Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Рождение Тьмы


Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13201787/1/Birth-of-




Гарри Поттер

Рождение Тьмы



Что, если два существа разозлятся из-за того, что их обманули, или

если старые козлы-манипуляторы посягнут на их владения, решат

немного изменить ситуацию, как это повлияет на волшебный мир?

Гарри воспитан Сириусом, Темным Гарри, пары еще не определены.

Избиение Дамблдора.

Семейная магия и политика также играют роль.

Рейтинг М на всякий случай.

Рейтинг: Художественная

литература M

– Английский – Драма/Сверхъестественное – Гарри П. – Глав: 8 –

Слов: 18 724 – Обзоров:


– Избранное: 236 – Читает: 286 – Обновлено:

27.03.2019, 00:52:11

– Опубликовано:

09.02.2019, 02:14:31

– id : 13201787

1. Prologue

AN: Revised prologue for grammar and to make things sound a bit

better. Please review letting me know what you think my goal is to

attempt to get chapter 1 uploaded at some point tonight/tomorrow.

It was Halloween night and all was quiet in the town of Godric's Hollow.

The only sound in this quaint village was the sound of children going

door to door, hopeful to get candy. Though all was not well this night,

for a man was walking through the village in a pair of dark robes—his

face hidden in the shadows of his hood.

Though if anyone did glance up and see his face, the terror they would

feel from the deep dark red eyes pale almost white face and snake slit for

a nose.

This man was a terror to the wizarding world and he went by his self

styled name, Lord Voldemort. On this night he had one purpose: to defeat

the one being who would ever have a chance at stopping his reign of

terror. As he came upon the house of his enemy, he felt the wards that

were meant to hide them snap from existence. If only the ones inside

knew what was about to come, they would attempt to run, but they were

unknowing that the one they considered a friend and ally had betrayed

them. Approaching the door, Lord Voldemort drew his wand and cast a

blasting curse, blowing the door from its hinges. The husband, James

Potter, yelled out "Lily, it's him! Peter betrayed us! Take Harry and run".

He heard the hurried footsteps of the foolish girl as she attempted to

escape, unaware of the anti-apparition and portkey wards he had erected

upon his arrival. He stepped into the house and prepared himself. James

Potter, however, was about to prove why his best course in school was

transfiguration. Before Lord Voldemort could even took a full step inside

the house, James' wand was in hand and he was transfiguring the nearby

rubble. He began by transfiguring the door into a tiger and sending it

after the so called lord. He was far from done though. He followed it up

by turning the rubble around him into blades, which he banished towards

the threat to his family. However, Voldemort's reign of terror wasn't

without reason. Before James could process it, his tiger vanished and the

blades were turned into water, immediately falling to the floor.

Voldemort then turned his wand on Potter and cast the spell he was most

famous for. "Avada Kedvara."

As a flash of green light left his wand, Potter's life force was snuffed out

and he fell to the floor. dead.

Voldemort continued his way into the house, ascending the stairs toward

his target, unaware of the danger that awaited him. When made aware of

the danger facing her child, Lily Potter, who many referred to as the

brightest witch of her generation, began researching ways to protect

young Harry. As Voldemort entered the room she had just put the

finishing touches upon the runes required to protect her baby. Upon

entering the room, he found her crouched in front of Harry's bed. Now,

Voldemort had promised her to one of his followers and he was nothing

if not benevolent towards those who were faithful. This follower had

given him the information that led him here this evening. "Move aside

girl. You are promised to another." Unwilling, she held firm in place.

"Never! if you want Harry you have to go through me." Staring at her

with his wand pointed at her "one last chance foolish girl, move aside!

Enough magical blood will be spilt tonight; there is no need to spill yours

as well." Still unwilling to waver, she held in place so Lord Voldemort

aimed his wand and cast the spell "Avada Kedavra." With another flash of

green light, she fell lifeless before her child's bed. As he looked upon the

child that prophecy foretold would be his downfall, he sneered, "after

tonight none shall be able to stop me," and with that, he raised his wand

ready to end the child's life the same way he did the parents. "Avada

Kedvara." As the spell raced towards the child, he saw his eyes become

the same color as the curse heading towards him. Everything froze and a

third being appeared in the room radiating power.

"I hate meddling fools who try to manipulate my tapestry." This being

had been referred to as many names, though the most common and the

one it preferred was Fate. As she studied the scene before her, she said

out loud "This confrontation was not supposed to happen for another 18

years! This child is no where near his equal", due to this she decided to

have some fun, for beings such as Fate were not allowed to meddle in the

affairs of mortals, with the exception of when they infringed on her

domain; she was given free reign to due as she pleased to make things

even out. As she was about to begin she heard another voice, "Sister?

What are you doing here?" She turned around, her brother appearing

before her. To the mortals he was known by many names, though he had

two that he preferred; Darkness and Death. He was born from the

darkness at the beginning of the universe and he will return to it at the

end. "A manipulative old fool set in motion a confrontation between two

that were bespoke of in one of my prophecies. Now I am balancing the

scales. What brings you here brother?"

"The snake-faced one has been attempting to cheat me and I intend to

take my due using this child as my champion." Fate looked Death over.

"it's not often we both get cheated. Perhaps there's a compromise to be


Fate stared at her brother; she had one thing to say "What did you have

in mind?". With that he went to work reaching out to the darkness

around them.

"While I can't take the bastard now, I can make it so that his foe can

delay him for the time being" he took the gathered darkness and placed it

in the infant. He looked towards his sister. She laughed, "while I don't

have as much freedom as you do brother, I am forced to operate inside

the means of my prophecy and at this point the child is nowhere near his

equal." she reached within the child, taking hold of the core within which

his magic resided and allowed her power to flow into it until the core

grew to be the same size as his foretold enemy's at this point in time.

Death had one final move. Reaching out towards the artefacts that he had

given to the mortals centuries before, he grasped the mark that

represented their power upon this plain and placed it upon the child. The

two entities stepped back, "This should make things more interesting and

get us both are due." With one last modification of the mortal's ritual, the

two blinked from existence.

As they vanished, time resumed and the curse continued its path towards

the child. Voldemort smiled unaware of what had just taken place. The

runes fired up, redirecting the curse from its path towards the child and

sending it back to its caster where it struck true. Now for most this curse

would be instant death, however, in the case of Voldemort, anchors tied

him to life. The power of the curse destroyed his body, ripping his spirit

from its host. Due to the strain he had put his spirit under creating his

anchors, a piece broke off and attempted to latch onto the only living

host in the room; it was denied by the darkness placed inside the boy by

death by grabbing hold of the leech. The darkness stripped it of all, but

its knowledge, and passed it on to its host. The backlash from the

destruction of Voldemort attacked all around lighting fire to the house

and tearing most of it apart. The child began crying and screaming.

It was as he cried that a distant roaring could be heard which cut off as it

reached the house. Panicked screams, "James! Lily! Harry!" The man

known as Sirius Black came running into the house and up the stairs

towards the sound. Picking up the child, attempting to lull him he heard

another figure approach. As the figure came into view he asked, "Hagrid

what are you doing here?" The huge man replied, "Dumbledore sent me

to collect young 'Arry."

"I'm his godfather he should be with me," Sirius argued. "He will stay

with me and if Dumbledore has a problem with it he can come to me

himself!" With that Sirius walked past the half-giant and out to his bike.

These interferences set the future on a alternate course causing many

changes. Fear would be in store for most, but for those who chose to walk

with the now slumbering babe? A good prosperous life.

2. Chapter 1

AN: Wow so many follows on my story since posting, makes me

excited as this is my first attempt at a fanfic. As always I own

nothing this all belongs to the mighty JK Rowling.

As Sirius arrived back at his home parking his motorbike he looked down

at the sleeping child and couldn't help but think about if he would be

able to handle raising a child. He dismounted his bike heading inside and

called out "Vokry", this was followed by a pop and a house-elf dressed in

a tea-towel no matter how many times Sirius had attempted to get him to

wear a proper uniform, appeared before him "yes Master Black what can

Vokry be doing for you?" Kneeling down to make it easier for the smaller

being to see "Vokry this is my godson Harry he will be living with us

from now on, I need you to prepare a room for him for the night and

preferably soon as I expect I will have a visitor showing up shortly",

Vokry studied the sleeping infant for a moment before looking up at

Sirius. "Yes Master Black right away." With that Vokry popped away to

prepare the room.

Sirius stopped for a second to consider his next move when he stood up

and walked further into the house pausing at the bottom of the stairs

before continuing his way up. Upon reaching the top of the stairs he

walked towards the room bearing the plaque reading "Master Harry", as

he stepped into room he studied it for a second it wasn't much but there

would be time for that later right now he was more concerned with

getting Harry down for bed before the old goat showed up. He laid Harry

down in the crib covered him with the blanket before stepping back.

With a flick of his wrist his wand came from its holster and with a casual

flack he cast "videte locum"* placing a monitoring charm over the room

to be alerted if his charge woke up at all. He stepped from the room

dimming the magical lights as he did so leaving just enough for him to be

able to make out the sleeping form of Harry.

As he shut the door he felt his wards alert him of someone approaching.

He walked downstairs having an inkling of who it was that was

approaching. He reached the front door as the figure knocked requesting

entry. Taking his wand from his holster once more he brought it up in

defensive position, slowly he opened the door seeing what appeared to be

the headmaster on the other side. Pressing his wand against the elderly

headmaster's neck "If you're really the headmaster then tell me what

mistake did I make during my fifth year?" "You told Severus if he wanted

to discover young Remus's secret he would be at the Whomping Willow

almost leading to his death." He slowly dropped his wand but not

returning it to his holster as he stepped aside for the headmaster to enter

the house "What brings you here this time of night Albus?" Sirius

inquired of the aging man. "I've come for young Harry he must be

brought to Lily's sisters house for his own protection, Lily's sacrifice will

provide powerful blood wards which will protect them from all who

mean the young lad harm" ever so slowly so that he wouldn't be seen

Dumbledore slipped his wand down into his hand preparing to cast

compulsions to make Sirius agree with him. "No Dumbledore it was

James and Lily's dying wish for me to raise Harry and as his Godfather I

intend to do just that."

As Sirius said that Dumbledore discretely began trying to cast his

compulsions, however unseen by both men a sliver of darkness worked

its way down the stairs from Harry's room and then around and up

Sirius's back before going into his head placing shields over his head to

protect his mind from the headmaster's compulsions. Not done with there

the darkness the recognizing one of the artifacts that it helped to create

reached out and took a hold of the darkness imbibed inside the wand

beginning the process of changing its allegiance to the one who truly

deserved it however wanting to leave its current master unaware till its

new master could claim the artefact the darkness made it so that the

process would take many years. It's work complete the darkness

rescinded returning back to its host.

As Dumbledore finished casting his compulsions upon Sirius unaware

that they weren't taking hold due to the protective influence of the

darkness now growing inside Harry given to him by Death himself, he

asked again "Please Sirius I implore you to see reason the safest place for

young Harry to be is with his Aunt it is the only way Voldemort's

followers will be unable to reach him." "No Dumbledore he is my godson

and he is remaining with me and if all you came for was to try and take

him from me then you can leave." Dumbledore was dumfounded that his

compulsions didn't work however he chalked up to Sirius being raised a

Black and that his occlumency shields were stronger than he had

assumed. Standing up from where he had been sitting Dumbledore

looked over at Sirius "fine my boy I'll go but don't say I didn't warn you."

With that Dumbledore approached the fireplace "is it alright if I use your

floo to leave Fawkes just had his burning day and it's a much quicker way

for me to return to my office", seeing Sirius nod he grabbed a pinch of

floo powder he threw it into the fireplace calling out "Hogwarts

Headmaster's office".

After the headmaster left Sirius allowed himself to relax before calling for

Vokry "Vokry can you please bring me a bottle of firewhiskey please?"

After popping in and placing the bottle and a glass beside Sirius on the

table he popped away. Sirius poured himself a glass before raising it to

his lips and sipping on it, he sat there considering what he should do

knowing that things with Dumbledore weren't over and he had to protect

Harry as well as himself. It was at that point that the monitoring alert he

placed on Harry's room went off. Standing up he made his way up to

Harry's room where he wake and crying out "Mama, Mama", hearing that

Sirius's heart broke and he quickly picked him up "shh its ok Padfoot is

here." Slowly Harry stopped crying curling into Sirius's chest "pa'foo" with

that Harry returned to sleep Sirius continued to rock him for quite a

while before placing him gently back into the crib. Ensuring the

monitoring charm was still active Sirius stepped from the room before

turning and heading towards his own. Shedding his robes Sirius

proceeded to lay down and pass out the days events catching up with


It was late the next morning that Sirius woke up surprised he hadn't been

woken by Harry yet this morning when he heard the young baby's laugh

echo down the hallway. Getting up and pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-

shirt he walked down the hallway and down the stairs where he found

Vokry playing with Harry with some blocks on the floor. Upon seeing

Sirius enter the room Vokry stood up "Master Sirius the little master

woke up and was hungry so Is fed him and now wes be playing with

some blocks Vokry made for him." Sirius laughed "Its ok Vokry however I

should get him bundled up as we have to go out and get supplies and I

need to go to Gringotts and find a way to better protect him from

Dumbledore trying to take him." With that Sirius picked Harry up before

casting some warming charms over the child, thinking to himself he

would have to get some clothes and nappies for him. Sirius then turned

and headed for the fireplace grabbing a pinch of floo powder he called

out "Gringotts" once the fire turned green he stepped into the flames

coming out the other side in the Gringotts lobby.

Seeing an open teller he stepped up to the counter "Hello I would like to

speak to both the Potter and Black account managers please" the goblin

looked up at Sirius with a toothy grin and asked "Who are you to see the

managers of some our most important accounts?" Sirius stared him down

"Sirius Orion Black of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Black"

upon realizing his mistake the goblin immediately got down from his

counter and ran around "Yes Sir mister Black right this way", and the

goblin led him down the hall stopping in front of a door with a gleaming

bronze plaque that read "Nagrak Black Family Account Manager".

Knocking twice upon the door the teller opened it before ushering Sirius

inside still holding Harry in his arms.

The account manager looked up from his paperwork behind the desk

"What is it Bogrod can't you see that I am busy?" the goblin sneered, "A

Mr. Sirius Black to see you sir as well as Lurkar." Finally looking up and

seeing Sirius in the room and little Harry in his arms Nagrak banished the

teller "go send Lurkar to my office tell him its urgent and I require him

immediately." Offering Sirius a seat which he took Nagrak studied him

for a moment before beginning, "I expected you here many years ago

Heir Black" Sirius looked up in shock from the cooing Harry "What do

you mean Heir Black I was disowned from my family years ago?" "While

your mother may have liked to think she held all the power in your

family your it was your Grandfather Arcturus Black who held the head of

house position and he never formally banished you from the family so

you are still next in line to be Head and with his passing that will now

fall to you." Sirius stared in shock as there was a knock at the door and

another goblin came in "You wanted me Nagrak?" "Yes Lurkar come in

come in Heir Black is here and he brought Heir Potter with him" the now

identified Lurkar immediately came in and grabbed the open chair beside

Nagrak "I assume you are here to claim guardianship over the young Heir

Potter, Heir Black" Sirius finally finding his voice replied "Yes yes

however I also need to be able to protect Harry." Nagrak spoke up at that

"Well the solution is simple you claim the Black Family Headship and

provided you are accepted by the family magick you can then live in the

manor behind the Black Family Wards no one has ever been able to

penetrate those and with that kind of political power none would be able

to challenge your claim for guardianship over Heir Potter." With that

Sirius instantly knew what his decision had to be "I'll do it" his resolve

firm Nagrak opened his desk drawer pulling out a bowl with intricately

carved runes and a dagger with a golden hilt, "All you have to do Heir

Black is prick your finger and let a few drops of blood fall into the bowl

from there the Black Family totem will judge you if found worthy you

will get the Black Family Head of House ring unworthy you will remain

Heir." Picking up the dagger Sirius pricked his finger allowing a few

drops of blood to fall into the bowl once 5 drops had fallen in a swirling

mist rose from the bowl coalescing into the Black family totem a Raven

which preceded to take flight and fly into Sirius who immediately felt

like every aspect of his life was being judged watching memories fly

before his minds eye going from his birth up to now. It was after what

seemed like hours but in truth was only three or four minutes that the

Raven returned to the bowl before appearing to fold in upon itself

turning into the Black Family ring.

Sirius gasped unable to believe he had been found worthy after all the

mistakes he had made in his younger years, he picked up the ring sliding

it onto his ring finger where it instantly resized to fit him. Looking up at

the goblins who had up to this point silently watched the exchange and

asked "Now for guardianship", reaching into another drawer Nagrak drew

out a stack of papers before handing a blood quill to Sirius "Sign these

and then Lurkar will sign as the Potter Family account manager and I will

sign as witness giving you full guardianship of Heir Potter as well as

making you Regent Potter until Heir Potter is able to take up his head of

house mantle." Sirius grabbed the quill and filled out the paperwork

before passing it to Lurkar who signed his parts and Nagrak who signed

as witness. The papers then flashed signifying there acceptance before

rolling up and disappearing "congratulations Lord Black you are now the

guardian of Heir Potter and also Regent Potter in the matter of Potter

Family business and the Wizengamot of which you now sit for House

Black and House Potter the paper work has been magically sent off to the

Ministry for filing." Sirius proceeded to stand up Harry having fallen

asleep by this point "Thank you for your help I will be taking my leave

now", walking out of the office and out to the front steps of the bank

Sirius touched his head of house ring portkeying to the Black Family


AN: Whew first chapter done, confrontations with Dumbledore and

we start to see a bit of what the Darkness bestowed upon Harry by

death is capable of. Next Chapter Sirius has Harry checked over and

we time skip a bit threw Harry's Childhood.

3. Chapter 2

AN: Love all the positive responses I have received on this since

posting. As always, I own nothing Harry Potter is owned by JK

Rowling. All I own in this is my original characters.

"" Normal Talk


## Beast Speak

Upon arriving at the Black Family manor, Sirius called for his house elf

and with a silent pop, Vokry appeared beside Sirius. "Yes Master Sirius,

sir, what can Vokry be doing for you?" "Vokry, this is the Black Family

manor and as far as I know it has been uncared for and unlived in for

some time. It's where we are going to be living from now on so I need

you to clean it up for me." Vokry turned and studied the manor for a

second before nodding. "Right away Master Sirius," he said before

popping away to begin his work. Sirius approached the manor doors,

grabbing the door knob so he could feel the wards judging him to

determine if he had the right to be here. In a matter of seconds, the doors

clicked open allowing him entrance. Sirius proceeded into the house and

up the stairs, stopping at what appeared to be a nursery. Pulling out his

wand, Sirius cast detection charms around the room making sure nothing

was cursed or could harm Harry. Satisfied, he walked towards the crib

laying him down before stepping from the room and casting the

monitoring charm.

Once out of the room, Sirius proceeded down the hall finding the master

bedroom which Vokry had already cleaned. He stripped down before

laying in the bed and falling asleep. Waking early the next morning Sirius

walked downstairs to where he knew the floo room to be from his

childhood. He grabbed a pinch of floo powder and threw it into the fire

calling out, "Tonks household," kneeling down and sticking his head in

the flame he called out, "Andy are you home?" Andromeda approached

the fire place kneeling down, "Sirius, good heavens what's going on?" "I

adopted Harry after the events the other night with Voldemort and I was

hoping you could give him a checkup. I know you used to be a healer

before little Nymphadora was born." Andromeda considered for a

moment before standing up. "Of course, Sirius. I'll have to bring

Nymphadora though as Ted has already gone into his practice for the

day." Sirius smiled "Great, the floo address is Black Family Manor. Give

me a few minutes to key you into the wards." Standing up from the

fireplace, Sirius turned and walked towards a section of wall, showed to

him by his Grandfather in his younger years, with a hole in it before

placing his head of house ring into the indentation. With an audible click

the section of wall slid away revealing a room. Stepping inside, he came

upon a rune covered stone and in the back corner was a book upon a

pedestal. Approaching the book and picking up the quill inside the ink

pot, he wrote down Andromeda Tonks nee Black and Nymphadora Tonks

to the list. Stepping back out of the room the wall sliding back into place

behind the fire flashed green and out stepped Andromeda and


Sirius immediately pulled Andromeda into a hug before looking down at

Nymphadora. "Why little Nymphadora look how big you've gotten!" Her

hair turned red and she yelled back stamping her feet, "Don't call me

Nymphadora! My name is TONKS!" Sirius laughed, giving her a mock

salute before feeling the monitoring charm go off. "I believe Harry is

awake! Let's head up and you can check him out." Sirius leads them out

of the floo room and up the stairs. Opening the door to Harry's room he

finds him standing up inside the crib.

Walking over and picking him up, Sirius tickled his tummy before

walking over and placing him on the changing table. Andromeda stepped

in and with a flick of her wrist her wand snapped from her holster to her

hand. With the precision of a practiced healer, Andromeda began casting

various diagnostic charms over Harry, who was giggling at the light

coming from her wand. As she finished, she reached into her purse and

pulled out a scroll of paper. Pointing her wand at the parchment, the

results magically appeared on the scroll.

Medical and Magical status for Harry James Potter

Medical Status:

Cardiac: Above Average Performance

Vascular: Above Average Performance

Muscular: Normal

Skeletal: Normal

Vision: Impaired (Currently healing at current rate will be Above

Average by age 6)

Magical Status:

Core Level: 500 Flamels*

Abilities (Tenative):**

Animagus (Multi)


Natural Legillmens

Abilities (Permanent):

Natural Occulmency




Beast Speak

Taking the results, the group headed downstairs to the dining room

where Sirius placed Harry in a highchair to be fed, then taking the seat

next to him while Andromeda sat across from him and Tonks took the

seat to the left of Harry to play with him while they discussed his results.

Looking over the results, they were both stunned. Breaking the silence,

Sirius started off. "Well he's healthy.. so that's good, but these magical

results? I don't think there's ever been anyone that powerful at his age or

someone with that many abilities. Some of these I haven't even heard

of…" he trailed off just looking between the giggling child and the scroll

holding the results. Andromeda wanting to help, remarked, "He's already

at 500 flamels and barely just 1 ½ years old! He is going to be the most

powerful wizard since Merlin himself… who was rumored to be at 3500

at the time of his death! As for the abilities, the tentative ones aren't

common, but in fact they border on the rare.. but he may not get them

all. It's the permanent ones that worry me… you know how he will be

viewed by magicals if this gets out." Sirius picked up the scroll and

studied it for a moment before throwing it into the fireplace. "Now no

one except us will know and Harry when he gets older." He looked over

to Andromeda who nodded before casting tempus. "Good heavens, look

at the time. I better get going, Ted will be home soon and I haven't

started dinner." She got Tonks up and moving before shuffling towards

the fireplace. "Tonks Household," stepping into the fire, they were gone.

Sirius turned around seeing that Vokry had popped in with food. He sat

down and began feeding Harry, who after he finished burped and started

falling asleep. Sirius picked him up and carried him upstairs to give him

a bath and clean him up before he fell asleep. Once bathed, Sirius carried

him to his room and laid him in the crib dimming the lights.

Time Skip Harry 3 Years old:

It was at three years old that Harry first started coming into some of his

abilities, namely his shadowmagus abilities given to him by the darkness

bestowed upon him by Death. He was playing hide and seek with Neville,

who Sirius thought would be a good friend his age and Tonks, who came

over regularly to play with Harry since having gotten attached to him

during his checkup. When he couldn't find a place to hide, he used the

darkness to hide in the shadows under a table. Unaware of what he was

doing, it was after not being found for 15 minutes he began to cry. Sirius

found him hiding there. Explaining what had happened and about his

shadowmagus abilities, Sirius began teaching him to control his powers

using several books he found in the Black Family Library.

Time Skip Harry 5 Years old:

It was at five years old that Harry discovered his first familiar. He was

outside playing with Sirius in his Padfoot form, when he heard what

sounded like a wounded bird cry out. Running over towards the sound,

Padfoot bounding behind him, he found a golden bird laying in the grass,

bleeding. Sirius transformed back to himself upon reaching them. "What

could have hurt this phoenix? it takes a lot to injure one.." he asked

mostly to himself while getting his wand from his holster incase there

was danger.

Harry who still didn't have much grasp over his budding shadowmagus

powers and his powers over the Dark, gasped, sensing its masters want to

help the injured phoenix. Dark tendrils extended from his body and

reached out towards the phoenix. Normally against such darkness, the

phoenix, a creature of pure light, would attempt to fight, but it was to

weak to fight and so assuming it would die gave in to dark tendrils.

However reacting to their masters will, the tendrils reached into the

essence of the phoenix and began to heal it, changing it. The golden

colors first dulled and then changed from their golden hue to black with

blue wingtips. Its work complete, the tendrils returned to Harry, who

gasped and sank to the ground from the exertion.

Sirius seeing this quickly got behind his godson to support him, as the

now changed phoenix jumped up and hopped around, studying itself for

a moment. Then flamed up; where a bright red and gold flame should

have been, it was a dark flame with a blue center. Appearing on Harry's

shoulder, the phoenix stared him in the eyes and as the phoenix began to

trill, another of Harry's abilities revealed itself #Your power has healed

me and changed me in ways my kind has never seen. I will stand by your

side.# Harry gasped at being able to understand it. #Thank you, majestic

bird. What do I call you?# Studying Harry for a moment, it thought

before responding. #Before I was known as Soleil, but that no longer

seems fitting. With my new form and my rebirth as a Shadow Phoenix, I

wish to be known as Étoile.#

Harry reached up and stroked his plumage before turning to Sirius. "This

is Étoile. He is a shadow phoenix and my new friend. He says he is going

to be by my side." Sirius unable to believe what he just witnessed,

decided to just roll with it.

Time Skip Harry 10 Years old:

It was at ten years old that Sirius had taken Harry to Gringotts for a

bloodline test to see what families he was heir of and to see the vaults. It

was there that Harry met the second of his two familiars. Upon arriving

they went to the counter and asked for Lurkar.

Once shown to his office, they were greeted by Lurkar. "Lord Black, Heir

Potter! Come in, come in! I have everything prepared for the bloodline

test," he said gesturing to an engraved bowl, jeweled dagger, and scroll.

He gestured for Harry to approach the desk. Harry did so, picking up the

dagger. He drew it along the palm of his hand, letting the blood fall onto

the parchment. Once the appropriate amount fell onto it, the cut healed

itself. Grasping the parchment, Lurkar dropped it into the bowl with the

potion, which started to fizz and bubble. Once the magic in Harry's blood

interacted with the magic in the potion, the scroll rolled itself up and

floated up and out of the bowl.

Blood Line Results for Harry James Potter

Heir to Potter Family (By blood)

Heir to Peverell Family (By blood)

Heir to Mors Family (By Magic)

Heir to Sors Family (By Magic)

Looking over the results, Harry looked up at Sirius and Lurkar. "I know

the Potter Family but Peverell, Mors, and Sors, what are those families?"

Lurkar, who was the first to recover responded "Well Peverell I am sure

you have at least heard of through the tale of the three brothers. The

Mors and Sors family, I am not surprised you have never heard of them

as it has been quite sometime since there was an heir or lord to either of

the families. They were last seen during the time before Merlin. It is said

they held dominion over Death and Fate Respectively." Harry looked up

at Sirius unsure of what to say. Sirius seeing this looked to Lurkar, "can

we go the family vaults and collect the heir rings for Harry?" Lurkar

nodded affirmative and led them out and down the carts. "We will start

with Potter and work our way from there."

The trip to the Potter, Peverell, and Mors family vault was uneventful,

but when they reached the Sors family vault that things took a turn.

Inside the vault, next to the pedestal holding the Heir ring was a second

pedestal with a green colored egg. Harry felt a compulsion to touch it. He

reached out touching the shell, which upon his touch started to hatch.

Mesmerized by the cracks, they watched as a dark green serpent with a

red stripe along its head slither out and up Harry's arm $Hello there young

one, what are you?$ Harry hissed to the serpent. Looking up at Harry, $I

am a basilisk left here for the one whose magic would bond with mine.$ It

was at that point Etoile flamed to Harry's shoulder looking at the basilisk

#Little one you must cover your eye or you will kill the small one.#

Doing so the basilisk looked at Harry $Can I bond with you, young one$,

looking between the basilisk and the phoenix Harry nodded and with that

the basilisk bit him. Sirius went to interfere only to be stopped by Etoile.

Grinding his teeth as the venom ran through him, the basilisk let up and

then Etoile flew over and cried tears into the wound, healing it. $Do you

have a name young one?$ Harry asked $You may name me.$ thinking for a

second Harry considered $I shall call you Ranua.$

Turning to Sirius after picking up the heir ring, Harry introduced his new

friend. "This is Ranua; she is my second familiar" Sirius had a bark laugh.

"A shadow phoenix and basilisk you don't do anything by halves pup."

With that they turned and stepped from the vault, ready to return home.

AN: While this chapter was a lot of fluff, it was setting the scene for

the rest of the story and setting up my version of Harry a bit more.

From here it will slowly get much darker

AN * In this story magical power is defined by Flamels this is the


0-10 Muggle

11-90 Squib

91- 120 Below Average Wizard

121-220 Average Wizard

221-320 Above Average Wizard

321-499 Powerful Wizard

500+ Top level

AN ** Of the Tentative Abilities I haven't decided which of any of

these I am going to keep. I will be putting up a poll for help

deciding this one will be up longer as most wont play a part until

2nd year and later.

4. Chapter 3

zAN: I love how well this is doing for my first fanfiction. I am still

trying to figure out a writing style that works, so if anything is hard

to read, let me know. As Always I own nothing, Harry Potter is the

sole ownership of JK Rowling.

"" Normal Talk


## Beast Speak

July 31st, 1991

The morning of Harry's birthday dawned bright and clear. Ever so

quietly, his bedroom door creaks open and a now fourteen-year-old

Nymphadora Tonks came sneaking in and over towards Harry's bed. As

she went to pounce on the bed and surprise Harry, he jumped up

grabbing her and pinning her to the bed. With a laugh, he looked down

at her.

"Ha! Still can't get me Tonks." Tonks laughed. Every year, she tried to

sneak in and surprise Harry for his birthday and every year no matter

how asleep he looked, he managed to jump up, surprise, and tackle her to

the bed first. While it infuriated her to no end at first, it became

somewhat of a tradition every year.

Letting her up, Harry turned around to the sound of his familiars waking

up. Ranua reached him first. Before, she used to be able to coil around

his arm, but she had grown quite a bit since her hatching and now liked

to either coil around his mid-section while traveling or when home

slither beside him.

$Good Morning Master. As you call it, Happy day of Birth.$ Harry

laughed at his basilisk's way of wishing him a happy birthday. Noticing

Tonks odd looks, he relayed what was said, and she laughed too. Etoilé

was the next to reach him, landing lightly upon his shoulder. Ever since

saving her life years ago, she had begun bonding with Harry, their magic


#Good Morning Young one. Another year has passed, another one I

might not have seen. if not for you.# Reaching up and stroking her

plumage, Harry smiled before turning to Tonks.

"Is Sirius up yet?"

"Downstairs waiting for us." Sirius then yelled upstairs, "Harry! Tonks!

Stop rocking the bed and get down here! Harry is still too young for

that." Having more control over his powers now, Harry split his

consciousness, allowing some of it to bleed off and create a tendril of

darkness. He led it through the shadows, down the stairs, and upon

seeing Sirius sitting at the table eating breakfast, he dumped the food

over his lap.

Pulling it back into himself, Harry laughed before grabbing Tonks's hand

and pulling her down the stairs to the dining room. His familiars

following behind. Taking a seat at the table, Vokry appeared placing two

plates in front of them. As they began to eat, they looked over at Sirius

who was using his wand to vanish his breakfast from his lap. Then there

was a tapping at the window. Harry looked over and saw that it was an

owl with a letter grasped in its talon.

Getting up and heading over to the window, Harry let the owl in and it

landed on the table, offering its leg to him. The envelope read:

Mr. H Potter

Black Family Manor

Informal Dining room

Flipping it over, it was sealed with the official Hogwarts seal. Breaking

the seal, Harry drew out the letter.


First year students will require:

Three sets of plain work robes (black)

One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all students must carry name tags on clothes.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

Runes: A Guide to Ancient Alphabets by Delilah Silverthorn


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad



Looking over the letter Harry was confused, looking over at Tonks and


"Runes? I thought that was an elective in third year?"

"They made the change my first year. Supposedly, according to

Dumbledore, it will help us respect magic more," Tonks responded,

having gotten her own school list the week before. Harry was excited by

this prospect, as he had been studying from the Black Family Library in

secret since he was six. Although, Sirius was ok with him studying the

two books relating to his powers, but even then, the books only talked

about one other nameless person, who apparently was someone that the

authors said could control "beyond-magic forces", and what he was able

to do with them. Sirius wasn't ok with Harry looking at the other books

in the library.

The reason behind Sirius not wanting him to study from the library

without his consent was that the Black family had amassed a gigantic

collection of some of the darkest books on magic ever to exist. However,

since he was young, Harry had always felt that there was no such thing

as light or dark magic; magic simply existed and it was up to the caster

on how they used it.

Looking to Sirius, he asked, "Can we go to Diagon Alley today? Can we

please Sirius?" Sirius laughed at Harry's eagerness, "Yes we can go." Harry

jumped up and ran upstairs getting dressed and running back down

moments later, ready to go. Grabbing Tonks and Sirius, he dragged them

to the Floo room where he grabbed a pinch of floo powder and threw it

into the flames. "Diagon Alley!" Stepping into the flames, Harry vanished,

followed quickly by Sirius and Tonks.

Appearing in the Leaky Cauldron, Harry stepped out of the way and

turned, watching Sirius and Tonks step from the fireplace. Following

Sirius into the Alley, they proceeded to Gringotts for money. Sirius

approached a teller and flashed his head of house ring. "Lord Black to

make a withdrawal from his account." The teller looked up. "Of course,

Lord Black, right away." Stepping down from his counter, he gestured for

the threesome to follow, leading them to the carts. Once everyone was in,

he pulled the lever sending the cart flying through the tunnels. Stopping

in front the vault, he turned to the occupants of the cart. "Vault 13. Black

Family Main Vault," gesturing for Sirius to approach the door. He did so,

placing his head of house ring in the indentation. The vault door seemed

to melt, revealing mountains upon mountains of gold galleons.

Pulling his moleskin pouch from his pocket, Sirius grabbed several stacks

of galleons and dropping them in the pouch before getting back in the

cart. Signaling to the goblin that they were good to go, he returned them

to surface. Walking out of Gringotts, the first stop they made was the

trunk shop.

They were immediately greeted by a worker upon stepping inside.

"Welcome, Welcome! Hogwarts first year?" Getting an affirmative nod,

the shop keeper gestured to a plain looking trunk. "This our most popular

model with first years. It's capable of getting you through all seven

years." Harry, however, was eyeing one of the more top end models.

Turning to the shop keeper, he said, "Tell me about this one." The shop

keeper turned. "That is one of our more expensive models. It has seven

compartments. The first compartment is setup with a library with a

never-ending expansion charm. The second compartment is setup to store

your potions ingredients with a keep fresh charm applied over extending

their life span. The third is setup as a closet, allowing you to hang your

clothes up. The other four are left blank for you to setup yourself.

Additionally, the whole trunk has a shrinking and expanding charm on it

making it easier to transport."

Harry nodded eagerly at the shopkeeper's explanation. "We'll take it! Can

you make it in walnut with silver fastenings?" The shopkeeper nodded. "I

have one in the back! Give me five minutes. While I am gone, take a look

over some of the security features that we have." Looking over the list,

Harry picked out the features he wanted. Once the shop keeper came

back, he explained, "I would like the blood lock and password lock

features added on, please." The shop keeper nodded and took out a

carving knife. He carved the runes for the features on the inside of the

lid. Gesturing Harry over, he conjured a needle handing it to Harry and

instructed, "prick your finger and allow three drops of blood to fall on

this rune here," pointing to the correct rune. Harry pricked his finger,

then handed the needle to Sirius who promptly vanished it.

Sirius stepped forward and paid the shopkeeper, who then tapped the

trunk three times with wand to demonstrate the shrinking charm. "To

make it grow, simply tap it with a wand and place it on the ground."

Taking the shrunken trunk, Harry placed it in his pocket. Next, they went

to Madam Malkin's for Robes. The robe shop was the quickest stop as

most of Harry's Robes still fit. He just needed to order a few additional

pairs. Tonks's robes were charmed to change with her as part of her

metamorphagus abilities. Next, they went to the book store where Harry

got all the required books, as well as few additional books on runes and


Finally, it came time for Harry to get his wand, but as he was heading

towards Ollivander's, he was stopped by Sirius. "Not so fast kiddo. Black

Family tradition! We are getting you a custom wand; it works much

better and it's the one thing my family did that I agree with." Leading

Harry towards Knockturn Alley, they proceeded down, stopping at a non-

descript store. Opening the door and gesturing Harry in, Sirius and Tonks

followed, the door closing behind them.

An older man appeared from the backroom. "Sirius Black! Never thought

I would see you in here again after you left your family behind." Sirius

laughed, "Orion, I have always supported this tradition. My godson Harry

here needs a wand and you are the best wandmaker I have ever met."

Gesturing Harry forward, Orion studied him for a moment before leading

him to back. "The first thing we must do is find the components for your

wand. To do so you must reach inside yourself and let your magic guide

you." Harry let his magic guide him into grabbing two jars, before

turning towards the woods, where he picked up two blocks of wood.

Suddenly, Etoile flashed into the room with Ranua beside him.

Opening his eyes Harry looked towards his familiars with a quizzical look

on his face. Etoile answered him. #We felt your magic looking for cores

and wanted to donate part of ourselves to your wand young one.# Harry

relayed this information to Orion as he handed over the jars and the

woods he selected. Orion looked them over, "For cores, we have

powdered Erumpent horn, and Thestral tail hair, as well as the feather of

a Dark Phoenix and venom of a basilisk from your familiars. For woods

you selected Oak and Elder." Looking over at Harry, he remarked, "This

will be one of the most powerful wands ever made, let alone of any wand

I have ever made. Give me about an hour to complete this." With that, he

turned, collected the materials from Harry's familiars, and disappearing

into his workshop with everything.

To pass the time, the three went to Florean Fortescue's and got ice-cream.

Once the hour was up, they returned to the shop where Orion was

waiting for them at the counter with a wand box in front of him. He

handed the box over to Harry, who immediately opened it to reveal a

wand that was made of light and dark woods interweaving in a spiral.

Gingerly, Harry reached in picking up the wand. The moment he touched

it, he could feel not only his dark energies burning within him, but his

magic singing with power. Orion, seeing the display of power, nodded.

"This wand will be great for all fields of magic; most particularly

destructive and protective based magic. I can't wait to see what we get

from you, Mr. Potter." Sirius stepped forward paying for the wand.

Turning and leaving the wand shop, the three returned to the Black

Family Manor.

AN: Next chapter we see Harry interacting on the Hogwarts express,

as well as being sorted and meeting his housemates. Starting with

the next chapter Harry is going to be showing off his Darker side.

5. Chapter 4

AN: Starting from this chapter, things are going to change with

Harry. As always I don't own anything. JK Rowling owns Harry


The morning of September the first dawned slightly cloudy. Harry awoke

with a yawn, however, as he yawned, he felt a slight pull at his magic.

Looking around, Harry wasn't sure what it was. Due to his natural ability,

Harry studied occlumency for years and it was helping him to grasp his

Shadowmagus abilities. Harry entered his mindscape, which to most it

would appear to just be a swirling, black, endless void with occasional

color, to Harry it was the outer protection of his mind. Heading towards

where he knew the center to be, Harry held out his hand, exposing a path

in the void that would reveal a system of caves. Each one led to a

different location; one was his memories, another his abilities, some were

fake with false memories inside them, and the final one lead to his

center, the very essence of his magic. Heading into that cave, Harry was

surprised when he came upon what appeared to be four creatures. Before

the pool that represented Harry's connection to his magic was a Thestral,

a Griffin, a Chimera, and an Eagle. Harry approached them cautiously. As

he got close, the Griffin stepped forward and spoke, "We are the

representation of your connection to your family magic. We felt it was

time to grant you our power and all that comes with it." Looking at them

in shock, Harry wasn't sure what to say. In all his lessons growing up,

Sirius had never mentioned this to him.

"What do you mean all that comes with it?"

The Griffin, still being the one closest to him, started,"I am the

manifestation of the Potter Family Magic. In ancient times, they were

great battle wizards, protecting those that they called family. By my

merging with your magic, you will gain this might as well. Once

practiced, call upon me in battle." The Griffin turned into a mix of gold

and red energy traveling up into the air before falling and merging with

the pool of his magic.

Next, the Thestral stepped forward. "I am the manifestation of the

Peverell Family Magic. In ancient times before the family fell they were

some of the greatest enchanters and necromancers to exist. Able to pull

the spirits of the dead back and speak with them, they were also capable

of creating objects of pure power, enhancing all who held them. With

practice, you will be able to call upon this power and with me by your

side the dead shall fight beside you." Finished, the Thestral turned into a

mix of black and grey energy which rose into the air and merged with his


Next, the Chimera stepped forward. "I am the manifestation of the Mors

Family Magic. In ancient times, the family was blessed by Death who

gave them control of the darkness that shaped the universe. The family

was wiped out by those who were jealous of their power. With me by

your side you will have an even greater control over this darkness and in

time influence the length of time that people live." The chimera stepped

back, turning into a mix of purple and black energy rising into the air

before merging with Harry's magic.

All that was left was the Eagle, who stepped forward. "I am the

manifestation of the Sors Family Magic. In ancient times, the family was

blessed by Fate giving them larger reserves of magic and the ability to

influence the fate of others. In times of need, you have already started to

use this power. With me by your side, you will be able to consciously use

this power when in battle. Call upon me in times of need to help turn the

tide." The Eagle stepped back turning into a mix of green and blue energy

rising into the air before merging with Harry's magic.

Harry approached the pool of his magic. Before what was just a swirling

mass of emerald green energy, the pool rippled, occasionally revealing

the energies that made up his family magic. Stepping back Harry backed

out of the cave, before exiting his mindscape. Waking up from his trance,

Harry looked around feeling a much stronger connection to his magic.

Harry stood, proceeding to his bathroom and preparing for the day ahead

of him.

Coming out of the bathroom, he approached his trunk, making sure he

had all his school books in the library compartment, as well as the books

he was taking to practice from the Black family library. Flicking his wrist,

Harry snapped his wand into his hand from his holster. He tapped his

trunk, shrinking it, and placing it in his pocket. He bent down and lifted

up his shirt, allowing Ranua to slither up and coil around his midsection.

Standing up, Etoile flew over and landed on his shoulder. Harry headed

downstairs to meet Sirius who was smiling. "Ready, kiddo? Got

everything you need?" Nodding, they stepped into the floo room. Harry,

going first grabbed a pinch of floo powder and threw it into the fireplace,

calling out "King's Cross Station!" Stepping into the green flames, he

vanished only to reappear and step out on the other side. He saw the

gleaming red engine that was known to all wizards and witches of Great

Britain as "The Hogwarts Express". Turning and moving for Sirius, who

came through next, they stepped off to the side to talk.

Sirius looked him over. "Are you sure you want to go through with this

pup? You're going to make more enemies than you are friends." Harry

nodded. "You read those journals too, Padfoot. What mom went through,

what she never told anyone; if the magical world refuses to change, then

I am going to make it." Nodding, Sirius stood up and hugged Harry.

"Well, then I am beside you no matter what." Breaking away from Sirius,s

Harry gave him one last once over before approaching the express.

Climbing on board, Harry searched around for an empty compartment.

Finding one, he sat down. Etoile took refuge in the overhead where she

could watch over the compartment, seeing all who entered and being

able to protect her charge. Pulling out his trunk, Harry re-enlarged it to

get a book. He picked out one of the school books before re-shrinking his

trunk and placing it back in his pocket. He began reading and eventually

feeling the movement as the train began to move.

About 5 minutes later, there was a knock at the compartment door.

Looking up from his book, Harry stood up and opened the door. A girl

with blonde hair and blue eyes was standing in the hall, "Sorry to bother

you, but I was wondering if I could sit here." Harry stepped to the side to

allow her in. "Of course, anything for a beautiful girl such as yourself."

Helping her with her trunk, they loaded it into the overhead. Sitting

down, Harry extended his hand. "I'm James Black." Taking his hand, she

replied, "I'm Daphne Greengrass, heiress to the Ancient and Most noble

house of Greengrass." Brushing his lips against her knuckle, he

responded, "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Greengrass." Harry sat back

down and returned to his book.

It was several hours later that there was another knock at the door.

Opening it, there was a girl with bushy brown hair standing there and

you could tell from the look on her face that she had been crying. "Excuse

me, can I sit here? I was kicked out of my compartment by an obnoxious

boy with red hair who said that it was being saved for Harry Potter and

he didn't want to sit with any annoying mudbloods." With a growl, Harry

stepped aside letting her into the compartment and helping to place her

trunk into the overhead. Pulling out his book once more, Harry returned

to it only stopping when questioned on the book by the girl who he had

learned to be Hermione.

It was soon after the sun had set, and night overtook the sky that the

three felt the train begin to slow down and eventually come to a stop.

Once stopped, there was an announcement. "Attention, Students. Please

leave all belongings behind. They will be brought up to the school behind

you." Nodding, the three stood up. Harry looking up at Etoile who flew

down and landed on Harry's out-stretched arm. Choosing to go with him,

the girls turned and seeing the movement, they started cooing over her.

"Aww what a pretty bird. What type is she?" Daphne asked. Harry

laughed. "She's a first of her kind near as I can tell she is a Shadow

phoenix." Hermione looked unsure, but took what he said and the three

proceeded out of the carriage.

Stepping out on to the platform, they immediately heard "First years over

'ere! First years over 'ere!" heading in the direction of the voice, they

came upon the biggest man any of them had ever seen. Once ensuring

everyone was present, he led them to the dock where there was a fleet of

boats waiting. "No more than four to a boat." Harry, Hermione and

Daphne immediately grabbed a boat and were joined by one of Daphne's

friends, Tracy Davis. "Everyone good?" Hagrid called out, then pointing

his umbrella away from the dock, the boats began to move.

Eventually reaching the castle, they all stepped out of the boats and

grouped around the doors. Hagrid made his way forward and lead them

into the castle, stopping before a set of red doors. Banging several times

before a very strict looking woman opened them. Hagrid gestured to

them, "The first years, Professor McGonagall." She nodded, "Thank you,

Hagrid. I will take it from here." Looking over the first years, she began,

"In just a moment, I will take you through these doors behind me where

you will be sorted. During your time at here at Hogwarts, your house will

be like your family, behind you at every move." She turned and opened

the doors, heading into the hall with the first years behind her.

Stopping at the front of the hall, she turned and walked to an

antechamber. She returned carrying a hat and a stool. Placing them

down, the hat on top of the stool, she stepped back and then a tear in the

in the brim of the hat opened up and the hat began to sing.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!" (From Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

Finishing his song, McGonagall stepped forward. "When I call your name,

step forward, sit on the stool, and place the sorting hat upon your head to

be sorted." Unfurling the scroll. she began reading off names at which

point Harry tuned out only coming back when she got to Daphne.

"Daphne Greengrass!" Walking forward with the grace expected of a

pureblood princess and sitting on the stool, she placed it upon her head.

After what seemed like several minutes, the hat yelled out "SLYTHERIN!"

There was some light applause from the house of silver and green at the

table on the far left. Standing up and placing the back on the stool, she

walked towards the table.

Harry was about to tune back out when McGonagall called "Hermione

Granger", running towards the stool Hermione slammed the hat down on

her head, where upon it looked as if she was arguing with the hat for

several minutes before it called out "SLYTHERIN!" Harry stood there

shocked, watching her proceed over to the house sitting down next to

Daphne. Harry tuned out again until he heard his name being called,

"Harry Potter." Stepping up and placing the hat upon his head the brim

fell down and covered his eyes.

"I can't seem to locate your mind." Harry heard a voice speaking into his

head. "I'll let you in on the condition that you don't tell anyone what you

find in here." the hat laughed "I can't reveal any of what I see inside your

mind, it was a protection embedded into me by the founders." Opening

the pathway through his mind he allowed the hat in. "Well Hufflepuff is

out you only have loyalty to those you trust. Gryffindor is out as you

don't believe in bravery for the sake of good. Ravenclaw is additionally

out as you see knowledge as a means to an end. That leaves just one

option though I fear for the future of everyone by doing this based on

what I see in here, but it better be SLYTHERIN!" The last part was yelled

out loud.

No one was quite sure how to react to a Potter in Slytherin and not just

any Potter, Harry Potter, Vanquisher of the Dark Lord Voldemort.

Standing up and placing the hat back on the stool, Harry proceeded

towards the house table taking the now open seat between Hermione and

Daphne. He turned and watched the end of the sorting which finished

with Blaise Zabini another girl coming over and sitting at the Slytherin

table. The headmaster stood up, "Well I was going to give a speech, but I

feel several of you will mutiny if I do so I will simply say Fortitudo,

fidelitas, Scientia, and Gloria" He waved his hands and food filled the


Harry filled his plate with some of the food in reach and he began eating

with the poise and grace of someone of his station. As the meal wrapped

up, they all turned back towards the head table where Dumbledore stood

up. "As always the forbidden forest is as always forbidden. Some of our

older years would do well to remember this. Our caretaker Mister Filch

would like me to remind all of you that magic in the corridors is not

allowed, and finally this year the third floor corridor on the right hand

side is forbidden to those who don't wish to die a most gruesome death."

Harry stared at him shocked, as did several other students. Dumbledore,

however continued on "Prefects please escort the first years to their


The students stood up and began exiting the hall. Two older students

stood at the head of the table, "First years over here." The three friends

stood and headed over towards them. Once they were all present, the

older students introduced themselves. "I am Olivia Malfoy, and this is

Terrence Higgs, we are your fifth year prefects. if you follow us this way,

we will escort you to your dormitories." They turned and headed from

the hall, the first years following behind them, heading down into the

dungeon. They stopped at what appeared to be an empty section of wall

between two emerald green torches. "The password to get in will change

every fortnight with the new one being posted on the Announcement

board in the common room three days before the change, the current

password is Pureblood."

Once said, the wall slid out of the way revealing the common room.

Entering behind the prefects, the first years assembled. "Here are the

rules. Outside of this house we are united. any issues you have with each

other get settled in here. unlike other houses where you have to share a

room, you get your own room here. you will be provided with the bare

minimum; the rest will be up to you to bring from home or create

through magic. Additionally, as first years throughout the year you must

prove yourselves to the older students as being worthy of Slytherin or

you shall be cast out." She turned and left leaving the first years standing


A certain blonde-haired menace decided to make himself known. "So,

Potter," he sneered, "thought you could cozy up to your betters and just

join Slytherin house? well I don't think so." Malfoy pulled out his wand,

pointing it at Harry who proceeded to laugh. "I certainly don't see any

betters in front of me." Malfoy got angered at this and cast

"expelliarmus." Faster than most could see, Harry channeled his

shadowmagus powers through his body down to his feet where he surged

forward grabbing Malfoy's wand arm, directing it up towards the ceiling

where the spell flashed against it. Allowing his power to run down his

arm and into Malfoy where it quickly entered his mind making it appear

as if the room was filling with darkness. "This is my power Malfoy, you

are nothing, but an ant compared to me and if you get in my way I will

squash you." Harry pulled his power back into himself and stepped away,

Malfoy turning and fleeing. Harry laughed, "Anyone else wish to try?"

When no one came forward, he turned towards Daphne and Hermione.

"Have a good night, ladies." Harry turned and strode down the hallway

marked boys, picking one of the last dorms in the open hallway, he went

in closing the door behind him with a smirk. "Step one: complete."

AN: I am going to be posting a poll on my profile for the girls that

will be with Harry. Top 6 will be selected, this will be up for a while

as it is going to be a bit before it becomes relevant. Please review

what you think so far.

6. Chapter 5

AN: Last chapter, we found out what happens when someone

crosses Harry and as you saw he is not one to cross lightly. During

this chapter, we will begin to see how growing up magical has

advanced him.

Waking up the next morning, Harry smiled before stretching and getting

up. Walking over to the door to his attached bathroom, he looked over at

the door to his room. He stopped, turned around and walked over to his

nightstand. Picking up his wand, he pointed it towards the door and

started casting.

"Magia defendat", "Dolore hosti", "mente evaluate," allowing some of the

darkness to bleed into his spells, strengthening the effects. He nodded.

They would do for now, he could strengthen them later. Dropping his

wand back to the night stand, he turned and headed into the bathroom to

go through his morning routine.

Stepping out of the bathroom he turned to his wardrobe retrieving his

robes for the day. Donning them, he looked down at his book bag

deciding not to take it, as he wasn't sure what classes he was going to

have yet. He headed out to the common room. Seeing Olivia Malfoy

about to leave the room, he strode over to her.

"Excuse me, miss Malfoy. I was wondering if I could deign upon you to

show me the way to the great hall this fine morning." He finished with a

wink, which caused a slight giggle from the girl, who nodded her assent.

Stepping into the hallway and gesturing for her to lead the way Harry

nodded at her "after you." Following her guidance, they reached the

Great Hall where Harry immediately grabbed the seat in the exact middle

of the table. Several of the older Slytherins looked as if they wanted to

say something about him sitting there, but remembering the display from

the evening before, wisely chose to remain quiet and chose to just adjust

their seating accordingly.

Smirking to himself, Harry began serving himself food. Snape entered

through the teacher's entrance at the back of the hall. Upon sitting at his

normal seat at the head table, he looked over toward his Slytherins where

he saw where he saw that Harry was sitting in the midst of the students

of upper years.

Snape rubbed his eyes and did a double take. He was dumbfounded by

the students centering around the Potter brat like he was some sort of

leader. He thought to himself that he would certainly straighten that out

right quick.

Finishing his breakfast, Snape stood and proceeded down towards the

Slytherin table, handing out the schedules to the students. When he

reached Harry, he stopped. "Your schedule, Mr. Potter. You would do

well not to disappoint me." Nodding his ascent, "Yes sir and I would

advise you look past the outer shell or you will find yourself in for quite a

ride sir."

Snape was too shocked to say more, so he continued on down the table,

however the interaction didn't go entirely unnoticed to those around him

at the table and students quickly began to discuss the scene attempting to

understand the implications. Finishing his breakfast, Harry looked over

his schedule.

1st Year Slytherin Class Schedule


Double Potions with Gryffindor 9 AM – 11 AM

Lunch till 12 PM

Double Transfiguration with Ravenclaw 12 PM – 2 PM


Double Herbology with Gryffindor 9 AM – 11 AM

Lunch till 12 PM

Double Charms with Ravenclaw 12 PM – 2 PM

Astronomy with Hufflepuff 11 PM – 1 AM (starts week 3)


Potions with Gryffindor 10 AM – 11 AM

Lunch till 12 PM

Double Transfiguration with Ravenclaw 12 PM – 2 PM


Double Herbology with Gryffindor 9 AM – 11 AM

Lunch till 12 PM

Double Charms with Ravenclaw 12 PM – 2 PM

Potions with Gryffindor 3 PM – 4 PM

Nodding his head, Harry stood up and headed down to his dorm to pick

up his books for the day. Being Tuesday, he picked up his Herbology

charms and potions books. Placing his books inside his bag before picking

up his shrunken potions kit from his trunk, which also contained his

cauldron, he placed them in his bag as well. Heading up out of the

dungeon Harry proceeded outside, stopping in front of the green houses.

Ever so slowly, students began to trickle in as the clock ticked closer to

nine am, at which point the professor showed up.

"Hello, Students! I am Professor Sprout, your Herbology instructor! This

year, we will be working inside Greenhouse Number Three." Leading the

way over, she opened the door letting them in. Once inside, she stood at

the front and instructed them to pair up. Quickly sliding next to Daphne,

whom he nodded at, the remaining students paired off. Once all the

students were paired up, she waved her wand at the chalkboard behind


"Who here can tell me what Herbology is?" Sprout questioned, addressing

the class. There were some students between both houses who raised

their hands to answer the question. Looking over the students, she

pointed towards Hermione. "You, there. Miss…" Hermione responded,

"Granger, Ma'am. Hermione Granger. To answer your question,

Herbology is the study of magical plants and fauna along with their

properties and proper care and maintenance."

Sprout nodded. "Very good, Miss Granger! Take 10 points for Slytherin."

Carrying on with her lesson, Sprout proceeded to go over the first plants

they would be studying this year. Before starting them on their first

plant, she gestured to the plants beside her and said, "For the rest of

today's lesson, I want you to come up and take a dittany plant. Working

with your partner, I want you to write down observations about how it is

planted, its growth, and observations about what the plant looks like."

Harry went and grabbed one of the plants, placing it between him and

Daphne where they began to work on the assignment.

Eventually, class came to an end. The students were dismissed after

getting their assignment due next class; a foot of parchment on the

proper planting procedures for Dittany and what environment it grew

best in.

Stepping out of the greenhouse, Harry turned towards Daphne and

Hermione. "Let's stop by a bathroom, rinse up, and go grab some lunch."

Agreeing with his plan, the three headed to castle and headed to a

washroom to clean up. After lunch, the three headed upstairs towards the

charms classroom going in and claiming open seats together.

Professor Flitwick was a small half-goblin who was very jovial and polite

with his students. When he got to Harry's name on the registrar, he

jumped a little, almost falling off his stack of books. After finishing roll

call, he went into a spiel on the use of charms and what they could do

before introducing the first charm they would be practicing.

"The first charm we will be learning, class, is the Lumos Charm; a

relatively simple spell with no wand movements. All you have to do is

hold your wand up, as so, and speak the incantation," Demonstrating, the

tip of his wand glowed with a bright light. "Go Ahead, class. Give it a

try." With that the class broke apart with the students trying to cast the


Harry had managed to properly cast the spell on his first try before

anyone else, which caused a laugh from Flitwick. "Just like your mother,

Mr. Potter! She was a whiz when it came to charms work, as well. Take

15 points for Slytherin for excellent charms work! if you wouldn't mind

trying to help some of your classmates who seem to be having trouble."

Nodding, Harry turned and proceeded to help Hermione and Daphne,

both of whom managed to pull if off by then end of class.

Once class ended, they quickly proceeded down to the dungeon to the

common room. Seeing as Harry couldn't get into the girls dorm, they

congregated in Harry's dorm room where they finished the herbology

homework before heading off to dinner.

The next morning, after Harry woke up, he headed out to the common

room where he was joined by Daphne and Hermione, and they headed

out to breakfast. They then returned to the dungeons lining up outside

the potions classroom. While waiting for Snape to show up and let them

into the room, they were approached by a red-haired boy.

"What do you think you're doing Harry? Joining those slimy Slytherin

Snakes? You need to go to Dumbledore and get him to re-sort you to

Gryffindor, where you belong." Laughing at him, "who do you think you

are to tell me what House I am and am not allowed to be in?" The red-

head looked at him "I'm Ron Weasley. I'm your best mate." Daphne

stepped forward. "Back off, Weasley. You're embarrassing yourself." Ron

snarled, "Fuck off, you Slytherin bitch. you probably have Harry under

some mind control spell and that's why he isn't in Gryffindor where he

belongs," raising his hand to slap her, he was quickly stopped by Harry.

"Now Mr. Weasley I don't believe you were about to strike the heiress of

an Ancient and Most Noble house now, were you? Because I do believe

that the consequence for the Noble House of Weasley would be quite


Ron paled as Snape showed up. "Fighting in the halls Weasley? That'll be

15 points from Gryffindor and detention with me tonight." Ron sputtered,

attempting to put the blame on Harry and Daphne, but only proceeded to

humiliate himself more. Opening the door "in." The class proceeded into

the room taking seats, Harry, Hermione, and Daphne sitting together.

Snape began going over precautions that students should be following.

"Follow all directions exactly. If you make a mistake, you will call out for

me and seek my help in fixing it. Do not try to fix it yourself, lest you

cause it to blow up spectacularly. Additionally, in front of all of you,

there is a chart which details some of the most common interactions you

will find for potion ingredients. You would do well to memorize this."

Turning around he looked over the class "Weasley what would I get by

mixing an infusion of wormwood with asphodel," Ron truly showing off

his stupidity, "how should I know you greasy bat." Snape sneered, "tut

tut. Clearly, we didn't think to study before coming to lessons. That will

be 1 point from Gryffindor. Try again. What is the difference between

monkshood and wolfsbane." Ron this time decided to try and be funny

"one starts with an M and the other with a W." "That will be a further 2

points from Gryffindor. Now, lets see if any of my Slytherins bothered

trying to learn," looking over them he stopped at Harry. "Potter same

questions to you." "Asphodel and wormwood will give you a powerful

sleeping potion known as Draught of living death and Monkshood and

Wolfsbane are the same plant also known as Aconite sir." Snape nodded

"at least someone deigned to study before coming to my class take 10

points for Slytherin," waving his wand at the board. "The instructions for

your first potion are on the board. You have an hour. Begin."

Over the next hour, they all worked on brewing their potion. It was near

the end of the hour that there was an explosion through the room.

"Weasley! I suppose you skipped the step of lowering the heat and then

added the porcupine quills!" Waving his wand, Snape vanished the

potion, "that will be another night's detention for you to attempt to brew

it again." Turning to address the class, "Those of you who managed to

brew your potion successfully, bottle it and label the bottle with your

name and place it upon my desk for grading." Harry did as instructed

then stepped out of the classroom and waited for Hermione and Daphne

who joined him shortly after before going to lunch.

After lunch they headed to the transfiguration classroom where they sat

down. The only thing in the room was a cat sitting upon the professor's

desk. Eventually the entire class was present at which point the cat

jumped up off the desk transforming into Professor McGonagall.

"Welcome class to first year transfiguration. What you just witnessed is

known as the Animagus transformation, a particularly advanced piece of

transfiguration that is not truly covered until NEWT level classes. This

year, we will be focusing on inanimate-to-inanimate transfiguration. The

spell for which is reformabit inanimate. While casting the spell, you must

make sure to think of the changes you want to take place." Walking over

to her desk, she pulled out a box a of matchsticks. "You will be

attempting this today by trying to turn these matchsticks into needles."

As she handed out the matchsticks, Harry sat there studying his

matchstick before thinking in his mind what changes needed to be made

to turn into a needle. Satisfied with his thoughts he waved his wand over

the matchstick muttering the spell "reformabit inanimate" and where

once there was a matchstick, was now a silver gleaming needle.

McGonagall congratulated him. "Very good, Mr. Potter! Take 10 points

for Slytherin. For the rest of class, feel free to play around seeing what

changes you can make to the needle and if you feel like try to help some

of your nearby class mates."

At the end of class McGonagall dismissed them saying, "for those of you

who were unable to finish the transfiguration, I would like a foot of

parchment on what is needed for the spell."

The rest of the week passed relatively the same. With classes passing in

the same manner Harry showing off his expertise in the classes.

Saturday Morning Headmasters Office

The headmaster looked over his assembled professors, studying them for

a moment before addressing them.

"We have reached the end of the first week of classes what do we think of

the new first years? Any potential issues stand out among them,

Minerva?" Looking down over the report in her hands, "one name among

my Lions stands out in particular. Mr. Weasley does not seem to be trying

in classes at all and if this continues on its current trend then he will not

pass first year this week alone he has lost 95 points and has received 6

detentions from professors. However, to the adverse, Mr. Potter is a

gifted child managing to make most spells work on the first time no

problem, " The headmaster nodded, making notes on the paper in front of


Turning towards Flitwick, "Filius ,anything of note?" Flitwick looked over

his reports "While nothing remarkable among my Ravens however I do

have to agree with Minerva. Mr. Potter is a simply a prodigy. He shows a

grasp over charms that I haven't seen since his mother."

Writing down his notes Albus turned towards Sprout "Pamona, your

report please." Sprout looked over the papers in her hands "The usual

cases of homesickness from my puffs, but nothing I haven't been able to

help them over before. Neville Longbottom shows great skill in my field

that I have never seen before."

Finally, they reached Snape. "Severus?" "My snakes are good as usual and

I must demand something be done about Weasley. He refuses to learn

and this week has managed to blow up four cauldrons. Mr. Potter

however shows adequate skill and seems to take more after his mother

than his father." The other professors looked over at Snape shocked as he

almost never gave students any kind of praise before.

Finished with his notes Albus dismissed the professors before standing up

and walking over to his window to look out over the grounds. "The boy is

far to intelligent and far to independent. He was supposed to be friends

with Weasley and be in Gryffindor. I am going to have adjust my plans."

AN: Just a reminder Poll is up on my profile to vote for the girls who

will be with Harry. What do we think Dumbledore's plan for Harry

could be and is he going to suspect the darker path Harry is going

down. Tune in next week for all this and more in Birth of Darkness

Chapter 6.

7. Chapter 6

AN: This chapter is going to start off slightly darker than most

chapter as we see the Slytherin House "Introduction".

Since its inception, Slytherin house has held the ideal that you must be

strong to survive to that end. Some of the original Slytherin students built

what was referred to as "The Pit." It was called the pit because it was

actually a secret room built in behind the Slytherin Common room with a

giant crater in the center, where two or more combatants would fight it

out, originally built as way for Slytherin students to hone their skills and

practice their dueling against one another. However, over time, much

like Slytherin house itself, evolved into the pureblood propaganda

machine it is today. "The Pit" slowly became away for the older Slytherin

students to take down the younger students who tried to go above their

position in the house.

Now, this hadn't been used in many years, mostly just serving as a way

for the house students to work out issues between each other. However,

by the end of the first week several of the older students were upset at

the way Harry came in and casually assumed he could take control and

were planning to use "The Pit" to teach him a lesson.

Entering the common room after dinner, Harry was confronted by several

older year students. "Yaxley, Carrow, Lestrange, to what do I owe the

pleasure?" Sneering down at Harry it was Corbin Yaxley who answered

him. "We're sick of a jumped up little halfblood like yourself acting like

he can run things in Slytherin house and it's time for you to see what

happens to upstarts like you," he said, gesturing for Carrow and Lestrange

who had moved into position next to Harry and grabbed his arms.

Harry let this happen with a hidden smirk as they pulled him towards the

fireplace following behind Yaxley. Once at the fireplace Yaxley took out

his wand and tapped bricks above the fireplace in a specific order, as one

would if they were entering Diagon Alley. Once he had tapped the

correct bricks, he stepped back as the fireplace swung away from the wall

revealing a set of descending stairs. Gesturing down the stairs, Carrow

and Lestrange hauled Harry down throwing him into the pit.

The Slytherin students filed in filling the seats situated around the arena

getting ready to see the Boy Who Lived get beaten by Yaxley, who had

jumped down into the pit. Harry stood up releasing his wand from his

holster holding at the ready which caused Yaxley to laugh.

Pointing his wand towards Harry, he cast "accipere captivum!" There was

brief flash and the spell flew towards Harry, who casually side stepped it

with a grin on his face. Seeing this Yaxley growled, "Frigidus sanguis!"

Once more, Harry side stepped the spell. "Come on, Yaxley. Is that the

best you got?" Whipping his wand towards Harry, he screamed "carnem

lacerare! ad genu! Mors simulare!" in rapid succession. Harry allowed the

first to hit which barely scratched him, the second he dodged, and the

third he redirected into the ground. Looking over at Yaxely, he smiled.

"My turn."

Bringing his wand towards his opponent, he cast his spells in rapid

succession. "Scutum confractus! locum tenere! ulcere sanguis! confractus

terram!" The spells flew towards Yaxley who quickly raised a protego.

The first spell shattered his protection, the second locked him in place,

the third brought his blood to a boil, and the fourth cracked the ground

around him, making it as thin as ice.

There was a flash and a spell flew from the stands, freeing him from the

hold. Grinding his teeth through the pain, he raised his wand preparing

to cast, but seeing this, Harry whipped his wand quickly casting a spell of

his design. "meus cecidit vos flagellis ignis!" From the cracks in the

ground around Yaxley, ropes of pure fire rose up wrapping themselves

around his wrists, ankles, and throat. Approaching him, Harry took the

wand from Yaxley's hand and stared him down, "Do you yield?" Spitting

in Harry's face, Yaxley turned his head "as if I would yield to a half-blood

bastard like you." Swishing his wand, Harry caused the ropes to tighten

slowly digging into the flesh of his appendages. The smell of burning

flesh was getting worse. "Second chance. Do you yield?" The pain getting

worse by the second, Yaxley looked at the crowd who was waiting with

baited breath, "I yield."

Waving his wand, the ropes dropped Yaxley to the ground, with clear

visible third degree burns on his wrists, ankles, and throat. Harry studied

his wand for a moment before taking in both hands he snapped in half

dropping in front of the defeated teen. "Pathetic," looking up towards the

stands "This is what you can expect if you challenge me, does anyone else

want a shot?" The arena was silent.

Up in the stands Hermione turned towards Daphne. "Everyone seems

more afraid of Harry after he snapped Yaxley's wand…why?" Daphne

looked shocked that she didn't know. "I forgot you were muggle-born for

a second. The snapping of someone's wand by another outside of court

proceedings, especially by someone of Ancient house to another of

Ancient house, means they feel they aren't worthy of practicing magic…

so by Harry snapping Yaxley's wand after defeating him so thoroughly,

he is openly declaring that Yaxley isn't worth studying magic further…

that he is too weak to continue in our society." Hermione turned and

stared opened mouth toward the pit not sure what to say.

Harry began walking out of the pit, stopping once he reached the edge.

"Somebody should get him to the medical wing and come up with a

convincing story about what happened. If any of this gets back to me...

what I did to him will look like child's play." He continued to the

common room where he took a seat in the chair in the middle of the

room, usually saved for the leader of the house.

As the students filed out of the pit to their rooms, Harry watched for

Daphne and Hermione, who he called over to him. "I want you guys to

know that what I did in there is going to happen again and I understand

if you don't want hang around me anymore. Though, if you do stick

around I will place you under my protection." Daphne seemed to think

for a moment "I'm not going anywhere." Hermione seemed the most

unsure having grown up in the muggle world where such violence would

get one in trouble, she wanted to turn and run. However over the past

week she had been taking lessons from Daphne in how things differed

from the muggle world and about pureblood politics and knew that

things like this could be explained away as settling house differences, "I…

I'm staying too, Daphne explained to me what being a muggle-born can

mean in the magical world and you're my first friend. I am sticking with


Nodding, Harry turned back towards the fire now that the fireplace had

returned to its rightful spot, pointing his wand at his throat, he cast

"Sonorus", looking towards the rooms he said "Slytherin house let it be

known I am the leader from here on out and Daphne Greengrass and

Hermione Granger are under my protection."

He looked towards the girls and nodded "good night ladies," turning,

Harry walked to his bedroom, laid down, and fell asleep.

The next morning Harry rose and went through his morning routine,

showered and got ready for the day before heading to the common room

where he met up with the girls before they left going to the Great Hall for

breakfast. As they were finishing up breakfast, Snape approached them.

"Potter, I would like to see you in my office after breakfast this morning."

Nodding, Harry acknowledged him before turning and returning to his


Once he was finished, he promised to meet up with the girls in the

library later to work on the weekend homework before heading down to

the dungeons towards Snape's office. Knocking once on the door he stood

waiting for a response which he received in the form of Snape calling out

"Enter." Entering the office, he took the open seat across from Snape

before looking across the desk at him "what can I do for you professor?"

Snape studied him for a moment before opening his mouth to speak

"Yaxley is in the hospital wing this morning with third degree burns on

his wrists ankles and neck, yet can't seem to tell anyone where they came

from, I also noticed that Slytherin house seems to defer to you as its

defacto leader even more than then they did this past week. What may I

ask did you do?" Studying the professor's face, Harry paused to consider

before answering.

"Well Yaxley challenged me to a duel and I just showed him why that

was the wrong thing to do. Why everyone in Slytherin is deferring to me,

a lowly first year, well that's just their decision, I guess. They just know

power when they see it." Snape sputtered before releasing Harry. Waiting

five minutes to ensure Harry was gone Snape went running up to the

Headmaster's office stopping briefly outside the gargoyle to give the


"Headmaster, you must do something. Potter is going dark and I feel he is

going to be worse than even the dark lord." Dumbledore laughed.

"Severus you must get over that grudge you had with James Potter! No

child of James and Lily could ever go dark especially one who was raised

by Sirius as he was who despised everything his family represented."

Snape growled before turning and exiting leaving Dumbledore in his

office to ponder his thoughts.

AN: Well, we see the beginning of Harry's Dark path in this chapter.

Harry is much more advanced. Dumbledore is refusing to believe

that Harry can go dark because of who his parents are. Snape isn't

having it, though and you will see the fallout as the story


Just a reminder the poll is up on my profile for the girls who will be

with Harry.

8. Chapter 7

AN: My goal is to start producing longer chapters, so I am going to

attempt writing two acts in each chapter. Let me know what you

think. Little bit of a time jump at the start of this story

The Wizengamot met four times a year on each of the solstices. The

original composition of the Wizengamot of Great Britain was comprised

based on the original twenty-eight families who were chosen by Merlin

himself to lead after his passing. However, at the time, Great Britain was

a small community that only needed the fifteen families to lead them, but

as time passed the community grew and so the fifteen families started up

the Ministry of Magic. This ministry was created for the purpose of giving

the people a voice. They created the Minister of Magic, who would sit on

the Wizengamot and would be voted in by the fifteen, as well as created

a system to carry out laws over the wider Great Britain. Over time, the

fifteen added in other seats for people as more family lines began to

popup, expanding from twenty-nine to fifty-five.

Then as time passed, the Ministry needed to expand as the community

continued to grow, so departments were created with heads who reported

to the Minister of Magic who then reported to the Wizengamot. Each

department head was additionally given a seat. The voting structure was

as follows: the original twenty-eight Ancient families as the founders had

6 votes each, the twenty-six Noble families who were given seats had 4

votes each, the Ministers seat held 3 votes, and finally the department

heads held 2 votes each.

As time grew and the community continued to grow some of the original

families appeared to die off due to war, duels, disease, etc. To counteract

this, they added to noble family seats, but changed the voting structure

based on the age of your family. The remaining five of the original

families were now called the Most Noble and Most Ancient families

holding 10 votes each. The Most Noble and Ancient houses which were

comprised of the original twenty-six seats given to families held 6 votes

each, The Noble houses who were added in place of the lost twenty-three

original families held 4 votes each, while the minister and fifteen

department head's seats remained the same. However, with so many seats

and families now on the Wizengamot there was someone needed to

conduct and lead sessions, so the position of Supreme Warlock was

created who held one vote.

September 23rd 1991 Ministry of Magic Wizengamot Chambers

It was on the fall solstice that there was to be the first major shakeup

within the Wizengamot, since the last major change to seating and voting

structure when they added the noble houses. Once called into session by

Dumbledore, new business was called for. Each Session followed the

same procedure. If any of the Most Ancient and Most Noble houses had

any business they were allowed to go first.

Sirius lit up the runestone on the desk in front of him, signaling that he

had new business. "The floor is conceded to Lord Black, Lord Black you

may proceed." Sirius stood up. "Thank you, Chief Warlock, as you all

know, I sit as the Lord Black holding the seat for my family Additionally I

sit in as proxy for the Potter Family as guardian and godfather to Heir

Harry James Potter…Today I submit myself as the proxy for three

additional families, The Most Noble and Most Ancient Family of Peverell,

The Most Noble and Most Ancient Family of Mors, and the Most Noble

and Most Ancient Family of Sors."

Sirius paused as there was an uproar. By claiming the proxy of three Most

Noble and Most Ancient families he would be adding thirty votes to the

twenty votes he already held, giving him a total of fifty votes just for

himself. The most required for anything to go through was fifty-one

percent of the votes in the affirmative.

Dumbledore quelled the noise. "By what authority do you claim proxy on

these seats Lord Black?" Sirius however was prepared for this. "I hold in

my hands a signed and sealed blood test on one Harry James Potter who

holds heirship to these houses, as well as his official documents naming

me as his proxy to sit these seats in his stead." Following this statement

everyone fell silent as they knew there was no fighting this. Waving his

wand Sirius floated the paperwork up to Dumbledore, who handed it to

the scribe to look over. After confirming its validity, he nodded at

Dumbledore. "The documents are valid. You are granted the power of

proxy, Lord Black." There was a flash and three additional rune stones

appeared on his desk for each house he now held proxy for.

Dumbledore then called for any additional new business. Seeing none of

the other houses above him had any business, Malfoy signaled that he

held new business to bring forward. "Lord Malfoy, the floor is yours."

"Thank you, Supreme Warlock. Ladies and Gentleman of the Wizengamot

I hold in my hands the Great Britain Regrowth Act, which I submit before

you today for first reading. This act will change the current restrictions

on marriage. Currently under the law, a wizard is only allowed to marry

one witch, however, under this act any wizard who holds more than one

house would be required to marry two witches per house: a wife and a

consort. We in Great Britain are facing a future where we may die out.

For every one wizard, there are five witches and not enough new witches

and wizards are being born with every new generation. My act will

hopefully change this. Any wizard who doesn't follow this would not be

allowed to sit on this body and if they are the last of the primary line will

lose their right to be head of house."

Finished, Malfoy waved his wand creating copies of the act and passing a

copy to every sitting member. With no new business left to go over,

Dumbledore turned the floor to old business. "The only remaining piece

of legislature from the last assembly was from Madam Bones who seeks

to increase the funding to the Auror department. Before we vote, I turn

the floor over to her to explain once more why she believes this to be


Madam Bones nodded and stood up. "Since the fall of He-Who-Must-Not-

Be-Named, funding to the Auror department has been slashed by more

than half of what it was before his rise. With this lack of funding, it is

becoming increasingly hard to hire on new Aurors replacing the ones we

lost in the war...bringing the department back to a pre-war level. Even

now there are cases of simple breaking and entering that we aren't able

to respond to in a timely manner because we have to first pull aurors

from patrol locations to deploy them to other scenes by which point,

things can have taken a turn for the worst. This past month alone there

were five breaking and entering cases that turned to assault and battery

with two leading to death due to lack of auror response."

Finished, she sat down. Dumbledore called for any other comments. No

one made a comment. "Members, touch your wands to the runestones in

front of you light them up green for yes and red for no." Ever so slowly a

sea of red and green appeared before Dumbledore. Tapping a sequence

on his desk made a scroll to appear before him. "With a grand total of

344 votes the motion passes. Madam Bones you have received your

increase in funding. Congratulations."

With a wave of his wand, he made a gavel sound play throughout the

chamber. "Session adjourned." Watching Sirius get up to leave,

Dumbledore made to intercept him. "Lord Black, if I could have a

moment of your time?" Turning, Sirius quickly developed a frown on his

face. "Chief Warlock, what can I do for you?" Dumbledore studied his

face for a moment. "I was wondering if by chance you had read the letter

I sent you about Harry's living arrangements. I believe it in his best

interest to go and spend all or at least most of his summers with his

mother's sister."

Sirius snarled, "I've told you every year since his parents death, I am his

godfather, sworn in under the Ancient rites. He is going to live with me.

Screw whatever protections you seem to think are present. I can

guarantee there are no protections better than the ancient wards cast by

the House Black." Sirius turned and strode from the chamber stopping to

grab a dash of floo powder and throwing it in the floo.

September 23rd 1991, Hogwarts

Rising the morning of September 23rd, Harry knew it would be an

interesting day as Sirius had the first Wizengamot meeting where he

would claim proxy on Harry's newly discovered houses. Since coming to

Hogwarts, his training had been taking a bit of a push to the wayside.

However, him and the girls had finished their weekend homework, so

they would be exploring the castle. His objective in exploring today

would be to find the kitchens and also to find a place to train.

Getting out of bed, Harry proceeded about his morning routine, taking a

shower and dressing for the day. Once ready, he decided to forego his

robes as it was the weekend. Heading out to the common room, Harry sat

on the couches waiting for the girls to show up. He reflected on the past

few weeks at Hogwarts while he waited.

Ever since the duel in the pit against Yaxley, he had become the official

ruler of Slytherin house, which was unheard of as a first year in the

history of the house. While most of the changes to the other houses was

unseen and unknown, there were several noticeable changes. The biggest

of which was that no one in the house was calling muggleborns

"mudbloods." Additionally, the students in the house were being much

nicer in general to other students. There were some students who fought

this change... number one being Draco Malfoy, who believed if he threw

around his father's influence enough, he would get his way.

It was the work of his older sister Olivia and Harry that quickly turned

that around though by taking Draco into a private room where they

taught him the new pecking order. Olivia took it one step further,

showing him a letter from their father that told him to suck it up and that

if he wasn't good enough to take the leadership of the house for himself

then he should shut up and deal with it.

Eventually the girls came up from their dorms, breaking Harry out of his

thoughts. "Morning ladies, how are you doing this morning?" he inquired

of them. It was Hermione who answered as normal as Daphne hid behind

her ice queen mask, rarely speaking unless required of her. Gesturing for

the girls to go first, they proceeded up to the great hall for breakfast.

After breakfast they proceeded out of the hall and attempted to decide

how they wanted to proceed with their exploration of the castle. Harry

pitched an idea, "I think we should start at the bottom and work our way

up. If I was building the castle, I would I put the kitchens near the

bottom. Now we know it's not anywhere near the dungeons, so let's start

in the opposite corner."

Heading in that direction, they headed down the main staircase until

they reached the furthest point they could. Turning around, they started

back the way they came along the way. They passed several Hufflepuffs

who gave them strange looks. "The dorms must be around here," Harry

remarked looking around. He saw the redheaded twins from Gryffindor

walking up to a portrait of a bowl of fruit. After one of them did

something to the portrait, it swung open. Pointing out what he saw they

proceeded over and studied the portrait, noticing that the pear seemed to

be more prevalent in the picture Harry reached out to touch it. Upon

touching the pear, it giggled, turning into a door knob which Harry was

able to twist causing the portrait to swing open.

Stepping inside, they were immediately accosted by the twins "Why look

what we have here Gred, a couple of firsties in the kitchen," remarked

one of the twins. "Indeed, we do, Forge. Whatever, we didn't even go

hunting for places like this until second year, perhaps we should turn

them in Professor McGonagall." Watching the back and forth between

them, Daphne interrupted. "Well if you do turn us in then you would first

have to explain how you knew we were in here to begin with." This

caused them to laugh "She's got us there Gred," "That she does Forge."

Reaching out one hand

"I'm Fred.." one started

"I'm George and were" the other continued

"The Weasley twins; pranksters extraordinaire."

Taking their hands, "I'm Harry Potter, to my left is Daphne Greengrass,

and to my right is Hermione Granger." Shaking hands, the twins nodded.

"Well we must be off. People to prank, pranks to be made. The prankster

life you know." The twins left. Exploring the kitchens a bit and greeting

the house elves, Harry had the idea to ask them for a room he could train

in. One of the elves who introduced itself as Flopsy, nodded. "There be

the come and go room on the seventh floor."

After getting the explanation of how to make the room appear, Harry and

the girls proceeded upstairs to the room. Stopping outside the portrait of

two trolls being taught ballet, they walked back and forth causing a door

to appear. Opening the door, they stepped inside what appeared to be

replica of the Slytherin common room. Seeing the clock on the wall and

realizing that Sirius should be out of the Wizengamot meeting, Harry

asked the room for a separate room to call him.

Excusing himself, Harry stepped inside the room pulling out the

communication mirror given to him by Sirius and calling out his name,

"Sirius Black." After about a minute, Sirius's face appeared in the mirror,

"how did the meeting go?"

Sirius laughed. "As you expected, those uptight stooges were upset at me

claiming so many votes to myself. If I get a few more houses to join me I

could have a voting block all of my own, though there is one thing we

didn't expect. Lucius Malfoy introduced a bill calling for all Heirs who are

Heirs to multiple houses to have to marry two witches for each house a

primary wife and a consort." Harry stared shocked "How many people

beside myself are affected by this? Have you read the bill yet?"

Sirius thought for a second. "Off the top of my head, several. Then the

issue comes up with people like Susan Bones in your year, who while she

is Heiress to her house, she can't take over the mantle of Head of House

as the House is primarily patriarchal. So she would have to marry as a

consort or give up her house, letting it fall to a secondary branch, which

if there isn't one, the house will die off." Pausing for a second. "At first

skim of the bill it seems fairly straight forward. There isn't much he is

trying to slide through, but it does stipulate if any heirs don't take the

required number of wives or have betrothals in place by his majority,

then Wizengamot can decide for him who he ends up with." Harry was

completely shocked "send me a copy to read please." Sirius nodded before

closing the connection.

AN: I had more planned for this chapter, but had some writers block

fighting me on this chapter. The next chapter is going to continue

where this one left off with Harry training the girls in some more

advanced magic and letting his anger burn off. We are also going to

see our first view of Tonks at Hogwarts.

AN2: Don't forget the poll on my profile I am going to leave it up for

one or 2 more chapters and then I will be taking it down

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