

muggleborn. At least she escaped the chaos. Regulus was brain washed

by junior Death Eaters at Hogwarts to taking the mark when he was

sixteen. He never finished his education and two years later he was dead.

Orion mysteriously died a month after Regulus' disappearance. He had

made the mistake of making it known that he would no longer support

the cause to the wrong people. His body was found outside a tavern in

Diagon Alley. I followed my husband in death a few years later."

Walburga finished.

"How does this help us Auntie?" Bella asked in confusion.

"Sorry I went on a tangent but there is reason for it. The mental state of

your uncle is tied to the health and wealth of House Black. If you can

show him that the Lestrange alliance is not in the best interest of the

family, and reveal Voldemort for who he truly is and what he will do to

the family, you may placate him long enough to not act rashly when he

asks about the unbinding." Walburga replied.

"What if we were to give him a more advantageous alliance, to an older

wealthier family?" Bella asked, having an idea beginning to form in her


"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"What if I told him I have been approached by the Most Ancient House of

Eveningshade and an offer of marriage had been suggested?" Bella looked

hopefully at Harry. "The Eveningshade name is still well known amongst

the ancient houses and could persuade uncle to not pursue further

relations with the Lestrange family."

"Bella, I know very little about pureblood politics, and even less about

the Eveningshade family. It could be completely destitute without two

knuts to rub together." Harry said in a panic.

"Then we go see the goblins and find out. And Auntie and I can fill you in

on proper etiquette and how to deal with Uncle Orion." Bella stated


"I don't know Bella; maybe it would be better to just avoid him

altogether." Harry weakly suggested.

"Harry, if we could pull this off, you might be able to save my family

from the terrible fate that is before it. If you can convince Orion to turn

away from Voldemort the rest of the Black family would follow."

Walburga stated. "But you must approach Orion from a position of

strength and with solid information on Voldemort."

"Do we tell him I'm from the future?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't think that would be the wisest course Harry." Walburga Black

told the young man. "But it may eventually come to that. If you think you

can not persuade him, perhaps seeing me might do the trick."

"So I take it we'll be taking a trip to Gringotts in your time Bella?" Harry


"Yeah, we'll need to establish your identity with the Goblins and see if

there are any vaults left that belong to the Eveningshades." Bella replied.

"And if I don't have a knut?" Harry questioned.

"That won't be a problem young Harry." Harry and Bella turned to see the

Lady Hogwarts smiling widely behind them.

"Milady." The two teens spoke. Harry bowed and Bella curtsied.

"I will guarantee that you will be properly wealthy." The spirit of

Hogwarts stated with a sly smile.

"And how will you accomplish this?" Walburga asked from her portrait.

"This castle has been a school for over a thousand years and before that it

was Griffon Hall, the ancestral home of Gryffindor. In my long history as

a keep and a school I have been inundated with lost Galleons, misplaced

jewels, forgotten ancient tomes, and a myriad of other items and

artifacts. I store all these lost and hidden things within these very walls.

As my champions I shall give all that I have of value to you Harry and

the House of Eveningshade. Within my walls I posses the riches of kings

and conquerors, you shall never want for the need of gold or knowledge.

This I give to you with one request, that you use it to defend me, and to

live a long long happy life." The specter of Hogwarts offered with a smile.

Suddenly forty large chests appeared before them. Harry and Bella's eyes

widened in shock at the wealth on display before them, gold and jewels

filled the chest to over flowing.

"This is but a tenth of what lays within my walls my champions, but I

assure you what you behold before you will have the Goblins falling over

themselves to do anything you want to have your gold within their

walls." Hogwarts smirked.

Harry and Bella were speechless, but were shaken out of their stupor by

Walburga clearing her throat. "Well, if the Eveningshades weren't

wealthy before they certainly are now." Walburga commented.

"Two problems though." Harry stated.

"Oh?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, first how are we going to get to Gringotts before your Uncle shows

up, and two, how are we going to move forty trunks that weigh about a

ton each?" Harry asked.

"Really Harry?!" Bella asked incredulously. "Do you not have magic?"

"Uh, yeah." Harry said sheepishly.

"We can use shrinking charms on the trunks and a weightless charm. We

then can store them in a book bag. As for getting to Gringotts we can

apparate." Bella said matter of factly.

"Yeah, a small problem, I don't know how to apparate and aren't you too

young to apparate as well? I thought you had to be seventeen and then

you have to pass a test to get a license." Harry remarked.

"Blacks are taught to apparate when we are fourteen; I've been doing it

for almost two years." Bella replied.

"What about the trace? If you apparate won't the Ministry find out?"

Harry asked.

"I see I have much to teach you milord. When you became Lord Black

you were immediately emancipated and are considered a legal adult, so

you have been free of the trace since you accepted your Lordship."

Walburga informed the shocked boy.

"But what about Bella?" Harry asked.

"I never had the trace, Harry." Bella shrugged.

"What? How? I thought everyone under seventeen automatically had it."

Harry asked a bit surprised.

"Harry, the trace is on the wands, well the wands that are purchased from

Ollivanders that is." Bella stated. "My family does not buy our wands

from Ollivanders we have them custom made by a wand crafter."

"So it is my wand that has the trace?" Harry asked removing his wand

from his back pocket.

"It did but no longer. The moment you placed the Black Head of House

ring on your finger the family magic removed the trace from your wand."

Bella told him.

"Okay, so I still have the problem of not being able to apparate." Harry

told her accepting the other issue.

"Well, I'm going to be teaching you how to apparate, but for this trip I

can bring you along with me." She told her boyfriend.

"You can do that?" Harry asked, showing his ignorance of magical travel.

"Hmm huh, it's called side along appartion. It's a little uncomfortable but

not terribly so." Bella informed him.

"Okay." Harry finally said raising both of his hands in a surrendering

gesture. "When shall we do this?"

"No time like the present." Bella smiled. "All we need to do is get outside

of the wards and we can go."

"Be safe children and good luck." The Lady Hogwarts offered before


Harry and Bella went to work on shrinking the trunks and putting feather

light charms on them. Harry collected them all and placed them in a

dragon hide satchel that Remus had given him back in his third year.

Walburga instructed the pair to dress in their best dress robes. She

emphasized that a lord should look the part. With some last minute tips

on dealing with the goblins the young couple were ready to leave.

They approached the door and opened it. Bella took a firm hold of

Harry's hand and stepped first into the abandoned hallway. Although it

was an early Saturday morning and the majority of the students were

enjoying a lay in, Harry threw his invisibility cloak around them for the

sake of precaution.

They made their way to the entrance hall unmolested and stepped out

into the brisk September air. Twenty minutes later and they had made

their way through the Hogwarts gate and stood on the road that leads to

Hogsmeade. Harry removed the cloak after making sure there was no one

about who would see them.

"Ready?" Bella asked. Harry nodded that he was.

"Just take hold of my arm. It will feel like you're being squeezed tightly

but don't let go, okay?" Bella told him and received another nod.

With a quick twist, Bella and Harry disappeared with a loud pop. Harry

felt like all the air in his lungs were being forcefully squeezed from his

body, just when he felt he was going to pass out a pop and a rush of air

filled his lungs.

"Well that was p-pleasant." Harry gasped. "Is there any form of magical

travel that doesn't make you feel like you want to hurl?"

"Man up Harry, it wasn't that bad." Bella stated, rolling her eyes and the

green eyed boy. Harry just groaned a response.

Bella took out her wand and twirled it around her head. Soon her ebony

curly locks straightened and turned a dirty blonde in color. Another tap

to her temple and her eyes turned green.

"Okay let's go." Bella said.

"Wait, what about me? Don't I need to change my appearance?" Harry


"Well, considering you technically haven't been born yet, I don't think

many people would recognize you." Bella replied.

"But don't I look like a Potter?" Harry asked.

Bella looked at him evaluating his looks. "Well I guess we could give you

some highlights, I know of no Potters who have your eye color so I think

you're good there." Bella took out her wand and made a few jabbing

motions with her wand. "There, that looks nice."

"What did you do?" Harry asked.

"Just slicked back your hair and gave it some highlights…blue ones." She

smirked mischievously.


"Yep, here look." She produced a small hand mirror and handed it to him.

"I look like bloody Clark Kent." Harry growled.

"Yeah, you look…super!" Bella laughed at her own joke.

"You know of Superman?" Harry asked suspiciously. "A muggle super


"Rebel child here remember. I've seen a few muggle comic books and

movies." She protested.

"Okay, okay." Harry shook his head with a half grin. "Let's go get this

done." Bella smiled and hooked her arm in his as they made their way

from the apparition point near the Leaky Cauldron to the large white

marble façade of Gringotts Bank.

"Next!" A surly looking Goblin called out. Harry and Bellatrix approached


"I am here to request an inheritance test." Harry told the goblin firmly.

"You are in the wrong line human." The goblin sneered. "End of the hall

first door to your left."

Harry gave a curt bow and left with Bella and followed the goblins

direction to an office door with the words Inheritance Office stenciled in

gold on a frosted glass window. Harry opened the door an allowed Bella

to enter first, with him following closely behind.

They walked into a small waiting room with a reception desk and

another if possible, surlier looking goblin seated at it.

"State your business." The goblin ordered.

Harry cleared his throat and approached the desk. "I am here to request

an inheritance test and to claim anything of that inheritance."

"And what family are you receiving the test for?" The goblin asked now

looking at Harry and then slowly glancing at Bellatrix before his eyes

found Harry again.

"I wish to be tested for the Ancient House of Eveningshade." Harry stated

firmly once more.

The goblin raised an extremely bushy eyebrow. "The Eveningshade family

has been extinct for at least a hundred years boy. You waste my time, be

off with you and feel fortunate that I don't have you thrown to the

dragons for trying to claim family status." The goblin then returned to

sharpening a rather sharp looking black blade.

Harry for a moment was speechless and did not know how to proceed,

but his dilemma was soon decided for him as Bellatrix stepped forward.

"How dare you speak that way to the Heir of House Eveningshade! He

has made a legitimate request and you insult him by dismissing him off

hand." Bella hissed angrily. But her bravado did not have quite the effect

she had hoped. The goblin leapt to his feet and bared a mouth full of

sharp pointy teeth.

"Mind your place girl! This is Gringotts…Goblin territory and you find

yourself fortunate that you are a youngling or you would be dead where

you stand!" Bella gulped but stood her ground. One thing Aunt Walburga

had told them was to not show fear or intimidation. Goblins would see

this as a weakness and immediately they would cease negotiations with

you. But they found respect in strength and courage.

Harry stepped in front of Bella and glared at the Goblin. "I have made a

legitimate request sir, and by your own bylaws you must afford me said

request." Harry spoke.

The goblin smiled dangerously. "The inheritance test for the Ancient

Houses is not something to take lightly. It can be painful very painful for

someone not of the bloodline. So I caution you human, to consider that

before you continue with this request."

"I'm aware of the risks, I still want to proceed." Harry sounded confidant

but inside he was shaking. Bella reached out and took his hand in hers

and Harry felt a calm fall over him from her silent support.

The Goblin whose name was Gilflesh narrowed his eyes at Harry but

shrugged a moment later. "As you wish. Have a seat while I retrieve the

needed items for the test." The goblin then disappeared behind another

door directly behind his desk.

"Nervous?" Bella asked quietly.

"Scared as hell." Harry responded with a weak smile.

"You'll be fine Harry." She said comfortingly and squeezed his hand.

Several minutes later the goblin walked in with a large bowl the size of a

dinner plate. It was jet black and seemed to be made of obsidian. Several

runes were barely visible around the rim of the bowl. Gilflesh set the

bowl on his desk and then produced an obsidian blade that was wrapped

in a dark purple velvet cloth; an ornate E was engraved on the hilt.

"This is the Eveningshade ritual basin and knife for inheritance testing.

The family magic is saturated within the bowl and knife. You must cut

open the palm of your hand and then allow the blood to flow into the

basin. If you are indeed a family member the runes around the lip of the

basin will glow blue. If you are the heir the signet ring will appear at the

bottom of the basin called by your blood.

I must warn you that the knife is cursed. If you cut yourself with it and

you are not of the bloodline…let's just say I hope your lady friend knows

your next of kin." The goblin smirked. "Whenever you are ready?"

Harry stood and approached the desk. He had to wipe the palms of his

hands on his trousers as his nerves were affecting the moisture levels.

Harry hoped that the Eveningshade blood he did have was not too

diluted or else this trip into the past would be his last.

Bellatrix was also having second thoughts about Harry doing this. She

had just found someone with whom she could see herself growing old

with and now he stood in front of her and it could be the last time that

they were together.

Harry reached out with his hand and let it hover over the knife for a few

seconds before taking a deep breath and grabbing the dark bladed knife

by the hilt with his right hand. It initially felt cold to the touch but a

second later he could feel the magic in the knife flowing through it. The

cold disappeared replaced by a warmth that seemed welcoming.

He brought the knife to his left palm and not wanting to prolong the

inevitable drew the razor sharp blade across his palm leaving a long thin

cut that began to bleed heavily. Harry brought the injured hand over the

basin and making a fist watched as the blood began to fill the basin.

Harry felt queasy as he watched the liquid of life pouring from his hand

but soon the bowl had its due and the cut on Harry's hand began to

quickly heal.

One by one a series of rune began to glow cobalt blue around the rim of

the stone basin. Within moments every rune was illuminated declaring

Harry to posses the blood of House Eveningshade. Seconds later the

blood in the basin began to swirl and shift. More runes from the inner

walls of the basin began to illuminate. The blood began to pool together

and take form, solidifying into strands that began to weave in and out of

each other. Before Harry's eyes a ring began to take shape, a ring made

from his blood. The form hardened then began to glow a dark red almost

black in color.

When the glowing stopped, Harry reached into the basin and withdrew a

dark blood-red signet ring that had the crest of a black Phoenix with its

wings spread open. The ring vibrated in Harry's hand and seemed to call

to him. He placed the ring on his right ring finger. It felt warm to the

touch; Harry could feel what seemed like a pulse beating from the

curious ring, as if it were alive.

The goblins eyes widened almost comically as he looked from the ring to

Harry in something akin to fear and respect. Then to Harry's surprise the

goblin bowed deeply. "My Lord Eveningshade, allow me to be the first of

the Gringotts goblin clan to welcome back the Most Ancient House of


Bella marveled at the action the goblin had just taken. Never in her life

had she ever seen any goblin give deference to a Wizarding House before.

She wondered what kind of history existed between the goblins and

House Eveningshade.

"Thank you Gilflesh." Harry said a bit taken aback by the bowing goblin.

"Do any vaults still exist for the House of Eveningshade?" Harry asked the

goblin who was just now raising his head.

"There are two vaults my Lord; one contains your family Grimoire and

other books and personal family belongings. The second is the treasure

vault, but I'm afraid that it contains merely three or four thousand

galleons and a few other precious stones. The wealth of House

Eveningshade though substantial two hundred years ago is not on the

same level as some of the other ancient and noble houses.

Without a Lord Eveningshade to give financial direction to the account

manager, the vault fell into stasis and the account manager reassigned. I

am sorry my lord, but we believed the Eveningshade line had become

extinct, so the account was not maintained." The goblin actually sounded


"Not to worry Gilflesh. If you will have someone escort me to my vaults, I

have a rather large deposit to make." Harry grinned roguishly.

Gilflesh left the office to call on another goblin to escort Harry to his

family vaults. As soon as the goblin had left the room Bella had thrown

herself at Harry crushing him with a bone breaking hug and kissing him

hard on the lips.

"I was so worried that something would go wrong…a-and I thought what

if I never got to…be with you again, and…I-I…"Bella's eyes welled up

threatening to spill the tears of worry that she was fighting to hold back.

Harry hugged her tightly. "Hey, I'm okay. Everything is all right; you still

have this marvelous piece of man to rock your world." Harry gave his

patented lopsided grin.

"You prat!" Bella smacked him upside the head but nevertheless grinned

at him shaking her head. Harry was proud of himself that he was able to

turn an emotionally heavy situation around and lighten Bella's mood.

There was no point in both of them being emotionally spent though he

hid it well.

Ten minutes later and the couple were zooming down the tunnels

beneath the bank in a goblin mine cart. Not soon enough for Bella the

cart came to a stop in front of a small door, just large enough for a single

person to walk into.

"Why is the door so small?" Bella asked a much younger Griphook who

Harry had recognized but did not mention.

"It is a safety measure the Lord Eveningshade of the time requested. It

only allows one being at a time entrance, so if for some reason a group of

people tried to break in to the vault the defensive magic that protects the

vault could strike down the intruders as they entered single file. It

prevents a larger force from overwhelming the defenses." Griphook's

squeaky voice explained.

"So how do I enter?" Harry asked.

"It is all about blood with your house my lord. You must give a drop of

your blood to the Eveningshade crest.

Harry noticed a small spike where the phoenix beak lay and pressed his

thumb against it. The blood trickled down the small spike and the beak

of the Phoenix opened and appeared to swallow the blood. The crest

flashed red and the door opened.

"Will Bella be able to enter with me?" Harry asked before entering.

"When you reach the other side, speak her name and beckon her through

and the wards will accept her." Griphook informed him.

Harry walked through the man sized door and when he came out of the

other side called to his girlfriend. "Bellatrix Black come through."

Bella cautiously stepped through the door which was about five feet

thick. As soon as she was out she let out a breath she hadn't realized she

had been holding. Soon after Bella had entered Griphook strolled

through, which surprised Harry.

"Griphook, how did you get through? I did not call you." Harry asked


"We goblins are the keepers of the vaults we can enter without

restriction. Though we would never enter on our own, but with you here

I can enter without harm." Griphook explained. Bellatrix didn't like that,

and by the look on Harry's face it seemed he wasn't keen on the idea


"Now to your right you'll see the door that leads to your family's personal

vault, the door to the left is the treasure vault." Griphook explained.

"Any defenses on those doors?" Harry asked.

"None my Lord, your ancestor believed that any intruder would be struck

down before they ever got this far. And he was correct." Griphook puffed

out his chest. "These are the best goblin wards there are."

Harry and Bella entered the left door, it was surprisingly large, almost

half the size of the Great Hall. Harry could scarcely imagine this vault

filled with gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and bronze Knuts. The vault

already contained several thousand Galleons but looked small in

comparison to the size of the room.

Bella and Harry went to work removing the many trunks from his satchel

and began to place them at five foot intervals. Once all the trunks had

found their space the couple began to re-enlarge them. A tally sheet next

to the door began to automatically update itself. It increased from four

hundred and twenty-three thousands Galleons to nearly 60 million


Bella was stunned to see the amount; it seemed that only forty trunks

would not be near enough to place fifty-nine million Galleons, she

realized that the Lady must have also placed expansion charms on the


Underneath the tally for Galleons appeared the words Precious Jewels. It

listed the number of rubies, sapphires, diamonds, and other precious

stones. A value of twenty million Galleons was assigned to the lot of

them, bringing the net worth of the vault to over eighty million Galleons

in liquid assets.

Griphook nearly fell over himself when he saw the new tally. The

Eveningshades were now in the top five wealthiest families in Great

Britain. Goblins would be slitting the competitions throats to get the

chance to manage such a large account and get the customary three

percent on any and all profits from investments they would make on

behalf of House Eveningshade.

Harry and Bella next explored the family's personal vault, where they

discovered a rather large library of ancient books and manuscripts on the

use of blood magic's and other arcane magical practices. These were

branches of magic that had either been banned by the International

Confederation of Wizards or had simply been lost to time.

They could tell from their reading that the Eveningshades were not a

strictly light sided family and were as the Lady had told them…just on

the darker side of gray. Looking through the family Grimoire confirmed

that indeed the Eveningshades were well versed in the art of Blood Magic

and even dabbled in Summoning.

"This could be very useful to have back at Hogwarts Harry. There are

spells and curses in here that have never been seen before at least in any

recent history. The best offensive spells are the kind your enemy knows

nothing about, and trust me as old as some of these entries are these

spells have not been seen in hundreds of years." Bella told him excitedly.

"Well I suppose we can take it with us." Harry told her flipping through

the pages. "Wait…what language is this? I don't recognize it." Harry

asked his girlfriend pointing out the page.

Bella looked at what Harry was pointing to but was just as flummoxed as

he was. "I don't know Harry. It's not Latin, or Greek or any of the Celtic

languages, or any other of the modern European languages. I don't know,

maybe the Lady would know." Bella told him with a shrug.

"There seem to be several more pages in whatever language this is."

Harry remarked. "Okay well we'll take it with us. You're probably right

about the Lady knowing something about it." Harry lifted the book from

its pedestal and placed it in his satchel.

"Anything else you want to look at while we're here?" Bella asked.

"I think I'm good for now unless you want to look around some more."

Harry told her. "I grabbed a few journals from my great-great-great

grandfather. Apparently he was the last Eveningshade to enter the vaults.

After that it seemed the family disappeared."

"Interesting, did the family squib out? Or did something else happen?"

Bella asked.

"Don't know, maybe his journals will tell me something more about what

happened to the family." Harry told her with curiosity. "If they were such

a powerful family it's odd that they would just disappear from the

Wizarding world." Harry mused aloud.

"Well, I'm starved. How about we go get some lunch?" Bella suggested.

"Sounds good." Harry replied.

An hour later the two teens found themselves at a quaint Bistro just down

from Florean Fortescue's Ice cream parlour. The day had warmed and

Diagon Alley seemed to be a beehive of activity with shoppers going to

and fro as they visited the many curio shops and restaurants.

"You know this place doesn't exist in my time." Harry quietly told Bella.

"Really? It's quite popular. The owner is a man named Gerard Bell, a

muggleborn. Graduated from Hogwarts about twenty years ago. After

graduation he left the Wizarding world for a while and went to France to

become a chef. Ten years later he came back and opened this Bistro. His

son Joseph Bell is a fifth year Gryffindor actually." Harry wondered while

Bella was giving the history lesson if this was a relative of Katie Bell from

his time.

"You seem to know a lot about him." Harry queried.

Bella smiled. "He actually introduced me to muggle music, well more like

Joseph did. I came to eat here with my mom about four years ago and I

heard some interesting music coming from the kitchen. I was a little

nosey and decided to investigate. Joseph was sweeping the floors and

listening to a singer named Elvis Presley. Have you heard of him?" Bella


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure most people have, well at least muggles." Harry


"Anyway, that was my first introduction into muggle culture. I met

Gerard that same day and got to know him. He asked if I liked the music

and of course I told him yes. He then went to his office and gave me my

first muggle record. It was Elvis of course. Gerard has been my source for

all things muggle ever since." Bella smiled mischeviously.

"Wow." Was all Harry could say.

A disturbance further up the alley caught the attention of the couple.

Several shouts had Harry acting on instinct as he jumped from his seat

while simultaneously drawing his wand. Bella following Harry's lead

drew her wand as the other patrons in the small establishment were

confused about what was happening.

Harry saw them first; about a dozen black cloaked individuals with

skeletal looking masks were marching straight for them. They formed a

half circle around the bistro all with wands drawn.

"Death Eaters!" Harry shouted to the other occupants of the restaurant,

but all he got back were blank or questioning stares.

"Death what?" A pudgy brown haired wizard asked.

"Bad guys!" Harry replied rolling his eyes.




FILTH!" One of the masked Death Eaters shouted to those who were

watching the scene unfold.

Gerard Bell came running out of the kitchen and stared at the group in

front of his store. "What is this?" The muggleborn wizard asked heading

for the door.

"Mr Bell! Don't go out there!" A still glamoured Bellatrix told her friend.




"This has gone on long enough!" Gerard Bell exclaimed as he grabbed the

door knob and threw the door open.

"No!" Bella shouted, but the proprietor stepped out in front of his life's


"Get out of here you lot before I call the Aurors!" Gerard shouted.

"Are you the filth who owns this establishment?" The leader of the mob

asked in disdain.

"I am! And who the bloody hell are you?" The man demanded.

"The bringer of the changing tide." The masked man sneered. "BURN IT

DOWN!" The eleven others raised their wands and fired incendio spells at

the packed establishment.

"NO!" Gerard yelled, but the man was ignored as spellfire rained down on

the edifice.

Panic erupted in the small bistro as men women and children rushed for

the door only to create a log jam of people.

Harry pointed his wand at a large exterior window and blew it out with a

shouted bombarda, he and Bella started to help people out the window as

smoke and flame began to consume the roof. Once the establishment was

clear Harry and Bella stepped out to see Gerard trying desperately to put

out the flames with jets of water from his wand.

Harry looked back at the quaint restaurant and could tell it would be a

total loss; fire fell from the roof into the main body of the bistro like

molten lava, setting ablaze everything it touched. The twelve Death

Eaters laughed at Gerard's fruitless efforts.

"YOU BASTARDS!" Harry and Bella heard Gerard yell and turned to see

Gerard swing his wand at the Death Eaters.

Time seemed to slow down as Harry and Bella watched in horror as at

least a half dozen sickly green spells hit the infuriated muggleborn man

in the chest. He dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.

Another person screamed in fury…it was Bella. Her wand was a blur as

she unleashed curse after curse on the masked mob. Two dropped

immediately screaming from whatever curse Bella had hit them with.

Harry saw a glimpse of the Bella who would have become the most

feared witch in Britain.

The Death Eaters were momentarily stunned into inaction as they saw

two of their own go down. It gave Harry an opportunity to take two more

out with bone breaker curses before the remaining eight turned their full

attention to the two teens.

Harry tried to convince Bella to flee, but she either did not hear him or

chose not to. A rage ignited in her that demanded vengeance. If she

would not flee he would have to do his best to keep them both alive.

A positive thing came from Harry's forced entry into the Tri-Wizard

Tournament, he had learned a wide variety of offensive spells and was

extremely accurate with his casting if he did say so himself. And dodging

curses from his schoolmates gave him heightened reflexes.

He had also found a most interesting book in the Black Library that had

some very inventive curses. He could remember a couple of them, though

he had never practiced them. But a battle was no time to try something


An orange colored spell rocketed toward Bella who was casting at

another masked individual and didn't see it coming. Harry cast a

reflective shield that sent the spell back to the sender. The man screamed

falling to the ground with a pinkish fluid pouring out of his mouth.

The ground suddenly came out from under Harry as a blast threw him

back several feet. He landed on his back with a thud, but did not remain

dormant. He rolled to his knees and was searching for the nearest threat.

To his right he heard Bella scream as a cutting curse hit her left shoulder.

Harry was on his feet and moving as fast as he could to Bella's side.

People were running in every direction trying to get clear of the fight,

Harry literally had to run over a fleeing wizard just to make it to Bella

who was pinned down behind a portable display case.

Harry saw her panicked face and the blood flowing down her left arm,

and then something within him snapped. The curse from the book in the

Black library forced its way to the front of Harry's thoughts. It was a wide

area curse…a ribbon cutter. The words flowed from his mouth as if he

were born speaking them and his wand made the movements like he had

performed the curse a thousand times.

With a sweeping arc a scarlet curse flew from his wand, the wide area

spell sliced through the neck of one Death Eater whose head rolled from

his shoulders and hit the ground with a thud. It split open the chest

cavity of two others. But Harry wasn't done yet, a high powered stunner

sent another crashing into a wall knocking him out.

Curses from the remaining four Death Eaters came at him fast and

furious, but unlike most wizards who fought from a stationary position,

Harry was bobbing and weaving avoiding curses when he could,

shielding when he couldn't.

Several killing curses were fired at him but the Death Eaters had a hard

time following and targeting the spry young man. With all their attention

diverted to Harry, Bella was able to leave her hiding place and flank the

Death Eaters.

A quick stunner took out one of the masked individuals who was behind

his confederates, his incapacitation going unnoticed by the other three.

However the next one to go down from Bella's perfectly aimed stunner

alerted the other two.

The leader of the group and one of the last two still standing, yelled at

his remaining companion to retreat. Harry realized that the man was

about to apparate by the placement of his feet to spin. With lightning

speed Harry cast an over powered bone breaker that shattered the man's

legs below the knees, and then followed it up with a disarming spell. The

second man disappeared a split second before Bella's stunner found him.

Harry quickly made his way to the downed leader of the twelve man hit

team. He was trying to prop himself up against the wall of another shop.

"You have just sealed your fate boy!" The Death Eater sneered as he spit

blood from his mouth. He had fallen face first to the ground breaking his

mask the jagged edge cutting the left side of his face from his chin to just

under his left eye. Blood from the gaping cut filled his mouth.

Harry looked at the man and saw a large resemblance to an older Lucius

Malfoy. The man had long platinum blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and an

identical sneer that all Malfoy's seemed to possess.

"I would be more concerned with your own fate." Harry cut back

dangerously as Harry pointed his wand at the man's heart.

Bella arrived at Harry's side and had to hold back a gasp as she

recognized Abraxus Malfoy, head of the Malfoy family. Bella whispered

in Harry's ear the identity of the man bleeding in front of him. Harry's

smile became absolutely feral as he stared back at the man.

"I think I may do our world a favor and just kill you now Mr. Malfoy."

Harry said with an edge to his voice that left no room for doubt that he

was serious.

"You killed an innocent man today." Harry growled.

"He was filth!" Malfoy spat. "We will see all mudbloods likewise dealt

with if they refuse to leave our world! My Lord will see to it!"

"You bigoted bastard!" Bella hissed kicking the man in the ribs several

times. Malfoy fell over howling in pain as several ribs broke.

"If I here of anymore attacks on muggleborns, Malfoy, there will be no

where that you'll be able to run that I will not find you." Harry spat

raising his wand to point right at Malfoy's forehead.

Malfoy's eyes widened at the sight of the signet ring on the boys right

hand. "It can't be." MaIfoy inaudibly muttered.

"Harry we need to go! Aurors are coming!" Bella warned. With one more

glare at the blonde Death Eater, Harry snapped the Malfoy patriarch's

wand and left quickly with Bella. It was not in their interest to be

questioned by the DMLE. How do you explain a time traveling teenager

to Aurors?


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please leave a comment or a review

and let me know what you thought.

13. Chapter 13

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Because of the fantastic number of reviews I got for the last

chapter I decided to post the next chapter a bit early. 120+ Reviews!

You guys are awesome. So here is Chapter 13.

S/N: When the phrase Great War is mentioned through this chapter it is

in reference to the war with Grindelwald which coincided with the

muggle World War 2.

Chapter 13:

The denizens of Diagon Alley were in a state of disbelief at what had just

occurred. Not in recent memory had there ever been an attack of this

nature. Even during Grindelwald's reign of terror Diagon Alley had

remained untouched by acts of terror.

Now as witches and wizards came out of their various hiding places they

marveled at the destruction that was caused during the five minute

battle. Nine people were dead, eight of which were wearing black robes

and masks, the ninth the well known and loved owner of the only bistro

in the alley, Gerard Bell.

Three other men were either unconscious or injured so severely that they

couldn't flee and one masked individual had escaped uninjured. The one

man who was too injured to flee was a shock to most, he being a well

known and respected member of the Wizengamot and head of an old

pureblood family.

Auror captain Alastor Moody arrived and quickly surveyed the crime

scene. Being a veteran of the Grindelwald war he was not unaccustomed

to what wizards could do to other wizards, so the gore and destruction he

saw before him had little effect on him. What he did feel was interest, he

had of course responded to scenes like this but they had been in remote

areas of Great Britain and the casualties were always muggles,

muggleborns, and the occasional half-blood. But this was the first time he

had seen the tables turned on the aggressors.

The terrorist had never lost a man on their hit and run missions, striking

hard and fast and then leaving that damnable mark in the sky. The

Ministry for the most part tried to keep these attacks quiet. But this

incident they would not be able to sweep under the rug. There were too

many witnesses in the heavily trafficked shopping district.

He opined that the vigilantes had become bold due to their successes in

the more provincial areas and had finally decided to bring their coming

out to the big stage. However, their grand entrance had unexpected

results. Someone fought back. Someone fought back and soundly kicked

their arses.

"Captain Moody, sir!"

"What is it recruit Bones?" Moody turned around to see a pretty young

redhead in her early twenties that he had taken on as his trainee, who

was looking a little green around the gills.

"Sir, we have secured the area, Robards and Wiltcomb have placed all the

deceased in the nearby apothecary for tagging and identification.

Gilchrist and Talmage have the three surviving terrorists at the Post

Office under guard awaiting your arrival sir." Amelia Bones reported, and

then hesitated for a moment.

"Was there something else Recruit Bones?" Moody queried.

"Well, uh…yes sir. One of the prisoners is…Lord Malfoy." She replied in


"Indeed?" Moody's interest peaking. "I've suspected that this organization

is getting funding from some of the wealthy pureblood elites. Looks like I

have my first bit of proof." Moody grinned predatorily.

"Uh yes sir." Amelia gulped at the look on Moody's face.

"Very well Recruit Bones, I want as many witness statements as you and

the rest of the team can get. We have the terrorists but I don't see anyone

stepping up to take responsibility for taking them out. We could be

dealing with a rival group; maybe a muggleborn vigilante group has

decided to fight back and get some payback." Moody mused aloud.

"Captain Moody Sir!"

"Auror McKinnon, what do you have for me?" Moody asked turning to the

new arrival.

"This parchment was found on one of the deceased terrorist sir, it appears

to be a list of all the muggleborn owned business in the alley sir." Seamus

McKinnon stated handing over the parchment to his captain.

Moody took the offered parchment and looked it over. "Hmm, it looks

like Bell wasn't the only target today; looks like five other businesses

were targeted. Unfortunately for the terrorist they met resistance at their

first stop." Moody chuckled darkly.

"Very good McKinnon, do we have identities on the remaining dead

terrorists?" Moody asked.

"Yes sir, brothers Roger and Raymond Jugson, Adrian Montrose, and a

Sylvia Hedgeburn, all recent graduates of Hogwarts." The Auror second

class confirmed with a sigh of remorse.

"And the other four?" Moody questioned.

"You're not going to like it sir."

"Just out with it Seamus." Moody ordered.

"Tobias Bulstrode, Peter Rosier, and…Lord Lestrange and his brother


"Merlin's hairy backside! Two sons of prominent families, a lord and his

brother, not to mention Malfoy's involvement. Well the shite is really

going to hit the fan when this gets out." Moody swore. "Whoever killed

them whether it was self-defense or not are going to have half of the

Wizengamot clamoring for their blood."

"Your orders sir?" Seamus McKinnon asked.

"Alright, I want the bodies' portkeyed to the Ministry morgue. Place two

guards at the entrance I don't want anyone in there but the healer in

charge. Is that clear?!" Moody ordered.

"Yes sir! There is one more thing sir. We discovered that each one of the

terrorists has the same tattoo on their left forearm." McKinnon informed

his senior.

"Oh? What of?" Moody asked.

"It's a skull with a gaping mouth with a large snake seemingly slithering

out of the mouth of the skull and wrapping around itself." The auror

replied. "Much like the sign we have seen in the sky at other attacks.

"Coloring?" Moody asked.

"No color sir, just a dark black tattoo." He replied.

"Interesting." Moody said scratching his stubbly chin.

"It moves sir." Seamus added.


"It moves. Well on the living terrorists. The tattoos on the deceased are

motionless, but the tattoos on the other three seem to move sir."

"Well I'll have to ask old Abraxus about it when I interrogate him."

Moody replied.

"Interrogate a senior member of the Wizengamot?! Is that legal sir?"

Seamus asked.

"He was apprehended at a crime scene and identified as taking part in the

hostilities; he is obviously a member of this terrorist group. Therefore his

right to immunity as a member of the Wizengamot is rescinded through

Ministerial decree where it involves murder and possible treason." Moody


"Uh right sir. I'll go and prepare the bodies to be portkeyed immediately."

Seamus replied coming to attention and then making his way to the


Moody made his way to the post office to check on the living prisoners. A

medical detail attached to the Auror department was treating the injured.

Moody stepped into the old post office that smelled like old parchment

and owl droppings.

"Report!" Moody ordered making his presence known to his men and the


"These two..." Healer Cavanaugh waved his hand toward the two bound

men being guarded by two aurors. "…are fine they were only stunned.

They have a few scratches on them from falling over but they're fine.

Lord Malfoy however is in worse shape. The tibia and fibulas on both of

his legs were shattered and were forced out through the skin.

The resulting punctures caused severe blood loss. Several ribs were also

broken; one of the broken ribs punctured his right lung. I was able to

drain most of the fluid from the lung but he'll need to be seen by healers

at St. Mungos to repair any damage to the lung itself.

I've given him a blood replenisher for the blood loss, but the bones in his

legs were too badly shattered to repair. They will need to be vanished

and then re-grown. I've also healed the laceration to his face but

unfortunately he will have a scar. I've done all I can here, the more

severe injuries will need to be dealt with at the hospital." The doctor gave

his report.

"Has he said anything about the attack?" Moody asked the healer.

The healer shook his head. "Not a word about the attack, but he keeps

mumbling the words 'it can't be'. I'm not sure what he is referring to but

it seems to be the only thing that anyone can get out of him. It's almost

like he saw something so terrifying that his mind just shut down except

for those three words."

Moody sighed. 'Well that's gonna make interviewing the peacock a bit

difficult now isn't it." The healer just shrugged.

"I'm not a mind healer Alastor, but something in the man has snapped. I

have seen this before during the Great War, men see something so

terrifying or shocking that they lock themselves in their own minds to

keep from facing the horrifying truth of what they had seen." The old

healer informed his longtime friend.

"Is it permanent you think?" Moody asked staring at Malfoy like he lost

his favorite new toy.

"Hard to say, I have heard of men coming back to reality within days and

others who never recover. It depends on the individual I suppose." Calvin

Cavanaugh told him.

"Right, Thanks Cal. I want him under constant guard while he is at St.

Mungos, I'll send a team to the hospital with you as soon as you're ready

to go."

"Very well Alastor. I should be ready in about ten minutes." Moody

nodded and assigned two of his aurors to go with the old healer.

Moody's piercing blue eyes then focused on the two remaining terrorists.

"Looks like it's just you two then. I have a nice holding cell waiting for

you before the fun…I mean the interrogation begins." Moody smirk.

"Gilchrist, Talmage! I want these two in maximum security. No one sees

them before I do, is that clear!" The two aurors snapped to attention.

"Yes sir!" The aurors chorused.

"Right, get them out of here." Moody told the two aurors who portkeyed

themselves and the prisoners to the DMLE holding cells at the Ministry.

"Captain Moody sir!"

"Finished interviewing, Recruit Bones?" Moody asked his protégé.

"Yes sir. And we have learned some surprising things about who

retaliated against the terrorists." Amelia stated.

"Well don't keep me in suspense girl! Who did it?" Moody asked with an

impatient raised eyebrow.

"Um…well its seems, that the terrorists attacked Bell's Bistro, setting it

ablaze. Mr. Bell confronted the terrorists and was struck down by several

Avada Kedavra curses. There was panic in the Bistro when the terrorists

arrived and started cursing the building. The patrons all tried to run out

of the door but it quickly became blocked by so many trying to escape at

once." Amelia related. Moody rolled his eyes at how irrationally people

act when they panic.

"According to patrons in the Bistro a young couple blew out the Bistro's

large window and helped people escape through the opening." She added.

"Damn smart thing to do. Probably saved some lives." Moody growled.

"Yes, well then once everyone was out the couple exited just as Mr. Bell

was killed. Witnesses say the young woman screamed and then started

launching curses at the terrorists taking two out immediately. Then the

young man with her began to cast spells as well.

Witnesses say they had never seen such quick spell casting and such

devastating spells as what the young man was casting. If you can believe

it, several witness say that he sent a ribbon like curse that killed three of

the terrorists at the same time."

"Some sort of blasting hex?" Moody asked.

Shaking her head Amelia replied. "No, they said it was like a cutting

curse but more deadly, it severed the head from one terrorist and split

open the chest of two others."

"Yeah, I saw those bodies." Moody replied thoughtfully rubbing his face.

"So who else helped them?"

"That's just it, no one else lifted a wand." Amelia replied.

"You mean to tell me two twenty year olds took down a dozen terrorists?

On their own?"

"No sir." Amelia replied.

"Thought so." Moody nodded.

"They were teenagers." Amelia replied cautiously.

Moody looked at his young protégé in disbelief. "Now you're having me

on Amelia, and now is not the time for jocularity."

"I'm being serious sir. Several witnesses say that they couldn't be more

than seventeen years old, some saying younger." Amelia told her mentor.

"So I'm to believe that two teenagers took down a dozen adult wizards? Is

that what you're telling me?" Moody hardened his gaze at the young


Amelia gulped but stood her ground. "Yes sir that is what the witnesses

are stating."

"And where is this dynamic duo now?" Moody asked.

"No one knows sir. It seems they left as soon as the battle was over."

Amelia replied.

"Now that doesn't sound suspicious now does it?" Moody asked


"A bit sir." Amelia admitted.

"Well did we at least get a description of the two teens?"

"Yes sir, the girl was tall and slender with long straight dirty blonde hair,

about 5'6", the boy had dark hair, he was also tall about 5'10" with an

athletic build. Both were between the ages of fifteen and seventeen."

Amelia stated checking over her notes.

"Very well Amelia, who do we have contacting the next of kin?" Moody


"St. Mungos is sending the director of their Crisis Center over to assist us

with notifying the families." Checking her notes again. "Yes, um…Dorea

Potter… Lady Potter?!" Amelia gasped. "I didn't know she was working

for St. Mungos!"

"Well it was the Potters who funded the creation of the St. Mungos Crisis

Center after the Great War. And Lady Potter was a healer before she

married Lord Potter, so it doesn't seem too odd."

"Yes, but for a Lady to involve herself in something like this is…well,

unusual." Amelia explained.

"Not really, the Potters are humanitarians; they always try to give aid to

others where they can." Moody replied. "Potter Manor was volunteered as

a field hospital during the Great War in fact. They are responsible for

saving a lot of lives, including mine." Moody smiled and gave her a wink.

"Now let's finish up here, I have a couple of dunderheads I need to

interrogate. I may even let you watch." Moody chuckled as his protégé's

eyes lit up in excitement.


Bella and Harry fled Diagon Alley to the streets of London. In a deserted

alley Bella transfigured their robes into more muggle appropriate attire.

Harry was able to clean Bella's wound that looked worse than it was. The

cutting curse had just grazed her arm but it had bled a lot. Although the

wound was superficial Harry was very attentive to his injured girlfriend.

Bella smiled at his antics and sighed thinking she could get use to this.

Not the fighting but having Harry so attentive to her needs.

The couple decided that they needed to decompress and so did not

immediately return to Hogwarts. They unintentionally found their way to

Hyde Park and walked around the beautiful park with its green lawns,

serpentine lake and many fountains. As the sun began to set and the

lights turned on it was a very romantic setting for the young couple.

But as it always does, reality finally caught up to them and they needed

to get back to the ancient castle. Grimacing in dreaded anticipation,

Harry held his breath as Bella apparated them just below the main gates

of the old school.

They slipped through the gate, covering themselves with Harry's

invisibility cloak and made their way to the castle doors that were still

opened for students to filter in and out as they explored the grounds with

their friends. As they entered they noticed that there were whispered

conversations happening in almost every nook and corner of the entrance


Bella noticed a worried looking Andromeda pacing back and forth in

front of the Great Hall doors. She was looking toward the grand stair case

and then to the large main doors. Her hair looked frazzled and she had

her arms crossed in front of her chest and was chewing on the fingernails

of her right hand.

Bella led Harry over to a darkened corner and whispered for him to stay

close as possible without being detected. She then stepped out from

under the cloak unnoticed by the other students and walked toward her


"Andi, are you alright?" Bella asked quietly as she neared her sister.

Andromeda looked up quickly and her face cycled between relief, anger

and worry.

"Where have you been?!" Andromeda hissed trying to keep her voice low.

"Around." Bellatrix answered cryptically.

"Around. Around!" Andromeda nearly yelled. "I suppose you've been with

him?!" Andromeda accused.

"And so what if I have? It's none of your concern!" Bella responded

tersely getting tired of her sisters ranting.

"Do you even know what's happened?" Andromeda asked. Bella just gave

her an 'I'm waiting look'.

"It's been on the wireless since lunch time!" The middle Black sister


"What has?!" Bella fumed. "If you're going to drag this out, I'm going to

leave." Bella stated crossing her arms in a huff.

"There was an attack this morning in Diagon Alley!" Her sister replied. "A

bunch of people were killed!"

"Oh…" Bella said acting surprised. "Who attacked who?" Bella asked.

"No one knows, the media is not saying at the moment, just that there

was some sort of fight and several people were killed. There is

speculation that it was an attack by the Movement. Rudolfus and

Rabastan looked almost giddy, so did Malfoy. They were going on about

mudbloods getting what's coming to them."

Bella had to keep her face from revealing that she had knowledge of the

attack and who really was killed. Death Eaters.

Several gasps captured the sister's attention as six red robed aurors

entered with a very regal looking woman dressed in navy blue robes with

silver embroidery. She had long but elegantly styled black hair and deep

blue eyes. Her aristocratic features were well known to the sisters.

"Aunt Dorea?" Bella and Andromeda muttered as Dorea Black came near


Hearing her name the regal looking woman glanced over at the girls. Her

face broke out into a warm smile as she approached the two girls. They

returned the smile and then curtsied.

"Lady Potter." The two girls intoned. Harry who had been standing

nearby pressed against the wall to avoid being walked into, looked for

the first time at who he suspected was his grandmother. An intense desire

to rush over to her nearly had him leaving the safety of the wall.

"Now, now girls, we are family and you shall call me aunt Dorea, am I

understood?" The regal lady mock glared at the two sisters before

cracking a grin.

"Now come, give your auntie a hug! My, my, Bellatrix you are absolutely

stunning! The boys must be tripping over themselves to date you. So tell

me, do you have a special young man or are there too many suitors to

choose from?" She grinned.

"Oh, there's a special one auntie. Although she's keeping him a secret."

Andromeda stated, smirking at Bella who had a look of betrayal on her


"You do?! Wonderful! I hope he comes from a good family dear." Dorea


"Oh, he does. " Bellatrix smiled enigmatically. "But, you know, Andy has

a boyfriend as well." Bella told her aunt, who now turned her attention to

Andromeda. Bella quickly sticking her tongue out at her sister.

"N-not officially Auntie. B-by the way what brings you here?" Andromeda

asked changing the uncomfortable subject.

Dorea Potter's countenance fell, and the girls immediately knew that

something was wrong. "Nothing's wrong with Jamie is there?"

Andromeda asked after her cousin.

"Oh no dear, James is fine. I imagine you are aware of the incident in

Diagon Alley this morning?" The two sisters nodded.

"Well, I'm here to bring sad tidings to a few of your schoolmates." Dorea

said sadly. Bella instantly thought of Joseph Bell, they were only

acquaintances really, but Bella liked Joseph well enough. He would be an

orphan now, his mother had died of dragon pox a few years ago, and

now with his father gone he had no one left. He was near the age of

majority so he would most likely be emancipated instead of receiving a

magical guardian.

"Auntie Dori!" A blonde missile launched herself at the Potter matriarch.

Narcissa jumped back with a glowing red face as she realized how

inappropriate she had just acted.

"I beg your pardon Lady Potter for my lack of decorum." Narcissa


Dorea Potter looked down at her grandniece imperiously before the

corners of her mouth began to crack and her smile came through. "It's

lovely to see you to dear." The Lady Potter smiled warmly opening her

arms to receive a hug from the blonde haired Black daughter.

"And who is this lovely young lady?" Dorea asked noticing the redheaded

girl just behind Narcissa.

"Oh! This is my best friend Lily Evans." Narcissa informed her aunt.

"A Gryffindor first year I take it." Dorea asked.

"Yes Lady Potter…mam." Lily replied giving Dorea a small curtsey.

"Such a charming young lady, and such fine manners to. Tell me Miss

Evans do you know my son James? He is in your year and a Gryffindor as


Both Lily and Narcissa scowled slightly at the name but quickly

composed themselves. Dorea ever the sharp eye for subtleties saw the

two first year's reaction.

"Oh dear, what has my son gone a done now?" Dorea Potter asked

knowing the prankster that her son was. Harry nearly lost his cover when

a laugh threatened to explode from his chest.

"He and Sirius are constantly pranking us!" Narcissa complained. "Why

just the other day they charmed our fingers to stick together. It took over

an hour before I could open my fingers again."

Dorea sighed. "It's his father's doing. He gave them a book on pranking

before the school year started and then told him to make him proud. Not

to worry, I'll talk to the boy. But for now I need to meet with Dumbledore

about some your other classmates. Lily it was a pleasure meeting you."

Dorea and the aurors she came with didn't get far as Albus Dumbledore

came to them. Dorea sniffed at the garish robes the headmaster was

wearing, they were a bright fuchsia with bright yellow moons and stars

that twinkled.

"Ah Lady Potter, I was made aware of the reason for your visit, but

perhaps we can wait to speak with those students involved till after

dinner." Dumbledore smiled apologetically. Harry froze when he saw the

headmaster, he wasn't sure if Dumbledore could see through his cloak or

not. If he could he gave no indication, and he was directly in his line of


"I think the sooner we inform them the better it would be headmaster.

I'm sure knowledge of the attack has already made it to the school. Its

better we separate those students who were affected before it becomes

public knowledge to avoid any…problems." Dorea counseled.

"I'm sure there is plenty of time, Lady Potter. After all, nothing soothes

the soul like a good meal." Dumbledore replied with his eyes twinkling.

"Please why don't you join us at the head table for dinner? However, I

would ask that the aurors remain outside of the Great Hall, I don't want

the students to feel uncomfortable with their presence."

Dorea Potter fought to keep her eyes from rolling. She really could not

stand the man. It always amazed her that Charlus trusted the man so

much. He may not be able to see the true nature of the man, but she

could. He was a manipulator, a chess master who used faux congeniality

like a sword to cut through the defenses of even the most shrewd and

discerning people. She swore that one day she would open her husband's

eyes to the duplicity of the man.

"Very well, Albus." Dorea told the man. Albus offered his arm but Dorea

lifted her nose and strolled into the Great Hall on her own.

"Way to go grandmother!" Harry whispered as he watched her walk with

a regal air and authority. He liked her a lot and wished he could just chat

with her for a minute, he was sure he would like her even more.

Andromeda and Narcissa grabbed Bellatrix's hands and drug her into the

Great Hall. Harry decided to follow; it appeared that Dumbledore indeed

could not see through his father's cloak. Harry kept to the walls so as to

avoid any collisions. Fortunately the Slytherin table was closest to the far

right wall.

Bella and her sisters sat on the outside bench so they could all see their

Great Aunt Dorea at the head table. Lily took the seat opposite Narcissa

as had become the norm, much to the disapproval of many in the house

of the snakes.

Bella felt something tickle her right ear and heard Harry's soft voice

whispering that he was there. Bella was at the end of the bench with

room enough for one other person to sit. Bella subtlety patted the space

next to her. Harry got her meaning and sat down next to his girlfriend.

Harry sat invisible to all in the hall which gave him an incredible since of

anonymity. He took the time to look at the young red head across the

table from him but one person over. He could definitely see the beautiful

woman that she would become, from the few pictures he had of her, and

from the descriptions that Sirius and Remus had given of her.

He felt a longing to hug her, even though at this time she was four years

younger than he was, he still felt a welling in his chest to feel his

mother's arms around him. Bella must have sensed a change in Harry's

emotions because she reached out for his hand and once she found it

gave it a gentle squeeze.

"She's a remarkable young girl Harry." Bella whispered. "And I am

watching over her as well."

Harry squeezed her hand in silent gratitude. His eyes shifted to the

Gryffindor table to see if he could catch a glimpse of his father. It didn't

take him long to find a mop of unruly black hair. He was sitting next to

Sirius and Remus Lupin. Harry's gaze hardened as his eyes fell upon Peter

Pettigrew. Harry knew logically that Peter was just an innocent first year

here in this time but it did little to quench the thirst for revenge that was

burning in his chest.

As the hall filled with the sounds of people filling their plates with the

evening's dinner, dozens of owls suddenly came flying into the hall. Like

well-trained bombardiers the owls swooped overhead and dropped

dozens of copies of a special Evening Edition of the Daily Prophet. The

sudden gasps of the students were all Dorea Potter needed to know that

the cat had been let out of the bag.

She glared murderously at Dumbledore who immediately took to his feet

and approached the podium. The quiet mutterings soon rose to loud

voices of concern and worry. Dorea snatched a paper from Horace

Slughorn and read the headlines. Murder and Mayhem in Diagon Alley!

"Silence!" Dumbledore roared in his amplified voice. It took two more

tries before Dumbledore had the students' complete attention.

"Will the following students please follow me and the Lady Potter to the

anteroom to the left of the staff table, please? Joseph Bell, Rudolfus and

Rabastan Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Carlin Bulstrode, Suzette Barnes, and

Gillian and Waldon Macnair." Dorea wanted to hex the stupid man into

oblivion. You did not draw attention to the students who were about to

be informed about the death or imprisonment of their fathers.

A girl from the Ravenclaw table stood up from her seat and directed her

question at Dumbledore. "What is going on headmaster?" She all but

choked on her words.

"I'm grieved to say Miss Barnes that tragedy has struck our community."

Dumbledore told her.

"Headmaster!" Dorea Potter stood abruptly. "This is not the venue for

such a discussion! I suggest we take this to a more private location as you

suggested a moment ago."

"I think dear lady, that the students deserve answers to what has

happened in our world today, and that this is the perfect forum for this


"I must protest Dumbledore! This is not the way to properly handle the

situation; the children need to be…"

"They need to be informed and educated Lady Potter, if we are to avoid

further conflict amongst ourselves. And this is an educational institution."

Dumbledore replied, with a hint of condescension in his tone.

"Dumbledore, I warn you, this will not have the outcome you believe it

will." Dorea tried again to dissuade the headstrong headmaster.

"I appreciate your concern, but it is unfounded. Now as I was saying…"

"Albus, I will go to the school governors with this if you continue, and

there will be consequences!" Dorea warned, the threat clear enough for

even a first year to understand. Dumbledore just nodded and then turned

his back on the Potter matriarch.

Seeing the insult for what it was, Dorea Potter glared one last time at the

headmaster and then swept from the hall her blue cloak billowing behind

her. Harry and the Black sisters watched as their grandmother and great-

aunt stormed from the school.

"Now, without further interruption, I shall continue. Today children, a

terrible travesty has occurred. Magical blood has been spilled, over from

what I can see, was a simple cultural misunderstanding. However, those

responsible for spilling so much magical blood should be brought to

justice and reeducated." Dumbledore stated.

"I heard it was just mudbloods that were killed, so no real loss there."

Rudolfus exclaimed with a smirk to the approving cheers of many in

Slytherin house and a splattering of other students from the other houses.

"I'm afraid your information is incorrect, Mr. Lestrange. There was indeed

one muggleborn killed, and it should not matter the purity of one's blood,

but there were eight purebloods that were ruthlessly cut down."

Dumbledore spoke to a much more subdued Slytherin house, which were

now paying close attention.

"It is my deepest regret to inform some of you here that you have lost

loved ones in this cowardly display of barbarity." Harry's hand gripped

Bella's tightly as he was afraid that Dumbledore would actually name the

people that were killed in the attack to all the students in the Great Hall.

"Those students whose names I called earlier have all lost a parent this

morning except for Mr. Malfoy, whose father is currently in serious

condition at St. Mungos." Dumbledore stated sympathetically.

"The mudbloods killed them?!" Someone shouted out.

"We don't know who was responsible." Dumbledore tried to calm the

growing tension.

"The fool!" Bella hissed under her breath.

There was a brief moment of stunned silence before chaos ensued. Half

the Slytherin table were on their feet yelling out threats and obscenities

at any muggleborn in sight. The Lestrange brothers fixed their sights on

Lily Evans, who just so happened to be the closest muggleborn. With

murderous intent they drew their wands and moved toward the small

redhead, Bella was on her feet in an instant as was Andromeda and


Harry, still under his invisibility cloak, had moved behind Lily to protect

her if need be. Damn the risk of being exposed, he would not see his

mother harmed. Harry's ring began to pulse on his finger as he drew near

Lily. Somehow Harry knew that the ring was identifying her as an


Professors were trying to restore order to the Great Hall. McGonagall was

furious with Albus; she had agreed with Dorea Potter that the matter

should be handled in private. All Albus had accomplished, was to turn

the students more against each other than they were before.

"Step aside Black or you'll get the same as the mudblood!" Rudolfus


"Don't think so Rudy." Bella challenged. "Take another step toward her

and you'll be sitting to pee for the rest of your life!" Harry cringed at her

words and he noticed that the Lestrange brothers also grimaced for a


"Can't you see Bellatrix; these mudbloods are poisoning your mind

against your own kind. They're nothing but a disease! Now one last time

step aside." Rudolfus growled.

"No!" She replied defiantly.

Unbeknownst to Bella, Lucius had flanked the Black sisters, but Harry

had noticed him. Without realizing what he was doing Harry silently cast

a burning charm at Lucius. Lucius stopped in mid stride as he felt an

immense heat coming from his head. Lucius screamed as his hair burst

into flame, he dived for the pitcher of pumpkin juice and dumped it over

his head. His hair though continued to burn as he reached for any liquid

he could find to douse the flames.

Suddenly the Great Hall doors flew open and in walked an enraged Dorea

Potter with the six aurors that she had initially come with. She figured

that they would be needed if Albus was going to proceed with his asinine

approach, and she was right.

The aurors cast canon blasts into the air which caused the hall to quiet

almost instantly. Dorea Potter nee-Black cut an imposing figure when her

ire was up. And the aura of power she was radiating at the moment was

felt throughout the hall.

"Is this your idea of educating Albus?! By revealing such an emotionally

charged incident in a hall full of children who are barely learning how to

control their own hormones let alone handling something such as the

death of a loved one? This should have been handled in private and

individually." The Lady Potter stated with firmness. Albus looked a little

annoyed by Dorea's characterizations of how he was handling things, but

could not come up with a rebuttal that seemed intelligent enough at the


"Now, for those of you who were mentioned…" Here Dorea glared at

Dumbledore again. "I have been sent by St. Mungos and the Ministry to

explain things to you. I will meet with you individually and give you

further details about what occurred and what this means for you. I would

like to meet with Joseph Bell first, and then with you others one at a

time. We will meet in the anteroom following dinner." With that, order

was restored to the Great Hall and Dorea Potter made her way to the

anteroom of the hall, a distraught Joseph Bell behind her.


Bryce Thurgood was waiting nervously to be called in to speak with his

master. Things had not gone well not well at all, in fact it was a complete

disaster. He had counted himself lucky to leave Diagon Alley alive after

witnessing his comrades fall so quickly, but now he wondered if it was a

blessing or not. He would face the Dark Lord alone and explain why his

Lord's great and glorious plan to reveal their might to the wizarding

public failed miserably.

It was suppose to be an easy mission, destroy five mudblood owned

businesses, kill the proprietors and then cast the Dark Mark into the sky

above the alley. What they hadn't expected was for someone to actually

challenge them, but even that was not what bothered him, after all, they

all could fight. No, what they hadn't expected was the viciousness of the

attack. Aurors didn't cast to kill, and the general wizarding populace

would rather flee than stand up and fight back.

They counted on the people in the alley that day to be terrified and to

run like sheep for some place to hide, leaving him and his confederates

free to cause as much damage as they could before aurors arrived. To add

to their disgrace they had been beaten by children! Where the hell did

mere children learn to cast spells like that?! They must have been

foreigners because Hogwarts didn't teach the spells those two kids were


A set of ornate French doors opened into the formal dining room of

Malfoy Manor, and Bryce was ushered in by an ageing House Elf. At the

head position of the table sat a man dressed in the finest black

acromantula silk robes one could buy. His hair was dark with just a touch

of graying; he had aristocratic features, and would be considered a

handsome man but for the color of his eyes. They were a pale shade of

red with specks of brown from what was once their normal color. His

skin was also a shade paler than what would be considered healthy.

It was rumored that he had used various dark rituals to enhance his

magical abilities and strengthen his body. He was already a tall man at

six foot five inches, and his body was solidly built, a witch's dream. But,

as intimidating as his physical form was, it was the powerful dark aura

surrounding him that caused witches and wizards alike to be awed by


His voice was like flowing silk, many believed that his voice was

somehow charmed so that it entranced anyone who heard him speak. He

was charisma personified. Though there was a darker side to him. He

absolutely hated failure and punished failure most severely. He also had

little tolerance for insubordination, you only spoke when spoken to and

you never challenged him once he made a decision.

"Ah Thurgood, I've been most anxious to hear about the success of your

mission or should I say the lack thereof." The Dark Lord said silkily.

An hour later an unconscious but twitching Bryce Thurgood was dragged

from the dining hall. The dark lords questioning had been brutal, and the

punishment even more so, but what was the most vicious had been the

Dark Lord's hammer like use of legilimency to pull the memories of the

fight from his servants head.

His men had been made to look like pathetic fools in front of dozens of

witnesses. How was he to instill fear in the masses when his men were

destroyed by a pair of teenagers?! His army would not be taken seriously.

His followers though many, were not sufficient to take over the

wizarding government or to deal with a confident magical population. He

needed fear and horror to paralyze the masses into inaction to achieve

his goals.

But his first foray into the general magical public had ended in

embarrassment. It was imperative that he create an environment of

terror, he could not let this failure stay long in memory, he had to strike

again and soon, and it had to be horrifying.

His mind whirled for a suitable place, somewhere that would strike at the

heart of every witch and wizard, an attack that would bring people to

their knees. It had to be in a location with a sizable magical population,

somewhere that would shock even the DMLE.

Tom Riddle grinned wickedly as the perfect place came to mind. It would

be unexpected and pierce the very heart of the wizarding world, a place

beautifully vulnerable to a truly horrific attack.

"Shelby!" The Dark Lord roared.

"Y-yes milord?" A small man of about forty cautiously entered the dining


"When is the next Hogsmeade visit for Hogwarts?"


Lady Claire Malfoy, wife of Lord Abraxus Malfoy had rushed to St.

Mungos after being informed by a family friend who worked at the

hospital that her husband had been brought to the magical hospital in

serious condition. He had also mentioned that her husband was being

guarded by Ministry aurors.

Lady Malfoy cursed under her breath at the idiocy of her husband. She

was a proud pureblood and held no love for muggles but to outright kill

them because of their parentage was a little much for her. And then her

fool of a husband had led several raids on muggleborn homes terrorizing

the creatures and who knows what else.

She never asked about what they had done, but she had her suspicions as

the men would always snicker about their deeds, bragging to each other

about the muggle women they had taught a lesson to. The vulgarness of

their speech in her house was intolerable, not to mention that she could

no longer sleep in her own bedroom because of the Dark Lords use of

their master suite. And now here she was coming to the hospital to see

her husband.

'It was bound to happen' she thought, as she made her way to the

information desk. Eventually someone would fight back and someone

would get hurt or killed. She sighed at the blood that would soon start to

spill. She never was in the presence of the Dark Lord for long but she

knew enough of him that he would not take this defeat lightly, and that

he would retaliate soon.

"May I help you?" The nurse at the information desk asked.

"Yes I'm Lady Malfoy and I'm here to see my husband." The high born

lady told the working class nurse with a sniff.

"I'm sorry Lady Malfoy, but he is in the secure wing of the hospital and

no one is allowed to see him at the moment, except for the DMLE." The

nurse replied politely.

"That is unacceptable! I am his wife and I will be seeing my husband!"

She demanded.

"I am sorry, but…"

"You will be sorry child if I am not directed to my husband this instant!"

She cut off the nurse brusquely.

"Mrs. Malfoy." A gravelly voice called behind her.

"That is Lady Malfoy sir! And who are you?!" She looked down at the


"I am Captain Alastor Moody of the Auror Department, Lady Malfoy."

Moody replied tersely. "And the one who is in charge of this

investigation. I am the one who decides who does, and who does not

meet with my prisoner."

"Prisoner?! My husband is a senior member of the Wizengamot captain

and has immunity from imprisonment and interrogation." She replied


"Normally, you would be correct, but in this instance he is being charged

with murder and possible treason against the current government. Those

two charges override any immunity he may have had." The old auror


"I see." She said realizing that she probably could not intimidate this

man, and it would most likely backfire on her should she try.

"I understand your reasons captain, but please understand mine. My

husband, I've been told, is in serious condition. I would like to see him,

just to ease my own mind that he is okay." She asked hoping that she

appeared sincere enough that the veteran auror would allow at least a

quick visit.

Moody looked at her speculatively, maybe her presence might shake

Abraxus out of his mind lock. He already had a listening charm in the

room, so it couldn't hurt to let her in for a bit.

"Very well Lady Malfoy, but on one condition. Your wand stays with me."

Moody told the proud witch.

Sighing heavily but realizing that she had little choice if she wanted to

see her husband. She removed her wand from the left sleeve of her robes

and handed it, handle first, to the brutish auror. "Will that be all you

require Captain?" She asked with a restrained sneer.

"That will do milady, that'll do. Now if you'll follow me, I'll escort you to

where we have your husband."

Two floors, and three security check points later, and The Malfoy

matriarch was allowed into the secure hospital room her husband was

being sequestered in. She noticed that a healer and two nurses were in

the room when she entered.

"How is my husband?" The tall blonde aristocratic woman asked.

"Oh, Lady Malfoy! I'm Healer Quincey. I'm overseeing the care of your

husband." The gray haired healer said with a slight bow of the head.

"And how is he Healer Quincey?" She asked.

"He took quite a beating milady, as you can see we've had to vanish the

bones in his lower legs, we will give him Skele-grow by this time

tomorrow. Damage to his lungs has to be healed before we start on his

legs. The two potions required for each react badly when taken at the

same time. So we're looking at twenty-four to thirty-six hours before he is

fully healed." The healer informed Mrs. Malfoy.

"Will there be any permanent damage?" She asked.

Shaking his head no in response, the doctor added. "No permanent

damage, except for the scar along his face. However the red will fade and

all that will be left is a faint line that can be covered with a glamour

charm if wanted."

Claire Malfoy nodded. "Thank you Healer Quincey, may I be left alone for

a moment with my husband?"

"Of course milady, however he has not said much. He seems to be

suffering from a form of shock. But I doubt it's permanent; I suspect he

will be fine very soon." Lady Malfoy nodded that she understood.

When the healer and his assistants left she approached her husband.

"Abraxus, can you hear me?" Claire jumped back in surprise as Abraxus'

eyes popped open unexpectedly fast.

"Brax? Can you hear me?" She asked again quietly. His blue eyes locked

onto hers and he nodded slowly.

"Can you speak?" She asked him next.

"Yes." He groaned the pain in his ribs not completely gone.

"Have you been faking shock?" She asked with a smirk. He looked at her

in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" He groaned out again.

"They said you were babbling when they brought you in. They said you

were in shock." She told him. He only shrugged in response.

"Listen!" He spoke with a jolt of pain. "We need to leave the country…and


"What? Why?" She asked in confusion.

"I saw…I saw…they're back! We need to flee…I attacked him! We must

flee!" He told her, desperation evident in his voice.

"You're not making since Brax. Who did you see? Who did you attack?"

She asked.

"Thought they were gone…extinct! We have to flee. Our family will be

wiped out…I attacked him!"

"Who love, who?!" Claire asked now starting to worry. She had never

seen her husband act this way, and it unsettled her.

"The Ghosts! The Ghosts!" He cried.

"The Ghosts?" She asked in confusion.

Abraxus waved her closer; he did not want to say the name out loud. "H-

house E-Eveningshade!"

Claire stood up and looked at him strangely. "Eveningshade?" Abraxus

panicked and shushed her.

"Brax, you're speaking of a myth, an old wives tale, ghost stories told to

little children to make them go to bed on time. House Eveningshade is

not a real House." She said in a motherly fashion.

"They are real!" He spat. "My Great-grandfather survived an attack…th-

they they thought he was dead, he was but a child but he remembered

them! They are real! And I attacked one today! We are dead! Dead, do

you understand me?! Th-they move like ghosts…they can walk through

w-wards as if they were tissue paper; they brush off spells like brushing

off lint from their cloaks. Once they target you, you are dead…there is no


"Honey, honey, even if they were real, that was centuries ago. They don't

exist anymore, the power they supposedly wielded is impossible, not

even Merlin could do what the stories claim the Eveningshades could do."

She tried to reason with him.

"I tell you they are real. I saw the signet ring. A black phoenix on a blood

red field, my grandfather made me memorize that ring." He covered his

face with his hands.

"Perhaps if we talked to the man and clear up any misunderstandings…"

"No, no the boy all but threatened me." Abraxus replied shaking his head.

"Boy? He was a boy?! For Bloody Merlin's sake you're afraid of some

child?! Claire yelled.

"Not just a child! An Eveningshade, and the bloody head of house!" He


"So what exactly do you suggest we do?" She finally gave in.


"Yes captain Moody?"

"I want you to go to the DMLE archives and find me every scrap of

parchment that mentions an Ancient house called Eveningshade." Moody


"Yes sir!"

"And tell no one about it!"


A/N: Hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Next chapter will contain the

confrontation with Orion. Please leave a comment or a review! Have a

great weekend!

14. Chapter 14

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Wow we hit a milestone! Passageways hit 1000 reviews last

chapter, also chapter 13 received the highest number of reviews yet with

154! So here is the long awaited confrontation with Orion! I hope you

enjoy it!

Chapter 14

After the fiasco that was dinner in the Great Hall, Harry and Bella made

their way back to the ROR. Bella was biting her lip in distress.

Andromeda had given Bella a letter from Uncle Orion that had arrived at

lunch. He was requesting a meeting with her Sunday afternoon in

Hogsmeade, at Merlin's Keep. Merlin's keep was an upscale restaurant for

the more elite of families.

It was also a place that prided itself on its discretion and provided its

clients private dinning or conference rooms completely warded by the

best goblin wards gold could buy. It was a place where the powerful and

privileged could go and feel completely secure with whatever secret or

sensitive transactions they needed to have.

And that's what concerned Bella. She knew the confrontation with her

uncle would be coming, but she had thought that it would occur in the

relative safety of the castle and not some out of the way establishment

which prided itself on keeping its patrons secrets.

Harry was also troubled with the day's events; the fight in Diagon Alley

shook him up a bit. During his fourth year he became much more

intimately acquainted with his magic, what it felt like when he was

centered, the fluctuations of power when he cast a spell, and how is body

felt somewhat drained after casting powerful spells.

What was concerning him now was that his magic felt…different now.

Before, his magic had always felt like a gentle stream flowing through

him, even when he cast his most powerful spells it still felt like a stream

but perhaps flowing just a smidge faster.

Today however it felt more like a rushing ocean tide trying to swallow

everything up in its powerful waves. The curses he used today he had

never even practiced but they came to his mind as clearly as the spell

Lumos, and his wand seemed to move like it had performed the spells a

thousand times.

Even now as he walked hand in hand with Bella his magic felt alive and

humming, it was reaching out in tendrils around him. It seemed to be

identifying the ambient magic around him, he could feel Bella's magic, no

that wasn't right, it was more like he could taste it, it was like warm

honey with just a hint of cinnamon. She was powerful and yet he

instinctively knew she was not even close to her full potential yet.

As they continued their trek to the seventh floor his senses became aware

of the magic within Hogwarts itself. It was ancient and pulsing with life,

he could feel a distinct feminine presence within the walls which caused

him to smile, it was the Lady. The power the castle had was incredible,

yet as his senses expanded he could feel the wards and knew instinctively

that there were small fissures and cracks that would allow him to slip

through them if he so desired.

Harry shook his head in confused wonder, how did he know these things?

It was almost like instinct, he just knew, like earlier in the battle, he just

knew he could perform the spells, and the magic responded.

The young couple reached the seventh floor and Harry was nearly

bowled over and blinded by the intense magic that was coming from the

wall where the door to the Room of Requirement would appear. Harry

watched as the strands of magic weaved a tapestry of magic that was so

intricate that Harry could hardly follow its patterns. But he could see the

patterns! He didn't understand much of what he was seeing, but the ward

strands were easy for Harry to pick out and follow, though he still didn't

know how he understood them.

When the door opened Bella tightened her grip on Harry's hand and

pulled him in quickly. She made haste to her bedroom pulling Harry

along with her. She pushed Harry down on the bed and then fell on top

of him and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist as she buried her

head into his shoulder and Harry felt her trembling slightly.

"Are you alright love?" Harry asked her tenderly.

"No, not really." Bella whispered from his shoulder, the days events

catching up to her as she replayed the actions she took in the alley. "I've

never killed anyone before Harry. I don't know what came over me, I was

just…just so angry when I saw Mr. Bell killed, that…I just lost control of

myself. I'm a murderer Harry, the one thing I did not want to become. I

guess fate wants what it wants, and it wants me to be an insane killer."

She sobbed.

Harry held her tighter and kissed her forehead. He needed to ease her

troubled mind and let her know that she was not a bad person and that

what she had done was justifiable. "I killed my first person when I was

eleven years old." Harry whispered.

" Dumbledore told me that I didn't know what I was doing and that it

wasn't my fault. But he was wrong…I knew what I was doing. I realized

when I grabbed his hand that was around my throat and it burned him so

severely that if I continued it could possibly do worse.

The opportunity came when he rushed me again and I grabbed his face.

His screams of pain were horrifying but I kept a hold of it as long as I

could. I knew he was trying to kill me, so I decided to do all I could to

kill him before he killed me. I've never told anyone about that before."

Harry sighed reliving the memory briefly.

"Bella, a murderer is someone who kills for the sake of killing; you killed

today to keep yourself and others from being killed. You may have let

your emotions get away from you at the beginning, but your first two

hexes were not lethal. It wasn't until they started firing back that your

spells became more aggressive. Besides, if it makes you feel better, I

killed six out of the eight, you only killed two." He poked her in the ribs

and gave her a lopsided grin. She shook her head at him but gave him a

half grin.

"Bella, I have a feeling that this won't be the first time that we'll have to

kill. In my time, history showed that in many of the battles that occurred

between Death Eaters and aurors, the aurors were soundly beaten with

many of them being outright killed, they tried using stunners and

disarming spells to stop the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters had no such

reservations and killed indiscriminately. The Ministry was playing a

losing strategy.

We can't play by the same rules as they did, we can't let the Death Eaters

feel that they can attack without consequence. This time we will meet

death with death."

"We can't do this on our own Harry. We're going to need allies, and right

now it's just you and I." Bella told him knowing that the task ahead of

them was more than what the two of them could handle.

"I know, but the only people I can think of are first years right now. My

dad and mum were powerful as well as Sirius and their friend Remus

Lupin, but they're eleven years old." Harry sighed.

"Well, I know a few people that we could possibly sway to our way of

thinking that are still in school, but were going to need others who are

much older and it would be helpful if they had connections within the

Wizengamot. Voldemort is already seeking out old pureblood families to

represent his interests in the Wizengamot; we'll need to do the same."

Bella informed him.

"I suppose you are right, but I have no idea about how to go about it, do

you?" Harry sighed.

"I don't know either, but I think we need to first look for allies who are

not tied to either Voldemort or Dumbledore. We need to create an

independent group, people who aren't hopelessly dark and not so light

that they won't do what is necessary." Bella stated.

"Doesn't sound like this will be easy." Harry mused aloud.

Bella shook her head. "No, it won't be."

An easy silence fell between them as they enjoyed the presence of the

other. 'Bellatrix Black was a cuddle bug. Who would have thought?'

Harry smiled to himself as the dark haired witch snuggled deep into his


Harry was about to nod off to sleep when his Eveningshade signet ring

began to pulse on his finger. A disturbance caught his attention as his

book bag he had dropped by the bedroom door began to levitate. The

flap opened up and a golden glow poured out from it. Harry's eyes

widened as the two journals he took from the Eveningshade vault floated

out of the bag and floated toward him, the book bag falling to the


Harry sat up straighter, waking up Bella who had just nodded off. Her

eyes widened as well when she saw the books making their way to Harry.

Bella sat up just as the two black leather books landed on Harry's lap

with a thud.

Harry looked at Bella who gave him a noncommittal shrug. Harry shook

his head with a chuckle. He reached for the first book and felt a small

electrical shock as his hand grabbed hold of the book and felt the ring

pulse again for a moment and then quieted. Harry raised an eyebrow at

the odd occurrence but thought nothing else of it.

He opened the cover of the top book and found an old folded piece of

parchment that had been left there. He picked up the parchment an

unfolded it carefully. His eye widened for a second time as he read a

letter that had been written by his great-great-grandfather in the year


To my heir,

If you are reading this, then the curse has lifted and you are the next Lord of

House Eveningshade. You will have already received the signet ring of our

house and will now have begun the transformation.

"Transformation! What transformation?" Bella asked in a panic.

"I-I don't know." Harry stated just as confused, and then continued to

read. As if answering their question the letter explained.

When you added your blood to the ritual basin it mingled with the blood of

every generation of Lord Eveningshades that have come before you. As your

ring formed, the blood of all your forefathers joined with your own. When you

pass on the mantel your blood will join that of your ancestors and the blood of

the new is blood magic of the most ancient, blood is life, my heir, and blood is

magic, everything that we are and were exists within that blood that has

created your ring.

Your ring, as you may have noticed, is more than what it appears, for within

it is held the knowledge and the power of the Eveningshades. Within twenty-

four hours of placing it upon your finger your body will begin to absorb the

magic within and you will become shadow and specter, the light and the dark.

You will feel pain, my heir, the likes of which you cannot imagine as your

body changes to accept your birthright. You may be asking what your

birthright is. I will explain. In muggle mythology we are believed to be the

progeny of angels and demons. Their legends speak of children being born of

fallen angels and demons, these children were neither accepted by Heaven or

Hell but cursed to remain in between the two.

We are the descendants of those children, and although we are not accepted

by the light or the dark, yet we possess the power of both. Loyal to none but

our own, we exist, and our power flourishes as we keep parity between the two

sides, never allowing ourselves to align with one or the other.

For if we join the light, our darker half dies, and if we join the dark our lighter

side dies, we cannot exist without both halves of ourselves. We are forever

gray, my heir.

And here is the tragedy that I caused to befall our family. I forgot our purpose

and I aligned with the lightside to destroy the dark that was threatening to

overtake the land. But in my zeal I went too far and destroyed my darker half,

I created an imbalance, and in so doing cursed our family to lose our power

until the fates decided to remove the curse and unbind us once more.

Now that our house has returned, make it strong again my heir, let the dark

and the light fear us equally, we who exist in shadow between the two worlds.

Let no slight go unchallenged, let no threat to our house go unpunished. We

are Eveningshade; we are the ghosts in the darkness that make all men

tremble, may the world tremble once more and our name be whispered in fear

in their safe places.

The two journals that you were compelled to take as soon as you entered our

family vault contain a history of our family along with other entries that will

guide you to use your developing power. As you read our family history and

learn our secrets, guard them with your life. Teach your family the

Eveningshade magic but none else.

In closing I wish you good luck my heir, for once you are revealed, our old

enemies will combine against us as they have done in the past, both light and

dark. Their fear and jealousy will bring them out, show no mercy to those who

would use or destroy us. May you live long and may House Eveningshade

reclaim its former glory.

And so, my heir, you are the first of our family to have our power restored,

you would not have been able to create the ring or read this letter otherwise.

With the last of my power I will seal this letter and go into the world to await

what fate has planned for my exile.

…Lord Cunobelinus Eveningshade…

When Harry finished reading the letter another jolt went through him

causing his body to straighten and stiffen. Bella watched in horror as

streaks of red beginning at Harry's ring rushed up his hand and arm and

quickly moved to the rest of his body.

Harry's body then arched suddenly, his arms straightened along his sides

and seemed to lock up his hands balled into fists and his mouth opened

wide in a silent scream. Bella screamed for Kreacher who popped into the

room and looked around wildly at his mistress's panicked cry.

"Do something Kreacher!" Bella screamed at the old house elf. The elf

tried to approach Harry but was rebuffed by a wave of magic.

"I's can not near him mistress." Kreacher stated apologetically.

Bella's panic began to increase and she was on the verge of throwing

herself onto Harry to try and do something…anything to help him when

she felt a hand on her shoulder. Bella's head whipped around and saw the

Lady Hogwarts standing there with a look of worry herself.

"He will be fine Bella." The lady told her though her voice was strained.

"It is his family magic that is asserting itself, activating dormant abilities

that have been closed to his ancestors for the last few generations."

Biting her lip in worry she turned to the image of Helga Hufflepuff. "Is

there anything I can do for him?" Bella asked pleadingly.

"I'm afraid not, at least not until the process is over." She apologized.

Bella turned her eyes back to Harry and nearly passed out as she

witnessed his skin become translucent showing his circulatory system, his

organs and his wildly beating heart, everything had a pale glow to it and

seemed to pulse with every beat of Harry's heart.

What seemed like an eternity to Bella in reality was a mere few minutes

as Harry's body slumped back on to the bed, his skin becoming normal

looking again. He was covered in sweat and his breathing was shallow

but steady. Slowly the red streaks pulled back and disappeared back into

the ring on his right hand.

Bella raced to Harry's side; gently she reached for his hand, holding it in

both of hers. "H-Harry are-are you alright?" She asked softly.

"Damn that hurt…did you see the herd of Hippogriff that attacked me?"

Harry winced with a half smile before passing out.


Number 12 Grimauld Place three hours after Diagon Alley attack:

At the head of the long dining table in the formal dining room of

Grimauld Place sat Orion Black, head of the House of Black, to his right,

sat his father Arcturus Black, who had given up the title of Lord Black to

his son fifteen years ago. Next to him, were Orion's Uncles Pollux and

Charil, and then his aunt, Cassiopeia Black.

To his left, sat Orion's two other aunts; Callidora Longbottom nee-Black

and Dorea Potter nee-Black. Next to them sat his brothers Cygnus and

Alphard and then his sister Lucretia, further down the table were the

spouses of the various Black family members and other relatives.

"I'm sure you all know why I called this full family council of the House

Black. This afternoon at approximately 11:30 a.m., a muggleborn

restaurant was attacked, its owner was killed and the establishment

burned to the ground. Also, eight of Lord Voldemort's men who were

responsible for the attack were brutally cut down, including Lord

Leonard Lestrange." Small murmurings were heard up and down the table

as Orion opened the meeting.

"We are here to discuss the political fallout of this incident and its

ramifications, and to determine how the House of Black will respond."

Orion informed the group.

A woman in her late fifties stood up from her seat. She had the Black

aristocratic looks, with sharp features, gray eyes, and black hair that was

pulled back into a tight bun. "The council recognizes Lucretia Prewett

nee-Black." Orion stated formerly.

"My lord…" Lucretia began with a slight curtsey. "…The Noble and

Ancient House of Black has survived these many centuries by not taking

an overt stand when it comes to in-fighting between rival factions. This

conflict between the darker families and the bastard magicals is such a

case. I see no gain in siding with one or the other. As I have stated to this

council before we should not get involved with what could become a

civil war. And supporting this so called Lord Voldemort is folly; we

should not risk Black blood or fortune for this man's dubious cause."

Walburga stood angrily. "How dare you minimize the noble crusade of

Lord Voldemort! He will bring back the old ways and cleanse our world

of this mudblood infestation!"

Lucretia was on her feet again and challenged Walburga. "And exactly

who is this Lord Voldemort?! His name is nowhere to be found amongst

the pureblood houses! And what is his end goal? What will he do once he

accomplishes it? He plans to tear down the government, what will he put

in its place?! Does he seek to rule over us? He has not said, is this not

concerning to you? So why do we continue to support this pretender

when his true agenda is not known?!"

"You dare to question this great man…"

"My ladies!" Orion interrupted his wife and aunt, with a sharp voice.

"Before we continue this topic of supporting the Dark Lord, I would like

to know what we have learned about today's events!" Orion stated glaring

at his wife who huffed in annoyance.

"Now, what did you learn from your contacts in Diagon Alley, Uncle

Alphard? Who was it that killed Voldemort's men?

A portly man of near seventy stood from his chair; his hair and short

cropped beard were salt and pepper in color. "The identities of the two

youths are yet unknown. What we do know is that they were powerful

and struck without mercy. The lad had used spells that seemed to be

unknown to those who witnessed the fight. There is however a rumor

that is now going around the ministry about the identity of the young

man." Alphard Black informed the group.

"Cygnus, has your contacts in the ministry said anything to you about the

identity of the boy?" Orion asked turning to his younger brother.

"They have, but I'm inclined to dismiss it as a hoax." Cygnus replied.

"A hoax? Explain." Orion asked.

Cygnus squirmed uncomfortably in his seat before responding. "My

contact in the DMLE said that Auror Captian Alastor Moody, who was

investigating the attack in the alley, sent one of his underlings to the

DMLE archives. He wanted everything they had on…a certain family."

Cygnus hesitated.

"On which family?" Orion asked sternly noticing his brother's reluctance

in saying.

"The Eveningshades." Cygnus replied. Orion froze and gasps were heard

along the table from all of the people gathered.

"Are you sure about this Cygnus?" It was Arcturus who asked his son.

"That was what was told to me father. And I trust my contact

completely." He replied, Arcturus sat back in his seat with a faraway look

in his eyes.

"Surely he must have misheard. The Eveningshades are but a myth."

Walburga announced to the group.

"They are not a myth." Arcturus replied, coming out of some lost

memory. "But I do find it hard to believe that they were involved, there

has not been a sighting of them for nearly two hundred years."

"How do you know that they are not a myth?" Walburga asked


"Kreacher!" Arcturus called the old elf.

"Yous called Master Black?" Kreacher bowed.

"Bring me the Book of Blacks with the date 1600 AD to 1700 AD." He

ordered the elf, which bowed and popped away to the Black Library. A

moment later he returned with the tome in question.

Arcturus took the book and searched for a particular year. "Ah, here it is,

the year 1685 The Monmouth Rebellion. Early in that year there was an

attempt to oust the new king by a bastard son of the former king, Charles

the second. During the chaos of that rebellion a rival house of the Blacks,

the Wiltbourns, decided to take advantage of the sudden turmoil in the

kingdom and attempted to take over our lands and holdings. They had

three times our numbers. Within weeks House Black was nearly wiped


The Earl of Blackmore seeing the end of our great house decided to make

a deal with the enigmatic Eveningshades. Even then they were a mystery

to most magicals and those who knew of them only whispered their

name. To strike a bargain with them came at great cost, sometimes gold,

sometimes land and title, sometimes slaves, and sometimes oaths of

loyalty. According to our history the Eveningshades' price was a House

debt." He related.

"A house debt, I've never heard of a house debt." Orion queried.

"A house debt is a life debt but on all members of the Black family."

Arcturus explained.

"Is that even possible?" Walburga asked stunned.

"It is for the Eveningshades, the Blacks were not the first to incur such a

debt. Another house had been given the same debt. They then betrayed

the Eveningshades by attempting to kill their head of house, I know not

the reasons but I know the outcome. House Rochard was completely

wiped out. Every man, woman and child, including their vassal houses

were all utterly decimated." Arcturus stated.

"They killed them…all?" Lucretia asked aghast.

"Some say it was the oath that killed them, others say the Eveningshades

themselves." Arcturus replied with a shrug.

"And our house has this debt?" Orion asked mortified at the thought of

owing such a debt.

"Every Wiltborn and their allies over the age of majority were killed

within three days of the binding ritual that the Earl of Blackmore made

with the Eveningshades. If the Eveningshades have returned, our house is

still bound to that oath." Arcturus replied warningly.

"But we don't know for sure if it was an Eveningshade in the Alley this

morning." Walburga suggested. "And besides that was almost three

hundred years ago."

"Actually…" Dorea Potter spoke for the first time. "We may have

collaborating evidence that it might have been an Eveningshade."

Every eye turned to the Potter matriarch. "Healer Quincey and I are old

friends. He was attending Lord Malfoy, and in his delirium he repeated

the phrase 'It can't be' and one other phrase that was barely audible and

that was 'Eveningshade.' He was in near hysterics."

"We also have a third piece of Evidence." This time Cassiopeia Black

spoke. "The goblins were all in a tizzy this morning about the return of an

ancient house. I would lay odds that the emergence of this ancient house

and the possible reappearance of house Eveningshade in the alley are all

related." The younger sister of Arcturus replied to the nods of several

family members.

Orion sat back hard in his chair and rubbed his hand heavily down his

face. "This could have serious ramifications to our current plans." Orion

told his family.

"How so?" Walburga asked. "We are playing both sides."

"If it was an Eveningshade in the alley and he killed Voldemort's men, it

stands to reason he might be against the Dark Lord." Orion opined.

"We don't know that for sure." Cygnus added. "He may have just reacted

to a perceived threat to himself. We have no idea what his politics are."

"Well it sounds that the Eveningshades were a dark family to me, maybe

they share the beliefs of the movement." Walburga put her opinion out.

"If so, we should go all in supporting Lord Voldemort.

"Neither I or my family will support this terrorist." Dorea Black replied

sternly. "He offers nothing but bigotry and empty promises, and I, like

Lucretia, suspect his end goal is more selfish than altruistic."

"Yes, yes, we know your position Dorea." Walburga waved her hand

dismissively. "We know of Charlus' devotion to that crackpot

Dumbledore." Dorea glared at the shorter woman.

"Caution is what is required here." Callidora Longbottom nee-Black

advised breaking into the conversation. "Whether the Eveningshades

were involved or not, the political climate is very tenuous and we must

protect the family. Obviously Voldemort is trying to move ahead with his

plans…whatever they are. But it is prudent that we not allow ourselves to

become publically associated with any group until we know for sure

which way the wind will finally blow."

"And the uncertainty is ever growing." Orion stated with a sigh. "With the

death of Lord Lestrange and the arrest of Lord Malfoy for his

participation in the attack, the movement has lost two of its biggest

contributors and political heavyweights. The Dark Lords eyes, unwelcome

as they might be, may fall upon us."

"What about the contract between Bellatrix and Rudolfus Lestrange. Is it

still in effect?" Cygnus asked his older brother.

"That is another mystery, something has broken the contract, yet it was

not I or Lord Lestrange that cancelled the contract. And I have not heard

anything from Hogwarts stating anything is the matter with Bellatrix."

Everyone seemed to know to what he was referring. Many of the women

in the group hissed their displeasure at the archaic form of a chastity


"I sent an owl to her stating that we will be coming to speak with her

about it tomorrow afternoon at Merlin's Keep." Cygnus nodded his


"I am actually headed to Hogwarts after this meeting to speak to the

students who lost a family member in the attack. Is there something you

would like me to pass along to her?" Dorea Potter asked.

"No, I want her to be off balance when I speak to her tomorrow. I

purposely was less than forthcoming in the letter to make her that way.

She is a clever girl and I don't want her prepared for our discussion."

Orion said.

Dorea scowled at her nephew for a moment before speaking in a

dangerous tone. "Harm a hair on that girls head Orion and I will bend

you over my knee like I use to when you were a child!" No one doubted

the Potter matriarch; she was one of the most powerful witches in the

family and had a vicious streak a mile wide.

"I have no intention of harming my niece if I find everything in good

sorts." Orion replied. Dorea wasn't convinced and gave him a 'try me' look

before Orion turned away a little unnerved which caused Dorea to give a

small smirk.

"Very well, keep your contacts looking into the Eveningshade question. If

anything more substantial comes forth, bring it to me immediately. Our

stance on Voldemort at the moment will be one of caution and vigilance.

I will not commit all our family resources to the man until we know more

of his motives." Orion glared at his wife who crossed her arms in


"If there is nothing else we will adjourn." Orion told the group. Within

minutes most everyone had left Grimauld Place. Arcturus however,

remained where he was, his mind reaching way back into his childhood

and to the stories his grandfather had told him by the light of the

fireplace in this very manor. To most old families the ghost stories of the

Eveningshades' were something akin to stories of the bogeyman.

The bedtime stories spoke of them walking through walls, manipulating

reality, and stealing your soul while you slept. Of course these were just

stories; the truth about them was even more terrifying. And Arcturus

hoped that his family would not find themselves on the wrong side of an



Sunday morning came too early for Harry and Bella. Harry had been near

exhaustion after his ordeal with the activation of his family magic, and

although his body felt twinges of pain now and then it did not keep a

near hysterical Bellatrix from making sure he was alright by examining

every inch of his body which turned into several rounds of making love

to each other.

Harry was the first to wake, he gingerly began to move his arms and legs

about to see how much pain he still had, but to his surprise he felt no

pain at all, in fact he felt good…really good. He gently lifted Bella's arm

from around his waist and turned to sit up. He pushed himself up from

the bed and marveled at how strong he felt.

He reached for his glasses which were on the nightstand and put them

on. However, the world went blurry when he put them on his face.

Confused he took them back off and everything came back into focus.

"No way!" Harry whispered. He walked over to Bella's full length mirror

and gawked at himself, first, because he could see clearly, his eyesight

miraculously healed, and second it seemed all the malnourishment he

had suffered through most of his life was gone and before him stood a

lean but powerfully built body. He was no muscle man but his arms, legs,

and core, were toned and tight.

Bella awoke when she no longer felt Harry's warmth underneath her, a

warmth that she really enjoyed cuddling in to. Her eyes blinked away the

last vestiges' of sleep and she looked around the bedroom for the boy in


It did not take her long to find him; well at least she thought it was him,

because she had the most marvelous view of a strong looking back and

an incredibly firm looking arse. But the reflection of a pair of emerald

green eyes in the mirror left no doubt to whom was standing naked in

front of her.

"Whoever you are, you better get out of here quickly before my boyfriend

shows up, I hear he's the jealous type and wouldn't take kindly to a

stranger being in his girlfriend's bedroom." Bella playfully remarked

pulling up the sheets to cover her exposed breasts.

"Well then, I guess I should take advantage of his lack of intelligence for

leaving such a beautiful creature all on her lonesome." Harry replied

waggling his eyebrows and walking predatorily toward her.

Bella screamed as she dived under the blankets giggling. Harry launched

himself on top of her and began to tickle the dark haired witch who was

gasping for air from laughing so hard. Somehow Bella managed to turn

the tables and was now on top of Harry tickling his sides mercilessly, that

is until he grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her back causing

her to fall forward onto his chest. Their breathing was fast and their

chests were heaving into the others. Bella and Harry stared deeply into

each other's eyes as their breaths slowed and evened out.

Bella's throat went dry as three words she had never spoken to another

with the same meaning behind them left her lips. "I love you Harry." It

was barely above a whisper but its impact on Harry was as if a loud gong

had been hit.

He looked back at her and saw the truth behind her words deep within

her eyes, it was an unexpected declaration and yet it was not at all

unwelcome. Harry's own heart had been telling him what his brain had

been too afraid to recognize for some time now. And all though they had

known each other for a relatively a short time, he felt as if he had known

her all his life.

Even now he felt his magic pulling him to her and he could feel her

magic pulling her to him as well. Harry's right hand cupped Bella's cheek

and he poured his soul into the three words he was now sure he wanted

to say back to her. "I love you too, Bella."

Bella's eyes seemed to sparkle as her lips crashed into Harry's; soon their

tongues languidly caressed each other as their emotions were poured into

the kiss. Each knew that their relationship had just taken another step

forward and surprisingly neither felt any anxiety about this new

development at all.

Two hours later and the couple were bathed and dressed, however, there

were several intimate interludes along the way. Walburga had sent

Kreacher out earlier to buy new robes for Harry, robes befitting of Lord


The outer cloak was Acromantula black silk with the collar, hood, hem

and cuffs decorated in gold with Celtic swirls and knots running down

the length of the cloak. The inner robe was a black and gold mesh pattern

that fell just above his ankles. On his feet were dragon hide boots from a

Hungarian Horntail. Around his waist was a wide dragon hide belt from

the same dragon with a golden buckle.

Bella was literally drooling over how good Harry looked. He looked every

bit a highborn lord and his look screamed of wealth and power. Harry's

shoulder length hair was swept back with a golden Celtic hair clasp in

the manner common among the lords of ancient houses.

Bella looked equally impressive with her long deep purple cloak that

made her eyes stand out her long black hair was left down and cascaded

down her back to give a beautiful contrast to the cloak she wore. Her

inner robes were just a shade lighter than her cloak with black Celtic

lattices throughout, she wore a long thin silver belt that presented her

feminine hips that left no doubt of the incredible figure the young

woman possessed. Her high heeled black leather stiletto boots rounded

out her outfit.

The two teens together made for an impressive sight as they stood side by

side. Walburga was crying in her frame at how good they looked

together, they complimented each other beautifully. She hated what her

living self had forced upon the girl. Her life as the wife of Rudolfus

Lestrange had destroyed the young witch and had twisted her so

perversely that even her own family did not recognize the witch she had


But now she had a chance to see the woman that Bella should have

become; confidant, powerful, and loved and in love. She just wished she

could talk to her living self and make her see the complete disaster that

befell her family for following the Dark Lord.

"Are you ready to meet your father and uncle?" Harry asked with


"Truthfully, I'm not looking forward to it, but I think our plan will work.

If not, we may have to fight our way out." Bella was only half way joking

when she gave an uneasy laugh.

"Well, whatever happens we'll face it together." Harry gave her hand a

reassuring squeeze.

Harry donned his invisibility cloak after the couple had stepped out of

the Room of Requirement lead by Bella. It was still a Hogsmeade

weekend for third years and above, and it seemed as if every student that

could wanted to take advantage of the few warm days left before the

infamous Scottish winters came rolling in.

Harry had to be extra careful as he navigated the stairs and corridors

leading down to the entrance hall, students were everywhere meeting up

with friends and making their plans for the day. Bella mindful of him,

walked at a sedate pace to allow him to stay near her.

When they came to the main entry Harry was shocked to see a much

younger looking Filch, however he still looked very unkempt and had his

patented scowl as he checked students off his list as they left the castle.

Bella did not even pay the caretaker any attention and just walked right

passed him with her nose in the air as if daring him to stop her.

Apparently Filch had been on the receiving end of Bella's temper before

because he made no move to stop her. Harry, who had been watching the

greasy haired man, had to stifle a chuckle when he actually saw him with

a panicked look on his face as she walked by. Harry told himself he

would have to ask Bella about it later.

Bella hopped into an awaiting carriage with Harry slipping in right

behind her. The carriage then began its trip to the small wizarding

hamlet of Hogsmeade. Fifteen minutes later Harry and Bella stepped from

the carriage. Harry would not remain under his cloak. They had decided

that Harry would be revealing himself to Bella's uncle and father today

and saw no point in remaining invisible until the meeting with her uncle.

With an hour before they needed to meet with Orion, the couple decided

to walk around the village and enjoy the fall weather. They had barely

been walking for ten minutes when Bella heard her name being called.

Bella palmed her face and shook her head in exasperation, how could she

forget that this person would be in the village. This was a confrontation

she didn't want to have yet.

Bella turned around and greeted the person that approached her and

Harry. "Hello Andromeda, fancy meeting you here." Bella greeted her

sister who had a large half grin half smirk on her face. Bella wanted to

just roll her eyes and the smug look on her sister's face.

"Why…hello Bella." Andromeda cooed. "And who is this handsome young


"Oh I like her." Harry replied, his eyes twinkling.

Bella cleared her throat and gave her boyfriend a withering look before

addressing her sister. "Andromeda Black, meet my…boyfriend, Harry."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Black." Harry said taking Andromeda's

left hand and kissing her hand above the knuckles.

Andromeda's face pinked as she gave a small giggle of delight. "It's a

pleasure to finally meet you." Andromeda replied. "She's been rather

mysterious about you. I can see why she wanted to keep you to herself

though." Andromeda smiled coquettishly.

"Well it's been lovely chatting, but Harry and I really need to be going."

Bella told her sister not liking the direction the conversation was going.

"And I'm sure…Ted is it, is waiting for you somewhere?" Bella asked her

sister impishly.

"Nice to have met you Andromeda." Harry bowed to the girl.

"Andi…you can call me Andi." Andromeda smiled. "And be good to my

sister, Harry." She warned with a mischievous smile. "We Black sisters

stick together, and protect our own." Andromeda then turned with a

wave good bye and left to find her own boyfriend.

"She's cute." Harry chuckled. "In a sisterly way." Harry added as Bella

gave him a threatening look before she began to chuckle as well.

"Well, I think my boyfriend is neglecting his boyfriend duties." Bella told

Harry seductively.

"Oh?" Harry asked.

"Uh huh." Bella nodded, her large eyes wide with something bordering on

lust. "We've been here a whole twenty minutes and my lips have yet to be


"Well then…" Harry began, wrapping his arms around her slender waist

and pulling her toward him. "I have been a very bad boyfriend. I suppose

I should beg for forgiveness." Harry's voice softened to just above a

whisper as he finished speaking. Harry then pressed his lips tenderly to

Bella's and the two teens melted into each other, and their kissing

became more passionate.

"BELLATRIX BLACK!" A male voice boomed behind her.

"Oh bugger!" Bellatrix swore.

She turned to see her Uncle and her father walking briskly toward the

couple who had not released each other yet. "Well cats out of the bag

now." Bella whispered.

"UNHAND MY DAUGHTER BOY!" Cygnus Black yelled at Harry drawing

his wand out and pointing it at Harry. "YOU DARE SULLY A DAUGHTER


"Explain yourself Bellatrix!" Orion Black commanded, putting a hand on

Cygnus' wand arm forcing him to lower his wand. "Who is this whelp?"

Orion asked scathingly.

Before Bella could answer, Harry stepped forward confidently. "I'm her

boyfriend Lord Black."

"Boyfriend is it?" Orion narrowed his eyes at Harry. "I don't think so boy,

she is intended for someone else."

"Respectfully Lord Black, I disagree. Bella has chosen me and I have

chosen her and I will not allow us to be separated." Harry said smoothly

with his head held high and his eyes never leaving Orion's.

"YOU IMPUDENT CHILD! Do you know who I am and what I could do to

you?" Orion threatened in a dangerous voice.

"I will not marry the Lestrange shite! I have chosen him and he has

chosen me!" Bella stated forcefully, standing next to Harry and taking his

hand in hers. With Harry's and Bella's mutual declaration of choosing the

other there appeared an unexpected flash of magic at their conjoined


Harry felt a pull on his magic and then a sharp pin prick on his right ring

finger that drew blood where the Eveningshade signet ring rested. Bella

also felt a pin prick that drew blood from her left hand ring finger

immediately followed by another flash of magic that surrounded the

conjoined hands. When the light faded a ladies blood red ring with a

black phoenix inlay was on her left ring finger.

When Orion and Cygnus saw the flash of magic they believed that Harry

was attacking them and immediately raised their wands. Harry saw the

movement and with a small gesture of his free hand the two wands were

ripped from the hands of the two men, landing in Harry's open palm.

Though momentarily stunned at his wand being taken from him, Orion in

one smooth motion pulled a backup wand from his sleeve and pointed it

at Harry threateningly. "What did you just do boy?!"

"I think we all need to take a breath and relax a moment." A woman's

voice came from behind Orion. She stepped into view with her wand out

but pointing toward the ground.

"Aunt Dorea?" Bella asked in surprise.

"Grand mo…" Harry caught himself; he hoped his little slip went


"What are you doing here Aunt Dorea?" Orion asked his father's sister


"I wanted to make sure that my niece was being treated well. I know very

well that your temper can get the best of you at times Orion." The Potter

matriarch stated with a grin.

"This does not concern you Aunt Dorea. This is an issue for the head of

the Black family." Orion spat.

"Maybe not, but I'm quite fond of my nieces. And I would be very put out

if something or someone caused them any distress." The regal lady glared

ominously at Orion who felt a chill of doom race down his spine.

Orion turned from Dorea and fixed his eyes on Harry again and reiterated

his question. "What have you done to my niece boy?!"

It was Bella who responded to Orion's question. "It seems dear uncle that

magic has bound Harry and I together." She smirked, a little more

confidant now that she seemed to have an ally in her great-aunt.

"What are you on about girl?!" Bella's father turned on his daughter.

Bella grinned mischievously at her father. "If my assumption is correct, I

just got married." Bella looked adoringly at Harry who gave a slight nod.

Harry had felt his and Bella's magic unite when their hands flared and

knew instinctively that they had just become bound to each other.

"What foolishness are you speaking of Bellatrix?" Orion asked harshly.

"I mean…" Bella smirked at her uncle. "That I just became the Lady

Eveningshade." A pulse from Bella's ring seemed to acknowledge her


Orion and Cygnus gaped at Bellatrix and then looked appraisingly at

Harry who was staring back at them unblinkingly. Dorea raised an

elegant eyebrow but otherwise showed no other emotion.

Suddenly Harry stiffened his wand seeming to just appear in his hands.

And a look rage flashed in his green eyes that were glowing ominously.

The adults seemed to falter a step as they felt incredible power rolling off

of Harry.

"Harry, what is it?" Bella asked worriedly.

"Anti-apparition wards just went up!" Harry told her.

"What? How do you know?" Dorea Potter asked.

"I just know." He told her. "Something bad is about to happen." Harry

stated now looking for signs of danger. He didn't have to wait long as

seconds later twenty masked and robed individuals flooded into the high

street of Hogsmeade.

The masked men broke in to four groups of five each. At first the towns

people just stopped and stared at the assembled groups not really sure

who they were or what they wanted. That was until the first bombarda

curse blew through the front of Scrivenshafts, sending debris and people

flying in all directions.

Terrified screams echoed through the high street from students and

adults alike as people scrambled to get to any cover they could find. 'This

group seems to be better organized than the team that had assaulted

Diagon Alley.' Harry mused.

"Children, we must get to safety!" Dorea Potter ordered. But Harry threw

Orion's and Cygnus' wands at their feet and was now moving quickly

toward the Death Eaters and Bella following just a half step behind him.

Orion saw a flash of green and witnessed a Hogwarts student drop

lifelessly to the ground. "What the hell is Voldemort playing at?!" Orion

growled furiously. "Attacking children, for Merlin's sake!"

Orion knew he stood at a crossroads. If he raised his wand against

Voldemort's men he would be a marked man going forward with those

elites who supported the movement. And if the boy he now saw running

to the fight was indeed an Eveningshade, and if he raised a wand against

him, he risked the annihilation of his house, if Arcturus was to be


There was a third option, he rationalized. Take no stand at all, claim

neutrality and sit this coming war out. Even as he thought it, he knew

that Voldemort already had a strong interest in his family or rather his

family's money, and that Voldemort would not allow him to be neutral.

For the first time in his adult life Orion Black did not know what to do or

how to respond. There was no political safe ground here. The House of

Black found itself in a precarious and volatile situation.

"Orion!" Cygnus yelled at his older brother. "My daughters are out there!

We have to get to them and get them to safety." Cygnus sprinted toward

the battle following Dorea who was trying to catch up to Harry and Bella.

Orion came out of his stupor when his very first lesson as the future heir

of House Black came to the front of his mind. "FAMILY FIRST!" And with

that final thought he raced after his brother.

Harry's magic was singing as he neared the first group of Death Eaters, it

was as if his magic wanted to be released and show what it could do.

Two of the Death Eaters saw him coming and immediately fired two dark

looking curses at him.

Time seemed to slow down for Harry but his senses were moving at an

accelerated rate. He slid forward on his knees and leaned his torso back

as the spells flew over him himself. He followed the trajectory of the

spells and found Bella almost mirroring his actions behind him. He

sprung back to his feet a mere two feet in front of the Death Eaters.

His wand made a ninety degree arc as he slashed it downward, a silver

colored spell slashed through the first man cleaving him in half from left

shoulder to right hip. The Death Eater surprised wide eyes showed the

last emotion he would ever feel.

Bella had risen to her feet and fired an overpowered piercing hex that

shot straight through her opponent's chest completely obliterating his

heart. She pirouetted gracefully and engaged another Death Eater side

stepping a curse, she unleashed a bone breaker point blank to his spine

severing the spinal cord dropping him instantly paralyzed from the neck


Harry had not been idle, and conjured a fire whip that wrapped around

the two remaining Death Eaters pinning their bodies together and their

arms to their sides. The intense heat of the whip burned through muscle

and bone severing their arms just below the elbows. Harry canceled the

spell with a flick of his wrist. The two men screamed in agony as they

collapsed to the ground armless and with severe burns to their backs.

Dorea Potter along with Cygnus and Orion witnessed the teen's brutal

attack and were stunned at the precision like strikes. There was no

hesitation no signs of remorse as they unleashed their fury on the five

masked terrorists.

Harry and Bella gave each other a quick glance to make sure the other

was okay. An explosion further down the street got their attention and

soon they were sprinting toward the noise. Dorea, Cygnus and Orion


The group came to a stop as they witnessed five Death Eaters throwing

spell after spell at Honeydukes Sweet shop. The screaming coming from

inside was evidence of people still inside. One scream in particular was

immediately recognized by Bella."

"Harry, that was Andromeda! She's in the shop!" Bella yelled in panic.

Cygnus paled and raced forward but was blown back by a reductor curse

breaking his ankle. As before, their arrival did not go unnoticed by

another group of death eaters. The spells began to rain down on Harry

and those with him fast and furiously. Orion was able to summon Cygnus

to him as his younger brother winced in pain.

Dorea cast a powerful shield that stopped the first volley of spells from

hitting them, but the sheer number of spells was weakening her shield

fast. Orion and Cygnus began to fire back offensive spells at the

approaching Death Eaters while Harry and Bella began assaulting the

group in front of Honeydukes.

The Death Eaters spread out and took up positions of cover throughout

the street; the commotion alerted the last group of five Death Eaters that

a major battle was taking place. Dorea pointed her wand at the ground

around them and created several earthen battle works for her group to

hide behind.

The fifteen remaining Death Eaters had pinned them down in a semi-

circle on the high street. Honeydukes was beginning to burn with the

trapped students and adults still trapped inside. But five Death Eaters and

taken up a defensive position near the store and effectively blocked their

way to the sweet shop.

"Where are the bloody aurors!" Dorea screamed in rage. "We need to get

to those people, before the building falls down on top of them.

Minerva McGonagall was visiting some of her lions in Gryffindor Tower,

when she noticed out the tower window black smoke filling the sky

above Hogsmeade. She raced to the window and saw not one but several

plumes of smoke rising from several locations. She sprinted from the

tower and raced to the Headmasters Office to alert him.

The roof over Honeydukes began to crack ominously, it would not hold

much longer. Harry searched for a way to get through the Death Eaters,

but he could think of nothing that would not expose him to immediate

cross fire. It was then he realized that there was maybe one thing he

could do. He focused his magic and reached out to see the anti-apparition


"There!" He stated more to himself than to those around him finding a

fissure in the wards, then suddenly he disappeared. Bella screamed for

him but he was already gone. Harry appeared directly behind the Death

Eaters that blocked their way to Honeydukes. With a primal scream he

unleashed dark curse after dark curse.

Two Death eaters who had managed to get behind him were about to

curse him when he heard Bella scream 'behind you!' Harry spun around

but the curses had already been fired. What happened next terrified the

Death Eaters who were close enough to see what was happening.

Harry's body seemed to turn to smoke, the spells passed right through

him. He swooped to the two Death Eaters and roared with the sounds of

hell echoing in his voice. His emerald colored eyes glowed with the color

of death he then plunged his ghostly hands into the chests of the two

men. His fingers wrapping around each of their hearts, he squeezed and

squeezed. The Death Eaters blanched white as the beating of their hearts

were forcefully stopped.

Harry removed his hands from their chests and watched the bodies'

slump to the ground dead. He then turned his attention to the other

Death Eaters and vanished just to reappear behind another group. A

black shroud of smoke surrounded Harry as he fell upon the masked men

obscuring them from view.

All that could be heard was the horrific screams and gurgling sounds of

death. The remaining Death Eaters ran for their lives to the boundary of

the anti-apparition wards, only three were successful, as the rest


Dorea, Cygnus and Orion had made their way into Honeydukes and were

herding everyone out of the burning building. Cygnus grabbed

Andromeda and fiercely hugged her to him; she had been hit with some

minor cutting curses and was suffering like all the others from smoke


Bella had run to Harry and threw her arms around him, Harry for his part

pulled her tightly to him and buried his face into her hair. "Are you

okay?" She whispered in his ear. He nodded.

"How about you?" He asked softly. "I'm okay, a little…I don't know."

"Yeah, me too." Harry replied tightening his hold on her.

All those who had taken shelter in the other homes and buildings began

to resurface and look at the fallen forms that littered the street. Some

were residents of the small village, some were students, but most of the

bodies were wearing black robes and skeletal masks. Smoke and embers

floated on the air and there was a heavy presence of ozone from all the

spells cast.

Harry and Bella walked back toward Honeydukes hand in hand. "Wards

are down." Harry stated tonelessly. Within moments of his declaration

dozens of aurors popped into the village with drawn wands, a contingent

of professors from Hogwarts were also making their way into the village.

Harry noticed one of the red robed aurors who looked like a younger

Mad Eye Moody barking out orders sending his fellow aurors in pairs to

various parts of the village. He also noticed his grandmother approach

Mad Eye and speak to him.

Teams of healers began to arrive by portkey and set up a triage center in

front of Gladrags. Aurors began escorting the wounded to the healers and

floating the obvious deceased as well to an appointed area for


"Bella, are you okay?" Dorea asked coming up to the couple after

speaking with Moody.

"Yes auntie." Bella replied with a shrug.

"That was some uh…impressive magic you performed young man." Dorea

addressed Harry cautiously. Harry just shrugged noncommittally.

"I am in full agreement with that statement." Orion Black remarked,

approaching the teens with Cygnus following behind. Cygnus had left

Andromeda with the healers to be sorted out.

Orion cleared his throat. "I believe we may have gotten off on the wrong

foot young man. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Orion

Black, Lord and head of the Ancient and Noble House of Black. This is my

brother Cygnus Black, young Bellatrix's father. And this is the Lady Dorea

Potter nee-Black of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter." Orion spoke

with a much more civil tone than he had previously.

"My Lords and Lady." Harry bowed slightly. "I am Harry Eveningshade,

Lord and head of the Most Ancient House of Eveningshade." Harry stated

with pride in his voice.

Orion gulped at the confirmation of the boy's identity and hoped he had

not offended the young lord to the point that his house was in danger. He

had to repair any damage immediately, the power he witnessed the boy

display was something he did not want directed at him or his family.

"My Lord, I most humbly offer my apologies for my abrasive behavior

when we first met. My only excuse was not knowing who you were or the

nature of your relationship with my niece. If it is acceptable I would like

to speak with you and of course Bellatrix at your earliest convenience."

Orion stated noticing for the first time the ring Bellatrix had on her ring

finger and the crest that was on it.

"I think that would be acceptable Lord Black. However I would ask that

you do not reveal who I am to anyone else. I'm not ready for the world to

know who I am just yet."

"I think that rabbit has already escaped, my lord." Dorea Potter told

Harry. "I assume that it was you in Diagon Alley yesterday that stopped

the terrorist attack."

Harry gave a slight nod to his grandmother. "Well then, you should know

that the man you left alive, Lord Malfoy, somehow knew you were an

Eveningshade. That knowledge will not be kept quiet for long."

"I see." Harry said, not happy about the Eveningshade name being made

public again so soon.

"Harry, we should leave." Bella whispered in his ear and directed his

attention to Moody who was coming their way. Dorea caught what Bella

had whispered and looked curiously at the couple.

"Is there a reason you do not wish to speak with the authorities Lord

Eveningshade, after all without your assistance everyone in Honeydukes

would have perished." She stated with curiosity.

"It's complicated Lady Potter, I assure you that there is nothing nefarious

in my reasons, but I'm afraid I really must dash. Lord Black, I look

forward to our next meeting, Mr. Black." Harry nodded to Bella's father

who was about to say something. Harry grabbed Bella's hand and silently

disappeared, leaving the three adults confused, curious, and in Orion's

case relieved.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! The fallout from the attack will be

next chapter and a meeting with the House of Black. Please leave a

comment or a review and let me know what you thought. Your reviews

really motivate me to focus more on the story and get chapters out


15. Chapter 15

Disclaimer: See chapter one.


Apparently there was a problem with FFN, I hope its fixed as I will

attempt to repost this chapter.

Okay a couple things, first, the last chapter received over two hundred

reviews! A new high, a big thank you to everyone who reviewed! I'm

grateful to everyone who continues to read my little story

Second, apparently I pissed off a few of my readers; a couple of you left

your reviews under your login names, which I respect. But some just

reviewed under Guest, kinda cowardly in my eyes.

One thing that really upsets me is when people use profanity in

expressing themselves and their discontent; you not only diminish your

argument by doing so but you diminish yourself. I welcome critiques, I

do believe it helps me to become a better writer, and I realize that I can't

please everyone and I don't worry myself with trying.

So I welcome the good and the bad reviews but please use intelligent

arguments and let's leave the profanities out. Okay enough of that.

Chapter 15

Harry and Bella apparated just outside of the gates leading back to

Hogwarts to return to the school, Harry collapsed immediately as they

reappeared slumping to the ground, his body was beginning to have fits

and his eyes seemed to roll back into his head. Bella, in shock, dropped

to her knees next to her boyfriend and grabbed his hands

"Harry, what's wrong?!" A panicked Bella asked the pale looking Harry

who was cold and clammy to the touch.

"I-I d-don't know, b-but I don't feel so well." Harry struggled to say as he

fought to control his trembling body.

"We need to get you to the castle! Can you stand?" Harry nodded and

tried to stand up but his legs were unsteady, he reached out for Bella who

grabbed his arm and pulled it over her shoulders to help steady him.

She pulled out Harry's cloak from her bag and threw it around them, the

cloak adjusting itself to cover them completely. The walk up to the castle

took longer than normal with Harry having to stop often to catch his

breath. They also had to negotiate getting around the panicking students

who were also rushing back to the castle and the professors who were

rushing to Hogsmeade.

The Hogwarts staircases seemed to be aiding the couple as they moved

into place to expedite their assent to the seventh floor. Harry was

faltering in his steps, he was having difficulty picking up his feet and his

body was becoming more unresponsive as they walked.

Bella was terrified that something had happened to Harry during the

fight that she had not seen, a curse of some kind that was having a

delayed reaction. She tried to remember everything she could from the

fight, but when adrenaline begins to pump, your focus on anything

except for what's in front of you is blocked out.

"Come on Harry just a little farther, we're almost there." Bella sobbed as

Harry no longer was responsive. Bella had to levitate Harry the last

twenty feet to the door that was opening as she approached. She took

him to her bedroom where she gently placed him on the bed.

She began to vanish his clothing and immediately began inspecting his

body for signs of spell damage or any other physical trauma. But beyond

a few scratches and minor abrasions she could not find anything that

would suggest he was hit with a dark or deadly spell.

Tears continued to fall from Bella's cheeks as Harry's appearance

worsened. "My Lady, I need you!" Bella cried, gripping Harry's cold limp

hand in her own hands.

"I've been watching child." The spirit of Hogwarts gently replied

appearing and standing over the form of her prone champion.

"I don't know what is wrong with him, my lady." Bella whimpered. "I

don't know what to do, should I take him to the medical wing?" Bella

asked through her tears.

Hogwarts placed her right hand on Harry's chest and closed her eyes. A

golden aura glowed around her hand as she seemed to be concentrating

on something. After a few minutes the lady spoke.

"His magical core has been nearly drained, and shows signs of stress.

What has happened child, I sense the fear in my students." Hogwarts


"Death Eaters attacked the village, Harry and I tried to defend the village

by engaging the Death Eaters, well Harry charged in and I followed…

stupid Gryffindorish behavior!" Bella murmured.

"Harry was bloody brilliant though! He did some amazing things, I'm not

sure how but he managed to make himself apparate through the wards

the attackers had set up and then he seemed to…I'm not sure how to

properly describe it, but it was as if his body turned to smoke, and two

curses fired at almost point blank range passed right through him." Bella

informed the ancient entity.

"Impressive, so when did Harry become so weak?" She asked.

"Right after the smoke incident, I noticed he looked a little pale but I

thought it was just from the battle and seeing the bodies on the ground.

He also seemed a touch unsteady as we spoke with my family after the

fighting was over. But it was after we apparated to the front gates that he

suddenly collapsed." Bella informed her.

"I think our young man exhausted himself, I believe he used more magic

than his body could handle." Hogwarts opined.

"Will he be okay then?" Bella asked squeezing Harry's hand.

"He should be fine, his body and core just need time to recover."

"How long?" Bella asked.

"That I don't know, but his core is dangerously low, it could take several

days, my dear." Hogwarts gave her a sympathetic look. Bella nodded her

head in understanding.

The Lady Hogwarts seemed to stare off into space for a moment and then

a tray of potions and draughts appeared next to the bed. "There are some

dreamless sleep potions and restorative draughts here on the tray. They

will help him physically but there is nothing that can speed up the

process of core replenishment, this must happen naturally on its own

time." The lady instructed Bella.

Bella climbed up onto the bed next to Harry and lifted his head to her

chest; she slowly poured a restorative potion down his throat followed by

a dreamless sleep draught that would have him out for the next twelve

hours. Within moments she could feel the rhythmic up and down motion

of Harry's deep and steady breathing.

She reached for the journals of Harry's ancestor and opened its pages

'perhaps' she thought there was something in them that could explain

what was happening to Harry. He had looked so strong and full of power

and then he just seemed to crash. It was confusing and she felt she

needed to understand Harry's family magic and see what exactly it

entailed. She just hoped that the books contained the information she

was looking for.


The smell of burning wood was pervasive throughout the small wizarding

community, a smoky haze filled the air making the people cover their

mouths with whatever piece of cloth they had with them, and glowing

embers from the smoldering buildings floated on the air singeing any

bare skin it came in contact with.

Aurors finished placing the deceased in front of the Three Broomsticks.

They were divided in to two groups, one for the terrorist and the other

for the students and townspeople who had lost their lives in the attack.

Aurors removed the masks from the dead terrorists and exposed their left

arms, and then began the sad business of identifying the bodies.

Seven residents of the town had also been killed and were identified by

long time resident and owner of the Hogshead Tavern, Aberforth


A horrified but stoic Minerva McGonagall provided the names of the five

cut down Hogwarts students to the aurors. Two had been from her own

house of Gryffindor, two Hufflepuffs, and a sixth year Slytherin.

Ravenclaw house had managed not to lose anyone from their house.

Distraught she hadn't noticed a large well built man with striking blue

eyes and a well kempt reddish beard approach her. He was wearing the

blue cloak of a Hit Wizard and walked with purpose and power. The first

indication of his presence was a gentle hand on her shoulder turning her


"Robert!" Minerva cried as she saw her husband, she immediately fell into

his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hàlo Minnie, ciamar a tha thu?" Robert McGonagall asked his wife softly

in his native Gaelic.

"I'm fine Robert." She sniffed and got an unconvinced look from her


"For some reason I dunnae believe ya lass." He replied.

Minerva responded with a shrug. "What brings the Hit Wizards here?"

She asked noticing a few more blue cloaks. "Tis an Auror matter is it


"Aye, but the minister is comin and we're the advanced team to make

sure things are safe for her arrival." He replied.

"The minister? Why is she coming?" Minerva asked.

"This is going to be a public relations nightmare with the deaths of

children. She must be seen to be doing something to reassure the people.

So, she plans on making a statement to the press within the hour.

Speaking of which, I need to speak with Moody to get his assessment of

the incident, do you know where he is love?" Robert McGonnagal asked.

"Aye, he's speaking with Lady Potter and Lord Black in front of the Three

Broomsticks." Minerva pointed the group out.

Robert nodded. "We'll speak later, aye?"

"Aye." Minerva replied. "Tha gaol agam ort, Robert!"

"Love you too Minnie." He returned and then walked off toward Captain



Captain Alastor Moody could never be characterized as a politically

correct man when it came to his job. To the contrary he was a hard as

nails; tell it like it is no nonsense kind of wizard. And when he was in

interrogation mode he was not above using any tools at his disposal to

get answers. However he had to go forgo his nature and his normal

approach when addressing the group before him.

"Lord Black, Lady Potter, and Mr. Black…" Moody began politely but

soon lost his composure. "…WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!" Amelia

Bones cleared her throat at her mentor's side. Moody grimaced and bit

his cheek.

"I mean can you tell me what transpired here this afternoon?" Moody's

attempt at being anything but agitated would have been comical except

for the situation they found themselves in.

"I thought that would be obvious Alastor." Dorea Potter replied with a

scowl, and motioned to the destruction around them. "Just look at what

these terrorist have done!"

"Death Eaters." Moody replied.

"What?" Dorea asked.

"They call themselves Death Eaters. That's what the two we have locked

up at the ministry are calling themselves at any rate." Moody replied.

"What I would like to know is why the Aurors have not arrested this

Voldemort yet?! He is obviously behind all the attacks in the countryside

and now at the heart of our society." Dorea tersely asked.

"If it were up to me my lady, I would have rounded him up ages ago. But

as far as we know he himself has not participated in any of the attacks.

And until we have hard evidence that he is the one orchestrating and

ordering these raids we have little to arrest him on.

Not to mention he is the political leader of the Purist Party, any attack on

him could be seen as the Minister trying to silence a political challenger.

That would go over as well as week old haggis." Moody replied. "Now if

we could get back to my original question. What happened here?" Moody


"I would like to know that as well." Robert McGonagall said as he

approached the group.

"Bob." Moody greeted the captain of the Minister's protection team.

"Alastor." Robert replied. "How's my boy Richard doing by the way?"

"He's a talented young man; he's on track to graduate at the top of his

Auror Academy class." Alastor replied, which got a pleased look from the

Hit Wizard. "But if you want anything more personal, you'll need to ask

his girlfriend." Moody jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Amelia.

"What! But how did you kno…" Amelia Bones began flustered.

"I don't miss much lass, and every time you two pass each other you're

giving each other lusty stares that would make a sailor blush." Moody

chuckled. Amelia stood with her mouth open. "Don't worry lass, it's not

forbidden for Aurors to date each other; they just can't be on the same


"Oh, so you're that Amelia!" Robert chuckled. "Richard has written about

you quite often. It's nice to finally put a face to the girl he's so taken

with." Robert offered warmly. Amelia blushed furiously at the twinkle in

the Hit Wizard's eye. She would have to talk with Richard and find out

exactly what he had told his father in his letters.

"Well, now that we have embarrassed my protégé." Moody smirked, he

turned to Lady Potter. "You were about to fill me in on what you


Dorea, Orion and Cygnus all gave a statements on what they had seen

prior to their getting involved in the fight themselves. They then

rehearsed what actions they took in the battle and what the Death Eaters

had done.

"Other witnesses said that there was a teenage girl and boy involved as

well." Alastor told them. "In fact it has been stated by other witnesses that

a teenage boy matching the description of the boy from the Diagon Alley

attack and your daughter Bellatrix was involved." Moody looked

questioningly at Cygnus. "Now, the girl from the alley does not match the

description of your daughter but she could have been using a glamour


"Captain Moody, I have no knowledge of the Diagon Alley attack or who

was involved!" Cygnus blustered.

"What my brother is trying to say captain…" Orion placed a calming hand

on his brother's shoulder. "…is that Bellatrix was here and helped us in

repelling the attack. But, to our knowledge, Bellatrix was nowhere near

Diagon Alley yesterday, but here at Hogwarts. As to the young man that

was here with Bellatrix, I just met him today. But he also helped to repel

the attackers." Orion Black stated.

"Did this young man have a name?" Moody asked.

"I'm sure he does Auror Moody, perhaps you should ask him." Orion

stated with a smirk. "Now if you'll kindly excuse us, we are concerned

about Cygnus' other daughter Andromeda who was injured in the attack."

"I need the name of that boy Lord Black." Moody growled.

"I wish I could give you his name Auror Moody, but I can't!" He

emphasized. "I imagine you could speak with Bellatrix and ask her. Now I

really must see to my niece." Orion and Cygnus then left to check on


Moody watched the two men leave, his years of interrogating told him

that the two men knew more than what they were telling. But pressing a

member of the Wizengamot was always hazardous business. He turned

his attention back to Dorea Potter who had been summoned by the team

leader of the medical team who had responded to treat the injured.

Now here was a lady who he had respected for years, she had saved

many lives during the Great War with her healing skills, including his

own. She also had a talent for helping those who suffered psychological

trauma, and felt that he personally owed the Lady when she put him back

together both physically as well as mentally.

She had been tight lipped when he had asked about the identity of the

boy; she had been summoned by the medical team before he could ask

her any follow-up questions. If she was keeping the identity of the boy

secret he must be worthy of her silence he mused. But still he needed

answers, and those above his pay grade would demand them.

"So what do you think Al?" Robert McGonagall asked his longtime friend.

"I think we have a new player. Two attacks in two days by these "Death

Eaters", both attacks foiled and the attackers put down like rabid dogs. I

don't think we've seen the end of this, Rob, I think it's just getting started.

But what I want to know, is the identity of this boy. I fear he's going to

stir up a hornets' nest if he keeps killing off purebloods, even if they do

deserve it." Moody opined.

"Think we 'ave a new Dark Lord?" Robert asked.

"Don't rightly know. However, he has defended the helpless and has only

killed those who were attempting to harm or kill others." Moody


"Anything else you can give me before the Minister arrives?" The Hit

Wizard asked.

Moody sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes, the lingering smoke making

them dry and sore. "We have twelve dead Death Eaters and five

wounded. Seven townspeople were killed with several others injured or

suffering from shock. Five Hogwarts students were killed with at least a

dozen or more injured some seriously." Moody began.

"We believe that the Death Eaters were already in the town waiting for

the arrival of the students. Once the streets were full of students, the

Death Eaters initiated an anti-apparition ward that surrounded the high

street. That's when they opened fire.

According to witnesses, Bellatrix Black and the unidentified boy began to

engage the Death Eaters, soon followed by the Black brothers and Lady

Potter. Not much was seen of the fight between the two sides, the smoke

was thick and the majority of people tried to hide themselves away from

getting hit by spell fire. So the particulars are unknown.

Only the Blacks and Lady Potter know the full story, but for some reason

they don't feel like sharing. I do have enough information to determine

that they were not the aggressors but were acting in defense of the

village. But any death needs to be investigated." Moody informed his


"Sticky situation that, two noble houses." The redhead shook his head in

understanding and commiseration. "You'll have to tread carefully old


"Aye, but I do have some leads that I didn't have before. I got a pretty

good look at the lad before he disappeared and he is an associate of

Bellatrix Black. So, I think I'll have a word or two with Albus about his

students." The old auror commented.


The Lady Dorea Potter had transfigured her normally stylish robes to a

plainer and more functional set of robes, as she set about helping and

treating the wounded students and townspeople alongside the other


As she worked, her mind was bothered by the mystery that was Harry

Eveningshade. He looked so familiar to her yet could not quite place him,

and then there was the feeling she got when she had touched his

shoulder, it was as if her magic recognized him and his magic recognized

her. Then there was their initial meeting where she could have sworn he

was about to call her grandmother.

And his and Bella's spontaneous bonding! She was well versed in the old

ways and realized albeit a little late that the two had invoked an ancient

magical bonding, by claiming each other. Harry being the head of his

family had the power within him to initiate the bond, and Bella's

complete willingness to be bonded to him sealed it.

'Strange' she mused. There was much more to Harry Eveningshade, and

she was determined to find out what she could. She knew he was

powerful, she could feel it and what he did to those terrorists was

something she had never seen before. Though she noticed the signs of

magical exhaustion in the young man before he left with Bella,

nevertheless it was an impressive display of magic.

"A dark day is it not, when so much magical blood is spilled.' A gratingly

familiar voice said from behind her.

Dorea stood and turned to face the new arrival with an undisguised scowl

and was also surprised to see Minister Millicent Bagnold accompanying

him as well. "It's a dark day when any blood is spilled Albus. Minister

Bagnold, a pleasure as always." Dorea said diplomatically, receiving a

nod from the first female Minister for Magic.

"True enough, Lady Potter; however there are so few true magicals in

comparison to…"

"To what Albus…muggleborns, halfbloods, muggles?" Dorea asked

accusingly, her nerves raw from all the death around her.

Dumbledore held up his hands placatingly. "I was not suggesting that

anyone's heritage was less than that of another, I was merely pointing out

that the indiscriminant killing of so many magicals hurts us as a society

and could spawn further antipathy to those newer to our world."

"And why would protecting one's self create antipathy for new bloods?"

Dorea asked accusingly.

Dumbledore sighed heavily. "You know as well as I do Lady Potter that

those men that attacked the village are part of the new purist movement.

Their deaths will be blamed on the corruption of our world by those of

lesser blood status."

Dorea was ready to verbally pounce on Dumbledore for his arrogant

statement, but he again raised his hands to forestall the inevitable tongue


"I know what you're about to say, nevertheless it is how it will be

perceived and how it will be portrayed by the purists. Meeting violence

with violence solves nothing and only exacerbates the problem. We must

seek alternatives to violence to bring our world back into balance."

Dumbledore stated in his grandfatherly style which had no effect on the

sharp as nails Potter matriarch.

"And what in Morgana's name are these alternatives! All I see Albus, is a

movement lead by a madman who will do whatever it takes to get his

way! This is not a political movement; this is a terrorist who kills children

meant to shock our society into capitulating to his demands!"

"Lady Potter, I feel if we can come to an understanding with the Purist

party we can avoid any further unpleasantries. Of course we may have to

allow them to pass certain legislation regarding muggleborns, at least in

the short term, but with oversight from the moderates such as your

husband, to make sure that any law submitted does not become

oppressive." The short gray haired minister commented adjusting her

rectangle wire rim glasses.

"I think that we must consider extending an olive branch to Voldemort

and the purist and give them a voice in policy making." Dumbledore

added. "For now it is for the greater good of our society on the whole.

"You are delusional Dumbledore! Take a look around you! Does this look

like a person who can be reasoned with?! Whose policies could bring

back the days of muggle hunting and subjecting a large portion of our

populace to second class citizens or worse!"

"I assure you Lady Potter that would never happen, the moderate houses

outnumber the extremists nearly three to one. And as we have stated any

bill would be looked at carefully before passed. It is in their best interest

to negotiate, I believe as Albus does, that giving them a voice will quell

the violence and our troubles will end." Bagnold replied receiving a nod

and a smile from Dumbledore.

"With all due respect minister…I fear we've only begun to see the

troubles." Dorea replied shooting a disgusted glare at Dumbledore.


Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Lord Voldemort stood at the large floor to

ceiling window and stared out at the immaculate grounds of the

Lestrange Manor. Three members! Only three members of his assault

team to Hogsmeade had returned! His initial thoughts were to kill the

remaining incompetent fools that had returned to show his displeasure.

Instead he dismissed all of his assembled followers after extracting the

memory of the attack from those men who had fled. He now carefully

reviewed what had happen. He dissected every move that was made,

every spell that was cast.

His men in the beginning had actually performed well. They had taken

the village by surprise, wounding and killing many within the first two

minutes of the fight. It was then that things went pear shaped.

Apparently two children and three adults came from the direction where

five of his men had gone and since they had not returned he assumed

they were killed.

His men then worked as a team and took up defensive positions once

defenders arrived. They pinned down the new arrivals and seemed that

they would overwhelm them with concentrated spell fire on their

position. He recognized Orion and Cygnus Black and the girl who was

intended for the Lestrange boy amongst the defenders and Dorea Potter if

he was not mistaken.

The Blacks would be killed for their betrayal, the girl he would spare to

marry Lestrange, it would give him an in to the Black Fortune, after he

disposed of the other Blacks of course. He could not allow the betrayal of

the Blacks to his cause go unchallenged, an example must be made of

them to keep the other dark families from thinking of doing the same.

The Potters as of yet hadn't taken a position on the Purist movement,

although Lord Potter was a Dumbledore supporter and would most likely

side philosophically with the old fool, Lady Potter on the other hand

from all observations barely tolerated the man and would undoubtedly

put pressure on her husband to stay neutral at the very least. An attack

on the Potters though would not be wise; it could galvanize the neutrals

to side with the light making it more difficult to achieve his aims.

He needed the neutrals to remain neutral, and indifference was the key

that would keep them neutral. Most of the older families were fine to

look the other way when it came to the Purist movement because it did

not really affect them. They were for the most part unconcerned with

what was happening to others as long as it did not affect them.

However, the Potters were very popular and held a lot of political weight

in the Wizengamot and were one of the most influential of the neutral

families. To go after them would invite a lot of unwelcome attention from

those he was hoping would ignore him. Oh, he had his plans for the

neutrals, but those plans would not happen until after he took control of

the government. So for now, he would not touch the Potters.

That left just one more mystery to figure out. The boy…who was he? He

viewed the memory again and was astonished how the boy seemed to rip

right through the anti-apparition wards set by his most competent

warders. The speed and accuracy of his spells was something he had only

seen in the best of duelists.

What worried him the most was how the boy seemed to turn to smoke as

two dark curses went straight through him at point blank range. Then his

hands seem to pass through his men's chest like a hot knife through

butter, killing them. This was magic he had never seen before, and did

not know how to defend against.

With the lethality of the boy's spells, and his lack of emotion when he

killed, the boy was obviously from a dark family but which one? He

would need to find out and send envoys to his family and persuade them

to join his cause. Or he would need to kill the boy, he could not allow the

boy to live with that kind of power, he could pose a threat to him one


What he did take away from all of this, was that he needed to move up

his plans to perform the next power ritual. The dark rituals warned of

doing more than one per solar cycle but this boy was a bad omen, and it

was clear that he needed to expedite his journey to immortality.


Bella rubbed her tired eyes and reached for the mug that was sitting on

the bedside table. She brought the mug to her lips and tilted it back. She

frowned at discovering the mug was empty, she had lost count at how

many cups of coffee she had finished but that did not matter she needed

to stay awake she had to learn as much as she could from the journals

that now littered her bed.

"Kreacher!" Bella called.

"Mistress called?" Kreacher's hoarse voice whispered.

"More coffee Kreacher, I don't want this mug to empty! Am I

understood?" Bella told the old elf in irritation.

"Kreacher understands mistress." Kreacher popped away and a moment

later returned with a fresh cup of steaming java.

"You need to rest dear. You have been at this for hours; you will be of no

use to Harry if you exhaust yourself." Walburga spoke gently from her


"Auntie I need to know if there is anything in these bloody journals about

the Eveningshade magic, its limitations, its weaknesses, anything that I

can use to help Harry understand it and not kill himself by not knowing

what he can and can't do.

I think he got lucky auntie, I don't think what Harry did was controlled

magic; I think his magic reacted independent of his thoughts in a sort of

automatic self-preserving way. From what I've been able to discover, the

Eveningshade magic is progressive, it builds slowly over years until it

reaches its majority or its zenith.

Harry shouldn't have been able to do what he did in the attack; at least I

don't think so. It's all rather confusing, the journal speaks of levels and

tiers of magic, a bit about how to release the magic when a tier is

reached, but does not specify what magic each tier contains.

I believe Harry somehow was able to access a higher level of his family

magic than should have been possible." Bella informed the portrait.

"And this is a bad thing?" Walburga asked.

"Yes, very much so, from what I've been able to understand it's like taking

Belladonna…in small doses it does no harm and has healing properties

but in large doses it becomes toxic and lethal. It is the same with the

Eveningshade magic, when gradually absorbed it strengthens him and

slowly increases is magical core, but in large doses it becomes toxic,

unstable, and if too much is absorbed at once…it could kill him." Bella

stated with a large lump in her throat.

"But how do you keep him from not accessing too much and overdosing

on his magic?"

"That I don't know, and the journals so far have said nothing about

limiting their magic." A frustrated Bella replied.

"So what is the Eveningshade family magic?" Walburga asked curiously.

Bella raised an eyebrow at her aunt. "Well, we are family now." Walburga

added pointing to Bella's ring. Bella looked happily at the blood red ring

on her finger and sighed contentedly.

"Well, the journals don't go into specifics, more like they allude to certain

abilities, like the sight, without having read the journals you would think

it refers to maybe visions or seeing the future, but it refers to the

Eveningshade ability to see certain magics like wards.But I think the best

way to describe their family magic is the power to manipulate."

"The power to manipulate?"

"Yes, they have an ability to manipulate magic and their physical selves

as well." Bella stated.

"Can you explain that a little better?" Walburga asked.

"Well, because of their ability to see magic they can manipulate it. They

can see the threads that weave a spell and make subtle changes to it that

could turn a blasting hex into a tickling charm. In theory." Bella stated

with a shrug.

"What do you mean in theory?" Walburga asked.

"A caster who has a lot of power and can cast fast moving spells would

make it difficult for the Eveningshade to manipulate it. Fortunately, most

dark spells take time to cast and are slower moving than normal spells,

with the exception of the Avada Kedavra which is among the fastest of


"And Harry can do this?" Walburga asked.

Bella shook her head. "No, from what I gathered Harry must first learn

how to recognize the spell and how it is weaved, seeing the magic behind

it does him no good if he doesn't know the mechanics behind it. After

that, it will require a lot of practice." Bella yawned, her eyelids getting

heavy as she spoke.

"You also mentioned the Eveningshades can physically manipulate

themselves, how do you mean?" Walburga asked with interest.

"Again not sure of the mechanics behind it, but they can somehow

change the physical structure of their bodies on like a cellular level.

Harry turning to smoke is an example of it. I think that's where the

stories of them being ghosts come from. It's how they can pass through

solid stone, and rip through wards like tissue or how spells can pass right

through them.

There are limits though, Harry was actually very lucky, the idiot, truly

powerful spells could have still affected him. I doubt he would have

survived an AK. The spells that went through him may have had

something to do with why he was so weakened as well." Bella rubbed her

face with both hands, exhaustion catching up with her.

"But what about the supposed angel and demon inheritance, does that

give him any additional powers?" Walburga asked getting to the part she

thought would be the most intriguing. But her question went unanswered

as she heard the gentle snoring of her niece.

Bella had curled up against Harry and buried her face in his neck. She

wrapped her arm tightly around his waist and pulled herself as close to

him as possible. It had been nearly twenty-three hours since the attack

and Harry had not stirred once, and she would not leave his side until he

did. A warm comforter materialized over the young couple and the lights

dimmed. Hogwarts would now keep vigil over her weary champions.


S/N: So a bit of a filler chapter and smaller than my normal chapters,

but it does give more background to the Eveningshade magic, but not

all. : ) Many people have asked about Lily and if Harry will make

himself known to her and claim her as a member of the Eveningshade

family. I'm debating this, because if he brings her into the family it

could change the dynamic between her and James, but this is my story

and although AU, I don't want to change the personalities of James and

Lily too much. But anything is possible.

Again thank you all so much for the reviews! I hope you will all take the

time and review this chapter as well!

16. Chapter 16

Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

A/N: I apologize for the short chapter last time, but it felt like the right

place to stop it. This chapter is much longer, yay! A lot of great reviews

last time keep them coming! ; ) Without further ado I hope you enjoy

this latest chapter of Passageways.

Chapter 16

Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk drumming his fingers absentmindedly

on the polished wood, his thoughts alternated between worry, anger, and

suspicion on the whereabouts of Harry Potter. He had not shown up for

any of his classes on Monday or Tuesday and here it was Wednesday

morning and he wondered if the boy would be a no show again.

The portraits and the ghosts, much to his consternation, continued in

their refusal to help him locate the boy. However, the Grey Lady did state

that the boy was safe and in the castle, that was something, but she

would not elaborate further. Even the House Elves refused to divulge his


He rubbed his temples in frustration as his mind began to reel with all

the implications of Harry's isolation, he needed to start preparing Harry

for his destiny and soon. His spies had informed him that the Dark Lord

was beginning to reestablish old alliances, large sums of Galleons were

being moved from account to account in an effort to hide where the

transactions were ending up, and the darker families of the Wizengamot

were starting to meet in convocation.

Dumbledore imagined that this time around Voldemort would not want

knowledge of his existence to get out until he was completely ready and

had taken out any serious opposition. Voldemort had learned hard

lessons during his last campaign to overthrow the government. His first

attempts had been an embarrassment and he had lost several followers to

a pair of teenagers in what would be considered the first shots of the war.

The teens inspired many a witch and wizard to take up their wands and

fight back against the purists, and in Dumbledore's opinion caused an

unnecessary escalation of the war. If the people had just followed his

advice and not retaliated against the Death Eaters, he believed they

would have eventually seen the error of their ways and ceased attacking

their fellow witches and wizards and would come to see how precious

every drop of magical blood was and turn from Voldemort's more radical

beliefs. And with no support Voldemort would be powerless and

eventually give up his misguided cause.

Dumbledore recalled how soon after the embarrassment that was the

Hogsmeade attack in the fall of 1971 came a more devastating attack that

made the wizarding world stand up and take notice. It was also the

beginning of Voldemort's organization truly militarizing itself and going

underground. No longer were alliances spoken aloud, and denials of

Purist associations were rampant. True loyalties were kept close to the

vest, and it was the first time Voldemort was characterized by the

government as The Dark Lord.

By mid-1972, Voldemort had given up any pretense of being a political

reformer and demanded nothing less than the unconditional surrender of

Wizarding Britain to him and his followers. Kidnappings, assassinations,

and mass exoduses of magicals, regardless of blood purity, left the

country leaving it with few defenders.

Spies from both sides were saturated throughout the Ministry of Magic

and paranoia was rampant. Friend turned on friend, families were

divided and old alliances began to splinter. Dumbledore sighed as his

thoughts brought to mind all the death and destruction that had been


He idly thought how if he had been able to foresee what troubles the

actions of those two teens would create he would have killed them

himself. He would have done anything to avoid them inspiring the people

to create the village militias which took the lives of so many members of

noble and old families.

But he could not go back in time to change the past, not because he was

afraid of altering the future but because the technology did not exist to

send someone back for more than a couple of days, but if he could, he

would go back and erase the very existence of the illusive and mysterious

Lord and Lady Eveningshade.


Harry was making his way down to breakfast in the Great Hall; it was

still rather early just a quarter of seven but he was anxious to start the

day. He had been unconscious for two days and had awakened late

Tuesday night feeling so exhausted as if he had swam the width of the

English Channel at least half a dozen times and back.

Bella had burst into happy sobs when he had finally awoken but then

proceeded to hit and swear at him for the next hour for being a bloody

daft Gryffindor who had a death wish. Then it was back to sobbing which

eventually lead to an intense round of love making that lasted late into

the night or early morning depending on your perspective. Harry still

couldn't manage to remove the goofy grin on his face as he made his way

through the ancient castle.

Bella had told Harry about his condition and what she had learned from

the Eveningshade journals about the strengths and limitations of the

family magic. Bella, unsurprisingly, had felt new magic beginning to

develop within her as well. From her readings she knew that it would

most likely happen.

She discovered and had explained to Harry that when they had claimed

each other they had unintentionally invoked an ancient rite of marriage.

Long before there were such formal things as weddings and hand-

fasting's, there was marriage by love and magic. There were of course

specific conditions that had to be met, and amongst those conditions

were the couples' devotion to each other and their claiming of one

another along with Harry's status as head of house. Though not all

inclusive it was enough for magic to bond the two together.

And with that bonding, the Eveningshade blood, she explained, would

begin to manifest itself within her, and would begin to alter her magic

subtly until it became the dominant magic within her. But, like Goblin

made weapons, the Eveningshade magic absorbed that magic within its

new host that would make it stronger and thus each new generation of

Eveningshade would find itself more powerful than the generation


So the Black magic that included a proclivity and a talent for dark magic

would be absorbed and passed on, as well as the latent metamorphic

ability that had been dormant for several generations would be absorbed

and could manifest itself in Bella's and Harry's children.

Harry had been stunned by everything Bella had learned and was feeling

relieved if not extremely lucky that he had not killed himself. He would

have to really focus on studying the family journals and learn more about

his family magic, so he didn't accidentally off himself.

Bella had also learned some very interesting facts about their rings; they

were born and forged from Eveningshade blood, and the rings could

identify anyone with Eveningshade blood no matter how distant the

relation might be. The rings could also be used as a magical focus; by

using and focusing the magic within the blood that created the ring it

could be used as a wand, although it would appear that the wearer was

performing wandless magic.

Another benefit was that the rings would alert the wearer of any foreign

magic's that were placed upon them such as tracking or compulsion

charms and would react defensively against any mental attack. Though

the rings offered no mental protection from attacks like legilimency it did

send out a magical pulse to disrupt the attempt.

Bella had strongly encouraged Harry to continue studying Occlumency

with her so that he could better protect his mind, just in case the ring for

some reason or another failed to stop the mental attacker physically.

Harry had quickly agreed, he did not like the idea of someone getting

into his head.

They both had agreed that they needed to make appearances back in

their own times. Bella was sure that people would be wondering where

she had gotten to, and assumed that people in Harry's time would be

searching for him as well. Harry planned to tell anyone who may

interrogate him on his whereabouts that he was physically incapable of

attending classes for the last couple of days, which was true but did not

give the full story which he had no intention of doing.

As Harry walked through the castle his skin began prickling with the

magic flowing through the ancient structure. Though he could not

identify what every jolt and tingle meant he was beginning to recognize

certain patterns in the magic flowing around him. Certain wards in

particular he could definitely identify others he assumed he would learn

in time. He learned this was one of the Eveningshade's magical gifts and

with practice he would learn to control it.

He was very intrigued by the art of physical manipulation, he had

learned from Bella that it was the most dangerous, if not one of the most

beneficial of his family secrets. To alter ones very structure and density

was incredibly exciting, but he had no idea how he had managed it in

Hogsmeade or even how to attempt it now. It was something he would

need to search for in the family Grimoire.

Before he had realized it he had entered the Great Hall, fortunately there

were few students about and no one had paid him any notice. He was

about to head to the Gryffindor table, an automatic reflex after four

years, but he had immediately changed direction when he saw a familiar

head of long blonde hair sitting by herself at the Ravenclaw table.

"Good morning Harry Potter." Luna greeted without looking up from her

breakfast plate. Harry was no longer surprised by Luna's seemingly

prescient sight when it came to knowing when he was near. He was

however surprised to see an impressive replica of the Giza pyramids

made from beans and toast and the Sphinx made from a large sausage.

"Morning Luna, may I join you?" Harry asked his quirky friend.

Luna looked up at him. "It's still you then?" it was half statement half


"Uh…I think so yeah." Harry replied.

"That explains why you didn't kiss me." Luna shrugged.

"Huh?" Was Harry's only response.

"Well, my Harry would have kissed me good morning, but I suppose you

could have been one of the other Harrys', one in particular is kind of a

git…too many nargles crawling around his head you see." Luna

whispered conspiratorially.

"But you seem to be the first Harry, my friend Harry, and although you

are very sweet I hope the other Harry isn't too long in coming…I'm

looking forward to the kisses." Luna smiled in a daze.

"You lost me Luna." Harry shook his head.

"Eventually, yes." Luna frowned. "But when you leave me the other Harry

well appear, although there are a few possible variations of you that

could come, not all of them nice. I'm personally hoping for the one who

will be my boyfriend, he will be ever so nice and will taste like

butterscotch when we kiss." Luna smiled and licked her lips.

"Ooo…kay." Harry stated thinking that her comment was a little creepy.

"Besides…" Luna continued. "It isn't proper to kiss a married man,

although I suppose an innocent kiss wouldn't be too scandalous. Would

you like to kiss me Harry?" Luna asked innocently her grey-blue eyes


Harry looked at his friend in stunned disbelief. "How did you know I

was..a kiss…what?"

"You know, you're very cute when you're confused." Luna giggled


Harry shook his head a chuckled despite himself. "Luna…" Harry began

cautiously. "May I ask you something?"

"Of course you can Harry." She stated taking a rather large spoonful of

butterscotch pudding and moaning luxuriously as she swirled the sweet

substance around her tongue.

"Right." Harry arched an eyebrow. "Um…I was wondering…well you see,

you seem to know things…"

"I know lots of things Harry; I am a Ravenclaw after all." Luna said in a

matter-of-fact voice.

"Indeed, but what I was trying to ask…well I know you can see magic

and all, I've recently developed the same talent, but is there something

more to your ability. I mean can you…are you a seer is what I guess I'm

trying to ask. It's just, you seem to know things that you shouldn't be able

to know."

Luna slowly put her spoon down on the table and then interlaced her

fingers and placed her hands in her lap. She stared down at her plate for

a moment before lifting her head again and gazed speculatively into

Harry's eyes. Harry could tell she seemed to be deliberating something,

her eyes were focused and clear, and Harry could see for the first time

the intellectual depth of the person who sat before him.

Harry felt a privacy ward go up around him that surprised him. He could

see strands of magic coming from Luna that seemed to be powering the

ward. She smiled knowingly at him sensing that he could see the magic.

"My mother's family magic is very…unique." Luna began as Harry

returned his attention to the lithe blonde.

"We are not seers Harry, at least not how our world defines a seer. Magic

is a funny thing, how it ebbs and flows around us." Luna said, waving her

hand through the air.

"Most witches and wizards in our world only see magic as a thing, a tool

that we can bend to our will. But it is so much more Harry. It is a living

thing, a living thing that exists within us but it also transcends the

physical world and moves freely between space and time.

Each of us leak magical energy, even when we are not calling upon it and

we expel larger amounts depending on what we are doing or what we are

casting. This magic leaves echoes that move in and out of space and time.

The women in my family are sensitive to these echoes and are able to

extrapolate certain things from them. Giving us a peek at what could be.

Let me be clear on this point Harry, magic does not just flow in our

reality but in many realities and it moves back and forth. So the echoes

we see could be from any reality, it is difficult to know which pertain to

this reality as opposed to another reality." Luna said.

"Sounds like it is very confusing." Harry replied. Luna smiled and nodded.

"I try and unfocus my mind as often as possible to avoid the echoes, but it

doesn't always work. However, there are patterns within the echoes if I

look hard enough, and I sometimes can follow a strand at least for

awhile, and can say with reasonable certainty if it will affect me or not.

But there are always variations of it.

For example I know that you will be leaving me soon and another you

will take your place, what I don't know is which you will appear, I've

seen at least five possibilities. In two of them we become a couple, and

one of those will lead to marriage. The others…well you turn out to be

kind of a git. Like I said before I hope the one that becomes my future

husband takes your place." Luna said with a blush.

"So, do you see what happens to me?" Harry asked patting his chest.

"I've tried to follow your magical echo, but it's been very difficult to

follow because your magical signature somehow is slowly changing.

What I do know is that your future lay somewhere in the past, which is

what confuses me. I can see echoes from the past, which is not strange,

but they are from people from that time, but you're not of that time, yet I

definitely have seen the echo of your magic coming from the past. So I

can only assume that you are traveling back in time somehow." Luna

stated looking poignantly at her friend.

Harry looked at his friend and wondered if he should tell her about what

has been happening with him. She practically just told him that she

knows he has been traveling to the past, so telling her the truth could not

hurt him he reasoned.

"You mentioned something about me being married." Harry questioned

his friend.

Luna nodded her head. "Although the ring is invisible to the naked eye, I

can see the magic of it. I can also see the ring sending out a strand of

magic that seems to be searching for something or someone." Luna smiled


"I've seen this type of magic in rings before, the rings are very rare and

usually belong to a husband and wife typically a lord and lady of an

ancient house." Luna replied. "So obviously the ring has a mate, which

leads me to the conclusion that you are married."

"You are too clever Luna." Harry grinned. "Meet me by the large oak by

the Black Lake after dinner tonight; there are some things I'd like to tell

you." Harry said making up his mind to confide in his eccentric friend.

"Sure thing, Harry." Luna said as they both got up and walked together

toward the entrance hall.

"Oh, just one other thing Harry." Luna said turning toward Harry and

grabbing him by the collar; before he could react Luna had pressed her

lips against his in a firm but chaste kiss.

"Hmm, that was unexpected." Luna replied after she released him.

Dazed at what just happened Harry asked. "What was unexpected?"

"You didn't taste like butterscotch at all." She replied with a quirked


"Oh. What did I taste like?" Harry replied tasting a hint of strawberry

from Luna.

"Cinnamon. You taste like cinnamon. Oh well, I hope the Harry that

tastes of butterscotch is the one who comes when you leave." Luna smiled

before skipping away.

"Are you dating Luna Lovegood Harry?" A surprised voice from behind

him asked.

"Hello Hermione." Harry turned, amicably greeting his onetime best

friend. "And no I'm not dating Luna, we're just good friends." Harry

chuckled still tasting a hint of strawberry on his lips.

"Oh." Hermione replied, her voice then became softer and concerned.

"Harry, where have you been for the last couple of days? Everyone has

been worried about you. Professor Dumbledore has approached me about

a dozen times asking me about you."

"I've been a bit under the weather and decided to rest for a couple of

days." Harry replied.

"Why didn't you go to see Madam Pomfrey?" She asked.

"Who says I didn't?" Harry retorted.

"She did. I asked." Hermione replied folding her arms across her chest.

"Well, I didn't want to bother her it wasn't anything life threatening."

Harry lied, according to Bella he came very close to snuffing it.

"Well, I'm happy your better." Hermione replied relaxing her arms. "Have

you eaten yet?"

Harry had been so engrossed with his conversation with Luna that he had

completely forgotten to eat something. "No, I could use a bite to eat."

Harry replied.

This time Harry followed Hermione to the Gryffindor table. He pulled a

plate toward him and started filling his plate. More and more students

made their way into the Great Hall to have a bite to eat before classes


He noticed Vincent Crabbe walk in with another Slytherin boy by the

name of Theo Nott he believed. They walked on either side of a pretty

girl with dark blonde hair with brown highlights. Harry furrowed his

forehead in thought. He couldn't remember ever seeing this girl before;

she was very pretty and was sure he would have noticed her before now.

"Hermione…" Harry began. "Did the Slytherin's get a transfer student or

something over the last couple of days?"

"No, why?" Hermione asked.

"Well there's a new girl at the Slytherin table sitting between Crabbe and

Nott." Harry stated.

Hermione looked up from her breakfast toward the Slytherin table. "Ha

ha Harry, very funny."

"I'm not being funny Hermione, who's that girl between Crabbe and Nott."

Harry asked again genuinely curious.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I don't know what you're playing at Harry,

we've known her since first year…the pompous slag."

"Hermione language!" Harry scolded playfully. "I'd think I'd remember


"Are you serious Harry!' Hermione huffed. "You and Malfoy have been

enemies since the train ride first year!"

"What's Malfoy got to do with her?" Harry asked.

"What's Malfoy got to do…! Harry you and Antoinette Malfoy have been

at each other throats since we first met the French tart when she barged

into our compartment with Crabbe and Nott first year!" Hermione hissed.

"What are you talking about Hermione? Draco Malfoy barged into our

compartment first year with Crabbe and Goyle. And he isn't French the

last time I checked." Harry replied in exasperation.

Hermione placed her hand on Harry's forehead. "Are you still sick

Harry?" Hermione asked with concern. "I've never heard of a Draco

Malfoy and who is Goyle?"

Harry gawked at his friend in disbelief, 'how could she not know who

Draco Malfoy is?!' Harry mused. "No bloody way! Could I have…did I

change something?" Harry mumbled to himself.

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked tentatively placing a gentle hand

on his arm.

"Hermione, humor me for a moment, forget that I know anything about

Malfoy. Tell me about him, err, I mean her." Harry asked.

Hermione gave Harry a worried look. "O-okay Harry." Hermione replied.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything." He replied.

Twenty minutes later and Harry was dumbfounded by what Hermione

had told him. Apparently The Malfoys' had fled to France before the first

war with Voldemort had truly begun. Lucius and his wife Esmeralda Dù

Dampierre, had moved back to Britain so that their only child Antoinette

Malfoy could attend Hogwarts.

Antoinette was spoiled, much like Draco had been, but where Draco had

more bark than bite, this version of Malfoy was clever as a cat and one of

the top students in their year. Harry decided to stay well and clear of her.

Harry wondered what other changes had occurred, obviously Goyle never

came to Hogwarts, he wondered if the elder Goyle had been killed in the

Hogsmeade attack. He hadn't asked Bella about the casualties, but he

figured it was possible.

Harry was waiting outside the Charms classroom with Hermione when

everyone straightened up at the arrival of the headmaster of the school.

"Ah, Harry, would you mind accompanying me to my office. I need to

have a quick chat with you." Dumbledore gave his best grandfatherly


"But I have a class right now sir. And it's Lord Black if you remember."

Harry replied sharply. "Can't it wait till after the class?" He said watching

the head master closely.

"I'm afraid not. It's rather important." Dumbledore pressed.

"Will Professor McGonagall be present?" Harry asked.

"But of course Harr…Lord Black." Dumbledore smiled but it did not seem

to reach his eyes.

"I'll see you later Hermione." Harry told the bushy haired girl and turned

away following Dumbledore.

Surprisingly, Professor McGonagall was waiting for them at the stone

gargoyle guardian. Harry had a suspicion that Dumbledore was being less

than truthful. She seemed relieved to see him. He suspected she had been

worried about his absence as well. He felt a little guilty but he truly was


"Mr. Potter." The stern Scot greeted.

"Hello professor." Harry returned with a nod.

"Are you well?" She asked with a slight inflection of worry in her voice.

"I am now professor, I appreciate your concern." He warmly smiled. She

nodded and then placed a hand on his shoulder and they proceeded up to

the headmaster's office.

Harry and Minerva entered the large circular office and took the two

seats that faced the large ornate oak desk. Dumbledore had taken his seat

and was sitting back in his chair and watched Harry carefully as he took

his seat.

Dumbledore had the annoying habit of remaining silent and gazing

intently at a person he was trying to intimidate for several long minutes.

The awkward silence would cause most people to fidget nervously and

become off balanced, it was a game of wills, a power play and

Dumbledore was a master at it. When people were off balance they

usually were more susceptible to subtle manipulations and suggestion.

He wanted Harry off balance, no he needed him to be, Harry must be

made to understand that it is he…Dumbledore who was in control and

held the power. He must be made to believe that only through his

subservience to the greatest wizard alive could he hope to survive


"Lord Black…" Dumbledore, finally breaking the silence, a bit perturbed

that Harry showed no signs of intimidation or nervousness.

"Would you kindly explain why you have not attended classes for the last

two days?" Dumbledore asked. "And I want to know exactly where you

are staying. Mr. Weasley has stated that you have not set foot in the

dorm rooms since the term began."

"To the first question headmaster, I was ill and did not wish to make

myself worse by attending classes." Harry said firmly.

"Yet you did not seek Madam Pomfrey out or even stop by the Hospital

wing." Dumbledore stated.

"I did not feel that it was necessary to disturb Madam Pomfrey in this

case. I was just feeling out of sorts, no broken bones or life threatening

injuries." Harry commented.

Dumbledore gazed at Harry trying to read him, but for some reason he

detected no surface thoughts as he usually could from the boy. This was

perplexing; Potter had always been an open book to him. His thoughts

and emotions were so close to the surface that even a first year could tell

what he was feeling or thinking.

'Someone has been teaching him how to control his emotions and

thoughts.' He mused. 'It had to be Granger!' The girl was becoming a right

nuisance and he wouldn't put it past the girl to have read something on

occlumency and had been instructing Potter on how to protect his

thoughts. He would deal with her later.

"In the future Mr. Potter, I request that if you are significantly ill enough

to not attend classes that you pay a visit to our resident healer. Is that

understood?" Dumbledore reprimanded.

Harry smiled tightly. "Of course, headmaster."

"Now then, to my other question. Where have you been staying since the

term began?" Dumbledore glared over the top of his half-moon


"As you are no doubt aware, I was censured by my house last year and

had to spend the last few months of the school year on a cot in the

Hospital Wing. When I arrived this year I was informed by my

housemates that my banishment was still in effect." Harry tonelessly


"It is my understanding though, that your housemates have recently

rescinded your banishment and that you are allowed back into Gryffindor

Tower." Dumbledore replied.

"Is that right, well jolly good for them, but I won't be returning to the

tower." Harry replied coolly.

Dumbledore smiled condescendingly. "I'm afraid you have no choice but

to return, all students must stay in a dorm room."

"That rule didn't seem to make a difference last year headmaster; I would

hardly call the hospital wing a dorm room, would you?" Harry countered.

"That was an unfortunate business last year Harry and I do apologize, but

perhaps I can make it up to you by allowing you to use the Gryffindor

Head Boy dorm room, you would have a room all to yourself but still be

in the tower." Dumbledore gestured magnanimously.

"I don't think so headmaster, besides I am quite comfortable where I am."

Harry replied.

"And exactly where is that?" Dumbledore asked finally getting to what he

had wanted to know, having the castle keep this information from him

was driving him spare, it made tracking the boy impossible.

Harry was not about to give away his true location to the crazy old man

but instead gave him a plausible alternative. "I am currently staying in

one of the Lord's chambers." Harry replied confidently.

"Funny, how you never mentioned that those rooms were available to

students who are heads of their family house. Fortunately I was made

aware of their existence and have taken up residence in one of them."

Harry replied steadfastly.

"I see…" 'Granger!' He thought furiously. "I assure you that it was merely

an oversight on my part. They have been rarely used in the last century.

But wouldn't you want to reconnect with your friends and the other

members of Gryffindor? I'm sure they would love to have you back."

Dumbledore smiled encouragingly.

"I was turned out headmaster! I have no desire to reconnect with those

who turned their backs on me nor do I wish to associate with them."

Harry spat, his temper getting the best of him for a brief moment before

he reined his emotions back in.

Dumbledore thought that he had indeed miscalculated Harry's response

to his exile from Gryffindor something that he himself and encouraged.

He believed it would humble the boy, make him more malleable, but

instead it had hardened him, made him more defiant and independent.

Yes he had made a mistake in his handling of the Potter boy, he admitted

that now, but he still needed the boy to bring back order to the chaos so

that the Greater Good could once more get back on track.

"Harry, Harry…" Dumbledore began.

"I've have told you repeatedly headmaster not to address me in the

familiar. You will either address me as Mr. Potter or Lord Black." Harry

stated coldly.

"My apologies Mr. Potter, but I think you are being unreasonable in not

allowing your classmates the opportunity to demonstrate their remorse in

what transpired last year, they are truly repentant and would like to be

forgiven of their trespasses against you. Surely you can afford them that."

"I'm most willing to forgive." Harry commented to a smiling Dumbledore.

"However, I will not forget, nor will I place myself in a position amongst

them where I appear anything more than tolerant of them. And

communing once again with them is more than I'm willing to give. So I

will remain where I am, as is my right as a Lord and that will be the end

of this discussion headmaster. Now if there is nothing else I would like to

prepare for my next class." Harry stood and without a second glance at

Dumbledore bid Minerva good bye and left the office.

When Harry left, Albus turned to Minerva. "I fear he is going dark

Minerva, when one can turn his back on his friends it is a sad affair."

Dumbldeore pontificated.

"He is most definitely not going dark Albus! But if he were, I suspect it

would be because of your scheming and meddling in his life. He is not a

tool Albus! He is a young man, and I swear if you continue to manipulate

that boy or anyone around him I will see you removed from this

institution!" McGonagall hissed.

"You forget yourself Minerva! You were a willing participant in how

Harry was guided, and I will not hear your sanctimonious ramblings now

on how I am dealing with the boy! Don't forget your own complicity in

the tests during his first year with the Philosophers' Stone. Then there

was your refusal to defend him against the false accusations of being

Slytherins' heir, in his second year.

And then there was the latest betrayal in his fourth year, where you

allowed him to be banished from your house. He was given no support

from his head in fact never once did you defend his claim that he had not

entered his name in the goblet. The attacks on him went uninvestigated,

and no one was punished."

"You bastard!" Minerva growled. "By your orders and my blind faith in

you, did I allow those things to happen!" She yelled.

"If there is guilt to be had Minerva we share it equally, you were not

under the imperious. But, no matter your feelings now, Harry IS the one

that must confront Voldemort. We both know he is not strong enough to

beat him, but his sacrifice will weaken the Dark Lord enough where I can

end him once and for all. That is why we have done what we have done.

Flitwick, Pomona, Severus, and you and I understood that the Potter boy

must be sacrificed when Voldemort returned. It is the only way to save

our society."

"I don't believe that anymore Albus, Harry deserves to live his life, he

deserves to be happy and find love and to grow old. What I have done to

that sweet boy will be a shame and sin that I will carry to the next life.

But I will spend from this day to that protecting that boy. So I give you

fair warning Albus, stop whatever it is your planning and leave Harry

alone." Minerva stated defiantly.

"You disappoint me Minerva; you, more than most, know the pain the

last war caused. Are you willing to sacrifice the safety and lives of others

just to protect one boy, an insignificant cipher in the grand scheme of


"No Albus, the disappointment is mine, that instead of choosing to help

and strengthen Harry, you have chosen to lead him like a lamb to

slaughter. The chosen one he may be, but I refuse to abandon the boy to

his fate, and you will find that the other professors support me in this,

with one obvious exception. We will teach Harry everything we know

and defend him to our last breath. So again, I say to you Albus

Dumbledore: LEAVE. HIM. BE! " Minerva ended with a fire in her eyes

that threatened to incinerate all it surveyed. Without another word she

spun on her heel and left the office slamming the door behind her.

Dumbledore watched with narrowed eyes as his deputy stormed from his

office. She had lost the vision, they had all lost the vision of what he was

trying to accomplish. He could no longer rely on anyone in the castle to

help him, except perhaps Severus, but since Severus was forced to take

the teachers oath he was limited to what he could do.

His other option was to recruit students to his cause, he had the youngest

Weasley already in his corner, it only cost him a few galleons a week to

keep the boy as a willing spy and operative. He was sure there would be

many other students who would jump at the chance to be his eyes and

ears in the castle.

Information was power and with the castle's refusal to spy for him, he

was no longer being fed the information he needed not only about the

Potter boy but for other key students he was keeping tabs on. And there

was already a need to find out what a certain bushy haired girl was up

to, she was becoming an annoyance and would need to be dealt with

soon. Her influence over Harry was making things difficult and he could

not have that.


Bella was surprised that her absence really wasn't noticed much except

by her sisters. It seemed that the attack in Hogsmeade had mobilized

many families to come to Hogwarts to check on their sons and/or

daughters to make sure they were alright. All classes had been cancelled

for the week to allow students a chance to mourn the loss of their

classmates and to attend the funerals.

Bella had learned from Andromeda that their father had received

permission from Dumbledore for the three sisters to go home for the

weekend. They were not the only students who had received such

permission as there were many parents who wanted their children to

come home to reassure themselves that there child was alive and well.

She had also been informed that Harry had also received a special

request by Orion to visit the family with Bella.

Bella was most curious, if not apprehensive, about bringing Harry home.

She didn't think that they would try anything against him, especially not

after witnessing what he had done to the Death Eaters in Hogsmeade. She

would talk it over with Harry, and they would come to some decision.

Bella thought also, while there was so much confusion at the school,

perhaps she and Harry could go to Gringotts and visit the Eveningshade

vaults again.

There were many other books there, journals from other heads of the

family and not to mention the family Grimoire. As an Eveningshade, she

now could open the book without consequence and she was dying to

learn more about the mysterious family. She was also curious to know if

her status as Lady Eveningshade had been recorded at the bank, or for

that matter the Hall of Records in the Ministry.

The mood in the castle was solemn, and yet you could feel the anxiety

and fear thick in the air. This generation of witches and wizards had not

known the terror of war. The Great War had ended before any of them

were born, so to have the ugliness that was war be thrust upon them in

such a horrific way was very unsettling.

The Daily Prophet had once again published the names of the deceased

Death Eaters and it was a literal, who's who of pureblood society, and a

list of the names of students and villagers killed was also published. The

minister had tried to be seen as a unifier by pandering to the Purists in a

speech given hours after the attack, but it had the opposite effect. The

moderates and the liberals demanded the arrest and prosecution of the

leadership of the Purist movement and the immediate incarceration of

Lord Voldemort.

According to the Prophet the outrage of the people was so severe that the

minister's security detail had to cast overlapping shields to protect the

minister front to back from hurled debris as they hurried to the

apparition site.

Bella noticed that there were a few students whispering fiercely and

pointing at her as she made her way to the court yard where Andromeda

and Narcissa were waiting for her. A few Slytherin students in particular

were giving her an icy glare, but Bella gave them no sign of unease or

worry, she strolled through the corridors with her head up and threw a

few of her own icy stares around which did have the intended effect of

causing those she glared at to turn away in alarm.

Bella reached her sisters unimpeded, Narcissa was the first to run up to

her and throw her arms around her waist. "Oh Bella, I was so worried

when we couldn't find you, Andi said you were probably fine and with

your boyfriend, but I was still worried." Narcissa cried happy tears that

her big sister was indeed okay.

"I'm sorry to have worried you Cissy but I was taking care of Harry." Bella

replied giving her sister an extra squeeze.

"Who's Harry? Is that the name of your boyfriend?" Cissy asked smiling


"Nope, that's the name of my husband." Bella smirked at the frozen faces

of her sisters.

"You were bound to learn of it sooner or later but I ask that you don't say

anything about it to anyone here at the school." Bella stated in a serious


"Your married?!" Narcissa asked.

"How did this happen, and when?!" Andromeda interrogated.

"Sunday, and quite spontaneously." Bella replied with a smile.

"Wow!" Narcissa gasped. "Did he give you a ring?"

"I do have a ring, yes." Bella replied lifting her left hand and allowing the

ring to become visible. Cissy cooed at seeing the ring, but Andromeda

blanched snow white.

"Bella, you know what house emblem that ring has on it?" Andromeda


"I do." Bella stated seriously locking eyes with her sister.

"Then it's true then? There is an Eveningshade in England?" Andromeda

whispered and Narcissa eeped.

"Those are just bedtime stories r-right?" Narcissa asked nervously. "I

mean there aren't r-really any Eveningshades are there?"

"There is at least one and he is my husband and your brother-in-law."

Bella kneeled down and told her sister.

Narcissa's eyes went from wide with fear, to thoughtful, to smirking.

"Wicked! No one's gonna mess with our house now!" Narcissa crowed.

Bella chuckled at her little sister's antics. Andromeda looked as if she had

just made a connection and her face scrunched in horrific realization.

"It was you and he in Diagon Alley last Saturday wasn't it?! And it was

you and him that killed the terrorists Sunday in Hogsmeade as well!"

Andromeda asked, her jaw hanging open. "Bella, you killed people!"

Andromeda whispered harshly.


"Hush Cissy!" Andromeda scolded. "Bella how could you kill someone,

how could you be with a man that killed someone? I don't understand

this. You murdered twelve people!"

"Andi, those bastards didn't show up in the Alley or in Hogsmeade to take

in the bloody sights! They were there to cause as much mayhem as

possible and to kill whoever got in their way! For gods' sake Andi! They

killed Mr. Bell! And would have killed us if we hadn't defended


And you would be dead right now Andi! Burnt to a bloody crisp if Harry

hadn't killed those men keeping us from rescuing you! So you can take

this high and mighty attitude of yours and shove it up your…!"

"Bella! Andi!" Narcissa broke in. "We are sisters, and Blacks'; we don't

fight in front of others!" Narcissa scolded her sisters.

"You're right Cissy." Bella replied, her chest still heaving from the burst of

anger in her chest.

"I-I'm sorry Bella." Andi apologized, her head hung in shame. "It's just

been all monstrously stressfull these past few days. I-I didn't mean to

accuse you of…"

"Being a murderer?" Bella offered after Andi paused looking for the right

word to say.

Andi lowered her eyes and nodded. "And when you see Harry, please tell

him I'm grateful for what he did. I expect I owe him a life debt." Andi

shrugged, the tears rolling down her porcelain face.

Bella grabbed her sister in a hug which Andi immediately responded to

by wrapping her own arms around her older sister.

Cissy not wanting to be left out threw her arms around her two sister's

waists. Bella and Andromeda pulled her into their arms. "Hard times are

coming." Bella whispered. "We need to be strong and stick together no

matter what occurs. I will not hesitate to protect my family from anyone

who threatens us by whatever means necessary." Bella looked into

Andromeda's eyes communicating her meaning. Andromeda nodded her

head in understanding.

"Now, when's the plan to head home?" Bella asked as she stepped back

from her sisters.

"Papa has arranged a portkey for us for Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. It

will take us to the Black ancestral manor in Wales. Uncle Orion has called

a meeting of the family to discuss the family's future apparently."

Narcissa informed Bellatrix.

"Really?" Bella asked curiously. "Did he say anything else?"

"Not really, but the whole family has been requested to attend a meeting

Sunday evening." Andromeda stated.

"So, are you going to introduce us to your new husband Bella?" Narcissa

asked hopefully bouncing in place.

Bella chuckled at her youngest sister. "I'm sure you'll meet him soon

enough." She said.

"Andi said he was quite handsome and debonair." Narcissa gushed. "So,

does he have a younger brother?" she giggled.

Bella laughed merrily. "I'm afraid I must disappoint you and inform you

that he is an only child." Bella smiled.

"Excuse me, but may I have a word with you Miss Black?" An older male

voice asked. Bella turned around and nearly jumped when she saw Auror

Captain Alastor Moody standing in front of her with the red auror cloak

and his rank insignia on the collar.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Auror Captain Alastor Moody.

I was hoping to ask you a few questions about the attack in Hogsmeade

this past Sunday." The Great War veteran asked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't speak to you without the permission from my

family's head of house." Bella told him. She realized that he must have

seen her there and if he had seen her, he might have seen Harry as well.

She wasn't sure how to deal with this situation. She couldn't deny she

was there, if he had seen her, that would only raise his curiosity and

suspicion that she was trying to hide something.

"As a matter of fact, your Uncle Orion did give me leave to speak with

you, and before you ask, I have also spoken with the headmaster who

also granted his permission." Bella gulped, but tried to remain outwardly


"Of course Captain Moody, but I don't know what I could possibly add

that I'm sure others you have interviewed have previously stated." Bella


"I just needed to clarify a few things is all Miss Black; you understand

that when there are deaths, we must be very thorough in our

investigation. But perhaps this is not the most appropriate place to have

this discussion." Moody told the young woman.

"Indeed." Bella replied hesitantly.

"The headmaster has graciously allowed us the use of his office for this

meeting. If you desire the headmaster or your head of house can be there,

or your father if you like." Moody offered.

"I think I'd like my Aunt Dorea Potter there if it's the same to you?" Bella

informed him. She thought that the Potter Matriarch would have her best

interests at heart and more importantly, had heard that Moody had a soft

spot for the formidable woman who had saved his life on at least two

occasions if memory served.

"I don't see a problem with that, but I am curious as to why?" Moody


"I'm very close to my aunt and she was there in Hogsmeade with me, and

she is familiar with the law." Bella replied.

Moody looked appraisingly at the girl for a moment and wondered at the

request. "Very well, we can floo her from Dumbledore's office."

"Could we do this after dinner tonight Captain Moody? It's just that I

know Aunt Dorea volunteers at St. Mungos during the day and I'd hate to

pull her away from what she is doing. It would also allow me to get some

lunch and have time to get my things together for the trip home this


Moody looked suspiciously at the girl, but acquiesced. "Very well, I need

to stop by St. Mungos anyway and I can speak to your aunt there and let

her know about the meeting."

"Thank you sir, I will be ready for the meeting right after dinner." Bella

stated in relief. She needed to speak to Harry and figure out how she was

going to handle this.

"I'll see you tonight then." Moody barked and then walked away from the


"What was that all about?" Andromeda asked curiously, watching the old

auror make his way to the gates.

"Not sure, I guess he wants to know more about the attack." Bella

suggested evasively.

"I wonder if it has something to do with your husband being an

Eveningshade." Andromeda offered with an arched eyebrow.

Bella took a deep breath and let it out in one large exhale. "Listen you

two, this is a Black sister's secret! You cannot tell anyone about Harry or

that we're married." Bella whispered harshly at her sisters.

"But, why?" Narcissa asked disappointedly, she was most anxious to tell

her peers that her brother in-law was a member of the mythical if not

infamous family; she wanted those bullies in Slytherin to think twice

before annoying her or her friend again.

"It's complicated Cissy, but you must promise me that for now you will

keep my secret." She asked earnestly.

Narcissa huffed and grimaced but nodded her head. She stuck her arm

straight out with her palm out and fingers up. "Sister's promise."

Andromeda did the same followed by Bella; their hands were placed

together and formed a triangle. Then the three sisters in one voice

intoned their pledge. "Sister's Promise!" It was their own little way of

promising to keep each other's secrets. There was no magic involved but

the sister's saw the pledge as just as powerfully binding.

Bella nodded gratefully at her sisters and embraced them each. "I need to

go and meet with Harry, if anyone asks about me just tell them that I

wasn't feeling well and decided to have a rest." Receiving nods from her

sisters, Bella made her way back to the RoR.


Once in the room she asked Hogwarts to alert Harry to her need to see

him. Ten minutes later Harry had come through the door with a worried

look on his face.

"Is everything allright?" Harry asked his wife of three days.

"We have a problem." Bella began. "Moody came to see me today and

wanted to talk to me about the attack; I think he wants to ask me about

you. I have to meet him after dinner tonight." Bella nervously spoke, as

she paced back and forth in front of him.

Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, and wrapped his arms

around her in an attempt to calm her down. "It'll be okay; we'll come up

with something." Harry reassured her.

"I've asked that Aunt Dorea be present at the meeting." Bella told him.

Harry arched an inquisitive eyebrow. "Oh, why?" Harry asked.

"I think we need to have an ally Harry, and I think, out of all my

relatives, she would be the most trustworthy. I believe she would be

willing to help us and keep your secret. After all she is your grandmother

and I don't think she would turn her back on her own grandson." Bella

told her husband grabbing his hands and squeezing them.

Harry sighed heavily. "Do you really think that is a good idea? I can just

imagine all the questions that would raise in her mind." Harry sat heavily

on the couch. Bella kneeled in front of him taking his hands again.

"Harry, she is smart and cunning and is connected like nobody else, but

most importantly she is loyal to her family and has a practical mind. She

would understand the necessity of keeping your secrets. And I trust her

Harry, and you know how hard it is for me to trust anyone." Bella

reassured her love.

Harry took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay, let's contact her.

Do you think we can meet with her before the meeting?"

"Yeah, she always goes home for lunch from St. Mungos, if we floo her

now we stand a good chance of catching her." Bella had just barely

finished speaking when a fire sprung up in the hearth of the fireplace and

a brass jar filled with floo powder appeared on the mantle.

"I guess the Lady Hogwarts thinks it's a good idea as well." Harry


"Well, go put on your dress robes! I don't want Aunt Dorea to see my

husband dressed in a shabby school uniform!" Bella told him, shoving

him towards their bedroom. Since their bonding Hogwarts got rid of one

of the bedrooms and now there was just one large bedroom for the two of


Harry put on a crisp white shirt, a pair of pressed slacks and his best robe

with the Eveningshade coat of arms. He had let his hair grow out a bit, it

now reached his shoulder, and the length weighed down his normally

unruly hair and gave him a more old world aristocratic look.

While Harry was busy, Bella threw a handful of floo powder into the fire.

"Potter Keep!" Bella called out and then stuck her head in the fire. There

was a slight spinning sensation until her eyes focused into a Victorian

decorated receiving room.

"Aunt Dorea!" Bella called from the fire place.

"Hello there young lady."

"Oh, hello Uncle Charlus." Bella greeted her uncle.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" Charlus Potter said warmly.

Charles Potter was a tall man standing about 6'4" and of slender build,

his salt and pepper hair was of medium length, thick and combed straight

back. His most striking feature however were his bright hazel eyes that

always seemed to have an inner glow; they always appeared to be full of

warmth and mirth and drew you right in.

"I was actually looking for auntie, is she in?" Bella asked.

"Yes dear, I am." Dorea Potter replied walking in to the room. "Now what

can I do for you dear?"

"I was hoping that I could talk to you…uh privately." Bella looked at her

uncle apologetically.

"What about dear?" Dorea asked curiously.

"It has to do with what happened Sunday in Hogsmeade…and with my…

husband." Bella responded in a hushed tone.

"I see." The Potter Matriarch replied with interest.

"Husband, what husband?!" Charlus asked indignantly. "Why was I not

informed about a wedding?"

"It happened rather suddenly." Dorea told her husband. "I'll explain what

I can later." She patted his arm sympathetically.

"I can't wait to hear this." Charlus huffed.

"Don't mind him dear." Dorea winked at her niece. "Now, I would be

happy to meet with you. Would you prefer to come over here, or shall I

come to you."

"I think it might be better if you came over here, auntie." Bella replied.

"Very well dear, does your floo have an open connection?" Dorea asked.

"It does auntie."

"Right then, if you'll step back and leave the connection open I will come

straight through. And Charlus dear, would you notify Healer Quincey

that I will not be returning to the Hospital this afternoon." After receiving

a nod from her husband she stepped into the fireplace after Bella had

stepped back.

Dorea was impressed by the room she found herself in; it was warmly

decorated with wonderful medieval tapestries and dark wood furniture.

There was a comfortable looking sofa and two plush arm chairs, all

placed on a very large and ornately woven Persian rug. There was a

serving table along one wall with a ready tea set and a plate of biscuits.

The entire room had a natural calming effect on her as she looked around

the cozy apartment.

Harry entered the room to find that his grandmother had already arrived

and was looking around the room. Once again he felt a swelling in his

chest as he glanced at the regal looking woman. She had the Black family

good looks despite her age, her long black hair just now showing a few

streaks of gray.

Harry had heard that his grandparents were advanced in years when they

finally had James, but she still was a very attractive woman, and yet had

a command presence about her that demanded attention.

"Good evening Lady Potter, thank you for coming." Harry greeted in a

formal tone he took her hand in his and gave a slight bow over it. He told

himself he would need to thank Walburga for her lessons in pure blood


"Good evening, Lord Eveningshade." Dorea replied with a slight nod of

her own. She nearly gasped at Harry's touch which sent her thoughts

reeling for a moment. "I must admit I've been most anxious to speak with

you, ever since the incident in Hogsmeade."

"Likewise Lady Potter, and please call me Harry. Please, do have a seat,

would you care for some tea?" Harry asked playing the host.

"That would be lovely, thank you Harry." She replied.

Bella moved to the tea set and poured her aunt and Harry a cup of tea

along with a cup for herself. Dorea took one of the arm chairs, while the

young couple took the sofa facing her. For a few moments nothing was

said until Dorea could tell that the two teens were quite nervous, and if

they were going to speak at all it was up to her to break the ice.

"As delicious as the tea is, I imagine you had other reasons for asking me

over?" Dorea smiled at the suddenly pale faces.

"Umm, yes auntie, there are a few things we wanted to discuss with you.

You see, I have a meeting later this evening with Captain Moody of the

aurors, and-and he wants to speak with me about my involvement in the

incident in Hogsmeade and, most likely Harry's as well, I, that is we don't

think it is a good idea. In fact, it would be a really bad idea." Bella told

her aunt in a hurried pace.

"Why? You were only defending the village; there should be nothing to

worry about, unless you're trying to hide something from him. Are you?

Hiding something?" Here Dorea looked curiously at Harry.

Harry and Bella gave each other a sideways look that did not go

unnoticed by the ever observant Potter Matriarch. "Perhaps you should

tell me what's really going on between you two. Is it something to do

with Harry?" Her stare was penetrating, Harry felt as if she could see

right into his soul, yet her gaze was not harsh, but warm, and it curiously

made him feel at ease.

Harry rose to his feet and pushed his hands through his hair as he tried to

organize his thoughts, he began to pace back and forth his nervousness


"Perhaps, Harry, if I might make a suggestion as where to begin." Dorea


"Um…sure." Harry replied looking a bit sheepish.

"Well, I personally would like to know how it is possible that you are a

Potter and If I'm not mistaken a Black as well?" Dorea asked with a smirk.

Harry and Bella stood frozen and opened mouth at Dorea Potter's


"How did you…I mean I didn't…" Harry stuttered.

"Relax Harry, I'm not here to challenge you, but I do want an


"But how did you know about me?" Harry asked.

"When I first met you I could see Black family traits such as your hair

color and your build, and facial features, but Potter traits were also there

in your stance and mannerisms, little quirks that are identical to my


But, what convinced me that you were a relative, is when you took my

hand. Tell me Harry, are you in possession of the Head of House ring for

the Eveningshade family?" Dorea asked.

"I am, why do you ask?" Harry questioned.

"In the old days, the ancient families used a system in which they could

identify members of their family. Initially it was used to detect a

polyjuiced person or glamoured person from infiltrating the family and

causing mayhem.

Also, in those times, the men were a bit more promiscuous and there

were many bastard children running around. Some women would try to

claim that a child belonged to the head of the family or his heir in an

effort to defraud the family into adopting the child.

So in an effort to stop such fraud, they invented a blood rune that was

placed in the signet ring of the Lord and Lady of the family, the blood

rune would identify a family member through a slight surge of magic

within the ring, blood identifies blood, the closer the relation the

stronger the surge. The more modern families have no such rings to

detect family members due to anything dealing with blood magic was

outlawed late in the eighteenth century.

But the ancient families were exempt from the new laws. So, in short, as

the Lady Potter, my ring has that ability to identify other Potters. And, as

it so happens, my ring identified you as a Potter, not only a Potter but a

very close relation. So would you care to tell me exactly who you are

Lord Eveningshade?"

Harry took a deep breath and looked his grandmother square in the eyes,

wanting her to see no trace of deception in the words that would follow.

"I am Lord Harry James Potter Black…Eveningshade, and I am your


Whatever she was expecting to hear, this was not it. She sat back into her

chair stunned at the boy's declaration. She sensed no deception in the boy

but what he was suggesting was impossible, her son, her only child, was

at least four years younger than he was.

"I was born to James Charlus Potter and Lily Marie Evans, on the 31 of

July 1980 in Godrics Hollow." Harry continued. "In 1995, I am the head

of all three families." Harry concentrated on his family rings making all

three of them appear.

The unflappable Dorea Potter nee-Black was left speechless and pale. She

closely examined the rings on Harry's fingers and only one phrase came

to mind. "Bloody Hell!"


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I could have kept going but I don't

like to post anything over ten thousand words. Things are about to get

interesting as Dorea is filled in about Harry, but how much of the past

should he reveal? And will his past be relevant anymore with the ripples

affecting the time line? Please take some time and review I'm always

interested to hear your thoughts!

17. Chapter 17

Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

A/N: I have been really motivated to keep on top of this story and its all

due to all of you who continue to read and review my little story. Over

two thousand of you are followers and I wanted to give you a big thank

you! Again thanks for all the wonderful reviews that keep me inspired!

Now I present Chapter 17 of Passageways.

Chapter 17

The Lady Dorea Potter had downed her third glass of fire whiskey that

had conveniently appeared on the small table next to the chair she was

sitting in. Bella, who had never seen her aunt drink anything stronger

than wine, was looking a bit shocked at the ease with which her aunt

threw back the most potent alcoholic drink in the wizarding world.

Dorea set her glass down on the table and smacked her lips. She looked

at Bella's stunned face and chuckled. "Nowhere is it written dear, that a

lady can't have a snort or two to calm the nerves." She smirked.

"Now, let's get back to you explaining to me how it is possible that you

are my grandson from the future, shall we?" Dorea asked settling herself

back into the chair and giving her undivided attention to the two teens in

front of her the warmth of the alcohol doing its job to settle her..

"Well, you see…how do I explain this?" Harry mused aloud. "I guess it all

starts with Hogwarts." Harry finally replied.

"Hogwarts?" Dorea asked incredulously.

"Yes." Harry and Bella nodded.

"You see aunty; Hogwarts brought Harry and me together." Bella replied

scooting to the edge of the couch to speak.

"I don't understand dear, are you saying that the school somehow brought

Harry to the past?" Dorea asked skeptically.

"Yes and no." Harry began. "This room that we are in was specially

created by The Lady Hogwarts to bring Bella and I together across time."

"The Lady?"

"Yes, The Lady, she is a physical manifestation of Hogwarts itself, she

took upon herself the image of Helga Hufflepuff. She's the one who made

the room and led us here." Harry replied.

Bella then picked up from where Harry left off. "She needed our help to

change the fate of the school and by extension our world. This room we

are in connects to both our individual times. When Harry exits that door

you see behind you it is the year 1995. If I go through the door it is


"But you're both in 1971 now."

"Well it's like Harry said this room that we are in, from what we can

understand is outside of time or maybe exist between times. We don't

know for sure. But we exist together here and as you have seen we can go

to each other's time."

"You mean you have been to the future?" Dorea asked sitting up

straighter, interest obvious on her face.

"I have, and I've learned of some horrifying things and…" Bella choked up

a bit. "…we have been given a chance, a mission really, to change the

future and to keep some horribly evil things from ever occurring to our

world…to our family." Bella finished softly squeezing Harry's hand.

Dorea sat back in her chair sighing heavily. She was a very good judge of

character and had an incredibly astute sense of knowing when something

was false or misleading. And her senses told her that the two teens were

being truthful at least about what they had said so far. But time travel! It

seemed such an impossibility, but here he was.

She turned her eyes to Harry; he looked so much like an older version of

James it was unnerving. His eyes, however, betrayed the hard life that he

had lived. She wondered exactly what had happened to the young man to

have such hauntingly old eyes. But his eyes also spoke of his

determination and strength and more importantly they were honest eyes,

she could see no guile within their emerald depths.

"Harry, may I call you Harry?" Dorea asked her grandson.

"Of course." Harry said immediately. Dorea smiled at the boy warmly.

"Harry if I may, you are fifteen years old correct?" Dorea asked.

"Yes mam." Harry replied.

"Yet you are lord of three ancient families. Would you tell me how this

came to be? What happened to our families that brought this about?"

Dorea asked curiously.

Harry stiffened at the request. This would be the hardest if not most

painful of his explanations, yet he knew it would come up, how could it

not. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to organize his thoughts into

some cogent explanation.

Harry could not sit still for this he needed to move, so he stood and

rubbed his sweating palms on his robes. He paced a bit before coming to

a stop in front of the roaring fire. His gaze penetrated the flames as if he

could see the past in their orange and red hues. He took a deep cleansing

breath before he began to tell his grandmother the travesty that was his


"By October of 1981, my father and mother had gone into hiding…the

curse meant to kill me rebounded on to Voldemort, it did not kill him but

ripped a shade of him from his body…I was orphaned…left on the

doorstep of my mother's muggle sister…beaten and starved…A half giant

named Hagrid came for me…I couldn't believe I was a wizard…Diagon

Alley…brother wands…Hedwig… I met Ron Weasley…the hat placed me

in Gryffindor...Hermione Granger…A troll in the dungeons…Flamel and

the Philosophers stone…Quirrell…Voldemort!" Dorea sat in stunned

silence as Harry was relating his life; Bella was also on the verge of tears

as Harry continued his tale.

"Second year…crazy House Elf…stupid elf nearly killed me…Chamber of

Secrets re-opened…heir of Slytherin…students attacked…worthless

Professor Lockhart…Hermione petrified…A sixty foot Basilisk…

Voldemort again…the venom was extremely painful…phoenix tears…

Ginny Weasley saved… Riddle diary to blame…Lucius Malfoy attempted

to kill me…crazy House Elf saved me.

Third year… Sirius Black betrayed my parents to Voldemort…escaped

Azkaban…Dementors on the train…mum,she was pleading for my life…

Remus Lupin my dad's other friend…Sirius my godfather!...Dementors on

the Quidditch pitch…Patronus, it's a stag…Sirius innocent…Pettigrew

was traitor…escaped…a hundred Dementors…Sirius on the run again.

Fourth year…Qudditch world cup…Death Eaters and the Dark Mark…

back to Hogwarts…Tri-Wizard tournament…Goblet of Fire…I did not put

my name in…the whole school turned against me…betrayed by my

closest friends…hexes…jinxes…hospital wing over twenty times…

Dragons…merpeople…the labyrinth…Tri-Wizard cup a portkey…Cedric

killed…PETTIGREW…Voldemort reborn…Death Eaters…a duel with

Tom…brother wands…my parents appeared…escaped with Cedric's


Minister denies his return…school still against me…banned from

Gryffindor House…DUMBLEDORE'S BETRAYAL!...returned to the

Dursley's…DEMENTORS…Sirius killed…the Goblins contacted me…

Sirius' will read…made me his heir…I'm the new Lord Black…

emancipation…my parent's will read…last Potter…became Lord Potter…

inherited Number 12 Grimauld Place…Walburga's portrait began to teach


Returned to Hogwarts...the lady brought me here…met Bellatrix…a

rocky start…she won me over…change our fates and save the school and

our world…she wanted to be free of the marriage contract…and the

chastity bond…fell in love…Diagon Alley…my mother's true heritage…I

became Lord Eveningshade…DEATH EATERS…Hogsmeade… married!..

Death Eaters again…!"

As Harry finished telling them his life up to that point, Bella was openly

weeping and clinging to Harry, he had related many things to them that

he had not shared with her before. Dorea Potter who prided herself with

being in complete control of her emotions had let a few tears escape her

and she barely held in her utter outrage at Dumbledore's manipulation of

Harry's life. She stood and walked briskly up to her grandson and her

niece and wrapped them in her arms.

"I believe you." Dorea finally told the two teens, more tears escaping her

eyes. "I can hardly believe I have a grandson and an Eveningshade to

boot." She laughed.

"So what do we do now?" She asked releasing them from her arms. Bella

however refused to let go of Harry and he had to literally carry her back

over to the sofa where she sat in his lap.

"We try and stop Voldemort before he gets too powerful, by whatever

means necessary whether they be by political means or by more…deadly

means, we cannot allow him to continue unchallenged." Harry said


"Harry, I've lived through one war and it was a terrible and beastly time

in our history, I don't want our world to go through something like that

again. I detest violence in all its shades, but I also know you cannot stop

an aggressor with flowery words or appeasement. So I ask you Harry,

does the purist movement really cause such chaos that an all out war

with them becomes necessary?"

Harry silently walked over to the bookshelf to the left of the fireplace.

His right hand skimmed over the titles of the books found there. Soon he

came to a book bound in blood red colored leather; he pulled the book

from its place and began to look for another. He quickly found the second

book he had been looking for and removed it also.

He walked to his grandmother and handed her the first book he had

removed from the book case. Dorea looked at the cover and read the title

'In Memory of Those Lost: The Second Great War 1971-1981'.

"Within that book, are the names of those who were killed or presumed

killed by Voldemort and his Death Eaters." Harry told her. "In some cases

entire families were wiped out, including many old houses some I believe

you will be familiar with." Harry replied in a flat tone.

Harry flipped the book opened to a page where a book mark had been

placed. Dorea gasped as she read the name of Lord James Charlus Potter

and Lady Lily Marie Potter nee-Evans. Below their names she read:

Preceded in death by his parents Lord Charlus Harrison Potter and Lady

Dorea Io Potter nee-Black taken by Dragon-Pox in September 1980.

Dorea looked up at Harry. "That's not possible. Charlus and I couldn't

have died from Dragon Pox. We both had them when we were children;

we are both immune from the disease. You cannot catch it twice."

"All I know is what the book says." Harry told her with a shrug.

She frowned at this, but continued to flip through the book, and indeed

she read the names and Houses of people she did know. She flipped to

the back of the book to learn the total number of people that had been

killed during the ten year war.

"Fifteen thousand lives." She whispered heartbroken. "Fifteen thousand

British witches and wizards, and more than three thousand of those were

children between one and seventeen." Dorea shook her head and dropped

the book to the floor as she sat hard on her chair.

Harry kneeled in front of his grandmother and rested his right hand on

her clasped hands that were fidgeting in her lap. "This is why we have to

take the fight to him, grandmother. In seven years time from now,

Voldemort will lead an assault on Hogwarts itself. Three hundred and

fifty-three students will be butchered and half the staff killed before they

are turned back." Bella's throat tightened as she knew that had her path

not been changed by Harry she would have led that attack on the school.

Dorea silently nodded her head in understanding and resolved within

herself to help her grandson in any way she could. "What is this other

book you have?" Dorea asked afraid of the answer.

"It is a history of Voldemort's known movements and attacks during the

war, his successes and failures, disappearances attributed to him and so

forth." Harry said.

Dorea sat back up with fire in her eyes. 'You mean we have a book that

tells us when and where he is going to strike?!"

"Maybe…maybe not." Harry said shaking his head. "The timeline has

already begun to change, but nevertheless it shows what targets he sees

as valuable, it also tells us how he infiltrated the ministry and though it

does not give us every possible person under his influence, it does give us

a good number of them to be looking at. It's at the very least a roadmap

to follow."

Dorea agreed that at least having some working knowledge of how

Voldemort operated could give them a distinct advantage over this new

upstart, and possibly save a lot of lives. She also understood the more

they changed things in her time the less accurate Harry's history book

would become. If Harry however, had continued access to the future then

perhaps they could find updated information on Voldemort's operations.

"Harry…" Dorea began. "You stated that you have already noticed

changes in your timeline, have the history books also been updated?" She


"Most likely, but…"

"But what dear?"

"It will come to a point where I have altered the future so much that I

will no longer be a part of that reality." Harry told her.

"Meaning what dear?" Dorea questioned.

"From what the Lady has told me and from what another…unique friend

has hinted at. There will come a point when I can no longer return to

that reality. Another version of me will have taken my place." Harry


"But why should that stop you from continuing to use the doorway to

access that reality to collect information?"

"Allow me to answer that."

Dorea turned at the sound of a new voice. Before her stood the very

image of Helga Hufflepuff, clothed in the robes typical of a noble from

the ninth or tenth century. "Am I in the presence of the Lady Hogwarts?"

Dorea asked respectfully but in obvious awe of the manifestation.

"You are, Lady Potter." The spectral image replied.

"Can you explain why Harry won't be able to return to his time?" Dorea


"Because the ripples will soon become too great in number, the

cohesiveness of Harry's time line will begin to unravel and soon multiple

realities will begin to emerge, and Harry's reality will in essence come to

an end. In other words you will no longer have a clear future you can

pull from in his time.

More to the point, the Voldemort that you face now, in your time Lady

Potter, will not be the same Voldemort that Harry has faced in his. What

those differences will be for your time I cannot discern, what I do know

is that history is being rewritten as it happens. Harry's future, Bellatrix's

future, my future, and your future is now unwritten." The ancient lady


"I see." Dorea exhaled; disappointed that intelligence gathering from

Harry's time would soon end and may not even be accurate.

"We still have our other problem to discuss auntie." Bella interrupted her

aunt's thoughts.

"Oh yes, Alastor. Don't worry about him dear, he is an old family friend I

think I can persuade him not to go digging about, although, we should

consider bringing him in on your secret Harry. He could be an asset."

Dorea advised.

Harry shook his head. "He's close friends with Dumbledore, anything we

tell him would go straight back to him." Harry explained.

"Well, they are acquaintances, but I dare say not the closest of friends.

They butt heads regularly on how the auror core should respond to

criminals. Director Crouch of the DMLE and Dumbledore are of the

opinion that a softer gentler approach will persuade criminals not to


Moody has a different perspective. At least three to four aurors are killed

each year by dark witches or wizards and as the head auror he takes

every death personally. He wants more freedom to use more aggressive

spells in subduing those criminals who use deadly spells against them."

"I don't know grandmother; they are thick as thieves in my world." Harry


"Well, if worse comes to worse; the man does owe me a life debt from the

Great War. I can use that to obtain an oath of secrecy." Dorea explained

with a confident smirk.

"Now, let's sit. I want to hear more about my grandson." Dorea asked



Three cloaked men suddenly popped into existence in an isolated wooded

area in Southern Wales. The faint traces of an old hunting trail could be

seen through the moonlit darkness as the men made their way toward

their destination. A light autumn breeze blew through the ancient trees

rustling the leaves above them.

The men kept an even but cautious pace, their feet made no sound on the

forest floor. A spell to silence their steps and anything the soles of their

feet touched was employed to keep their anonymity. The three men soon

came upon a pile of stacked stones that reached about three and a half

feet in height, it was wide at the base and narrowed as it reached it

zenith. The man closest to the stones withdrew a silver dagger from his

waist and then quickly sliced open the palm of his left hand.

He allowed the blood to pool in his hand for a moment before turning

over the injured hand over the pile of stones. The blood flowed on to the

stones and after a few short minutes the stones glowed briefly before

something began to push up through them. A pedestal with a family crest

upon it came through the stacked stones and presented itself.

The man with the bleeding hand placed his palm over the crest and

received a slight shock of energy. The crest seemed to accept the blood

offering and the pedestal sank back into the pile of stones. A shimmering

displacement in front of the men caught their attention, when the

shimmering stopped a large Roman archway could be seen. The arch was

about twelve feet high and at least ten feet wide.

The men stepped through the arch and where once a dense forest was

thought to exist it now opened up into large extremely well manicured

lawns and hedges, various water features, and a large central fountain.

Beyond the grounds some two hundred yards directly in front of the men

stood a large estate house. It was three stories tall in classic Tudor style

with battlements and towers at every corner.

More confidently now the three men approached the main door of the

castle like estate which opened as they neared it. The entry way was

large and nearly two stories tall, two richly carpeted staircases made

their way up to the second floor, one turning east as the other turned


Medieval tapestries adorned the high inner walls while many large ornate

windows dominated the south facing entrance, letting natural light flood

the entrance hall. The dark wood floor below their feet stretched

throughout the entrance unadorned except for the large family seal they

were now peering at.

"Orion, Cygnus, we need to bring ALL the wards back up, both defensive

and offensive, and then call for all the Black House Elves to come here.

We will need them to get the estate ready for habitation." Arcturus Black

told his two sons.

"Do you think it's really necessary to bring all the family here? Are things

really that tenuous?" Cygnus asked.

"My contacts have suggested that our family is to be made an example of,

and that the Dark Lord is plotting on taking the Black fortune somehow

and disposing of us. I will not let that happen while I am alive. So yes, I

think things are that bad, Cygnus.

This estate has been the stronghold of the Black Family in times of crisis

and war for centuries. Here we will be safe from Voldemort's

machinations; here we can make plans of our own to put down this rabid


"But many of our allies are now with Voldemort, father." Orion stated.

"And Dumbledore and his supporters will not be sympathetic to our

plight either. They would turn us over to Voldemort faster than you

could say vendetta."

Arcturus sighed heavily. "Our path no longer lays with the darker

families, son, nor do they lay with the lighter families. We must seek

alliances with the neutrals, the grays. A time of war is coming my sons; I

can feel it in my bones just like with Grindelwald and the Great War."

"We may already have, at least tentatively an alliance with the house of

Eveningshade." Orion told his father.

"But the Eveningshade's are a dark family!" Cygnus replied. "Or they use

to be."

"The Eveningshades from what I've learned have always been on their

own side. They have fought for both light and dark lords throughout

their history. Their more mercenary than idealists and have only ever

gotten involved in conflicts when their own house was threatened or

when they saw potential gain in choosing a side." Arcturus educated his


"True Slytherins, if you ask me." Orion chuckled.

"Indeed." Arcturus agreed. "This unexpected union between Bellatrix and

Lord Eveningshade could prove very advantageous for the House of

Black. If word were to leak out of the union, many of the darker families

and the lighter for that matter would seriously reconsider ever attacking


And if we extend the hand of friendship to the grays, offering them

protection from the upcoming war, with an Eveningshade as a protector,

I believe we could form a coalition larger than the light and dark put


The political impact and power that a united gray coalition could have

on our society would be staggering, and at the head of this pack would

be House Black. Lord Eveningshade is young, but his family name is

feared and respected by the old houses and with the right guidance and

counsel we could see a new era in wizarding politics emerge."

Orion and Cygnus began to understand the implications of what their

father had just explained to them. The grey families had never truly been

united before and yet they made up nearly two thirds of magical

households; they were usually satisfied with staying out of the political

infighting that went on between the light and dark families. To them they

were just two sides to the same coin.

But the family who could accomplish such a feat would be in a very

powerful position; the Blacks would be able to write their own ticket

even the office of Minister would be within their grasps. The key was

using the infamy of the Eveningshade name in a persuasive manner to

unite the grays. And the key to Lord Eveningshade was Bellatrix.

Bellatrix was a Black and all Blacks had a deep commitment to family no

matter what other family they married into. Dorea was a prime example;

though she was the Potter matriarch she was still very much involved

with Black family matters as a daughter of House Black.

Though Bella was considered a bit of a rebel in her family she was still a

Black and family was just as important to her as it was to the more

traditionalists in the family. If that loyalty could be brought out in Lord

Eveningshade it would go a long way to strengthen the House of Black


"Now, I have invited lord Eveningshade to accompany Bellatrix when

they come home for the weekend. And he will be extended every

courtesy; he is after all Bellatrix's husband." Arcturus glared at his two

sons who understood that the touchy subject of marriage contracts and

chastity bindings were not to be discussed.

They had a long conversation about how Lord Eveningshade could

overcome the magic in the contract and binding, after the Hogsmeade

incident. It was decided that it no longer matter, that they were better off

shod of the Lestrange family.

"And for Merlin's sake Orion, do not let Walburga go off on some purist

rant! That is the last thing we need." Arcturus told his oldest son.


It was near five o'clock in the evening when Dorea arrived back at Potter

manor from the Room of Requirement. It had been both illuminating and

heartbreaking listening to her grandson, the worst had been when the

Lady Hogwarts provided a pensieve so that Harry could show certain

memories of his life.

The most disturbing had been the graveyard during that fiasco of a

tournament. To witness her young grandson being hit with the cruciatus

was too much to bear. And then to see the spectral form of her son and

his wife come from Voldemort's wand. He had indeed killed her son and

future daughter in-law. Voldemort would pay.

She had always disliked Dumbledore but to see how he had let her

grandson suffer all those years was something she could not and would

not forgive. It had taken some convincing but she had persuaded Harry to

allow her to speak to Charlus and Moody about him. She was sure that

the veteran auror would be an ally and Charlus would most likely

welcome Harry with open arms once she explained everything.

A quick floo call to the aurors office and Dorea had informed Alastor

Moody that she would speak with him on behalf of Bellatrix at Potter

Manor at seven. In the mean time Dorea 'The Iron Lady' Potter would

retire to her personal study and let her pent up emotions out in private. It

would not do for a lady to have an emotional breakdown where she

could be seen.

Needless to say, that in the next few hours, the retelling of her grandson's

story to her husband and Alastor would tax heavily all the emotional

strength that she could muster between now and then.


"I think that went rather well." Bella sighed cuddling into Harry's side as

they sat on the sofa staring into the fireplace.

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I feel…well I don't know how to explain it really.

I've never had any family that I could go to and feel accepted and…

loved. And now I have you and my grandmother. And it's the best feeling

I have ever had…ever." Harry's grateful looking smile almost brought

Bella to tears.

"A lot of things will change now with both of our families knowing about

you. I wonder if you should not just close the book on your time and stay

with me now. I don't see any reason for you to go back to that horrible

life." Bella quietly told her husband.

Harry was pensive for a moment and then spoke. "I know it sounds

strange, but I'd like to tie up some loose ends before I close the book as it

were on my time. I know what the Lady said about my reality ending and

other realities emerging…but I think I need to have some closure at least

with a couple of people." Harry sighed.

"Luna and Hermione?" Bella asked softly.

"Yeah." Harry breathed. "I want to say goodbye to them. I really did

consider Hermione a sister; it was very painful when I thought she

betrayed me. And now I think it will be just as hard to say goodbye." He

sighed. 'But I need to do it.

"And Luna Lovegood?" Bella asked curiously. "What is she to you?"

Harry chuckled. "A friend…a sister, she found her way into my heart

rather quickly though; she is a kindred spirit in a way." He mused aloud

with a smile.

He sobered a bit before continuing. "Her life has not been an easy one, its

mirrored mine in many respects. She lost her mother physically and lost

her father emotionally at a young age. She is ridiculed for being different

by pretty much the whole school. I guess I just felt a connection with


"Should I be jealous?" Bella smirked at her husband.

Harry chuckled again and tenderly kissed Bella's lips. "I'm a one woman

man, love."

"Good thing! I'd hate to have to go kick some future girl's arse for moving

in on my man." Bella laughed and Harry shook his head in amusement.

"Well, I'm starved." Harry said after a particular loud growl from his

stomach. "How about we go together to my time and have some dinner.

Perhaps we'll run into Hermione and Luna and I can say my goodbyes

properly." Harry suggested.

"Sounds good, but I really don't want to be under your cloak the whole

time. I'll just cast a glamour over me, what do you say?" Bella asked.

"Besides, dinner should be busy enough not to draw too much attention

to me, and I could always cast a Notice-Me-Not charm as well so no one

will pay any attention to me."

"I guess so, just stay close, I don't want to lose track of you." Harry


"Ooh, so possessive aren't we my lord!" She smirked playfully.

"Hey you're the one who wanted to kick some future girl's arse." Harry

good-naturedly replied.

"Point taken." Bella swatted his arm.

A few moments later and the two teens had exited the RoR and headed

down the stair case. Bella now was sporting the long blonde hair she had

disguised herself with in Diagon Alley and her violet colored eyes were

now a deep brown.

As they reached the fourth floor Harry caught a familiar head of bushy

brown hair coming out of the library, which wasn't odd in and of its self,

but what was odd was the company she was with. Harry stopped in his

tracks as he recognized the three other people with her; they were none

other than Vincent Crabbe, Theodore Nott, and Antoinette Malfoy.

"What the hell?" Harry whispered.

"What's wrong Harry?" Bella asked curiously.

Harry watched as Hermione seemed to walk mechanically in front of the

other three, who were trailing just a few feet behind her. They turned

down a hall and out of sight.

"Come on!" Harry told Bella grabbing her hand and quickly pursuing the

four other students. Coming to the corner and peeking around, he caught

a quick glimpse of Crabbe closing the door of an abandoned classroom

behind him.

Harry's internal trouble sensor flared as he saw wards go up around the

door. Sprinting to the door he looked meticulously at the magic on the

door and recognized a privacy ward and what could have been a locking

charm and a silencing charm.

"We need to get in there!" Harry said fearfully.

"Harry what's going on, who were those people?" Bella asked.

Harry hurriedly explained that the bushy haired girl was Hermione and

the other three were Slytherin students Crabbe and Nott and the female

version of Draco Malfoy.

"They can't be up to any good Bella, we need to get in there!" Harry

stated worriedly.

"Do you think you can pass through the wards like in Hogsmeade?" Bella

asked curiously. Harry shook his head.

"I don't know." Harry said.

Harry suddenly felt the Lady Hogwart's presence though she did not

manifest herself, and then he saw the wards around the door fall and the

door open a crack. Harry mentally thanked the Lady. Harry pulled out his

cloak from his bag and threw it around him and Bella.

Harry put his finger to his lips in a sign that they needed to be quiet.

They were able to sneak into the room unobserved, as the three

Slytherins had their backs to the door. Bella gently closed the door

behind them and they then edged closer to the others in the room. They

both wanted to know what was going on.

Hermione was pushed up against a wall and held there by Crabbe and

Nott who each had one of her arms in one hand and pushing her

shoulders flat against the wall with their other hand. Antoinette Malfoy

had her wand pointed at the Gryffindor's chest.

"Tsk Tsk, Granger." Malfoy mocked. "You have a real gift for not minding

your business, don't you?"

"What are you talking about Malfoy?! If you don't let me go this instant I

will be telling the headmaster about this!"

All three Slytherins laughed. Malfoy shook her head in amusement. "You

don't get it mudblood, this is a sanctioned intervention."

Hermione looked confused, which had Antoinette laughing harder. "We

are here on behalf of a certain administrator to warn you off Potter."

Malfoy sneered.

"Yeah, right! Like I'd believe that!" Hermione replied defiantly. Malfoy

shrugged nonplussed.

"Don't care what you believe, it is what it is. Certain people no longer

want you influencing Potter. And we're here to make sure that you

understand that."

"Oh, that's rich!" Hermione laughed. "I bet this all has to do with your

pathetic attempt to get Harry to sign that marriage contract with you

back in third year. You're wasting your time Malfoy, he sees you for what

you really are! A bigoted pureblood slag!" Hermione growled.


Hermione's head twisted painfully to the side from the powerful

backhanded slap Malfoy had delivered to her face. Harry was about to

jump in and help his friend until Bella grabbed him and whispered for

him to wait. Hermione's lip had split and blood trickled down the corner

of her mouth.

"Potter will see the error of his refusal in due time mudblood whore!"

Malfoy replied shaking her hand to get the tingling to stop from hitting

the other girl. "But this intervention has nothing to do with that."

"They know you are coaching Potter in politics and his rights, and they

want you to stop. If you refuse…" Malfoy grinned evilly. "…You will find

your magic bound and your mind obliviated and then thrown back into

mudblood society." She told her gleefully. "I personally think they should

do it regardless or just kill you, I'm sure no one would miss trash like


"You're lying! Dumbledore would never let that happen!" Hermione


The three Slytherins laughed again at the bushy haired bookworm.

"Allow me to let you in on a little secret, Granger." Antoinette purred as

she closed the distance between them. She leaned in closer to Hermione's

left ear and spoke softly but it was loud enough for Harry and Bella to

hear it.

"It was on Dumbledore's orders that we give you this message." Malfoy

grinned widely as she slowly backed away from Hermione. Hermione's

eyes went wide as she saw the truth in Malfoy's own eyes, tears of

betrayal began to streak down Hermione's cheeks.

"And one other thing Granger, you mention any of this to anyone,

especially Potter, and you will find yourself out of our world faster than

you can say 'filthy blood!' Do you understand me?" Malfoy asked.

Hermione did not say anything; her mind was reeling at what was

happening. "I SAID DID YOU HEAR ME!" Malfoy roared and smacked

Hermione again across the face. To drive the point home Crabbe and Nott

slammed Hermione head and body into the wall causing her head to hit

the wall with some force stunning the girl.

"YES!" Hermione cried out as more blood began to run down her mouth

and down the back of her neck from a gash to the back of the head. She

felt like throwing up as a wave of nausea hit her. Her legs went slack but

the brutish Slytherin boy's held her up.

"So, animals can be taught." Malfoy laughed. "But, so you remember our

warning, I feel we need to put you in your proper place…mudblood

whore!" Malfoy nodded to Crabbe and Nott who grinned lecherously at


Both Slytherin boys released Hermione's shoulders, their free hands then

roughly grabbed Hermione's breasts, digging into the flesh and

attempting to tear away her blouse from her body. Hermione screamed in

terror at the thought of being raped by these two monsters.

Harry had seen and heard enough! He was boiling over in fury and it was

time to act. Harry threw the cloak off and with a powerful swish and

flick; both Crabbe and Nott flew up at incredible speed toward the high

stone ceiling.

There was a sickening crunch and snapping sound as the two boy's heads

collided with the ceiling crushing their skulls and snapping their necks.

The bodies then fell lifelessly to the floor. Antoinette Malfoy, at the

moment Crabbe and Nott went flying, had spun around and began


Fortunately, Bella was just as fast and threw up a shield that deflected

the curse away. Harry had rushed to Hermione's side and was rendering

what aid he could to his friend. Bella, meanwhile, was locked into a duel

with a very powerful Antoinette Malfoy who seemed to have a bigger

spell repertoire than most students in her year.

Malfoy cast a dark red curse at Bella, who summoned a desk to intercept

the curse. The desk splintered into hundreds of pieces of flying wood.

Bella returned a sickly yellow curse of her own. Malfoy ducked as the

spell hit the wall behind her, the stone began to bubble up as if hit by a

powerful acid.

The two girls began to circle each other; there was no taunting, no

monologues, just two expert duelists sizing their opponent up. Malfoy

launched first, it was a chain of bone breaking curses and stunning spells.

Bella shielded and countered with her own offensive spells meanwhile

keeping herself between Harry and the Malfoy witch while Harry was

still helping Hermione pull herself together. So engaged was Malfoy's

mind with trying to defeat this powerful opponent she did not see Harry

get up from helping Hermione and make his way toward her.

A split second before it happened, Antoinette Malfoy saw the eerily

glowing green eyes of Harry Potter before a fast moving fist connected to

the center of her nose effectively knocking out the girl with one punch.

The Malfoy heir fell in a heap to the stone floor her nose shattered and

blood rushing from the broken appendage.

"Well, I bet she wasn't expecting that.' Bella remarked looking at the

fallen blonde.

"Let's get Hermione to the Hospital Wing; that gash on the back of her

head looks bad." Harry said, gathering Hermione up in his arms.

Bella walked over to the two boys on the ground and looked them over.

"Harry, these two are dead." She said looking up at her husband in shock.

"Damn!" Harry sighed heavily shaking his head. "I didn't mean to kill


"Harry we need to get back to the Room of Requirement before these

three are found." Bella stated in a worried tone. "I don't want you getting

thrown into Azkaban." She pleaded.

"But Hermione is hurt pretty badly; we need to get her to Madam

Pomfrey." Harry replied sternly.

"Harry, the longer we stay here, the more risk we run of being

discovered. What if we bring her to the RoR and help her there." Bella


"I don't want to risk it with a head injury, and it would be more difficult

to explain her back in your time if we have to take her to the Hospital

Wing. Look, as soon as we get her to Madam Pomfrey, we'll head straight

to the RoR. Okay?"

"Okay." Bella replied reluctantly.

Harry and Bella moved as quickly as they could to the Hospital Wing.

Many curious students observed the pair carrying a bleeding Hermione

and the rumors immediately started to spread. Harry burst through doors

to the Hospital Wing and was about to yell for Madam Pomfrey when he

saw Luna standing there as if she was waiting for him.

"Harry, they are coming for you." Luna said simply.

"What?" Harry asked in surprise.

"They were monitoring the classroom Harry." Luna replied. "You need to

leave now! I'll look after Hermione."

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

Luna arched an incredulous eyebrow. "Echoes, Harry." Luna replied. She

reached up and kissed his cheek. "I hope you remember me Harry Potter."

Her sad voice touched his heart. "Now go!"

Harry hurried and placed Hermione on the bed and kissed her forehead.

"I wish I had more time to tell you what your friendship has meant to me

'Mione, but I wish you the very best in life."

"Harry, we need to go!" Bella told him anxiously.

Harry turned and grabbed Bella's hand; they had not taken more than a

few steps before Luna's next words froze them in place.

"It's too late, they're here Harry." Luna gasped.

As if on cue, the doors to the Hospital Wing opened up and in walked

Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. Snape had a triumphant look on

his sneering face and Dumbledore also looked pleased with something,

Harry felt a sudden drop in his stomach.

"Mr. Potter, I'm afraid I must have a word with you and your…friend."

Albus looked at the glamoured Bellatrix not recognizing the girl.

"Bringing unauthorized persons into the school are we Potter?" Snape

sneered at the boy he loathed only slightly less than James Potter. "But, I

suppose with your current crime this is a minor one."

"Crime? What crime are you referring to? Breathing too loud or just

existing? But if existing was a crime, your existence would definitely be a

capital offense." Harry replied evenly. Bella snickered at Harry's


"Laugh all you want Potter, it's to Azkaban for you!" Snape rebutted.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Harry arched an eyebrow


"Now, now Harry, don't make things worse for yourself." Dumbledore

finally entered into the conversation, shaking his head in faux concern.

"You are unintentionally, I'm sure, but nonetheless are responsible for the

death of two students, Harry. I have no choice but to call the aurors."

Dumbledore informed the young lord.

"And just who am I supposed to have killed?" Harry asked, stalling for

time, trying desperately to think of a way to get Bella and himself out of


"You arrogant shite, you killed two members of my house and injured a

third!" Snape roared.

"What is going on here?!" Poppy Pomfrey shouted coming out of her


"Hermione was attacked and beaten Madam Pomfrey." Harry told the

healer ignoring Snape.

"Who did this?" She asked.

"Antoinette Malfoy, Theodore Nott, and Vincent Crabbe." Harry replied.

"The very students you yourself attacked, Harry." Dumbledore replied.

"And I dare say your response was much more violent than theirs, fatally

more violent."

"What are you suggesting headmaster?" Poppy asked in shock.

"Our Mr. Potter is responsible for the deaths of two of our students."

Dumbledore replied, giving Harry a condescending look. Pomfrey gave

Harry a horrified look.

"I was defending the life of my friend!" Harry argued back.

"You lie, Potter. They were told not to hurt the insufferable know-it-all."

Snape sneered.

"So they WERE told by you to threaten Hermione!" Harry roared.

"BASTARDS! How dare you threaten her!" Harry's wand suddenly jumped

into his hand and was pointing it at Snape.

"Foolish boy, you are out of your league." Snape sneered, slowly

unsheathing his own wand and getting in to a dueling stance. "And thank

you so much for making the first aggressive move, Potter. That allows me

to circumvent my teacher's oath to do no harm."

Harry was shaking with rage again. He glared at the Potions Master and

then at the greasy bat's wand. A surge of magic escaped Harry and

suddenly there was a small explosion and a scream of pain and rage as

Snape's wand exploded in his hand, fragments of the wand tearing

through his hand.

"POTTER!" Severus yelled out in fury and pulled a back-up wand with his

uninjured hand from his robes and screamed: "SECTUMSEMP…"

"SEVERUS!" Dumbledore broke in, stopping the potion's master in mid-

cast. "I do not wish for this to become another incident! Besides if Harry

will just come quietly to my office I'm sure we can work something out to

keep Harry out of Azkaban. I'm sure you would be amenable to that,

wouldn't you Harry." Dumbledore tried his grandfatherly look at the boy.

"You manipulative bastard!" Bella spoke up seething. "You orchestrated

this whole thing didn't you?! This is how you plan to control Harry!"

"I am merely looking out for everyone's best interest, in this unfortunate

matter. Miss…?"

"Black…well, Miss Blackwell." Bellatrix replied kicking herself for the


"Blackwell…very well Miss Blackwell, I'm also curious as to how you

entered the school, you are not a student I recognize."

"Enough of this, Dumbledore!" Harry broke in. "I have no intention of

going anywhere with you or Snivelous at this moment. We are leaving

and we are leaving right now!"

"I'm afraid you have no choice but to stay Harry, if you do not cooperate

with me I will be forced to…detain you and have you arrested."

Dumbledore spoke, his voice hard and dangerous.

"This has gone too far Albus!" Pomfrey stated to the ancient wizard.

"Indeed it has…STUPEFY!" Albus had drawn and fired his wand in a

smooth motion at the boy-who-lived.

Bella had anticipated something like this and again cast a shield to

protect her husband. Harry responded immediately with a banishing

charm which Dumbledore batted away with a superior smirk.

"You don't really think your capable of fighting me…do you Harry?"

Dumbledore chuckled.

"Only one way to find out!" Harry launched a chain of offensive spells at

the old man who was surprised at the speed and complexity of Harry's

spells, but was nonetheless able to parry or shield himself from them

with ease.

Bella had also gone on the offensive and was hurling curse after curse at

Snape who was blocking as best he could with his offhand, his wand

hand being useless and mangled. Only his years as a Death Eater had

honed his skills to overcome such handicaps.

Severus pretended to be kept off balance as he backed up, drawing in the

feisty blonde. She was good, too good for her age, she had had some

formal dueling training that was obvious, but talent took a backseat to

experience, so he allowed her to have an illusion of superiority…for the


Madam Pomfrey had had enough of this nonsense! Fighting…in her

hospital…the nerve of it all! She would put a stop to this here and now!

Pomfrey pulled her wand from her sleeve and took aim at Harry

intending to petrify him.

"Petrificus Totalis!" Poppy Pomfrey fell on to her back hitting the floor

completely immobile. She looked up to see a mess of blonde hair and

silvery blue eyes looking down upon her with an apologetic gaze.

"I'm truly sorry Madam Pomfrey, but I could not let you interfere. Harry

must fulfill his destiny. You know, while I have your attention though, I

was thinking, if you added just a bit of butterscotch to your potions they

would taste ever so much better." Luna smiled angelically looking down

at the Hogwarts healer.

Harry dodged Dumbledore's latest stunner, so far he had not used

anything too harmful but Harry was not able to land a single spell. Harry

realized that the headmaster was toying with him, he needed to end this

somehow and escape with Bella back to the RoR. He reached back into

his mind for some of the nastier spells Walburga had showed him while

he was at Grimauld Place.

Harry smiled and cast Hydra's Arrow; the obscure charm took the form of

a red arrow. The dark curse sped its way toward Dumbledore who throw

a blasting charm at it in an effort to destroy the curse in flight. However,

when Dumbledore's spell hit Harry's, the arrow multiplied into seven


Dumbledore's eyes widened at the sight of not only one arrow but seven,

he tried to spin out of the way and cleared all the arrows except for two.

One struck solidly into his right hip and another into his right calf. An

intense burning of flesh and bone had Dumbledore gasping in pain as he

tried to vanish the arrows.

Harry tried to press his advantage with stunning the old man, but an

enraged Dumbledore was truly frightening. A raging Dumbledore

unleashed a spell of pure lightening that slammed into Harry's chest. The

boy-who-lived was tossed like a ragdoll head over heels across the length

of the Hospital Wing smashing into the potions cabinet with aloud crash

and a cry of pain.

Bella had not been faring well with Snape either, so concerned with

Harry's duel she had not kept her mind focused on what was in front of

her. Snape had quickly turned the tables on her and she was now on the

defensive. Bella had several minor cuts and burns from Snape's wand, but

she was managing for the most part to avoid being seriously injured.

Bella felt a sudden surge of magic and watched in horror as Harry was hit

with lightning bolts and thrown across the ward. Bella's moment of

distraction was all Snape needed and he cast a bone breaker at Bella's left


Bella screamed as her leg suddenly exploded in pain and she could no

longer stand on it. She crumpled to the ground in a heap her wand

slipped from her hand and rolled a few feet away. She tried to scramble

to her wand sliding herself across the floor. She heard Snape laughing

mirthlessly as he approached her pointing his wand at her face. It was

then that all hell broke loose.

Harry felt his muscles contract painfully from the surge of electricity that

had hit him, he also felt something warm running down his back and

shoulders. He was hurting and growing tired and realized that he may

not get out of this situation at all.

Just then he heard Bella scream, he turned his head toward her and

watched his wife's leg snap outward at an odd angle and then watched

her collapse to the ground yelling out in pain. He also noticed the many

cuts on his beautiful wife's face and her singed robes.

Something in Harry's chest burned white hot when he saw Snape smugly

glare at his wife and raise his wand at her. Harry's whole body began to

shake violently he was so fixated on snape that he did not notice Luna

running and pulling Hermione off her bed to floor and then pulling the

mattress over the top of herself and Hermione.

Suddenly cot after cot flew at not only Snape but Dumbledore as well, the

large missiles traveled impossible fast and were slamming into both men

one cot after another and then circling back for more strikes like they

were caught up in a whirlwind. The whole medical ward seemed to be

caught in the middle of an extremely powerful hurricane.

Dumbledore and Snape tried blasting the beds but they were moving too

fast and too erratically to track them, they had managed to hit a few but

this action made their circumstance worse as mini projectiles were now

pummeling them.

Snape caught a glimpse of Harry making his way over to the downed girl

who now was a curly haired brunette and looked vaguely familiar. He

would never be able to continue that vein of thought as the leg of a

blasted apart cot drove itself deep into his chest, piercing his heart.

Harry kneeled by his wife and scooped her up into his arms and hurried

to the door of the Hospital Wing. The room was still in chaos with debris

swirling at hurricane speeds but it never seemed to come near him.

Dumbledore saw the boy attempting to leave and shot several spells at

him which were intercepted by pieces of the floor suddenly lifting from

the ground and intercepting the spells with perfect timing.

Harry reached the door and on a whim successfully apparated himself

and Bella to the seventh floor. The door to the RoR was already opening

for them as he marched in to the room the door closing right behind him.

He placed Bella on the sofa she was conscious but he could tell in a lot of


He leaned over Bella to check for other injuries, several drops of blood

fell on to Bella's cheek, but it was not her blood. Harry lifted the back of

his hand to his nose wiping across it, he looked down to see his hand

covered in the red fluid. His body began to shake again just like after the

Hogsmeade attack. The room started to spin and his vision began to

blacken, but he would not allow himself to pass out though, Bella needed


He crawled over to the lit fireplace, and grabbed a handful of Floo

Powder. Throwing the green powdery substance in the fireplace he yelled


He stuck his head into the flickering green flames and found himself

looking into a large sitting room. He looked around and saw three people

sitting talking to each other, his eyes were blurring and could not focus

to see who was there, but it didn't matter Bella needed help.

"Grandmother!" Harry yelled.

The three blurry images turned to look at him; the one in the middle

stood and quickly made their way to the fireplace and knelt down. "Harry

what's happened?!" The familiar voice of his grandmother asked with

worry in her voice.

"We were attacked…need help." Harry said weakly fighting to stay


"Step back Harry and we'll come through." The Potter matriarch ordered


Harry managed to roll out of the flames and slide away from the grate,

his energy was failing him quickly, but he just managed to get back to

Bella's side when he heard someone step out of the floo before the

blackness overtook him.


Harry's eyes blinked open and he gazed around and sighed in relief as he

saw the familiar trappings of his and Bella's bedroom. The next thing he

realized though was that he could not move and there was a foul odor

coming from his chest. He managed to look down at his chest and noticed

a pasty orange substance spread all over his chest and abdomen.

"It's for the burns on your chest and stomach." A voice said from the door

way. "Its smells foul but it works extremely well in healing electrical


"Grandmother?" Harry asked.

"Yes, dear. I must say you took quite the nasty spell, it left your chest

with a lot of burnt flesh. But this paste should do the trick, you won't

even have any scarring." She said warmly.

"Why can't I move?" Harry asked.

"I couldn't have you thrashing about in your sleep and accidently wiping

of the paste off." With a wave of her wand Harry was able to move. He

gingerly sat up his muscles protesting the movement.

"Easy now Harry, you've not fully recovered yet." His grandmother placed

a pillow behind his back to make him more comfortable.

"Where's Bella, grandmother?" Dorea was really enjoying being called

grandmother and made her smile inside. She had always wanted more

than one child but fate would not be kind. Due to complications, James

would be her only offspring, but with Harry she was feeling that she just

received another son although he was older than James that did not

matter in the slightest to the witch.

"She's just there." Dorea said chuckling slightly while she pointed to the

other side of Harry.

Harry turned his head and indeed there was Bella, still sleeping. He

noticed that the cuts and bruising around her face had been healed but

her leg seemed to be immobilized.

"We had to regrow the bones in her leg, the bones were too badly

damaged to mend them. She should be right as rain though in another

few hours. I gave her a dreamless sleep draught to get her through the


"Through the night? How long have I been out?" Harry asked.

"Almost twelve hours, it's about nine in the morning." Dorea explained.

"You gave us quite the start when you floo called that you had been


"Us?" Harry asked with concern.

Dorea nodded. "Yes, I had just finished telling Charlus and Alastor all

about you when you so conveniently appeared in the floo.

"How did it go?" harry asked nervously.

Dorea smiled warmly. "Well as you can imagine it was quite a pill to

swallow. Charlus, was, as I expected, took very little convincing. Of

course he knows me well, and knew that if I believed it, then it must be


"And Moody?" Harry asked with trepidation.

"He was extremely skeptical, that was until he came through the floo

with us and had a look at your bookshelf filled with books that have not

been written yet, at least in our time. It didn't hurt either that the

pensieve you used to show me your memories was still in your sitting

room with your memories still in it. Two hours later and Alastor was a

firm believer and has promised to keep your secret."

Harry sighed in relief. "Thank you grandmother. I wasn't sure how you

would go about convincing him." Dorea smiled and patted his hand.

"Now young man, I would like to know just what happened to you and

Bella." Dorea asked with a scolding look mastered by mothers the world


"It's a long story." Harry sighed rubbing his hand down his face.

"Well we have time and you're not going anywhere for at least a few

more hours." She replied with a smirk looking down at his chest."

"Is grandfather and Moody still here?" Harry asked.

"No, Moody had to get back to the job and finish his report on the

Hogsmeade attack, and Charlus has a scheduled Wizengamot meeting

this morning." She replied.

"Just as well, I don't think they'd like to hear what I did." Harry frowned.

"What you did?" Dorea asked.

"Yeah, it was the catalyst for what happened later." Harry shook his head


"Why don't you start from the beginning and we'll go from there." Dorea

replied with a warm smile.

For the next hour, Harry related the sequence of events leading up to his

floo call to her last night. She had stopped him just a few times for

clarification but otherwise remained silent during his tale.

Dorea stood and paced for a moment. "I won't say that I'm okay with the

death of the two boys, and I'm sure your only intention was to protect

your friend, but your magic responded in dangerous levels. Harry, I think

you have a problem with control over you magic. Even in Hogsmeade I

could feel the wild magic coming off of you in waves."

"I…I've been going through some…err changes ever since I became Lord

Eveningshade." Harry began. "My magic is changing; I can feel it pulse

wildly inside me at times especially when I'm..."

"When you're angry or scared." She put in receiving a nod from Harry.

"It's typical to see this in young children when their magical cores first

begin to develop. It's called accidental magic, but usually by the time a

child reaches ten accidental magic ceases; their magical core is then

stable enough to begin practicing magic.

I can only guess, but I think your core has become unstable again while

your new family magic begins to assert itself. It's only a theory but if it is

true you need to be very careful casting spells until your core stabilizes.

You have had two bouts of magical exhaustion in less than a week. That

is not healthy Harry, and you could deplete your core to a point where it

cannot replenish itself."

"It's not like I do it on purpose, it just seems to happen without me asking

it to, it's like my magic has a mind of its own." Harry replied sullenly.

"I understand Harry." Dorea told her grandson sitting on the edge of the

bed and taking his hand. "Your magic is adjusting to you as you are to it.

When we are young our magic has this natural protective nature and it

will respond in a protective manor to protect the host. I believe that is

what is happening with you. Tell me Harry, have you heard of

Occlumency?" Dorea asked.

"I have, Bella and I have been working on it but I'm still just learning to

order my thoughts." Harry said.

"That's wonderful Harry, I can also teach you. I am a master occlumens.

And though trying to organize your thoughts is a good place to start, I

believe with you, we need to work on controlling your emotions first.

Harry, emotions are much more powerful than thoughts, the most

powerful magic is emotion driven.

Love, fear, hate, joy, these emotions can amplify a simple spell such as

Wingardium Leviosa a thousand times. I believe that is what happened to

the two Slytherin boys. A mixture of fear for your friend and anger for

what they were doing to your friend, mix that with an unstable magical

core and it amplified your spell to the point that it shot them up to the

ceiling with such force that it killed them."

"So what do I do?" Harry asked with tears forming in his eyes.

She gave him a one armed hug and kissed his head. "I teach you to

control your emotions, and by doing so we control your magical output.

At least until your core stabilizes." Harry nodded gratefully.

"And believe me you're going to want control of your emotions when you

meet the rest of the Black family." Dorea chuckled. "They even strain my

control." She smiled humorously.

"Now, why don't you get some rest, tomorrow evening we all leave for

Black Hills, The Black family ancestral home." Dorea told her grandson.

Harry lay back down and wondered what lay in store for him now. He

could not return to his own time, he would most likely be a wanted man,

with the death of two students and one professor on his hands. Not that

he ever intended to stay in his own time, but his departure had been

rather abrupt.

He glanced over at his sleeping wife and smiled lovingly at her. 'At least I

won't be alone.' Was his final thought as he drifted off back to sleep.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter; it is really beginning to move now.

Please leave your thoughts about the chapter what you like or didn't. I

read all the reviews and some have given me great ideas on how to move

things along. Have a great Weekend!

18. Chapter 18

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Sorry for the long wait on this chapter, I struggled with it a bit.

Also I was busy getting my Irish on this weekend to concentrate on the

story. ; )

A lot of very insightful comments on the last chapter, I really appreciate

those. I know some are wondering what will happen with Luna and

Hermione now that Harry has made his decision on where he will be

staying. They will not be coming to the past…sorry! This chapter does

give a small hint about Luna's future, but I don't think I'm quite done

with Harry's timeline just yet; there may be one or two more journeys

back. And I'm not done with the Room of Requirement either! No

guarantees though, just some ideas in the back of my head.

Again thanks for all the wonderful reviews and without further ado here

is Chapter 18 of Passageways!

A/N2: Some very observant readers pointed out that I had already

made Bella and Harry's marriage know in chapter sixteen. So I have

changed that reference in this chapter. Sometimes even authors make

mistakes. Thanks to those who pointed out my error!

Chapter 18

The next morning, Harry had received a crash course on wizarding

society and information on the Potter and Black family histories and

familial dynamics from Dorea and Bellatrix and of course from

Walburga's portrait that just had to put in her two cents. It was an eye

opening and frank discussion on pureblood politics, the House system,

the legal process and its duplicitous nature where bloodlines were


Dorea prepared Harry for the inevitable discussion of alliances, which her

brother Arcturus would undoubtedly bring up during their visit to Black

Hills. The bonding that occurred between he and Bella would be

Arcturus' angle on solidifying an alliance of equals between House Black

and House Eveningshade, and thus become a warning to those who might

stand against his house.

"Harry…" Dorea began. "Arcturus is a very shrewd politician, but a

pragmatist, he will see the precarious position that House Black is in.

With House Black wands having been turned on Voldemort, the darker

families that have embraced the purist movement will be targeting our

house now. He will shift the family politics to the center in an attempt to

find allies to surround himself with.

This is where you are extremely valuable, Harry. The Eveningshades have

a well deserved reputation of crushing those who they set their eyes

upon. That alone will make the old darker families think twice about

engaging House Black if the Eveningshades are allies. But your family

name has been silent for over a hundred years and the newer, dark

aligned houses will not have the same trepidation as the older houses.

But with the neutral, older houses who still remember the Eveningshade

name, the pull to align themselves with you would be great indeed, even

if their motives are purely centered around self-preservation. The task

before Arcturus is to demonstrate to the neutrals that there is a real need

for an alliance by showing them a clear and present danger to their

Houses and their wealth." Dorea explained over her morning tea.

"How do you think he will accomplish this?" Harry asked.

Dorea chuckled setting her tea cup back on the table. "The Blacks have

been involved in politics for centuries, Harry. And are masters of

manipulation. A whisper here, a veiled threat there, a promise or two of

political or economic favor, and wa-la, you have an ally. And of course

he has his ace in the hole…you."

"Me?" Harry asked confused.

"It is already being whispered that it was an Eveningshade who killed

Voldemort's men in Diagon Alley and in Hogsmeade. Without realizing it,

dear, you have declared war on the purist movement; you have killed

members of some of the darker families who support Voldemort. The

only question now for many is where exactly you stand. Are you a light

wizard or are you a gray?

Once knowledge of an Eveningshade is out there, you will be courted not

only by the dark families, and grays, but by the light families as well.

And from my talks with you, I know you are not a Dumbledore

supporter, and seeing as the majority of our world sees him as the leader

of the light, when you reject his offer of alliance many will assume that

you are gray or at the very least neutral. But I think the neutral ship has

sailed with the two recent attacks." Dorea winked at him with a smile.

"That's why Uncle Orion and grandfather Arcturus will shift their

allegiance from dark to gray, Harry." Bella added. "They have betrayed

the dark families by fighting against them in Hogsmeade, and they

suspect you are not a light wizard because you had no hesitation on

killing your enemy. That is something the light tends to avoid, much to

their own detriment." Bella continued receiving an approving nod from

her great-aunt.

"So what does all this mean?" Harry asked his grandmother.

"It means dear, that there must be a third faction in the upcoming war if

we are to survive, and it must be large enough and powerful enough not

only to stop Voldemort but to stop Albus as well. Albus…the fool, sees

things only in black and white, and he will see your actions as dark."

Dorea stated with a huff.

"Dumbledore has passed a lot of legislation, love, making it more difficult

for aurors to use deadly force and for everyday witches and wizards to

defend themselves. He believes that passivity and compromise will lead

to a peaceful outcome." Bella replied with disgust in her voice.

"Compromise and passivity didn't help Mr. Bell!" She fumed. "Or save

those people and students killed in Hogsmeade!"

"We need a stronger government Harry, one that will take the necessary

action against aggression. Dumbledore has weakened us by polarizing the

Wizengamot to the point that our governing body is largely ineffectual. If

we can gain a majority in the Wizengamot we can begin to undo the

damage that Albus has caused. To do that Harry, we need to unite the

neutral and the gray families." Dorea's tone was serious and grave.

"The old fool should be run out of the Wizengamot and the school if you

ask me!" The portrait of Walburga spoke up for the first time this

morning. "Especially after learning what he has done to Harry!" She

added with a dangerous scowl.

Dorea and the painting of the Black Matriarch had spent most the prior

evening after Harry had gone back to sleep talking about the events of

Harry's timeline up until Walburga's death in 1985.

Needless to say that Dorea was motivated more than ever to help her

grandson in changing the future. To learn of the destruction of House

Black and the near collapse of the Potter line was something that ignited

a fire in her belly. She knew that alliances needed to be made, strength

gathered, and political muscle needed to be flexed…and soon!

The Potters and the Blacks were well connected families with ancient

bloodlines, which held a lot of sway with many of the other older houses,

houses that would need to be approached and brought to their camp.

From what she read in the book on Voldemort that Harry gave her last

night. Voldemort and his supporters had become so far entrenched into

the magic community, that when the people began to realize just what

Voldemort represented it was too late.

The ministry had been on the brink of collapse until the night the lunatic

killed her son and his wife and then tried to kill her grandson. She would

need to use all of the political influence of the Potter and Black families

to change all their fates.

"Well spoken Walburga!" Dorea replied to the avatar in the large frame

mounted on the wall above the fireplace.

"I thought that the Potters were avid Dumbledore supporters,

grandmother." Harry asked cocking his head to the side with an

inquisitive look. Dorea looked utterly insulted by the remark.

"Who on earth told you that?!" Dorea asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Well…um…Dumbledore did and Hagrid as well. Mum and Dad were

part of his Order of the Phoenix, so I just assumed." Harry replied.

"Were they now, I'll have to see about that!" Dorea replied incredulously.

"Charlus does respect the man, especially after he defeated Grindelwald,

but he is not oblivious to Albus' shortcomings. During the Great War, the

Potter's leaned more gray than light, and more than once did your

grandfather standup to that old crackpot in the Wizengamot.

The Potters believed in meeting force with equal or greater force. We did

not try to exchange niceties to those who were trying to kill us." She

explained haughtily. Harry had to suppress a grin that threatened to

appear on his face. He really liked his grandmother's no nonsense


At length the discussion turned to Harry's secret. It was agreed that

beyond those that already knew, it should not be revealed that he was

from the future or who his parents and grandparents were. That kind of

knowledge could be very dangerous should it slip to the wrong people.

That being said, they also believed that Harry should keep his identity

secret, at least for now, when out in public, the great success of House

Eveningshade's longevity was that very few outside of the family ever

knew what the head of house Eveningshade looked like. In this manner

he could never be directly targeted by enemies. He was a mysterious and

elusive person and that anonymity only inspired more myths and legends

about the family.

Dorea had heard about the loyalty oaths that members of the

Eveningshade clan were obligated to take, though she did not know the

specific oath; she assumed that somewhere in the Eveningshade Grimoire

the spell and oath existed. She suggested to Harry that he find the oath in

question and require all members of the Black and Potter families to take

the oath and any others he may bring into his confidence, if they wanted

to form an alliance.

"Grandmother?" Harry began tentatively.

"Yes dear?" The older woman asked.

"About my mum…I was wondering, should I…"

"Should you tell Lily that you are her son, and from the future?" Dorea


"Um…yeah." Harry replied.

Dorea sat back in her chair and regarded her grandson for a moment. She

saw two men in her grandson at that instant. One undoubtedly would

become the powerful enigmatic Lord Eveningshade, a force of nature and

magic that could shake the very foundations of Wizarding Britain, should

he choose to do so.

She could see and feel all the untapped power that the young man had

within him. She had no doubt that in time and with proper training he

would eventually become an arch mage if not a full blown sorcerer,

surpassing Dumbledore and being on the same level as Merlin himself.

But right now his magical core was not stable enough or strong enough

to handle all the power he would one day wield, only time and maturity

could properly prepare him for that day.

The other man she saw was not really a man yet at all, but an insecure

and scared teenager longing for love, a family and validation and support

from a parental figure. And the way he looked at her now, she could tell

that he was hoping that she would be that person for him. He wanted to

put all his trust into her. Affection for the dark haired boy blossomed in

her chest, 'and why shouldn't it' she mused, 'he is after all my grandson.'

So it made it more difficult to tell him what she thought about bringing

Lily or James for that matter into the secret. For starters, Lily and James

were only eleven years old and she doubted very much that informing

the two preteens that they were destined to be married and would have a

son and oh by the way here he is! And he's four years older than you!

Somehow she thought that it would be something that they were not

quite mature enough to handle...or believe.

"Harry, dear." She began with a sigh and a look of sympathy. "As much as

it pains me to tell you this…I think it best that you do not approach your

mum and dad with this secret. Telling them could harm the natural

development of their relationship. And who knows how they would react,

you could unintentionally drive them a part." Dorea told her crestfallen

grandson. She leaned forward and took his hands in hers.

"That does not mean that you can't be a part of her life, Harry." Dorea

stated tenderly, Harry looked up into his grandmother's deep gray-blue

eyes, a common trait amongst the Blacks.

"How do you mean?" Harry asked.

"She is an Eveningshade, Harry, and family. If you wanted you could

claim her as a member of your house." Dorea explained.

"But I thought we wanted to keep a low profile." Harry asked confused.

"Who you are, Harry, and Bella as well. We want to keep who you and

Bella are a secret as the Lord and Lady of House Eveningshade. But Lily

you can still claim, and it would give her instant ancient status amongst

the old houses and it will provide her protection from certain unsavory

elements of our society who could get away with crimes against a

muggleborn, but would not get away with a crime against a member of

an Ancient House." Dorea informed her gobsmacked grandson.

"But how can I claim her as an Eveningshade without revealing who I

am?! I'm sure she would want to know how it is I knew she was an

Eveningshade and how we are related." Harry told his grandmother.

"Don't be so dramatic Harry; your head of house ring will identify her as

a member of your family. She is already good friends with Narcissa; it

would not be hard to set up a situation where you meet the girl. You

could be introduced as Bellatrix's fiancé and when you greet her, you

shockingly reveal to her that she has the Eveningshade bloodline, and

you as head of House Eveningshade, could reinstate her into the family

and explain what that could mean for the girl and her family." Dorea sat

back with a congenial smirk.

"You make it sound too easy, grandmother." Harry replied with an arched

eyebrow. "I've been told all my life that my mum was a very intelligent

witch. I think she would find it more than a little convenient that all of a

sudden some lost relative showed up in her life and claim that she is a

member of an infamous pureblood family."

"You'd be surprised Harry. Lily is basically alone in our world; sure she

has a friend in Narcissa, but nothing else that really connects her to this

marvelous world she now finds herself in. If she were to learn that she

isn't here by some fluke that she actually has a magical lineage…a

magical family as old as any in our world. Tell me she would not be

excited about it and jump at the chance to learn all she could about it."

Dorea smiled.

"Perhaps you are right." Harry sighed nervously. "I just don't want to

frighten her away."

"I doubt you would Harry, you have a very trustworthy air about you."

Dorea smiled warmly at her grandson and patted his hands. "Now are you

all packed to leave this morning?"

"We are." Bella replied.

"Good, you and your sisters will take the Hogwarts Express to Kings

Cross, your father and your Uncle Orion will meet you on the platform,

and from there you will travel by portkey to Black Hills. Harry you will

be with them."

"Where will you be, grandmother?" Harry asked.

"Charlus and I will arrive with James before dinner. Oh and before I

forget. Harry, if we are to keep your secret you must not call me

grandmother in front of others." She stated seriously.

"What should I call you then?" Harry asked a little saddened that he

couldn't use the term of relation.

"While at Black Hills you should address me as Lady Potter and I will call

you Lord Eveningshade. We must observe the formalities. However,

socially we are equals, so after we are formally acquainted we may give

each other leave to use our first names. In private I would feel very

happy to have you call me grandmother or grandmamma.

And Harry, remember you should practice several glamour's that you will

use in public. Bella can help you there; she is quite skilled in that

particular area. For now I think we need to do something a bit more…

permanent to avoid unwanted questions about the way you look."

"The way I look?" Harry asked incredulously.

"You look remarkably like your father, except for the eyes of course. The

unruly black hair is a Potter trait that goes back for generations, and you

have the Black bone structure in your face. There isn't anything we can

do about your bone structure, but we can do something about your hair."

Dorea explained ruffling Harry's black mop.

"We are not changing his eyes though, auntie! I love his eyes." Bellatrix

put her foot down.

"Nor would we want to dear." Dorea told her niece in indignation. "Those

eyes are the hallmark of an Eveningshade. All Eveningshades' had them.

There is a legend you know, a legend that the Eveningshade's created the

Avada Kedavra curse, and gave the curse the color of their eyes.

Whether it is true or not, no one really knows, but it added to the

mystique and fear of the family. It was said that when you would see the

glowing green of their eyes, death soon followed. It was brilliant

psychological warfare dear." Dorea explained. Bella was impressed at

how much myth seemed to surround Harry's family, and how they had

used it to their benefit.

The Eveningshades seemed to be the pinnacle of Slytherin ambition in

Bella's mind. They were cunning, and resourceful, they were ambitious,

and ruthless to those who opposed them, loyal to none but their own.

They followed their own path and that was something Bella admired.

"So what are we going to change?" Harry asked, breaking Bella out of her


"Well, you are a Lord from an Ancient House, so wearing your hair long

would be socially acceptable. The Potters have not worn their hair long

for nearly two hundred years so it would create a distinction immediately

between you and the Potter line.

However, the Blacks do keep their hair longer and usually have ebony

hair, accept for the occasional blonde that pops up like Narcissa. A Veela

somewhere in the family, but that's neither here nor there." Dorea waved

her hand dismissively.

"So I think with adding length to your hair we need to soften the color,

maybe a chestnut brown with a hint of red in it. What do you think

Bellatrix?" Dorea asked the younger witch.

Bella looked at Harry speculatively, walking around him as if she were

examining him. She came to a stop and stood just in front of him raking

her fingers through his short jet black hair. She bit her lip and appeared

to be in deep thought.

"Yes, yes I think he would look rather dashing with the longer and lighter

color hair." She concluded stepping back.

"Do you think you could do it then?" Dorea asked her niece, knowing she

had inherited the gift of enchantment from their mutual Black family


"Oh yes." She replied confidently, taking out her wand. "Now just stand

still, Harry."

Harry gulped and his eyes widened as Bella began to weave her wand

around Harry's head, he could not make out the words of the incantation

but he could tell that they were in Latin. Suddenly Harry felt his scalp

begin to tingle and then itch. Within seconds he could feel his hair begin

to lengthen and grow over his ears and down his neck.

A minute later and his hair had reached just below his shoulder blades

before it stopped. Bella had paused briefly before beginning to weave her

wand in patterns around his hair again. He then felt something like the

feel of cool water washing over his head; it gave him a slight shiver.

Bella stepped back and looked quite pleased with herself. He looked

every bit the pureblood lord. His hair was long and silky looking; the mix

of brown and red highlights suited him perfectly making his green eyes

pop. The magic was permanent only she could remove it so there was no

worry that it would revert back accidentally.

"Well done Bellatrix…well done!" Dorea complimented her niece as she

inspected her grandson. "I don't think anyone would notice any family

resemblance unless they really looked for it."


Luna Lovegood stood in the center of the large open entrance hall of

Hogwarts Castle, her eyes were unfocused and she seemed to stare

mesmerized into the nothingness. Students of every house gave the odd

Ravenclaw a wide berth as they whispered to friends about the strange

blonde with the radish earrings and Butter Beer cork necklace.

Luna was looking at all of the temporal echoes that seemed to flood the

area with great interests, to the normal or ungifted seer, there was no

rhyme or reason to the chaos of images that assaulted the senses, and

even to one possessed with the gift as Luna was, it was still difficult to

follow and give order to what she was seeing around her.

The future was in constant disordered motion now as was the past and

the echoes would come and go, and blink out of existence in a blink of an

eye, ever changing ever rewriting themselves. It was difficult for a mind

to make sense of it all, and it is why many who had possessed the gift

throughout time had gone insane. The life expectancy of a seer who

could not completely detach themselves from a linear way of thinking

was very short, due to the abnormal amount of stress to their minds.

Luna, however, had no such issues and could detach herself at will,

which made her seem odd and sometimes mental to others. Luna had also

learned how to follow the stronger temporal echoes; these were the

echoes with the highest probability of becoming her reality.

The echoes were rushing around her at greater and greater speeds, and

her eyes danced in her sockets trying to look at one long enough to

follow its path. Then she spotted an echo directly in front of her, it was

moving much slower than the rest and definitely had more substance to

it. She watched in fascination as it continued to move directly toward


Her reality seemed to almost come to a crawl, student's movements

around her slowed; a student here and there would just disappear while

another would suddenly come into existence. The echoes moved even

faster now and were becoming fainter with each passing second as her

focus on them waned. All of her attention now was solely on the echo

still coming toward her.

The echo came to a halt just inches away from her face, it leaned in

toward her and suddenly there was a loud whooshing sound, a sound like

a dozen trains rushing by her all at once. Suddenly there was a slight

warm gentle pressure against her lips.

Luna closed her eyes and then smiled widely when the pressure stopped.

She opened her eyes to find a very real pair of dazzling green eyes

lovingly looking back at her. "Mmm…butterscotch."


The overall feeling at the train station in Hogsmeade was solemn for the

most part. The older years who had been in Hogsmeade during the attack

were still dealing with the traumatic effects of watching fellow

classmates and townspeople cut down by masked witches and wizards.

The Daily Prophet and the Ministry of Magic were now calling these

terrorist by their own admitted nom du guerre of "Death Eaters."

The general consensus of most of the students was that these Death

Eaters were evil witches and wizards who were nothing more than

murderers and terrorists. But to a modest group of Slytherins and a

spattering of other students from the other houses, they called them

freedom fighters and revolutionaries fighting for the preservation of

tradition and blood purity.

The Daily Prophet had printed several scathing articles about the Purist

Movement and the elusive and mysterious Lord Voldemort, who was the

political head of this organization. The paper reported that a spokesman

in the Wizengamot for the Purist Party had stated that the "Death Eaters"

were simply a misguided action group of concerned witches and wizards

alarmed about the dilution of magical blood and corruption of our

traditions by the integration of muggleborns into "our" society, and was

not affiliated in any way with Lord Voldemort or the Purist Party.

To those with a keen sense of the obvious however, saw this for what it

was…the beginnings of another wizarding war. After all it was not so

long ago that Grindelwald had tried something similar, though his

methods were admittedly more abrupt and obvious.


Harry had stayed beneath his invisibility cloak until he reached the

outskirts of Hogsmeade. Once there he removed it and he and Bella

walked hand in hand toward the train station where they were to meet

Andromeda and Narcissa.

"Bella!" A young voice called out. Narcissa Black sprinted to her sister

and through her arms around her waist, burying her head in her chest.

Bella returned the hug and smiled warmly at her youngest sister.

Andromeda, however, had walked more sedately toward her sister.

Andromeda had been uncharacteristically subdued over the past few

days; she was having nightmares about being trapped in the burning

building in Hogsmeade.

Every time she closed her eyes she could see the orange flames and the

billowing black smoke pouring in from all sides, she could still feel the

suffocating weight in her lungs from the swirling soot and ash, and the

burning of her eyes as the intense heat devoured any moisture in the air,

and her ears could still hear the screaming from those who shared her

hell in that inferno.

Harry recognized the blank stare and the bags under Andromeda's eyes as

someone not dealing well with what had happened to her. He had the

same exact look on his own face after the Tri-Wizard tournament. Harry

stepped toward Andromeda while Bella was busy with Narcissa.

"Miss Black." Harry softly called to her. Andromeda looked up with

haunted eyes and Harry felt his own heart break for the girl. Harry

reached for her left hand with his right and then gently covered it with

his left. Andromeda looked down at her covered hand and then looked up

inquisitively at Harry.

"I was standing right next to a classmate who was killed by the killing

curse. We were standing so close to each other that I could hear and feel

the rush of the spell as it crashed into his chest. The impact tossed his

body several feet away from me. When I close my eyes…I still see the

green of the spell and the vacant look in my classmate's eyes.

I was then tortured and forced to duel a wizard who had decades of

experience on me. He wanted me dead but decided to toy with me first to

prolong my suffering and agony; he wanted to make me suffer to the

point that I would beg for death. By luck I was able to escape…but, there

is still a part of me that lingers in that place where my life almost ended.

It was the most horrific and with frightening thing I have ever lived

through. But I did live through it. And since that night, though it took me

quite some time, I've learned to take some comfort in that thought that I

did survive." Harry looked deeply into Andromeda's eyes with


"The nightmares don't come as often anymore, though they do still come.

What helps me to overcome them is telling myself that it's okay to move

on…to live and be thankful for that life. But more importantly I have

found someone who is willing to share my burden." Harry cast a quick

sideways glance at Bella, who was now watching him with eyes watering

with pride along with Narcissa who had tears in her eyes as well.

Andromeda was beginning to show for the first time since the incident,

the pain, the fear, and the guilt she had been holding in. "If you want

Andi…" His voice was soft but earnest. "I would be honored to be that

someone you can speak with and share your burden. I know that opening

up to someone else is very hard, but it has helped me deal with my

demons, and I know it could help you with yours."

Andromeda looked up into the warm green eyes of the man she had just

barely met before the attack. He had impressed her then with the little

time they had interacted. And now, she again felt impressed by his

gentleness and empathy. He had known what she had been feeling, had

felt it himself and now he had offered to help her, an almost total


She did not know what Bella had done, to have the fates be so kind to

her as to be sent such a wonderful man but she was very happy for her

sister. Andromeda regarded Harry for a few moments longer before she


"Thank you, Lord Eveningshade." Andromeda whispered with a watery

half smile. "That is most kind of you to offer. I-I may just take you up on

your kindness." Bella walked up to her sister and enveloped her into a

crushing hug.

"I'm here for you too, Andi." Bella whispered. Andromeda tightened her

hug on her sister, and nodded her head into Bella's shoulder.

"Not that I'm complaining." Narcissa smiled coquettishly at Harry. "But

why are you coming to Black Hills with us?" Narcissa asked interrupting

the moment, feeling a little left out.

"Well, for starters he is our brother-in-law." Andromeda supplied.

Harry and Bellatrix looked and Andromeda in surprise. "How did you

know, Harry was coming to Black Hills?" Bella asked.

"It was in the letter father sent me, when he informed us we would be

going to Black Hills this weekend." She replied.

"What!" Narcissa almost yelled. "You knew about him coming and didn't

tell me?!" Narcissa waved her hands between Harry and Bella. "And

didn't tell me?! Oh this will be an interesting weekend!"

"Just slipped my mind." Andromeda shrugged apologetically. "I haven't

quite been myself lately."

"S-sorry.' Narcissa apologized quickly to her older sister. Andromeda gave

her a weak smile in return.

"It's alright Cissy." Bella released Andromeda and turned to Narcissa. "It

was kind of a spur of the moment kind of thing. I'm a little concerned

how things will play out with the family." She looked back over her

shoulder at Harry with a nervous look.

"Wish, you could have had a real wedding." Narcissa groused. "I could

have gotten a new dress out of it." She pouted.

"Well, I hope to have a proper wedding sometime in the near future."

Bella looked over her shoulder at Harry playfully.

"And a proper honeymoon." She winked saucily at him. Harry blushed

but smiled back and nodded.

"How cool is it to have a brother in-law that can kick arse!" Narcissa

crowed. Harry and Bella chuckled at the small blondes antics. "Can't wait

to tell those gits in Slytherin, they'll be shaking in their boots when they

find out who my brother-in-law is!"

"Actually, Cissy, we need to keep Harry's identity a secret for now."

Bellatrix explained to her sister.

"What! What for?!" Narcissa pouted.

"For his safety and ours. Eventually we will reveal ourselves to the public

but for now we need to keep it quiet until we are ready. Do you

understand?" Bella asked.

"No." She crossed her arms over her chest defiantly.

Harry knelt in front of the blonde and took her hands in his. "It's

important to me to keep you and your family safe, until I'm ready for our

society to know of my existence, and even then, my name must be kept

secret. Will you keep my secret until then?" Harry asked sweetly kissing

the tops of her hands and smiling at her.

Narcissa swooned and blushed at the kisses Harry had placed on her

hands. "Okay, I will keep your secret." Narcissa replied with a demure

look in her eyes.

"That's enough, you big flirt!" Bella swatted his shoulder playfully.

"There is something you can help me with Cissy." Harry stated.

"Really?! What is it?" She asked excitedly.

"Your friend, Lily. Do you know if she will be on the train today?" Harry


"Lily? Yes, she'll be on the train. But what do you want with my friend?"

Narcissa asked suspiciously.

"You see, she is also an Eveningshade, though she does not know it yet."

Harry whispered.

"Are you serious?!" Narcissa asked flabbergasted.

Harry nodded his head. "I am, and I would like a chance to talk to her.

Do you think you could find her once we're on the train and invite her to

our compartment?" Harry asked the small blonde.

"Wow!" Narcissa breathed. "Sure, we were planning on getting together

anyway. Merlin will she be surprised!" Narcissa stated shaking her head

in amused disbelief.

"Brillant! Thank you Cissy." Harry stated with a smile.


The three Black sisters and Harry boarded the train and searched for an

empty compartment. They found one near the end of the train and settled

in for the long trip to London. The group noticed the presence of several

aurors at Hogsmeade Station, but was surprised that there were several

who were on the train as well. They imagined it was for added security,

they just all hoped they wouldn't be needed.

As soon as the train began to move, Narcissa left the compartment to find

her friend Lily Evans. Narcissa was totally excited that her best friend

was actually a member of the infamous Eveningshade family. If those

boneheads in Slytherin knew that they been harassing a member of one

of the most feared families in British Wizard history, they'd be wetting

themselves in fear of reprisals. Narcissa smiled to herself.

Ten minutes later, Narcissa found Lily with a group of other first year

Gryffindor girls. The two friends hugged each other in greeting, and

quickly became the target of suspicious glares from the other Gryffindors

in the compartment, who did not approve of the friendship at all.

The two friends left the compartment together. If they saw the hostile

looks from the other girls in the room, they gave them no mind. Hand in

hand the two friends made their way back to the where Harry and the

other Black sisters were sitting.

The two friends were giggling about something when they entered. Lily

smiled at Andromeda and Bella whom had been very nice to her and

welcoming. She then noticed the lone boy in the compartment who was

looking at her strangely. It wasn't a creepy or hostile look, if anything it

appeared to be a happy look, a look one would see from a long lost friend

who had missed you terribly.

Harry stood from his seat and approacehed the girl with a smile and an

outstretched hand. "Hello Lily, I'm Harry. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Harry introduced himself, and shook her hand his eyes sparkling and his

lips turned up into a welcoming grin.

Lily felt a slight tingling in her hand when she had touched her hand.

"Lily Evans." The small redhead curtsied, curious to where the strange

feeling a familiarity was coming from.

"Please come in and sit down." Harry offered, pointing to the seat directly

in front of him and Bella who was sitting next to him. Lily sat down

across from him and Narcissa took the spot next to Lily still holding her

hand. Andromeda took the seat next to Bellatrix.

"I've heard a lot about you?" Harry began warmly. "I hear you're an

exceptional student."

"Um…thank you." Lily began. "I can't say that I know anything about

you." Lily asked blushing slightly at the intensity of the boy's gaze. It was

then she really noticed his eyes. They were a brilliant green. If she didn't

think it was possible she would swear that his eyes looked exactly like


"He's Bella's mysterious boyfriend. Remember me telling you about him?"

Narcissa reminded her friend.

"Oh! Oh yes…so your Bella's boyfriend?"

"Well, more than that now." Narcissa giggled, until Bella gave her a

withering look that had the blonde wincing apologetically.

"Actually, if you can keep a secret just between us girls..." Bella

whispered conspiratorially. "I'll let you in on a secret."

"Sure, I can keep a secret!" The excited young redhead replied crossing

her heart.

"Harry and I are actually magically bound; in the eyes of our society, that

means we are considered married." Bella smiled warmly while squeezing

Harry's hand affectionately.

"Wow! I've read that wizards and witches tend to marry early…but wow!"

Lily replied with interest.

"It's actually not uncommon amongst the older houses to make arranged

marriages between their children, usually for political reasons."

Andromeda put in with a disdainful snort.

"Is yours a political marriage then?" Lily asked Harry and Bella curiously.

"Um…no." Harry supplied. "Our union was kind of spontaneous."

"Spontaneous?" Lily asked.

"It's old magic Lily." Bella began. "When a witch and wizard declare

themselves for each other, magic can sometimes bind them together. It is

very rare and generally requires a really powerful wizard to begin the


"What if the witch doesn't want to be bonded?" Lily asked. "I mean can a

powerful wizard do this to any witch he fancies?"

"No, Lily. The desire to bond has to be reciprocated by the witch." Bella


"Well that's a relief!" Lily replied dramatically earning her giggles from


"Afraid that Jaime is a powerful wizard and might want to bond with

you?" Narcissa laughed hysterically.

"Not funny Cissy!" Lily swatted her best friend on the shoulder. "Ug! That

boy drives me insane, always lurking about and staring at me!"

"You know you like it!" Narcissa teased. Bella and Harry gave each other

knowing smiles.

"I'd rather date a buber tuber!" Lily huffed, crossing her arms over her


"But then we'd be family." Narcissa replied pulling Lily into a one armed

hug. "Wouldn't that be brilliant!" The blue eyed blonde said excitedly.

"Speaking of family." Harry took the segway that was conveniently

offered. "Do you know much about your father's family?" Harry asked

seemingly innocently.

"My father?" Lily asked confused by the sudden change in topic, but

grateful nonetheless to get off the topic of James Potter.

"Yes, do you know much of your family history?" Harry asked.

"Not much really. I asked my dad once about it for a school project on

genealogy." Lily replied thinking back to primary school.

"What did you learn?" Harry asked curiously.

"Well, all I know for certain is that our surname was changed a little over

a hundred years ago. When I asked my dad what it had been he said he

did not know. He had asked his grandfather about it when he was a little

boy, but he refused to tell dad what it was. He assumed that our

ancestors must have been bad people and they wanted to escape the


"Interesting." Harry replied. "Can I ask you another question Lily?"

"Of course." She replied.

"What color were your dads eyes?" Harry asked.

"Green, why?" She replied curiously.

"And your grandfathers?"

"Green as well."

"Would you say that there eye color was exactly the same?"

"Um…yeah." She replied after thing about it.

"The same color as yours?" Harry asked.

"I suppose so yes." She replied wondering where this was all going.

"Were they the same color as…mine?" Harry finally asked slowly looking

straight at the young redhead.

Lily shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She looked at all the occupants in

the compartment and noticed that they were all paying very close

attention to her and Harry. Lily gulped audibly as she wondered what

was going on.

"I don't know what you're trying to get at Harry. But you're making me

feel…awfully nervous." Lily told the young man in front of her.

"I don't mean to make you nervous Lily, but…please. Look into my eyes

and tell me…do they look like yours and your father's and your

grandfather's." Harry asked gently.

Lily had always known, because it was such an oddity, genetically

speaking, that her eyes were the exact same shade and color of not only

her father's, but of her grandfather's and from what she had heard from

her father exactly like her great-grandfather as well.

She hesitantly looked deeply into Harry's eyes and gasped as she looked

at a pair of emerald green eyes that appeared to be exactly like hers.

"How is this possible?" Lily whispered.

"Lily, within the magical community, at least with many pureblood

families there are certain traits that are passed on from one generation to

the next. A family's magic is also passed down through the bloodline. I

believe Bella has explained this concept to you, correct?" Harry asked.

Lily nodded her head, remembering the conversation that she had with

the Black sisters on the train ride to Hogwarts to begin her first year.

"Sometimes, a child is born to magical that cannot access their magic.

These are known as…"

"Squibs." Lily offered. Harry nodded and smiled at his mother.

"Correct…squibs. They still posses magic they just can't access it. Many of

these squibs will leave the magical world and seek a new live in the

muggle world." Harry paused for a moment.

"Now, sometimes a squib or a descendant of a squib will give birth to a

child that does have full access to their magic, and they are then brought

back into the magical community. Many are mistaken as muggleborn, but

in truth there are no muggleborns. Anyone who has magic had a magical

ancestor somewhere in their family." Bella replied, picking up on Harry's

train of thought.

"Sooo, you're saying that I had a magical ancestor." Lily replied slowly.

"Exactly!" Harry smiled.

Lily began to put things together now, as she took what Harry was saying

about certain traits in magical families and Bella's statement that there

were no real "muggleborns" and that all magicals no matter their ancestry

had a magical somewhere in their family history.

Lily looked hard at Harry for a moment before speaking. "Are you trying

to tell me, that we may be…related, Harry?"

Harry gave her a soft smile. "Not just maybe, Lily. Allow me to fully

introduce myself. I am Lord Harry Eveningshade. Lord and head of the

Eveningshade family. And you Lily Evans are in fact an Eveningshade."

Harry announced.

Lily sat back in her seat, half in denial and half in shock at the revelation.

She turned to look at Narcissa who was beaming at her with a wide

smile. "How-how can you be so sure? Surely just having the same eye

color is not enough to make such a claim?"

"There is more than just your eye color Lily. As head of House

Eveningshade, I wear a signet ring that can identify a member of my

house no matter how distant that relation may be. When we shook hands,

my ring pulsed, informing me that you are indeed from the Eveningshade

family; in fact you are from the main branch of the family.

I believe your great-great grandfather changed your name to Evans, after

he left the magical world." Harry told the stunned redhead who

remembered feeling something as well when she had shaken his hand…a

since of familiarity. For some unknown reason, she felt deep in her heart

that she could trust this young man and that he was telling her the truth.

"Soo, what does all this mean?" Lily asked finally after some inner

discussion. "Does it change anything?" Harry smiled at her seeming

acceptance of the bombshell he had just dropped on her.

"Being from an Ancient House, gives you all kinds of benefits and

protections!" Narcissa told her friend, squeezing her hand.

"Benefits? Protections? I don't understand." Lily replied.

For the next several hours, Lily was informed about the politics and

cultural of magical society, and how the purebloods, as unfair as it was,

were treated differently from those considered of lesser blood. Lily was

on an emotional rollercoaster as her moods went from stunned, angry,

happy, confused, and finally accepting, however grudgingly to what life

as an Eveningshade could offer her.

Harry and Bella had educated Lily on House Eveningshade, at least as

much as they themselves had learned. The history and myths that

surrounded the family stunned the young redhead, and made her very

eager to learn more about the infamous family…her family.

Bella had found the family spell in the Eveningshade Grimoire that would

officially bring Lily back into the family, making her an Eveningshade in

full standing. Lily had agreed to it after she had been told that she would

not have to give up her family and that actually her mother and father by

extension of her membership were also brought under the protection of

House Eveningshade.

Unfortunately they could not make her father a member in full standing

because of his lack of ability to use his dormant magic. But Harry and

Bella had promised Lily that they would meet with her parents during the

Christmas holidays.

It was a simple spell, that in the end had created a small blood red ring

with a black Phoenix that was formed from both Harry's and Bella's blood

as the Lord and Lady Eveningshade and a few drops of Lily's. All the

blood was dropped into Harry's cupped left hand, once the incantation

was spoken; the blood from all three began to merge and formed the ring

that would forever identify Lily as a member of House Eveningshade.

The train rolled into Platform 9-3/4's in the early evening hours. The

group stepped onto the platform and after a promise to meet Lily early

Monday for the train ride back to Hogwarts. Lily, much to Harry's joy,

gave him a firm hug, before she turned to walk through the barrier to

meet her parents.

Two men in expensive looking cloaks approached Harry and the girls.

With a slight bow one of the men greeted them. "Lord Eveningshade, it is

a pleasure to meet you again."

"And you as well, Lord Black." Harry responded formally, bowing his

head slightly.


"Uncle Orion." They responded together.

"Lord Eveningshade" Cygnus Black bowed.

"Girls." The father of the sisters greeted his children. One did not show

outward affection in public. It was quite unbecoming of a proper


"We our honored, that you accepted our invitation, Lord Eveningshade. I

do hope you will find your stay with us to be enjoyable and beneficial."

Orion Black offered respectfully.

"I'm sure it will be a very enlightening visit Lord Black, I'm very

interested to learn more about the Lady Eveningshade's family." Harry

tersely replied to the man and emphasized Bella's position who the two

men did not address properly.

Harry would do as his grandmother had taught him, and that was to

always show strength and power. The two Black's had just insulted his

wife by not addressing her correctly by her title while in public.

Orion and Cygnus realized that they had already made a serious

miscalculation in testing the young lord. Orion internally grimaced at the

reaction that Arcturus would have when he discovered that his sons had

already insulted prospective ally.

"I apologize, Lord Eveningshade; we meant no disrespect to the Lady

Eveningshade. We are still adjusting to her…new position." Orion bowed

in apology, but inside he was seething at playing nice with this whelp,

even if he is an Eveningshade. It was he who had brought his family to

their current precarious position. If not for him, Bella would still be

betrothed to Lestrange and none of this madness would have occurred.

"We will be more mindful in the future." Orion replied.

"I should hope so Lord Black, after all the proprieties' must be observed,

or we are no better than a commoner." Harry retorted. In truth he could

care less about pureblood protocols, but Orion and the other Blacks did,

and he had to play the part of the dangerous lord if he was to have their

respect. Dorea and Walburga had emphasized this.

The Blacks respected power and strength and so did many wizarding

houses, he had to assert both from the very beginning with them or they

would try to take whatever advantage they could over him. If he failed it

would be an uphill battle to get that respect back.

"Of course Lord Eveningshade." Orion replied. "If you and the Lady

Eveningshade are ready to leave, we can portkey to Black Hills." Orion

deferred to Harry.

"I believe we are ready Lord Black." Harry told the man.

Cygnus produced a long length of rope in front of him. "If you'll all take

hold, we'll be off."

Once everyone had taken a hold of the rope, Orion spoke: "Activate!"

There was a familiar tug behind the navel and the entire group vanished

into thin air before suddenly appearing in an ancient looking forest.

Harry was silently congratulating himself for actually landing on his feet

this time. His previous experience had him sprawled out flat on his face

last time he attempted this form of transport.

The group walked about ten yards until they came to a large Roman

archway. Orion, still furious about his dressing down by Harry, decided

that the boy needed to be humbled and so did not inform the boy about

the defensive ward in the archway.

If the ward was not deactivated it would deliver a serious shock of

electricity and throw the one trying to pass through it a good twenty feet

into the air. It was just what the little snot nosed kid needed to put him

in his place.

"Just through the arch my Lord, and straight on to the manor." Orion

gestured with his hand. Cygnus was about to stop him when Orion shot

him a look that told him to be silent. Bella, and the others had never

been here before and therefore did not know of the wards.

Harry looked at the arch and saw the powerful wards that surrounded it.

Harry began to fume inside as he realized Orion's intentions. His magic

began to pulse within him as his temper rose. He immediately took hold

of his emotions and quieted the swirling magic within him.

Harry smirked as he walked toward the archway, reading the patterns of

the wards and easily found the small gap within them. Using the one bit

of Eveningshade magic that he could control he walked through the arch

widening the gap to allow his body to walk through unharmed, and then

closing it as he passed through.

Orion and Cygnus looked dumbstruck, a look that quickly turned to fear

as they looked up to see Harry glaring back through the archway at them

his eyes glowing in rage and his cloak swirling around him in an invisible


Suddenly Harry's voice erupted like a sonorous charm on steroids as it

boomed and echoed through the woods, shaking the very stones and






EVER DARE SPEAK ITS NAME AGAIN! Harry roared, his whole body

seemed to glow ominously.

Orion and Cygnus threw themselves onto the muddy ground, prostrating

themselves in front of the enraged demon that was Lord Eveningshade.

Every horror story that they had ever heard about House Eveningshade

was coming to their minds eye as clear as if it were just told to them.

"P-p-please my lord! Forgive a foolish man his trespass against you! Do

not harm my house! I swear on my life and magic that neither I nor

anyone from my house will ever do anything that would earn your wrath

or ire or in any way harm you or anyone from your house. We are your

servants!" Orion pleaded, knowing he had royally screwed up.

"SWEAR TO IT!" Harry ordered.

"S-So I swear, s-so mote it be!" Orion swore on his magic, a white pulse of

magic sealing his oath.

Harry's impressive aura began to slowly diminish, but his glowing green

eyes remained. Orion and Cygnus slowly rose to their feet and Orion

lowered the wards in the arch. Bella was the first through and ran into

Harry's arms.

She could feel the slight trembles in Harry's body, letting her know that

once again he had used a little too much of his magic and he had

weakened himself. She hoped it wasn't too much to where he would pass

out again; he still had the rest of her family to meet after all.

One good thing did come out of her uncle's arrogance though, and that

was he had just forced himself to in essence swear loyalty to her husband

and that was definitely a good thing. And scaring the living hell out of

him was just an added bonus.


A/N: Hoped you enjoyed the chapter, I'm personally looking forward to

writing Harry meeting the entire Black and Potter families. That will be

the next chapter. I know that there will be some of you who will

question my decisions to bring Lily into the Eveningshade family, but I

think the story will work better with her as an Eveningshade and I have

a few great arcs with her in them planned.

As always I would love to read your reviews, comments, or critiques on

this last chapter or on how you feel about the progression of the story.

The pacing of the story will begin to move a little faster but probably not

for at least three or four more chapters…don't hold me to it though. I

like to write organically and the story will dictate how fast I move

things. Thanks again!

19. Chapter 19

Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

A/N: Been under the weather this last week but I was determined to get

this chapter up after all the great reviews on the last chapter. *Warning

Mild Citrus in this chapter*

S/N: I wanted to answer some question about the story:

It was asked why Harry as Lord Black could not just turn off the wards

surrounding the arch. If you've read carefully you will noticed that

Harry has only acted as Lord Black in his own time and in the Room of

Requirement and not in Bella's time. I didn't want Harry to come in and

usurp all authority and make him ruler over House Black, so his Black

Lordship will not have power in the past.

Plus the wards were tied to Orion, and only he can turn them off or on,

or add someone to the ward scheme to allow them entrance. Besides it

would not have the same effect if Harry just switched them off, Orion

would have felt it. But to seemingly pass through the wards had the

desired effect of making Orion and Cygnus believe further in the myth

of the Eveningshade's ability to walk through any ward.

There were also questions on why was Orion acting so foolishly. I see

Orion as a prideful and ambitious man, not to mention a lord of one of

the most powerful and influential families in the Wizarding World. His

own hubris will not allow him to give deference to a boy, and I don't

think we've seen the end of Orion's pride flaring up.

I know there were some other questions but I think I'll leave it here for

now, and I will try to answer the others privately.

I hope you all enjoy this latest installment of Passageways!

Chapter 19

By the time the group had reached the manor doors, Harry's tremors had

ceased much to his and Bella's relief. Andromeda and Narcissa had been

in complete awe of Harry's incredible display of power in the forest. It

had felt as if the earth threatened to open up and swallow everyone up in

its fury.

Silently, Orion and Cygnus were leading the group up the pathway, the

two men lost in their own thoughts. Orion was furious with himself, once

again he allowed his pride to overrule his common sense. But by Merlin's

sake he was the head of House Black! He was a very capable and

powerful wizard in his own right. And to give deference to a mere child

was something that his stomach just could not tolerate.

So it was an extremely bitter pill to swallow when he prostrated himself

in front of this mere child. However, at the time he got a glimpse of

power which he had never seen before, regardless of the age of the boy,

and that level of power confused him. He had witnessed the destruction

the boy had brought to the Death Eaters in Hogsmeade, but it still did not

seem possible for the boy to do the things he witnessed.

His eyes and his mind could not come together on what had occurred in

the small wizarding community. And this was the cause of much of his

inner conflict. He knew he should not judge the boy on his age, but what

he could bring to the House of Black; it was his father's wishes as well

that Eveningshade should feel welcomed. But his own pride would not let


However he could not look weak in front of the boy, he would not look

weak. He had no respect for a person who showed weakness, and yet he

was forced to humble…no humiliate himself by falling in the mud and

swearing allegiance to the young whelp. It sickened him to his very core.

Cygnus in his own thoughts was hoping that his new son-in-law would

not see Orion's actions against him as something he was complicit with,

he planned to make that abundantly clear the first chance he got. He

couldn't believe what Orion had attempted to do to Lord Eveningshade,

Arcturus was going to be furious with his son. Orion may have just killed

any possibility of an alliance with the young lord and Arcturus would not

find that acceptable, no not at all.

Cygnus would glance back at his oldest daughter as they walked toward

the manor, it was obvious by the way she held on to him, looked at him

that she was devoted to him and that if push came to shove she would

choose him over her family. If Lord Eveningshade walked away from the

Black family she would follow. 'Damn Orion and his pride!' Cygnus


Cygnus could not look at Harry without seeing an Eveningshade of

legend and myth, his nightmares as a child made flesh. He remembered

all too well the ghost stories his parents had told him during his

childhood. And witnessing what the young lord had just done further

cemented that fear that if the young lord felt attacked he would see

House Black as an enemy and act accordingly. He prayed to whatever

deity was listening that Lord Eveningshade was a forgiving sort.

The magnificent doors to Black Hills manor opened slowly to reveal a

single ancient looking house elf dressed in what appeared to be a white

toga with a gold colored hem and the crest of House Black in the upper

left breast. He carried a small walking cane in his right hand. His

leathery skin was gray in color, and his large eyes were practically

sightless and cloudy in appearance. His large ears drooped somewhat

with a large amount of gray hairs jutting out wildly.

"My lords and ladies, welcome to Black Hills, I am Silas, head elf of Black

Hills and personal steward of his lordship Arcturus Black. During your

stay you each will be assigned a personal elf to assist you with your

needs." At those words two more elves appeared behind Silas.

"My Lord and Lady Eveningshade." Silas bowed. "This is Getti she will be

your elf during your stay. She will escort you to your suite were you can

rest before dinner is served." A small elf dressed similarly to Silas curtsied

before Harry and Bella. She appeared to be very young, with large blue

eyes and pinkish skin. She bounced with enthusiasm to serve the young


"Thank you Silas, for your warm welcome." Harry stated giving a quick

accusatory glare at Orion. "I'm sure Getti will be more than helpful."

"Will Master Evy and Mistress Evy bees following Getti, and I bees taking

you to your room." The little elf squeaked. Andromeda and Narcissa were

also assigned a house elf and were escorted to the room they would be

sharing during their stay.

"Master Orion and Master Cygnus sirs, Lord Arcturus is wanting to see

you in his study right away." Silas told the two men. Orion and Cygnus

looked at each other in silent resignation of what was to come. They

nodded to Silas and then made their way to their father's study.


Getti led Harry and Bella to the third floor of the east wing of the manor,

this was the family wing of the manor. The suite they were taken to, was

large and decorated in Tudor fashion. A large four poster bed dominated

the far end of the room, with lavish drapes depicting a fox hunt. There

was a sitting area to the left of the room where a set of French doors

opened up to a medium sized veranda that over looked some of the

gardens that surrounded the house. To the right was a door that led to a

large in suite with bath and walkout shower. Overall it was a very

opulent looking room.

"What do you think so far?" Bella asked embracing Harry and kissing him


"Well the décor is lovely, can't say much for the reception." Harry

remarked with a playful smirk.

"I know." Bella sighed. "I don't know what Uncle Orion was trying to

prove with that stunt. I take that back, I know exactly what he was trying

to do. He wanted to "put you in your place." Merlin did that back fire!"

Bella giggled. "Aunt Dorea will be proud of you."

"Yeah?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, you stood up to Uncle Orion, and defended my honor, and let him

know that you were not to be trifled with." Bella said seductively, kissing

his neck softly.

"Y-yeah?" Harry gasped as shivers went down his spine.

"You know what else." She whispered as her lips found his earlobe and

gently sucked it into her warm mouth.

"W-what?" Harry stuttered.

"I found your performance incredibly sexy." She moaned into his ear.


"Mmm, oh yeah!" She bit down gently on his earlobe. "It totally turned

me on. You know…we have two hours before we meet everyone for

dinner." She cooed into his ear.

"I-it did…we do?"

"Uh huh. And I can think of some wonderful ways to work up an

appetite." She whispered.

Before he knew what was happening, Bella had managed to completely

unbutton his shirt, and was now pushing it off his shoulders. She

shrugged off her cloak and had grabbed hold of Harry's hands and

brought them to her own blouse.

Following her lead he began to unbutton her blouse while her hands then

went straight to the belt buckle holding up his trousers. Her nimble

fingers made quick work of his belt and soon his trousers had fallen to his


Harry had progressed to Bella's black lacy bra, he fumbled for a moment

with the hooks in back, but soon the straps of the soft lacy fabric were

sliding over her shoulders and the garment fell between them to the


Immediately warm flesh was pressed against warm flesh as the two

embraced each other. Their lips met tenderly at first but increased in

intensity as their passion rose. Harry could feel Bella's nipples hardened

against his chest which only increased his own desire.

Bella reached down between them and grabbed the firm result of Harry's

passion. He gasped into her mouth with the sudden touch and then

moaned as she began to stroke him gently. His own hands reached up

and began to caress the side of her breasts.

They soon found themselves on the large bed, Harry on top of his

beautiful wife, her arms were wrapped around his neck and her legs

wrapped around his waist pulling him in as close as she could. For the

next hour they would explore the wonderful world of intimacy in as

many variations as their young minds could come up with.


Orion knocked on the heavy old English oak door that led into his

father's study. It opened seemingly on its own. He and Cygnus looked in

to see the real power behind House Black with his left hand on the

mantle of the fireplace, in his right hand he held a glass of amber liquid

that he was swirling around the glass. He was gazing into the snapping

flames of the fire that roared in the grate.

If Arcturus was aware of his sons' entrance he gave no indication that he

had done so. He remained silent and unmoving, this had Orion and his

brother immediately on guard. Orion took a deep breath to steady

himself and was about to speak when he was abruptly interrupted.

"Close the door." The voice was low but carried through the room.

Cygnus turned and closed the door. The door, as it latched shut activated

two rune stones. One was inset into the door itself while the other was

embedded into the door frame. When the door closed and the two stones

came into contact with each other, it activated several privacy wards that

ran through every wall, as well as the floor and ceiling of the office.

"Did you think I would not find out?" Again the voice was low but



"SILENCE!" Arcturus roared spinning around and backhanding his eldest

son, sending Orion flailing to the floor. His lip was split and blood began

to fill his mouth, Arcturus slammed his crystal glass against the flagstone

of the fireplace, shards of glass flying everywhere.

"DO. NOT. SPEAK!" Arcturus glared at his two sons with something akin

to loathing. The two men, both kneeling on the floor now, cast their eyes

down and could not look their father in the eyes. Orion wiped at the

blood flowing down his chin, in an effort to clean his face.

"You knew…you both knew what was at stake here! We are on the cusp

of another wizarding war and we need all the allies we can muster to our

side. And what do you do! You attack the one person who could

rally the very houses we need!"

"Please father, I let my pride get away from me, I made a mistake…"

"A MISTAKE! A MISTAKE! Perhaps the mistake was mine! Allowing you

to take over as head of the family. You may have the title Orion but

never forget who holds the real power in this family. I gave you the title

of Head of House Black and I can just as easily take it away!" Arcturus


Arcturus turned and faced the crackling fire once more. "I hope for your

sake that your incompetence has not cost us possibly the most powerful

ally we could hope for. Because if you have…" Arcturus turned around

and looked murderously at his son. "…I will kill you myself." He spat.

"Now get out of my sight…the both of you!" Orion and Cygnus rose to

their feet and promptly left their father's study and made their way to

their own apartments within the manor.

Arcturus retrieved another glass from the small bar and poured himself a

double, he downed the Fire Whiskey in one gulp and grimaced slightly at

the burn. He hoped that his son had not ruined them with his childish

arrogance, and though he knew that forgiveness was not generally in the

nature of an Eveningshade, he hoped that the young lord's youth and

bonding with his granddaughter was enough to give them a second



"Did you see what he did?!" Narcissa asked her sister in amazement.

"Of course I did, I was there wasn't I?!" Andromeda replied sardonically.

"Sweet Maeve, I could feel the power just running through my body."

Narcissa replied glassy-eyed. He looked…looked so beautiful! His

gorgeous green eyes glowing and his hair flowing around him." Narcissa

swooned as she fell back on to her bed.

Andromeda arched an amused eyebrow. "Easy there Cissy, that's your

brother-in-law you're drooling over. I'm sure Bella won't appreciate you

becoming all moony over Harry."

Narcissa blushed heatedly. "I-I didn't say I fancy him!" She tried to deny.

"Though he is very fanciable, I was just making an…observation."

Andromeda giggled at her little sister's spreading blush that now

disappeared below her neckline. She would never admit this, especially

to the gossip that was her little sister, but she did find him quite fanciable

as well. But her heart belongs to another and besides it was obvious that

Lord Eveningshade only had eyes for Bella.


The inhabitants of the manor were informed by the various elves

assigned to them that dinner would be served in an hour in the grand

dining hall. Bella and Harry had just exited the large bath and were

having fun drying each other off when Getti had popped into their room.

The embarrassed elf apologized profusely and covered her enormous eyes

with her little hands while she relayed her message, which threw Bella

into a fit of giggles at seeing a house elf blush for the first time.

Within a half hour Getti had escorted the couple to the drawing room

where other family members had gathered prior to dinner. As they

entered all heads turned toward them, and an immediate hush befell the


Silas appeared next to them and in a surprisingly regal voice announced

their presence. "May I present the Lord and Lady Eveningshade."

Harry and Bella stepped into the posh drawing room and were

immediately greeted by Andromeda and Narcissa. Everyone else seemed

to be waiting on something or someone else. The two younger Black

sisters backed away and all attention was turned to the center of the


A tall, older looking man stood there, the white hair and aged face still

had a shadow of a very handsome man. He stood with authority and

everyone in the room had turned their attention to him. Harry had not

met him, but from his grandmother's description this had to be Arcturus

Black, the real power in the family and its patriarch.

"I bid you most welcome, Lord and Lady Eveningshade." The man spoke

bowing in deference to the young couple. "I am your host, Lord Arcturus

Maximillius Black. Welcome to the ancestral home of my forefathers. I

extend our hospitality to you and your lovely wife sir."

"It is an honor sir, to have been invited to this most magnificent home

and for the opportunity to meet the family of my beloved wife." Harry

replied and returned the bow. Dorea looked upon her grandson with

pride but kept the indifferent façade in place so as not to give anything


"You honor me sir, with your presence." The honed politician of many

years replied. "Please allow me to introduce you to the rest of the family.

Starting with my generation, allow me to introduce Lord Charlus Hadrian

Potter and his wife, who is my sister Dorea Potter nee Black and their son

James. My first cousin Pollux Black and his wife Irma, my cousin

Cassiopea Black…spinster." Cassiopea sniffed irritatedly at her first


"Callidora Longbottom nee Black…widow. Lost her husband to

Grindelwald in the Great War." Harry wondered quickly if she was a

relation of Neville's.

"And finally my Cousin Charis Crouch nee Black and her husband Caspar

Crouch. Now to the next generation. My eldest, Lucretia Prewett nee

Black and her husband Ignatius, My son Orion who is the acting Lord

Black." Arcturus said this as if his situation could change at any moment.

"…and his wife Walburga who is the daughter of my cousin Pollux. And

my youngest son Cygnus and his wife Druella Black nee Edevane." Harry

inclined his head to everyone that he was introduced to and received

polite greetings in return.

"And these two rascals are my grandsons from Orion; Sirius and Regulus,

and my granddaughters from Cygnus; Andromeda and Narcissa. And of

course you are very familiar with my oldest grandchild Bellatrix. I do

hope one day to hear how the two of you met." Arcturus stated


"It's a pleasure to make all your acquaintances. I look forward to my stay

here and the chance to get to know you all better." Harry told the group.

"Dinner is served!" Silas announced.


Lily Evans sat in the back of her parent's car reflecting on what had been

revealed to her on the train ride from Hogwarts. She had to pinch herself

several times just to prove she wasn't dreaming, but all she really had to

do was look down on her right hand and see the blood red ring with a

black phoenix on her finger to know that was indeed true. She spun the

ring around her finger over and over, she found it intriguing that the ring

seemed to pulse in sync with the beating of her heart. It was a comforting

feeling almost like a warm blanket.

"Eveningshade." She whispered the name almost lovingly.

"What was that dear? Did you say something?" Rose Evans asked her

youngest daughter, her oldest, Petunia, was thirteen and was not coming

home for the weekend from her boarding school in Surrey.

"Oh nothing mum, just thinking out loud." The pretty redhead replied.

Her father however looked at her through the rearview mirror with a

curious expression on his face.

The trio soon arrived at a modest looking home in a quaint neighborhood

near Spinner's End. Rose and Lily entered the two-story home while

Geoffrey Evans unloaded the car. He wondered to himself if he had heard

his daughter right. 'Eveningshade' an odd name to be sure but one he had

heard accidentally in his youth.

He had overheard his father and grandfather whispering the name while

visiting his grandfather in the hospital. His grandfather was near death

and wanted to see his family before he passed. He remembered asking his

father at the time what Eveningshade was, and was startled at his father's


His father looked both angry and fearful, and made him swear to never

speak the name again! He said it was a dark secret that should never be

revealed to anyone. In his young nine year old mind he could only think

that it meant that Eveningshade must have been a very bad person in the

family and that the family was afraid of him.

And to his knowledge he had never spoken the word since. So he

wondered where his daughter had heard the name and if he had even

heard her right. He would have to carefully listen to her during her stay

to see if she repeated it. Little did he know that he would not have to

wait long before the topic would be raised by his daughter.


There was a little bit of a power struggle at the Black dinner table as

Arcturus took his seat at the head of the table and then offered Harry the

chair opposite him at the other end, which traditionally would have gone

to Orion. Orion took this as a slight which only fueled his anger at the

predicament he found himself in. He would like nothing better than to

hex this pretender, but the oath he swore prevented him from raising a

wand at him.

Dinner progressed without incident or drama until the second course

soup was served. "My Lord Eveningshade." Walburga Black initiated.

"Yes, my Lady?" Harry responded.

"It is my understanding that House Eveningshade is a most ancient

house." She stated with a quizzical expression.

"It is; my House has existed since before the Roman invasion of Britain."

Harry replied.

"How wonderful, it's becoming such a rarity these days to see an ancient

or noble house. Our numbers are dwindling to smaller and smaller

numbers." She sighed heavily.

"Our culture and traditions are fading more and more as the years go by,

only to be replaced by mud…muggleborn tradition. Samhain, being

replaced by Hallowee-wee."

"Halloween, mother." Sirius replied with a snort and a crooked smile.

"Yes, yes, Halloween. Yule has even been replaced with muggle

Christmas, our most sacred and holy days, minimized or outright

dismissed." She shook her head despairingly. Arcturus glared at

Walburga, realizing what her game was. But the woman took no notice of

his displeasure and continued.

"Being from such a Noble and Ancient family, you must feel…distressed

with the collapse of our heritage." She shook her head in supposed

commiseration. "Though, there are those who are nobly trying to stem

the flood of these modern encroachments on our society. Don't you feel it

is important to save that which defines us as a people?" She asked

sweetly as she placed her wine glass to her lips and taking a sip.

All eyes soon turned to Harry, everyone curious to what his response

would be. Would he reveal himself as a traditionalist, a moderate, or a

radical? Harry placed his spoon in his bowl and grabbed his napkin from

his lap and slowly dabbed at the corners of his mouth, giving him time to

form a response.

The portrait of Walburga from his time had taught him to take his time in

answering questions, never respond with emotion, allow yourself a

moment of reflection and craft your response before replying. His

grandmother had told him the same and had warned him that certain

family members would test him to gauge his political leanings.

"My lady, I agree that our traditions and culture to a certain extent are

for lack of a better word disappearing. But is it that fault of those re-

entering our world or is it the fault of our educational and government

institutions." Harry replied. Most of those assembled missed Harry's

reference to those "re-entering" except for Dorea and Pollux.

"What on earth do you mean my lord?" Walburga questioned. "Of course

it is the fault of the muggleborns, they have no sense of tradition, or

culture, or manners for that manner." She rebutted.

"Tell me my Lady, are you aware of any class at Hogwarts that teaches

repatriated witches and wizards about our customs and culture, anything

about our government or social ettiquttes?" Harry asked. A few murmurs

were heard as various family members were conferring with each other.

"Well…I-I don't know, it has been many years since I was a student."

Walburga blustered.

"Andromeda?" Harry turned to the caught off guard girl. 'Are you aware

of any such class being taught?" Harry asked with a warm smile.

"No-no my lord. To my knowledge no such class exists." She replied

blushing at the attention.

"Lord Potter, you and the Lady Potter are school governors are you not?"

Harry asked knowing that indeed they were, having been told by Dorea.

"We are Lord Eveningshade. And to answer your question, no there is no

such courses being taught at Hogwarts." He replied with a half smile.

"So how do these young witches and wizards learn about our world? Do

we just bring them in and then leave them to their devices; hoping or

perhaps not, that they learn anything about our culture?" Harry paused

looking at each adult.

"We mock their culture without truly understanding it, and with the same

breath we criticize them for not understanding our own. It's like

demanding language fluency from a one year old. Without providing

them a resource for learning about our culture and traditions, we can

hardly condemn them for their ignorance." Harry's words seemed to have

had an effect on some of the family or at the very least cause them to

think on the problem.

"My dear lady, I would suggest that it is our society which is to blame for

our cultural demise, and not those re-discovering their magic." Harry


Walburga's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Harry could

tell she was trying to come up with an argument. "My lady, as an

example; does the House of Black attend the solstices with the other great

houses?" Harry asked.

"Of course we do!" She defended.

Harry nodded. "And at these festivals and gatherings are there many

muggleborns or half-bloods for that matter?"

"We would leave immediately if there were. Such filth would only defile

and make a mockery of our traditions!" She replied heatedly.

"And here in lays the problem dear lady, we ostracize them from our

festivals, we exclude them from our government and we treat them as

second-class citizens, if we consider them citizens at all. You cannot

promote ignorance, exclusion and separation and expect them to know or

honor our ways. Those rejoining our society must have complete access

to our traditions and culture for them to re-assimilate into our world."

Harry stated.

"My Lord, several times in referring to muggleborns, you have used

descriptors such as re-entering or re-discovering, as if they had magic

before."Cassiopeia Black queried.

"Indeed I did my lady. You see, there is no such thing as a muggleborn as

it is defined by our ministry." Harry replied.

"What do you mean, my lord?" Cassiopeia asked confused.

"It is a fallacy, my lady; magic cannot simply just appear in a person.

Magic is hereditary; to have magic you must be born to at least one

parent who has magic, even if they cannot access it, such as a squib.

Spontaneous birth of magical children to none magical parents simply

does not happen." Harry explained.

"How can you be sure?" Cygnus asked, joining the conversation.

Pollux Black cleared his voice and heads turned toward him. "What Lord

Eveningshade has stated…is true." He began. "However, it has not been

made common knowledge."

"I don't believe it!" Walburga exclaimed. "They must be stealing our

magic then!"

"That is quite impossible, daughter. One cannot steal magic. As part of

my responsibilities with the Unspeakables, I would perform random

lineage checks amongst the muggleborns. We used the opportunity of

requiring vaccinations to draw blood from muggleborns during the mass

outbreak of Dragon Pox in the thirties.

We performed lineage tests on every sample that we obtained. To our

astonishment, every single sample came back as being related to a

magical line. Because some of the lines we had discovered were from old

families long thought extinct, it created a serious dilemma." He


"A dilemma, how?" Callidora Longbottom asked.

"It was feared that if those "muggleborns" from Great Houses were

allowed to take up their family names it would cause a shift in power

within the Wizengamot." He replied.

"How many extinct Great House's could return?" Arcturus asked.

Pollux took a deep breath before speaking. "Twenty-four." Gasps were

heard from all around the table.

"My gods!" Arcturus exclaimed.

"That is why it was decided by the highest levels within the government,

that this information be hidden. If muggleborns were to gain those seats

they could literally block any and all legislation that came before the

body. And as fractured as the Wizengamot is right now, they could

probably pass anything they wanted." Pollux informed the group.

"They would destroy our society! You must see now that we must stop

this threat before they can seize power." Walburga shrieked. "We must

align with the Purist and take control of the government before the

mudbloods realize…"

"ENOUGH WALBURGA!" Arcturus demanded pounding the table with his


"Did you not hear what Pollux stated?! There is no such thing as a

mudblood or muggleborn! They are witches and wizards, some from

Ancient and Noble Houses. I find myself agreeing with lord

Eveningshade, if we can educate them at an early age and welcome them

fully into our society, perhaps all the prejudices and the hate and

misunderstandings could be a thing of the past."

"But surely Lord Voldemort has the right of it. Why give these muggle-

raised the chance to pollute our society with foreign muggle ideas? He

would bring us back to a golden age of Pure-blood prosperity and

dominance." Walburga replied.

Harry laughed harshly at Walburga's comments. "What is it that you find

amusing my lord?" She asked.

"That you have bought in to the lies and platitudes of Tom Marvolo

Riddle, my lady." Harry replied.

"I beg your pardon, who is this Tom Riddle you speak of?" Cassiopeia

asked in confusion.

"He is the pretender who calls himself Lord Voldemort. He is a halfblood,

his mother a near squib and his father a muggle." Harry answered.

"Lies! You speak lies!" Walburga hissed. "Tom Riddle was at Hogwarts

during my time, he is not Lord Voldemort."

"That is where you are wrong Lady Black." Harry took out his wand and

then looked at Arcturus. "With your permission sir." Harry asked

receiving a curious nod from Arcturus. Harry wrote the name Tom

Marvolo Riddle in the air in the same manner that the shade of a sixteen

year old Riddle had done in the Chamber of Secrets.

"Riddle made an anagram of his name, a name he believed would one

day cause fear in our world." With a swish of his wand the letters

rearranged themselves to spell out 'I am Lord Voldemort'.

"A nice parlor trick, my lord, but that proves nothing." Walburga replied.

"Only a very few have even seen his face…" Walburga began before being

cut off.

"Oh I have seen his face." Harry replied darkly. "And I know his true

aims, and it is not to bring back a so called "Golden Age." He means to

subject all magicals to his will to rule as an emperor. He demands

absolute loyalty, but offers none in return. He kills indiscriminately, not

just muggles, but muggleborns, half-blood's and yes even purebloods that

will not bend a knee to him.

He is a monster of the worst sort, and he will not save the wizarding

world but bring it to its knees and subjugate it. That is the man you so

highly esteem, my lady. I give my oath that all I have said is true. And I

make this oath, that I will fight against and destroy any witch or wizard

who tries to subjugate our world be they light or dark, so mote it be." A

brilliant white flash flared around Harry as magic accepted his oath.

The dining hall was silent for several long minutes as those gathered tried

to digest what they had just heard. Arcturus rose to his feet and all eyes

turned to him. He looked at every family member and lingered a few

seconds longer on Walburga who squirmed uncomfortably under his


"I make this command of my house. From this day forward we will sever

all connection to the Purist Movement and cut all ties to Voldemort and

those that follow him. Furthermore, I believe it is time for House Black to

officially move to the center and we begin to cultivate new alliances with

the neutral and gray houses.

In addition I propose that we begin to explore the muggleborn issue, in

particular those who have returned to our world and have legal claim to

a Great House that sits vacant in the Wizengamot. If we can form

alliances with these returned houses it could be a boon to our objectives."

Arcturus stated authoritatively.

"Be realistic father." Orion spoke. "Say this is all true, you will still have a

large segment of our society who will not care. They will see them as

muggle raised and there for not trustworthy to be involved with the

running of our government. Even if we did begin to educate them, it will

take an entire generation or more before the old prejudices fade if they

ever do." He replied flippantly.

"You don't see it, do you Orion?" Arcturus shook his head.

"You see only the here and now, and not what lay ahead. Open your eyes

son. Think! Along with the neutral and the gray families, we could add

an entire new block to our cause. No longer would we have merely a

third of the Wizengamot but add twenty-four more houses and we now

have a substantial majority. Even if the light and dark houses united,

they would still fall short of majority." Arcturus explained.

"Are you seriously suggesting we tell the muggleborns of their true

ancestry?" Walburga asked askance.

"And why not!" Dorea exclaimed. "Who are you to deny someone their

heritage, you who place so much fervor in blood status and lineage?! If

they have magical ancestry as old as any, how much more incentive is

there to get them to research their forefathers and perhaps look at our

culture and heritage through more open eyes." She stated accusatorily.

"I agree with Arcturus, welcome them with open arms back into our

society and show them their lineage, I believe it can only strength our

world." Dorea finished. Walburga folded her arms against her chest

petulantly but said nothing more.

"I must warn you Arcturus." Pollux began. "That, if this were to come out,

it would meet with serious resistance. If you do this it must be done

gradually and perhaps even clandestinely. A sudden boom of

muggleborns getting inheritance tests to prove magical lineage, would

definitely alarm the traditionalist not to mention the furor amongst those

of the Purist party, who's whole platform is that muggleborns are not true

witches or wizards."

"Then we don't go through the Inheritance Department at the Ministry.

We use Gringotts, they are not required to forward any information on

who requests the testing, and the results cannot be refuted by the

Ministry, the Goblins form of inheritance testing is far more advanced

than our own." Dorea added.

"It's settled then, we will sit down and formulate a strategy to quietly

bring the muggleborns into their inheritance. Pollux, would you be able

to acquire the list of muggleborns who have ties to the extinct Great

Houses?" Arcturus asked.

"I believe so; I have many contacts still in that department." Pollux

informed his brother.

"Excellent, we'll discuss this more later. I know that this may seem

superfluous now, Lord Eveningshade, especially after the oath my son

gave you as Lord Black. But, House Black will stand with you against any

who would seek to subjugate our world, and would be honored to be

counted as ally and friend to House Eveningshade." Arcturus offered


Harry stood once more from his chair and addressed his host. "Lord

Black, I would be honored to call you ally and friend, but more than that,

I hope we can also call each other family. My lovely wife being a Black

has tied our two families together. And like you, I believe family to be

the most important possession that one can have.

It is my hope that we can go forward and that transgression of the recent

past…" Here Harry glanced at Orion who tugged at his collar

uncomfortably. "…be forgiven and we begin a new page in the history of

our two families." Harry addressed his host and all those present.

Arcturus raised his glass to Harry. "To new beginnings, my Lord." The rest

of the family stood and raised their glasses.

"To new beginnings!" They all chorused.


A/N: Short chapter I know, but it felt like a good place to stop. My next

chapter will most likely break 10k words, as I have a lot planned for it.

So what did you think about Harry meeting the Black Family? Let me

know your thoughts. Was I too easy on Orion? More Black family

interaction to come and Lily begins to have magical growing pains.

Have a great weekend!

20. Chapter 20

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Didn't quite make two thousand reviews with the last chapter, but

the story did hit over two thousands favorites! A lot of great reviews

keep them coming! There is a little bit of everything in this chapter, I

hope you enjoy! Now on to Chapter Twenty of Passageways!

Chapter 20

Lily busied herself in her room while her mother was downstairs in the

kitchen preparing that nights dinner and her father was rummaging

around in the attic. Ever since the car ride home Geoffrey Evans kept

hearing that name echo in his mind…Eveningshade…Eveningshade…


It would not leave him alone. Flashbacks to his youth assaulted his

mind's eye. A whispered conversation between his father and grandfather

at the hospital. 'What was it they were saying…something to do with that

name? Why had they argued? Why had his dad forbid him to speak the


Was his great-grandfather a traitor to the Crown, is that why the name

was forbidden to speak aloud? Perhaps a murderer? Were the

Eveningshades' pirates? Though he could not recall the name showing up

in any history book he had read, still it was a possibility. The name

evoked so many questions; this curiosity about the connection to his

family name had not been this strong since he was a child. And so he

found himself in the dust layered and cobwebbed filled attic, looking for

an old family heirloom.

Geoff continued his search for the object that could possibly shed some

light on the issue, a relic he had not thought of since Lily was a child, a

small rosewood box that his grandfather had given his father and had

then come to him upon his own father's passing. Fifteen minutes later

and a lot of stirred up dust had resulted in finding the object of his


It was about fifteen inches long and about three inches wide, and about

two and a half inches deep, made of delicately carved and stained

rosewood. At the center of the box was a pure black phoenix with spread

wings and large fanned tail feathers. It was centered in the middle of a

blood red circular field.

He took hold of the box and tried to open the lid. It would not budge. He

adjusted his grip and tried again but without success. He turned the box

over and over in his hands trying to find a way to open it. There had to

be a way, he could see the small hinges, but no matter what he tried it

would not open.

At length, he decided that later he would take it to the garage, maybe

after dinner. There he would try and remove the hinges with his drill, if

he was careful enough he would not damage the surrounding wood. He

wasn't sure where this obsession was coming from, but the thought would

not leave him since the car ride home.

"Geoff, love! Dinner is ready!" He heard his wife call to him from the

bottom of the extendable ladder that extended down from the attic hatch

to the floor below.

"Be right there!" Geoff Evans replied, shoving the long thin box into his

back pocket. He descended the ladder and washed up a bit before

heading downstairs. Walking through the family room, he placed the

Rosewood box on the mantle of the fireplace and then entered the small

dining room where his wife and youngest daughter had already taken

their seats at the table.

On the table was a platter of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and

coleslaw, and buttermilk biscuits. Geoff chuckled quietly. His wife Rose

had become obsessed with Kentucky Fried Chicken since it came to the

UK in the mid-sixties, though she never quite got the chicken recipe right

it was still rather tasty.

"Oh shut it you!" Rose Evans mock glared at her husband knowing what

he was chuckling about.

"I think I almost got the seasonings right, a few more herbs and spices

and I'll have it. Just you wait!" She sniffed superiorly. Geoff lost it and

began to laugh out loud, quickly followed by Lily who had been watching

the interplay.

The rest of dinner passed by quickly with playful comments and chuckles

here and there, the mood was light and homey. Something that Lily had

missed, though she had barely been at school for about a month.

"So tell me sweetheart, how are things at the magical school of yours?"

Rose Evans asked her daughter, as she brought in a platter of treacle tart,

lily's favorite.

"It's wonderful mum! I've already learned quite a few spells, and potions

class is the best. My professor says I'm a natural!" Lily beamed.

"That's wonderful dear. How about friends? Have you made many?" She


Lily's countenance fell just for a split second but it was enough for the

experienced mother of two to catch. "I have made one really good friend."

Lily replied.

"Oh?" her mother asked warmly.

"Yes, her name is Narcissa." Lily told her mother.

"Narcissa?" Her father asked. "Now there is a name you don't hear every

day." Geoff Evans chuckled.

Lily glared at her father. "She is very sweet and my best friend." Lily

defended. "And her sisters are great too. Andromeda is a third year, and

Bellatrix is a fifth year. In fact Bellatrix and Andromeda have taught me

some very helpful jinxes to keep people from…"

"From what dear?" Rose asked worriedly, from the look on her daughter's

face it wasn't something good.

"Well…there are a few bullies that don't like that I'm a muggleborn." She

offered demurely.

"A muggleborn?" Her father asked.

"A witch or wizard born to non-magical parents." She sighed, but then

hurriedly added. "But that's no longer the case with me!"

"So other students are bullying you?" Her mother stated fiercely, not

catching the second part of her daughters response.

"Yes, but…"

"Have you gone to a professor?!" Rose asked.


"You haven't, have you?! Lily Evans, you need to tell someone at that

school what is going on or we will!" Rose stated pointing to herself and

her husband.

"I can take care of myself mother!" Lily fired back. "And besides I can

defend myself quite well, thank you! And Bellatrix would hex anyone

into oblivion if they dared try anything to hurt me!"

"Sweety…" Her father said tenderly. "We are just worried about you. You

are so far away from us, and it's hard for a parent to think of their child

being all alone and picked on."

"But I'm not alone. I have Narcissa and Andromeda…a-and Bellatrix and

now Harry." Lily replied a bit more evenly, her father's soft voice calming

her down.

"Harry? Who is this Harry?" Her mother asked.

Lily smiled and twirled the ring around her finger that was hidden from

view, her hands in her lap. "I-I'm actually glad you brought that up." Lily

replied looking a little apprehensively at her father.

"Dad, I…I learned something today. A-about myself…about our family

really!" Lily began hesitantly.

"Oh?" her father asked and motioned for her to continue.

"Y-you see, I'm, well that is…we are…" Lily sighed in frustration at her

own lack of knowing how to start this conversation.

"Just spit it out Lils." Geoff told her with a warm smile.

"Dad, I know that you have never spoken about our family history except

in very vague generalities, and I was too young when Grandpa Evans

died to know or care about that sort of thing. But today I learned

something about our family, about the…Eveningshades." Lily managed to

say finally.

"Eveningshade?" Rose asked in confusion. "You mean the Evans, don't you


"No, I mean the Eveningshades; Great grandfather changed it to Evans.

Didn't he father?" lily asked looking to her father for confirmation.

"Y-yes, I believe he did." Geoff Evans stated softly, as a clearer memory of

the conversation that he had overheard between his father and his

grandfather in the hospital came to him. Geoff stood as the scene from

the hospital came into focus. He paced a bit before speaking again.

"Y-your grandfather was told by your great-grandfather that the true

name of our family was Eveningshade and that he hoped that one day

our birthright would be restored. Your grandfather had angrily replied to

him, that what was lost should stay lost and that he didn't want his

family to be associated with such unnaturalness ever again. I didn't know

really what he meant by those words. What did they mean Lily, do you

know?" Her father asked questioningly.

"I believe I do dad. I believe great-grandfather at one time was a…a

wizard, a magical like me. Or at least a squib." Lily proclaimed softly.

'What is a squib dear?" Rose asked her daughter.

"A child born to magical parents but is not magical himself or cannot

access his magic for some reason. Lily explained.

"Not, that I don't believe you, love. But how can you be sure that he was

a wizard. I never have heard of anyone else in the family having magic."

Geoff replied skeptically but was willing to hear his daughter out.

"Because…because I met an Eveningshade, father. He told me of my…of

our heritage." Lily replied nervously.

"Just because you met someone, with the same last name as our

ancestors, doesn't mean that we our descended from the same line." He

replied sympathetically.

Lily sighed heavily. "Dad, there are means by which the head of a

magical house can detect a person of his bloodline."

"And this Eveningshade you met, he is the head of his house?" Geoff

raised an eyebrow.

"Lord Eveningshade, and he is dad." She replied.

"I don't know sweetheart. How do you know if this guy isn't just telling

you what you want to hear?" He offered.

Lily looked down at the table trying to think of a way to explain to her

father how she knew it was the truth. "Dad, when he touched me…"

"HE WHAT?!" Geoff Evans started with a raised voice.

"Not inappropriately father! He took my hand! Sheesh!" Lily shook her

head and rolled her eyes. Her mother chuckled at her husband's

embarrassed look.

"As I was saying, when he took my hand, my magic flared and seemed to

almost sing. It-it was recognizing him and I felt his magic recognize me in

return. There was this intense feeling of familiarity it-it was intense!" She

told her parents.

Geoff sat back in his chair and slowly shook his head; he placed his hands

on the table and looked at his little flower. Lily could see the doubt in her

father's eyes. She reached out and placed her small hands on top of his

larger ones in a comforting gesture.

It was then that he saw it. Her father leapt to his feat, his chair falling

over backwards to the floor. He held up Lily's right hand and stared

unblinkingly at the small ring on her ring finger. He immediately

recognized the symbol that was on it.

Geoff Evans swallowed hard and then looked into his daughter's green

eyes, the same eyes that he bore. "Sweetheart, where did you get this

ring?" He asked softly.

"It was created for me by Lord Eveningshade." She didn't mention how

and from what it was created, she didn't think her father would take it

well if he knew it was created from her blood and the blood of Harry and


"Wait here for a moment." Her father said mysteriously and then left the

dining room. A few moments later he had returned with a beautiful thin

box. He turned it around and held it with both hands so the seal was

pointing away from him. "This belonged to your great grandfather and

was given to my dad and then to me."

Lily looked at her father confused at first but her eyes suddenly widened

as she saw the same crest on the box as was on her ring. "The

Eveningshade crest." She whispered.

"May I?" She asked holding her hand out for the box. Her father nodded

and placed the box into her hand. The small box suddenly began to glow

a rich golden color at her touch. Slowly the lid began to open revealing

its contents. A wand.

It was ten and a half inches long with what appeared to be two distinct

colors of wood fused together spiraling each other seamlessly. One half

was a dark ebony color and the other a bright ivory. It was in Lily's

opinion a most beautiful piece of craftsmanship. She reached for the

wand with her right hand and it literally jumped into her awaiting palm.

A surge of powerful magic went through Lily as the wand chose her. Her

parents involuntarily stepped away from their daughter as she was

enveloped by a bright light that filled the room. Rose Evans gasped as she

witnessed her daughter's green eyes begin to glow dramatically. As the

light around Lily faded and her eyes took on their normal hue, she

staggered breathlessly and only the presence of the table behind her kept

her from falling over.

"Whoa!" Lily breathed heavily as she leaned against the table. "I guess

that answers the question of whether or not we come from magicals!" lily

grinned and then promptly fainted.


No sooner had Harry and Bella returned to their room after dinner than

Bella had jumped into Harry's arms, wrapping her legs and arms tightly

around her husband. She kissed him passionately before pulling back

with the largest grin on her face.

"Sweet Morgana, you were brilliant Harry!" She squealed excitedly.

Harry couldn't help but smile in return at her enthusiasm. "Yeah? You

think so?"

"Harry, you got grandfather to side with you! That is huge! With his

vocal support the rest of the family will not dare to challenge you! Even

Uncle Orion won't publically take sides against you now."

"I noticed you were pretty silent during dinner." Harry stated with an

arched eyebrow.

"I was being the dutiful wife." Bella said in her most aristocratic voice,

before smiling. "It was your time to show strength, love. You needed to

do that on your own in order to prove to the rest of the family that you

are a leader, the Head of House Eveningshade, and a force to be reckoned


"I see." Harry replied, flopping back on the bed, exhausted from the

mental exertion at dinner.

Bella lay next to him, cuddling into his side with her head on his

shoulder. "This first meeting, Harry, was all about politics. The family

would politely listen to you, then challenge your positions and then judge

you worthy or not of their allegiance. They respect only strength my

love." She softly spoke.

"Soo, dinner was a test then?" She nodded her head. "Why didn't you tell

me beforehand?" Harry asked in a serious but nonthreatening tone.

Bella sighed and tightened her arms around his waist. "I didn't want you

to over think things and become too concerned with how they would

react or try and pander to them. I wanted you to be yourself and speak

from your own convictions, and show them the strength of those

convictions. I wanted them to see what I see, a strong and passionate

man, a man who will take a stand, and save our world despite itself."

"So is the testing over with then?" Bella took another long breath and let

it out briskly.

Bella shook her head. "No, my love. It's just begun. The strategizing will

now start, but I believe most of the family will follow grandfather's

counsel without question, but Uncle Orion and perhaps Aunt Walburga

will not be easily swayed. I wish we would have thought to bring Aunt

Walburga's portrait with us." Bella sighed.

"That wouldn't have been wise, since we're trying to keep secret that I'm

from the future." Harry smirked playfully earning him a swat on his


"Well, we should be fine without it, I don't think they will defy

grandfather, they may be a source of constant contention and testing

your limits though. The other problem may be great-aunt Cassiopeia."

Bella replied.

"She seemed to be anti-Voldemort though." Harry looked at her confused.

"I'm sure she is, but she is also anti-Dumbledore. She is a true neutral; she

will be hard to convince that the family should get involved with the

coming conflict. She won't want to risk the family unnecessarily. "Bella

shook her head.

"She and Aunt Dorea are the keys to the neutrals though. We know Aunt

Dorea will aid us; fortunately she is well thought of and respected and

has many, many connections with neutral families from great and minor

houses. But if we can get Aunt Cassie to see our side of things, we could

really pull in the neutral families, especially those on the fringe." Bella


"The fringe?" Harry asked.

"Kind of hard to explain, you see there are still certain families that

follow the old ways." Bella began.

"I thought the Blacks followed the old ways?" Harry asked propping

himself up on his elbows to better look at his wife.

"Well, there are the old ways and then there are the OLD ways, in fact

these families are actually probably more in line with the Eveningshades

than the Blacks." Bella explained.

"How so?" Harry asked curiously.

"Well for starters they practice the blood arts and ritual magics like the

Eveningshades. You see Blood Magic has been outlawed for centuries

now, but these families never gave up the practice. Though the Ministry

has outlawed it they are too afraid to truly enforce it, because Blood

Magic is essential in long term curses, and no one from the Ministry

wants to get cursed by these families.

Now, Ritual Magic, is almost a lost art as well as only those who have the

gift of enchantment can properly use them. This gift runs in the Black

Family, I have it!" She said proudly.

"Aunt Cassie has it and I think Aunt Dorea does as well, but it is weak in

her. She can only perform minor rituals. The fidelius charm is an example

of a powerful enchantment, which is why only a few people can do it."

She said.

"Dumbledore supposedly cast the Fidelius charm on my parent's home."

Harry replied tersely.

Bella caressed his face to calm him down. "Yeah, I heard he was an

enchanter, though I don't know how powerful." She replied.

"So they are fringe because they practice old magic?" Harry asked to

make sure he hadn't missed anything.

"Yeah, that and many still follow and worship the old pagan gods." She


"The pagan gods?"

"Yeah, like the Morrigan, or Hecate, or even Hern. There is quite the mix

of Celtic and Roman gods that are still worshiped and their rituals

practiced. Most of the modern houses and the Ministry consider them to

be barbaric practices, but because of the ancient status of their houses

they can't be kicked out of the Wizengamot for it. But it has been decades

and decades since most have even attended a Wizengamot session." Bella


"So your Aunt Cassie knows these fringe families then?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes, Aunt Cassie is a follower of Brigid and the Morrigan. In her

youth she was actually a high priestess of the Morrigan." Bella told him.

"Wow, what kind of family did I marry in to?" Harry teased.

"The best mister!" Bella replied and dove on top of Harry, starting a tickle

war between the two teens. Bella managed to get on top of Harry, and

straddled his chest while pinning his arms above his head. Her long dark

hair fell forward and draped both of their faces almost blocking out the

fire light that was softly illuminating the room.

Their eyes locked on the other's as their breathing slowed from the

intense wrestling around on the bed. Bella leaned down turning her head

slightly, Harry mirrored her actions and soon their lips met in a soft and

tender kiss. She slid her lips slowly over his and seductively began to

trace the contours of his mouth with her tongue.

Her mouth hungrily moved over his and gently asked for entrance; he

offered no hesitation as he parted his lips and their tongues met and then

began their own wrestling match for dominance. She slid her body down

the length of his, she grinned saucily as she felt his excitement against

her body. Slowly she ground her hips into his causing him to moan

loudly at her teasing.

Her gyrations on top of him went on for several minutes and were getting

too much for Harry; he was nearly ready to explode at any second.

Suddenly, Bella jumped off of him giggling. "That was nice…I think I'll

just go take a shower and get ready for bed now." She stretched and

yawned exaggeratedly and gave him a smirk as she walked toward the

bathroom door swinging her hips.

"Oh you evil little minx!" Harry shouted and jumped off the bed and

dashed toward her. Bella squealed and laughed uproariously as she

dashed into the bathroom quickly followed by a hot and bothered Harry.


Lily awoke the next morning feeling a bit out of sorts, she couldn't

remember coming to bed, in fact the last thing she remembered was

reaching for the wand in the Rosewood box…her great grandfather's


She sat up quickly realizing she was in her room and immediately looked

for the wand. She then saw it across her room sitting in the open box it

came in on her dresser. She stood from her bed and without thinking

raised her hand, meaning just to walk toward the wand and pick it up,

but to her surprise the wand rose from the box and floated to her

outstretched hand.

"Wicked!" She said slowly. She felt the wand literally hum in her hand.

She felt connected to it, truly connected, not like her other wand which

felt fine but this was entirely on a different level. She knew that this

wand was meant for her…a perfect match.

Something else was different as well, as she took stock of herself. She

could feel her magic flowing more freely through her than it ever had, as

if something had been dormant…sleeping, and was now awakened

within her. She wanted terribly to perform a spell to test herself, but she

knew it was forbidden to use magic outside of school, so unfortunately

she would have to wait.

Wondering if this had something to do with the Eveningshade magic, she

pulled from her school bag an Eveningshade history book, which Harry

had loaned her. It was the history of Marius Eveningshade, and the war

of 1648. Harry had mentioned that she could glean quite a bit of

information on the family by reading this journal. The story it told had

Lily captivated.

England was in its second muggle civil war, but the magical houses never

squandered an opportunity to cause their own mayhem under the guise of

collateral damage from the muggles. In that year House MacTavish decided to

test their mettle against House Eveningshade. Their goal was to take the lands

and chattel that the wealthy house had and make it their own.

The MacTavish first struck a small village of Eveningshade kinsmen while they

slept in their beds. Every adult wizard and every adult witch who fought back

were butchered and their heads put on pikes lining the road through the

village. Sixty-five men and woman were killed, while nearly seventy women

and children were taken as spoils of war.

Bolstered by their complete victory over the village they moved to the next

village where other Eveningshade kinsmen lived and wreaked the same

devastation on it. Attacking under the cover of night, they would kill, rape and

burn homes down with the families trapped inside. They made a terrible

mistake this time and left a few people alive to warn their liege of what had

happened and who was doing it.

Further emboldened by their success House MacTavish launched an assault on

Castle Eveningshade in Yetholm. With two hundred wizards, and five battle

mages they felt confident that they could take the castle and claim the

Eveningshade wealth. However Lord Marius had been warned by those

villagers who had escaped the slaughter and was ready for the attacking force.

The MacTavish army of wizards and mages confidently entered the grounds

surrounding Eveningshade Castle. Lord MacTavish in his hubris called out to

the lord of the castle and challenged him to come out and meet his army on

the field of battle instead of cowering within his castle walls.

Lily read on in horror and fascination as a piece of her family history was

literally unfolding before her eyes as she read the words on the pages of

this ancient book. A mental image formed, it was like watching the tele,

and she could see what was happening as if she was there. She briefly

wondered what spell was used to create this piece of extraordinary

magic. She turned back to the book and began to read again and was

pulled back into the events.

The large castle doors slowly creaked opened. A thick and cold mist poured

from the doors and on to the grounds. There was something or someone

stirring just behind the large doors, silhouetted just out of focus. Soon the

silhouette began to move forward, it was a solitary man. No…wait, it was

more than one.

Out they came in a straight line until the first man stopped and five silhouettes

broke to the left and five more to the right. They formed a skirmish line, each

silhouette about six feet from the other. As the images began to sharpen, eleven

men in hooded black dragon leather battle robes stood silently and motionless

in front of the two hundred plus force just a hundred yards in front of them.

Lily gasped and sat up straighter as she saw eleven men defiantly face

down the army of Lord MacTavish. Her heart was pounding wildly; the

scene was awe inspiring in its apparent hopelessness. How could eleven

wizards hope to defeat this force were they were outnumbered nearly

twenty to one? She grabbed her pillow and held it tightly to her chest as

she continued to watch the scene unfold before her.

"Is this all the men you could scrape together?!" Lord MacTavish mockingly

laughed and many from his company laughed as well. But not a sound did the

eleven wizards make, but silently stood their ground.

"I have you outnumbered, surrender now and I will spare your women, but I'm

afraid your men will receive no such quarter." MacTavish chuckled.

Again the men remained silent and unmoving. Unease fell upon MacTavish's

men, as they looked upon the eleven who had not moved an inch since they

arrived, nor had they spoken nary a word. It was unsettling.

Eleven heads began to look up at the opposing force; gasps were heard up and

down the MacTavish lines as eleven pairs of eerie glowing green eyes stared

back at them. With unnatural speed eleven wands snapped into eleven hands

and were held loosely to the side of each man.

The temperature suddenly dropped twenty degrees as the mist rose up from the

ground and surrounded the two opposing forces in a shroud of bone chilling

murky haze. It made the glowing green eyes of the Eveningshades seem much

more ominous.

Lily squeaked unintentionally, and began to chew desperately at her

fingernailsas the tension rose to incredible heights. She knew that she

was not part of what was happening but her emotions were off the

charts, she felt fearful and anxious as the scene was about to climax.

Lord MacTavish became visibly nervous, an affliction that quickly spread to

his men. Someone screamed a blood curdling intonation, whether it was a

scream of fear or a battle cry, it did not matter, but it did result in the first

spell being cast from the MacTavish lines.

The spell cast in panic or haste went well above the heads of the eleven, but it

was all the incentive they needed to retaliate. Their wands were a blur of such

speed that it was impossible to see the movements required for each spell.

With deadly precision twenty men lie dead before the MacTavish army could

even return fire. They moved with the speed and agility of vampires. The mist

then lit up in a rainbow of colors as spells began to be fired fast and furiously.

Three Eveningshades ran head long into the MacTavish lines cutting wizards

down and leaving a trial of dismembered limbs and entrails as they passed

through. The three came face to face with the five battle mages who were at

the rear of the force.

With their long staffs they let loose a hail storm of powerful blasting spells that

caught one of the Eveningshades flat in the chest splattering small pieces of

him across the field. The remaining two Eveningshades cast their eyes on the

five mages who were now bearing down on them. The mages smirked as the

two black cloaked wizards stood still.

The mages twirled their staffs ripping hundreds of blades of grass from the

ground and caused them to hover in the air in front of them. With another

wave of their staffs the blades of grass became sharpened blades of steel. Still

the two Eveningshade did not flee. They walked slowly with purpose toward

the five mages.

With looks of smugness the mages banished the hundreds of miniature razor

blades at the two men. Their looks of smugness suddenly fell and became looks

of surprise, and then horror as the razors passed right through the cloaked

men as if they were not even there. The blades continued to travel and struck

several of the MacTavish men.

Two dozen men fell screaming from the dozens of punctures and cuts from the

transfigured blades of grass, five fell dead from the attack gone wrong. The

next thing the mages saw were the wands the two Eveningshade men were

carrying, elongating into double edged swords.

Again with inhuman speed the Eveningshades fell upon the five mages and

liberated their heads from their shoulders and further bathed the ground in

their enemies' blood. Screams of mercy began to echo as wizards fell to the

drenched earth. The smell of blood and gore flooded the battlefield and hung

heavy in the air.

Lily fought with everything she had not to wretch at what she was

seeing. She was already in tears as she witnessed the horror of what a

wizard can do to a wizard. She was also stunned at the magic that her

ancestors were using and wondered briefly if she would learn how to

wield this kind of magic as well.

Whips of fire, and ribbon cutters, cut down men left and right. The

Eveningshades moved like ghosts seaming to become wisps of smoke one

second and then solid the next. The MacTavish had never seen anything like

it, their fear of this unknown type of magic turned into desperation for

survival. That desperation turned into an inability to focus on their own spell

work and soon they became nothing more than easy prey for these demonic


The battle soon became one sided as the Eveningshades laid low any wizard

they confronted. Soon the battle was over. They had lost three of their own,

and left no enemy alive except for one. Lord MacTavish. He had managed to

apparate away before he was taken, but in his haste to flee after watching his

invincible army being decimated, he lacked the concentration required for

apparition, resulting in his right leg being completely severed from splinching.

The leader of the Eveningshades stepped forward and lowered his hood, and

looked to those with him. "Gather the others."

Lily watched as twenty Eveningshades appeared at what could only be

called a hill fortress. It sat on a large knoll, surrounded by two sets of

earthen and wooded battlements that provided two layers of defense

against an invading army. Lily wondered how the Eveningshade were

going to get past this.

The ground began to shake but her ancestors paid it no mind, a loud roar was

then heard as something was crashing through the surrounding forest. Soon a

large Hibernian dragon came into the open, it was being led by one solitary

man who was walking along side of it and seeming to talk to it.

Lily wondered if this was another demonstration of Eveningshade

magic,the ability to talk to and control dragons. It would be an amazing

ability to have, dragons were known to be magic resistant so was there

some other means by which her ancestors controlled them?

The dragon was led to the first fifteen foot high battle works and with a large

intake of breath, belched out an impressive stream of fire that immediately set

the fence ablaze, green and purple blasts of light indicated that whatever spells

or wards that had been on the battle work was now destroyed by the dragon


Witches and wizards from the castle began to shoot spells at the dragon from

the cover of the stone walls, but most spells fell short of reaching the dragon,

the few that did reach it, bounced off harmlessly.

The second battle work was then set a blaze by the dragon with the same

results as the first. Smoke and cinder permeated the air and seemed to be

pushed magically toward the castle, obscuring the view of the attackers from

those in the castle. The roar of the dragon echoed through the dark night

wanting to attack the castle but his handler spoke to it and calmed it down.

Lily watched as the Eveningshades walked through the flames and smoke

like demons walking out of the depths of hell, their green eyes aglow

with power and determination. They strode slowly forward to the castle,

a line of walking death bringers. Spells from those within the stone walls

were raining down on them but few came close to striking them and

those spells that did come close were batted away like a pesky fly.

Twenty men came to a stop at the stone wall of the castle, dozens of eyes

roamed over the walls searching for something. One by one the eyes stopped

on a certain point on the wall and then each took on a look of supreme

concentration and then one by one they stepped through the walls.

Lily gasped as she watched in amazement as the Eveningshades walked

through solid stone! 'How did they do that?!' She wondered gob smacked.

The next thing she saw was the complete annihilation of every adult

witch and wizard within the walls, they had found Lord Hamish

MacTavish and made him watch as his family and his house was made


According to the record within a time period of two weeks, every

MacTavish was sought out and killed, except for the children who were

all taken and bound to House Eveningshade or its allies, upon reaching

their majority they were made to take oaths of loyalty.

Lily closed the book and sat back against the headboard of her bed. She

sat there silently and tried to process what she had seen. Even with her

limited exposure to the magical world, she knew that the power and

magic the Eveningshades demonstrated was beyond what the average

witch or wizard could do, and it excited and frightened her.


The next day Harry and Bella joined the rest of the Black family for a

light breakfast in the back garden, politics was set aside for the morning

in lieu of lighter conversation. James and Sirius tried to put together a

pickup game of Quidditch, Regulus was all for it but Andromeda and

Narcissa were not interested in the least.

The boys finally convinced the girls to play a game of the wizarding

world's version of tag. Only low powered stinging hexes were allowed.

Regulus was given a training wand that only had three spells it could

shoot. A stinging hex, a tickle charm, and a tripping spell. It was an every

witch or wizard for themselves and the last one not hexed was the


Harry smiled from the table where he sat with Bella, Charlus and Dorea

Potter, his grandparents. Harry watched his father at play, he looked so

carefree and full of mischief, and he wondered if his childhood would

have been similar if his parents had lived. Would he have grown up with

cousins and other family members around him?

The smile that he was wearing slowly morphed into a pensive and wistful

look. He had missed out on so much. He did not have a childhood, none

to speak of really, no friends to play with, the Dursleys' made sure of

that. He had been manipulated and moved about like a pawn on a chess

board. Harry's mood was quickly falling and becoming morose.

"Will you walk with me my lord?" His grandmother's voice shook him out

of his sullen thoughts.

"Wha-what? Oh of course!" Harry replied hastily, forcing a smile onto his


Bella looked at him and suddenly noticed the far off look of her husband.

"Shall I come as well?" She asked.

"No need dear. I'd like to speak with Lord Eveningshade alone." She said

for the benefit of the others.

"Offer a lady an arm my lord?" Dorea asked as she approached Harry.

"Of course." Harry replied extending his elbow. Dorea Potter slipped her

hand through her grandson's offered arm. They set off toward the large

pond to the east of the patio.

"Knut for your thoughts dear." Dorea stated with a warm smile. "You

seem to be in deep thought about something. Something, that is troubling


Before Harry could ask a stunned 'how did you know?' She answered his

unasked question.

"James often gets that same look on his face with there is something

troubling him." She said patting his arm as they strolled the grounds.

Harry sighed deeply as they walked. "I was just wondering…wondering

what my life might have been like if…"

"If things had turned out differently?" She finished for him. Harry nodded

glancing over at his father sneaking up on an unsuspecting Narcissa.

"Harry…I won't pretend to know the answer to that question, and I will

not patronize your intelligence by stating that your life would have been

a bed of roses. The truth is, is that we will soon be at war and there are

no guarantees how any of our lives will turn out. As a mother and a

grandmother…" Dorea squeezed Harry's arm affectionately.

"…I would do and will do whatever it takes to protect my family. You

being here, has given us an advanced warning of things to come, an

opportunity Harry, an opportunity to change our fates. You may never

have the childhood you dreamed of, my dear boy. But perhaps this new

future you intend to bring will be brighter for all of us.

I know that there is a certain young woman who is watching us closely

back there, who is hoping for a long and happy life with you. Harry, now

is the time to live for the future, not to dwell on ghosts and dreams of the

past. Love your bride, protect yours and her future and the future of your

own family you will have with her one day."

Harry looked back at the table where Bella was watching him with

worry, but with obvious love in her eyes. 'It was time'. He sighed. Time to

let go of foolish childhood dreams of a home and family he could not

have and instead fight for the one which was now right in front of him.

Harry's posture straightened and gone was the wistful looks of a moping

teen, and in its place a resolute look of determination from a young man

on a mission.

"Good, good!" Dorea praised looking at the set face of her grandson. "We

are your family now, Harry. And though the dynamic is not quite would

it should have been, it is close enough." Dorea squeezed his arm again

and then led him back to the table.

A triumphant Andromeda walked imperiously toward the breakfast

tables, with a treasonous looking James and Sirius plotting revenge as

they rubbed their inflamed backsides behind her. Regulus and Narcissa

were both sporting multicolored hair, and were grumbling and looking

menacingly at James and Sirius as well.

The adults chuckled at the children's antics, before ordering them back

inside the manor to get cleaned up for the day. Harry sat back down next

to Bella when two barely audible pops caught the adult's attention. Two

house elves had suddenly appeared. One looked very familiar as it

walked to Orion. Kreacher.

"My Lord Black this urgent message arrived at Grimauld place for you."

The old elf stated with a bow. Harry noticed the elf looking a lot

healthier than when he first discovered him at the old Black house.

At the same time another elf approached Charlus Potter. "Master Potters

sirs, an important message for you arrived at Potter Manor." The much

younger elf bowed.

"Thank you Jasper." Charlus told the elf. It bowed and then was gone.

"What is it dear?" Dorea asked her husband.

Charlus sighed. "Dumbeldore has called an emergency session of the


Dorea rolled her eyes. "Does the fool say why?" She asked.

"No, just that it begins at one this afternoon." He replied. "Orion, you got

the same?"

"I did. I'm guessing we will be discussing what occurred in Hogsmeade

and Diagon Alley." The head of House Black suggested.

"I believe you are right." The two men looked at Harry, who remained

stoic at their gazes.

"I need not remind you Orion, where our house stands in regards to Lord

Eveningshade." Arcturus glared at his son.

"I am well aware, father." Orion replied.

Arcturus nodded. "I believe I will join you at this meeting, nonetheless."

Orion bowed in acquiescence.

"My lord, I would be interested in attending as well." Harry mentioned to


"My lord, please, we are family now, call me Arcturus."

"Thank you, Arcturus, and its Harry…to all of you." Harry stated looking

to all the adults.

"Harry, it may not be in your best interest to go, if you are indeed the

topic of conversation." Arcturus offered.

"The ministry doesn't know who I am sir, and if I were to come as your

guest or Lord Potter's, I don't imagine anyone questioning you about my

presence." Harry said.

"You're welcome to sit with me Harry, and it is Charlus." Charlus told him

with a nod.

"Thank you Charlus, I would be honored." Harry replied.

"Harry, I don't know about this." Bella stated worriedly. "But if you're set

on going, I'm going with you!" Bella stated firmly, daring him to say

otherwise. Harry blinked owlishly at his wife.

"Get use to it Harry." Charlus patted him on the shoulder. "Black women

are incredibly stubborn when they set their minds to something." Charlus

chuckled until he saw his own wife glaring at him and every other Black

woman in attendance.

"Um, did I also forget to mention that their incredible intelligence is only

matched by their amazing beauty?!" Charlus stated clearing his throat

nervously. Dorea smirked at her husband and gave him a peck on the

cheek while patting his other cheek with her hand.

"That'll do husband, that'll do." She grinned.

"Well, now that that is settled." Arcturus smirked. "I suggest we get ready

for the meeting. We'll leave within the hour."


A/N: What did you think?! There was a lot of information for Lily and

her dad, some more Black family interaction. And what will be

discussed in the emergency session of the Wizengamot?! Plus a little

more Bella and harry one on one time. Please leave a comment or a


21. Chapter 21

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: So sorry for the delay! The laptop I use had an unfortunate

accident where the screen cracked. But I'm up and running again. So to

all those who have expressed worry let me reassure you that I will not

abandon this story! Want to give a big thanks to all of you who have

reviewed and who continue to follow my story. I hope you all enjoy this

next installment of Passageways!

Chapter 21

From Black Hills manor, Dorea and Charlus Potter, and all the adult

Black family members, flooed to their respective private offices at the

Ministry of Magic. Being senior members of the Wizengamot had its

perks, because of their ancient and noble status they were allowed to

have these private connections.

This was a boon to Harry and Bella who would not have to go through

normal security checks to enter the Ministry of Magic, as guests of the

senior members were given exceptions to the rule. Harry and Bella had

accompanied Charlus and Dorea to the Potter office with their identities

remaining a secret.

It was a surprisingly large office with a large rich mahogany desk, a small

conference table that could seat about ten people, several comfortable

looking leather chairs and a matching leather couch. Above the mantle of

the fire place was the coat of arms for the Ancient and Noble House of

Potter, with several portraits of former heads along the walls.

A security brief was waiting for Charlus on his desk detailing the events

of the Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade attacks. Every member of the

Wizengamot was given this brief by the department of Magical Law

Enforcement. As Arcturus and Charlus had believed; the topic of the

emergency session would be these recent attacks.

The brief contained a list of those who were wounded or killed in the

attacks, also an estimate of the collateral damage in Galleons, including

cost of repairing damaged buildings, healer response along with

emergency medical services provided by St. Mungo's. There were witness

statements, photographs, as well as the most recent progress report into

the investigation of the attacks, i.e. the names of perpetrators, those

individuals or organizations involved.

Theories, suppositions, and allegations were not a part of the official

report, but Charlus knew that these things would be raised on the floor of

the Wizengamot and it would be an intense oral debate. Charlus wasted

no time and quickly began sending flying memos to those that were part

of the Potter voting bloc; he called for a quick meeting with his

colleagues before the session began.

Orion under Arcturus' direction was doing much the same with those

families he knew were loyal to the Blacks or at least were indebted

someway to the Blacks by fair means or foul. Both patriarchs would

counsel their colleagues not to be pressured into an immediate vote of

any kind today, but require the Chief Warlock to allow the customary

three days of review before calling for a vote on any kind for new


Charlus excused himself to meet with his delegation and prepare them

for how they were going to respond as a bloc in council. He would return

after the meeting before the session began and they would all make their

way to the Potter box in the Wizengamot Council chamber.

Harry was interested in how the political dynamics of the Wizengamot

and its members worked, and realized quickly that it took a savvy and

shrewd person to figure out how the political game was played and won.

His grandparents and his new in-laws both appeared to be very

knowledgeable and experienced with the real way the government


Bella seemed to be in her element absorbing everything around her with

childlike enthusiasm, asking Dorea question after question. Dorea was

extremely patient and was very willing to illuminate the two teens on the

ins and outs of political life and also educating them on the pitfalls and

the cutthroat atmosphere.

"Grandmother, how would I find out if the Eveningshades were ever

members of the Wizengamot?" Harry asked curiously.

"I don't know for sure but I believe that they were, but depending on

their membership they may not be anymore." She replied thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Well, it depends, if they were a Founding member, a Hereditary

member, or Common member, that is a purchased membership." She


"I still don't understand, grandmother." He told her.

"A permanent member or what is commonly known as a Founding

Member, Harry, is a House, who participated in the creation of the

Ministry; they were the Lords of the era when the Ministry was first

established and thus were given permanent member status in the

Wizengamot, which is the ruling body of our government. Even if that

family has become extinct, their seat still exists.

There are a total of fifty Founder seats but only twenty that are active.

Thirty have gone extinct. Although according to Pollux, twenty-four of

those extinct houses have resurfaced from the muggleborns. If they were

to be reintegrated…well, that would indeed cause a stir." She chuckled


"Now, a Hereditary member is a House which gained its Wizengamot

position by being landowners or lords over a fiefdom, they were

compelled to provide taxes for the Ministry, and wizards and witches to

the government in times of war or civil unrest and in return they were

given a representative seat in the government. As long as they did not

lose their titles and lands, their seats would exist in perpetuity.

However, if they lost their titles or lands, either by conquest, forfeiture,

sold, acts of gods, or from a vote of disenfranchisement from the

Founding members, their seats would be then offered to another lord.

There are only one hundred available hereditary seats. Of course with the

collapse of the Feudal system, the requirements for the maintaining of

the title of lord have been changed to allow titles to be passed down from

father to son, without the need of being a lord over a fiefdom.

Also, if a House in this second group cannot produce a male heir, their

seats will be either sold to another great house that had not been able to

have a seat because of the number limit. However, a House's seat can be

saved if they have a female member who is of the main line. She would

have to acquire a consort bond with a man of equal status and produce a

son that could take over her House's lordship. But failing to produce a

male heir would result in that House permanently losing their seat." She


"A consort bond?" Harry asked.

"Yes, in other words she would be the second wife to a lord of equal

status to her own house. She would not carry her husband's name, nor is

she or any children she would bare to him entitled to that house's titles,

lands, or fortunes. Her son would become the new lord of her own

family's house." She told him.

"Ug, I guess I asked!" Harry groaned. Dorea smiled sympathetically at her


"Now, where was I? Oh yes! The last group is the Commons, they are

members who come from some of the newer families given House status.

These houses have come to economic or social prominence through

business or other means. They are allowed to purchase seats in the

Wizengamot but again only one hundred seats are available to them.

These seats are not hereditary and once that person is deceased or can no

longer perform his duties that seat is then put up for sale, but, final

approval of a new house getting those seats must come from the Founder

membership." Dorea explained.

"So there are no elected seats?" Harry asked.

"No. Though there have been attempts at legislation from this third group

to have elected seats. As you can imagine, the older families do not

particularly embrace the idea. So, they have not been able to get enough

votes for the measure to pass." She explained.

"If there are so few permanent members in the Wizengamot, why do the

other two groups fear them? It seems to me that the other groups could

pretty much do as they want? How will grandfather or Arcturus stop

anything that comes to the floor?" Harry asked.

"Very good question, Harry. You see, there were safe guards put into the

bylaws of the Wizengamot. Any proposed legislation must have a sponsor

from a permanent member of the Wizengamot, or it will never see the

light of day.

This little caveat is the catalyst for many of the factions we have today.

Amongst the permanent members you have those who are the so called

light faction, the dark faction, and the neutrals. The memberships of the

two other bodies align themselves with a permanent member who best

fits their politics.

These alliances are what create a voting bloc. The light and dark factions

are fairly even numbered, with the largest faction being the neutrals.

However, the neutrals are not as fanatical as the other two factions and

so aren't as passionate about their politics. The neutrals would better be

classed as a loose coalition at best.

They rarely will get involved with legislation that did not immediately

affect them in some way. Arcturus is hoping to tighten and rally the

neutrals around the premise that Voldemort's true goals are not one of

Pureblood prominence but the subjugation of every magical in the


"Placing himself, or at least the House of Black in a very powerful

position politically." Harry added with a smirk.

"With House Potter as a co-sponsor, it would bring a lot of prominence to

both families, Harry, not to mention what it will do for the

Eveningshades as well. It is how things are accomplished Harry, you can't

hope to make changes without the political strength behind you to do


"I understand grandmother, I do. It just feels like a sneaky way to do


Dorea chuckled warmly. "Well my dear, if you had been born a thousand

years ago, the power of the wand was stronger than the quill, but today

that is just not the case. But not to worry, your family is quite astute in

the political arena." She affectionately hugged her grandson to her chest

and kissed his forehead.

"Now, to answer your initial question about the Eveningshades, we'll

have to look in the book of Wizengamot Houses." Dorea stated looking

through her husband's bookshelf.

"Aha! Here it is." She declared pulling an old tome from the bookshelf.

"Now the families are listed alphabetically…hmmm let's see." Dorea

flipped through the pages quickly, glancing at the name found at the top

of each page.

"Eveningshade!" She affirmed loudly. Well, it appears that your house

was not one of the founding houses, I expected as much, so they are not

permanent members of the Wizengamot. It does state that they did have

a hereditary seat and had taken over several other hereditary seats by

means of conquest or as payment for debts owed, in fact they

controlled…oh my… seventeen seats. Now that's curious." Dorea frowned

looking at the book.

"What's curious?" Bella asked having followed the conversation with


"The dates of when the Eveningshades lost control of sixteen of those

seats." Dorea said thoughtfully.

"What about them grandmother?" Harry asked.

"It's odd, because all of the seats but one were lost on October 31, 1810

and the last in 1817. It's curious that there were no heirs to take over the

seats. They were simply controlled by your family one day and then the

next…the seats were extinct, and new lords appointed." She frowned


"Well I know something happened to my great-great-great grandfather in

1817. He lost his magic and went into the muggle world." Harry told his


"But something else had to of happened to the rest of them Harry. The

Eveningshades were known to have a large family, enough siblings and

cousins to control seventeen seats in the Wizengamot easily." Dorea

replied slowly, her mind in deep thought.

"What are you thinking auntie?" Bella asked.

Without a word Dorea Potter stood from her seat and walked briskly to

the fireplace. She threw in some floo powder from the mantle, with a

whoosh the orange flames turned green and she then called out:

"Wizengamot Historical Records Department!"

"W.H.R.D. this is Marjory Dunkell, how may I help you?" A sweet lilting

Irish voice replied.

"Marjory dear, its Dorea. How are you today?" Dorea asked politely of her

old Hogwarts dorm mate.

"My goodness…Dorea! How are you mo chara?" The redheaded director

of the Wizengamot Historical Records Department asked jovially.

"Fine, fine dear, and how's your daughter Roisìn? She would be a sixth

year now wouldn't she?"

Marjory pursed her lips before replying. "To be honest Dori, I'm a bit

concerned. She's been seeing this muggle boy from the village named

Sean Finnigan."

"Oh my, does he know she's a witch?" Dorea asked.

"No, I don't think Roisìn is wanting to scare the boy away. Devout

Catholic you see." Marjory stated as if it were an obvious problem.

"Perhaps it's just a rebellious phase dear." Dorea comforted her old friend.

"Thank you dear, I can only hope so. Now I'm assuming this call wasn't a

social one?" Marjory smiled.

"No, not entirely. I was hoping you could do a favor for me, I was hoping

you would be able to find something for me in the historical records."

Dorea asked.

"What is it that you're looking for?" the Irish woman asked, willing to

help her old friend.

"Anything surrounding House Eveningshade, and the seats they

controlled and lost in the year 1810." Dorea replied.

Marjory's eyes widened at the mention of the name, but nevertheless this

was one of her oldest friends and she would do what she could to help.

"Anything specific you want me to search for?"

"I'm curious about their sudden disappearance from the Wizengamot in

that year. They had control of seventeen seats and then by the end of that

year all but one was gone. It just seems a little suspicious to me." Dorea

told her friend.

"What is this for Dori? Why the interest in an extinct and…infamous

family?" She asked a little concerned.

"You know I've always been a history and a mystery buff." Dorea replied

smoothly. "And I had heard the name mentioned recently and wanted to

learn more about them. That's when I discovered that they all of a sudden

disappeared in 1810. I found it rather intriguing." Dorea smiled.

"Frankly Dori, I remember the ghost stories about that family when I was

a child." She shivered uncontrollably at a past memory. "Scared the

freckles right off of me when I was little!" She chuckled.

"A check of unofficial or sealed records wouldn't go a miss as well." Dora

stated conspiratorially with an all too familiar wink and smirk to the Irish


Marjory chuckled at that, she remembered all the clandestine late night

excursions to the Restricted Sessions in her youth with Dorea and their

little group of girls. "Alright, I'll see what I can find. Where can I reach

you?" She asked with mirth in her voice.

"I'll be here at the Ministry for the remainder of the day I believe. Charlus

was called into an emergency session and I'm accompanying him today."

Dorea told her friend.

"It may take some time, but if I find something while you're here, I'll send

an elf to you with the information. If not I'll forward it to the manor shall

I?" Marjory asked.

"Thank you dear that would be lovely." Dorea told her friend. "Oh, one

other thing Marjory. I'd appreciate it if we kept this just between us." She

told her friend as an afterthought.

"Of course Dori. Give my best to Charlus and little Jamie." Marjory smiled

again remembering how the now very proper lady was the rebellious

friend of her youth.

"I will, and thanks again dear." Dorea replied warmly.

Dorea returned to her chair, where a waiting Bellatrix and Harry were

giving her inquisitive looks. Dorea sat primly in her seat and took a long

sip of her tea.

"Well?" Bella asked impatiently. "What was that about?"

"A hunch." Dorea shrugged non-committally.


Marjory Dunkel had worked in the W.H.R.D for twenty years now, and

had been its director for the last six. Of all the Ministry jobs out there, it

was by no means the most exciting, but neither was it the worst. But

Marjory found it fascinating. Any piece of legislation that was passed,

every monumental policy change, every court proceeding, found its way

to her department.

She fancied it as her version of the Library at Alexandria, here on

parchment was the history of the Wizengamot, but really what it was,

was the history of magical Britain. The scandals, the victories, the

intrigue, the political maneuverings, some of the most famous witches

and wizards had penned many of their laws and they were all held here.

Every word spoken during a Wizengamot session was transcribed here on

magical parchment and then filed under the day and year.

Though it was not a secret, few members knew or remembered that even

their whispered conversations and uttered diatribes were all copied down

for posterity's sake. There were never truly any secret conversations

within the hall.

The public records of a session were available to anybody who requested

them, provided that they had filled out all the proper forms in triplicate.

Those non-public mutterings were not made available to the public, an

official document of release signed by both the head Warlock and

Director of the DMLE was required before these records could be


However, Dorea being such a close friend would not have to provide such

documentation. After all, a fellow Mistress of Mayhem got special

consideration. Marjory smiled as memories of her misadventures with

Dorea and the three other girls who were part of their group floated to

the surface.

They weren't hooligans by any means, they were a group of girls who

craved adventure and an ancient castle like Hogwarts, provided many

opportunities for exciting and sometimes terrify exploits. And of course a

girl had to have chocolate every now and then, and when the group had

discovered the secret passage that led to Honeydukes in their third year,

it was Avalon!

Of course they always left money on the crates in the basement for what

they took; they weren't thieves for goodness sake. Of course Dorea would

make quite a bit of extra spending money by selling some of her stash to

other students, after a modest markup of course. A girl needed her

spending money after all.

Marjory chuckled to herself as she searched for the 1810 Wizengamot

records. The other members of the Mistresses of Mayhem, she reminisced,

had all married well or had successful careers. Delia Stodmore was now

the Lady Delia Greengrass; Agnes Finkel was now Agnes McKinnon, one

of the top Hit Wizards in the country along with her husband; and then

there was Minerva Dunbar who was now Minerva McGonagall, the

Transfiguration prodigy who was now a professor at Hogwarts.

The five girls were the best of friends and a bane to boys and professors

everywhere. Dorea had been their leader and the glue that held them

together. Dorea and Delia had been Slytherins, while Minerva was the

quintessential Gryffindor, Agnes was a Ravenclaw, and she was a


Dorea broke boundaries in house relations. She wasn't a trendsetter nor

did she try to be. She liked who she liked and that was that. It also didn't

hurt that she was a very powerful witch and a daughter of House Black,

so there were very few students brave enough to give her grief over her

odd friendships.

When she and the Gryffindor Quidditch captain Charlus Potter started

dating, it raised a few eyebrows but no one dared to challenge the

relationship. They quickly became the power couple of their year at

Hogwarts. Charles was exceptionally skilled with charms, and was no

slouch in the dueling arena, but his boyish charm and good natured

personality didn't inspire fear in other like Dorea did.

Dorea was cunning and patient, victims of her wrath were kept in abject

terror wondering when and where she would exact her revenge on

someone. She loved to keep her targets in a state of paranoia never

knowing when they would meet their fate. Her enigmatic smile was

enough to make most male students wet themselves in fear.

Marjory chuckled again thinking about Lorcan Rockwood. The stupid boy

actually was foolish enough to loudly call Dorea a frigid whore in the

Great Hall, when she turned down his advances to court her. Dorea had

let the boy worry for nearly three months with promises of horrendous

pain, even insinuated that she would immobilize the boy and lower his

body into a vat of undiluted buber-tuber puss until the acidic puss

stripped away all the flesh off of his worthless bones.

Ten weeks had passed since her threat, but everyday she gave him that

look which promised that his day was coming soon or she would show up

unexpectedly in front of him and smirk evilly at him. Lorcan Rockwood,

after ten weeks, had a severe mental break down and was taken from the

castle in a nearly catatonic state. It was rumored he was admitted into St.

Mungos mental ward, where he finished out the school term.

Needless to say Dorea had achieved "Don't f**k with me" status through

the remainder of her school days. To outsiders, Dorea appeared to be a

dark witch you did not want to cross. But to those who truly knew her,

knew her as a passionate and loyal friend. To her closest friends it was no

surprise that she later became a healer, ironically her strength was in

helping those with mental disorders, and she had help more than one

veteran of the Great War deal with their traumas both physical and


Many a witch and wizard who had been affected by the Great War had

stories upon stories of her compassion and generosity. She had been the

one to offer Potter Manor as a convalescence center during the war, and

had personally treated many of the injured and had comforted the dying

in their last moments. She became affectionately known to thousands as

simply "The Lady."

Marjory was confused as she looked through the magical shelves which

contained the files for the Wizengamot. Each shelf was clearly labeled

with the year that it pertained to. To her left was the shelf labeled

W-1809 and next to it to the right was the shelf labeled was no sign of

the shelf that should be labeled W-1810.

She looked around at some of the other shelves and realized that several

other dates seemed to be missing as well. Someone had stolen at least

two dozen years worth of files. But that did not make any sense; even if

the files themselves had been taken the shelves should still be there.

"They're hidden!" Marjory told herself in sudden realization. "But why?"

Marjory took out her wand and pointed it at the area where shelf W-1810

should be. But before she cast she suddenly felt an urge to go to lunch. "I-

I just had lunch." She told herself shaking her head. "Why would I need to

go eat again?"

She shook her head again. "A compulsion charm?" She hesitated a guess.

"It must have been cast some time ago." She could still feel the

compulsion but it was weak. She raised her wand again and fought

against the compulsion.

"Finite Incantatem!" Marjory cast her strongest dispelling charm.

Suddenly a shelf shimmered into existence with the label of W-1810. On

the shelf was two old leather bound books. One book contained the

official record of proceedings of the Wizengamot for that year, while the

other contained every conversation held with the Hall for that year.

The books were magically shrunk and held much more than they

appeared to; they also had a voice command feature on them so as to call

up each individual session or a certain piece of proposed legislation and

each conversation held within the Hall of the Wizengamot. With the use

of keywords you could narrow your search and quickly wade through the

voluminous pages of script.

Marjory opened the second book knowing that her friend was not

wanting the official transcripts but rather the occult and hidden

conversations. "Reference search…Eveningshade!"

Marjory felt the usual tingle of magic that told her that the book was

cataloging every conversation that mentioned the Eveningshade name.

However there was a pulse of magic that was not normal for a search. It

almost felt like a notification ward, similar to the one that was on her

office door to let her know that someone had entered.

"Odd." She thought briefly. Her attention was then redirected to the first

page of the book which was now bringing up any and all conversations

where Eveningshade was mentioned.

She was surprised that there indeed were many whispered conversations

about the Eveningshade. Many were vitriolic in nature. It seems many

houses distrusted the Eveningshades, not that she could blame them they

were a rather dark house from what she had grown up hearing.

Some conversations actually showed the Eveningshades in a favorable

light. In one such positive conversation, the infamous family had helped

a family out of a rather nasty infestation of vampires on their property.

The nest of vampires was wiped out within days and the Eveningshades

price for their help was ten percent of their crops and livestock for the

next season. The family found it a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Then she found something else, something sinister. There was a plot, a

plot to wipe out the entire Eveningshade clan. Her eyes widen in disbelief

and she lost all color in her face as she saw the names of those who were

conspiring to commit genocide on the Eveningshade family and their

reasons why.

"Morgana have mercy!" She gasped. This was dangerous information to

have, extremely dangerous! The more she read, the more sickened she

became. If someone found out she had this information, there was no

doubt in her mind that she would not live to see another sunrise.

"What have you got me into Dori?!" Marjory breathed in panic. "My gods!

The notification ward on the book! Someone knows that I've read the


Marjory rushed from the archive room with the books tightly held in her

arms and entered the main office. She grabbed her cloak and threw it on

in a hurry. She needed to find Dorea quickly and inform her of what she

had found and warn her. As director of the department she was the only

one capable of removing original material from the archives, without

serious ramifications.

She sprinted out of the door and headed for the lift. She stopped

suddenly as she made the corner, hearing voices in the lift as it was

coming to her floor.

"You guard the door to the office while I go in a deal with the problem."

A gravelly voice stated.

"Wha dya tink is in da book that 'as him so worked up?" Another man

with a heavy nasal laden voice asked.

Marjory gasped and jerked her head side to side looking for a place to

hide. She found a small alcove that was covered with a floor length

tapestry. She ducked behind the tapestry and pressed herself against the

wall and held her breath.

"Dun no. Something serious enough, that 'e doesn't want the knowledge

to get out. And then telling us to do what it takes to contain the

problem." The first man replied.

"Gonna kill 'er then?" The nasal man asked.

"Not 'ere, we'll get 'er to come wit us. We'll do it in the alley after we find

out what she knows."

Marjory was near panic as the two men walked by her hiding place. She

remained there until she heard then turn the corner to where her office

was at the end of that hall. Peeking out from behind the tapestry and

assuring herself that the coast was clear she bolted to the lift.

"Who were those men?" she rasped out as she fell against the back of the

lift. She cast a tempus to check the time. "Damn! The Wizengamot session

has already started! It a closed session, I won't be able to get in after it

has started. Shite! Shite! Shite!

"Okay, calm down Marjory. We need to think." Marjoray told herself as

her mind rushed to decide her next move.

"First things first, I need to get to some where safe. Home? No, if they

know who I am that will be the next place they'll go. Thank Merlin

Daobh is out of the country for the week! The Leaky Cauldron, I can hide

out there until I can get a message to Dorea!"

Marjory exited from the lift out into the atrium and headed to one of the

public floos. She threw in some floo powder than stepped into the green

flames and called out her destination. Twenty minutes later and she was

sitting in room 317 of the Leaky cauldron. Through Tom the barkeeper,

she had sent a message to Dorea at the Ministry. The note instructed her

to meet her as soon as possible. She signed the note M.M. Banshee.

Marjory let out a weary sigh, and then downed her third shot of Fire

Whiskey. She set the empty glass on the table next to the chair she was

sitting in that was facing the door. She was never very good at casting

wards, but proficient enough to give her at least a second or two of

warning when someone came to the door.

So she sat their facing the door with her wand drawn and hoped that

Dorea would get her message soon. She felt the magic from the door

pulse; she stood up and pointed her wand shakily at the door. But no one

knocked; she stood there for a few more seconds and was just about to sit

back down when suddenly the door silently flew open.

A red light hit her wand and it flew from her grasp. Two large men

snarled predatorily as they lumbered into the room. They wore their

hoods up so their faces were obscured in darkness. Marjory could feel the

foulness roll off of the two men. The smell of cheap cigars and alcohol

filled the room quickly.

A man with a revolting nasally voice then spoke to her. "Allo poppet, we

'ave some business wit you." With a flick of the other man's wand the

door closed itself and silencing wards were cast.


Charlus returned from his meeting in thoughtful reflection. It had been

very informative meeting; apparently the Eveningshade rumor had

become widespread throughout the peerage. Most had dismissed it as

hysteria and unfounded gossip. But there were a few who were terrified

at the thought of the infamous family's return; and still there were a few

others who found it all rather intriguing.

But in the end he had the consensus he was hoping for amongst the bloc

members, they would not rush to vote on any measures or legislation

brought before the body today. 'Now if Arcturus was as successful.'

Charlus mused. There would be enough opposition to keep anything that

Dumbledore proposed from being voted upon before the mandatory three

day review time lapsed.

"Are we ready to go?" Charlus asked his little entourage, rubbing his

hands together.

Dorea, Harry and Bella all stood at his inquiry and gave him nods of

eagerness. Charlus lead them through a door just to the left of his desk. It

led directly to the Potter box within the Wizengamot Council chambers.

The chamber was a large oval room with stadium like seating.

A raised dais half way down the seats on one end of the room consisted

of a large throne like seat wear the Chief Warlock sat with two smaller

but similar chairs placed on either side but just behind it with small desks

in front of the chairs

These two seats were occupied by the executive secretary of the

Wizengamot and the Wizengamot historian. The seats that were directly

behind and to the sides of the Chief Warlock's dais were the one hundred

hereditary seats, fifty on either side.

Directly in front of the dais were the hundred seats of the Common

Houses. At the very top of the chamber above all of the other seats and

circling the entire chamber, were the box seats of the fifty permanent

houses of the Wizengamot.

Each seat of the Common Houses consisted of a nice desk and two leather

chairs. The seats belonging to the hereditary houses were much nicer and

consisted of a more elegant desk and four very comfortable leather

chairs. The permanent members enjoyed luxurious boxes that included

only the best furnishings that money could buy.

They were allowed up to ten visitors in their boxes and were also allowed

house elf services, not to mention their respective offices were connected

to their box seats. The family crests were ornately placed in front of the

boxes for the rest of the Wizengamot members to behold. Position in the

Wizengamot was important and the founding families proudly displayed

their house crests.

Charlus took his place at his desk while Dorea sat back with Harry and

Bella in the guest seats. Harry looked around and noticed the Potter seat

was to the right of the Chief Warlock Dais and centered along the longer

wall. He noticed that the House Black was seat was directly in front of

him, so as to put it left of the dais.

Harry noticed many familiar names as he looked at the crests of the

permanent members. He was surprised to learn that a couple of names he

recognized were founding members, and that others he assumed were


Dorea noticed her grandson looking at the box seats with interest and

decided to educate him on the factions within the permanent

membership. "Harry dear, remember me telling you about the three


"Yes grandmother." Harry replied.

"Well, the light side families are Weasley, Prewett, Doge, Lovegood, and

Abbott. The darker families are Rosier, Rookwood, Crabbe, Nott, Macnair

and until recently the Blacks. Rosier is the voice and sponsor of the Purist

party within the permanent members. The neutral families are the

Potters, Longbottom, the Bones, Greengrass, Bagshot, Davis, Edgecombe,

McKinnon, and Turpin. However, the neutral faction is not a unified

group and a few sway with whichever way the political wind happens to

be blowing."

"Wow, I didn't realize that the Weasley's were a founding family." Harry


"They are a very old family and before the Great War were quite wealthy,

not on the same level as the Blacks and Potters but respectable."

"What happened to them then?" Harry asked.

"They lost their family fortune in fighting Grindelwald, gave the bulk of it

to Dumbledore who recruited them to his fold of backers. Supposedly he

used the money to buy informants and spies to follow Grindelwald's


"Huh. What about Dumbledore, I thought his family would have been a

founding family?" Harry asked.

Charlus turned around at hearing the question. "Oh no!" Charlus

chuckled. "I'm sure he wishes, no; his family has a hereditary seat. They

have only possessed it for about a hundred and sixty years, a relatively

new house within the Wizengamot." His grandfathers stated before

returning to his reading of the security brief.

The sound of a pounding staff, stopped Harry from asking any follow-up

questions as the emergency session was about to start. "Hear ye Hear ye,

this emergency session of the Wizengamot is now in session! The most

honorable Chief Warlock, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian

Dumbledorepresiding!" The chamber herald announced.

"My fellow lords of the Wizengamot please be seated. I have called this

emergency session to address the incidents of this last week. Dark days

are upon us my friends when such wanton acts of mayhem, destruction,

and the shedding of magical blood can be perpetrated in the heart of our

magical towns and villages and the ones responsible still walk freely

among us!" Dumbledore began his oration with a thunderous voice.

"Two days ago I walked along the streets of Hogsmeade Village. And do

you know what I saw?! I saw cratered streets, burned out buildings, and

bodies! Bodies of students lined up all in a row, bodies of unmoving

children cut down before their prime, never to grow in to adulthood,

never to fall in love and have families, never to see the wonders of the


But that is not all I saw my friends, no; I saw another row of bodies…this

one with several adult witches and wizards butchered in the most

heinous of ways. Murdered because of their ideology, slaughtered

because they were misguided and frustrated with a society they feel is in

decline and that has turned their back on them. Witches and wizards of

old families cut down before they could be shown mercy and the error of

their ways and brought back into the fold of their government's


"That arrogant…duplicitous…windbag!" Dorea hissed under her breath.

Bella turned to Harry and gave him a wicked smile while motioning

toward Dorea.

"My friends we are few, and can ill afford the lackadaisical killing of one

another because of misunderstandings. The Great War took a heavy toll

on magical populations throughout Britain and Europe. Many old houses

have become extinct and our heritage thins with every generation. All

you need to do my friends is look up at the empty box seats of those

great houses whose lights have forever been darkened to see the truth of

my words." Several pairs of eyes looked up to the Founding seats and saw

more than half of them dark.

"It is with the promise of preservation of our world, that I am proposing

new legislation today that in part will make it illegal for any government

agency; specifically our Auror and Hit Wizards departments from using

deadly force in the apprehension of any magical except in the most dire

of consequences. Also to make it up to a lifetime in Azkaban offense

should any private citizen use deadly force against another witch or

wizard!" Dumbledore proposed.

"I ask that this law be made retro-active, beginning at January first of this

year, so that we may seek justice for those who have lost their lives in

these two heinous and cowardly attacks." Dumbledore added.

"Well that's interesting." Dorea commented to the two teens. It appears

that he wants to bring you two to justice."

Murmuring erupted in the hall, Harry noticed some shaking of heads in

opposition, but he also saw others who were nodding and voicing their

approval. Still there were others who were looking calculatingly at the

long bearded old man in front of them.

Dumbledore waited patiently as the hall digested his words. He knew he

would have to play things very carefully. He gave the traditionalist

including those of the purist movement something they wanted and that

was a show of support for heritage and tradition.

He gave the liberals and lighter side families something they wanted, that

being harsher penalties for those who use deadly force against others,

including lengthy stays in Azkaban.

The neutrals and grays would most likely remain largely apathetic to the

legislation as long as it did not affect them in any manner. It had been so

for centuries. The Weasley's and the Doge's of the Founding seats, had

already agreed to sponsor the bill, what he needed now was at least fifty-

one percent of the remaining members of the Wizengamot to agree to

immediate implementation.

Once passed, he would order a warrant for the arrest of the young dark

haired boy that was purported to be an Eveningshade. Though he

doubted that the boy was truly an Eveningshade, they were wiped out

after all. He could not let the memory of the family resurface. Not now.

Already an unsubstantiated rumor of the family had caused the Malfoy

family to flee the country.

So panicked was the family, that lady Malfoy risked stunning the guards

protecting Abraxus Malfoy's hospital room while he was still in custody.

Lucius had been pulled from school the next day and supposedly had

joined his family. A warrant had been issued for Abraxus Malfoy, but if

he had gone to France as was assumed, the Ministry would not be able to

touch him. Magical France and Magical Britain did not have

reciprocating extradition agreements.

"Chief Warlock!" A voice from down in the gallery suddenly called out.

"Lord Darby." Dumbledore acknowledged the lord from the Commons.

"I find this bill utterly unacceptable!" He stated as he flipped through the

stack of parchment in disgust. "Not only is the bill incredibly vague with

undefined regulations and limits, it in essence removes the DMLE whose

role is to prosecute capital crimes and puts it into this…"

Lord Darby searched the bill for what he was looking for. "…ah…its

states here that the Chief Warlock will appoint a secret five man panel,

whose responsibility will be to investigate all capital cases and basically

act as judge, jury, and executioner!" Lord Darby held a lot the bill and

looked at his fellow Wizengamot members with fire.

"I need not remind this body that we are not the judicial branch of the

government! We are the legislative branch! The DMLE serves that

purpose! This seems to be an attempt by our Chief Warlock to usurp

authority that does not belong to him!"

More and more angry voices began to make their selves known as

members began to look closely at the bill. Dumbledore tried to regain

control of the room, by banging his gavel several times on the podium.

"My fellow members!" Dumbledore called out. "I feel it is necessary to

form an independent counsel to police the DMLE. How can we expect the

DMLE to investigate incidents of abuse of this law within its own house?"

Dumbledore replied.

Charlus Potter was on his feet and responded to Dumbledores statement.

"You know very well that they have their own Internal Affairs division,

Dumbledore. And I for one do not like the idea of constraining our law

enforcement officers in this manner. We rely on these brave witches and

wizards to protect us from those who would seek to do harm. The Purist

movement has demonstrated that they have little regard for the sanctity

of life and…"

"I STRONGLY OBJECT!" Lord Rockwood shouted jumping to his feet. "I

refute the allegations that any of these attacks are somehow linked with

the Purist Movement! And furthermore…"

"LORD MALFOY himself was arrested at the site of the attack in Diagon

Alley! Is he not an influential member of the Purist movement?!" Lord

Bran Bones replied heatedly.

"One man's alleged involvement in the attack does not prove collusion

with the party, only that he showed poor judgment in associating with

those who do support violence!" Rockwood argued.

"Every terrorist that was killed in Hogsmeade has a connection to the

Purist party! I doubt that it is coincidence!" Another man yelled out.

"Again, there is no proof that the attackers and the party are linked! The

party stands for a peaceful return to our values and traditions as a

people. We do not advocate violence! Need I remind this body that these

dead witches and wizards are not here to defend themselves from these

false allegations, and that this type of capricious speculation only leads to

false assumptions?

I have not heard a word uttered about the other two people involved in

these incidents! Where is the call for their arrest?! Why are we not

condemning their actions?!" Rockwood asked with his arms spread open


Harry and Bella shifted nervously in their seats as suddenly the identity

of the two people involved in beating back the terrorist became the new

hot topic. It was now just a matter of time before the rumor would be

brought up and no more than a minute into the new discussion was

brought up did the name get mentioned.

"IT'S BALDERDASH!" Elphias Worthington yelled from his seat. "The

Eveningshades no longer exist. Not a trace of them has been seen in over

a hundred years. I will not believe that by some miracle that family has


"I believe otherwise, Elphias!" Marius McKellan replied from the

Hereditary seats. "My granddaughter was at Hogsmeade during the

attack. She saw two spells fired at point blank range at this mysterious

man and they passed right through him! Who else but an Eveningshade

has ever been known to be able to do that?!"

The hall exploded once more into exclamatory shouts, some were shouts

of fear and others of disbelief. Harry and Bella sat quietly as they took in

the scene unfolding below them. It was clear that the Eveningshade name

elicited powerful emotions amongst the Wizengamot members. Curiously

Dumbledore allowed the mêlée to continue for some time before calling

the hall to order once more.

"It is precisely for this reason that I am proposing this piece of legislation.

The Eveningshades may or may not be back, but this legislation will stop

killers like the Eveningshades from running amuck. And we need this

special committee within the Wizengamot that can't be intimidated by

any house with such leanings.

The eye for an eye philosophy that the Eveningshade family was known

for would be outlawed and such acts would be punished most severely.

But only through a special committee whose members would remain a

secret, thus avoiding bribery and intimidation, which would be the case

if the DMLE were the ones to prosecute these types of cases." Dumbledore

explained, his eyes twinkling as more heads than before began to nod in


Surprising everyone, Lord Arcturus Black stood and addressed the hall.

"Chief Warlock, really now…a secret court that trumps our DMLE…" He

began silkily "…With a secret membership no less?"

"Hmm…what else? Oh yes…unchecked authority and power, and this

panel would be judge, jury, and executioner. Why with no oversight you

would quickly become a very powerful if not feared man. Convicting who

you want or clearing who you want." Arcturus rubbed his chin in mock


"A truly Slytherin move that Salazar himself would be proud of. Such

ambition, Albus. I never realized how incredibly…STUPID you must

think we all are." Arcturus' voice became hard and accusatory. This farce

you call a bill is nothing more than an attempt by you to wrest power

away from the DMLE, and giving you unparalleled power within the

government." Arcturus accused.

The murmurings began again and many distrusting eyes now turned

toward the Chief Warlock, all wondering what is motives truly were. "I

take offense sir! My only concern is for the greater good of our people…"

"I'm sure there are those within this hall that believe that Dumbledore. I

am not one of them. What your true motives are I can only speculate. But

what I do know is that to give someone such power over our legal system

is foolhardy.

Couple that with this idiotic law that punishes our citizens for defending

themselves and ties the hands of our Aurors from meeting deadly force

with deadly force, I'm forced to ask myself what is your agenda here?

Maybe, it's to get rid of all those who might actually have the bollocks to

defend themselves against an oppressor. Are you trying to become that

oppressor, Dumbledore?" Arcturus asked with an inquisitive raised


For a third time the hall erupted with shouting, shouts from those who

attempted to defend Dumbledore, but the majority this time were

accusatory. Dorea smirked as the tide had definitely just turned against

Albus, she would have to give her brother a big wet kiss for his remarks.

She doubted the bill would ever see the light of day now.

Dorea jumped slightly as a house elf suddenly appeared next to her with

a note in its hand. Bowing deeply the elf squeaked. "An urgent message

from Director Dunkle, your ladyship." The small elf bowed handing her

the message and then popped away.

Dorea unfolded the parchment and began to read the obvious hurried

script written in her friend's hand. As she read the note her eyes widened

more and more in worry. She suddenly stood and hurriedly whispered in

her husband's ear who gave her a concerned look and nodded his head.

"You two come with me, we need to hurry to the Leaky Cauldron." Dorea

told the two teens as she exited out of the box door and into her

husband's office not bothering to see if Harry and Bella were following.

She made her way quickly to the fireplace and grabbed the floo powder

off of the mantle. Throw your cloaks on and pull up your hoods. We're

going to the Leaky Cauldron; keep your wands in your hands. And stay

close to me." She told the pair.

Bella and Harry nodded and did as they were told. Dorea was the first

one into the floo quickly followed by Bella and then Harry. Harry stepped

out of the floo with a barely noticeable balance check. When his eyes

adjusted to the lower lights of the tavern, he nearly panicked as he saw

half a dozen aurors interviewing witnesses.

"Damn it Bones! I thought I told you to secure that floo! This is a CRIME

SCENE for Merlin's sake! We don't want to contaminate further!" Auror

captain Alastor Moody screamed at his protégé.

"Sorry sir!" Amelia Bones apologized hurriedly. "I'm taking care of it


Moody grumbled something unflattering under his breath as he walked

toward the new arrivals. "Lady Potter?! What brings you hear?" He asked

softening his voice from his normal gruff barking tone.

"Alastor…what's happened?" Dorea asked with some trepidation.

"A ministry employee was murdered upstairs. Whoever did it, worked her

over pretty good before they killed her. Nearly every bone in her body

was broken." Moody stated shaking his head in disgust. "Apparently she

had something they wanted."

Dorea swallowed hard and steadied herself. "W-who was it Alastor?" She

finally asked.

Moody looked at her curiously but then realization dawned on him.

Dorea had been close friends with the victim. "Have a seat Dorea."

Alastor offered gently to the woman who had saved his life all those

years ago.

"Alastor, please…just tell me." Dorea implored with wet eyes.

"…Marjory Dunkel…"

"Oh gods!" Dorea gasped.

"I take it, that it's no coincidence that you're here?" Moody asked. Dorea

slowly shook her head.

"I received a message from her, to meet her here, she said it was urgent."

Dorea explained. She happened to look toward the staircase as two

Aurors were floating a sheet covered body down the stairs. The white

sheet was covered in large swaths of red. Dorea stumbled at the sight of a

limply swaying arm bruised and misshapen. Moody caught Dorea before

she could fall. He gently sat her in a chair and then pulled another one

next to it so he could comfort his old friend.

"Grandmother?" Harry whispered lowly and knelt in front of her. Dorea

grabbed Harry's hand and held it tightly in her lap. Bella hugged her

from behind and kissed her cheek gently.

"I know this is an awful time to ask this…but can you tell me why you

were meeting Marjory?" Moody asked sympathetically.

Dorea looked at her old friend and then glanced toward Harry and then

back to Moody. "I asked her for any Wizengamot information on the

Eveningshades." She leaned forward and whispered to the Auror captain.

"Specifically in the year 1810."

Moody sat back in his chair with a confused look. "Any particular

reason?" He asked.

"Not here Alastor." She looked around the tavern. "Too many ears."

Moody nodded.

"Later then." He gave her a tired half smile.

"You mentioned that whoever k-killed her was looking for something?"

Dorea asked.

"Huh…oh yeah. The room was destroyed; it looks like they were

searching for something the way the room was tossed. Whether they

found what they were looking for…I don't know." Moody sighed heavily.

"M-may I take a look at the room Alastor?" Dorea asked hopefully.

"Dori, it's a right state. I don't think you'll want to see it. And besides we

haven't finished processing it yet."

"Please Alastor, if Marjory felt she was in danger she would have hid

whatever it was they were looking for." She told him.

"We've searched the room Dorea, we couldn't find anything." Moody


"I would like to try, Alastor, please." Moody sighed and looked

appraisingly at the regal lady.

"Very well, but I have to be with you, agreed?" He asked.

"Agreed." She told the man. "I'd like Harry and Bella to come as well."

Moody was about to argue, but he never could deny Dorea anything she

truly wanted. He owed a debt to the woman he could never truly pay

back. "Very well, just don't touch anything." He told Bella and Harry who


The four of them climbed the stairs to the third floor and made their way

to room 317. Moody dispelled the ward that kept people from entering

the room and then opened the door. Dorea had to catch herself against

the door frame as she witnessed the state of the room. She was not a

stranger to blood and gore, but knowing that she may have inadvertently

been the cause of her friend's death it left her sick to her stomach.

Dorea straightened herself up and took a deep breath to compose herself.

"Now if she hid anything she would have used a displacement spell on a

section of wall, floor, or a mirror." She stated with more confidence than

she was feeling at the moment.

"Yes, it creates a hidden cavity within an object; I developed the spell

while in school. My friends and I used it to hide our…well…contraband

from our roommates and professors." She stated.

"Really?" Bellatrix asked interestedly. "So how are we to find it? Do we

use a revealing spell?"

"No, that won't work; I created it to be undetectable." She replied.

"Then how are we to find it?" Harry asked looking around the destroyed

room. Pieces of furniture lay scattered around the room.

"She would have left our mark over the spot she hid it. It will be two

capital M's next to each other." She explained.

They searched the room for twenty minutes without success until Bella

called out from the bathroom. "Auntie! I think I found it!"

"Let's see child." Dorea said as she entered the bathroom.

"Just there." Bella pointed to two M's seemingly etched into the lower left

hand corner of the bathroom mirror.

Dorea smiled. "This is it. Good job Bella." Dorea took her wand and

touched it gently to the double M's. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no

good." She stated clearly.

Harry looked at his grandmother gob smacked at hearing those words. He

would definitely need to talk to her about that at a more appropriate

time. The glass mirror seemed to melt away as a large cavity appeared.

Inside were two old leather bound books. She removed the books and

looked at the binding and read the titles.

Dorea sighed heavily as she held the books to her chest. "I'm so sorry

Marjory." She whispered to herself.

"Shall I ignore that those are here?" Moody asked rhetorically.

"Please Alastor, I promise I'll bring you up to speed as soon as I can."

Dorea told her old friend who nodded understandingly.

"I'm here for you Dorea, you know that right?" The old veteran asked.

"I do Alastor, I do." Dorea the shrunk the books and placed them in her

cloak pocket.

Dorea looked at her grandson and his wife with silent determination.

"Harry, Bella, lets head back to Black Hills. We have some research to



A/N: A lot of information in this chapter and a bit of intrigue. Not a lot

of Harry and Bella in this chapter but never fear next chapter will have

a lot more as Harry has to decide what to do with himself now that he

has decided to stay in Bella's time. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and

would be gracious enough to leave a comment or a review! Again thanks

for reading!

22. Chapter 22

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: I continue to be humbled by the amount of interest in my little

story and am grateful for all the reviews, critiques, insights, and

suggestions. Keep them coming! : )

S/N: Okay so I feel I need to preface this chapter, it has been pared

down substantially from its original draft. This chapter begins with a

quick look into the Dumbledore family history (according to me that is).

A quick look into what makes Albus tick and why he is doing the things

he is doing. I say a quick look because there was over 9,000 words just

on the Dumbledore family back story alone, so I cut it down by a fourth.

After being warned by my lovely wife that the chapter was too heavy

with anecdote and not enough substance I had to drastically alter how I

wanted to present the Dumbledore history. So instead of the full story in

one go, I have broken it up into pieces that will be told over the next few


I know many of my readers love the action scenes but I have to put in

the why's and wherefore's for the story to make sense. I realize that

Dumbledore seems one dimensional right now but bare with me and by

the time his story is revealed you'll understand what motivates him

much better.

And with that I hope you enjoy this next thrilling installment of


Chapter 22

Dumbledore sat in his luxurious Wizengamot office of the Head Warlock,

but the posh surroundings did nothing to soothe the headache that was

molesting him at the moment. He sat heavily back in his large leather

chair rubbing his temples in frustration. 'How did it go so wrong?!' He

thought wearily.

Magicals he knew were an emotionally driven people for the most part,

and he knew that he needed to strike, as it were, while the iron was hot

to get his bill passed. He believed, and rightly so that the recent attacks

would stir enough outrage within the community that he would easily be

able to sway the Wizengamot's opinion into his court.

On the surface the bill appealed to every faction, a little bit for the

purists and the darker families, a little bit for the light side families and

nothing that would upset the neutrals and grays. That was how he crafted

it to appear at least. Underneath however was legislation that would give

him and his specially selected panel unprecedented judicial powers.

It was a necessary evil, for the greater good of the wizarding world he

needed to reign in the chaos an unpredictability of the people, the

muggleborn and their proponents to be more precise. Oh, he had nothing

against the muggleborn where it came to their blood purity, quite the

contrary. But they brought dangerous ideas into the wizarding world and

that's what concerned him, and he was after all a traditionalist at heart.

His one hundred and thirty-five years of life had shown him more times

than he cared to remember what idealistic muggleborns could do to upset

the heritage and time honored traditions of Wizarding Britain. If a people

had no heritage to cling to they were like a rudderless ship being tossed

to and fro by whatever wind was prevailing at the time, until the ship

was sunk or dashed against the rocks, and he could not allow this to


The muggleborn were needed though. The pureblood population was

breeding themselves into extinction. With so much inbreeding amongst

the old families more and more squibs were being born, and others were

lucky if they were able to produce one viable magical child at all. A

culture could not sustain itself with these kinds of numbers.

So the muggleborns were a necessary evil. What he could not allow to

happen was for the outsiders to corrupt a way of life that had existed for

over a thousand years. And unfortunately every few decades or so an

event would come along that inspired the muggleborn to challenge the

status quo.

In his own lifetime he had witnessed near twenty of these uprisings.

Fortunately each uprising was put down and the status quo was restored.

But every incident caused more pure magical blood to be spilled,

thinning out a populace that could not afford to be thinned.

The first Muggleborn uprising occurred in 1771, Dumbledore recalled

from his history lessons. He slowly stood from his chair and looked out

the large magical window. It depicted a quaint English countryside with

rolling hills a small babbling brook and off to the left was a grove of old

growth English Oak trees.

Three years earlier in 1768, a charismatic American half-blood wizard by

the name of Benjamin Franklin had been in London to speak to the

Muggle parliament on behalf of the American colonies seeking redress for

something or another. But he had also spent time in Diagon Alley and

some of the surrounding magical communities. The muggleborns were

fascinated with his talk about equality in representation, and that all men

shared a common destiny and therefore had an equal say in how that

destiny was forged.

Three years later on October 25, 1771, after several attempts to get the

Wizengamot to address their grievances without success, three hundred

muggleborn witches and wizards threw up barricades and defensive

positions directly in front of Gringots bank to keep patrons from entering

the bank to do business. Their goal was to force the Wizengamot to pass

new legislation giving muggleborns a voice within the government and

be given equal status as magical citizens.

Unfortunately for the defenders, they did not realize that the blockade

not only kept the witches and wizards from entering the bank to

withdraw money, but it also kept these same witches and wizards from

making payments to the Goblins for loans, or investments. This hurt the

banks profit making capability, which was unacceptable to the Goblins.

The blockade came to a bloody end two weeks later as a wizard force of

five hundred wands, and a goblin horde of two hundred axes, fell upon

the muggleborn defenders from two sides in a coordinated attack. It was

a massacre.

The muggleborns were cut down without mercy. The fortunate ones were

those felled by a wand. The goblins took pleasure in hacking off limbs

first, before finally taking an opponent's head. The three hundred rebels

were divided up. One hundred and fifty were given to the goblins that

placed the one hundred and fifty heads on pikes and placed them up and

down on both side of the large stair case that lead up to the Gringots

main entrance. A warning to all those who would dare to try and block

the flow of commerce.

The Ministry hung the remaining bodies from lampposts along the

cobblestone street of Diagon alley for a week. It was a message to any

other muggleborns who had similar thoughts of challenging the ministry.

Dumbledore shook his head as he knew that it was not the last time the

muggleborns would attempt to assert their "rights". With the success of

the Americans in claiming their independence not only from Muggle

Britain but from Magical Britain as well, it gave them hope that their day

would so come.

The next attempted uprising began in 1809 and ended in February 1811

with the imprisonment and or execution of over fifteen hundred

muggleborns. On the heels of the French Revolution, and Napoleon's bid

for world domination, the British muggleborns saw an opportunity once

more to fight for change within the wizarding world.

Dumbledore remembered the stories his grandfather and father told him

about the short lived rebellion. It was when the Dumbledore name first

came to prominence in wizarding Britain and the first time a Dumbledore

was given a Hereditary seat in the Wizengamot for "services" to the


It seemed that the rebels had learned from their past mistakes and had

courted some members of the Wizengamot for support this time around.

They had swayed the powerful house of Eveningshade from the

Hereditary Houses to support their cause and also the Founding House of

Granger as a sponsor.

House Eveningshade could easily convince a near majority of the

Hereditary Houses to vote as a single bloc, and with the Ancient and

Noble House of Granger as a sponsor from the Founding Houses' new

legislation was almost a given.

The traditionalists were in a panic and were forced to take action against

House Granger and House Eveningshade as well as a few other houses

within the Hereditary and Common seats. Because of its reputation as an

eye for an eye family, drastic measures needed to be taken to assure

success against House Eveningshade.

It was a closely guarded secret amongst a handful of old families, a sworn

oath of silence made by all the heads of the thirteen involved houses.

Dumbledore threw back a glass of amber liquid that burned its way

soothingly down his throat as he was reminded of his own family's part

in this. They weren't alone in the conspiracy though several prominent

families were involved and some notorious families as well.

With the loss of their Wizengamot backers the muggleborns were forced

to take up their wands again in violent protest. They had sent envoy's to

the magical revolutionaries in France for support. But they were still

trying to put their own magical government back together; they could

not spare more than a few advisors.

One of those advisors had been Jacques François du Malfoy. He had been

a major in Napoleons' Magical Calvary and had been instrumental in

taking several fortifications of the Royal French Wizarding Constabulary.

He was known to be a brilliant tactician and ruthless in battle. The

muggleborn rebels hoped that with such an experienced soldier he would

be able to train their relatively small numbers into a lethal guerrilla

fighting force.

However, it was betrayal that ended the rebellion in the second month of

1811. Major Malfoy had conspired with Ministry spies to set an ambush

for the muggleborn rebels in exchange for citizenship, lands, title, and a

seat in the Wizengamot.

In a "warded" training ground in Denge forest, south of Canterbury, while

the rebels were sleeping off a long day of exhaustive training. A ministry

force of six hundred witches and wizards silently entered the

encampment. And began to stun and bind the muggleborn rebels in their


Leading the ministry lead forces was a Dumbledore family friend,

Wilhelm Grindelwald, a German pureblood who had recently moved his

family to England. He had served as a commander in the German version

of their elite Hitwizard Corp. He now lead his own division of English

shock troop wizards.

There was little resistance as all fifteen hundred and sixty-two rebels

were subdued. However seeing as how the rebel numbers were more than

double his numbers he executed fourteen hundred of then and buried

them in a mass grave deep within the Denge forest. It had been the worst

case of the slaughter of magicals in Wizarding history up to that point.

The remaining one hundred and sixty-two rebels were brought back for

public trial. They were all tried by a hostile court and convicted of

treason, the leaders were summarily executed, twenty in all. The

remainder spent the rest of their lives in Azkaban. That is, all but one, to

show that they were merciful, one seventeen year old boy that was the

youngest of the rebels was spared.

His magic was bound and he was sent into the muggle world. No one in

the wizarding world ever knew what happened to George Spencer

Churchill after his banishment. But if Albus remembered correctly a man

with that same last name became the muggle Prime Minister during the

Great War. It was probably a coincidence.

*Knock* *Knock*

Albus turned his head toward the door of his office, startled out of his

thoughts. "Enter!"

"Forgive the interruption sir." A young sandy haired man in his twenties

stated as he stood in the doorway.

"What is it Argus?" Albus asked his secretary with a severe look. He did

not like being interrupted when he was thinking.

Argus tugged at the collar of his shirt and nervously cleared his throat. "I-

I apologize sir, but I thought you might want to be informed…t-that

there was a murder. At the L-leaky Cauldron…a Ministry official was

killed sir." He hastened.

Albus quirked an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Aaaa…Marjory Dunkell, head of the Wizengamot Historical Records

Department." Argus replied looking down at the name on his clip board.

"Interesting." Dumbledore stroked his beard. "Do the Aurors have a

motive behind the attack?"

"Not that I know of sir. They are still investigating the scene sir." The

young man replied.

"Who is leading the investigation?" Albus asked.

Checking the parchment on his clip board once again. "That would be

Auror captain Alastor Moody sir."

Albus nodded his head. "I'm sure Captain Moody's investigation will be

thorough. Have his report forwarded to me once it clears Director

Crouch's desk."

"Of course sir." Argus replied jotting down a note for himself.

Albus walked back to his desk and sat once more in his large leather

chair. "And Argus, cancel the rest of my appointments for the day, I have

a lot of paperwork to get through this afternoon."

"Yes sir, uh…sir? What about your five o'clock with Minister Bagnold?"

Argus asked cautiously.

Albus sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. He really did

not want to speak to the old harpy but he needed to keep her focused on

his agenda. "Very well, give me a reminder twenty minutes before the

meeting." He sighed.

"Very good sir." Argus replied and then turned quickly and exited the



Alastor Moody escorted Dorea Potter, Bellatrix, and Harry from the crime

scene and out into the hallway. Dorea took one last look at the room

where her good friend had been murdered. It was hard to put into words

what she was feeling, there was of course sadness, shock, a bit of guilt

and regret but one emotion was increasingly making its way closer and

closer to the surface and it could simply be described as…extremely

pissed off!

"Alastor, as soon as you know anything about who may have done this, I

want to be the first one you contact! Do you understand?!" Dorea

whispered in a low and deadly tone.

"Dorea, you know I can't share information about an open investigation,

it could damage the case." Moody explained apologetically.

Dorea stepped right into Moody's personal space, her impressive 5'10"

frame going toe to toe with the war veteran, her face mere inches from

the Auror captain's. In a dangerously sweet voice that caused chills to run

down not only Moody's spine but Harry's and Bella's as well.

"My dear boy…" She began with a sugary sweet voice. Her right hand

warmly cupped his cheek, her thumb caressing the bristly skin tenderly;

her eyes however were ice cold and held the promise of a thousand

painful ways to die. "…you will inform me of your findings the moment

you have them. And then you will give me twenty-four hours of

unrestricted freedom to pursue and apprehend those responsible. And

then and only then will I turn them over to you. Agreed?" She held his

eyes with hers and nodded her head; his head began to slowly nod as if

he dared not to do anything else.

"Then we have an accord." Dorea stated authoritatively.

Alastor took a staggering step back and shook his head to try and clear it.

"If it were anybody else Dorea…" He left it there, shaking his head again.

Dorea smiled cheekily at him. "Come children." The Lady Potter then

made her way down the stairs with her two charges.

They entered the main hall of the pub and made their way toward the

back door to the entrance to Diagon Alley, unaware of interested eyes

following the group. "Auntie, so are you really going to turn over

whoever did this to your friend back over to the Aurors?" Bellatrix asked


"I never stated what condition they'd be in dear." Dorea smirked as they

walked down the alley.

"Harry you mentioned that there were several journals and family history

books in the Eveningshade vault correct?"

"Yes grandmother, why?" Harry asked.

"I think it behooves us to gather up as many facts on the family as

possible, especially from the 18th and 19th centuries. What about the

Eveningshade Family Grimoire?" Dorea asked.

"I have it auntie." Bella replied. "It's in my trunk at Black Hills."

"Good, I think you two need to start learning all you can about the

Eveningshade Family Magic. I have a feeling you may need every

advantage you can get…and soon." Harry and Bella looked at each other

and grimaced, not because of the learning but because of the reason they

had to learn.

Harry squeezed Bella's hand reassuringly and she smiled warmly back at

her husband with determination in her eyes. It still made her giddy inside

to realize how much this young man had changed her life and in the

most wonderful of ways. At the beginning of the school year she had

been faced with the very real possibility of being forced into a loveless

marriage, bound body and mind to a bastard.

But now, she had found love, yes it had been fast but it didn't make it

any less real or lasting and she knew that he loved her too, otherwise the

ancient magic wouldn't have bound them together in the manner it did.

Her ability to open and read from the Eveningshade Grimoire was

testament to their magical union, for only an Eveningshade could open

and read from the book.

The trio entered Gringotts and Harry and Bella allowed their signet rings

to appear, identifying them as Lord and Lady Eveningshade. Twenty

minutes later the trios were perusing the many tomes in the

Eveningshade vault.

Harry had collected about two dozen personal journals of the various

heads of house and had been shrinking them down and placing them in a

shoulder bag. Bella and Dorea were looking through the family historical

records. The Eveningshade much like the Blacks and many of the old

families had a family historian that kept a record of all events

surrounding the family.

Dorea surmised that they might get a better picture of what was going on

with the family in the early 1800's through these books. Historical

records of a family usually contained information on inter-family

relations, alliances, contracts, treaties, and political standings of the

family. It also would include information on enemies, blood feuds, and

intelligence on anyone that the family saw as a potential threat to them.

She was pleased when she found the historical records of the last

Eveningshades before they vanished. The records covered the years from

1810 to 1817, when the Eveningshade family disappeared completely

from Wizarding Britain.

Bella was inspecting a large alcove toward the back of the vault; it was

dimly lit with a few torches which cast shadows that seemed to dance on

the walls. Bella got the feeling of darkness as she approached the room. It

wasn't threatening or hostile, but almost…welcoming...calling to her.

Bella frowned thinking she must be imagining things.

In the room which was much larger than it appeared, she found dozens of

shelves cut into the rock wall of the room. Her eyes still trying to adjust

to the lower light in this particular section of the vault, widened in

amazement as the rock shelves were stuffed with stone tablets and

papyrus scrolls.

"Harry! Aunt Dorea!" Bella called out to her companions. Harry bolted to

where she was worried that something was wrong. Dorea also hurried

but with more dignity than what Harry was displaying.

Harry arrived at the alcove and had to squint his eyes to see Bella about

fifteen feet into the room. Harry grabbed a torch that had been hanging

by the entrance and made his way into the dusty room. Dorea had

followed behind him with a torch of her own, curious as to what her

niece had discovered.

"Everything alright?" Harry asked his wife. Harry gave a shiver, suddenly

noticing how much colder he was and how much darker this room felt

than the rest of the vault.

"Take a look at these shelves or rather what's on them." Bella stated, and

went to reach for a tablet; a soft green hue began to surround the tablet

the closer her hand came to it.

"No! Don't touch!" Dorea exclaimed grabbing Bella's hand before she

could touch the tablet that she was staring at.

Bella shook her head as if in a trance. "That was bloody stupid of me!"

Bella chastised herself, breathing heavily. "Anything that feels as…off as

this does should not be handled without knowing what it is."

Harry smirked cheekily at Bella who swatted the back of his head. "Who

are you to judge?! 'Mister jumping down a bloody hole chasing after a

basilisk!'" Harry had the good sense to look apologetic as Bella gave him

a victorious smirk of her own.

Dorea leaned forward with her torch to get a better look at the stone

tablet; there was no glow this time. Dorea scrunched her face in thought.

The tablet had curious runes or glyphs of some kind, but they were not

Egyptian, Persian, or Mesopotamian, that she could tell.

"Do you know what they are Auntie?" Bella asked watching her great

aunt concentrating on the stone tablets.

"I-I'm not entirely sure…" She began as she searched the tablet for a

familiar glyph that could give her clue to the tablets origin. Where ever

these relics were from they were dark, she could feel it the moment she

stepped into the room. The magic was dark…not necessarily evil, but

definitely dark and…powerful.

Then she saw something…a familiar glyph…no two familiar glyphs. She

gasped as she realized what she was looking at. She stood with her torch

in hand and looked around the room. It was deceptively large it was only

eight feet wide but it recessed back into the rock about another fifty feet.

With her torch in front of her she slowly walked the length of the room,

looking left and then right, only pausing when something caught her eye.

She realized that the further back she went the older the tablets became

and more rudimentary the engravings and carvings were.

Harry and Bella followed a few steps behind Dorea with their torches in

hand, as she made her way to the far end of the tunnel like room. When

Dorea came to the end of the tunnel she turned around and looked

curiously at her grandson.

"Harry…" She began slowly. Harry looked at his grandmother, the

powerhouse Lady Potter and a feared daughter of House Black and was

shocked to see a hint of fear in her eyes.

"…how old is the Eveningshade family?"

"Well, I'm not sure exactly. The journal that Bella and I took from the

vault on our first visit made an inference that the Eveningshade bloodline

has been around for a very very long time. But I don't know how much of

that is true or not. I know several purebloods who claim they can trace

their ancestry past Merlin, but I always figured it was all unfounded

bragging. Why?" Harry replied.

"T-those stone tablets, the ones at the entrance to this room, the ones that

Bella was looking at. They are nearly four thousand years old!" She


"Holy shit!"

"Bella language!"

"Sorry auntie." Bella grimaced.

"They are written in ancient Sumerian, Harry. That language has been

dead for thousands of years." Dorea told him. "And the ones back here are

even older! I have no idea how much older, I don't understand a single

scratch on them, but we could be talking several more thousands of


"Isn't it possible that the Eveningshades just came across them somehow?

It doesn't mean the Eveningshades created them."

"It could have been possible, except for the fact that it seems to react only

to Eveningshade magic." She replied.

"How do you know that?" Harry questioned, not really believing what he

was being told.

"When Bella's hand neared the tablet, it began to glow green. When I

neared it, it did nothing. Now, Bella and I have the same blood and

magic except for one difference…" Dorea was explaining.

"I now have Eveningshade blood as well!" Bella finished. She slowly lifted

her hand over a nearby tablet without touching it and once again a soft

green hue began to engulf the tablet. Bella removed her hand and the

light faded. Dorea then put her hand over the tablet and again nothing


"Without touching the tablet Harry, place your hand above it." Dorea

instructed. Harry hesitantly moved his right hand over the stone tablet

and the green hue returned and engulfed the entire stone. It began to

gently rise from its place on the shelf. Dorea grabbed Harry's hand and

pulled it away and the tablet gently lowered itself and the green hue


"Believe me now?" Dorea asked. All Harry could do was nod.

"Do you know what's written on the tablets?" Bella asked Dorea as she

looked at the strange carvings.

"These here, I haven't a clue. The one you were looking at and a few

others near it, I believe so." She replied.

"What do they say grandmother?" Harry asked curiously.

"It describes a summoning incantation." She replied.

"What like an Accio, or something?" He asked. Bella palmed her face and

shook her head in amusement.

"Not that kind of summoning love." Bella chuckled musically kissing his


Harry gave a sheepish look to his grandmother and Bella. "It's an

incantation Harry, to summon a demon if I'm not mistaken. But I don't

know what kind." Dorea explained.

"In any case it is something we definitely do not want to be fooling

around with. Demons are crafty and extremely dangerous, and once

they've been summoned they are damned near impossible to control. The

Greek and Egyptian mages were infamous for summoning demons to aid

them in battle. It almost never turned out well for them.

Egypt at one time used to be an oasis of lush vegetation and healing

waters, forests of Cedar trees and mighty rivers and lakes covered the

region. That was until an Egyptian Pharaoh demanded of his High Priest

to summon a demon that would be the Pharaohs personal body guard. He

figured with a demon at his command no enemy would dare challenge

him. To make a long story short, demons do not take kindly to be bound

to humans.

The priest, who was an arch mage, was successful in summoning the

demon and binding it to the Pharaoh. However the priest only

commanded it to protect the Pharaoh and not his kingdom. The demon

unleashed the fires of hell upon the once fertile kingdom leaving

desolation in its wake. The Pharaoh, seeing his kingdom laid to waste,

did the only honorable thing he could think of and killed himself and

thus releasing the demon and returning it to wherever it came from."

"Whoa! I get it, demons are bad…very bad." Harry shook his head.

"Right, I think we should head back to the surface. I have a few more

stops I want to make before we head back to Black Hills." Dorea

explained. The trio exited the "Sumerian" wing as Harry dubbed it and re-

entered the main vault.

"Anything else you might want Harry?" Dorea asked.

"Yeah!" Harry gave an excited shout as he lifted an onyx black leather

battle robe off a trunk. In a word it was cool! Harry slipped his arms

through the sleeves and rolled his shoulders and tugged on the lapel. It fit

him like a glove the black duster like cloak appeared to be made from

dragon skin but he could not tell from what kind of dragon.

The coat fell to his ankles slightly flaring out from the waist. Harry found

many pockets and places that looked like sheathes for knives or

additional wands. All though it looked heavy it felt light on his shoulders.

He lifted the leather cowl over his head and Dorea noted that his face

was immediately obscured in darkness, a charm no doubt.

Harry removed the cowl from his head and smiled at his grandmother.

"What do you think?"

"Very nice, Harry. It appears to be made from the hide of a Norwegian

Ridgeback, a very magic resistant hide. It should offer you protection

from most minor spells and hexes." She replied.

"There's one here that looks like it was made for a woman." Harry replied

finding another cloak.

"You should give that to Bella." Dorea told her grandson.

"Give me what?" Bella asked walking toward them.

Harry turned toward her and his eyes suddenly glazed over and his

mouth hung open. Bella had shed her robe and had apparently found an

article of clothing she liked. Bella had on a black leather corset that

showed off her curves in a very pleasing manner and displayed her

magnificent breast in spectacular fashion.

"Mouth Harry! Potter's do not drool." Dorea told her grandson, trying

hard to stifle a laugh. Harry closed his mouth with an audible pop.

"What do you think?!" Bella asked spinning around.


"I think what Harry is trying to say dear, is that it looks quite…flattering

on you." Dorea replied with a half smile.

"That's not the best thing about it though! Look at this!" Bella reached for

the sides of her breasts. Whatever Harry thought she was going to do was

not what followed. She grabbed at something where the boning went up

the sides of her breasts and pulled out two slim shiny daggers and

stepped back into a combat stand.

"Is it wrong for me to think that that is the sexiest thing I have ever

seen?!" Harry mumbled to himself but the acoustics in the room carried

his comment to the two women in the room. Bella winked saucily at him.

"Young men and their hormones!" Dorea muttered rolling her eyes.

"Oh! I've got these as well!" Bella replaced the daggers in the corset and

as hard as Harry looked he could not tell where they had gone to, there

was no obvious signs of them. But then again his attention kept being

distracted by the perfect porcelain globes that sat so beautifully atop the

tight article of clothing.

"Harry! Eyes down. You can ogle me later." Bella smirked at seeing Harry

blush an impressive shade of red.

Harry looked down to see Bella hitching up her dark green dress exposing

her knee high high heeled boots and just a glimpse of a nicely toned



"Damn! I'm sorry, my mind was just ummm…wandering a bit." Harry

explained lamely. Dorea smacked him on the back of the head.

"Focus, Harry." Dorea arched a manicured eyebrow.

Bella then reached down to the neck of her boot and withdrew another

double-edged knife; this one appeared to be of pure silver.

"Damn that's hot!" Harry muttered again. Dorea huffed in mild


"I hope James isn't driven by his hormones when he gets to your age!"

Dorea sighed. She noticed Harry was about to tell her something about

her son but she quickly held up a warning hand.

"Stop right there young man, I'd rather be ignorant of that particular

piece of information for the time being." Harry and Bella laughed heartily

at the proper lady.

The trio soon returned to the foyer of the bank. Harry had put on the

cloak he had found in the vault as had Bella with the one he found for

her. Dorea explained that they were battle robes and would offer them

better protection than their other cloaks. Bella had added two more

daggers to her collection which brought the number up to eight she had

on her.

Dorea had explained to Harry that all children from House Black are

trained in fencing from an early age. Bella, as with her dueling skills,

excelled with bladed weapons, including a passion for dirks and daggers.

She further explained that most wizards and witches believed that

muggle weapons were beneath them and could not possibly be of any use

against a wizard with a wand.

The Blacks however took a more practical approach and to the wizarding

world a radical one. They believed nothing was off the table when

defending oneself or their family. They would use fair means or fouls,

magical or muggle means, whatever it took to win. And since most

magical wouldn't expect a muggle weapon it was easy to surprise them

with it.

Harry saw the sense of it and had chosen two Eveningshade daggers as

well. One was in his right boot, and the other up the left sleeve of his

cloak. As they made their way down the steps of Gringotts Dorea stepped

between Harry and Bella and spoke to them in a low tone without

looking at them.

"Don't turn around and keep walking toward the apothecary." Without

waiting for the expected question, Dorea answered them.

"We are being followed. I noticed the man in the Leaky Cauldron when

we met with Moody. He then followed us to Gringotts; I assumed it was

just a coincidence since it is a common place to go. However, he was

seated in the lobby when we came up from the vault. He has been

following us at a distance since we left the bank." Dorea spoke but her

face gave no indication that she was alarmed or worried she appeared as

if nothing were the matter.

"What do you want us to do?" Harry asked, gripping his wand in his


"Nothing yet. He may not be alone; we'll need to flush out anyone else

who might be with him. We're going to split up; I want you and Bella to

go into the apothecary, I will go to Scivenshafts across the street. When

you get inside look for anyone who all of a sudden is hurrying toward

your location and I will do the same toward mine.

If they enter the store and you feel threatened at all…take them down.

But don't KILL them. They may be the ones responsible for Marjory's

death, and they are probably looking for the books she hid at the Leaky

Cauldron. We need to find out what they know and who they are

working for."

Harry and Bella each gave a slight nod of understanding and prepared

themselves mentally. "Okay children!" Dorea said just a bit above her

normal voice so that the pursuers could hear her. "Go and replenish your

potions supplies. I'll be in Scivenshafts. Meet back here in…oh about

thirty minutes okay?" Dorea stated clearly.

Harry and Bella waved goodbye to Dorea and entered the apothecary,

they immediately went to the window and looked out into the street, sure

enough they saw two men quick step toward the apothecary directed by

a third man, who was now signaling to two other men to head toward

Scrivenshafts. The third man directing the group joined up with the two

who were going after Dorea.

"What do we do Harry?" Bella asked, her wand was out but hidden within

the sleeve of her cloak.

"Let them make the first move." Harry stated. He looked around the shop

and noticed that there were about half a dozen people shopping. "Let's

move toward the counter, we can jump behind it if things go pear

shaped." He stated as he and Bella moved swiftly to the merchant


"What about the other people in the shop?" Bella asked, spotting a young

girl of about four years old holding the hand of her mother.

"Hopefully they'll have the good sense to get out if trouble starts." He

replied with shrug.

"I don't like it Harry. We need another plan, there are children in here."

Bella replied tersely.

"If we go outside love, it will make it more difficult to contain them."

Harry countered.

Bella growled in her throat and looked around the store quickly. Seeing

an option she quickly cast a bubblehead charm on Harry and then

herself. Then with two quick flicks of her wrist two flasks of some liquid

flew off the shelves and collided with each other in mid air.

The collision of the two flasks exploded into a large cloud of noxious

fumes that quickly dispersed throughout the store. Patrons and

employees all made mad dashes for the door and the fresh air outside.

Bella grabbed Harry's hand and drug him behind the merchant counter.

The two men who had been ordered to follow them had been a mere few

feet from the door when Bella's distraction happened. They watched as

the people ran out, looking closely for the two teens. It was several

seconds when they realized that the two they were looking for had not

exited with the rest.

Harry and Bella waited for the two men to enter, the fumes were now

dissipating as the particles drifted up and out. Slowly the door swung

open, Harry peaked over the counter but could see no one enter.

"Bella." Harry whispered. "I think they're disillusioned."

"Bollocks!" Was her whispered reply.

Harry heard the floor boards creaking from two different directions, and

realized the two men had separated and were searching the store in a

methodic pattern. It was only a matter of time before they reached the

counter. But with the two men disillusioned it would be hard to spot

them. And they couldn't just pop up and cast a homenum revelio charm

without completely exposing themselves. There had to be a solution he

just needed to think of it.


Dorea had just entered Scrivenshafts and peered back through their

window. She immediately recognized the man that had been following

them in the middle of the street. She witnessed as he waved two burly

looking men toward the Apothecary and then to two others motioning to

the shop she had just entered with him following.

Dorea narrowed her eyes at the coming three men. "Let's play, shall we."

She whispered to herself. She quickly cast a proximity ward on her hand

bag. Anyone who came within five feet of her hand bag would trigger the

ward causing the bag to vibrate slightly thus alerting her to someone


She made her way slowly, seemingly without a care in the world,

through the store, winding her way through the various displays. She

stopped briefly and pulled out a compact case and opened it up and used

the mirror to check her makeup like any lady would. But her motivation

was not to check that her lipstick still looked fresh but to use the mirror

to locate the three soon to be educated men that you do not mess with

the Lady Potter.

She noticed one of the men, a short balding man who perspired way too

much standing by the door as a guard she supposed. Another man, this

one tall and lanky, with a hooked nose, and a slight slouch was off to her

left near the imported quills. The third man, and apparently the leader of

the group, was about twelve feet to her right and back, near the

merchant counter.

She decided to move left and deal with this hook nosed man between the

large book case that carried magical journals of every shape and size. She

gracefully walked between the two large bookcases, the lanky man

walked slowly behind her. Once out of sight of any other patrons, the

man began to draw his wand.

Faster than he thought a lady of her age could move, she had spun and

slapped his neck, no it wasn't a slap. A poke? His eyes suddenly became

heavy and it took every ounce of concentration to look at the woman.

She was smirking at him with what looked like a hatpin in her right


"Not to worry dear. It's not you who I'm after, but your boss. But, I can't

have you following me, now can I." She said sweetly.

They man looked at the woman in confusion. Was she getting taller?

Wow she was a big woman! A giant she's a giant he screamed, but he

heard nothing but a squeak.

Dorea reached down and picked up the tiny mouse that was once a man

holding him in the palm of her hand. "My own little concoction, it is a

modified polyjuice potion. It is introduced into the bloodstream. Much

faster, and much longer lasting, and you only need a drop. The best part

is that it's compatible with animals as well as humans.

Just imagine all the fun we are going to have together when I get you

home. I bet you're the screaming type aren't you, I can always pick out a

screamer." Dorea smirked as she placed the polyjuiced man into a small

cage that she then put back into her purse.

She exited the row of bookcases looking as nothing in the world was the

matter. She had a smile on her face and greeted people as she passed.

Argyle Mansfred looked up from his position at the counter and narrowed

his eyes at the high born lady that had just exited. He didn't know who

she was but she had been at the cauldron and had talked to the Auror


He even allowed her and those two kids up to the room where they had

done the other old lady in at. She might know the whereabouts of the

books they were looking for. He hoped they were worth all the trouble.

This was the first time in several years the brotherhood had been called

upon to fulfill their obligation to the Thirteen.

He wasn't complaining, he got paid well for doing pretty much whatever

he wanted, he just needed to be ready to respond at any moments notice,

to do the Thirteen's bidding. Rodger had not yet exited from the

bookcase, something wasn't right.

Argyle moved to the bookcase where his comrade had entered following

the high born. He turned the corner and saw…nothing. There was no one

there, no one at all. His friend couldn't have just vanished.

"The high born bitch must 'ave done sumin to him!" He cursed. "OUCH!"

Argyle yelled as something like a bee sting pierced his neck. He spun

around to see the high born smirking at him and sheathing what looked

like a hatpin into a thin metallic container. The next thing he knew was

that the world suddenly got much bigger.


Harry could hear the creaking getting closer and knew that their pursuers

would find them. Harry silently looked for anything under the merchant

counter that he could use to distract the men so that he and Bella could

make a run for the door. He found a large tin of talcum powder and then

suddenly had a thought.

"Bella…" He whispered as quietly as he could. "I have an idea." He

quickly explained his plan and although Bella didn't like it much it was

the best they could do at the moment.

"On three. One…two…three!" Harry jumped to his feet and in a wide

sweeping arc he slung the talcum powder out into the store. Immediately

following was Bella, who with her keen eyesight and lightening quick

reflexes spotted the silhouetted bodies of their pursuers and stunned both

before they could clear their lungs of the powder and utter a counter

curse or shield.

"Incarcerus…Incarcerus!" Harry bound the two men while Bella cancelled

their disillusionment spell.

"What do we do with them?" Harry asked, scratching the back of his


"Leave that to me." A welcome voice replied from behind them.

"Grandmother!" The two teens cried happily.

"You're okay?" Bella asked.

"I am. But we need to hurry. Mr. Hornsby, the owner, will be wanting his

store back soon. Fortunately these two cast a confundus charm on the

door and he has been walking in circles wondering why he can't find his

shop." She chuckled.

Dorea reached into her bag and pulled out a long thin phial with a pearl

top. She grabbed the pearl and pulled out a rather large needle. She stuck

each man in the neck with the needle and stood back. Harry and Bella

gasped as the two men quickly transformed into rats.

"Wicked!" The two teens exclaimed.

Dorea then removed a silver cage from her bag that contained three small

mice and placed the two new ones in with their comrades.

"Well, I think that we have had enough excitement for one day. I suggest

we head home." Dorea proclaimed. Besides we have guests to make

arrangements for." She patted the side of her purse, with a sadistic smile.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter and feel inspired to leave a

comment. The intrigue gets deeper now as there is more than one player

involved with the Eveningshade and Muggleborn conspiracies. The web

is spinning wider, and as with all webs there are intersecting lines that


23. Chapter 23

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Wow we have topped over 2400 reviews! I say this often but it still

holds true, you guys are awesome! A special thanks to Nic Flamel for

some guidance for this and the next couple of chapters as the gang

heads back to Hogwarts. Thanks Nic!

There have been others of you who have made some great suggestions as

well on how the story lines could go. Keep them coming and if I use an

idea I'll be sure to give you a shout out.

One little itch that I wanted to scratch and it doesn't bother me too

much, just a wee bit, is when reviewers complain about clichés or

tropes. There are over half a million fanfics written for Harry Potter,

with just about any and every plot device being used and reused. With

so many fics you are going to see a lot of crossover in "clichés and

tropes" no matter how hard you try to avoid them it will happen.

I do try to minimize them in my stories but they do occur, so I won't

apologize for their appearances. I know some readers are quite nitpicky

and feel they have to point these things out, which they are welcome to

do. But for me, when I read a story I know that I'm reading amateur

authors who have various levels of education and who are putting

themselves out there because its something they enjoy doing. I read

stories for their entertainment value, I don't try to pick apart and

criticizes every paragraph or condemn it if it doesn't fit in exactly with

canonical timelines.

I know that I'm not a perfect writer so I would feel hypocritical to

condemn another for their errors. I do appreciate well thought out and

constructive criticism, it has helped me tremendously but I'll be the first

to admit that I'm still a work in progress when it comes to my writing

ability. So before you condemn an author for the use of those "story

killing clichés" remember you always have the choice to not read them if

they offend you so much!

So that's my two cents, my itch has been scratched. Now without further

ado, I present to you the next chapter of Passageways.

Chapter 23

Dorea, Harry and Bella had returned to Black Hills via floo by way of

Charlus' office. Charlus, Orion and Arcturus would arrive later after

meeting with their respective blocs. They wanted to discuss with their

cohorts an alliance between those houses allied with the Black Family

and those of the Potter family.

It would be an intense debate but both Arcturus and Charlus felt

confident that they could persuade many if not all their bloc members to

accept the move. Especially with House Black moving to the political

center, it would be a move that the neutrals would see as beneficial; the

Blacks were not only known as political powerhouses, but economic

powerhouses as well, with its hands in many different businesses that all

supported the magical economy.

The Potters were also economic heavy weights, but were also known for

their philanthropic work as well, especially after the Great War. This is

where the Potters shined the brightest and why they were so respected

not only in Britain but around the Wizarding World. Dumbledore may

have stopped Grindelwald, the darkest wizard in a generation, but it was

the Potter's who healed the country, with financing field hospitals,

humanitarian outreach programs, and war orphan scholarships, and

many charitable donations to war relief programs.

"Bella, why don't you take Harry outside for a stroll around the grounds?

It's been a trying day, and I'm sure the both of you could use some time

to relax and unwind." The Potter matriarch told her niece.

"I thought we would help you with…you know…our guests." Bella

whispered conspiratorially.

"I have it well in hand dear. Besides they are not going anywhere. Now

go and enjoy what remains of the day while I attend to our guest's

accommodations." She smiled, but by the tone of her voice Bella knew

that the conversation was over. Whatever her aunt was going to do, she

wanted to do it alone. Bella wondered for a moment if any of the "guests"

would be alive by tomorrow morning.

"Come on love." Bella stated, grabbing Harry's hand. "Let me show you

more of the grounds."

The young couple walked out to the back garden and into the cool late

afternoon air. Harry and Bella saw James, Sirius, Regulus, Narcissa and

Andromeda playing a fast game of broom tag. Harry was surprised at

how nimble and fast Andromeda was on a broom. He had always heard

about his father's natural flying ability, and how he led Gryffindor house

to several Quidditch victories as a chaser. But it seemed at least at this

age, Andromeda was putting his father to shame with her aerobatic


Bella led them to the large pond away from the game of tag where they

could spend some alone time. When they reached the pond Bella

removed her cloak and then her boots. Harry followed suit removing his

socks and shoes and sat down on the bank of the pond. Bella sat in his

lap and rested her head on his shoulder. Harry inhaled her sandalwood

scent that had him instantly nuzzling her hair to breath in her scent more


Bella chuckled at his antics and snuggled into his embrace sighing

comfortably while pulling his arms around her waist tightly. After several

minutes of sitting in comfortable silence, Bella broke the stillness with a

question that had suddenly surfaced.

"Harry, what are we going to do when we return to Hogwarts?" She asked

staring out over the calm water.

"Honestly, I haven't given it much thought. Things have been so chaotic

that it hasn't even entered my thoughts." He replied truthfully.

"We have to go back the day after tomorrow, Harry." She sighed,

scrunching her eyebrows together. "I don't want to be separated from you

once we get back."

"You mean for classes?" He asked. She nodded, her hair tickling his

cheeks and nose.

"I don't know what we'll do. The last time I was in my time there had

already been some drastic changes. With everything that has happened in

the last two days I'm sure many more things in the future will have

changed as well. Who knows, I may have already changed things to the

point where I can't go back to my time." He quietly told her, kissing the

top of her head.

Bella thought quietly for a moment. "If…if you can't go back to your

time, and it's too dangerous for you to suddenly show up at Hogwarts in

my time…where does that leave us? You still need an education and a

place to work on the Eveningshade family magic." She asked curiously.

"Well, let's see." Harry began, scratching his head as he thought. "I could

probably stay with the Potters and perhaps take private tuition and

grandmother would be a great asset I think in helping me with my family

magic." Harry stated thoughtfully.

"No way, I told you I don't want to be separated from you." Bella replied


"I don't think the lady Hogwarts would like it either." Harry replied with

a chuckle, now thinking about it. "She did bring us together to protect the

school as well as change the future."

"That's an idea Harry!" Bella stated excitedly turning around in Harry's

arms and facing him."

"What's an idea love?" Harry asked as Bella readjusted herself by

straddling his extended legs and looking at him face to face.

"The Lady Hogwarts! Who else do we know with over a millennium of

experience with magical education?" Bella asked rhetorically with a

broad smile.

"She's a castle, love, not an educator.' Harry replied with a half grin.

"Yes she is a castle, but she has living memory Harry. I would wager she

knows more about magic than anyone else in the castle, including arcane

magics that are no longer taught at Hogwarts. Harry she would be the

perfect professor for us!" Bella stated excitedly bouncing up and down in

Harry's lap, which was distracting the poor boy in wonderful ways.

Smiling goofily Harry replied. "Well we'll just have to ask her when we

get back to the school."

"Think about it Harry, it's the perfect place to learn and train without

anyone knowing that you're there." Bella sat back on Harry's legs noticing

the odd smile on his face. "Why are you smiling like tha…" Bella stopped

mid-question as she felt the reason.


"Ow! That hurt." Harry protested, rubbing the side of his head from

Bella's sudden slap.

"Focus now Harry, play time later!" Bella smirked.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I can't help it…hormones!" Harry tried to explain

with a mischievous pout.

"I agree with Aunt Dorea, though." Bella stated changing topics suddenly.

"We need to keep you a secret."

"What, are you ashamed of being with me already?" Harry replied


"No you prat!" Bella swatted his head again. "We need to keep the fact

that an Eveningshade has returned hidden. With what happened in the

Wizengamot today with Dumbledore's legislation attempt and the attack

on Aunt Dorea's friend, I think it best that we lay low for awhile. Don't

you?" Bella asked her husband concernedly.

"Yeah, I think your right. I'm still learning what it is to be an

Eveningshade, and the more I do learn, just adds more questions to my

growing list. Plus, I have little to no control over my family magic yet, I

don't even know the extent of the Eveningshade magic for Merlin's sake!"

Harry complained realizing how dangerous a position he was really in.

There was Dumbledore on one side whose motives were foggy at best,

then there was the Death Eaters and the Purist who were about to

unleash hell and reveal their true nature and agenda if Harry

remembered his history correctly. The first true volley of the Voldemort

war would begin in January 1972 as students were returning to school

from the Christmas holidays.

And now there was possibly a third group, the group who were involved

in the killing of Marjory Dunkel over what was contained in the

Wizengamot Historical records books that she smuggled out of the

Ministry. Things were becoming more and more complicated, so it was

vital that Harry have enough unmolested time to train himself and Bella

for the coming fights.

"SHITE!" Harry suddenly sat up straight nearly toppling Bella from his


"What?" Bella asked, righting herself on his lap.

"My mum! I mean…Lily. We can't have her letting people know that she

is an Eveningshade! We need to contact her immediately!" Harry's voice

was panicked.

"Okay, calm down love, do you know where she lives?" Bella asked in a

soothing voice.

"Uhh…umm…shite! I don't know!" Harry exclaimed rubbing his face in


"We'll send her an owl Harry, Eros will be able to find her where ever she

is. Come on." Bella stood up and grabbed Harry's hands pulling him to his

feet. "The owlery is just over here." She told him dragging him to a half

stone half wood structure that looked like a small barn or a large two

story shed.

They entered the owlery where Harry saw six owls of differing breeds

perched around the edifice. Bella called to a large Eagle owl who was

perched high in the rafters. It jumped from its perch and glided silently

to a central perch in the middle of the room. Next to it was a small

writing desk which contained within it parchment, quills, and inkwells.

Bella quickly penned a note to Lily explaining that she needed to keep

her Eveningshade heritage a secret for now and for her to come find her

and Harry as soon as she arrived at the train station to return to

Hogwarts come Monday morning.

"Eros, I need you to take this to Lily Eveningshade as quickly as possible."

Bella told the regal owl. He bobbed his head in understanding and then

flew out making his way quickly skyward.

"The more I think about it, the more I think we need to have Lily train

with us." Harry remarked as they walked back toward the pond hand in


"Probably, I would like to bring in Andi and Cissy as well. I know they're

not Eveningshades…but I want them to be able to defend themselves

better. And they could all watch each other's back." Bella added.

Harry nodded his head. "We'll still need to keep my secret though just

between us and those who already know. Lily and your sisters I don't

think should know…at least not yet, and my mum…well, I don't think

that I should ever reveal our true connection." Harry morosely stated. He

desperately wanted to connect with his mother, but it was just too

dangerous to tell her the truth.

Bella seemed to read his thoughts and embraced him tightly. "You still

will have a relationship with her Harry, just not in the way that you may

have wanted. But you still can become close, you are still family, and she

will treat you like family and you her." Bella whispered soothingly in his

ear. Harry held his wife tighter and nodded into her raven colored curls.

"I could get use to this." Harry whispered softly, his eyes closed tightly.

"To what?" Bella asked playfully.

"To married life, to spending the rest of my life with not only the most

beautiful witch in the wizarding world, but someone who has become my

best friend and confidant as well." Harry said sweetly.

"Mmm…well flattery will get you everywhere milord!" She smiled


Harry leaned in slowly and without hesitation Bella followed. It wasn't a

frenzied kiss or overly passionate but it was slow, tender and full of

emotion. The world faded to nothingness as the young couple lost

themselves in the moment, they were sharing an emotional bond so

strong with each other that it took their breaths away. They only broke

apart when the need for air became too great; they stood there wrapped

in each other's arms, their foreheads pressed against the others as they

tried to catch their breaths.

"Young love is a beautiful thing dears, but the proprieties should be

observed. That kind of demonstrative affection is better left to the

boudoir I think." An elderly woman remarked from her lawn chair. She

was sitting at a small table enjoying the sunshine and watching the other

children playing.

Harry and Bella smiled affectionately at each other before turning toward

the person who had interrupted their moment of bliss.

"This isn't 1910 Aunt Cassi, it's not inappropriate to show affection in

public anymore." Bella told her first cousin three times removed, kissing

her cheek in greeting. In the Black family all older generation females

were referred to as aunt, as were all older generation males called uncle.

Cassiopeia Black sniffed but looked appraisingly at Harry. "Well I suppose

if I had a beau that looked like Harry, I'd want to kiss him in public to.

Just to warn off all the other hens out there." The older woman chuckled.

Harry blushed at the compliment which had Cassiopeia chuckling more.

"Lady Black…" Harry began.

"Cassiopeia would be fine Harry. Aunt Cassi, if you are so inclined, we

are family now after all." The older woman smiled warmly.

"Aunt Cassi." Harry began again. "Dorea has told me that you are a

practitioner of the ancient ways, ritualistic and blood magics. "Harry

spoke with genuine interest. "I would love to know more about your

experiences, the Eveningshades also practiced the ancient ways, but sadly

I myself am unfamiliar with them, but would love to become familiar

with the old magics, and bring the Eveningshades back to their roots."

"Delighted dear! Please, please have a seat." Cassiopeia replied excitedly,

more than happy to talk about her passion. No one else in the family

except for perhaps Dorea ever spoke with her about the old ways. With a

flick of her wand she created two more chairs for the young couple. And

thus began the conversation that would lead to an unlikely friendship

between Harry and Cassiopeia, and the eventual catalyst for his

introduction to all the "fringe" Houses that followed the ancient ways.


Heavy eyelids fluttered open only to find a blurry miasma of light and

dark shadows and flickering lights. Squinting his eyes hard and blinking

he tried to get his eyes to come into some kind of focus. He moved his

head left and right to take in his surroundings but his eyes were still

having trouble adjusting and could not discern where he was.

He tried to remember the last thing he was doing before waking up. His

thoughts and memories seemed as hazy as his eyesight. The more he tried

to focus the more elusive his memories became. He did sense however

that he was lying down on his back on something soft and earthy. He

then realized that he felt a little cold; there was a breeze of some kind

blowing over his skin. He could feel it move across his chest and legs and


The sudden realization of his state of undress seemed to clear the

cobwebs that had still lingered across his mind like a shroud. He tried to

sit up but found he could not as something cold and metallic had a hold

of his wrists and ankles and a collar of some kind around his neck.

The clanking of the metal restraints alerted someone else who was in the

room of his moving about. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw

movement, a body turning toward him. A-a female body cloaked in dark


"Ah, you're finally awake. Good, good, then we can get started." A refined

voice stated.

The woman came closer and looked down at the restrained man. "You!"

The man bellowed.

"You 'ere tha one at tha shop! You'd best turn me loose whore if you

knows what's good for ye!" He spat.

Dorea Potter cocked her head in amusement at the large man who was

chained down to a rather large crate filled with dark soil. The man was

spread eagle with his arms chained above his head and his legs spread

open with his ankles chained to the corners of the crate.

The wooden crate was about ten feet long by five feet wide by four and a

half feet deep. It was filled to the top with a rich dark soil. Each corner

had a steel eyelet that allowed for chains to be slipped through them and

then secure them to the crate itself.

"Tsk tsk, such horrid manners and grammar." Dorea chastised the man.

"Why would I turn you loose my good man when I have such an

interesting evening planned for us?" She said with a sadistic smile.

"Fuck you bitch! I'm not playin, ya either cut me loose or me friends will

'unt you down and cut your pretty 'ittle throat." The man sneered.

"You mean the four friends that I have locked up in the cell over there."

Dorea pointed over her shoulder to four men huddled together naked as

the day they were born in an eight by eight cell. "Oh I have plans for

them as well. But seeing as you seem to be the head fool of this pitiful

band of baboons, I decided to start with you." Dorea smiled mockingly at

the man.

"We 'ave powerful friends, if you value tha lives of your family, I would…


Whatever the man was going to say died in his throat as Dorea lightly

raked her finger nails over the man's bare chest. Dorea's facial expression

showed nothing but a stony calmness, but her eyes flashed murderously

at the restrained man. The man arched his back at the excruciating pain

he felt. It was an unnatural pain…amplified somehow. During his life he

had been any many fights and had received many injuries and wounds,

even suffered under the Cruciatus curse once, but this was unlike

anything he had ever felt.

Dorea leaned down next to the man's left ear and whispered dangerously.

"Now you listen to me carefully for I will only say this once, you are

going to tell me everything I want to know, or you will feel such pain as

you could have never imagined in your worst nightmares."

The man was panting hard as the pain began to subside. "What did you

do to me?!"

Dorea stood up straight and smiled piteously at the man. "I've given you a

little something that magnifies the sensitivity of the nerve endings within

your body, and at the same time prohibits the production of endorphins

and adrenaline.

In the simplest of terms that you would understand, is that you will be

begging me to kill you rather than have me give you the tiniest of

scratches to your body. I fancy myself quite the inventive potions

mistress. However, I developed this quite by accident. It was meant as an

aid for the Dragon Pox. You are aware of course how painful the sores

associated with the Dragon Pox can be.

I had intended to create a salve that would deaden the sensitivity of the

nerve endings to make the fiery sores less painful. But as fate would have

it, the opposite happened, and the salve magnified the nerve ending

sensitivity by multiple factors. And now here we are." She told the man.

"So you gonna torture me then?" The man spat. "Such a nasty business for

a highborn." He sneered. "Wouldn't tink you'd want to get your fingers


Dorea smiled at the man. "Oh I won't be dirtying my hands, no, but I do

have…something else that will do the work for me."

"The man looked curiously at her. "You haven't asked me about the crate

you're chained to yet." Dorea stated as she walked slowly around the

crate sliding her hand around it edges.

Argyle Mansfred suddenly felt a bit worried. He turned his head to look

at the soil his body rested upon wondering what the insane old lady was

getting at.

"You know what a Niffler is, don't you dear?" Dorea asked sweetly.

"A niffler!" He laughed. "Their furry little puff balls!" He laughed again.

Dorea smiled ominously. "Yes they are quite gentle little creatures,

affectionate even. Though an interesting thing about nifflers, is their

insatiable interest in gold and shiny things. Did you know that their little

claws are harder than diamonds and they can actually burrow through

solid rock to get to the object of their desire?"

With that Dorea pulled out a Galleon from her robes and placed it on top

of the soil just below the man's armpit. Suddenly Argyle felt movement in

the soil and a niffler popped out of the dirt next to his body and

immediately bit down on the gold coin and began to playfully knaw on

it. Dorea carefully picked up the tiny furry rodent and began to pet it


"Such sweet little things aren't they? Now imagine if you will this sweet

little creature burrowing through solid stone to get to this little gold coin.

Have that image in your head?" Dorea asked not expecting a response.

"Now just imagine…" Dorea produced another Galleon and hovered it

wandlessly over the man's stomach. "…what this sweet little creature

would do to human flesh to get to this shiny little coin."

Argyle stiffened as the niffler in Dorea's hand attempted to jump from her

grasp to get to the other coin. He was now starting to worry, the old lady

was insane! He couldn't tell her anything even if he wanted to he had

taken an oath not to betray the brotherhood!

"Now, young man. Tell me, what is your name?" Dorea asked. Placing the

niffler on top of the soil but removing the Galleon from over the man's

stomach. The niffler dived into the dirt and began to search for glittery


'Okay.' He thought he could at least give her that, he was not bound by

oath to not reveal his name.



"Argyle Mansfred!"

"Well that wasn't so hard was it?" Dorea smiled.

"Now Argyle, I want you to tell me why you were following me and my

companions?" She asked sterner this time.

He hesitated briefly thinking how he could best answer her without

answering her. However his pause was too long for Dorea who tossed the

coin into the crate. It landed flat against the side of his right ankle with a


"No!" Argyle screamed. But it was too late as the little niffler launched

itself up out of the dirt and bit down on the coin its little claws scratching

his exposed bare skin before diving back into the soil. Argyle screamed

out in agony at the superficial cuts to his skin.

"I am not a patient woman Argyle. When I ask a question I demand a

quick answer!" Her voice was hard and unsympathetic.

"Saw-saw you at tha Cauldron! T-talking with the aurors!" He spoke

through gritted teeth.

"What were you doing there?! Did you kill Marjory Dunkel?! Did you kill

the woman on the third floor?!" Dorea demanded.

Again he was too slow to respond for Dorea and she tossed another coin

into the crate this one landing on his left knee. Another niffler jumped

out of the soil and dove for the coin. Its razor sharp claws sliced into the

prisoners knee cap, shredding flesh and creating bone splinters. The

amplified nerve endings fired off toward the pain receptors in the brain,

and an immediate response was felt.

"AARRGGHHH! GODS PLEASE, PLEASE!" Argyle screamed out, the pain

was like burning acid slowly eating away at his flesh.

"DID. YOU. KILL. MARJORY DUNKEL?!" Dorea demanded again.

"YES YES, GODS HELP ME, I KILLED HER!" The man confessed.

Dorea took a large breath and let it out slowly. "Why?" She hissed.

"She wouldn't tell us where the books were, or what she knew!" He cried,

tears flowing down the sides of his face.

"Why did you want the books?" She asked slowly.

"We-we were sent to get them, we weren't told what they contained!" He


"Who sent you?" Dorea asked dangerously.

Argyle Mansfred began to cry again and shake his head. "I-I CAN'T…


"You will give me someone's name or I'll place coins all over your body

with sticking charms and watch as the nifflers shred your body to pieces!

NOW. GIVE. ME. A. NAME!!" She demanded.

Argyle sobbed, his chest was heaving up and down, his eyes red and

burning from the flow of tears. He fought desperately to speak knowing

that should he reveal anything his magic would be ripped from him

which could result in his death.

Dorea reached into her robe and pulled out a handful of galleons. With a

murderous look she approached the crate.

"NO! PLEASE WAIT!" He begged. He was forcing himself to betray his

oath. He knew the price but he could not take the pain anymore, he just

couldn't take anymore!

"A NAME!" She pressed.

"The B-brotherhood of-of the F-Fox! B-B-Borgin, Marius Borgin!" He

screamed. Suddenly his whole body arched and his mouth opened

unnaturally wide in a silent scream as his body and magic paid the price

for the betrayal of his oath.

"Marius Borgin?" She asked herself. "Of Borgin and Burkes?" She knew of

the man and also knew that he had dealings with the wizarding

underworld. He had actually been a smuggler and profiteer during the

Great War, something Dorea absolutely detested. People getting rich off

the misery and misfortune of others. He was crafty and dangerous but she

did not believe he could be behind this alone, a middleman, perhaps. But

then again, he must be somehow connected if this Argyle had suffered for

revealing his name.

She turned back and looked upon the restrained man. This man was a

murderer and if was given the chance would have murdered her or Harry

and Bella. She felt no pity or sympathy for the man, he had chosen his

path and now he would reap what he had sowed.

She watched as his chest began to slowly rise and fall. He was still alive,

but she could feel no magic in the man now. He had indeed been stripped

of his magic. Dorea reached into her robe and pulled out a single galleon.

She walked over to the man and placed the gold coin on the center of his

chest and cast a permanent sticking charm.

She turned toward the door to leave and was about to close it behind her

when she heard the blood curdling scream of the man who would never

again hurt another living soul. She turned to look at the four other

whimpering men in the small cell.

"No one threatens my family." She said with deadly calmness as she

glared at the four men. "We will chat latter." The men sobbed as they

were sure they would meet the same fate as their brother. With a

satisfied and determined look she closed the door behind her. A new

target had been revealed and there was much to plan and two books to

read through.


"Come in Albus. Come in." A stressed voice called.

"Minister Bagnold, always a pleasure to meet with you." Dumbledore

smiled congenially at the current Minister for Magic.

"Troubling times Albus, we're in troubling times." Minister Millicent

shook her head as she poured the rest of the amber liquid in her class

down her throat. She stared out of her window down at the Ministry

atrium, watching as the many ministry employees went to and fro.

"I assume you're talking about the murder of Marjory Dunkel?"

Dumbledore asked.

"That's just the latest layer to this mess, Albus. I've just returned from

meeting with the muggle Prime Minister, Edward Heath. And do you

know what he told me?!"

Albus conjured a large stuffed chair and sat down and then waited

expectantly for her to answer her own question.

"He had the nerve to tell me to…and I quote "get your house in order

before I am forced to do so for you!" She spat.

Minister Bagnold grabbed a manila folder from her desk shaking it in her

fist. "These..!" She stated slamming the folder back down on her desk. "…

are lists of recent muggle homicides. All of which had residual magical

signatures on them. For Merlin's sake I didn't know the muggle

government had a team of magical investigators!"

"Muggleborns most likely." Dumbledore offered.

"It doesn't matter who they are, what matters is that over the last six

months thirty murders of muggles were magical in nature!" She growled.

"And what's more is at every crime scene some damn image of a snake

and skull is seen floating above each attack. Now I know from Crouch's

security reports that this is the mark these…these Death Eaters have

tattooed on their arms! I want to know who these people are, and I want

to know what connection they have to this Voldemort and the Purist


"Take a calming breath Millicent." Dumbledore gently told the woman

who was pacing back and forth like a caged animal.

"I'm assuming again that Director Crouch has already mobilized the

Aurors to investigate these incidents?" Dumbledore asked.

"I met with Crouch prior to your arrival. He requested that we give the

Aurors license to use deadly force to bring in those responsible should

they put up a fight.

Albus stood and cleared his throat menacingly. "I hope you did not

authorize such tactics!"

"Not yet, but I'm seriously considering it. We have had two attacks in our

communities Albus; children have been killed for Merlin's sake!"

"You know my position on this matter Millicent. We cannot afford to lose

anymore old blood! With each loss we stand to lose precious magical gifts

only passed down through each new generation of old families." He

defended his position.

"So we should just allow muggles and muggleborns to be killed?! And

hope that the muggle government continues to ignore us?!" She fired


"Of course not, but we must find a more peaceable solution." He replied.

"The purists want to purge our society of the muggleborn!" She shouted.

"You know as well as I that we cannot allow that to happen. We need

them not only for promulgating our people, but they are a large

economic resource, we can't afford to purge them from our society. It

would collapse our economy."

"Of course I know that! But there are many in the Wizengamot who do

not believe the same." She replied. "They fear that our cultural and

heritage will be destroyed by allowing them to remain. They see them as

a real danger Albus."

"I know the dangers of muggle ideology better than most. My sister was a

victim of muggle intolerance." A flash of anger lit his eyes but was

quickly gone before the minister had seen it.

"They despise that which they don't understand and in many cases

demonize it, persecute it, and in some cases destroy it. They can be

arrogant, and have a tendency for violence. It is why I proposed so long

ago that we respond to every recorded muggleborn birth. If we take them

into our world as infants we avoid any muggle ideological contamination

into our world." Dumbledore sighed.

"We are not in the business of kidnapping infants out of their mother's

arms! Sweet Morgana! The muggles would be in an uproar." She replied


Albus shrugged. "Then we are left with what we have. The problem is

that the muggleborns see our culture as antiquated, obsolete, and in need

of reform. And, we don't help our own kind by keeping them ignorant of

how much muggles have accomplished technologically. They see the

muggleborns as little more than barbarians at muggles as almost less than


You're too young to remember the muggles First World War; However I

remember it quite vividly. It was the first time that many of our people

saw what muggles could really do, it was a rude awakening needless to

say. It was death and destruction on such a scale that had never been

seen before.

Their weaponry was extremely powerful. Before the 1860's most muggle

rifles could only fire once before they would need to reload and reengage

an enemy. These single shot weapons were no match for a wizard who

could fire several spells before a muggle could return fire. But with the

invention of the repeating rifles and then the creation of what they call

machine guns, these new weapons could fire dozens of deadly projectiles

before a wizard could verbalize a second spell.

The need for absolute secrecy for our world was never more inculcated

into our people, than at that time. But what to do about the muggleborn

and half-bloods who were continuing to come into our world. We placed

more and more restrictions on what they could do or jobs they could hold

in our world were heavily regulated.

Our leaders feared that their muggle ideas and warmongering would

corrupt our people. And in a way it had. We saw it in our schools, a

nationalistic pride amongst the muggleborn and half-bloods. Many chose

to leave our world to fight in the world war, when they returned from

war; they brought dangerous new skills back with them and new muggle

ideas and a pride in muggle progress.

On the darker side, some returned so damaged from their experiences in

the war they could no longer function normally in our society and in our

streets, without a way to support themselves some became criminals and

used the skills they learned in the muggle military to achieve their goals.

Some became vagrants, and others just seemed to get by.

More muggleborn and half-blood legislation was introduced, tighter

restrictions on dual citizenship. You were either a magical citizen or a

muggle citizen, you could not be both and if you chose the latter you

magic was forcibly bound.

Was it harsh? Yes. Was it necessary? I believe most would argue that it

was. We saw a clear and present danger to our world. By allowing the

muggleborns and half-bloods to live muggle lives, while still living in the

wizarding world the chance of exposure of our world was greatly


But some concessions were made to them so they could continue to live

amongst the muggles. Monitoring spells were introduced to keep an eye

on any muggleborn or half-blood residence to make sure no magic was

being performed and tracking spells on all muggleborn and half-blood

wands. Was it intrusive? Yes. But again, it was necessary to assure our

world's anonymity.

Many more new ideas began to be introduced into our society by the

muggleborn, such as the Women's Suffrage movement, and Irish

independence. That war was the catalyst for the increased level of

prejudice many of our people now have for them. So it is understandable

that they would want to purge them.

But we must make them see that they are needed, but we also must

demonstrate to the old houses that we will not allow our culture and

heritage to disappear or be replaced. We must allow the tighter

restrictions. I believe this will appease these so called Death eaters and

the Purists." Dumbledore finished.

"I don't know Albus, I fear that by doing so we will create another

Grindelwald, but this time he'll be a muggleborn out to destroy the

entirety of our world." She shook her head tiredly.

"I'm sure that would never happen." Albus said comfortingly.

Millicent chuckled mirthlessly. "I understand your bill failed today."

"A temporary setback at most, I plan on rewriting some of it, but it will

stay largely intact. No, my failure to get it past was being surprised at the

position of some of the founding houses and their influence on other

Wizengamot members. I plan to rectify that problem by speaking to some

of these families and try and persuade them to see the benefits of the

bill." He smiled enigmatically.

"Good luck with that Albus. Now if you'll excuse me, it has been a rather

trying day and I'm anxious to end it." She stated rising from her chair.

Albus nodded and stood as well, and with a swish of his wand the chair

he had created disappeared. "Till our next meeting then." Albus bowed

and then left the office.

Albus' smile fell as he walked back to his office. The mention of his

longtime friend had evoked an old memory. Late November 1916, he and

his closest friend Gellert Grindelwald had gone to France to investigate

firsthand the tales they were hearing in England about the horrific battle

taking place at the Somme River in France.

Nothing could have prepared them for the scene they had found.

Hundreds upon hundreds of bodies laid out in make shift morgues, stacks

of arms, legs, and headless torsos were stacked in various piles,

thousands more bodies lay scattered or stacked in trenches of earth, the

smell of death was heavy in the air. Albus had lost all constitution and

fell to his knees and vomited, his body continued to heave even though

he had emptied the contents of his stomach completely. Gellert looked

upon the scene with anger and disgust. The depravity of humanity

seemed utterly boundless. Filthy muggles he was heard to whisper.

Albus recalled that it was several months later that Gellert had

approached him about the muggle problem. It was there that they

discussed what was for the "Greater Good" of the Wizarding World. If

muggles were left unchecked they would eventually destroy the world.

They needed to be stopped at all cost.

The most plausible course was to somehow take control of the muggle

world and subjugate the violent muggles. Albus had agreed that the

muggles were incapable of governing themselves in a peaceful manner.

For the next twenty years the two friends would plot, plan, and recruit

those of like-mind to their cause.

"Oh Gellert…we had such good intentions." Albus quietly spoke.


Lily Evans was in her bedroom just turning in for the night when a

tapping at her bedroom window made her jump. Seeing a rather large

owl at her window was a bit surprising, but then she noticed a letter

attached to one of its legs. She quickly threw open the window and the

owl hopped in and flew over to the headboard of her bed.

She approached the magnificent fowl, which stuck its leg out for her to

take the envelope attached there. "Aren't you a handsome owl?" Lily

cooed and stroked his breast feathers gently; the large owl seemed to

enjoy the attention and was bouncing from foot to foot as she stroked his


"If you like you can finish my ham sandwich." She pointed to a plate on

top of her dresser. "There is water in the glass next to it." The owl spread

his wings and glided over to her dresser and began to make quick work

of the sandwich.

While Eros was busy, Lily sat on her bed and opened the note. "Oh, it's

from Bellatrix and Harry!" She read the note and frowned a bit. "Why

would I need to keep my heritage quiet?" She mused. "And I love my new

wand! I suppose I'll need to keep that quiet as well." She looked at the

ebony and ivory wand on her nightstand.

She sighed heavily. "Well I guess it must be important, suppose I'll just

have to ask them what's going on when we're on the train."

Lily opened her trunk and pulled out some parchment and quill and

penned a reply to Bella and harry that she would comply and see them

on the train Monday morning. She then took out another piece of

parchment and began a letter to her friend Narcissa.

Dear Cissy,

First things first, I miss you! I know it's been only a few days, but there is no

one here to have fun with or gossip with. I don't have any real friends here

where I live. Well, there is Severus and he's a good friend, but I need female

companionship sometimes.

Oh! Speaking of Severus, I think something awful happened to him the other

day. This morning he came over to see me and we went over to the park

nearby our house to play. I went to tickle him but he jumped when I touched

him and winced in pain.

When I asked him what was wrong he changed the subject. I noticed

sometimes when his shirt would slip up while we played that he had some dark

bruises on his back. I think his parents might be beating him.

Do you think I should ask him about it? I'm worried he might get upset if he

thinks I'm prying into his personal business. But I'm truly worried about him.

What should I do, if I go to my parents they would definitely confront Severus'

parents, his dad is a muggle but his mom is a witch and my parents aren't

magical at all, I'm afraid that she would curse my mom and dad for being

nosey neighbors. So any advice would be welcome.

On to happier topics, I can't wait to show you what I read in my ancestor's

history book that Harry gave me! Oh my god it was the most amazing thing I

have ever seen! Oh and I have another surprise to show you as well, something

from my great-great-grandfather.

Well enough about me. How are you doing? Do anything fun with your

family? Tell Andromeda hi for me, and I can't wait for her to start teaching

me that knee reversing jinx. I still owe James and Sirius for their last prank on

me. Honestly, those two are menaces to society. At least their friend Remus is

nice, but Peter..eewww…he gives me the shivers, he's totally creepy.

Speaking of Remus, I meant to tell you on the train, I overheard him talking to

Sirius about you before we left. I think he might fancy you. (giggling madly)

Seriously he is rather sweet but painfully shy.

Anyway! Can't wait to see you on the train!

Your friend,



Dinner at Black Hills that evening was a complete strategy meeting

amongst the older family members. Arcturus, Orion and Charlus were

going over each and every House that was in their voting blocs and then

going over others who could be sympathetic.

"I'm telling you, Dumbledore will not let this bill go. I expect he and his

surrogates will be visiting all the major houses this week in an attempt to

garner their vote." Arcturus told the others.

"I agree, we need to show Albus for the manipulator he is. He is trying to

usurp the DMLE's authority that can't sit well for most of the Common

Houses, and I suspect a good portion of the Hereditary Houses as well.

This is pure and simple a grab for power." Charlus Potter added.

"Dumbledore has a lot of sway with the Hereditary Houses." Orion began.

"Many of those house owe him allegiance."

"Yes but he does not have a controlling majority." Dorea piped up.

"He has enough." Orion replied hotly. "Nearly a third of the hereditary

seats never show up to vote. The greys have never been persuaded to

take sides…on anything! And without their involvement it would only

take a handful of other houses to give Dumbledore an edge."

"I believe that some if not all could be persuaded to come together this

once. Who knows maybe even more than once?" Cassiopeia Black replied


"What do you mean?" Arcturus asked.

"I had a lovely conversation this evening with our young Lord

Eveningshade, and I must tell you I am quite impressed with the young

man. I plan on taking Harry to Samhain at New Grange this year and

introducing him to my friends." The former high priestess of the Morrigan


"You expect Lord Eveningshade to go dancing around naked with your

lot?!" Walburga screeched.

"Clothing is optional!" Cassiopeia replied back with a grin, winking at

Harry. "He will not be asked to participate in any of the rituals or

activities unless he wants to join in and learn them. He has expressed a

desire to learn the ancient ways, and I am more than willing to facilitate

that education." She replied haughtily.

"It would be a good way for Harry to gain allies." Pollox offered. "If he

was accepted by the fringe houses that would definitely give us the


"Those freaks don't concern themselves with political matters with all

their dancing about. They are social outcasts and we don't need that

stigma associated with our House. It would be a waste of time to even

court their allegiance!" Walburga stated.

"Its bigoted attitudes like that Lady Black, which will tear our world

apart. I'm surprised really, that you would take such a position on these

houses that practices the ancient ways, you who puts so much weight on

tradition and heritage.

According to Aunt Cassie, it was only a short two hundred years ago that

the Blacks were practitioners of the ancient ways, and five hundred years

ago most magical households in Great Britain practiced rituals and blood

magics. So in a sense you have turned your back on our honored heritage

and traditions." Harry confronted the outspoken witch.

"Well said Harry!" Cassiopeia exclaimed. "Well said!"

Walburga for the first time did not have a snappish comeback. It was true

that the Blacks had been practitioners; her own mother had been a

Morrigan with Cassiopeia. But peer pressure from her classmates at

Hogwarts caused her to turn her back on the practices.

They called the practices archaic and freakish. Many of the old houses

had abandoned the art years ago due to how labor intensive it was. Spells

were quicker, incantations and rituals took too long to perform and

generally required the blood of the caster, with the more powerful rituals

requiring several casters at once.

It was true she had turned her back on the ancient ways, but she was too

proud to admit that she may have been wrong. Prejudices that she

cultivated in her youth, were not so easily changed. How could she admit

that she was wrong all these years? She couldn't do it; her pride wouldn't

let her, at least not yet.

"Personally…" Arcturus broke the awkward silence. "…I think it a good

idea as well Harry. That is a large source of untapped political power."

"It will take time to earn their trust Harry, but if anyone could do it, I

believe you can." Cassiopeia told him warmly.

"Now, on to other matters. Pollux, have you spoken with your contact

about the lost Founding Houses…" Arcturus began.


Monday morning came too soon for the returning students at Black Hills.

After some parting counsel from Arcturus and the other adults about

watching out for each other and keeping secret Bella's marriage to Harry

and anything dealing with Harry being an Eveningshade, the children

accompanied by Dorea and Cassiopeia all flooed to the receiving hub on

Platform nine and three-quarters.

Dorea had cast a notice-me-not charm on Harry that would work on

anyone except for the family. Before they boarded the train Cassiopeia

had pulled Harry aside and placed a goblin made thin silver chain around

Harry's neck, at the end of the chain was a circular medallion. The

medallion depicted three ravens surrounding a triple Celtic spiral.

"This is the symbol of the Triple Goddess, the Morrigan, she is the

goddess of battle, victory, and prophecy. This will identify you to others

of our coven that you are an apprentice of our order. You will be

surprised young Harry how many of us there are that keep the old ways,

and how much help you will have when you are in need." Cassiopeia then

kissed his forehead and both cheeks before letting him go.

Dorea had then pulled both Harry and Bella to her. "I'll visit you every

weekend in the Room of Requirement, to continue your occlumency

training. I suggest you invite Lily along as well." Dorea told the two.

"What about the others? What about Sirius and my da…James, and Andi

and Cissy?" Harry asked.

"I've been training James since he was eight, he has a good foundation

already and he knows he is supposed to continue his exercises nightly

before bed. As for the others, all children in House Black are taught it.

However it may be wise to check them, but for the next month I would

like it just to be you two and Lily. We will need to start from the very

beginning with her.

I know the portrait of Walburga had trained you some, but I'll expand

and improve on what she started. I want you two and perhaps Lily as

well to really begin studying the Eveningshade journals and Grimoire and

begin to learn as much as you can.

"I'll be looking through the two books from the Records department and I

will let you know what I find." Dorea then looked at the pair worriedly.

"Take care of each other." She quietly whispered hugging the both of

them together.

"We will grandmother." Harry replied thickly his voice hitching at the

emotion he was feeling being held by his grandmother.

"Now get going." She replied, straightening up trying to look like the

strong woman that she was, but a slight misty look in her eyes told of the

emotion she was feeling for her grandson.


S/N: Hoped you enjoyed the chapter, I hope that everyone's opinion of

Dorea has not been soured. I felt that as a Black and a Potter, family is

paramount and thus she would react in an aggressive manor toward

anyone who would threaten her family, plus as a Black she does have a

darker side and she let that show here.

We learned a bit more of the Dumbledore back story and where his

opinions and thoughts began to form, and we're not done yet exposing

his history. Harry has made a new strong ally within the Black family

and all though I did not go into detail about Aunt Cassi, in coming

chapters when Harry visits her coven we will learn more about her and

the "fringe" families. Please leave a comment, critique or review and let

me know what you thought!

24. Chapter 24

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Wow we have hit over 2600 Reviews, and nearly 3000 followers!

How awesome are you guys! A lot of wonderful reviews for the last

chapter and a lot of support! Everyone seems to love my Dorea and I

have to say that she totally does rock! She will be letting her inner Black

really shine in the coming chapters so hold on!

I hope to get at least one more chapter out by next week, but it could be

iffy. My daughter, my oldest child is getting married on the 22nd so

things are a little crazy right now, but I'll do my best to get another

chapter out like I said by sometime next week. Anyway I hope you all

enjoy this next chapter of Passageways!

Chapter 24

Hogwarts Express:

"It's a beautiful wand Lily, and you say it just jumped into your hands

when you reached for it?" Narcissa asked with wide eyes.

Lily nodded her head vigorously. "It did, but what's more amazing is that

when I hold it…it seems to sing." She replied in a wistful voice.

"Sing? How do you mean?" Andromeda asked the redheaded girl. Harry

and Bella were also listening closely.

"It's…hard to explain but it's like, its connecting with my magic and the

two energies seem to blend, harmonizing with each other…like singing."

She shrugged at not being able to describe it better.

"I feel this incredible connection with it; I've never felt this with my wand

that I bought at Ollivander's. I feel…I feel more connected to it, I feel

more…powerful with it." Everyone in the compartment noticed that Lily's

emerald eyes began to glow slightly as she spoke, everyone in the

compartment shared a glance with each other but no one said a word.

"Lily…" Harry began softly, placing a hand over hers. "I know what I'm

asking you to do may seem unfair, but it is for your protection. You need

to keep your true heritage and your new wand a secret and only use your

old wand for your classroom work. It would raise too many questions,

questions that we don't want people to ask." Harry told his young mother.

"But we do have a place where you can train with your new wand, and

there, you, Harry and I will begin to learn more about and train with the

Eveningshade family magic." Bella told the girl squeezing her shoulder


"Why would you need to learn about the Eveningshade family magic,

Harry? Aren't you Lord Eveningshade?" She asked inquisitively.

Harry sat back in his seat and pondered for a moment on what he should

say. He couldn't tell her the whole truth; there were just too many

problems that could arise if his true connection to her was learned. It

twisted Harry's gut to mislead his mum, but he knew that for her sake

and for all their sakes he needed to carry on the charade.

"I won't go into the minute details of my life, but to say that I was

orphaned when I was but a baby. My parents were killed by a very dark

wizard. Though my parents were magical, I grew up in the muggle world

with an aunt that I now suspect was probably a squib. I knew nothing of

the magical world until I was eleven years old.

"The details of my life, from when I re-entered the magical world at

eleven until just a month ago, are difficult to explain and perhaps best

left untold. But recently I was made aware that I may be a descendant of

a House that was thought long lost to the magical world.

"I went to Gringotts Bank and had an inheritance test performed. The test

proved that I was a member of the previously thought extinct house. The

ritual involves a process wherein blood infused with family magic coats

the inside of a rune covered basin, it identifies a family member by the

spilling of their own blood in to the basin.

"But that is not all it does, it can also identify or choose the next lord and

head of house. It found me worthy and chose me to bear the title of Lord

Eveningshade and so I became the head of the Ancient House of


"But like you, it wasn't until that moment when magic that had

previously been bound within me was let loose. And I'm only now

beginning to understand just the tip of it. Similar to what you told us

about feeling your magic suddenly feeling unbound after you held your

new wand.

Together Lily, I hope that we can explore what it is to be Eveningshades.

We are family Lily, and know that family means everything to me, and as

family, I will always be there for you and I hope you will eventually feel

the same for me." Harry passionately told his mother.

Lily didn't know why, but she felt a sudden surge of affection toward

Harry and a desire to hug him, though from the moment she first met

him she had felt that there was something about him that felt so familiar

and homelike. So throwing caution to the wind she threw her arms

around his neck and squeezed him tightly. Harry welcomed the embrace

and held her to his chest and kissed the top of her head.

Still in his embrace she thoughtfully asked. "So what do I call you?

Uncle? Cousin? Brother?"

"How about just Harry, and I'll call you Lily." Harry gave the young girl a

warm smile.

"Okay…Harry." The pretty redhead smiled warmly back. Bella's eyes had

begun to well up with warm salty tears as she watched her husband make

that personal connection he so desperately wanted to make with his

mother. Though it would never be a mother- son relationship, it was

enough for Harry to still be able to call her family.

"Sooo, this place you'll be training in? Any chance Cissy and I can come

along and get some training too?" Andromeda asked, breaking up the

heavy emotional moment.

Harry let go of Lily and quickly wiped something out of his eyes that

suspiciously looked like tears. "Of course you can, in fact we were going

to suggest it. We also need to speak with James and Sirius about joining

us as well." Harry replied.

"Not Jamie and Siri! Those two hooligans would just horse around the

whole time!" Cissy bemoaned.

Harry chuckled. "Nevertheless Dorea has asked that we train everyone in

the family at Hogwarts how to better defend themselves against what is


"Well that didn't sound ominous." Andromeda chuckled sarcastically.

"Dark times are here little sister, and we need to make ourselves strong

enough and fierce enough that no one, and I mean no one, will fuck with

our family." Bella stated with passion and fire, Harry looked at Bella


"Will you tell Jamie and Sirius that Lily is an Eveningshade?" Narcissa


"Yeah, Bella and I are going to go find them now and have a chat with

them." Harry told them.

"What about Remus and Peter?" Lily asked. "They hang out with James

and Sirius." Harry's eyes tightened at the mention of the man who had

betrayed his parents and a fleeting thought of tossing the boy underneath

the wheels of the train seemed to excite a dark part of him.

'But he's not that man, not yet, and perhaps may never be.' Harry mused.

Remus was a good man and was the levelheaded one of the marauders

from what he had learned of his old Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor, and new that the boy was loyal, but the secret was just too

important to chance it.

"I think it best just to keep it a secret amongst family." Harry replied after

a moment.


Black Hills Manor:

"I can't believe you brought those men here without my permission."

Arcturus shook his head angrily at his sister who sat primly and

unconcerned in the study of the Black family ancestral home.

"It's not like I had much choice, I had Bellatrix and Harry with me and I

needed the…tools and cells that the dungeon has."

"If they were to escape they could inform others of the location of this

house, Dorea!" He protested.

"You know as well as I do that there is no chance of them escaping

without outside help, and no one in this family would help them escape.

Besides even by some miracle they did escape once they were outside the

wards they would not be able to reenter without a Black with them." She

replied matter-of-factly and then took a long sip of her tea.

Arcturus sighed heavily. There was never any use arguing with her, even

as children she would never concede an argument if she thought she was

right no matter what the pressure. It was an admirable but sometimes a

down right irritating quality. But she was his sister, and she wouldn't be

who she was, if she were the type to back down easily.

Arcturus plopped down into the leather arm chair facing his sister. He

rubbed his temples trying to ease the tension he felt throbbing in his

head. "So, what did you learn from our guests?" He finally asked. "What

were they after?"

"To be honest, I think I came away with more questions than answers.

The men belong to some organization called the Brotherhood of the Fox."

She began.

"Never heard of them." Arcturus replied before taking a sip of his single

malt whiskey.

"Neither had I. Apparently, Marius Borgin is connected to them somehow

though. They were after the books, at least some information contained

in the books."

"Borgin?" Arcturus asked with an arched eyebrow. "How is our slippery

friend involved with this group?"

"I don't know…yet. But I assure you I can't wait to find out."

"Caution sister, he may appear to be a low life simpleton, but the man

has knowledge of dark artifacts and curses matched by only a sparse few.

Not to mention his connection to the seedier side of our world."

"I'm well aware of his so called affiliations with the less desirables of our

world. I've even been told that his mother was a hag."

"Hence his expert knowledge of dark curses, Dorea." Arcturus warned. "If

I were you I would not approach him directly, you don't want his eyes

looking in your direction."

"I'm not a novice at covert espionage Artie." Dorea sniffed indignantly.

"Never insinuated that you were dear sister, you are a Black after all. But

extra care must be taken around him, and if he is connected to this other

group you must walk carefully."

"These fools didn't even know who I was, or who Harry or Bellatrix were

for that matter. The only reason they followed us was because they

thought we had information about the book that Marjory had taken from

the Ministry." Dorea replied, refreshing her cup with more tea. She sighed

sorrowfully for her friend before she took another sip to calm her mind.

"You seem quite taken with our young lord." Arcturus stated looking over

his glass at his sister measuringly.

"I beg your pardon?" Dorea sniffed.

"I mean you seem to have taken a…motherly interest in him. I just find

it…interesting. You're not the type to trust easily. You have a very tight

circle of people you consider friends, and even with many of them you

never let your guard completely down.

"Yet with our young Lord Eveningshade, I've seen a side of you I have

only ever seen between us when we were children, and of course now

with Charlus or James, it has even extended to Bellatrix. I'm just curious

what you see in the young man that has inspired such…affection."

Arcturus asked his sister with scarcely hidden interest.

Arcturus and Dorea had been the best of friends when they were younger

and throughout most of their adult life, though they were separated in

age by a few years they acted more like twins, rarely seen apart from

each other. They had been each other's sounding board and confidant. It

had even been Arcturus that had encouraged Dorea to follow her heart

and start dating Charlus Potter.

Though their political views at times were on opposite ends of the

political spectrum, they still loved and respected each other and were

always in constant contact with one another. So it was Arcturus, out of

anyone else in the family that was most likely to notice Dorea's subtle

emotional attachment to the dark haired youth.

Dorea looked calculatingly at her brother; he was too smart for his own

good at times. She mused. Dorea tensed when she saw Arcturus withdraw

his wand from his wrist holster but relaxed as she watched him activate

the privacy charms for his private study.

"Do I need to make an oath, or will my word to not reveal anything you

tell me suffice?" Arcturus smirked playfully at his sister.

"Prat." She chuckled. "Your word has always been good enough for me,

dear brother." Dorea replied shaking her head.

She inhaled deeply and then relaxingly pushed out the air in her lungs.

"Lord Eveningshade…Harry, is more…much more than he seems." Dorea

began. "But there are things that I have sworn not to reveal about him."

"Well, can you at least tell me how it is that he is a son of yours?"

Arcturus smirked at the stunned expression on her face.

Schooling her features she glared back at her brother. "Harry is not my

son!" Dorea growled lowly.

Arcturus watched her intensely and saw no deception in her response but

could tell she was holding something back. He sat back in his seat and

pressed his fingertips together.

"The others may not have noticed Dori, but we grew up together, I know

your face, as well as I know my own. And Harry Eveningshade has your

same facial bone structure, the same bone structure our father had. He

also has the same mole behind his left earlobe as you do, and that our

mother does. And yet he has the athletic build of a Potter and Charlus'

unruly hair, same cowlick and all.

"That cannot be a coincidence dear sister, and despite all that, there is the

fact that the wards of this house recognize him as a Black. The wards are

still tied to me here and if I choose I can feel the presence of everyone

who enters this house. And the wards identify him as having the blood of

House Black.

"Why else do you think I was so willingly to listen to him, and so quick to

ally myself with him. I have no doubt that he is an Eveningshade, but I

am equally convinced that he is a Black as well and possibly a Potter.

Still there was a shadow of doubt, but seeing how intimate you have

become with him there is something more to your relationship than mere

acquaintance. I'd like to know what that relationship is." Arcturus asked

sincerely without accusation.

"As always you are as sharp as ever my brother. I can't tell you

everything you want to know, because I gave my oath to Harry. But your

instincts are correct; he is of our noble house and also a true

Eveningshade. If you take the time to get to know Harry and earn his

confidence, he may reveal everything to you." Dorea replied.

"Do you trust him?" Arcturus asked. Dorea knew what he was really

asking. He was asking if she would trust him with the safety and welfare

of the family by allowing him fully into their confidence. It was a trust

that was not given lightly or capriciously.

"Completely." Was her only response. Arcturus nodded and downed what

remained of the amber liquid in his glass.

"Then I shall trust him as well. Now what have you learned from these

books your friend liberated from the ministry."


Hidden Location:

"Have you heard from our contact in London, were your brothers

successful in recovering the book?" A heavily accented voice whispered,

however it carried throughout the chamber magnified by the natural

acoustics of the room. The shape of the room was octagonal in nature,

the floor made of cultured white and jade colored marble, Roman

columns surrounded the room, and a gilded throne dominated one end of

the room elevated by several steps above the main floor.

Those who had seen the room would say that it was how they imagined

the throne room of Zeus on Mount Olympus would look. The only thing

that seemed off was the red hanging banners with an iron cross with a

superimposed fox's head as a sigil that flanked the throne.

"Our contact has informed us that our brozzerz have not returned from

their task. He reports that the ministry official vas killed but he has

received no further communication from our brozzerz in London." The

brown cloaked man reported.

"Fools! By killing the ministry employee they risked exposing us if they

were caught. For nearly two hundred years have we remained hidden,

because we have struck from shadow, never leaving a trace, and only

killing when absolutely necessary! Which team was sent in?" He seethed.

"Team London drei." The man replied.

"Team London drei?"

"Ya, this vas to be their first official mission for us, it vas deemed an easy

assignment…a training exercise." The brown cloaked man explained with

a shrugging gesture.

"A training exercise?" The man asked incredulously.

"Ya, the information contained in the book was deemed inconsequential,

but our London brothers saw an opportunity for training and so

dispatched team drei to gain experience."

"Those inconsequential books contain the whisperings of our beginnings!"

The man stood from his throne roaring in displeasure.

The brown cloaked man fearfully dropped to his hands and knees. "My

lord the books will be of no use to anyone who doesn't know what to

look for. They could not make a connection from what is in the books to

us now, it would be inconceivable!"

"Oh no!" The mysterious lord replied sarcastically. "If someone were to

look closely, they would see the systematic eradication of certain

Wizengamot members in 1810, and if they connected those to the

whispered conspiracies of that year; an intelligent person would be able

to deduce that some sort of organized group was formed to perpetuate

the deeds and the names of those involved! Our forbearers were careless,

and learned too late that every conversation within the Wizengamot is

recorded." He spat.

"Vhy did they not just destroy the books as soon as zey found out?" The

brown cloak asked.

"The books are protected by strong wards against destruction or changing

what is written, and only the department head can remove them from

storage. They did what they could by slipping into the department and

casting a notice-me-not ward on the shelf it was placed and then a

notification ward on the books themselves to make us aware if our other

protection had failed and that someone had opened the book and

performed a search."

"I see." The brown cloak nodded.

"We must ascertain what happened to those books. Speak to our man in

London and tell him to send team Eins to investigate and ONLY to

investigate what happened to team drei and the books, and then report

back as soon as possible. And tell Borgin that if there is another mishap

like this one again, he WILL not like the consequences."

"Es wird geschehen, mein Herr!" The brown cloaked wizard clicked his

heels together and bowed before turning and marching out of the room.

Magical England was slowly being pushed to the cusp of civil war and he

would see it to its complete descent. He had learned from his past

mistakes and would use more subtle means to achieve his end goals this

time. He would gently push Albus and the Ministry into an inevitable

conflict with Voldemort and the Purists.

He would not let anything or anyone stop him this time; he would take a

page from Julius Caesar and divide and conquer, pitting the British

wizards against one another. If successful in Britain he would move to

the continent next. But the disappearance of the Wizengamot books

unsettled him. If someone knew what to look for it could eventually lead

back to his family name and then back to him. He needed to find out who

had the books and for what purpose they wanted them, and then destroy



Hogwarts Train:

Harry and Bella made their way down the train corridor looking for

James and Sirius; they needed to make them aware of the family training

together and where, and also to let them in on the secret of Lily's true


Harry wondered if this revelation would be harmful or not to his parents

eventual coming together. Bella had tried to ease his fears by reassuring

him that James most likely fell in love with her personality and

character, rather than her family and blood status. Furthermore she told

him that with the intimate setting of training it could possibly even fast

track their feelings for each other, that is if James would take the

training seriously and not goof off with Sirius.

Finding the compartment, Bellatrix slid the door open and stepped in

followed by Harry. One of the boys let out a very unmanly squeak of

surprise or terror that caused both Harry and Bella to wince at the high

pitch noise. Peter Pettigrew dived under his seat to avoid being seen by

the new occupants.

Harry and Bella looked at each other and shook their heads at the display

of cowardice. Harry noticed a young Remus Lupin rolling his eyes and

then heard the loud guffaws coming from his father and Sirius.

"Peter, come out from there! You're embarrassing us!" James scolded the

chubby eleven year old with small watery eyes.

"What's up Trixie! What brings you to the cool cabin?" Sirius smirked


"Unless you want to finish out the term bald, I would not call me Trixie

again!" Bella growled.

"You would dare to vanish these luscious locks?!" Sirius gasped in faux

fear, tossing back his shoulder length wavy black hair.

Bella drew her wand and pointed it at his head. "Try me, dog boy!" Bella


"Dog boy?" Peter chuckled crawling out from under his seat.

"The star cluster Sirius…the Dog Star!" Bella rolled her eyes at the small

boy, who looked away as if scolded.

"No need for hostilities cousin." James stated with his hands up in


"We need to speak to you and Sirius, James." Harry spoke stepping out

from behind Bella.

James and Sirius immediately jumped to their feet. "Of course my lord,

our apologies we didn't see you standing there." James replied a bit


Harry had to stifle a laugh at his father's and Sirius' sudden change in

demeanor, as they stood with perfect posture and then bowed slightly at

the waist.

"Lord?" Remus asked.

"This is Lord E…"

"Harry." Harry interrupted his father. "You may call me Harry. And your


"My name is Remus Lupin sir." The eleven year old werewolf stated.

"I'm only four years older than you are Remus." Harry chuckled. "You

don't have to call me sir."

"But aren't you a lord?" Remus asked respectfully.

"I am. But I give you leave to call me Harry." Harry smiled warmly

clapping the small boy on the shoulder.

"Uh..um…I'm Peter, Peter Pettigrew." The pale first year stuttered.

Harry's face reflexively tightened but managed to give the boy a genuine

smile. "Nice to meet you Peter. Would you and Remus allow us a few

moments alone with Sirius and James? We have a few things we need to

discuss with them.

"Uh yes sir, I mean uh, yes…Harry. We can do that." Remus stated. He

grabbed Peter by the shoulder and the two boys stepped out of the

compartment. Bella slid the door closed and with a few swishes of her

wand had placed a silencing ward on the door and the surrounding walls.

"Have a seat boys." Harry told his father and Sirius. "James, did your

mother talk to you about what was expected of you for the rest of the

year." Harry asked the dark haired bespectacled youth.

"Yeah, she mentioned that Sirius and I would be receiving some extra

tuition in dueling." James replied.

"That's right; you and Sirius will be joining me and Bellatrix with

Andromeda and Narcissa for some advanced training." Harry told them.

"Why?" Sirius asked. "I mean we have Defense Against the Dark Arts why

would we need more training?" He pouted folding his arms across his


"Are you serious?" Bellatrix began. "Don't even go there dog boy!" Belatrix

threatened at seeing a cheesy grin appear on Sirius' face as he opened his

mouth to speak.

Bella glared Sirius into submission before continuing her reply. "You are

aware of the recent attacks in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade?" Bella asked

the two eleven year olds.

"Yeah, everybody knows about that. Dad and Aunt Dorea were involved."

Sirius replied.

"So, do our parents think there is going to be more attacks?" James asked


"I don't want to frighten you, but there is a war coming boys." Harry

began. "And a lot of people will be hurt and many killed. The family, the

Blacks and the Potters…"

"And the Eveningshades." Bella put in with a proud smirk.

"And the Eveningshades…" Harry winked at his wife. "…Feel that it is

extremely important that we prepare the family as best we can. An

enemy can be anywhere and be anyone, which is why we will be training

every weekend to sharpen not only our physical skills but our mental

skills as well."

"Do you mean Occulmency lessons?" Sirius whined. "I hate those; I can

never clear my thoughts!"

"That will be part of the training, Aunt Dorea will be the one teaching us,

so man up poochy!" Bella told her cousin with a smirk.

James and Sirius sighed heavily, this would mean cutting into their

pranking time, not to mention that James would be seeing his mother

every weekend. Oh he loved his mother, but she was a real stick in the

mud, never relaxed or had any fun, his weekends now were officially

worse than Mondays! He pouted to himself.

"Oh, there will be one other that will be joining us as well." Harry

informed them.

"Oh, who?" Sirius asked

"Lily Evans." Bella replied.

James popped up from slouching in depression. 'Maybe the weekends

wouldn't be that bad after all.' He mused. Harry noticed the sudden

change in his father's attitude and had to stifle a chuckle.

"Evans? Why her? She's not family." Sirius stated confused.

"She is family." Bella corrected.

"She is?" James and Sirius asked together with increasingly confused

looks on their faces.

"She's my family boys." Harry stated.

James gulped and Sirius' eyes widened. "S-she's an Eveningshade?!" Harry


"Merlin's balls!" Sirius exclaimed. "We've been pranking her since the start

of term." Shaking his head in fearful disbelief. Bella was grinning madly

at her two younger cousins who were beginning to realize that they had

been pranking a member of one of the most infamous families in Britain.

"Now that brings up a very important thing I want to discuss with you

two. I'm sure your parents instructed you to keep my identity completely

secret." The two boys nodded.

"That promise, extends over Lily as well, no one can no her true heritage.

Is that understood?" Harry asked.

"How are you going to get into the school Harry? You're not a student."

James asked.

"I have my ways." Harry smiled enigmatically. "Now, starting next Friday

evening, right after dinner, I want you and Sirius along with Lily, to

come to the seventh floor, east of the Gryffindor Tower entrance and wait

by the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls to dance. Wait

there for Bella or I to come and get you. Understood?" Harry asked. The

two first years nodded.

"Good, any questions?" Harry asked.

"Can we invite Remus and Peter along?" James asked.

"No." Bella answered. "This is strictly for family, our family oaths can

protect the secret but outsiders are not bound by the same magic."

Bellatrix told the two boys. They glumly nodded their understanding.

Harry and Bella stood. "Right, well we'll be off then. And don't forget

about Friday. And as a special favor to me…keep an eye out for Lily. Just

don't let her know you're doing it."

"Of course we will!" James quickly shouted and then turned red as Sirius

sniggered and mumbled something under his breath that caused James to

blush even more.

"I appreciate your willingness to help James." Harry smiled knowingly.

He had learned from Remus in his own time that James had fancied Lily

from the first time he saw her in their first year. It was heartwarming to

actually see the seed already beginning to germinate.

His father had fallen in love with his mother at first sight, not much

different than how fast he fell for Bella, and according to his

grandmother, Charlus had fallen for her sometime during their first year

although it took her a few years more to fall for him. So Harry though

that he was in good company for finding the love of his life so quickly.

He squeezed Bella's hand affectionately as they left his father's

compartment after Bella had removed the privacy wards. Harry was in

good spirits walking back to their compartment right up until a group of

Slytherin robed boys stepped in front of them.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here lads." Rudolfus Lestrange sneered

to the guffaws of his brother Rabastan, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Why, if it's not Bellatrix Black…my fiancé." He stared at her lustfully.

"Were you dropped on your head over the break, Cyclops? There is no

contract between us anymore." Bella stated coolly.

"I refuse to accept that Black! You were promised to me and I will have

you!" He barked.

"Poor, poor, pitiful Rudy. Living in your fantasy world, where I give a

damn about what you want." Bella snidely replied back.

"Watch your mouth girl, I am Lord Lestrange now and could have you

thrown into Azkaban for simply annoying me!"

Bella laughed mockingly. "Oooh you've got me scared now Ruuudy.

House Black could crush your pitiful little house."

"Perhaps it is you that should watch your mouth." Harry spoke up

threateningly from behind Bella.

"Who the fuck are you?" Rudolfus demanded, noticing Harry for the first


"Someone who will kick your ass up and down this train, if you don't stop

annoying my girlfriend!" Harry replied.

Rudolfus' mouth hung open stupidly for a moment before his brain

reengaged. He went to draw his wand, but faster than anyone could take

another breath Bella had produced one of her daggers and had jammed it

between Rudolfus' legs.

The seventh year Slytherin jumped to his tiptoes as the razor sharp blade

easily passed through his robes and penetrated his trousers. The new

Lord Lestrange froze as he felt the cold blade separate his testicles. He

felt the burn of the sharp blade as it pressed against the sensitive skin of

his scrotum.

Bella leaned in and in a deadly tone whispered. "One wrong move Rudy

and your line ends right here, right now. I'm giving you this one chance

to walk away with your manhood still intact. You even look sideways at

me or my…boyfriend and I. Will. End. You." Bella's lip curled viscously

and her eyes glowed an Avada Kedavra green that caused Rudolfus'

friends to step back involuntarily.

Rudolfus gulped and raised his hands to show they were empty and

nodded that he understood her warning. Bella lowered her hand and

brought the dagger out. There was a thin trickle of blood on the blade

which she promptly wiped clean on Rudolfus' robes. The Lestrange lord

quickly left with his friends but mumbled vengeance under his breath as

he returned to his compartment.

Harry and Bella returned to their compartment and enjoyed the rest of

the train ride talking with Bella's sisters and Lily. Harry learned a little

more about his maternal grandparents and had promised Lily that he

would come over during the holidays and meet them. Harry found it

remarkably easy to speak to his mother and found her to be, as he had

been told by many from his own time, very intelligent and a warm caring


The train began to slow as it made its approach into Hogsmeade Station.

The girls stood up, straightened their robes and checked their hair before

exiting their compartment. Harry and Bella waited for the others to leave

before Harry took out his invisibility cloak and threw it on. He and Bella

would try and get a carriage to themselves and enjoy the ride up to the

castle together. Harry had made new allies and had set in motion events

that would change the future dramatically. He just hoped that it changed

it in a positive way.


A/N: What did you think? So, Arcturus is a very astute man, and I

figured that out of all of the other family members he would be the one

to pickup on Dorea's attachment to Harry and notice the family

resemblance. Bella has an Eveningshade moment! You will see her as

well as Harry and Lily begin to have more and more of the family magic

begin to assert itself in coming chapters.

Short filler chapter I know, but it felt like a good place to end it, but I

hope that you will still feel inclined to leave a review or a comment. The

next chapter will have the gang back at Hogwarts and will be

significantly longer. Thanks again for reading!

25. Chapter 25

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: I apologize for the long delay in getting this chapter out. My

daughters wedding had diverted all of my attention. The wedding

though was quite beautiful; it was a traditional Celtic Hand-fasting

ceremony. Both of our families are of Irish descent which I found

amusing since the Hand-fasting ceremony is of ancient Scottish


Anyway, with the distraction of the wedding I kind of lost my flow of

writing, and so this chapter, at least to me doesn't feel quite as fluid as

it should be, although my wife said it was good. But she's biased.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter, not much action in this chapter

but it does include some important developmental pieces.

I have placed a Poll on my homepage to see if there is any interest for

me to create a forum for Passageways. Take a look and vote yes or no.

If there is enough interest I will create one. So without further ado I

hope you enjoy this next chapter of Passageways.

Chapter 25

The return feast had been anticlimactic, Dumbledore had kept his speech

short, only touching upon the loss of the students that had died in the

Hogsmeade attack, and that future visits to the small wizarding

community would not be terminated but would be closely monitored by


He also reminded students that classes would begin first thing in the

morning and that they should renew their commitments to their studies

and focus on becoming the best witch or wizard that they could become.

One by one the students filtered out of the Great Hall heading back to

their respective common rooms. Bella had lingered behind, allowing the

Great Hall to empty. Harry stood nearby under his invisibility cloak, once

there were only a few stragglers left, Bella and Harry right next to her

underneath his cloak left the large hall. Several minutes later they

walked into the Room of Requirement to find someone waiting for them.

"Welcome back, my champions." Lady Hogwarts greeted the two teens

with a warm smile.

"Thank you my Lady." They both replied.

"I trust that your meeting with Bella's family went well?" She asked.

"It started out bumpy, but I think we have allies in the Black family, at

least most of them." Harry replied.

"By most, I assume that my counterpart gave you a hard time?!"

"Auntie Walburga! I've missed you!" Harry replied excitedly approaching

the portrait of Walburga Black.

"She was a bit standoffish auntie." Bella replied matter-of-factly. "But I

think we changed her mind, at least somewhat in regards to Voldemort,

but she still believes in the purist philosophy."

"You should let me talk to her dears; I could get her to see reason. Once I

explain to her how we lose our children because of the machinations of

that madman and what he does to our whole family, she will be after his

head." The portrait stated passionately.

"I would love to see that." Harry chuckled. "But, we can't do that without

exposing who I really am and when I come from."

Walburga nodded her silent agreement. Knowing herself as she did, she

knew that her counterpart would try and use that knowledge for self-gain

and would most likely harm their goals. "Well, just give her time Harry, if

she comes to realize that her family is in danger she could become like

me and be one of your staunchest allies."

"Thank you auntie, I hope we can sway her as well." Harry sighed.

"Master Harry Potter has returned!" A gray blur suddenly attached itself

to Harry's left leg.

"Dobby?" Harry asked surprised to see the quirky elf.

"I brought them all here while you were gone Harry." Lady Hogwarts

replied appearing in front of the couple. "Your timeline has been

completely altered and I knew that you would not want to leave them


"Them?" Hedwig suddenly flew over to him from a perch near the

fireplace and landed gently on his shoulder and nipped at his earlobe


"Hey girl, I've missed you!" Harry told his oldest friend. Hedwig nuzzled

her head against his cheek and barked softly. Harry noticed also taking a

look around that the ancient looking Kreacher and Winky were also in

the room shuffling about.

Bella noticed the little female House Elf fidgeting about and looking

sullen. "Is there something wrong Winky?" Bella asked the elf.

Winky suddenly looked nervous. "N-no mistress it's just…"

"Just what?" She asked.

"Winky is not knowings what to do, this room is small and needs little

cleaning, Winky is hoping that she would be working in a proper home,

now that yous and master is married, Winky is wanting to be a proper elf

and takes care of her family." The little elf was twisting the hem of her

frilly yellow dress nervously.

"Oh, well…master Harry and I…that is to say we don't have an official

residence yet." Bella explained. Turning to Harry she followed up.

"Are there any Eveningshade houses still in existence?" Bella asked her


"I'm not sure to be honest." Harry began.

"Yous do being having a house Master Harrys sir!" Dobby jumped up and


"I do? How do you know and where is it?" Harry asked.

"When yous bonded Dobby to you, your family magic now flows through

Dobby. Dobby is knowing where all properties of Evyshades, Blacks, and

Potters is!"

"Oh, well…that's great Dobby! So are there any Eveningshade properties

that are still in existence and are they habitable?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes Master Harry! The manor in Yetholm is still standing and has

been in stasis and hidden since the last Evyshade left for muggle world!"

Dobby said excitedly.

"Well then perhaps you, Winky, and Kreacher could go there and prepare

it for us. Would you like that Winky?" Harry asked the little elf.

"Yes master, Winky wants a proper home to take care of, and perhaps to

take care of babies soon to." Winky stated hopefully. Bella blushed and

Harry nearly choked at the seemingly innocuous comment.

"Um…well…I don't think we're quite ready for that yet Winky." Harry


"Not for a few years anyway." Bella added, and subconsciously placed a

hand on her belly, the thought not entirely unpleasant to her." She never

thought about being a mother, she was only sixteen for Maeve's sake, but

now that the idea had entered her mind she smiled at the thought of one

day being a mother.

"It's settled then, go an open the manor and prepare it for Bella and I to

visit in…let's say about two weeks, right before Samhain." Harry told the

three elves. The three elves bowed to their master and mistress and with

three small pops were gone.

"Once your residence is active again I can create a secure floo link from

there to here." Hogwarts added helpfully

"What do you think?" Harry asked Bella with a smile.

"I think that we need a proper home, we are after all Lord and Lady

Eveningshade, we should have our own place." She stated with faux

pomposity, before a smile broke through.

"Well then a place of our own you shall have milady!" Harry replied

sweeping into a low bow, grinning from ear to ear.

"Prat!" She giggled slapping his arm playfully.

"Now that your home is settled, I think we must speak about plans for

your education and training." Lady Hogwarts interrupted the two teens.

"It is not possible for you to return to your own time Harry, the time

currents are to chaotic now, to try and return would be dangerous and I

could not guarantee in what reality you would be stepping back into.

Your time line in essence is being re-written and is no longer stable."

"So no going back then." It was a statement, and Harry surprisingly felt a

sudden loss. He had left everything behind, including Hermione and

Luna. Though he felt sadness at the loss of his friends he was comforted

by the fact that he had found family here in the past…no he rethought,

not the past…this is my present and my future and realizing for the first

time that he felt like here was where he was meant to be.

"Anticipating your need for tuition, I have arranged professors for you to

complete your studies." The image of Helga Hufflepuff informed him.

"Who?" Harry asked curiously.

"Helena Ravenclaw will be teaching you Ancient Runes and Arithmancy

and Astronomy. She was a very clever girl, so like her mother." Lady

Hogwarts sighed with a hint of sadness.

She continued. "The Fat Friar will be teaching you Herbology and

Potions, the two fields of study are complimentary and should be taught

in tandem with one another. Of course the Bloody Baron will be teaching

you Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts, really there is no

one better he was a master at both. Your Aunt Walburga will be teaching

you about the magical government and politics. And I will be teaching

you charms, History of Magic, and will be helping you with your family

magic as well." She smiled.

"Great!" Harry replied a bit sarcastically. "Add that to what Dorea will be

teaching us, I'll have barely enough time to breathe."

Hogwarts rolled her eyes at the young man in front of her. "In centuries

past, Harry, students worked on their studies from sunup to sundown.

There were no free periods or House Qudditich teams to divert your


"You were expected to devote every moment in study and sharpening

your skills. In those days students were given a master or mistress after

your third year, and you were then their apprentice until they felt you

were ready to practice your craft in the world.

"An apprenticeship generally lasted four years which is where the seven

years of magical education was thought of, but, in those days some

apprenticeships could take up to ten years or more. In fact Dumbledore's

apprenticeship in Alchemy lasted twenty years.

"They controlled every detail of your life, when you slept, when you ate,

the hours of study and the hours of practical applications, you had no say

in how you spent your day. Now what I have planned for you will require

your absolute dedication but you will have some personal time, I don't

think Bellatrix would allow me to take all your time." She chuckled

getting a heartily nodding Bella glaring at her.


Midnight Forbidden Forest:

"Our lord has commanded us to double our recruitment efforts here at the

school; we must approach every pureblood of our political leanings to

join the cause of purity." Rudolphus Lestrange instructed his inner circle;

the inner members consisting of his brother Rabastan, Greg Goyle,

Vincent Crabbe, Amycus Carrow, Evan Rosier, and Waldon Mcnair.

Lucius had been pulled from school and was rumored to be in France

with his mother and fugitive father.

"How are we to persuade them?" Evan Rosier asked tersely, he was still

not happy with Rudolphus and his treatment of his sister Olivia, who had

been beaten by the newly ascended Lord Lestrange for losing the

communication ring she had been given.

"By not giving them a choice!" Rudolphus replied heatedly. "Those who

do not join this noble cause are traitors to the pureblood that runs

through their veins! Let them know that they would be seen as traitors to

their own kind and would not be looked upon favorably once our master

takes the government!"

"Many of the lighter families and even some of the darker families will

not join, especially after what happened in Hogsmeade. Our lord's men

were cut down in the street! The Black family the pinnacle of pureblood

society and a dark family were leading the charge! How are we to

convince the others of our strength with this kind of failure?" Greg Goyle


"The failure in Hogsmeade was unfortunate and the Black family will pay

for their treachery, but our lord is planning another demonstration of our

strength and resolve, and it will put to rest any doubt of our lord's

power." He stated without further explanation.

"Now, we have a second mandate, and that is persuading…" Rudolphus

began with a sadistic smile. "…the mudblood students to "voluntarily"

leave our world and not return to Hogwarts."

"How are we to persuade them?" Crabbe asked with a vacant look on his


"Subtly." Rudolphus replied. "We must be Slytherin about this. We cannot

risk bringing unwanted attention to ourselves. Most of you are competent

enough now from our summer training to use the imperious curse…use

it! Use others to achieve our goals, but you will leave the Black sisters to

me. I have something special in mind for those whores."


Olivia Rosier watched from her darkened corner of the Slytherin

commons room as her older brother snuck out with the Lestrange

brothers and several others of Rudolphus' lackeys. Her external bruises

and broken nose and jaw had been healed, but the internal bruises on her

psyche and spirit had not.

Olivia had lost most if not all of her lingering infatuation with the oldest

Lestrange brother, after his rather cold and callous "punishment." She

now kept her distance from the volatile youth, and was unsure if she was

willing to follow someone who was undeniably sadistic and with an

avarice for power that was only dwarfed by his depravity.

The attack in Hogsmeade had been an eye opener for the Slytherin

pureblood. To speak of revolution and punishing the mudbloods was one

thing, but the indiscriminate killing of children and other innocents was

something that tore at her very soul. She could not support any

organization that could perpetrate such heinous acts against innocents.

She still felt that the mudbloods were corrupting their culture with

muggle ideology and culture, but she was finding that killing them

because of their heritage was no longer something she could support.

Perhaps there were other ways to save the old ways and customs that

didn't involve murder and mayhem.

Olivia had made the decision to approach Bellatrix and warn her about

what Rudolphus was planning. She had overheard that there was a

bounty on the Black family for lifting their wands against the purist

movement and Lord Voldemort's soldiers. Bellatrix and her sisters would

be in danger from the children of the darker families. They had orders to

capture one or more of the sisters and get her out of Hogwarts and into

the hands of their lord.

Olivia feared for her friend and distant cousin, Bella was a pureblood

from an ancient family and it did not sit well with Olivia that Lord

Voldemort who professed a desire to elevate purebloods and bring back

the glory days, would want to exterminate one of the oldest families in

the country. So, she decided that she needed to speak with Bellatrix as

soon as possible.


Lily sat in her four poster bed in the first year girl's dorm, and was

reflecting upon the strange but wonderful events in her life since she

found out that she was a witch, and had entered the wizarding world.

The most intriguing event however was meeting the enigmatic Lord

Eveningshade and learning that she was a member of that family, and

then discovering that they were an infamous family with a long history in

the magical world.

Since meeting 'Harry' as he wanted her to call him, she had felt a new

stirring in her magic and knew that something within her had changed or

had become 'unbound' as Harry called it. Harry and Bella had told her

that it was the Eveningshade family magic beginning to assert itself. This

thought excited and yet terrified her. She had seen the kind of power the

Eveningshades could wield from her studying one of the family history

books, and it was breathtaking.

She wondered if that was the cause of James Potter's and Sirius Black's

sudden change of attitude toward her. Were they afraid of her now

because of her heritage…she wondered? They had been uncommonly

nice and even offered to escort her back to Gryffindor Tower after dinner.

They had their first actual conversation while walking that didn't include

screaming at the two boys for one of their stupid pranks.

Whatever the reasons were for their behavioral change she figured she

should take advantage of it. Pettigrew, she noticed, wasn't too happy

about James and Sirius giving her any attention that wasn't in the form of

a prank and had sulked mutinously behind the group as they returned to

the tower. Remus didn't seem bothered by her presence at all, but he had

always treated her with kindness so it wasn't too much of a surprise.

Lily lay back on her pillow but sleep wouldn't come, she was still too

keyed up. The excitement of the past few days was still engaging her

young mind. Giving it up as a lost cause for the moment she opened her

trunk and pulled out another Eveningshade journal that Harry had given

her. She jumped back into her bed and propped herself up against the

headboard and pulled the blankets up to her neck, and settled in for a

good read.


"AAARRRGGG!" Bella sprang from the bed, her wand seeming to

suddenly materialize in her hand. Harry's terrified scream had woken her

from a rather blissful dream. She gazed open mouthed at what she saw

before her. Harry was flat on his back on the bed looking straight into the

ghostly face of none other than the Bloody Baron who was floating

horizontally mere inches above Harry's own body.

"Its time to wake, Lord Eveningshade." The ghost spoke, its voice seeming

to echo hollowly. "You have an hour to bathe and eat your breakfast

before my lessons begin.

Harry quickly nodded, feeling very uncomfortable with the ghost's close

proximity. Harry could feel the cold coming from the spectral being and

it gave him goose-pimples.

"And may I suggest my lady that you find appropriate attire to put on."

The Baron stated not turning his head to look at the teenage girl.

Bella let out an embarrassed 'eep' as she realized she did not have on a

stitch of clothing. Blushing madly, she yanked the comforter off of the

bed and hastily wrapped it around her form.

The Baron floated up and turned to exit the room. "One hour, my lord,

one hour." He proclaimed as he floated through the door.

"What the hell was that?!" Harry roared after coming to his senses.

"Apparently your wake up call." Bella groused at the unwelcome visit of

the Slytherin ghost.

"What time is it?" Harry asked getting himself out of bed.

"Six in the morning!" Bella stated disbelievingly as the time displayed

itself in the air after a twirl of her wand. "Classes don't even begin until


"I guess mine start earlier." Harry shook his head. "Nothing for it I guess,

but to start the day."

"Join me for a shower?" Harry grinned lustily at his wife.

"Sorry sweet-cheeks, I'm going back to bed for an hour." Bella replied and

then padded back over to the bed and flopped down on the soft mattress.

"Be a dear and cast a silencing charm on the bathroom door, the sound of

running water will keep me awake." Bella smirked playfully.

"Ouch!" Bella griped as a pillow smacked her on the head. Harry smiled

triumphantly before quickly closing the bathroom door behind him

before his wife could retaliate.

An hour and a half later a showered and dressed Bella walked from her

and Harry's bedroom into their common room. At least she thought it

was her common room. The familiar couches and chairs were gone the

light homey feel was replaced with what looked like a training pit of


The wood floor was now sand, the four walls were gone and the room

was now oval in shape, halberds, swords, spears and shields lined the

walls. In the center of the room Bella saw Harry kneeling in the sand

panting as if he had run a marathon. His wand was held loosely in his

right hand. Directly in front of him were various random objects; a chair,

a cauldron, a large mirror, a scarecrow, and a rather big slab of granite.

"I'm impressed Harry." Bella heard the Bloody Baron who was floating

around Harry in wide circles say to her husband. "You have your father's

gift for transfiguration. Remember, magic results are not only produced

by power but by intent as well.

"Now, I want you to use transfiguration in an offense manner, this will

require you to combine transfiguration with charms. You will again use

the sand to create a spear, and then use a banish charm to send it toward

the scarecrow." The silvery ghost told him.

*Pant* *Pant* "I d-don't think I c-can…too t-t-tired." Harry was gasping

seemingly out of breath.

The specter flew angrily at Harry. "TOO TIRED!" He roared. "IN BATTLE

YOU EITHER DO OR DIE MAN! Your enemy will not grant you respite to

catch your breath; you only ever stop fighting when you or your enemy is

DEAD! GET UP! GET UP and kill your enemy!" He lashed out.

Harry grimaced and struggled to his feet, Bella saw the exhaustion in his

face and body language. Harry pointed his wand at the sand and

appeared to be trying to cast a spell but it did not appear to be working.

He tried again, determination set in his face. The sand in front of him

began to coalesce into a crude spear, but it didn't look completely solid.

Sweat poured down Harry's face as the spear hovered in front of him, he

then diverted some of his attention to the scarecrow that he apparently

had created earlier. The loss of concentration caused the spear to lose

some of its integrity as grains of sand fell from the transfigured spear.

Suddenly the spear raced forward, Harry managed to banish it toward his


Bella watched as the spear collided with the scarecrow, but immediately

turned completely to sand upon impact. Bella sighed sympathetically as

Harry slumped to his knees panting harder now. The spear hadn't done

any damage to the scarecrow and frustration was evident on her

husband's face.

"Not good enough, not nearly good enough at all." The ghost shook his

head. "We have much work to do; you must be able to split your focus

without losing your concentration on holding your spells together, Mr.


"I'm doing my best." Harry groused, from his kneeling position.

"Obviously your best needs work." The Baron replied unfazed by Harry's

sour demeanor. "Take ten minutes to greet your wife and then it's back to


"Slave driver!" Harry mumbled under his breath, staggering to his feet.

"What are you chuckling at?" Harry turned to his wife who looked


"Oh, nothing dear." Bella smiled going to him and kissing him tenderly.

"Have you eaten?" She asked.

"Yeah, the bloody git told me I would need my strength today and to eat

a big breakfast." Harry replied.

"How long will he be teaching you today?" Bella inquired.

"Till dinner." Harry sighed heavily. "He wants to see what I can do, and

test my limits."

"That's good though, love. That way he can focus on areas you need to

improve upon and strengthen what you already know." She said grabbing

some porridge from a table of breakfast items that suddenly appeared

along one of the walls.

"I guess." Harry replied morosely filling up a large glass of pumpkin juice

and then downing most of it in one gulp.

"Have the elves come back yet?" Bella asked curiously.

"Oh! Yeah, Kreacher was here earlier and said that the manor is ready for

us to visit. They must have worked through the night to get it so.

Kreacher looked absolutely exhausted." Harry told her.

"Maybe we can go visit it after dinner tonight?" Bella asked hopefully.

"Lady Hogwarts did say that she could connect the floo to the manor and


"Yeah, I guess we could go tonight. I'm a little curious to see what it looks

like." Harry replied.

"I'm curious to see if there is a family library there." Bella said excitedly.

Harry could not help but grin.

"I think you and Hermione would have gotten along." He told his wife

with a chuckle.

"Do you miss her?" Bella asked curiously.

Harry thought for a moment. "Yeah, a bit. She was my closest friend at

one time." Harry sighed. "But that's in the past now, or the future…well

which ever. I do know that I'm where I belong now." Harry stated

passionately, hugging his wife to him.

"Good to know." She stated with a wink. "Cause I'm not giving you up."

"So, what class do you have this morning?" Harry asked.

"Potions, then herbology, lunch and then double charms." She replied

reciting her schedule for the day.

"In fact I should get going. I wanted to meet up with Andi and Cissy

before classes start this morning." She told her husband.

"Tell them hi for me, and would you check on Lily as well?" He asked.

"Will do lover boy, now give us a kiss." Harry gave Bella a smoldering

kiss that left her speechless. With a goofy grin on her face she grabbed

her book bag and headed out of the Room of Requirement to meet up

with her sisters.


Dorea Potter had spent most of the night and a good portion of the early

morning pouring over the two books from the ministry that her late

friend Marjory had smuggled out. She was trying to find what in the

books had concerned the Brotherhood of the Fox so much that it was

willing to kill someone to obtain them. And what connection did the

Brotherhood have if any, to the annihilation of House Eveningshade.

Obviously Marjory had made some sort of startling discovery from the

books, otherwise she would not have been so frightened that she felt the

need to flee the ministry and hide the books. The problem was that she

herself was having problems in finding these discoveries. The knowledge

of how to call information up from the books was not known to anyone

outside of the archives.

So Dorea was not aware that to pull information from the book, all she

needed to do was write on that first page the information she wanted and

the requested information would appear. Instead Dorea was going page

by page searching for any mention of the Eveningshade name or anything

referencing the Brotherhood of the Fox.

So far her efforts had produced very little, that is to say she found

nothing so far that mentioned the Brotherhood of the Fox, and only a few

references to the Eveningshade controlled Wizengamot seats. There were

several heated exchanges between House Eveningshade and several old

Houses about expanding rights to muggleborn witches and wizards

within the magical community.

The most vocally hostile houses toward the Eveningshades were the

houses of Umbridge, Diggory, Fletcher, Lestrange, and Rockwood. Two of

the houses surprised Dorea as they were known as light families; the

Diggory's and the Fletchers, but this was nearly two hundred years ago

and it was not unheard of for Houses to change their political leanings

over time.

What was obvious was that the 1810 Wizengamot sessions, were some of

the most hostile ever recorded. There were threats not only made against

the Eveningshades but several other families as well, including a few of

the Founding Houses.

The uproar seemed to begin in the January session, with the introduction

of a bill sponsored by the Founding House of Granger, a bill written and

proposed by the Eveningshade coalition. The bill proposed sweeping

reforms to the current laws that oppressed muggleborns and other

magical sentient beings from owning magical businesses, or working in

the magical government, as well as other discriminatory laws and


From what Dorea had read there was wide support within the Common

Houses, and a strong coalition amongst a quarter of the Hereditary

Houses. From what she was seeing in print, it appeared inevitable that by

the fall Wizengamot session that the bill would pass.

But by the fall session, where the bill would have been voted upon,

things had radically changed. Several of the Common Houses that had

supported the bill were no longer members of the Wizengamot, and

others had changed their vote. Nine Hereditary Houses including the

Eveningshades, had been silenced as well, their seats gone and other

houses had been sworn in.

These Hereditary seats had been taken up by the Malfoy family, the

Thomas, the Fudge, the Reinholdt, the Pritchard, the Crouch, the Borgin

and most interesting was the additions of the Dumbledore family, and the

Grindelwald. To add to this disturbing occurrence was that two Founding

Houses suddenly becoming extinct, the Houses of Boswell and Granger.

These two Houses had been the sponsors of the new legislative bill and

by all accounts were allies and supporters of House Eveningshade. For

them to suddenly become extinct was beyond coincidental, it was highly

suspicious if not downright obvious that they were murdered to stop the

bill from being passed.

With the two sponsors of the bill gone, and House Eveningshade wiped

out, as well as several other Hereditary and Common Houses who

supported the bill, and the others, in Dorea's opinion, intimidated it to

changing their vote. The bill died before it ever got the chance to be put

up for a vote.

The signs of a conspiracy were evident, and though she had her

suspicions on which houses were most likely involved, she had not found

supportive evidence…at least not yet. She was determined however to

search every page, inspect every paragraph, and read through every

sentence until she did find something.

She did have one lead, and that was Borgin. She needed to learn of his

involvement with the Brotherhood. Was the Brotherhood responsible for

the 1810 shakeup in the Wizengamot? Was it merely a coincidence that

his family became a Hereditary House that year and he being linked to

this mysterious group who killed because of the historical information in

those books?

No, she did not believe in coincidences. Her instincts told her that Borgin

was only the first stone uncovered in what could be a wide conspiracy to

stop legislation that would have drastically changed the social and

political structure of magical Britain. And that conspiracy led to the

extermination of several Wizengamot families including the


It was a sobering thought that there was some occult organization

making sure that the status quo was maintained and that this

organization would kill to keep anyone from discovering them. It made

her task all the more precarious, she had no idea how far the conspiracy

went and who all the players could be.

And with the names of Dumbledore and Grindelwald possibly connected,

it made it just that much more dangerous, not only for her but for her

entire family. She would have to use all of her skills and wits to stay in

the shadows while she investigated this conspiracy. She would definitely

have to speak with Arcturus about her suspicions; she would need the

network of Black informants, spies, and muscle to go to places where a

lady just did not go, especially one as well known as the Lady Potter.


"Bellatrix!" Olivia Rosier called out seeing the raven haired girl about to

enter the Great Hall.

"Can't talk 'O', I'm meeting my sisters for breakfast." Bellatrix told the girl

as she continued walking toward the Great Hall door.

"Please Bella! It's important." Olivia replied nervously.

Bella stopped. Olivia rarely used the word please; it was enough of a

shock that it had stopped her in her tracks in disbelief. "What's so

important that you are delaying my breakfast?" Bella asked impatiently.

Olivia looked around nervously as if she was afraid of something. "I need

to tell you something, something very important…but not here." Olivia

grabbed Bellatrix's hand and led her to an empty classroom near the

Great Hall.

"This better be important 'O', I hate being late for breakfast." Bella


Olivia led Bella into the empty classroom and closed the door and then

cast a locking charm on the door. Bella looked suspiciously at her friend

and had surreptitiously drew her own wand.

"Do you know any privacy charms?" Olivia asked turning toward her

cousin. "It's just I don't want anyone to overhear us." She pled.

Bella could see the fear in her friend's eyes and her nervousness. "Sure…"

Bella said slowly. "I know a couple of charms." Bella pointed her wand at

the door and then at the four walls and finally at the ceiling and floor

casting her spells.

"Okay Olivia, what's this all about?" Bella asked sharply wanting to get to

the point quickly so she could go and find her sisters.

"You're in danger Bella, you and your sisters." She replied quickly.

"In danger? From what or who?" Bella asked.

"From Rudolphus, and the others in his group." She replied.

Bella rolled her eyes. "I can handle Rudy." Bella replied flippantly.

"You probably could, but what about Andromeda? How about Narcissa?"

Olivia interjected.

This got Bella's attention. "What does he plan to do?" She finally asked in

a dangerous tone.

"I don't know, but there is a bounty on your family, on every member of

it. Lord Voldemort has put out the word that any member of the Black

family should be captured and then brought before him."

"And what about you Olivia, what's your feeling on the matter? Is that

why you brought me here? To try your luck at capturing me?" Bella

sneered raising her wand at the girl.

"N-no! Of course not! I wanted to warn you about Rudolphus, to…to…to

help you and your sisters." She replied hastily.

"Why should I believe you? Aren't you shagging old Rudy boy?" Olivia's

eyes shot open in surprise at Bella's declaration. 'How did she know?' she

wondered to herself. Bella's smirk and accusing eyes were all that she

needed to see to know that she knew.

Olivia lowered her gaze, ashamed at what she had done. "I-I'm sorr…"

"If you're trying to apologize…don't. I have no feelings whatsoever about

the unibrowed flubberworm. I'm merely dubious as to your sincerity

about wanting to warn me, since you fancy the scion of flatulence."

"I…I admit that I fancied him once. But no more, I realize the kind of

person he is…and I don't want…" Olivia hesitantly touched the left side

of her face, as if it would cause her great pain to do so. "I don't want to

be with someone who can be so…cruel." She finally muttered. Bella

noticed several tears sliding down her friends face.

Bella remembered what Andromeda had told her about Olivia before the

train ride home. That she had been beaten rather viciously for some

offense to Rudolphus. Bella knew that it was because she had stolen the

ring given to her as a member of the young Death Eaters. Bella felt a

twinge of sympathy but only a twinge.

Resisting the urge to tell the girl that she made her own bed and

deserved what she got, she decided to let the girl off. "Look, I appreciate

you coming to me about this. If you here anything more, you'll let me

know yeah?"

"I will, I promise. Evan is still hanging out with them and he always tells

me what's going on. So if he plans to do something he'll probably let me

know." Olivia replied.

"Thanks 'O'." Bella told her friend with a half but sincere smile.

Olivia nodded and turned back to the door and cast the unlocking charm.

Bella took down the privacy wards and the two left the classroom to go

to the Great Hall. Bella found her sisters and made her way to them

sitting just across from the two.

"About time you showed up, breakfast his nearly over." Andromeda stated

giving her a disapproving glare.

"Couldn't get away from Harry?" Narcissa smirked playfully waggling her


"First off, you're too young to be making such insinuations young lady."

Bella replied. "And second, it wasn't Harry that made me late. I just had

an interesting chat with Olivia." Bella whispered leaning forward.

"What sort of chat?" Andromeda asked, picking up the seriousness in

Bella's voice.

Bella looked up and down the table spotting the Lestranges' holding court

with their lackeys. Bella shifted her eyes down the table toward the

group. "The troubling kind of conversation." She replied flatly.

Both Andromeda and Narcissa stiffed at the implication. "What did she

say exactly?" Andromeda asked.

"Later." Bella told her. "But from now on I don't want either of you going

anywhere alone. Is that understood?"

Andromeda wanted to argue that she was capable of taking care of

herself. But the glare Bella was holding her with brokered no argument.

Andromeda nodded as did Narcissa.

"Cissy, I will escort you to your classes, Andi, is there someone who you

trust to walk with you to class?"

"Yeah, my two roommates are trustworthy." Andromeda replied.

"Are you sure?" Bella asked probingly

"Yeah, Jessica is a half-blood and hates the politics in Slytherin, and

Marney is her best friend and from a neutral house. I should be fine with

them." Andromeda told her sister.

Bella nodded her head. "I want you both to meet me on the seventh floor

at lunch time by the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. Actually Cissy I will

come get you after your class. Andi, ask if your friends would walk with

you to the library. It's a public place with a lot of people, and I'll meet

you there once I pickup Cissy." The two younger sisters nodded there


Suddenly a loud cry echoed through the hall and many of the Slytherins

started laughing. Bella noticed Rudolphus smirking and trying to put his

wand away slowly without drawing attention to himself.

"Lily!" Bella heard Narcissa shriek. Bella looked up and saw the pretty

redhead trying to pick herself up off the floor. Bella noticed that her legs

seemed to be stuck together as she struggled to stand. 'A leg locking

curse!' Bella growled glaring at Rudolphus.

Narcissa had gotten to Lily and was trying to help her friend up. Bella

rose from her seat and cast the counter to the jinx. Lily was redfaced and

looked like she was about to cry, but instead she stood up straight and

defiantly glared at those laughing at her expense.

"Very mature." She directed her comment at the older Slytherin boys who

were the most vocal.

"Are you talking to us mudblood?!" Terrence Travers a seventh year

Slytherin growled at the little first year. "You do not speak to your betters

without permission; in fact don't open your mouth at all unless it's on

your knees, but you won't be using it to talk then either." The blonde

haired boy smirked and received a round of guffaws from his house-


Lily at first appeared to be frozen in place, everyone mistakenly thinking

that she was standing in shock or fear. But Bella felt a sudden drop in

temperature and noticed that the flatware on the Slytherin table began to

rattle ominously.

All eyes were on the shaking flatware and goblets and ignoring the little

redheaded Gryffindor, but Bella glanced at Lily and began to see her eyes

begin to glow that killing curse green.

"Shite, shite, shite!" Bella hissed.

"Follow me, now!" Bella told her sisters as she moved quickly to Lily.

"Lily, come with me, quickly." Bella told the first year stepping in front of

her. Taking her gently by the arm she guided her out of the hall.

The rattling stopped suddenly when Bella had touched Lily arm. A pair of

twinkling blue eyes watched with interest as the Black sisters escorted

Lily Evans hurriedly out of the Great Hall.

"Curious, very curious." Dumbledore murmured stroking his beard.


A/N: I'm back to writing everyday now, so I'm getting back into the flow

again. The next chapter should be out by the end of next week and

should be a bit lengthier than this chapter. Please leave a comment,

critique or review, and let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

26. Chapter 26

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: So sorry about the delay in getting this out! I had to go out of

town for a week on work related business and forgot to bring my flash

drive. Also started my vacation and the wife has had me busy with

honey do's.

Happy anniversary Passageways! One year ago today I started this little

story. A big thanks goes out to Papa Dragon for reminding me of the

date! And a thank you to all those who reviewed the last chapter.

Also, there was enough positive response into creating a forum for

Passageways that it is up and running. I've never done one of these

before so be patient with me as I try to make it work. Beginning with

this chapter I will answer review questions in the forum or if you have

other questions about the story I left it open for new postings. Take a

look when you get a chance!

S/N: This chapter was a struggle and there are parts I'm very happy

with and others…well not as much, but overall it accomplishes what I

wanted it to in moving things a bit forward. Thanks again for reading

and reviewing! Now the continuation of Passageways!

Chapter 26

Bella quickly led her sisters and Lily out of the Great Hall before anyone

could notice the building magic around Lily, on her way out she noticed

that Sirius, James and their two friends were just now heading in to

breakfast. Coming to a quick decision she called out to her cousins and

beckoned them over to her.

"I need to talk to you two?" Bella told James and Sirius. "It's about family

business." She replied glancing over meaningfully at Remus and Peter,

letting her two cousins know that they would need to send their friends


James catching her meaning turned to Remus and Peter. "Hey guys, we'll

see you in potions alright." James told his friends. Remus nodded his

understanding and Peter just shrugged. The two boys then turned and

entered the Great Hall for some breakfast.

"What's this about cuz?" Sirius asked suspiciously.

"Not here." Bella hissed. "This needs to be done in private." Bella turned

and made her way to the Grand Staircase, the others following quickly

behind her.

The group ascended the stairs silently until Sirius and James realized that

they were headed toward Gryffindor Tower, the two friends looked at

each other and silently decided to ask again what was going on.

"Hey Andi, what's going on and why are we heading to Gryffindor Tower,

as a matter of fact how does Bella even know where it is?" Sirius asked


"The 'what's going on' will have to wait, but as far as knowing that

Gryffindor Tower was up here…" Andromeda shrugged. "…we didn't

until you just mentioned it." Andromeda grinned ominously.

"Wouldn't want to give us the password, now that you've spilled the

beans on its location?" She waggled her eyebrows.

"Not likely." James answered for his cousin. "No telling what evil plots

you could unleash on our housemates." James smirked.

"Oh you're no fun Jamie!" Narcissa said playfully.

"So why does Bellatrix have her arm around Evans?" Sirius asked


Narcissa immediately scowled. "Someone cast a leg locking jinx at her

and she fell to the ground near the Slytherin table. Terrance Travers then

said something awful to her that got her upset."

"What did he say to her?!" James asked angrily. Narcissa and Andromeda

shared a knowing smile with each other.

Andromeda quickly whispered close to James ear what the seventh year

Slytherin had said to Lily. James' face flushed red with anger and

abruptly turned around to march back to the Great Hall. Andromeda had

to grab him by the collar to stop him from seeking out the boy.

"He'll get what's coming to him, Jamie, don't you worry about that. Lily is

under our protection and we don't let a slight against our family go

unpunished." Andromeda told her cousin meaningfully.

"Why didn't the professors do anything?" Sirius asked.

"Not sure they heard." Andromeda replied. "Most of the professors weren't

even there, only Dumbledore and Slughorn. Slughorn is useless and

Dumbledore likes students to work out their own problems."

The group had reached the top of the stairs of the seventh floor but

instead of turning west toward Gryffindor Tower, they turned east.

"Not that you don't know where you are going cuz…" Sirius began. "But,

there is nothing down the east corridor. No classrooms or bathrooms, just

an unkempt and unused part of the castle." Sirius told Bellatrix who had

suddenly stopped in front of a bare wall. There was a tapestry of a wizard

trying to teach ballet to a group of trolls on the opposite wall but nothing

else around.

Bella turned to face the group. "I will have all of your words that you will

not disclose anything you may see or hear from this point on. This falls

under family secrets. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Bella said sternly

as she looked at her cousins, sisters and Lily.

Noticing the serious if not deadly expression on her face, all present

nodded their agreement quickly. Bella turned away from the group and

began to pace. The others just looked at each other in confusion and

curiosity. Suddenly a large door appeared on the previously bare wall.

The group looked at the door in stunned silence.

Bella smirked at the incredulous looking faces and then took a step

toward the door that opened of its own accord. The group quickly

followed the dark haired witch into whatever was hidden behind the


Three girlish 'eeps' came from Andromeda, Narcissa, and Lily as they

walked in and saw a shirtless Harry, who's bare chest and defined abs

were glistening with sweat. Andromeda and Lily immediately turned

around to avoid gawking at him. Narcissa on the other hand continued to

stare with a flushed face but a wicked grin as she let her eyes roam

unashamedly over her brother-in-law's body.

"Oh!" Harry said in surprise. "I wasn't expecting company." Harry said

picking up a towel from a chair and wiping off the sweat from his body

and then reached for a t-shirt.

"No need to get dressed on our account." Narcissa breathily stated. Bella

rolled her eyes at her prematurely hormonal little sisters.

"That's quite enough of that you shameless flirt!" Bella told the small

blonde, trying to cover her eyes with little success as Narcissa kept

bobbing her head up and down to get another look.

"I see you have visitors Lord Eveningshade; we shall continue our

training tomorrow morning." The Bloody Baron stated before drifting

through a wall.

"Sorry love." Bella said giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "But there was

an incident in the Great Hall and I was also given some disturbing

information about a plot against the family. I felt it was important that

we gather everyone together to discuss it."

"No it's alright, I'm grateful to take a break." Harry breathed heavily as he

flopped down in a chair and grabbed a large glass of water gulping it

down. "If there is a threat do you think we should invite Dorea over?"

"It might not be a bad idea." Bella replied.

"Well, I think we need better accommodations if we are having a family

meeting." Harry told his wife. He closed his eyes and to the surprise of

everyone except for Harry and Bella, the room suddenly seemed to spin

in a blurry rush causing them to stagger nearly falling over themselves.

Suddenly the room stopped and a large fireplace materialized with

several comfortable looking couches and chairs surrounding it in a semi-

circle. A serving table also appeared along the left wall with an

assortment of breakfast items, tea and coffee. They all had looks of

stunned disbelief on their faces as they tried to process what had just

happened in their reeling minds.

Harry and Bella chuckled at their family. "Help yourself to something to

eat." Harry told them in a friendly gesture. "I'll just kip off and get

cleaned up while you eat."

"I'll give Aunt Dorea a call while you're doing that." Bella told him and

swatted his arse playfully as he went by.

Thirty minutes later Harry walked out of his shared bedroom with Bella,

he immediately noticed his father and Sirius with their heads together

whispering back and forth to each other, when they would stop one of

them would scrunch up their faces till they were red and then go back to

whispering looking confused. Harry chuckled when he figured out that

they were trying to get the room to do something for them.

He saw that Cissy and Lily were likewise engaged on one of the couches,

the flirty blonde seemed to be consoling her redheaded friend. They

seemed to be very close friends, and Harry briefly wondered what caused

the friendship to end in his reality.

Bella and Andromeda were at the bookshelf examining a plethora of

books that normally could only be found in the restricted section of the

library. Harry chuckled at the glassy eyed look on Andromeda's face as

she lovingly stroked the spine of a particularly ancient looking book.

Harry came up behind his wife and wrapped his arms tightly around her

waist and hugged her to him. Bella giggled and turned her head to the

side and leaned back and gave him a quick kiss.

"Hmm, you smell much better." Bella told her husband. She turned

around in his arms and pressed herself against him and gave him a

proper toe curling kiss that left him breathless.

"I thought I was being called to an emergency meeting, not to watch my

niece snogging her husband senseless." Everyone jumped at the sudden

appearance of Dorea Potter stepping out of the Floo.

Harry blushed while Bella just smirked saucily. "He's just too delicious

not to want a taste of every few minutes." Bella replied with a grin on her


"As delicious as he may be, I believe you called me here for a reason."

The Lady Potter stated with an arched brow.

"I did auntie." Bella replied grimly.


"I was told by a reliable source that Voldemort has put a bounty on every

member of the Black Family, including…us." Bella motioned to herself

and her sisters.

Dorea sat back in a large wingback chair and let out a deep resigned

breath. "Tell me everything."


This wasn't what he signed up for, not what he was told would happen to

him. They had assured him that everyday witches and wizards would flee

when they were threatened with violence and that if the aurors did arrive

unexpectedly they never cast to kill.

But it wasn't aurors who showed up, but a young witch and wizard who

retaliated, they retaliated with such speed and brutality that it had

surprised him and his hit team. 'What the hell was that ribbon looking

curse!' It was supposed to be an easy mission! Lord Malfoy guaranteed

that there would be no resistance!

Alan Pratt had joined the militant arm of the Purist Party two years ago.

He had graduated from Hogwarts three years previous and all though he

was a pureblood, granted from a lesser house, he could not find a job that

would pay him what a respectable pureblood deserved; his parents

however, had no political or social clout to get him a job with the

Ministry. So he starved for a year trying to find employment.

He did notice however that a classmate of his, Bert Stanwich a half-blood

with a mudblood mother was now running his father's apothecary. Where

was the justice in that?! One night as he was expressing his frustrations

over a few pints at the Hag and Troll Pub down Knockturn Alley, he was

approached by a man who was sympathetic to his plight.

A few more pints and three days later and he was a new recruit for the

Purists movement's military wing; the Death Eaters. He was all too happy

to join with likeminded wizards and witches who saw the disease that

was the muggleborns with their unnaturalness.

He remembered with glee how he passed his initiation test. He had to kill

a mudblood or a half-blood. He did both, killing the half-blood Bert

Stanwich and his mudblood mother; unfortunately his pureblood father

was there and tried to protect the filth. Well his death would serve to

warn other purebloods from polluting their bloodline with muggle filth.

But now, here he was with magic suppressing manacles on his wrists,

chained to an interrogation table like a common criminal in a small

windowless gray room. He shook his head again. This was not supposed

to happen; no one was supposed to fight back. Now all but three were

dead, out of twelve on his team only he, Bryce Murdock, and Lord Malfoy

had survived.

The heavy metal door that kept him locked in the small room creaked

open. Alan could see two red cloaked aurors standing guard just outside.

Two people then walked in and took the two chairs just opposite him.

The first was an older man with several scars on his face and had a

hardened look of a soldier who had seen his fair share of war.

The other was a pretty red-haired witch somewhere in her early twenties.

She looked somewhat familiar, she was about his age, probably had seen

her at Hogwarts. Definitely not in Slytherin House, he would of

remembered her if she had been in his house.

"Alan Perciful Pratt, twenty-four years old, Hogwarts class of '64,

mother…deceased, father, Perciful Jonas Pratt of Londonderry…

bookkeeper. I see here you have several minor offenses to your record,

drunk and disorderly, petty theft, and what do we have here? Oh ho! It

looks like several arrests for assault!" Auror Captain Alastor Moody read

from his file before looking up at the shackled young man in front of him.

"My name is Auror Captain Alastor Moody, and this is Auror Bones. We

will be conducting this interrogation, and it is my duty to inform you that

this interrogation can and will be submitted as evidence for Pensieve

viewing by both counsels and at your arraignment and hearing, the court

date is not yet set.

"Now, is there anything you wish to confess or state for the record, before

we start questioning you?" The veteran auror asked.

"Fuck you! I'm not saying a word to you without my solicitor!" Pratt spat.

Moody's face tightened at the foul mouthed whelp, and had to take a

calming breath before he continued. Moody looked down at the

information sheet in front of him and grinned evilly. "It says here that

your solicitor is one Lord Abraxus Malfoy. I hate to tell you this laddie,

but Lord Malfoy is a wanted fugitive and is not able to represent you at

this time." Moody smirked.

The shackled man's face paled as he realized that he, like many of the

Death Eaters, had Lord Malfoy listed as their solicitor, there were other

solicitors in Lord Voldemort's employ, but he did not know who the

others were.


"Can't think of anyone else?" Moody mocked. "Why don't you do yourself

a favor, and just tell me what I want to know, and we'll see if we can

persuade the courts to be easy on you. What do you say lad?"

"I-I don't know anything! I was j-just in the wrong place at the wrong

time! I didn't do anything wrong!" Pratt shrieked.

Moody looked piercingly at the young man in front of him, pure loathing

on his face as he stared at the Death Eater trash, the vacant stares of

Hogwarts student still fresh in his mind. Moody pushed away from the

table, the legs of the metal chair screeching across the stone floor. He

stood and slowly began to circle the table like a shark circling his prey.

The eyes of the young Death Eater nervously watched the progress of the

old auror as he made his way around the table until the man was directly

behind him. He twisted his neck from one side to the other in an attempt

to keep an eye on the older man, terrified what the auror was doing.

*SMACK* Alan Pratt saw stars as his head was suddenly smashed into

the metal table, small rivulets of blood streaked across the cold surface

from the newly shattered nose.

"CAPTAIN!" Amelia Bones shrieked in shock.

"That…was an attention grabber!" Moody growled near the dazed Death

Eater's ear. "Next time I ask a question, you had better answer me!"

"You didn't ask me a BLOODY question!" The man spat, blood flying

everywhere. Amelia produced her wand and with a quick 'evanesco',

vanished the splattered blood.

"Oops, my bad." The old auror chuckled darkly.

Amelia cleared her throat to get the attention of the shackled young man.

"I apologize for my partners rather…abrupt actions. He can be quite

temperamental at times, but he hasn't killed a suspect in over a week, a

personal best really." Amelia casually explained, and had to stifle a grin

as the young man's eyes widened in panic.

Soothingly Amelia continued. "Now, we know that you are a member of

the illegal vigilante group known as 'Death Eaters'. We also know that

you were involved with the burning of the Bistro in Diagon Alley,

endangering the lives of the seventeen people who were patronizing the

establishment at the time, and that you participated in the murder of

Gerald Bell, the Bistro's proprietor.

"Your wand was tested by 'Priori Incantatum' and was found to have cast

the killing curse. This curse of course being an unforgivable and has a

mandatory sentence of life in Azkaban prison. You were also witnessed to

having taken part in the subsequent battle that left many surrounding

businesses damaged or completely destroyed, as well as injuring at least a

dozen other innocents including three children.

"These are the facts, and you are looking at life in Azkaban prison, and

most likely will be held in its maximum security floors, which you are

aware is guarded by Ministry Dementors." Amelia finished reading from

her file.

"Dementors, lad." Moody repeated over the young man's shoulders.

"Those soul sucking devils that strip you of every pleasant thought, every

happy emotion and leaves you with your darkest fears and memories as

you scream your throat raw as their unnatural cold chills you to your

very bones." He growled.

Alan Pratt visibly began to shake. This definitely was not what he had

signed up for, Dementors for Merlin's sake!

"You do have some options available." The pretty redheaded auror stated

with a hint of sympathy in her voice.

"O-options?" The man asked hopefully. Again Amelia had to stifle a smile

at how easily she and her mentor were leading this terrorist slime.

"Of course." Amelia replied sweetly. "If you were to help me, I in turn

would help you."

"W-what do you mean h-help you." He stammered looking back and forth

between Moody and Amelia.

"I want you to give me everything you can on Voldemort, his Purist

party, not the propaganda but the real goals of the organization, and

everything about the Death Eaters. Such as, how many are there? Where

do they gather and train? What are the requirements? I want to know

about any and all former attacks and raids that you are aware of. And

most importantly I want names, names of every son-of-a-bitch that has

raised a wand to harm, maim, or kill in the name of that sick bastard you

call lord." She said dropping the sugary voice into a hard demanding one

that she would one day become renowned for.

The man silently shook his head before speaking. "If I do that I'll be dead

before the next dawn."

"You'll be worse than dead if you don't!" Moody snarled. "Ever see anyone

who has been too close to a Dementor? Have you lad?" He spat.

"Not a pretty fuckin sight! Most pray for death after the first week under

their tender mercies. But we don't allow you to die in there see, oh no,

you'll slip further and further into madness, as their ungodly existence

slowly destroys your very will to exist…but you do, and the torment

never ends. Think on that boy."

Alan Pratt was now openly weeping as the dark realization of his

predicament finally was made manifest. He, like all magical raised, knew

of the Dementors and what they did and could do to you. He also knew

the punishment for betrayal. He had witnessed his lord torture a fellow

Death Eater into insanity for expressing a desire to leave the Death


"I-if I do this, if I help you, I will have a target on my forehead." Pratt

whispered, looking down at the table that was dotted by the drops of

blood that were still leaking from his broken nose.

"If I do this will you protect me, or get me out of the country…maybe…

America." He asked.

"No guarantees, but I'll speak to the DMLE director and have him pass it

by the Head Warlock and the Minister. But you have to be able to give

me some damn good intel or its no deal." Moody spoke.

Pratt nodded his head and then proceeded to relate to them all the

muggle attacks he had been part of and those he had heard about from

his fellow Death Eaters and the names of those involved. He explained

that the Death Eaters were usually divided in to twelve man cells that

received instruction from a handler who received direction from

Voldemort's inner circle who had received it from Lord Voldemort


At least that was what he was told. He explained that there was a

command structure, and that information came through those lines. The

average Death Eater grunt rarely saw the Dark Lord, only the inner circle

and on occasion the Cell captains met personally with their lord.

Apparently, Abraxus Malfoy had been an inner circle member as well as a

Cell captain.

Pratt was not aware of how many of these Death Eater cells existed but

was confident that there were at least a dozen or more. There had been

thirty-six people in his training group a little over two years ago, and

knew that the facility he was trained in was just one of three that the

organization had.

He had little information, that is to say no information on Voldemort

himself or who the inner circle members of the Purist movement were. In

the end the information that Pratt provided gave the DMLE a place to

start, a training facility near Inverness and a few names of people he

knew were in other Death Eater cells.

"We need to go public with this. The people should be warned about this

threat." Amelia told her mentor as they stepped out of the interrogation


Moody gave her a stern glare. "What should they know Bones? All we

have right now is hearsay. That 'supposedly' there are terrorist cells of

Death Eaters lurking about and that they receive third-hand…third-hand

orders from Voldemort? We cannot prove that any orders came from the


"All we have here are leads we need to follow; only good detective work

is going to bring down this dark son-of-a-bitch. As of the moment we

cannot substantially connect the Purist Party with the Death Eaters."

"But, but Lord Malfoy is a known member of the Purist Party, and was

captured at the Diagon Alley attack!" Amelia protested.

"Use that brain in your head Amelia, I know you have one. It's all

circumstantial. Just because he is a member of both groups does not

automatically tie the two organizations together. Not to mention the

pecker-head up and fled the country.

"I can guarantee you that the Purist leadership will no longer participate

in Death Eater raids. With the capture of Lord Malfoy and the loss of the

Malfoy fortune it will cause the organization to rethink risking their

money-men from being on the frontlines."

Amelia nodded her head in understanding. "You're right. Without

definitive proof all we have our allegations and speculations." Amelia

sighed in frustration.

"Don't look so defeated Amelia. We do have a solid lead to start with.

With one step at a time we will get the evidence we need to bring these

arses down. What we do need to do is inform Crouch about these training

camps and that we could be facing a serious threat of Death Eaters who

may outnumber the Aurors and Hit Wizards combined."


The conversation with Dorea had ended with the group being instructed

to be extra vigilant and to watch out for one another. They were further

instructed to never go out alone. It was decided that for their safety

Andromeda and Cissy would move out of Slytherin House and into the

Room of Requirement with Harry and Bella.

Narcissa seemed to be very excited with this declaration as she smiled

coquettishly at Harry, much to Bella's irritation. The little flirt had

mentioned to her and Harry earlier that it was quite acceptable for a lord

to have a mistress and that she wanted to be considered for the position

when she was old enough.

Harry wasn't sure if she was joking or not, but either way Harry had to

politely rebuff her when he saw Bella staring daggers at her youngest

sibling. Narcissa had just shrugged and skipped away giving Harry

another dazzling smile as she left.

As soon as the decision had been made for the sisters to stay, another

door had appeared that lead to a large bedroom with two full size canopy

beds, a fireplace, two student desks and a spacious walk-in closet and

large bathroom with a sunken tub.

Dorea's mind was a whirl of plans to protect her family, and would be

contacting her longtime friends Poppy Pomfrey and Minerva McGonagall

the next day. It was time to have a serious chat with her two former

schoolmates. She knew from Harry's former time that the two witches

had been strong allies of Dumbledore. She would need to sway them to

her before Albus got his claws into them this go-around.

With a war coming she needed to start gathering her allies and it didn't

hurt to have a couple of reliable spies within the school to inform her of

the goings on and to be two more pair of eyes to watch over her family.

With their shared history together it shouldn't be too difficult to enlist the

two powerful witches.

She also needed to speak to Alastor, he was uniquely positioned within

the DMLE to keep her abreast of anything Death Eater related, and she

also wanted to bring him in on the whole Brotherhood of the Fox

problem. She of course had the enigmatic resources of the Black

underground network, a web of informants, spies, and thugs that were at

the beckon call of House Black.

The threat to her family seemed to be coming from multiple sides and she

knew that she would have to determine which the greatest threat was,

and take them out as quickly as possible. She, Charlus and Arcturus had

agreed that they could not fight on multiple fronts and hope to succeed,

even with the combined resources of the Potters and Blacks.

She would trust Harry and Bella to protect the family at Hogwarts and

she, Charlus and the other Black family members would work on dealing

with the problems outside of the ancient school.


Friday had arrived; the rest of the week went by without incident for the

sisters and Lily, though there was an obvious uptick in anti-muggleborn

verbiage and several minor altercations, which required some medical

attention. But it did not pass by Poppy Pomfrey's notice that all the

recent visitors to her little hospital had all been muggleborn.

She had heard the whisperings like all the professors had regarding an

organized hazing of muggleborn witches and wizards. She had even

brought up the issue in this morning's weekly staff meeting. But

Dumbledore had dismissed it as young people just being kids and that

there was nothing to worry about.

This had caused her to bristle and reflect on the meeting she had had

with Minerva and their old friend Dorea Potter nee-Black and the ever

vigilant Alastor Moody. They had met Wednesday evening at the Three

Broomsticks for dinner, an invitation to dine from the Lady Potter.

It had been an illuminating meeting if not worrisome and downright

frightening. Dorea had told them that another Blood War was on the

horizon, and that this Lord Voldemort and the Purists Party would be the

ones to throw magical Britain back into the horrors that all three women

had faced nearly thirty years ago.

Minerva had been skeptical and told her friends so. Dorea told the pair

that the recent attacks in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade and the several

attacks they had heard of on other small muggle villages had been

executed by a group calling themselves Death Eaters, and were the de-

facto militant wing of the Purist Party.

At first Minerva could not believe what she was hearing, until Moody had

confirmed the Lady Potter's comments. He shared with the assembled

ladies some information that he had extracted from the interviews with

the captured Death Eaters. He laid out before them a picture of the

radicalization of disenfranchised purebloods.

The Purist Party was grooming young angry purebloods to be its own

military, a militant group which they could mold into heartless and

mindless killing machines. The hit and run raids on unsuspecting muggle

villages, the rape, and the torturing were tools to desensitize their young

minds to the mayhem that they would eventually unleash on the magical


Poppy recalled how Minerva absorbed what was being said and when she

no longer doubted Dorea's words. She had immediately suggested that

they speak with Dumbledore and that he would know how they should

respond to this new threat. He was after all the Chief Warlock of the

Wizengamot and could put the Ministry into motion.

Dorea immediately launched into a vicious diatribe of how Dumbledore

took a neutral stand during the Great War and the Grindelwald situation.

He constantly voted against giving Aurors and Hit Wizards more

discretionary powers to defend life and property.

And as for why he all of a sudden took interest in Grindelwald at the end

of the war and the supposed duel that killed the Dark Lord. She had her

suspicions; after all, no body was ever shown to the International

Confederation of Wizards. They just had Dumbledore's word that the

deed had been done. Well she had her suspicions about that to, and the

relationship between the two of them.

Poppy and Minerva had been stunned at the acerbic characterization of

the headmaster coming from their longtime friend. Dorea explained to

them that this threat needed to be met not by passive negotiating or

backroom politicking, but by an aggressive policy of 'Cross this Line and

You Fucking Die!' and in Dorea's and Alastor's minds that line had

already been crossed.

The deaths in Diagon Alley and in Hogsmeade were merely the preamble

of a much darker agenda. They needed to stop this threat before it

became unmanageable and Dumbledore was not a proactive leader, he

usually took a wait and see position on almost everything. And having

the minister's ear, it was a guaranteed certainty that once again he would

recommend a policy of passivity.

The meeting had stretched into the wee hours of the morning, but Alastor

and Dorea had convinced Minerva and Poppy to at least be their eyes and

ears within the school. Minerva would not actively spy on students who

might be junior Death Eaters but that she would keep her eyes open.

Poppy would continue to document all assaults on students, both victims

and perpetrators. Documents that could be presented not only to the

school governors but also to the DMLE as well, to force Dumbledore's

hand in expelling students who have shown a history of violence toward

their fellow schoolmates. This was one way she could protect the

children who attended the ancient school.

Dorea had made Minerva and her aware of the price put on the heads of

her family including those within Hogwarts. The two of them vowed that

they would try to keep an eye out for the three Slytherin sisters and the

two Lions and Lily Evans as well.

The explanation Dorea gave for her interest in Lily was because of her

friendship with her niece Narcissa and that she had already been targeted

by bullies in Slytherin who do not like the relationship between the two

first years. With a promise to all meet again soon the group went their

separate ways until a new meeting was called.


Terrence Travers strutted his way to the Great Hall for his Friday

morning breakfast, and why shouldn't he strut? He was a seventh year, a

pureblood from a wealthy and influential family, and he was a Slytherin.

The other pathetic students from the other houses ran from his mere

presence, such was his awesomeness.

Everything was right in Terrence's world as he sat at the Slytherin table

amongst his friends and bragged about his latest sexual conquest of a

fifth year Hufflepuff, so he had stunned her before he took liberties with

her, but his friends didn't need to know that. Besides, she should be

grateful that a pureblood used her half-blood body for his pleasure.

Bellatrix entered the Great Hall walking with Olivia Rosier; the two had

rekindled their friendship and were making their way toward the

Slytherin table. She smirked evilly as she saw her intended victim

laughing it up with his friends. Quickly schooling her features to a more

aloof façade she directed herself and Olivia to pass just behind the

oblivious seventh year.

Slowing down Bella turned toward Olivia and spoke as they were just

behind Travers. "Did you hear Olivia, that a horny Dog was spotted in the

castle trying to hump everything in sight." Bella smiled enigmatically as

she and Olivia took a seat near Bella's sisters. Bella was particularly glad

that Lily had joined Narcissa for breakfast this morning.

Terrence Travers suddenly began to feel a bit…strange. His friends

noticed that he began to pinch his legs together and was squirming

around in his seat. The boy began to sweat and his eyes looked like they

were glazing over. They watched in confusion as their friend who had

been boasting just moments ago had become suddenly silent.

They jumped as Terrence's hands slapped down on the edge of the table

gripping the wooden surface tightly. He began to rock as he crossed his

legs and was grinding his thighs together, his breathing quickened and

his eyes began to dilate.

Terrence suddenly lurched at another male Slytherin student who

happened to walk by just then. The seventh year wrapped his arms and

legs around the other student and began to jerk his body up and down

the side of the now frightened boy.

The boy tried to push Travers off him but he held on tight and continued

to dry hump the younger boy's leg with increasing fervor.

"Travers what are you doing?!" Rabastan Lestrange yelled as he tried to

separate the two boys. His effort to separate the two was successful but

had the unfortunate affect of Traver's trousers falling down around his

ankles and now an obvious erect Traver's was now trying to mount him

with wildly thrusting hips.

"Who knew that Traver's went commando?" Andromeda roared with


"Not that he needs boxers with such a miniscule organ as that." Bella

replied with a smirk, sending many around them into fits of laughter.

"Mr. Travers! Mr. Lestrange! By Merlin's beard what are you two doing?!"

Professor Slughorn bellowed as he was hurrying to the scene.

"I'm not doing anything professor!" Rabastan screamed as he and his

brother were trying to pull off a very excited Travers.

"I think he's been put under a spell professor!" Rudolphus replied as he

deflected Traver's attempts to jump on him.

The entire hall had erupted in unrestrained belly laughs at the sight of

the two Lestrange brothers being sexually attacked by a horny Terrence

Travers. Bella winked at Lily and mouthed the words 'for you'. Lily gave

her a grateful grin that went from ear to ear.

"Finite Incantatem!" Slughorn cast without success. "Finite Incantatem!"

He cast again trying to end whatever spell had been put on the still

humping boy. No success.

"Allow me Horace." Dumbledore arrived at the scene with a superior look

on his face. "Finite Incantatem." He cast casually. Dozens of eyes widened

as the all powerful headmaster's counter spell failed to stop the boy

whose lower appendage was becoming raw from constant friction and

starting to bleed from micro-tears in the skin.

'That's not going to work you old fossil!' Bella thought superiorly to

herself. She was an enchantress and when she cast an enchantment it

could only be removed by her.

Dumbledore tried three more times before giving up and stunning the

boy. By the time he had knocked the boy out his manhood looked more

like ground beef than an actual cock. And Bella felt no inclination to

remove the curse…ever. She smirked again knowing that when they

awakened him, he would once again feel the overwhelming urge to

copulate with the nearest male leg.

Though no-one could ever prove it, the feeling in Slytherin House was

that the Black sisters were somehow involved with whatever happened to

Travers, seeing as they had previously warned that the Gryffindor

redheaded first year was under their protection and since Travers had

insulted the girl it stood to reason that they were involved.

Lily Evans would never be targeted again, at least by the male population

of Slytherin. Not one of them wanted what happened to their house-mate

to happen to them.


After the last class of the week finished, Bella escorted Lily back to the

Room of Requirement to begin their training in Eveningshade family

magic. Harry had immersed himself all week in the family Grimoire,

searching for some chapter or passage that would explain how to access

and develop the unique magic that flowed in his blood

He had found many unique spells, curses and hexes that he had never

heard of before, he also found several blood and sex rituals which left

him feeling a bit disturbed and a bit turned on if he was being honest

with himself.

Harry suspected that many of these later rituals involving blood would be

classified as dark magic and almost all blood magic was banned and

criminalized by the magical government. He did learn from the book

about the tablets within the family vault. He would have to tell Dorea

that she had been right, that some of the tablets were written in ancient

Samarian, they were summoning rituals but the Grimoire was cryptic as

to what exactly they summoned.

He was disappointed that he could not find a list in the book that

detailed all the family magical gifts, he did discover however that some

gifts were shared with all those who possessed the Eveningshade blood,

but that their were also other gifts that only manifested in witches of the

family, such as summoning.

Only the most powerful females of the clan possessed the gift of

summoning and the ability to decipher the ancient tablets. But again the

book was cryptic as to why this was. All members had the ability to "slow

time" in battle. It wasn't time manipulation, but the chemical and

electrical impulses in the brain firing information so fast that it appeared

that everything was moving in slow motion.

Harry had actually heard of this in the muggle world, time seeming to

slow down when someone was under extreme physical or mental distress.

Bu it seemed that the Eveningshades could do this at whim. This gave

them a distinct advantage in battle where they appeared to anticipate an

enemy's move before they even began.

These same electric impulses from the brain also gave the Eveningshades

heightened reflexes and speed during physical altercations. One of the

most interesting abilities was the power to affect the environment around

them, from dropping the temperature to raising it, as well as creating

mist and fog.

He discovered that the Eveningshades had taught themselves how to have

complete control over their minds and bodies. They could control every

single muscle individually or collectively, they could slow their own

blood flow, they could manipulate their metabolism and even

temporarily change their body chemistry. Harry was disappointed

however to learn that these techniques took years to master and that

Eveningshades began this training at a very young age.

The realization that he had no way to know how to begin this training or

how to even understand the magic settled on him like a bludger in his

stomach. He tried to remember how exactly he moved so fast in the

Hogsmeade attack and how his body had gone from solid to whatever he

was when the spells from the Death Eaters went right through him.

He needed help and he did not know who could provide it. Dorea was

not an Eveningshade and could not read from the Family Grimoire, Bella

could, but she would be just as in the dark as he was. Perhaps there was

something in his family vault that could help, but the vault was large and

had hundreds of old tomes and scrolls, it could take a long time to find

anything, if they found anything at all.

He supposed he would just have to rely on the visual texts that showed

the various documented battles that his family had fought and glean

what he could from them. His thought was that seeing the magic in

action might trigger something within him. It was a long shot, he

admitted, but it was all he could come up with at the moment.

"Lady Hogwarts?" Harry called out to the room. The beautiful image of

Helga Hufflepuff appeared before him with her long braided red hair and

flowing emerald green gown.

"You have need of me Harry?" She asked.

"Yes, well a question really." Harry replied.

"My family history books have a unique charm on them that brings what

is written to life, well a projection anyway. The reader sees and hears

everything that is written as if they are a spectator watching it unfold. I

guess in a way it is like a pensieve." Harry told the spectral image.

"And your question is?" She asked patiently.

"Is there a way for that projection to be made larger, so that more than

one person could view it?" He asked hopefully.

"What you ask my champion is possible. Godric would often use this

room to review past battles to critique himself and others. In a way, the

magic in this room can become a large pensive of a sort that puts you in

the middle of the memory."

"Brilliant!" Harry replied excitedly. "What do we need to do to draw the

history out of the books?"

Suddenly a marble pedestal of Greek column design rose out of the floor

at the center of the room. It was white with streaks of blue running

through it. It was four feet high and a foot in diameter, forming the top

was what appeared to be a large square amethyst of a brilliant purple hue

that seemed to pulse with magic.

"Place the book on the gem stone Harry." The Lady directed.

Harry did so and immediately a purple aura surrounded the book. The

cover opened with a snap against the gemstone. Suddenly the pages

began to turn at an incredible rate like hurricane winds blowing them

open until it reached the end and the back cover snapped the book


A small purple dome arose from the amethyst and covered the book

completely beneath it, and then the marble column sank back into the

floor, book and all. Harry was about to ask what was happening when

the room suddenly became dark.

Harry could not see a thing, panic began to well up in his chest as the

climate in the room suddenly changed from warm and dry to cold and

humid. He could smell it before his eyes focused enough to see it, but the

unmistakable scent of pine hit his senses. Soon trees came into focus and

he looked around and found that he was in the midst of a thick forest.

Harry looked up and could barely see the evening sky through the heavy

forest canopy. Harry was confused, if this was a memory where was his

ancestor? His question was soon answered when he heard whispered


Harry turned around at the sound of the voices coming from behind him.

There just feet from him were two men in what appeared to be Roman

Armor speaking in hushed tones. At first he could not understand them;

the extent of his Latin came from spells he learned at Hogwarts. Within

moments, perhaps through the magic of the book or the Room of

Requirement, Harry began to hear English.

The family history book he had chosen was his family's involvement with

the Cimbrian War. Germanic tribes were flowing into Roman controlled

territories and the Romans afraid of the growing number of barbarians

began a costly but ultimately victorious campaign.

Harry looked closely at the two men, they were short, maybe 5'5" at the

most but what they lacked in height they made up with broad shoulders

and powerful looking chests and arms. They looked like a pair of large pit

bulls he chuckled to himself. What stood out to him the most were the

matching pairs of emerald green eyes, exactly like his own.

These were his ancestors, Mallius and Marcus Solanum, officers in the

Roman 1st Magical Cohort under the command of Gaius Marius. The year

was 102 BC and this was the eve before the Battle of Aquae Sexitiae

where the Roman Legion would crush the Germanic tribe of the Teutones

and its allies.

Harry had picked this particular tome because of the different tactics of

battle between the Roman wizards and the Germanic warlocks. There

were three Roman Magical cohorts; the first cohort consisted of eight

hundred men, with the other two with 480 each, for a total of nine

hundred and sixty men. These magicals were conscripted for the most

part from all over the Roman Empire.

The Teutones and their allies had a magical force of about fourteen-

hundred strong. The Germanic warlocks each wielded a staff of varying

shapes and sizes, the Roman wizards carried wands, because they were

small and easier to wield. Though the wands were easier to wield, they

did not have the magnified focus power of a staff, with its devastating

ability to cast wide area spells.

The draw back to the staff was of course its bulky size; it was not a

weapon that could be used easily in close quarters combat, where the

wand would excel. Harry thought it would be educational to see how the

two sides maximized their assets and how they overcame their

weaknesses, but more importantly he wanted to see how his ancestors

wielded their unique brand of magic.

According to the book there were ten Eveningshades or Solanum as they

were named during that time, which fought in this particular battle with

only one perishing in the fight. The Roman wizards along with their

wands carried the Scutum, this shield had been enhanced to withstand all

low powered curses and most mid level and a few high powered curses.

The German warlocks did not carry shields as their staffs required both

hands, but being unencumbered with a bulky shield they could move

quickly. Even without a shield they still had some protection as they

wore cloaks of dragon hide that were spell resistant.

"Harry?! Are you here?" Harry turned around to see a point of light

coming toward him…a lumos spell.

"Keep coming forward Bella." Harry called out as the raven haired beauty

approached with Lily next to her.

Bella had to duck under a large half fallen tree before she managed to get

to her husband. "Mind telling me what all this is?" Bella asked in a growl.

Her high heeled boots not made for this type of terrain.

"Well…uh…this is from one of the family history books, specifically the

one chronicling the Cimbrian War." He told her with a sheepish shrug.

"And…" She folded her arms across her chest waiting impatiently for a

more detailed explanation.

"You see...the Lady was able to absorb the contents of the book and then

turn the room into a kind of pensive so that we can be up close to the

memory." Harry replied.

"This is so cool!" Lily gasped. "It seems so real!" Lily reached down and

picked up a pinecone she spotted on the ground.

"It is real." Lily whispered in awe.

"Well, yes and no." The Lady Hogwarts spoke approaching the trio with

Dorea Potter in tow who had come through the floo. "This is merely a

magical representation of the sights and sounds that exist within the

magical tome Harry gave me. And although all your senses will be

affected by the magic environment, you cannot interact with what is

happening on the battlefield nor will you be able to be hurt by anything

that occurs in this memory."

"Well that's good to know." Dorea Potter remarked touching a bit of green

moss on a nearby tree and rolling it in her fingers interestedly.

"So what is the purpose for this…representation?" Dorea asked

inquiringly waving her hand about the area.

"Observation and education." Harry replied without hesitation.

"I thought by observing Eveningshade magic in action, we might be able

to understand how it is done. The thing is…I haven't found much within

the family Grimoire that tells me how to develop my family magic or

what all the family magic includes." He said with a shrug.

Dorea sighed. "Harry, I don't think that this will be that helpful."

"Why not?" He asked a bit perturbed.

Dorea gave him a withering look. "Without knowing what is going on

inside your ancestor's head it will be difficult to know how he is pulling

the magic from within him. Seeing them cast, is not the same thing as

knowing how they cast."

Harry rubbed his face in frustration and turned away from his

grandmother and the others and walked to the tree line. He looked out

over a camp with what appeared to be more than a thousand small tents

with a thousand small fires pits in front of them. The scene before him

though was paused, no one moved, the flames of the fires did not flicker,

even an owl that had been in midflight was frozen in place.

Harry felt a hand squeeze his shoulder gently. He looked back over his

shoulder to see his grandmother's warm dark eyes. She looked out over

the Roman camp below and suddenly had a thought. "Harry dear…in

Hogsmeade during the attack you were able to access some of you family

magic. It was an amazing thing to watch." She smiled and shook her head

at the memory.

"Yeah." Harry said slowly wondering where his grandmother was going

with this.

"Your magic responded to you in a time of need…of great stress, like

accidental magic in children. The magic reacts to intense emotion and

determines what the child needs and reacts accordingly, like an

autonomic reflex. Tell me…what were you feeling when you saw the two

wands pointed at you at point blank range?"

"What was I feeling?!" Harry snorted. "I thought oh fu... I mean darn!"

Harry looked sheepish, but relaxed when Dorea chuckled at his near slip

of vulgarity.

"Anything else?" She asked pointedly.

Harry took a moment to remember back to that day and the incident in

question. "There wasn't any clear thought…not really." Harry began. "It

was j-just an intense feeling of not wanting to be there." Harry stated,

confused at his own reply.

"Do you remember that feeling, that exact feeling when you changed?"

She asked.

"N-no…maybe…I don't know." He said slowly. "It's hard to remember."

Dorea nodded her head and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. "I

believe Harry that your magic reacted on its own, much like accidental

magic. I think if we can recreate those intense situations such as what

happened in Hogsmeade you'll be able to remember what it felt like. I

believe if we can take your memories and project them like this…" She

waved her hands at the current projection. "You might be able to

reproduce what you did and then remember that feeling."

"But I think that viewing what my family is capable of would also benefit

us. Don't you think?" Harry asked diplomatically.

"Perhaps your right, Harry." Dorea relented. "But war is an ugly thing to

see, and although you may think you are ready to see man's inhumanity

to man, let me assure you that no one is truly prepared for the horrors of

war. Believe me…I know." Dorea stated with a faraway look.

"Whether I'm ready for it or not, war is coming grand…Lady Potter."

Harry quickly corrected himself. Bella had caught the slip and gave him a

warning look. Lily seemed to have not heard the slip and was still looking

around at the forest they found themselves in.

Dorea closed her eyes sadly as she remembered the Penseive memory of

Harry being used to resurrect Voldemort in his timeline, the lengths the

man had gone to, to achieve his pseudo immortality, and the dark rituals

he would have had to perform to reach the level of power and inhuman

corruption he had obtained was sickening. It all attested to the demented

character of the man who would see the destruction of their world for his

own selfish ego.

"Very well Harry, but I must insist that Lily not take part in this viewing.

She is far too young to be witness to this obscene level of brutality. And

that goes for the others as well, you may teach them what you have

learned afterwards but I can't in good conscience allow them to view

this." She stated firmly.

Harry nodded his head in understanding. "I will be viewing it Auntie."

Bella put in defiantly. "I stand with my husband. And where he goes I


"I had no illusion of any other decision my dear." Dorea replied with a

resigned tone that was laced with pride for her niece. "A wife's place

should always be at her husband's side."

"Lily, you will come with me. I think its time to begin your occlumency

training." The Potter matriarch informed the petite redhead and then

quickly ushered her in the direction she had come from, the Lady

escorting them out.

"Are you ready for this?" Harry turned to Bella and asked.

Bella swallowed hard. "I-I am." She stated with as much conviction as she

could muster. She had heard stories of the Great War and how bloody

and brutal it had been, she imagined that what she was about to witness

would be no less horrific.

The sky was changing from the star filled inky black to darker shades of

blue and purple…dawn was approaching. The sound of a horn soon

grabbed the two teen's attention. Harry grabbed Bella's hand and they

raced to the tree line. The two of them stood in awe as thousands of men

in leathers and plated armor began to assemble into their respective

cohorts and legions.

They stood amazed at how fast the assembly was and how orderly. More

horns sounded, breaking through the crisp morning air, as captains

barked out orders and the many columns' of men began to march.

Hundreds more on horseback began to move as well. Bella tugged on

Harry's sleeve and pointed to a cluster of wooden apparatuses and gave

him a quizzical look.

"I think those are what are called Ballistae; they shoot large bolts or

arrows into the enemy, some actually shoot multiple bolts at a time."

Bella grimaced at the thought of being impaled by a bolt of wood or steel

and thought if she was going to die she'd rather be AK'd than impaled.

The two teens found their way down to where Mallius and Marcus were

marching and shouting encouraging words to the wizards of the 1st

Cohort. It wasn't long before the column came to a stop. Harry and Bella

gulped nervously as they looked across a large clearing and could see the

enemy the Romans soon would be facing.

They were dressed in animal skins for the most part, some wore little to

no clothing, and some wore paint on their face, arms, and chest, giving

them a more frightening appearance. Harry was able to pick out the

warlocks quite easily as they wielded their long staffs. He was

unprepared though to see the numbers of the Teutones and their allies.

By the look of them he would guess that they were twice the number of

the Romans.

More horns blared as the sun peaked above the horizon, the echo of

drums next reached his ears and then suddenly they were moving

forward with the rhythmic sounds of feet stamping on the ground and

sword and shield striking one another in a deadly cadence. The battle

was about to begin!


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter and are not too upset with the

cliffee. I'm not sure I want to go into graphic detail about the battle and

what the Eveningshades did in the next chapter. I'm thinking to just kind

of bring it up when Harry begins to dissect it and plan on how to

develop and teach it to Bella and Lily. Perhaps I'll let you decided. If

you want me to write the battle scene or not give a yea or nay in your


Again thanks for reading and hope to see lots of comment, questions

and reviews and don't forget about the forum, the link is on my


27. Chapter 27

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Hey all thanks for all the reviews! And I agree with many of you

that there really is no need to write a battle scene, it does nothing to

move the story forward. But I will make several references to what they

saw and learned throughout their training.

So without further ado, I present the next chapter in the continuing saga

of Passageways!

Chapter 27

The evening was late as Marius Borgin was cataloging the latest

acquisitions of certain relics that the Ministry of Magic would consider

dark and dangerous. But Borgin saw them much differently; these were

works of art, truly artistic in their complexities. The ability to

permanently curse or enchant objects was all but a lost art.

The ancient Egyptians were truly masters at creating such masterpieces of

dark magic; curses and enchantments that lasted for thousands of years.

True enchanters nowadays were extremely rare, he himself only knew of

two personally in the whole of Europe. And their services came at an

extreme premium.

As a result of the few numbers of enchanters or enchantresses, the market

for existing enchanted objects was highly lucrative. His latest acquisition,

The Hand of Glory, was such an object. Even through the murkiest

darkness it would provide light to the holder, open any door, and was

even rumored to immobilize anyone who looked directly at it. Granted, it

siphoned the holder's magic to do so, but it was still an impressive work

of enchantment.

His musings ceased however when he felt the wards keyed to his shop's

door alert him of someone entering. He made his way to the display floor

from the backroom, and saw a cloaked figure locking his door and

turning his open sign over to where it displayed the 'Closed' side of the


Borgin hadn't stayed in his nefarious line of work for so many years by

being a careless wizard, and so had immediately raised the offensive

wards within the store. If the stranger made any kind of threatening

move, the wards would activate and the intruder would find himself hit

by at least a dozen dark curses.

Borgin grimaced as he heard the cloaked man chuckle, his deep timber

identifying him as male. That dark chuckle was familiar to him and he

swallowed a large lump in his throat as the man turned to face him.

Beneath the hood of the dark brown cloak, he saw one unnaturally

looking amber eye staring back at him, the other eye, the left one was

covered by a silver leafed eye patch.

"Is this any vay to greet an old friend, Marius? I felt the wards go up as

soon as you called them." He chuckled mirthlessly.

"Since when have we considered each other friends, Heinreich?" Borgin

sneered and received another aggravating chuckle from the visitor.

"Are ve not friends and brothers in the cause?" He asked silkily, lowering

his hood to reveal long silver hair pulled tightly into a ponytail at the

base of his skull, and held in place by a silver clasp of a wolf's head.

"You are nothing more than a thug Heinreich and no friend of mine."

Borgin replied through clenched teeth.

"Yes, yes…I am a lowly foot soldier, while you…you belong to one of the

Thirteen." Heinreich said with faux pomposity and waved his hand airily.

"And look where your House name has brought you?" Heinreich said

insultingly as he looked at the rundown shop.

Borgin fumed at the dismissive attitude of this lowborn slug. He would

curse the man where he stood but the man was one of "His" enforcers,

and it would be suicidal to be anything but…tolerant of the man's


"What is it you want?" Borgin growled finally, controlling his

overwhelming desire to activate all his wards and kill the condescending


"My Lord is most impatient with the lack of information coming from

you, regarding the missing Wizengamot transcripts. He is curious vhy this

is." He replied in a silky voice.

Borgin ground his teeth together as his anger boiled just below the

surface of his neutral façade. "Team three seems to have completely

disappeared. I have not been able to learn anything about what they

were doing after they killed the Ministry slag in charge of the records

department." Borgin replied his voice laced with frustration.

"Nozzing at all? " Borgin shook his head. "Pity, my Lord hoped that there

would be news. I suppose I must inform him of your lack of progress."

Heinreich sighed heavily, but his feral smile was anything but amiable.

"I assure you that I will discover what has happened to team three, and I

will locate the books, but I must tread carefully. The war veteran Alastor

Moody is in charge of the investigation and he is as cautious as he is

thorough. If anyone can figure out our involvement it would be him."

Borgin replied hotly.

Heinreich tensed at the mention of the Auror and subconsciously touched

the eye patch over his damaged eye. A piercing hex by the war hero had

permanently left him without the use of his left eye, a reminder of his

failed one on one duel with the man.

"Und vhat are you doing to make sure that doesn't happen?" Heinreich

asked after shaking himself out of his angry thoughts.

"I have Team One monitoring him…from a distance, to learn what they

can from his continued investigation." Borgin stated.

Heinreich gave a curt nod. "Very well, und vhat news of my master's

former protégé? What chaos has Thomas been up to recently?" The

German asked accusingly.

"Why would I know anything about him?" Borgin asked maybe a bit too


"Come, come Marius, you and I both know that you have been aiding

him, even after our master forbid it after Thomas' betrayal."

Borgin chewed on his cheek for a moment. He needed to be careful here.

Though he had sworn allegiance to the Brotherhood, Voldemort and the

purists were making him very wealthy by supplying them with certain

commodities and using his business connections to supply the up and

coming dark lord with other necessities as well.

Finally he decided to feed him some innocuous information about

Voldemort, just enough to satisfy him, without revealing the level of his

involvement with Voldemort and the Death Eaters. He knew it was a

dangerous game to be in the middle of two Dark Wizards, but the allure

of the Galleons he could make overrode his sense of self preservation.

"Voldemort has been quiet since the Hogsmeade fiasco, his Death Eaters

were soundly beaten, but they did manage a bit of murder and mayhem,

just not on the level they had hoped." Borgin commented.

"Yes, ve are aware of the failure of his ill-conceived plan. He is a fool to

come out in open hostility against the Ministry. Did he learn nothzing

from ze time he spent vith us? Subtlety and manipulation of key people is

the vay to get vhat you vant. It may take time, but in ze end ze slow but

steady course vill achieve our goals.

"But Thomas vas anything but patient, his impulsiveness vill be his

undoing in ze end. Und 'is little movement vill be but a footnote in

magical history. If I vere you Marius I vould remember to whom your

loyalty truly lies." Heinreich replied.

"I would not dismiss him so casually, his movement grows stronger every

day and he may just succeed where are master failed in the past." Borgin


"Our master failed because of betrayal! Betrayal by one who vas once his

confidant and closest friend! And for zat betrayal, Dumbledore will

receive his just revard! Our master has sworn it!"

Twenty minutes later and Heinreich Schroader exited Borgin and Burkes

unaware that a set of canine brown eyes had watched the store with

great interest the entire time. Once the coast was clear an English bulldog

arose from his spot beneath a pile of refuse and padded his way further

into the shadowy alley before suddenly turning into a squat heavy set

man with large cheeks and just a tuft of gray hair on top of his head.

The listening crystal in his had pulsed a faint blue indicating that it had

successfully had captured the conversation in Borgin's establishment. Its

companion crystal was surreptitiously left on a shelf in the dilapidated

shop over a week ago in hopes of hearing a conversation just like this


He tapped his crystal twice which severed the connection between it and

the other crystal, and safely secured his crystal in a leather pouch that he

placed into an inside pocket of his cloak. With a small pop he

dissaparated, he needed to inform a certain Lady about what had just

transpired and give her the crystal. He grinned as he popped out of site

as he thought about the monetary reward he would receive, after all a

Black always paid their debts.


It was October 28, 1971, just three days until Samhain Eve, which

coincidentally fell on a Sunday this year . Harry was becoming nervous

about the upcoming Sabbat, he had received a letter from Aunt

Cassiopeia just the other day reminding him that he would be

accompanying her to visit the Morrigan Coven on that holy day where he

would be introduced to the "Fringe" families.

She had informed him that he would be the guest of honor at the sabbat

and hinted that there may be someone of interest to him there. This

cryptic tease had him worried and wondered who this person might be.

Surely it would not be Voldemort…did he follow the old ways? No, Aunt

Cassie had expressed a dislike for the leader of the Purist Movement. But

then who?

Bella was also at a loss for who her odd aunt could be talking about, and

frankly she was having her own mystery to deal with at the moment to

figure out her eccentric aunt. Ever since their peek into the Eveningshade

past, in particular the Battle of Aquae Sexitiae, she had had dreams of a

disconcerting nature.

Some, sure enough were because of the carnage she had witnessed in the

memory, it had been bloody and barbaric and though a part of her

became almost euphoric with blood lust she quickly suppressed that part

of her psyche, warning herself about the lure of the dark. She was

committed to the gray now, and to her husband and so tried to look upon

the display of violence as academically as possible.

But something else had awakened within her; the blood of her husband's

heritage began to whisper to her in her dreams, calling out to her,

beckoning her to…do something…to go somewhere…to unleash…to

unleash…it was all fuzzy after that.

It was maddening and yet she kept it to herself, because her husband was

also feeling the effects of their historical trip. The sights and sounds of

the battle seemed to transform her husband for a time. His green eyes

glowed like eldritch fire as chaos overtook the battlefield and a spectrum

of color coming from every wand and staff as the two opposing forces


He ran into the fray next to one of his ancestors, though this was all

projection it felt real to the senses of the young couple. Harry began to

move like he did in Hogsmeade, inhumanly fast between combatants, his

spells though never hurting the combatants in the memory however were

impressive to behold.

Bella had wondered why Harry's spells had not done damage to the Room

of Requirement, but surmised that the Lady must have certain protections

built into the magic of the room. Harry continued to cast and cast and

was visibly becoming exhausted. Suddenly, Harry seemed to fade into

nothing but then had reappeared and had collapsed, blood pouring from

his nose and the corners of his eyes.

Bella immediately had the Lady stop the projection and return the room

back to their living quarters. She rushed to her husband's side, swearing

at her unconscious lover as she levitated him to their bedroom. Dorea

and Lily had appeared when the room changed back, a furious looking

Dorea and a fearful Lily watched as Bellatrix carefully laid her husband

on their bed. It took Harry a full two days to recover from this latest

episode of draining his magical core.

We he did awake it was to a furious Bella who beat on his chest all the

while kissing him passionately in relief. Dorea had not been pleased, no,

not at all pleased, and had chastised her grandson for a solid hour for

being so foolish.

His foolishness did however bare some fruits as he was able to explain to

Bella and Lily what he was feeling when he was able to slow down his

perception of time and how he felt when he moved with enhanced speed.

They had worked on it together afterwards; however neither Bella nor

Lily could grasp how to enhance their speed. However they did on

occasion manage to slow their perception of time and were able to react

much quicker to objects coming toward them.

He was still at a loss however, about how he had suddenly

dematerialized and then reappeared. What he did remember was the pain

he felt when it happened as if his body was suddenly burning from the

inside out. Bella and Lily obviously did not like the sound of that and

were reluctant to even explore the possibility of learning that particular


Lily, James, and Sirius had also grown a bit closer as their training with

Lady Potter in Occlumency had begun along with Narcissa and

Andromeda. An unforeseen side effect to this was that James had invited

Lily into his little group of friends. At first Lily had been skeptical if not

suspicious of the offer. She and Narcissa had been on the receiving end of

too many of the young marauder's pranks.

But over a short period of time he was able to convince the pretty

redhead of his sincerity. Of course a stern lecture from his mother about

respecting women of all ages didn't hurt, add to that that Dorea had told

her son that she had become very fond of the young witch and she

herself would take personal offense if any of the marauders did anything

remotely unkind to her.

Remus had immediately welcomed Lily into their group, they having

already a mutual respect for one another. However problems quickly

surfaced as Peter would have tantrums anytime Lily was with them. It

came to a head when in a pique of jealousy Peter cursed Lily with a boils

hex to her face.

James had come unhinged at the attack and had physically punched

Peter breaking his nose. The mousey first year was never welcomed back

into the group after that incident and had become a social pariah

amongst the first year Gryffindor's.

James had escorted Lily to the Hospital wing and stayed with her the

entire time as Madam Pomfrey treated the swollen faced first year.

Though her face looked horribly disfigured because of the curse, James

had stayed with her, and tried to make her feel better by telling her

amusing stories of his and Sirius' childhood mishaps. It was at that

moment, when she realized that James Potter was not…all bad.

"Will you be coming with me and your Aunt Cassie to the Samhain

gathering?" Harry asked his young wife who was cuddle into his side

going over her Ancient Runes assignment.

"Hmm? Oh uh no…I think it best if you go alone. Besides there is

something I'd like to look into this weekend."

"Oh? You're not planning on going to that meeting that the Lestranges set

up for potential Death Nibblers are you?" Harry asked with a raised


"What…no! Though it might be a good way to get some intel about what

their up to. They've been too quiet lately." She stated pensively.

"Well, I planned to have Dobby actually go and monitor the meeting."

Harry told her.

"Oh, well that could be good. Dobby could remain hidden the whole time

and get us loads of information on who shows up and what they discuss."

She said impressed.

"I thought so too." He replied with a cocky smirk.

Bella gave him an exasperated look. "So has Kreacher given you a status

update on the Eveningshade home in Yetholm?" She queried.

"Yeah…" He sighed. "It was in pretty bad shape, but all the ward stones

were still in working order, they just need to be recharged by the heart-

stone which requires me to give it some of my blood and then to take

control of the wards." He said.

"So when will it be ready to move into?" She asked.

"He estimates at least another month or so, but definitely by Christmas."

Harry smiled at the thought of him and Bella celebrating the day together

in their own home.

"So, are you going to tell me what you have planned then while I'm

gone?" Harry asked her again.

Bella sighed heavily and sat up and faced her husband. "I wanted to go to

the Eveningshade vault."

"Oh?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Yeah." Bella stated twisting a strand of her hair nervously. Harry noticed

her nervousness and continued.

"Is there something you needed from it?" He asked.

Bella looked down into her lap for a moment before speaking. "I…I think

something there is…calling to me." She said with a nervous shrug.

"Calling to you? I don't understand." He looked confused.

Bella blew a loose strand of hair out of her eyes and looked at Harry

again." I don't understand it either, I just…I just have this feeling that I

need to go there. I can't explain it better than that." She stated sincerely.

"Okay." Harry replied, still feeling concerned about Bella being "called"

somehow to the vault. "Well, maybe Dorea could go with you or at the

very least take Winky along." Harry offered.

"Yeah, I'll ask Aunt Dorea to maybe come along." Bella agreed. She

turned back around into her husband's arms and picked up her

homework again, but this time her thoughts were not on Rune placement

and sequence, but to the feeling she had once more about what was

waiting for her in the vault.


"Will everything be ready by Samhain?"

"Y-yes my lord." The kneeling man said nervously. "B-but I…"

"BUT WHAT!? Was Borgin not able to procure the items I require?"

"He w-was my L-lord, it's…it's just…my lord this may not be the right

time to perform the ritual." The man blurted out in a hurry before his

courage faltered.

Lord Voldemort, aka Tom Riddle stared furiously at his potion's master,

his lip twitching in annoyance at the man. "We have been over this

before!" Voldemort growled.

"Y-yes my lord, b-but you have already performed a strength enhancing

ritual a mere three months ago. My Lord another this soon c-could cause

unintentional c-consequences. P-perhaps if you w-waited another six

months…" He stammered.

"Samhain is the single most powerful night where magic is at its greatest

potential, and you would have me wait another six months until Beltane!"

"M-my Lord…"


"YOU DARE TO QUESTION MY ORDER?!" Voldemort roared at the

twitching man on the floor. "You will assure that everything is ready…

ON SAMHAIN! Or I will be in the market for a new potions master!"

"Y-yes my Lord." The man spoke in a labored pain-filled voice, and then

crawled out of his lord's presence to make preparations.


Sunday, October 31, came early for the occupants of the Room of

Requirement as they all sat down to a large English breakfast. Lily had

spent the night with Narcissa and the two girls had stayed up until the

wee hours of the morning discussing Narcissa's favorite topic…boys.

The two first years were the last to wake and drag themselves to the

table. Narcissa took the seat next to Harry's left side, scooting her chair

'very' close to his and then giving him a quick flirtatious smile. Lily

giggled at her best-friends antics and Bella rolled her eyes and murmured

something about 'bloody Veela genes' under her breath.

Harry seemed to be oblivious at the byplay between the girls and just

continued eating his breakfast in perfect ignorant bliss. He did however

here the "Ow!" that came from the youngest Black sister. Looking up he

saw her rubbing the back of her head and staring daggers at a smirking


"So what time are you meeting Aunt Cassie?" Bella asked the raven haired

boy next to her.

"At noon at Black Manor, from there I don't know where we are going.

She hasn't told me where this thing is supposed to take place." He said.

"Well, I know that they rotate where they celebrate the Goddess."

Andromeda remarked. "I think last year it was near Newgrange or the

Hill of Tara. It has been at Stonehenge in years past, usually it's at a

location of magical strength and significance.

"Hmpf, well I guess I should take my traveling cloak then." Harry

remarked to himself. "Were you able to get Dorea to go with you today?"

"No, apparently she has a previous engagement. So I'll just take Winky

along with me. Don't give me that look Harry, I'll be perfectly fine." Bella

scolded her husband who was giving her a worried look.

"I'd just feel better knowing she was with you, love. Technically I know

our marriage has made us legal adults, and you can leave Hogwarts

whenever you like, but no one else knows that outside of the family. I

just don't want word to get back to Dumbledore that you were spotted in

Diagon Alley." Harry reasoned to his wife.

Bella patted his cheek in loving exasperation. "That's what glamour's are

for, my love."

Harry raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, just being overly

paranoid I guess."

"If anyone should be careful Harry, it's you with the Morrigan Coven."

Andromeda simply stated, wiping the corners of her mouth primly as she

finished her breakfast.

"Why's that?" Lily asked the middle Black sister before Harry could.

"Well, let's just say that most of their rituals and revelries are a clothing

optional affair, more so for Beltane, with the renewal and fertility

rituals." Andromeda stated with a shrug and a mischievous smile.

"Ooh! Can I come to Harry?" Narcissa asked excitedly with a gleam in her


"No!" Came the three voices of Andromeda, Bella, and Harry who looked

at the little blonde with a hint of bemusement. Narcissa pouted but let it



Harry stepped out of the floo into the study of Black Manor at exactly

12:00 p.m. Waiting for him was Cassiopeia Black first cousin to Lord

Arcturus Black. Though she never married she was an attractive older

woman at seventy-four years old. Instead of marriage she chose instead

to become a priestess of the Morrigan coven at nineteen.

Her family had initially frowned upon the girl's decision to dedicate

herself to the ancient religion but eventually they decided that there

could be worse things she could become involved in. Like Bellatrix,

Cassiopeia had the gift of enchantment; the ability was strong within the

Black family though usually only one female per generation possessed the

full gift.

Dorea Potter nee Black was also an enchantress but her abilities were not

as strong as her own and Bella's gift was stronger still, extraordinarily so.

She had hoped to initiate Bella into the coven once she became of age but

with Bella's marriage to Harry, the new Lady Eveningshade had other

duties to concern herself with.

Cassiopeia had spoken to the leadership of her coven about the return of

a Lord Eveningshade and his desire to meet the 'Fringe families' and unite

the gray and neutral factions to end the stranglehold of the light and dark

families in wizarding politics.

At first the leadership had not been very receptive to the idea; many

doubted that the Eveningshades had actually reappeared. The oldest

member of the coven leadership however seemed intrigued almost

excited. No one knew exactly how old she was, she had always been a

part of the coven, and no one currently alive was her contemporary.

It was rumored that she was at least two hundred years old but no one

knew for sure and she would never disclose her age. It was her voice of

approval that swayed the rest of the eleven leaders and it was she who

wanted to meet the young lord on Samhain one of their holiest of days.

"So where are we going?" Harry asked.

"Scotland dear, near Callanish, but not for a few more hours." She told

him as they walked out of the study.

"So why did I need to be here so early?" Harry asked confused.

Cassiopeia thread her arm through Harry's as they walked. "To give an

old spinster time to get to know better the enigmatic Lord Eveningshade."

She smiled mysteriously. "It's not every day after all that I get to spend

time with a handsome young man."

Harry chuckled to himself. 'I wonder if being flirtatious is a Black family

trait.' He mused as he was escorted to a small dining room where a light

lunch was waiting for them.


In a secluded spot near Gringotts Bank, Bella and Winky appeared with

nary a sound, the little elf using her own magic to transport the pair of

them. Bella now a voluptuous looking blonde walked up the marble steps

leading into the white marble entrance of the goblin run edifice.

Bella approached an unoccupied teller. "I need to be taken to my vault."

She said authoritatively.

The goblin sensing the magic of a glamour on the person in front of him,

looked suspiciously at the woman. "And what vault would that be?" He

asked tersely.

Bella allowed the Eveningshade ring to appear on her finger and placed

her hand on the desk of the goblin. The teller's eyes widened at seeing

the signet ring of the Lady Eveningshade before him.

"Right this way my lady." The goblin stated and quickly scampered off of

his chair and led Bella to the carts that would take her to the lowest

levels where the Eveningshade vault was found.

Thirteen minutes later found a slightly nauseous Bella stepping out of the

modified mining cart, and quietly cursing the foul apparatus. She

approached the vault door and placed her hand on the Eveningshade

seal; a slight poke and a drop of blood opened the enchanted door and

allowed her and Winky into the ancient repository.

Bella walked around the rather large main room, still not sure what it

was that was calling to her here. But the feeling was strong to the point

of now being nearly overwhelming. She felt a tug on her magic to her left

and allowed herself to follow it. She came to a stop in front of the door

that she knew lead to the annex that contained the ancient scrolls and

stone tablets.

She gasped, startled at the sudden opening of the door. She had not

touched it nor asked for it to open. A cold mist rolled out of the

passageway and into the main vault, it gave her goose pimples all up and

down her body. She tried to peer down the passageway but the heavy

mist obscured everything from site.

Suddenly she heard something just on the very edge of her hearing. A

whisper? She strained her ears, and again she heard something,

something unintelligible but definitely a whisper. Her heart began to beat

faster in her chest and found to her surprise that her wand had somehow

managed to get in her hand.

She pointed her wand down the passageway without entering. "Lumos!"

She commanded but the light only succeeded in making the mist brighter

but illuminating nothing else.

"Bella…" She definitely heard it this time, her name…someone or

something had called her name.

"Come my Lady…" Bella swallowed a lump in her throat as she heard a

feminine voice beckon her."

She did not know what possessed her to do it, but her feet began to move

forward into the dense mist. Her feet mechanically took one step after the

other. Unbeknownst to the Raven haired beauty a frantic Winky was

calling out to her trying to get her to stop. But Bella could not here her.

Bella passed over the threshold of the passageway and had only taken

two steps when the crash of a slamming door behind her caused her to

shriek. She stepped up to the door and tried to push it open, but it would

not budge. Frantically she called out for Winky but the small elf did not

or could not respond.

"Bella…" The voice called to her louder this time, echoing throughout the

passageway. She spun back around her wand pointed directly in front of


"Bloody hell! What have I got myself into?!" She chastened herself.

"Come Bella…Come Lady Eveningshade it is time…"

"The time for fucking what?!" She called out to the disembodied voice.

"Come my lady…it is time."

"WHO THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU?!" Bella shouted inching forward.

"Come my lady…it is time to take your rightful place."

The mist began to thin and she noticed that directly in front of her,

further down the passageway there was a gently pulsating green light.

"It is time my lady…you must take your rightful place and receive the gift as

those before you have done for over five millennia." The voice echoed.

Bella reluctantly proceeded toward the voice, as she went farther into the

passageway she noticed a large cavernous opening that she had not

noticed before when they were here last.

"Come my lady…do not fear…come receive what is to be yours." The voice

was hypnotic and urged her forward.

Bella came to the large opening and had to swallow several times to get

the lump in her throat to abate. With one last deep breath to steady

herself, she walked into the cavern. A blood curdling scream left her

throat and then darkness overtook her.


"Now the compound itself should have a minimal presence due to it being

Samhain, the majority of these Death Eater trainees will most likely being

spending the evening with their families. The information that we

received on these facilities is at best unreliable, but it is suspected to at

least have thirty recruits training there at any given time.

"Let me repeat myself that this is a reconnaissance op only. I want

intelligence on ward emplacements, sentry rotations, and the names of

those coming in and out of the facility. I want you to observe and

document everything that goes on there! If they take a dump in the

woods I want to know about!" Auror captain Alastor Moody growled.

"Sir, what if we are discovered and fired upon, how should we respond?"

Auror 2nd Class John Dawlish asked.

"Let me make myself clear people." Moody began. "We are not to engage

these wankers…unless!" He quickly added as he saw several faces about

to protest. "You are directly fired upon. I'd prefer that we did not have

casualties on either side. However, if it comes down to a life or death

situation, you have authorization to defend yourselves. I'd prefer you

then bring back a live body over a dead corpse. Am I understood?!"

"Sir, yes sir!" The twelve Aurors assigned to this operation replied back in


"Now then, these Death Eaters have not been recognized by the Ministry

as a clear and present danger…yet. That being said, their actions

constitute that of an organized militia. And we all know that due to royal

treaty that no magical militia or military force may be organized without

the express consent of Her Majesty the Queen and the muggle British

Prime Minister.

"And violation of that treaty can be seen as a willful act of rebellion

against the Crown, and all participants will be considered traitors and

will be charged with high treason and will be brought to justice. Make no

mistake people that these Death Eaters are considered criminals in the

eyes of the muggle government, and I expect that our Wizengamot and

the Minister will move in that direction soon.

"And because of that, I want every scrap of information we can gather on

every bastard who wears a mask or bares that Morgana damned mark on

their arm. Our Ministry has already received warnings from the office of

the muggle Prime Minister about the recent attacks on muggle villages.

They've told us to get our house in order before they are forced to.

"I don't have to remind many of you of what the muggle military is

capable of. So with that, here are the assignments; Team Alpha will

consist of Bones, McGonagall, McKinnon and Mckinnon. You are our eyes

and ears out there ladies and gentlemen. You protect the other two teams

and will be the primary defensive team should we be attacked.

"Team Bravo will consist of Dawlish, Robards, Wiltcomb, and Gilchrist.

You lot will map out the wards and location of the ward stones. I want to

know everything about every nasty surprise that we could encounter

should we have to breach their defenses.

"Team Charlie will consist of Shacklebolt, Talmage, Brocklehurst, and

Moon. Your mission is to get memories of everyone who comes in and

out of that place. I want faces people, faces clear enough to be viewed in

Penseive identification. Your secondary mission is to capture the highest

ranking member you can find there. The recruits are not told the

locations of the other two facilities, but I'm guessing that the higher ups

will." He stated.

"Any question? No, good! Portkey deployment in fifteen minutes. Good

luck and…"

"Constant Vigilance!" The twelve aurors shouted together.

"Damn straight!" Moody returned.


It was five o'clock in the evening when Harry who was side along

apparated by Cassiopeia to a place near Callanish. As they walked Harry

immediately sensed a miasma of wards assaulting his magic. Muggle

repelling and redirection wards, Notice-Me-Nots, anti-apparition, anti-

portkey, and the necklace of the Morrigan that Cassiopeia had given him

became warm against his skin.

The elderly woman of House Black seemed to recognize Harry's thoughts

and answered his unasked questions. "The wards are to keep the site free

of those who are not welcome, to keep the ceremony from being

disturbed. The necklace I gave you allows you to pass through the wards

unharmed and it will be away for the rest to known that you are a friend

of the Coven."

"Ah, well okay, I guess you take security pretty serious then?" Harry.

"It a very sacred night for us Harry, and the Goddess would not be

pleased to have it interrupted by those who do not share our beliefs." She

replied taking Harry's arm. Harry nodded his understanding and allowed

Aunt Cassie to guide him.

They had just passed through another ward when Harry was met by the

site of over a hundred people both witches and wizards busily attending

to various tasks. Several wizards were levitating dozens of logs into two

large piles about ten feet apart.

To the east of this Harry noticed a couple of animal pins with sheep and

cows, next to these pins two wizards were monitoring a large spit with

what looked like a side of beef slowly turning in circles roasting above a


There were groups of witches watching over several large cauldrons with

who knows what simmering within their metal bellies. To the west of the

large piles of wood sat two other witches with about twenty children

sitting in front of them. None of the children appeared to be older than

ten. It looked to Harry like a class of some sort, he heard mention of the

triple goddess being talked about.

Harry was led to a very large tent to the north of the two piles of wood.

Upon entering he saw eleven witches of various ages sitting in straight

back wood chairs. He noticed a twelfth chair that was vacant, that was

until Cassiopeia left him in front of the semi-cirlce of chairs and took the

empty seat herself.

No one spoke for what seemed several long minutes to Harry. They

seemed to be studying him or judging him, he didn't know which, but

nevertheless it was very uncomfortable as all eyes were upon him.

After the uncomfortable silence had gone on for several more passing

seconds, Cassiopeia stood once more but did not approach him.

"My sisters, as instructed by our matriarch…" Cassiopeia bowed to an

ancient looking woman at the center chair directly in front of Harry.

"…I have brought his lordship, Hadrian Eveningshade, Lord of the Most

Ancient House of Eveningshade before this counsel. He seeks alliance

with those of the Coven and the other enlightened families." She stated.

'Enlightened families?' Harry asked himself in confusion. 'Who are these

enlightened families?'

"You claim that you are an Eveningshade?" A stern looking witch of

about eighty asked with incredulity in her voice. "Forgive me if I have my

doubts, House Eveningshade went extinct one hundred and fifty-four

years ago."

"Not extinct my lady." Harry replied in a low but firm voice. "It was

merely dormant for a time." Harry noticed that the ancient looking witch

in the center seemed to shift in her seat when he spoke. She appeared to

be very short from what he could tell, not quite five feet tall. Her hair

was of the purest white he had ever seen and fell to her waist in a thick

braid. Her eyes that stared right at him unblinkingly were a milky white

in color and he suspected that she might be blind or nearly so.

"According to our sister, you believe that another war is coming amongst

our people. Is this correct?" Another witch asked a few seat to the left of

the 'Ancient' as Harry had named her in his head.

"I don't believe it will come, I know it is." Harry said matter-of-factly.

"Are you a seer my Lord?" The same witch asked.

Harry allowed a small grin to appear on his face. "No my lady, I am not.

But I am…." Harry's concentration was momentarily broken by the site of

a hunched elderly woman walking with a staff in her hands and what

looked like a crow or raven on her shoulder pass in front of him looking

at him and smiling enigmatically at him.

Curiously to Harry no one else seemed to notice the woman, either that

or they did not care. "You were saying my lord?" The witch who had

spoken earlier coaxed him.

"Um…yes. As I said I am not a seer but I have certain…knowledge of the

events that will shortly come to pass." He stated.

"A very cryptic response." Another of the twelve stated.

Harry nodded understandably. "The signs are already out there my lady,

the attacks on muggle villages, the attacks on Diagon Alley and

Hogsmeade. This is just the beginning of much worse things to come."

"It was you, was it not?" The ancient witch asked in a voice that was

something between a whisper and a murmur. "The one who stopped the

attacks with such impressive magic."

Harry turned to the witch and nodded. "It was my lady."

A smile appeared in the ancient face, pushing the folds of age up. "I felt

the stirrings once again…my lord. My magic returning to me." The

woman said. She struggled to stand; the two witches next to her

immediately stood and assisted the matriarch of the coven to stand.

Slowly her short steps took her to stand directly in front of Harry. He was

right she was very petite maybe four feet ten inches tall and frail as

kindling. She lifted a shaky hand and cupped Harry's cheeks. Tears began

to fall from her milky eyes.

"I knew you would one day return to us." Her voice cracked full of

emotion. "I have waited for over one hundred and fifty years to see a lord

of our house return."

"Our house?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Y-yes." The ancient woman began to tremble with happiness in her small


"My name is Lilith Murron Sym…nee Eveningshade, my lord!" Harry's

eyes widened as the ancient witch's eyes glowed a pale green.

Gasps were heard around the tent; apparently no one knew the true

heritage of their coven's matriarch. They watched as their leader tried to

kneel before her lord. Harry quickly came out of his stupor and grabbed

Lilith's shoulders and brought her to his chest where he embraced the

trembling witch.

"Welcome back my lord." She whispered and kissed his cheek."


A/N: So this chapter is the build up for a very exciting and surprising

next chapter. I hope that you all enjoyed this latest addition and would

kindly leave me your comments, critiques, or questions as you review.

I hope to have the next chapter out by next Sunday, but don't hate me if

it's a little late. It's football season (American) and I have a son who

plays and I enjoy going to watch him practice and play his games so

that does eat up some of my free time when I usually write. But don't

worry the next chapter is already partially written.

Thanks again for reading and reviewing! Hoping to break the 3000th

review mark.

28. Chapter 28

Disclaimer: See Chapter One.

A/N: Sorry about the delay everyone, but between work and football,

this took a little longer to post, not to mention that I rewrote it a couple

of times because I was not happy with the first two drafts! And

yesterday was my birthday so I didn't get to it then. I'm selfish that way


Anyway, WOO HOO! Over three thousand reviews! What a wonderful

milestone. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, you guys are awesome!

Well, I hope this chapter lives up to the standard you guys have come to

expect, so without further gilding of the lily, here is the next chapter of


Chapter 28

"Fifteen minutes till Portkey deployment! I want to see final equipment

checks from all teams!" Auror Captain Alastor Moody ordered the three

teams. This was protocol for all deployments where the likelihood of

hostile engagement was high.

"Sir, yes sir!" Twelve voices replied in sync with each other. Each team

checked and re-checked their equipment they would need for the

assignment. They would not be wearing the standard red Auror robes.

This was a covert operation. All teams would be wearing matte black

uniforms with one inch thick dragonhide inserts that covered their torsos,

backs and thighs. Knee-high dragonhide boots would protect their legs

and feet.

Each member had been issued an individual emergency Portkey for

immediate extraction. This portkey would take them to the Auror Medic

station at the Ministry. Every member was also issued a secondary wand

and tactical boot knife that had been rune etched to be able to cut

through any physical bindings and pierce any body armor whether

magical or mundane.

"Status!" Moody barked.

"Sir, team Alpha is status green, sir!" Amelia Bones replied.

"Sir, team Bravo is status green, sir!" John Dawlish replied.

"Sir, team Charlie is status green, sir!" Team leader Shacklebolt replied


"Outstanding! Team Alpha!" Moody directed his gaze to Auror Bones.

"Sir?" Amelia asked, standing at attention.

"Your team will arrive on site first. You will cast concealment charms and

your team will immediately take to the air for aerial reconnaissance. If

hostiles are present you will tap your badge three times, the protean

charm will then alert the rest of us of the current situation.

"If the area is safe, you will tap your badge twice. Two minutes later

team Bravo will portkey in and begin to establish base camp and set up a

ward blind to conceal our presence and then they will begin their

preparations for ward mapping of the area.

"Once the blind is operational, our ward breakers will slice into the ward

scheme and create a temporary undetectable hole into their detection

wards, Dawlish will send the signal for team Charlie to portkey in. This

could take some time depending on the strength and complexity of the


Team Charlie, once you've been notified of success you will then proceed

to enter and inspect the facility and get us a layout of the structure, and

any documents listing personnel or recruitment lists. This is critical,

anything that mentions the other facilities is a must have, and if you can

find any operational plans or raid deployments wouldn't go amiss either.

"Make copies of everything, we don't want to alert them to our presence

if at all possible. Your secondary mission is to capture one of their higher

ups for interrogation, if the opportunity presents itself.

"Team Alpha you are our eyes and ears and our shock team if things go

pear shaped. IF you are fired upon you have permission to respond in

kind, in other words if they start shit, I want you to finish it! Is that

understood?!" Moody barked out.

"Sir, yes sir!"


"Team Alpha! You're up! Count down to portkey deployment in 5…4…


Amelia and her team felt the familiar tug behind the navel, and within

moments they appeared in the cold night air near Inverness Scotland.

With military precision they immediately took up a defensive posture and

observed their surroundings quietly. They were less than about half a

kilometer from the objective. The ward boundaries around the training

facility extended three hundred yards in all directions around the


Seeing no immediate danger, Amelia communicated to her team with

hand signals, to mount their brooms and cast concealment charms upon

themselves and then to proceed to their assigned areas. They would now

communicate with each other through light signals to each other with

their wands.

Amelia tapped her badge two times to signal team Bravo that they were a

go for deployment. Two minutes later and team bravo had appeared and

immediately began to set up a ward blind. Once the blind was

constructed, team Charlie was then notified and two minutes later they

appeared within the safety and concealment of the blind.

Team bravo then began to work on a ward splice to allow team Charlie

through the wards undetected. It took them nearly an hour to achieve the

correct runic algorithm that would allow them a temporary entry point.

The access point would not hold long before the wards would reassert

themselves and close the opening.

"You have about two hours at the very most before our splice deteriorates

and the wards are backup at full strength." Dawlish informed Shacklebolt

and his team. With a curt nod, Team Charlie passed through the wards

and made their way to the large warehouse like building three hundred

yards away.

Amelia and her team watched nervously from a hundred feet up in the

air as they watched team Charlie make their way to the building.

Shacklebolt's team did not use any disillusionment charms or any other

magic while outside the building. They did not want to accidently trip

any other wards that could detect concealment magic.

They arrived at a side door toward the back of the building. The door

was made of steel and appeared to be secured with just a muggle

Deadbolt. A quick low level revealing charm showed no magical locking

spell or ward.

Shacklebolt withdrew his knife from his boot and pushed it between the

edge of the door and the door frame near the locking mechanism. He

pushed the knife up and made contact with the lock and with a quick

twist the bolt seemed to snap. Shacklebolt looked at his men giving them

a small nod.

The large auror then slowly opened the door; Talmage was the first one

through with his wand out and took a quick scan of the area. The area he

had entered was nearly dark; only a few overhead lights dimly lit the

center of the complex, and there were no signs of human activity. He

signaled the rest of his team and they all entered taking defensive

positions that gave them a 360 degree view of what appeared to be at

one time a receiving dock.

Taking stock of their surroundings they noticed that the warehouse main

floor had been turned into a training facility, littered with spell damaged

training dummies and obstacle courses. They discovered that the wall to

their left had multiple scorch marks on it and several set of manacles that

were bolted into the wall.

The four aurors became outraged as they saw drying pools of blood on

the floor along the wall. It appeared that the Death Eaters were using live

people to practice their spells on. At least they were alive when they

were hung there.

The team began to document everything that they were seeing, finding

more and more evidence that people had been killed and tortured there.

At the far end of the warehouse floor they found an office and a set of

stairs that went up to an upper floor.

"Talmage…you and Brocklehurst examine the office; duplicate every

scrap of parchment that you can find. You know what we're looking for,

and be quick about it. I don't want to be here any longer than necessary."

Shacklebolt order.

"We're on it, Shack!" Talmage replied and he and Brocklehurst went to


"Moon, you're with me." He told the blonde witch, who nodded in reply.

Silently, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Allura Moon ascended the metal

staircase. They reached another door, but this one was made of heavy

wood. Moon slowly turned the knob and gave Shacklebolt a nod,

indicating that it was unlocked.

Shacklebolt tapped Moon's head and she felt the cold tingling sensation

of a disillusionment charm be cast upon her. The tall dark auror did the

same to his own head and soon the large man was as invisible as his

smaller partner.

"I'll take high, you take low." Shack quietly told his partner, who

whispered a 'got it.'

Moon slowly pushed opened the door as Shacklebolt pied the room

looking for any trouble. Shack noticed a cafeteria style lunchroom in

front of him, and further down noticed about three dozen cots divided in

half on either side of the aisle. Several voices caught his attention further

down the floor.

Moon had entered and gave two light taps of her boot on the ground,

letting Shack know that she was in the room. He responded in turn and

Moon stepped closer to him until they were touching. Shack reached for

her arm and then the top of her hand.

With a serious of long and short taps to the back of her hand he

instructed her to stay where she was and take up a defensive position and

that he would move forward. Though she wanted to argue and go with

him, she followed his orders and would wait for his return.

The veteran auror moved forward and soon found himself looking at

about fifteen magicals, nine wizards and six witches in what appeared to

be a large commons area. His fist tightened on his wand as the group of

men was taking advantage of two naked teenage girls, most likely

muggles. They had several cuts and bruises all over their bodies, eyes

were red and swollen, as tears fell from their eyes. The wizards appeared

to be taking turns raping the two girls.

The witches had their own plaything stuck up against a wall with most

likely was a sticking charm. They took turns in brutalizing the man's

testicles with a combination of stinging hexes and minor bludgeoning

charms. All the fingers on both hands were pointed in unnatural

directions indicating that they were most likely broken.

The poor man's left eye was dangling from its socket and his right leg

below the knee was totally black and misshapen. Like the girls the man's

body was covered in cuts, bruises, and burns. The man's nipples appeared

to be completely burned off, and Shack watched as a witch cast a

summoning charm on the man's mouth and saw a tooth forcibly yanked

out of the man's gums.

Kingsley Shacklebolt wanted with every fiber of his being to blast these

witches and wizards into oblivion, but he was severely outnumbered and

he was under orders to not engage the Death Eaters if possible. He knew

however that these three muggles would most likely continue to be

tortured, and this did not sit well with him.

He closed in on the witches and wizards and looked carefully at every

face, so that he could identify them all later in the Auror department

Pensieve. Knowing that he was doing something rather foolish, he

stepped closer to the witches so that he was nearly flush with them, and

then taking up a position between two of them who were casting spells at

the man, he cast his own, a silent piercing hex straight through the man's


Blood started to flow from the man's chest and within a few moments the

man was dead. The two witches that had been casting yelled at one

another, accusing the other of killing the man and ruining their fun. A

witch fight erupted with the two women hexing each other.

The ruckus caught the attention of the wizards who grinned and began to

egg the two women on. The distraction was enough for Shacklebolt to

make his way over to the two women who were already in a catatonic

state from their ordeal. He apologized to the two women internally

before casting the same curse at the two women. He would try and tell

himself that it was a kindness to end their suffering but he knew he

would carry the guilt of his actions for the rest of his life.

Shacklebolt made his way back toward his partner. He tapped his boot

twice and heard her reply with the same. They made for the door and

returned to their comrades down below, he just hoped that they had

found something worth this bloody trip.


Bellatrix groaned as flickers of consciousness began to ignite her senses.

The first thing that she felt was a dull pain that encompassed her entire

body, from the roots of her hair down to her toe nails. It was as if she

had been hit by bludgers…repeatedly.

The second thing she knew was that her head felt like a Hippogriff had

run rampant inside her skull, she still hadn't managed to open her eyes,

the effort was just too painful. Next she realized that she was lying on the

cold hard ground.

This confused her. Why was she on the ground? Where was she, she

asked herself. She tried to focus her mind on the last thing she could

remember and found the process…frustrating.

'Let's see…I remember breakfast this morning with Harry and the girls. I

remember him saying something about going to the Samhain festivities

with Aunt Cassie. I-I needed to be…somewhere…someplace? Ughh!' Bella

grabbed her head and pressed down on it.

"Think…think Bella." She groaned. "I-I think I was supposed to meet with

someone." She began to reason.

"No, no…I was being called! I was somehow being called to…GRINGOTS!

I came to Gringots, I entered the Eveningshade vault!"

An echoing chuckle startled Bella from her thoughts. And then everything

came back to her, entering the vault, hearing the voice and walking into

the archive passageway. There was a large opening she had not seen

before and a female voice calling…calling to her.

She remembered entering the large open cavern and...feeling an intense

cold, then seeing a tattered and torn cloak hovering a few feet above the

ground fluttering in an invisible wind and glowing green eyes.


She recalled trying to back away but tripped and fell on her arse, she

crabwalked backwards as fast as she could, but was suddenly stopped

when her head connected with a stone wall and then there was only


"Sweet Circe, have mercy!" Bella whispered to herself, when she realized

that she was still in the cavern and that-that…thing, that Dementor with

the glowing green eyes was most likely still here.

'Wait a tick.' Bella began to think. 'Dementor's don't have eyes. So…

whatever it is, it may not be a Dementor.' She thought hopefully.

Low, feminine laughter caught Bella's attention but she was still too

frightened to lift her gaze, afraid of what was there in the flickering

emerald light. Whatever it was, she was still not sure it was friendly, after

all if it looks like a Dementor and feels like a Dementor, then…

"I will not harm you Lady Eveningshade, I am bound to our house, I am

for all intents and purposes…your servant." The low womanly voice

echoed in her head.

Slowly, the sixteen year old Lady of House Eveningshade lifted her eyes

to gaze upon the thing…the being that was returning her gaze. On closer

inspection Bella noticed the differences between the entity and a

Dementor. This creature was not skeletal like the soul sucking freaks of

nature that guarded the wizard prison.

Through the tattered and torn cloak or shroud this creature wore, she

could see flesh at least something resembling flesh though it was a blue-

green in color. She could also tell that whatever it was it was definitely

female, as its breasts could be seen through the torn strips of cloth.

Though it wore a hood, strands of the blackest hair she had ever seen

fluttered a drift in the invisible wind. She was beautiful…well, in a

demonic creature kind of way, Bella mused.

What continued to unnerve her though, were the intense glowing green

eyes that looked back at her seemingly with an undefined excitement,

and then there was the bloody cold that she could feel in her bones. She

tried to push down her anxiety and stood up on shaky legs.

Bella noticed as she looked around, that the creature was in the middle of

a ten foot in circumference circle, surrounded by thirteen large glowing

stones that were etched with various unknown runes. She walked around

the edges of the circle and could feel power emanating upwards from the


The creature's eyes followed Bella's path as she walked. "It is not a cell,

merely a conduit for us to speak and interact." She smirked at the young

witch, who was thinking that she was some kind of prisoner.

Bella startled in surprise when she heard the creature speak, heard but

did not see. The creatures mouth did not open but Bella heard her as

clear as day. Some sort of telepathy or legilimency, she surmised.

"Who are you?" Bellatrix asked at length.

"I have gone by many names, but I have always been partial to Euryale."

She replied mentally but grinned nonetheless.

Bella tilted her head in thought. The name was familiar but she could not

place where she had heard it before. It was not a common name to be

sure, it sounded Greek or maybe Persian, she thought.

"Um…what are you?" Bella asked curiously. "I have never seen anything

like you before."

Again, Bellatrix heard a low chuckle. "As to what I am…I believe I will

allow you to discover that on your own. However, all you need to know

now is that I am the Bearer and the Keeper."

"The Bearer and the Keeper?" Bella asked with confusion.

Euryale smiled. "Yes…I am the keeper of the ancient rites and rituals of

our House and the bearer of the ability to use them.

"It-it was you I heard in my dreams, the voice that was calling to me!"

Bella stated, now recognizing her voice.

Euryale smiled and nodded. "Only the Eveningshade blood that flows

within you could have brought me here and allowed you to hear my


"How did my blood bring you here?" She asked, her curiosity peaked.

"When the lord's blood mingled with your own, it altered your body

chemistry." Euryale began.

"As his blood mixed with yours, you became new, more than what you

were. Your family magic has now been added to the fusion of

Eveningshade magic. And in turn the magic and gifts of every matriarch

of our house that preceded you is now yours, and when you leave this

mortal realm you will pass it to the next matriarch.

"Once your new magic had settled, it called to me, as it has done for

every new matriarch for five millennia. Know this my Lady, that only a

woman, who is a powerful sorceress of the blood, can call me forth. Your

predecessors were all powerful sorceresses; and they have all

complemented their husbands. For only a powerful sorcerer, could call

forth the blood rings of our house and become lord, and he needs a

strong companion. It has always been so.

"So Harry's blood created the change within me?" Bella asked.

Euryale smiled and nodded. "Not just yours, but every Eveningshade."

She said mysteriously.

"I don't understand."

"The Eveningshade magic is unlike anything you have been taught about

magic. Our magic is not of this world, but of other realms. It is parasitic

in nature assimilating the host's magic into its own. But magic in your

realm is a peculiar thing and all though our magic is very powerful it has

its limits and restrictions in this realm.

"It is not known to us why, but for our magic to be accessed or optimized

there must be a Lord and a Lady to facilitate it. Our magic is blood based

and when the blood of the Lord of the House no longer flows or he has

renounced his title and magic, then the magic of the Eveningshades

sleeps until it is reawakened when the magic chooses another lord.

"It is similar to vampirism, in that if you destroy the progenitor those that

were bound to him are released and they lose their powers. The

Eveningshade magic only flows true in our kinsmen when there is a lord

that wears the blood rings. It is the same with others of our kind."

"I've noticed that you have used the word 'our' repeatedly when referring

to the Eveningshade family. What is your connection to them?" Bella

asked the creature floating in front of her.

Euryale smirked at the young woman before her and wondered how she

would handle what she would divulge to her. "Eons ago there was a tear

in the veil that separated your realm with the realm I come from. Many

of the magical creatures you have come to know came through at that

time; trolls, doxies, dementors, even faeries, unicorns, and centaurs.

"Some of these other worldly beings were intrigued by the humans they

encountered, some so much so that they even copulated with them, and

produced, quite unexpectedly, hybrid children. The Eveningshades as

they call themselves now, is one such of a very few existing mixed


"The first few generations looked barely human at all, but they eventually

came to look like any other human, though their abilities were quite

different. Though they blended better, all those of the bloodline were left

with a tell-tale sign of their ancestry. A small, but identifiable physical

sign that was common to all of the same blood." Euryale smiled


"In what ways are they manifested?" Bella asked.

Euryale smiled again. "My, what lovely green eyes you have my lady."

She smirked.

"What? I don't have green eyes. I mean after Harry and I were married I

noticed a few green specks, but, I don't have…"

A large floor length mirror appeared before Bellatrix. She gasped and her

hands flew to her mouth. She looked at her complexion and noticed that

her once purple orbs were now an unnaturally brilliant green, they

looked just like Harry's, and just like Lily's, and just like… "You?"

Bella turned to look at the floating woman. "It's you, isn't it? You, you are

the first of the blood!"

Euryale grinned widely. "I am, the first bastard child of a blending was

my son, who is the progenitor of your line. I was fascinated by a certain

human male, and I lay with him. To him it was like a dream, nothing

more. By the morn I was gone, and he would go about his life never

knowing that he had impregnated me that night."

Bella was stunned by the revelation; this creature was Harry's ancestor,

the founder of her husband's family. They were descendants of a race not

indigenous to their world. She smiled to herself thinking how the purists

or even her own family the Blacks would respond to learning that bit of

family history.

"You, Bellatrix Eveningshade are now a guardian of our family secret.

Reveal it to no one!" She commanded in a deadly tone.

"Save your husband, no one else should know, until the next matriarch is

chosen. This is your burden, and your curse to keep what you will be

given and taught here hidden from all others. Only you can enter this

chamber, only you will be able to use its secrets, and only you will pay

the price."

"What do you mean…pay the price?" Bella asked with trepidation.

"You are here to learn the magic of summoning; in times of dire need it is

the responsibility of the matriarch to save her husband, her family, and

our house if necessary. As you have seen in the passageway, there are

many tablets and scrolls that will provide you with…resources to aid

you. Some are more dangerous than others, but ALL demand a price."

Euryale informed the young witch.

"What sort of a price?" Bella swallowed hard.

"Some demand a sacrifice such as blood, some demand life and still

others…the more…darker, may demand a soul. The matriarch must be a

woman of deepest conviction and a most serious mind. This part of our

family magic is extremely dangerous and it is why this knowledge is not


"We can touch the heavenly and the horrific and because of that

connection to what men call heaven and hell we are bound by the laws of

both. We must remain forever neutral, to remain in the shadow, to be

gray. To purge one side of our nature or the other is to create an

imbalance within our magic and cause its eventual loss.

"BUT WE DEFEND OUR OWN!" Bella jumped at the sudden fire in

Euryale's voice and the sudden drop in temperature in the cave.

"We destroy those who seek to destroy us; we were nearly driven to

extinction by those who now rule the magical world. By the laws of

magic and the old ways we are justified in taking our vengeance upon

those who sought our destruction!

"This is your mandate young matriarch of House Eveningshade, to help

your husband bring to ruin all those who conspired against our family.

Unleash the power of our family on all those who would persecute us or

subdue us! Remind them why our name is only whispered in fear!

Remind them that hell has no wrath like an Eveningshade wronged!"

Euryale growled.

"Do you accept this mandate, Bellatrix Eveningshade? Do you accept

willingly the position of matriarch of our house, and the responsibility of

that position, to keep our family secrto support your lord and husband?"

Bellatrix fell to her knees and nodded.

"Swear it." Euryale prompted her.

"On my life and magic, I swear to fulfill my responsibilities as matriarch

of House Eveningshade, to fulfill the mandate I have been given, and to

support my lord and husband. So mote it be." A flash of golden light

surrounded Bella sealing her oath.

"Now my child, your education shall begin."


The Morrigan Coven was a buzz about an Eveningshade being at their

Samhain celebration and was even more stunned that their Coven

matriarch, Lilith Sym, was actually an Eveningshade as well. But had the

coven been more aware of the reactions to some of their brothers and

sisters they would have noticed the looks of joy on several faces.

Harry had escorted Lilith back to her seat and the two of them were

immediately encircled by the coven leadership including Cassiopeia.

Harry knelt in front of the ancient witch who could not stop smiling

adoringly at him with tears of joy running down her wrinkled cheeks.

She had refused to release his hand as she sat.

"There is so much I would like to ask you my lady." Harry told the

smiling witch.

"I am not a lady my lord, I am from a secondary branch of the family."

Her aging voice replied. "I was a second cousin of the last Lord

Eveningshade, Cunobelinus, and I married a commoner."

"You are a Lady in my eyes." Harry informed her gently. "You are family,

I only know of one other Eveningshade and she is eleven. I did not know

that there were any other Eveningshades living besides the two of us."

Lilith smiled enigmatically and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "You

are not alone my lord, we are few but we live."

Harry looked at her with hopeful eyes. "How-how many?"

"Let me tell you a story." She leaned back in her chair, her eyes never

leaving Harry's.

"It was exactly 161 years ago tonight that our family was betrayed and

the night of horrors fell upon us. I did not know it then, but after years of

looking, I discovered the treachery of thirteen houses who had combined

to eliminate our house. They murdered all the family heads, their wives

and children, they then came after the extended families.

"They had knowledge of where our homes were, my lord, all of them. It

was genocide; they wanted to eradicate us completely. I had never seen

such brutality and carnage in all my days before and since.

"I was a young woman of twenty-three and our village was gathered in

celebration of the night. We were all Eveningshades by blood or

marriage. We felt wards go up around us, and then suddenly the night air

was filled with the glow of spell fire, and the echo of screams.

"We were surrounded, bodies of my kinsmen fell left and right to curses. I

was struck by a bludgeoning curse and was knocked unconscious briefly.

During the slaughter the bodies of more of my kinsmen fell over me,

covering me, hiding me from our attackers. I watched paralyzed beneath

several bodies, as our attackers systematically killed everyone there, the

wounded were killed pleading for mercy that would never come.

"The corpse of my kinsmen on top of me, hiding me is the only reason I

survived. I lay there for several hours after our attackers left, too scared

to move and reveal myself to possible scouts that were left behind.

"At Length, I pushed myself out from under the bodies. It was then I saw

the level of depravity that my fellow kinsmen suffered at the hands of our

attackers. Many of the women and children had suffered…indignities,

before being killed. Men had their genitals cut from their bodies and their

heads severed from their shoulders.

"Miraculously, they did not kill all of us. There had been four more

survivors from my village. A small boy of two years, twin girls of fifteen

and an elderly woman of ninety-two had not been at the celebration, the

girls had dragon pox and had been quarantined in a small hut just

outside the village, the elderly woman was their healer, and they had hid

in a root cellar when they heard the attack."

Lilith's eyes misted over as she recounted her history. "My husband and

three children…did not survive. I found…I found their bodies. I collapsed

and screamed in rage and cursed at everything. We fled to seek refuge

with others of our clan only to find that every location had been attacked

and everyone slaughtered as well. We did find survivors here and there,

but the clan leadership had been wiped out, at least all but one.

"Our lord had survived, though barely. When he recovered he sought

vengeance, but our House had lost all its warriors. In desperation he

decided to purge the dark-side within him, he felt that his power would

increase with just holy magic.

"He learned quickly the error of his beliefs, there is no light without the

darkness to define it. In his haste for vengeance he forgot about that part

of our nature and instead of doubling his power, his magic was stripped

from him. He left our world in shame and never returned.

"Those of us, who were left, felt the loss immediately. Without a Lord to

wear the blood rings of the family our unique abilities fell dormant. In

fear of our lives, the twenty-three of us that were left hid our ancestry

and took up new names and we left our Ancestral homes in Yetholm and

dispersed into parts all around Britain.

"For three days after our Lord departed, I called upon the triple Goddess

Morrigan for vengeance. She being a goddess of war, I pleaded with her

to smite those who had murdered my kinsmen and destroyed our clan.

"To my shock she appeared before me, she cradled me in her arms and

spoke soothingly to me until my pain and rage had diminished. She

promised me that one day those responsible would have justice fall upon

them and that Our House would return to greatness. I plead with the

goddess to allow me to live long enough to see my House restored and

justice delivered.

"I am the last of the original twenty-three that survived the genocide of

our family, my lord. I had begun to lose faith and thought that the

Goddess had forgotten her promise…but two months ago I felt the

stirrings of Eveningshade magic once again. And I knew that the blood

rings had been forged again and that a new lord had risen.

"I prayed to the Goddess in gratitude and asked her to direct you to me…

and here you are my lord! These old bones can die happy now knowing

that our House is reborn." Lilith smiled and shed joyful tears.

"Don't leave just yet my lady." Harry said warmly, holding both of her

hands in his. "There is much I need to learn about our family. And

besides you must stay around to see our enemies destroyed." Harry


The ancient witch giggled which stunned the other coven leaders. Never

had they heard their matriarch chuckle much less giggle like a young


"I will remain as long as you need me, my lord." She replied.

"Lilith, if twenty-three of you survived, are there any descendants of

those survivors?" Harry asked curiously.

Lilith gave a genuine smile. "There are many my lord, though we are

scattered. Some have gone to the continent and others to the Americas,

but there are several families here in Britain. We do all come together

once a year at every Beltane."

"How many in total?" Harry asked excitedly.

"We number a little more than three hundred my lord. Men, women, and

children, all who bare the eyes of our House." She replied without


Harry sat back hard. He was completely dumbfounded with the

information he had just received. That there were over three hundred

Eveningshades was incredible!

"But enough of this talk for now my lord, they are about to light the fires

and we must give thanks to the goddess this night." Lilith told him. She

stood and took his hand and led him and the others outside. She would

give the Goddesses blessings to begin the ceremony and Harry would be

the guest of honor.


*WARNING: Graphic content to follow*

The moon had reached its apogee in the night sky, and shown down upon

a secluded and heavily warded clearing. On the ground was a large blood

soaked pentagram with a naked dark haired man lying in the center of it.

His body marked with several arcane runes from head to toe. His head

was placed on the top point of the star and his arms and legs stretched

out on the remaining other four points.

Surrounding him, were thirteen men equally spaced around the

pentagram. All dressed in black robes and silver masks except for the old

man at the head of the star, who wore a dark green cloak with Norse

patterned designs woven throughout it.

Above each point of the pentagram, suspended in midair by magic were

five female nude bodies, virgins, whose throats had been cut to allow

their life's blood to fall on each point of the star, blood which would be

the catalyst for the dark ritual.

The enchanter from Norway began his recitation as soon as the moon had

reached its zenith, the blood soaked pentagram lit suddenly with unholy

black and red flames. Pillars of fire at each point of the star shot up and

began to consume the suspended bodies.

Skin, muscle, sinew, and tissue sloughed off the burning bodies, falling

with a wet thud into the ritualistic circle before being fully consumed by

the flames. The chanting became more intense and the runes on the Dark

Lord's bodies began to glow blood red.

The Death Eaters who were assembled jumped with a start as a scream of

pure agony spewed forth from Voldemort's throat. The hellish flames

enveloped the Dark Lords entire body. His followers watched in

fascinated horror as their lords body jerked and flailed on the ground in

seeming torture.

The enchanter began to slow and the flames began to dim in the ritual

pentagram. The smell of burnt flesh saturated the air around them. Those

assembled began to see movement through the dense smoked that hid the

body of their lord.

When the smoke cleared there were startled gasp of shock and of disgust

as a cheap imitation of a human stepped forth. Gone was the handsome

and aristocratic looks of Lord Voldemort aka Tom Riddle. What stood

before them was some kind of abomination. With rough reddish skin that

looked like lava-rock, his eyes were black as coal, his once thick, jet black

hair was now white and wispy.

He appeared to be taller now, and more muscular. The purposes of the

ritual, had been to make him physically stronger and attune his magic

more toward the darkest arts, and purge the weakness of emotion and

sentiment from him. The physical changes however had not been


And seen the look of revulsion in his follower's eyes her conjured a

mirror to gaze upon his appearance. With one brief look into the mirror,

it shattered in the Dark Lords hand.


the enchanter they had paid to perform the ritual.

"M-m-my lord, this was an unforeseen side effect. T-there was always a

possibility that you're magic had not completely stabilized after your last

enhancement ritual. T-this instability m-must have reacted poorly to the

ritual, my lord." The man fell to his knees apologizing profusely.

"I cannot be seen in public like this! Is this permanent or will it change?!"

Voldemort demanded kicking over the old man.

"M-my lord, all rituals are permanent and all ritual magic demands a

price. I-I'm afraid that it is permanent, my Lord." He whimpered.

Voldemort looked at him in rage and fury, and then almost hissingly

stated. "And so is this. AVADA KEDAVRA!"


Amelia's team was getting worried, Shacklebolt and Team Charlie had

not exited the building yet and Team Bravo had signaled her that only

five minutes were left before their splicing ward would fail and the

training facility's wards would be fully active again.

She was about ready to send her own team in when she noticed Shack

and his team exiting out of the building and began running the three

hundred yards between them and the edge of the wards. Amelia gripped

her broom tightly as she watched the four person team sprint.

They were a mere twenty yards away when Auror Moon suddenly cried

out and fell to the ground. Shacklebolt stopped and ordered the other two

to keep going. He ran to Moon who was grasping her left ankle.

"Shack, I fuckin twisted my ankle steppin into a bloody gopher hole!"

Moon told her team leader as she was helped to her feet by the large


"Come on, we need to hurry! I'm not sure how long we have. Don't get all

pissed at me, but I think we'll move faster if I just throw you over my

shoulder." Shack told his partner.

"Fine! But I don't wanna hear any crap from the others about this!" She

huffed. Shacklebolt gave her an amused grin before hoisting her over his

shoulder and giving her arse a quick slap, before sprinting to the wards

edge, chuckling all the way at the indignant blustering of the attractive

blonde auror.

Amelia was just about to sigh in relief as Shacklebolt, with his human

cargo in tow approached the edge of the wards. But that relief suddenly

vanished as the wards tripped before he was able to cross.

A dozen pops were suddenly heard as Death Eaters appeared just feet

behind Shack and Moon."Fuck! Nothing for it now. TEAM ALPHA

ENGAGE!" Came Amelia's roared command.

Shack had immediately gone to ground with Moon at hearing the pops of

apparition. Both Aurors had their wands out and were already picking

targets. Shack heard Amelia's shout and knew that that the four broom

riding Aurors from Team Alpha were about to unleash hell on the Death


"BOMBARDA!" Four simultaneous shouts incanted. Two of the spells hit

both flanks of the Death Eaters who had formed a weak skirmish line,

sending dirt and gravel and a couple of black robed bodies flying into

the air.

The other two spells hit just forward of the center of the line, sending

shrapnel like debris flying into the center rank. Five Death Eaters were

blinded by the incoming dirt and rock filled wall of pain. The loud and

effective curses were enough to startle and confuse the gathered Death


"There!" Shack pointed to a Death Eater with a silver mask, who was

barking orders at the others.

"That must be one of their trainers. Focus on stunning him Moon! We

need to take him back with us if we can." Auror Celeste Moon nodded

and took careful aim at the silver masked Death Eater. She grinned

maliciously as her first attempt to stun the man was successful, hitting

the man squarely in the middle of his back.

Shacklebolt summoned the downed man and quickly bound him with

magical ropes, seeing their instructor felled by a curse and taken hostage,

the remaining conscious Death Eaters quickly apparated away, leaving

five of their brethren behind.

"Bloody cowards!" Moon spat at seeing the terrorist flee.

"No honor amongst thieves…as it were." Shacklebolt chuckled.

Amelia and her team landed and were collecting the remaining downed

Death Eaters, and removed any objects or wands on them. Once they had

them together they placed a portkey on each that would deposit them in

a Ministry holding cell.

"You alright Moon?" Amelia asked, helping the other witch to her feet.

"Yeah, just bloody pissed at myself! A gods' damned gopher hole took me

down of all things!" She swore.

"Right, well with that ankle twisted, you better let me side along

apparate you back to headquarters." Shacklebolt told Moon.

"Liked the feel of my body that much, huh Shack?" Moon smirked

playfully. "Can't wait to get your hands on me again?"

Shacklebolt blinked owlishly at Moon's teasing. "What… no…I mean I

was just offering to…"

Amelia and Celeste began to laugh uproariously at Shacklebolt's

stutterings. He growled at the pair of them. "Witches!" Shacklebolt shook

his head.

"Oh come on you big lug, give a girl a hand." Celeste chuckled as she

wrapped her arm around Shacklebolt's neck, preparing herself for side-

along apparition. "But I do expect a dinner out of this." She said playfully.

Amelia shook her head amusedly at the pair of them. Shacklebolt and

Moon had been partners now for three years and the two teased each

other mercilessly with subtle flirtations and innuendo. Those thoughts

caused her to look over to her own boy toy.

She watched as her boyfriend, and she hoped soon to be fiancé, was

sending the last of the captured Death Eaters back to the ministry. The

redheaded Scotsman was as passionate as his hair would suggest. Being a

redhead herself just magnified the fiery passion the two aurors had for

each other.

But those thoughts were best left for after the mission was complete and

they were off duty, hopefully for a little R and R at her place tonight! She

mused. Because nothing got the lustful juices flowing like a little evening



Harry was actually a little surprised by the number of people that were

here at the Samhain celebration. From the way that Bella had talked

those that followed the 'Old Ways' were but a few families. But there

were nearly three hundred people here.

Harry was intrigued by the blessing that Lilith had given and how she

paid homage to the Goddess, and all things natural. The two large

bonfires were then lit and roared into life. As the flames grew taller and a

smoky mist surrounded the bonfires, people began shedding their

clothing and began to dance, laugh, and make merry as they danced

through the smoke.

Harry's hand was grabbed by a passing young witch and dragged in

between the two fires where the smoke seemed to be the thickest. He

laughed and began to run, skip, and jump as the scent of sage, juniper,

and other scents he did not recognize assaulted his olfactory senses.

Harry had made about three turns around the bonfires in a figure eight

pattern when he realized that at some point he had lost all his clothing.

His wasn't sure when he lost them or even how, but nevertheless he was

as naked as the day he was born.

As he puzzled on this while he stood between the two fires. He felt a pair

of eyes on him. He looked up to see the old crone that he had seen earlier

in the tent of the Coven leadership. She looked at him appraisingly as she

approached slowly.

Harry's head was fuzzy and he felt slightly unsteady on his feet. He tried

to keep his focus on what was going on around him and in front of him

but he found it more and more difficult to do so. He saw other bodies

jumping and skipping by him, but they seemed to move in slow motion.

He started as he saw glowing greens eyes occasionally glance at him as

they passed.

His attention was brought back to the woman who was now just arm's

length away from him. She looked at him curiously, searchingly, Harry

felt like he was being studied by the ancient looking woman.

"Why are you here traveler?" She asked with a raspy voice, tilting her

head at him inquisitively.

"Umm…What?" He mumbled.

"She asked why you are her young traveler." Harry jumped as the ancient

looking woman suddenly turned into a stunning voluptuous looking

woman who could put Aphrodite to shame.

"Traveler?" He asked, and then jumped again as the stunning woman

turned into a ten year old child.

"You, silly." The young girl giggled. "Why have you come to this time?"

She asked brightly.

Harry shook his head in an attempt to make sense of what he was seeing

and hearing. "Well…I…you see I'm not from…"

Suddenly the old woman stood in front of him again and placed her hand

on his bare chest. "A child of prophecy I see. A destiny this one has."

The old woman was gone again and the younger appeared stepping

closer to him, pressing her full breast against his chest and staring deep

into his eyes. "He is of the fallen." She said breathily, stirring Harry's

nether regions. "But, he has not reached his potential." She said stepping


"But he will." The little girl appeared, taking Harry's hands in hers. "He

will one day be very powerful, like his ancestors before him." The little

girl smiled at him.

"Yes, he will." The Crone replaced the young girl. "But what will he do

with this power? That is yet to be known. Will he serve the dark or the


"Neither." The little girl reappeared. "He will remain true to his heritage."

She nodded with a smile.

"Youthful optimism." The beauty returned, expressing her skepticism. "His

choice has not been made firm yet."

"He has an old soul." The Crone once again manifested herself. "I believe

he will walk in the shadow."

The ancient woman stepped back from Harry. "So do we offer him our

blessing?" Suddenly the woman split as the young woman stepped out of

the right-side of the Crone and the young girl stepped out of the left.

Harry staggered backwards at the sight of the three females suddenly

staring back at him. He had to fight the sheer panic that began to build in

his chest.

"I like him." The little girl stated with a smile at Harry. "I vote for giving

him our blessing."

The ancient looking woman stepped forward again and placed her hands

on Harry's chest. "I sense the light in him…however, I also sense the

dark. It is weaker than the light side, but it is gaining in strength. Long

has his ancestors held favor with us, they have kept the old ways. This

one has not yet bonded with us, but I sense that he will. If he is willing to

do so, then I say we give him our blessing."

The crone stepped back and the younger woman with her flaming long

red hair stepped forward, stopping mere inches away from pressing

herself against him.

"What say you traveler, Harry, Lord of House Eveningshade. Will you

bond yourself to us as all your predecessors have done heretofore? Will

you receive our blessing?"

Harry's mind reeled at was happening and what was being offered. Aunt

Cassiopeia had told him about the blessings of the Morrigan, she being a

priestess of the coven. The implications for what it could do to him for

good or bad were significant. He never truly thought he would actually

see the goddess, much less interact with her. And it seemed almost


But as addled as his mind was, he knew that if he were successful in

staying in their good graces, they would be a tremendous asset to him

and his family, but also knew that he could pay a terrible price for any

kind of insult or perceived transgression against them. He looked up at

the three expectant sides of the Morrigan and sighed heavily.

Harry looked at each representation and then lowered his head in

deference. "My ladies I am humbled by your offer and of my own free

will…accept your proposition."



"us bond."

The three aspects of the goddess merged back into one leaving one single

entity. The voluptuous goddess approached him and slowly wrapped her

arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Harry did not know

that he had become erect until warm flesh surrounded his manhood.

He felt like he was in a dream and suddenly found himself on his back

with the redheaded beauty astride his hips. It was like nothing he had

ever felt as she worked her magic over him. Too soon he felt a familiar

feeling in his groin and then felt her surprisingly strong muscle

contractions around him.

The goddess as she neared her climax placed both hand on Harry's

pectoral muscles. They came together and as she screamed and his chest

suddenly burned like white hot fire beneath her hands, leaving the mark

of the Triple swirls on each chest. The mark of the Morrigan.

A/N: So what did you think? Before I get a ton of remarks about this, I

will let you know that I purposely left the Blessings of the Morrigan

cryptic, and will be explained in later chapters. I also know that the

Morrigan has many incarnations, and I used the little girl in this story

as the rebirth aspect of the goddess and the mischievous side. Would

love to get some feedback from all of you!

29. Chapter 29

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Awesome reviews from everyone. I know some of you are upset

with Harry's actions with the Morrigan, but so much of the religious

culture from the Celtic deity's to the Greek and Roman gods were

heavily influenced by sexual rites and ceremonies, as well as blood

rituals. So I felt that Harry receiving the help and blessing of a goddess,

especially the Morrigan should have a sexual sacrifice of some sort.

Anyway I hope that explains the why, but that doesn't mean Bella took

it well. (smiles evilly) Also a few comments were raised about the

flirting of the aurors while in a dangerous situation. Those of you who

have been in the military, Law enforcement, or other equally stressful

professions can back me up in this. We all deal with stressful situations

in different ways and humor and flirting to break the tension is very

common, especially with those you work or serve with closely.

I fall into this group that has a dangerous profession, and can attest

with authority that this kind of behavior is not uncommon at all.

Anyway, enough on that soapbox.

So without further ado, here is the next chapter of Passageways, I hope

you enjoy!

Chapter 29

Bleary green eyes slowly opened, their owner confused to find himself in

a bed, and struggling to remember just how he got there, and why in the

hell he hurt all over. He strained a bit to push himself up against the

pillows. While doing so he noticed the two new tattoos on his chest. They

were two identical marks, both with the triple swirls of the Morrigan.

Harry fell heavy against the head board as cloudy memories of Samhain

became more and more vivid. Did he really dance naked around the

bonfire? He remembered several pair of glowing green eyes staring at

him, and a woman…an old woman…no, it was a woman in her twenties

or thirties…no, it was a small girl, maybe four or five years younger than

he was.

He rubbed his eyes in frustration trying to recall all the details of the

evening. He sat there staring blankly into the darkness of the bedroom he

was in. He realized that this was his room in the Room of Requirement.

He was back at Hogwarts he surmised.

Looking down at the tattoos again, he remembered a pair of feminine

hands pressing down on his chest exactly where the marks were now.

Those feminine hands he began to recall belonged to a very beautiful red

haired woman…a very naked red haired woman!

"Holy shite!" Harry swore. It was a very beautiful, naked, red haired

goddess, who had sex with him! He began to panic at the implication of

his actions and how his very powerful and very vindictive wife would

take this revelation. One word forced its way to the front of his thoughts

and that word was "badly!"

Harry Potter jumped at the sudden light illuminating the room spilling in

from the opening of the bedroom door. A tall imposing woman entered

into his line of sight, and his body was tensed up and ready to flee for his


"Thank the Goddess that you've awakened!" The familiar voice stated

with relief.

"Grandmother?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Yes dear. Thank the stars we hoped that you were not permanently…

well, I'm just happy you've awakened." A small sigh of relief escaped her

lips as she sat on the bed next to him and began to look him over.

"What are you going on about?" Harry asked.

"You don't remember?" Dorea Potter asked with concern. She grabbed his

face and began to inspect his head for injuries.

"Grand moth…Grand Mother! Stop…stop!" Harry growled pulling her

wandering hands off of his head. "What happened?"

Dorea sat up straight and let her hands fall into her lap and looked into

his eyes. "What is the last thing you remember dear?" She asked.

Harry told her what he remembered of Samhain and meeting Lilith and

being told about other living Eveningshades, he told her of the bonfires

and the dancing and the disappearance of his clothes, and then

embarrassedly, related his talk and liaison with the Goddess Morrigan

and the resulting tattoos on his chest.

Harry thought just for a second that his Grandmother's mouth twitched a

quick smile or perhaps a smirk, but it happened too fast to be sure of

either. Harry watched his grandmother a moment waiting for her to

chastise him for his irresponsible behavior or shake her head in

disappointment, but neither seemed to be occurring. If any emotion was

showing it was one of humor.

"That's all you remember? You don't remember Aunt Cassie bringing you

back to Black Hills, and then flooing back to Hogwarts?" She asked.

Harry tilted his head to the side inquisitively. "I did all that?" He asked

almost skeptically.

"Indeed you did, I was here waiting for your return with Bella." She softly

chuckled. "I must admit that her speed in casting has nearly tripled since

the last time I saw her cast, and caught me quite off guard."

"Huh?" Harry asked.

Dorea tried to stifle another chuckle but failed in the attempt. "Oh my

yes, Harry. You told us all about your night and then you got this very

remorseful if not pleading look on your face when you explained what

happened with you and the Goddess to Bellatrix."

"Oh no!" Harry dropped his shaking head into his hands.

"Oh yes!" Dorea smiled. "It was very brave of you to confess your little…

indiscretion. But, we Black women have a jealous streak a mile wide, and

though we appear to be in control of our emotions at all times, we are

much like the calm mountain which hides the terrible volcano just

beneath the surface."

"Soo…I assume that Bella did not take it very well." Harry asked rubbing

the back of his head nervously.

Dorea did nothing to subdue the laughter that escaped her lips this time.

"I swear I've never seen that many spells cast, in what was only a few

seconds. Fortunately for you that none of the spells were lethal or caused

at least we hoped no permanent damage.

"I was able to heal pretty much everything, though the testicle

enlargement jinx did take several hours to run its course before they

returned to normal size." Harry gulped and covered his genitals

protectively with his hands.

"I really screwed up, didn't I?" Harry asked his grandmother pitifully.

"Well, she was pretty angry with you and refused to be in the same room

with you for the first couple of days, by the third day of you still be

unconscious she began to worry that she had truly hurt you and she

refused to leave your side and cried herself to sleep each night holding

you in her arms.

"Aunt Cassie had come over that next day and explained to her what had

happened, and explained that terrible things happen to those who refuse

the Goddess once she makes an offer. She completely vanquished any

remaining anger she felt, and now felt horrible for how she responded to

your confession."

"Wait Aunt Cassie was here?! And exactly how long have I been out?"

Harry asked in shock.

"Relax dear, Cassie did not know where she was, as far as she knew she

was at the Leaky Cauldron, and you have been unconscious for…ten

days." Dorea told him sympathetically.

"TEN DAYS!" Harry roared. "How…what…how…"

"Shh Harry, you were hit by so many spells, and frankly even Bella

doesn't know everything she cast at you. But what I was able to figure

out was that one or more spells reacted poorly with each other and

destabilized your core. It put you into a magical coma of sorts, but

remarkably I noticed that your magic was beginning to heal itself and

reverse the process, however slowly." Dorea told him.

"So Bella nearly killed me?!" Harry shouted.

"Harry…Harry dear, please calm down." She grabbed his face with both

of her hands forcing him to look at her. "Believe me, Bella feels terrible,

she hasn't slept in days. She has refused to leave your side for the last

seven days. In fact I pulled her out of the room only about an hour ago

and refused to let her back in until she ate something."

"Bella's not eating?" Harry asked softly calming down almost instantly.

Dorea shook her head slowly. "She has been refusing meals for almost a

week now. I finally had had enough and forced her to eat, I told her she

ate on her own power or I would stun her and force food down her


Dorea and Harry's attention was redirected to the door that was being

pushed slowly open. Silhouetted by the light from the next room, a very

thin and hollow looking Bellatrix Black stood looking into the room.

Their eyes immediately found the other's and Harry saw the sadness and

regret in her dim green eyes, a reflection of his own regretful and

apologetic eyes.

Harry had barley time to see a single tear fall down her right cheek

before Bella became a blur of motion and within half a heartbeat had

launched herself on top of her husband. Wet tearful kisses rained down

on Harry's face and neck, Harry threw his arms around her and tried to

hold her tightly to him while whispering his heartfelt apologies to his


Andromeda quietly stood and smiled warmly at the young couple and

then quickly made her way out of the room and closed the door behind

her. The two teens needed their privacy at the moment; she imagined

that this whole incident would bring the two lovers even closer together.

They would undoubtedly come to realize how much they loved each

other and reaffirm their commitment to one another. Either that or they

would kill each other. But she was pretty confident in the former.


It was nearly two hours later that Harry and Bella emerged from their

bedroom; both had swollen lips and flushed faces from whatever activity

they had been up to. Dorea's eyes twinkled knowingly at the pair as they

came into the commons area.

Andromeda, Narcissa, and Lily shot to their feet as the married teens

entered. Lily looked like she wanted to run and jump into Harry's arms

but she held herself back, but definite tears of joy began to fall from her

eyes at the dark haired boy that she had begun to think of as family.

Dorea and the girls were not the only ones that were present though.

Harry looked around in surprise as he noticed his grandfather Charlus,

Alastor Moody, and Arcturus Black seated at a table with stacks of

parchment spread over the top of it.

"Good to see you up and about Harry!" Charlus intoned amiably. "You

had us worried there for a time."

"Well, it never is wise to upset a daughter of House Black." Arcturus

smirked with pride at the powerful abilities of his niece.

"Yes, be that as it may." Dorea began glaring at her brother. "There is

much to discuss. Much has happened since your…unfortunate incident

with your lovely wife." Dorea chuckled, lightening the mood after seeing

Bella wince at her uncle's remark.

"What's happened?" Harry asked worriedly.

"A shite storm boy…uh…my lord." Moody stated gruffly turning around.

Harry had to suppress a laugh. Moody was anything but politically

correct in his character, which made him in Harry's mind one of the most

honest people he knew outside of his family.

"I really think we should have postponed this meeting till Harry was

more himself." Dorea protested. "Perhaps in a day or two." She offered.

Arcturus shook his head. "No we need to move on this quickly, if we're to

avoid the coming chaos."

"I'm confused." Harry stated, approaching the table with Bella in tow.

"What's happened?"

"Dumbledore and that shite for brains Lord Pucey is what has happened!"

Moody growled.

Charlus saw the confusion in Harry's eyes and continued for Moody who

had taken a long swig of a hip flask. "On Samhain a special group of

aurors were sent on a reconnaissance mission of a suspected training

facility. This facility was suspected of training new recruits to be the

Purist Party's foot soldiers, Death Eaters as they call themselves.

"They discovered that not only was it a training facility, but they were

using live hostages to practice their spells and curses on. Mostly muggles

they believe. They also recovered documents listing two other training

facilities." Charlus explained rubbing his forehead wearily.

"But that wasn't all we discovered, we recovered intel that suggests that a

big operation is in the works. It didn't give specifics on where or when,

but it would be during a time that would cause the most fatalities."

Moody cut in wiping a bit of amber liquid off his lips."

"We are thinking that an attack could happen at Hogsmeade Station, the

platform in London, or even Diagon Alley again during the shopping

period for back to school supplies for next year. Really we have no idea;

we are only making educated guesses here."

"So what does the ministry plan to do?" Harry asked looking in turn at all

the adults in the room.

"The Ministry? Nothing that is what they're going to do, dimwitted

bastards!" Moody spat.

"Why? Didn't you show them the documents…the…evidence?" Harry

asked stunned.

"Better than that, we captured some of the Death Eaters at the facility."

Moody explained.

"So what happened next? What did the Ministry say to that?" Harry


"Lord Pucey happened! His sprog was one of the Death Eaters we picked

up at the facility. To make a long story short, he claimed that the facility

his son was at was an elite dueling academy! Claimed that we had no

warrant to enter the facility and then went on to say and I quote: 'Our

Auror Department is running amuck! Chasing shadows and harassing the law

abiding citizens with ranting's of dark wizards and conspiracy theories of

overthrowing the government!

"This body of law can no longer afford to allow this kind of unchecked

paranoia to exist! I demand an investigation into the recent actions of the

DMLE and move for an immediate reorganization of the Auror and Hit

Wizard departments starting with its leadership!'

"Well, the shite really hit the badger with those comments. Director

Crouch went on a rampage, went on and on about how the Ministry had

become weak and indolent since the end of the Great War and we needed

to expand the power and authority of the DMLE to deal with the growing

threat of these Death Eaters.

"Then the shouting really began. Even with all the evidence we provided

including the tattoos of the Dark Mark on every arm of the group we

arrested at the facility and those of the ones taken in Hogsmeade and

Diagon Alley. It was ruled circumstantial and did not prove any wrong

doing on their part. Most everything was thrown out and all of our

records pertaining to the case were ordered to be turned over to a

"Special Review Panel" for evaluation.

"Special Review Panel my arse! Half of those we arrested were from old

pure-blood families. That information will mysteriously disappear faster

than a Snitch before one sentence is read!" Moody growled and then shot

back another swig from his flask.

"Dumbledore sided with Lord Pucey in this matter. He was the one that

suggested this special Review Panel; also he ordered an audit of DMLE

training procedures. He claimed that the DMLE had overstepped its

authority and is acting like a paramilitary organization instead of the

Peace Keepers they were organized to be.

"He also demanded an investigation into all recent actions of the DMLE.

This seemed to encourage Lord Pucey in his ranting's about the DMLE.

Here watch this." Arcturus stated tapping a runic pattern on the Pensive

that was in the middle of the table. A projected memory of the

Wizengamot meeting rose from the silvery liquid and begun to play.

"Once again all this so called evidence is circumstantial, if not a complete

fabrication! Where is the physical evidence? Where are these alleged muggles

you claim were prisoners? You ask us to expand your powers and in the same

breath ask us to condemn these young people on what amounts to hearsay,

and the 'questionable' pensieve memory of a halfblood auror who is not a

native Britain and undoubtedly holds animosity toward the law abiding

purebloods of elite society!"

"My Lords and Ladies, what we have here is obvious to even the lowliest of our

society, the DMLE is stirring up a false hysteria of dark lords and terrorist

armies in a bid to increase its own power and in doing so would reduce us to a

police state usurping the power of the Minister and the Wizengamot!

"Here is the true threat to our government and our way of life! A power

hungry DMLE anxious to use any excuse, including imagined dark lords to

pursue its own ends of subverting our government!" Pucey pontificated.

Shouts rose up throughout the hall as all sides clamored to be heard.

Crouch and his office were on their feet denying such heinous

accusations, but a larger group was calling for his dismissal and the

reorganization of the DMLE, some even suggesting it's dismantle



"ORDER! I will have order in these proceedings!" Albus Dumbledore thundered

from his chair as Chief Warlock, bringing the gavel down hard three times.

The memory ended and Harry sighed deeply. "So what was the result of

the meeting then." Harry asked almost afraid of the answer.

Moody had a look of fury in his eyes as he spoke. "They have utterly

trashed our training program, cut out everything useful and left us with a

program a fourth year Hogwarts student could pass. They've neutered us,

boy; they've cut our numbers in half and on top of that the use of deadly

spells or curses, even to protect ourselves, has been made illegal and

would be cause for immediate dismissal from the DMLE and possible time

in Azkaban.

Harry grimaced. "Bloody hell. So what do we do now?"

"We do what they feared the DMLE was becoming…we create our own

army and we stop Voldemort." Arcturus said with steel in his voice.


Albus was sitting in his office at Hogwarts and was reflecting on the

passage of much needed restrictions on Auror response levels. He had

been listening closely to all the back and forth during the debate and saw

an opportunity to once again push his agenda, but this time he could use

the growing animosity toward the DMLE to gain enough support to make

it happen.

He had seen too much death and destruction over his lifetime, and

though at one time he had shared the same beliefs as his old friend

Gellert, he could no longer allow the shedding of so much magical blood

to happen on his watch. Yes, the muggles were dangerous, extremely so

and there was a risk that muggleborns witches and wizards would bring

their parent's same attitudes to the wizarding world.

The muggle called World War II or the Great War as it was called

amongst the British magical population, truly showed the depravity of

the mundane world. The Blitz had not only been devastating to Britain's

muggle population but had taken a devastating toll on their world as


It was during this time that Dumbledore and his dear friend came to an

ideological impasse, Gellert wanted to bring the muggle world to its

proverbial knees and establish wizarding rule over the world. It was a

grandiose plan and was inevitably doomed to failure. There were just too

many muggles to effectively rule over them. And they had weapons

unlike anything that wizard kind could match.

Albus remembered the day that the Americans dropped hell on Japan,

thousands were killed instantly and thousands more would perish from

the effects of the bombs throughout the years. Wizards could not fight

such powerful weaponry.

Albus turned from actively supporting a wizard ruled world to just

maintaining and strengthening the existing magical population and

keeping it hidden from the rest of the world's insanity. Preserving magic

and the magical gifts of the old families was paramount if their society

was to survive.

Gellert did not take the perceived betrayal by Albus well, and made his

displeasure known. The ensuing fight would place Dumbledore in the

annals of magical history as the wizard who defeated the Dark Wizard

Grindelwald. The truth of the outcome of that fight was obscured by half-

truths that soon became myth and legend, and since no one stepped

forward to challenge Dumbledore's account his status as a hero was

unanimously bestowed by the people.

And yet he knew that muggleborns would continue to be born and that in

order to keep their world secret, they would need to remove them from

their mundane families. He also realized that the muggleborns were

needed, new breeding stock had to be introduced into wizarding Britain

or the old pureblood lines would soon breed themselves out of existence.

The common practice of interbreeding was producing more and more

squibs each generation.

Albus was not a fool, he knew that the Purist Party was becoming more

radicalized by the hour and he knew that unlike like Gellert who wanted

to subjugate the muggles, and the purist wanted their extinction.

Three divergent paths, one wanted to rule them, one wanted to destroy

them, and he wanted to use them. There was no foreseeable outcome

with the other two plans that would not incur the wrath of the muggles.

They were too many and too powerful. Their world would be exposed

and they would be destroyed by the aggressive muggles who feared

anything they did not understand. The witch burnings were evidence of


No, it was for the Greater Good of the magical world to remain hidden

and use the new infusion of muggleborn magical blood to reinvigorate

the growing stagnation of the old families. But he could not and would

not allow for the unnecessary shedding of blood of the old lines. The loss

of the many magical gifts and talents in those lines must be preserved at

any cost.

Tom and his movement must be brought into his way of thinking before

things got any worse; the revelation of the training facility had been

surprising, it reminded him of similar facilities that Gellert had organized

during the Great War.

It was time that he took a more active role in information gathering, he

needed to know what Tom's plans were and for that matter he needed to

know what the DMLE was doing. Like Tom, Barty could be extremely

unpredictable at times, and he needed to know what the DMLE was doing

before they did. It was time to organize his own spy network.

Turning to the large bright red and orange colored phoenix that was

quietly sitting on his perch to the left of him, he asked. "So what should I

call this order of spies my old friend?"


A/N: I know, I know, this is shorter than my usual chapter length, but

things in RL have been crazy and I haven't had much time to sit and

write. But I wanted to get something out to you this weekend. Things

should get back to normal here in another couple of weeks and my

updates will become more regular.

S/N: So this is a bit of a filler chapter, but it does give some insight into

Dumbledore and the pre-Voldemort war Ministry and the DMLE. At this

point things will begin to move a bit faster as the lines begin to become


I hope that you enjoyed the chapter and hope that you would leave your

comments or reviews. Until next time Thanks!

30. Chapter 30

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Well as I expected, the last chapter was not well received by some,

it happens, but I am grateful to those who despite the failings of the

chapter made positive and encouraging comments. My muse went on

holiday over the last couple of weeks and did not warn me and I found

this chapter a bit rough to write, but it does set up nicely the next


Again a big thank you to all those who continue to read and review, it is

a learning process for me as I work on my writing skills and imagination

to bring out in print what I have swirling around in my head…as scary

as that can be! : )

Now without further ado here is the latest chapter of Passageways.

Chapter 30

A dark grey cloaked individual made his way unmolested through the

Atrium of the British Ministry of Magic. Passing by the security desk the

desk officer gave a quick nod, not that he recognized the person because

his hood was up, but because he recognized the cloak and the insignia on

the collar. The cloaked individual passed by the central fountain and

without a backwards look tossed a galleon over his shoulder into the

flowing water. A little wish for luck never went amiss.

He entered a lift and pressed the button that would take him to the ninth

floor. The lowest level or so many believed, of the government building.

Arriving at the floor the metal doors parted and he stepped out. He

walked with purpose as he made his way to his destination. The hall was

empty which was not that unusual during this time of year.

It was nearly Yule and many employees were enjoying a Holiday break,

leaving but a skeleton crew to keep essential services going such as the

Floo Network, and the DMLE offices. This was the best time to be here if

one wanted to go unnoticed. He came to the end of the corridor and

rested his hand on a brass doorknob in the center of a large ebony door.

He turned the knob and strode forward in to a dimly lit room with

several other doors that surrounded the circular room.

The door behind him closed silently and then the doosr along the wall

began to spin. He ignored the spinning doors and made his way to the

center of the room. Drawing a small silver dagger from a pocket in his

robe and then piercing the tip of his right index finger. Blood quickly

came to the surface and pooled into a bubble on the very tip.

He sank to one knee and then with the bloody finger began to trace an

intricate rune on the floor at the very center of the room. Once he

finished he stood and took three steps back. The rune began to glow a

blood red and then disappeared. A second later a golden rectangular

glow appeared on the floor, and then the rectangle began to rise pulling a

door seemingly from out of the floor.

Once the door had reached seven feet in height it stopped. The cloaked

individual then took the bleeding finger and traced a small circle on the

door, which resulted in a gold doorknob appearing. He placed his hand

on the doorknob at then pushed open the door and then stepped through.

The door way, lead to what would be considered an ordinary looking

room, nothing in the room screamed SECRET or MYSTERY, or

FORBIDDEN knowledge, but that was exactly what the room contained.

Forgotten tomes and scrolls of spells, curses and old pagan rituals that

had been lost to time, at least that's what the Ministry hoped. There were

also other things here that were best kept secret and out of the hands of

the common witch or wizard.

It was one of these other things that had brought the Unspeakable here

today, a knowledge that would be explosive in nature if it were brought

to light, and information that could destroy the beliefs of many in the

wizarding world. Knowledge so frightening to the Traditionalist, that it

was immediately sealed and hidden away here in the Room of Forbidden


The design of the room, however, wasn't anything that one would

consider exciting or earth shattering. If anything it looked like a modest

library, the kind that you might find in any stately manor. There were

bookshelves that covered three of the four walls, one single but large

desk was found in the center of the room, and a few bell jars scattered

about that contained only Merlin knew what.

The man moved to the bookshelves immediately to his left. His finger

browsed over the spines of several books looking for a particular title. It

took him but a minute or two before he found what he was looking for.

Smiling to himself he read the title, Pedigree.He drew his finger down the

length of the spine, from top to bottom and then stated clearly: Open!

He stood back and watched the bookshelf recess back about a foot before

sliding sideways into the wall. Beyond the bookshelf was a small room

with a large granite pedestal and seated upright on the pedestal was a

large leather bound was two feet in height and four feet long and nearly

twelve inches thick.

It was a large ledger; to be precise it was THE LEDGER. The ledger that

contained all the extinct bloodlines that weren't so extinct after all. A

tome which would disprovethe pureblood dogma about 'mudbloods', and

which could send the magical world into political chaos. It was proof that

muggleborns did not "steal" their magic or that they were an anomaly of

nature, but in fact came from existing magical lines.

Pollux Black lowered his cowl, and walked slowly toward the book, while

at the same time chanting and waving his wand in complicated patterns

dispelling the many wards that surrounded the Forbidden tome. It took

nearly ten minutes of constant casting before he was able to physically

touch the ledger. Though he could touch it, he could not remove the

book without tripping wards that would alert the head of the

Unspeakable Department.

Nearly seventy familiesthought extinct were represented in the ledger

that was compiled in the nineteen-thirties. An epidemic of Dragon Pox

was used to conceal an Unspeakable project to solve the Muggleborn

question of where their magic came from. Free vaccinations were offered

to the muggleborn population and surreptitiously their blood was

collected for study.

Never would they have believed what would come of this research, every

single muggleborn that was tested was shown to have been descendant

from a lost magical line, or descendant from a current existing line. It

was determined that all muggleborns were descendant of a squib, whose

magic lay dormant and then suddenly reemerged in one of their


The social as well as political ramifications of this research would be

frightening to the pureblood ruling class. There were actually

muggleborn witches and wizards who could claim Head of House status

of some notable houses because they were direct descendants of former

Lords, displacing some current lords in the Wizengamot. Inheritance of

titles within the magical community always went through the eldest son

and in a few families could be the eldest child no matter the gender.

He would start with those that were amongst the original fifty founding

families. There were only twenty founding families still alive, at least that

was what was thought until the lineage check of muggleborns occurred in

1932. Twenty-four of the remaining thirty families were found during the

muggleborn lineage research, six Founding names were still missing, the

families of Melville, Sinclair, Granger, Columba, Dàsachtach, and Mac


Three hours later he had his list in hand, and would now begin the

process of trying to track down the families in secret. He would not

approach them just yet, he merely wished to learn if they were all still in

the country. Once he learned the disposition of each family, he, his

brother Arcturus, and Charlus would begin to approach the families and

begin to lay the groundwork for the greatest potential coup that any

magical government had ever faced.


Seven weeks had passed since Samhain and the Yule holiday was soon to

begin for the residents of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The weeks prior had been busy for Harry and his new family. He had

officially organized the Marauders but unlike the original quartet from

Harry's timeline, this incarnation of the infamous band of mischief

makers did not include the boy that had betrayed his parents.

Pettigrew had shown his true colors earlier in this timeline, as he was

seen more and more often in the company of the Lestranges and Carrows,

and had become the mouthpiece in Gryffindor Tower for the junior Death

Eaters trying to sway other purebloods to the Purist's view of the

muggleborn infestation.

This incarnation of the Marauders included not only the original other

three members but also now included Lily, Narcissa, and Andromeda.

Harry and Bella directed the group from the outside giving them ideas

and targets. Where the Marauders of old would prank just for the sake of

pranking, now, they had a specific agenda, a moral imperative to combat

the influence of the Purists and junior Death Eaters.

Sirius and James were masters of execution and subtlety, but

surprisingly, it was Lily and Narcissa who were the most inventive of the

group, creating cruel yet masterful schemes of mayhem and chaos,so

much so that Lestrange and the junior D.E.'s took to traveling in groups

of three or more when not in their Common's room.

Lestrange and his group had not been quiet either, hexing and cursing

any 'mudblood' they could isolate and promoting their own bigoted views

amongst the right kind of families,but reprisals from the Marauders were

usually swift and caused no small amount of trepidation for Lestrange's

lackeys. The attacks seem to happen without warning and in public

places where the whole student body could see the humiliating effects.

The identity of these Marauders was unknown to the rest of the faculty

and student body and was becoming a sore point with Dumbledore. His

usual network of spies, (i.e. the portraits, ghosts, and House Elves) were

claiming they had no clue as to who was responsible. He was flummoxed

at this seeming lack of cooperation from the castle. As the Headmaster of

the school, he held control of all the wards and magics within the ancient

edifice, but of late his requests and orders seemed to go unheeded.

Dobby, who had received instructions from Harry to spy on the young

Death Eaters during their meeting in the Forbidden Forest on Samhain,

had given Harry a list of all those who attended and a list of those the

young D.E.'s would be trying to recruit. It was a bit surprising how many

non-Slytherin's had been on the list, including Gryffindor Peter Pettigrew.

Andromeda and the younger Marauders were given the assignment of

recruiting students amiable to their cause and to also attempt to recruit

those who were on the fence about which faction to join. By the middle

of December there were distinct battle lines drawn between those of the

bigoted Purist movement and those of the Equality movement.

The family, as Harry now called the Potter-Black coalition had not been

resting on their laurels either. Arcturus and Charlus used their

considerable combined political power, to disrupt the Purist agenda

within the Wizengamot foiling as much as possible any legislation that

was perceived as exclusionary or down right bigoted.

Unfortunately, they were not successful in stopping every piece of

legislation, such as the Werewolf registration act, or the Muggleborn

business tax, a twenty-five percent flat tax on all muggleborn owned

businesses, and also the prejudiced Muggleborn Exclusionary Law, which

prohibited all muggleborn from holding office or directorships within the

Wizengamot and Ministry respectively.

Dorea had continued to find out more about the Brotherhood of the Fox,

she had discovered that the origins of the group coincided with the

disappearance of the Eveningshade Clan. Harry had given her a list of the

Thirteen, provide him by Lilith who had spent a life time uncovering the

names, these were the thirteen families who took over the Eveningshade

Wizengamot seats when they had been wipeout.

She had been stunned at the list which included not only dark leaning

families but some prominent light leaning families as well. The Black spy

network was working overtime to discover the links between the Thirteen

and the Brotherhood, hoping to trace back to a single source. Someone

still had to be directing the Brotherhood and she wanted to know who.

Not only for Harry, but for her friend who was tortured and killed by this

mercenary group.

Lilith and Aunt Cassie since Harry's awakening, had been meeting with

the young lord daily, and along with his education from the Hogwarts

ghosts had been instructing him in the ancient ways and in Eveningshade

magic. Harry had taken to learning both with an eager and ravenous

appetite. He relished the family history he was able to glean from the last

living Eveningshade before the genocide, and at the same time developed

a deep seeded yearning for revenge on those who perpetrated the heinous


He was also taken to meet with the heads of three other large covens that

represented a large number of 'Fringe' families. His natural leadership

shown through as he spoke with the various leaders and explained how

the winds of war were soon upon them, and that the neutral and gray

families would not be left alone, they would be forced to support one side

or another. But Harry assured them that a third option was on the table;

an alliance with the House of Eveningshade, an alliance to unite the

neutral, gray, and Fringe factions under one banner.

Before his speech, Lilith had whispered it amongst the matriarchs that

Harry had received the blessings of the Morrigan and bore her marks

upon him. This seemed to cause quite a stir with the priestesses of the

faith and was cemented further when a large crow flew down and

reposed upon Harry's shoulder while he addressed them.

Lilith used the devotion of the matriarchs to their faith in rallying their

support for her lord. Once the matriarchs were convinced of the

Goddesses' chosen one, it was easy to convince those of their respective

covens to consider an alliance with House Eveningshade.


The ever astute Dorea Potter knew that once word spread about Harry

throughout the many families of the covens, that the Ministry would soon

have multiple witnesses verifying that House Eveningshade had returned.

It was her hope that with this revelation those families of the

Wizengamot who were in collusion with the Brotherhood would reach

out to the group once again.

Her knowledge of the thirteen families involved with the attacks, gave

her spies targets to watch and to inform her who the families were

meeting with. However, a firmer statement to the Thirteen was about to

happen. The family had agreed upon its first target, a physical

manifestation that the Eveningshades had returned and were out for


It was planned that two days before Yule, the Wizarding world would

once again tremble in fear at hearing the nameEveningshade,cementing

the rumors as hard fact. An unsuspecting pureblood family was about to

receive unwelcome guests, but they would be only the first of a war of

retribution, and according to the "Old Laws" blood feuds were still


In their own arrogance, the elite of the Old Houses of the Wizengamot

had left open an avenue in which House Eveningshade could legally

exact its revenge without fear of judicial reprisal. And Dorea inwardly

smirked at the hubris of those same members who took advantage of the

same law in 1810 against her grandson's family, how symmetrical and

poetic will be their destruction.


Kreacher, Dobby, and Winky had been hard at work repairing the old

Eveningshade mansion in Yetholm, and had finally finished their

endeavors. The finished home had twenty bedrooms, two formal and

three informal dining rooms, one Grand Ball room and a smaller more

intimate ball room, a large reception gallery with several portraits of

Eveningshade lords and ladies that span back several generations, a large

hearth dominated the room which had a secure floo.

The grounds consisted of several gardens including a hedged labyrinth

and various fountains and a large pond stocked with trout and salmon.

There was a large paddock, and stables, though there were no horses yet,

but in time there would be. A large orchard dominated the eastern part of

the property, apple and pear trees abounded.

What the elves had not expected was the sudden influx of people

rebuilding the nearby village. Since word had reached the ears of the

Eveningshade descendants that a Lord Eveningshade had returned, they

began to come in large numbers back to the Eveningshade seat of power.

Families of all ages returned and within a months' time the village was

thriving, and growing. Thirty families' had returned thus far.

Lilith had also returned and quickly became the matriarch of the village.

Harry had offered her a place within the Eveningshade mansion, but she

had gently refused stating that the younger generations needed her to

pass on the traditions of their once great clan, and teach them about the

Eveningshade heritage and legacy as well as their innate magic.

The elves had also repaired and Harry had recharged the ward stones,

bringing the ancient defenses back online. Dorea and Charlus also helped

him modernize the ward scheme making them twice as strong as they

once were. Harry was also adamant on giving the village protection as

well, he did not want another attempt to wipeout his family again.

Harry had wanted to surround the village with intent based wards, but

Dorea had informed him that such a large ward scheme was not possible,

and even if it were, it would need an incredible amount of ambient magic

to power it, and the area just did not have that kind of ambient magic. So

in lieu of wards a town patrol was organized and would make rounds

through the small community.

A set number of alert stones were placed along the outer perimeter of the

village, and it was the responsibility of the six man patrol team to tap

these stones with their wands every hour. If a stone was missed a loud

wail would echo through the village. The villagers would then quickly

seek shelter within the mansion's exterior wards. Fifteen minutes later the

defensive wards would initiate and any left outside the ward would need

to seek shelter elsewhere until helped arrived.

It wasn't completely what Harry wanted for his people, but it was the

best they could do at the moment, and though he doubted very much

that a large force would come against his House, he did not want to leave

it to chance either.


It was Monday December twentieth and the students of Hogwarts were

making their way down to Hogsmeade Station to take the train ride back

to London. Harry and Bella had met up with Lily and would escort her

back to London. The Evans would meet them on the muggle side of

platform nine and three quarters.

Harry, through Lily, had invited them to Eveningshade Mansion for the

holidays, but they had declined wanting to spend the holidays with their

two daughters. Petunia was attending another bordering school in

Wessex, and with Lily attending Hogwarts in Scotland, they had missed

their daughters tremendously and wanted to spend quality time with the

two girls before they returned to school.

"So, Cissy told me you are hosting a Yule celebration." Lily commented to

Harry and Bella as they boarded the train looking for an empty


"We are." Bella replied.

"Aunt Lilith…" As Harry now called the oldest living Eveningshade. "…

Recommended we hold one to allow the village some face time with their

new Lord and Lady." Harry replied, shaking his head and chuckling at the

absurdity of the old custum.

"It's also an opportunity for those of House Eveningshade to proclaim

their loyalty to their lord." Bella explained giving her husband an

exasperated glare.

"Harry, like it or not, you are Lord Eveningshade and now have a

responsibility to your House. They will look to you for guidance and

protection as we reclaim our legacy." Bella told him seriously, squeezing

his hand.

"So does that mean I need to swear my allegiance, or something, since I'm

an Eveningshade?" Lily asked with a raised eyebrow as she entered an

empty compartment somewhere close to the middle of the train.

"I don't think so." Harry began

"Why not?" Lily asked. "If I'm an Eveningshade like the others, shouldn't I

do the same?"

"Well technically…um yes. But you see…uh, you are a descendant from

the main line, and therefore it is not required." Harry stated unsurely

looking to Bella for help with answering this question.

"What Harry is trying to say, Lily, is that you are a member of the

immediate family and so it is not required of you."

Lily looked at the two older teens in front of herinquisitively, and then

saw the two give each other a sudden worried look like they had just said

something they shouldn't have. The intelligent redhead had not missed

the implications of what the two had inadvertently said, peaking her

curiosity to astronomical levels.

"What do you mean…I am immediate family? That would mean I would

have to be a sister or daughter of some sort, wouldn't it?" She asked. She

noticed Harry pale at her questions, which intrigued her further.

"What aren't you telling me Harry?" Lily said, taking his hand and looking

trustingly into the same emerald green eyes as she had; a trait of every

Eveningshade. It was then she notice that not only did they share the

same eye color but the same shape of eyes as well, and the same shape of

ears with the detached lobes.

Harry looked to Bella again, his eyes pleading with her to help him out.

Bella just shrugged and stepped behind Lily placing both her hands on

the younger girl's shoulders and squeezed them affectionately.

"I don't think it is a good idea." Harry replied lamely.

"What isn't a good idea?" Lily replied staring back at him and then over

her shoulder at Bella who looked at Harry sympathetically.

"It's your call my love." Bella quietly spoke, as she pulled Lily down onto

the bench next to her and wrapped her arm around the redhead's


Harry paced back and forth, pushing his nervous hands through his hair

and began to mumble incoherently.

"Is-is it bad?" Lily asked worriedly.

"What? N-no Lily, its…it's just complicated." Harry hurriedly replied.

"I don't understand Harry. Please tell me. How are we related? What is

the family connection between us?" She pleaded with tears welling up in

her eyes. Lily stared at the young lord in front of her with hopeful eyes.

Since she had met the enigmatic young man she had felt an immediate

connection to him, an unquestioning since of belonging and love.

She saw such devotion to her in his eyes, it was only recently though that

she began to wonder why he would look at her that way? What was it

about her that made him so protective, why did his eyes sparkle with

restrained emotion when he looked at her? Why he seemed to go out of

his way to speak with her and train her above and beyond the other

marauders accept for perhaps Jamie.

It was a mystery that drove her to near distraction as of late, and this

latest incident with him telling her that she was immediate family

provided the opportunity to ask her questions, and hopefully to finally

get some answers.

Harry looked at his mother for a moment before exhaling deeply. He

slumped into the seat across from her and mind whirling with pros and

cons, knowing if he revealed the truth there would be quite a few holy sh

ts and most likely a few what the f &ks!

Decision made for better or worse he began to chuckle. "I was always told

you were an incredibly intelligent witch." Bella gave him a slight nod and

an approving smile at what her husband was about to reveal.

"What do you mean you were always told…we only just met a few

months ago?" Lily questioned.

"Not entirely true, we've met before, though for me it was a long, long

time ago, and I really don't remember much but for a few…memories."

Harry smiled sadly at her.

"I'm very confused Harry." Lily huffed crossing her arms under her chest.

"Can't you just say what you mean, you're dancing around…whatever it

is!" She huffed again in a pout.

"I see where you get it now, Harry." Bella chuckled uproariously

clutching her stomach. "That pout is classically yours!"

"Get what?! Not you too Bella! Will one of you just tell me already?!" Her

eyes narrowed at the two teens.

Bella slowly gained control of herself and looked at Harry adoringly. "Tell

her love, I think she can handle it, and if not we can always obliviate

her." Bella said casually but with a wink and a wicked grin.

Lily gawked at Bella and was more than a little concerned that Bella was

only half joking. Why was what Harry hiding so difficult to explain, and

potentially so unbelievable that she would need her memory modified.

Harry cleared his throat witch got her attention. "Lily…damn this is

difficult!" Harry shook his head.

"Lily, I'm not from…here." Harry waved his hand in the air.

"What do you mean, you're not English?" She asked still confused.

Harry laughed nervously a bit before responding. "No, I'm English, I

mean I'm not from…1971."

Lily still looked confused and turned her gaze to Bella for some

clarification. The brunette looked to Harry and he gave her a slight

shrug. Blowing the bangs out of her eyes she glared at her husband


"What my scardey-cat of a husband is trying to say is that he is not from

our time. In fact he comes from about twenty-four years in the future."

She told the skeptical looking first year.

Suddenly Lily burst with a loud and most unladylike belch of laughter.

"Oh, ha haha. I asked a serious question and I would like a serious

answer." She asked after composing herself.

"It's true Lily, I was born July thirty-first, nineteen-eighty in Godric's

Hollow, and…you are my…" Harry gulped thickly as he looked at her

with a few unshed tears in his eyes, he was about to continue but was

suddenly pulled roughly from his seat.

Lily had jumped to her feet and grabbed the front of his robes in a fierce



Surprised at the sudden turn of events all Harry could do was stare at his

mother and open and close his mouth like a fish out of water.

A gentle hand squeezed Lily's shoulder. "Lily…" Bella began softly. "I

know this is hard to believe, but, Harry…is your son. Please sit down,

Lily and we'll explain everything."

Lily let go of Harry but never let her gaze leave his. She began to shake

her head in denial. "No-no-no, that is not possible, that…time travel is

not real…it can't be true. Why would you say something like this Harry…


Harry removed his wand from the wrist holder on his left arm and

pointed straight up, his arm bent at a ninety degree angle. "I Harry James

Eveningshade do swear on my life and magic that what I'm about to tell

Lily Evans about my birth and life is absolutely true, so mote it be!" A

white light flashed around Harry as magic accepted his oath.

"Now…" Harry began. "…Magic will not allow me to lie about myself

without losing my magic."

Lily looked stunned and allowed Bellatrix to pull her back down on the

bench. Harry then began to cast privacy spells all around the

compartment, with Bella adding a few of her own. They had several

hours before they reached London and it would take every minute of

those hours to explain to Lily who he really was.


Lily's eyes were red and puffy from listening to Harry relate his life to

her, the good and the bad. For the last hour she had been in his lap, her

arms around his neck in a vice-like hug that threaten to cut off his air

supply. She had wept and sobbed, and as skeptical as she was at the

beginning of his story she eventually had accepted the truth about their


"Why *hiccup!* won't you tell me who your father is?" She asked wiping

her eyes on the sleeve of her jumper. Harry had told her everything

except for who his father did not want to place that burden on her. He

hoped that the relationship between her and his father would naturally

develop over time.

He knew that they did not start dating until late into their sixth year, and

was afraid that he had changed the dynamic between her and James so

much, that anything more could jeopardize the two of them from getting

together at all.

"I just don't think it is a good idea, Lily." They had agreed that their

relationship as mother and son should be kept secret and would continue

to address each other as they had been. They would use each other's

given names when alone or with family, and she would use his title as

Lord Eveningshade when in public.

"I've already told you too much, and I don't want to somehow ruin things

for the two of you." Harry told her.

"That's just…" She began, but then Bella interrupted.

"Suppose he does tell you Lily, then what? Do you march up to the boy

and tell him that in seven years you will be married and then have a son,

who travels back in time to save the world from a megalomaniac? Not

very romantic if you ask me, not to mention it would sound incredibly

creepy and would probably chase the poor boy away." Bellatrix told her.

Lily sighed and laid her head on Harry's shoulder. "I know, besides, I

already have a pretty good idea who it is." She said softly.

"What?!" Both Harry and Bella gasped.

"Oh please, harry as much told me so." She replied with a sigh.

"I did not!" Harry protested.

Lily sat up straight and looked him in the eyes, and repeated some of his

words before their conversation. "…I Harry JAMES Eveningshade vow…"

Bella chuckled. "Most intelligent witch indeed." Harry looked sheepishly

at his mother.

Harry's expression then grew serious. "Lily…mum, I love my dad as much

as I love you, but he is not emotionally or in any other way ready to

know this. I don't think he would handle it very well. Grandmother told

us as much."

"Lady Potter you mean?" Lily asked. Harry nodded.

Lily sighed heavily again. "Frankly I don't see it. Yes, he's cute in a puppy

dog sort of way, but he just so…so…infuriating at times with all the

pranks, he's very immature." She said rolling her eyes and shaking her


"He changes, Lily…for you." Harry told her with a half grin.

"Just think Lily, you can get an early start on him and mold him into the

kind of man he's meant to be. He's already smitten with you." Bella

smiled conspiratorially at her.

"He is?" She asked. Bella gave her a "Duh!" look.

Lily bit her lip shyly, thinking about the raven haired boy and how lately

he had shown a more attentive side of himself toward her.

"Oh okay, I'll not say a word, I promise." She said sweetly, hugging Harry

tightly again before getting out of his lap.


The train slowed as it arrived at King's Cross Station and the trio quickly

disembarked and headed for the barrier that would lead them to the

muggle side of the train only took Lily about five minutes before she saw

her parents. She raced to them and jumped into her father's arms, kissing

his cheek and then twisting to give her mother a hug. Her father

chuckling but his little fireball back down on the ground.

"Okay so the freak is here, can we go now!" Lily turned with a hurt look

on her face toward her sister Petunia. Petunia was a year older than she

was, and where Lily had vibrant red hair, Petunia had listless mousy

brown hair pulled back into a severe bun. Another difference was that

her eyes were hazel like her mother's not the emerald green of her father

and sister.

"It's wonderful to see you Petunia." Lily smiled hesitantly but warmly at

her only sibling. Petunia just rolled her eyes and looked away in a show

of disinterest. Lily's shoulders sagged and a frown slid on to her face.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Evans." Harry greeted as he and Bella neared.

"Hello umm…" Geoff Evans began.

"Harry. Harry is fine." Harry replied warmly giving the man a firm hand

shake, and bowing slightly to his grandmother.

"Daddy, this is Lord Eveningshade." Lily whispered so only he and her

mother could hear.

"A pleasure to meet you my lord." His grandfather replied.

"Please, like I said, it's Harry." Harry smiled.

"Well our daughter is quite taken with you. I understand that we may be

distantly related through my father's line." He remarked amiably.

"Indeed we are, I'd love you to visit me at my home for the New Year,

and show you the family genealogy. It's quite remarkable." Harry


"That would be lovely." His grandmother said graciously. A gagging

sound ruined the moment as everyone turned to see Petunia sticking a

finger down her throat and then making a gagging noise.

"Petunia!" She said scandalized at her oldest daughter's behavior. "I'm

terribly sorry Harry…" Harry chuckled waving off her apology.

Harry, before he could say more felt something bump into him, but as he

turned to see who it was he could see no one immediately around him.

For an unknown reason he felt uneasy which was accentuated when he

noticed another man seemed to be pushed by an invisible force.

Harry focused his eyes on seeing if there was any magic being used in the

area. What he saw worried him. As he saw what appeared to be two

figures that were disillusioned, working their way away from the barrier.

Harry then looked around to see if there were any more disillusioned

people milling about. He didn't see any people but he did see several

disillusioned objects the size of a medium to large cauldron. His head

spun around quickly and he had counted six such objects. The objects

appeared to be strategically placed. They were near the barrier to

platform nine and three-quarters placed evenly encompassing a large

rectangular area.

This was bad very bad. Not only was the platform filled with returning

Hogwarts students but it was also the evening commute home for


Everyone noticed Harry's sudden pale face and nervousness. Watching his

eyes dart left and right. "Harry what is it?" Bella asked worriedly.

"We need to get out of here now!" Harry suddenly yelled. Harry gasped as

the cauldronbegan to shake violently.

"EVERYBODY DOWN!" Harry yelled pulling Bella and Lily to the ground,

throwing himself on top of them.

The Evans and others who had heard him scream did not have even a

second to speculate what was going on when the entire platform

exploded. Fire and red hot shrapnel tore through the unsuspecting

evening commuters.

From above one could see a cloud of thick black burning smoke shoot up

high into the air, the blast was felt blocks away and burning debris began

to rain down upon cabs and lorry's, shoppers and bystanders alike. The

blaring sounds of sirens began to fill the evening air as medical, police

and fire personnel were dispatched to the scene.

People were screaming and running for what safety they could find,

panic was in full swing as body parts were seen falling from the sky

painting a macabre fresco over the city streets. Emergency personnel

struggled to get through the panicked mobs, desperately trying to get to

the train station in hopes of finding survivors.

Harry's return to consciousness was met by a sharp ringing in his ears,

followed by suffocating smoke and debris. He could see smoke and

flames all around him, his head felt heavy and swayed uncontrollably as

he tried to remember what had happened. He forced his eyes to focus

and immediately regretted doing so, he saw dozens of bodies in various

states of completeness, men, women, and children.

Harry brutally forced down a desire to vomit, knowing that it would do

him no good. Suddenly he felt movement beneath him. He looked down

and saw a head of red hair try and move and another head of black hair

shifting below him as well.

The awful reality then set in, there had been an explosion and they had

been in the middle of it. He remembered forcing Bella and Lily to the

ground and then covering their bodies with his own as he hastily tried to

conjure a shield around them.

Looking at the destruction around him he must have been successful. He

tried to move off the two girls but screamed out in pain as he did so.

Looking over his shoulder he saw his back was nearly completely black

from severe burns and a metal rod of some kind sticking through his left

leg. Apparently the shield didn't stop everything from getting through.

Gritting his teeth he rolled off of his companions.

Bella pushed herself off the ground and into a kneeling position, her eyes

took in her surroundings with complete horror. She quickly searched for

Harry and screamed tearfully as she saw his condition. Harry could see

the terror in his young wife's eyes but the ringing in his ears deafened her

voice to him. She scrambled over to him and began to cast every healing

spell she knew on him.

Lily was numb, her mind couldn't wrap itself around what she was

seeing, twisted metal and debris, and…bodies everywhere, and the smell

of charred flesh and blood. Her constitution wasn't as strong as Harry's

and Bella's and she immediately voided all the contents of her stomach in

front of her.

Lily panicked as she tried to find her parents and sister, seeing a large

form just to the right of her she recognized the blackened wrist watch on

the forms left wrist. She screamed as she scrambled over to him. She

wailed uncontrollably as the body was badly burnt and showed no signs

of life.

Movement below him caught her attention, she could see strands of red

hair "HER MOTHER!" She tried to push the corpse of her beloved father's

body over but he was still very hot to the touch. Digging deep for a

strength she did not know she possessed she was able to move him.

Her mother looked bad, but she seemed to be breathing though it was

labored. Her legs had been badly burned and her hands as well, but it

looked like her father had protected his wife's torso with his own body.

"Mum!" Lily cried shaking her mother's shoulder, but her eyes were

unfocused and unseeing and she seemed not to hear Lily's cries. She

scooted closer to her mother and placed her head in her lap, trying to

give comfort to the woman who gave her birth. It was then that she saw

the third member of her family.

Sightless eyes stared blankly into the nothingness, Petunia was missing

her whole left side; she was gone, just like her father. Lily had lost nearly

her entire family, and was struggling to keep herself together for her


Bella had stabilized Harry for the most part and was now staring sadly at

her young mother-in-law. This was not supposed to of happened, not

today, in all the history books that she and Harry had read there had not

been a recorded attack on this day. This was unexpected, she realized

that they could no longer rely on Harry's history from his time, and it

was a bitter pill to swallow.

Bella wiped muddy tears from her cheek angrily and cried out. "DOBBY!"

Suddenly a small elf popped into existence next to his mistress. His tennis

ball sized eyes if possible got even bigger as he took in his surroundings

and then his injured master. Before he could start on what would be

harrowing wails of grief, Bella grabbed him by the front of his toga.

"Dobby, take Harry home to the mansion, get him to the master bedroom.

Then return here with Kreacher and Winky and help the rest of us get

home." She stated emphatically to the small creature. He nodded quickly

and moved over to his master.

He placed some sort of stasis spell over him and immobilized him so he

would not injure him in transport. Then he placed his hand on his master

shoulder and with a small pop vanished. Bella crawled over to Lily trying

to keep her head below the smoke that was still blanketing the platform.

"They're dead Bella." Lily said caressing her mother's hair

absentmindedly. "Papa and Tuney are dead."Bella grimaced and hugged

the petite witch to her chest.

Bella could see the ragged rise and fall of Lily's mother's chest and cast a

quick diagnostic spell over her. She had sever third degree burns over her

legs, feet and hands, she had some minor internal bleeding, but was in

shock. They needed to get her medical attention and fast.

"Lily we need to get your mum back to the mansion, where we can treat

her." Bella said as the three elves appeared.

Lily shook her head numbly. "I can't leave dad and Tuney." Bella looked

at Lily and could see that she was going into shock as well.

"We'll take them with us to Lily, but we must hurry. Your mother does

not have much time." Lily turned her head to look at Bella's soot covered

face and nodded jerkily.

The elves went to work and carried the living and the dead back to

Eveningshade mansion. Bella then sent the elves to get Dorea and to

inform her what had happened. Dorea within minutes of Bella sending

the elves was flying into the master suite with an unreadable expression

on her face. To Bella it appeared to be a mixture of rage and anguish, but

there was much more there that she could not decipher.

Dorea was directed to Lily's mother, Rose, who was in critical condition.

With a practiced healing hand from treating scores of witches and

wizards who were victims of the first war, she set to work in healing her

grandson's other grandmother with fierce determination.

Meanwhile Bella was comforting her own husband and casting numbing

spells on his back. Winky surprised Bella with her own knowledge of

healing spells and had vanished the metal rod from his leg and healed the

wound and closed it up with nary a scar.

Harry's own magic helped in the healing of the burns that covered his

back and the backs of his legs. He would be healed within a few hours

though his skin would feel tender to the touch for several days more.

Aunt Cassie and Lilith had also arrived and were helping Dorea with Rose

Evans, because Lilith was a muggle, she had no inner magic to help heal

her body, and so she would need at least a week or two before she felt

strong enough to be up around. Lily had not left her mother's side since

they arrived and was being comforted by Lilith.

It amused the ancient witch and warmed her heart that Lily took to her

so easily and felt comfortable in her presence. Lilith could feel the power

the young witch would one day wield and began making plans to bring

the young witch in to the coven as her apprentice.

If she could get her interested in the old ways, she would make a very

powerful priestess for the Morrigan, perhaps even one day take her place

as the coven's high priestess. Lilith knew she was not long for this world

and would soon move onand she saw in Lily an excellent prospect to pass

on her knowledge.


Early the next morning Charlus and Arcturus arrived to speak with Harry.

Bella had helped him down to his personal study a large office with a

solid oak desk with ornately carved top and legs, with a high back

leather more leather chairs sat facing the desk with a comfortable looking

couch off to the side. A large fire place with a black marble mantle,

warmed the room and cast the room in soft light.

Dobby escorted the two pureblood lords into the office. Harry rose from

his seat to greet them with Bella a half-step behind him and to his right.

"Welcome Lord Black, Lord Potter to Eveningshade Mansion. To what do

I owe the pleasure?" Harry greeted.

The two lords bowed to Harry. "Lord Eveningshade we bring news about

the attack and Kings Cross Station. Information we have gathered from

Ministry sources as well as Muggle." Arcturus began.

"Please have a seat gentleman. And now that the formalities are over

with, it's just Harry while we are here." Charles grinned at his grandson

and Arcturus gave a slight bow of his head.

Harry took his seat as his guests made themselves comfortable in the two

chairs across from him. Bella moved over to the small couch and sat,

making herself comfortable. Dobby popped in and offered refreshments

to everyone, as Dorea Potter walked in with Alastor Moody in tow..

All three men stood as she entered the office. "I'm not late am I?" Dorea

asked with a smirk.

"Not at all dear." Charlus kissed his wife's cheek, add nodded to Moody

who was looking very uncomfortable at the moment. Dorea then moved

over and took a seat next to Bella.

"Captain Moody had contacted me earlier this morning to pass on some

information and knowing that you gentlemen would be discussing

yesterday's events, I thought his information might be valuable.

"Welcome Captain Moody please have a seat." Harry said as he waved his

wand and conjured an exact replica of the two other chair in the office.

"Thank you, my lord." Moody grumbled and took his seat next to Charlus.

Arcturus cleared his throat. "Right…" He sighed. "On to business then.

According to my sources in the Ministry the bombing was perpetrated by

the militant wing of the Purist Party…"

"They were bloody Death Eaters. They cast their bloody mark into the

sky. It's the same design as the tattoo they wear on their left arms."

Moody spat.

Arcturus stiffened and gave Moody a quick glare. "Indeed…as I was

saying from what I've been able to learn they…the Death Eaters, used

large steel cauldrons and sealed them after mixing several unstable

ingredients together. The ingredients began to react violently with each

other, creating a dangerous buildup of energy. Once they reached the

critical stage, the built up energy burst the cauldrons with incredible


"The resulting explosion was incredibly powerful, sending waves of

shrapnel and fire in all directions. It also weakened the entire structure

enough that sections of the ceiling and surrounding support pillars

collapsed. Crushing anyone who was caught underneath it." Arcturus

stated grimly.

"Anything to add Captain?" Harry asked.

"Lord Black's information is correct, and I would LOVEto know how you

came by that information, that incident has been given classified status."

Moody growled. Arcturus did not seemed phased at all with the

accusation, and merely smirked, returning his attention to Harry.

"What Lord Black didn't tell you is the number of casualties. There were

seventy-eight people killed…"

"Eighty." Harry interrupted, receiving a quizzical look from Moody.

"Geoff and Petunia Evans, muggles, were also killed. They are…distant

relatives of mine, their daughter Lily is a student at Hogwarts and a close

friend. We were all at the train station when the explosion occurred, we

brought their bodies back with us."

Moody nodded. "Beside the eighty that were killed there were nearly

three hundred other injured, many of them critically, we may see several

more die before everything is said and done."

Harry rubbed his face tiredly. "How many were Hogwarts students?"

"Sixteen." Moody said bluntly. "And before you ask, there were eleven

parents of those students that were killed as well."

"Anything else?" Harry asked.

"The muggle authorities have begun their own investigations, our teams

got their first, but there was nothing that we could do. There was little of

the cauldrons left to piece together, so their forensics' people will be hard

pressed to make a magical connection." Moody stated.

"Charlus, anything from you?" Harry asked of his grandfather.

"My sources within the Muggle Ministry, have told me that their MI5

division is looking at this as a terrorist attack, they are looking at the

I.R.A. at the moment as a possible suspect, but of course the organization

has not claimed responsibility. But with the troubles in Northern Ireland

right now they are not ruling them out." Charlus informed the group.

"MI5, what's that?" Arcturus asked.

"It's the muggles' Elite Auror Division. They investigate any threats

against Great Britain in the country.

"Aww." Was Lord Black's only response.

"Although their resources are directed elsewhere at the moment, the

Muggle Prime Minister is aware of the location of the barrier on to

Platform Nine and Three-quarters, and he may begin to investigate this as

a possible link to the bombing."

"Minister Bagnold and Dumbledore have already met with the Muggle

Prime Minister and has informed him that they do not believe magicals

were involved, explaining to him that our people do not use or would

they know how to use muggle explosive devices. I don't know if he

bought it or not, but they are focused elsewhere." Moody told the group.

"Figures that the meddlesome fool involved himself." Dorea spat. "Let's

just bury our troubles in a big ripe pile of denial! Alastor what is the

DMLE doing about this?" She asked.

"There is not much we can do, we have no witnesses who saw the

perpetrators, and the Ministry will not allow us to confront the Purist

party about it without some hard evidence that they were behind it." He

told them.

"Even our interrogations are now monitored by a civilian appointee, to

make sure we are not violating the rights of our suspects! Give me the

good ole day's when we could use Veritus Serum on everyone. The whole

damn system is bollixed if you ask me!" He spat.

"Then we don't rely on the ministry for information gathering, we

continue to do it our way, by whatever means necessary." Bella stated

firmly earning a smile from Harry and nods of approval from the others


"Do you have any leads at all Moody?" Charlus asked.

"One, there was a bloke who was overheard bragging about teaching the

muggles a lesson, said that they would get a big bang out of it. It's a bit

flimsy but it's all I have to go on. I'll get back to you as soon as I learn

more." He told them getting to his feet.

"I need to run; Barty wants a meeting with all his people to discuss the

ongoing investigation. I'll be in touch." Moody bowed to the ladies and

then to the others. Dobby popped in and then escorted the veteran Auror

to the floo.

"Now, onto other business." Harry replied with resolve after Moody had

left. "Which of the Thirteen are we hitting?!" Harry directed his gaze

toward his grandmother.


A/N: Well how was it?! Coming up: more aftermath of the bombing and

Harry and company go hunting! Hopefully you found it better than the

last. I'm hoping my muse returns soon or in other words the crazy busy

real life settles down a bit. Please let me know what you think, reviews,

critiques (the helpful kind), and thoughts or suggestions are always


31. Chapter 31

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Thanks for all the reviews for the last chapter, your thoughtful

reviews always amaze and inspire me! The end of this chapter may be

shocking for some but I give an explanation for why I did what I did in

the Authors notes that follow. Things in Harry's world are about to get

ugly, but I hope you continue the ride with me. And now the continuing

saga of Passageways!

Chapter 31

It was December 24th and the plaza of the Eveningshade village of Night's

End, so named by the first Eveningshades that had occupied the area

centuries before, had been decorated for the Yuletide festivities for that

evening. Evergreen garlands and mistletoe were everywhere and fairy

lights lit the area in warm illuminating hues.

Their lord and his invited guests would join in the festivities, and their

town matriarch the High Priestess of the Morrigan, Lilith, would bless the

proceedings. There was an excited energy that went through every man,

woman, and child as they would celebrate the first Yule of the

reestablished hamlet.

Climate control spells enhanced by ward stones had been cast around the

village plaza creating a comfortable temperature for the festivities, which

would undoubtedly go well into the early morning hours. Barrels of mead

and homemade spirits would be on tap for those adult witches and

wizards who indulged, and butter beer and Yule punch for the younger


The Blacks, the Potters, and many heads of the fringe families and covens

would be there to celebrate the ancient observance of the Winter Solstice,

and to solidify alliances between one another.

While preparations for the Yule celebration was taking place in the

village, Eveningshade Mansion was also a hive of activity, but for very

different and very deadly reasons. A war council of sorts was meeting

together in Lord Eveningshade's study, finalizing plans to let loose the

first volley of a campaign of revenge and retribution that would end with

the annihilation of thirteen pureblood houses.

Though retribution was indeed a major reason for this war council, it was

not the only reason. It was also a calculated strike that would weaken the

power of the Purist Party within the Wizengamot and Voldemort. The

intended family was not only a part of the Thirteen, but also a financial

backer of Voldemort and its family head was a part of Voldemort's inner


They would be killing two birds with one stone as it were, and Harry was

anxious for a little payback for the attack at Kings Cross Station. He had

hoped that he would have a chance to get to know his maternal

grandfather and perhaps even one day bring him into his confidence

about who he really was. But that dream had been ruthlessly taken from

him and he had sworn that he would find the perpetrators and personally

deal with them in the most horrendous way he could think of.

Harry was realizing that something within him was changing. His

thoughts were becoming more focused and his mind became more

calculating. A feeling of indifference dominated his emotions when it

came to the anything outside of his family. Indeed his sense of

protectiveness for those he considered his family and his people

overshadowed any feeling he had toward the magical community in


Whether this was a side effect from the Eveningshade family magic

asserting itself within him or the influence of the Morrigan, who's many

incarnations included her being a goddess of war, he did not know, but

as the days went by he worried about it less and less.

Right now he felt that his new family and his rediscovered people were in

danger, in danger from multiple adversaries both dark and light, and he

would bring the entire country to its knees in subjugation if it meant that

his people were kept safe and prosperous.


"We've changed the date of the attack to December thirty-first, to allow

you more time to fully recover. We will need you at full strength Harry, if

we are to successfully penetrate the wards surrounding the home.

Though the wards are minimal, we don't want to alert them of our

presence and give them a chance to form a defense." Arcturus Black

stated from his place at the circular table, that he, Charlus, Dorea, Orion,

Cygnus, and of course Harry and Bella were standing around.

"Will they all be at the manor?" Orion asked.

"They are hosting a New Year's ball. All of their family will be in

attendance as well as a few other families. From past parties I have

attended there, it should break up sometime around two in the morning."

Arcturus replied.

"Will there be any children there?" Dorea asked pointedly.

"They have two minor aged grandchildren, ages six and eight." Arcturus

replied indifferently.

"We won't harm the children." Harry stated heading off his grandmother's

obvious next statement.

"It's unwise to leave any witnesses my lord, especially an heir who could

one day do as you are doing and seek revenge." Orion replied dutifully.

Harry sighed tiredly and pulled his hand down his face. He was still

feeling the effects from the blast on his body, but he answered

thoughtfully. "In ages past, the children of our enemies were kept as

spoils of war, raised by our people, however, their memories were

modified and oaths of loyalty administered once the reached eleven years

of age. I suggest we do the same here, we have families within the village

that could raise them as their own."

"That is a possibility." Charlus began. "There are still laws on the books in

reference to chattel obtained through conquest. Though they are very old

they have not been repealed. However, you would face a very unfriendly

Wizengamot Harry for trying to invoke it.

"Although blood feuds are still recognized, and the chattel law could be

used, you would not find a very sympathetic judicial body, and you

would have to come forward and claim them as spoils of a blood feud,

which means you will have to legally proclaim who you are and that a

blood feud exist between you and the victim's house.

"This also means that you would be exposing yourself to the twelve other

families, and risk them all coming after you at the same time. You must

be prepared for a significant backlash from this attack." Charlus

instructed them.

Arcturus began to chuckle loudly drawing every eye in the room toward

him. "Ever the honorable Gryffindor, Charlus!"

Harry gave the Black of Blacks an inquisitive look. Arcturus cleared his

throat merrily. "Harry my boy; this is an instance where you should be

more like a cunning Slytherin. If all goes as planned there will be no need

to inform the Wizengamot at all. Why would you want to?

"The Wizengamot will have no idea who attacked or where the missing

children are. They have no method of tracking them. Why expose

yourself to them unnecessarily? Granted that word will eventually get out

that House Eveningshade has returned, but they will have no proof or

even reason to suspect your house's involvement.

"Let sleeping dogs lay Harry, and keep yourself out of the Ministry's

influence and wand tip as long as possible. Now is not the time to be

honorable, now is the time for misdirection and anonymity." Arcturus


Harry sighed again and looked enquiringly toward Bella who gave a

slight nod, and then looked to his grandmother who gave him a

supportive nod as well. Realizing that the clandestine approach would be

the better option he voiced his agreement with Arcturus' suggestion.

Focusing now on the diagram laid out on the table of the manor's floor

plans, and the location of the ward stones, they began to discuss tactics

and entry points and individual assignments.


"Now, the most important aspect of magic dear is intent, and especially

so for our particular brand of family magic." Lilith explained to Lily as

they strolled slowly through the village. As they walked witches and

wizards of every age bowed or curtsied to the ancient Eveningshade


"They really respect you, don't they?" Lily asked as they walked.

"In magical society we are raised to give deference to our elders,

especially those brought up in the old ways, and seeing as I am the oldest

thing around, I'm always getting invited to dinners and events and given

tokens of esteem and such, you'd be surprised what I walk away with."

Lilith winked with a conspiratorial smile as they came to the tree line at

the edge of the village.

"Now as I was telling you about intent in using magic, the Eveningshades

have many unique abilities that have been passed down through our

bloodline, which did not come from our human bloodline." She looked at

Lily meaningfully. Lily nodded her understanding hearing the same thing

from Harry.

"You mentioned that you would be teaching me one of those abilities

today. What exactly, will you be teaching me today?" Lily asked


"Not every ability we have is offensive in nature my child." Lilith began.

"Some of our abilities are defensive. Now, not every member of our

family can access all the abilities that have come through our heritage. So

I don't want you to become discouraged if you are not able to perform

one or more of them. Do you understand?" Lilith asked gently laying a

withered hand on Lily's shoulder.

"I do." Lily nodded though her voiced trembled slightly with worry that

she would not be able to access any of the Eveningshade magic. Lilith

smiled warmly at her.

"Now, one of our best defenses is the ability to obscure our opponent's

view of his surroundings by creating a cold dense mist."

"I've seen that!" Lily excitedly replied. "In the family history book that

Harry gave me. It was used when the MacTavish attacked one of our

ancestors. They created a mist that seemed to envelop and terrify

MacTavish's men!"

"Very good, Lily! Yes, the mist has an almost Dementoresque property to

it. It not only obscures our enemy's vision but it produces a chill that

penetrates to their very bones. It is enough to make the bravest of

wizards wet themselves in terror." Lilith chuckled softly.

"So, how do I summon the mist?" Lily asked excitedly.

"Very astute Lily, there is no spell but it is a minor summoning that

occurs. Now, you must be very focused, and visualize in your mind

exactly what it is you want. Your intent will guide your magic in the

summoning of the mist." She told the young girl.

"But how is it done?" Lily asked.

"Through our…non-human blood line, you see we have a connection to

the environment around us; through that connection we can manipulate

it for short periods of time, longer if you are very powerful. Watch me

and reach out and feel how the magic feels around me, it will help you

duplicate the same feeling."

Lilith closed her eyes briefly before they popped open and began to glow

the Eveningshade killing curse green. Lily stepped closer to Lilith and

placed her hand on the older witch's chest and immediately felt the

buildup of magic.

Within seconds a slow rolling mist formed at Lilith's feet and spread

outward and all around her. Lily was amazed at how fast the small

clearing they were in filled with the dense cold mist. Soon the trees and

the village completely disappeared from view.

Just as quickly as the fog had appeared it had retreated and then

disappeared as if it had never been there. Lily turned her eyes back to

Lilith's and saw her smiling proudly.

"I haven't done that in years!" She stated. "It felt wonderful to do it again,

glad that I could still do it!" She chuckled happily.

"Now did you feel the magic I was using? Every spell, every curse, and

every jinx has a specific feel and pull on your magic. The most powerful

Eveningshades could tell what an enemy was going to cast before they

actually loosed the spell, giving them an edge in a fight, either

countering the spell or knowing deflecting it with the appropriate shield."

She stated.

"I did feel it." Lily told her new mentor. "It was like cool running water

going through you and something else, like…like a pulling sensation?"

Lilith smiled proudly at the young girl. "Yes, I was actually pulling in the

air around me and then pushing it back out in the form of the fog, my

magic physically changing the composition of the air."

"Wow!" Lily replied in wonder. "So do you think I'll be able to do that?"

She asked.

"We'll never know until you try child." Lilith replied with twinkling eyes.

"Let's give it a go, shall we?" Lily nodded quickly, enthusiastic about

learning the incredible useful ability.

Lily stood ready to give her best and Lilith stood behind her with her soft

hands on her shoulders. "Now…" Lilith whispered. "Remember how the

magic felt and try to replicate it within yourself, once your magic

responds to your desire the air will automatically begin to flow into you

pulled and changed by that same magic."

Lily focused on the feeling she had felt from the older witch,

remembering every detail of how the magic ebbed and flowed and willed

her magic to recreate the same fog her mentor had created. It started

with a trickle and remained that way for several minutes. Lily began to

have doubts that she would be able to summon the mist and the trickle

began to diminish.

Suddenly at the moment she was about to give up she heard the voice of

the ancient Eveningshade began to fill her ears with soft encouraging

words and told her not to give up. Lily grimaced in renewed

concentration refusing to let her mentor and herself down.

Lily lost track of how long she was concentrating but suddenly she felt

the trickle begin to increase to a gentle flow and then a feeling of

cascading water flowed through her. She heard her mentor whisper

'wonderful', she opened her eyes without losing focus and nearly gasped

as the clearing was once more completely covered in thick, cold, rolling


Excitement took over Lily causing her to lose her concentration and

within seconds the mist dissipated leaving the clearing as it was before

she had summoned the mist. Lily was bouncing on the balls of her feet

with joy.

"I did it! I did it!" She proclaimed loudly and exuberantly, jumping up

and down.

"Yes, you did indeed!" Lilith smiled as the petite redhead through her

arms around Lilith in a near bone breaking hug.

"What next?! What can you teach me?!" Lily asked excitedly. Lilith smiled

patiently at her young protégé. She could tell that Lily would be a

powerful and formidable witch when she matured and just hoped that

she would still be around long enough to train her to take her own place

as the teacher for future Eveningshades and a priestess to the Goddess.

"Let's try accelerating your reflexes next."


The meeting had been exhausting and Harry just wanted to close his

eyes, but Arcturus and Charlus had wanted a few private moments with

him after the others had left to get ready for that evenings celebration.

"Harry…" Charlus began. "Once the Wizengamot has learned of the

extinction, there will be a thirty day grace period for any remaining

family member to claim the seat. Failing the appearance of an heir, the

members of the Founding families will begin to take and review

applications to fill the vacant seat in the Hereditary seats.

"As an ancient house you would easily qualify but it is no guarantee of

acceptance. You must have the vote of two-thirds of the seated Founding

families. As of today we would fall short by three votes. However, you

have one thing going for you that the others do not. House Eveningshade

had a Hereditary seat before the 1810 extermination of your family.

"A well prepared oration on your part about the circumstances

surrounding your houses' disappearance may emotionally move enough

of the members to convince at least three if not most of the remaining

votes to reinstate your house." Charlus finished.

"And if that doesn't work…" Arcturus began. "There are other…persuasive

measures you could take. Such as a whispered reminder of what House

Eveningshade had done to their enemies in the past. Those horror stories

are still whispered in many old houses." Arcturus grinned evilly.

Harry chuckled. "Well let's hope it doesn't come to that."

A soft rapping at the study door caught the attention of the three seated

men. Rose Evan stood at the door supported by a walking cane. The three

men rose from their seats and as one bowed to Rose as was the custom of

all pureblood men when a lady entered the room.

"Am I disturbing you?" Harry's maternal grandmother asked with some


Harry looked to the other men and a silent agreement was made between

to continue this discussion later. "Not at all Mrs. Evans, we were just

finishing." Charlus replied warmly.

Rose ghosted an embarrassed smile. "I was hoping to have a moment

with Lord Eveningshade."

"Of course my lady." Arcturus replied. "Charlus and I were just leaving."

The two older men bowed once more and exited the study.

"May I have a moment of your time Lord Eveningshade?" She asked


"Of course, of course. Please, come in." Harry replied congenially.

Rose slowly walked into the study relying heavily on the cane she was

using. Harry moved toward her and escorted her to one of the oversized

leather arm chairs. He helped her sit and with a casual wave of his hand

silently closed the door to his study and took the seat in front of her.

They stared at each other for a long moment, and Harry suddenly felt a

little nervous sitting in front of his grandmother, though she was still

unaware of the relation.

"Oh my! Where are my manners?" Harry suddenly exclaimed. "Would you

care for some tea?"

"That would be lovely my lord." She replied with a half-smile.

"Please, I have asked you before, call me Harry." Harry told her kindly.

"Winky!" Harry called out, and as if she had been listening in to the

conversation, the diminutive elf appeared with the smallest of pops, with

a full tea service and biscuits.

"Thank you Winky." Harry told the elf with genuineness.

"Yes, thank you…um Winky is it?" Rose asked.

"Yous' welcome miss, and I is Winky." The little elf curtsied in her toga.

Rose smiled at the strange creature.

Harry prepared his tea with no sugar and with just a twist of lemon. He

took a careful sip and found it to be the perfect temperature. He sighed

contentedly and sank back into his chair closing his eyes.

Rose Evans watched the young man in front of her with great interest

and with no small amount of curiosity. He was no older than sixteen yet

he was a lord and acted like a man twice if not three time his age.

Harry slowly opened his eyes and found his grandmother's warm brown

eyes staring back at him, and strangely enough it did not bother him in

the least. She had a kind face and an approachable quality that he found

very inviting.

Seeing the cane propped against the chair brought reality crashing down

on Harry, Rose had just lost her husband and oldest daughter not four

days ago, and though Harry was extremely busy with other family affairs

which kept him from dwelling upon or even thinking about the tragedy,

she had been recuperating and healing under the watchful eyes of Dorea

and Aunt Cassie.

The events were still raw and fresh in her mind, she was physically

healing at an astounding rate thanks to Dorea's healing expertise, but the

emotional trauma was not so easily fixed. She had nearly lost everyone

she had loved and though Lily spent most evenings with her and would

sleep in the same bed, Harry knew that it would be a long process before

she was truly well and whole.

"How are you doing?" Harry asked softly and immediately chastised

himself for the stupid and insensitive question.

Rose caught the self-reproved look in the young man's eyes and smiled

internally at his youthful and innocent verbal blunder.

"I'm coping a day at a time, Harry. Thank you for your concern." She

replied earnestly.

Harry smiled sheepishly and then frowned. "I'm sorry…that I was not

able to save…"

"You saved my little Lily, Harry. And for that I will be eternally grateful.

From what Lily has told me about you, I know you would have tried to

save my husb…" Rose suddenly choked on her words and her eyes filled

with salty tears.

Harry was quickly out of his chair and kneeling in front of his

grandmother clasping both her hands tenderly in his own. "I'm so sorry. I

wish…" He whispered.

Rose cupped his cheek and smiled warmly at him through her tears. "I

know Harry." She whispered. "Dorea has told me somewhat of your life,

and from what I have heard, and what I can see in your eyes, I can tell

you are a good man, and would have done everything you could have."

Harry looked down at the floor guiltily, here this wonderful woman was

telling him what a good man he was and yet just a short time ago he was

planning the annihilation of another family. The juxtaposition was stark.

Rose sensing Harry's self-accusatory silence, continued. "I know about

what you're planning to do Harry." Harry looked up at her in shock.

"I was also told what had happened to your family in the past, and about

the threat hovering over them today. And although I might not

understand the complexities of this magical society, I know what an evil

man with followers can do.

"I was very young, but I still remember the Blitz. My family lived in

London, though my father was off to war, so it was just me and my

mother. She was a nurse and felt that it was her duty to stay and help

those who could not help themselves.

"Those were dark days in my life Harry, there was so much death and

destruction. I cursed the name of Hitler every day, praying that god or

someone would strike him down. If I had the power to stop that horror

from taking place I would have.

"I look at your situation similarly, at least I try to. Your world is on the

brink of war, add to that the families who wiped out your family still

exist today and pose a potential threat, if I understand the politics

correctly. Dorea has been educating me somewhat on pureblood politics.

I like her by the way." Rose gave a quick smile.

Rose took a deep breath to center herself again before continuing. "My

daughter, Harry, is a part of your world now, and from what I understand

she is a member of your house. Which means she is in danger as well.

She is all I have left Harry, and I want you to protect her, and if that

means that you must destroy a hundred families, I want you to swear

you'll do what's necessary to protect her."

Harry was beyond stunned at this new development, and seriously

considered hexing Dorea for her blabbering. But Dorea he realized, had a

sense about people that was unparalleled by anyone he knew, and so he

knew if she had trusted Rose with these things, she had a very good

reason for doing so.

Harry looked at his grandmother with hopeful eyes. "You don't think I'm

a monster for…well you know." Harry asked.

She squeezed his hands tenderly. "No Harry, not that my opinion truly

matters, but my heart tells me that I can trust you, and that what you are

doing is simply protecting your family. That is something I understand."

"I consider you my family as well Rose. This is your home as long as you

want it to be. I will do anything to make your stay here comfortable and


"I know you will Harry." She stated as she made to get up. Harry helped

her to her feet. "After all a grandmother should always feel welcome in

her grandson's home." She looked piercingly at him.

Harry looked gob smacked at the redheaded woman in front of him. "Did

you know that Lily talks in her sleep?" She smirked.

"…" Harry blinked owlishly.

"Dorea had entered my room this morning just as I had asked Lily about

what she had said in her sleep; needless to say neither Dorea nor Lily

would confirm or deny what Lily had spoken in her sleep. Dorea merely

told me it was not her story to share, but that I should ask you.

"So please…Harry. Tell me, are you somehow my grandson, do I really

have another family member to love?" She asked staring tearfully at him.

Harry stood and turned away from her and approached the large window

just behind his desk that looked out upon the lush grounds surrounding

the mansion. He closed his eyes tightly and sighed heavily.

"It would seem that fate has its own timeline for revealing my secrets."

He laughed almost bitterly. Harry was then silent for several minutes as

he stared out upon the grounds, and Rose did not interrupt him, allowing

him to collect his thoughts.

At length she heard him speak in a low voice almost a whisper. "It is true,

I am your grandson, but this…you knowing…complicates things."

Rose pressed her trembling lips together tightly in a bid to calm herself at

his confirmation of what she had heard Lily speak. "I don't understand

how this is all possible, but why does it complicate things? Did you not

want me to know? Do you not want me to be your…" She asked urgently.

Harry quickly turned around and held up a hand to stop her. "I am very

happy and honored that you are my grandmother, Rose. The how is a

long story, but begins with a magical room and a thousand year old spirit

of a castle. However, now is not the time to go into lengthy details."

Harry told her gently.

"So explain to me this complication." She swallowed thickly.

Harry sighed and pushed his hands back through his hair. "There are

people here, family and allies, which do not know about my true origins,

and I rather they not know."

"I can keep our secret Harry." Rose insisted.

Harry smiled at her warmly. "I believe that you wouldn't purposefully

disclose my identity, but here, while you're living amongst magicals,

there is a danger of someone pulling it from your mind. There are people

here that can view your surface thoughts at a glance, and others with

greater skill that can enter your mind and shuffle through all your


"It is illegal for someone to do so, but nevertheless it is still done.

Andromeda, Bella's sister, to give you an example, has a gift that allows

her to know when someone is being deceptive or false. If she were to ask

you a direct question regarding our family relationship she would know

immediately if you were telling the truth or not."

"Oh my!" Rose exclaimed.

"There is a solution to that particular problem." Harry looked up and

Rose turned around to look at the new voice in the conversation.

Dorea Potter walked into the room with the grace of a queen. She was

holding in her hand a rectangular velvet box. "Oh don't look so surprised

Harry!" She addressed her grandson.

"How long have you been listening grandmother?" Harry asked the regal


"I've been disillusioned since she first entered. I'm surprised you did not

notice me."

"Grandmother!" Harry scolded. "Well, I was a little focused on Rose's

presence. I didn't think I would have a spy in my own study." He smirked.

"Oh please dear, I may be a Potter in name now, but never forget that I

am also a Black and we are most expert in the art of espionage." She

smirked playfully.

"So what is it we can do for you grandmother?" Harry finally asked

shaking his head.

"Well, I knew from my earlier conversation with Lady Rose here, that she

would seek you out and discover for herself the truth of things. And

without trying to sound too immodest, I knew in which direction this

conversation would go and anticipated what your concerns would be. So,

I have brought you a solution to your concern my dear Harry. A gift for

the Lady Rose."

Dorea handed Rose the velvet box and bid her to open it. Rose gasped as

she pulled from the box a sapphire pendant, laid in the brightest of silver

settings. The stone was of the deepest blue at about four carats.

"The chain and setting is made of goblin silver which is charmed against

summoning, if you look carefully at the stone, you will find within its

center, etchings that we call runes. The construct of the sapphire

amplifies the magic of the runes." Dorea explained.

"It's absolutely lovey, Lady Potter. But how does this help me?" Rose


"Most pureblood children at least those from old families teach their

children a technique called occlumency. It is a technique that allows us

to block unwanted invasions into our thoughts by others.

"It is a difficult skill to master taking years to do so. Many families such

as ours have many secrets that we wish to guard and protect, and a

child's mind is quite easy to read, their thoughts are never far from the

surface. So in order to safeguard those thoughts many families have

charms such as this one, which blocks most legilimency attacks." She


"What is Legilimency?"

"It is the technique used to enter your mind, dear. This amulet will

protect you from all forms except from a direct attack from a particularly

skilled witch or wizard. But it will block anyone who only tries a surface

scan of your thoughts." She reassured the petite woman.

"T-thank you, Lady Potter." Rose stated gratefully.

"And now that you know that we are related, call me Dorea, when we are

with family." The regal lady clarified. Rose nodded in understanding.

"Now I think we have had about enough excitement for now Rose. You

are healing wonderfully, but you still need a few more days of rest before

you are completely up to snuff. So let me help you back to your room."

Dorea informed her threading her arm through one of Rose's.

"Thank you Dorea. We'll talk again soon Harry, if that's alright." Rose

stated as she and Dorea walked to the door.

"I am always available to you…grandmother." Harry replied with a warm

smile. Rose returned a watery smile back at him and then left with Dorea.

Harry fell back into his chair and drew his hand down his face massaging

his head briefly. It had been a very long day already filled with plan

making and familial surprises and he still had the Yule celebration to

attend. Hopefully there would be no surprises waiting for him there.


The quick vibrato of violins filled the air and the thumping tattoo of a

dozen bodhrans excited the hearts of all, squeeze boxes, pipes, flutes, all

resonated merrily in every soul as the village square was alive with

music, dancing, and merry making.

Children were squealing with delight as performers thrilled them with

magnificent displays of magical fireworks, puppet shows where the

marionettes were animated to move and perform on their own. Prepared

foods and sweets of all kinds were devoured and shared amongst friends

and families.

The earth was moving to the stomping feet of young lads and twirling

dresses of young lasses of every age, each celebrating life, love, and

family. Everyone seemed to be reveling in the magic of the night.

Harry wore a genuine smile as he looked out over his people, his family.

This to him was worth all the gold in every vault of Gringotts. This was

how life was meant to be. Free from worry of attacks, bigots, and

pureblood politics. Simply living life to its fullest with those you love.

Bella was dragging him eagerly to where the dancing was taking place.

Placing one of his hands on her hips and holding the other up and out,

she began to drag him twirling around the dance floor, kicking up her

heels. Her dark ringlets bounced around her face and shoulders, her

green eyes much like his now sparkled with joy and happiness as the

moved through the other couples. She looked absolutely stunning, he had

rarely seen this giddy side of her and he found that it made her simply


Harry began to chuckle out loud when Bella had pointed out James

trying to work up the courage to ask Lily to dance. He was standing

about ten feet down from her just staring at her. Every few seconds he

would work up enough courage to take a few steps toward her but then

stop and turn around and curse himself for his failure.

Harry was initially surprised to see so many youth in the village, and

asked Bella if she recognized any of them from Hogwarts. She had told

him that Hogwarts was out of the price range for most magicals, only

those from wealthy families could truly afford it, the rest went to some of

the other smaller schools of magic.

There were four other schools throughout the country and two more in

Ireland that most wizarding families sent their children to. As Harry

looked around he did see a girl of about twelve or thirteen years of age

that looked familiar.

"Do you who that girl is over there near the punch table?" Harry asked

his wife. "The one with light brown hair with the blue ribbon tied in it.

Bella turned and looked and she indeed recognized the girl. "Oh, yes, she

does go to Hogwarts actually. Her name is Alice Sombra, she's a third

year in Gryffindor. Andi has her as a lab partner in Herbology I believe.

She is actually dating the Longbottom heir, Francis, or Frank as he likes

to be called, if the rumor mill is true." She said.

"Look at her eyes Bella! They're Eveningshade green; for her to have that

color she must have access to the family magic." Harry commented.

"We'll have to talk to her. The Longbottoms are allies with the Potters,

but if she marries into that family we could form an alliance as well, and

strengthen the Eveningshade political support. But! That will have to

wait for another day, because I am enjoying this night with my sexy

husband and politics is not an allowed topic of conversation." She

grinned as she twirled under Harry's arm and pressed herself against his

chest, kissing him passionately.

"Now, dip me lover boy!" She gave him her best seductive smile, he

promptly dipped her and placed a playful kiss where her should and neck

meet, much to her delight.


Christmas morning came very early for the residents of Eveningshade

Mansion, many of whom were suffering from the after effects of last

night's merriment. Including a very grounded Sirius Black who had

managed to get a hold of several pints of mead, and had three up rather

spectacularly on his mother's costly acromantula silk robes.

Needless to say that his mother Walburga was not amused by what her

oldest son had done, by bringing assumed shame upon their family name

by his unacceptable behavior. He was not allowed to visit the village for

the rest of the holiday break, which was a compromise hard fought for by

Sirius whose mother wanted to have him flogged.

The Potter's, Blacks, and Eveningshades all gathered in the large family

room, where gifts were exchanged and hang over draughts were downed.

After everyone had been completely sobered up and gifts opened

everyone slowly filtered out and went about their day until they would

meet for the family dinner that evening.

Harry and Bella made their way back to the warm blankets and soft

mattress of their bedroom, divesting themselves of what clothing they

had on and quickly melting into each other's embrace. This was their first

Yule as a couple and in their own home, and they meant to spend it in

the most lascivious fashion possible.

Harry awoke sometime later with Bella's warm body pressed against his;

he loved the velvety softness of her breasts as they pressed into his chest

and the suppleness of her leg that lay across his waist, he even liked the

way her hair tickled his nose as her head lay snuggled into his neck.

Checking the time with a quick tempus spell he discovered that it was

near three-thirty in the afternoon, they had returned to their bedroom

around ten a.m. so they had been up here roughly for five hours not that

he minded but he had promised Rose and Lily that he and Bella would

meet with them to give his grandmother the full story of his time travel

and his life before coming to 1971.

They say confession is good for the soul, but how do you tell your

grandmother and mother what hell your life had been in your time and

who it was that caused his childhood to be so terrible. He believed it was

bad to speak ill of the dead, and Petunia in this reality was dead and it

would serve no purpose or good to speak ill of her now. So maybe an

edited version would be better, than the unvarnished truth. Yep, that was

what he would do; as Arcturus had stated earlier it is better to let

sleeping dogs lay.


Time Jump: January 1st, 1972, 2:16 a.m., McNair Manor

They had been lucky, the wards had been turned off while the party was

going on, and were now just coming back up as the last guests left. But

they were well inside the wards now and would not trip the boundary

wards that encircled the manor. All they had to deal with now was the

wards on the home itself, but with Harry's Eveningshade ability to pass

through wards, he would be inside with no one the wiser.

The raiding party consisted of Harry and Bella, Orion and Cygnus, and

Dorea. Also in their company were two men from the village. Both

Eveningshade descendants, the oldest was Jacob Cysgod, 44, his family

had fled to Australia soon after the 1810 massacre. He was a bounty

hunter and had the Eveningshade ability of accelerated speed that made

him one of the best in the business, always catching his targets off guard

by his swiftness. He rarely killed his targets but he had no problems

taking a life if it was necessary and had done so on many occasions.

The second man was Anthony Tonalita, 38 years old. Like Jacob's family,

his fled, but to Sicily where they became successful fishermen. Antonio

had enlisted in the Italian army at seventeen and had joined their elite

special forces of the Ninth Regiment the 'Col Moschin'.

He had retired after twenty years and felt the call to return to England

and Night's End where his great grandfather had been born. He was a

warding expert, gifted really; he had an uncanny ability to bring down

even the most complicated of ward schemes.

It was an Eveningshade gift that allowed him to see the individual

magical lines that connected each ward stones to the keystone which

powered all wards. With practiced alacrity and skill he could manipulate

the magical energy within seconds, effectively disabling them.

The two men had been recommended to Harry by Lilith and immediately

had been welcomed into the strike team.

The night was overcast; blocking the moon's light from revealing the

various silhouettes that surrounded the manor. Each individual briefed

on their particular responsibility. Arcturus had briefed them on the

layout of the home, having been their many times himself.

The family bedrooms were all on the third floor while guest

accommodations were on the second. The ground floor consisted of a

large formal hall for gatherings, a ball room, a library, and the lord of the

manor's study, a formal dining hall and a smaller dining room for more

intimate settings. Below the ground floor were the kitchens, and house elf

quarters. They were known to have two elves.

Arcturus informed them that it was customary for the entire main family

to stay in the manor during Yule and other holidays, and that they should

expect anywhere from fifteen to twenty people, including the two under

aged grandchildren.

The stillness of the night air, drew Harry into self-reflection as he

considered what he was about to do. He found himself in conflict with

his self, realizing that he was about to wipeout an entire family, but for

what cause? Revenge? For crimes they have or have not yet committed?

Could he really justify to himself that he was judge, jury and


As he warred with himself he heard the distinct caw of a crow

somewhere behind him, he glanced over his shoulder looking up at a low

hanging branch of a large oak. Perched upon the branch was a large crow

who's black eyes stared at him unblinkingly, it spread its wings and dived

off the branch and fluidly changed forms into the now familiar a visage

of the Crone.

"My Lady." Harry kneeled on the cold ground and bowed his head in

deference to the Goddess Morrigan.

"FOOLISH BOY! Why do you worry your mind with such nonsense?!" The

harsh voice of the ancient woman admonished.

"M-my lady, I-I only fear that I may be crossing a line, hurting the

innocent, punishing those who had no part in the murdering's of the

past." Harry breathed.

"Foolish boy, this is not only about vengeance or retribution! This is

about balancing the scales, righting the injustice of our people!" She said

in a feral voice, she walked toward him, again her appearance changing

to that of the seductress he had laid with at Samhain.

She circled him like a shark in water. "Do you hear that Harry?" She

asked as she continued her orbit. Harry looked at her confused.

"I hear nothing my lady." He replied keeping his eyes down.

"You hear nothing?" She mocked. "Do you know what I hear my lover? I

hear the voices of over a thousand souls of your kin, crying out from the

dust, their blood demanding justice! Did your enemy worry about the


"Let me reassure you that they did not! What you are doing is bringing

balance to that which was skewed, forcing equilibrium back from those

who wronged you and yours. But if that is not enough for you, shall I

remind you of the world you came from, the war that stole your family.

"Here in this very manor are those who have and will kill the innocent,

just like those who killed your maternal grandfather and aunt. They will

not stop till the wizarding world is torn asunder, and everyone they deem

unworthy to possess magic.

"Is this not why the Lady Hogwarts brought you here? To stop the threat

before it grows too powerful, to save those innocents who are targeted

merely by the happenstance of their birth?! To bring ORDER TO THE


"HERE HARRY! Here is where you make your choice! Here is where your

destiny begins! Take up your wand Harry, and fulfill your destiny, rain

down hell upon all those who would rise against you and threaten that

which you love and cherish. Be my warrior Harry, and bring magical

balance back to all people who possess it!"

Harry lifted his head and the Morrigan smiled in satisfaction as she

witnessed the emerald flames within his eyes burn brightly and with an

intensity of pure resolve and determination.

Harry stood proudly and bowed to his goddess. "Blessed be thy name, I

shall not fail you or my family." The Morrigan grinned and nodded her

acceptance of his pledge. She raised her arms quickly changing instantly

into the form of the crow and flew quickly from site.

Harry turned back to the manor and let his instincts take over. Soon a

cold dense mist spread out across the manor grounds leaving the manor

as if an island in a sea of fog. It was the signal to the others to move


The team of seven all dressed in gray cloaks that seamlessly blended with

the swirling mist around them made their way unseen to the very walls

of the manor. Dorea, and Anthony cast their own anti-apparition, and

portkey wards. The floo would have to be taken care of once they

entered. According to Arcturus there were only two active floos in the


The first was in the main receiving hall located on the main floor just left

of the front doors of the manor. The second was in the west wing of the

manor, Lord McNair's study. Orion and Cygnus would head to each one

respectively. Harry and Bella would then head to the third floor and stun

or render any family there.

Anthony and Jacob would search the second floor and take care of

anyone there. Dorea would remain at the entrance and would be

responsible for the two minor children when they were found. She also

had another task that would create a misdirected suspicion on who had

attacked the manor.

Harry approached the front door and concentrated intensely but briefly

before stepping right through the solid and warded door. He decided that

the feel of passing through solid objects was much like striking your

funny bone but having that stinging feeling all over your body. Not very


Harry looked around the empty receiving room, gaining his bearing and

taking in the vast wealth on display. He smirked thinking that a major

financial backer of Voldemort would no longer be contributing to the

dark wizard.

He felt a sudden small spike in magic as two house elves popped in front

of him with their hands raised toward him. That split second of warning

was all Harry needed and had stunned both elves before they could

effectively react to his presence.

Harry then felt the remaining wards fall around him and the front doors

open allowing the rest of his team in. Without further word each went to

his assigned area and task, Bella and Harry quickly moved up the large

staircase quickly passing by the second floor and within moments was on

the landing of the third floor.

The family suites were in the west wing so they turned with their hoods

over their heads and made their way carefully down the hall. They were

about to turn the corner when Harry stuck out his arm to stop Bella's


She looked at him inquiringly. He placed his hand on the wall and

cocked his head before turning back to Bella. "Wards." He whispered with

a smile. "A localized barrier ward, just around the corner. Ah, and we

have guests." He smirked.

With their eyes glowing that well known killing curse green, Bella and

Harry stepped confidently around the corner. Twenty feet down the hall

the two teens saw their targets all conveniently watching them behind a

magical barrier. There were four men at the fore with wands drawn and

pointed at Harry and Bella. At the very back of the hall were about seven

women of various ages and five more men all with their wands out.

Harry grinned in satisfaction as everyone had taken a step back as they

saw the two gray cloaked individuals with the glowing green eyes below

their cowl come into view. "How fortunate, that you have all made

yourselves available to us." Harry said in disguised voice that echoed

through the hall.

"I don't know who you are, but you have made a grave error entering my

home." Shouted a man, who looked to be in his early seventies if not


"Lord McNair I presume." Harry mocked bowed.

"Who are you and what are you doing here!" He demanded.

"Consider me a ghost from the past, my lord. I've come to collect on a

very old debt." He grinned but with his hood up no one noticed.

"You are trespassing and if you do not leave this instant I will be forced

to remove you by force!"

Harry chuckled as two explosions were heard coming from the main

floor, the floos being destroyed, and then several screams from the floor

below. "Did you hear that my lord? That was the sound of the beginning

of the end of your House and line." Harry said coldly.

"I am quite safe from you behind these wards you filth! Even now my

elves will be returning with help, and believe me you will not live much

longer once my lord arrives!"

Harry snapped his fingers and the two immobilized House Elves he had

stunned earlier now lay in front of his feet. "Do you mean these elves?"

Harry mocked.

"Tsk tsk, I guess your master won't be coming. Voldemort, isn't it?" Harry

mockingly asked.

"Not to worry, I will be dealing with him soon enough." Harry hissed

almost sounding like parcel tounge.

"What is this supposed wrong that I have committed against you?!"

McNair asked trying to seem defiant.

Harry stepped closer to the barrier, his eyes glowing brighter. Your

House, and twelve others, tried to commit genocide against my House,

and was nearly successful. Ring any bells?" Harry asked in a growl.

"Let me give you a hint, it happened one hundred and sixty years ago."

"E-Eveningshade?!" He whispered disbelievingly.

"I'm glad you remember, it will make this so much more satisfying."

Harry stated coldly. Just then the barrier flickered and then failed.

"Thank you Anthony." Harry stated softly as Anthony and Jacob turned

the corner. Anthony had taken down the ward as his Lord spoke with the

filth who were cowering behind it.

"Now where were we?" Harry asked malevolently as he faced the



The first aurors on the seen the next morning were still shaking with

horror at the sight of a semi-circle of twenty two heads placed on the

ground looking up at the body of Lord William McNair. It had been

determine by curse experts that he had been hit with a slow working

withering curse.

Investigators would state in their reports that it was most likely that Lord

McNair had been alive when he was staked into the ground and had to

look upon the lifeless faces of his kinsmen until the curse took him

completely. Another oddity was the message left, carved into his chest.


The auror's reported that the decapitated bodies had all been lined up as

well, several feet away with twelve of the bodies having a tattoo on their

exposed left forearms. The same tattoo, which had been on the arms of

several terrorists, that had been either captured or killed over the last few


"What does this mean?" Asked a horrified Amelia Bones to her mentor

and partner.

"Obviously someone is sending a message." Alastor Moody replied with a

huff as he was going over the identification reports in his hand.

"But what is the message, and to whom?" She asked as she took in the

charred remains of McNair Manor.

"Captain Moody sir!" An red cloaked auror came walking over swiftly.

"What is it Gilchrist?" Moody asked curtly.

"We found three more bodies sir!" The auror told him.

"More McNairs?" Amelia asked.

"No, we don't believe so. The bodies are mostly intact. We believe they

may have been part of the group that attacked the McNair's."

"Show me!" Moody growled and he and Amelia followed the other Auror.

"They were found nearby the back entrance to the manor. It looks like

the McNair's did put up some kind of defense fight." He replied pointing

out the three bodies.

Moody and Amelia knelt over the bodies to get a better look at them. "Do

you recognize them?" Amelia asked.

Moody scowled and flipped one of the bodies over with a wave of his

wand to get a better look at him and then the others. "Two of them look

familiar, can't place where I know them from though. The third I can't

place at all."

"Look at this sir!" Amelia said pointing to a small tattoo on each man's

right wrist.

"Looks to be a tattoo of a small dog." Gilchrist stated.

"Nope…it's a fox." Moody stated thoughtfully.

"Gilchrist! Make sure this is in your report. I believe what we have here

might be a rival group of the Death Eaters." Moody informed him matter-


"Sir, that's quite an assumption to make." Amelia commented to her


"Not an assumption Ami, a lead that we need to explore. I want the

description of that tattoo out to all media sources." He told her.

"But, sir?! If we leak that information it could compromise our

investigation! And if it is a rival group it might force them to ground and

we'd never find them."

"Or!" Moody said tersely to his young protégé. "It will cause these Death

Eaters to expose themselves by looking for this other group for some

payback, and we follow the trail they leave behind. That way we get

information on both organizations and we bring them down at once."

Amelia wasn't so sure of this plan, but she trusted her mentor and would

defer to his years of experience and training.

Alastor Moody looked out over what could be considered a battlefield.

The aurors under his command gathering what evidence they could. The

bodies had been identified and tag and were being sent to the morgue

beneath St. Mungos for further investigation.

"So it begins." He whispered. "I hope you know what you and that

grandson of yours is doing Dorea." With that last thought he turned on

the spot and disapparated. It was going to be a very long day and he had

a bottle of Ogden's Finest with his name written on it back in his office.


A/N: Well I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. I know some of you will be

upset with how Harry acted in this chapter and will say it is completely

out of character for him. Or at least it was too sudden of a change.

But I think I have provided sufficient reasons for why Harry would

suddenly take a harder outlook on what he is doing in this time. With

the recent Kings Cross incident, coupled with what has already

happened in Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade and the slap in the face with

a heavy dose of reality from the Goddess and I think I have created an

evolution of sorts for Harry's change in attitude.

As always, your reviews, thoughts and critiques are welcomed and

encouraged. Flames are ignored but well thought out and explained

criticism is accepted and considered.

Stay tuned as the fallout of this incident is felt in all camps! Thanks

again for reading my little story!

32. Chapter 32

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: I'm so sorry I have not updated in so long. I've been dealing with

illness for the past couple of months and it has taken quite a toll on me,

not only physically but creatively as well. I'm doing better but it has

been a challenge to get back into a groove with my writing.

I'm sorry that this chapter is so short and admittedly not my best, but I

wanted to get something out before everyone thinks I've abandoned the

story. The next chapter is already percolating in my brain and will be

much longer and hopefully better written than this one.

I sincerely appreciate all the reviews and for all of you who have PM'd

me wondering about an update. I hope this satiate you for now. Expect

my next chapter in about two weeks. Thanks again to everyone who

takes time out of their personal lives to read my little story. So until

next time, I hope you enjoy this latest chapter of Passageways!

Chapter 32

Platform Nine and three-quarters on Monday January 3, 1972, was unlike

anything that anyone had seen since Grindelwald's reign of terror during

the mid-1940's. Red robed Aurors and purple cloaked Hit Wizards were

positioned all along the platform; no less than five were monitoring the

newly repaired portal that leads onto the platform from the muggle side

of King's Cross.

More were watching the three connected floos in a reception area of the

platform, and another half dozen watching the only apparition point at

the far end of the platform. Parents were only allowed ten minutes on the

platform before they were required to leave and the students had to

board the train and not linger on the platform.

It was a new Ministry protocol, its purpose was to avoid large

congregations of people that could be seen as potential targets for

whatever terrorists that happened to be lurking about. Though there was

no intelligence to suggest an attack was pending, the Ministry felt it had

to do something to show strength and try to calm and reassure the

understandably terrified witches and wizards of the United Kingdom that

all was well in hand.

The events of the last two weeks had the citizenry very much on edge.

First it was the attack on King's Cross while students were returning

home for the Yule Holidays, and then the horrible massacre of the

McNair family on New Year's Eve and of course the most recent attack

happening just yesterday in broad daylight in Knockturn Alley.

The Ministry unfortunately was demonstrating quite effectively its

ineffectiveness during a time of crisis. Witches and wizards across the

country were clamoring for something to be done, sending angry posts

and howlers to the Minister's office and to the DMLE and nearly every

Wizengamot member. Hysteria began to surface, many were beginning to

believe that Grindelwald had somehow made a return from the dead and

was launching a second campaign of world domination.

Only a handful of people knew the entire truth, and they were keeping

their silence. Captain Alastor Moody was one of these people. He was

confederate in a plan to bring down not only the terrorists organization

known as Death Eaters and the Purist Party led by Tom Riddle; aka Lord

Voldemort, but also to expose the Brotherhood of the Fox.

It was the Brotherhood that was deeply concerning to his longtime friend

and yes savior; Dorea Potter, who had patched him up more times than

he could count during the Grindelwald war. He owed her a life debt a

few times over.

Of course he knew who had been responsible for the Macnair attack, and

who had planted the three bodies belonging to the Brotherhood. He was

playing his part in the dangerous game of misdirection that Dorea had

come up with. He even let certain information about the "suspected"

handler of the Brotherhood agents.


Auror squad room, desk of Auror Captain Alastor Moody. Seven hours after

initial investigation of the Macnair massacre.

Auror 1st class Blake Jackson strolled innocuously into the squad room. He

greeted his fellow Aurors with a nod and an easy grin, making small talk here

and there. He paid extra attention however to those Aurors who had

participated in the Macnair investigation, making subtle inquiries into their


Alastor had immediately locked eyes on the Auror as soon as he had walked

in. He had to force himself to keep a neutral look on his face as he watched

the man in boiling contempt. Thanks to Harry's pensieve memories of the

future and a few books about the coming war from the Room of Requirement,

Moody had learned of the five aurors within the DMLE who were Voldemort

spies and who conspired with other Death Eaters spies within the Ministry to

nearly bring down said Ministry in 1980.

"Oi Cap'n!" Jackson greeted Moody as he approached his desk. "Nasty business

this Macnair case, eh?"

Moody glared at the short pudgy auror, a typical response from the older

veteran. "Nasty business is it?!" Moody growled incredulously.

"A whole bloody family was wiped out!" Moody barked, playing up his part.

"I meant not'in by it cap'n." Jackson replied hurriedly. It would do no good to

piss Moody off if he wanted to learn anything for his lord. "It's a terrible t'ing

it is! Any leads on who dunnit?" Jackson asked hopefully.

And here it was, Moody thought. The bloody traitor was trying to glean what

information he could to pass on to the Dark wanker. Moody grinned to

himself; Voldemort took a significant financial hit with the Macnair fortune

effectively being taken from him, not to mention the Malfoy fortune since

Abraxas Malfoy fled the country.

He imagined that Voldemort wanted some answers and some payback from

whoever had perpetrated the hit on the family. And this toady in front of his

desk was to get that information. Dorea had been right; 'of course she was.'

Moody inwardly chuckled, that clever lady usually was. She predicted that

Voldemort would not let this attack on one of his inner circle go unchecked for

very long. Less than eight hours to be exact!

"Nothing I care to share with you Jackson! You know protocol on open cases;

only those assigned to the case are authorized to know details." Moody stated,

but in an exaggerated move he closed the open file in front of him and slipped

it under a stack of other folders. Jackson saw the move and Moody noticed

the sudden glint in Jackson eye.

'Like taking candy from a baby.' Moody mused.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with the director to get to." Moody

stood and then walked toward the outer squad room door. As he approached

the door he looked back surreptitiously over his shoulder to see Jackson trying

to be inconspicuous as he slid the file out from under the stack of other folders

and slip it into his robes.

The very next morning as the businesses of Knockturn Alley were just opening,

a dozen masked and black robed individuals popped into existence in front of

the shop of Borgin and Burkes. The front of the store was blown away as a

dozen reductor curses hit the entrance of the shop all at once.

Borgin his wife and two adult sons were dragged from their home and

executed while on their knees in front of many on lookers in Knockturn Alley,

with the specter of the Dark Mark floating high above the alley afterwards.

*End flashback*

Jackson had reported to his Lord that Marius Borgin had sent agents of

the Brotherhood of the Fox to kill the Macnair clan in what appeared to

be a case of political assassination. The Macnairs' and the Borgins had

both become members of the Wizengamot in 1810, but due to some

cheating at cards on the part of the Macnairs, the Borgins lost their seat

because of Breadthart Borgin in 1915.

Breadthart, who had a gambling problem, had incurred an enormous

debt, more galleons than he could afford. Since Borgin could not pay the

debt, Macnair demanded he turn over his seat on the Wizengamot as

payment. Since then, there had been a great enmity between the two


Voldemort ever since the latest ritual, had become more and more

volatile and unstable, a side effect from performing it too soon after the

last one. His irrational bouts of anger and paranoia were becoming

common place and it had his followers always on edge.

So it was not surprising that he had become enraged when he had heard

the report that Jackson had removed from the DMLE. Macnair and his

family were killed it seemed by a political move by the Brotherhood

facilitated by a vendetta seeking Borgin! Voldemort remembered well his

time as the protégé of Gellert Grindelwald, he himself being a former

member of the secret society until he tried to take control of the society

himself and was banished.

Voldemort thought the Brotherhoods aims were good, however he

thought they moved too slowly for his tastes. They moved in slow

calculating steps, remaining in shadow, hiding themselves from public

view. They used political espionage, blackmail, and occasional

assassinations to achieve their goals.

Grindelwald, Voldemort knew, believed he had erred in his belief that he

could take over the magical world by using brute force and terror to

conquer. His alliance with Hitler had ended in disaster as the Nazis and

their axis allies were beaten into submission.

He had planned to allow Hitler to rule the muggle world for a time, if he

had won, more or less as his puppet, but he would eventually kill the

man and take his place. But until then, he would allow the charismatic

German his time and make use of his war machine to further his own

goals. But it all fell apart, and to make matters worse he was defeated by

Albus Dumbledore his onetime friend and possibly more.

Many believed that Dumbledore had killed the man, but in fact had

gotten lucky with a disarming spell. Grindelwald was then imprisoned in

the very edifice he had built to hold others. It was a humorous mistake

on the allies' part. Grindelwald would of course have made a way were

he could escape should he somehow be forced to take up residence there.

Grindelwald would allow Dumbledore and the allies to think he was

safely put away and he took the time to rethink his strategy, he never

would however, give up his dream to rule the world and subjugate the

muggles. It was for the Greater Good of course. The muggles were

warlike and destroyed everything they touched, he and Albus saw the

inhumanity of man first hand.

Muggles needed to be subjugated so that the world could finally achieve

the peaceful Wizarding ruled utopia he and Albus had envisioned. But

Gellert went from one extreme to the other, from brute force to

clandestine chess playing.

But Voldemort believed there was a middle ground that would be

successful. Gellert's first attempt had been too large in scope, trying to

conquer the world in one go, he on the other hand planned to take the

British Magical world first then England, and then move on from there.

He would have left Gellert alone in his German home, but that was

before this latest incursion against him.

Gellert's interference with one of his financiers and inner circle members,

meant that Gellert was making some kind of political play in the

Wizengamot and in England, which was not acceptable! England was his

to take and he would not let the Brotherhood get a foothold! He would

send them a message to keep out of his isle, a message to Gellert himself

to stay out of Britain! The head of Marius Borgin and his family would do

nicely for a start.


Moody stood on Platform Nine and Three-quarters watching the

Hogwarts students being dropped off by their families and allowed his

thoughts to mull over the events of yesterday morning. Dorea's plan had

set Voldemort and his ilk on the road to war against the Brotherhood.

It had been her plan to get the two organizations ire turned toward one

another so as to camouflage hers and Harry's actions. From what she had

gathered from the three men she had captured and tortured, Borgin was

an important intermediary and handler for the Brotherhood in Great

Britain. He provided not only intelligence but resources. Truth be told he

was an equal opportunist, a true capitalist who saw profit in playing

every side.

However, his great-grandfather had been a member of the Brotherhood at

its inception and felt some loyalty to the organization. Marius was the

handler of five Brotherhood cells that operated throughout Great Britain

and Ireland. Each cell operating independent of the other, only Borgin

knew who all the members were, except for the Brotherhood leadership.

As such, the Brotherhood would not take his assassination lying down. It

was only a matter of time before the Brotherhood would answer the

assassination back with one of its own, and Voldemort being the

egocentric megalomaniac that he was, would of course retaliate, his ego

would demand nothing less, thus creating a back and forth feud between

the two organizations.

It was a clever move on Dorea's part; he just hoped it went the way she

was hoping it would. These were two extremely dangerous groups that

she was trying to manipulate, but if successful, they would thin each

other out enough to be better managed by others. Of course she would

continue to subtly push them into conflict with one another while

masking her own involvement. Their infighting would be enough to

disguise what they were planning to do with the other members of the

"Thirteen" now only being eleven.


Harry and Bella, had decided that they would not return to Hogwarts, as

students that is, but would use the Room of Requirement as a base of

operations and coordinate with the marauders, including Andromeda and

Narcissa, as they quietly recruited students of neutral and gray families to

the Eveningshade cause.

Harry decided to actively pursue the remaining families that made up the

original "Thirteen" and begin the political maneuvering to take back the

hereditary seats that his family had lost. Not forgetting his promise to the

Lady Hogwarts to protect Hogwarts from the horrors that Voldemort had

unleashed in Harry's past, and Bella's future.

He and the marauders would crush the young Death Eaters within

Hogwarts as clandestinely as possible, hopefully without raising

Dumbledore's attention. But Harry knew that he would eventually have

to deal with Dumbledore. Not only for his ideology regarding the

subjugation of muggleborns for the purpose of infusing the purebloods

with new magical blood to avoid extinction, but more personally for his

family's role in the extermination of his own.

Harry however reluctant to let his family go on the train without him. It

was true in his own time as it was in this one, that when hundreds of

teens are left alone for hours with little to no adult supervision that there

would be innocent pranks and not so innocent…incidents, between those

who saw themselves as better than others, and felt that their

mistreatment of those lesser beings as perfectly fine and justified. They

needed to be put in their place after all.

So Harry had given Lily and each Black Sister a pendant with the

Eveningshade crest, which was charmed to warm a similar pendant that

Bella wore to indicate they were in danger. It was charmed to activate

when the girls uttered the word "Bettlegeuse" and also acted as a homing

beacon so that Harry and Bella could apparate to them. It was an altered

scrying enchantment that Bellatrix placed on each pendant, hers being

the master.

Alastor Moody noticed the arrival of the Potters; Dorea, Charlus, and

James along with Lily "Eveningshade" and little Remus Lupin at the

approved apparition point on the platform. Dorea and Charlus gave him a

nod of recognition but did not stop to talk.

They moved forward onto the platform where other families' were seeing

off their Hogwarts bound students. A few moments later Cygnus and his

wife arrived with the three Black sisters, well two were still Blacks' the

other was now the Lady Eveningshade, though that information was still

very much a secret. They were accompanied by a young man, tall with an

athletic build, long dark chestnut hair, pulled back in a low pony tail as

was pureblood fashion for the elite, and piercing green eyes that could

stare down a rampaging Hippogryph.

This group ignored Moody completely, keeping up appearances of an

elitist family, though he did see an almost imperceptible nod from Harry

as he brushed by. They moved forward and were in mere feet of the

Potters. The two pureblood men then nodded to each other as was

pureblood custom. The niceties must be observed.

They were soon followed by Lord Orion and Walburga Black with their

sons Sirius and Regulus, who quickly joined Cygnus and his family. Sirius

upon seeing James, Lily, and Remus peeled away from his family to chat

with his friends. Orion, Walburga, and Regulus approached Cygnus and

his group.

"Is it wise for you to be so exposed my lord? Out in public like this?"

Walburga asked Harry in a hushed voice.

"No one knows who I am lovely lady. At least not yet, so I still have some

anonymity." Harry gave her a charming smile. Walburga blushed at the

unexpected compliment.

Harry had learned from her painted counterpart that the Lady Black was

a pushover for flattery and it was one avenue for Harry to use that could

soften the lady enough to sway her to him. In reality the austere woman

had already decided to support the young lord, but not because he was a

handsome young man, or his use of flattery, no, Walburga was moved by

his power and ability, and Harry had both to spare.

Plus she saw what he had done to the Macnairs, and she liked her head

where it was thank you very much! She deemed it very unwise to get on

the bad side of the powerful young wizard, and now since the Blacks

were no longer popular with the Purist crowd after they pulled their

financial support from the organization, she needed to assure the survival

of her family and since the young Lord Eveningshade was technically

family it appeared that an alliance with House Eveningshade was their

best hope to survive what was coming.

After saying their goodbyes and giving Lily an extra-long hug and a

cautionary word of vigilance, Harry and Bella apparated back to the

Eveningshade manor house. They would remain at the manor until the

student's arrival at Hogwarts and then floo to the Room of Requirement

where they would meet the new marauders.


Albus Dumbledore stood staring out his office window which looked

down on the main gates of Hogwarts. It was a perfect view to watch the

many carriages carrying the future of wizarding Britain toward the

ancient castle. His thoughts were troubled though as he knew that they

carried far fewer students than they carried at the start of the Yule break.

Several muggleborn and half-blood students had been killed or seriously

injured by the explosion at Kings Cross station and would not be

returning. It was a serious waste of magical blood he ruminated. This

generation of witches and wizards had already lost too many, with birth

rates among the established magical families at an all-time low, he feared

for the future of his people with such loss among the newer witchborn.

It was now more important than ever to hold on to the muggleborn, and

not let them stay or return to the muggle world. He had already ordered

committees to look at drafting legal bills, to…in a manner of speaking

subjugate the muggleborns to wizarding authority and jurisdiction as

soon as they were identified as magical.

The children would then be distributed to wizarding families to be cared

for and raised in wizarding traditions, all of course under Ministry

oversight. With the older muggleborns, they would be required to

become wards of these various old families and when they reached the

age of maturity the head of house would then arrange marriage or

concubine contracts to suitable families.

Still, no matter how much he tried to argue with the die-hard

traditionalist he could not convince them that they needed to breed with

the lesser bloods if they were to remain viable as a people. He had many

of his surrogates out trying to sway some of the less rigid older families,

and had seen some movement, but they wanted certain restrictions and


But if Tom and the Purist kept targeting the muggleborn all would be

lost! His antipathy for the muggle world would be the ruin of the

magical. He needed them to see reason, the muggles were far more

dangerous than the Purist realized, and if they kept provoking them,

eventually they would awaken a sleeping Titan that could literally

obliterate their world.

Those disturbing thoughts led his mind to consider the other events of

the last week. House Macnair was wiped out. By whom, was still unclear

though according to his sources in the DMLE it may have been an

organization that he had not heard tale of in many a decade. If they were

indeed the architects of the Macnair's demise he could not fathom the

reason why.

Then there was the execution of the Borgins. Retaliation perhaps for the

Macnairs? But what if any was the link between the two massacres. Was

the young couple that had fought in Diagon Alley involved? Albus did

not like being in the dark, no, not at all. And so he decided to call a

meeting of loyal friends and associates and those he thought could be

valuable to him to organize an intelligence gathering organization.

They would meet after the welcoming feast in his office. It was time

Albus thought, to take a more proactive approach in dealing with these

new threats to peace in magical Britain. He would bring order back to his

isle and they would achieve his utopia! It was after all for the greater

good of their world!


S/N: I guess there are a few questions I need to answer. First it has been

asked a few times whether Lily must remain a virgin or unmarried to be

the Priestess of the Morrigan, the answer is no. She is not a 'Vestal

Virgin'; I have not found anything that would suggest that she would

need to be. In the Wiccan religion the high priestess can be married, my

daughter is a practicing Wiccan and I've heard nothing to the contrary.

Next, the three men that were found at the McNair house were the three

men (Brotherhood of the Fox) captured by Dorea in Diagon Alley, I

thought that was obvious but perhaps it was too vague. Why were they

there? Dorea is using a tactic of misdirection and you will see more of

her using this tactic in following chapters.

The two minor McNair children were not killed but were taken back to

Night's End and will be integrated into an Eveningshade family.

And finally, I may have not made this clear in the last few chapters, but

Moody is aware of what is going on with the attacks and is helping

Dorea in her misdirection tactics, remember he is one of the few that

has seen Harry's pensieve memories of the future and is actively helping

Harry and misleading the ministry and Dumbledore.

33. Chapter 33

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: Sorry for the delay, real life has been crazy this last month. I also

want to give a shout out of thanks to everyone. This story hit over a

million views a couple of chapters ago! So, here is the latest chapter of


Chapter 33

Auror Captain Alastor Moody tromped into his office, sat back heavily in

his chair and took out his hip flask. Taking a few gulps he let out a sigh

of relief as he leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk.

Standing for three hours at the train platform was not his idea of a good

way to start the day. But Director Crouch was under pressure from the

minister, who in turn was under extreme pressure from concerned

parents about the safety of their children.

Being on his feet didn't bother him, dealing with snot nosed little kids on

the other hand was something that he found as distasteful as a swig of

Skele-Grow. His people were a crack tactical response team, the best of

the best, handpicked by him. Being given babysitting duty he felt was

frankly beneath their talents. But these were troubling times and he knew

that every wand in the Auror Corp would soon be put to the test.

His office door suddenly burst open with a loud bang as someone came

running in yelling. Moody tumbled backwards in his chair rolled over

and in one sweeping motion pulled his wand from his wrist holster and

pointed it at the head of the intruder and shot a curse but at the last

minute redirected it at the wall blowing a fist sized hole into it.


HEAD FROM YOUR SHOULDERS!" Moody roared as he recognized the

man who entered as one of his team members. For his part, Gilchrist's

face had lost all color as he felt the energy from the curse whizzing by his

left ear.

"S-s-sorry captain!" Gilchrist stammered.

"What was all that yelling about?!" Moody barked.

"W-what? O-oh…there is an attack in progress in Knockturn Alley, sir!"

"Death Eaters?" Moody asked walking quickly past the man and into the

squad room. He tapped his Auror badge three times which alerted the

rest of his team members wherever they may have been that they were to

quickly assemble in the briefing room.

"Unknown, sir." Gilchrist responded as he hurried to catch up to his boss.

Thirty seconds later Moody had entered the briefing room as the sounded

of running feet approached. The other eight members of Moody's team

entered doing last minute adjustments to their body armor and securing

their cloaks around their shoulders.

Moody looked at his squad with pride as they waited for the briefing.

"Right then!" Moody began. "Gilchrist update the team and be specific

and quick about it.

"Y-yes, sir. About three minutes ago one of our assets in Knockturn Alley

reported that a fight had broken out in the alley inside of the Green

Salamander Tavern. Our asset reports that some men with silver masks

were being attacked by men in brown cloaks. There are roughly ten to

twelve people involved." Gilchrist reported.

During Gilchrist's report Moody had made a port-key that would take his

team two blocks from the Green Salamander. He stood before his team

who all surrounded an old combat boot.

"Right, we don't know if we are entering a hot zone, so I want two

standard five man diamond formations; alpha team will take right-side of

the alley, bravo you will take left. The wingmen, upon arrival cast shields

while our front and rear points will immediately scan for hostiles to the

front and rear and engage if necessary. Remember, talk to each other;

keep your teammates aware of what you see.

"Right, on three…two…one…activate!"

With a swirl of color the ten man Auror response team appeared almost

in the center of Knockturn Alley. Though mid-day the alley was

blanketed in shadow from the tall and leaning buildings that lined both

sides of the alley. The run-down appearance lent an air of creepiness and

foreboding that put the team on edge as soon as they appeared.

Shields went up in front and in back of the two teams, the point men

looked straight ahead and behind, the center man of each team looked up

towards the buildings search for movement and threats from the

windows above.

Not detecting an immediate threat, the two formations quickly made

their way toward the Green Salamander. Each team member doing their

part in scanning their assigned part of the alley. As they came to the final

corner before coming into view of the seedy tavern they heard a heavy

accented voice distinctly speaking by means of the Sonorus charm.

The two teams halted their forward motion but each team member still

focused on their assignments. Talmage, the point man for team alpha

peaked the corner taking in the scene in front of him, four men in black

robes were in a kneeling position with four silver masks on the ground in

front of them. Directly behind them, were six men in brown robes, four

of which were pointing a wand at the back of the heads of the kneeling

men. One who was speaking and the other acting as lookout.

"Let it be witnessed this day that the Brotherhood will take vengeance

upon anyone who does harm to one of their own! For the crime of

murdering a member of our order and his family, we sentence these men

who call themselves Death Eaters to that end which they extol…death!"

The hooded brown cloaked man proclaimed.

Talmage backed away from the corner, and turned to look at Moody and

reported what he saw. Moody quickly instructed the two teams to take

positions as quickly as possible around the corner and to take cover and

flank both sides of the street putting these cloaked individuals and the

kneeling Death Eaters in a crossfire.

The two teams waited for Moody's signal to fire stunners at the six brown

cloaked individuals. Before Moody could do so, the lookout spotted them

out of the corner of his eye and fired a bombarda curse at team Bravo

sending chucks of cobblestone flying into the air and alerting his


The Aurors returned fire quickly, however they were not fast enough to

stop what happened next, the man who had been speaking approached

the kneeling men, he was being shielded by the lookout as he

approached. The man then withdrew a long curved knife from his cloak

and immediately slit the throats of the four kneeling men.

The four men collapsed forward as their life's blood spurted from their

necks in pulsing streams. The six brown cloaks then concentrated their

spells at the buildings the Aurors were taking cover in front of, causing

wood, brick and mortar to rain down upon them. The Aurors had to focus

on shielding themselves from the falling debris giving the brotherhood

assassins time to disaparate.

"FUCK!" Moody roared as the brotherhood members disappeared.

"Bones, Talmalge, Gilchrist, Brooksby! I want a secure crime scene

immediately! Wadsworth, Pennington I need witnesses, and I want them

now! Shacklebolt, Dawlish, secure the Tavern, it looks like there are more

bodies in there. Prescott, I want identities on all the deceased!" Moody

barked out.

Moody looked over the scene, the tavern had some minor exterior

damage including the shattered windows. It appeared that the major

incident occurred inside the building. He walked toward the entrance of

the establishment and stopped suddenly at the large crow that was

staring down at him on a perch just above the door, it seemed to stare

straight into his eyes unblinkingly.

Moody a follower of the old ways bowed slightly and whispered. "My

lady." The crow spread it wings and flapped them vigorously and then

took flight. Moody watched the crow slowly fly out of sight and only then

turning around and entered the Green Salamander.

"Well this day just got a lot more interesting." He mused.


After seeing the others off on the Express, the Potter and Black adults

headed off to the various activities they had planned for the day. Harry

and Bella who were not taking the train either, returned to Nights End to

spend some much needed time alone before meeting with the Hogwarts

group in the Room of requirement later that night.

Things had been so chaotic over the last few weeks, that they had not

spent any time just being a couple, and Bella was past ready to spend

some quality time with her husband. She wasn't a clingy or needy witch,

but damn it you can't give a girl a taste of physical intimacy and then cut

her off for a week or more! It would be like introducing her to chocolate

for the first time and then telling her she couldn't have anymore, it was

an extremely foolish if not dangerous thing to do.

The young couple appeared with a near silent pop of displaced air just on

the outskirts of the small village of Night's End. They began to make their

way through the cobblestone streets of the growing Eveningshade

community hand in hand. The air was brisk but with very little wind the

January day was comfortable enough to not hurry their way up to the


The midday sun shone brightly over a cloudless sky and had inspired the

younger children from the village to build snow forts, snowmen, and a

few were even ice-skating on the frozen over pond. All seemed to be in

high spirits and their peals of laughter rang through the small


Bella glanced at the sparkling eyes of her husband, and had to stop

herself from chuckling at the boyish grin of excitement as he spotted a

group of children splitting into factions for a snowball fight. Three teams

had been chosen and had taken position behind their respective snow-

forts. Within moments volleys of snowballs were bombarding each

position as the children shouted in delight and yelling encouraging words

to their comrades.

Harry was literally bouncing on the balls of his feet watching the mini

battle, his grin was large and his eyes were glowing with a yearning to

join in. This time Bella did giggle light heartedly at her husband.

"Oh gone on you big goof! I know you're dying to join…go on!" She

laughed at his roguish look of glee, with a quick peck on the cheek he ran

off and then dived behind one of the snow forts. Harry had chosen the

team with the youngest of the participants who were now whooping with

joy to have their lord join their team.

Bella looked on fondly at Harry, noticing how much he came alive

playing with the children. There hadn't been much time to be carefree

lately, not that Harry ever had time to be a child, and it seemed that this

was an inspired interlude to bring life back into her husband's eyes.

"He'll make a wonderful father someday." Bella nearly jumped out of her

skin, she had been so focused on watching over Harry, that she had not

sensed the arrival of the town matriarch, Lilith.

"You can tell by the way he interacts and speaks with them." The ancient

lady had continued speaking, as if she hadn't noticed Bella's sudden gasp

and jump of surprise.

"Notice how he speaks to them as an equal and gets down to their level

when he does. He inspires them and in return they remind him of the

joys of youth. He will become a much beloved leader of his people, and

that kind of love inspires great loyalty." The wizened woman softly

spoke, threading her arm through the much taller Bella's.

"Come inside my lady and have some tea, I'm sure his lordship will be

awhile." She smiled knowingly. Bella could only nod as she was pulled

into Lilith's small cottage. The two witches sat in two comfy chairs by a

large window that looked out on to the square and the ensuing mayhem

of the snowball fight.

The cottage was warm and homey, decorated with a mix of various styles

of furniture from early Victorian to Edwardian with a bit of French

Napoleonic thrown in as well. Handmade doilies were found on tables

and the sofa and chairs. There was a large mantelpiece, where several old

looking moving photos had been lovingly placed, with warm candles

illuminating the subjects in their silver frames.

Above the hearth was an ornate and ancient looking iron age Triskelion

with three crows weaved in Celtic knots, symbolizing the Triple Goddess.

Above the cottage door, made from a combination of reed and sage hung

Brigit's cross, placed there to bless the home and provide protection from

evil to all within its walls.

Bella could feel the ambient magic that flowed through Lilith's little

cottage, the home literally hummed with power but it was not an

uncomfortable feeling nor was it oppressive but felt welcoming and gave

one a sense of security. Her home was at the very heart of the village and

was the spiritual center for the residence and place of learning for the

young and old alike.

Bella, though knowing she was the Lady Eveningshade and considered

the matriarch of the family now, knew without doubt that this tiny

ancient woman seated next to her was the heart and spiritual soul of the

growing Eveningshade clan. She was a teacher, a mentor, and the

spiritual leader of the family. And much to Bella's surprise she was okay

with that, because she knew she had her own role to play within the


"He will become one of the most powerful you know." Lilith said casually.

"Sorry?" Bella asked confused.

"Your husband dear, he has it within him to be one of the most magically

powerful lords our clan has seen in centuries."

Bella shifted in her chair to face the tiny woman. "Have you seen this in a

vision?" Bella asked.

Lilith chuckled lightly and replied never taking her eyes of Harry, who

was wandlessly levitating a dozen snowballs before banishing them

toward one of the fortified snow-forts getting cheers from his teammates.

"No, no vision child. I do not need to see the future to see and feel the

potential of your husband. Not only has he been touched by the Goddess

but he has barely scratched the surface of the power that he will one day

wield. Great and terrible will be the magic at his command. But at this

moment…" She paused and sighed heavily.

"…He is at his most vulnerable and most dangerous." Lilith frowned

slightly, her gaze still on the young lord.

Bella turned to look at her husband who had the largest smile she had

ever seen on his young face. Turning back to Lilith she asked. "I don't

understand, why do you believe Harry is vulnerable and dangerous?"

Lilith sighed and took a sip of her tea, closing her eyes and relished the

warmth of the liquid as it made its way down her throat. "You are a

daughter of House Black, and from the time you could walk and talk you

have been taught to control your feelings, your emotions, to never show

weakness." She began.

"You've mastered the art of indifference, never allowing the taunting of

an enemy to make you act impulsively. Neither do you allow sentiment

to rule you. You are in control of your emotions and therefore have

better control of your magical responses. And, though from a dark family,

your aura and your leanings are more toward the gray. Neither side has

sway over you. You are balanced. You are in essence the perfect

Eveningshade; but the power of our family magic is a blessing and a

curse." Lilith told her with a slight pursing of her lips.

"A blessing and a curse? Balanced? What is it you're trying to tell me?"

Bella asked curiously.

"It is a precarious balance that we must keep, Bella, we are not a people

of the light, neither are we a people of the darkness, yet we have the

bloodline of both. We are the bastard children of the two…we are a

sacrilege, a heresy, our bloodline and the magic that binds us is ancient,

and in the eternal fight between good and evil, we are forced because of

our dual bloodline to remain neutral, lest we lose our magic or worse…

be destroyed by violating the magic that bound us in the beginning."

Lilith replied.

"Um…okay, but what does this have to do with Harry's emotions and him

being dangerous?" Bella asked confused with the direction of the


"Harry has not had the same upbringing that you have; he had no proper

upbringing at all." She growled.

"He has never been taught how to control or conceal his emotions. His

views on light and dark, prejudiced by those who wished to manipulate

him and use him for their own purposes. He is at a volatile point in his

life where he will set his path for light, dark, or gray. He must remain in

the gray Bella, if he is to survive…if we are to survive as a people.

"It has only been since he took up his lordship that the true power of

House Eveningshade has begun to assert itself. The power of the family,

you see, comes from our lord's blood, and because our forefathers' blood

accepted Harry's blood when it mingled with theirs in the Eveningshade

chalice, the family magic proclaimed him the new lord.

"Abilities that had lay dormant for a century are now manifesting in all

those of our bloodline. You see, there is a symbiotic connections with the

magical blood that runs through his veins, our lord's veins, and the rest of

the clan.

"Many years ago Harry's great-great-grandfather, Gaius Eveningshade,

believed that there was a conspiracy by dark wizards to weaken our

House, this being in the early 1800's, it turned out to be much worse than

he or any of us could ever have imagined. He confessed his fears to

someone he thought a friend and ally, this friend played on his emotions

for his family and his fears and convinced him that the only way to

assure his family's survival against these evil men was to purge himself of

his darker half.

"So to make sure our family was at its strongest he decided that he would

try and purge our dark blood by some arcane ritual this "friend" had

suggested. He was convinced that by being pure light he would

strengthen us so that we would be able to withstand our enemies'


"He was wrong. It weakened us, and led to the damnable 1810

extermination of our people. It was folly on his part to believe that he

could purge our blood. Unbeknownst to him the ritual was meant for

human magicals only, and we are not completely human. Like Veela,

Dryads, and satyrs we are a blended people.

"The attempted purge violated are neutrality and resulted in the loss of

our lord's magic, and in turn our family magic went dormant. We were in

a weakened state when our merciless enemies attacked, and the strike

was surgical in its precision, ruthless and perfectly timed. It was a


"Those who survived scattered and hid their true heritage for fear of

being discovered and killed. Harry's great-great grandfather loved his

people immensely, but he made the mistake of forgetting our nature, and

allowed irrational feelings to cloud his reason and so he attempted to

remove a part of our soul.

"Harry cannot let his emotions sway him in the way Gaius did. The

danger is that Harry allows his emotions to rule him, and he needs to be

able to rule them. And you my lady, are the perfect witch to guide him,

you and Dorea who he has developed quite an affection for and an

absolute trust."

Bella returned her attention to her husband who was laughing loudly as

the snowball fight had turned into a game of pile on his lordship. Young

boys and girls were wrestling around with Harry who was underneath a

pile of the giggling and smiling children.

Bella sighed heavily as she watched her husband. "It is those

demonstrative feelings that has endeared him to me so much, Lilith.

There was little to know physical affection in my family and very little

outward emotion. It is why I love him so much; he shows his feelings and

emotions. His gentle caresses, his warm hugs, and tender kisses, and by

the goddess his eyes! So full of deep emotions that I sometimes become

weak in the knees. I don't want him to lose that Lilith." Bella replied,

shaking her head.

Lilith gazed at her lord warmly before speaking. "Don't miss understand

me my lady, emotions are not a bad thing and being so demonstrative

toward others like these children, is as heartwarming as it appears. What

I speak of, is not a suppression of his emotions, but firm control."


"It feels odd not to have Bella here with us." Narcissa commented to the

others in their compartment on the Hogwarts Express.

"Yeah a bit." Andromeda replied staring at the passing scenery outside the

window. "But we'll see her tonight after the feast in the Room of


"So will you and Narcissa stay in the ROR the rest of the year?" Sirius


"Yeah, it's too dangerous for us in the Slytherin dungeon right now, what

with Voldemort upset that your dad is no longer making financial

contributions to his Purist movement, and with Rudy Lestrange being his

eyes and ears at Hogwarts, not to mention that Bella has escaped his

grasp it will be best for us not to be anywhere near him."

"Then we should blind him then." Lily stated matter-of-factly.

All eyes turned toward the redhead who appeared to be reading another

one of the Eveningshade journals of a distant relative.

"Blind him?" James asked a bit confused.

"It's obvious isn't it?" Lily closed her book and looked up at the others and

rolled her eyes. "We take away Voldemort's eyes in the school."

"I see where you are going with this Lily, but he would just be replaced

by another." Andromeda replied shaking her head at what Lily was


"Then we make such an example out of Rudy that no one would want to

take his place." She replied with a wicked glint in her eyes.

"I've been reading some of my family history during their time as

mercenaries for the Roman Army." She stated patting the book on her


"So, what about it?" Sirius asked.

"Have you ever wonder how Rome was able to conquer and control the

territories the invaded?" She asked.

"You mean like 'Divide and Conquer'?" Remus asked.

"Partially, but they also instilled terror in the hearts and minds of the

people. So much so that many tribes and villages never resisted. When

the Romans went into a new territory they would utterly destroy the first

village they would come to, slaughter every man, woman and child, and

then display their bodies on pikes or crosses.

"Word would spread to the other neighboring villages, and rather than

meet the same fate as the first they would submit to the Romans. But the

Romans, like Remus suggested, also used the tactic of divide and conquer

as well. The Romans would make deals with some tribes, promising then

expanded territory if they helped defeat other tribes in the area. The two

tactics were quite successful." Lily stated confidently.

"So are you suggesting that we take out everyone in Slytherin House?"

Sirius snickered until Andromeda and Narcissa growled at him.

"NO, I am not suggesting we take out Slytherin House!" Lily replied

quickly. "Just its leadership." she shrugged.

"Kill the Lestranges?" Narcissa asked with interest.

"We don't need to kill them to take them out." Andromeda replied curtly.

"Pity." Narcissa whispered, but they all heard her. Sirius and James

chuckled and Remus looked uncomfortable with the whole conversation.

Andromeda just shook her head in exasperation.

"They are one of the thirteen." Lily replied evenly. "What's to say that

they don't meet with some unfortunate accidents?"

"Lily, I think you've been reading too many of those violent journals."

Andromeda commented concernedly.


The proprietor of the Green Salamander was a former prison guard at

Azkaban prison, he had been fired from his job when it was discovered

he had been taking certain liberties with the female inmates against their

will. He was not only fired but stripped of his pension as well, he was

then summarily drummed out of the Auror Corp in disgrace.

Willem Wickerman was a large man at 6'5" and tipped the scales at

nearly twenty-two stones. His once thick red hair had faded to a thin

sickly yellow as he approached the age of sixty-two. He had a deep

loathing of the Ministry and especially anyone in law enforcement. His

uncle had left him the Green Salamander in his will, being the only other

living relative he had left after the Great War.

So it was no surprise at the sneer plastered on his face when Moody

entered his place of business with two other Aurors. He was already in a

foul mood with the near destruction of his tavern at the hands of those

brotherhood arses and the three dead bodies in varying states of

completeness. But now he had these gobshites in here poking around, no

doubt to make him out to be the cause of the troubles.

He should have known that by allowing these Death Eater pukes his

tavern for their meetings would one day lead to trouble. But the money

to allow them to hold there gatherings here was too good to pass up.



The two men glared at each other with distaste clearly written on both

their faces. Moody had conducted the investigation that led to

Wickerman's dismissal and dishonorable release from the Aurors.

Wickerman was never tried for his offenses, Director Crouch wanted to

avoid a scandal within his department so it was all handled quietly.

Moody felt though that the bastard should have been tried and then

tossed into the very prison that he had guarded, and let it be known to

the man.

"Had quite the donnybrook here didn't ya?" Moody smirked at the man.

"Sod off, Moody! I have no inclination to talk to you!" Wickerman said


Moody chuckled sardonically. "Sod off is it? Well let's just see what we

have here? Hmm, looks like three corpses to go along with the four

outside, may have been the cooking but I doubt it. Spell damage

everywhere, Death Eater masks. You do know that Death Eaters have

been classified as terrorist, Wicky?"

"I'm not associated with that lot! And don't call me Wicky!" Wickerman


"So you say, but here they are, in your little establishment. I'd call that

harboring wouldn't you?"

"You're a right bastard!"

"So I've been told." Moody replied nonplussed. "So let's see now, that's

harboring, aiding and abetting, possible direct involvement."

"I told you I have nothing to do with that lot!" Wickerman roared again,

his fists clenching and unclenching.

Moody shook his head and smirked. "Looks like I gonna have to shut you

down, Wicky."

"WHAT! You can't do that! I had nothing to do with them or their


"NO? Then perhaps you can tell me what the hell happened here?! And

you know what I'm talking about! I want details. I want names. I want to

know of every terroristic bastard that has walked in here in the last six


"I'm no snitch!" He replied.

"Your choice." Moody stated giving him a punitive stare.

The tavern owner pulled his hand down his face hard and shook his head

feeling the claustrophobic sensation of being caught between a rock and

a hard place. It wasn't much, but his tavern was all that he had left, but if

he cooperated with Moody and the Ministry he would most likely feel the

displeasure of Voldemort and his shock troops, then again the Ministry

could confiscate his tavern and he would have nothing anyway.

Wickerman sighed heavily as he made his decision. "Look, I'll tell you

what I know about the meetings the Death Eaters have been having here,

but I was down in the cellar when the attack happened. I heard spell fire

and then shouting. When I got back upstairs those men in brown cloaks

were dragging those for men out."

"Do you know who they were?" Moody asked.

"The brown cloaks? No. Just something about some brotherhood, they

did mention something about Borgin though. My waitress was here

during the entire thing, you should ask her." He replied, jerking his head

toward a rather plain looking witch.

"Captain Moody sir?"

"What do you have to report Bones?" Moody asked his young protégé.

"The Ministry coroner has taken possession of the deceased and is

preparing to port-key the lot back to the Ministry morgue." Amelia Bones


"Anyone of note?" He asked.

Amelia knew he was asking if there were any elites of wizarding society

among the dead. "No one of any political significance, but we did find

Thomas Rockwood among the dead, I believe his brother is Augustus

Rockwood who works in the Department of Mysteries."

Moody recognized the name, he knew Augustus Rockwood was a traitor

and a spy for Voldemort according to Harry's memories, however he did

not know that his brother had been one as well.

"Very well, that'll be all Bones, continue coordinating with Coroner's

office. I want every scrap of evidence they find on those bodies tagged

and evaluated. Maybe will get lucky and find some important

intelligence. Also, tell Shacklebolt I want memories from everyone who

saw those brown cloaks, if we can identify who they were it'll go a long

way to tracking them down." Moody ordered.

"Yes sir!" Amelia answered crisply.

Moody then walked to the waitress that Wickerman had pointed out. She

was sitting in a chair, her face pale, eyes wide, her hands were shaking in

her lap. 'Shock' Moody told himself. Hopefully he'll be able to get

something useful from the catatonic looking woman but it wasn't looking


"Miss, I'm captain Alastor Moody, I need to ask you a few questions." He


The dark haired woman turned her head toward Moody's voice, with a

scared and surprised look on her face. She did not respond and looked

like she would start screaming at any moment. Moody pulled up a chair

and sat down in front of the frightened woman.

"I'm not going to hurt you miss, I just need to know what you heard and

saw. Can you do that for me miss…"


"Excuse me?" Moody asked.

"It's S-Snape, Mrs. Snape. Use to be Prince, Eileen Prince." The woman

told him softly.

"Old family name, Prince." Moody stated.

Eileen nodded. "There all gone now." She whispered.

"Who?" Moody asked.

"My parent's and two brothers. They died fighting Grindelwald. I'm the

last of my family." She said sniffling.

"Snape…Snape. That's not a name I'm familiar with. Halfblood?" Moody

asked the woman who seemed to be calming down a bit.

"He-he's a muggle. I had no dowry for a pureblood family to take interest

in me, and my family was not wealthy." She looked down. Moody didn't

know if it was out of embarrassment or shame.

Moody nodded and then decided to change the obvious uncomfortable

topic. "Eileen, can you tell me what happened here?"

She nodded. "Brynn Cadfael and six others came in as they always do,

they seem to be in a good mood. I-I heard them talking about being

rewarded for making the traitors pay. One of them mentioned the

Borgins by name." She looked down again twisting her hands in her


"M-Mary Borgin was a f-friend of mine." Eileen commented.

"My condolences. Were all these men Death Eaters?" Moody asked getting

to the point.

Eileen nodded. "They really like that name." She replied flatly, her eyes

shifting left to right.

"So they were enjoying themselves, and then what happened?" Moody

asked her?

"Well I noticed two men dressed in brown cloaks with their hoods up

come in and walk to the left far corner of the tavern, about a minute or

two and two more came in dressed the same way and went to the

opposite of the bar, then the last two came in. They made brief eye

contact with the other four who nodded toward the table in the middle of

the room where the seven Death Eaters were sitting.

"Then everything happened so fast, the last two men to enter drew their

wands and fired blasting curses point blank at the back of the heads of

two of the Death Eaters. I-it was…horrific, there was b-blood and…


"The explosion of the two Death Eaters sent a piece of bone I think into

the head of a third who didn't move afterwards. Three of the others didn't

stand a chance they were hit with stunning spells from two sides. But one

managed to throw up a shield and then dived behind the bar. There was

an exchange of spells, but six against one…he didn't stand a chance. Not

sure what they hit him with but he let out a scream the likes that I've

never heard.

"The brown cloaked men then levitated all four out into the middle of the

street, woke them and then forced them to kneel on the ground. Then

one of them let off a cannon blast from his wand and called for people to

bear witness, it was about then that you and your people then showed

up." She sighed sitting back in the chair and rubbed her face tiredly with

both hands.

"If you'll indulge me a little bit longer Eileen. Did you happen to see the

faces of any of the men in the brown cloaks?"

"Yes, during the exchange of spells three of the men's face were exposed."

She replied.

"Did you recognize any of them?" He asked.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't recognize any of them." She shook her head

disappointed that she couldn't be more help.

"That's quite alright, Eileen." He told her. "Do you mind if I get your

memories of the incident. It'll help our investigation."

"I-I guess, but you'll have to extract it. I'm afraid I was never that

magically talented, though I was pretty good at potions." She replied with

a shrug.

"I can do that for you. I just need you to bring the incident forward in

your thoughts, and I'll do the rest." He told her gently.

Eileen Snape pulled the painful images to the fore of her thoughts. She

gave a slight nod to Moody who touched her temple with the tip of his

wand and slowly pulled a gossamer strand of memory from her mind and

immediately put it in a glass vial he pulled from his robes.

"Thank you Eileen, if there is anything else you can think of, whether

about the brown cloaks or the Death Eaters you come see me alright?"

Moody told her. She nodded that she would.

As Moody got up he wandered back outside, and looked at the puddle of

blood that had pooled from the murdered Death Eaters. He then glanced

back over his shoulder to look one more time at the Green Salamander.

"They hit back faster than I thought." He mused, thinking of the

Brotherhood of the Fox. "The ball is back in Voldemort's court now. I'm

sure this is gonna get a hell of a lot more bloody."


A thoroughly soaked Harry was walking toward Lilith's cottage with a

contented smile on his face. The children also beginning to head back to

their own respective homes, all were exhausted but chatting animatedly

in excitement with each other.

"My lord! My lord!" A small girl was running toward Harry. Harry turned

as the small girl approached. She looked shyly at him and was fidgeting

just a bit. Harry knelt down so that he was close to eye level with her.

"What can I do for you Maggie?" He asked the eight year old little blonde

who had been on his team. She suddenly gave him a kiss on the cheek,

blushing madly she quickly turned and ran for home. Harry watched her

as she ran off and smiled to himself.

"Do I have competition for your affections my lord?" Bella asked playfully

as she appeared behind him with a widely smiling Lilith at her side.

"Oh, umm…" Harry began, blushing slightly.

"How could any girl resist such an articulate man?" Bella chuckled.

"What can I say, Shakespeare watch out!" Harry managed to say. "But if

you're feeling neglected I could give you a big hug." He replied playfully

waggling his eyebrows as he opened his arms and quickly approached


"Harry you're soaked!" She protested trying to quickly back away.

"You know you want one!" Harry grinned evilly.

"Harry…Harry!" Harry launched himself at Bella, causing both to get

tangled in each other's limbs as they tumbled into the snow.

Harry began to pepper her face and neck with kisses as his fingers sought

out those more ticklish spots he knew she had. Bella kicked and thrashed

as she began to laugh uncontrollably. They rolled over and over each

other, each trying to gain the advantage.

With a final heave, Harry managed to pin her down on her back on the

soft snow. His face hovered just above hers, his body lying on top of hers

in just the right position to be deliciously intimate. Their smiling faces

glowed red from the cold and their playful exertions. Their green eyes

locked on to the others as their breath calmed but deepened.

The moment was very intimate and incredibly exciting. Harry slowly

leaned forward tilting his head slightly and closing his eyes. Bella

instinctually tilted her head in the opposite way, her eyes closing as well.

Their lips met tenderly but filled with that emotion that only lovers can

truly feel. The kiss seemed to stretch on and on until they slowly parted.

"Take me to bed Harry, and I mean now!" Bella spoke huskily.

Harry didn't need to be told twice, taking a firmer hold of her, he

apparated them both back to their bedroom at Eveningshade Manor from

their horizontal position.

"Well, I guess no goodbye then?" Lilith commented to the now empty

square with a smirk. "Children these days have no sense of etiquette." She

chuckled as she returned to her cottage.


A cloaked man in expensive Acromantula silk robes made his way into

the lobby of Gringotts Bank. He was followed by two other men who

were obviously not in the same economic or social class as the first man.

They passed by the many tellers who were all busy either with customers,

counting gold, or otherwise glaring menacingly.

The man with his entourage turned left as they passed the teller counters

and entered a set of large double doors, seated at a desk was a secretary

who raised an eyebrow in curiosity at the three men.

"What is it that you want wizards?" The goblin asked, not quite

succeeding in keeping the contempt out of his voice."

"I'm here to see Riptorn, the director of Genealogy and Inheritance." The

well-dressed wizard replied.

"And who may I ask is making the request?" The goblin asked.

"Pollux Black and the potential lords of two Ancient and Noble houses

once thought extinct!" Pollux smiled predatorily.


A/N: A little bit of everything in this chapter including some

foreshadowing of things to come. Thank you all for the many wonderful

and helpful reviews! Please let me know what you thought of this chapter

with a review, critique or a comment. And an advanced Happy St.

Patrick's Day! Slainte agus Erin Go Bragh!

34. Chapter 34

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

Authors Note: I'm so sorry for the long delay! I have not abandoned the

story. Real life and health issues kept me from writing for a while. That

being said, it has been a struggle to get my muse flowing after such an

extended absence. So I ask you to bear with me for a few chapters while

I get my creative juices flowing again. This chapter has been difficult to

write and I'm not entirely happy with it, but it does push things forward

a bit. The next few chapters we won't see much of Lily, James and the

other students at Hogwarts, as events mostly happen outside of the

school. There will be a lot more Harry and Bella in the next two or three

chapters as they develop together as a couple and as Lord and Lady

Eveningshade while bringing the fight to Voldemort. We will also see

more of Dorea's cunning and influence on events and especially a strong

mentorship that will develop between her and Harry.

I am also so grateful to all those who have inquired about my health

and about the story. It means a lot and is the main reason I will not give

up on the story, that and my wife threatening me with physical harm if I

don't continue. ; )

So without further ado, here is the next chapter of Passageways!

Chapter 34

"DID WE LOSE THEM, DID WE LOSE THEM!?" A mousey haired man

shouted, as he fell to his knees panting from exhaustion, this last

apparition siphoning almost all of his magical reserves.

"Shut up you feckin gobshite! Do you want to alert the whole bloody

countryside!?" Another man hissed slumping against a nearby tree.

"Oi…where are we, Travers?" a third man asked bracing himself, hands

on his knees to a fourth.

"We should be somewhere near the safe-house, it's on the outskirts of

Yetholm." Marcus Travers replied to his three companions and then

looking around at the heavily wooded forest they found themselves in


"Did we lose them?" The first man asked again a little quieter than his

last outburst, but not by much.

"Calm yourself Sharpton, you sound like a bloody mudblooded girl!"

Travers growled. "We should have apparated enough times to confuse

them. I doubt they would be able to follow our signatures after that

many." He stated taking in his surroundings once more.


OTHERS!What makes you so sure they won't find us at this one?!" Sean

Doyle a twenty-two year old pureblood, a new recruit of eight months to

the Death Eaters hissed.

"Shut your gob you stupid mick! I was there too, I know what the fuck

happened!" Travers spat back heatedly.

"We need to tell our lord, he must be informed that the brotherhood has

hit us again!" Rory Sinclair, a thirty-eight year old disciple of Lord

Voldemort advised.

"I don't think I can make another jump without splinching me self in

two." Sharpton wheezed. Doyle nodded his agreement.

Travers looked at his three companions taking in their conditions. He

hated to admit it, but he was near magical exhaustion himself. "Right,

we'll make for the safe house and rest for a few hours, and then will

report to our lord."

"Agreed." Sinclair replied, receiving nods from Sharpton and Doyle.

"Right, we need to find a clearing so I can orient myself. It's strange but I

don't recall the forest around Yelthom being this thick before." Travers

spoke, though more to himself than to the others.

The four men stood and with Travers taking the lead, they began to move

in a southerly direction. At least that was what Travers thought, the tree

canopy was successfully blocking his view of the night sky and he

couldn't be completely sure.

The men had been walking for what seemed like hours, they were

beginning to have an uneasy feeling in their guts as the forest began to

darken and curiously become increasingly silent. Their eyes began to dart

from left to right, up and down as their sense of direction diminished.

Their lumos spells were illuminating less and less coming to a point

where all it illuminated was the wand tip itself. Doyle was the first to

allow panic to engulf him as he began to yell 'LUMOS MAXIMUS…


"Doyle you dozy sod! Lower your voice!" Travers barked.


man shouted in increasing alarm.

"So help me Doyle I'll A.K. your arse if you don't shut it!" Sinclair hissed

and then backhanded the boy sending him crashing to rough ground.

The young Irishman curled into a ball on the ground and started to

whimper, rocking himself back and forth. In his short time with the

Death Eaters he had not seen any of the glory his recruiters had promised

him, nor had he seen riches, not even a pretty mudblood to rape!

What he had seen was "his lord" torturing his fellow Death Eaters for

their cowardice in fleeing from the Brown Cloaks. He had heard the

whispers from his comrades that the Brown Cloaks were utterly ruthless

and preferred dispatching their victims the Muggle way, with daggers

and knives.

It was said they enjoyed watching the life slowly fade from their victims

instead of the more humane quick death of the Avada Kedavra curse. Oh

they would use their wands to subdue their victims to be sure, but then

turn to their blades to finish them off.

Not more than a few hours ago he had witnessed the Brown Cloaks in

action and up close. He, and the three in his present company, had been

on patrol and were just returning to the safe house when they heard the

shouting of spells and the sounds of mini explosion coming from within


They had rushed to the house but instead of running into the dilapidated

old farm house decided to peek inside the building from the exterior

windows. The fight had just ended, and all six of those who had been

inside were all down on their knees, with four Brown Cloaks looking

emotionlessly down at them.

Doyle, had involuntarily revealed them when he screamed out in

disbelief, one by one the Brown Cloaks slit the throats of each man,

including his cousin Liam who had encouraged him to join the cause

against the mudblood corruption of magical society.

Thus began a chase that had them apparating all over the country, the

Brown Cloaks had somehow been able to follow them their first two

jumps, they didn't appear on their third but Travers had them jump four

more times in order to assure they had shook them.

Now curled up on the ground of some bloody forest in the south of

Scotland he was rethinking his membership in this godforsaken

movement. He was never one for politics but this just didn't seem to be

what he was sold when he had joined.

They were supposed to be fighting for a new golden age for those of pure

magical lines, but it was appearing more and more to him that it was just

wizards killing wizards, dying for an ideology that espoused one magical

birth being better than another. Maybe it was time to just go home.

Those thoughts were suddenly pushed from his mind as he felt himself

being lifted off the ground and shaken.

"Get a grip Doyle!" He heard Travers growling at him mere inches from

his face.

"We push on!" Travers stated angrily, releasing his grip on the young

man, and turning around to growl at the others.


All four men reflexively crouched down low and bringing their wands to

bare, searching for the source of the sound that had suddenly broke the

silence of the forest. Each man faced a different direction pressing their

backs against each other in a defensive position.


"There!" Sharpton informed his mates, pointing to a high branch on a

large tree a mere few feet from them.

"Merlin's balls, it's a bloody crow!" Travers sighed in exasperation and no

little bit of relief.

"Bloody Crow!" Sinclair growled taking aim at the large bird.

"Sinclair don't…"

"Lacero!" Sinclair incanted the cutting curse at the perched bird.

The crow moved unnaturally fast as it dived from the branch straight at

Sinclair, the curse traveling over the head of the diving bird. Sinclair

threw himself to the ground as the bird cuffed his head with its wings

and then gliding to a branch directly behind him.

"Sinclair, you bloody fool! Are you trying to get us found?!" Travers

hissed at the man as he stood dusting off his robe.

"Sweet Mary and Joseph!" Doyle whispered harshly.

His three fellow Death Eaters turned around to look at what Doyle was

staring at. They all four started, as the large crow looked down at them

with glowing green eyes.

"Bloody hell." Sharpton declared. "W-what is that…it can't be a n-normal

crow, can it?!"

Before anyone else could offer a reply the crow dove from its perch again

and flew past the quartet of wizards. As they followed the direction of the

crows flight Travers saw what appeared to be a section of forest that was

a bit more illuminated. A clearing he thought, finally he might be able to

get his bearings in this blasted wood.

"Come on you fools, this way." Travers stated grumpily as he headed off.


It was nine-thirty in the evening on a Friday night, it being two weeks

after the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had

returned from the Yule holidays. Albus Dumbledore sat on his throne-like

chair on the raised dais in his office as he waited for the last two people

to arrive to his already packed office.

The old wizard had reached out to close friends and acquaintances, and

to those who owed him in one way or another. He hoped that they would

become the core of his planned organization, a secret intelligence

gathering society which would be known as the Order of the Phoenix.

It wasn't enough that his former student Tom Riddle, was causing

difficulties with the purist movement and his Death Eaters terrorizing

muggleborns and muggles up and down the country, but now with the

appearance of the Brown Cloaks, and their seeming vendetta against the

Death Eaters, things in his beloved magical England were quickly

spiraling out of control. And control and order was what was occupying

the thoughts of the Hogwarts Headmaster.

He could not guide the magical society to its utopian destiny if chaos

reigned! He needed to put an end to this or at the very least get some sort

of control over these hostile factions. But in order to do this he needed

assistance, he already had spies within Voldemorts ranks, but the Brown

Cloaks was a more difficult nut to crack.

They had not been seen on English soil since 1910, when they were

conceptualized by what had become known as the Thirteen. They were

created for the purging of a powerful House, which most Wizengamot

members felt to be dangerous and too powerful to let continue. The

thirteen conspiring minor houses were then allowed to split their ill-

gotten seats and be counted amongst the members of the Wizengamot.

This was all history to Albus Dumbledore, but what he didn't know for

certain, although he had his suspicions, was who was now controlling

this secret organization, and why did they remerge after so many

decades. Did they see weakness in Britain due to the rise of the purist

party? It was all speculation for now, and that's why he needed this new

spy network, his Order.

Amongst the handpicked confederates, were Robert and Marlene

McKinnon; a young pureblood couple. Robert was the scion of the

politically connected House McKinnon, and his wife was the assistant

director over the all-important Floo Network. She was someone who

could monitor and track movement of anyone, a very valuable asset.

Indeed, those whom Albus was courting all had jobs or skills that would

facilitate him being able to gather intelligence, information, or otherwise

keep tabs on almost anyone at any time. Of course the McKinnons' were

just two arrows in his quiver.

Elphias Doge, a well-placed Ministry power broker, who used his old

family name and old family money to buy favors and peddle influence.

Whether it was funneling Galleons to certain action committees, or using

them to crush legislation that his interests groups wanted dead. It was all

a part of the political game that he reveled in.

Benjy Fenwick, an investigative journalist with the Daily Prophet, he

came with a multitude of personal sources and contacts from the political

world to the more…seedier elements of magical Britain.

Dedalus Diggle, retired Unspeakable who had worked in the Department

of Mysteries. He was Dumbledore's go to man when he wanted access to

items or knowledge that the Ministry deemed dangerous or forbidden.

Dorcas Meadows, longtime friend and advisor to Minister Millicent

Bagnold. She was Dumbledore's eyes and ears in the highest office of the

magical world. Dumbledore had a lot of influence over Bagnold, but

Meadows could sway her with little to no effort. A whisper from

Meadows into her former Hogwarts dorm mate's ear and it was a done


Sturgis Podmore, a twenty-five year old recruit in the Obliviator's office,

a position that Dumbledore had helped him acquire, he had an innate

talent with memory charms, which could be very useful. Dumbledore

himself was quite adept and memory charms as well, but why risk your

own exposure if you can get someone else to do it for you?

Mundungus Fletcher, longtime petty thief and trafficker in stolen and

illegal goods. He made his home in the rundown shanties of Knockturn

Alley. He would be Dumbledore's eyes and ears amongst the denizens

that inhabited the shadows of wizarding society, such as the hags,

werewolves, vampires, and others who tended to lean dark.

Emmeline Vance, a former professional dueler, and protégé of Filius

Flitwick. She was a powerful witch, who now worked for the Ministry as

a Warder. She was one of a few people who oversaw and maintained the

wards around many government facilities and a few private homes.

Rubeus Hagrid, a half giant and the assistant groundskeeper at Hogwarts

School, he was a loyal disciple of Albus Dumbledore, after he offered him

a place at Hogwarts after his expulsion. Dumbledore became his father

figure and Hagrid his devoted son.

There were a few other's whose roles were more financial, but

nevertheless would be important in pushing Dumbledore's vision

through. The last member to arrive was the key to having eyes in the

DMLE. Alastor Moody. Moody was one of the chief trainers for all

incoming Auror cadets, he was a top investigator and knew more about

combat than any other member of his new order.

It had taken some convincing to recruit the old Auror, but in the end

Dumbledore always got what he wanted. Moody didn't like the current

head of the DMLE, Bartemius Crouch, Barty had a caustic personality that

many could not tolerate. Moody had butted heads with the DMLE

Director more times than anyone could remember, and that was

something that Dumbledore could use to his advantage.

Having Moody on his team also presented another benefit…The Potters.

Moody was a close friend of Dorea Potter and he was hoping to use that

friendship to sway the Potters to join his Order. The Potters would be a

crown jewel for recruitment purposes, with their wealth and political

power, there was very little that Dumbledore could not accomplish with

them backing him.

Of Course he knew of the antipathy the Lady Potter had for him, but the

Potters had been a Light Family for centuries, Charlus would at least

listen to his proposal where Dorea would dismiss him out of hand. But a

combined approach from Charlus and Moody, and she just might bend.

With a sudden whooshing of green flames within the floo, the war

veteran stepped into Dumbledore's office. His honed situational

awareness provided him with the number of occupants and their

positions within a heartbeat of entering the office. This particular skill

had saved his arse on more than one occasion.

"Albus." The old auror greeted gruffly.

"Ah…Alastor, it seems we are all here then. Right on to business then."

Albus stated with his all too familiar twinkle.

"My friends, welcome to this first meeting of the Order of the Phoenix…"


Travers, Sharpton, Doyle, and Sinclair, made their way slowly through

the trees to the illuminated area that Travers had spotted. It turned out

not to be a clearing but the edge of the forest. They could all see the

lights of a small village about a half a kilometer away.

"Is that Yetholm?" Sharpton asked?

"No…no its not." Travers replied slowly, looking a bit confused.

"Then what is this place?" Sinclair asked tersely.

"Not sure?" Was his reply.

"Is it a muggle village?" Doyle asked their leader.

"Could be, we'll have to get a bit closer to know for sure." Travers stated.

"LOOK!" Doyle whispered as loud as he could. "Over there, by that pond."

The other three men looked to find a young woman kneeling near the

edge of the pond. She appeared to be picking some plants or herbs and

placing them in a basket that was on the ground next to her.

Her long blonde hair seeming to glow in the moon light that was bathing

the area. She looked young, maybe early twenties. Her winter cloak did

nothing to hide her shapely figure as she stood and then leaned over to

pick up her basket.

All four men looked at her hungrily, it had been some time since they

had been in the company of a woman, and she was an appetizing visage

they wanted to sample. Their baser natures took over their rational

thought, and they began to hug the tree line as they made their way

toward the maiden. Keeping to the shadow of the trees as much as

possible, they closed the distance until they were within spell casting


Unaware of anything else but the maiden, the four wizards failed to

notice that the unusually large crow they had seen earlier was now

gliding over their heads monitoring their progress; neither were they

paying enough attention to feel a certain tingle wash over them as they

crossed an invisible ward line.

Suddenly the object of their interest stiffened and then turned quickly

and ran toward the village, but before the four wizards could give chase

or even ponder what had spooked their prey, they saw multiple red

streaks illuminate the dark sky before total blackness overcame them.

Marcus Travers was no stranger to the uncomfortable sensation of waking

up after being stunned. The after effects of the stunning spell left a

distinct crawling sensation under the skin, and a feeling of slight


As his head began to clear he could sense that he was standing upright

but could not move his arms or legs, he squinted his eyes to try and focus

them and could blearily make out flicker light of several torches. He

could feel the biting night air blowing across his face so he knew he was

still outside.

As his faculties came into to sharper relief, he noticed that he was tied to

a tree or a large pole of some kind, and he could hear the murmurings of

what sounded like many people. He blinked his eyes rapidly and then

refocused his eyes.

He swore silently as he was finally able to take in his surroundings. He,

as well as his three companions was all lashed to large polls in what

looked like a village plaza. There were dozens of cloaked and hooded

people of both sexes and all ages surrounding them.

Torches were floating in the air illuminating the area with orange and

yellow light. 'Yep' he told himself…a magical village. He looked to his

left and saw Doyle and Sharpton both waking, he then glanced to his

right and saw that Sinclair was wide awake and had a defiant sneer on

his face.

Even an idiot could tell they were not facing a friendly crowd; he

chuckled to himself as he thought 'We are so fucked. It will take some

serious smooth talking to get out of this one.' Looking to his left he

chuckled again as the two youngest of their group had fully awakened to

their surroundings. They were looking at Travers and their mouths were

moving rapidly but no sound came forth.

'Silencing spells.' He thought.

He turned back to the crowd and noticed they were beginning to part, as

the bodies stepped to one side or the other two figures walking straight

toward them between the parted people. He noticed that they walked

slowly and with authority, he watched as the heads of those they walked

by bowed in deference to them.

Whoever they were, they were someone of importance and standing in

this community. Even at a distance he could feel the magical power

coming from the pair. They wore full length robes that looked like they

were made of rolling mist; he'd never seen anything like it. Their hoods

were up obscuring their faces, but as they neared him their eyes became


He nearly gasped as he beheld two pair of eerily glowing green eyes, his

anxiety rose further as he had noticed that almost every person in the

village had glowing green eyes as well, not near the intensity of these

two but it was unnerving, and a bit ominous. Who were these people?

The two cloaked individuals stopped a few feet in front of he and his

comrades, and quietly observed them. Travers eyes suddenly caught a

blur of black feathers flew past him and then perched itself on the

shoulder of the taller of the two cloaked individuals. There sat a large


To increase his unease, he noticed that the crow had the same glowing

green eyes as his captors, the same crow; it would seem they had seen in

the forest earlier.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" A baritone but youthful voice

asked in a tone that brokered a deadly intent should they not be


It would have been comical if not for the precarious position they were

in, as Sinclair immediately began to speak in his usual pleasant manner.

"Release us! Or feel the fury of the Dark Lord as he crushes this pitiful

town from existence!" Sinclair spat in fury.

Travers was not sure what spell the young man just used, for he did not

vocalize it, but Sinclair suddenly gave a guttural scream of agony. He and

the others watched in horror as Sinclair's left eye seemed to catch fire in

the idiot man's skull before sliding out in a blackened sludge from its

orbital cavity.

With a wave of the young man's hand, Sinclair was silenced, though his

body continued to shake in torment. The young man dropped his hood as

did the person next to him which was clearly a woman, one who he

thought he recognized as a member of the Black family.

"I will ask you only once more." Harry growled. "Who are you? And why

are you here?"

"Please my lord…" Travers began before the other two idiots could open

their mouths. "My name is Marcus Travers and these two to my right are

Doyle and Sharpton. The man to my left is Sinclair." Travers gulped as he

nodded towards the flailing man.

"We are here quite by accident my lord; we mean you, nor your people

any harm." He quickly replied.

"You say you mean us no harm, yet your friend here has already

threatened us." Harry replied glaring at Sinclair with contempt.

"H-he over reacted my lord, we are in an unfamiliar area and then find

ourselves bound. Surely you can understand our anxiety. Truly we mean

you no harm, if you release us we will just be on our way."

"I don't think so." Said the beautiful young woman, she looked like she

could be one of the daughters of Cygnus Black.

"Surely my lady, there is no reason to hold us. We have made no trespass

against you." Travers replied quickly.

Bella raised her wand and with two quick slashes of the magical foci the

captives left sleeves of their robes disappeared, expose the writhing black

tattoo of the Dark Mark.

"Death Eaters!" Bella spat.

Instantly dozens of wands were raised and pointed at the four bound

men. Travers looked into several of the faces as looks of anger and

disgust stared back at them.

Doyle began to wail in his hysteria. "I-I'm no Death Eater! I have never

hurt a soul! I just barely joined them!" The Irishman sobbed. "P-please

don't hurt m-me!"

"They were sneaking up on Olivia by the pond!" A man shouted from the

crowd. "We saw them closing in on her with their wands raised!"

Travers turned to look at Harry who seemed to be having a conversation

with the crow on his shoulder. The look the young man had on his face

worried the Death Eater. The crow suddenly jumped from his shoulder

and changed seamlessly into a young redheaded girl. But, Travers could

tell there was something unearthly about her.

Many in the crowd began to kneel when she appeared and offer up

prayers and supplication. The little girl skipped toward the four bond

men, and rested her eyes on each of them. Her lips curled into something

of a smirk, and then she bounced over to stand in front of Sinclair.

"Your soul is dark and tainted." The high pitched voice of the little girl

said. She then waggled an extended finger at him. "Such a naughty,

naughty human. Can I play with him Lord Eveningshade?" She said

brightly turning toward Harry.

At the Eveningshade name being mentioned, Travers eyes widened

fearfully as did Sinclairs. They had recognized the name, as ghost stories

from both their childhoods came immediately to their minds. Doyle and

Sharpton just looked confused.

Harry chuckled. "And what would you do with him my lady?"

The innocent looking girl clasped her hands behind her back as she

skipped around the pole that held Sinclair bound, looking at the man


"Peel him." The girl replied thoughtfully.

"Peel him?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes, it's ever so much fun. Just like grapes, I like to peel the skin off

grapes before I eat them." She said brightly. Doyle immediately fainted

and Sharpton had wet himself, after hearing the little girl's response.

"MY LORD, please! Again, we have done nothing to you or your people to

warrant such treatment." Travers pleaded.

"YOU ARE AN AGENT OF VOLDEMORT!" Harry retorted harshly. "I have

seen his tender mercies and what he and his soldiers have done to the

innocent. And I know what is required to take his mark."

"But my Lord, we-we have no quarrel with you or your people! We did

not even know there was a magical village here!" Travers pleaded.

"And that is how it will remain! Voldemort and his followers will bring

nothing but death and destruction to the magical world, my people have

suffered at the hands of others who felt we should no longer exist, I will

not allow that to happen again!" Harry hissed.

"But we are not at war with you my lord!" Travers pleaded once again.

"BUT I AM AT WAR WITH YOU!" Harry roared.

The Goddess in her form as the little girl clapped her hands

enthusiastically and jumped up and down with giddiness. She then

turned sharply toward Sinclair who was struggling with all his might to

get free. She lifted both hands and vanished all the clothing that Sinclair

was wearing. She then began to curl her fingers back toward her palms


Sinclair's screams echoed through the village, his skin, beginning at his

toes began to roll up toward his ankles, exposing raw flesh beneath; the

skin slowly progressed to roll up the length of his body until it fell from

the top of his head, rolled up like parchment.

With his village now being discovered once by Death Eaters, he knew it

could easily happen again. Harry felt the time to go on the offensive had

come and he felt the need to expedite the destruction of the Thirteen. For

now he would not interfere with the Brown Cloaks as they seemed

focused on the Death Eaters as well, and knew that his grandmother

Dorea was actively looking into them.

Dumbledore would have to wait his turn, but Harry knew instinctually

that a clash with Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix would come

soon; Moody, his spy in the Order, had confirmed that the Order had

officially organized and would begin intelligence gathering immediately.

With the players all in motion now, the war would truly begin in earnest.

Though they were still discovering their abilities and refining them,

Harry and Bella were confident. They had their own spy network within

the Ministry, Hogwarts, and in the Order, they were still training with

Lilith every day to strengthen the Eveningshade family magic, and

training the young marauders as well.

They had the support of a near majority of the grey families and nearly

all the Fringe families, thanks to Lilith and Cassiopeia. The returning

Eveningshade family descendants continued to flock back to their

ancestral home of Nights' End and swear fealty to the new Lord

Eveningshade. Not to mention he had the ear of a Goddess, even as

unhinged as she seemed to be at time, it was an edge. Hopefully an edge

he would not find himself impaled upon.


A/N: Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you thought. The

next chapter has already been outlined and should be much longer than

this one; I hope to have it out in no longer than two weeks from now.

Again love you guys!

35. Chapter 35

Disclaimer: See chapter one.

A/N: I can't apologize enough for the time it took to get another chapter

out, real life sucks sometimes. Although short, this chapter leads into a

very dynamic turning point for the story in the next chapter. I'd like to

thank those who have reached out to make sure I'm doing okay and

have continued to offer me encouragement, especially NicFlamel and


I have a chronic illness that sometimes affects my ability to write as

often as I would like. I am a cancer survivor, but I continue to have

occasional problems stemming from it. But I promise not to abandon

this story though updates may be sporadic. But if you feel too much time

has passed since an update, please let me know, it might just be the kick

in the pants I need to get back on track. ; )

Thanks again for sticking with me! You guys are the best and the

reviews and comments really do inspire me!

Chapter 35

Harry Potter, that was his name once…in another life…in another time.

It seemed so long ago, but in truth it had been a little more than four

years and a lifetime, nearly five years since a humble half-giant by the

name of Hagrid had introduced him to the wizarding world, almost five

years ago when he learned who he really was and what he was.

It had been so surreal at the time, exciting and fantastic. A chance to

change his life for the better, a means of escape from the Dursleys and

the less than pleasant life he had been leading up to then; a chance to

have a normal, happy life.

That hope for normalcy had been dashed rather quickly, but he still had

hopes for happiness and for a short time he found that happiness and

acceptance in the forms of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. But even

that had been taken from him during his fourth year at the magical

boarding school. Ron's true colors had been revealed, had been magically

influenced to turn away from him.

Dumbledore had been the biggest disappointment, even now the anger

and contempt for the old man boiled just under Harry's skin. The

manipulative bastard had been the puppet master throughout his young

life. He wasn't the man the wizarding world thought him to be, Harry

new that now. The history between the Dumbledore family and the

Eveningshade family was proof of that.

The only positive thing to have happened to him recently was Hogwarts

guiding him to the Room of Requirement, and meeting her…Bellatrix

Black. Never in a thousand years would he have thought that the darkest

witch in his world would be his soul mate in this new one. But he would

never deny the instant connection he felt toward her when he first

entered that out of time room.

And now here he was not five months later married to her and finding

himself the lord of an extinct ancient house that was not so extinct after

all. Again the surrealism of what had transpired was almost

overwhelming, as he learned of his heritage through his mother's line and

became a beacon for the scattered remnants of his house, remnants that

flooded to him in surprising numbers.

A once stilled magic began to flow once more within the veins of every

Eveningshade descendant, and it beckoned them back to their ancestral

home. The village took shape quickly and Harry soon found himself

being the head of a very large and infamous family; a family that looked

to him for support and protection and a restoration of their family glory

and power not to mention protection.

It was a rather large responsibility for a not quite sixteen year old. But he

had found allies in this new world, allies that would help him and guide

him through the turbulent waters of uncertainty. Besides his cunning and

powerful wife, who was absolutely devoted to him, he had also found a

true mentor and confidant in his grandmother, the Lady Dorea Potter nee


Harry was in awe of his grandmother, she was intelligent, cunning,

powerful, and was viciously protective of her family. Qualities he aspired

to cultivate within himself. He found himself turning to her often for

advice and counsel, and she freely gave it and would see him destroy

anyone that would threaten his family.

Though she was the Lady Potter, and loved her husband dearly and what

the Potters stood for, the Potters had always leaned more light with the

occasional lord leaning a bit gray. But she was raised a Black, and within

her chest beat the heart and soul of a Slytherin. Cunning, resourceful,

and not above using questionable methods in protecting her family, she

considered her magical and political-self more aligned gray with dark

highlights than light. Bella seemed to fit in this category as well. And it

was exactly what Harry needed as an example of where he wanted…

needed to be.

And as it happens, Harry was looking to that darker place within himself

now; a place that he had just within the last few months discovered

actually existed. He stared out into the darkness from the balcony of his

and Bella's bedroom suite, his mind trying to focus on the recent events

of the night.

"Knut for your thoughts?" Bella asked tenderly as she walked up to him

and pressed her chest into his back and encircled his waist with her arms

and tightly hugged him. The master suite was more like a small

apartment with a sitting room, a small private office, a large in suite

bathroom with a sunken garden tub large enough for four people to be

quite comfortable in, a breakfast nook and then of course the bedroom

itself with a large canopy bed.

The Eveningshade manor was small compared to the ancestral home of

the Blacks or even the Potter's, but it was large enough for Harry, who

never had a place he could truly call his own.

It was a two story Tudor style country estate. The exterior had beautifully

manicured lawns and water features; the home itself was a combination

of carved stone and old English oak beams. The interior was richly

decorated with tapestries hanging on the walls and from the buttresses.

Bella had the home decorated with many family artifacts and heirlooms

found in the Eveningshade vaults, she also included several of the

portraits that they had found of past Eveningshade Lords and Ladies.

A long hall with a high pitched ceiling, illuminated by large 13th Century

stained glass windows stretching to the rafters greeted visitors and guests

who entered through the main entry. The décor was warm but elegant

and denoted that a person of high social rank lived there. Each room had

its own theme and color scheme and various works of art that had guests

visually stimulated the moment they entered.

The family suites were on the second floor in the east wing of the estate,

and it is where Harry and Bella would entertain their relatives and closest

friends. However, tonight a meeting of the newly formed town council

was to be held, and it was would be held on the main floor in Harry's

personal study. But first he needed time to reflect upon what he would

say to his people about this recent development.

Harry chuckled morosely. "I'm afraid I would exhaust all the knots in our

vault with the number of thoughts I have warring in my head."

Bella rubbed soothing circles on his back as her magic flowed like warm

honey to comfort him. "We are partners love, your worries are my

worries, and my problems are yours. My strength is your strength and

yours is mine. We will face what comes together." She stated warmly,

kissing and nibbling lightly on his earlobe.

Harry turned his head to look at her and smiled gently at her with love

and admiration. He reached for her hands and lifted them to his lips,

kissing each open palm. "We are partners…aren't we." He breathed,

taking comfort in her nearness. He turned in her arms and hugged him to

her tenderly, nuzzling his face within her long dark tresses. Her scent of

sandalwood and spice filling his very soul with the calmness only she

could provide.

Taking a steadying breath he spoke. "I knew that eventually the village

would be discovered, but I had hoped it would have been much later

than sooner, and that we were better prepared." Harry stated, pulling a

tired hand down his face.

"We don't know for sure that Voldemort knows anything about us or the

village, Harry. It may have been just a coincidence that these Death

Eaters found us." Bella suggested cupping his face.

Harry sighed heavily and shook his head. "Maybe, but I can't take that

risk. I can no longer allow the safety of our people to be lacking." Harry

spoke with determination.

"I want to speak with Moody about forming and training a militia from

the villagers. I've already sent word to Lilith to choose about a dozen or

so who our strong with Eveningshade magic, especially those with some

advanced magical training, or muggle military training. I'll also be asking

the village council tonight to begin nightly patrols." Harry stated, then

turned and walked toward his desk.

"If you are going to do this, you should also include Lilith in the training,

Moody will not be able to teach them the family magic's, which we'll

need to take the fight to our enemies." Bella remarked receiving a nod

from Harry.

"Have you heard anything from grandmother?" Harry asked.

"She was still interrogating the last of the Death Eaters now, the young

Death Eater…Doyle, I think his name was. She will let us know what she

learns." Bella replied with a rueful chuckle.

Harry nodded his understanding, he loved his grandmother dearly, but he

had never met a more creative person when it came to information

extraction. He almost felt sorry for the man…almost. But he and those

like him were a threat to his people and of course to wizarding Britain he

reminded himself. But he would not let conscience override is duty to his

family; he would not make the same mistake his ancestor made that cost

them their magic and the lives of nearly every Eveningshade.

Harry stepped over to the small writing desk in the suite and tapped his

wand three times on a glass bell jar that sat there. The jar held within it a

floating scroll. The glass seemed to melt away and the scroll unrolled

itself and floated in front of Harry.

Harry stared down at the list of thirteen family names written upon the

yellowish parchment. Two of the names hand lines through them now.

Borgin…Macnair. He stared at the parchment, stared at the names of

those families who had conspired and had attempted to wipe his family

out. Some family names belong to those he knew were Death Eaters,

others he was not familiar with or what part they played in Voldemort's

blood war, but there were two that he felt conflicted about, knowing that

they were light families at least in his time.

Part of his soul screamed for vengeance but another part screamed for

justice, but every bit of him screamed for action.

"Now, let's get you properly attired." Bella chirped, taking a step back and

with nimble fingers began to unbutton his shirt. "We must look the lord

and lady for this meeting." She stated as she removed the shirt from his

shoulders, and then tossing it on the floor.

"And I know the perfect outfit." She continued as she tugged on the belt

to his trousers, unbuckling it and sliding it through the belt loops with a

quick swish of her wrist. She pressed her chest against his bare chest as

her nimble fingers got to work again. Sliding snuggly down between

them, her hands made their way to the trousers' top button. She grinned

mischievously at him keeping her eyes locked on his. Soon he felt the

button pop loose and then felt as much as heard the zipper slowly being


Harry gave an involuntary moan as her fingers ever so gently brushed

against his manhood. Bella's grin, if possible, became even more

mischievous as she lowered his pants, sinking to her knees as she went.

Harry gasped as he felt the warmth of her breath on him through his

boxers, and his own breathing intensified becoming slightly labored. His

body began to flush as she slowly rose from the floor, her sliding palms

following just after her warm breath as she gently rose up. Squeezing his

calves and then his thighs, her hands wandered closer to his center and

he shuddered in anticipation of her taking hold of him.

But suddenly her hands went from his hips to his abdomen and then his

shoulders. He hadn't realized that he had closed his eyes at some point

during her undressing of him, but they opened quickly as he felt a gentle

kiss to his chin.

She had a wicked smile on her bright red painted lips and a sultry if not

mirthful twinkle in her eyes. He was about to protest but she silenced

him with a finger pressed to his lips. "That was just the appetizer my

love, you'll have to wait for the entrée until after the meeting." She

smirked playfully, and then gave him a bit more teasing by squeezing his

erect member firmly through his silk boxers before turning away and

entering the wardrobe.


Later that evening:

"Repeat the oath!" Harry commanded, to the nine wizards and six witches

who were kneeling in front of him, who spoke the Eveningshade oath as


"We are the specters that move in shadow…

"We are the guardians of gray…

"Our House is our family…

"Our family is our blood…

"Blood is life…

"We give our blood for the family…

"and for the goddess.

"On our magic…so mote it be."

"So mote it be!" Harry spoke firm and clear.

Bella and Lilith then approached the kneeling group with two other

Eveningshade witches that were each carrying a bundle of dark grey

cloaks. The fabric felt alive with magic and seemed to swirl as if the

cloaks themselves were made of mist.

Lilith stood in front of the first kneeling acolyte; she then brought forth a

chalice that appeared to be half full of blood. She dipped her thumb into

the dark viscous liquid.

"This is the blood of your Lord and our house and with it I give you the

mark of the Goddess who is its protector." She stated as she traced a

Triskel on his forehead with the blood from the chalice. The mark burned

green and then faded into the skin. Lilith then stepped back and Bella

stepped forward.

Bella took one of the cloaks from one of the two witches. She then

addressed the kneeling wizard. "Arise, paladin of House Eveningshade

and honor your house and your goddess." Bella said ceremonially.

The first of the fifteen stood and Bella clasped the cloak around his neck.

The wizard felt an immediate sensation of electricity run down his body

as the magic imbued in the cloak took measure of him. It would now

only respond to him. Bella then stepped back and the wizard bowed his

head in deference, before taking his place next to the others and kneeled


One by one each new paladin received their mark and the Eveningshade

cloak. A cloak weaved by Eveningshade magic that offered the wearer

complete anonymity when the hood was up, and that was spell resistant

to all low level spells and some moderate curses. It blended into

whatever environment the wearer found himself in so that he appeared

to be part of it, seamless and nearly invisible.

Harry took stock of his new "Hit Team". These were the most magically

powerful of his people, those who had exceptional acumen with their

developing Eveningshade magic. These would be the ones he would take

with him to exact justice for his family, and from the intelligence that his

grandmother had extracted from the captured Death Eaters, he already

had his first target.


"What you're suggesting…well…it seems too ludicrous to be true. It could

potentially destabilize not only the government but the country as well!

And frankly I can't see the traditionalist supporting this at all, not to

mention the reaction of the light coalition!" Lord Horace Longbottom


"I can't believe your even suggesting it Charlus! And you Arcturus…your

house has led the caucus of the darker families for decades! How do we

to take this seriously…a Potter and Black led gray coalition?! The very

idea seems preposterous." Caius Greengrass, lord of House Greengrass

stated incredulously.

"I am curious about your motivations my lords. I've heard the

murmurings and the whispered rumors; I've seen the after action reports

from the DMLE. We are at a precarious precipice, I can see the shadows

of war upon our people, and what you are suggesting could push us over

that edge." Lord Bryn Davis added.

"I must agree with my colleagues. The gray and fringe families have

never shown any kind of organized coalition. We cannot suddenly lend

our support to legislations from this mysterious new lord you claim has

rallied them. I have seen no evidence of this! Not one of the hereditary

seats owned by any fringe family has participated in a session of the

Wizengamot in more than fifty years.

"Any muggleborn legislation you send to the floor will be dead on arrival.

Even with the sudden turn of the Blacks to a neutral house…which by the

way I am still having trouble believing. We don't have enough support

from the other noble house, light or dark.

"And let me assure you that the dark coalition will see and spin this as an

attack on pureblood customs and superiority. This Lord Voldemort's

"return to the Golden Age" propaganda is being positively received by the

minor pureblood houses." Lord Evard Bones argued.

An elegant female voice suddenly spoke up. Her tone was soft, but her

words piercing as she addressed the four Lords of the `neutral' faction of

the permanent members of the Wizengamot, four of the twenty Ancient

and Noble Houses that still existed.

"I am surprised, my lords, and not pleasantly so. As Lord Davis has

suggested, our world is facing a civil war. The lines have already been

drawn; the dark pureblood families of the elite and those of lesser lines

are rallying to the banner of a dark lord in the making. His followers

have attacked and killed muggles and muggleborn without challenge.

"I assume I do not need to remind you of the attack on Kings Cross

Station? Our world was nearly exposed if not for the superb work of our

DMLE. How many muggles were killed? How many muggleborn students

were maimed or killed? And has anyone been brought to justice!" She

said a bit more harshly.

"Our Minister, under the recommendation of the Chief Warlock Albus

Dumbledore, swept the entire incident to oblivion. There has been no

follow up investigation, whatsoever! The attack in Diagon Alley where

Gerald Bell was killed…in broad daylight! I have not seen one trial for

any of those that were captured! What about the attack on Hogsmeade!

"Why has there not been any resolution?! Because Albus and his sheep

don't want to upset those in our own Wizengamot who were involved!

"Your next question my lords, should be why? Why is he blocking justice

from being pursued?

"I'll tell you, he…like Voldemort believes in the superiority of blood, the

only difference between the two is that Voldemort wants to wipeout the

muggles and muggleborns, Albus wants to use them as breeders to

increase the magical population. He wants take any muggleborn infant

from the arms of their muggle parents, so they are not raised with

muggle ideas or values." She stated fiercely.

"How do you know this Lady Potter? Albus has always been a champion

of the Muggleborn. I find it hard to believe he would have any such

aims." Lord Longbottom replied.

"No?" The Potter matriarch chuckled mirthlessly.

"Have you read any of his recent proposals and sponsored legislation?

How about Ministry Bill 1142? Requirements for the positions of Ministry

Director, chief of staff, under-secretaries, and other ministerial critical

departments, that the applicant must be of no less than three generations

pure. This was a stipulation that Dumbledore put in.

"And the Marriage and inheritance act of 1945? This was also sponsored

by Albus Dumbledore. This law was enacted soon after the muggle's

Second World War. Many witches and wizards from old magical families

were nearly wiped out during the Blitz including the young. This resulted

in a shortage of available purebloods to marry.

"Many families in desperation to keep their lines alive married

muggleborns and half-bloods. But in order to protect the integrity of their

fortunes and lineage. A law was passed that muggleborns could not

inherit vaults or titles. Does this sound like a man who wants equality for

all magicals regardless of blood status? There are many more examples

my lords, and I assure you that Dumbledore is no friend to muggleborns."

"Even so Lady Potter, we simply don't have the numbers within the

hereditary seats to affect real change." The Longbottom of Longbottoms'

replied tiredly.

"But we do." Charlus replied.

"Yes, yes." Lord Davis waved his hand dismissively. "The fringe families

will miraculously appear in great numbers to create a new majority."

"That is exactly the case." Arcturus Black stated firmly, glaring at the


"And who exactly is this mysterious lord that will lead them? You have

been less than forthcoming with the identity of this enigmatic wizard

who has supposedly has won the loyalty of the fringe."


A trembling wizard lay prostate on the floor, small rivulets of blood

flowed from the edges of his mouth, the result of biting through his

tongue, because of the intensity of the Dark Lord's Cruciatus curse. His

body was in continual spasm and his mind somewhat addled. All he had

done was report the safe house in Glenridding had been attacked six were

found dead four were missing including Travers, the cell leader.

'Why would his lord attack him over reporting information that he

himself had asked for?' The young Death Eater thought through the foggy

haze that covered his mind. However any and all thoughts suddenly

ceased as a bright green light enveloped him.

The room stilled as the twenty or so Death Eaters at the abandoned

Malfoy Manor watched as one from their ranks was drug from the room

never to return. All eyes were looking down, but every ear was sharply

listening to their lord's movements about the room.

"Runcorn, If Travers and the other survived the attack, where would they

have gone?!" The raspy voice of his lord shouted.

"A-according to his cell's escape plan, they were to apparate at least three

times, there by confusing any tracking spells and then to finally apparate

to our safe house near Yetholm." Runcorn stated as calmly as he could.

"Have we received any word from Yetholm?" He hissed.

"N-none my lord."

Voldemort glowered at the man and began to pace the hall; his dark

magic was felt by those in attendance and caused many to shiver

involuntarily. "I grow weary from the incompetence, of the so called elite

of the wizarding world. I will go to Yetholm myself to find our lost


"But my L-lord, it is…it is too dangerous, we still do not know how the

Brown Cloaks are finding us, and…"

"Worthless coward!" Voldemort growled, pointing his bone white wand at

him. "I am the most powerful wizard since Merlin! No one can stand

against me! Now organize these fools! We leave in twenty minutes!"

"Y-yes my lord, of course my Lord!" Runcorn groveled, bowing lowly.

Runcorn turned toward the twenty-two Death Eaters that were there.

"Make yourselves ready, we leave in twenty minutes for Yetholm!"

As the group separated to prepare themselves, two death eaters went to

send messages to two very different masters. This was information that

could not be kept quiet. The reclusive Voldemort would be out in the

open for the first time in months. An opportunity such as this could not

be passed up.

Little did any realize that the first serious engagement of what would be

come to be known as the Blood War was about to begin.

A/N: I know I know, it is a short chapter, and it was either post

something now or wait another week or two before hammering out the

rest of the chapter. This chapter sets up a rather large and unintentional

showdown between all the major players that will truly start the war.

I hope to have the next chapter out within the next week or two. I've

been extremely busy in the real world, not to mention that my three

boys are monopolizing our computer with schoolwork. It amazes me

how much school has changed since I was a student. Almost all of their

assignments are online, from math to language arts; I think pretty soon

the need for actual teachers in a classroom will become obsolete!

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed this small chapter, the next should be

definitely larger, as a confrontation on the battleground and in the

Wizengamot is about to happen. Please review and let me know your

thoughts and opinions.

36. Chapter 36

Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: First I want to give a big thanks to all those who have reviewed

this story, we hit over 4000 reviews after the last chapter and I have all

you to thank! It's quite humbling to know so many people have taken an

interest in my little story.

Ok, so this chapter has been written and re-written three times, hence

the lateness of this chapter being posted. I struggled with how I wanted

to present this part, would it be all out mayhem and destruction heavy

on the action with little character development or interaction, or would

it be getting you emotionally involved with the different factions and

characters and consequences of their actions.

I went with the latter, and after many re-writes I hope I have been able

to draw you in a little more to the personal and political consequences

as the story continues to move the Eveningshade saga forward.

The chapter is shorter than I would have liked but the re-writes and

editing has delayed this chapter long enough and I wanted to give you

something. This chapter is part one of two chapters in this particular


Thanks again and I hope you enjoy this latest chapter of Passageways!

Chapter 36

There was no sound, though he could see many contorted faces in the act

of screaming…yelling…cursing…and praying, yet there was no sound

coming from their open mouths. He realized that at some point he had

lost the ability to hear. It was as if he were in the midst of a silent

nightmare, a nightmare that he could not awaken from.

He forced a large lump down his throat and angrily tried to suppress the

growing fear within his chest. He felt numb or was it cold, he was not

sure. He began to wonder if he was not dead already and just existed now

as some spectral witness to the carnage that lay before his eyes. And if he

was dead, was this hell? Was this the penance he would have to pay

throughout eternity for his crimes? To watch his brethren cut down? To

smell the stench of eviscerated bowels spilt upon the white snow.

Was he to be an immortal, immobile observer to the destruction of

everything? Would fate be so cruel? It had been a noble cause…hadn't it?

Uniting the world under wizarding kind, to end humanities madness, to

end their wars?

He had firsthand knowledge of muggle cruelties' and inhumanities. He

had lived in the wizarding section of Berlin when the Russians and

Americans attacked. Their bombs and their machines of war had

decimated the city, including a large part of the magical community that

had lain invisible to muggles for centuries. He had lost his wife and his

four year old daughter in the air raids. The filthy barbarians destroyed

without care or compassion.

It was in 1951 when he first heard the speech that would drive him for

the next twenty years. A voice calling for the unification of wizards and

witches everywhere a call to arms against the muggles, a man who spoke

with a vision of a world safe from muggle ideas from muggle weapons

and muggle wars, a world where the law of magic would rule absolute. It

would be a world where muggles were controlled and pacified.

He had followed Gellert Grindelwald ever since. Grindelwald would lead

them from the hidden shadows and into the light of day, and they would

put down the muggle oppressors who forced wizard-born into hiding and

fearing discovery.

He felt rather than heard the concussive blast that threw up snow, parts

of splintered trees and rock into the air, bits of stone, earth, and wood

fell upon him like a perverse version of rain. 'No' he thought. He was not

dead; he was still alive at least in some fashion…for the moment.

Another thud to his left had him turn his head in his prone position half

buried in snow, to look at the vacant stare of young woman who had just


He did not recognize her, he was not sure which group she was with, not

that it mattered now, he mused, death was the great equalizer, it did not

care if you were good or bad, rich or poor...it eventually took everyone.

He looked into the stilled blue eyes of the young woman lying next to

him on the frozen ground; he supposed she had been quite beautiful,

even with the few new lacerations to her face…she was striking. A few

loose strands of brilliant red hair fluttered in the air, a petite upturned

nose and an elegant face…such a waste, he mourned.

His attention was then drawn upward; he felt the familiar sizzle of spell

fire close overhead. It was getting more difficult to get his eyes to focus

now, not to mention the exhausting effort to turn his head. His eyes

widen however at the spectacle that was happening within a quaffle's

throw from where he lay.

Two gods were locked in mortal battle; the collage of colors was

incredible as spell crashed against shield, and then returned. They circled

each other like sharks, like predators searching for that one weakness

that would allow them to deliver a killing blow.

He recognized them; one was of international acclaim the wizarding

world over. However, his claim to fame was based on a fabrication. He

was celebrated as the man who had killed his master. But that was far

from the truth, a simplistic lie for a complicated reality.

The other was the upstart traitor who betrayed his master and sought to

take his place if not his legacy and glory from him. Though he appeared

more a monster than man now, there was no mistaking the irritating

pompous voice of Tom Riddle.

He would have paid anything to see how this duel ended, but his eyes

were growing dim, he knew his hold on mortality was quickly slipping

away and he would join all those lost souls who found their end here…in

this god forsaken place.

He searched the battlefield one more time to see if any of his comrades

were still on their feet, but as his eyes traveled around he could not find

any. He scrunched his face in confusion as he noticed the nearby tree

line. Blurry silhouettes began to emerge, who were they? They did not

seem to be fully corporeal, they were ghostlike.

Were these the heralds of death? Were they Valkyrie, here to guide the

valiant dead to Valhalla? As his last rattling breath was escaping his

body, one of them turned toward him, eyes blazing emerald green,

everything seemed to suddenly stop and then…darkness.


She couldn't catch her breath, spells were coming too fast and too close.

The very air was electrified with the number of spells flying in everything

direction. 'Damn Dumbledore to hell.' She thought as she threw herself

head first into a large shrub, as several spells impacted the spot she had

just vacated.

Her respite was short lived however when the shrubs she had sought

cover behind were set ablaze by an incendio spell. Scrambling quickly on

hands and knees she sought new shelter only to have the ground beneath

her stomach explode in a shower of frozen dirt and rock tossing her some

twenty feet backwards, landing close to the tree line. Shrapnel cut into

her face and head and blood began to flow free from the many cuts.

Her heart was beating so violently, she thought that it would soon

explode from her chest. She struggled to take a breath; her lungs burned

as she gasped in the frigid air around her. The sound of pounding feet

startled her, she forced herself to belly crawl through the pain toward the

cavity of an old fallen tree and shoved herself into the rotting bark.

She had no idea if it was friend or foe, and her survival instincts were

screaming at her to hide and be quiet, so she lay motionless. In her

moment of mortal uncertainty she was mentally cursing Albus

Dumbledore, whose portkey had dropped them in the middle of a pitched

battle between the Death Eaters and the Brown Cloaks.

What the fuck was going on! This was supposed to be a reconnaissance

mission, to learn about the Death Eaters and the connection to the Purist

Movement's leader, Lord Voldemort. What the hell were the Brown

Cloaks doing here! Instead of a clandestine observation operation they

found themselves caught in the middle of a fight between two factions

intent on killing each other.

The foot falls faded and she debated whether to just stay where she was

or peek out and see if any other Order members were close by. When

they had suddenly appeared by portkey not twenty feet from an intense

fire fight they were immediately beset upon by both sides. There had

been eight of them when they arrived but two went down immediately

from the killing curse.

Dumbledore had immediately thrown up a shield but the sheer amount of

spells began to collapse it quickly. They had all made a run for whatever

cover they could find. She had tried to apparate but there were

apparently wards up keeping her from escaping.

Decision made to find her friends or at least Dumbledore and then get the

hell out of here got her moving. Shimmying out from the hollow log she

was in, and keeping her body close to the ground. She hoped that a

smaller profile would hopefully keep her from being spotted by others.

She had only moved a few feet when the first spell clipped her shoulder

at sent her spinning to the ground. The air was suddenly electrified with

a rainbow of colored curses flew around her. She noticed a large

unmoving body just twenty feet from her. It might give her a little

protection, some cover against the oncoming spells.

She made a quick dash towards the fallen brown cloaked man, dodging

this way and that, she was almost there when she noticed out of the

corner of her eye a flare of powerful magic. She turned to see

Dumbledore deflecting a rather nasty looking curse back at the caster. It

was him…Voldemort. Bile rose in her throat at the sight of the

animalistic looking leader of the purist movement.

She felt as if everything would be okay, Dumbledore would get them

back to safety and she would be reunited with family and friends and

forget this night ever happened. She grinned as she closed the last few

remaining feet to the body that would give her enough protection until

Dumbledore drove back the others.

She dove the last few feet, but her eyes widen and would remain that

way as a sickly green light sped toward her striking her in the chest. She

fell bonelessly to the ground, not even a foot away from her supposed

protection. Her glowing blue eyes suddenly and violently dimmed



The silence was deafening, Lords Greengrass, Longbottom, Davis, and

Bones were gobsmacked as they stood in various position around the

formal Head of House office of the Ossuary, the seat of House Bones.

"You can't be serious Dorea! The Eveningshades are extinct; their light

was extinguished more than a century ago!" Bryn Davis exclaimed.

"I assure you that House Eveningshade lives, and has a powerful wizard

as it Lord and Head. And of the greatest importance to us is that he has

garnered the loyalty of the fringe and many gray leaning families."

"This is not a good omen, Charlus, you must see it. If true, we should

distance ourselves from this not form an alliance with this lord. The

Eveningshades were dangerous, though my family never had interactions

with them, the stories I've heard about them are terrifying. They are not

to be trusted." Evard Bones warned.

Arcturus Black stood and rolled his eyes at the lord of House Bones.

"Grow a spine Evard, your grandfather…Merlin bless his soul… would be

sorely disappointed at your paranoid rant! He would have looked at this

situation logically and separated fact from fiction, and then acted in the

best interest of not only his family but our world."

Arcturus then cast a challenging gaze upon the other three neutral lords.

"House Eveningshade was powerful…very powerful." He said slowly,

momentarily recalling the power he felt coming from Harry when he first

met him. "But they keep their word, they are not oath breakers, but they

hold those who enter agreement with them to their words also.

"Were they cunning? Yes.

"Were they crafty? Indeed they were.

"And were they dangerous? None deadlier." He nodded knowingly.

"But, they were also loyal to their family and to their allies; they were…

are, neither light nor dark. Lord Eveningshade walks in the shadow and

has already set in motion events that will change Wizarding Britain as we

know it. And we are offering you a front row seat."

"And what is your role in this Arcturus? The House of Black has always

been a dark house. Why this sudden change? There must be something in

this for you. Some promised element for your support, more power

perhaps in the minister's office?" Lord Longbottom suggested with


"Perhaps you seek the position of Minister yourself! A dictatorship…

where House Black controls all!" Caius Greengrass shouted. "Will you

turn the Eveningshades on us?!"

Dorea interrupted before an all-out duel erupted between the posturing

wizards, seeing her brother Arcturus's eyes narrow it was almost

inevitable. "My lords! Can we please not get into a pissing contest while

there is a lady in the room?!" She chided the increasingly blustering men.

"My apologies, Lady Potter." Lord Longbottom inclined his head in

deference and Arcturus giving a tight nod toward his sister, Greengrass

folding his arms against his chest in an angry childlike manner.

"Now then, as you can all plainly see in the Writ of Alliance, that no

house will have power over another!" Her index finger tapping forcefully

to the official parchment spread-out on the desk. We act as one body.

Every perk, promise, and power meticulously outlined. We cannot act

unilaterally; we must have a consensus of all our houses. Only together

are we strong enough to effect the change we want."

"My Lady?" Lord Bones began. "What we are doing is tantamount to

treason. If we fail, we could all find ourselves sharing a cell in Azakaban."

"Then we must not fail my lord. We will have a slight majority in the

Hereditary Houses, and on the permanent council." Dorea stated firmly.

"I must disagree my lady." The Longbottom of Longbottoms interrupted.

"There are twenty surviving houses that make up the permanent council.

We are only six; we do not have a majority to bring about the change you


"There is one more neutral house that may agree to join us…The

Edgecombes." Charlus stated.

"The Edgecombe's?! They follow where ever the strongest wind is

blowing. Light…dark, it does not matter to them as long as there is no

risk to them." Greengrass mocked.

"Even if we did persuade them, that still only makes seven, seven against

Thirteen, Charlus. The light faction has eight, and though the dark houses

only have five, now that the Blacks have shifted, we still can't seat a

majority." Lord Bones indicated.

"That's where you would be wrong Evard." Dorea half smiled half

smirked. "There are actually at this moment twenty-eight surviving

'Ancient and Noble' house of the permanent council."

"What nonsense Dorea, there have only been twenty for nearly a century.

The others have gone extinct." Lord Longbottom chuckled softly.

"Just like the Eveningshades, my old friend." Charlus Potter began. "They

have reemerged from the darkness and are ready to take up their seats

once more."

"What insanity is this Charlus?! The other thirty lines are gone!" Lord

Horace Longbottom insisted.

This time it was Arcturus who chuckled. "I once thought so to, Horace.

But they survived through their squib descendants."

"Squibs are not allowed to have any seat in the Wizengamot!" Lord Davis

shouted. "This is ridiculous!" He shouted again. "Was this your glorious

plan? To bring in squibs to sit amongst us? What fools!" He chided.

"Hold your tounge Bryn Davis, or I shall remove it!" Dorea Potter nee-

Black warned as she stood abruptly from her chair. Such was the power

and awe that the older woman possessed that the Lord of House Davis

stumbled back a few steps and paled as he fell back into his own chair.

"These are not some simpletons without magic! These are wizards who

are heirs to Ancient and Noble Houses! And it is their right by all the

laws we hold dear to claim their seats on this council! And you would do

well to remember that Lord Davis, as THEY have already sworn

allegiance to Lord Eveningshade and the Gray Council that we are

inviting you to join.

"With them joining the Houses of Potter and Black, we will have a

majority within the permanent council. AND with the inclusion of the

Fringe families who will flood the halls of the ministry this next session,

we will already be the dominant force in the Wizengamot!

"Now then, my lords!" Dorea glared at the other three neutral lords

daring them to challenge her. "Shall we debate this further or have we

come to an agreement that the Gray Coalition will include your Houses

or will you fall to the wayside and let history pass your Houses by?"

Lord Bones stood and approached the desk; he grabbed a quill and

dipped it twice into the inkwell. He placed quill to parchment and signed

the Writ of Alliance, officially becoming a member of the Gray Alliance.

Lord Longbottom was next to sign, quickly followed by the Lord of House

Greengrass. A humbled Lord Davis stood from his chair and approached

the desk; he bowed respectfully to Dorea and signed his name to the


"Now that that has been settled, let us discuss the overthrow of the

Ministry." Arcturus Black smiled gleefully reclining back in his chair his

dark gray eyes sparkling with excitement for the things to come.


Karima Laylan was standing in the courtyard of Eveningshade Manor

along with her fellow paladins waiting for the activation of a port-key

that would take them and others to the Death Eater safe house, the

location having been learned by Lady Potter during her interrogation of

the captured Death Eaters.

Their assignment was to wipe them out…all of them. They were a threat

to the clan and leaving them alone would mean a possibility of other

Death Eaters or Voldemort himself discovering their location. They would

also make it appear that Brown Cloaks had attacked the safe-house to

throw off any who would investigate the attack. So they would use blades

to slit the throats of the Death Eaters simulating a typical Brown Cloak


Karima was born in Morocco; at nearly six feet tall and an Olympic

athlete's body she made for an imposing woman, but her sharp facial

features and flawless caramel colored skin along with her piercing green

eyes also gave her an exotic beauty that left most men speechless.

However it was her skill as a Hit Witch and soldier that she prized most,

second only to her love for her great-grandfather. Her great- grandfather

was born an Eveningshade, and had only just turned eleven years old in

1810 when his world exploded around him. With very little formal

training in magic his wand that he had only had for a short few weeks

was useless to him during the great extermination.

Amidst the chaos of screams and sizzling spell fire, his mother had

grabbed him and was running as fast as she could toward the tree line to

hide. Tragically his mother was cut down by a blasting hex that severed

her left femoral artery.

She frantically tried to cast a blood clotting spell on her leg to stop the

flow of blood but her spell work was not fast enough to stem the flow of

the life giving fluid. Karima remembered the story her great-grandfather

had told her when she was just a child. How he screamed in horror as the

light from his mother's eyes dimmed.

He had taken up his wand and though he did not know any spells or

incantations tried to force his magic to heal his mother. After several

failed attempts he collapsed onto his mother's unmoving chest and

sobbed. His mourning was interrupted by a callous voice speaking

directly behind him.

"No challenge here, just an Eveningshade brat, that won't live to see another

day." The voice had said with dark amusement.


"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A new voice had yelled. He turned to see a woman

with green eyes much like his mother's stepping over the body of the man

who had just threatened him. She then lifted the young boy over her

shoulder and quickly made to the trees.

Six months later Cillian Eveningshade would arrive in Morroco, a refuge

from the shores of Great Britain with a few other survivors. He would

later marry a beautiful Moorish witch and raise a family. He would often

speak of his early life and about the once great clan of House

Eveningshade and of course about the betrayal and annihilation of his


Karima had always felt a strong connection to both sides of her family

heritage. Her great-grandmother had been a powerful witch and whose

magical lineage was as old as any. Karima carried a curved bejeweled

Saracen knife at her waist, a gift and heirloom from her great-

grandmother and her Moorish ancestor several generations back.

She also wore around her neck her great-grandfather's wand,

miniaturized by a powerful shrinking charm; she kept it close to her

heart so that she would always remember him. Remembering the man,

who would tell her of Britain, and the Eveningshade history.

Karima had been twelve years old when her great-grandfather had passed

away at an impressive 158 years old. Her earliest memories centered on

him, they had formed an instant connection, he would entertain her with

stories and demonstrations of what wandless magic he could do and she

would giggle and laugh her green eyes sparkling and it would bring

sunshine back into his heart.

He had told her shortly before he died that she possessed within her the

strongest measure of Eveningshade magic that he had felt in any of his

other children or grandchildren. He also told her that he had foreseen a

day that House Eveningshade would raise again from the ashes, and that

she would feel a pull on her magic directing her to return to Britain and

that she should follow it.

And now here she was, chosen to be the personal bodyguard to the Lady

Eveningshade. She knew her great-grandfather would be so proud of her,

and she would finally be able to keep the promise she had made him on

the day that he died. That House Eveningshade would be avenged and

restored to its rightful place.

As her mistress joined the circle along with the lord of the clan and a few

others, she smiled internally and touched the wand around her neck

lovingly and then caressed the handle of her Saracen blade at her waist…

it was time to go and face her destiny as an Eveningshade and Paladin of

her house.


37. Chapter 37

A/N: My friends, I realize that it has been about two and a half years

since I have updated this story. As many of you know I had been

struggling with health issues and I needed to take a break from writing.

I am back to writing again and have promised myself that I will finish

this story. I have continued to receive wonderful reviews and

encouraging messages from many of you and it is a big reason why I

have come back to this story. The updates will be sporadic and the

chapter length will fluctuate but I am determined to finish this story.

Due to the length of my absence from the story I may make a few

mistakes in continuity and characterization in the world I've created in

this story, but I hope that I don't stray too far from my original premise.

This chapter is short but I wanted to give you a little something to

hopefully rekindle your interest in my little story. Again, much love to

all those who have continued to ask for the story to go on, and so to all

of you here is Chapter 37 of Passageways!

Chapter 37

"I can't believe this shite sarge! It's half an hour till our shift is over…and

they bloody send us out to the middle of nowhere to yell at some sprogs

that got a hold of some bloody fireworks!"

"Shut it Campbell! YOU'LL only be late to the pub…my wife had plans for

us this evening, and you know how she gets when her plans get tossed!"

Sergeant Dumfries of the local constabulary in Yetholm growled at his


"You married her you daft sod. I warned you about my sister before you

started dating her! You have no one to blame but yerself." Constable

Robert Campbell chuckled at his brother in-law.

"Right…" Dumfries rolled his eyes. "Just keep your eyes on the road ya

sod, it's looking a bit icy, and I don't want to explain to the chief how you

wrecked another squad car."

"Oi! That last one was not my fault. That cow just came out of nowhere!"

Campbell defended.

"It was ten feet from the bloody road…in a field!" Dumfries smacked the

back of Campbell's head.

"Well, I didn't see the pothole and that bloody coffee was hot… went

right down me trousers it did!"

"Whatever, let's just find these kids so we can get back to the station and

get our shift report done, maybe if we're quick enough the missus won't

be too cranky with me."

"Did you feel that mate?" Robert asked suddenly as they turned off on to

an old lane. "Huh and where did this turn come from…never seen this

road before, and I've lived here me entire life."

"I felt something too." Hamish Dumfries replied, shivering just a bit and

squinting his eyes into the darkness with a sense of sudden foreboding.

"Felt…a bit like walking next to a high voltage power line…all tingling


"Yeah…what the bloody hell is that?!" The car had suddenly shaken,

nearly causing Constable Campbell to swerve off the snowy lane and into

a tree.

"Fuck me…that was no firework that felt like a bloody bomb went off!"

Sergeant Dumfries yelled his senses now fully alert.

"Should we call in for some back up?" Robert asked a bit more on edge.

"We're the only two on duty except for the dispatcher this late at night.

By the time they called someone in, whatever this is could be long over.

No, radio it in but let's not wait around, we need to investigate this as

soon as possible." Dumfries informed his partner.

"Right, but as soon as we stop I'm pulling the shotgun from the trunk,

could be the IRA for all we know." The junior constable fidgeted in his


Dumfries rolled his eyes at his brother in-law. "I highly doubt it's the IRA

you paranoid git, we're far too north for their likes, and there is nothing

of political interest up here else ways."

"SAINT ANDREW PRESERVE US!" Robert Campbell exclaimed as he made

the sign of the cross slamming the brakes of their little squad car and

sliding to stop.

The two men saw dozens of strangely clothed people running around and

shooting colored lightning from sticks at each other. Body parts could be

seen being blasted from their owners from the lightning strikes, some of

the lightening was creating explosions tossing up frozen dirt, rocks, and




The radio crackled as a female voice responded. "Sergeant Dumfries, this

is dispatch confirming request for backup."


HAVE TO! We have some kind of battle going on…I'm seeing dead and

injured persons all over the fucking place!" The police veteran screamed

into the radio.

"Right! I'm on it Hamish…sit tight until help arrives!" Mavis Breckinridge

replied, her voice raising several octaves as she scrambled to get the two

constables some immediate assistance.

Movement in front of them caught their attention and the two officers

stared in horrified awe as they witnessed a figure in black robes create a

long whip of fire from his stick and then watched as it wrapped itself

around another man in what looked like a brown robe. The robes of the

second man instantly caught fire and with a tug on his stick the first man

seemed to pull charred flesh from the second man's bones sending the

remains flying through the air.

The blood curdling scream jolted the two law enforcement officers out of

their momentary paralysis. This fight was something that was clearly out

of their depth of training and experience, it was time to get the hell out

of there!


his partner.

Robert was about to throw the car in reverse when a cloaked figure

suddenly appeared in front of them, the flashing blue lights from the

patrol car illuminated the heavily scarred face of the man. The grotesque

face offered an even more grotesque smile. The two officers looked at the

man and froze as they witnessed him raise his arm toward them, a stick

in his hand.

They watched his lips move and then suddenly there was a blinding flash

of red and then an eardrum splitting sonic boom. Neither man would be

filling out any shift reports tonight, the burning twisted heap of metal

that had once been the newest vehicle in the Yetholm Constabulary

motor pool and its two occupants were no more.


A sudden wash of color flared just behind the tree line to where a pitched

battle was taking place. Harry, Bella and the Eveningshade Paladin strike

team materialized and immediately took a defensive posture.

"SHIELD WALL!" Jacob Cysgod the 44 year old Aussie and Paladin

captain ordered. Six Paladins stepped forward in front of the others and

cast large shields of a golden hue; they overlapped each other increasing

their individual strength exponentially.

"What the fuck..." Harry whispered as he took in the battle in front of

him. Who were all these witches and wizards? There were at least fifty

magicals in an all-out melee. This was just supposed to be a quick hit and

run on a Deatheater safe house, but they found themselves staring at a

pitched battle. He recognized the death eaters with there black robes and

silver masks, he also recognized the Brown Cloaks. But who was the third


His question was almost immediately answered when his eyes were

suddenly drawn to the middle of the fight. Two wizards were locked in a

massive duel, spellfire being exchanged at such a rapid rate it was nearly

at inhuman speeds. He immediately recognized Dumbledore then

focusing on the other he knew it had to be Voldemort.

"My lord, your orders?" Cysgod asked his family patriarch and lord. Harry

didn't respond. He had not anticipated a scene such as this. It was

supposed to be a quick strike to eliminate a safe house…eight hostiles at

most. But this…this he was not expecting, and honestly he was unsure

how to proceed. If he engaged he undoubtedly would lose some of his

people, not to mention revealing himself to the wizarding world sooner

than he would like, and there was just too much chaotic spell fire and too

many unknowns to just throw his people into this maelstrom.

"My lord?" Cysgod asked again but seeing the hesitation and confusion in

his master's eyes he quickly turned around sending hand signals to the

rest of the team, instructing them to raise their hoods and use the charms

in their cloaks to blend into their surroundings and to hold their


The veteran soldier placed a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder. "Perhaps

we should fall back and observe my lord. We can use this opportunity to

gather intelligence on our enemies' tactics and strength." He gently


Harry nodded mechanically and the team silently fell back to the safety

of the forest. Fortunately their arrival had seemed to go unnoticed by the

other combatants. The word was passed down the line to hold positions

and not engage.

Harry looked over the battlefield and noticed that the combatants slowly

began to cease their fighting and instead focused all their attention on

two individuals who were creating such a powerful light show that the

very air crackled with charged ozone.

"Sweet Morgana…" Harry whispered. He looked at the two wizards that

had ruined his life and the power they displayed and a flicker of self-

doubt popped into his mind.

"How can I defeat these bastards!?" Harry growled forcing his momentary

insecurity down deep and turning it to anger as his awe at the display of

power turned to loathing.

Down the ranks to the left of Harry, Karima also looked down at the

fighting going on and wanted to throw herself into slowing fray, the

warrior within her longing to be tested once again in combat. But she

knew her primary responsibility was to the Lady Eveningshade and her

honor would not allow her to abandon her charge to satisfy her own lust

for battle.

Karima looked at her Lady in quiet admiration, though the Lady

Eveningshade was young she could since her power and potential. She

watched the dark-haired mistress of the clan as she took in the battle

below them, her eyes scanning and taking in the scene as it unfolded

already mentally preparing herself for what might lie ahead.

Karima sighed longingly as she caressed the hilt of her blade. The

Saracen enchanted knife seemed to vibrate and sing a song to her of

longing for battle and blood. She had resigned herself to just being a

spectator…at least until movement to the right caught her attention.

Hand signals again.

A/N: I hope this latest chapter has rekindled your interest in the story,

short I know and a bit of a cliff hanger…don't flame me please. I just

wanted to get something out there to whet your appetites. Much love,


Please Review!

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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