Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Боги среди людей


Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11825585/1/Gods-




Гарри Поттер

Боги среди людей



Что произойдет, если крестраж Гарри будет удален раньше, чем

планировал Дамблдор?

Кто сможет разработать новый план по контролю над волшебным


Мощно!Гарри немного Уизли!Удар Манипулятивный!Дамблс Гарри/


Рейтинг: Художественная

литература M

– Английский – Романтика/Приключения – [Гарри П., Флер Д.]

Дафна Г. – Главы: 49 – Слов: 307 120 – Обзоров:

2 442

– Избранное: 8 757 – Подписок: 9 112 – Обновлено:

04.09.2016, 18:27:36

- Опубликовано:

06.03.2016, 02:12:38

- id: 11825585.

1. World Cup

This is my first fanfiction so go a little easy on me, though I do

appreciate constructive criticism. This will be a Fleur/Harr fanfic if

you want to know the pairing. It will also be a long one, expect at

least 400k+ words. If you recognize some similarities between His

Angel by Durararnaaa that's because there will be some in the

beginning chapters. Don't worry, it will change drastically as the

story moves on and become a whole other story in its own right.

Harry will be powerful in this fic, more so than any other character

other than Dumbledore and Voldemort. His power however won't

come over night but instead through much training. Certain

Weasleys will be bashed, sorry if you like them. Dumbledore will be

manipulative but not necessarily evil. He just has a different

viewpoint of how the magical world should look like.

Thank you to everyone that reviews/favorites/ and follows my

story. As I said, this is my first fan fiction and I can use all the

feedback given. I am not perfect nor do I expect to please everyone

with my story, it's just not possible. I use some cliché's, but I like to

think I use them correctly and it doesn't deteriorate from my story.

I now have a beta who will be going through my earlier chapters to

edit the grammar mistakes I have made, thank you Goldzar for your

hard work on making my story better.

Quick Summary: Harry's horcrux is removed at an earlier time

disrupting carefully laid plans. Watch as Harry evolves into an ever

growing dangerous world, battling those much more knowledgeable

in ancient magics. Many powerful enemies see England as weak and

will come out of the woodwork to claim it as their own.

Disclaimer- The World of Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling and

various publishers. I do not own anything in this universe.

"Harry! It's time to wake up!" Hermione shook him awake. He groaned as

his eyes fluttered open, revealing a blurry, bushy haired girl standing

over him. She didn't wait around and went to wake up his other best

friend, Ron. Another groan alerted him that Hermione had successfully

drawn him from his sleep as well.

Harry slipped on his glasses after struggling to locate them on the bedside

table. "Come on you two! We leave in an hour and you're still not even

dressed!" She scolded them. He watched her leave the room allowing

them to get ready for the day.

Thirty minutes later, both Harry and Ron made their way down to the

Burrow kitchen where the rest of the family were waiting on them

patiently. This summer Harry had undergone a growth spurt, and it

wasn't just his height that had changed. Harry was finding that his

muscles had inexplicably grown. Where he was normally scrawny and

underweight, it was now like his magic was beginning to shape his body,

molding it into something more suitable.

He couldn't complain, the changes were good and though he was still on

the skinny side, he liked the changes he was undergoing. A six pack had

formed and his arms were well defined. Ron and him were the same

height now and Hermione was just a few inches shorter than him. His

hair had inexplicably shrunk to the point it almost looked like he was a

soldier he had seen in some movies the Dursleys allowed him to oversee

from his cupboard.

This was the one change he didn't like since it revealed his scar to all, but

magic herself seemed determined to not allow him to grow his hair. This

summer also brought along the growth of facial hair. He had grown some

stubble and Mr. Weasley was kind enough to teach him a hair removal


Despite the growing up his body was doing, he still had some tell-tale

signs of malnutrition and abuse from his time with the Durselys. A

multitude of scars from years of beatings showed along his upper body

and his skin was pale. His eyes sagged like he hadn't been getting nearly

enough sleep and in total he looked sickly despite feeling just fine.

He and the Weasleys ate an early breakfast until it was time to go.

Everyone besides Molly, Bill, and Charlie were going to the portkey that

had been set up. Bill and Charlie instead were going to be apparating to

the campsite since they were old enough while Molly was the only one

staying behind.

"Is everyone set?" Molly asked the group as they began heading out the


"Yes!" They all called.

"Have fun. Be safe!" She called as they disappeared into the forest,

following Arthurs lead.

The walk was peaceful and Harry just listened to Ron and the twins talk

about Viktor Krum, the star Bulgarian seeker. Hermione and Ginny

trailed behind them talking but he noticed a few quick glances towards

him which alerted him as to what they were talking about. Ginny had a

crush on him and he figured that's the reason they were talking about

him. Hermione had spent the summer trying to talk Ginny away from her

crush on him, something he was thankful for.

They came to a clearing in the forest where two people were waiting for

them. Harry recognized one to be the seventh year Hufflepuff seeker.

"Harry! Good to see you mate!" Cedric shook his hand and clasped him

on the shoulder. Though they never had hung around each other at

Hogwarts, they were friends, sharing the camaraderie of being seekers on

a House team.

"How are you doing?" Harry responded in kind.

"I'm good. Excited to watch the match."

"Me too. From what I've heard, Krum will be very interesting to watch."

"I'm sure you're anxious to see how to really play seeker." Cedric teased.

Before Harry could respond, Arthur gathered everyone around an old

boot that sat in the center of the field. He instructed everyone on how

portkey travel worked and had them all grasp firmly onto the boot. Once

Arthurs countdown reached one, Harry felt a lurch behind his navel and

then began spinning through the air.

Suddenly the ground came rushing back at him and he hit the grass field,

briefly knocking the wind out of him. He groaned and pushed himself

back to his feet. Luckily he hadn't made a fool of himself as he noticed

that the twins, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny also had a rough landing.

The Diggorys bid them farewell so that they could find their own

campsite. Arthur led them through the bustling city of tents and Harry

found himself completely entranced by the sheer amount of magical

people he saw.

All kinds of magicals were walking around wearing various robes in all

the colors of the rainbow. He was blown away by just how many people

there were. There had to be thousands of witches, wizards, and magical

creatures moving here and there. Stands, filled with items and food also

littered the campsites with lines stretching behind them, waiting to buy

their goods.

As they walked further into the masses of people, curiously, Harry found

himself under the gazes of many witches who watched him carefully. At

first he thought it was because of his scar, but he soon realized that none

of the males were looking at him and some of the looks from the witches

were something he hadn't ever seen before. If he could describe it, they

looked hungry as if he was a piece of meat waiting to be devoured. It was

odd to have that effect on women, but he would be lying if it didn't boost

his ego and confidence a little.

Even odder was Hermione and Ginny's reaction to the leering women.

They had taken up position on either side of him and Hermione had even

looped her arm through his. This just made him feel even more awkward

and he tried to slip out of her grasp but she held on firm. So lost in the

sights, he didn't notice Ron's continuous scowl at him as they walked.

"Here we are!" Arthur bellowed and soon they had set up the tent. Harry's

doubts about said tent were wiped away once he stepped inside. Of

course he should have known that it would have some magical

enchantments on it. They all picked out their bunks and settled in for a

few hours. He spent his time reading over the fourth year defense

textbook, something Hermione was proud to see him do.

Soon enough, it was nearing time for the match to begin and so they

began heading towards the stadium amongst the mass of other spectators.

"Harry m'boy!" A booming voice shouted through the crowd. Harry

turned to where the voice came from and saw the familiar green bowler

hat worn by the Minister of Magic. Harry approached with a questioning

look, not sure why he was being called out of the crowd by the British


"Am I in trouble Minister?" Harry asked cautiously. The Weasleys and

Hermione had also stopped behind him to listen in on his conversation.

"Of course not m'boy!" Fudge slapped him on the shoulder like he was a

favorite nephew. "I'm glad I found you! Will you be in the minister's


"Errr, I don't think I can Minister Fudge. We have seats near the top


"That won't do m'boy. Sit with me!" Fudge looked passed Harry to Arthur.

"Do you mind if I take Harry with me?"

Harry began to feel very self-conscious. It was embarrassing to have the

Minister ask to sit with you in prime seats while your friends and people

you considered family were cast aside like nothing.

"Of course, Minister." Arthur responded uneasily. Harry knew that

everyone was forced into a tough spot. He couldn't ask the Weasleys to

join him and Arthur couldn't say no to his boss. Harry noticed the jealous

scowl marring Ron's face and did his best to ignore it. Ron had always

been jealous of the things he never asked for or wanted and he knew full

well that it was up to Ron to get over it.

"Good! Very good. C'mon m'boy." Without waiting for a reply, Minister

Fudge led Harry up a flight of stairs that had been charmed to ascend

someone a hundred feet into the air. It was a peculiar feeling to be on the

ground one moment and then after only a short flight of stairs, be staring

at a pitch a hundred feet below.

Minister Fudge dragged Harry by the arm further into the Ministers box.

Harry noticed the Malfoy family sitting down not too far away and his

eyes locked on Draco for a moment. Both sneered at each other but didn't

say anything.

"I would like you to meet the Bulgarian Minister, Aleric Strumyav." Fudge

introduced him to a tall, well-built older gentleman. He had greying

black hair with a full black goatee. Harry shook his hand and had to fight

back a wince from the strong grip.

"And Irish Minister Ryan O'Connell." This minister was more like Fudge.

Round and red haired, wearing a fedora with a raven feather running

along the side of the cap.

"Ministers, I present Harry Potter." Fudge proclaimed like he was some

Roman Emperor. Miraculously, Harry successfully kept himself from face

palming at how over the top his introduction was.

The two foreign ministers greeted him and made small talk about current

events. Harry found it refreshing to talk about politics and world events

with the three men and fit in nicely. His nervousness quickly left him

when the three ministers included him into their conversation like he was

an old friend.

He was then asked to elaborate on the rumors about him at Hogwarts. At

first he was hesitant to say anything about them. He hadn't told anyone

or discussed any of his adventures with anyone besides Professor

Dumbledore. Also Sirius was still fresh on his mind and how Fudge had

tried to have him kissed. But, how often do you have the opportunity to

talk to three ministers and he surely couldn't lie to them. So, he

proceeded to explain the events involving the Philosopher's Stone in first

year and the basilisk in the second. He left out Ginny's name, not sure

how she would like it if the minister knew it was her that had been


"A basilisk?" The Irish Minister asked in disbelief, looking from Harry to

Minister Fudge. By this time, Fudge was completely pale and it was

apparent that he had never been told of the events of his second year.

Perhaps that's why Fudge didn't believe him about Sirius Black?

"Yes, sir. I killed it with a sword, didn't have my wand at the time." Harry

refrained from mentioning that a visage of Voldemort had taken his


The Bulgarian minister started barking out in laughter quickly followed

by the Irish minister. Slowly Fudge joined in as well, though he was still

completely pale. "You can't be serious?" Minister Strumyav asked, seeing

that Harry wasn't laughing.

"It should still be under the school. It's around seventy feet long." Harry

shrugged. All amusement died between the ministers when they noticed

just how serious Harry was about the story.

"How have we not heard of this?" Minister O'Connell asked Minister


"Dumbledore has kept most of my exploits under wraps. My fame was

already large enough and I saw no reason to add to it."

"Is it possible to see the memories of such events?" Minister Sturmyav


"Err, how would you see my memory?"

"A pensieve Harry. It's a device that allows others to see a person's

memory. I could have one sent up here during the match." Fudge said.

"That is if you have no desire to actually watch the match."

"Honestly, this boy's exploits sound much more interesting." Minister

O'Connell said and the Bulgarian minister nodded in agreement.

"Very well, I will have one sent up." Harry then began to describe his

third year adventures involving Sirius Black. This time Fudge was looking

at him more curiously than skeptically. Now that he had heard his

previous years' exploits, he was more open to believing that Sirius was

innocent, which was something that excited him greatly. Of course he

failed to mention that he was the one, with the help of Hermione, who

had broken his godfather out.

A man dressed in black robes and a top hat stepped in behind Minister

Fudge and whispered something into his ear. Fudge nodded to the man,

stood up, and approached a microphone that had been set up in the

center of the box.

"Welcome to the 1994 Quidditch World Cup!" The audience cheered as

Fudge's words echoed through the packed stadium. "The British Ministry

welcomes its guests and are pleased to be hosting this great event!"

Another loud cheer erupted throughout the stadium. "I am pleased to

introduce Ludo Bagman, Director of Magical Games and Sports!"

The man dressed in black with a top hat stepped forward, shaking Fudges

hand before stepping in front of the microphone to introduce the teams.

Fudge jovially came back and sat down.

"Now, m'boy. You truly have had quite the adventurous life back at

Hogwarts and I feel a reward would be proper. Had I been told two years

ago for your deeds involving the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, I

would have given you the Order of Merlin First Class then!" Fudge

proclaimed, more to the other two ministers who looked approvingly at

Fudges action, than to Harry.

Harry didn't have much experience with politics, but he knew Fudge

wanted to use Harry in some manner. Also, he had no clue what an Order

of Merlin was but it sounded something like a medal given to soldiers or

citizens who did something good for the country.

"Would you mind sitting down with a reporter and telling your story

about the basilisk? Once everyone knows of your harrowing year, I

would gladly give you our countries highest award!" Fudge continued

with glee. A grin spread across Harry's face, this was an actual chance to

possibly free Sirius and he would be a fool to not take it, even if he had

to play up his fame.

"Of course minister. I do have something to ask of you first though."

"Of course m'boy! Anything."

"I want you to give Sirius Black a proper trial." All of Fudges enthusiasm

dropped off his face and he went to speak but Harry cut him off. "One

thing many do not know is that Sirius Black is my godfather." All three

minister's eyes bulged. He had left that detail out of his story but now it

was needed to get Sirius a fair trial. "I know him to be innocent. I also

know he was never given a trial. The last minister did not have the sense

to give him one for some reason."

Harry could see Fudge's mind piecing together the puzzle. The minister

may be easily swayed by gold or voter polls, but he isn't stupid. "If you

were to give him a trial, and he proved to be innocent, it could only

boost your popularity. You would be seen as fixing the faults of the last

administration." Harry knew he had him when Fudges face broke out in


"I will see what I can do." Fudge took a sip of his firewhiskey and then

clapped Harry on the shoulder. "Now, I shall go and retrieve that

penseive." He stood up and walked over to a tall, dark skinned man with

a gold earring and began whispering in his ear.

"You have a promising career in politics Harry." Minister O'Connell said

with a wry grin.

"I have very little interest in it, in truth." Harry shrugged. "But I'll do any

amount of politicking and bargaining if it means freeing an innocent


The two nodded and Minister Fudge came back with a pensieve. After

some instructions on how to remove a memory and place it into the

bowl, all three ministers dove into his memories. Harry used their

absence to watch the game that was already fully under way.

Each time the ministers came up from a memory, Harry had to keep

himself from laughing at their faces. They were always mixed with horror

and awe and after the basilisk, respect. The memory of Harry talking

with Sirius in the shrieking shack got the minister fully on board to give

Sirius a trial.

Soon the match was over with Ireland winning, and Harry was already

back inside the Weasley's tent. Minister Fudge had promised that he

would immediately begin working on getting Sirius a fair trial and

afterwards, Harry would begin a series of interviews with various

magazines and papers, finishing with an awards ceremony sometime this

holiday break.

Spending time with a few reporters was hardly a bad thing when he was

getting his godfather freed. This also meant that he should never have to

see the Dursleys again and be able to live with Sirius. The thought of

being free from his abusive relatives couldn't make him any happier.

So, he walked into the Weasley's tent with a huge smile on his face, ready

to break the happy news with his friends, only for his smile to quickly fall

off. Ron looked completely livid at him. Even Hermione looked a little

upset. Only Fred and George seemed unchanged by Harry's appearance as

they continued boasting about the Ireland chasers.

"How was the minister's box, Potter." Ron spat, stopping only a foot in

front of him. Harry was taken back by the venom in his voice.

"Ron, there wasn't anything he could do." Hermione pleaded though she

didn't sound like she herself was convinced.

"Always have to have everything don't you. How was it having your arse

pampered by the minister." He snarled.

"You know I didn't ask to go to the minister's box." Harry responded

coldly. Ron's jealous attitude the last couple of days had been grating on

his nerves and now it was coming to a boiling point. "I've never asked for

anything! Yet you always seem to find a way to make me feel bad for

having something."

"Make you feel bad?" Ron scoffed. "How could I ever make you feel bad!

I'm the one always stuck in your shadow!"

"That is not my problem! Why don't you go find someone else to whine to

about how your life is so terrible because I am sick of hearing about it!"

Harry turned and walked back out of the tent, ignoring the calls from

Hermione and Arthur. All he knew was that he had to get as far away

from them as possible.

He walked around the camp, watching as people celebrated, finding some

peace in seeing others having such a good time. It felt like he had been

walking for hours when suddenly he heard some people up ahead begin

to scream. Curious, Harry walked closer to the screams until he saw fire

and smoke.

The campsite was on fire, and worse, there were people in dark robes

with white bone masks covering their faces, setting fire to everything.

Floating above them were four people Harry recognized to be muggles

that owned a nearby farm. They were already dead, having been hanged

by rope suspended in air.

There were around twenty of these attackers, way too many for him to

attack with no help. Plus, he didn't know many spells he could use in a

situation like this thanks to the lack of good Defense teachers.

Harry crept behind a large wooden crate nearby, watching the attackers

shoot random spells off at the running crowd. They didn't appear to

actually be trying to hit anything, more instill panic.

That changed when Harry noticed a smaller group break off and run into

the woods. They were chasing after two girls, making his blood run cold.

He had heard enough stories about what men could do to a woman that

was considered worse than death. They were also a smaller group, no

more than five and so Harry gave chase thinking he could make a


The forest was dark and quiet, but he was able to hear the faint sounds of

footsteps ahead of him, letting him know he was on the right track. Then

the forest echoed from a scream up ahead that he knew came from one of

the girls. He picked up his pace, almost hitting his head on a low branch.

Soon he came to a small clearing where the moonlight was able to poke

through. It had the effect of showing all five of the attackers and

illuminated their bone white masks, making them even more

intimidating. Harry could see two girls with long silver hair, laying on

the ground. One was older and was doing her best to protect the

youngest who didn't look older than eight.

Harry didn't waste any time since he knew these girls were in grave

danger, "Reducto!" He shouted the first spell that came to mind. There

were very few spells he knew that could be useful in a fight, and though

this one was slow and easy to block by a suspecting enemy, it could cause


The red ball of energy shot from Harrys wand and struck one attacker

who had just begun to drop his pants. The spell took a chunk out of the

man's back, breaking his spine and spraying blood on his fellow

attackers. The man slumped to the ground with a blood curdling scream.

Harry stared wide-eyed at the lifeless body. He hadn't thought it would

kill the man, after all he had seen the spell be used on humans before and

it usually just resulted in breaking a few bones. Now though, he had just

appeared to kill someone with it and so he froze, his mind unable to


That was a grave mistake as the four attackers turned to face Harry. One

of them stepped forward quickly, sending three iron spikes at Harry. One

embedded into his upper thigh, the other into his right side, and the last

into his right shoulder, shattering the bones. Harry dropped to his knees

and his wand fell from his grasp, as unimaginable pain shot through him.

A split second later another spell slammed into his face, sending him onto

his back and breaking his jaw and nose. The pain was unbearable and

Harry was quickly beginning to lose consciousness. He couldn't see or

even move from the amount of pain he was feeling as he lay on his back.

All he could do was hear as he fought to stay awake and for the girls he

had come to try and save.

The sound of one of the girls screaming again brought about another

breath of life. He still couldn't move his wand arm, or even get up. The

pain was too blinding to think clearly and in an act of desperation, he

raised his left hand, hoping to perform some kind of miracle. With the

single thought of saving the girls, he channeled as much magic as he

could muster. He felt his magic surge through his arm as consciousness

became too hard to fight.

"How the lord will reward me for killing the Great Harry Potter!" One of

the men sneered. Harry was already lost to darkness by the time a flash

of green connected with his chest.

Fleur Delacour cursed her Veela heritage. Some men in black cloaks and

white masks had attacked her campsite causing her and her sister to flee.

Their mother was back in France while her father, the Head of the

Department of Magical Law Enforcement of France had rushed off to

confront the attackers. Her panic had caused her to forget to control her

Veela allure and so she had unintentionally attracted several of the


She fled with her younger sister into the forest, but Gabrielle was just a

young girl and could never outrun these men. She was hit in the back by

a tripping jinx, quickly followed up by a cutting curse that caused parts

of her clothes to fall off, revealing much more than she would have liked.

Gabrielle let out a scream and Fleur moved in front of her, hoping to

protect her from whatever vile actions these men would do. She was well

aware of how vile men could be around her and that's why she had shied

away from all male contact except her fathers over the last couple of


She could see in their eyes the lust and hunger that she so often saw by

some of the boys at her school. The difference here was that she was

without a way to defend herself. She had lost her wand early on from a

random disarming charm, sending it flying off into the crowd of people.

In a hurry to get Gabrielle to safety she decided to not go looking for it.

"I'm sure the master won't mind us taking a-" The attacker who had

hungrily approached her while starting to unzip his pants, stopped

midsentence and his eyes widened in shock. He let out a bloodcurdling

screaming and dropped to the ground and Fleur saw the life leave his


That's when her eyes laid on a boy, not much younger than her with the

most vibrant green eyes she had ever seen. A sense of hope swelled

within her that someone had come to possibly save her. He though,

looked shocked at the damage his spell had caused and forgot about the

other attackers.

She watched as three iron spikes drove into the boy, causing him to cry

out in pain and drop onto his knees. All sense of hope disappeared as she

watched another spell hit the boy in the face, sending him onto his back.

Fleur let out a scream this time, unable to tear her eyes away from her

last hope as he fell to the ground.

The man who had sent the deadly spikes stepped forward and said, "How

the lord will reward me for killing the Great Harry Potter!" The dull

green light from the killing curse illuminated the night briefly and

headed straight towards the boy. She didn't recognize the name the man

spoke until much later.

At the same time, the boy had some fight in him no matter how futile as

he raised his hand in defense. Surprisingly, just as the killing curse struck

the boy in the chest, he performed a miraculous feat of wandless magic,

sending the four attackers back in a powerful shockwave of magic. Fleur

and Gabrielle were thrown as well, but not nearly as violently as the four

robed me.

She heard the sickening crunches as they struck trees and their bones

shattered from the force. All four of them slumped to the ground

unconscious, two of them bleeding from the mouth and ear, not


A bloodcurdling scream echoed through the forest. Her eyes widened in

fear once again when she saw a black mist pour from the boy's forehead,

shrieking and wailing as if it was being destroyed. With one last shriek

that forced her to cover her ears, the black mist floated into the night sky

where she lost it amongst the darkness.

"Fleur! Gabby!" Her heart soared when she heard her father's voice break

through the sudden silence that had followed whatever just happened.

"Papa! Papa we're here!" Fleur called out, allowing a sob to escape her lips.

Gabrielle was already bawling at this point as Fleur held her close. She

was still too shocked to move from her position on the ground. Her eyes

rested on the boy, no the man, who had saved her life.

She cursed whatever god existed that such a noble man would die at the

hands of animals. He had given his life for two strangers and she would

never get the chance to thank him.

Her father, a tall man, with short brown hair and grey eyes ran into the

clearing after hearing Fleur's call. Behind him were several aurors

wearing the white and blue robes signaling their place as Hit Wizards in

the French DMLE.

"Fleur! Are you alright! Gabby?" Sebastien Delacour asked, hurrying over

to his two crying daughters. He noticed the ripped clothes of his eldest

and surveyed the surroundings. His other aurors were looking over the

fallen bodies at the moment. He noticed that a young boy had several

iron spikes embedded in him with a puddle of blood surrounding him.

Another had half his back ripped open with his spine hanging out. The

rest that wore black robes were laying next to several trees.

"Sir! This boy is still alive!" One of his Hit Wizards proclaimed. He was

standing over the body of Harry Potter.

2. Clearing of the Mind

Thank you all for the support I've been given so far. I'm blown away

at the response I received for this story. I'll try and keep updating

this as quickly as I can. I have twenty chapters written so far and

am excited with the way I've taken this story. I hope you enjoy

continuing to read it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Harry felt like he was in a constant state of falling. The world around him

was a blur as he fell through darkness. Flashes of red eyes that were

eerily familiar appeared all around him, followed by laughing. It wasn't

joyous laughter either, more deranged and maniacal.

He couldn't move or scream or do anything to get away from the evil

laughter that began to deafen everything. It felt like he was drowning. In

fact, he wasn't even sure if he was still breathing or why he was in this

endless state of falling, being watched by a pair of menacing red eyes and

laughed at by some unknown psychopath.

Then the blackness all around him flashed green. That dull green color

was so familiar to him. It was the same green light he remembered seeing

his mother get hit by in his nightmares. The dull green of the killing


Just as soon as the green had replaced the darkness, it was gone.

Replacing everything was a clear blue sky and Harry felt beneath him a

plain grass field. A warm breeze kissed his bare skin. The fact that he was

nude didn't bother him for some reason. Nothing seemed to surprise him,

not the falling into blackness or now suddenly standing in a field. It just

felt right. He knew he had died, but he didn't care, his pain was over.

Gone was the blackness, laughter, and those red eyes. Now, he only felt

calm and peace. His mind felt more clear than ever before. He looked

over his body, starting with his hands, which were slightly bigger than he

remembered. In fact, he felt a little taller and he definitely didn't

remember ever having as much muscle as he did now. He still wasn't big

by any means, but he was way more muscled and taller than he had been


His body felt strong, like a great sickness had been cured. He felt like he

could run for miles without ever growing tired. His mind felt just as

clear, free, and stable as his body. Whatever sickness that had plagued

him had been destroyed.

Only a short distance away was a door, standing tall above the grass. It

was made of a fine brown wood that resembled the same Holly his wand

was made out of. Seeing a door just standing in a field didn't strike him

as odd. He slowly approached it, enjoying the warm breeze that soothed

his skin. The grass was soft beneath his feet and a bright sun shone down

on his face.

As he moved closer to the door, he began to hear voices echo through it.

They were familiar voices; people he knew in another life. The closer he

got, the more he hesitated to actually open the door. He wasn't sure if he

wanted to know what was on the other side. In his life he had only

known pain, but here, he felt safe.

"Go my dear. You are still needed." A sweet young woman's voice

whispered through the wind. It sounded so familiar but he couldn't place

where he had heard that voice before.

"Who's there?" Harry called out, looking all around him, but only seeing

rolling green fields.

"I think you know." The soft voice was again carried to him by the wind.

That's when he recognized whose voice it was. Sadly, he remembered this

voice through one of his most painful memories, her death.

"Mum? Is that you?" Harry called out, unsure if she could actually hear

him. He desperately looked around for any sign of her.

"It is not yet your time Harry. You still have much to do. Go Harry. Live

your life for me. Be happy!"

"But what if I want to stay here? What if I don't want to go back?" He

asked, taking a step away from the door.

"You are your father's son and you know you could never abandon your

friends." Harry knew she was right. He couldn't just leave his friends,

even if they didn't like him right now. He would never forgive himself if

he didn't take the chance to return to them.

"Why can't I see you?"

"It is not yet your time to see me Harry." He knew in his gut that she was

right. Wherever he was, this wasn't his final resting place.

Harry steeled his emotions and took a deep breath. He took the last few

steps and placed his hand on the doorknob. "When will I see you?"

"Not until you are much older and have lived a happy life. Experience it

to the fullest, find love, and always believe in yourself and your abilities.

Now go, my son. Live!" Harry turned the knob and stepped into the

bright white light on the other side of the door.

Harry slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a hospital

bed and the lights were off. A window showed that it was nighttime. He

scanned the room and the first thing he noticed was that he was seeing

everything much more clearly.

He blinked a few times trying to figure out if what he was seeing was real

or if his vision would become blurry again. Looking on the bed stand

next to him, he noticed his glasses lying there, yet he could see perfectly

without them.

Groaning from spending too much time in a bed, he swung his legs over

the side and stepped onto the floor. He hissed when his bare feet

connected with the cool, tiled floor. He walked towards a door labeled

bathroom and relieved himself. Looking in the mirror he was shocked at

what he saw. He looked slightly older, his features more mature and his

face looked healthier than ever before. His skin was more tan and he no

longer had bags under his eyes.

The odd dream he had been having came back to him. He remembered

walking nude through a field. The darkness and red eyes which he now

remembered to be Voldemort's. He saw those eyes just before the bright

green flash that had killed his mother.

His mother. Her words came flooding back into his mind. "Always believe

in yourself." He mouthed the words to himself. Her words brought a new

sense of calm and determination to his life. He had almost been killed,

and frankly he still wasn't even sure how he was still alive.

The memory of blinding pain, three iron stakes striking him. Harry lifted

the white night shirt up and felt his newest scars. He had two round

scars, one on his side and the other on his shoulder. They looked similar

to the scar left behind by the basilisk fang. If he checked his thigh he was

sure he would find a similar scar there as well.

Harry also took a moment to admire the six pack he was now suddenly

sporting. Quidditch practice had kept him in fine shape, but because of

his eating habits, or lack thereof, he never showed any real muscle. But

now, for some reason, he had filled out nicely.

After splashing some water on his face, Harry noticed something that

really shocked him. His famous lightning bolt scar had faded to where it

almost wasn't even visible. It looked like any other scar besides the odd

shape. Whatever had happened to him after he had passed out at the

World Cup had done a whole world of good for him.

Harry walked back into his hospital room and found the lights back on.

"Hey pup! It's good to see you walking!" He whipped his head around to

find the familiar voice.

"Sirius!" He exclaimed once he found him standing by the window. Sirius

looked better than Harry had remembered. He still had long, messy black

hair, but his clothes were much better fitting and made of good materials.

His grey eyes, though still having a haunted look, were happier. His face

still showed some signs of his stay in Azkaban but he definitely looked on

the mend.

"What are you doing here? What if someone sees you!" Harry asked in a

worried tone, glancing at the door.

"I've been pardoned!" He responded with glee.


"Yeah, just had the trial that freed me yesterday! Heard you had

somethin' to do with that."

Harry thought for a moment back to the World Cup. His deal with the

Minister. Either the Minister works quickly or he had been asleep for a

very long time. "How long have I been out?"

"Only a week. Had us all in a fright. The Weasleys have been here every

day. I've been here since being freed yesterday. A lot has happened since

you've been out. You look different without your glasses you know."

Sirius remarked.

"I feel different. It's strange, I feel like some disease has been cured inside

me. I swear I've grown taller and I feel stronger than I ever have before.

I've never felt more rested or healthy in my life." Harry shrugged. "Now

tell me everything. What have I missed?"

"You do look a lot better. Last time I saw you, you were a bit too skinny

for my liking." Harry nodded in agreement. "Now, I know you aren't one

for press or fame, but after the events of the World Cup, your exploits,

mainly your fight with the basilisk in second year was leaked."

"What did happen at the World Cup? I just remember trying to protect a

couple of girls. I killed one of their attackers I think but then I was hit by

three iron stakes from someone and went down. Are they okay? How am

I still alive?"

"The girls are okay. You did save them just so you know." Harry blew out

a breath of relief. "The people that attacked the World Cup were Death

Eaters." Harry cocked his head to the side, not recognizing the name.

"Death Eaters are Voldemort's followers from the last war."

"Voldemort? He was there?" Harry asked with wide eyes.

"No, he wasn't." Harry nodded again. "The Death Eater attack was

supposed to just scare people. Minister Fudge proclaimed it a terrorist

attack and that it was just some old followers of Voldemort out to have

fun. But it all went wrong when those Death Eaters chased the two girls

into the forest and you followed them."

"Do you know who those girls were Harry?" He shook his head, no. "They

were the Delacour girls. Their father is the Director of Magical Law

Enforcement for France and a very powerful man in the country. Some

think he is next in line to become minister."

"Holy shit." Harry muttered, his eyes widened in understanding at what

he did. Saving a couple of witches from being raped and possibly killed

was one thing, but when they are the daughters of a powerful man that's

a whole other manner.

"Holy shit is right. Let's just say that you have made some very powerful


"So what did happen after I passed out. How exactly did I save them?"

"Do you remember what you did just before passing out?" Harry thought

back to that night. He remembered becoming desperate as he fought to

stay conscious.

"I raised my hand and channeled all the magic I could through it."

Sirius nodded. "Yes, you did some very impressive wandless magic. The

two Delacour girls gave their memories of that night and seeing it

firsthand was quite impressive. The story is all of the papers now. Fudge

then went and showed the memories of your fight with the basilisk and

used your memories of third year to help free me."

"So I used wandless magic? And what, killed them?" Sirius shook his


"No, the only one you killed was with that powerful reductor curse."

Harry winced, not sure how to take killing someone. It was odd, he felt

sorry that he had to end a life, but he knew it was the correct thing to do.

A man that would rape and kill a girl was not someone that should live.

Still, he wished he didn't have to kill him.

Sirius noticed the frown Harry had at being reminded he killed someone.

He got up from his chair and sat at the edge of the bed and put his hand

on Harry's knee. "Listen, I know you didn't want to take a life. That's

what makes you good. But in your position, it was necessary and no one

faults you for it." Harry nodded, knowing his godfather was right.

"There's another thing that happened, Harry."

"What?" Harry asked in confusion.

"After you passed out, you were hit by the killing curse." Harry thought

back to his dream. The darkness all around him until that pale green light

cleared everything. "Afterwards, some kind of dark spirit left your body.

This information of course is closely guarded. Only the Delacours,

Dumbledore and myself have seen that part of the memory. Albus is

apparently good friends with Sebastien Delacour and was able to keep

this under wraps."

"Is that why I feel healthier? I had some kind of dark magic in me that

was making me sick?" Sirius could only shrug.

"Possibly. Personally I think Dumbledore knows exactly what happened,

but he, as always is keeping his cards close." Sirius said through gritted

teeth. It was clear to Harry that he and Dumbledore had had words over

the matter.

"What's happening with the papers and the leaks about me fighting a

basilisk?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

"Minister Fudge leaked the information about your involvement in

ridding a very large basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor in second year.

Of course, most people thought it was ridiculous at first. That was until

Rita Skeeter printed an article, showing the Sword of Gryffindor hanging

in Dumbledore's office and your award for Special Services to the School

in second year. After that, everyone demanded to know more on what

happened in second year and your involvement. Let me just say the

Headmaster is not having a good time with the backlash he is receiving

right now."

"And me? How is this all affecting me?" Sirius grinned.

"Well you're being praised as a hero. Minister Fudge wanted to award you

the Order of Merlin First Class for your heroics second year. For your

actions at the World Cup, the French Ministry wants to award you the

Order des Templiers."

"Also, three of the men you knocked unconscious with your wandless

magic were wanted by the Bulgarian ministry. They had bounties on

their head which resulted in you getting a total of 100 thousand


Harry's jaw dropped at the amount. Sirius chuckled, "Also, potioneers

have been clamoring to get their hands on the basilisk remains. Basilisk

materials are extremely rare and as such they are also very expensive.

Since you killed the snake, you can claim it as your prize and sell it."

"How much is something like that worth?"

Sirius shrugged. "Depending on the size it can run up to a million

galleons." Harry suddenly felt a little light headed and was thankful he

was already sitting down on the bed. "I can take care of the arrangements

to have people break down the basilisk into usable materials to sell."

Harry nodded, "That would be good. But how would they get into the

Chamber of Secrets. Only I can open it."

"Hmm, that's a good point. We can wait until school starts I guess." Sirius

crossed his arms and shifted back into his chair. "The most important

thing though is that I was allowed to claim guardianship over you!"

"Really?" Harry asked, his eyes widening in excitement.

Sirius nodded excitedly. He had an amusing childish look on his face that

made him appear younger. "Yeah, now you never have to go back to the

rotten Dursleys." Suddenly however, Sirius looked nervous. "That is if you

want to?"

Harry laughed, "Of course I do Sirius. We talked about this just a few

months ago. I can't wait to live with you!" Sirius' grin returned.

"Good. Remus is getting your room ready right now back at my house. It's

not much of a house but we're working on fixing it up."

"I'm sure it's better than where I have lived the past thirteen years."

"You have a couple things to do before you start school."

"Let me guess. Something involving an interview or two?"

Sirius nodded. "Sorry, I know you don't really like attention, but it would

be good to do it I think."

Harry waved him off, "I promised Minister Fudge I would. Plus, this kind

of attention, though I don't like it, it's at least for something I actually

did. Maybe it will make the moniker Boy-Who-Lived disappear."

"That's a very good way of looking at it." Sirius said impressed.

"It's weird, it's not just my body that has changed since that dark curse or

whatever left my body. I feel a lot calmer and less stressed out about

everything. My old self would be freaking out at this moment and trying

to hide under a rock."

"It's good that you have changed. Even with all of the new fame you have

acquired, you would still be famous. Trying to hide from the public is

futile. It's better to embrace it and use it to whatever advantage you can


"Speaking of public, you are wanted in France on the 31st of August to

attend a ball in your honor where you will be awarded the Ordre des


Harry let out a groan. He could handle talking to a reporter. Balls though

presented a whole load of other problems. A ball meant dancing and

finding a date. That was something his fourteen-year-old self had trouble


"Come on it won't be so bad. You don't even have to speak! Just show up,

dance and mingle a little."

"I have to find a date though don't I?"

Sirius' grin turned feral making Harry very scared about what he would

say next. "You already have a date."

"I-wait. What?" Harry definitely didn't remember asking someone to the

ball he just heard about a few seconds ago.

"They have already paired you with a date. The eldest Delacour daughter.

Fleur I think was her name."

"Okay, the way you were grinning I thought it was going to be something

bad. This just makes my life easier."

"Oh you say that now. Just you wait."

"What does that mean?" Harry asked with a confused expression. Sirius'

grin just widened.

"Just wait. Trust me." Harry's eyes narrowed before slowly nodding his

head, foolishly trusting his godfather.

"I'll go talk to the Healer now that you're awake and see when you can

get out of here." Harry nodded and watched Sirius leave the room.

"Why can I never have a year of peace..." Harry groaned as he laid back

onto the bed.

"Here we are pup!" Sirius said, opening the door to Number 12

Grimmauld Place, the Ancestral Home of the Blacks.

"Harry!" Remus shouted from the hallway, rushing up to embrace him.

"It's good to see you walking around." They took a step back from each

other. "It has only been a couple months, how have you grown so much?"

He said, looking over Harry.

He shrugged in response, "Something to do with dark magic inside me

being destroyed. I think that's what caused this at least."

"Err, right." He glanced at Sirius who just nodded, "Well come in and you

can explain that further!" He ushered them both into the large house. It

was dark and musty. The floorboards creaked with every step and the

paint on the walls was decaying. Cobwebs lined the ceiling and there was

a line of house elf heads spiked on the wall.

"Sorry 'bout that. We will be doing a lot of renovating over the year."

Sirius said following his gaze to the heads. "Let me show you to your


The three of them headed up stairs. There were three floors in total, with

several bedrooms on each floor. Sirius explained, his, Remus', and Harry's

rooms were on the third floor while the guest rooms were on the second.

The Black family library was also on the third floor and off limits to

anyone besides him and Harry. Not even Remus could get in.

The reason Harry could enter it was because by Sirius taking

guardianship over him, he also had named him Heir Black since Sirius

had no kids of his own. He was allowed to use the library as long as he

was careful. Many of the books were very dark in nature and some might

be dangerous to the touch.

Harry was anxious to read through a few books. The Blacks he knew

were a very old family and he could only imagine the wealth of

knowledge their library held. They continued walking to his room and

when he stepped inside, he was blown away.

It was as big, if not bigger, than the room he shared in Gryffindor tower.

Opposite the door was a large, four poster bed with a red spread. The

whole room was colored in a dark red and brown. A fireplace was

currently roaring on the side. There were also several book stands

completely filled. A study table with several chairs and a desk sat off to

the side. A perch where Hedwig was currently sleeping was near the

window, showing the bright blue sky.

"Wow! It's perfect!" Sirius let out a breath in relief in response to Harry's


"I told you Padfoot." Remus chuckled.

"Did you think I wouldn't like it?" Harry asked, turning to look at Sirius.

"No, no. I just wanted to make sure you did. I know the house isn't much

right now, but I'll fix it." Sirius said quickly.

"Sirius. Thank you. It's perfect." Harry responded, pulling him into a hug.

"I would invite your friends over but I noticed that things were a little

cold between you three." Harry let out a sigh and sat down on the couch

in front of the fire.

After his talk with Sirius, the healers had made him stay for a remaining

day to monitor him. The Weasleys and Hermione had come to check on

him. It was true, at least regarding Ron that they were getting along.

Hermione seemed her normal self but she was caught in between Ron

and him which made it awkward between the three.

Harry wasn't sure how to deal with Ron. He was jealous, that much was

clear. That jealousy definitely wasn't something he was going to have any

time to deal with this year.

"He's my first friend I ever made. I want to stay friends but right now it's

just difficult." Harry said after a few minutes.

"Listen pup. You can take my advice or leave it, but Remus and I know a

good deal about being friends with someone that is jealous of you."

"Your comparing Pettigrew to Ron?" Harry asked in a dangerous tone.

Sirius held his hands up, "I'm not comparing the two or saying that Ron

would ever betray you. It's just that-"

"Harry you are growing up." Remus cut in, glancing at Sirius to shut him

up. "I don't think Ron is quite ready to grow up. Friends grow apart and

that's okay. You don't think that Sirius and James were my only friends

do you?"

Harry shook his head, "It's just that, I feel like I owe him or something."

"You don't owe him anything Harry. You have done enough for him and

if you stop being friends with him, that's fine. You will always make new

friends. I think if you start looking towards other people for friendship,

you will find much better friends."

Harry ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know you're right.

Ron isn't a very good friend. I can see that. It's just...difficult to let go I


"Hermione though seems just as good a friend as ever." Sirius remarked,

trying to bring the mood back up.

"She is. But even she was a little cold towards me yesterday."

"It may have just been difficult for her to be stuck in between you two."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"Well!" Sirius said, clapping his hands together and forcing a grin on his

face. "I think a trip to Diagon Alley is in order. Can't have you walking

around in those rags your relatives give you!"

3. End of Summer

"This is going to be bad isn't it?" Harry asked as he stepped into the


"Pretty bad. But its good practice at least." Sirius smirked, enjoying

Harry's pain far too much.

"Great...The Leaky Cauldron!" Harry felt the familiar tug at his navel and

then was spent spinning, passing other fireplaces along the way. He came

flying out of the fireplace and into the old pub, falling onto the floor with

a thud.

"Ugh, damn." Harry muttered, brushing himself off and standing to his

feet. Luckily no one was in the back room at the time where the floo

network was located. A moment later Sirius and Remus appeared behind

him, stepping casually out of the fireplace.

"Just remember. Smile, wave, and be friendly." Harry rolled his eyes at

his godfather. Going to Diagon Alley was a rubbish idea, but it was

necessary. He was a celebrity and now that he was out of the hospital, he

was expected to be seen before heading off to Hogwarts. Shopping for

school was the perfect time to make a public appearance.

"Well, here we go." Harry muttered, pushing open the door into the Leaky

Cauldron. All at once, the tavern quieted as Harry walked in. The patrons

stared at him as he walked near the front of the bar. "Hello Tom." Harry

said, giving a nod to the barkeep.

"Harry. It's good to see ya! How've ya been?" Tom asked, wincing slightly

when he asked that.

Harry responded with a laugh. "I'm good Tom. Thanks for at least trying

small talk. Just stopping by to do some shopping."

"Of course." Tom said guiltily. "Lord Black. A pleasure to have you back."

Sirius dipped his head. "A pleasure to be back, Tom. Just taking Harry

out to do some shopping."

"Do you need anything?" Tom asked, setting down a glass he had been


"No, thank you. We may stop by later for some lunch." Sirius responded.

"Then I will have a private room available if you do."

"Thank you." The three of them made their way to the brick wall,

ignoring the stares. So far Harry counted his lucky stars that none of the

people inside asked for an autograph. In truth he wasn't sure what would

happen, but he figured it would be something like when a movie star

walks down a street.

Remus pulled his wand out and tapped the bricks in the same manner

that Hagrid did in his first visit to Diagon Alley. The brick walls slowly

moved aside to show the long stone brick road which was filled with

witches and wizards bustling around. School was soon approaching and

so many students ran from shop to shop getting their last minute supplies

and books. They stepped through the barrier and into the street. It didn't

take long for Harry's luck to run out.

Soon, they were being swarmed by all manner of witches and wizards.

Many were asking for autographs, some were reporters and asking

questions about his love life or comments on some law soon to be voted

on by the Wizengamot.

They pushed their way through the crowd to Gringotts where they could

get some freedom from the press. Sirius had instructed him to not say a

word to anyone in this exact situation so that no one could take any of

his words as a reply to their questions. Harry simply smiled and shook a

few hands, even signing a few autographs for some younger kids.

As they approached the bank, the two large goblins who stood guard in

their fine steel armor bowed to Harry. Not sure how to respond, he

bowed his head as he walked into the bed. He didn't notice the surprised

looks of the two goblin guards or Sirius and Remus.

Harry walked up to the first goblin retailer that was available, ignoring

the stares he was receiving from the wizards in the bank. Even some of

the goblins were staring at him which made him feel even more

uncomfortable. "Hello Griphook." Harry called, recognizing the goblin

that had taken him to his vaults in his first trip to Gringotts.

The goblin nearly fell off his chair in shock, "You remember me young


"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Harry asked, confused.

"Most wizards and witches don't take the time to remember our names.

They deem themselves superior to us goblins."

Harry frowned. He knew little of goblins but knew greatly of the

arrogance of many magicals and their hatred for those inhuman. "I am

not most wizards I suppose."

"No, you are not, Honorable Potter." Griphook bowed his head slightly in

respect, something Harry returned. He didn't see Sirius nearly faint from

surprise behind him. "What can I help you with today?"

"I would like to access my inheritance vault and, if possible, the Potter

family vault." Harry said as instructed by Sirius.

"That can be arranged Honorable Potter. Ragebreath will take you down

to your vaults." Another goblin appeared behind Harry, near where the

carts were attached to a track. He was confused why he was being called

'Honorable Potter' and figured that would be a good question for Sirius

once out of the bank.

"Thank you Griphook." Harry dipped his head.

"We will wait for you here, Harry." Sirius said. He nodded and stepped

into the cart with Ragebreath and took off. The cart ride was just how he

remembered it the last time he was here. They rode quickly down further

into the depths of the goblin bank. As they got lower, an occasional blast

of fire could be seen far away from the fabled Gringotts dragons.

"Here we are Honorable Potter. Your trust vault. Key please." Harry

handed the goblin his key. Sirius told him that Mrs. Weasley had been

hesitant for some reason to hand the key over. It wasn't until he was

given guardianship did she give him the key, and even then she was

reluctant to do so.

The trust vault was the same as Harry remembered, filled with gold. The

goblin gave him a small bag that was charmed to be bottomless and

weightless. He grabbed a couple hundred galleons and got back into the

cart. The trip down to his family vault was much longer, being much

deeper underground.

The cart began to slow and then stopped outside a large door made of

pure gold. Above it was the Potter crest, a Gryphon with a sword

clenched in its jaws.

"Vault 17, the Potter family vault. Please place your hand on the door."

Harry did as he was asked. He felt a needle poke into his thumb drawing

blood. The golden door shimmered before disappearing, revealing the

room behind.

The vault was vast, close to the size of the Great Hall and just as tall.

Along the walls were thousands of books dating back hundreds of years.

A walkway was formed among the clutter of jewels and gold that lay

thrown about like a Pirate's booty cove. He walked through all of the

valuables that his family had acquired over time. Hundreds of years of

world history were stored in the vault. Swords and armor from ancient

Rome all the way up through the medieval ages.

Statues and paintings were all put into one corner. Harry recognized

some of the signatures on the paintings to be the work of Raphael and

Leonardo. He knew those alone would be worth millions of galleons. The

sheer amount of wealth in this vault had to make him one of the richest

people in England, maybe even the world. It took his breath away at just

how much his family had collected over the years and wonder why he

was never told about this before.

The way Remus and Sirius had talked about his families' wealth, it didn't

appear that his father ever told them just how wealthy they were. Harry

continued to walk, keeping his eyes mostly on the titles of the books he

walked passed. As he walked, he noticed a lone book on a pedestal.

Curious, he approached the book and read the title, Potter Family

Library. He opened the book and blew some dust from its pages.

Apparently this book was charmed to become any book in the Potter

family library the user so desired. It also can only be opened by a Potter.

To anyone else this book would look like a first year charms book.

Flipping to the second page, he found a list of a hundred books in

alphabetical order. The first page ended with B's and continued on

through the rest of the pages. He had only to say the name of one of the

books on the page and then the words of that book would be shown


"This'll come in handy." Harry murmured to himself. He pocketed the

book and continued to look around a moment longer. He would have to

one day come back and truly explore the vault further. Once he was done

looking, Ragebreath took him back to the surface.

"Get everything?" Sirius asked when Harry appeared back in the lobby.

"Yeah, I did. Let's go." The three of them made their way out of the bank.

The goblin guards again bowed to him when he left the bank which

Harry returned. They were swarmed by people again. Cameras were

going off left and right and people crowded around him as he fought his

way down the Alley. They pushed their way to Madame Malkins to get a

whole new wardrobe for Harry. They spent an hour in the shop as Harry

tried on various clothes, muggle, and magical.

Harry stepped out of the clothes shop with a whole new wardrobe and

was even wearing some of the new clothes. Sirius and Remus had burned

his clothes inside the shop much to Madame Malkins' dislike. Even

though they were just clothes and he had never been one to care what he

wore, he felt a new self-confidence.

Stepping back into the street, Kreacher, Sirius' house elf had already

taken all of their bags back to Grimmauld place, and they were once

again being swarmed by reporters that had followed them to the shop.

They began shouting questions at him but one question reached Harry's

ear above the others. It came from a woman with blonde hair wrapped

up in a bun and thick horned rimmed glasses. "Mr. Potter, what do you

think of the Dark Creatures legislation being put forth to the


"It would depend on what creatures they classify as 'dark'." Harry

responded, pushing passed the lady.

"Veela, werewolves, centaurs, and others!" The lady called out. She had a

quill suspended in midair, quickly writing everything down.

"The man standing behind me is a werewolf and I regard him as my

uncle. That should be a sufficient answer for you." Harry responded,

turning on the spot and pushing his way through the crowd. He missed

the smirks from Sirius and Remus and the fearful glances towards Remus

from the crowd.

"Hello Tom! Do you have a private room we can use?" Harry asked,

walking into the pub.

"Of course Harry." Tom led them into a small room where he filled a few

glasses with butterbeer for Harry and fire whiskey for Sirius and Remus.

"You do realize that comment may have just derailed any hope of a bill

like that getting passed right?" Sirius asked after a moment of silence.

Harry shrugged, "If I did then good. Any such legislation like that has no

place in a country I wish to live. I hope this all settles down soon

though." He let out a frustrated sigh.

"It will, eventually. Just as long as you don't go off on another

adventure!" Remus remarked with a chuckle causing both Harry and

Sirius to snort. The likelihood of that happening was very slim.

"Why did the goblins call me 'Honorable'?" Harry asked, taking a sip from

his butterbeer.

"It's a sign of respect by them. And let me tell you, there are very few

wizards in this world they respect." Remus responded.

"So Harry, I think this is a good time to bring this up." Sirius said after

taking another sip of his firewhiskey.

"Bring what up?"

"Dumbledore wants you to start training."

"Training in what?"

"Dueling for the most part." Harry nodded, taking another sip. "I agree

with him. With how much trouble you find yourself in, it's time you take

school seriously and train. We both know that Voldemort is looking for a

way back to the land of the living, and if or when he does, you're going

to be hunted."

"I was thinking about school too. Runes seems interesting and Divination

is pretty much worthless. Maybe I can drop that and switch to Runes?"

"You can always ask. Now, training-wise in dueling, Dumbledore came up

with a plan." Harry leaned in interested. "There is a room on the seventh

floor that your father and I found. It conforms to anything you wish and

even has a few special passages out of the school. We can use it for a

dueling room where Remus and I can begin to teach you. Dumbledore

has also asked for two aurors, Shacklebolt and Tonks, to assist in training


"Wow, that sounds amazing. How often?"

"Every evening hopefully. It'll be very difficult work. Remus will also

teach you Occlumency."

"What's that?" Harry asked, looking at the werewolf.

"It's the study of one's mind. Learning to control your mind helps to not

only control one's emotions and thoughts, but to guard it from attackers.

The opposite of Occlumency is Legilimency. One skilled in Legilimency

can pull memories and emotions off of someone. Voldemort is skilled in

this area and it will be good for you to know how to protect your mind."

Remus responded.

"Okay, these two aurors, who are they?"

"Tonks is my cousin. Shacklebolt is her superior and one of the best

aurors in the DMLE. They both, as well as us," He motioned between

himself and Remus, "Are a part of the Order of the Phoenix."

"The what?" Harry asked skeptically. Secret orders and occults were fairy

tales of the past he thought.

"During Voldemort's rise in the last war, Dumbledore formed a secret

group of trusted individuals to battle him. We called ourselves the Order

of the Phoenix." Remus stated.

"So, this Order. You're an army?"

Sirius and Remus both laughed. "No, no. More like a collection of spies.

Your parents were also in the Order. We had been disbanded for the last

decade but just had our first meeting a few days ago."

"Okay, when can I join?" Harry asked eagerly. If there was a secret group

involved with fighting Voldemort, he wanted a part of it. Especially if his

parents had once been members.

Both Sirius and Remus exchanged nervous looks. "Most of the Order

would feel you are too young to join."

Harry's eyes narrowed at Sirius. "You mean Dumbledore." He stated


"Among others, yes. Not that we agree."

"It is Dumbledore's way to never speak the whole truth. He has reasons

for everything he does and one of them was not allowing you into the

Order." Remus said through gritted teeth. Clearly he wasn't on good

terms with the headmaster at the moment either.

"Voldemort is fixated on killing me for whatever reason and yet

Dumbledore wants to keep me in the dark?" Harry murmured, stroking

his hairless chin. "Why?" He asked out loud to Sirius.

"It has always been his way. He plays his cards close." Sirius shrugged.

"That could get people killed." Harry spat.

"Yes, it could. I don't agree with him, but I also don't know everything he

does." Harry ran a hand through his short black hair, rubbing his scalp


"Anyways we have gotten sidetracked. Your training Harry, will

commence your first night at Hogwarts. It'll be difficult but necessary

training." Remus cut in.

"I will do my best."

"That's all we can ask of you." Sirius said, clapping him on the shoulder.

The last two weeks flew by for Harry. Sirius had set up three interviews

for him. One with the Daily Prophet, one with Teen Witch Weekly, and

the last with the Quibbler. Luna Lovegood, a quirky Ravenclaw who was

a year younger than him, was the reporter for the Quibbler. She was odd

but Harry found her to be kind and funny in her own way. She also had

the makings of developing into a beautiful girl.

The interviews themselves weren't bad. None of the reporters surprisingly

asked anything too personal. Teen Witch Weekly as expected asked about

his love life and if he had any girlfriends. Other than that, the interviews

turned out to be completely harmless and though he wasn't keen on the

idea of doing it again, he would now know what to expect.

The interviews were early into his last two weeks of summer and just a

few days after, he went to the Burrow for the day. To say it was awkward

would be an understatement. Ron in his normal jealous rage refused to

talk to him. In a way Harry could understand, the articles hadn't

mentioned either Hermione's or Ron's involvement in his adventures. He

had made sure during the interviews to play up their involvement but for

whatever reason, only the Quibbler mentioned them.

Hermione even seemed a little distant towards him, though she did try

and talk with him a few times. He could see she was struggling with

something, and when asked about it, she just shrugged him off. Fred and

George were the only ones besides Mr. Weasley, who were treating Harry

normally and so he found himself sitting in the twin's room looking at all

of their newest inventions. He discovered that they were planning on

opening a joke shop once they had enough money and weren't even

planning on finishing school.

Mrs. Weasley was the most difficult to figure out. On the outside she

acted just as she always had towards him. She was the same doting

mother figure but something was different. She looked almost displeased

with him for some reason. He chalked it up to her being mad at him for

making Ron jealous or something. He couldn't see any reason for her to

be mad at him other than upsetting her son.

The rest of the summer he spent either in his room or the library. Having

both the Potter and Black libraries at ones' disposal was about the most

useful thing he could ever ask for. If Hermione ever found out that he

now owned more books than Hogwarts she would have kittens. He would

have already told her about it, but her somewhat cold demeanor towards

him kept him from telling her.

In the two weeks of reading, he felt like he had learned more about

Defense Against the Dark Arts than he had in his last three years of

schooling. Both libraries were also full of charms, transfiguration, and

potions books and he found his general knowledge expanding. He had

also taken to reading some of the beginner Ancient Runes texts which

had caught his interest since he would be transferring to that subject this


He had even begun to practice magic in the training room that Sirius had

set up on the third floor. The Ancestral House of Black had wards

protecting magic users from the ministry and so no one would know if

Harry was using underage magic. Tonks, Sirius' cousin who he met

shortly after their trip to Diagon Alley, started Harry on an auror physical

training program as well.

In the two weeks, Harry swore he hadn't been progressing on any front,

but to an outsiders' perspective, it was clear he was becoming better. His

ability to grasp more complex magic came easily, his body was

strengthening, and his normally quick to anger attitude had settled down.

His days were often sixteen or seventeen hours of constant work, but

never did he complain and often, he wanted to do more. Sometimes

Sirius had to drug Harry with a dreamless sleep potion to get him some


His energy levels were high and Harry didn't feel like he needed as much

sleep as usual. After practicing magic and going through his physical

workout in the morning, by evening, he was ready for another go.

Despite the heavy increase in training, it was apparent that he had a long

way to go.

That was shown when Sirius had dueled Harry just the day before. It was

a quick route that resulted in Harry being knocked unconscious. He had a

lot to learn but Sirius vowed to teach him all he could.

"Ready to go pup?" Sirius called from the kitchen. Harry stepped through

the door. He was wearing a black Armani suit with a silver tie. He was

told to wear silver as apparently that was what his date would be


"Truthfully? Not really." Harry muttered, wiping his sweaty palms on his

pants. Just yesterday he would have said he was fine and not nervous in

the slightest. Now though, he was petrified. Not only was he traveling to

another country for the first time, he was attending a ball with a girl he

never met before, who was the daughter of a powerful politician, and he

was being awarded for saving her and her sister's life. Just the thought

made his head swim and want to run back upstairs to his books.

"It'll be alright Harry. Just dance a little and mingle. Nothin' to it!" Sirius

said, slapping him on the back.

"Right. Where's your date?" Harry asked looking around. Neither Remus

or Tonks, who funnily Remus was bringing as a date, were in the kitchen.

Also Sirius had refused to tell him who his own date was.

"She should be here any moment." With perfect timing a woman, roughly

Sirius' age with long blonde hair and brown eyes stepped from the

fireplace gracefully. She was wearing a red tight fitting dress and red

heels to match. Sirius walked through the doorway into the den to greet

the woman and Harry followed suite. She was a good looking woman and

with how close Sirius stepped to her, this was not just an 'as friends' date.

"Harry, I would like you to meet Emmaline Vance." Sirius said, gesturing

to the woman.

"Harry Potter, it's a pleasure." She said, stepping forward. Harry grasped

her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles like one of the books

on etiquette he read for the event said to do.

"You are too beautiful to go anywhere with that dog." Harry smirked

causing her to chuckle.

"Hey! I'm beautiful too!" Sirius remarked, waggling his eyebrows.

"I heard you already had a date, so I guess I'm stuck with the mangy

mutt." She mock sighed. Sirius let out a whimper like he was some puppy

being chastised. "He's not so bad though." She roughed up his already

shaggy long black hair. Already Harry liked the woman and could tell she

could handle the marauder.

"I don't wish to break up your happy moment of ragging on me, but we

should be going. Don't want them to wait on the guest of honor!" Harry

let out a groan and trudged over to the fireplace. Stepping in he shouted

to go to the ministry atrium. From there, they pushed their way through

the growing crowd of people and press that stopped to look at Harry and

made their way to the portkey point. Minister Fudge was kind enough to

grant them an international portkey for the event and was even sending

Auror Shacklebolt as an English Ministry representative.

The portkey, much like the one to the World Cup, ended up with Harry

on the ground and the wind knocked out of him. This time though, it was

a concrete side walk instead of a grass field. "We really need to teach you

how to travel by portkey." Sirius remarked as his feet touched down

gently with Emmaline attached to his arm.

"Couldn't you have taught me before we left?" Harry mumbled as he

pushed himself to his feet and brushed himself off. Looking around,

thankfully no one else had seen his embarrassing fall. They were outside

of what appeared to be a driveway of a large mansion. It was night time

and so most of the surrounding area was dark, but he could make out

that they were definitely in the countryside.

The mansion before them was very large, four stories high and the length

of three Great Halls. It was ornately built, with gargoyles and Gothic

architecture. The windows were stained glass, depicting various battles

between wizards and creatures that Harry didn't recognize. Leading up to

this palace was a large grand white marble staircase with two wizards

wearing white robes.

As the three of them approached the magnificent building, one of the

white robed men approached. "Mr. Potter, Lord Black, I have been

instructed to lead you to Mr. Delacour." The auror gestured to the side of

the building. They followed him to a side entrance where they entered

into a finely decorated sitting room. The fireplace was roaring, showing

off the mahogany furniture and leather couches and chairs.

"Mr. Potter! It truly is a pleasure to meet you!" A man in white robes,

much like the man who escorted them here, walked up to Harry and

shook his hand enthusiastically. He was a tall man, just as tall as Sirius.

His brown hair was beginning to bald and he had a few grey hairs

beginning to show in his goatee. His face was kind and his brown eyes

were glinting with enthusiasm. He reminded Harry of Mr. Weasley.

"Uh, yes sir?" Harry said, not sure of what to say since the man didn't

introduce himself.

The man quickly caught his mistake and chuckled, "My apologies.

Sebastien Delacour."

"Harry Potter, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you. This is Lord Black and his

date Emmaline Vance." Harry gestured behind him. Sebastien shook both

of their hands.

"I would like you to meet my wife." Three woman that Harry hadn't

noticed before stepped forward. "Appoline." Harry felt his mouth go a

little dry. She was easily one of the most beautiful women he had ever

seen. She had long silver hair and bright blue eyes. "My youngest,

Gabrielle." A young girl stepped forward, curtsying cutely. She couldn't

be older than seven and when Harry flashed her a smile, she blushed

heavily and hid behind her mother eliciting a chuckle from everyone.

"And my eldest, Fleur." Harry thought that Appoline was beautiful, but in

comparison to the young woman that stepped forward, she was nothing.

She, just like her mother, had long silver hair and bright blue eyes. But

Fleur's features seemed to have a glow about them. Her eyes were

mesmerizing, drawing him in. He felt like he could lose himself in the

endless pools of blue before him. She was wearing a tight fitting silver

dress that did everything to accentuate her well-developed curves. Her

skin was pure perfection with no blemishes in sight. To Harry, she was

the very definition of beautiful.

She stepped forward and Harry took her outstretched hand like he had

done with Emmaline and brushed his lips against her knuckles without

breaking eye contact. So lost in her, he didn't notice the shocked looks

around him, "A pleasure Miss Delacour." Harry even surprised himself

with being able to speak.

This time, he did catch her surprise and the slight blush that formed on

her cheeks. "Good. Sorry to break this up but we are on a tight schedule"

Sebastien recovered from his shock the quickest. Harry held out his arm

for Fleur which she took and fell in beside him. Harry was instructed to

enter last with Fleur and wait to be introduced to the room.

The same white robed man opened up a set of double doors and a crowd

of a hundred people all finely dressed stopped talking at once. A loud

voice called to the room, introducing the Delacours and then Lord Black.

"And now, our guest of honor this evening, Mr. Harry James Potter and

with him Miss Fleur Isabelle Delacour!" A loud applause thundered

through the large ballroom, louder than Sirius or the Delacours received.

As Fleur and him entered the room, Harry found that most of the men

stared at Fleur with glazed eyes, and some even had dropped chins. The

women on the other hand were eyeing him like a piece of candy. Harry

felt Fleur's arm tighten slightly and he responded by tightening his. She

flashed him a smile that almost caused him to trip. Harry spotted Remus

with Tonks standing by one of the tables with Shacklebolt at another

with a pretty dark skinned woman in a long green gown.

Everyone was standing around tables that littered the grand ball room. Its

ceiling was charmed much like the Great Hall so that the night sky

appeared above them. Harry and Fleur were ushered to a front table

where Sirius, Emmaline, and the Delacours sat down. There was also

another tall man with short blonde hair and blue eyes and a short woman

with long brown hair wearing a red dress.

Harry pulled out Fleur's seat for her before taking his own next to Sirius.

The glazed eyes that the other men had were not apparent on the man at

their table but Harry noticed that Sirius had a slight glazed look to him

and he kept sneaking glances at Fleur. "Harry Potter! It's wonderful to

meet you! I am Aleric Montagne, French Minister to Magic."

Harry shook his hand, "A pleasure to meet you minister."

"The pleasure is all mine. I would like to introduce you to my wife,

Sophia." Harry smiled and dipped his head at her since he couldn't reach

her hand from his seat. As they sat down, the rest of the guests sat and

began their own conversations. Various foods, most Harry didn't

recognize, appeared on the table. He looked at the dishes with

uncertainty not recognizing anything.

"Try zis. Eet eez good I promise." Fleur whispered to him, seeing his

unease. Harry felt a shiver shoot down his spine when he felt her breath

on his ear. She pushed a bowl of stew in front of him.

"Hmm, it's better than I thought." Harry said after finishing the bowl.

"Better zan your English food, no?"

Harry let out a chuckle. "I'm not sure about that."

"What do you zink of France so far?"

"I haven't seen much yet to be honest. The people, so far, seem kind."

"Well we will 'ave to change zat. My father will probably invite you to

our 'ome sometime. 'E 'as been singing nozzing but your praises ze last

two weeks." She chuckled, glancing over at her father who was in a deep

conversation with Sirius. "I also 'ave to say thank you-" Harry tried to

wave off her apology but she ignored him. "What you did for me and my

sister is unrepayable. I cannot thank you enough."

The rest of dinner passed by quickly. Harry found himself talking almost

entirely with Fleur. She was just as smart as she was beautiful he found.

He was so wrapped up in his own world with her, he forgot that the

Minister of Magic was at the table or her parents for that matter. He

never noticed the amused looks that Appoline and Sebastien were

shooting them. Fleur was also just as engaged as Harry was as he

recounted some of his adventures in England.

It took a tap from Sirius to bring him out of his own world. "Harry, it's

time for the opening dance."

"Opening dance?" Harry looked at him with confusion.

"You are ze guest of 'onor. We 'ave ze first dance." She explained.

"Err, right." Harry muttered, getting out of his chair. He was completely

aware of all of the eyes on him. Hopefully Tonks' dance lessons paid off

somewhat. He just hoped Fleur wasn't as clumsy as that woman, but

something told him she would be as graceful as she looked.

"May I have this dance, milady?" Harry bowed, offering his hand to Fleur.

She flashed him a brilliant white smile and took his hand. Harry couldn't

help but think how perfect her soft hand felt in his grasp as they walked

towards the open ballroom floor set aside for dancing.

"Don't be nervous 'Arry." They stopped in the middle of the floor waiting

for the music to begin.

"Well I'm sure this isn't the first time you have had to dance before."

Harry responded, placing his arm on her slender waist.

"Just look at me." Harry looked into her sparkling blue eyes and

immediately got lost in them. The room disappeared along with any

nerves he had. All he felt was her and all he saw was the two oval, blue

oceans in front of him. Luckily for him, he was just as tall as she. She was

smiling softly at him and started the dance once the music began to play.

Honestly, he didn't mind being led around the floor. He would surely

mess this dance up if he led and so he let the more experienced lead them


"You are not so bad." Fleur said softly after a minute. He twirled her

around and grasped her waist again.

"I'm only as good as my partner." He grinned. He got a brilliantly red

blush from her in response.

"I do have to say zank you again, 'Arry."

"For what?" Neither were aware that other couples had joined them and

that the original song had changed. Both were perfectly content with

where they were at.

"For tonight."

Harry gave her a confused look and so she continued. "Do you know

what a veela is?" Harry shook his head. "A veela iz a creature. We are a

lot like werewolves where we look human. However instead of changing

during ze full moon, we change when we are angered." Harry could

detect a bit of uncertainty and fear, like she was afraid of how he would

react to this.

"A veela or not, I only see a very beautiful woman in front of me." Harry

shocked himself with his bluntness. She blushed heavily again and Harry

felt her grip tighten a little and she pressed herself closer to him, letting

him know that was a good thing to say. "My uncle is a werewolf and one

of the best men I know. I am not bigoted like others."

She smiled brightly at him, "'Zere are ozzer things about veela. 'Ave you

noticed when some men look at me, zere eyes are glazed?" Harry nodded.

"Veela let off an allure of sorts. We can suppress eet but not get rid of eet.

It causes men to do silly zings to try and win our affection."

"I see, so like at the World Cup, I saw some of the men want to jump out

of the box I was in when some women who, I'm guessing were Veela,

started dancing?" Fleur nodded. "Why don't I act the same way?"

She shrugged, "Some men are naturally immune to eet, like my father.

Like you. Eet eez very rare for a veela to meet someone who ees immune

to ze allure."

"Is that a good thing?"

She chuckled softly. "Yes, it's a very good thing. I was worried you would

be a mess all night because of my allure."

"Well I'm glad I'm immune to it."

"So am I." She responded honestly. They continued to dance until Fleur

announced that she needed a drink. They walked back to their table to

find all the adults watching them with amused looks.

"Having a good time you two?" Appoline asked. Harry fixated on

Sebastien who was looking at him with narrowed eyes as if he was being

judged closely and so missed the small blush Fleur had on her face.

"The minister will soon take the stage Harry. No words are needed. After

you are given your award he will want to take you around to meet a few


"Of course sir."

"None of this sir stuff Harry. Sebastien please."

"Of course Sebastien."

"If you don't mind. I would love a dance with my daughter." Sebastien

said, taking Fleur's hand and pulling her back onto the dance floor.

Harry looked at Gabrielle who was nervously glancing around the

ballroom. "Gabrielle do you want to have this dance?" He asked,

stretching out his hand to the little silver haired girl. She blushed heavily

and her eyes widened cutely in surprise but she nodded nonetheless.

Appoline gave him an approving smile when Harry glanced nervously at


He led Gabrielle out onto the dance floor, and though she was much

shorter than him, he made it work. After a couple songs, he found

himself back with Fleur in his arms. He was never one for close contact

with someone, only Hermione, Sirius, and Remus were allowed close to

him. But Fleur was different entirely. Through the night he found he

enjoyed having her close, and though he still didn't like dancing, he

definitely enjoyed the closeness of having Fleur pressed into him. What

hot blooded boy wouldn't?

The two continued to talk quietly to one another as they moved around

the dance floor. They were both blissfully oblivious to everyone else. The

sound of Minister Montagne's voice brought both of them back to reality.

"Thank you all for joining us this evening!" He shouted, thankfully for

Harry in perfect English. "It is rare that I am allowed to throw a ball for

such a happy occasion. This evening we have the delight to honor a

young man that selflessly put his life on the line for two of our nations

daughters." The crowd of people clapped for Harry and he began to feel

his cheeks burn red. Harry glanced at Fleur who was smiling and

clapping as well.

"Mr. Harry Potter, please join me." Harry walked up to the raised

platform that the minister was standing on. He was holding a small

wooden jewelry box. "Truly you are a remarkable young man. One as

young as you to slay a Basilisk with a sword, learn a patronus charm by

the age of thirteen, and perform wandless magic to save two girls you

had never met before, deserves nothing but the best award our country

has to offer!" Gasps mixed with applause rang through the hall. Harry

wasn't sure how the minister knew he could perform a patronus charm

but didn't think much of it. Many of his feats from Hogwarts were now

out in the open and it was possible someone spilled on that secret as well.

"I present our countries highest honor, the Ordre des Templiers!" Minister

Montagne opened the wooden box to reveal a gold signet ring. The ring

displayed a Templar Cross inlaid with diamonds. At the center of the

cross was a red ruby that glowed faintly. He took the ring out of the box

and handed it to Harry. He slipped the ring onto his right ring finger to

the applause and shouts of the crowd. The ring re-sized itself to fit firmly

on his finger.

He had read up on this particular award when he first heard about it. It

was similar to England's Order of Merlin. He had heard of the Knights

Templar before and technically being awarded this ring, made him apart

of the order. They weren't anything like they once were however and it

was now just a collective of good-doers that belong to the order.

"Forever on you will be welcome in our country. We thank you, Harry

Potter!" The crowd gave one last roar of applause as the minister led

Harry off the stage. He spent the next hour being toured around to meet

the guests. Most of the people were politicians and businessmen in France

but a few were famous Quidditch players which he was happy to meet.

The evening was drawing to a close and people began to leave. Harry

was beginning to feel exhausted from the day's events. Who knew

dancing and talking could be so tiring? The Delacours and Sirius

approached Harry once he was finally given leave by the minister.

"Harry, we are leaving. I just wanted to say thank you." Sebastien said,

shaking Harry's hand.

"Of course Sebastien." Harry responded, unsure of what else to say.

Appoline stepped forward and surprisingly took him into a hug. He got

over his shock quickly and hugged her back briefly before stepping back.

Gabrielle gave him a shy wave which Harry responded, chuckling when

she blushed and hid behind Appoline.

"We will give you two a moment." Appoline said, dragging Sebastien,

Sirius, and Gabrielle away. Harry looked into Fleur's eyes and

immediately felt a sadness. This was probably the last time he would ever

see her. In just one night he had become close with someone that he was

to never see again and the thought pained him. The sadness playing on

her face gave away that she too wasn't looking forward to parting either.

"Write to me, oui?" She asked, stepping forward.

"Err, I-yes. If you want me to." He said, trying to keep the happiness from

his voice and play it 'cool'. The fact that she wanted to stay in touch with

him had him whooping for joy on the inside.

"Of course I want you to. I don't make friends easily because of my being

a veela." Harry frowned slightly.

"Why is it hard for you to make friends? You're incredibly smart and, let's

be honest, the most beautiful girl in the world." Harry said frankly,

allowing a smirk to play across his face. Over the course of the night he

had come to enjoy making her blush.

"Even in France, many are bigoted. You are very different from what I

expected 'Arry Potter." She took a final step forward and placed a kiss on

his cheek.

"Uhh-er-how am I-er different?" Harry stuttered, trying to fight through

his suddenly clouded mind.

She chuckled softly. It was a laughter that he was quickly becoming to

love. "Promise to write to me." She whispered into his ear.

He didn't trust himself to speak further so he just nodded dumbly.

"Good." She stepped back and walked off to where her parents were

smiling at them. Sirius walked up to him and slapped him on the back.

"Come on lover boy!" Sirius said with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Emmaline was just behind him and smiling happily at him.

"What!" Harry squeaked, fighting the sudden blush on his face.

"I know that look well. Your father had the same look every time he

looked at Lily."

"We're just friends and we barely even know each other!" Harry defended.

"Uhuh. That girl didn't look like she wanted to just be a friend."

Emmaline said.

"No, she's too-" Harry started.

"Too beautiful?" Tonks cut him off. "I don't know if you know this Harry,

but if you were just a few years older I would be all over you." Harry

looked at her incredulously.

"So would I." Emmaline added, waggling her eyebrows. "That girl was

smart in keeping you close the whole night. I saw a number of young

witches eyeing you all evening."

Harry's face by this time was a deep shade of red. "Well, I think we have

all embarrassed Harry enough. It's late and he has to be on the train to

Hogwarts tomorrow morning." Harry let out a groan eliciting laughter

from the adults.

"Can't I just, I don't know, floo there or something?" Harry complained,

not looking forward to the train ride. Normally he would have loved

going back to Hogwarts but this year was different. His situation with his

two best friends was still up in the air and all of his recent public press

was bound to be a popular topic with the students.

"No, you need to be on that train." Sirius said. "Give a farewell to the

Minister and thank him again for the award before we head out." Harry

did as he was told and bid Minister Montagne goodbye. He was

introduced quickly to a few more people before taken home. As soon as

Harry reached his room, he fell asleep thinking of a silver haired girl with

the most beautiful blue eyes imaginable.

4. Chamber of Secrets

"We'll see you this evening yeah?" Harry nodded, embracing his

godfather. "Try and stay out of trouble."

Harry grinned, stepping back and shaking Remus' hand. "I never go

looking for it."

"Don't worry about Ron. Things will work themselves out." Harry looked

around, hoping to not spot the famous red hair of the Weasley clan. The

platform was busy as parents said goodbye to there families for the term.

Many of them watched Harry with interest but none approached him

which he was thankful for.

He was nervous about going back to Hogwarts and the changes that

summer had brought to him. Dumbledore had banned all press from the

platform for him which was something he was grateful for. Still it didn't

stop the parents or other students from staring at him. There were also a

good number of witches looking at him more hungrily than before but it

didn't unnerve him anymore.

With this mornings prophet he had once again made front page. A picture

of him dancing with Fleur covered half the page with the headline: Our

Brave Hero Smitten! Little did they know how true that statement actually

was. He had thought about nothing but her since waking up. It was a

schoolboy crush similar to Cho last year, he couldn't see how it could be

anything else. He would probably never see her again, something that

saddened him but that's life.

"Make some new friends. Get a couple girls into some broom closets!"

Sirius waggled his eyebrows. Harry simply rolled his eyes. Last night had

done a lot to boost his confidence when it came to the fairer sex and the

image of him snogging a girl was appealing.

He took a deep breath and walked towards the train. Harry stepped onto

the train and placed his trunk on the rack above his seat. The

compartment he took was empty and near the back. He wasn't sure if Ron

and Hermione would sit with him this year and the thought of going to

school without the companionship of his best friends did a lot to make

him more nervous. He wasn't sure really where he stood with them. Ron

was still cold and Hermione seemed stuck on the edge between them

two, not sure of what to do.

The last whistle for the train blew and the compartment door opened

revealing a nervous looking Neville. "Hi Harry. Do you mind if I sit here?

Everywhere else is full."

"Of course Neville." Neville had done some growing over the summer as

well. He was beginning to lose some of the baby fat and was getting

taller. His always nervous demeanor still hadn't changed however when

he kept glancing at Harry.

"What is it?" Harry finally asked, getting irritated.

"Er, sorry Harry. Just-you-er...look different?" Neville stuttered.

"In a good or bad way?"

"Good?" Neville shrugged. Harry couldn't keep himself from laughing at

the suddenly scared look on Neville's face. He was about to reply when

the door opened again just as the train lurched forward, starting its

journey to Hogwarts. Harry looked up thinking it might be Ron and

Hermione but instead saw it was two girls around his age. One was a

pretty brown haired girl with brown eyes to match. She was shorter than

the other girl but was also had more curves. The other girl was tall with

long, straight blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. She reminded Harry

slightly of Fleur but this girl had a coldness around her that Fleur didn't.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" The brunette asked. Harry looked at Neville

who was looking somewhat fearful at the two girls. Harry shrugged and

got up to help the two girls place their trunks onto the rafters above. The

blonde took a seat decidedly far away from him while the brunette sat

next to Neville.

"Do I know you two?" Harry asked. He thought he recognized them but

couldn't quite place how he knew them.

"Typical." The blonde girl muttered just loud enough for everyone to


"Er, sorry?"

"Its fine Harry." The brunette said, glaring at her friend. "I'm Tracy Davis."

Harry brushed his lips against her knuckles. He wasn't all that surprised

when she looked away flustered and blushing. By now he was well aware

the affect he could have on a witch. "And this is Daphne Greengrass. We

are Slytherins in your year."

Daphne didn't even bother to look at Harry and so he shot Tracy a

questioning look. "The Ice Queen of Slytherin." Tracy added seeing the

confusion on Harry's face.

"She acts like this to everyone?"

Tracy shrugged. "Its a defense mechanism I think."

"Tracy!" Daphne hissed, shocked that her best friend would say

something like that.

"What? It is. We both know you could use some more friends!" Tracy

remarked, a smirk playing across her face.

"Please. Like the Gryffindor Golden Boy would ever want to be a friend

with snakes?" Daphne snapped.

"Why would you think I wouldn't want to be friends with you?" Harry

asked, even more confused. Daphne finally turned to look at him, her

blue eyes piercing him.

"Its common knowledge that you hate all snakes. You and Weasel!" She


"I'm sorry I have that reputation. I don't dislike Slytherins, just a few of

them. I can't speak for Ron." That name caused Tracy to look around the


"Where is the weasel anyways?" Neville also glanced around realizing

that Ron and Hermione weren't here.

"Probably missed the train again." Daphne remarked.

Harry ignored her comment. "I don't know. I'm not his babysitter."

"Oooh thats some new gossip." Tracy said, clapping her hands together

with glee. "Do tell. Is this the end of the golden trio?"

Harry narrowed his eyes at her and successfully made her shrink back

into her seat. "Business between my friends and I is personal. No matter

what everyone seems to think, my life is not an open book for everyone

to gossip about."

Daphne scoffed. "That's likely. You seem to love the headlines with how

much you've been in them recently. Just this morning I remember seeing

a certain someone dancing with some woman."

"Some things came out after the World Cup about my time here. I was

unconscious when they did. As for that woman, she is a friend."

Again Daphne scoffed. "Like any of those stories are real anyways."

"Daph, you think none of what the papers were saying is true? Don't you

remember second year?" Tracy exclaimed.

"Please. He's an average wizard at best. I doubt he's even in the top half

our class!" Daphne said smugly. "Like he could do anything he's claimed

to do."

"And what do you think happened at the World Cup?" Tracy asked. Both

were talking like Harry and Neville weren't there. Harry was just content

to listen for the time being.

"I'm sure it's some kind of cover up story." Daphne said rolling her eyes.

"Like the ministry is smart enough to cover up anything."

"Please, they just want Potter as their poster boy. I doubt he has ever

seen any real hardship besides falling off his broom."

Tracy finally turned to Harry. "Aren't you going to defend yourself? She's

practically calling you a liar!"

Harry shrugged, "I thought you were doing a fine job."

"See, he can't defend himself because it never it happened!" Daphne said

proudly. Harry let out a sigh and stood up from his seat. He flicked his

wand and the blinds to the compartment closed. "See, now he-" She

stopped mid sentence when Harry pulled his black t-shirt over his head

exposing his chest.

The two girls turned deep shades of red and quickly looked away. "What

are you doing Potter! Put your shirt back on!" Daphne demanded.

"If you aren't going to look, give me your hand." Before she could pull

away, he snatched Daphne's hand and placed it on the round scar below

his shoulder. He winced slightly from the cold fingers when they brushed

over the puffy, rough skin of his scar. "Feel that. That's one of the scars I

got from the World Cup. I was hit by three iron stakes." He took her hand

and brought it down to his side where another of his round scars were.

She slowly glanced at him and where her hand was resting. It was

impossible to keep the blush off her face but once she looked at his

muscled chest and abs, she found it hard to stop looking. There were

other scars besides the one he had her hand touching.

"See, the scars are real. This one." He again, gently ran her hand along his

left forearm where another similar round scar was. "Is when the basilisk

bit me. It was Dumbledores phoenix, Fawkes, that saved my life by

crying into it." Daphne's mind was completely blank as she watched her

hand being held by the half-naked man in front of her. He didn't seem at

all fazed to be standing with his shirt off in front of them.

Suddenly he dropped her hand and she instantly wanted to feel the

warmth of his hand again. Then she cursed herself for thinking

something like that. His shirt was back on and he was back in his seat

before she could get over the haze that had clouded her brain. Images of

a half-naked Harry kept running through her mind and she knew that it

was going to be a long time until she got it out of her head.

The clouded look on Tracy's face was enough to tell her she had similar

thoughts. Harry was smirking, watching the two red-faced girls try and

recover. Neville was also looking at the girls with an amused look which

was something he had never seen on him before."So believe me?" Harry

asked Daphne.

The girl in question could only nod dumbly, not trusting her voice at the

moment. She couldn't bare to look at him, completely embarrassed. "I

think you broke them." Neville said, starting to chuckle.

This finally broke Tracy out of her state, "Can you show me again?" She

blurted out.

This got laughter from all of them and did much to lessen the tense mood

in the cabin. "I'm sorry Potter. Its just all so unbelievable you know?"

Daphne said quietly after the laughter died down.

Harry waved her off. "Its fine. I don't expect everyone to believe the

stories. And you can call me Harry you know."

"I'll stick to Potter for now." Daphne replied, adopting that same cold

mask she had on when she first walked in. A defense mechanism it

definitely was.

"Are you going to go around taking your shirt off anytime someone

doesn't believe you?" Tracy asked with a grin.

"Only with the pretty girls." Harry winked back at her, getting a slight

blush and a roll of the eyes from Daphne.

"You're nothing like Malfoy said you were."

Harry scoffed. "Malfoy doesn't know me. I can only imagine the dumb

shit he says."

"So you've been in the fabled Chamber of Secrets. Can we see it?" Tracy

asked nervously. Neville perked up, looking hopeful that he might say

yes and include him as well.

Harry shrugged. "I don't see why not. I'm going into it tonight anyways to

start harvesting the basilisk. Just meet me on the seventh floor after

dinner but please don't tell anyone. I'm not too keen on providing tours."

All three nodded looking excited. He figured this might be a good way to

gain some friends and friends in the snake pit can be damn useful he

figured. Also, Slytherins could hardly pass up the opportunity to see

Salazars hidden lair.

"So why are you two in here? Surely you have other friends you'd rather

sit with?" Harry asked after several minutes of silence.

"Well Daphne here is running away from a certain blonde ponce."

"Ah, he seems to be the bane of everyone, including his fellow snakes.

Why are you running away from him?"

"That's none of your business Potter." Daphne responded dangerously, but

more of a warning to Tracy than Harry.

Harry held his hands up, "I don't need to know. It was just an innocent

question. So, does anyone want anything from the trolley cart?" Quickly

changing the subject.

The rest of the train ride for the most part passed smoothly. The worries

of Harry going to Hogwarts alone were wiped away thanks to the unusual

new friendship with two Slytherins. When they all stepped off the train

and grabbed a carriage together, they received nothing less of shocked

looks from the others. It was rare for Slytherins and Gryffindors to be

seen together, let alone acting friendly towards one another. Well two

Gryffindors and one Slytherin acting friendly towards one another,

Daphne for her part just followed, not saying anything.

The four of them split up to sit at there respective house tables once they

reached the Great Hall. All of them ignored the curious looks the other

students were giving them, especially Harry. He sat down with Neville at

his side and Katie Bell on his other. Ron and Hermione had taken seats

down the table from him. Before anyone could ask why the three of them

weren't sitting together, the Great Hall doors burst open. Professor

McGonagall led in the new group of first years.

Harry studied the new batch of first years. They always looked smaller

each year they came in. He was seated where they would all pass him as

they walked down the middle of the hall. A few of them recognized him

and grew wide eyed and whispered to there friends. Harry fought the

urge to not roll his eyes. Sirius had talked to him about public perception

and how having a good report with people can be useful later on. He was

instructed this year to study hard, improve his grades, and make friends

with as many people as possible. He was off to a good start having

befriended the two Slytherins.

He tuned out the sorting ceremony, choosing to look for potential new

friends. Susan Bones was high on his list. Her aunt was the Department

Head for the DMLE. Susan was also a nice girl with a good work ethic

and was gifted in charms. Her friend Hannah was also just as nice and

loyal as Susan and they could prove to be very good friends.

Looking to Ravenclaw, Luna who had interviewed him seemed like she

could be a good friend. She was quirky yes, but honest and had a way of

looking at things that could be useful. Lisa Turpin was also another

potential friend. He had relatively few encounters with the 'Claw but she

was always kind to him. He was brought out of his thoughts when

Dumbledore stood up from his golden throne.

"The time for words is later. The time to fill our bellies is now!"

Dumbledore exclaimed. He waved his hand and food appeared on the

plates. Harry smiled, the feeling of being at home washing over him.

"So Harry. What's the deal with you, Ron, and Hermione?" Katie asked

from next to him. He was aware that the twins, Alicia, and Angelina had

stopped eating to listen as well.

"I'm not sure. Some people grow apart I guess? I don't really know whats

going on either." Harry responded truthfully, shrugging and grabbing a

piece of treacle tart.

"Ron still acting like a git?" Fred asked.

"We can set him straight for ya!" George said with a malicious glint in his


"No its fine. I'll let him be. My life is changing rapidly and it might be

best if Ron doesn't get swept up in it."

"What about Hermione?" Katie asked. Harry thought she sounded a little

too curious about Hermione but he didn't think much of it.

"I don't know. It's tough for her with Ron and I not talking much. She's

just caught in the middle."

"So besides-you know- the world cup. How was your summer?" Alicia

asked, leaning over the table to look at him.

"It was good. Better than most. I'm living with my godfather which is a

massive improvement."

"That's good to hear. I still can't believe it. An innocent man locked away

for all those years." Angelina remarked.

"What's the deal with those two Slytherins you walked in with?" Katie

asked, frowning at the two girls who were sitting a little apart from the

rest of the snakes. Harry glanced over and noticed that no one else was

sitting near them causing him to frown as well. He hoped being seen with

him didn't cause them trouble.

"We shared a compartment on the train with them." Harry shrugged, not

delving into more detail like how he pulled off his shirt for the two girls.

The conversation turned to what new tricks Fred and George had up their

sleeves for the year. They also talked about Quidditch and the best

players in the professional scene. Others asked Harry about his evening in

France and who the girl in the picture was. The prophet had conveniently

left out who she was and that she was a veela. The law being proposed

on creating stricter restrictions against 'dark' creatures was soon to be

voted on.

Dumbledore stood again, silencing the rest of the hall. The food

disappeared, making Ron grumble about not having enough. Harry could

see Hermione roll her eyes from here. She looked at him but quickly

averted her eyes like she was now afraid of him. This caused Harry to

frown and his mood plummeted. Ron he could handle, but Hermione had

always been his rock and by his side. It would hurt to lose her.

"Welcome new and returning students to Hogwarts!" Dumbledore began,

his voice magically amplified to carry across the whole hall. "To start, I

must as always say that the Forbidden Forest is just that, forbidden."

Dumbledore's eyes lingered on Harry causing him to squirm a little.

"Also, Mr. Filtch has asked me to say that the banned items list is updated

to include 458 items. All of them can be found posted on his office door

and in your common rooms." This time Dumbledore eyed the twins who

gave the headmaster a cheeky wave in return.

"Next, I want to welcome Professor Moody, the new Defense Against the

Dark Arts teacher." Their was mild applause when an older man with

severe facial scars stood up. He had a fake leg that creaked under his

weight. The man was grizzled looking and one of his eyes was obviously

fake as it whirled around with a mind of its own. He looked like he had

been through hell and back again. Harry couldn't help but feel a little

excited that this professor may be able to teach them something useful.

"The last announcement is something I am quite happy to do. This year,

Hogwarts will be hosting the Tri-Wizard tournament!" Excited whispers

broke out amongst the students. "Because of this school years added

excitement, we will have to cancel Quidditch." This however brought on

a chorus of boo's and complaints, mostly from Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Dumbledore held up his hand for silence. "Also, due to the dangerous

nature of this tournament, the ministry has decided to only allow those of

age to enter." Another chorus of boo's from the younger students who had

hoped to enter rang through the hall.

Dumbledore patiently waited for the noise to die down. "This year we

will be hosting two other schools. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons!" Harry's

eyes widened with sudden excitement. He knew Fleur went to

Beauxbatons and the thought of possibly seeing her again caused his

stomach to flutter. "They will be arriving October 30th and the choosing

of the champions will be on the 31st."

"That is all I have for the evening. Head to bed to rest those full

stomachs!" The hall of students stood, everyone talking excitedly about

the tournament. Harry kept quiet and walked with Neville up to the

seventh floor. He was supposed to meet Sirius there, where he would

then guide him to the Chamber of Secrets to open it for whatever people

he hired to gather the basilisk materials.

"Would you have entered if you were age?" Neville asked, breaking the

silence as they climbed the staircase.

"No, I've had enough danger in my life I think." Harry and Neville

chuckled, reaching the seventh floor. Sirius, Remus, and another man

were just outside a door he had never seen before.

"Hey pup! Didn't get into trouble today?" Sirius said when they


Harry rolled his eyes. "Sirius, this is Neville Longbottom." Sirius' eyes

widened momentarily before splitting into a grin. "Neville, this is Sirius

Black and you already know Remus."

"You look just like your father." Sirius said, shaking Neville's hand.

"You-you know my father?" Neville asked wide-eyed. Harry frown

wondering how much he knew of his parents. He was much the same

way, wanting to know as much as possible about his parents.

"Of course. Frank was my partner when we were Aurors. Alice was like a

sister to me. I was sad to hear of their condition when I was released. I

truly am sorry Neville." Harry had heard just a week ago how Nevilles

parents were tortured relentlessly by Bellatrix and were now in St.

Mungos long term care. "I would be happy to talk about them with you if

you want sometime."

"Really? Gran doesn't talk about them much. Its been hard on her."

"I'm sure. Your grandmother loved your father dearly. And who are these

lovely ladies?" Harry spun around abruptly forgetting that he had invited

Daphne and Tracy. Honestly he thought there was a good chance they

wouldn't even show.

"Oh, er-this is Tracy Davis." He gestured to the brown haired girl. "And

Daphne Greengrass." He pointed at the blonde. Both were eyeing Sirius

cautiously and also probably wondering why their Defense Against the

Dark Arts teacher from last year was here.

"Daphne, Tracy, this is my godfather Sirius Black and my uncle Remus

Lupin, though you already know him." He turned back to face Sirius who

had a smile Harry found to be rather annoying on his face. "I invited

them to see the Chamber of Secrets with us."

"Hell of a first date location Harry." Sirius said trying to tease him and

making the two girls blush slightly.

"I thought it would set an exciting and adventurous tone for our budding

relationships." Harry said with a deadpan expression. Both girls jaws

dropped and were now completely red in the face.

Sirius opened and closed his mouth but no words escaped. "Er, Harry, do

we need to have a talk?" Remus said after a few seconds of complete

silence. That was all it took for Harry to burst into laughter.

"Honestly all of you. I invited them because they wanted to see it and I

really don't have anything to hide." A grin broke out on Sirius' face

realizing he was just one-upped by Harry. He put Harry into a headlock

much to Harry's embarrassment as he tried to break the firm hold.

"Now that you two are done." Remus said once Sirius finally let him go.

"Mr. Depan has kindly agreed to our terms and will harvest the basilisk."

Harry shook the mans hand who had stayed silent this whole time. They

had agreed to give a five percent cut of the basilisk. Mr. Depan was going

to be staying in the Chamber for two weeks while he harvested the snake.

He had a magical tent like they used for the World Cup along with

enough food and water for the duration.

"Should we get going?" Sirius asked once introductions were over. They

all nodded and Harry led the way back down the staircases. By now, all

of the students were in their common rooms and only teachers were

wondering around. The professors they came across didn't stop them,

knowing what they were doing. In fact Professor Flitwick and

McGonagall also tagged along excitedly.

They continued walking until they reached the 2nd floor girls bathroom.

"You've got to be kidding me." Daphne muttered as she stepped in behind


Harry just grinned, "Who in their right mind would ever look for the

hidden lair of Salazar in a girls bathroom?"

"Good point." She said grinning back at him. That was the first time she

had smiled at him and he found he liked that look, much more so than

the cold front she normally had on.

"The chamber is underneath the sinks." Harry jerked his head to the side

of the room where the sinks were.

"Oh! Harry! Come to say hello to little ole me?" Myrtle came flying out of

one of the stalls.

"Hi Myrtle. I'm heading into the chamber with some friends."

"I thought you killed that nasty monster?" Myrtle asked fearfully, ducking

behind one of the stall doors with just her head poking over the top.

"I did. We're just going to investigate the chamber."

"Well if you die. My offer still stands you know." Harry blushed slightly,

hoping no one would ask about the offer.

"What offer?" Tracy asked causing Harry to groan.

"He can share my stall of course. He's so cute. I'm sure you know." This

caused everyone but Harry to burst into laughter.

"Bloody ghosts." Harry mumbled, walking to the sinks where Flitwick was

examining them with his wand.

"Open!" He hissed in irritation. The sinks suddenly moved causing the tiny

charms professor to jump back with a squeak. Everyone watched as the

sinks gave way to a large eight food wide hole that descended into


"You went down that?" Professor McGonagall eyed the hole with


"Stairs!" After some thought, he figured their was no way in hell Tom

would ever have jumped down into the hole like a Gryffindor. There had

to be some other way of descending and stairs was just a logical choice.

Stairs formed in a spiral staircase down the hole. They all followed him

cautiously down, descending further into blackness. Soon they were all

lighting their wands just to see a few feet in front of them.

Harry's feet his the bottom and he recognized he was in the bone room.

Hundreds of animal bones lay scattered on the ground having at once

probably been fed to the giant snake.

"Eww, this is gross. You didn't say anything about this!" Tracy said,

pinching her nose to keep the musty smell away. She stepped gingerly

around any of the bones laying scattered on the ground.

"Come on, its this way." Harry led them through a small tunnel and into a

large cavern. A large clear snake skin that was about thirty feet long and

a few feet wide laid in the middle. On the far end was the cave in that

Lockhart had caused.

"I never imagined the basilisk to be this big!" Daphne breathed out,

taking in the sight of the skin.

Harry shrugged, "The real one is bigger." He smirked seeing Daphne's

eyes widen.

He walked them over to the cave in and frowned. The hole Ron had

made was smaller than he remembered and wasn't possible for them to

pass through. "We'll have to move some rocks." They wasted no time in

clearing an opening all of them could climb through. Soon they were at

the circular door.

Harry approached it and hissed, "Open!" The snake slithered around the

side of the door, releasing the bolts that kept the door closed. He figured

that it had locked itself once he left since he didn't remember ever

shutting it.

The door rolled to the side revealing the chamber. The torches magically

lit, showering the whole room in light. Salazars mouth on the far side of

the chamber was still open and not too far away was the basilisk. It

looked the same as Harry had left it two years ago, not having decayed in

the slightest.

"My god." Sirius said, walking up close to the fearsome snake. In truth, it

was larger than even Harry remembered it to be. Its mouth was agape, a

single fang missing from its mouth where it had lost it to Harrys arm.

Said fang was laying a few feet away in a puddle of ink. Dried blood

pooled around its head from its sword wound. In total the snake was

roughly seventy feet long and six feet wide.

"I can't believe you killed this thing with just a sword." Remus said in


Harry shrugged, "It was do or die. Much like most of my life has become."

"I'm sorry Harry." Professor McGonagall said surprising Harry. She also

had tears in her eyes. "I-I should have listened. You came to me and I did


"Its okay Professor. You had no way of knowing." Harry responded

unsure of what to say to his Head of House.

"I should have know though and I failed you. I promise I'll do better." He

gave her a soft smile.

"Theirs only two people to blame for what happened here. Dumbledore

and Voldemort." He ignored the winces and gasps from everyone else.

Only Sirius, Remus, and Professor Flitwick didn't flinch.

"Why Dumbledore Harry?" Professor Flitwick asked curiously. The others

nodded, wanting to know why he would blame Dumbledore for this on

the same level as Voldemort.

"What happened here wasn't the first time I fought Voldemort." Again

several gasps echoed in the chamber. "Oh come off it. Its just a name, not

even his real one. Another thing I learned about him in this very chamber

when I had a nice chat with him."

"You-you talked with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Tracy said, her eyes

wide with fear.

"Harry do you think it best to divulge secrets?" Remus cut in.

"In my experience, secrets can kill. They only help Voldemort and in turn

make us weaker." Harry responded coldly. Sirius grinned, liking what

Harry was saying. He firmly believed that the way Dumbledore has

handled his godson and the war has been abysmal.

"Voldemorts real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. He is a half blood like me,

like Dumbledore."

"Wh-what?" Daphne asked. "You're telling me that the person who

spouted pureblood supremacy isn't actually a pureblood?"

Harry grinned, "Very Slytherin of him don't you think? He was in

Slytherin fifty years ago, in fact you can see an award he received for

special services to the school in regards to closing the Chamber of

Secrets. All those years ago, the first time the chamber was opened,

resulting in the death of Myrtle, Riddle blamed Hagrid for it when in fact

he was the one that set loose the basilisk. Of course it was actually Riddle

that had opened the chamber and controlled the basilisk."

"How do we not know any of this?" Flitwick breathed. All were silently

listening to Harry, even Mr. Depan had stopped looking at the basilisk to

listen to him.

"Dumbledore keeps his secrets close. You can imagine my surprise

coming down to the chamber thinking I have to battle a basilisk when I

also have to fight off Riddle as well. I destroyed him for the third time

with the basilisk fang that had previously been lodged in my arm." He

jerked his head at the basilisk fang laying in the pool of ink. "I stabbed a

possessed book with it, destroying the shade of Riddle."

"Wait, the third time?" Daphne asked. Harry smiled, it appeared she was


"You remember the sudden disappearance of Quirrell?" They all nodded

and by the confused looks of both teachers, Dumbledore must not have

told them as well. "Well, the story of how I saved the philosophers stone

was all over the papers this summer. Much like with the basilisk which

skimped on details. In short I had another battle with Voldemort."

"Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort and I fought him over the stone. I

killed him." Harry added, a hollowness coming over his voice as his mind

drifted back to that night. Then his mind skipped to the man he killed at

the World Cup. He was just fourteen and already responsible for the

death of two men.

He felt like a piece of him was gone, an innocence that he could never

get back. It left him feeling cold. He knew this was the price for killing

someone and it was a price he hoped no one else had to feel. Sadly, he

also knew it was likely he would have to kill again.

"Why would Dumbledore not tell us? All he said was that Quirrell left for

an early vacation! I knew something was wrong!" Professor McGonagall

shrieked. "There was too much coincidence. You ending up in the

hospital wing and Quirrell suddenly gone! And I-I" She collapsed into

sobs and Harry knew why. She had told him to ignore the stone and the

professors would handle it. Now she knew how much danger he had been

in and that he had possibly saved magical Britain by disobeying her.

Flitwick kindly led her away from the others, doing his best to console

the much taller witch. "How come I haven't been told any of this?" Sirius

growled, narrowing his eyes at Harry.

"Honestly I thought Dumbledore would have at least told you. The old

man loves his secrets too much I guess."

"I have to ask where your sudden distrust for Dumbledore is coming from

Harry." Remus said.

Harry shrugged. "When you get hit by a second killing curse, you start to

think about life." He heard the gasps from the two girls and Neville. He

forgot that was another thing omitted from the papers. Keeping secrets

wasn't as easy for him. "Ignoring the fact that he had me living in a hell

hole for ten years and never once bothered to check in on me, ever since

I arrived at Hogwarts, I've been in constant danger. A troll and a

possessed Quirrell first year. A basilisk and Riddle second."

He smirked at Sirius, "My own murderous godfather and dementors last



"Their's no way that Dumbledore for one didn't know that a basilisk was

underneath his school. He must have known I went to kill it because he

sent me his phoenix and the hat. Why he never bothered to come himself

I don't know. Also with Quirrell there is no way he didn't know he was

possessed by Voldemort. And if he really didn't, the old man is daft and

doesn't deserve to run a school of children."

"And also, who the fuck hides the philosophers stone in a damn school?

He had to have known that Voldemort was going to try his best to get to

the stone." Harry said, starting to let his anger show. He hadn't yet laid

out all of the oddities surrounding his time at school, but now that he

had, Dumbledores faults were clearly seen.

"This is...disturbing news to hear." Remus said. Harry could see the war

of emotions play out on his face. Fierce loyalty to Dumbledore versus his

loyalty to Harry.

"I knew that old bastard was over over his head. Is it too late to pull you

from the school?" Harry wasn't sure if Sirius was actually serious or not.

"Er, I don't know but I'm not switching schools."

"What! Harry, this place has been nothing but a death trap for you! And

with Dumbledore who knows how involved with your struggles he is!"

Sirius pleaded.

"Its still my home. I'm making friends here and I'm not running from a

fight. Whether its Dumbledore or Voldemort I'm fighting doesn't make a

difference. Neither will just let me go either. Voldemort would chase me

down where ever I go for whatever bloody reason and Dumbledore

would stop at nothing to keep me close by. He has an unusual interest in


Sirius sighed knowing Harry was right. "Can we trust them to know

everything you just told us Harry?" Sirius jerked his head at the girls,

Neville, and Mr Depan.

"Of course he can! I swear I won't tell a soul, not like anyone would

believe us anyways." Tracy said. Harry looked at Daphne who was

looking at him differently, like she was seeing him in a completely new

light. He could see clearly that neither girl was going to betray him and

Neville had always been fiercely loyal to him, despite them not being

best friends the last three years.

"I won't tell anyone, but didn't you just say secrets can kill? Why hasn't

anything about V-V-Voldemort still being alive or you getting hit by a

second killing curse been in the papers?" Harry was proud of her that she

actually said the name.

"Things like that would only create mass panic. Mass panic leads to witch

hunts and witch hunts of people in power only serve to divide the

country. The country being in division only helps Voldemort return. Its

best to have a small team of people that can be trusted completely that

have influence to push others in the right direction to get people ready

for a potential war with Voldemort." Harry responded.

"When did you get so bloody smart?" Sirius asked, looking dumbfounded

and proud at his godson.

"Is that why you agreed to show the minister's your memories? You were

hoping to prepare them for a possible return of Voldemort?" Remus asked

but Harry shook his head.

"I never showed them anything involving Voldemort. I can't trust them to

not do something dumb with that information plus I have a feeling

Minister Fudge wouldn't take it so well that Voldemort was still alive."

"Probably a good thing." Sirius agreed.

"How is Voldemort still alive? I thought you had destroyed him?"

Professor McGonagall asked.

"I don't think I ever did. They never found a body, just a smoking robe

and his wand. People just assumed he had died. I'm almost positive

Dumbledore always knew that Voldemort was still alive though. He

didn't act too surprised when I described the events of the philosophers

stone to him my first year."

"So what's your plan moving forward?"

"Train. Their isn't much to do right now but train. Maybe try and figure

out more of the secrets Dumbledore is keeping from us. Something tells

me he knows more about how I'm still alive after getting hit by a second

killing curse. Its probably best to not let on that I'm distrusting of the

headmaster right now."

"School. You still have school as well Harry." Professor McGonagall said.

She had come back to the conversation after calming herself.

Harry looked sheepishly at his professor, "Right school as well. Oh that

reminds me, can I switch into Runes and drop divination?" He gave her a

wide smile.

"I think that would be an excellent idea. I'll talk with Professor Babbling

this evening to see you into the third year runes class." She said with a

rare smile. Her eyes were still red and Harry felt his heart go out to her.

She was a grandmother figure to him while Dumbledore had been a

grandfather to him.

"How can we go back to class like everything's normal after this!" Tracy


"For all we know, everything is normal. It may not be another decade

until Voldemort can fully return. Its best to just live your lives as

normally as you can." Professor Flitwick said.

"But Harry said training. I want in on that." Neville spoke for the first

time causing everyone to look at him. He had a nervous but determined

look on his face, one that Harry had only seen once when he tried to stop

him, Ron, and Hermione from leaving that first year.

"I don't know if you can train with me. I'll be training at a very quick and

rigorous pace with several teachers Nev." Harry saw the disappointed

looks on not only Nevilles but the two girls faces.

"Look this year it sounds like I'll have even more free time than I had

planned on because Quidditch was canceled."

"What!" Sirius shouted.

"Er, some stupid bloody tournament that Dumbledore thought was good

for Hogwarts to host will be the activity of the year." Harry shrugged. "In

that free time I'll teach what I've learned to you at your own pace.'

Neville nodded, an eager looking coming over him. "We want in too!"

Daphne and Tracy said at the same time.

"May I ask to join in on your training sessions Harry?" Professor Flitwick


"Of course Professor. Which ones?"

"Both. I used to be a dueling champion before teaching at Hogwarts."

Harry looked at Sirius who just shrugged.

"That would be great Professor. I'm sure I can use all the help I can get.

Professor, I heard that Beauxbatons is one of the schools we're hosting.

Do you know if they're bringing all of their students?" Harry asked, trying

his best to ignore Sirius' sudden grin.

"They're bringing all those of age Harry. Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering." Harry said quickly.

"Wondering about a certain girl Harry?" Sirius smirked causing Harry to

blush profusely. He found his shoes to be interesting and missed the

sudden frowns on the two Slytherins.

"Oh what girl would that be Mr. Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked, her

eyebrows raised.

"Don't listen to my godfather. I was just curious. I think we've been down

here long enough!" Harry made to walk away but Mr. Depans voice

stopped him in his tracks. He had completely forgotten about the silent

Mr. Depan.

"Mr. Potter, I want you to know as well that you can trust me. I think I

may be of use to you if You-Know-Who-Returns." Harry raised his

eyebrows, waiting for Mr. Depan to continue. "I have many connections

in the potions business. Many include people with back rounds as Death


"Why would you help us?" Harry asked cautiously.

"If what you have said is true and Voldemort does return. I will most

likely be contacted to supply certain families of a darker persuasion with

illegal ingredients and such. If I refuse, they would simply kill me like

they threatened to do during the last war. I have a family, a daughter and

am married to a muggleborn witch. They would have killed them and me

if I refused."

"And how can I trust you?"

"I can give you a wizards oath?" Harry nodded his head and Mr. Depan

slipped out his wand and held it out. "I-"

"Its not necessary Mr. Depan." Harry cut in, stopping him from giving an

oath. "The fact you were willing to give an oath is enough for me."

Mr. Depan smiled and slipped his wand back up his sleeve. "Thank you

Mr. Potter."

"Harry it is late and all of you should be heading to bed." Professor

McGonagall said looking at the four students. Neville yawned at that

moment earning a chuckle from everyone.

The group headed out of the chamber, leaving Mr. Depan to his work.

Harry pulled Sirius aside once they reached the surface. "I think it best

you obliviate Mr. Depan once he is all done down there."

Sirius nodded his head, "Its probably for the best. We can't trust him with

what you told us. Are you sure about those girls?"

Harry looked at Daphne and Tracy as they talked with the two

Professors. "I think so. My gut tells me yes. I know its a risk but its one

I'm willing to take. The worst case scenario is they start shouting to the

world about Voldemort and most will just call them crazy. They're

Slytherin and have nothing to gain by doing that."

"Right I'll trust your gut, have a good night." Harry gave his godfather a

hug and walked over to the professors.

Professor Flitwick escorted the girls back to the dungeons while Professor

McGonagall escorted her charges to Gryffindor tower. Sirius and Remus

bid him goodnight and told him is official training would start tomorrow

evening after dinner.

It wasn't long before both boys were back in their four poster beds. Ron

was snoring loudly as always and Harry allowed a ghost of a smile to

cross his face. No matter how much changed, some things always stayed

the same. He crawled into bed, dreaming of a silver haired goddess just

as he had the night before.

5. Training Day

Harry slipped out of his dorm room early in the morning. The other boys

were still asleep, not expecting to get up for another few hours. He was

wearing some work out clothes Sirius had bought him before leaving for


"Hey, what are you doing up so early!" The fat lady called as Harry

walked out of Gryffindor tower.

"Just going out to run." Harry responded heading down the stairs.

"Pshh, running, so overrated." The Fat Lady murmured as she went back

to sleep. He continued down to the lake, not meeting anyone except Sir

Nicholas on the way. The jog around the lake was pleasant and though

he was still getting used to running, he enjoyed the quiet it provided.

After his jog, he began sprints and finished with push-ups and sit-ups. By

the time his morning work-out was done, the sun had already crested the

mountains and began to shine down on the castle. It was nearing

breakfast and so he headed back up to the tower for a shower and

changed into his school uniform.

By the time he was done freshening up for the day, the other boys were

just getting up. Harry headed down to breakfast himself, taking his books

with him so that he could study while at the table. A smile played across

his face thinking what Hermione would say if she saw him studying

before classes even started.

The Great Hall was nearly empty of anyone, including the Professors

when he got there. He grabbed some sausage, eggs, bread and jam as

well as pulling out his potions book. He was already half way through it,

hoping to not garner the ire of Professor Snape this year. Somehow he

doubted anything he did would change how Snape felt about him, but it

was worth a shot anyways.

"Mr. Potter, I'm glad to catch you early. Here is your class schedule."

Professor McGonagall said from behind him. She handed him a slip of

paper with his classes. The professor had managed to get him in the third

year Runes class as she said. He let out a groan when he saw a double

potions first thing today. At least DADA was after lunch to supplement

Snapes torment.

Harry watched as the Slytherins all came into the Great Hall at once as

they did every first morning of the school year. They were supposed to

look intimidating and show a united front. He watched as Daphne and

Tracy took seats away from everyone else, but this time Malfoy and his

cronies moved to sit next to them. By the frown on Tracy's face, she

obviously wasn't happy with the company.

Dumbledore took his seat on his golden throne looking over his students.

His blue eyes rested on the black haired Gryffindor sitting by himself

with a book open in front of him. The sight troubled him greatly. He

remembered that Harry hadn't sat with his two friends last night either

and their were rumors that the trio weren't friends any longer.

What was more worrying for the him was that Harry was seen talking

with Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis, two daughters of suspected

Death Eaters. Remus hadn't reported anything unusual last night about

the boy when he took them down to the chamber. He said everything

was fine and that the basilisk was being harvested as planned.

He watched as a young woman, Katie Bell, who he knew to be one of

Harrys Quidditch teammates sit down next to him. He had seen him sit

down next to her last evening. He didn't know much about her other than

that she was a half-blood and her father operated an eatery in Diagon

Alley. She had no siblings or other close family besides her parents.

Maybe a relationship between her and Harry would be good. It would

definitely be better than the two Slytherins. Still, the real problem for

him right now were his friends. A word with Miss Granger and Mr.

Weasley may be in order to put Harry firmly on the right path. The

youngest male Weasley is a firm believer in the light while Miss Granger

has a reputation for believing anything a teacher says.

Dumbledore followed young Harry's gaze towards the blonde Slytherin

that sat apart from the rest with her friend. Yes, it was best to get him

away from those two.

Harry winked at Daphne when she glanced at him from across the hall.

He was rewarded with a soft smile in return but she quickly adopted her

Ice Queen persona when Nott started talking to her. Harry frowned,

seeing she wasn't interested in whatever the boy had to say. She was

clearly annoyed with them already.

"So what's your schedule like Harry?" Katie asked as she stole the last of

the sausage off his plate.

"Hey!" Harry pouted as she just smiled. "Did I say you could steal my


She shrugged, "You never said I couldn't."

"Well, from here on out, you can't steal my food." Katie pouted,

something Harry found to be cute.

"Tell me! What's your schedule like?" She demanded.

"Its the same as the other fourth years. I have potions first thing. You?"

"Well I have charms and then transfiguration today." She then began

talking in depth about her whole schedule. He listened quietly and did

his best to follow along. She was just too eccentric and bubbly for his

tastes but she was nice and carefree, something he appreciated. Harry put

away his potions book realizing that his last bit of peace and quiet for the

morning was over and instead focused on the conversations around him.

Alicia and Angelina had sat next to him and Katie and began talking

about the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Angelina favored herself to be chosen

and Harry agreed. It was either her or Cedric Diggory that would most

likely represent Hogwarts.

The thought of the tournament just brought his mind back to Fleur. He

had sent her a letter just before going out for his work-out this morning,

and though he knew he wouldn't receive a reply for a some time because

of the distance, he was still anxiously awaiting it.

Ron and Hermione walked into the Great Hall together, sitting down far

away from Harry. They didn't say a word as they passed him at the table.

Whispers broke out at the other tables as they watched the events. Harry

just shrugged it off, feeling it was no longer his problem if those two

couldn't be friends with him. He felt he had done nothing wrong and was

entirely capable of making new friends.

A year ago he would have thought himself lost and alone without

Hermione and Ron, but now he knew better. He still had Remus, Sirius,

and now Neville. Even Daphne and Tracy could potentially become close

friends and both girls seemed determined to be his friend after last night.

The bell rang, signaling the end of breakfast and so all of the students

began to get up to head off to class. Harry headed to the dungeons with

Neville who had joined him at the tail end of breakfast. The other fourth

year Gryffindors followed them into the dungeons where they came

across the waiting Slytherins who were grouped up with them for


"Daphne. Tracy. A pleasure." Harry said, walking up to the two girls. He

was well aware of the other fourth years watching him.

"Harry, how are you?" Tracy asked kindly, smirking at the other students.

Neville was just behind him looking as nervous as ever but with that

same determined look from last night.

"I'm good. Maybe we should partner up? I could use the help in potions."

Daphne scoffed, "Please, and like we would want to tank our grade. It's

well known that Professor Snape hates you."

"Good point. I'de hate to ruin your grade. You-"

"Potter!" The familiar drawl of Malfoy cut him off. "What do you think

you're doing?" He walked up, stepping in front of him and Daphne.

Crabbe and Goyle were just behind him trying to look imposing.

"I don't know Malfoy, trying to talk to a couple of beautiful girls?" Harry

answered lazily. This had the effect of only angering the Prince of

Slytherin more.

"You don't have permission to talk to them!"

"Why would he need permission to talk to us?" Daphne asked defiantly

stepping into Draco's face. This was the full Ice Queen persona on

display. Her mask was so cold and emotionless it made even Harry


This caught Draco off-guard. "Because I didn't give him permission! He's

just a half-blood and shouldn't speak with his superiors!" Draco said


"Superiors being who? You? Your father?" Harry couldn't keep the smirk

off his face as Daphne laid into him.

Everyone watched quietly as the famous ice queen broke that persona for

once, a cruel smirk playing across her face, "You're pathetic Draco. Just a

spawn of your worthless father who holds no worth in our world. If he

didn't have money, your family would be nothing. The Potters and

Greengrass' were influential magical families long before yours. While the

Malfoys were fucking goats in the French countryside, our families were

shaping the world."

The other students burst into laughter as Draco's face reddened. He

pulled his wand and on instinct Harry stepped in front of Daphne. "Don't

think about it Malfoy."

"Mr. Potter, that will be five points from Gryffindor and detention with

me this evening!" Snapes voice rang out through the dungeon corridor.

Draco smirked at Harry but he ignored him and instead turned to Snape.

"For what Professor?" Harry asked innocently.

"For taunting and name calling." Snape said, unlocking his classroom


"I didn't do either. Anyways, you know I can't attend detention this


"Oh yes." Snape drawled, "Special Potter has special detention with the

headmaster. How could I have forgotten." Harry narrowed his eyes,

clearly Snape wanted everyone to know about his 'detentions'. "I'm sure

we can find another time for you to have detention."

"But Professor! Harry didn't do anything." Daphne said. Snape's eyes

widened momentarily seeing one of his snakes defending Potter.

"I do not believe I asked for your side of the story Miss Greengrass." With

that, he turned and walked into the classroom.

"Not so perfect are you Potter." Ron spat, walking past him. Harry just

rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore his former best friend.

"Sorry Potter." Harry waved off Daphne's apology.

"He has always disliked me, nothing you can do about it."

"Well, the least I can do is try and protect you in class by being your


Harry raised his eyebrows. "But a moment ago you said-"

"Yes, yes I know what I said. Hurry along before I change my mind."

Daphne said, walking into the classroom. Harry looked at Tracy who just

shrugged and followed her in.

The class didn't turn out too badly. Since he was partnered with one of

Snapes Slytherins, he couldn't punish Harry's potion without punishing

one of his own snakes potions. That didn't stop him from asking

ridiculous questions that only Hermione and surprisingly Daphne knew.

Apparently she was quite the potioneer herself and was top of the class,

even above Hermione.

Tracy and Neville ended up partnering up and though they didn't get as

good a grade as them, they did fairly well. At least Neville never blew up

a cauldron which was a win in of its own right. Snape simply sat in his

chair, glowering at the whole class. He awarded the Slytherins O's and

begrudgingly gave Harry an O as well because he was with Daphne.

Ron ended up blowing up his and Hermione's cauldron despite her best

efforts to teach Ron the proper potion mixture. Together they lost fifty

points, mostly because of Ron. By the end of class, Hermione was almost

in tears because of Snapes undeserved harassment. Harry felt bad for her

because it was obviously not her fault. Ron was just horrible in potions,

much like Neville, but even Neville seemed to be able to grasp this

lesson. Tracy and Neville walked out of the class with an acceptable,

something that had the both of them smiling.

Hermione sat down for her first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson

with Ron. They were situated near the back because that was where Ron

liked to sit. Harry was sitting with Neville and Dean at the front of the

class. She let out a sigh, wondering how her life had gotten so screwed

up the last few weeks when it came to Harry.

Her eyes focused on the back of the raven haired teens head as she

recalled his sudden changes. He was definitely different now and not just

in looks. His personality had changed somewhat. He seemed more driven,

more in control of himself. He wasn't the same boy that needed her or

Ron. He was growing up and quickly.

Another sigh escaped her lips. She always feared the day when Harry

wold no longer need her and apparently it had come. Now, all she had

was Ron who still desperately needed her. She couldn't abandon him and

didn't want to either. He was still hopeless when it came to classes and


Her emotions had been wreaking havoc on her ever since summer. She

glanced over at the red haired mess she had been crushing on since

summer. A small smile played on her lips. He may be a mess, but he was

her mess even if he was clueless to that fact.

"Listen up! I am here to teach you the Dark Arts, nothing more, nothing

less!" Professor Moody said walking into the room. Several students

jumped up in their seats from the surprise of his gruff voice.

"Headmaster Dumbledore has asked me to teach here for one year and I

am determined to use this year to the fullest. That's why I have gotten

permission to teach you the unforgivable curses." The heavily scared

professor hobbled to the front of the class on his fake leg. He began

writing out the unforgivable curses on the chalk board.

"Who can tell me what the Imperious curse is?"

In uncharacteristic fashion, Ron raised his hand. "It allows the user to

control a person sir."

"Yes, yes. Very good Mr. Weasley. Im sure your father would know all

about that. It gave the ministry some grief a few years ago." Moody

licked his lips in a manner Harry found interesting. It was much like a

snake and set Harry on edge. "The Imperious curse allows the user to

control a persons actions and thoughts. The real problem with this curse

is that it is near impossible to tell if someone is under the influence of the


Moody walked over to a small container that held a spider. He picked it

up and set it on Harrys table. "Imperio!" Moody muttered in a hoarse

voice. The spider then began to dance and then hopped from desk to

desk, causing some students to push back their chairs in surprise.

Professor Moody laughed the whole time, enjoying scaring his students.

"The second curse? Who can tell me about that?" Again, another

surprising person raised his hand, Neville this time.

"The-the cruicatus curse?" He stuttered, whether he was embarrassed or

scared Harry couldn't tell.

"Yes, good Mr. Longbottom. The torture curse. Its a sure way to get you

to Azkaban for life. Crucio!" The spider that was currently resting on

Harry's and Nevilles table began to cry out in pain. Harry could tell that

the curse was greatly effecting Neville because of his parents.

"Stop! That's enough Professor!" Harry shouted. Moody looked up and

eyed Harry carefully before stopping the curse. Harry glanced at Neville

and noticed that he was pale and shaking.

"And, can you give us the last curse Mr. Potter?" The mood in the

classroom by this time was cold and sorrowful. Harry eyed the Professor

and looked into his one cold blue eye. He could see the same coldness

that Harry felt, and understood that this man was someone who had

killed before, maybe even used this very curse before.

"The killing curse." Harry said, not breaking eye contact.

"Avada Kedavra!" The classroom lit up in the familiar dull green light.

The spider in front of Harry collapsed, lifeless but he didn't watch,

determined to not break eye contact. It was clear this professor was

trying to determine his students weakness and Harry wasn't going to give

him one. "Instant death to those hit by it. Only one has ever lived

through the curse." Again the professor licked his lips and then took out a

flask, taking a large gulp. "Open your books to page eleven and begin

reading!" The rest of class passed dully, nothing matching to the

excitement of the beginning.

"Mr. Longbottom stay after class. Everyone, two feet on the unforgivable

curses by next week!" Moody grunted, walking back towards his office.

Harry collected his things and walked out of the classroom after saying

goodbye to Neville.

He spent the remainder of the afternoon doing his homework in potions

and DADA in the library. Daphne and Tracy sat with him at the table but

none of them spoke. All of them were content with just getting their

assignments done. Again, other students looked at them oddly,

wondering why Slytherins and Gryffindors were sitting at the same table

together but no one said anything.

Neville joined them after talking with the professor. Apparently he had

given Neville a book on Herbology and talked a little about his parents.

"You have your training tonight Harry?" Tracy whispered. They were in

the middle of the library with plenty of people that could hear them if

they talked loudly.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, its my first night. I was thinking this weekend

would be a good time to start up our little club."

"Sounds good to me." Daphne responded. Neville and Tracy nodded in

agreement. "What do you plan on teaching us?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know. I'll have to see where each of you are at in

dueling. Plus, Master Flitwick will be joining us and most likely teaching


"I can't wait for OWLS after this extra training."

"It'll be nice to have some extra defense. After the last three years we

could really use it." Harry nodded in agreement. Moony had been a good

teacher but focused entirely on dark creatures and nothing on defense. At

least Remus had taught him the patronus charm.

"Sometime this year or next I'll teach you the patronus or get Professor

Lupin to do so."

"You can cast the patronus charm?" Tracy said wondrously.

"Yeah, Professor Lupin taught me last year. You remember that I had

some trouble with the dementors?"

They nodded, "Yeah, you kept feinting if I remember correctly." Daphne


"Yes I did." Harry responded shortly. "They're nasty creatures and during

the last war were under the control of Voldemort. If another war breaks

out, the ministry definitely wont have control over them and so its best

that you know how to defend yourself from them."

"You can teach us?" Tracy asked excitedly.

"Its a difficult spell to master and one that not many adults can do. It

requires a large amount of power and control to cast it. Chances are

against you ever being able to cast the spell, let alone at our age." Their

faces sunk in disappointment. "I'll try and teach you the spell, but don't

expect to be able to do it."

They nodded and continued on with their work. They worked in silence

until dinner. Again, Harry found himself sitting next to Neville and Katie

with the twins across from him. Frankly, he enjoyed the new company he

found himself in. The older students were more mature and so was

Neville. Harry attested it to him knowing first hand the horrors of the last

war. He, like Harry, was forced to grow up quickly. Dinner passed

unneventfully and Harry made his way up to the seventh floor for his

first night of training.

"Thank you for joining us this evening Harry." He had just stepped

through a door on the seventh floor he had never seen before. Inside was

a large rectangular room with grey walls. The floors, even though it

looked like stone, felt soft and bouncy. Along the far wall were several

medieval weapons and on the short walls were dummies. Some of them

moved back and forth and others even had wands in their hands.

Professor Dumbledore, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Tonks, Professor Flitwick,

Sirius, and Remus were standing in the middle of the room, all looking at

him. "Are you ready to begin with your training?"

"Er yes. I didn't know you would be training me as well professor?" Harry

asked, surprised to see him here. Despite the fact that Harry was

untrusting of the headmaster, he was still regarded as one of the most

powerful and knowledgeable wizards in the world. Learning from him

would prove very beneficial.

"Only Sirius and Remus will be here every night. The rest of us will join

in for your teaching when we can. Do you know what you will be


Harry nodded, "Dueling."

"Wrong. We will not teach you to duel." Harry frowned but Dumbledore

continued. "Combat, we will teach you how to survive in a combat

situation. Do you know what the difference between dueling and combat


Harry shook his head, "Dueling is formal and often takes place in a one

versus one scenario with magic not meant to cause serious harm. I'm sure

you can imagine that such an event is not likely in battle." Harry nodded

starting to understand. "Combat is very much different, you have

experienced it yourself at the World Cup. Did the five opponents you face

attack you one by one?"

"No, sir."

"No, because they fought with the intention to cause serious harm and

kill you. The spells we will teach you are never to be used on anyone you

don't wish to cause harm."

"Sir? During the World Cup, I used the reductor spell. I've seen it used on

others and it usual doesn't do much to them, but when I used it, I killed

the person."

Dumbledore nodded, running a hand through his long silver beard. "You

are far more powerful than an average wizard Harry and I think the

training tonight will prove it. These spells we are going to teach you

require serious power to use effectively, spells that in your early age you

shouldn't be able to do. But after all, one your age shouldn't be able to

conjure a corporeal patronus either or do wandless magic to the degree

you did at the World Cup."

Harry knew that the Headmaster was right. He never studied as hard as

Hermione and so never learned spells as quick as she could. But once he

knew a spell, he was far better at it than anyone else. Still, he had his

doubts that he could actually be more powerful than an average average


"Tell me Harry, have you done any magic since the World Cup?" He

thought back to the last two weeks of summer where he constantly

practiced spells at Grimmauld Place. He nodded his head and so

Dumbledore continued, "Did you notice anything different?"

Harry scrunched his face up, "What do you mean professor?"

"Has your magic changed at all since the World Cup?"

When he was reading up on the spells and then practicing them in the

training room, he had been mastering them at a far quicker pace than

normal. The spells came easier to him and his magic felt much more

natural and easy to use. He figured that it was because he had dedicated

more time to reading the theory and practicing more than he normally

did at Hogwarts.

"My magic feels easier to use, like it's eager to get out." Dumbledore

smiled, his blue eyes twinkling behind his half-moon glasses.

"Very good Harry. I think the dark magic inside your scar was much like

a parasite that not only fed off your body, but your magic as well. Now

that it has been removed, I think you will find yourself far stronger


"But if I could perform a patronus with the dark magic in me-"

"Yes, even with the parasitic magic in you, you were quite strong. Now, I

don't know the levels of your strength which is why I am here to observe

this evening."

"But sir, I dueled Sirius just two days ago and I didn't feel particularly


Sirius spoke up when Dumbledore gave him a questioning look, "Harry,

we didn't use anything dangerous and I am much more skilled and

experienced. What we did was duel, formally. Dueling plays to my

strength and allows those who aren't as strong magically to have a

fighting chance against a more powerful opponent. You may have not

noticed, but a few of your basic stunners almost broke my shields."

Professor Flitwick stepped forward. "You must also remember that power

is not everything. A less powerful wizard can still win through good

strategy and timing."

"The more dangerous spells as a rule of thumb tend to require much more

power. But someone with as much power as you Harry must be careful

with any spell you use. You learned that the hard way during the World

Cup by using reducto on an opponent you did not mean to kill. That's

why I will begin to teach you control and how to feed more of you magic

into spells or take away power. It is vital for someone like you to learn

how to do this." Dumbledore finished.

"Er, so where do we begin?" Harry asked eagerly. All of them had the

same feral grin that made Harry gulp in fear and take a step back. "I'm

not going to like this am I."

"No, not in the slightest." Shacklebolt said, stepping forward. "We are

going to be running a few basic auror drills to get you used to the idea of

dodging. The best way to avoid harm is to dodge a spell. Shields can

shatter, some spells like the unforgivables aren't affected by any magical

shield, and shielding requires one to waste magical power to block the

spell leading to quicker magical exhaustion. It is always best to dodge

when you can and use a shield only as a last resort."

"So, what do you want me to do?" Harry asked.

"Dodge!" Shacklebolt along with the rest of the adults raised their wands

and began firing off stinger hexes. He dove to the floor but wasn't quick

enough to dodge a few that hit him in the stomach, causing him to hiss in

pain. He rolled on the floor, taking another hex to the back of the knee.

The pain caused him to falter and slow down, taking another three hexes

to the back.

Harry gritted his teeth and pushed through the pain as another hex hit

him square in the chest and he came back to his feet. Two more hexes hit

him in the jaw and cheek, causing his eyes to water from the amount of

pain he was now feeling. Just like at the World Cup, the pain began to

blind him, his world slowed down and in desperation to get rid of the

people causing him pain, he waved his hand.

He felt his magic surge through him, sending a wave of air towards the

adults that slammed into them like a wall. They were all sent flying into

the wall behind them with force enough to knock them all out. Harry

collapsed to his knee's a sudden rush of exhaustion coming over him and

he succumbed to darkness.

"Harry! Wake up pup!" Harry slowly allowed his eyes to open. He was

still in the training room at Hogwarts. His head was aching badly and his

arms and stomach were covered in welts. His breathing was ragged and

each movement brought sharp pain.

"What happened?" Harry asked, clutching his head. Around him were the

other adults. A few of them were also clutching their heads and some

even had bruising on their arms and legs. Tonks had some blood running

down her cheek which Madame Pomfrey was trying to clean. How the

Healer got here was unknown to him.

"We roughly recreated your fight during the World Cup. It was just as I

imagined, your power has grown now." Harrys memory came rushing

back to him. Being hit by multiple stinging hexes and the pain starting to

be all he felt. His desperation to get away from it and channeling his

magic through his hand. Now, though all he felt was anger that they

would do something like this. Subject him to pain for an experiment.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking! I could have killed you all!"

Harry got up, ignoring the pain in his sore muscles. All of his anger was

focused on Dumbledore and so he didn't notice the others take a step

back from him. "How can you be so fucking stupid to risk every ones

lives on a stupid test!" A wind began to pick up that surrounded him and

Dumbledore. The air became static and small bolts of lighting were

dancing dangerously on Harry's fingertips. His emerald eyes began to

glow a dangerous green and a fire lit behind them.

"I'm sorry Harry. You were stronger than I imagined and my plan to see

your strength was foolhardy." Dumbledore responded calmly, holding his

hands up in surrender. Harry could see the sincerity in his eyes and it

calmed his anger somewhat. The wind turned into a warm breeze before

leaving entirely and the lighting bolts left Harrys hands. The air smelled

of ozone from the amount of magic being dispelled by Harry.

His earlier exhaustion came rushing back and he felt light headed. Sirius

rushed over just as Harry collapsed back to the ground. "Mr. Potter you

need to drink this. It's a pepper up potion. Though not as good as resting,

it will allow you to continue tonight." She then looked sternly at

Dumbledore, "Though he cannot do magic further tonight. I am

disappointed in all of you!" She pointed at everyone who was doing their

best to look anywhere but at Harry. They all had guilty looks on their

faces. "He could have seriously injured himself or you with this little


Harry downed the red potion in one go and immediately began to feel his

strength returning. His legs were still a little shaky when Sirius helped

him to his feet. "Sorry, Harry. I shouldn't have gone along with

Dumbledores experiment. We just wanted to see your magic in full force

before we began training you." Sirius said somberly.

"Just tell me next time you do something like this." Harry said more to

Dumbledore than Sirius.

"I think for the remainder of the evening we should just practice on

dodging spells Harry." Dumbledore spoke up.

Harry narrowed his eyes dangerously back at Dumbledore. "We will not

all go at once. We will start with one person sending stinging hexes at

you. If you do well, we can increase the amount of people." Harry

nodded, liking this idea more than the last. One person should be easy

enough to dodge.

The rest of the night continued with him practicing dodging. By the end,

he was covered in welts again but this time, he didn't get hit by so many

spells at once. He had started with just Sirius trying to hit him with

stinging hexes and by the end of the night, they added Tonks in.

His natural seeker reflexes came in handy and he found himself able to

easily dodge a few spells at once. Dumbledore gave him a few books of

more powerful and obscure spells to begin studying and Shacklebolt gave

him an Auror field manual to read.

After six straight hours of dodging practice, he began to get the hang of

it. When he made it back to Gryffindor Tower, he was completely wiped

out. As soon as he made it back to his bed, he promptly passed out.

Dumbledore sat in his office again contemplating the boy, much like he

had done over the last two weeks. The horcrux being removed was a

problem. Like he had guessed, Voldemorts soul had been feeding off of

Harry's magic, keeping the boys power in check. Now with it gone, it was

clear he was going to be growing in power to heights unknown.

The test really hadn't been to see Harry do wandless magic on them, even

though that was impressive in its own right. No, Dumbledore was more

curious with what occurred shortly after waking the boy up. The raw

power that filled the room when Harry was angry was the real showcase

of his power. He still could see that haunting green glow of the boys eyes.

It was similar to one, Tom Riddle's red glowing eyes.

If Harry wasn't properly trained and brought up in the light, under his

tutelage of course, he feared for the fate of wizarding world. If things

came to it, and Harry proved he couldn't be subservient to him, drastic

actions would need to be taken. Such power is too dangerous to allow

walking freely and with its own agenda. Time will tell what must be

done, as it always does.

6. Time Flies

Thank you to everyone that has favorite, followed, and reviewed.

I'm blown away by the response I have gotten for this story. Also

don't worry, I won't be quitting this story. I already knew going in

that not everyone will like my writing and that I can't please

everyone. I write because I enjoy to and that even if it was just me

that liked my story, I would still continue to write it. But, it does

make things much more fun for me that so many of you seem to like

my story as well.

I do want to warn everyone that this story will have a lot of plans,

many of which will stay hidden to the reader for a great deal of

time. I won't be fleshing out certain characters plans and why they

do some things for a long time. Over time, the reasons why people

have made certain choices will be made more clear.

I also want to give a brief overview on where this story is headed.

Harry's fourth year will be mainly a set up for his fifth and sixth

year. I am planning to end it at the end of sixth year but that may

change overtime. Nothing is set in stone as of yet. Harry also will

get powerful in time, more so than he is right now, but he will

always remain relatively in-experienced and unknowledgeable

about ancient and obscure magics unlike Voldemort and

Dumbledore. After all, both of them have many years under their

belt and it would be silly to make Harry on par with them in that


As for the other characters, I don't wish to say much right now

because if I do, it would give away some of the plot to the story.

Again, thank you everyone who has taken their time to read my


Harry awoke the next morning with the sun already risen. His body felt

like it had been hit by a truck. His arms were covered in bruises and with

even the smallest amount of movement, pain shot through him.

Groaning, he rolled himself off his bed, hitting the floor with a thud. He

forced himself to get ready for his morning work out which he would

have to shorten because he woke up late. Even though it was still early

September, the weather in Scotland was beginning on its journey to

winter. The air was cold and refreshing, soothing his aching muscles.

As he started off on his jog, he felt his body start to get lighter, his

soreness left him, and all of his pains drifted away. After two laps around

the lake, he called it quits recognizing that it was soon time for breakfast.

He hurried back up to Gryffindor tower, a workout all of its own, to


Luckily the school robes hid his bruises and red welts that covered his

body. His teachers or, tormentors however you looked at it, were careful

not to hit him in the face. Today was his first day of runes followed by

charms then care for magical creatures. It was going to be a long day he


He stepped into the Great Hall again to find it almost empty. As he

scanned the tables, he was surprised to see a certain Hufflepuff sitting by

herself. He figured this might be a good time to expand his list of friends

into the house of badgers.

"Hey Susan!" He winced slightly when he sat down next to the red haired

witch, his muscles had stiffened again. Also his arse was not subjected to

the same off-limits rule as his face.

"Err hi Harry?" She asked with a confused look on her face. He didn't

blame her, they had only shared a few conversations with each other in

the last three years.

"Hello, I noticed that you were up early like me and was wondering if

you wanted company?"

"Eh, sure. I guess." She shrugged.

"Great. So, I know you're probably wondering why I'm sitting here right?

I mean we haven't ever really talked to each other before." She nodded

slowly, not sure how to respond. "Well, this summer I had some time to

think and I realized that I hadn't made any friends outside of my house.

Or really, anyone other than Hermione and Ron. I'm trying to rectify that

problem this year."

"So you came here to try and be my friend?" She asked, skeptically.

Harry shrugged, "I can't make you be friends with me. But I think we can

at least get to know each other better and maybe become friends."

Susan was slightly taken back by his straightforwardness. Her aunt was

the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and so she

prided herself on being able to read others just like her aunt. She couldn't

detect any untruthfulness in him and he seemed genuinely interest in

getting to know her.

She didn't know much about him, only what the papers said and if they

were anything to go by recently, he was a national hero. Brave, powerful,

noble, and very intimidating. Their were rumors that the memories of

Harry's fight with the basilisk and the events of the World Cup were seen

by high ranking ministry officials. She could only guess that her aunt had

seen them since she made no attempt to refute his claims. From how

close he was sitting, he was definitely extremely handsome as well. A

small blush crested her cheeks at that thought.

"I would like that Harry." She said, offering him a smile. He returned it

and began to fill his plate with food.

"So what do you want to do when you get out of Hogwarts?" He asked

after a few minutes of awkward silence.

She giggled slightly, "Straight to the hard hitting questions?" He

shrugged, sending her a roguish grin. "I want to become a solicitor."

"Prosecutor?" She nodded. "Your aunt catches them and you make sure

they stay in for a long time."

She smiled, "Something like that."

"Don't want to become an auror like her?"

"No, I don't have any skill for defense. What about you?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know. I've always thought about becoming an

auror. My father was once one and so was my godfather."

"Well from the sounds of it, you would be an excellent one. My aunt I'm

sure would be happy to have you."

"Thank you. Who knows, with my track record for finding danger, by the

end of schooling I may have had enough with danger." Susan chuckled,

eating the last bite of eggs.

"Mr. Potter, return to your table immediately." The slow drawl of

Professor Snape sounded from behind him.

"I'm okay Professor." Harry shrugged, not even bothering to turn around.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor for disobeying a professor, Mr Potter, and

look at me when I speak." He sneered.

Harry turned around in his seat to face the professor. "It's not against the

rules to sit at another table. You demanded I do something I did not have

to do, therefore it wasn't against the rules to disobey your order. We can

ask the Headmaster if you wish for a clarification on school rules."

"That won't be necessary Mr. Potter. I am fine with you sitting at my

table. Fifty points to Gryffindor for promoting friendships between

Houses." Professor Sprout said, walking briskly up the aisle. Even though

there were only a few professors and students in the Great Hall at the

time, all of them were staring wide eyed at the exchange. Professor

Snapes face turned beet red and he looked ready to lash out in rage but

he thought better of it and walked out of the hall.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for back talking a professor Mr. Potter." She

added, the edge of her lips curling upwards as to suggest she agreed with

how Harry spoke to the greasy git.

As she walked away Susan whispered, "That was amazing! You put the

bat in his place."

Harry shrugged, "You just have to-"

"Susan! Harry?" Hannah Abbot said, standing across from them. She was

a blonde haired girl that normally wore her golden locks in pigtails but

this morning she let it down by her shoulders. In his opinion, she looked

better with her hair loose than in braids. Her blue eyes showed her

confusion towards Harry with a hint of nervousness.

"Hi, Hannah." Harry said, giving her a friendly smile. "How are you?"

This caught the girl completely off guard. In truth, she had a massive

crush on Harry ever since second year and it had only gotten deeper

since. "Err, I-I-I'm good Harry."

Susan smirked at her best friend, knowing that she had a huge crush on

the Boy-Who-Lived. "Harry and I were just talking about what we wanted

to do when we got older."

"Oh, er, sorry, I-I just remembered, I-er, forgot something back in my

room. I'll be back." She stuttered, rushing back out of the hall. Harry

raised his eyebrows at Susan who began to laugh.

"Oh-c-come isn't it o-obvious. She has a-a huge c-crush on y-you!" She

said through her laughter.

Harry sighed, "One of many I suppose. I can handle girls with crushes on

me but the ones like a certain Weasley that can't even be in the same

room as me make things difficult."

"I'll talk to her." Susan said after recovering slightly. "You aren't what I

expected you know?"

"A lot of people seem to be saying that about me recently."

"Well its true. The papers make you out to be this hero, which you are of

course. But you're more than that, you know?" Harry looked at her

questioningly. "It's easy to see it. There is more to you than just the


Fleur sat down in the dining hall at Beauxbatons. As normal, she sat with

her best friend Aimee while the rest of the students ignored her. This

year had started out worst than the others though. The other students

resented her for her veela heritage, that much was always the same. The

boys couldn't be around her without losing control of themselves, and the

girls didn't like the way the boys would act around her. She would often

be accused of trying to steal weak willed boyfriends and so she kept away

from everyone else.

This year was worse though because of the recent events involving an

emerald eyed savior and the pictures in the papers. Many felt that he was

too good for her and that he should have been at that ball with someone

of proper standing. Many of the witches naturally believed themselves to

be a better match for the famous Harry Potter than herself.

The only one who continued to stick by her was Aimee. They had been

friends ever since young children and when Fleur still hadn't matured

and all the other girls laughed at her, Aimee had stuck up for her. Now

that she had matured into a full veela and the other girls made snide

remarks about her in school, Aimee still stuck by her side.

And because Fleur was ostracized by the rest, so was Aimee, but neither

girl cared in the slightest anymore. They were all each other needed.

That was until a certain emerald eyed boy had heroically saved her. Now

she couldn't help but feel she needed him as well.

On one hand, she hated the events of the World Cup. Fleur prided herself

on being the brightest witch at Beauxbatons, having the best grades. She

also figured herself to be a good dueler and could defend herself.

However the events of just a few weeks ago had knocked her down a peg

and if the last two days of school were anything to go by, the other

students knew she wasn't as good as everyone thought either.

The students had made rude remarks about her, more so than usual.

None had hurt more though than when one girl said that Harry Potter is

probably ashamed to have saved someone so undeserving of her. That

thought scared her more than anything, that Harry would also see her as

undeserving of saving.

These last two days had almost completely revolved around the younger

English wizard. Saving her life was one thing. She would always be in

debt to him for that. But the evening they spent together before heading

to school had without a doubt been one of the best of her life.

She never expected to meet someone that could be practically immune to

her allure as he was. He was also noble to a fault, something she found

endearing. He was a perfect gentleman all evening and not a bad dancer

to boot. It also helped that he was completely and utterly handsome.

Those green eyes were the things of legend and could captivate her for an

eternity. He may be younger, but that didn't really matter. He never once

acted like a young immature boy and so she never saw him as that.

Her last words to him to write her took even her by surprise. She had

been running on adrenaline and it slipped out along with that impulse to

kiss him. It had just been on the cheek which was all she could work up

to do, having never kissed another boy before, but she would be lying if

she didn't think about kissing his lips. She feared that she may have

scared him off with the impulsiveness. That maybe he didn't have as good

a time as her and wouldn't write her back.

Aimee kept telling her it had only been two days and that he was

probably settling into his school again before he would think about

writing. Still, apart of her dared to hope that he would send a letter

earlier, that he was thinking about her as much as she of him.

"I wonder who got mail?" Fleur looked up, hearing Aimee's voice. A

beautiful snowy white owl came soaring in through the rafters of the

large dining hall. It was unusual for a student to get mail during the

evening. The school owls knew to deliver mail in the morning but this

owl didn't seem to care. In fact the way she swooped in, the owl seemed

to be enjoying the attention it was receiving.

To Fleur's immense surprise, the owl headed straight for her after doing a

small loop around the hall. It slowed its flight until it came to rest right

in front of her with a letter attached to its claw. The owl stuck her leg

out, letting out a small bark.

"Who's it from?" Aimee asked impatiently. Many of the students around

her were also listening and not even bothering to be discreet about it.

Fleur untied the letter.

"She's go to be the most beautiful owl I've ever seen." Aimee remarked.

Amusingly, the owl puffed out her chest and hopped over to Aimee and

nuzzled her hands gently. "Smart too." The owl barked in response and

gave her a look as to say, "Yes I am!"

Fleur pulled her attention away from the amusing snowy owl and back to

the letter. Her name was written in an unfamiliar messy handwriting. Her

stomach fluttered when she thought that maybe Harry had written her,

that he remembered and wanted to write her.

She tore open the envelope and quickly began reading. The more she

read, the further her smile grew on her face and the more her heart beat

sped up.

Dear Fleur,

How has your first days of school been? I'm curious what Beauxbatons is like

compared to Hogwarts. You'll get to tell me if you come here I guess. It'll be

interesting to have your school here along with Durmstrang. Are you going to

submit your name to the Cup? If so, I think you'll have a good chance at being

chosen. You are the brightest witch in your school of course.

So far for me, Hogwarts has been a new experience. I'm making some new

friends this year. Do you remember Ron and Hermione? This year they've been

distant towards me and I'm not sure why. I haven't let it bother me, especially

since its allowed me to branch out and make new friends. Still, they were my

first friends and it hurts that they aren't around anymore.

Anyways, sorry for ranting about that. I guess I had to get that off my chest.

Its weird and I probably sound mad, but I feel like I can trust you with

anything. We've only known each other for a few days really, but I don't

know, I can't put it into words. I probably sound absolutely crazy, I know.

I hope I didn't scare you off with this letter. If you want to respond, Hedwig

will wait for your response.



P.S. Don't let Hedwig bully you for food.

Hedwig took Fleurs distracted state to steal a few of bites of her meal.

She went completely unnoticed as Fleur read, and reread Harrys letter. In

an instant her mood and entire outlook on school had completely

changed. Nothing could dampen it. Harry had said exactly what she was

feeling too. They had shared an instant connection at the ball. Her heart

was beating rapidly and her stomach kept fluttering.

"Its from Harry isn't it!" Aimee asked, seeing her friends grin. Fleur

nodded, not paying attention. All of her nerves about visiting Hogwarts

were wiped away in a second as well, and now she grew anxious to travel

to the school. Anxious to see him again.

"Well let me see it!" Aimee demanded, snatching the letter from the veela's

hands. Fleur allowed it, knowing it was best to allow her best friend this

demand. "Wow! This is-this is...Fleur?"

"What?" Fleur asked, not really paying attention.

"The bird is feasting on your dinner."

Hermione watched Harry sitting at the Hufflepuff table with Hannah,

Susan, and Neville. The four of them along with the two Slytherins had

become swift friends in the last two weeks. Harry was now a complete

stranger to her. Neither of them had said a word to each other this year

and he seemed perfectly content to allow things to continue this way.

It hurt her that he no longer needed her as he once did. Now he had

other friends to study with and help him on his homework. If his recent

improved performance in class was anything to go by, she secretly

figured they were doing his homework for him. To her, it was no longer a

far fetch that Harry would cheat on school.

Just a few weeks ago, she never imagined Harry to willingly give

interviews and flaunt his deeds at school. Also, he had completely turned

away from her and Ron and was now friendly with others, leaving her

with Ron.

She glanced over at Ron who was as usual, shoveling food into his

mouth. A small smile played on her face, she may not have Harry

anymore, but at least she still had Ron. He would forever need her. He

was a complete mess without her and she liked being needed, even if Ron

was a bit dimwitted and gross at times.

A frown marred her face when she saw Harry being approached by

Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. That was another thing that

had bothered her greatly in the last two weeks of classes. Not only had

Harry somehow become one of the top students, rivaling even her, but

the professors were favoring him even more. Never had she seen the

complaints Malfoy made about favoritism towards Harry, but now she


He was constantly being called to stay after class, most likely to get

private tutoring which was helping him do better. It wasn't like he

deserved the special treatment. He wasn't anything special and was more

lucky than anything else. She was the one who was the first to perform a

spell. She was the one regarded as the brightest witch of her age and she

worked hard for that title.

While Harry was being worshiped by the teachers and other students, she

slaved away in the library, working hard to earn the same recognition as

him. Without her, he would already be dead and she was angry that he

had seemingly forgotten that. He owed her.

Headmaster Dumbledore had approached her and Ron a few days ago

asking about their friendship with Harry. He feared that Harry would be

at risk from some of the friends he had made recently. It didn't take a

genius to figure out he meant the Slytherins and she agreed

wholeheartedly. She had looked up the Greengrass and Davis families in

the library as well as talked to some of the older students in Gryffindor.

They had told her that both families had dark ties and some of their

family members were known Death Eaters. Despite Harry's failures as

late, she didn't want to see him in danger from people acting as his

friends. It was her and Rons duty to help him and once that happened,

she would have him back under her thumb. She now just needed a way

to get Harry away from them.

Surprisingly it was Professor Moody that had given them a couple of

pointers on how to deal with the situation. The Defense teacher was a

good friend of the headmaster and had advised her on a possible way to

get Harry away from the two Slytherins.

"Hey look, mum sent you some sweets." Ron said, his mouth still full of

food. She just shook her head and smiled at the red head. He handed her

a box of chocolate from Mrs. Weasley and popped in a caramel chocolate.

Ron was becoming very frustrated. It has been three weeks since the start

of term and Harry had yet to apologize for anything. Harry didn't have

any other true friends and so he expected within a day or two, he would

be crawling back, trying to mend their friendship.

Now though as he watched Harry sitting with that slimy snake in potions,

he was ever so angry. Not only did he not seem to care about their past

friendship, he had went and replaced him with two Slytherins. They

probably were just interested in him because of his fame and money and

would soon betray him.

Now it was up to him to save Harry from the slimy snakes and bring him

back to the light. Harry will surely apologize and repay him later. After

all, without the invitation that he had given Harry to the World Cup, the

events of that night never would have happened.

Harry never would have received even more fame and money than he

rightly deserved. If it wasn't for him, Harry would still be nothing. It was

him that convinced Harry to go down to the chamber of secrets, him that

beat the chessboard so he could go on to get the philosophers stone. He

was the one that invited him to the World Cup. The least Harry owed him

was some share in the fame and wealth.

Even Professor Dumbledore had agreed with him. It was his mission to

get Harry away from those slimy snakes and though the Headmaster

didn't say anything about a reward, surely he would get something.

Also Neville? He couldn't get over that Harry had replaced him with a

near squib. It was rather insulting, but Harry was never one to be smart

and probably desperately reached out for any friend he could get. Soon

they will be back in the Gryffindor common room playing wizard chess,

maybe Harry will even switch back to divination as well. Runes is

obviously just a waste of time and too much work.

The only good thing going on right now for him was Hermione. After

Harry had left in the summer to live with his criminal godfather, they

had grown closer. They weren't arguing as much and now had a common

goal of getting Harry to come back to them.

It was much easier said than done however. Mrs. Weasley and

Dumbledore had warned them that Sirius' rebellious influence was a

reason for Harry's new found confidence. He was also just more

downright scary than before. There was an air of power about him that

had developed and you could even see it in his eyes. He noticed that they

sometimes glowed green when he was performing magic, and though

Hermione as always was the first to cast a spell. Harry's spell was always

much more powerful and natural once he learned it.

Hermione was coming up with a plan to get Harry away from those

snakes and he trusted her to do so. He figured it can't be too hard though,

Harry was obviously just putting on a front being friends with them. He

couldn't actually be enjoying his time and was probably desperate to be

friends with them again.

The Headmaster had hinted that Harry may be under some kind of

outside influence which Hermione took to believing that meant potions.

Obviously, the snakes were spiking his drinks and that's what has been

changing him so drastically these last three weeks. Soon, he would save

him though, and Harry would be indebted to him.

A whole month had passed and it was now early October. Time had

flown by for Harry. He was busy every day and at first, was completely

overwhelmed with his new schedule. Not only did he have classes, but he

also taught Neville, Daphne, Tracy, Hannah, and Susan twice a week in

simple defense along with Professor Flitwick.

Then his whole nights, from just after dinner all the way to curfew, he

spent in the Room of Requirement learning combat from his various

tutors. In this time, he was progressing rapidly in all aspects of magic,

focused on combat. Professor Flitwick and McGonagall would give him

individual lessons on advanced charms and transfiguration that would be

useful in combat. Such as transfiguring a stick of wood into an animal

and then charming it to attack your opponent.

Dumbledore, Kingsley, and Sirius all focused on direct combat magic.

Dumbledore taught him to control his growing power while Kingsley

focused on accuracy and knowledge of spells. Sirius had also begun

teaching Harry muggle ways to fight. He was just beginning to learn Jiu

Jitsu and Muay Thai.

Remus was teaching him occlumency, something that Harry found

natural to him. Tonks spent her time teaching Harry auror battle tactics

and would run drills with him, such as breaking down doors and

storming a room.

Because of this constant training mixed with his normal morning

workouts, he was becoming very fit. He was by no means overly muscled,

but it was clear even underneath his robes he had packed on at least ten

pounds of muscle. He felt better and more confidant than he ever had

before. Partly because he had just beaten Sirius for the first time in a


Everyone was impressed with his rate of progress, especially Dumbledore

who had recently given him a few books filled with powerful and old

spells to learn. By the looks of them, they were at least two hundred

years old. These books ever since they were given to him, he kept them

on him at all times, not wanting to ever miss place them.

Some of the darker books Sirius had given him had some curses that were

completely appalling to Harry and he vowed to never use them. A flesh

ripping spell and organ liquefier came to mind. He learned them and

even cast them at a dummy a few times but told himself that it was only

so he could recognize it if it was sent at him.

His training was also completely non-verbal. Anytime he used a spell and

said the incantation, Sirius made him drop down and do fifty push ups.

This led him to quickly learn to cast non-verbally, and it now came

naturally to him. In fact, now he didn't even have to do a wand motion

with most spells. Only the complex spells like animating objects or

transfiguring items into animals required him to use a wand motion.

Most of the powerful combat magic were all based on raw power and as

such didn't have a wand incantation to make it easier. It was assumed

that one that could perform them, already had enough power to cast

without wand motion.

Lastly the Potter Anybook from his family vault was the most valuable

piece of knowledge he had. It turns out that the Potters weren't as light as

the world believed. Their library was just as full of dark books as the

Blacks but they focused more on the defense of them, rather than

attacking with them. It was quickly being ingrained into him however

that spells were neither necessarily light or dark in nature. Rather the

intent behind the spell was what made a spell dark. The unforgivables

were classified as such because the intent behind them was never good.

Besides his greatly increased focus on training and studies, his new

friendships had also grown greatly. The girls and Neville were quickly

becoming extremely good friends to him. All of them had their own

unique place in this niche group. He had yet to approach the quirky

Ravenclaws of Luna Lovegood or Lisa Turpin about joining their little

group, but that would come in time. For now, he was content with just

getting to know his new friends for now.

The thing he was most proud of was his progressing friendship with

Fleur. Even though they could only exchange infrequent letters because

of the distance between them, he was beginning to like her even more.

Saturday mornings had become his favorite time of the week since that

was when Hedwig would deliver her letter.

When others asked who he was getting letters from he said that he was

keeping in touch with a friend he met at the World Cup. Neville who was

the one that asked, didn't press any further. That was one of the things he

most liked about his new friends. None of them pressured him like

Hermione or Ron would when he didn't say everything.

Ron and Hermione, that was a subject that had began to bother him

again. The last month had been quiet of them, way too quiet. The way

they had begun to sneak glances at him the last couple weeks told him

they were up to something. He hadn't cared enough though to figure out

what they were thinking or possibly planning for whatever reason.

He was walking with Daphne in the third floor corridor. They had just

left the room where Fluffy used to protect the trap door. He had grown

the closest to the Ice Queen of Slytherin in the last month. In the

beginning, his friendship with her was controversial, her being in

Slytherin and him a Gryffindor. Malfoy had been a problem at first but

Daphne had quickly put him in place with a well aimed stinging hex to

the nether region.

She was cold to everyone else, even their other friends, but Harry had

gotten her to open up to him. He found her to be compassionate and

fiercely protective of her little sister Astoria. He feared for any boy that

dared to date the younger Greengrass.

She was a proud pureblood and though she didn't believe in the bigotry

others spouted, she liked the traditions she grew up with. There was a

glow about her anytime she talked about her home and family. It

darkened a little however when she talked about her father.

He was apparently a believer in the pureblood bigotry but wasn't as

fanatical as Malfoy or other Death Eaters. Lord Cygnus Greengrass was a

member of the Wizenmagot and his wife Abigail used to be a potioneer

before stopping to focus on family.

Daphne had the smarts to rival Hermione, but she didn't flaunt it like

Hermione would. She was also very helpful when it came to homework,

especially runes since she was in the fourth year class. Runes was her

favorite subject and so they spent a lot of time in the library with her

tutoring him on the subject. She vowed to catch him up by the end of the

fall term.

They spent a great deal of time together and had gotten to know each

other quite well. Over this time, he had accidentally let some unpleasant

things about his childhood slip. One thing he learned about Daphne was

that she was not one to beat around the bush with.

She threatened to cut his bits off if he didn't tell her the full story of how

he was abused and made to live in a cupboard for ten years. He also

wasn't aware that she could get so angry until that moment either. It took

a great deal of strength to keep her from running to Dumbledore and

cursing him when he told her it was the headmaster that put him there.

For one so thin, she was very strong.

After that, the full truth about his life had become easier to talk about

with her. And as such, he became closer to her than anyone else. She

knew the real him and she didn't run away, didn't resent him, and best of

all, she didn't pity him.

The hallway they were in was empty and quiet. It was Saturday

afternoon and most people would be outside, enjoying the last of

Scotlands warm weather. Daphne had begged him to see the rooms

hidden under the trap door. He was hesitant at first, unsure if the traps

were still there or not.

But, after some convincing, he accompanied her down through the dark

hole. None of the rooms were used anymore except the large chess board.

By now, the pieces had been repaired and after a game of chess which

ended in Harry being humiliated in six moves, they left.

They walked down the hall in silence and as they walked closer to the

end of the hall. Harry felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He

knew something wasn't right and instinctively wrapped his right arm

around Daphne's waist and moved her behind him as he turned, flicking

his wand into his hand. He silently thanked Kingsley for the late birthday

gift, giving him a hit wizard wand holster.

His training proved successful and just as he turned, a bolt of red flew

passed where Daphne had just been. He took a step forward to face his

attackers, making sure he covered Daphne completely. His attackers

caused him to freeze however when he saw just who they were.

"Ron? Hermione?" Harry asked, shock evident on his face. They were

both staring wide eyed with their wands pointed at him. They clearly

were surprised that he had pulled Daphne out of the way in time.

His shock quickly gave way to anger though. "What the fuck are you

doing!" He demanded, gripping his wand tighter. They both gaped at him

like a fish out of water. "Answer me!" He wasn't aware of the dangerous

blue sparks that began to shoot from his wand, putting scorch marks into

the stone floor.

"We-we-just need you to listen Harry!" Hermione stammered, breaking

from her shock. Ron had also gotten over himself and raised his wand

back up to Harry.

"I wouldn't do that Ronald." Harry said dangerously.

"And what Potter. You're going to curse me? We're trying to help you!"

"Help me? Why would I need your help?" Harry asked, narrowing his

eyes. Ron still hadn't lowered his wand.

"We think we know why you've been acting the way you have." Hermione

responded, shooting a glare at Daphne who had slipped her wand out of

her sleeve and was glaring back at the two Gryffindors.

"Let me guess, you I think I've drugged him or some stupid thing."

Daphne said, rolling her eyes.

"You know what you've done snake. Were going to take him to Professor

Moody and expose you for what you really are!" Ron said accusingly.

"You actually think she's giving me, what? Potions to somehow control

me?" Harry said, not really believing what was coming out of his two ex-

friends mouths.

"Yes Harry. Don't worry, we can get you help." Hermione said in a

soothing tone she had obviously picked up from Molly Weasley.

"You think she is the one changing me, making us not friends anymore?"

Harry asked, locking his occlumency shields in place to keep his anger

from bursting forth. Dumbledore had taught him that emotions could

help overpower spells, and if he went into a fight with Ron or Hermione

without calming his emotions, he might end up killing them.

Both of them nodded, "And what about before school? When you

distanced yourselves from me then. Ron was jealous of me, of my fame as

usual. Hermione, you were caught in the middle and I understood that,

but it seems you've completely taken his side. I never thought you to be

as petty and jealous as him, but clearly you are."

"Harry, you have changed though. We just had to get used to your

changes after the World Cup." Hermione soothed. The voice she was

using was beginning to grate on his nerves and now he had to

concentrate even harder on keeping his emotions in check.

"And if I say I don't want to go to Professor Moody?" Harry asked, already

knowing the answer just by seeing Hermione tighten her grip on her


"Sorry Harry." She brought her wand up. For all of Hermiones brilliance,

it didn't seem to translate into dueling. Sure, she may know a lot of

spells, but she was dreadfully slow and in combat, seconds were

everything. Harry found it laughable that she thought herself so much

better than him that she could raise her wand and perform a spell before

he could do anything, even though his wand was already trained on her.

Harry cast a silent banishing spell, followed by a disarming charm, and

then an incarcerous. The first knocked her back ten feet, causing her to

hit the ground with a thud. The disarming charm had hit her in mid air,

sending her wand into the wall next to her. The ropes hit just as she

landed on the ground, locking her in thick black ropes. She had the wind

knocked out of her and she unsuccessfully struggled against the ropes.

Harry sighed when he saw Rons face turn purple with rage. Apparently

he forgot he was a wizard and could use magic. He took three steps

forward and threw a right hook, dropping his wand to beat Harry the

muggle way. He simply ducked the right hook and grabbed his wrist as it

passed over him. Using Ron's forward momentum, he brought Rons arm

behind his back and pushed upwards causing the red head to cry out in

pain and drop to his knees.

"Now listen carefully Ronald." Harry hissed into his ear. "I will only give

you one warning. If you ever try to hurt me, Daphne, or any of my

friends, the pain you feel will be much worse than this." With that, Harry

pushed his arm further upwards until a loud crack echoed in the hall and

Ron yelled out in pain.

Harry released his arm and Ron fell to the floor, his arm twisted oddly

behind his back. He swiftly walked over to where Hermione was still

struggling in the ropes. "What did you do to him!" She demanded. He

could see anger and fear in her eyes.

Harry crouched down as he looked over her. "I taught him a lesson I hope

he remembers." He responded coldly, all emotion gone from his face. His

occlumency shields were the only thing that kept her from being a pile of

broken bones and squashed meat. "I hope you remember this moment

Hermione. Never raise your wand to me again."

Harry turned to walk away when her voice called out, "Wait, aren't you

going to free me?"

Harry didn't bother to turn around and stepped over Ron. "You're the

brightest witch of your age, figure it out." Daphne smirked at him when

he offered her his arm. She took it gratefully and walked out of the hall

with him. Harry knew that he had actually saved Ron from even worse

pain. The Ice Queen persona wasn't just a front. She had a vicious streak

about her and Ron attacking her definitely would have resulted in far

worse pain than a broken shoulder.

They didn't say anything for the rest of the walk down to the hall for

dinner. No words were needed between them. "Thank you." She

whispered, quickly kissing him on the cheek and before he could

respond, let alone think about what she just did, she walked into the

Great Hall.

He shook himself from the daze that momentarily clouded him and

followed her in. She had been careful that no one else saw that exchange.

God forbid the world learn the Ice Queen was actually soft at heart,

Harry laughed to himself.

Dumbledore was seething in his office. "Those two idiots." He muttered to

himself. Fawkes watched him amusedly as he paced back and forth. The

headmaster had just come back from the hospital wing where Miss

Granger and Mr. Weasley were staying for the night.

Mr. Weasley was having to have his whole shoulder repaired from the

damage Harry had caused. Miss Granger sat faithfully by his side like a

love sick puppy. He immediately recognized the love and loyalty potions

that she had been taking the last several months but figured it wasn't

wise to say anything. They were surely being brewed by Molly and he

couldn't disagree that Miss Granger would make a fine wife for the

youngest male Weasley. The Weasleys were a very loyal family to him

and it wouldn't do good to expose that illegal activity.

He had used passive legilimency to figure out that it was Alastors idea to

confront Harry in such a manner. That was a major problem since Alastor

shouldn't care about friendships at the school. Something else was going

on entirely here and he had to figure it out soon. All of his other plans

had to cease until he figured out the agenda of his longtime friend.

The passive legilimency also showed glimpses of the coldness and

confidence of Harry in that fight. It was clear that the boy was quickly

becoming exceptionally strong. The mixture of coldness, power, and

confidence reminded him of another student from long ago. A student

that would one day become the greatest dark lord of recent years.

The thought chilled the old headmaster to the bone. Soon, he will have to

reel Harry back in. He just needed a way to make sure Harry stayed in

the light, stayed under his control. But first, he had a certain professor to

worry about.

7. A Brief Hogsmeade Excursion

"Harry, when I agreed to have you better trained in defense, I didn't think

you would be practicing it on your friends." He snorted, a smirk playing

off his face. Harry was sitting in the Headmasters office the evening of his

incident with Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore currently had his

patented, disappointed grandfather face on as he peered at him over his

half-moon glasses.

"I did what I was trained to do, defend. They tried to curse Daphne in the

back first. Then Hermione raised her wand at me so I put her down. Ron

forgot he was a wizard and charged with his fists. I then put him down."

Harry responded, his amusement leaving his face and replaced with an

emotionless demeanor. He had adopted Daphne's Ice Queen persona for

himself, figuring it an excellent way to deal with Dumbledore.

Daphne had told him that Dumbledore was a skilled politician and could

probably gleam even the smallest of information off facial cues.

Dumbledore took off his spectacles and rubbed the bridge of his nose

tiredly. He replaced his spectacles and looked at Harry for a minute

before continuing. "These skills we are teaching you are not to be used

lightly. I agreed to it because I feel you have the maturity to undertake

the increased responsibility. Am I mistaken?"

"No, sir. I will use...less aggressive means of defending myself." Harry

answered honestly. He had only done what he had, in the hopes they

wouldn't do anything to Daphne or his other friends.

"Like using words, Harry?" The Headmasters usual small smile returned

to his lips.

Harry fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Yes, Headmaster, like words."

"Good, now I believe you have your lesson with Kingsley this evening?"

Harry nodded, "Alright. I wont keep you here any longer." Harry stood up

and walked to the door. "If I hear of another incident of you harming a

student I will have to think differently about your defense training."

Dumbledore warned as Harry walked out of his office.

Dumbledore sighed wondering if this frustration was going to be worth it

in the future. He needed Harry to be well trained to face the Death Eaters

in the coming war. Harry will be a valuable weapon in the coming war.

Sure, he wasn't going to teach the boy anything that could potentially

take himself or Voldemort down, but he wanted the boy as a soldier to

dispatch the Death Eaters, leaving himself to Voldemort. Once Harry died

to Voldemort of course, and Harry had rid the world of Death Eaters.

It wasn't a long walk to the room of requirement from the headmasters

office. "So what's this I hear about putting a Weasley into the hospital

wing?" Sirius asked with a stern look.

Harry shrugged, taking off his cloak and put it on a nearby bench. Only

Sirius and Kingsley were present this evening. "He deserved it. Tried to

curse Daphne in the back." Harry said shortly. He was still bitter about

that fact and knew it was going to take some time until his anger had



Harry shrugged. "Weasley and Granger thought I was being controlled

somehow by Daphne. They wanted to take me to Professor Moody to get

me fixed. However they got that idea, I have no idea."

"Why would they want to take you to Professor Moody and not Madame


"I didn't ask. It is odd though isn't it? Maybe they trusted him more than

Madame Pomfrey? But I don't see why."

"Do you think it requires further investigating?" Sirius asked.

"Maybe. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for now." Harry ran his hand

through his short hair.

"Its such a shame. I really liked that Granger girl last year."

"Yeah, but she has clearly chosen Ron over me. Nothing I can really do

about it."

Sirius nodded. "Anyways, is Daphne alright?" Daphne was the only one of

his new friends that had met Sirius and Remus. He always had an

annoying smirk when he brought her up.

"Yeah, I pulled her out of the way just in time. It was odd though. I

sensed the magic being cast and my instinct told me to pull her away. A

split second later and a stunner flew passed the both of us."

"Always saving the damsel in distress." Sirius said with a smirk.

That was the exact moment Harry felt the same hairs on the back of his

neck stand up. He felt the air turn slightly static and the faint smell of o-

zone. Knowing what that meant and not seeing a spell flying at him from

the front, he sidestepped. It was just in time as a blue flame cutter flew

just pass his right shoulder and slammed into the stone wall, leaving a

large dark mark.

Harry spun on the spot, flicking his wand into his hand and had a bone

breaking hex on his lips. He stopped however when he saw Kingsley

grinning from ear to ear, his wand at his side. "You're getting faster

Harry. Quite remarkable that you have picked up that talent."

Harry relaxed his posture, dropping his wand arm, but not sheathing it

just in case. He had learned the hard way to never be caught off guard.

Moody's antics about constant vigilance was good advice. "What talent?"

"You're connecting with your magic on a level few do. You're trusting it,

instinctualy. Magic can do many things, things we don't quite yet

understand, and when a wizard trusts his magic completely, a bond

begins to form."

Harry still had a confused look on his face and so Kingsley continued. "I

think it happened the night of the World Cup. You were dying yet you

hadn't completed your mission to save those girls. You reached into

yourself, connecting with your magic, completely giving yourself to your

magic, and it responded."

"But, I've always trusted my magic. Doesn't everyone?" Kingsley shook his

head and Harry frowned further.

"Not in the way I think you do. Its natural for humans to never fully trust

in something. People always have doubts, whether it be about their

spouse, god, magic, whatever. No one ever trusts something completely.

That's why we have jealousy and pettiness and bigotry. Its natural. But

you, I think after that night at the World Cup, you put your complete

faith into your magic."

"But what does that mean?"

"You're trusting your magic over your own five natural senses to keep you

safe." Kinglsey said, his grin widening.

"Your saying my magic is a sixth sense of sorts?"

Kingsley nodded, "Yes. Your magic has built, in a sense, a passive wall

around you, alerting you to possible threats. Its protecting you naturally.

Though its not common, its also not unheard of and develops in people

that went through similar things you have."

"So, does this magical sixth sense have any other uses than just alerting

me to a potential attack?"

Kingsley shrugged, "I don't know. That will be something you'll have to

figure out."

"How did you know I had this sixth magical sense?" Harry asked

suddenly, his eyes narrowing.

"I had a hunch."

Harry's eyebrows rose, "You sent a flame cutter curse at my back based

off a hunch?"

Kingsley at least looked slightly guilty, "It was a good hunch?" Harry

wasted no time, bringing his wand back up and sending a silent bone

breaking hex at Kingsleys right hip.

The duel ended five minutes later with an amused Sirius waking Harry

up. "You're getting better."

"What're you talking about? I lost." Harry groaned, sitting up, holding his

aching head. He had taken a blasting hex straight to the jaw which knock

him out cold. He could already feel the bruise forming.

"Not exactly." That's when Harry saw the unconscious form of Kingsley

laying not far away. "Your last wind wall smashed him into the wall and

knocked him out cold. Brilliant spell that was. One of Dumbledores?"

Harry nodded, working through the fight in his head.

It was a technique he had developed with Remus so that he could review

each duel. Occlumency served to act like a penseive within his own mind

and he could walk through all of his duels and see where he went wrong.

Sirius didn't say anything else as he walked over to revive the Master

Auror. "Bloody hell, what was that. I didn't even see it coming." Kingsley

muttered, sitting up to face Harry.

"One of Dumbledores spells." Sirius answered for Harry, seeing that he

was still working through the fight in his head.

"Jesus, the kid's gettin' scary Sirius. I was struggling to keep up with


"He has to be scary. Think of who he has to go up against."

Kinglsey nodded, "Do you think we're doing the right thing? He is just a


Sirius looked sadly at Harry, "He stopped being a kid the first time he

took a life."

"Yeah, but that was just a month-"

Sirius held his hand up to stop Kingsley, "That wasn't the first person

Harry has killed." Seeing Kinglseys confused look Sirius continued. "His

first year here, Professor Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort. They

battled fighting over the philosophers stone. Harry killed him with his

bare hands."

"Surely Dumble-"

"Because of the blood magic that runs in Harry, Voldemort couldn't touch

him. Consequently, Quirrell couldn't either and so when Harry defended

himself by placing his hands on Quirrells face, he literally disintegrated."

"Bloody hell, you're tell me that just by Harry touching the man, he killed

him?" Kinglsey asked, shock and horror playing across his face.

"Yes, he had his hands wrapped around my neck, choking me. In

desperation I placed my hands on his face, trying to push him away. I can

remember his screams of pain when his skin melted to my touch. The

smell of burnt flesh in my nostrils. The feeling of his bone disintegrating

in my palms. I've tried to forget about it, but it's impossible to do so."

Harry said, causing both adults to jump in surprise.

"Harry I-" Sirius began but Harry waved him off.

"Its okay. Its not a secret that should be kept from Kingsley. It was the

first time I have killed, but not the last. I know I will probably have to

kill again, its how war works."

"What did Dumbledore do?" Harry noticed that Sirius scowled. His

godfather and Dumbledore's relationship was deteriorating rapidly.

Neither agreed on anything and even though Harry didn't trust the

Headmaster, he also didn't think him evil. He was a threat in the long

run, but short term he was tolerable.

"Sent me back to my abusive muggle relatives to live in captivity for the

summer." Harry responded coldly.

"Surely he-" Kingsley began.

"He's not the saint everyone thinks he is." Sirius cut him off.

"No man is, but he had to have his reasons." Kingsley finished.

"He did. But in my opinion they weren't very good reasons. It doesn't

matter anymore since I never have to go back there."

"We've gotten side tracked and only have a few hours left. Should we

continue with today's lesson?" Kingsley asked, changing the subject. The

rest of the evening progressed normally. He didn't see Hermione in the

Gryffindor common room that evening like he usually did. It took an

hour to finish his charms homework before falling asleep. He was

thankful that everyone gave him space. By some of the whispers and

stares around him, it was clear that word had already spread about his

fight with his ex-best friends.

Harry was walking down the 2nd floor charms corridor alone for once. It

was rare that he found himself alone, walking in-between classes. Usually

he had Neville or Daphne with him but both had gone off to do other


As he walked, enjoying the rare peace and quiet, he heard sniffling

coming from an abandoned classroom. It sounded like someone was

crying. He wasn't one to stick his nose in another persons business, but he

was curious.

He slowly opened the door and poked his head in. A first year Hufflepuff

was sitting in the corner of the classroom with her head in her hands,

crying softly. Thinking quickly, Harry stepped inside and shut the door

softly so as not to startle the girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked softly, stepping further into the room. She

looked up, startled by his presence. He held his hands up to look as non

threatening as possible. "What's your name?"

He walked to a nearby desk and sat down, setting his book bag on the

table. "Emily."

"That's a pretty name." He was rewarded with a blush and she stopped

crying. "Want to tell me why you're here?"

"J-just some other students teasing me." She responded, wiping her eyes

of tears.

"May I ask what they were teasing you about?"

"T-they c-called me n-names." She began to tear up again, the memory of

her bullying coming back to her.

Harry took a guess as to what names they were calling her, "Was one of

them mudblood?" She nodded her head, as sobs began to wrack her body.

Harry swiftly moved from his seat and pulled the girl into a hug. He was

surprised at how quickly she latched onto him, burying her head into his

chest. He began to feel his shirt dampen but didn't care as he began to

run his hand through her wavy blonde hair.

"Do you know who called you names?" He felt her head move up and

down in a positive. "Were they in Slytherin house?" Again she answered

by nodding her head. "Was the person blonde haired?" This time she

answered in the negative which made Harry frown. "Were they the same

age as you?" She nodded her head, still crying, though not as bad as

earlier. This made Harry frown further. It seems Malfoys influence was

getting to the younger years.

"W-why do they hate m-me?" She said, her words muffled into his chest.

He continued to run his hand through her hair, "They don't hate you.

They fear you."

This got her attention and she looked up from his chest. Harry felt his

heart breaking when he saw the lost and sad look on her face. Her blue

eyes were puffy and red from crying. "Why do they fear me?"

"In this world, many believe that those born to magical parents are

superior, and they fear you because you weren't born to magical parents.

They fear you becoming stronger than them and proving their beliefs


"But that's not right!" She cried.

"It isn't, but they believe it none-the-less. People like you and me will

always be seen as lesser beings because we aren't pureblood."

"Even you? You're Harry Potter though!" Harry looked at her

questioningly. He hadn't suspected her of knowing who he was, though

he probably should have. She gave him a pointed stare as to say 'of course

I know who you are', which made Harry chuckle.

"Sometimes I forget my fame. I'm not too fond of it. Yes even me, I'm a

half-blood and because of that, some will still look down on me."

"But you're a hero!" She said almost angrily which made Harry chuckle

even more.

"I'm not sure about the hero bit. Do you want to know something?

Something few know?"

She nodded her head, eyes wide. "Dumbledore is a half-blood as well." A

small gasp escaped her lips. "And do you know who Voldemort is?" She

nodded her head cutely. He was pleasantly surprised when she didn't

wince when he said his name. "He was a half-blood too."

This confused her greatly, "But why would the purebloods follow him if

they don't like half-bloods?"

Harry was even more surprised with her knowledge of the last war. "They

don't know he is a half-blood. Voldemort styled himself a Lord and so

they believed him to be pureblood. In fact, you can still go and see young

Voldemort here in the castle. A medal and a picture of him is in the

trophy room from the forties. He was once Tom Riddle."


"Yes really. A great many lies surround Riddle and his past. Once you get

to know it, he isn't as scary as he sounds."

"Why wouldn't his followers look into his past though? They would have

found that no actual Voldemort existed if he just made the name up."

This caused Harry to laugh outright. "You are very quick for your age."

She blushed cutely at him. "In my experience, followers of Voldemort

aren't very bright. They also aren't knowledgeable of muggles since they

hate them. They trusted him on the basis that Voldemort was powerful

and therefore had to be a pureblood while conveniently ignoring that

Dumbledore who was regarded as the most powerful wizard in the world,

was a half-blood."

"You must be powerful like Dumbledore and Voldemort. Everyone says

you are."

"I am." Harry said truthfully. There was no point hiding that fact. He was.

He knew it, his teachers knew it, and the world now knew it. "But I am

young and in-experienced. Voldemort and Dumbledore have many years

under their belt. I am just a fourth year still in school. Compared to them,

I am still nothing."

"I wish I could be like you." She muttered, snuggling into his chest like a

younger sister would.

"My power is more a curse than a gift." Harry said sadly. She looked at

him through adorably confused blue eyes. "Did you read the papers about

my fight with a basilisk?" She nodded her head. "What the papers don't

say is that for the entire year I was ostracized. Other students, even some

teachers feared me. They thought I was the one setting loose the basilisk

on them. They called me names and blamed me for every student that

was petrified. When things go right, I am praised, but if anything goes

wrong, even when I have nothing to do with it, I am hated. It is the

nature of my fame."

"I won't ever hate you." Harry could see the determination in her eyes

and it made him smile.

"I know. What's your next class?" He asked, suddenly changing the

subject. The fact that he was still here, and now several minutes late for

history came over him. Professor Binns wouldn't miss him but her teacher

wouldn't take kindly to missing her.

"Herbology." She responded.

"Okay, I'll walk you to the greenhouses so you don't get into trouble." She

nodded and got up. Harry walked her down to the grounds of Hogwarts.

"Found my stray Badger, Mr. Potter?" Professor Sprout asked when he

escorted her into Greenhouse 2.

"I did." Then he stepped closer so only she could hear what he was about

to say. "She was being bullied by some younger Slytherins about her

blood. I took some time to explain the reasoning behind those attacks."

"What did you say to her? She looks happier than I've ever seen her!" She

whispered back. Harry glanced back at Emily and saw she was talking

excitedly with another Hufflepuff girl. The very red face she was sporting

and short glances at him hinted they were talking about him.

"I have a way with girls professors." He saw a small upturn of the

professors lips.

"Yes I know you do. Miss Torridge isn't the only one to have a crush on

you Mr. Potter." Harry chuckled lightly.

"Well, I am late for history and should get going. Have a good day

professor." Harry said.

"Thank you Mr. Potter. Do you need a note?"

He shook his head, "I doubt Professor Binns will have noticed my


This time she laughed, "You're probably right. Ten points to Gryffindor

for helping another house."

Harry bowed his head and walked over to Emily. "If you need anything,

just ask." She blushed heavily as he walked out of the greenhouse. He

ended up not even bothering to go to history that afternoon. Instead he

took the time to get his broom and go flying. He hadn't done it all year

and missed the freedom of flying around the castle.

He ended up skipping lunch, enjoying his time in the air too much and

only landed for his Runes class. His evening training session was with

Tonks this time. They went over different methods for attacking a

guarded house. Since the aurors weren't authorized to use deadly force,

Sirius had stepped in to improve upon the aurors way of conducting


Sirius was once an auror himself, being the partner of Frank Longbottom.

So, Sirius also knew how the aurors conducted missions, but with Sirius'

know how of the dark arts and willingness to use deadly force, he

changed the way to properly conduct a raid on an armed position.

Sirius' method was similar to the aurors. Strike hard, strike fast and

overwhelm with numbers. The only difference was that Sirius firmly

believed in putting down someone for good instead of simply stunning or


Training that evening was relatively light as always when it was with

Tonks. Her lessons were more lecture than anything. It was fine for him

since it gave him some time to rest. The other nights were brutal to his


Another day passed and still neither Hermione or Ron had so much as

looked at him. He preferred it this way. It seemed that his message had

been taken by the two of them and they were going to leave him alone

from now on. Gryffindor house had been rather awkward ever since their

fight. Everyone had taken Harry's side, even agreeing that it was right to

defend a Slytherin from such a cowardly attack. It just wasn't the lion's

way to attack from behind.

"So, Harry. Are you going to Hogsmeade?" Susan's question brought him

out of his thoughts. They were in the library studying. It was just her,

Neville, and Tracy. Daphne was in alchemy class and Hannah was in the

Hufflepuff common room.

"Er, I don't know. Haven't thought about it I guess." That was true. He

had completely forgotten that this weekend was a Hogsmeade weekend.

"You have to have some fun Harry. You spend too much time studying."

Tracy said, placing her transfiguration book down in order to look at


"Yeah, you need to get out and have a good time!" Susan piggybacked off


"And I suppose you have an idea of how I should have a good time?"

Harry asked, waggling his eyebrows. He got a blush from both of them

which made him smirk triumphantly.

"Shut up Potter." Tracy responded. "You know what we meant. We're all

going together. Join us."

"I suppose I could make time..." Harry trailed off, a smile playing on his


Susan rolled her eyes, "Yeah, like you have anything better to do."

Harry rolled his eyes sarcastically back at Susan. "I have many things to


Tracy snorted, "Like owl this mysterious friend of yours?"

"No, that's not it." Harry cursed himself at how defensive he sounded.

"I think that would be it Trace. Think its a girl?" Susan asked. All of a

sudden, he hated her quick deduction skills passed on by her aunt.

"It must be. Look, his cheeks are going red! Ooh! Who's the girl Harry!"

Tracy squealed. Harry looked desperately to Neville for some assistance

but was met with an amused look that reminded him of his godfather.

"She must be important if Harry is willing to give up a whole Hogsmeade

trip just to get her letter." Susan said.

"She, is a friend. That is all, and no I am not giving up a Hogsmeade trip

for her letter." Harry said shortly. He didn't even believe himself.

Saturday was his favorite day for a reason. "I said I would go with you."

"Uhuh. Well, I hope to someday meet this mysterious girl that has

captured our Harry's heart so." Tracy said in an annoying tone. Harry

refrained from telling them that she would be here in less than a month.

"So Neville. Any special ladies you wish to take to Hosgmeade?" He

asked, desperate to get the girls attention off him. Neville blushed red

giving away his intentions towards a girl. It wasn't necessarily fair for

Harry to divert attention onto Neville in that manner since he already

knew that he wanted to ask Hannah out to Hogsmeade.

Harry secretly thanked the gods that Hannah had quickly gotten over her

crush and hero worship of him. It definitely would have made things

awkward if the girl Neville had a crush on was crushing on him.

"Oh my god. Who do you want to take to Hogsmeade on a date?" Tracy

asked. Neville gave him a betrayed look.

"Hannah." Harry responded for Neville. Both girls squealed.

"Harry!" Neville shouted, earning a hush from Madame Pince.

"Sorry mate. Sometimes you need a push." Harry shrugged.

"Ask her. I know she will say yes!" Susan said.

"She will?"

"Of course she will. All she ever does is talk about you." Susan said like it

was a well known fact.

"She does?"

"Of course she does silly. Ask her!" A small smile played across Neville's

lips. Harry had learned that Neville sometimes needed a prod in the right

direction. He knew the correct way to go, but was hesitant to take it

because he feared himself. Harry vowed to instill self-confidence in his

new friend.

"But what if she says no?" Neville asked.

"She won't, trust me. I'm her best friend and I know she likes you."

"Who likes him?" Hannah asked, making everyone jump in their seats.

She walked up with Daphne. Hannah walked over and sat next to Neville

while Daphne took an empty seat next to Tracy.

"No one. I think I've had enough talking with you crazy women. Neville?"

Neville took the hint and grabbed his books and quickly hurried out of

the library. Sometimes retreating was the correct option.

"You think I should ask her out?" Neville asked once they were clear of

the library.

"Yeah I do. You two obviously like each other."

"But what if I screw things up? It could ruin my friendship with you or

the others." Neville said, fear coming over his voice.

Harry stopped and turned to Neville, placing his hand on his shoulder. "If

things don't work out between you and Hannah, don't think I would

abandon you. I wont. You are my friend. The others feel the same way.

However, I think you and Hannah will find yourself very happy


"You think so?" Neville asked, a new hope coming over him.

"Yeah I do. You two just seem... right for one another."

"Thanks Harry." Neville said, looking relieved, like a great weight had

been lifted off of him. "What about you? That girl that writes you letters

is more than a friend isn't she?"

Harry was momentarily taken aback by Neville's awareness. He should

have known that Neville would fish more out than the girls. He had a

way of reading people that was unparalleled to others. Neville may not

be the most gifted wizard, but he had other talents.

"I don't know Nev. I don't know."

"I underestimated how nice it was to have a day off." Harry said. He

grabbed his mug of buttebeer and gulped it down. He was at the Three

Broomsticks with Daphne, Susan, Tracy, and Blaise Zabini. He didn't

know the quiet Slytherin well, but Daphne and Tracy vouched for him.

So far, he found he enjoyed his company. He was quiet, but had an

intelligence about him. His words were calculated but honest and well

thought. He also didn't prescribe to the normal pureblood bigotry. His

family was from Italy before moving just a few years ago to England.

Outsiders were looked down upon by the older English pureblood family

almost as much as half-bloods.

"I knew you would have a good time." Tracy smirked. They sat in the

corner of the pub. It was packed with students, all enjoying their freedom

from the cramped castle. Madame Rosmerta bustled around, handing

drinks and taking orders from her customers.

"What do you think Hannah and Neville are up to?" Harry asked, looking

around for any sign of them. Neville had gotten the courage to ask her

out on a date just a few days ago and of course she had said yes.

"Hopefully off snogging somewhere." Susan said causing everyone to


"Can you imagine them? Hannah and her shyness and Neville and his

clumsiness." Harry said through his laughter causing everyone to laugh


"Like you can do so much better!" Tracy said after catching her breath.

"Care to test me Trace?" Harry smiled triumphantly when she went beat

red and her jaw dropped, not having suspected Harry to offer a snogging


"I didn't know it was possible to shut Tracy up." Blaise smirked. Tracy

punched him in the arm in response earning more laughter.

"Wouldn't you rather be snogging this mysterious girl of yours?" It was

Harry's turn to go red.

"What mysterious girl?" Daphne asked quickly, her eyes narrowing at her

best friend.

"I already told you she's just a friend." Harry said just as quickly. He

winced when his words didn't come out as strong as he intended. A part

of him had hoped when she came to Hogwarts he might have a chance at

taking things further with her. Still, a large part of him figured that she

wouldn't ever see him in a romantic light. She was three years older and

one of the smartest and most beautiful women in the world. He was

nothing compared to her.

"What mysterious girl?" Daphne repeated irritably.

"You know those letters he gets every Saturday?" Daphne nodded.

"They're from some girl, though he wont say who it is." Tracy finished.

"Who is she?" Daphne demanded. Their was another emotion behind her

eyes other than curiosity, it almost looked like jealousy. He put that idea

out of his head quickly though. She wouldn't be jealous of him talking

with another girl. They were just friends after all and she hadn't shown

any interest in him romantically.

Harry shrugged, "A girl I met at the World Cup. She lives in France and

we keep in touch." She looked relieved which made him question that she

didn't like him more than a friend.

"Look who showed up." Tracy said, changing the subject. Harry looked

over his shoulder and saw Hermione and Ron walk into the Three

Broomsticks. He caught Hermione's eye but she quickly looked away.

"They still bitter about what you did to them?" She asked.

Daphne snorted in an unladylike fashion, "Bitter? They're probably livid.

He broke Weasels shoulder and wrist. Not to mention he made the book

worm look like a fool."

Harry rolled his eyes. Word had travelled fast about what happened

between him and his ex-friends. Daphne had been a big reason the

accurate events of that day was accepted as truth. It led to the two

Gryffindors being further ostracized and Harry put on an even higher

pedestal in the castle.

"I'm glad you put those two in their place." Susan said, staring down the

two Gryffindors as they took their seat in the opposite corner of the pub.

The others nodded in agreement.

"I just hope they don't do anything else." Harry responded, finishing the

last drop of butterbeer.

"They would be stupid to do anything." Daphne said, placing a hand on

his arm. She didn't often touch him, especially in public and the action

took him slightly off-guard.

"Anyways, I think it's getting late. I have to be back for my training."

Harry said, getting up quickly. They followed him back to Hogwarts

where they then split up for the evening. The walk to the seventh floor

was quiet as usual. He was beginning to greatly enjoy his lessons and

looked forward to them. As he walked, he pulled out the letter from Fleur

and re-read it on the way. His stomach fluttered with every word read

and he felt his strength greaten with every written letter.

Thank you to everyone that has reviewed/favorited/followed. Next

chapter, Fleur arrives and things begin to heat up.

8. So it Begins

Thank you everyone that is continuing to stick with this story. I'm

having a blast writing it. I would like to address the great amount of

people that want this to be a Harry/Fleur/Daphne story. When I

originally started out on this story I intended it to just be a Harry/

Fleur story but it was never completely set in stone. I have multiple

ideas swirling around in my head about the two girls and even I

don't know yet which direction yet I will take with them. For now I

will just say that everything is up in the air. Enjoy the next chapter

and I hope you like Fleur and Daphne's first interactions with one


The rest of October flew by and with each passing day, Fleur grew more

and more nervous. She was soon to be at Hogwarts, soon to see Harry

again. Letters were nice, but being in the presence of him is what she

longed for.

What nerved her though was if he would be accepting of her. His letters

were friendly enough, but they were just that, letters. Would things be

awkward? Would they get along like they had those two months ago?

What scared her the most though was that he may already be taken with

another witch. She wasn't sure how she would handle that. He was after

all, famous and very handsome. The odds of another witch taking up

with him were high, and that scared her.

They soared above the clouds in a large white carriage being pulled by

Abraxas. Each student taken along had their own room and she currently

sat on the bed of hers. Aimee sat next to her, reading through a charms

book. Her constant reassuring that Harry would be just as excited to see

her as she was to see him fell on deaf ears. Her fears were constantly

brought to the front of her mind.

She laughed to herself. When she was little she had vowed to never act

this way about a boy, yet here she was. Ever since that night, she had

thought of nothing but those emerald eyes that captivated her so. The

grace and raw power that flowed through him entranced her. He was

everything she had imagined in a potential mate.

When she spoke to her mother about him, she said that to claim him

would be difficult, even more difficult than when her mother had set out

to take her father. Veela were territorial creatures as well as very magical

beings. Fleur knew her magic well enough to know her magic was calling

for Harry. That's why every waking moment without him ached. That's

why she was desperate to see him again, and scared to death that he was

taken by another. These last two months away from him had forced her

to understand more about her veela nature than ever before.

"Ladies, we are almost here. Join us in the entrance room." Madame Maxime

poked her head into Fleurs room. The Headmistress was one of the few

people at Beauxbatons that actively took an interest in her well being.

"Calm down Fleur. You're about ready to have a heart attack. That will make

a hell of an impression on him, I'm sure." Aimee said sarcastically.

"I'm fine. But what if he's dating another girl?" Fleur asked her best friend

for the millionth time.

Aimee rolled her eyes, "I don't think he is. Your letters have never mentioned

a girlfriend."

"But they do mention a girl named Daphne. They must be close for him to

mention her." She couldn't help but already dislike this Daphne. Even if

she was nothing more than a friend, her magic was already attempting to

claim him and warp her mind against any possible threats.

"I'm sure this Daphne is just a friend. He would have mentioned her being his

girlfriend." Aimee did her best to calm her best friend. "We need to get

going." Fleur nodded, following her friend out of her room.

When Fleur and Aimee entered the small entrance hall that was full of

other students, they all grew quiet. Her presence often warranted that

treatment. The boys were too scared to do anything around her, fearful to

do something embarrassing. The girls tried their best to act like she

wasn't even there.

After a minute of quiet, a heavy thud shook the whole carriage causing a

few of the students to rock into each other. They had landed at Hogwarts.

Fleur felt her stomach churn uncomfortably as nerves began to wrack her


"We have arrived. Come, come, they are waiting for us!" Madame Maxime

ushered them forward. The doors sprung open, sending light into the

carriage. Despite the air being chilly and Englands reputation for being

cloudy, today appeared to be a sunny and cloudless one.

Fleur followed the other students out with Madame Maxime right behind

her. As soon as she touched ground, her eyes roamed skyward, looking at

her surroundings. Hogwarts was just like Harry had described, a

medieval castle, towers and all. Then her eyes shifted downwards to a sea

of students wearing black robes. She noticed that they all wore different

colors, some red, others yellow, green, and blue.

She knew that they were all apart of different houses. Harry was a

Gryffindor, wearing red trimmed robes and so her eyes sought out that

color. She ignored the conversation between her headmistress and the

Hogwarts headmaster. Her focus was entirely on the Hogwarts students,

her eyes desperately roaming for any sign of raven hair and emerald


Aimee nudged her in the back and she jerked her head to alert her that

the Beauxbatons students were being led into the castle. She followed her

fellow students, but her eyes continued to roam the gathered Hogwarts

students, desperate for a glimpse of him.

Just as she was about to pass into the grand hall they were being led in

to, her eyes caught a glimpse of shining emerald in the crowd. She

focused in and soon found herself lost in those familiar entrancing eyes.

There he was. Two months had passed and if possible, he looked even

more handsome than last she saw him. All forward momentum had

stopped when her eyes locked onto his, causing Aimee to run into the

back of her, but she didn't care.

His breath hitched in his throat and all the nerves left him. There she

was. The girl that had been plaguing his dreams, the girl with impossibly

blue eyes and pure silver hair. He wasn't even aware that he had begun

to move towards her.

As he shoved his way through the crowd, he studied her beauty. His

mind was taken back to that evening when she wore that tight fitting

silver dress. She had been beautiful, radiant, but here, she was glowing.

She looked like a thousand suns had taken hold inside of her. Her pale

skin shown with an indescribable brightness and her smile beckoned him


Before he knew it, he was in front of her, only a step away. They had

only been two months apart, but now he felt like they had been away

from each other for an eternity. She took the final step, throwing her

arms around him and pulling him close.

He was vaguely aware of her fairly large chest pressed against his, but

that wasn't the focus of his mind. No, his mind centered on the warmth

and feeling of having her in his arms again. It was like no other feeling,

and before today, before this moment, he had forgotten just how great it


As they held onto each other, the students around them had stopped to

stare. Even Dumbledore and Maxime had stopped to look at their two

charges hugging in the middle of the crowd. Both had amused and

surprised looks on their faces. They were both aware of their history


"How are you?" Harry whispered into her ear, not willing to break his

close contact with Fleur.

"I am good. And you?" She responded, her soft voice tingling his ears.

"I'm good. I'm glad you're here."

"Me too." She responded. Harry lent back but kept his hands on her waist.

"Ahem." The sound of Headmaster Dumbledore clearing his throat broke

them apart finally. "I am glad to see you reacquainted, but we should get

inside to continue the festivities." He said, a smile adorning his old


Both Harry and Fleur flushed red, realizing that nearly six hundred

students and staff were watching their greeting. "It iz a pleazure to meet

you Monsieur Potter." Madame Maxime said, holding out her hand.

Harry took it and kissed the back of her hand, "And you as well Madame


She looked pleased, as well as Fleur. "She iz one of my best students and I

cannot thank you enough for your courageous actions."

Harry blushed heavily, "It was my pleasure." He said, unsure of what else

to say. He still wasn't used to others thanking him for the things he had

done. Fleur squeezed his arm that she had taken. Nothing else was said as

they walked into the Great Hall. The Durmstrang students were already

seated at the Slytherin table. The Beauxbatons students were asked to sit

at the Ravenclaw table which cause him and Fleur to break contact.

Luckily Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were situated next to each other and

so they only had to sit a few feet from each other.

He got a lot of stares as he sat down, including from his table. Neville

and Tracys stares were the most annoying and he fought the urge to look

at them. He knew that they were guessing that this was the mysterious

French girl he had been sending letters to. Daphne's frown and glare

towards Fleur caught him off guard though. He would have to find out

what that was about.

"Welcome, guests to Hogwarts!" Dumbledores voice boomed above all

others in the Great Hall. "All of you already have been explained the

reason for all of us gathered here this year. All of you know the rules to

this tournament. Only those of age may enter, and not enter lightly! In

just 24 hours we will choose the champion from each school. Grave

dangers await those chosen." Dumbledore warned in a grave voice. He

was a man of dramatics if nothing else.

"The tournament begins now!" He flicked his white wand at the large

goblet that sat on a podium in front of the hall. It roared to life with a

blue flickering flame. At the same time, food appeared on the tables and

all attention that had been on the headmaster evaporated.

"Care to explain Harry?" Neville asked, setting a piece of chicken onto his

plate. A few others stopped eating to listen to his response.

"She is Fleur Delacour, the girl from the World Cup." Harry explained

shortly. "I attended a ball with her at the end of the summer."

"Is she the girl who you exchange letters with?" He asked.

"Yes." He wasn't too comfortable with the questions but knew it was best

to get this out of the way.

"You never mentioned she was veela." Harry stared coldly at his friend.

"Does it matter if she is veela?"

"No, no!" Neville said defensively. "I was just surprised is all."

"Are you two close?" Katie asked suddenly.

"We are friends." He shrugged in response.

"Just friends? Because you seemed closer than just friends." Alicia said.

"Just friends." Harry confirmed, though it pained him to do so. Despite

the warm greeting he received from her, he couldn't fathom that she

would return his feelings.

"So how are you and Hannah?" He asked, desperate to change the

subject. Harry groaned when his attempt at distraction didn't work.

"Your friend is already making an impression." Angelina said causing

Harry to turn around. Around her were several boys, all glassy eyed,

trying to impress her. He knew that was not the attention she liked. He

stood up and took the two steps to stand behind her.

"Leave Potter!" Rodger Davies spat at Harry before turning back to Fleur.

"Miss Delacour, you shouldn't be friendly with that spoiled brat. You are

far too beautiful and he is just a boy." He directed at her. Harry tensed

up, his anger suddenly becoming much more difficult to control. He

slammed his occlumency shields down, trying to muffle his emotions.

"'Arry eez more a man than you will ever be. Unlike you, 'e can control

'imself around me." Fleur snapped back. Rodger turned a deep shade of

red as a few others, all girls, giggled.

"Care for a tour of the castle Fleur?" Harry asked, desperately wanting to

get her away from the looks the others were giving her and him. The girls

looked mad, some even disgusted, at her, while the boys looked at her

lustfully. Some, like a certain red headed Gryffindor was actually

drooling causing a book worm to glare sourly at Fleur.

"Thank you, 'Arry." She took his hand and walked out of the Great Hall

with the eyes of everyone on their backs. A pair of blue eyes sitting in a

sea of green followed them closely, a scowl forming on her lips.

"I'm sorry about them." Harry apologized for his schoolmates. They

walked down the quiet halls, enjoying having each others company once

again. Harry didn't have much time, his training started in just under an


"Eet eez not your fault. I am used to eet. Ze same 'appens at

Beauxbatons." She replied and squeezed his hand that she was still

holding since taking it in the Great Hall. She couldn't help but feel

butterflies in her stomach from just how right it felt to hold his hand.

"Its not right. I'm amazed at how well you handle it." He said sincerely.

She glanced at him, a small blush forming on her cheeks.

"I'm amazed at 'ow you 'andle everything."

"At first I was horrible at handling anything really. Its taken some serious

growing up on my part."

Fleur chuckled, "So you weren't always the knight in shining armor?"

Harry blushed slightly, "I probably always was that. But afterwards I was

the type to shy away from people that wanted to show their appreciation.

I also didn't surround myself with good friends." Harry said sadly. Apart

of him would probably always long for his two lost first friends.

"Things are still bad between you and your old friends?"

Harry nodded, "Worse now. And things will probably only continue to

deteriorate. Ron, I can understand, he has always been jealous of my

fame. But Hermione, I don't know. I never pictured her to be the petty


"From what you 'ave told me about this 'Ermione, she eez very prideful. I

know I would not be too gracious eef someone usurped my throne of

being ze best at Beauxbatons."

Harry's shoulders slumped, "Yeah, but would you abandon me because I

took over your spot?"

Fleur shook her head vehemently, "Non, of course not. Maybe I can speak

wiz 'er?"

Harry looked at her incredulously, "Maybe. I have no idea what good that

would do."

Fleur just shrugged, "Sometimes women can see a problem men cannot."

"Hey Harry! Ahh, I see Miss Delacour is here!" Sirius' voice boomed. They

had unknowingly wondered up into the seventh floor where both Sirius

and Remus were standing outside the door to the Room of Requirement.

"Er-uh-yes. She arrived this morning." Harry stuttered, taken slightly by


"Eet eez a pleasure to see you again Mister Black." Fleur said.

"Just Sirius please. Mister Black was my father. You're a little early pup."

"We decided to go for a walk. Things in the Great Hall were a bit..."

Harry trailed off, not sure how to finish his sentence.

"I'm sure they were. Nothing you couldn't handle though?"

It was Fleur that responded, "I can 'andle pesky leetle boys."

Sirius grinned, "And Harry isn't?"

Harry went red and face palmed. He wished the ground would swallow

him whole as the others laughed. "I should probably leave you to your

training." Fleur said, regaining control of herself.

"I can walk-"

"It would be silly for you to walk me out when you are already 'ere. I

don't mind taking a stroll through ze castle. I will see you tomorrow?"

Harry nodded. She grinned, and took a tentative step forward, placing a

lingering kiss on his cheek.

She gave him one last smile before heading down the staircase. He could

only watch her leave, rooted to his spot, the place where she had kissed

him burned like fire.

"You have it really bad." Sirius grinned.

"I do not!" Harry exclaimed, but his words sounded hollow. He knew he

was doomed this year. If she told him to jump off a cliff at this very

moment, he just actually might.

"Oh, you really do." Remus remarked.

This time Harry groaned, "Not you too. You're supposed to be the

supportive uncle!"

"I am. But I'm also a Marauder."

Harry walked passed his two father figures that were giggling like little

school girls, "Bloody marauders." He muttered, pushing open the door

into the Room of Requirement.

Fleur headed back to the Beauxbatons carriage. It seemed her and Harry's

walk through the castle ended in perfect timing with the end of the feast.

She felt her stomach grumble a little. She hadn't had much time to eat

before she left with Harry. She figured could get something from the

house elves in the carriage.

She ignored the various looks she received from the Hogwarts students

that pushed passed her to go where they slept. Her mind was entirely

focused on the walk she just had with Harry. The feeling of his hand in

hers and how natural everything felt to her was perfect. She couldn't help

but be reminded of a few of those sappy muggle romance novels she had

read, about a couple that finally got together again after being broken

apart for months.

He had given her his undivided attention this evening and was kind

enough to rescue her from the Great Hall which was filled with

awkwardness. Also, it appeared that no girl was particularly too friendly

with Harry. Some brown haired witch that had sat near him was leaning

into him slightly at the Gryffindor table, but he didn't appear to return

her affections. Maybe that was the Daphne girl and she really was just a


Her thoughts were broken up when she almost ran into a boy with bright

blonde hair and pale skin. His looks and attitude screamed rich

pureblood and the way he looked her over sent a shiver down her spine.

"Hello m'lady. I wanted to introduce myself to such a beautiful woman.

Draco Malfoy." He took her hand which had been at her side and kissed

her knuckles. She snatched her hand back quickly.

"Fleur Delacour. What eez eet you want?" She asked, putting on the cold

mask she had developed from her time at Beauxbatons.

"I would like to show you around the castle. A woman like you deserves

the best host." The boy said haughtily. Fleur did her best to not roll her


"And you are ze best?" She asked, deciding to make an example of him in

front of the growing crowd.

Draco gave his best smile, "Of course. I am from a rich, pureblood family

of proper standing. Much better than Potter or anyone else at this


"I thought ze Potters were one of ze oldest families in Europe? 'E eez also

a powerful wizard ees 'e not?" Fleur asked innocently, allowing her allure

to go a little. The two oafs that stood behind Draco went glassy eyed

immediately and one of them even began to move his arms to try and

show off his muscles.

Draco scoffed, "Potter is just a spoiled brat who has everything handed to

him. He is nothing but a liar and a cheat. I promise I can show you a man

of proper standing."

Fleur chuckled deciding her game was over. No one insults her Harry.

Wait, when did she think of him as hers? "'E eez everything you are not

leetle boy. Run along and pretend your family name 'olds any real value."

Draco turned red and his hand instinctively went to his wand, "That eez

not a wise idea." Fleur said dangerously her hand already grabbing her

wand and pointing it between Draco's widened eyes. "Not just a pretty

face, non?" She laughed.

Draco backed away slowly and made a beeline for the dungeons, "You'll

regret this when my father hears of this!"

"I'm sure I will not when my father 'ere's of this!" She called out to the

retreating blonde ponce as he disappeared into the dungeons. The two

bodyguards behind him had to be slapped by Malfoy for them to recover

from the allure Fleur let loose before they followed him.

"That was well played." Fleur turned to see two girls wearing the same

robe colors of Draco approach her. One was a tall, elegant blonde haired

girl that was extremely attractive. Fleur passively wondered if she had

any veela heritage in her. The other was a shorter, brown haired girl that

had a homely look to her.

"Pardon?" Fleur said, not lowering her wand. So far those in green hadn't

been the most kind to her.

"You can lower the wand. We are friends of Harry's." Tracy said. "I am

Tracy Davis and this is Daphne Greengrass." Fleur lowered her wand. She

knew Daphne from Harry's letters.

"I wouldn't worry about Draco. He hates Harry for no real reason other

than that Harry is better than that ponce in every way." Daphne said.

Fleur studied the girl. She was the only one Harry had mentioned by

name which meant he was close to her. Her fears that Daphne was a

beautiful girl were definitely founded. She looked for any signs that

Daphne didn't like her but couldn't find anything in that face. In fact, she

had the same icy persona that Fleur had adopted. That only served to

worry her even more about this Daphne.

"Eet eez nothing I 'ave not 'andled before." Fleur replied casually. "I am

Fleur Delacour by the way." She shook the other two girls hands.

"So you are the girl that Harry has been exchanging letters back and forth

with?" Fleur felt a small blush form on her cheeks. Still studying Daphne's

face, she saw her clench her jaw. It was a small change and if she hadn't

been looking, Fleur wouldn't have noticed a difference. That one facial

change raised her suspicions even further that she might have

competition for Harry.

"We attended ze ball together where 'e won my nations 'ighest order for

saving my sister and my life. We kept in touch since." Neither of them

looked shocked in any way. It was clear both knew who she was exactly.

"So, what is your relationship with him?" Daphne asked abruptly.

Fleur gulped, "Friends." She knew that answer immediately was going to

have ramifications. For just a brief moment, Fleur could see a happiness

come over the English witch. Yes, it was now confirmed, she had

competition for Harry Potter.

Tracy looked back and forth between the two other witches and could see

the growing tension between the two. "Right, so how do you like our

school Fleur?"

Fleur didn't take her eyes off of Daphne when she responded, "Eet eez

pleasant like 'Arry described to me."

"I'm sure it's nothing compared to the palace that is Beauxbatons. You

must wish you were back there instead of here." Daphne said, her eyes

narrowing. Both girls had now completely realized the game they were

going to be playing.

Fleur gave an innocent smile to the younger witch, "Beauxbatons eez

beautiful yes, but I prefer ze company 'ere I think."

"Well, Daphne and I have to head to our dorm room. Right Daph?" Tracy

said, trying to break up the two girls staring contest.

"Right. I'll see you later Fleur." Daphne said coldly, walking away with

her best friend.

"And I look forward to eet!" Fleur called back, exiting the entrance hall

and following the straggling Beauxbatons students back to their carriage.

Daphne walked with Tracy down to their common room in the dungeon.

Her mind was in a constant spin ever since the other school delegates had

come. The worst part was she couldn't figure out why. Why did she have

this unnatural hate for Fleur? She had never had such a feeling of

jealousy for someone ever.

Harry this year had thrown her completely for a loop. He was brave and

kind and noble to a fault. Those were things any witch would admire in a

man. But that wasn't what made her like Harry. No, she liked him

because no matter what kind of stone cold persona she put on, Harry saw

right through it. And, so, the last two months, with each passing day she

had begun to learn more and more about the famous Boy-Who-Lived, and

he about her. Now, she prided herself on knowing more about him than

any other living being. This happiness at being connected to someone

was all torn to pieces in just a few short hours however.

For the first time in her life, she felt completely out of control of her

emotions. She was easily able to read the emotions of others. Such as, it

was obvious to her that Fleur was desperately in love with Harry. Her

face lit up anytime his name was mentioned. When Harry had asked to

give her a private tour of the castle, Fleur looked like a toddler on

Christmas day.

That pained her though. It felt like she was ready to pass out or throw up

at the same time. What caused her head to spin though was the constant

back and forth her mind was going on about. Part of her knew, deep

down that she was beginning to like Harry as more than a friend. The

other half vehemently denied any love for him other than a friend. It was

safe to like him as a friend, but it could be deadly to like him as anything


But now everything had changed. Before Fleur, Harry had been hers this

year. He had trusted her with secrets that he never told anyone else and

she had done the same. In just two months, an unlikely friendship had

formed and only deepened over time. She feared what Fleur could do to

ruin that friendship. She feared what Fleur could do to ruin a possible

deeper friendship.

On the other hand, she wanted to be happy for Harry. It was obvious he

cared for her. They may not have spent much time around each other in

the flesh, but they had a natural chemistry. It was on the same natural

ease she shared with him.

She felt the jealousy towards Fleur for what it was. She was beautiful,

more beautiful than any other girl within a hundred-thousand miles.

Daphne prided herself on her looks, but Fleur was spades above her.

Daphne also prided herself on her smarts but the way Fleur had easily

shut down Draco spoke of a girl who was highly intelligent. How could

she ever compare to her in the eyes of Harry?

Dumbledore was not having a good night. The revelation that Harry and

Fleur were close was not good for him. Things lately had not been going

according to his new plans. The World Cup incident had thrown

everything for a loop. Harry having his horcrux destroyed had thrown his

well thought out plans into chaos.

His newly laid plans were now also in jeopardy all because of a silly

schoolboy crush. Harry's personality had changed to a greater effect than

he anticipated. It seems that the horcrux had a far reach on the boys

emotions and thoughts. The boy now showed signs of James Potter and

the heritage of an an old family.

It had taken a great deal of time to tame the Potter. Lily was a big help in

doing so of course. Lily was always too quick to believe anything he said

to her. She had even dumbly agreed to abandoned the well protected

fortress that was Potter manor because of his word. James was too in

love with her to ever say no.

James, before Lily Potter had entered his life would have been a real

threat to his way of doing things. The young auror was once steadfast,

independent, and with the help of his marauding friends, a real nuisance.

He did what he wanted and he had the family name, wealth, and political

power to do so. It wasn't until Lily had entered his life and tamed the

Potter heir, that he was able to control that family.

After Charles had died in the war, Lily was there to put James back

together and take over the reigns of the Potter family. She was smart, but

gullible to authoritative figures. That was something he had used greatly

to shape the events of that fateful Halloween night which resulted in a

baby Harry being sent to his aunt and uncle. But, everything had gone

awry at the World Cup, and his sway over the Potter heir was

temporarily taken away by a friend of James, one that never had the

undying love of Lily.

Once the horcrux was removed in Harry and he no longer had to die, a

bit of training, a bit of insight into the coming war, should have been

enough to put Harry forever in his debt.

The icing on the cake would have been a nice witch that he could control

to have Harry fall in love. Hermione Granger would have been the

perfect one. She mirrored Lily in every way. Ambitious, strong, smart,

but also loyal to a fault. She, though, was currently being sought out as

the wife of Ron by Molly Weasley and he didn't want to ruin her plans as

of this moment. The Weasleys were, for the most part a very loyal family,

especially Molly.

He was also aware of the Weasley matriarchs plans to eventually start

Harry on potions to get him to notice the youngest Weasley and only girl.

Ginny was the next possible girl for him. She was the daughter of a loyal

family and had a longtime crush on the Boy-Who-Lived. Both girls would

make perfect wives for Harry, but now they had this veela to contend


The arrival of Fleur had thrown everything out of the window for a

second time in just two months. He didn't have any way to control her.

She was also the daughter of a powerful French politician and one that

looked favorably upon Harry. He may be good friends with Sebastien, but

his daughters always came first, no matter what, and so it would be

impossible to get Fleur away from Harry in that route.

Harry was also close to the French veela if today was anything to go by.

He worried for Harry Potter. These last two months had been trying for

him. Many of the events of the last three years had been leaked to the

press and though Harry was propped up on a pedestal of greatness,

Dumbledores praise had taken a hit.

The boy was becoming the one the public looked too to save them. That

couldn't be the case of course. He was Albus Dumbledore and knew what

was best. The public would soon see though that Harry wasn't a wizard

capable of such outlandish deeds. He was just a fourteen year old boy,

too unprepared for the adult wizarding life and its problems.

Once this tournament was concluded, Harrys fame would take a large hit,

and he would be there to pick up the pieces. Once he had Harry back

under his thumb, he would be able to control Harry down the right path

again. This French witch would just be a speed bump. After all she was

just a veela and would just have her fun with him before leaving. That'll

make Harry even more vulnerable and allow him to sweep in for the


Quick Edit. Thanks to the people that spotted I put patriarch instead

of matriarch.

9. The Choosing of Champions

I wanted to get this chapter out soon because, one I will be

travelling for the next couple days, and second as a thank you to the

now 1000+ followers.

As per normal routine, Harry got up before dawn and prepared himself

for his morning run. He added a thirty minute block of meditation to

focus on his occlumency training for his normal morning ritual. Once

outside, he ran four laps around the lake. It had increased from two to

four in just two months. He was beginning to feel his body take drastic

changes in terms of strength and conditioning. It was also showing in his

nightly training. He could now outlast most of his opponents if things

went the distance.

If his duels with either Sirius or Kingsley continued without either able to

down the other, Harry would eventually win. He had more endurance

and a larger magical core which allowed him to last much longer in a

fight. After ten minutes, the two older men would begin to get tired and

make mistakes, while Harry would still be operating at maximum


After his run, he set into a routine of a hundred push ups, two hundred

sit ups and ten, 100 meter sprints. He mixed up the order in which he did

these work-outs, splitting them up so that he could get through them

without hitting muscle failure.

As he was finishing up his last sprint and getting prepared to head back

to the castle. A females voice called to him. He turned to see a beautiful,

long blue haired girl in light blue robes walking towards him. Her robes

alerted him to being a Beauxbatons student. "You are Harry Potter non?"

Her French accent was almost non existent.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked, beginning to stretch out.

"I'm a friend of Fleurs. Aimee Beaucort." Harry kissed the back of her

hand. "You are as charming as Fleur said. What are you doing out here so


"I am getting in shape."

"Isn't that a muggle thing to do?" She asked, her eyebrows raised


He shrugged, "Maybe, but it helps me. Helps with dueling and magic in


She laughed, "I'll believe it when I see it."

Harry crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. "Care to find out for


She smirked, "Are you challenging me to a duel?"

"Unless if you're to scared to face me." He smirked.

"Scared to face you? You're three years younger than me. You don't have

a chance."

"I'm old enough to fight a basilisk."

She scoffed, "That's all hearsay. The papers can lie."

Harry rolled his eyes, "We can prove it right now."

"What? Here? This is no proper area to duel!"

"Sounds like an excuse."

"Fine. But don't go crying to Fleur when I beat you." Harry's smirk was in

full force. It would be a good way to determine how his training had

been going. In all of his training, he had no knowledge of just how good

he was getting compared to those of roughly his own age. He knew he

was well ahead of his year-mates in subjects like charms, transfiguration,

and defense, but this would be a good test against someone only a little

older than him.

Aimee took out her wand and got into a dueling stance. It appeared she

had some dueling experience based on the fact she put one foot forward

to thin her target profile. "Feel free to make your move beautiful!" Harry

mocked, causing the girl to narrow her eyes.

She moved first sending a simple stunner at him. Harry rolled his eyes at

how slow it came at him and the fact she said it verbally. Maybe

practicing with adult wizards trained in advanced dueling and combat

was warping his view on how well witches near his age can perform


Harry simply batted the spell away, non-verbally, causing Aime to raise

her eyebrows. He still didn't make any move to attack, waiting to see if

she had anything better to throw at him. She followed up with two

blasting hexes which Harry simply dodged. This time they were both sent

non-verbally but she telegraphed them by doing the proper wand

movement giving him time to move.

She began to get frustrated with how easily he was making a fool of her.

She began mixing her attacks up with cutting curses, tripping jinxes, and

blasting hexes, but nothing touched him. Having enough fun, Harry

pressed his attack. He sent an overpowered blasting hex, something

Dumbledore had taught him to do. It required him to charge up his

magical core before allowing it to flow through his wand. It resulted in a

bright red flash of energy shooting out of his wand and slammed into the

hastily created shield by Aimee.

It shattered her shield immediately, sending her onto her back. She didn't

get even get a chance to move as another red ball of energy hit her in the

stomach causing her world to go black.

"What happened?" Aime groaned when Harry revived her.

He smirked back at the blue haired girl, "You dueled me."

"Uhhh." She moaned, grabbing her aching head. Harry didn't blame her

for the pain. Having been hit by Dumbledores stunning spell, he figured

his felt close to the same way. It was like waking up with a hangover

from too much firewhiskey. "You tricked me."

"Tricked you? I don't know what you're talking about." He helped her to

her feet and held onto her to make sure she didn't fall over from being


"How did you break my shield? And you used non-verbal magic."

"I am not your normal fourth year. It was a simple blasting hex that

broke your shield."

"What! How is that possible!" She demanded, her dizziness beginning to

leave her.

Harry shrugged, "I find that I am more powerful than your average witch

or wizard." Her eyes narrowed. "Or above average witch." Her eyes

narrowed even further. "Or powerful witch?" He winced.

She poked him in the ribs, "Watch it Potter or I won't give you permission

for Fleur."


"To date Fleur silly!" She said as if that was the most obvious thing in the


"Date her?" He squeaked going red in the face.

She giggled, "Oh, you two are perfect for one another. She acts the same

way when you're brought up."

"She does?" He squeaked again, his mind beginning to race. Did she like

him like that?

"You two. Classic!" She laughed, walking away from him.

"Wait! What do you mean?" He called after her.

"Have a good day Harry!" She replied, not breaking a step as she walked

back to the Beauxbatons carriage. This left him back to his thoughts. The

sun was already well risen and breakfast was soon to start. There weren't

any classes today and so he wasn't in a rush to get to the Great Hall. He

decided that a walk through the castle would be a good way to think

through his conversation with Aimee Beaucourt.

"What are your plans for the day Daph?" Harry asked, sitting down next

to her in the Great Hall. They all had grown accustomed to sitting at the

Hufflepuff table for non-dinner meals. Susan, Neville, Hannah, and Tracy

also sat around them. The Hufflepuffs had also grown accustomed to

their presence. For the most part, all of the houses respected the groups

friendships, no one daring to speak out against it. Mostly because Harry

currently had the reputation of being someone not to cross because of the

stories surrounding him and his ex-best friends.

"Did you forget again? Today is when you're supposed to work with us on

defense." She frowned at him.

"Errr right. I'm prepared." He replied weakly.

"Spending too much time thinking about a certain French witch Harry?"

Tracy asked with a smirk causing him to blush.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harry cursed his luck because

in that moment Fleur walked in with Aimee by her side. She flashed him

a brilliant smile which only caused his face to redden even more.

"Sure..." Neville replied, eliciting laughter from the group.

"The golden boy has fallen for the damsel in distress. How romantic!"

Susan exclaimed, clasping her hands together and sighing in a dramatic


Harry rolled his eyes, "Shut up you lot." He said through gritted teeth.

None of them noticed the increasing frown of Daphne or how

uncomfortable she was with the conversation.

"So, what are we going to be going over today?" Neville asked.

"Basic dueling shields."

"Like the protego charm?" Hannah asked.

Harry nodded, "Yes. There are other useful shield charms to learn though.

The protego charm isn't a one size fits all shield, so to speak."

"How long will it take, because I do want to watch people put their

names in the cup. I hear that the Weasley twins are going to try and get

passed the age line." Susan said, getting a few nods from the others.

"Not long. Master Flitwick just wanted me to start you on the protego

charm today. We will start to delve into other shields later."

"'Arry?" Fleurs soft voice sent a shiver down his spine as it always seemed

to do. He spun in his seat to face her. Aimee was smirking right behind

her. "I was wondering what you were doing zis afternoon?" She glanced

at his friends who had a mix of emotions at the moment.

She had met two of his friends. Daphne was again showing signs of

jealousy and hatred towards her. It was clear that the pureblood girl liked

Harry as more than friends. The others watched on with amusement as

Harry tried to get over his shock that she was talking to him.

"Er, sorry Fleur-"

"He's busy teaching us." Daphne finished, taking Harry's arm. Fleur

narrowed her eyes. So that's how its going to be?

"Oh you 'ave those defense lessons 'Arry? Do you mind if we join in?"

Fleur asked.

"I err, I do-"

"Why would you need them? You're a seventh year are you not?" Daphne

responded coldly. Harry looked at her oddly trying to figure out why the

two girls were acting hostile towards one another. As far as he knew,

neither of them knew each other.

"I could always do with some brushing up on my skills."

Harry snorted, "Yeah, I'm sure Aimee could definitely use some brushing


Fleur looked at her friend who had suddenly taken an interest in her

shoes and had gone beet red. "I didn't know you two knew each ozzer?"

She asked pointedly at her friend.

"Well, I er-may have dueled him this morning." Aime said embarrassed.

Fleur simply raised her eyebrows waiting for Aime to continue.

"Lets just say, it didn't turn out well for Miss Beaucourt." Harry smirked

causing Fleurs eyes to widen.

"'E beat you?" Fleur asked in disbelief.

"You tricked me Potter! Had I known you were a prodigy, I never would

have agreed to duel you."

Harry laughed, "Haven't the papers been spouting the last two months

that I was a prodigy?"

"Pssh, like anyone believes the papers." Aimee responded bitterly.

"I still can't get over the fact you lost! 'Ow badly?" Fleur asked.

"Two spells..." She muttered, looking down in embarrassment.

"Two spells? Two spells! Aimee Beaucourt, the pride of Beauxbatons

dueling team, beaten by a fourth year in two spells!" Fleur laughed much

to her friends discomfort.

"Shut up! You wouldn't do much better!" Aimee said, crossing her arms.

"How about you two come to my little class this afternoon and I'll help

you shore up your defense's?"

Both girls nodded enthusiastically, suddenly forgetting their bitterness

towards the other girl. They both walked away after Harry agreed to

meet them in the Great Hall just after lunch.

"Are you sure you can trust them Harry?" Daphne asked, still looking

coldly at the two French witches as they took their seats at the

Ravenclaw table.

"Fleur? Definitely. Aime? We will see in time, but my gut tells me that I

can." He could see that Daphne wasn't pacified by his words and neither

was Tracy. Both Slytherins were slow to trust, it came with the Slytherin

traits he figured. It was also a good trait to have, and one he should

improve on in himself.

Harry spent the rest of the morning in the Hogwarts library preparing for

tonight's lesson with Kingsley. He increasingly found that he was having

to study for his nightly training. Each lesson grew more and more

complicated and as such he had to know more going in.

As of right now, he had charmed a fifth year DADA book to look like a

dark arts book given to him by Sirius, written by Antonin Dolohov, a

known Death Eater and currently locked up in Azkaban. Across the table,

Neville sat quietly reading through the Herbology book given to him by

Professor Moody.

It was rare for the two of them to not be in the company of any girls. In

fact, it was now so rare that he couldn't recall a time where he hadn't

been without at least one of them. Hannah and Tracy were the two

talkative ones of the bunch who always kept conversation flowing with

the latest gossip. Susan and Daphne often sat in the backround, and only

joined in when they wished, Susan more so than Daphne.

Neville was still the odd ball out. Hannah and Harry had done everything

they could to bring him out of his shell, and he was definitely making

improvements. Still, he tended to be the most quiet and shy out of all of

them. Harry had resigned that that would always be the case. Hannah

still hadn't given up hope on that, saying there was an outgoing wizard

somewhere buried in him. After all, she knew him better than anyone

and he had to just trust her on it.

"So, Nev, how's Hannah doing?" Harry winced at his pathetic attempt to

make small talk. It was just lately he had so little gotten a chance to talk

with his best male friend, he didn't know where to begin.

"She's good. I'm just worried."

"Worried? Why?" Harry asked, closing his book completely.

"I-I don't know. I-I just have doubts. She can't possibly like me? Can she?"

Harry groaned inwardly, "Nev, we've had this talk a million times by

now. Hannah is crazy about you. She likes you, get used to it."


"No buts Nev. The girl likes you. Only god knows why but she does." This

earned a chuckle out of Neville and he seemed to visibly relax.

"How about you and Fleur? She seems keen to get to know you better."

Neville smirked.

Harry felt his cheeks begin to turn pink, "I don't know what's going on

there yet."

"Just be careful."

"How do you mean?"

Neville turned nervous suddenly which put Harry on edge. "Just-er-you

know. She is a veela and some people won't take too kindly to you being

with one."

"I don't care what others think."

"You don't. But does she?"

Does she? That question wracked his mind for the rest of his study

through lunch, all the way up until he met Fleur and Aimee in the

Entrance Hall. It was put out of his mind the moment she offered him a

warm smile and even hugged him. The feeling of her body pressed

against his, no matter how momentarily, left him giddy.

"Well, where are you taking us?" Aimee asked, breaking up his and Fleurs


"Just to the second floor. Follow me." He led the two of them passed

various students who eyed them cautiously. They ignored them as they

made their way to an abandoned classroom where the others were

already waiting.

"Now that we're all here, I'm going to focus on shielding charms this

weekend. Fleur since I already know Aimee's capability, "Aimee stuck her

tongue out at him in response which he ignored, "Please show us a basic

protego shield." Fleur did as told and whipped her wand out. She slashed

her wand in an upward line and a translucent white shield formed in

front of her before disappearing a second later as she lowered her wand.

"Very good. Have you ever tested your shield under attack?" Fleur

nodded, a smug grin on her face.

"Not even my dueling professor could break it." Harry nodded.

"Who is your dueling teacher?"

"Professor Attiere." Harry recalled the information about well known

duelers that Professor Flitwick had talked about. He was extremely

knowledgeable of the professional dueling scene having once been

involved in it. The name Attiere rang a bell but he couldn't remember

anything about the man which meant he hadn't done anything of true


"Well, I am not your dueling professor. Wish to test your shield against


Fleur nodded ruefully, "Don't feel too bad when you can't break it 'Arry."

"Aimee said the same thing." He wasted no time in attacking her shield. A

simple blasting hex at low power slammed against her shield. The shield

successfully held, absorbing the spell.

"Is that all you 'ave 'Arry?" She mocked, smiling triumphantly.

Harry held off on attacking for another second to allow his core to build

up, and released it all at once. He felt his magic move through his arm

and out of his wand, the blasting hex came out like a canon, bucking his

arm upwards from the recoil. Fleur's eyes widened in surprise and her

shield had no chance. The blasting hex tore straight through her shield

and still had some stamina to send her a few feet back into the wall

behind her.

She hit the wall but retained her balance. "Shouldn't have gotten ahead of

yourself Fleur." Aimee said. She was relieved that Harry had broken her

shield, otherwise she never would have heard the end of it from Fleur.

"What ze 'ell kind of spell waz zat?" Fleur demanded, her temper flaring

to life. Harry had to put it out of his mind that her accent was cute when

she was angered. He could see her fingertips beginning to glow slightly

red. Veela were indeed quick to anger.

"A blasting hex. I used the same thing on Aimee's shield. You should

know that I'm more powerful than most others. What do we do when

another is more powerful than you?" Harry asked to the others.

"Dodge." They all responded in unison. Harry prided himself on

indoctrinating that trait into all of them. A simple side step of a spell

instead of shielding it could save their lives and he was happy to see it

ingrained in their system to dodge first.

"Dodge, always dodge. Only use a shield when no other option is

available. Today I want to make sure you're all able to do the protego

charm correctly. It's not a very powerful shield charm, but it's all around

useful and can stop a number of low powered spells. The more powerful

the opponent you face however, the more complex shield charm you will

need to know." Harry started, getting into his lecture mode. His students

had even begun to take notes when he got into this state.

The rest of the lesson had continued with Harry reciting the various

defensive charms that can be used in a fight and their various uses. The

spell he most wanted to ingrain into their psyche though was Aber Pulve,

a spell designed to help stop an unforgivable. It was only usable when

other objects capable of withstanding a large amount of energy such as

rocks, were laying around. The spell acted as a defense system in that it

pulled an object into the path of a spell.

It worked to block any spell, but it was most commonly used to stop

unforgivables. He took great pride in the spell, mostly because it had

been invented by his mother. He already knew, this particular spell

would one day save his life, probably even save his life multiple times. It

was just another reminder that his mother, even in death, was still

looking out for him.

Everyone was gathered in the Great Hall anxiously waiting the results of

the TriWizard Cup. The champions were to be chosen tonight. Cedric

Diggory and Angelina were the front runners for the Hogwarts

nomination. Fleur and Aime had both put in their names and so Harry

suspected it would be either one of those two. He secretly hoped Fleur

wouldn't be chosen, not because he thought she wasn't capable, but

because the tournament was dangerous and he wasn't sure if he could sit

around and do nothing while she was in danger. The Durmstrang

nomination was most likely to be Viktor Krum as the rumor was that

their headmaster had forbid anyone else besides Krum to enter his or her


Harry sat at the Gryffindor table with Fleur sitting just behind him at the

Ravenclaw table. Katie, Angelina, Alicia, and the Weasley twins sat by

him with Neville not too far away. The hall was completely packed and

Harry noticed two new faces sitting at the staff table. He recognized both

from the World Cup as Bagman and Crouch Sr. Both must be here for the

tournament he figured.

"Again, thank you all for joining us this evening!" Dumbledore began,

standing up from his golden throne to address the students. With each

passing day, Harry had begun to dislike the professor more and more. He

increasingly was beginning to sound like a man that prided over his own

reputation than anything else. The lessons he had lately been having with

Dumbledore had been history lessons, all showing off just how great the

mighty Dumbledore was. Harry wasn't sure if this was Dumbledore's

attempt to make him fearful of the Headmaster or in awe of. Either way

it only served to make Harry more rebellious and the Headmaster will be

in for a rude awakening when he actually began to press Harry in certain

directions. Little did the headmaster know that he was training his


"Before we begin with the festivities, I must introduce two new members

to our staff, Mr. Ludo Bagman, and Mr. Barty Crouch Sr. Both are here to

oversee the tournament and will also act as judges along with the

Headmasters of each school." Polite applause resounded throughout the

hall, mostly from the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students who had a

stricter code of discipline and formality than Hogwarts students.

"Now that that is taken care of, we shall feast. Afterwards, the Choosing

Ceremony begins!" Dumbledore announced. Food appeared at the tables

and the students quickly went into a frenzy over the food.

Harry made sure to pile his plate with proteins and carbs. Sirius,

Kinglsey, and Tonks had given him an overview on basic nutrition and

what he should be eating to grow his muscles and increase weight. So far

it had worked and so he stuck with the diet.

The talk around the table focused on the evening and who would be the

Hogwarts Champion. Harry heard Ron bragging about how he would

have been the Champion if he could enter. No one was seriously listening

to him, but they did humor him by showing some interest. Angelina for

the most part played with her food, looking nervous about the decision in

just a few minutes.

The meal passed quickly, everyone anxiously waiting for the choosing

ceremony to begin. Fleur had several times sought Harry's comfort for

her nerves by talking to him. Neither noticed a blonde haired witch in

the far corner of the hall frown at their exchange.

Dumbledore stood up just as the desert had vanished from the table.

Harry could hear Rons groan as a piece of chocolate cake disappeared

mid bite. "Now that your bellies are full, we may begin! Mr. Ludo

Bagman will begin this evenings festivities!"

Ludo Bagman stood up from his seat and moved to stand next to

Dumbledore at the center of the hall. "As all of you know, the British

Ministry of Magic has taken steps to make this tournament less deadly.

As such, only those of age have been allowed to place their name in the

cup. We are proud that all of you are here to witness the resurgence of a

new international cooperation between schools!"

The students gave Ludo a lackadaisical cheer, waiting patiently for the

Champions to be chosen. Dumbledore again took over, "Eternal

glory...that is what awaits those chosen. But do not take your choosing

lightly, grave dangers await you. This is not for the faint of heart."

Dumbledore said in a grim voice, making the atmosphere thick with


Harry had to give it to the old man, he definitely had a flare for the

dramatic. The blue flamed goblet roared to life, briefly turning red just

before it shot out a piece of paper. "The champion for Durmstrang

is...Viktor Krum!" The Great Hall erupted into applause as the burly

Durmstrang student stood up from the Slytherin table and walked into

the side chamber he was directed towards. No emotional change

appeared on the world renown seeker, his surly attitude staying intact.

As soon as the door to the side chamber had shut, the goblet roared to

life again, emitting another slip of paper. "The Beauxbatons champion

is...Fleur Delacour!" Harry cheered, louder than most people in the hall.

He was surprised when Fleur got up and lent down to hug him, placing a

kiss on his cheek. It caused him to go red in the face, but he continued

cheering none-the-less.

Once Fleur was out of the Hall, the goblet again flared to life. "The

champion for Hogwarts is...Cedric Diggory!" The Great Hall burst into

applause, far more than any of the other champions. Harry was one of

them that cheered, knowing that Cedric was a good guy. He felt bad for

Angelina but Cedric was at least a good choice in her stead.

"Congratulations all champions yes. This year we-" Dumbledore stopped

when the goblet began to come alive again. Another piece of paper shot

out of the goblet and Dumbledore snatched it out of the air.

"Harry Potter." He whispered and only those close to the Headmaster had

heard him. Whispers began to break out amongst those students close

enough to hear.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted more loudly. This sent Harry's mind

into a tailspin. So much sped through his mind all at once he thought he

might get sick. He hadn't been anywhere near the goblet all today or last

night for that matter. That meant someone had set him up and tricked

the goblet. But who?

He didn't get up until Katie had nudged her elbow into his side. He

slowly raised himself and walked over to Dumbledore who handed him

the slip of paper that had come out of the Goblet of Fire. Indeed the

paper had his name written in his own hand writing. The whole Hall was

completely silent as he walked to the front and through the side door into

the trophy room.

"'arry? Are we needed back in ze 'all?" Fleur asked as soon as he appeared

in the room.

"Err, not exactly." He said, stepping down the stairs into room.

"What do you mean?" Fleur asked, concern beginning to show. The door

behind Harry was shoved open with many of the staff, including the

other Headmasters coming in. Dumbledore rushed down the steps quickly

and took Harry by complete surprise, shoving him up against a glass

trophy case.

Harry acted out of pure instinct and shoved Dumbledore back but

unconsciously put some of his wandless magic into the shove. It resulted

in the old headmaster flying into an opposite trophy case, shattering the

glass and slumping to the ground unconscious.

"Mr. Potter!" Professor McGonagall shouted. Professor Snape rushed to

the unconscious headmaster's side. "What have you done! You just

attacked the headmaster!"

Harry was still completely shocked at his use of wandless magic and

didn't respond. "Madame, surely you saw 'e was defending 'imself! Ze

'eadmaster put 'eez 'ands on 'Arry! That eez not acceptable!" Fleur came

to his defense.

"I 'ave to agree with Miss Delacour." Madame Maxime said. "I do not

know the school you run 'ere, but eet eez never acceptable to lay 'ands on

a student in our country."

"It vas forceful." Headmaster Karkroff butted in. "This young man was

simply defending himself." Harry wasn't sure he liked being defended by

a known Death Eater, but he would take it here. The small smirk on Igor's

face made it clear he had enjoyed the exchange. Attacking a teacher, no

less, the Headmaster of the school could get him into serious trouble.

"This is preposterous!" Snape shouted. "He should be expelled! The

Headmaster lays unconscious because the spoiled brat believes himself

above attacking a teacher!"

"I only saw it as defense." Madame Maxime responded coolly. She knew

who Snape was and his backround. How such a man could teach children

was beyond her and it had only lessened her opinion of the man now

laying unconscious just a few feet away. She smiled to herself that no one

was focusing on the raw power that Harry had just displayed by knocking

out a wizard who was considered the most powerful of their age with just

his bare hands.

"We need to get him to Madame Pomfrey." Professor McGonagall said.

Professor Snape nodded begrudgingly and performed the duties of

transferring the headmaster to Pomfreys care.

"Harry, you still will have to be punished. I know what the Headmaster

did was wrong, but you reacting in that way can't go unpunished."

Minerva asked once Snape was out of the room. The other adults and

champions stared at him.

Harry sighed, getting over his shock. "I understand. I'll serve whatever

punishment given. Sorry, I was just caught by surprise."

"I think detention with me should be sufficent." Harry did his best to not

smile at that news. He knew that just meant extra lessons from Madame

McGonagall. "What I'm sure we all want to know is if you put your name

in the goblet."

"No, of course not."

"He is lying of course." Karkaroff sneered.

"I have no reason to enter myself. This tournament is obviously designed

for those older than me, so I would like to withdraw my name."

Suddenly everyone looked nervous, "You can't withdraw Harry."

Professor McGonagall bit the bullet.

"What!" Harry and Fleur shouted at the same time, causing them both to

look at each other and flush red. "What?" Harry said after taking a deep


"When your name came out of the Goblet it binds you to a magical

contract. If you were to refuse to compete, you would lose your magic."

Ludo Bagman who had otherwise remained quiet spoke up. Harry could

hear Fleur gasp next to him.

"What the fuck." Harry muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"5 points from Gryffindor for language Mr. Potter."

Harry just rolled his eyes, "Is there any way out of this shit tournament?"

"No Harry, You must compete." Crouch Sr. said causing Harry to groan.

"You can't seriously expect 'im to compete!" Fleur cried out, causing

everyone to look at her. Her face was red from anger and fear and her

finger tips were beginning to play with fire. "'e didn't enter 'is name, yet

you require 'im to participate?"

"I'm sorry Miss Delacour. He must, otherwise he will lose his magic."

Ludo responded.

"Zis eez not fair for 'im." Viktor began. "You cannot surely expect 'im to

compete with us, let alone survive."

"I'm not worried about the tournament." Harry sent a glare at Viktor as to

say he was confident he could win it. "I'm worried about people

tampering with the tournament."

"Surely Harry you cant-" Ludo Bagman started.

"Surely I shouldn't have thought I would be chosen as a fourth

champion." This shut him up quickly.

"I think Mr. Potter is right. Obviously someone is hoping Harry will be

hurt or killed in this tournament." Professor Moody spoke up for the first

time. This caused the room to go silent. It had been the thought no one

had been willing to say, but now that someone had said it, everyone

knew that to be the most likely truth.

Everyone except Karkaroff, "Who would want to kill this insignificant


"Your former master. You know very well that you have a price on your

head just as I do Headmaster. I don't think Voldemort takes too kindly to

those who defy him." Harry responded coldly, eliciting a few chills from

those near him.

Karkaroff blanched at his words and grew pale, going quiet instantly.

"Tonight has been an interesting turn of events and I suggest we all sleep

on it." Crouch Sr. said, breaking the silence that fell over the group. The

other adults agreed. Soon, Fleur was being dragged out of the trophy

room along with Krum by their headmasters. She offered him a sad smile.

The Hogwarts staff left Cedric and him to walk to their prospective dorms


"Did you enter yourself?" Cedric asked as they made it to the third floor.

Harry shook his head, "No. Frankly I was hoping for a quiet year."

Cedric smiled, "I figured. You're a good man Harry. Ask me for help

anytime you need it."

"Thank you Cedric. I'm glad you were chosen as Hogwarts champion, you

truly deserved it."

"We are Hogwarts champions together."

Harry shook his head again, "You are the Hogwarts champion. I am

fighting more for myself. Something tells me that my name coming out of

the goblet isn't the end of things."

Cedric nodded, "Do whatever you have to to stay alive and call on me for


"I will. Have a good night." Harry smiled at the Hufflepuff who left to

walk towards the Hufflepuff common room which was located on the

third floor. He only knew where it was because of the Marauders Map

which told him the location of everyone in the castle.

Harry walked up to the seventh floor, knowing that tonight's lesson was

about to get hectic. Sirius wasn't going to take too kindly to him being

placed in the TriWizard Tournament. He had a feeling his training was

about to be put on a whole new level.

10. Extra Training

Thank you to everyone that has followed/favorited/and reviewed.

"What!" Sirius shouted as soon as Harry told him that he was forced into

competing in the TriWizard Tournament. "Where's Dumbledore? I would

like a word with that old coot!" Sirius demanded, stepping towards the


"I-er...may have-er. Put him in the hospital wing." Harry cringed at how

bad that sounded.

Sirius spun around, "You what?"

This part he knew would piss Sirius off even more. "He shoved me up

against a trophy case trying to figure out if I entered myself." Sirius' eyes

darkened. "I pushed him off me and accidentally used wandless magic to

banish him away from me. He hit another trophy case and fell


"He laid a hand on you?" Sirius asked, his tone dangerous. Remus also

looked more mad than Harry had ever seen the old wolf. For a second, he

thought he saw the same wild look that Remus had when he transformed

into a werewolf that night in third year.

"Yes, but I dealt with it. He won't do it again I'm sure. That's not the

problem though, me being in the tournament is."

Sirius still looked ready to bolt out the door but he sighed and conjured a

stool to sit on. "Are we sure there isn't any way out of it?" Remus asked,

speaking up for the first time. They were the only three in the room at

the time. Kingsley was expected to be here later in the evening once he

got off work.

"The two ministry officials were very clear that there wasn't any way of

backing out unless I wanted to lose my magic."

Sirius swore under his breath, "Did they tell you what the first task was?"

Harry shook his head, "They didn't talk about that. There is one good

thing about all of this though."

Remus and Sirius looked at him doubtfully. "I looked up the rules for the

tournament when I heard about it at the start of the year. The champions

are excused from classes and tests so that they can prepare. So I now

have a lot of time on my hands to train."

"That's something I guess." Sirius muttered, still not looking all too

thrilled at the moment.

"For now I should probably continue with my classes. Even though I'm far

ahead, I still learn a lot of the theory in them. Here, its all practical.

When it gets close to time for a task we can focus on them and I'll miss

classes." Both adults nodded in agreement.

"What did the other teachers and headmasters say about this? I'm sure

they couldn't be too happy."

"None of them looked too happy, especially after Moody brought to light

that someone probably entered me into this tournament so that I would

get harmed or killed."

"That's what concerns me most." Remus said. "This tournament is very

dangerous. Also the goblet cannot easily be confused so it could only be

someone who is quite powerful or knowledgeable to get your name to

come out of the cup."

"You think Voldemort has a hand in this?" Sirius asked his eyes widening.

Remus shrugged, "I don't know, but who else would be after Harry. We

know that Voldemort is still alive, maybe he has been able to round up a

follower or two?"

"So Voldemort had someone enter me so that I would get killed?" Harry

asked Remus.

"Its the only thing I can think of." He shrugged.

"That begs the question, who would he use to enter me into the

tournament? It has to be someone in the castle doesn't it?"

"That would make the most sense. But it can be anyone, and even that

person could have been imperioused. With all the new people in the

castle because of this tournament, it will be difficult to find the culprit."

"But didn't you say it had to be someone powerful? Surely that rules out

the students, or most of them anyways." Harry said.

Remus nodded, "I would say anyone below seventh year are probably

without the proper knowledge to fool the goblet and then few above sixth

year have the necessary power to perform such spells. If I could get my

hands on the goblet, maybe I can answer more of our questions and

narrow the search down further."

"Would the ministry just let you perform tests on an ancient magical

artifact?" Harry asked.

"Probably not. But who's to say I'd be asking permission from the

ministry?" Remus said with a grin Harry had never seen before.

"Maybe I can ask Minister Fudge for a favor so you don't have to break

the law?"

"That could work I guess."

"Sirius if you could get word to the minister for me that'd be great." Sirius


"So until we find out more, we what? Continue to train?" Harry asked.

"That's all we can do for now. I can't believe Dumbledore let something

like this happen under his nose." Sirius said bitterly.

"Its not the first time. Don't worry, he will get his just desserts. He's as big

a threat as Voldemort at this point."

"Do you think he's actually that dangerous?" Sirius asked his eyes

widening. He knew his godson wasn't friendly with the Headmaster but

he didn't know his dislike for the old man ran that deeply. To compare

him to Voldemort was definitely not something he expected.

"He's planning something with information he isn't willing to give up.

Dumbledore, I think likes his influence on the ministry, the students, and

the international community. Voldemort is a direct threat to that and I'm

smart enough to know I could be a future threat to that power, especially

if I defeated Voldemort for a second time."

"You can't really think he would try and kill you?" Remus asked,

completely bewildered by what Harry was saying.

"I can't be sure of anything. No, I don't think he would kill me, but my

past experiences with deadly situations has told me he wasn't ever too

concerned with my safety. The only time he has tried to help me was

after the dark magic in my scar was removed and he started these


"Do we not know what dark magic was hidden in your scar?" Sirius


"No, the healers didn't know and if they didn't know after a full physical,

I doubt others would."

"Do you think Dumbledore knows what it was?"

Harry shrugged, "It's possible. And if he does, I doubt he would tell me


"Dumbledore's what? Like 150?" Remus asked.

"Yeah I think. What's your point?" Harry asked, confused where Remus

was taking this.

"Well, he has to be close to dying of old age, doesn't he?"

"Maybe? Why does that matter?" Sirius asked, just as confused as Harry.

"Well the Headmaster surely can't be around forever. All of his influence

and power can't save him from death."

Harry's eyes widened at realization, Dumbledore, like Voldemort was

cheating death. "Shit!"

"What? Do you know something?" Sirius asked.

"He told me he destroyed the Philosophers Stone, but that could easily

have been a lie."

"You think he still has it?"

Harry nodded, "He has to. A man of 150, even one as powerful as

Dumbledore, would be slowing down by that age. Yet, he still moves

around like he's twenty."

"I think you might be right Harry. Is there any way to find out for sure

that the Philosophers Stone is still around?" Sirius asked.

Harry grinned, looking at Remus, "Still up for stealing something?"

"Hey Daph." She had just sat next to him at the Gryffindor table. This of

course got the eye of everyone else in the hall. Not that they were

looking at anyone but him anyways. This morning's paper was

surprisingly quiet about the TriWizard Tournament. In fact, it only made

one small mention of it on the eighth page saying that a more in depth

story would be coming soon.

Apparently Sirius' words with the Minister last night after his training

session had gotten through. The Goblet which had been proudly

displayed in the Great Hall was missing this morning. Word around the

castle was that Aurors had taken it away just an hour ago to investigate

for tampering.

The reactions from the other students this morning was almost comical. A

lot of Slytherin still didn't have much good to say for the Gryffindor

Golden Boy. Draco especially was doing his best to declare Harry a cheat

to anyone that would even remotely listen. Ravenclaw remained passive

like they do with most things. Hufflepuff was still friendly with him

thanks to the help of Cedric, Hannah, and Susan. It really did pay to have


Lastly, Gryffindor stuck behind Harry like they usually do. All

Gryffindors, except Ronald of course. Hermione had remained quiet, not

agreeing or disagreeing with Ron's pathetic attempts to get the

Gryffindors on his side and against Harry.

No one was buying it of course, and this morning with the rumor of the

goblet being taken away by aurors, just further confirmed Harry's story to

the school. Still, some Harry was sure, harbored their doubts, but there

wasn't much he could do about that.

"Did you do it?" Daphne asked quietly.

"You know I didn't." Harry responded.

"I know, just making sure. There has to be a way out of this."

Harry shook his head, "Apparently its a magical binding contract. I would

lose my magic and maybe even die if I didn't compete." She gasped

causing him to look at her. For just a fleeting moment he caught fear in

her eyes before her normal expressionless face took over.

"Harry, this tournament can kill you!" She hissed, her voice raising


"Oh, are you concerned about Miss Greengrass?" Harry grinned when she

went slightly pink. She punched his arm in return. "Ouch." He mocked.

"This is not something to joke about!" Harry was aware that many nearby

were straining to hear their conversation so he grabbed her arm and led

her out of the Great Hall and into a small classroom.

He placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. "I

know its not a joke. There are other things going on besides the


Her ice queen persona dropped the minute they were alone. "Like what?"

"Whoever put my name into the Goblet obviously wants me hurt or

dead." Daphne surprised him by throwing her arms around his neck and

pulled him into a hug. His arms naturally fell to rest on her hips.

"What are you going to do about this?"

"Nothing for now. Remus and Sirius are trying to find out more answers.

All I can do is train."

"You better train mister. Do you know what the first task is?" She pulled

away from him but kept her arms around his neck. Harry shook his head.

"Well, whatever it is, I'll do everything I can to help you."

Harry gave her a soft smile. "I know you will."

"And if someone is hoping you will die in this tournament, you do

everything to stay alive! Here me? Everything!" Harry felt warm in side

seeing the fierceness she said those words.

"Yes, ma'am." Her stomach took that moment to growl and she blushed

heavily causing Harry to laugh.

"Shut up. You took me from my breakfast."

"Well lets get you some food." Daphne took his arm as they walked back

out the door and ran right into Fleur and Amiee. Daphne stopped and

turned to Harry. She being a few inches shorter than Harry, stood up on

her toes and planted a kiss on the corner of his lips.

"I'll see you." She gave him a sultry smile as she walked back into the

Great Hall. Harry could only watch, completely in shock. She had never

shown affection towards him in public like that before and it took him by

surprise. He didn't see the dark looks the two French girls gave Daphne as

she left them.

"So 'arry!" Fleurs voice brought him out of his stunned state. She had an

odd look in her eyes, one he hadn't seen before. She walked over and

looped her arm through his like Daphne had earlier. "I 'ear that we are

being allowed out of ze castle next weekend to a place called


"Err yeah. We have a couple trips there every year." They began walking

back into the Great Hall and Harry guided them to Gryffindor table. Katie

and Neville made room for the three of them to sit down. His relationship

with all three of the Gryffindor chasers turned into a brother-sister one,

treating him as a younger brother, mostly to just embarrass Harry.

"Care to show me around ze town?"

"Of course." Harry said. Aimee knew better than to ask who was going to

show her around.

"Is it true Harry?" Alicia asked once they were all finished eating.

"Is what true?"

"That you put Dumbledore in the hospital!"

Harry groaned. He was hoping that wasn't going to get out. "I can neither

confirm or deny such rumors."

"Aww come on Harry. You can tell us!" Katie whined. Angelina was

staying quiet and wasn't really eating. He knew that she was still

disappointed at not being chosen, and maybe even a little mad at him for

being the fourth champion.

"Eet was your 'eadmasters fault." Fleur responded for him.

"Wow! You really did Harry?" Neville asked, pushing aside his plate.

"Look, some things last night should never have happened. I'm now

forced to compete in a tournament I never signed up for."

"I'm zorry that you 'ave to compete. Eet eez not fair." Fleur said


"Maybe not, but now that I am in it, I expect to win it." Harry grinned at


She chuckled, "You 'ave to get passed me to do so!"

"You think you're a match for me?" He said, grinning.

Fleurs smile and she grew serious for a moment. "A perfect match."

Harry's heart stopped beating for a moment. He knew that she meant

something else by those words, it was written on her face and impossible

to miss, even for a clueless fourteen year old.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Aimee muttered, breaking up the moment

they were having. Fleur and Harry shook themselves from the staring

contest they had been having and turned back to their food, both going

red in the face.

Harry used the silence that had developed to focus on the others in the

Hall. Ron wasn't too far away, gorging himself on food while Hermione

glanced up at Ron with a mixed look of longing and disgust. The last two

months, Harry had observed them draw closer to one another. As far as

he was aware, they weren't a couple yet, but they were progressing that

way. It was also painfully obvious they would never work out as a

couple. They had nothing in common and frankly it was amazing they

had stuck around as friends once he had left. He never pictured

Hermione the type to fall in love with the likes of Ron.

Daphne and Tracy were sitting with a few of their friends in Slytherin.

Most of the other Slytherins with the exception of Malfoy and his death

eater cronies had accepted them back into the House of Snakes.

Susan and Hannah sat at the Hufflepuff table eating with their year

mates. His eyes roamed to the table of blue and focused in on the blonde

haired 'Claw. Sometime soon it would be good to get some friends from

Ravenclaw and Luna would be a fine start.

"Do you two know what the first task is?" Aimee asked, breaking the


Fleur shook her head, "Non, not yet. We 'ave a wand ceremony in two


"We do?" Harry asked, not having heard that.

"Oui, Madame Maxime told me. Were you not told?"

"No, my headmaster was in the hospital wing, remember?" Harry couldn't

keep the grin off his face. He took some pride that he had knocked the

greatest wizard of the century unconscious. Surely few could claim that.

"Oh right." She responded sheepishly.

Goblet of Fire Tampered With!

Our sources within the Ministry have been able to confirm that the ancient

artifact, the Goblet of Fire, was tampered with, which is what led to the

choosing of four champions. Due to the nature of the magic used, it is not

possible to ascertain the identity of the person who tampered with the artifact.

All that can be confirmed is that the spells used were complex and powerful.

When call for a quote, the lead investigator, Mr. Kingsley Shacklebolt, had

this to say, "The person responsible for the tampering of this object is very

gifted in charms which will help us narrow down our suspects." When asked

about the potential suspects, Master Auror Shacklebolt had nothing to say.

Now that the Ministry has confirmed that the artifact was tampered, resulting

in Mr. Potter being entered into a dangerous tournament that he is underage

for, we must ask what will be done? The Ministry so far has remained quiet on

how they will use this information. What is known, is that Mr. Potter will still

need to compete having been entered into a magically binding contract. That

contract however never says that he must win, or even finish every task. He

simply must participate.

So what does that mean? We will soon be asking Mr. Potter himself at the

wand ceremony if he intends to compete to the best of his abilities, despite

being underage, or will he simply withdraw from each task once it has started.

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement will begin conducting an open

investigation into who is behind the tampering of the Goblet of Fire. The DMLE

have sent ten aurors to Hogwarts to conduct the investigation and provide

further security to ensure the safety of the tournament.

Dumbledore put down his copy of the Daily Prophet and took off the ice

pack that rested on the top of his head. It was still bruised from his

encounter with a glass trophy case. He was now sure that the Ministry

had no clue of Professor Moody, or really Barty Crouch Jr.'s involvement

in tampering with the Goblet of Fire.

After he had started his investigation a month ago into his old friend, he

quickly found that it actually wasn't his long-time friend in the castle.

Instead, a Death Eater, once thought dead was using polyjuice potion to

impersonate the venerable Auror.

At first, he thought of getting rid of the impersonator and freeing his

friend who was locked in a chest in the DADA office. But, after seeing

into Barty's mind through legilimency, he found that he could use the

Death Eater for his own gain. After all, they had the same goal, making

sure Harry was entered into the tournament.

Of course, Barty didn't yet know what Voldemort's reasons were for

Harry being in the tournament, but that can be figured out at a later

date. For now, he had Harry in the tournament and knew that Voldemort

had a play in this as well. He just had to wait and figure out what it was,

and then react appropriately for the Greater Good.

After a quick obliviation of his and Barty's brief fight and then implanting

the idea of confunding the Goblet to create a fourth school so that Harry

would be entered under, he left him to do his business. Now that he

knew the Ministry was clueless to his DADA teachers involvement, he

could be hopeful that Voldemort will relay his plans to Crouch Jr.

Harry stood outside the Entrance Hall, near the carriages that were

taking them to Hogsmeade. He wore some of his better clothes and the

black dragonhide jacket Sirius had given him a few weeks ago. "Wow,

look at you! All dressed up for your date?" Tracy teased, walking out with

Daphne, Susan, and Aimee. The girls had quickly taken to the two French

students. There was some obvious dislike going on between Daphne and

Fleur for a reason Harry couldn't figure out. Annoyingly, no one would

tell him either and instead just roll their eyes and walk away anytime he

asked about it.

"It's not a date. Just going out with a friend." Harry cringed inside at how

unconvincing he sounded.

"Uhuh, sure..." Aimee said with a sly grin. "Fleur will be here in a


"Have a good time lover boy." Susan smirked, walking passed him with

the other girls in tow. Harry could only roll his eyes in response. Daphne

didn't say anything and instead just gave him a forced smile. He was

going to have to figure out what was wrong between her and Fleur soon.

"Don't forget to meet us at the Three Broomsticks for lunch!" Susan called

as she stepped into a carriage.

Hanna and Neville walked out soon after, saying hello as they stepped

into a carriage. Neville had undergone the most change this year and

most of that could be attributed to Hannah. Though he was still shy

around others, he was improving. His studies had improved in most

subjects besides potions, though that was hardly his fault. He still

struggled when casting spells which struck Harry as odd. He knew his

parents had both been very good aurors. There had to be something else

going on there that would take further investigation.

Just a minute later, Harry had his breath taken away when Fleur came

into view. It was clear she had taken more of an effort to make herself

look better, not that she really needed it. She was wearing tight fitting

blue jeans with a simple t-shirt, cardigan, and black jacket. Also her blue

eyes seemed to pop more than normal and her silver hair was pulled into

a pony tail.

"Like what you see?" Fleur teased, seeing Harrys stunned look. He could

only nod, still mesmerized by the radiance in front of him. "You don't

look too bad yourself." She chuckled.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked, getting over himself. She

looped her arm through his and they walked to the nearest carriage. It

was empty and soon took off once they got inside.

"You're the expert. I don't know what this town 'as."

"Well in all honesty, there isn't a whole lot to do. Shopping is about it."

"Well I'll follow your lead. I'm sure you can entertain me." Harry blushed.

The carriage slowed to a halt and Harry played the gentleman, helping

her down from the carriage. She didn't relinquish his hand once they had

exited the carriage and they began walking down the main street of

Hogsmeade. He wasn't about to pull his hand away either, enjoying the

warm tingles that were shooting up his arm.

The small magical town was already crowded with students bustling

around, getting some shopping done. It was a colder, windy day and so

most people went from shop to shop, not taking time to talk in the


Their presence was noticed however as people stopped to whisper, eyeing

their joined hands. He glanced nervously at Fleur, but she either didn't

notice the other students staring at them, or didn't care.

They didn't say much as they walked through the street, just enjoying the

closeness of one another. "Where are we going?" Fleur asked, breaking

the silence. They had already walked through most of the town and were

now nearing the edge of town.

"The most haunted place in Britain." He said, grinning at Fleur.

She raised her eyebrows, but her eyes showed amusement. "You're taking

me to a place that eez 'aunted?"

By now they had entered the woods that were at the southwest end of

town, near where the shrieking shack was. "Its not actually haunted but

others don't know better. My uncle Remus, you've met him, when he

went to Hogwarts, the Headmaster had this house built so that Remus

could have a place to be during his werewolf transformations."

"So ze others think eet eez 'aunted because a werewolf lives there?"

Harry shook his head. "No, they think its haunted because they've heard

inhuman noises from the house. Remus however hasn't used the house in


Soon they were inside the shack. It was just how Harry remembered it to

be, full of spiderwebs and broken furniture. The walls were breaking

down from termites eating away at the wood. "What a romantic place

'Arry." Fleur said sarcastically, running her hand along one of the dusty

drapes. He could tell she said it with amusement however.

"It's the only fun thing I could think of in this town"

She caught on quickly and gave him a sultry smile, "Are you sure you

didn't just want me alone?" Harry blushed heavily. The thought definitely

had crossed his mind.

Fleur took a tentative step forward and wrapped her hands around

Harry's neck. He was sure his heart had stopped beating and his mouth

went impossibly dry. He felt his whole body go numb and the world

around him ceased to exist. Only Fleur's bright blue eyes and the small

upturn of her pink lips was all he could see.

"Daphne. What are you doing!" Tracy hissed at her best friend. They had

been walking through the town when they spotted Harry and Fleur walk

off into the forest together. Now, Daphne was hell bent on following

them. Tracy wasn't dumb. She knew her friend harbored some feelings

for Harry. Honestly, what girl wouldn't? Even she had to sometimes snap

herself out of a daydream that involved Harry and a broom closet. But

she knew that they just wouldn't work as a couple, and so she never tried

to pursue him.

Daphne, on the other hand, was definitely feeling something more than

just a liking. Whether the Ice Queen would admit something like that was

yet to be seen. Still, she knew her best friend well enough that the arrival

of Fleur had upset Daphne.

They crept along, from tree to tree, staying just out of hearing distance

from them. Daphne ignored every attempt by Tracy to stop. They were

led to the Shrieking Shack, where the two disappeared through a door.

When Daphne made to follow, Tracy grabbed her arm, "Look! We

shouldn't spy on them. Its wrong Daph."

Daphne wasn't having any of it though and jerked her arm away from

Tracy, following the two into the Shrieking Shack. She knew this place

wasn't actually haunted. Harry had told her the real history behind it

during a study session in the library. Not a lot of studying went on that


Once inside, they slowly crept along the old wooden hallways, stepping

as softly as possible so that the floorboards didn't creak.

"Are you sure you didn't just want me alone?" Tracy heard from the room

next to her. Daphne had stopped just next to the doorway and peaked

into the room. Before Tracy could stop her, Daphne had her wand out

and sent a silent blasting hex into the room. Tracy winced when she

heard something explode followed by shrieks from Harry and Fleur.

CRASH! The old chair behind Harry exploded, sending debris flying.

"What the hell was that!" Harry yelped, jumping back and taking out his

wand. Fleur had done the same and looked around the room.

"I thought you said this 'ouse izn't 'aunted!"

"It isn't! Or at least I don't think it is." Harry went and examined the spot

where the chair had exploded. In a nearby room, another crash sounded,

followed by a chair flying into the room causing Harry to duck, and

breaking on the wall.

"Maybe we should go?" Harry asked, looking at Fleur who nodded. They

rushed out of the house just as another chair slammed into the door

Harry shut behind him. In the rush, neither of them saw the two

Slytherins, one of them holding a wand.

"Was that necessary Daphne?" Tracy asked as soon as Harry and Fleur

had left the house. "You shouldn't have done that."

"I was just having some fun Tracy." Daphne smirked, slipping her wand

back into her pocket.

"Just fun? Or did you do this for another reason?" Tracy crossed her arms

and eyed her friend closely.

"Just fun. Come on, we're supposed to meet them at the Three

Broomsticks!" Daphne called to Tracy, walking out of the Shrieking


"This is only going to lead to trouble." Tracy muttered, following Daphne


The rest of the day had passed quietly. Everyone had met up at the Three

Broomsticks. Tracy was thankful that neither Harry or Fleur had noticed

them at the Shrieking Shack. She also had to keep from laughing when

Harry described the events. After the fact, it was a little funny to see

Harry actually freaked out about something. Looking over at Daphne, she

just wore a triumphant smirk the whole time.

Once they were finished at the Three Broomsticks, they all walked back

up to the castle together. Harry had his training and so left quickly,

saying goodbye to everyone.

"So why are we meeting outside?" Harry asked walking up to Sirius and

Remus. It was dark out with a crescent moon. The full moon wasn't for

another two weeks.

"We are going to start you and your extra training!" Sirius grinned,

clapping his hands together.

"Extra training?" His eyebrows rose questioningly.

"Well, Remus and I think it's time for you to start learning to be a proper


"You want to teach me how to prank people?" He asked skeptically.

Sirius shook his head, "No. Yes, the Marauders were known for pranking.

But that wasn't why we called ourselves that. As you know, your father

and I became animagus' to take care of this old guy." Sirius slapped

Remus on the back.

"You're going to teach me to be an animagus?" Harry asked, suddenly

excited at the notion.

"Yes. Now, it's difficult work and wont happen over night. There is also

the possibility that you don't have an inner animal form."

"Or I could be something useless like a flobber worm...or a goat."

"Yes, that's a possibility too."

"So, where do we begin?"

"Well, things will go easier since you have a good grasp on occlumency. I

want you to calm yourself, and go into your mind." Remus said. Harry

nodded and took a seat on the grass.

"So, what am I supposed to do once I'm there?"

"First, we are going to give you a potion that will help. Once your mind is

calm, the potion will begin to take effect. From there, either something

will happen, or it won't. It's different for everyone."

Remus took out a small vile that contained a pink liquid. "Take it all at

once." He handed the vial over to Harry.

"So, what is this supposed to do exactly?" Harry eyed the vial cautiously.

"It'll hopefully allow you to see your animal form."

"Wait, if all it takes to see your animal form is a potion, why do so few

people become animagus?"

"Well, the potion itself is regulated carefully by the ministry and you're

not supposed to do this without their approval."

"Let me guess, were doing this illegally."

"Of course!" Sirius grinned and Harry just rolled his eyes at his godfathers

antics. "Its best to keep your animagus ability a secret. It can come in

handy sometime down the road."

"Also, the ministry doesn't grant many people the ability to become an

animagus. They think the ability dangerous and for the most part they're

right. It can be used for ill reasons."

"Right, so all I have to do is drink it?" Remus nodded and so Harry down

the vial of pink liquid. Immediately he began to feel something tug on his

occlumency shields.

Harry closed his eyes and focused inwards. The feeling of the grass, the

cold breeze that brushed his face, the moonlight, all disappeared. His

world faded black as everything around him came to a halt. This was

something he had done a million times now. Once he knew he was

within his own mind, he opened his eyes. This time though, instead of

seeing the outside world, he could see the inner workings of his mind.

His memories were filed away to his left, his hopes and dreams to the

right. Everything was neatly placed into cabinets in a muggle filing

system he had briefly seen while in his uncles workplace. He figured this

might be an added defense to someone that had managed to break his

occlumency shields. Someone like Dumbledore was clueless to the ways

of muggles.

Looking above him, he could see a pink bolt of energy repeatedly crash

into an invisible wall. Harry waved his hand, bringing down his shield

and the pink bolt, flew directly at Harry. It hit him in the stomach,

causing his world to again go black.

When he woke back up, he was no longer in his mind, or at least he

didn't think so. He also wasn't in the real world either. This place was

bright and sunny. A warm wind brushed against him, but it felt different.

His vision was perfect, better than when he was out of whatever place he

was. His smell was also better, being able to even smell the bark off the

nearby tree's.

When he stepped forward, something at the bottom of his vision caught

his eye. Looking down, he saw two large black paws where his feet were

supposed to be. For some reason he didn't freak out. It felt natural to him.

He took another step forward, observing his legs they worked easily in

unison. By now, he could tell he was some kind of cat or dog. Something

with four legs and black fur. His ears picked up the sound of flowing

water not too far away and so he decided it would be a good time to

check out how quick he was.

He started out with a slow trot, getting used to his legs, but he picked up

the pace until the point he was sprinting through the tree's at speeds that

would make anyone nervous. Harry found he loved the feel of the wind

on his fur and felt free. Just as free as he did when he was flying.

Keeping his ears trained on the sound of running water, he guided

himself through the forest until he came across a stream. He stopped his

sprint and approached the stream, curious to see his reflection.

The first thing he noticed was the bright emerald eyes looking back at

him. His fur was pitch black and only a small white lightning bolt on his

forehead stood out. Next he focused on the razor sharp teeth that showed

themselves dangerously anytime he opened his mouth. He now knew

exactly what animal he was. He was also very large and muscled.

He was thankful it was something useful. A tiger. A unique one at that

since he had never heard of one with black fur.

There we go, ten chapters in. I'm amazed at the response I have

gotten for this story and I thank everyone that is supporting me.

Also know, this is just the beginning. Fourth year is very much a

building year for Harry and where he will come into his own. Fifth

and sixth years are where things will really take off in my opinion.

11. Discovering the Task

"Ah good, good. The fourth champion has arrived. Step over here Mr.

Potter." Ludo Bagman announced his presence to the room. Fleur, Cedric,

and Viktor were sitting down next to one another across from Mr.

Ollivander. All of the Headmasters and a reporter, along with her

cameraman were at this event. As far as Harry knew, this ceremony was

just a formality and nothing really happened during it.

Rita Skeeter, the newly hired reporter for the Daily Prophet had

somehow gotten exclusive access to this little event it seemed. She was

eyeing him closely, a quill floating above her right shoulder furiously

writing down anything and everything.

Harry took his seat next to Fleur which Ludo led him to. She gave him a

radiant smile when he sat down. They hadn't gotten any time to revisit

their moment back at the Shrieking Shack. Both of them had been busy

with classes and Harry had mostly been busy with his extra training from

Sirius and Remus. They had to train at odd times of the day to keep

Dumbledores suspicions away from what they were doing since this

training was off the books.

"Now that everyone is here we can begin. Mr. Ollivander you have the

floor." Ludo bowed deeply to the old wandmaker.

"Yes, yes, well ladies first." He beckoned Fleur over to him, eager to get

things started. She squeezed Harry's arm briefly before walking over to

Ollivander. She handed over her wand with a hint of uneasiness. Harry

didn't blame her. From day one every witch and wizard is taught to never

part with their wand.

"Ah. How interesting...yes. Veela hair! An unusual core for a wand and

quite temperamental. I don't use them myself of course." Harry could see

Fleur's features tighten at the implied insult. "Veela hair only works when

given freely of course. You must know whose hair this is, yes?"

Fleur smiled brightly, "Oui, my grandmere's. She gave eet to me when I

was eleven." Ollivander nodded, continuing to inspect the wand in his

long bony fingers. He gave the wand a wave and produced a bouquet of

pink roses.

"It's in very good condition. Very well, next." He motioned for Cedric to

replace Fleur in the spotlight. He took the wand from Cedrics grasp. Even

from this distance it was clear that Cedric had taken great care of his

wand and it was well polished. Harry looked down at his own wand that

he had been casually twirling in his hand. It was definitely 'well used'.

"Excellent. I remember this wand well. 12 ¼ inches made of ash with a

unicorn hair core. It is pleasantly springy, very good for charms. I see you

have been polishing this wand every day."

"Just like you told me to do, sir." Cedric replied proudly. Ollivander

waved the wand and summoned a cup into his hand before handing back

Cedrics wand. Krum took his place in front of the wandmaker and

handed over his wand. It was much thicker than the others and made of a

light brown wood.

"Ah, a Gregorovitch wand. A very good wandmaker he is. His wands tend

to be very sturdy. Dragonheart string core, perfect for dueling."

Ollivander again waved the wand, sending a red spell that Harry

recognized as a stinging hex, right at Ludo Bagman who had been

attempting to chat up Rita Skeeter. The spell hit mid thigh causing him to

cry out in surprise. "Sorry." Ollivander shrugged when Ludo gave him a

death stare.

"And last but not least I'm sure, Mr. Potter." Harry hesitantly handed over

his wand. "Yes...11 inches, holly with a phoenix feather core. A highly

unusual combination that makes for a nice and supple wand. Has it still

been serving you well?" Ollivander peered over his glasses to look at


"Yes, sir."

"Good, good. Well its in fine working condition I believe." Before he

handed it back to Harry, he waved it around producing a few red sparks.

Harry blew a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Mr. Ollivander might

reveal the history behind his and Voldemorts wand. The last thing he

needed right now was that information getting out.

Dumbledore stepped forward and clapped his hands, "Well I think we

have taken enough time out of these students hands."

"But pictures Dumbledore!" Ludo barked out. That began one of the worst

thirty minutes of Harry's life as he was ordered around by Rita Skeeter

and her cameraman to pose for various pictures. A few times he had to

warn the cameraman for taking one too many pictures of Fleur and once

he even stopped taking pictures altogether and instead, simply stared at

her through his camera lens.

The whole deal was making everyone irritable, including the headmasters

since they too, had to pose for some pictures. Krum was the only one who

seemed unfazed by this, but Harry figured he was probably unfazed by

most things, being a star seeker and all.

Just as things were being wrapped up and Harry was about to step out of

the door with Fleur, he felt himself being jerked back inside. He came

face to face with Rita Skeeter who had an unsettling, hungry look about

her. "Harry, darling. Mind if we do a...private interview?" She said in

what he figured was supposed to be a sultry voice. The smell of her

perfume hit him at that moment and he felt a tingle in the back of his

mind telling him to talk with her.

If it wasn't for his occlumency training with Remus, he may not have

recognized that her perfume was somehow spelled to make him talk with

her. "Sure, Miss Skeeter." He decided to play along and give an interview.

"Wait for me?" He asked Fleur who nodded and stepped out of the


"Harry, you do have classes, do you think it wise to miss them for an

interview?" Dumbledore asked, seeing Harry step away with Rita Skeeter.

"You know as well as I that I can miss classes since I am a Champion

Professor. It will be quick, don't worry." he gave the Headmaster an

innocent smile. The Headmaster simply nodded, though Harry could spot

a bit of unease with Dumbledore.

Rita Skeeter dragged Harry into a nearby cramped closet. "Mr. Potter, my

readers are desperate to hear your take on everything happening

involving the Goblet of Fire."

"Was there a question in there Miss Skeeter?" Harry asked. Sirius' lessons

in dealing with reporters would come in handy greatly this year.

"More specifically, are you scared for your life? As you know, this

tournament is known to be very dangerous, even deadly. As an underage

boy, you must be frightened."

"Well, as I'm sure you and your readers know, this tournament is not the

first time I have encountered anything dangerous. I will, like every time I

have been in danger, fight through it."

"So you intend to participate?"

"I do. Though I did not enter myself, I will do my best to win this

competition." Harry eyed the quill that was frantically scribbling upon a

floating piece of parchment.

"Who do you think entered you into the tournament?"

Harry shrugged, "It's impossible to say."

Rita could tell by now that Harry was well versed in giving interviews

and she wasn't going to get any information out of him from a simple

interview. She decided it was best to wrap up now and maybe she could

use her abilities to gather another story elsewhere. "And lastly Mr. Potter,

you and Miss Delacour seem rather close. Anything to say about that?"

Harry smiled, "We have known each other for several months now. After

the events of the World Cup we have grown to be friends."

"Just friends?" Rita asked, a smile cresting her lips.

"Just friends. By the way Miss Skeeter, I should warn you to not wear

that particular perfume around me. I'm sure your publisher wouldn't like

to hear you using illegal potions to get interviews." He winked at the

floundering reporter as he walked out of the closet.

Fleur raised her eyebrows at him when he walked out of the old

classroom. "She waz...forward. 'Aving an affair wiz an older woman


Harry winked at her, "I don't kiss and tell." Fleur responded by punching

him in the arm. "She just wanted a of couple quotes for her article on the

TriWizard Tournament."


"And I told her that I would be winning it."

Fleur scoffed, "You 'ave to do better zan me and I won't go down easily."

They had been told that the first task was going to be held in just two

weeks time. What the task was, was being kept quiet, something Harry

wasn't too thrilled about since it allowed whoever wanted Harry in this

tournament to have an even bigger advantage.

Over the last week, they had teased each other about who would win

since both were confident. It also helped to not talk about the elephant in

the room, that someone was gunning for his death in this tournament.

"There you are Harry!" Neville came jogging up to them. "I've been

looking everywhere." He was out of breath, hunched over with his hands

on his knee's, gasping for breath.

"I've already told you that you should join me in the mornings for my

work out." Harry tsked, seeing the sorry state of his friends physical


"I don't need it, honest." Neville wheezed. "Here." He stuck out a piece of

parchment which Harry took.


Meet me outside my hut at eleven this evening. Bring your cloak.


"Huh. I wonder what this is about." Harry murmured, re-reading the short


"Maybe its something to do with the task?" Fleur questioned.

"Did Hagrid say anything else?" Neville just shook his head.

"Are you going to go? Eet eez after 'ours and you could get into trouble."

"I'll only get into trouble if I'm caught, which won't happen." Harry said


"I take eet you 'ave been out of bed after 'ours before?"

Neville snorted, "Rules are more like guidelines to Harry at this school."

Harry's eyes narrowed, "That is not true! I follow the rules, unless I figure

out a devious plot designed to destroy the school!"

"Right and that dragon you smuggled out of the school first year was

going to destroy the school?" Neville said with a grin.

"Well Hagr-"

"Or the time you and Ron got trapped in an acromantula nest second


"Well we-"

"How about the time you used polyjuice potion to sneak into Slytherins

common room?"

"I shouldn't have told-"

"And of course the time you snuck out to Hogsmeade third year." By this

time Fleur was laughing hysterically making Harry even more irritable.

"Whatever." Harry muttered, crossing his arms waiting for both Neville

and Fleur to compose themselves.

"I 'avent 'eard those stories yet. You 'ave a lot to tell me about." Fleur

poked him in the side.

"Another time, I promise. I have Defense class! Come on Nev!" He shoved

Neville forward, leaving Fleur in the hall. She watched the two boys

leave who were now in a heated argument and slowly shook her head at

their antics.

Harry threw off his invisibility cloak and knocked on Hagrids door. It was

just before eleven and the professors had just begun their nightly patrols.

He had to dodge two pesky cats, one being Mrs. Norris, as he made his

escape out of the castle. "Oh good yer 'ear 'Arry!" Hagrid hissed, keeping

his normally booming voice somewhat quiet. Hagrid was dressed in some

unusually nice clothes and even his normally frizzy black hair had been


"What am I doing here Hagrid?"

"No time to explain. Quickly put yer cloak back on an' follow me." Harry

didn't need to be told twice and followed Hagrid down a path until they

were in between the Forbidden Forest and the Beauxbatons carriage.

Another very large figure was shrouded in the shadows, waiting for them

as they approached.

"'Agrid. Eet eez good to see you." Madame Maxime's heavy French accent

announced who the shrouded figure was. She stepped out from the

shadows and into the moonlight. She too was dressed in a fine gown with

a long fur coat. Harry could only wonder what the hell was going on.

Was he about to witness them going on a date?

"I 'ave something to show you. Something I think yehh'd be interested in."

"Oh? Lead ze way." She held out her arm and it was Hagrid that looped

his through hers. It was becoming increasingly difficult to not start

laughing at what had to be the most awkward date of the century. They

walked their way through the forest and thank fully Madame Maxime

was kind enough to use her wand to light the way for them, not that she

knew he was there.

"What are we doing 'ere 'Agrid?" Madame Maxime asked finally as they

had been walking for a good five minutes through the calm forest. Harry

was also seriously wondering what was going on.

All that confusion though was blasted away when a fireball shot into the

sky followed by a deafening roar that shook the ground.

"Oh my!" Harry heard Madame Maxime gasp, her hand moving to cover

her mouth.

"Beauties arn't they! Just got in from Romania they did." Hagrid said

looking at the sight before him. "They're nesting mothers."

Harry moved closer to get a better look. What he saw truly shocked and

scared him. A large, menacing black dragon was chained around the neck

inside a deep encampment. Wizards he knew to be dragon handlers, like

what Charlie did in Romania, were circling the beast on the higher

ground and hurling spells at it to get the dragon under control.

He scanned and saw similar holes with a dragon in each. There were four

total cages, one for each of the champions. Harry knew instantly why

Hagrid had asked him to come here. The first task was going to be

dragons. Bloody dragons! At least Madame Maxime was here and would

surely tell Fleur this. He worried for her as much as himself. Now he was

seriously regretting agreeing to not helping each other with the

tournament. He understood that she wanted to win it without any help,

but things just became dangerous.

He cursed whoever entered his name into this tournament the whole

walk back. He decided it was best to leave Hagrid to his awkward date

and so went back by himself. His mind was running frantic. Even when

he was lost to his thoughts he noticed Igor Karkaroff head off into the

Forbidden Forest just as he was leaving.

Dragons weren't what he was expecting the tasks to contain. He was

thinking something along the lines of an obstacle course or maybe even a

dueling tournament.

But no, the bloody ministry thought it was a good idea to involve

dragons in a tournament with seventeen year olds and a fourteen year

old. What a great idea that is. And its just another tick off Dumbledore

for Harry. The headmaster may not have had any input into the tasks, but

he sure as hell could have veto'd them since it was his school. What was

he thinking allowing four dragons onto the campus of a school filled with

children? Sirius is going to go berserk once he hears this news.

He rushed back up to the room of requirement where Sirius would be

waiting for him. He was just as curious about what Hagrid had to say or

show him since it might involve the tournament.

"Dragons! Its fucking dragons!" Harry exclaimed as he threw off his cloak.

"Oh. Errr-sorry." He quickly shielded his eyes when he walked in on

Sirius and Emmaline laying on a couch with their faces mashed together.

Both of them broke apart and if Harry wasn't so infuriated at the

moment, he might be laughing. Emmaline jumped off Sirius and at the

same time pushed him back down. He grumbled as he rolled himself off

the couch and adjusted his shirt. Emmy was desperately brushing her

hair with her hand, trying to get the frizzy mess under control.

"Err, sorry about that Harry." Sirius said sheepishly. He had never seen

his godfather blush before. Harry waved off the apology.

"Dragons, Sirius. That's what the first task is."

"What the hell is that old coot thinking allowing you anywhere near a

dragon?" Sirius wondered aloud, his anger beginning to show.

"I'm not sure. It's just as surprising that the minstry would ever approve

of dragons in the first place."

"Do you know how the task involves a dragon?" Emmy asked.

Harry shook his head, "Hagrid mentioned they were nesting dragons.

Maybe that's a clue somehow?"

"Maybe they want you to steal something from their nest?"

Harry thought about it for a moment. "That would make sense. I doubt

the dragon handlers would take kindly to us trying to fight them, not that

that'd be a good idea anyways."

"We'll have to prepare you for a couple scenarios I guess. Does Fleur

know?" Sirius asked.

"She'll probably find out from her headmistress. She was there. I'll ask

tomorrow and warn Krum and Cedric just in case. This is dangerous, and

its suicide if we went in completely unprepared." Harry's irritation was

clear in his voice.

"What kind of dragons did you see?" Harry looked questioningly at

Emmy. "Dragon species can be identified by there color and they all tend

to act differently, especially if they're nesting mothers."

"I only saw the color of one. It was extremely large and had black scales."

"A Hungarian Horntail." Both Sirius and Emmy said at the same time. By

the fearful looks they gave each other, Harry knew this type of dragon

was not something to be messed with.

"Just pray you don't get that one. I can't believe the ministry would allow

such a dangerous creature anywhere near kids." Sirius added.

"I don't think the ministry has thought any of this through." Harry

muttered. "Any news from Remus about that task?" He asked, changing

the subject.

Sirius shook his head, "He hasn't had an opportunity yet. Its likely we

won't get one for at least another month."

"What about the ministry's investigation? Any news there?"

Sirius shook his head. "They're running around like chickens with their

heads cut off at the moment. They have zero leads and zero evidence that

can place suspicions on anyone."

"So, I'm going to be going into this first task blind to anyone who could

be tampering with it?"

"You don't have to compete Harry. You can start and then immediately


Harry looked at Sirius skeptically, "Can I really? We both know that the

reputation I have gotten would be on the line. People would call me a

coward and quickly forget about my past achievements. Plus, its not like

me to back out of anything. Of course I won't withdraw."

"Yeah I figured you wouldn't. Just throwing the idea out there."

"Speaking of tampering, has Dumbledore said or done anything?"

Harry shrugged, "Nothing that I know of. He has stayed out of my way

ever since the incident after me being chosen as a champion. If you

noticed, he hasn't exactly been around to train me lately either."

"And things with your friends?"

"Things are good." Harry replied shortly, not willing to give Sirius any

information about Fleur.

Sirius though wasn't having any of it. "Fleur? How is she?"

Harry narrowed his eyes, "I know what you're poking around for and I'm

not giving you anything."

Sirius pouted, "Aww come on Harry. Just give me something. Have you

two kissed yet?"

Harry just groaned and sent a silent stinging hex at Sirius. "Now, now

Siri. No need to pry into your godsons love life." Emmy said.

Harry smirked, "Yeah Siri. Maybe we should be talking about your love

life? When are you going to propose to Miss Vance here?"

"Oh shut up. If I ever need advice about love from a fourteen year old, I'll

know not to go to you." Emmy was quietly laughing off to the side.

"I give great advice when it comes to people!" Harry defended himself.

"Uhuh, sure. Like you understand the brain of a woman."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I doubt you do either. People in general I find easy

to understand. You should too seeing as you're technically a career

politician sitting on the Wizenmagot."

Sirius groaned, "Don't remind me. They're a bunch of decrepit old fools

only concerned with gaining power and keeping their heads stuck up

their arses."

Emmy slapped Sirius on the arm, "Language!"

"That's one thing I respect about Voldemort. He's trying to make a

difference." Both Emmy and Sirius' jaws dropped.

"You-you respect him?" Sirius asked, disbelief written on his face.

"Sure, he's powerful and wants to change the world. I may not agree how

he goes about it or even the end goal of his plans, but I do respect his

foresight for change. Britain is running itself into the ground. The more I

learn about the politics in this country, the more I've come to realize that

someone at sometime will have to drastically change it. Dumbledore sits

on one side, with those who want the same corrupt government that we

have today. Voldemort wants the polar opposite. I intend to strike a road

between the two."

"But he killed your parents and dozens others! How could you respect

such a man?" Sirius cried in blasphemy.

"I don't like the man. But that doesn't mean I can't respect him. He stands

for change. Something I am beginning to desire as well. Fleur's treatment

at the hands of others is causing me to realize just how fucked up this

world has become. She is still considered a creature by our government,

as is Remus. My mother was seen as little above a creature as well. Such

a world is despicable and requires change."

"That's a mighty task you're setting yourself up for Harry." Emmy said.

"I am famous, with friends of substantial backing, along with training. I'm

in the perfect position to exact change upon the world."

"Not to mention money." Sirius supplied.

"And I'm rich." He echoed Sirius' sentiment.

"It'll take time, friends, and alliances. Maybe even war."

"War? You're a little too young to be thinking about waging war Harry.

We still have Voldemort to deal with."

"And Dumbledore. He won't go down easily I'm sure."

"Well, whatever plans for the future you have, just know, I am with you."

Sirius squeezed Harry's shoulder affectionately.

He smiled at his godfather, "I know."

The following day was constantly filled with the whispers and stares from

others. Normally he wasn't bothered by them, but what had him on edge

was that he hadn't seen Fleur the entire day. Usually they had breakfast

together but neither she nor Aimee had showed. So, he sat with Susan,

Hannah, and Neville at the Hufflepuff table.

The Great Hall was in an awkward state at the moment. Many of the

Slytherins were wearing 'Potter Stinks' badges, most likely invented by

Malfoy. What made things even more awkward was that not all of

Slytherin were wearing them. It appeared some kind of power struggle

was taking place in the House of the Snakes. On one side sat Daphne,

Tracy, Blaise, and some other students he didn't recognize. The other side

sat students Harry knew to be Death Eater spawn or sympathizers.

It was odd to see since Slytherin always tried to look like a unified house.

This caused all the other students to look on oddly at the Slytherin table.

It was clear something was going on and so the whole hall was tense. He

would have to ask Daphne and Tracy later to figure out what was going

on there.

The bell for the start of classes rang and students began to bustle out of

the halls. Harry locked onto Cedric's form as he made his way up the

staircases. "Hey Cedric, wait up!" Harry called to get the attention of the

seventh year 'Puff.

He turned around along with Cho Chang, a very beautiful girl Harry had

crushed on last year. He whispered into her ear and she nodded, kissing

his cheek before walking away. She gave him a soft smile before leaving

them to their conversation.

"Hey Harry. I'm sorry about the badges. I've asked them not to wear

them." Cedric said, looking embarrassed. A small group of 'Puffs were

wearing the badges designed by Malfoy, but he didn't really care.

Harry waved his apology off, "It's not your fault. I just wanted to warn

you about the first task."

Cedrics posture perked up, "Do you know what the task is?"

"Dragons. It involves dragons. They have one for each of us. I think they

want us to steal something from their nests."

"Dragons?" Harry nodded. "Do the others know?"

"I think so. I was planning on telling them sometime today but neither

showed up for breakfast."

"Thank you Harry. I owe you for this. Dragons, that's crazy."

"Tell me about it."

"Do you need any help?"

Harry shook his head, "No, I think I've got it covered. Thanks though."

"No problem. Just ask me for help if you need it."

"I will."

"Again, thank you Harry. I have to get to class. I'll see you around." He

watched Cedric leave. Harry however wasn't in the mood for history class

and so opted to skip it, as was his right as champion. Instead he went to

the library to begin searching everything he could on dragons.

Hours had passed until a body sat down in the seat opposite from him.

He looked up to see Daphne taking out a piece of parchment, quill, and

ink from her bag. "Dragons?" She asked as she rumbled through her bag.

"The first task."

She instantly looked up, her eyes wide. "Dragons!" She hissed. "What is

the ministry thinking involving dragons!"

"They clearly aren't thinking. I'm pretty sure I have to steal something

from their nests."

"They're nesting mothers! What are they trying to do? Get you killed!"

Madame Pince who was nearby shushed Daphne.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Daph." Harry whispered.

She rolled his eyes, "You know I believe you can accomplish whatever

task they set in front of you. Its just a large amount of danger that you

shouldn't be in." Harry could see the concern behind her eyes. It was

emotion she allowed no one else to see besides him and maybe Tracy.

This was the Daphne he liked and not the one that had become

noticeably distant in the last couple of weeks.

"Does Sirius know?"

Harry nodded his head, "Yeah, I told him last night. We are going to

begin preparing this evening. I should be good to go by the start of the

task in two weeks."

"You better be Harry. I'll never forgive you if you die."

It was Harry's turn to roll his eyes, "I'll be dead. I don't think your

forgiveness will be of much use to me."

"Oh shut up Potter. Just promise me you have things under control."

"I promise." The two of them opted to study in silence for the next hour

until lunch. The only reason Harry went down to lunch was to see if

Fleur would show up. She never did, which caused him to begin to worry

and so he made his way out to the Beauxbatons carriage.

He hesitantly knocked on the carriage door and waited. An older boy in

the normal Beauxbaton blue robes opened the door and sneered at Harry,

"Oh la triche."

"Err, is Fleur there?" Harry asked, not knowing what the boy had said to

him. The boy shouted something in French and seconds later Aimee

appeared in the door.

"Come to see Fleur?" When Harry nodded, she beckoned him to follow

her. The inside of the carriage was much larger than its outward

appearance. It was similar to the magical tent the Weasleys had at the

World Cup. Aimee led him passed a dining area where most of the

Beauxbatons students sat, then down a long hallway. Many of the French

students eyed Harry cautiously as he walked through their carriage. He

had yet to make any other friends from either school other than Fleur

and Aimee.

Each door he passed had a name above it indicating a student. They

eventually came to a door with the name Fleur Delacour above it, written

in gold while the others were written in silver.

Aimee knocked on the door. "'arry!" Fleur said once she opened the door.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Aimee crossed her arms and mocked a hurt


"I just saw you minutes ago Aimee."

"Uhuh. I see how it is. Get yourself a boyfriend and I'm completely

forgotten about."

"I we-are, I'm not her boyfriend." Harry stuttered.

"Yeah, right. Whatever you two like to call yourselves, I don't care. Have

a fun time!" She shut the door, leaving Harry and Fleur alone in her


Fleur dragged him further inside. "I'm sorry I didn't meet you at breakfast

this morning." The room was large with a four poster bed, a desk, and

even a small bookshelf filled with books. A picture of Fleur and her

younger sister Gabrielle sat on her bedside table. If there was one thing

he knew about Fleur, it was that she loved her sister like no other.

"I just wanted to make sure you knew about the first task."


"Dragons. So Madame Maxime told you?"

"'ow did you know?" She asked but seeing his face she realized how he

knew. "Right, your meeting with 'agrid."

"Why weren't you at breakfast this morning?"

"Sorry. Madame Maxime 'as kept me under lock and key so I can figure a

way past the first task. She wouldn't like you distracting me."

"Oh, er-sorry. I am probably interrupting you. I should leave."

Fleur smiled at him mischievously as she wrapped her arms around

Harry's neck, drawing him close. "I could use a distraction."

"Oh?" He squeaked out. His stomach was churning nervously as she drew

him in. His whole world was spinning, realizing what was about to

happen. The last two months he had dreamed of this very moment,

hoping against hope, that it would happen.

Now that he was here, he was afraid. He feared that he would screw this

up, make her laugh, and then he would have to run away to Africa. But

all of his thoughts disappeared the moment he felt her soft pink lips press

tentatively onto his.

His eyes closed automatically, shutting out the world entirely. All he felt,

all he knew, was the touch of her lips on his, the feeling of her hips under

his hands, her hands around his bare neck.

He didn't really know what to do and so he did his best to mimic her

movements. The kiss was soft and searching at first. Then she pressed

herself onto Harry even more, making her body flush with his. He could

feel her chest against his which only served to drive his growing lust


The kiss grew passionate quickly, and Harry, not even realizing it, pushed

her back onto her bed, following down on top of her. She moaned into

his mouth. Her tongue licked his lips and he gave her entry. Their

tongues began to dance with each other, both of them beginning to

explore each others mouths.

Knock! Knock! Harry quickly jumped off of her, immediately turning

bright red. The door swung open to reveal Madame Maxime. "I-uhh-er."

Harry stuttered. Fleur was also bright red, her hair messed up and her

blue robes tussled.

"Distracting my student from her studies Mister Potter?" Madame Maxime

asked, her large bushy eyebrows raised.

"Well-err. I should go?" Harry winced.

"I think zat would be wise. After all, you 'ave a task to prepare for, do

you not?"

"Uhh, yes Madame. Er, sorry." Harry looked wide eyed at Fleur, "I'll

uhh...yeah." He briskly walked passed the very large Headmistress.

"I am happy for you." Madame Maxime said once the boy had turned tail

and run.

Fleur chuckled, "Did you have to scare him like that?"

"No, but I thought it would be fun. Your father is on the floo by the way."

Fleur could hear her headmistress chuckling as she walked down the hall.

A smile crossed her lips as her mind returned to the moment just before

Madame Maxime had walked in. They had kissed, finally. The moment

was long coming. If it wasn't for a ghost chair exploding, the moment

may have happened sooner.

But this, this was perfect. She had kissed him and he returned it. Her face

stayed red at just how quickly things had turned passionate between

them. The kiss at first had been soft, and maybe even a little awkward at

first. It was clear neither of them knew really what they were doing, but

once they got used to it, everything just clicked.

"Fleur! Your father does not want to be kept waiting any longer!" She

groaned when Madame Maximes voice boomed down the hall.

"Potter! What has you grinning like an idiot!" Harry let out a groan. He

was having a wonderful daydream, reliving the moment of just a few

minutes ago.

"What do you want Malfoy." Harry spun around to face the blonde ponce.

They were in the entrance courtyard. It was a popular spot for students to

hang out with friends and enjoy the weather. Today was a rare, pleasant

mid November day and so many of the students were standing around


"Like the new jewelry we're sporting Potter?" He sneered causing Harry to

roll his eyes.

"Sure Draco. Its lovely looking. Too bad not many seem to appreciate

your tastes."

"Well I'm sure these badges will be the new hot item once you're killed in

the first task!" Malfoy exclaimed. By now, many of the students had

heard their verbal exchange and began to draw close. If anything at

Hogwarts was true, when Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy began talking,

something exciting happened.

"Well, whatever the task is, I'd do better than you." He figured it wouldn't

be wise to brag about knowing what the task was before hand. After all,

the first task was supposed to be unknown. Just because cheating was a

part of the game didn't mean it wasn't cheating.

Malfoy grinned, "Oh you don't know the task Potty? My father told me of

course. He is a friend of the minister after all. Trust me Potty, you won't

last long."

"Some day your father will be nothing but a blood stain on someones

floor. Do you have anything else to say? Or is the only thing you wished

to discuss your pathetic attempt to anger me." Harry didn't bother to

listen for a reply and instead turned and started to walk away.

"Don't you dare insult my father Potter!" Malfoy called out to him. That's

when the now familiar sense of having the hair on the back of his neck

stand up happened. He side-stepped, knowing full well that a spell was

headed for him. Sure enough, a red jet of light shot just to the right of his


As soon as Harry had spun back around, his wand in hand, he noticed

that instead of Malfoy, a small white ferret was standing in front of him.

"This should teach you to send spells at someones back boy!" Professor

Moody's gruff voice sounded above the talking of the other students.

Harry watched amused as Moody danced the ferret around and even

shoved it down Goyles pants.

The two bodyguards shrieked and ran away from the laughing students, a

small furry tail showing from the back of Goyles pants. "Professor Moody!

Was that a student?" Professor McGonagalls shouted, coming from a sea

of students.

"I was just teaching a lesson." Moody responded casually, a grin forming

on his face.

"When we administer punishment, it does not involve turning students

into animals Professor." Minerva tsked.

"I'll be sure to remember that." Moody winked at Harry causing him to

smile back.

"Very well. See that you do." Professor McGonagall rushed off to find the

three Slytherin students.

"Potter, follow me." Harry followed Moody up to the DADA office where

Moody took a seat, taking off his fake leg and placing it on the table in

front of Harry.

"I know you are gifted in the Defense. I have to ask, are you prepared for

the coming task?" Harry was taken off guard for a moment. He wasn't

expecting Professor Moody of all people to be wondering about his

abilities in the tournament. It struck him as odd immediately because the

professor had never once shown any interest in him before this time.

"Err, I will be prepared sir."

"What are your strengths?"

Harry eyed the professor cautiously, "I'm a good flier sir." He figured this

was the best response and easily back by most of the students.

Dumbledore hadn't included Professor Moody in his nightly training and

he also hadn't shown off publicly his growing combat skills, so he figured

it was best to keep that in the dark for as long as possible.

"Flying eh? Ever heard of the summoning charm?"

"I have sir. I already know how to do it."

"Good, that's good." Moody said, stroking his chin. This whole meeting

was sending off warning bells in Harry's mind for some reason. He wasn't

even sure why it was. So far, it had been a perfectly honest and

unsuspecting meeting, but something about the Professor was urking

him. Maybe it was the way the Professor continually licked his lips like a

serpent would or the drinking from a flask. Just something was off about

the man. Maybe this was another use of his sixth sense he was


"Play to your strengths Potter. Many want to see you fail in this

tournament but I think you have a good chance at winning."

"Err, thank you Professor. Is that all?"

"Yes. If you need any help with the upcoming task, feel free to ask."

"Thank you sir." Harry couldn't get out of there any quicker than he had.

He headed up to the common room, eager to get away from the oddball


12. The First Task

"So, what has you in such a good mood?" Tracy asked once Harry sat

down at the library table being shared by his friends. Even his experience

with Malfoy and Professor Moody couldn't wipe off the silly grin on his


"Oh, nothin'." Harry replied absently. He pulled out his anybook, wanting

to get through a couple chapters on an advanced charms book. Granted,

he probably wouldn't be able to actually read anything, still he figured he

could at least try.

"No, somethings up! What happened?" Susan caught on, eyeing Harry


"Where did you go after lunch?" Tracy asked. Harry could see the girls

beginning to piece together the puzzle. But maybe there was still some

hope that they might screw up the puzzle.

"To practice for the coming task." He lied.

"I saw him walk out to the Beauxbatons carriage."

"Neville! You traitor!"

Neville at least had the decency to look guilty, "Sorry mate."

"Ooh, you were with Fleur!" Tracy exclaimed, suddenly her bubbly

personality becoming annoying.

"Oh I think he was!" Hannah chimed in. "Look he's going all red!"

Harry cursed his pale skin. "Oh come off it. So what if I was with Fleur.

We're friends aren't we?"

"Yeah, are you sure you're just friends?" Susan asked, her eyebrows


"We are, I swear. Nothing happened!" Harry tried his best to lie but knew

it was a lost cause. These girls were like bloodhounds when it came to

gossip. He secretly wondered if it was a genetic trait in all women.

"Then why are you getting even more red Harry? Did you two kiss?"

Tracy asked quickly.

Harry glanced at Daphne who by now was looking everywhere but at

him. Her face was as emotionless as ever and he couldn't even tell if she

was listening. "I told you, nothing happened."

"Yeah, like we can believe that. We know you well enough by now Potter

to tell when your lying. You aren't like Miss Ice Queen here who can keep

a straight face at all times."

"Oh shut up you lot. I'm not tellin' you anything."

"Aww Harry. We just want some details." Hannah pouted.

"You aren't getting them from me." The three girls groaned.

"Just some details! Like was the kiss passionate?" Daphne apparently had

enough of the conversation and slammed her book shut. She threw her

things into her bag and stormed out of the library before anyone could

stop her.

Harry moved to get up and follow her out, wanting to finally talk with

her about what was going on, but Tracy stopped him. "I'll talk with her


"But-" Tracy held her hand up to cut him off. Harry could only watch as

Tracy ran off after her best friend. He was soon going to have to talk with

Daphne about what was really bothering her.

Harry stepped into the champions tent that was attached to the arena

they were going to be competing in. At least Dumbledore had taken some

precaution with the location of the stadium, choosing to build it nestled

on the mountain side a few miles from Hogwarts. The crowd was roaring

as an announcer hyped the crowd. The ground beneath his feet shook as

the students cheered and stamped their feet.

Inside the tent, the mood was very much less festive. Fleur was pacing

back and forth nervously, wringing her hands. Cedric was leaning against

a post, his foot nervously tapping as he chewed on his finger nails. Krum

sat on a corner cot, staring blankly, in his normal surly mood.

Fleur's eyes lit up when she saw Harry walk in and she quickly walked

over and gave him a quick chaste kiss on the lips. "You ready?" He asked.

He still wasn't sure where they stood, whether they were officially

boyfriend and girlfriend or not.

"I 'ave prepared tirelessly ever since I learned about ze dragons." The last

two weeks they had see little of each other. They hadn't had anytime to

discuss their growing relationship, only sharing a few odd kisses here and

there. Harry had spent so much time in the Room of Requirement that he

had also begun to sleep there. The last two days, Sirius also began to

sleep there as well. They spent all the time they could on preparing for

the task.

The Potter Anybook provided to be the biggest asset to him. Apparently

he had some ancestors that were dragon enthusiasts and wrote about

hundreds of different kinds of dragons. Going into this, if the task was to

retrieve something, he would be well prepared, or at least as well

prepared as one could for facing down a dragon. A lot more than just

TriWizard placement rode on his winning and he knew it. The pressure

for him to succeed was great.

He may not call himself the Hogwarts Champion, giving that title to

Cedric, he still knew many of the students wanted him to do well. Also

on the flip side, many wanted him to do poorly. A lot rode on this first

task and would set the pace for future events.

The Weasley twins had also bet heavily on him to win, and if he did, they

would be getting a nice payout. So, he had that to play for as well.

There was also the fact that some students had bet on him to die in the

first task. Malfoy boldly proclaimed to anyone who would listen that

Harry wouldn't last five minutes. Ron was eager to deface Harry even

more, and talked openly that all of Harry's past achievements were pulled

off because of himself and that Harry stood no chance without him

helping. Hermione again stayed quiet on the matter, not willing to have a

say on the matter.

He was beginning to think her behavior odd. The more he watched her in

the Great Hall, something just felt odd about her behavior as of late.

Sure, her normal top of the class studies had stayed the same, but her

longing looks at Ron had set him on edge. Maybe Fleurs talk with

Hermione would provide further light on Hermione. She had promised to

talk with his ex-best friend some time after the first task.

Barty Crouch Sr, closely followed by the Headmaster's and Rita Skeeter

entered the tent. "Good, you're all here." Barty said, getting the attention

of everyone in the tent. "Gather 'round." They all walked over to where

Barty was holding a small black bag.

"Your challenge this afternoon is to steal a golden egg from a nesting

mother dragon! The egg contains a clue for your second task." Crouch

announced eagerly, only for his smile to die off when he noticed none of

the champions were surprised by the news. Harry actually blew out a

sigh of relief which got raised eyebrows from Dumbledore.

"In this bag I have your dragons. There are four types of dragons, one for

each of you. Attached to the dragon is a number which indicates the

order you will be entering the arena. Now, ladies first." Fleur took a deep

breath and plunged her hand into the bag, retrieving a small moving

green dragon with the number two wrapped around its neck.

"The Common Welsh Green. A fierce flier. Good luck Miss Delacour." She

gave him a soft smile and Madame Maxime walked around to place her

large hands on Fleurs shoulders in a comforting manner.

Cedric went next, pulling a Swedish Short-Snout with the number 1.

Krum was next, grabbing a Chinese Fireball with the number 3. Harry

immediately cursed his luck. That only left one dragon, and the one

dragon he didn't want to face.

"Mr. Potter if you please." Harry reached down into the bag and winced

when he felt something bite his finger, drawing blood. He grabbed hold

and could feel the miniature dragon struggle in his grasp. "Oooooh, the

Hungarian Horntail." Barty warned dramatically.

"Now that you know your task, Mr. Diggory, when you hear the cannon,

please step into the arena." Dumbledore gave Harry a reassuring look

before following the others out of the tent, leaving the champions alone.

"Anyone feel like switching dragons?" Harry joked, hoping to lighten the

mood a little. He got a chuckle out of Fleur and Cedric, Krum just

smirked before his face went blank again. Harry recognized the look. He

was mentally preparing himself through occlumency. He should probably

be doing the same thing, but somehow he doubted his ability to calm his

emotions at this moment.

"Welsh Green, that doesn't sound so bad."

Fleur snorted in an unladylike manner, "Eet eez still a dragon 'Arry."

"Yes, but at least its not the Hungarian Horntail. It'll make my victory

even sweeter taking down the toughest dragon." Fleur rolled her eyes at

her boyfriends antics.

"You var confident you vill vin Potter?" Krum asked, speaking for the first


"We all knew what the task was before coming here today." Seeing

Krum's surprised look Harry added, "I saw your headmaster head into the

Forbidden Forest the same night I saw the dragons."

"Isn't that against your school rules?"

"I have been told I have a penchant for breaking the rules." Fleur

chuckled beside him which caused Harry to roll his eyes. "Anyways, I am

confident in my plan."

"Plans don't-"

"Last first contact. Yes I know the saying as well. I am confident in my

ability to think on the fly."

Krum snorted, looking him up and down as if sizing him up, "Foolish I


Harry shrugged, "Maybe. We'll know soon enough though."

"Soon." Krum smirked, walking back over to his cot and sitting down, his

face going blank several seconds later. The sound of a cannon rocked the

tent, followed by cheers from the crowd.

Cedric looked uncertain at the tunnel leading to the tent. "Good luck


Cedric gave him a small smile, took one last deep breath, and walked

down the dark tunnel. The champions were alerted that Cedric had

entered the arena when the cheers cried even louder. The crowd

continued to roar but soon, some began to shriek and cry out in shock.

Both Harry and Fleur looked at each other fearfully. Whatever happened

wasn't good. Soon though, the crowd broke out into cheers again. Harry

sat down with Fleur by his side, taking comfort in each others close

presence. The sound of the cannon broke their silent comfort.

"Be careful okay?" Harry said, getting up with Fleur and pulling her to


"I will. Promise me you won't do anything foolish."

Harry grinned, "Its Sirius' plan, of course it will be a little foolish."

She rolled her eyes, her lips upturning slightly, "That just worries me


He let out a chuckle, "I'll be safe. Promise." He sealed the promise with a

kiss, and ushered her down the tunnel. After another quick kiss, she

passed through the doors into the arena. Harry slumped down into a

nearby cot, listening intensely for any clue towards how she was doing

from the crowd.

He reflected on their changing relationship. Right now, he knew they

were definitely more than friends. The brief kisses they had shared ever

since that moment inside her room was enough to make him aware to

their change of status. Still, they hadn't talked about anything and he

worried that maybe she might feel this was a quick fling.

Cheers erupted several minutes later, bringing him out of his thoughts,

quickly followed by shrieks. Complete silence made Harry's world freeze.

The worst possible scenarios ran through his mind in that moment with

no reprieve. The crowd came thundering back again however, and Harry

breathed out a sigh of relief.

It wasn't too much longer until a third cannon blast echoed through the

tent. Krum got up from his cot, "No good luck kiss for me Potter?" He


"I didn't take you for the type Krum." The star seeker snorted, continuing

his walk down the tunnel. He, like the other two before him, disappeared

behind a door. Harry took this time to try and calm his nerves which

were starting to make him feel sick.

He put all of his occlumency training to the test, finding his center and

calming his emotions. The world around him began to dull, the crowd

was no longer as loud, and his mind became focused. He repeated the

plan he and Sirius had come up with in his head, going through

everything that could happen when encountering a dragon. The plan was

simple, but a lot could go wrong.

He didn't even hear the eruption of applause as Krum successfully

grabbed his egg and left the arena. It was the sound of the cannon that

brought him out of his meditative state. As he took the long walk down

the tunnel, he calmed his breathing, still running over his plan in his


He stepped up to the door and pushed it open to reveal the arena before

him. It was circular, filled with large boulders. The crowd around him

was raised above the stadium and he could tell they were yelling and

cheering but he couldn't hear any of it. His breath hitched in his throat

when he laid eyes on the large, menacing, black dragon. Its mouth was

agape, showing hundreds of razor sharp teeth. The dragon eyed Harry as

he walked in, trying to perceive if he would be a threat. It growled, the

ground shaking from the power behind it.

Harry took another hesitant forward and this brought the dragons wrath

down upon him. A bright blue flame shot from the dragons mouth and

Harry dove behind a nearby boulder. He could feel the heat around him,

his skin beginning to sweat.

This put Harry into action. He pulled out his wand and non-verbally

summoned his firebolt. Then he peaked around the rock and shot three

reductor curses at the anchors that tethered the chains to the ground that

kept the dragon from flying away. The dragon didn't seem to care that

she had just been freed and sent another blast of fire towards him.

He looked up to the sky and saw his firebolt speeding towards him.

Timing his jump correctly he used the boulder he had been hiding behind

to propel himself higher into the air. His hands grasped his broomstick

and he swung his legs over, shooting off into the air. It was just in time as

well, as another blast of fire flew past his shoulder.

The dragon unfortunately didn't give chase like he had initially hoped. So

he turned back around and made a pass at the dragon, shooting several

reductor curses at its hide. He knew that his spells weren't going to cause

any real harm to the dragon, he just hoped to be a big enough nuisance

to lead it away from its nest.

After a few more passes and the dragon still stubbornly refusing to leave

her nest, Harry went into plan B. When he made his next pass, he

disillusioned himself and slid off his broom, tumbling onto the rocky

surface just below the dragon. His plan had worked. The dragon blasted

his firebolt and roared triumphantly. He sadly watched one of his most

prized possessions was reduced to nothing but ash.

Harry used the distraction to race below the legs of the dragon and

retrieve the golden egg that sat nestled amidst several others. That's

when things went wrong. As soon as his hands touched the egg, his

disillusionment faded and at the same time, the dragon must have

smelled him, and so turned abruptly to face him.

Now he found himself face-to-face with an eighty foot long dragon,

holding one of her presumed eggs. "Oh." Harry grunted. The dragon

snapped its jaws forward intending to swallow its prey whole but Harry

nimbly dove away, dropping the egg momentarily. When he came to his

feet, his wand had turned into a long flaming whip.

He flicked his wrist and the whip wrapped tightly around the dragons

jaws. This didn't stop the dragon from trying to swat Harry away with its

tail however. Just as the long spiked tail was about to drive into him,

Harry focused all of his power, all of his magic through his hands.

Nothing else went through his head other than 'push' and a sudden

shockwave burst from his hands, sending the large dragon into the wall

behind it.

Harry used the distraction to grab the egg and sprinted for the exit.

Already, Charlie Weasley and the other dragon handlers were beginning

to swarm the arena to get the ferocious dragon under control. The dragon

could only watch its prey escape with one of its eggs. She let out another

howl in frustration and anger as the chains that had been blow off were

securely fastened around her once more.

As soon as he entered the tent, a body slammed into him, almost

knocking him backwards. All he saw was bright blonde hair. "I'm okay

Daph." His voice was muffled by her hair.

"You stupid arrogant fool. Taking a dragon head on like that, what the

hell were you thinking!" Daphne shouted, punching him on the shoulder

when she broke the hug. Whatever talk Tracy had with Daphne seemed

to have worked. She had been much more her old self the last week. He

could still see moments where she looked uneasy when Fleur was

brought up or nearby, but Tracy warned him not to press her.

"Miss Greengrass, I need to make sure Mr. Potter isn't injured." Madame

Pomfrey stepped in, taking out her wand ad began to wave it in front of

him. "Though I have to agree. That was the most reckless plan of them


"I'm fine. Perfectly fine." Harry said, more to Daphne than the school

healer. "Where's Fleur?" He could see Daphne's face momentarily darken

before she responded.

"She's in the stands. I suggest you head there to see your scores." Harry

nodded and wrapped his arm around Daphne's shoulders, leaving the


Just before he left Madame Pomfrey called out to him, "Job well done

Mr. Potter." Harry smiled at her. Over the years and his many visits to the

infirmary, they had grown somewhat fond of each other.

Harry sat down next to Fleur who immediately kissed him, eliciting some

wolf whistles from the crowd. Even though they weren't an official

couple yet, they had no problems with showing show some affection for

one another. He figured they would talk about it once the first task was

over and they weren't so busy. Daphne sat down on his other side, not

looking anywhere near them. "I should be angry with you for what you

did!" She exclaimed once she broke the kiss.

"Yet, you can't?" He smirked. Her eyes narrowed briefly before kissing

him tenderly again.

"What a fantastic performance we have seen from Mr. Potter, the

youngest of our champions. His display of highly advanced magic the

likes of which Merlin himself was fabled to use is sure to boost his

scores!" The announcer shouted into his microphone. "Now, here are the

scores!" Harry rolled his eyes at the commentators dramatics. It was

hardly Merlin level, well maybe the use of wandless magic was, but the

flame whip was a rather simple spell, albeit an old and obscure spell.

Dumbledore was the first to hold up his score, which was a ten. The

Hogwarts students shouted in glee! Harry could see Sirius, Remus, and

Emmaline off in the distance cheering loudly. Sirius locked eyes with him

and gave him a thumbs up. Madame Maxime, Ludo Bagman, and Barty

Crouch Sr. gave him nines. Karkaroff gave him a five which garnered a

large amount of boo's. Even some of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

students boo'd the score.

Despite the ten from Dumbledore, Harry could notice something off

about the Headmaster. He didn't appear as happy as he was trying to put

on. This just made Harry even more proud of his achievement. Whatever

he had done to irk the headmaster, he was happy to do so.

In total he had 42 points which put him in the lead. Krum was just

behind him at 41, Fleur had 40, and Cedric apparently had a not so good

performance and only got 38 points. This put Harry in the lead just like

he had hoped.

Harry winked at Fleur, "Told you I'd win."

She rolled her eyes, "I admit, you put on an admirable performance but

you will not win ze next."

"There you have it folks! The first task of the TriWizard tournament has

concluded." With that, the students began to start their long trek back to

Hogwarts. Harry and Fleur left arm in arm but Harry couldn't resist a

parting shot at the scowling Krum, "Enjoy second place!"

Dumbledore sat seething in his office. He had hoped Harry would be a

disgrace today during the first task. Instead, the boy had risen to the

challenge. He had to admit that Harry had been impressive. He even used

one of the spells he had taught him.

He could already see the headlines now, Harry Potter the Next Merlin?.

Now he knew that he was creating a potential enemy. By training Harry,

he was possibly creating another monster that needed to be squashed

under his boot.

Still, his plans didn't need to change. Harry still had no clue of the

Horcruxes. If he ever went into battle, it would be easy to create a

scenario for the boy to die. Even if Voldemort 'died' in the process, Riddle

would come back from the dead and Dumbledore could step in to kill the

dark lord once and for all.

The prophecy was the only thing keeping him from killing the boy now.

"Neither can live while the other survives." He repeated those words over

in his head. Prophecies were always open to interpretation. He had

pondered the meaning behind those words over and over again and each

time, came to the same conclusion.

Harry must die. The boy was a potentially greater threat than even

Voldemort because he had the gratitude of the common people. The 'mob'

as the Romans called them. They were the true power of any society. For

all the purebloods posturing and claim that they owned the country, it

just wasn't so.

If the 'mob' were to ever really rise up, they could spark a revolution like

no other in magical history. Harry Potter would have the ability to spark

such a revolution, but that must not come to pass. Such a revolution

would only endanger all of wizarding kind.

"To our champion, Harry Potter!" Katie toasted inside the Gryffindor

common room. The room was decked out in decorations made mostly by

the Weasley twins. Banners floated across the ceiling, firewhiskey and

butterbeer was passed freely among the students. The prefects also didn't

seem to care about the rules this night.

Angelina stood up on the table that Katie was on and raised her glass of

firewhiskey, "Many of you know that I was initially sore about not being

chosen!" A few people laughed since that was an understatement.

Angelina had been a right bitch the last several weeks. "But, after seeing

the first task, I can honestly say that I am glad I wasn't chosen!"

This caused more laughter amongst the mostly drunken Gryffindors, "To

Harry! The only one dumb enough to fight a dragon head on!" The crowd

cheered and Harry felt his face warming up.

"Please. Like Harry can actually take on a dragon." Ron's words cut

through the cheers and caused everyone to go silent. "This tournament is

rigged I tell ya! Potter couldn't take down a beetle without the help of

someone else!"

It was clear that Ron had had a little too much to drink. Hermione stood

up from her spot next to Ginny and Parvati and placed a hand on Rons

arm to try and stop him. He simply shrugged her hand off, "Just have to

have it all dont'ya Potter! Just tell 'em. Tell them about your pathetic life

outside of Hogwarts. You were nothing before you came here!"

"Ron! Come on, you're drunk." Hermione tried to interrupt Ron but he

wasn't having any of it.

"Look at you. It's pathetic. Playing like you're some hero. You're just a

worthless freak!" Harry gulped, desperately trying to keep his anger from

getting the better of him. He locked his occlumency shields down but

they were doing little to keep him from boiling over at this point.

"Go back to that veela slut. We don't want you here!" Ron shouted,

causing everyone to gasp. Harry only saw red at that point. His

occlumency shields had failed as his anger gave way. He dove at Ron,

and as he was in mid air, his body changed into a midnight black, 650

pound tiger.

The students around him cried out, seeing a tiger appear and leap onto

Weasley. He was lucky since Harry hadn't produced his claws, otherwise

Ron would have been ripped to shreds in a heartbeat. Harry growled at

the red head that lay underneath his powerful form. He felt one of Rons

arms snap from the weight of his heavy body where his large black paw

was pinning the boy to the ground.

He could smell urine and briefly glanced down, seeing a dark spot form

on Ron's pants. Harry bared his teeth in a threatening manner before

realizing that he was in his animagus form. Harry rushed out of the

common room, leaving everyone in silent shock. Once the menacing tiger

had crashed through the portrait, sending the Flat Lady screaming into a

nearby portrait, the common room went into panic.

He cursed himself, for one, he had no clue yet how to change back.

Secondly, this ability was supposed to stay hidden from everyone,

especially Dumbledore, but now it was blown out of the water. Still in his

tiger form, he trotted along the hallways, being careful to avoid the


Now that he was in his animagus form for real for the first time, he

realized just how useful it could be. Sight, smell, and feeling was all

enhanced greatly. He could tell which way was the exit to the castle just

by the smallest of breezes that ruffled his fur. His smell alerted him to

any professor that moved nearby, he could even smell them on different


As he prowled the halls, he saw Professor Moody move about. Curious,

he stuck to the shadows, dashing around to stay out of sight while

following the grizzled auror. Something about the Professor had struck

him as odd and so he figured this might be a good time to learn more

about his professor.

Moody hobbled along the fourth floor corridor towards his office. Harry

could pick up the echoing steps of the professors fake leg from a long

way off and so he was never in any real danger of being caught.

He followed the professor all the way to the DADA classroom where

Harry laid down just outside, keeping an eye out for any other professors.

He listened closely as Moody walked through his classroom and into his


Even from outside the classroom, Harry could hear the professors

movements inside his office. "Time for another hair Alastor." Harry's ears

perked up, hearing the professors voice.

"Let me go you filth! I will get out of here!" He heard another voice shout

that sounded just like Moody. Harry's head cocked to the side, curious to

what he was hearing.

"Shut up. You won't ever see the light of day again. Once my task is

complete, I will kill you." Harry felt his blood run cold. He heard the

slamming of a trunk and the muffled screams of a person.

Thinking quickly, Harry sniffed out Professor McGonagall. He knew her

scent to be the one of a feline nature. He sprinted through the halls of

Hogwarts towards her private quarters.

He accidentally ran into a startled Professor Snape, barreling him over.

He heard a crunch and a cry of agony as his powerful paw broke one of

the professors ribs. Harry didn't stop however, and continued to race

through the castle.

Once outside her door, he bashed his head into the door a few times. A

moment later, a tired looking McGonagall opened the door and promptly

shrieked, reaching for her wand and pointing it directly at Harry.

He sat back on his hind quarters to try and give as less a threatening look

as possible. Minerva hesitated for a moment. She recognized those bright

green eyes that stared back at her. The white patch of fur on this black

furred tiger's forehead in the shape of a lighting bolt however was a dead

give away. Harry Potter stood in front of her in his animagus form.

She almost leaped for joy recognizing that he was feline in nature like

her. Her joy however, quickly gave way to panic when she figured he

probably didn't have a clue as to how to change back into human form.

Quickly, she performed the spell to force his animagus form back, and

Harry appeared sprawled on the stone floor in front of her.

"Mister Potter! Though I am impressed with your transformation, I must

ask why you are here at this hour and why you would so recklessly

change without knowing how to properly transform between your animal

form and yourself!"

"Professor. This is urgent. I just heard something important!"

First task complete and things begin to get exciting involving

Moody. Sorry to make it a bit of a cliffhanger, I normally don't like

to do that, but I had to break the chapters up somehow.

13. Ruined Plans

"Harry slow down. What are you talking about!" Professor McGonagall

asked for the second time.

"Moody, or someone posing as him, has someone locked up in his trunk

inside his office!" Harry replied irritably. He didn't necessarily like having

to explain things twice.

"How do you know this?"

"I heard it while I was in my animagus form! We have to go!" Harry

didn't wait any longer and rushed out of the professors private quarters

and back down the hall.

"This boy." She muttered under her breath. She quickly grabbed a cloak

that hung nearby and threw it around her. By the time she had stepped

out of her office, Harry was already almost at the end of the corridor.

She quickly sent off a message to Dumbledore to meet them at the DADA

classroom. She the transformed into her cat form to catch back up to

Harry. As she ran, she passed Professor Snape who was lying on the

ground, his wand beside him. She quickly checked and saw that the

professor was stunned. Harry must have ran into him and instead of

getting into an argument, he simply knocked Snape out. This night was

quickly getting out of control.

She finally caught up to Harry who had already made it to the fourth

floor and was just outside the DADA classroom. "I think he is still in

there." Harry hissed. He had his ear pressed up to the door of the


"Harry, did you attack Professor Snape?" She whispered as soon as she

transformed back.

"He tried to stop me. Did you warn Dumbledore?"

"Yes, he should be on his way. What exactly was your plan. You've

attacked a teacher and your what? Planning on attacking another?"

Harry at least had the decency to look guilty. "Look, we can do this later.

Right now, we have a man, locked in a trunk under pain of death."

"Harry we should wait. Dumbledore will be here in a few minutes." Harry

either didn't hear her, or ignored her and quietly opened the door,

slipping into the room before she could question further.

The room was empty, the chairs and desks pushed to the side. The office

door was shut and no light was coming from underneath the crack in the

door. Minerva slipped inside behind him, her wand drawn. "Harry if

you're wrong, and we attack a professor, I could lose my job."

He winked at her, "When have I ever been wrong." Harry knew full well

that this was Professor McGonagall putting her complete faith in him.

She may not have believed him the past, but here she was making up for

past sins.

Harry silenced his feet and crept closer to the office. He reached out and

touched the door handle. As soon as his skin touched the cold metal, a

loud siren sounded through the whole class and torches on the walls

flared to life. "Shit!" Harry cursed. He stepped to the side just in time as

the office door was blasted off its hinges.

A man wearing a black trench coat appeared in the smoke and debris. He

was tall with shaggy brown hair and a goatee. His black, twisted wand

was pointed directly at Professor McGonagall who had thrown herself out

of the way of the door as well.

Harry noticed the tick he had seen so many times, the man licked his lips

much like a snake. "How did you find out!" The mans voice was gruff and


"What have you done with Moody!" Harry demanded, bringing up his


The man turned to face Harry. "Ah, Potter. The Dark Lord would reward

me greatly for bringing you to him." The man flicked his wand and sent a

simple stunner at Harry. He batted it away with practiced ease, sending

his own blasting hex back.

Professor McGonagall quickly joined in and transfigured a nearby desk

into a full grown brown bear. It roared to life and charged, but the man

was quick and was able to slice the legs off the bear with well placed

cutting curses.

Harry began rapid firing increasingly dangerous and dark curses. This

man was well practiced and rather powerful. Who ever this was, he was

well trained. The man sent a flame cutter curse that Harry dodged just

missing him by an inch. He could feel the heat from the spell as it passed

by him.

Harry replied with one of Dumbledore's more dangerous curses, the wind

hammer. It created an invisible wall of wind that smash its target down

into the ground like a hammer would a nail. The man surprised Harry by

not only knowing the spell, but being able to shield himself from it. This

man was not your average wizard.

Professor McGonagall used the mans distraction to conjure several birds

that flew at their opponent and began to peck at him. "Avada Kedavra!"

The man shouted at Professor McGonagall. This caught the Professor off-

guard and her eyes widened as the spell flew towards her. In such close

quarters she had no time to dodge.

Harry though, was quick from hours of training. "Accio desk!" Just in

time, the professors desk flew into the path of the killing curse. The force

of the spell caused the desk to explode and the resulting shockwave blew

Professor McGonagall back into a wall, knocking her out.

Harry gritted his teeth. Things had just gotten serious. He was trying to

capture this man after hearing him speak of the Dark Lord, but now this

man was resorting to killing curses.

"Aww Potter. Stopping my fun." The man mocked.

"Who are you?"

A sickly laugh escaped the mans lips. "It doesn't matter since you soon

will be dead."

"I thought you said you wanted to take me back alive?" Harry asked,

circling around the classroom, keeping a close eye on the mans wand.

"I'm sure the Dark Lord would appreciate me bringing your head just as


"I don't think so." Harry conjured three steel rods and sent them flying at

his opponent. The man side stepped them, snapping off two piercing

hexes, conjuring a silver sword in his off hand and charged Harry. Harry

dodged the two piercing hexes and snapped off his own in reply hoping

to catch his opponent. The man nimbly dodged the two piercing hexes

Harry sent at him and closed the distance.

Harry could see the bloodlust in the mans eyes as he raised his gleaming

sword and brought it down towards Harry's head. He ducked the swing,

punching the man in the gut as hard as he could, rolled off him and

raised his hand into the air. "Gryffindor!" A flash of fire appeared in

Harry's hand and when the flames died, the sword of Gryffindor shined

proudly in the flickering torches of the room.

As Harry spun, he brought the sword up and the two swords clashed,

sparks flying off the both of them. The mans eyes widened, "That


Harry smirked, "I know." He pushed off the man and was about to raise

his wand, but the other man didn't need to. He fired off a bombarda,

causing the floor beneath Harry to explode. Harry fell, but as he fell, he

aimed his wand at the floor beneath the man and sent his own


He was rewarded with a yelp as the man fell into the abandoned

classroom below the DADA class. Harry hit the ground like a sack of

bricks, the wind getting knocked out of him. He concentrated on the

falling figure and sent three incarcerous' at the spot the man was falling

on, hoping to catch him.

"Riddle!" The man shouted a second before Harry's thick black chains

reached their target. The man disappeared, a loud crack sounding

through the entire castle as the portkey wards failed and the man was

successfully transported away.

"Fuck!" Harry cursed, groaning as he got up.

"Harry, are you alright?" He heard Dumbledores voice coming from

above him.

"Yeah! 'Bout time you showed up old man. How is Professor


"Unconscious, but alive."

Harry nodded. He stepped over to a wall and rested against it. "Check the

professors office. I think there is a chest in there with the real Alastor


Harry slid down to the ground, the adrenaline beginning to leave him. He

let the sword drop from his grasp and began checking his body for any

wounds. He found two large wooden splinters embedded in his right leg,

blood beginning to seep from the wounds.

"Also professor! Can you send for Madame Pomfrey! I may have gotten

myself stuck by some stray pieces of wood!" Harry called from

underneath. He looked up to see the Headmaster poke his head through

the hole. He could see Dumbledore moves his lips, but no sound came


A second later, Fawkes appeared above Harry, grabbed onto his collar,

and flashed away. They reappeared a moment later inside the hospital

wing, the phoenix dropping him into his cot.

"Harry Potter! You survive a dragon yet you somehow wound yourself in

the after party?" Poppy exclaimed, striding out of her office.

"Not exactly Madame." He winced, gingerly placing his wounded leg into

a more comfortable position.

"What kind of trouble did you get yourself into now?" She took out her

wand and began waving it about in front of his leg.

"Oh you know. The usual kind. Fighting other professors." Madame

Pomfrey grasped one of the splinters and yanked it out of Harry's leg.

"Ouch! Couldn't you warn me first?" Without replying, she yanked the

other splinter.

"Couldn't you not cause trouble for once Mr. Potter?"

"Well, the trouble I get into has a purpose. This time I helped free a

professor that was locked in a chest."

"I thought you said you fought a professor." She asked skeptically.

Pomfrey grabbed a few ointments and began dabbing at the wounds.

"I had to fight someone impersonating a professor to get to that chest. But

don't just blame me, Professor McGonagall was with me this time." The

doors to the infirmary opened and an unconscious Professor Snape was

led in by Professor Flitwick. Harry groaned, "Shit..."

"Have anything to do with that Mister Potter?" Poppy asked, hearing his

groan as she went to check on Snape.

"Of course not!" Harry called out.

"That's not what I heard." Flitwick said, though his expression was much

more amused. "As always Mister Potter, you liven up this castle."

"I do try professor." Professor Flitwick chuckled and left the infirmary,

presumably headed back up to the warzone on the fourth floor.

"Are there any more injured professors you should tell me about?"

"Nope. Just me, possibly the real Professor Moody, Professor McGonagall,

and that git." Madame Pomfrey just rolled her eyes but didn't reprimand

him. He knew she had a dislike for the potions master as well. Potions

class was known to have the most accidents that resulted in students

being sent to the hospital wing, something she attributed to Snapes

teaching, or lack there of.

"Harry! Are you alright?" Professor McGonagall walked in. He could see a

small cut on her cheek, and she was holding her head gingerly. Besides

that night in the Chamber of Secrets, he had never seen her face with so

much emotion. Worry and sadness were etched into her wrinkles, making

her look years older.

"I'm okay Professor. Thank you. How about you?"

Minerva sat down on a stool next to Harry. "I'm okay. Just a little woozy.

We apparently got to Moody just in time. He was being given a slow drip

poison, one that if taken any longer than a few more hours would

eventually have killed Moody."

"Is he okay though?"

"Alastor is tough and will be fine. He'll need to go to St. Mungos for some

time to make a full recovery though. I'm sure the old bastard won't like

that too much." Harry raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. He

never would have imagined his venerable Professor swearing, but I guess

tonight would crack anyone.

"Harry, I have to say thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would've been


Harry shook his head, "If it wasn't for me, you never would have been in

that position. I acted brashly. You're right, we should have waited for

Dumbledore or gotten others. Maybe we would have been able to capture

the man with help."

"Hindsight is 20/20 Harry. You heard someone being threatened with

death and you acted quickly and decisively. That's what we're training

you to do."

"Maybe, but I was also impulsive and didn't stop to think. I wasn't careful

and it almost got you killed."

Professor McGonagall gave him a soft smile. "You're still young and

learning. In time, you will learn patience, but for now, be happy with

what you accomplished tonight. You were able to save Moody from

imprisonment and protected the students from a dangerous impostor."

"Sirius? The ministry? What's happening there? And where is

Dumbledore?" He asked, changing the subject.

"The aurors stationed at the school have already been alerted. They will

probably be here to take your statement soon. Dumbledore is already on

his way to notify Sirius."

"Thank you for following me Professor." Harry said honestly.

She patted him on the cheek, "I think I've learned my lesson well to

always follow you. Not that you gave me much of a choice mind you."

"Did you recognize the man we fought?"

Minerva shook her head, "I thought I did, but that man is dead and it

couldn't be him. Maybe the ministry will know once the aurors take our

memories of the event."

"Hopefully. He said he wanted to take me back to the Dark Lord. He must

have been a death eater."

"Maybe. How could I not know? I was around the impostor for much of

the year and never knew that he wasn't the real Moody."

"I think the real question is how didn't Dumbledore know. Weren't they

supposed to be close friends? Surely he could tell the difference between

the two men."

Minerva sighed, "I don't know. I fear a lot will be happening after


Harry nodded, "A lot will change."

"I think we have everything we need. Thank you Mister Potter." The

auror who was dispatched to interview Harry walked out of the

infirmary. He groaned, laying his head back onto his pillow. Madame

Pomfrey had forced him to stay the night. She was giving him a supply of

blood replenishing potions and pain killers.

Sirius came to Hogwarts immediately once he heard what happened. He

didn't stay long though, the minister apparently wanted a meeting. A visit

from the minister might be on his plate soon as well.

Dumbledore was acting slightly odd about everything. Harry didn't blame

him either. A possible Death Eater posing as a professor would always

dent the reputation of a headmaster, even the famous Albus Dumbledore.

Still, something was off about the old man, more-so than usual.

If the auror report did confirm that the man was a Death Eater, the news

that this Death Eater had contact with Voldemort himself would also

send shockwaves through the whole wizarding world. A lot will change

based on that report and the events of this night.

Harry sighed, going through his fight this evening. He knew he held

back, wanting to capture this person. He had valuable information, but

now he wondered if maybe he used more force, he would have gotten the

job done. It wasn't possible to say, and difficult to figure out the right use

of force in the moment.

Like Professor McGonagall said, hind-sight was 20/20. Neither Professor

McGonagall or himself were seriously injured and at least they still

walked away with some information. Also, he had the man dead to rights

with those incarcerous chains. Somehow the man had a portkey that

allowed him to rip right through the wards of Hogwarts. That wasn't

something he could have possible accounted for.

Now that the possible Death Eater within the castle was gone, that meant

he was probably safe from further tampering in the tournament. That

made him feel a little better about the whole thing. Hopefully this was

Voldemort's only spy within castle.

He peaked over his bed side and saw Professor Snape, still asleep. Hell

was definitely going to be paid once that man woke up. It wasn't going to

be a fun year of potions, but thank fully he could skip them anytime he


Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day.

"What the hell happened this evening Dumbledore! The press are on my

arse about this and I have nothing to give them at the moment." Minister

Fudge growled. They sat in a large conference room. Also in attendance

was Sirius, Madame Bones, Director of the DMLE, and Madame


"I think I can answer for the Headmaster." Sirius began, shooting the old

wizard a deadly look. "He has no clue what happened this evening, or

does, and chooses not to say anything."

"Now, now Sirius. Lets not throw around blame. I had no idea of Moody

being an impostor."

"But you should have. This has happened too many times Dumbledore.

How can we possibly continue to expect you to protect the students when

you have failed to do so, so many times before?" Fudge asked.

"Surely you can't really think me incapable of protecting the students


"Your recent track record has proven you can't Headmaster." Amelia

Bones chimed in. "On the other side, again we find it to be Mr. Potter

once again doing your job and protecting the students."

"Not only did that boy put on an impressive fight against a dragon, later

this very night he freed one of the ministries most honored aurors."

Fudge continued.

"Of course, the boy should be commended. I agree."

"He already is for the events of saving the school in second year. He may

very well have just done it again tonight as well." Sirius said. He took a

great amount of pride in his godsons achievements. "First though,

shouldn't we discuss the possibility of Voldemort being involved in this?"

"Sirius, you as well as I, know that that man isn't alive any longer. He

can't be! That's another thing your godson is credited with doing."

Sirius held his hands up, "I'm not saying that he definitely is. All I'm

saying is that Death Eater activity, or at least dark wizard activity, is on

the rise."

"I can confirm Lord Blacks statement Cornelius. Within the last year alone

we have seen an increase in crime by 150%, most of the attacks targeted

at muggles and muggleborns."

"Even if that is true, you know I can't do anything about it. The

Wizengamot is the group responsible for the ministry's budget."

"That may be, but if you were to support an increased budget for the

DMLE I am sure we can get it passed." Amelia responded.

"I'm not too sure Amelia. Malfoy holds much influence, and his gold can

persuade many tongues." Everyone in the room knew that was a jab at

the minister from Dumbledore. It was a well known secret that Minister

Fudge was open to gold persuasion by the wealthy Malfoy family.

"What are you insinuating Headmaster?" Umbridge spoke up for the first

time. She plastered a sickly smile on her face.

"I am not insinuating anything my dear Dolores." Dumbledore responded.

"I am merely stating it won't be so easy to pass a new budget."

"What about Harry?" Minister Fudge asked.

"What about him?" Sirius responded cautiously.

"He is already expected to be awarded the Order of Merlin First Class this

winter. If he were to, maybe give a few interviews, demanding the

country be further protected, it might help to sway a few votes."

"I don't know. The kid already has a lot on his plate with the TriWizard

Tournament and all. I'm not sure it would be good to thrust this upon

him as well. He is only a fourteen year old boy." Sirius reasoned.

"It would just be a few interviews. Nothing too painful I promise. After

the news breaks out tomorrow that Harry was involved in removing an

impostor professor from Hogwarts, he will once again be lauded a hero.

It would be the perfect time to press for a new security budget." Fudge

wasn't a dumb man. He was a skilled politician and knew full well which

way public opinion was blowing. Right now, the public loved Harry

Potter, a boy of just fourteen who has proven time and time again to be a

hero. He may already be a legend, but after today, he might just be

cemented as a god in their country.

"Cornelius, I don't think it would be a good idea to reveal that there was

an impostor inside Hogwarts." Dumbledore stated.

Amelia scoffed, "What? So your precious reputation can be protected?

You may not truly be responsible for what happened to Alastor, but you

know full well the politics when taking the position of Headmaster of a

school. If something bad happens within those halls, it comes down on

your head."

"I'm not thinking of my reputation Madame Bones but the schools of


Amelia narrowed her eyes, "If you were so worried about the reputation

of the school, maybe you should have done better to protect it! I saw that

Defense classroom, it was a goddamn warzone! Not to mention every

student and even some Hogsmeade residents heard the portkey wards

around the school shatter when that man broke through them."

Dumbledore in that moment looked a hundred years older than he

normal. He knew full well that tomorrow was going to be a very tough

day for him. He would be lucky to keep his job as Headmaster after these

events, and even luckier to keep his positions as Supreme Mugwump and

Chief Warlock. Too many people didn't fear him anymore or look to him

as the Leader of the Light. That torch had just transferred to young Harry


"Well if we have nothing else to discuss, I will return to my school."

Dumbledore muttered. For the first time in his life, he wasn't sure what to

do. His plans had all crashed and burned. Harry was quickly becoming

beyond his control. The only good thing that came out of this night was

that Harry failed to capture Barty Crouch Jr. If he had, the ministry

might have been able to find the obliviated memories of his chat with the

Death Eater. Instead of expulsion as Headmaster, he would be facing

criminal charges.

Now faced with the possible expulsion as Headmaster to the school, he

would have even less influence over the boy. But perhaps not all was lost.

Being without his other duties would leave him more time to scheme and

shape the world into what its supposed to be. Yes, maybe it would do

him good to disappear for some time.

After all, once their precious hero has died at the hands of Voldemort,

they will naturally look to him once again to lead them. All will be right

in the world in the end.

Dumbledore left the conference room and headed back to the Ministry

floos where he left for his office. "Do you think Harry would agree to a

few interviews Sirius?" Minister Fudge spoke up once the tired

Headmaster left.

"If I explained what they were for, most likely yes."

"Good. Well for tonight I think we have talked about all we can. I have a

meeting with the Hogwarts Board of Governors tomorrow morning to

discuss the events of this night. Amelia, come to me as soon as Professor

McGonagalls and Harrys memories are thoroughly examined."

"Will do minister. Sirius can I speak with you alone for a moment?" Sirius

nodded, looking quizzically at the Department Head. Minister Fudge and

Dolores Umbridge excused themselves, giving them the conference room.

Amelia produced a piece of paper from her jacket and slid it over to

Sirius. His eyes widened when he saw it. "It'll cover Harry legally for his

animagus transformation. As you can see, it states he's a cat, which is

technically true."

"Its dated for two weeks ago?" Sirius stated, looking over the document.

"I think it best Harry doesn't get tied up in a legal battle over his

surprising ability to be an animagus. Many of his enemies I'm sure would

try and take advantage of it."

Sirius nodded, folding up the paper, and slipped it into his jacket. "Thank

you Amelia."

"Susan tells me your godson and her have become quite good friends this


"Harry has told me the same thing."

Amelia smiled, "Maybe there will be wedding bells in the future?"

Sirius chuckled, "I'm afraid my godson is already smitten with another."

"Ah, Miss Delacour I presume? I've heard much about her. That

relationship alone will create change in our world."

Sirius grinned, "My godson knows very well how to create change."

"So how are you and Emmy?" Amelia asked, her face reddening slightly.

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "Amy, you know we talked about this. We

both want different things. I have Harry to worry about and you, your

job and Susan. Emmy is good for me, and Harry. They get along well."

Amelia sighed, "I know. I just sometimes wonder how different things

would have been if you weren't wrongfully sent to Azkaban. I should

have known you were innocent. I'm so sorry."

Sirius got up from his chair and placed a comforting hand on her

shoulder. "You had no reason to believe I was innocent. I don't blame you

for anything. But...the past is the past. We can't change it."

Amelia gave him a soft smile and stood up from her chair. "I should get

going. Shacklebolt is looking over Harrys memories now."

"Keep me in the loop?"

"Will do." With that, Amelia walked out of the door, leaving Sirius alone.

Harry slowly stirred from his sleep. Yesterdays activities had caught up

with him and so he slept like a log once allowed to go to sleep. Opening

his eyes, he noticed it was daytime now. He felt something in his hand

and looking down, he saw a hand intertwined with his. Fleur was sitting

in the chair next to him, fast asleep.

He smiled at the beautiful silver haired goddess. She looked so peaceful,

but he figured that position couldn't be in any way comfortable. He gave

her hand a gentle squeeze to wake her.

"You're up!" Fleur exclaimed, waking up. She wasted no time and climbed

onto his bed. Harry wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her close.

She pressed her lips onto his. At first the kiss was tender, but just like

their first kiss, it grew passionate. Fleur broke the kiss once they both ran

out air. She began pecking his nose affectionately, before relaxing into

his side.

"I cannot believe you. Some'ow you walk away un'armed by a dragon, yet

you end up in ze 'ospital wing afterwards?"

"It wouldn't be a school year without a Potter spending time in my ward."

Poppy's voice rang out. Harry was glad that Fleur didn't make to move.

Instead she let out a contented sigh and burrowed further into his side,

resting her head on his chest.

"Lord Black and Madame Bones are in the classroom opposite the ward

waiting for you Mister Potter."

Harry nodded, "My friends? Where are they?" The hospital ward was

empty besides him, Fleur, and Poppy. Professor Snape must have woken

up sometime earlier and walked out. He thanked his lucky stars that the

professor hadn't sabotaged any of his potions in the night.

"Zey are in class. Eets already midday." Fleur explained.

"I was out for that long?"

"Oui. You 'ave a lot to explain to me mister." She poked him in the side.

"I'm sure I do. Do you have any idea what Sirius wants?" Fleur shook her

head. Harry groaned as he swung his legs over the side of the cot. Fleur

whined when he moved away from her. "Come on."

"Really?" She asked.

"I would tell you whatever happened in the meeting anyways, so you

might as well come along and save me some breath."

Fleur smirked, "So that you can use that breath for better things?" She

asked in a sultry voice before kissing him soundly.

"Mister Potter, before leaving my ward, I suggest you put some clothes on

first." Harry looked down and noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. He

turned beet red and hurried over to the nightstand where one of his shirts

was neatly folded. Fleur chuckled behind him and he maturely stuck his

tongue out at her.

The two of them walked out of the hospital wing and just before Harry

opened the door to the opposite classroom he stopped to face Fleur.

"Look, I know this probably isn't the best time, or in anyway romantic or

anything." Harry started, looking around embarrassed and suddenly


"Of course I'll be your girlfriend." She cut him off, kissing him softly. She

giggled, seeing the goofy grin on his face.

"You didn't let me finish."

"You didn't need to. I knew what you trying to ask." Harry smiled at her.

He had a connection with her like no other. He placed another chaste kiss

on her lips before turning the handle.

Both Amelia and Sirius were sitting at a table talking quietly. They

looked up when Harry and Fleur walked in hand in hand. "Harry I think

you hit the gold mine last night!" Sirius exclaimed.

Harry looked at his godfather quizzically. "What are you talking about?"

"Mister Potter."

"Harry, please Madame Bones. Your niece and I are good friends."

She gave him a warm smile. "Harry, last night, do you know the man you

and Professor McGonagall faced?"

Harry shook his head, "I didn't. Professor McGonagall thought she

recognized him but he was supposed to be dead or something."

"Well your professor is correct. The man you faced was Barty Crouch Jr."

Harry's eyes went wide. "Wait. You mean Barty Crouch Sr.'s son? He was

the one impersonating Professor Moody?"

Amelia nodded, "We have already been able to confirm the story from

Barty Crouch Sr. Apparently his sickly wife had taken their sons place in

Azkaban. For the last decade he had been living in the Crouch home."

"What was 'e in Azkaban for?" Fleur asked.

"He was a convicted Death Eater." Fleur gasped, her hand squeezing his

tighter. "The comment he made to you has me most interested."

"That he wanted to capture me for the Dark Lord?" Amelia nodded. "Yeah

I picked up on that too. Its proof I think, that he was in touch with

Voldemort. I wanted to capture him, but you saw how that went."

"I see those sword lessons paid off." Sirius smirked.

"How was I supposed to know a wizard would resort to a sword."

"I must ask, how did you know the Gryffindor Sword would go to you

like that?" Madame Bones asked.

Harry shrugged, "I didn't. Just had a hunch."

"You've got to be kidding me Harry. That hunch could have gotten you

killed!" Sirius exclaimed.

"My hunches tend to be damned good ones."

"Language." Fleur hissed causing Harry to just roll his eyes and give her a

pointed look.

Sirius watched their small exchange with a wide grin. "Something I

should know about you?"

Harry went beet red and did his best to look anywhere but at his

godfather. This moment he knew all to well was going to be one told by

his godfather for years to come. "We are togezzer." Fleur smiled brightly.

"Lucky dog you." Sirius grinned. "Wait I can't you dog or pup anymore.

Bloody cat." Fleur looked oddly at Harry. He mouth 'later' to her.

"Congratulations you two. We are still looking into how a portkey was

able to rip through Hogwarts wards." Madame Bones said, getting back

on track.

"What about Dumbledore? I'm sure this recent news doesn't put him in a

favorable light."

"Last nights events will definitely impact Dumbledore harshly. The board

of governors are convening today. The Wizengamot has a meeting

tomorrow, and the ICW has a meeting in two weeks." Sirius answered.

"So, if how all of those meetings go how I think they would, what does

that mean for this school?"

Amelia shrugged, "Probably Deputy Headmistress McGonagall would take

over as Headmistress. She, after all, is being lauded as a hero right along

you for her actions last night." Harry nodded, liking that news. She would

make a fine Headmistress, much better than Dumbledore no doubt. "The

Supreme Mugwump will be a toss up between several wizards, one

including Monsieur Delacour. Lastly, the Chief Warlock position is

already being debated between Mister Diggory and Lucious Malfoy."

Harry frowned at that last name. English wizarding culture would suffer

greatly if Malfoy was able to take over as Chief Warlock. "Is there any

way to help secure Diggory's position?"

Sirius grinned, "I hoped you would ask. The Minister wants you to

conduct a few interviews. We are planning on putting forth a new budget

to the Wizenmagot that would increase the DMLE's budget. Also you

could put in a good word and endorse Diggory's position as Chief


Fleur looked at Sirius skeptically, "And whats ze catch? There's always a


Sirius shrugged, "Right now, I don't think there is one. The minister is

firmly on your side and wants your help in this. Have you read this

mornings headlines?" Harry shook his head and so Sirius produced a

paper from his jacket. He tossed it over to Fleur and Harry who began to

read the front page.

Battling a Dragon and Protecting the School!

Harry James Potter, famed slayer of basilisks, conqueror of dementors, and

savior of witches has once again defied all odds and battled a dragon. During

the TriWizard Tournament, young Harry Potter, the youngest in the

competition by three years, took on the ferocious Hungarian Horntail. For our

readers who aren't knowledgeable in dragon lore, we have included a picture

below of the beast young Harry was forced to fight yesterday.

And fight is exactly what he did. Harry Potter used highly advanced magic to

subdue the dragon and even used impressive wandless magic to ensure his

victory in the first task!

But of course this wasn't enough for our young hero! No, Harry uncovered a

nefarious plot by an impostor professor with the help of one of his teachers,

Professor Minerva McGonagall. Together they were able to free the highly

decorated Master Auror, Alastor Moody from imprisonment inside a chest.

Though the impostor was able to escape during the ensuing battle, valuable

information as to who the man was, was uncovered.

The once thought dead Death Eater, Barty Crouch Jr., was the man behind the

mask. He has successfully fooled the magical community for the last decade,

and lately was posing as famed auror Moody.

We at the Daily Prophet call upon Albus Dumbledore to resign from his

position as Headmaster of Hogwarts effective immediately. It is now too

obvious to run away from that Dumbledore no longer can create a safe

learning environment for his students. Several times, thanks to the heroics of

Mister Potter, the school was saved from grave danger. A rogue teacher three

years ago, and a basilisk in second year. Now this year an impostor and

former Death Eater threatened the safety of our students by posing as a

professor teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. This shows a pattern of lack

of ability by Headmaster Dumbledore to protect our precious children from


Lastly at the Prophet, we would like to say a thank you to Mister Harry

Potter. Once again you have proven to be the hero our country so desperately

is in need of. Without your good deeds, we would be in a much worse state.

Our country supports you in your endeavors during the TriWizard

Tournament and anything else you tackle.

The article continued on to cite information and quotes from those inside

the ministry. Harry just rolled his eyes at the colorful language meant to

prop him up as a hero.

"So is he finished?" Harry asked, reading through the whole article.

"Its likely. But tell me the truth Harry. Is Voldemort still alive?" Harry

glanced at Sirius who nodded his head in approval.

"He is. I never killed him that October night. I think Dumbledore knows

how Voldemort stayed alive but he isn't talking."

"Of course he isn't." Amelia said bitterly. "Are you sure?"

Harry nodded, "I've faced Voldemort several times at this point." He

looked to Sirius for approval again and was given it. "During my second

year, Riddle was close to returning to full form. When I mean close, I

mean seconds away."


Harry laughed out loud. "You mean the ministry actually doesn't even

know Voldemort's name? Shouldn't you try and figure out who your

enemies are before you fight them? Maybe that's why you lost the war so


Amelia narrowed her eyes at the teenager. "I would greatly appreciate

you filling me in Mister Potter."

"Well, Voldemort is just an anagram for his real name, Tom Marvolo

Riddle. He's a half-blood that was in Slytherin house during the forties.

You can't fight an enemy you don't understand."

"And you understand that raving lunatic?" She asked skeptically.

"Better than most."

Thank you to everyone that has favorited/reviewed/and followed. I

have reach 1000+ favorites and am blown am amazed at the

response I have been given for this story. I hope you enjoyed the

fight scene and a little look into the politics.

14. Love

Harry and Fleur walked out to the Black Lake, enjoying the new weather.

Snow had begun to fall on Hogwarts and yet he couldn't pull his gaze

away from the girl next to him. Snowflakes got caught her in her silver

locks, adding another glimmer and beauty to them. They enjoyed being

close with one another, neither willing to break the calming silence

between them.

It was peaceful, calm, perfect. Harry made sure to remember this

moment, the serenity he felt at this time. He knew full well that he would

be fighting for another chance at a moment like this over the next several

years. He also knew that there was a possibility he would never have a

moment such as this, and so he committed it to memory.

Every detail, every breath, every snowflake, he locked away in his mind.

The small smile that Fleur had on her pink lips, the way her bright blue

eyes shown brilliantly, reflecting the pure white snow.

Last night was a wake up call. He had potential enemies everywhere, and

before today, he didn't have something to protect. Sure, he had Sirius,

and he was also too noble to ever not fight despite not having anything

to really fight for. But now as he looked at this goddess next to him, he

couldn't help but feel that she will be the reason for his future decisions.

Everything he does will be for her. It scared him, but also empowered

him. He finally, truly had something to fight for.

"Are you going to stare at me or kiss me?" Harry chuckled. He didn't need

to be told further and pulled her into a kiss.

"Harry! How are you?" Neville asked once the new couple sat down at

Gryffindor table. The Great Hall was packed with students. It being a

Sunday and snowing, not many had much to do besides socializing in the

Great Hall. As soon as he sat down, dozens gathered around him from

various houses. Harry took a deep breath, his new public life was really

beginning today.

Several whispers broke out seeing Fleur and Harry's hands connected.

Many had already seen the small, quick kisses and the closeness between

them. But now it was obvious that they were officially an item.

"I'm good Nev." He clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Now, I know

everyone here is eager to hear about what happened last night." There

was a murmur amongst the gathered students, all indicating their

hopefulness he would tell his story. "Luna?" The radish wearing

Ravenclaw stepped away from the other students that were gathered.

"Yes Harry?" She said in her normal dreamlike voice.

"Get your quill and parchment. I'll give the Quibbler an exclusive

interview on last nights events. Everyone else can listen in if they wish."

"Of course Harry." Luna rushed back to her bag that was at the

Ravenclaw table and came back with a small notebook and an ink pen.

Many of the purebloods gave Luna a quizzical look, not knowing what a

simple ink pen was. He had heard rumors that she was often bullied over

her quirks, hopefully he could stop that.

"There are rumors about you being an animagus. Is that true?" Luna

asked her first question once she had set up her little workspace.

"Of course that's true! We all saw him in Gryffindor tower!" Seamus

exclaimed. Many of the other Gryffindors shouted in agreement. He was

still kicking himself for allowing that ability to get out in the open.

Harry ignored Seamus' comment and answered her question. "Yes that is

true. I was registered just a few weeks ago by the ministry."

"It was bloody scary. A huge, midnight black tiger he was" Katie added.

"You broke Ronniekins arm just by standing on it." Fred chimed in,

eliciting a few giggles. Rons reputation within the whole school had

taken a major tumble since last night. Not only was he being shunned for

what he had said to Harry, but also the little 'accident' he had had not

shown any bravery at all. Within the house of the brave, to be so scared

would make you look bad in front of your housemates. It was the reason

he hadn't shown his face today, and consequently, neither had Hermione.

The sooner Fleur found out the reasons why she was so steadfast with

sticking by Ron, the better.

"Last night, you had an encounter with an ex-Death Eater posing as a

professor at Hogwarts?" Luna asked, cutting above everyone else's


"Yes. I heard from the impostor Moody that he was keeping a man locked

in his trunk. I immediately sought out Professor McGonagall and together

we were able to help free the real Professor Moody." Now, that Luna had

begun to ask questions about the events after his animagus

transformation, everyone went quiet, eager to hear his story.

"But the impostor, a Barty Crouch Jr., he was able to get away correct?"

Harry nodded, "Yes. The man had a portkey with the power to rip

through Hogwarts' own anti-portkey wards."

"That must have been a powerful portkey. Any idea who created it?"

Harry knew of Cornelius' unwillingness to believe Voldemort was still

alive. He didn't blame the Minister either. Once that news gets out, the

world would get a whole lot more complicated.

"I do not know who created it. But I'm sure the wards around Hogwarts

are not as strong as they should be."

Luna gave him a knowing smile. She was in Ravenclaw for a reason and

much smarter than others took her for. "Are you blaming Dumbledore for

the weakness of the wards?"

Harry smirked, "I am." Several of the students gasped. It was still

blasphemy among the younger students to speak ill will of their

headmaster, especially in Gryffindor. Many of them had grown up on

stories about the 'Most powerful wizard in the world'. Also, it was widely

thought that Harry was on good terms with the Headmaster, many even

believing he was the apprentice to Dumbledore. "Look, I think it is clear

that this school has suffered in recent years at the hands of Dumbledore."

"How so?" Luna asked.

"It is now well known that I have...gotten into some dangerous situations

at this school." A couple of his friends who knew the real scope of his

adventures at Hogwarts snorted. "Students in recent years have been in

dangers that they shouldn't have ever been. The Headmaster is charged

with protecting the students under his care, but where was he when the

basilisk attacked us? Why did he not take more precautions when it came

to the dementors last year? And of course, this year so far has been a

complete fuck up." Many of the students around him laughed.

He had begun to gather quite the crowd. "Its obvious I think that change

needs to happen within this school. That starts with the Headmaster and

ends with Professor Snape."

"Professor Snape, Harry?"

"We all know how useless that professor is and his complete hatred for

anyone other than Slytherins. He may be a potions master, but he isn't a

good teacher. Professor Dumbledore has managed to protect the man, but

that is just another hit against Dumbledore himself." Many of the students

voiced their agreement.

"If Headmaster Dumbledore were to be replaced, who would you wish to

take his place?"

"Professor McGonagall. I do not think there is any other professor in

these halls who loves this place more than her and the students she

teaches. She is strict yes, but she is strict towards everyone and doesn't

play favorites."

"Rumors tell that the duel you had on the fourth floor was quite the

battle, and Barty Crouch Jr. is considered to be one of He-Who-Must-Not-

Be-Named's top lieutenants. How were you able to duel him and even

force if him to retreat?"

Harry shrugged, "I'm lucky I guess. Professor McGonagall did most of the

work during that duel of course. After all, I am just a fourth year." Luna's

dreamy smile grew slightly wider. She knew he was withholding some

information, as did most of the others listening in. Rumors of what Harry

would do after every dinner were all over the school. Personally he liked

the idea that he had his own succubus harem to attend to every night.

Luna jotted down his words into her small notebook. "And lastly Harry, I

do have to ask. Are you and Miss Delacour an item?" Harry chuckled,

pulling Fleur onto his lap. "Oui." He kissed her slowly, eliciting wolf

howls and cheering from the entire hall.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, the evidence laid out against you is here for all

to see. We see fit to strip your title as Headmaster of Hogwarts." Madame

Longbottom stated clearly. She sat on the Board of Governors along with

six others.

Dumbledore was sitting in a simple wooden chair opposite the seven

school governors. "All of your things have already been moved out of

your office and placed at your familial home of Sherwood Cottage. Do

you have anything you wish to say?"

"Who will take my place?" Dumbledore was already resigned to the

possibility of losing all of his titles. He had played the game, and though

he lost this battle, he knew he would win the war. This was just a minor

set back. The end was too important to worry over simple titles. The

Greater Good was worth any number of sacrifices.

"Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall will take your place. I'm sure

you agree she will be a good fit for the position?" Dumbledore nodded.

"Good, you are dismissed Albus." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes before

giving a jovial smile. He didn't like being 'dismissed'. It was demeaning

for one of his stature, but for now, he would have to get used to it.

The time he would gain from not having to worry about his duties would

be great. Sure, he wouldn't be in the loop per say, but he had his spies.

This time away from other responsibilities would allow him to solely

focus on what was truly important, the Greater Good.

"Fawkes, would you kindly take me home?" Dumbledore asked out loud.

Several seconds passed and his Phoenix didn't show. He frowned, this

wasn't like him to just not show up. After all, he was a phoenix and could

travel through any magical ward.

"Fawkes?" He asked again. By now the School Governors were looking at

him with a mixture of amusement and confusion. The bird still didn't

show up, ignoring his call. When he reached into his mind to figure out

where he was, he found his connection with his familiar severed.

Dumbledore sighed, he knew exactly what that meant. It would just be

another hardship he would have to endure. He repeated in his head that

this was all for the Greater Good.

Professor McGonagall sat in the Great Hall at dinner. She scanned the sea

of students, a smile cresting her lips. The golden throne that had once

been Headmaster Dumbledores seat was replaced by a simple wooden

chair, no different than what the other professors sat in.

Minerva stood up and the hall fell silent. All were eager to hear her

announcement. Most could already infer what was happening simply by

the new seating arrangements and the lack of a long bearded headmaster.

"Thank you for joining me this evening!" Minerva started in a somewhat

shaky voice.

"I am sure you have already heard of the events of last night." Several

whispers broke out through the hall and many glanced over at Harry. The

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students watched silently, even Fleur from

her seat next to Harry, watched with a rigid concentration. He figured it

was how the students from both schools were taught to act when being

addressed by a teacher.

"The School Board of Governors has seen fit for a change here at

Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore agreed to resign and as such, I have

been chosen as the new Headmistress." Thunderous applause sounded

throughout the hall. Even a few of the Slytherins were clapping. She had

a good reputation with all of the students as being fair, despite her being

the Head of House Gryffindor.

"Because of the many changes we are seeing in the school, class will be

suspended for this week." Even louder applause broke out about this

news. Minerva held up her hand for silence. "In this week, we will be

getting two new teachers, one for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and one

for Transfiguration. I cannot announce names right now, but you will be

introduced soon. Until then, I expect all of you to continue studying. This

is not an excuse to take the week off."

"Despite these changes to our school, the TriWizard Tournament will

continue on. The next task will be taking place February 23rd." Harry

glanced at Fleur who winked back at him. "Before that task, during the

winter holidays we will be holding the Yule Ball. It is a TriWizard

tradition to hold such a ball during the winter time." Whispers again

broke out, mostly from the females as they talked excitedly to one

another. Harry thanked his lucky stars that he already had experience

with balls, even more so, he had experience with the girl he was planning

on taking to said ball.

"Thank you everyone and have a good evening." Professor McGonagall

sat down and the food appeared at the tables. Soon, everyone was

engaged in their own conversations and the meal spread out before them.

"It seems you got your wish Harry." Neville said from across the table.

He glanced up at the Headmistress who raised her goblet to him. He

returned the gesture, "It seems I have."

Daphne sat at the Slytherin table. She didn't have the appetite to eat

anything. Her eyes were focused on the newly proclaimed 'Golden

Couple' of Hogwarts. They sat talking quietly with one another, stealing

kisses and laughing. A jealous rage built up within her. What was worse,

was that she knew exactly that this was jealousy. She had never been

jealous of anyone before, but now she was up to her eyeballs in the


There wasn't anything she could do to control it either. Not even Tracy's

soothing words about a possibility that Harry could take two wives

calmed her. There were rumors that Harry was made Heir Black, but they

were just that, rumors. He hadn't told her that he was the Heir Black and

so she figured that he wasn't.

Just a short three months ago she had come to Hogwarts simply wanting

to progress her education. But an emerald eyed knight had shattered her

plans. Now, a silver haired princess was winning a war for that knight.

She couldn't let that happen. She was Daphne Greengrass, proud heiress

of the noble house of Greengrass. She always got what she wanted.

Harry and her were too close, too perfect for one another. She had never

connected with another person, let alone a male, like she had with Harry.

She knew this was a once in a lifetime connection. Her heart told her so.

It was rare that she ever listened to that muscle, but in this instant, she

could listen to nothing else. Her heart drowned out any other thoughts.

She needed a plan to win over Harry and beat this veela once and for all.

It was also possible this veela was simply playing on Harry's heart and

would leave him at the end of the year. After all, those creatures were

known to do that. Waiting was the only good thing Tracy had suggested

to her during their talk. Another glance at the happy couple told her that

patience and not simply waiting was the best route.

Hermione took a walk outside of the castle. Most of the other students

were inside the Great Hall enjoying the nights feast. She didn't feel much

like feasting this night. Ron was currently held up in his room, still

nursing his broken arm despite Madame Pomfrey having already healed

it. She figured that he was more nursing his pride rather than arm.

Her thoughts drifted to the last three months of her life. Ever since that

World Cup night, her life had changed rapidly. In just those three

months, she had found herself back at square one. She didn't have any

friends, besides Ron if you could call him a friend. She had a crush on

that boy, but so far he hadn't shown any signs he felt the same way

which was frustrating her greatly.

The red head was daft, but she didn't think he was this daft. She thought

she had been rather forward with her signals towards him showing she

was interested in being more than a friend. Maybe she would have to kiss

him? For some reason, the thought of kissing him excited her and

repulsed her at the same time.

Those thoughts were what had led her out to the cold snowy landscape in

the first place. She couldn't figure out her mind as of late. She had been a

jumble of mixed emotions. On one hand, she knew she deeply loved Ron,

but on the other, she hated him. He was snobbish, bigoted, and

downright gross. But he also had a sense of nobility, handsomeness, and

with her guidance, could potentially become a great man.

She couldn't help but compare him to her ex-best friend however. How

could one compare to Harry Potter? With each year he seemed to do the

unspeakable. Over the last few months, she had learned that Harry was

simply holding back in his studies. She hated to admit it, but he was

better than her at magic, and was probably still holding back in classes.

Sure she could write a better essay than him, but he was a natural when

it came to the practicality of magic. There was an aura of power, of

confidence about him that couldn't be matched by any other. He was

breathtaking to watch when performing even the simplest spells.

In the last three months, she had watched Harry come into the man he

was born to be, while she was left in the dust. All because she made the

safe decision to stick by Ron. She tried to justify her position by claiming

Harry was cheating on homework and other such nonsense, but it was

obvious he was just smart and powerful. She couldn't deny that any

longer, not after his fight with that dragon and the ease he had out-

dueled her in the beginning of the year.

How Harry could have faced such a beast head on like he had was

beyond her. What stung slightly was that he had done so without her

help. She used to be the one he went to for guidance. Now he had others,

several others, and a girlfriend. A very beautiful and smart girlfriend at

that. A part of her couldn't help but be a little jealous of Fleur.

For all the fun Ginny and her made fun of the French Veela, she truly was

a brilliant witch, one that even rivaled herself. How could you not be

jealous of a girl that had brains and beauty? Life just wasn't fair she


While Fleur got the famous, dashing, noble Harry Potter, she got Ronald

Weasley, the lazy and insensitive prick. Why did she love him so?

Fleur headed back to the Beauxbatons carriage with Aimee by her side.

She had a wide smile plastered on her face. Today had been perfect. She

and Harry were officially a couple and nothing could make her happier.

She couldn't wait to write a letter to Gabrielle back in her room.

Her younger sister had a bit of a crush on Harry ever since her dance

with him at the ball, but she would quickly get over it once learning of

Fleurs relationship. She knew her parents would also be ecstatic at the

news, not that they had already figured this would happen eventually.

Veela were creatures of love and so they knew when someone was

beginning to love them. It was blatant that Harry was falling in love with

her, and the thought warmed her heart greatly. She had already fallen

head over heels for the emerald eyed wizard.

This ability to spot love also didn't just show itself in Harry. She could

tell when a married couple was truly in love, or when love was failing,

even when it was completely non-existent. Such abilities were a gift and

a curse.

She often times had wished to be a normal girl when younger, not

because of her beauty and lack of friends. But because she thought she

would would grow up without truly knowing what it would be like to

have another love her, besides her parents. She would be able to tell if

her boyfriend didn't truly love her. But luckily she had found Harry.

Finding such love for a veela was almost impossible, yet impossible had

struck twice in her family. She hoped it would strike a third time for her

younger sister.

Many of the bigoted wizards and witches may not appreciate hers and

Harrys relationship, especially Harry being such a limelight figure, but

she knew they would get through it together. They had a connection that

came so easily and and an understanding that she had with no other.

Within a few months she felt like she knew Harry better than any other

human being on this planet. They had something special and she would

do anything to protect it.

As she was walking, she noticed a cloaked figure walking aimlessly

through the snow. She caught a few streaks of brown curly hair in the

moonlight. The figure was obviously cold, wrapped up in her robes and

slightly shivering. Curious, she walked up to the figure, leaving Aimee

who continued on back to the carriage.

"Excuse me? Are you alright?" Fleur asked. Something about the girls

posture struck her as sad. The girl turned around startled, clearly not

thinking anyone was nearby. Fleur recognized her immediately as

Hermione Granger, Harrys ex-bestfriend. Luck was on her side today she

figured since this was probably the perfect time to have a talk with her as

Harry had asked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"No, no. It's okay." She gave Fleur a nervous smile.

"Are you okay?"

Hermione was clearly taken back a little. Whether it was from the

question or Fleur talking to her in general wasn't clear. "I'm not sure how

that is any of your business." Hermione responded cautiously, a hint of

steel in her voice. Fleur didn't blame her either.

"Look, I know this is odd to ask and we don't know each other. 'Arry 'as

been worried about you and I said I would talk with you. I'm sure you

know 'Arry can sometimes be...daft about some things." Hermione gave a

rare chuckle, relaxing slightly.

"Tell me about it. That boy can sometimes be so infuriating." Fleur smiled

knowingly. "I wasn't aware that he was worried about me."

"'e is. I think 'e is wondering why things 'ad gone ze way they did

between you and 'im."

"Not Ron?" Fleur shook her head. "I don't know. I felt like I didn't know

him anymore. Plus I had Ron and..."Hermione blushed slightly. Fleur

picked up on it immediately. She could see something in her eyes,

something that was shooting off warning bells. It was obvious that this

girl wasn't in love with any boy, her veela senses could easily see that.

Fleur narrowed her eyes, now beginning to realize that something was

going on. This girl had begun acting strange several months ago

according to Harry, and though she thought she was in love with a boy, it

was clear she truly wasn't. That could only mean one thing.

"Do you love Ron?" Again the brunette witch blushed heavily, staying

quiet. Fleur continued to stare into her eyes, looking for any signs of

struggle. When a witch or wizard is under love potions, often if looking

closely enough, one can see the inner struggle behind their emotions in

the eyes. Almost always a healer never looks for such potions because

when someone is dosed with a love potion, the signs are obvious.

But, if someone was dosed over a long period of time with just a small

amount at a time, the signs are almost impossible to see. The persons

behavior wouldn't radically change overnight, instead, they would

change over a month, or several months, making no one the wiser.

When Hermione blushed, Fleur could just pick out the subtle signs of

inner struggle behind her eyes. Her magic was trying to fight off the love

potions, but the potion was winning like it was designed to do.

"I think you should see your school 'ealer." Fleur stated.

Hermione backed up a step, "Why would you say that? Nothings wrong

with me."

"'Ermione, I think you might have been dosed with a love potion."

"What? That's impossible. I would have known if I was." Fleur sighed. She

was exactly like Harry had described. Impossible.

"I'm sorry about this 'Ermione."

Hermione looked at Fleur oddly, "Sorry for-" She didn't get the chance to

finish her sentence. Fleur already had her wand in hand and sent a

stunner at the fourth year. She was out cold quickly. With another flick of

her wand, she levitated Hermione and brought her up to the hospital

wing where they could flush out the potions. Harry was not going to be

happy with this news and if it was indeed Ron who had been giving her

the potions, she feared for the red heads life.

"Madame Pomfrey!" Fleur called out to the empty hospital ward. The

medi-witch appeared from her office in an instant.

"What happened?" She demanded, walking over to them. Fleur levitated

Hermione to a nearby cot and slowly set her down.

"I think she 'as been dosed with a love potion." Madame Pomfrey raised

her eyebrows at Fleur before pulling her wand and performing a few tests

on Hermione.

"I believe you're correct Miss Delacour. Someone has been giving her

small doses of love and loyalty potions over the last five months

according to the tests. Such small doses like this would have changed her

over a long period of time with out showing any normal signs of being

given the potions." Pomfrey stated Fleurs exact thoughts. "Why is she


"It was ze easiest way to get 'er 'ere. In my experience, people under

doses of love potion are difficult to reason with. Will she be okay?"

Madame Pomfrey nodded, "Yes. Once she wakes up she won't be under

the influence of those potions any longer. Thank you for bringing her

here." Poppy looked sadly at the unconscious girl. "Poor girl. I can't

believe someone has been doing this to her."

"Can you tell who they were keyed to?"

Madame Pomfrey shook her head, "It's not possible with such small doses.

Do you know if she has not been acting herself?"

Fleur nodded, "I 'ave an idea who ees be'ind zis. I'll see if 'Arry can find

out for sure."

"See that he does. I would like a word with whoever has been doing this."

Fleur looked sadly one last time at Hermione and hurried back out of the

hospital wing in search for Harry. At this time of night, he would only be

in one place. She ran up to the seventh floor, ignoring the stares and leers

from some of the other boys.

Apparently it paid to be the girlfriend of Harry Potter. Most were now

even more scared to approach her, especially the boys, who feared

Harry's wrath. The story about his duel with an ex-death eater and

winning was all over the castle. Not to mention his battle with a basilisk

being a widely published story along with his heroics at the World Cup,

resulting in the capture of several Bulgarian criminals.

She reached the top of the castle, slightly out of breath from the sheer

amount of stairs she had to climb. "'Arry!" She shouted, barging through

the Room of Requirement door. Harry looked over, surprised to see her.

Unfortunately that small distraction cost him. Kingsleys bludgeoning hex

smashed into his face, sending him flying into the wall.

"Shit." Kinglsey muttered, rushing over with Sirius and Fleur.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." Fleur repeated over and over. Sirius pulled out a

small white packet as if he had done this a hundred times before and

waved it in front of Harry's nose. He woke up instantly, gasping for


"Easy Harry. You took quite a hit." Sirius said, helping him to sit up.

"What happened?" He shook his head to wake himself up further. "Fleur?"

He asked, seeing her looking over him with a worried expression and

even the glint of a tear in her eye. She didn't waste time and lunged at

him, hugging him with all her strength.

"I'm sorry." She continued to repeat. All he could do was rub her back

trying to sooth the crying witch. He raised his eyebrows at Sirius.

"You were hit by Kingsleys bludgeoning hex when she distracted you. We

will need to get you down to Poppy. I think you have a concussion, and

its better to be safe than sorry with that kind of hit."

"Fleur I'm fine. You do know not to come up here while I'm training


She pulled back slightly to look at him, "I know, I know. I wouldn't 'ave

come up 'ere, but I talked to 'Ermione."

Instantly, Harry was more alert, "And what? What happened? Did you

find something out?"

Fleur nodded solemnly, "It was what I thought. She 'as been under ze

influence of love and loyalty potions."

Harry narrowed his eyes, "Who were they keyed to Fleur?" he asked


"Madame Pomfrey could not find out. Ze doses were small and 'ave been

affecting 'er over a long period of time.

"They were keyed to Ron, weren't they?" He more demanded than asked.

"'Arry we cannot be sure. Eet seems likely zey were keyed to 'im, but eet

eez not possible to tell for sure."

"I'm going to have a word with Ronald." Harry pushed Sirius away and

tried to stand up. His vision quickly spun and if it wasn't for Sirius' quick

reaction to steady him, he would have fallen back down.

"Not right now you aren't. You need to get checked out by Poppy."


"No arguing 'Arry. You are 'urt. You can figure zis out tomorrow." He

looked at Fleur and could tell she wouldn't allow him to go anywhere

besides the hospital wing and so relented. "I can take 'im." Sirius nodded

and relinquished Harry to her care. The walk to the infirmary was quiet

and thankfully they didn't run into any students along the way.

"Its been one night and you've already found yourself injured again!"

Madame Pomfrey exclaimed, seeing them walk into the room.

"Oh you know me. I just can't get enough of this place." He grinned back

at the medi-witch, earning an eye roll from both girls. Harry quickly

spotted an unconscious Hermione in the cot next to his normal one.

He walked over to his cot with Fleur as support and sat down. "Why is

she out?"

Fleur looked at him slightly guilty, "I may 'ave stunned 'er." Harry raised

his eyebrows at her, "She wasn't being very agreeable to get checked for


Harry snorted, "That's ironic." Fleur chuckled, knowing the story of

Hermione's attempt to get Harry to see Poppy about possible potion


"Now, Mr. Potter. What is it this time? Another fight with a professor?

Basilisk? Dementors?"

"Nope. A distracting girlfriend." Fleur playfully punched him in the

shoulder earning a chuckle from Madame Pomfrey. "Took a hit to the

head from a bludgeoning hex."

She took out her wand and waved it several times in front of Harry. "Ah

yes, a mild concussion I see. You're lucky the force of the spell wasn't too

powerful, such a hit can seriously injure or even kill." Fleurs grip on his

hand tightened slightly. He gave her a reassuring smile but knew full well

that Fleur would beat herself up about this for months. He also wasn't

planning on ever letting her live this down.

Poppy disappeared for brief minute before reappearing with a light blue

vial. "Take this. Rest here and in the morning you should be good to go."

Harry groaned, "I swear, I should move my things in here."

"Not that I mind the company Mr. Potter, I'd prefer you not have to move

your things down here."

"Hermione, she's going to be fine now right?"

"The potions in her system will be flushed out by morning. Please find

out who has been dosing her Mr. Potter. I'll be alerting Headmistress

McGonagall tomorrow morning about her situation as well." Harry

nodded. If indeed it was Ron taking advantage of Hermione like this, that

boy would have hell to pay and nothing could stop him.

However, his gut feeling told him that Ron wasn't behind this, but maybe

that was because he viewed the redhead as a lazy idiot, and something

like this took planning and months of dedication. It just wasn't in Rons


"Isn't using love potions illegal?"

Madame Pomfrey nodded, "Very illegal. The use of them can see you sent

to Azkaban, though it hasn't happened in many years. Such instances

with students are usually handled at the school without getting the

authorities involved."

He glanced somberly at Hermione who had a peaceful look about her.

"Maybe these potions are the reason she stopped being friends with me."

He said with a hopefulness in his voice.

"Maybe, but you can figure that out tomorrow. Get some rest 'Arry. I'll be

back first thing in ze morning." Fleur gave him a brief but passionate kiss

before walking out of the hospital ward.

Harry laid back down in the familiar cot, his second bed at Hogwarts.

Today hadn't been as bad as he thought. Sure, the students looked at him

differently now, but that was something he could get used to.

A lot of good had come out of the day as well. Professor McGonagall was

now the Headmistress, he had a beautiful girlfriend, and maybe, just

maybe, he was about to have his best friend back. All in all, today had

been a good day.

Suddenly a flash of fire appeared above his head. Harry whipped his

wand out, turning around in his bed only to see Fawkes perched on the

windowsill above him.

"Hello my Lord."

Again, thank you everyone for your support. This chapter had a lot

of different POV's. I wanted everyone to get an idea where the

characters stood after the events of the first task and Harry's battle

with Barty Jr. This was a bit of a fluffy chapter I know but it was

necessary I think.

15. The Hunt Begins

"Hello my Lord." A high pitched voice sounded in his head. Harry lowered

his wand, staring confusedly at the majestic bird in front of him.

"I really hope this is just sleep deprivation." Harry wondered aloud,

shaking his head back and forth to try and shake the sleep from his mind.

"This is not some dream."

"But your a bird."

"Great. Just what I need, a wise arse." Fawkes' voice sounded again in his


"What are you doing here? Why can I hear you?" He asked. This was one

trippy dream he was having, but it felt all too real to be just a dream.

Again, the voice squeaked in his head. "The light has left my former master,

my head is clear now. Long has he held reign over me, but no longer. Once he

lost control of this sacred school, my bonding to him was severed. That bond

has transferred to you."

"Why do you sound like a child?"

He could hear the bird scoff, "I am no child to you! I may be young

compared to other Phoenix's but I am no youngling."

"Sorry. Didn't mean to insult you. You just sound different than I had

imagined a phoenix would."

"And what are phoenix's supposed to sound like?" The voice sounded


"I-err. I don't know. Not like that of a four year old?" Fawkes jumped

from his perch and onto Harry's lap, slapping him across the face with his


"I am not four years old. I am twelve-hundred and thirty-three years old!"

Harry started laughing, "I thought you said you were young."

"That is young for my kind!" Fawkes cried.

"I'm sure it is. Why have you left Dumbledore, and why are you here?"

"He is no longer the one capable of protecting the students of this school." He

stated simply.

Harry blinked dumbly, trying to work through what Fawkes had said.

"And so the bond transferred to me? I can't protect the students either."

The phoenix gave off a shrug, ruffling his long golden and red feathers.

"Not the brightest either. Figures. I can only be bonded to those with good

intentions, and those with enough power to bond with me."

Harry narrowed his eyes at the bird, not taking too kindly to being

insulted. "You said, once Dumbledore lost control of the school, your

bond was severed. Why was that?"

"Long ago, Rowena Ravenclaw my first bonded, tasked me with protecting the

school. As such, I can also only bond with someone that has equal goals."

Harry nodded.

"So Dumbledores goals were ultimately to protect the school? The

students?" Harry asked. Having a phoenix who was inside the head of

Dumbledore for many years could be very useful. Maybe Fawkes knew

how Voldemort was still alive? How he was still alive?

"I cannot say now. Once I have bonded with another, my previous bond, along

with all memories and knowledge disappear. I am reborn, clear in mind.

Magic can be as much a gift as it can be a curse at times."

"Damn." Harry cursed. His luck had run out for the day he guessed. "You

still remember being bonded to Rowena though. Why is that?"

"You have many questions my lord." Seeing Harry's pointed look, Fawkes

continued. "A phoenix will always retain the memories and knowledge of

their first bond. After that, our cycle of constant birth and death begins."

"So once I am dead, or no longer a protector of this school, you will bond

with another?"

The phoenix nodded its head, "As long as someone of proper strength can

bond with me."

"And if you bond with someone who isn't powerful enough?"

"My magic would consume them. Kill them."

Harry narrowed his eyes at the bird, "You're saying that by us bonding,

without asking I might add, you could have killed me?"

"I have been watching you for several years Harry. I knew you were strong

enough for me to bond with. Once your horcrux was destroyed, the light in

you also began to show. I knew then that you were my future bonded."

"Wait what? What in the hell is a horcrux?"

"Sirius!" Harry called to the seemingly deserted Grimmauld Place. Fawkes

had kindly flashed him into the still-in-shambles manor. Despite Remus

and Sirius' attempts at cleaning the house, very little progress was being

made in the very large mansion.

"Harry? Is that you? Why and how did you get here?" Sirius shouted,

coming down the steps. Emmaline was just behind him, wrapped in only

a robe. They both stopped on the landing, seeing Fawkes perched on his

shoulder. "Wh-is that Fawkes?"

"Yes, he is now my familiar." Sirius' eyebrows rose but Harry continued.

"What do you know of horcruxes?"

"Err, I don't even know what those are Harry. Want to tell me whats

going on and how you just ended up friends with Dumbledores phoenix?"

Sirius ushered him into the kitchen where he poured three glasses of tea

that Kreature had made.

"I can sense one nearby. It feels how you used to when your horcrux was in

your head." Fawkes said, his head moving back and forth as if looking

through the whole house.

"Do you think Dumbledore knew of my horcrux?"

"I would bet my life on it."

"That's not a lot coming from you, seeing as you're immortal." Fawkes

returned by slapping his wing onto the back of his head. Both Sirius and

Emmaline watched the exchange between bird and human with interest.

"Want to fill us in Harry?" Sirius asked, breaking up the staring contest

between the two.

"Last night, or well really this morning I guess, Fawkes came to me. When

Dumbledore was released as Headmaster, Fawkes was released from his

bond with him. It resulted in me being bonded with Fawkes and as we

were talking, he mentioned something called a horcrux that was inside

me and has been destroyed."

"The dark magic in your scar?" Harry nodded. "I'm not going to like this

am I?" Sirius asked, seeing Harry's almost sickly expression at the mere

mention of the word horcrux.

"No, not at all. A horcrux, as Fawkes tells me, is a soul fragment."

"A soul fragment? Meaning you had a piece of someones soul inside your

scar?" Emmy asked, shocked beyond belief. Her hand covered her mouth

to stifle the gasp that threatened to escape her lips.

"Yes, and I believe I didn't have just anyones soul fragment. I'm sure it

was Voldemorts. When I was hit by the killing curse a second time, I

remember a dream I had. I was falling, everything was dark, except I

could see a pair of red eyes, Voldemorts eyes, and I heard his laugh. I

think that was the horcrux, his soul inside of my mind. A bright green

flash cleared away the darkness, and since then I haven't had any bad


"So this soul piece was destroyed?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, I believe so. Fawkes wouldn't have been able to bond

with me otherwise."

"Why would someone take out a piece of their soul and place it in

someone?" Emmy asked.

"Immortality. As long as a persons soul still remains in this world, they

can't move onto the next."

"They can't die." Sirius re-iterated. "So that's how Voldemort lived when

the killing curse rebounded. But now that it's destroyed in you, does that

mean he is dead?"

"I don't think so. Barty Jr. was taking direct orders from Voldemort, so he

still has to be alive. Also, as Fawkes tells me, it is foolish to create a

horcrux out of a living person. That person can die of old age or other

causes. An object is much easier to protect and is what is usually used to

create a horcrux."

"So your horcux was an accident?" When Harry nodded, Sirius continued.

"That means he split his soul more than once. Is that even possible?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know. I doubt anyone has ever done it before

until Riddle. Fawkes did just tell me he senses one in this house though."

Sirius and Emmy's eyes widened. "In this house!" Sirius shouted, pushing

back his stool, causing it to clatter to the floor. "Where!" He demanded.

"I don't know where exactly. Its a large house with many places to hide

things. It could be as small as a pebble for all I know. We know very little

about them."

"So, if Voldemort has more than one of these horcruxes, we can't really

kill him until they're all destroyed can we?"

"No, we can't. We know very little and if Voldemort were to figure out

that we knew about his horcruxes he would do anything to protect them."

Sirius nodded, "Who do you want to bring in on this? This is huge news

and a key t taking down Voldemort once and for all."

"I'm not sure yet. Remus of course, as well as Professor McGonagall and

Flitwick. Maybe Tonks?"

Sirius nodded, "I trust my cousin. I can tell her about this news and

maybe begin digging up information on the whereabouts of these


"First, we need to find the one inside your house. That will give us the

biggest clue into what these horcruxes are."

"My lord, permission to stay? I would like very much to rid the abomination

inside this house."

"For the fourth time. Stop calling me my lord." Harry groaned. Fawkes

had been insistent on calling him that ever since bonding with him.

"Whatever you say my Lord."

He rolled his eyes, "Yes, stay. Help Sirius locate this horcrux. Do you

know how to destroy one?"

"No, but Rowena said the goblins did."

"Fawkes will help you with the search for the horcrux here. He knows

what to look for."

"It should not take too long, my lord." Harry figured he might as well just

get used to that title. After all, once he hit the age of seventeen, he

technically would be a lord in the English ministry. The Potters were

considered a an Ancient and Noble House much like the Blacks. Being the

heir of the Blacks, if Sirius never had any children, he would be the Lord

of two Ancient Houses, something unprecedented.

"Okay, can you flash me back to the Headmistress' office before you begin

your search?"

Fawkes didn't say anything else, grabbing Harry by the collar and

flashing him back to Scotland.

Professor McGonagall sat in her office looking over the new candidates

for the professor positions. Looking at the candidates, she couldn't help

but smile a little. A certain potions professor was soon going to be having

a Sirius fit.

Just as she was about to get ready for bed, a flash of fire appeared in

front of her. She reached for her wand, knowing that it could only be

Dumbledore that traveled like that. Her jaw dropped however when it

was none other than Harry Potter, bathed in the flames. In an instant, the

phoenix was gone again, leaving only Harry in her office.

"Professor, we need to talk, can you call professor Flitwick here as well?"

"Harry James Potter!" She admonished like a grandchild. "It's late! You

should be in bed. And what were you doing with Fawkes!" She

demanded. Harry just smiled cheekily back at his professor.

"I'll tell you the full story once Professor Flitwick is here. This is very

important and I think you two should know what I have to say." Minerva

took a long look at Harry and knew that this truly was important. He

wasn't just a normal student. He was involved in far more complicated

plots other than showing up to class with ones homework. She got up and

floo'd Filius. A second later, the small charms professor stepped through

the fireplace.

"Mr. Potter, another late night out I see." Harry smiled at his charms

professor. Over the last three months they had grown rather close and he

was like the mentor Dumbledore was probably once supposed to be.

Grueling days of dueling each other would formed that bond.

"Things just got a whole lot worse regarding Voldemort."

"How do you mean Harry?" Filius took the same stool Professor Snape

often would take when in Dumbledore office. Most of the Headmaster

portraits were also listening intensively to their conversation.

"Do either of you know of horcruxes?" By the wide eyes that Minerva

sported and the confused look Filius had, he knew the answer.

"You can't think he would-" Minerva began.

"He did. I was once a horcrux. As you saw, Fawkes is now my familiar.

He sensed the horcrux in my scar and recognized that after surviving the

second killing curse, the horcrux in me was destroyed."

"But surely Harry, that would mean that Voldemort was dead. His

horcrux was destroyed! Unless..." McGonagall gasped, realizing what was

going on.

"Unless what? I don't follow." Filius asked, a little fear creeping into his


"Unless he created multiple horcruxes." Harry answered for the

Headmistress. "A horcrux is a soul fragment. A witch or wizard must

murder in cold blood to fragment the soul, and then perform a ritual to

place that soul into an object. When Voldemort attempted to kill me, he

must have accidentally transferred a piece of his soul into me. The fact

that he is still alive after the horcrux in my head is proof that Voldemort

created multiple horcruxes."

"I don't understand still. How do we know Voldemort is indeed still


"Because the man Harry and I fought wanted to take Harry to the Dark

Lord." Minerva stated, staring off into nothingness. It was clear she was

deep in thought trying to process this information. The coming war had

just gotten a lot more complicated for everyone.

"Also, the portkey activation word was Riddle." Harry added.

"Riddle? He would use his last name for a portkey activation code? A

name that was shrouded in secrecy?" Flitwick questioned.

Harry thought about that for a moment. He hadn't thought to question

that activation code. Why would it be Riddles name? No one else knew

who the real Voldemort was. He hated his name and that's why he

changed it. The only thing that made sense was if it was a place. Could it

be his home? That was something that would have to be thought about

further at a later time.

"So Voldemort stayed alive by creating these horcruxes. How do we go

about destroying them?" Flitwick asked.

Harry stayed silent. Honestly, he didn't know right now. They had

nothing to go on other than that they existed, or at least one other

existed. He hoped it was just the one other and that Fawkes would find it


"Fawkes said that the goblins can help with that. He is looking for one

currently in Grimmauld Place."

"Grimmauld Place! What makes you think one is there!" Minerva asked,

wide eyed. She had been in that house many times the last several

months for the Order of the Phoenix meetings, something she figured

wouldn't be happening anymore. The thought that she had been in the

same house as a piece of Voldemorts soul disgusted her.

"Fawkes and Sirius are already looking for it. We will have it soon

enough I am sure."

"How do you plan on asking for the goblins for help? They aren't always

the most kind of beings, and I should know." Flitwick stated.

"Leave that to me." Harry responded.

By the time Harry finally got to sleep, after sneaking back into the

hospital ward, it was already close to sunrise. In the end, he only

managed a short three hours of sleep before he felt the soft lips of Fleur

on his own.

"Why does eet look like you 'aven't slept?" She asked, breaking from the


"Because I haven't. Honestly I feel like I can't go a day without something

crazy happening in my life." He groaned.

"Harry?" He jerked his head to the familiar voice next to him. Hermione

was sitting upright in her bed, a worried and sad look about her. "I-I'm so

sorry. I-I..." She burst into tears, sobbing into the sheets she brought up

around her head to hide her state. He knew instantly that she wasn't truly

herself the last several months. Harry slid out of his bed and sat on the

edge of hers, bringing her into a hug.

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"But-but...I-I said s-so many terrible things." He rubbed her back

soothingly. A glance back at Fleur saw her smiling at the two of them.

"They weren't your words Hermione."

She broke down even harder and he began to feel his night shirt dampen.

"H-how c-c-can you ever forgive m-me?"

"I just did. Your reaction now was all the proof I needed to know that you

haven't been yourself the last several months." He could feel his anger

rising. A part of him sort of hoped that the potions didn't have an effect

on her, that they hadn't actually ruined his close relationship with

Hermione for the past three months. Now, though, he knew that someone

tried to drive her away from him, and that person was going to pay


"Fleur, can you stay here with Hermione? I have some...business to

attend to." Fleur could see the dangerous glint in his eye.

"Harry. What are you doing?" Hermione asked, breaking out of her

hysteric state.

"I'm just going to have a talk with Ron."

"Harry, h-he couldn't have done this. Not Ron."

Harry gave her a soft smile. "I don't think he did. But I can get answers

from him."

"I should go wiz you." Fleur said, not liking the idea of Harry going off on

his own. She knew, in the state he was in, he could wind up seriously

harming Ron.

Harry shook his head. "No, this is something I need to do alone. Please

just stay with her, I'll be back soon." Fleur nodded reluctantly allowing

Harry to leave the hospital wing. He wasted no time in heading up to

Gryffindor tower. The whole way he felt his anger rising at the possibility

that Ron was trying to turn Hermione against him in the most despicable

way possible. He didn't notice that as he walked, his feet left imprints in

the stone stairs and that the metal suits of armor creaked and bent from

the swirling magic around him.

With a flick of of a finger, the Fat Lady's portrait swung open, her

protests muffled by the wall she hit when the portrait openned. Many of

the students were inside the common room and all of them stopped

talking as soon as Harry walked into the room. The fireplace went out as

soon as he stepped in and many quickly averted eyes with him. His green

eyes glowed with a fiery power that resembled a deadly curse.

Not seeing Ron in the common room, he immediately walked up the

steps to his dorm room. He flung the door open and sure enough, the red

head was laying on his bed, a Quidditch magazine in hand.

"Harry?" Ron gulped. Harry didn't waste his breath and drew his wand.

Rons eyes went wide and he held his hands up in the air. "Harry? Whats

going on? I didn't do anything?" He said fearfully.

"Tell me its not true." Harry hissed.

"Whats not true?" His voice was quivering along with his whole body.

"Tell me you haven't been giving Hermione love potions." He responded,

his tone full of danger. His wand tip began to glow dark red, a reducto

aimed for his nether region on the tip of his tongue.

Ron looked genuinely confused for a moment which took Harry slightly

off-guard. "Someone was drugging her? I swear Harry, it wasn't me!" He

pleaded. Harry looked closely, seeing no falseness behind his eyes, but he

knew there was really only one way to find out.

"Legilimense!" He muttered. He was swarmed with memories of Rons

time at school. He tried to do his best to make this as painless as possible,

but it was almost impossible to not inflict some pain. He sifted through

all of Rons memories and found him innocent of knowing Hermione's


However, he found an interesting re-occurrence. Mrs. Weasley had been

sending Hermione sweets every two weeks. As far as he remembered,

Mrs. Weasley had never sent Hermione any sweets before this year.

He broke the contact with Rons mind and the red head slumped back into

his bed, shivering. Fred and George barged into the room at that moment

and glanced between Ron and Harry. "What happened?" Fred demanded

as menacingly as possible. No matter how close of friends you were with

a Weasley, they would always choose family first. He admired that trait

in them.

"Hermione is in the hospital wing because she was found to be drugged

over a long period of time with love potions. I believed they were keyed

to Ron."

"What! Our brother would never use love potions!" Fred exclaimed.

"He's too daft to brew the potions really." George added.

"But your mother?" This question caught both twins off guard.

"Our mother? Why would you think she would do something like that?"

Both the twins shared a nervous glance that Harry caught.

He narrowed his eyes at the two of them, "What do you know?" Harry

made to show he still hadn't put away his wand and though he didn't

point it at the two, he showed that he would be quicker to the draw than

them. He wanted answers. Someone had taken over three months away

from his best friend.

"Look, our mother wouldn't do something like this. She can be a

bit...heavy-handed at times, but she wouldn't use love potions on

Hermione." George defended her.

"When I looked through Rons mind, I saw your mother send Hermione a

box of sweets every two weeks. That seems suspicious to me since she has

never done so before. What do you know that I don't?"

Fred gulped before speaking up, "We know our mother once used a love

potion to woo our father into a relationship. That was a long time ago

though and she wouldn't use potions on a teenage girl!" Both twins didn't

look as convinced now as they had before.

Harry didn't need to hear any more, their unconvincing looks was all he

needed. "Fawkes!" His new familiar appeared above his head in an

instant. "The Burrow." Just as soon as Fawkes came, he disappeared, this

time with Harry as well.

Molly Weasley sat in her kitchen preparing her latest batch of love potion

laced chocolate to send to the Granger girl. A strong woman was needed

to take over the Weasley family once she was gone. God forbid could her

sons find a woman worthy of the lineage of the Weasleys. Dumbledore

had said that the Weasleys would one day rule Britain once the Greater

Good was accomplished fully. She truly believed that her sons would be

the kings of the new magical world. And kings needed strong queens by

their side.

So far, none of them had so much as found anything close to a proper

wife. Hermione, though, would be fine. She was ambitious, smart, but

had one major useful fault. She worshiped the very ground of anyone in

an authoritative position. It would be easy for Dumbledore to control her,

and as such, her youngest son would rise because of their influences.

Her eldest was a fine son but had no care for politics or this country. He

far too enjoyed the abroad life and sleeping with any whore that crossed

his path. Charlie liked his dragons and she wondered if maybe he played

for the same team. The thought disgusted her, but he was her son and

would have to be okay with it on the outside. The twins were just as lost

as Bill. They cared little for anything other than their jokes. She scoffed

at the idea of them opening a joke shop.

Percy was the only son with any ambition, but he had chosen a different

way to satiate his needs. He didn't declare allegiance to Dumbledore, but

instead declared his love for the ministry. Maybe he could be redeemed

like Dumbledore so often said was possible. Lastly, her youngest son was

the only one mold-able. He had no real drive, no real desire for anything.

He was the perfect son for her visions.

She was brought out of her thoughts when a flash of fire lit up the

kitchen from just behind her. She plastered a smile on her face, "Ah

Headmaster. How are you?" The Daily Prophet hadn't yet arrived this

morning and so the news of his dismissal as headmaster had yet to reach

her ears.

"I'm good Molly." She spun around quickly, recognizing the voice of none

other than Harry Potter. However, the boy standing in front of her wasn't

the same boy she knew. No, this was a man with glowing green eyes and

a power swirling around him that was undeniable. He held himself high,

his clothes weren't rags any longer, and his physique had improved. He

wasn't the same scrawny boy she remembered. The phoenix that had

delivered him was already gone.

"Harry? What are you doing here young man? You should be at school!"

He drew his wand, it flicking into his hand with surprising speed.

She took a step back, her elbow accidentally hitting the newly created

batch of chocolates, knocking them to the floor. Harry eyed the

chocolates, his eyes narrowing. She gulped, seeing the hateful look in his

eyes. "Those are for Hermione, aren't they?" His tone was dripping with

venom. The pots and pans in the kitchen began to rattle from the passive

energy Harry was giving off.

"Harry, what if Dum-"

"I would be very careful with what you say next." He hissed, leveling his

wand at her.

Molly went red, her famous temper flaring to life. "I will not have a

fourteen year old boy threaten me in my own home!" She drew her own

wand foolishly. Harry wasted no time in simply casting an incarcerous.

Before she could even think of a spell, her wand dropped to the ground

as her entire body was wrapped in thick black chains. She began to feel

the metal chains get warmer and warmer until they began to burn.

"H-Harry! These are hurting me!" She exclaimed, struggling against from

the increasingly hot chains.

"Tell me, are those for Hermione!" He demanded, stepping over to her,

picking up a few of the chocolates and inspecting them.

"Y-yes!" She squeaked out. She definitely wasn't difficult to crack.

"Have you been drugging Hermione with loyalty and love potions over

the last four months!" His tone was filled with rage at this point and it

took all of his control to not explode with magic that was calling to be let


"Yes! Harry, please! It hurts!" With a flick of his wand, the chains

disappeared. He summoned her wand with his other hand. Just in time,

Fawkes reappeared with Arthur.

"Molly?" He asked, rushing passed Harry to his wife. He didn't seem to

notice Harry. "Are you alright?"

"Mr. Weasley, can I have a word?" Arthur looked up from his wife and

noticed Harry for the first time. His eyes widened, seeing Fawkes now

perched on his shoulder.

"Harry? What are you doing here? What's going one!"

"That's what I wanted to talk about." He jerked his head towards the

living room.

Arthur looked at his wife who was keeping her eyes focused solely on the

ground where she lay. He wasn't a dumb man, like many believed him to

be. Having looked upon Harry like a son and knowing the man he would

one day become, he knew something was up, and whatever it was, he

wouldn't like it.

He followed Harry into the living room, leaving Molly huddled on the

floor of the kitchen. "Harry, you're a son to me, but I need to know

exactly what is going on!" Arthur demanded. When the Weasley Patriarch

wasn't in a good mood, he could be something to be reckon with.

"Hermione is in the hospital wing for being dosed with love and loyalty


"That's terrible! Is she alright?" He exclaimed, she, like Harry, was family

to him. Whoever had done such a thing would surely pay. Quickly, his

brain connected the dots. Wait...

"The potions were keyed to Ron we think." Harry continued.

"You can't really think that Ron would do something like that! Hermione

and him are best friends!" Arthur shouted. He couldn't believe someone

was accusing his son of something so barbaric. Even if it was Harry, he

couldn't think Ron ever to do something like this.

"I didn't think Ron the type to do something like this either." Harry

pacified him. "I know Mrs. Weasley has been sending Hermione a box of

chocolates every two weeks. Molly was the one who has been dosing

Hermione with the potions."

"N-no. Harry that can't be true! She wouldn't do something like that. She

wouldn't ever dose an innocent girl with such potions."

Harry sighed sadly. "I know she once gave you a love potion."

"That was long ago! Molly has changed and still, she would never do such

a despicable thing!"

"She admitted it to me Arthur. Ask her yourself." Arthur strode back into

the kitchen with Harry following behind him. He would gladly clear up

this situation. Molly wasn't capable of something so despicable. She had

changed a lot since their years at Hogwarts.

However, he stopped in his tracks when he noticed that the kitchen was

empty. No Molly Weasley was in sight and the kitchen door was ajar.

"I'm sorry." Harry collapsed back down onto Hermione's cot. Professor

McGonagall was meeting with the whole Weasley family at this moment.

After they found Molly had vanished from the Burrow and not even

Fawkes could find her, Harry knew where she had gone. She was with

Dumbledore, the only man that could possibly evade a phoenix's

detection. Once Arthur had finished his momentary break-down,

something he didn't blame him for, they had met with Professor

McGonagall. Now it was Harrys turn to break the news to Hermione on

who had been drugging her.

"Sorry for what Harry?" Hermione asked, putting a comforting hand on

his shoulder.

"I should have known something was wrong. I had a feeling, but I just

didn't know." She gave him a reassuring smile.

"Its not your fault Harry. No one noticed anything."

"It was Mrs. Weasley." He said through gritted teeth. Dumbledore must

have known as well. She wouldn't run to him unless if she figured herself

safe with him. He would have his vengeance with that old man for this.

Trying to take his best friend away from him was unforgivable.

Hermione gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. She shook her head

several times and Harry could see the beginnings of tears in her eyes.

"No. It can't be. She wouldn't do that Harry."

"I'm sorry Hermione. It was those chocolates she sent you." That was all it

took for Hermione to break down completely and she fell into his arms.

"Its okay. You're okay now." He cooed. They stayed like that for several

minutes with him offering all the support he could give. He knew this

was going to be difficult on her. She had a deep trust in adults and this

would rock her very foundation.

Fleur had been sitting quietly on Harry's cot watching the whole event

with teary eyes. She knew they had a deep friendship, one that would

always be platonic, but their friendship was close to as strong as the bond

she shared with him. She was happy for the two of them being reunited.

Her eyes caught the brief glimpse of Daphne in the doorway of the

infirmary. She noticed a scowl form on the witches lips before the girl

disappeared again. She knew that girl harbored deep feelings for Harry,

but they weren't ones of love. She didn't necessarily know what those

feelings were and she was curious to find out.

16. Growing Influence

I do want to address a few of the reviews regarding Daphne. I am

not writing her out and she will remain integral to the story, that's

why I have her listed as a character in the summary. For those who

fear her turning evil or bigoted or of the like, that will not happen

either. She will be an interesting character I think. A girl who has

grown up as a princess in a wealthy family, is beautiful, is smart, is

ambitious, feared even by others and used to getting what she

wants. Such a girl I don't think would take it well that another girl

got something she possibly wanted. She's also fourteen and not in

tune yet with her hormonal emotions. That's the place Daphne is in

and sorry if I haven't properly set that up.

Now that that is taken care of, hope you enjoy the chapter and

thank you to everyone that has reviewed/favorited/followed. It

truly does mean a lot to me that so many are interested in my story

and makes this whole adventure more fun to write.

"Harry, can we ask you something?" Seamus and Dean walked up to him

in the Great Hall during lunch. Fleur was currently studying with Aimee

and so he sat with Susan, Hannah, and Neville at the 'Puff table. The two

Slytherins still refused to sit anywhere but at their own table. He figured

it was because of Snape being Snape and not allowing them to sit

anywhere else. Hermione was still in the hospital wing for just until the

end of the day where she would then be released back to Gryffindor


"Yes. What is it?" He patted the empty seat next to him and his two

fellow Gryffindors sat down.

"Well, we were-er just wondering if you could tutor us sometime? With

classes canceled and all, we could use the help." Harry raised his

eyebrows. It wasn't like either of them to be the most studious, especially

going out of their way for private tutoring.

"Why may I ask?"

Seamus went beet red, averting his eyes. Dean smirked next to him,

punching him lightly in the shoulder. "Tell him!"

Seamus narrowed his eyes at his friend. "I just want to get my grades up

is all." He responded through gritted his teeth.

Dean didn't seem to care that his friend was shooting a death glare at

him, "Padma told him she would never date someone who doesn't take

schooling seriously."

"Trying to get with a 'Claw Seamus?" Susan mocked, earning a few


"Shut up Susan."

"Look at wittle Shay, he's all red!" Hannah teased.

"Whatever, its fine. Stupid of me to ask." Seamus tried to get up and walk

away but Harry stopped him.

"I can start some tutoring sessions tomorrow after lunch if that works for

you?" He started forming a plan in his head. He wanted more friends in

all of the houses and these two bumbling Gryffindors had given him an


Seamus' face brightened up, "Thank you Harry."

"You coming too Dean?" Harry asked.

He shrugged, "Might as well. It could only do me good I guess." The two

Gryffindor boys walked off, playfully shoving one another. He noticed

Seamus glance over at the Ravenclaw several times. A smile crept onto

his face as he thought of his own romantic interest. She was probably

holed up in her room attempting to study while Aimee gossiped about

anything and everything. That girl really liked to talk.

"Adding more to our little study group, Harry?" Neville asked.

"No, I am just creating a new one. We will still have our usual private

one. I'm just thinking it might be a good idea to start up a defense club."

"A defense club? Are you going to get Professor Fitwick to teach that


"I'll ask. If not, I can I guess."

"You have been the one teaching us the last several weeks despite

anyways." That was true, he had taken over the teaching. Professor

Flitwick would give him a schedule to follow and he would improve upon

it where he thought it needed. His abilities were now far passed what

they were teaching to fourth years and he also found teaching to be

enjoyable. It gave him a reason to revisit some of the more basic spells.

"The professor has been busy the last several weeks, plus I think I'm more

than capable of teaching the lessons. Excuse me." Harry walked up to the

professors table and approached the Headmistress who was in the middle

of talking with Professor Babbling.

"Headmistress, can I talk to you about something quickly?" Harry asked

when he had the attention of the two professors.

"What is it Mister Potter?"

"I was thinking that this school could use a Defense Club."

Professor Flitwick had listened into the conference, adding his two cents,

"I think that's a splendid idea. I would gladly offer my time to supervise

such a club."

Minerva gave Harry a knowing smile, "I'm assuming you mean to be the

leader?" Harry nodded. "I'll announce your new club. Talk with Professor

Flitwick to work out the details."

"Meet me in my office after lunch Mister Potter." Professor Flitwick said.

Harry walked back to his friends who had been watching his every move.

"What did your grandmother say?" Harry rolled his eyes at Hannah. It

was true that he looked at Minerva like a grandmother figure, and he

knew she looked at him like a grandson. He may never have known his

grandparents, but he could only imagine his grandmother being like

Minerva. Grandma Minnie had a nice ring to it as well but if he ever

called her that, she would probably throw him off the astronomy tower.

The hall went silent when the Headmistress stood from her chair and

walked over to her podium. "Students! I am happy to announce the

forming of a new club! It will focus on Defense Against the Dark Arts. If

you have any questions or wish to join up, please see Mr. Potter!"

"Wow, you work quickly I see."

He shrugged, "Might as well get the word out now."

"What about us? You didn't exactly ask if we were okay with making our

study group more open." Hannah said, crossing her arms

Harry shook its head, "I swear this new club and our own private one

between friends won't interfere with one another."

"Harry, how are you going to find the time for this. You're already pulling

yourself in a million directions and you don't get enough sleep as is." He

could see the concern in his friends eyes.

"I'm fine Sue. I don't need much sleep anyways."

She rolled her eyes, "I know, I know." Dumbledore had explained Harry's

lack of need for sleep. A benefit of being a powerful wizard was that he

could go for long periods of time without sleep, and really only needed a

two or three hours a day to rest fully. By the time he hit twenty, he

would only need an hour of sleep each night, like Dumbledore did now.

"Just look out for yourself okay?"

"I will. Promise."

"Hey Harry!" He turned around to see the beginnings of a crowd

surrounding him. At least thirty people had gathered to ask questions

about this new club. He spent the remainder of his lunch answering

questions, often the same question, when was the first meeting. He was

surprised with the amount of people that actually wanted to join the

club. Even a few Slytherins tagged along. Daphne, Tracy, Blaise, and a

few third, second, and first years wanted to join them.

"It seems you've got yourself quite the club Mister Potter." Professor

Flitwick laughed, pouring a cup of tea for himself. Harry sat in the

charms professor's office. The room was small, much smaller than the

other professor's offices.

"I didn't quite expect the amount of people who were interested in this."

"You underestimate your popularity in this school. The students look up

to you, especially the younger ones. Are you sure you're up for the task?

You have a lot on your plate already."

"I can do it. I have the time, and if need be, I can skip a few classes here

and there. Thanks to my nightly training, I don't really have to worry too

much about classes. Potions will be a bitch though."

Professor Flitwick chuckled, "Yes, I've heard nothing but complaints from

Severus since your little run in with him."

Harry snorted, "I bet. I've honestly been checking my food for poison I'm

that paranoid he will do something to me."

"I don't blame you. Him being an ex-death eater and all and having sworn

allegiance to Dumbledore for whatever reason." Sirius had told him the

story of Snapes past with his father. How his father and friends had

bullied Snape constantly during Hogwarts. How his mother used to be his

best friend before they got into a friendship ending argument in their

fifth year. Snape hated him purely because his father, purely because

Snape loved his mother and couldn't have her. The only thing that didn't

yet make sense was why Snape was bound to the Headmaster and why

Dumbledore protected Snape for so many years.

"Has the ministry found any sign of Dumbledore or Mrs. Weasley?"

Flitwick shook his head. After Arthur and him had found Molly vanished,

they had alerted Madame Bones who began searching the country. They

started with Dumbledore's cottage in Sherwood, but neither Dumbledore,

nor Molly were there. They had seemingly disappeared into thin air.

"Alastor Moody? How is he?"

"Recovering. He should be fine in a few months. That poison he was

being given did a real number on him. He's eager to meet you actually."

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Apparently he has been reading nothing but stories of your exploits. He

wants to see if you're truly a prodigy or just some pretender. Moody can

be like that." Flitwick cracked a smile. The two of them were good

friends, having gone way back to the days of the dueling circuit.

"Anything new on the horcrux hunt?"

Harry shook his head, "Nothing yet. Fawkes told me they had finished

searching the entire first floor and were starting on the second. "

"Lets just hope that's the last of those abominations."

"Something tells me it won't be that easy."

"It never is."

"So, Harry. Care to tell us what the you are planning with this new little

club you've created?" Daphne asked. Surrounding him was Hannah,

Neville, Susan, Tracy, Aimee, and Fleur. Daphne paced back and forth,

clearly irritated with him.

"Daph, what we do here won't change. I'll still do these lessons. I'm just

adding some more with the other students."

"I think eetz a brilliant idea 'Arry." Fleur exclaimed, kissing him softly on

the cheek. Daphne rolled her eyes, unseen by everyone except Harry.

"I hope all of you will join me in this club. I'll need your help, especially

with how many are signing up."

"Of course we'll help mate." Neville clapped him on the shoulder. The

others nodded in agreement.

"So you're still going to teach us Harry?" Tracy asked.

"Yes, these study sessions will stay apart from the new club."

"How are you going to deal with the younger years? They won't be able

to really do what we do."

"Well, it will be back to basics for everyone."

"Dodging and Accuracy." The others said in unison causing Harry to


"Yes, dodging and accuracy. As we progress through the year, I'll have

the younger years stick to basic spells while the older years I'll teach

more complex defense."

"Is Professor Flitwick going to be helping out with this club as well?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, he will. He is technically in charge of everything, but

I'm the one truly running this."

"Enough of this talk. Can we just begin?" Tracy asked, earning a few

chuckles. It was rare that Tracy was the one who wasn't interested in

conversation. In the last three months, she had improved the most and

Harry found she had a knack for Defense.

Neville also was progressing along quickly, but he was still being held

back by the random times his wand refused to work. After a quick talk

with Sirius, they had been able to figure out that Neville's wand was

actually his dads and as such, not suited for him. Sirius had promised to

take him to get a new wand during the holidays since his grandmother

refused to believe that her sons wand wasn't good enough for her


Neither Susan or Hannah had much promise in the field of Defense

Against the Dark Arts, but neither seemed to care. Harry didn't either,

only caring if they could defend themselves long enough to get away

from a dangerous situation.

Aimee and Fleur were the best their little group, but that came with the

years, plus both of them had been in dueling class at Beauxbatons since

second year. This definitely caused a certain Slytherin to be rather upset

when she lost to Fleur in a friendly duel.

Daphne was the most naturally gifted of his friends when it came to

magic, but her expertise was in runes and arithmancy. She was better

than average in most subjects, being just third in their class, behind

himself and Hermione. But she was a genius when it came to the other

two subjects.

He had bought her a few advanced Runes books from Flourish and Blotts

with the help of Remus. Sirius was banned from the store for some reason

he refused to tell Harry.

He glanced over at Daphne who had begun to spar with Tracy. She had

been acting oddly for quite some time now and he figured this was as

good a time as ever to figure out what was going on.

"Hey, Daph? Can I speak with you?" He asked, interrupting Daphnes

attempt to stun Tracy.

"Sure Harry!" She followed him out into the hallway. The others watched

them leave but continued their training. His eyes caught Fleurs and she

had an odd look he didn't understand in them. "Is there something

wrong?" He asked bluntly once the door was closed behind them.

Daphne scrunched her face up in confusion. "Wrong? I'm fine Harry. Why

would there be anything wrong?" He was doing his best to try and

discern any emotion from her face, but she was just as stoic as ever,

something she usually wasn't with him.

"You've been acting odd the last several weeks. I just wanted to make

sure you were okay."

Daphne put on a smile, one Harry could tell didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I'm fine Harry. Honestly."

Harry sighed, "Is it me? I can tell somethings wrong. Is it Fleur?" Harry

could see a brief flint of jealousy rage through her eyes at the mention of

Fleur. Now he finally had his answer. He let out a sigh, "Daph..."

"Nothings wrong Potter." She didn't give him any chance to question

further, walking back into the classroom. The others looked at them,

stopping their training for a moment before continuing.

"Eez everything alright?" Fleur asked, walking over to him and

whispering in his ear.

"I'm not sure. And right now, I don't have the time to figure it out."

"You're balancing a lot of things 'Arry. No one would blame you if you

dropped somezing."

Harry narrowed his eyes at Fleur, "I will not drop Daphne if that is what

you're implying."

Fleur shook her head, "Non, I wouldn't suggest that 'Arry. She ees your

best friend. I am saying that eef somezing ees bothering 'er, eet eez up to

'er to tell you or not."

"But I can see something is wrong Fleur. I think she's jealous of you and I.

Have you been able to see anything?"

Fleur sighed, "I do not know what goes on in 'er head. She eez very good

at 'iding 'er emotions. Ze only thing I know is that she eez not in love wiz

you. I would be able to see it if she was."

"If she isn't in love with me, why would she be jealous of you?"

Fleur shrugged, "I do not know."

Harry sat down in an abandoned classroom on the first floor. Minerva

had taken the liberty to change it into somewhat of a press room. Harry,

Minerva, and Sirius all sat at a table at the front of the classroom while

several reporters sat across from them.

The reporters started asking questions about the events surrounding

Barty Jr. and the rumors that Harry was indeed an animagus. When

asked to show off his new ability, he declined, mostly because he didn't

yet know how to control it.

Minerva bore the most questions, mostly surrounding how she was taking

to her new position as Headmistress. Even Sirius fielded a few questions,

but he was mainly there as Harry's guardian since he was still considered

under age. Harry called on a hand that popped up in the crowd of


"Alena Turpin. Editor of the Daily Prophet." She introduced herself.

"Mister Potter, the Minister of Magic has called for a budget change in

the Wizengamot. He proposes to give the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement a 75% increase. What do you think of that?"

"I think it's a great idea, Mrs. Turpin." She was the mother of Lisa Turpin,

a Ravenclaw in his year and one that would be joining him later today at

the first Defense Club meeting. "That department is suffering heavily

from cut backs in recent years and I think it time to restore it to its once

prominent position."

"Mr. Potter." Another reporter in the room began. "Increasing the budget

for the DMLE by that much would put it back on the same levels of the

last war. Why do we need the department increased by that much?"

"What many of the papers have failed to report on for one reason or

another is that crime is on the rise. Our country has started to see an

increase in crimes against muggles and muggleborns."

"Just the muggles and muggleborns Mister Potter? Are you implying that

pureblood radicals the likes of the Death Eaters are rising back up?" An

elderly man who had introduced himself earlier as Mr. Oxley.

"I am implying nothing sir. Just merely stating a fact."

"Mr. Potter, increasing the budget in one area means they either reduce

money flowing elsewhere or gain money through increased taxes. How

do you think the ministry should ascertain the wealth required for the

increase in budget?" A woman asked from the crowd.

"I think it's a fairly simple answer. Over the last ten years, the

Wizengamot has passed several laws that have lowered taxes on the

wealthy. Members of the Wizengamot tend to be wealthy individuals and

as such, it benefits them to pass laws designed to increase their bank

statements. Such laws only help the rich while make the rest of the

country vulnerable." That much was very true. But the underlying of

these taxes while, yes, they did make the rich, richer, it was mainly just

to decrease the DMLE's budget. Families like the Malfoys, Knotts, and

Parkinsons had slaved away at these bills to pave the way for Voldemorts

possible return while increasing their own wealth that they could then

use to bank roll the Dark Lord.

"Those are very strong words Mr. Potter. If they were to raise taxes on the

wealthy however, wouldn't you be one of those persons affected by the

tax increases?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, I would be one that faces an increase in taxes. Sure I

might have slightly less pocket money, but if it helps pay for the safety of

our countries citizens, I have no problem parting with a few coins."

Mrs. Turpin gave him a smile, "I think that will be all, Mr. Potter. Have a

good day."

"You doing alright Hermione?" She gave him a soft smile and nodded.

Today had been her first day back amongst the students since the

removal of the potions. For the most part, she had stayed in her dorm,

fearing seeing Ron. He didn't blame her either.

Of course, Ron had no idea at the time of the love potions his mother was

giving Hermione, still, it would be hard for either of them to see each

other at the moment. This was the first time she had been out of the

tower today.

"I'm okay Harry. Glad to be here." He knew they would never be the close

friends they once were. That was taken away by Molly and Dumbledore.

He now had other people to lean on, like Fleur, like Daphne, but she

would always remain a friend of his. It just wasn't the same as before and

both knew that. He gave her one last smile and released his hand from

Fleurs grasp who was standing by his side.

"Alright listen up!" Harry called to the large group of students gathered in

the Great Hall. After seeing how many people had signed up for his new

club, Professor Flitwick had helped him move things around in the Great

Hall to make space. It was the only room large enough in the castle

capable of having so many students in it, besides maybe the Room of


Many students from all houses were gathered together, and even a few

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students joined them. Most notably of

course was Fleur who was standing by his side, and Aimee who was

mingled in with his friends just behind him.

"Because of how many people we have here, and how many different age

groups there are, we will have to split all of you up. Professor Flitwick

and I will move from group to group helping where we can along with

some of my helpers who will focus mostly on the younger years." He

motioned to his friends and they took a small step forward to show

everyone who he meant.

"I want everyone third year and below to stand over there!" He pointed to

the doors of the Great Hall and all the younger years moved to gather by

them. "Fourth and Fifth years, I want you in the middle. Sixth and

seventh years, stand up here where I am." Everyone jostled and moved

around until the students were situated into their correct age groups.

Harry moved to the middle of the hall and began pacing back and forth.

"This evening we all are going to focus on dodging and accuracy!" He

heard a few groans from the older students behind him. He didn't blame

them. They probably thought he was going to teach them some secret

spells that could win them any duel. Too bad the world didn't work like


"I thought you were going to to teach us dueling Potter." Rodger Davies

said from the older crowd.

"Do you think dodging and spell accuracy is not important for defense?"

Harry asked honestly.

"Whats the point in dodging in a duel if you can perform a shield? And its

not difficult to hit something that doesn't move." He heard a few

murmurs of agreement from the older crowd. The younger students didn't

have much knowledge of magic and so stayed quiet. Harry didn't blame

Rodger for his lack of any insight into a real, life or death duel. Hogwarts

hadn't taught dueling in a long time, and plus, Harry's form of dueling

was different.

"Ahh, see that's where you're wrong. I never once said this was a dueling

club. This is a defense club."

"What's the difference Potter?" Rodger shouted out again.

"The difference is that dueling in a real fight would only get you killed.

Do you think someone who wants to harm you isn't going to dodge your

spells? Isn't going to use curses that can break your shields?"

Rodger smirked this time, "No one can break my shield Potter, so why

would I ever need to dodge?"

"No on can break your shield? Why don't I test it. Lets see how

unbreakable your shield is." Harry knew the moment he started this club,

someone would want to challenge him. He half expected it to be Malfoy,

but for once in his life, the blonde ponce hadn't said a word, and didn't

even bother to show up to make Harrys life more frustrating. Neither,

funnily enough, had Ron who had confined himself to his dorm the last

two days.

Rodger smiled as he pulled out his wand and stepped into the center. The

fourth and fifth years who had also been standing in the middle, moved

to either side to give them room.

"Alright. This will be a good first lesson for the class. If you challenge

someone, you better damn well know you can win." Harry didn't even

give Rodger time to raise a shield. His wand was in hand and the spell

already hurling towards Rodger before anyone could blink. Rodger went

flying back into the crowd of sixth and seventh years, taking a few down

with him.

"That right there, is your problem with shields. If you don't have time to

get one up, your only option is to try and dodge. If you don't have

dodging built into your muscle memory, you will not be able to last in a

fight. Shields are to be used as a last resort. Some spells, like the

unforgivables, aren't affected by shields. Some spells are designed to

shatter them, some penetrate them, some even use your own shield

against you. They are a weakness and a crutch for lesser wizards and

witches." Professor Flitwick checked on Rodger who was knocked


"Look, I am not teaching you to duel. I am going to teach you to survive

if someone attacks you, that is all. The first thing you will need to learn

are your own strengths. Once you've figured them out, you can use them

to your own advantages. Creating an advantage and playing to your

strength is the key to making it out of a fight alive." Harry was in full

teaching mode and the students watching him, each riveted to what he

was saying. They knew right then and there that this would be a club

worth attending every night if offered.

"Accuracy comes into play, when your moving, you should also be

casting a spell which can throw your aim off. Also know, your enemies

will be moving as well and so you must try and predict your opponents

path. Now, split up into pairs, only use stinging hexes and begin working

on moving and casting. I do not want to see a single shield used this


The students paired off with one another and Harry noticed that the vast

majority of them paired with someone in their own house. Maybe after a

few meetings things could change on that front. He wanted to see the

houses get better connected and it may have to be him forcing this

change. There were only two exceptions he noticed. One pair was Padma

and Seamus. A smile crested his lips, hoping he had done something good

there. The other was Luna and Ginny pairing together. He didn't know

those two were friends and thought that interesting.

The afternoon passed rather quickly for Harry. He moved from age group

to age group, giving a few people pointers here and there. Rodger had

been moved up to the infirmary for some bruised ribs. His body might be

fine but his ego was definitely crushed and so Harry would have to watch

out for him later on.

Professor Flitwick tapped his watch, motioning for Harry to call it a day.

"Good, good everyone. Gather 'round me!" The students stopped what

they were doing after the hour long session and moved around Harry.

"I do want to thank everyone that came today and hope you come back.

Once I think the majority of you have accuracy and dodging down, we

will begin to move onto spells."

"Are you going to teach us the patronus charm?" A third year Ravenclaw

called out excitedly.

"I will be teaching that spell to those in 5th year and up, yes." Harry

chuckled seeing the mixed reactions he got from that statement. Fred and

George behind him wooped with joy.

"Why can't you teach it to us? They say you learned the spell in third

year." The same Ravenclaw boy asked.

"I was able to learn it in third year yes, but it nearly took me the whole

year to do so. Plus, the spell requires a great deal of power and

concentration to pull off. Most adults can't perform the spell and I

actually would be surprised if even half of the fifth years and up can

successfully perform a shield. I would be even more surprised if a fourth

of them could perform a corporeal patronus."

"They say you can do one? Can you show us?" Harry shrugged, he

actually was curious himself. He hadn't tried the spell since getting the

horcrux removed from his head. He didn't exactly know if he could still

do it.

Harry pulled out his wand and thought back to Fleur and his first kiss. He

fixated on the pure happiness and exhilaration he felt in that moment,

"Expecto Patronum." Thick silver wisps sprung out of his wand and

formed, not into the stag like he thought it would, but into his animagus.

A silvery tiger touched down on the ground and everyone went silent.

The tiger looked completely real, it was even breathing and he could hear

its breath as it escaped its lips. He could hear its large padded paws touch

the floor as it walked slowly forward, its head on a swivel looking for any


A second year Hufflepuff eyed the tiger with wide eyes as it grew closer.

She surely should have been in the house of the brave because she

reached out her hand and began stroking its silvery fur. Harry glanced at

Professor Flitwick who looked about ready to pass out from too much

excitement. Whatever Harry's patronus was now, he doubted anyone had

done this before.

It was a living, breathing animal, and its silvery light glowed, pulsating

from inside. The girl giggled when his tiger patronus nuzzled her with its

wet nose affectionately.

Harry's concentration was broken when a flash of fire appeared on Harrys

shoulder. The silver tiger returned to a wisp of smoke before vanishing

into nothing. Everyones eyes left the tiger and turned to Harry who now

had a phoenix perched on his shoulder.

"We've found it my lord."

"Take me." Harry disappeared in a flash of fire. And as the students

watched their club leader vanish with a phoenix, they all knew, this was

just another day to add to the growing legend of Harry Potter.

17. Goblins

Thank you everyone that has Followed/Favorited/Reviewed.

Harry flashed into the den of Grimmauld Place. He heard voices coming

from the kitchen and so walked in with Fawkes perched on his shoulder.

Sitting at the kitchen table was Remus, Sirius, and Emmy. All of them

looked up at him as he walked in. Kreacher was oddly off in the corner of

the room balling his eyes out. In the center of the table was a silver

locket with an S engraved into it.

"This is it, I take it?" Sirius nodded when he sat down. When he reached

to touch the locket, Sirius stopped him.

"Don't touch it!" He hissed, batting away his hand.

"Alright. Want to tell me how you found it and why Kreacher is crying in

the corner?"

"It's a very long story and I'm still coming to grips with it myself." Harry

looked closer at his godfather and noticed he was paler than normal and

that familiar haunted look in his gray eyes had returned.

He was about to question further when the very irate voice of

Headmistress McGonagall rang through the house. "Harry James Potter! I

swear I should toss you off the astronomy tower!"

"What did you do this time?" Remus asked, his eyebrows raised, a small

smile forming on is lips.

It was Minerva that answered for Harry, barging through the kitchen

door, "I'll tell you what he's done Remus! He used that damn bird to leave

Hogwarts in view of a hundred students, right in the middle of the Great


"Who is she calling a bird?" He heard Fawkes say in his head.

Harry forgot that no one else could hear Fawkes and rolled his eyes. That

didn't go unnoticed by Minerva who rounded on him. "You better not be

rolling your eyes at me young man!"

"What? No, no, no. Sorry. It was just something Fawkes said, I wasn't

rolling my eyes at you." Harry shrunk further back into his chair at the

stare the Headmistress was giving him.

"Detention! Three weeks Harry James!"

"Aww come on." Harry whined like a toddler. "It wasn't-"

"Four weeks! With Filtch!" She responded. Harry immediately shut up.

"And you!" Minerva pointed accusingly at Sirius.

"Me? What did I do?" Sirius looked just as cowed as Harry at the moment

when her ire turned to him.

"You should know better than to send for him in the middle of the day!

And if you have need of him, tell me about it and I'll make sure his

absence from the school goes through the proper channels!"

Sirius looked slightly guilty, "Well I just thought since you didn't scold

him about going to the Weasleys, you wouldn't be mad if he left this time

as well."

Minerva narrowed her eyes dangerously at her former pupil. "I didn't

think him vanishing with a Phoenix would be a common occurrence."

"Sorry, Professor. It won't happen again. If I need to leave, I'll tell you

first, I swear." Harry said.

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry, determining his sincerity. "See

that you do Mr. Potter. Why, may I ask, did you so urgently have need to

come here?"

Harry jerked his head at the locket on the table and her eyes grew wide.

"Is that what I think it is?" She asked, taking a seat next to Harry.

"A soul piece of Voldemort." Harry answered. Minerva shivered slightly,

realizing that the temperature in the room was slightly colder than the

rest of the house.

"How do we destroy it?"

"Fawkes tells me that the goblins might know of a way."

"That's great and all, but the goblins aren't exactly known for helping

wizards." She stated and Emmy nodded in agreement.

Harry shrugged, "I'm considered a friend of the nation so maybe I can

talk with them."

Minerva raised her eyes in disbelief. "He's serious. They call him

Honorable Potter. We're not entirely sure why, but that's what they called

him when we were last at Gringotts." Remus explained.

"Well, that's news to me, and something that hasn't circled around in the


"I'm sure it's only a matter of time until a reporter figures it out. I should

pay a visit to the goblins today."

"Not without me you won't." Professor McGonagall interjected.

"Nor I. We'll go together." Sirius added.

"Someone needs to stay here though. I don't want to take that thing into


"I'll stay, Harry." Emmy said.

Harry nodded but gave Remus a look as to make sure he stayed behind as

well. Remus nodded, understanding the look. A brief smile showed that

Remus was happy with his lack of trust, even if it was just Emmy who

hadn't shown to be untrustworthy yet.

"Right. Well, we should get going. Gringotts will be closing soon I think."

"Allow me to get my coat, Harry." Minerva stated, heading back towards

the floo.

"Times a wastin' Grandma Minnie." He winked at the older witch,

chuckling when her eyes narrowed.

"You-" She began.

"Fawkes!" Harry was out with a flash, leaving Sirius and Remus rolling on

the floor laughing. Emmy was also failing to hide her smile behind her


"I swear that boy will be the death of me." She muttered.

"No matter how much Lily he has in him, James' side still shows its light."

Remus said.

"A little too often in my opinion." Minerva couldn't help but allow the

corner of her lips to upturn.

Harry flashed into the middle of the Gringotts lobby. Before he could

blink, a gleaming, silver sword was on his throat ready to slice it open.

"Fawkes, when I said Gringotts, I didn't mean bring me straight into the

lobby!" He complained to the large golden and red bird on his shoulder.

"You said Gringotts, so I brought you to Gringotts." Fawkes replied lazily.

A brief look around saw him being stared at by at least forty witches and

wizards that had been waiting in line to see the bank tellers. A goblin

wearing black battle armor had his sword under his chin, another with a

long spear was ready to puncture his side.

Harry slowly held his hands up in surrender. "I don't mean any harm, I

swear." He said to the two menacing goblin guards.

"Honorable Potter!" He heard Griphook shout and immediately the two

goblins withdrew their weapons.

"Griphook! Sorry about the entrance, I didn't mean to appear in your

bank like this." The small goblin teller wearing a black pinstrip suit came

waddling up to him.

"Do not worry about it. Should a man appear in our lobby by phoenix, we

will know it is you now. How may I ask you became bonded to young


Harry was momentarily taken back. He hadn't expected the goblins to

recognize his phoenix familiar.

"The goblins know of me, that is true. Rowena helped the goblin Agrave set up

the first Goblin bank which then paved the way for Gringott to set up what

you see today." Fawkes supplied.

"The story is long, but to shorten it, he is my familiar. I have urgent

business with your bank." Harry explained. In that moment, Headmistress

McGonagall and Sirius came striding into the bank, turning even more


"They are accompanying you I assume?" Harry nodded. "Well, follow me.

We have urgent business with you as well." Harry raised his eyebrows

questioningly, but Griphook had already turned and walked through a

side door in the lobby. Harry motioned the two adults to follow him

through the underground realm of Gringotts.

The halls twisted and turned with no clear signs as to where they were

going. Each wall was just as bare, just as stony, as the last. He was

amazed at Griphooks ability to navigate the underground of the bank.

They eventually came to a set of large bronze doors with a beautiful

carving of two large dragons fighting one another.

"In here, King Ragnok wishes to speak with you." Harry glanced

nervously at both of the adults and they too looked just as wide-eyed as

him. The doors swung open to reveal a large goblin with greying hair and

a short scruffy gray beard. He was adorned in black armor engraved with

gold depictions of axes and skulls.

He looked up, his black beady eyes menacing, even more so than

Headmistress McGonagall when she was in a foul mood. "Mister Potter,

please sit." The goblin stood, bowing slightly. Harry did the same

followed by Sirius and Minerva before they all took their seats across

from the king. Griphook scurried around the large mahogany conference

table and sat a chair down from the king.

"You have been ignoring my summons Mister Potter. I must ask why."

Harry cocked his head to the side, confused. Summons? He had received

no summons from any goblin, let alone the king of the goblins. "Sorry,

King Ragnok. I have not been given any such summons."

"Do not lie Mister Potter." Ragnok growled, shaking the table with the

boom from his low, grow voice.

Minerva cleared her voice, "I can attest for Mister Potter. He hasn't

received any mail, in fact he has never..." She trailed off, her voice going


Ragnoks sharp ears perked up, "He has never received any mail?"

Minerva shook her head, "He has, just never from goblins. You haven't

ever gotten your bank statements have you Harry."

"Bank statements?"

"You should be receiving a bank statement every month Mister Potter."

Griphook explained.

"I haven't been getting any such statements. I'm supposed to be getting

statements from the bank?"

Sirius nodded, "Yes Harry. You should have been getting your bank

statements. It never occurred to me to ask how your finances were."

"This is worrying news. How can he not be receiving the mail we send

him?" Ragnok asked dangerously, more to Griphook than the others.

Minerva's eyes widened, "The wards. Dumbledore may have created a

ward specific for Harry. He has been known to mettle in the affairs of the

Potters, this might just be another area."

"But why would Dumbledore care about my finances?" Harry asked, some

things just weren't making sense. Dumbledore was a fool, a tampering

fool, but to steal? That didn't feel like something he would do.

"Griphook? Anything to offer?" Ragnok asked.

The smaller goblin gulped audibly, "Nothing my lord. I will conduct a full

investigation into the Potter accounts and why he has not been receiving

our mail."

"Good. Anyways, now, that you are conveniently here. I have something

to discuss with you." Ragnok said. They all stayed quiet, waiting for the

king to pull out a document from a yellow folder that sat before him.

"Mister Harry James Potter is now a recognized adult by your ministry

and the goblin nation."

All three humans mouths dropped, "I-er-what?" Harry stuttered.

"Once chosen as champion in the TriWizard games, the goblet entered

you into a magically binding contract, one that only a legal adult can be

apart of. Because your name came out of the goblet, the ministry and the

goblin nation now see you as an adult because of your participation in

said adult contract."

"O-okay. So what does that mean exactly?"

"Nothing. You're simply emancipated. The only difference is that you are

allowed to use magic outside of your school I believe. If you have a

Wizengamot seat, you also are allowed to sit in there."

Harry glanced at Sirius who nodded, "You do Harry. The Potter seat has

been vacant for a while, but now that you're a recognized adult, you

would be expected to sit in."

"But I'm still in school."

"We can make exceptions for that Harry. It's rare, but it happens."

Minerva stated.

"You said that you had something to discuss with us as well?" Griphook


"Er-yes. Right. This is something I think that should be kept confidential

at all costs King Ragnok."

The king stayed silent for several moments, looking at Harry with his

intense beady eyes before finally nodding. "Continue."

"Fawkes tells me that goblins know how to dispose of horcruxes."

"How do you know of such things!" Ragnok spat, his sharp teeth baring.

"I am in possession of one. More importantly, I am in possession of one

belonging to Voldemort." Harry continued calmly.

Both of the goblins eyes went wide, "So the stories are true." Griphook


"Stories?" Harry asked.

"We goblins keep on the look out for such things. Muggles and

muggleborns being slaughtered in their homes in increasing numbers

over the last year. The World Cup, the Death Eaters resurgence, your

battles with a basilisk and the mysterious disappearance of former

Professor Quirrell. They are all linked, yes?" Ragnok asked.

Harry was impressed at how well they were able to connect the dots.

Wizards and witches tended to be too lazy to investigate thoroughly,

especially when it came to the topic of dark wizards. "Yes, that's all true.

Voldemort is still alive and we now know how he was able to stay alive."

"It was wise of you to ask for our help. Yes, we know how to dispose of

such abominations."

Harry sighed in relief, "We have one, and we're hoping it's the last one

tethering Voldemort to this world."

"Let us all hope so. Do you have it on you?"

Harry shook his head, "No, we have it in a safe place. We'll bring it in

today if you're okay to destroy it?"

Ragnok nodded, "Yes, bring it in as soon as possible. Such things should

be destroyed quickly." Harry nodded in agreement.

The meeting went quiet for a moment as Sirius looked over his

emancipation papers. Ragnok finally spoke up, breaking the brief silence.

"Honorable Potter, do you know why my nation calls you honorable? No?

It's because of moments like this. We see in you a greatness, one that

surpasses any wizard in thousands of years of history. You have a respect

unmatched by any other, and a power that lies within you that is

undeniable. You will change the world, we have faith in you to do so,

and we wish for that changed world. The information you have passed

onto us today about the horcrux only furthers our belief and trust in you.

We are a warrior nation, and we respect you for what you are, a warrior,

and for what you are becoming, a leader."

"I thank you King Ragnok for the faith you have placed in me. I will do

everything I can to make sure your trust is not misplaced."

King Ragnok gave a toothy smile that looked out of place on the battle-

hardened goblin. "I hope you do." Everyone could read the slight threat

behind the kings words.

"Kingsley, how is young Harry doing?" Dumbledore asked in his throne.

He sat, deep in the heart of Germany, in an abandoned safe house he had

been given long ago. Surrounding him were the members of the Order of

the Phoenix he knew to be loyal to him.

"He is progressing as you imagined Headmaster. I will continue to train

him as requested. Also he has begun a club within Hogwarts to help the

students with defense."

Dumbedore sat pondering this news. It seems Harry was coming into his

own leadership role, building his own army against his enemies. He was

smarter than Dumbledore initially thought. That would change though,

in due time. Harry was young, and he would make mistakes, that was

guaranteed. No boy of just fourteen could successfully win a war against

both Voldemort and himself. It would only take time to step back into

England and reclaim the title of Greatest Wizard.

As long as Harry stayed clueless to the Horcruxes, he was fine. Losing

Fawkes was bad, but at least the ruddy bird shouldn't be able to

remember anything regarding horcruxes, after all, he didn't know

anything. He was just a baby Phoenix until Dumbledore had rescued him.

He had no master until Dumbedore, and so the phoenix shouldn't know

anything of horcruxes, or Harry being one.

Harry and his friends would be walking in blind into a world of perpetual

war. History has taught us that the light always waged war against the

dark. With the death of Voldemort he hoped to unify the world under one

banner, his own. If a simple fourteen year old boy had to die to see that

vision happen, so be it. The light would prevail, the Greater Good

demanded it.

"Molly, contact your family. I have need of them." Mrs. Weasley stepped

from the shadows, her head bowed to the venerable headmaster.

"Yes, sir." She left, walking through a set of doors and out into the

manor's lobby.

"Kingsley, keep your position by Harry's side. Track his whereabouts and

scout who is on his side and no longer on mine.""

"Of course Headmaster." Kinglsey bowed, and disappeared through the

same doors as Molly. Albus sighed, his thoughts centered on Harry. The

young boy had become something uncontrollable. He had too much

James and not enough Lily in him. He had been able to control Lily, but

James was a proud pureblood through and through. Harry was the same

it seemed, but what made him dangerous was that he possessed Lily's


Harry needed to be dealt with, sooner rather than later. Maybe

Voldemorts plan to kill the boy would actually succeed? That was of

course in jeopardy since Barty Jr had been discovered. Maybe

Voldemort's new agent would fare better?


"Ah Phineas. Any news from Grimmauld?"

"That was an interesting meeting." Harry stated, walking out of the goblin

bank. Just like last time, the goblins guarding the outside bowed to him

as he left, which he returned. Immediately upon leaving several reporters

walked up to him, asking several questions.

"Harry, I'll get this document to the ministry, I'm sure they haven't yet

realized your new status." Sirius said, folding up his emancipation

document and placing it in his jacket. Harry nodded, turning back to

answer a few quick questions about why he was in Gringotts. He couldn't

help but chuckle when the reporters faces lit up like christmas at the

news of his emancipation.

Fawkes sat proudly perched on his shoulder. "I can get used to this." Harry

ignored his familiar's comments, as he usually did.

"Grab hold of my arm, Headmistress." As soon as her hand grabbed his

elbow, they flashed out of the alley to the bright lights of camera flashes

going off. They touched down in the den of #12 Grimmauld Place and

immediately pulled their wands.

The place looked like a tornado had blown through it. "Remus! Emmy!"

Harry shouted, rushing into the kitchen, the door having been blown off

its hinges. Remus was laying on the floor stunned, Emmy was in the main

hallway also stunned.

Harry revived Remus, "What happened?" He groaned, sitting up with the

help of Harry.

"I was hoping you could tell us that?" Harry asked while Minerva went to

revive Emmy. Remus rubbed the back of his head where it had hit the

floor. His eyes suddenly went wide and he started looking through the

room, kicking debris around. "What?"

"The locket!" He shouted. Harry started looking around the destroyed

room as well but to no avail. "Dumbledore! That git took it!"

"Dumbledore? How could Dumbledore, for one, know we had the locket,

and two, how did he get in here? Isn't this place protected by the


"I don't know how he knew." Remus said, sinking to the floor. "But the

Fidelius, it was Dumbledore who had cast it. We never thought to

perform a new one."

Harry sighed, rubbing his tired eyes. It had been a long day, and it just

got longer. "I should have figured! Phineas' portrait was missing from the

Headmaster's office when I took over." Minerva exclaimed.


"Shit." Remus muttered.

"Who is Phineas?" Harry repeated his question.

"He was a former headmaster of Hogwarts. He was also a Black and has a

family portrait here." Minerva explained.

"Where is this portrait?" Remus jerked his head to the hallway. Harry

walked over, his wand still in hand. Once he spotted it, a simple blasting

hex took out the whole portrait, along with some of the wall behind it.

This started the screaming of Sirius' mother which just moved to further

irritate Harry. He overcharged his blasting hex, his anger at Dumbledore

getting the better of him, and blasted the entire section of wall that held

the portrait. Nothing remained any longer of Walburga Black.

"Goddamn Dumbledore. I thought simply taking him out of his position

as Headmaster would at least buy us a few years without having to worry

about that man." Harry murmured, walking back into the kitchen.

Minerva had repaired the kitchen table and a few chairs where Emmy

and Remus were sitting, nursing their headaches.

"This is taking it too far. I never imagined Dumbledore to do something

like this." Minerva said.

"Now we know for sure that he knew of the horcruxes, which probably

means he knew I was one."

"What are we going to do about this?" Remus asked.

"What can we do about it? We don't know where he is, who he has with

him, besides Molly, and what he is planning on doing with the horcrux.

Maybe he will destroy it?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Maybe, but you're right. Right now we can't do anything." Minerva


"Fawkes, are you sure you can't find out where they are?"

"No, I cannot sense the presence of Dumbledore anywhere. I will notify you if I


"Thank you."

"Well, Kreacher isn't going to be happy about this mess. Where is he

anyways? Kreacher!" Nothing happened and the little old house elf didn't

show. Harry began searching the house, looking for any sign of Kreature.

He came across a small closet he hadn't ever seen before and opened it.

"Damn." The body of Kreacher lay still amidst several trinkets and a

picture of a man that looked like a younger version of Sirius. He had his

hands pressed to his chest as if he was trying to protect something from

an intruder. Harry opened his hands and found the silver chain that had

once been attached to Slytherins locket.

One week had passed since the attack on Grimmauld Place. Still, no one

could find Dumbledore, even though Sirius and Remus had both

committed most of their time to the search. Kreachers death wasn't

exactly difficult on Sirius or Harry, but now that the story of Regulus

Black had gotten out and that Kreacher had tried to protect this thing to

get help destroying it all these years, it was sad to see the elf leave this

world like that.

The goblins were furious at the news of the horcrux being stolen, even

going as far to close all accounts with the Dumbledore family. Griphook

had looked into his family vault and found that Dumbledore and Molly

Weasley had been taking sums of money from his vaults. Now that he

remembered Molly's hesitance to hand over her key to Sirius, it all made

sense. She was in league with Dumbleores schemes from the beginning.

Fawkes had become integral to his evening training. He was a library of

Rowena's old magic, having been taught it in his first life. Whether

Dumbledore knew of this ancient magic was unknown, but he figured it

was most logical that Albus knew of it. Now, he had access to three

libraries full of knowledge, the Blacks, the Potters, and Ravenclaws.

Rowena's knowledge didn't focus on combative magic or even defensive

magic, but instead on wards and rituals. She was known as one of the

smartest witches to ever have lived for a reason, having invented the

fidelius charm, the anti-portkey ward, and the anti-apparition ward.

Every bit of knowledge Fawkes could supply about Rowena, Harry wrote

down into his Anybook, creating a new book he could read at anytime.

He had spent his week off working over her theorems and putting them

into play and as such, he found his knowledge in runes growing at a

monumental rate.

This week, he had led two Defense Club meetings as well, and both

times, he saw increased numbers of students joining his club. Now his

attendance was up to two hundred students, more than half the school.

Also, many of the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students started to join


It was good experience for him to talk in front of a crowd. Now that he

was expected to sit in on the Wizengamot, he would need to often speak

in front of people. He knew that in his position, he was expected to lead.

It was made clear to him, especially this week that people looked to him

to represent them. Word of him being an emancipated adult now had

brought on some responsibilities he hadn't been told about at Gringotts.

He was flooded with betrothal contracts, something that wasn't at all

common in the wizarding world anymore, but that didn't stop fathers

from trying to secure their daughters to him. He even had a few families

from Bulgaria, France, Italy, and Spain sending him betrothal contracts.

The most awkward ones were from families he recognized trying to set

them up with their daughter, sometimes even both daughters. Fleur had

taken great pleasure in declining every single one.

Also, now that he was an adult, and Minerva had discovered and gotten

rid of a ward that kept most mail being delivered to him, he was sent

several invitations to dinners and balls. He was also asked to endorse

certain items and foods, all of them willing to pay handsomely for his

support. He declined all of them, not wishing to go that route.

It was Monday, the first day back in classes. After the week long break,

Harry was happy to get back to school. Today should be especially

interesting since a certain godfather had secured his position as the

DADA professor.

The Yule ball was happening in just three weeks time and he looked

forward to it. He may not particularly like dancing, but it gave him the

opportunity to hold Fleur in his arms, something he greatly enjoyed. Now

he just needed a way to ask her without Aimee making a big deal of it.

"So Harry, when are you planning on asking her?" Aimee asked for the

hundredth time today.

"I already told you, I'm working on it." He was sitting with Aimee, Susan,

Hannah, and Neville in the Great Hall for breakfast.

"You should hurry up. She has already had a few offers. Who knows, she

might just get fed up with waiting and say yes to some random guy."

Harry narrowed his eyes at Aimee. "She wouldn't."

"No, probably not. But I would!"

"That's because you're evil Aimee. How's your luck with getting a date?"

"I already have a date thank you very much." Harry raised his eyebrows

in disbelief. "Don't act so surprised. I am quite the catch I think."

"Yeah, I'm sure you do." This earned him a playful slap on the shoulder.

"Who is it?"

"I'm not telling until you ask Fleur."

Harry held his hands up in surrender, "Fine. I'll get right on it, but if you

haven't noticed, I have been quite busy lately."

"Too busy." Harry smiled when Fleur walked up behind him and kissed

his neck. "Stop pestering 'im Aimee."

"I'm pestering him for you."

"I never asked you to."

"You don't have to ask me."

Harry rolled his eyes at the two as they started bickering back and forth.

"So, anyone know how our two resident Slytherins are doing?"

"Daphne wanted to talk to Fleur." Susan said.

Both Fleur and Harry glanced at each other, "What about?"

Susan shrugged, "She wouldn't say."

"When?" Fleur asked.

"After breakfast." Fleur nodded. The rest of breakfast went by quickly and

they soon parted ways to head for classes.

Harry kissed Fleur lightly on the lips, "Let me know how your little

meeting goes."

"Of course, mon cheri." She smiled at him as he walked up the stairs to

his first DADA class with Sirius. She turned her thoughts to what her

meeting with Daphne would be about. Ever since she had come to

Hogwarts, Daphne had been distant, and usually rude to her. She thought

it was because the girl was in love with Harry, but that wasn't the case.

Maybe she thought she was? That was probably it, she reasoned with

herself. It wouldn't be the first time a girl probably thought they were in

love with Harry.

The crowd of students had begun to trickle out more slowly to the point

where there were very few left not in classes. She felt a tap on her

shoulder and turned around to see Daphne. "You wanted to speak wiz


Daphne looked slightly nervous. "Yes, I just wanted to know if Harry has

said anything to you about being the Heir Black?" Fleur looked

confusedly at Daphne for a moment.

"Er, sorry. I do not know if 'e is. 'E 'as not told me anyzing about that."

Daphne looked slightly disappointed at that, "Why do you wish to know?"

"No reason, really. I was just curious." Daphne tried to slip away but

Fleur stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Daphne, why are you asking? Why not ask 'im yourself?"

"Because, he has no time for me, now that he has you." She spat

venomously. Fleur narrowed her eyes at the younger witch. Apparently

she couldn't keep her rudeness out of this conversation.

"You are 'is best friend, of course 'e 'as time for you." Fleur hoped that this

wouldn't turn ugly.

Daphne scoffed, "Yeah right. He has you to and now Hermione has come

back to him. I have no place with him anymore."

Fleur sighed, "I know for sure zat 'Arry still believes you to be 'is best

friend. 'Ermione eez just a friend now and won't replace you."

Daphne rolled her eyes, "Like I can believe you. It was you that stole him

from me!"

"I did not steal 'im from anyone. Eet eez not my fault you were to slow to

get 'im for yourself."

"I can't believe he likes you. But I see what you're really doing. You're

going to leave him as soon as this year is over. Just enjoying the spotlight

aren't you!" Daphne accused.

"That eez not true! I will not leave 'Arry."

"I'll have to make you leave him then." Daphne hissed.

Fleurs hands began to turn fiery and her skin was starting to turn into

feathers. Her full veela heritage was quickly coming into play. Daphne

took out her wand and sent a spell at Fleur. She replied with her own

blue fireball.

Harry walked into the DADA classroom for the first time since his fight

with Barty Jr. The place after being repaired, looked the same as it had

the last three years. He smiled, seeing Sirius sitting in his professors desk

at the front of the classroom. School just got a lot more interesting with

him being around, that was for sure.

Snapes face this morning had been one to remember when Sirius walked

into the Great Hall and sat down right next to him. It only took one

minute until Snape excused himself, looking red in the face. Sirius the

whole time just ate jovially beside him, not saying a word.

Harry took a seat in the front of the class with Neville by his side. For the

most part, the first class with Sirius was nothing special, picking back up

exactly where the impostor Moody had left off. Sirius was also

surprisingly professional, not even cracking a single joke or prank.

Personally Harry thought something might happen, but the Headmistress

had probably gave him a firm talking to.

Half-way through the class just as Sirius was about to have them

practicing the stupefy spell, something that really should be taught in

first year Harry thought, the doors to the classroom opened.

"Can I borrow Mr. Potter for a moment?" Headmistress McGonagall

asked, stepping into the room.

"Of course, Headmistress. A foot on the possibilities of the stunning spell

by Friday, Mr. Potter." Harry nodded, gathering his things and heading

out of the classroom.

"Is something wrong?" He asked as they began walking down the corridor

towards the staircases.

"For once, its not something you've done." Harry furrowed his eyebrows,

wondering what someone else had done. They continued to walk until

they reached the second floor and the hospital wing. Professor

McGonagall pushed open the doors and Harry immediately spotted both

Daphne and Fleur sitting in beds, both of them looking the opposite way

of each other.

Harry walked up to the both of them. Fleur had several small cuts and a

nasty bruise on her right arm. Daphne on the other hand definitely

looked the worst off, having several burns that Madame Pomfrey was

trying to cure. "What happened?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"She attacked me!" Both girls said at once, pointing an accusing finger at

each other.

"I thought you were going to talk, not try and kill each other." Harry

sighed. He had allowed them to duel once before during their little

defense meetings and that had gotten out of hand quickly. He could only

imagine how nasty they got with out him around to control them.

"I waz going to talk with 'er 'Arry." Fleur pleaded, seeing the anger and

worst of all disappointed look on his face.

Daphne scoffed, "It's impossible to talk with you. You think you're better

than me!"

"Stop." Harry said, sighing and running a hand through his hair in


"I do not!" Fleur defended herself, ignoring Harry.

"Stop." Harry said again.

This time it was Daphne that ignored him, "How could he ever like a

bitch like you!"

"Stop!" Harry shouted, his voice rattling the windows above their beds as

his power was projected. Both girls immediately shut up and looked at

him startled. "I get that you two hate each other but that does not mean

you should ever fight each other!"

"Look, Daphne, I get that you aren't happy about Fleur being my

girlfriend, but it's time you get used to that fact. Fleur, by the burns on

Daphne's face I can tell you lost your cool, and I'm disappointed you did.

You could have potentially killed her when all you had to do was to not

let her words affect you and simply stunned her if things escalated."

"Like she could win a fight without her precious veela heritage." Daphne


"Daphne, whatever has you so bitter and distant right now, I hope you

get over it soon. Until you do, I don't want to speak with you." Harry

could tell his words hit home by the suddenly fearful look on her face.

"I am going back to class. I have neither the time nor the patience for

this. Fleur you are my girlfriend, Daphne you are my best friend. I don't

expect you to like each other, but I damn well expect you to act at least

cordially around each other." With that, Harry spun on his heels and left

the Great Hall, leaving the four women looking at the doors he just left


Fleur looked on sadly as Harry left. She knew she had screwed up, even if

it wasn't her fault Daphne had turned nasty. She shouldn't have let her

anger get the better of her, and Harry was right, she could have possibly

killed Daphne.

Daphne sighed, her adrenaline beginning to leave her body. She ran a

hand frustratedly through her hair wondering how her life had so quickly

taken a tumble. A glance over at the silver haired veela sitting on the bed

next to her was all the reason needed. That girl had gone and in just a

month, not only completely replaced her, but now she couldn't even

speak with Harry because of her. How could she get back into his good

graces now?

"You will have detention for one week for fighting Miss Greengrass. Miss

Delacour I'll notify your headmistress of this incident and you will be

punished by her. Do not fight in my halls again." Professor McGonagall

warned, following Harry out of the hospital wing.

18. Order of Merlin

"Fleur are you ready yet?" Aimee called through her bedroom door. Fleur

stood in front of her mirror, putting on the last touches of make up. She

normally didn't wear any make up at all, being veela had its advantages,

but tonight was a special occasion. Not only was this the night of the

Yule Ball, her date being Harry Potter, but he was also being rewarded

for his heroic deeds in his second year.

The English Minister of Magic was going to be there, along with her

family. This was also going to be the first time her and Harry had been in

the company of her family as a couple. Harry's family was also going to

be here this evening, adding more pressure onto her.

The last three weeks had been a little rocky between her and Harry. He

still was being stretched thin by all of his new duties and it was clearly

beginning to take a toll on him. She did whatever she could to take him

away from his responsibilities, but he was constantly having to think

about them. They were taking up most of his time and as such he had less

and less time for his friends and her. She didn't blame him, and she knew

that this might be their life if things got serious between them. Harry is

always going to be a man pulled in many different directions. They

would just have to make do with the little time they did have together.

It also wasn't like she was sitting idly by twiddling her thumbs. She had

her own studies and duties throughout the day. Being the top of your

class wasn't easy and took a lot of work, as well as the various activities

she shared with Harry, like his Defense Club.

His stressed mood also wasn't helped by Daphne as she had yet to speak

or apologize to Harry. It was clear that was hurting him and both were

too stubborn to speak first. Tracy had repeatedly told Harry to just give

her space and that she would come around eventually and so he did. At

least, Daphne had gone home for this years winter holidays, making

tonight less awkward.

"I'm done." Fleur shouted back to her friend, putting the pink lipstick

away and heading for the door. She took one last glance in the mirror,

adjusting her slender silver dress, and walked out into the hallway.

Aimee waited for her in a blue dress to match her hair that was wrapped

up in a bun with a few loose strands framing her face. She was

apparently going with none other than Lee Jordan, the school Quidditch

announcer and third cog in the Weasley twins prankster machine.

The real surprise had been Hermiones date, who was none other than

Viktor Krum. No one, not even Harry, had seen that coming until she told

them just a few days ago. The brilliant Gryffindor had quickly become

one of Fleurs closer friends within the school. She was smart and caring,

the perfect mix for someone like her. She didn't care that Fleur was a

veela, Hermione being a muggleborn herself and equally looked down

upon by British society. They shared a common bond in that sense.

The hall she walked out into was filled with other students dressed to the

nines in extravagant ballgowns and robes. The latest fashion, had funnily

enough been designed after Harry himself when he was at his last ball in

France, wearing a muggle suit. Most of the boys wore Armani, Versace,

and Giorgio designs.

Aimee looped her arm through Fleurs, "Our men await us. We shan't be

keeping them waiting too long."

Fleur smiled at her best friend, the nerves in her stomach beginning to

increase. Tonight was a big night, not just for her, but Harry as well, and

more importantly, them as a couple. Harry had made huge strides the last

several weeks in his place as the newest, and youngest member of the

Wizengamot. His house had formally aligned with the Bones,

Longbottoms, Blacks, Tulgids, Davis', and Digorrys, creating a

powerhouse with the political power to outvote everyone else. Not even

the Malfoys monetary influence could buy an opposition to Harrys new

political party, and rumore had it that Minister Fudge had stopped taking

bribes from Lucius Malfoy altogether. It was safe to say that Harry was at

the moment, the most powerful person in Britain.

This was more a celebration for Harry and what he has managed to

accomplish in the last several months, nay years, than it was for Yule

tidings. Much of this night would fall on her as well. She could feel the

increasing pressure on her shoulders. She was veela, looked down upon

as just a mere creature by many eyes in this country, but tonight would

be a good opportunity to show that she was the chosen TriWizard

Champion from her school, and that she deserved to be with Harry. It

may simply just be dancing, smiling, and small talk, but the underhanded

politics going on tonight was the real game. She had to prove that she

was capable, and luckily her father had prepared her all her life for such

a role.

"Papa! Mama!" Fleur called, seeing her parents in the crowd of students

within the Beauxbatons carriage. The two of them rushed up to her and

Appoline engulfing their daughter in a hug.

"My sweet." Appoline said while her face was pressed to Fleurs neck, the

two of them being the same height now. She stepped back and let

Sebastien hug Fleur for a brief moment.

"You look beautiful." He said, admiring his daughter with a smile.

Fleur blushed, "Thank you papa." She glanced around in search of her

favorite and only sister. "Where is Gabrielle?"

Appoline chuckled, "She couldn't wait to see Harry." Fleur laughed,

knowing her sisters crush on her boyfriend. "He looked handsome."

Appoline looked curiously at her daughter for a moment. "Are you


Fleur couldn't keep the goofy smile off her face, "Very happy. He is

amazing in every way."

Sebastien raised his eyebrows for a moment, "Every way?" He asked.

Fleur blushed slightly, realizing what her father was getting at. They

hadn't gone passed passionate kissing with hands above the clothes, but

Fleur knew they were getting close to doing more. "Harry is a perfect

gentlemen." She said tersely, not wishing to give her papa anything else on

the matter.

"That's why I approve him, I don't think he would be anything less. Come on,

we should go and save him from Gabbi." They all chuckled, and Sebastien

took her arm from Aimee who followed behind them, talking silently

with Appoline. They walked slowly to the Entrance Hall where most

people were waiting for their dates.

She immediately spotted Hermione and Viktor nearby having a quiet

conversation. They looked a lot more cozy than just friends, something

Hermione had vehemently defended the last several days. It didn't take

long to spot Harry dead center in the middle of a crowd of other

students. He had often been in the company of a great deal of people the

last couple of weeks, all of them wishing to know about future Defense

Club meetings, or his thoughts on the Wizengamot and the like. Fleur

knew he hated every moment of these times, but he dealt with it,

knowing it was just a part of being famous and being thrust into a

position of leadership. He was emboldened by the quote, "Be not afraid of

greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have

greatness thrust upon them." by William Shakespeare. He had Hermione to

thank for that quote and now he lived by it.

The crowd of students parted for her as she approached Harry with her

family. His face lit up upon seeing her and she couldn't help the giggle

from escaping her lips when she saw his awestruck face. "Y-you look

beautiful." He finally stammered out, kissing her lightly on the lips.

"You don't look so bad yourself." He was again in an Armani gray suit

that was clearly tailored for him. His silver tie matched her dress and

hair. Gabrielle was currently on his arm, basking in the glory of being

near Harry and the attention it came with. She was still young and had

yet to develop into a full veela like Fleur and Appoline.

The rumor was that Fleur was just a quarter veela, but such a thing didn't

exist. One was either full veela, or not at all. Veela blood wasn't always

transferred either, and so some families can be descended from veela

blood and not actually be veela. Fleur, after her full transformation at the

age of fourteen, became a full blooded veela, like her mother and

grandmother before her.

There were no male veelas and so they relied on their natural abilities to

find mates that could provide them veela heirs. A veela was always much

more likely to give birth to a girl, and as such, another veela. It was rare

for a veela to give birth to a boy, it being the sign of the veela blood

dying out in the family heritage.

They allowed the rumors of hers and Gabrielles quarter veela heritage to

continue simply because it would make them seem less creature-like in

the public eye. The Delacours were a popular, famous, and powerful

family in France, and that view would help them with keeping their


"Harry, how are you!" Sebastien said, stepping into the small circle

surrounding them. Many of the students saw that this was becoming a

private conversation and began to dissipate.

Harry shook his hand gladly, "I'm good Sebastien. I trust you've been


He smiled, "Quite well. I hear you have had a busy year!"

Harry chuckled, "A quite busy one, made all the better by your daughter."

Fleur blushed at Harrys compliment.

"I am happy to see you two getting along so well." Appoline said, smiling

at Harry. He reached out and kissed the back of her hand like he had

done the first time they met. "We should get going. Gabbi, come on."

"Awww." Gabbi whined, grabbing hold of Harrys hand.

Fleur slipped her hand into his free one, "We 'ave to do ze opening dance

Gabbi, after that, I promise you can dance with 'arry for a leetle."

The little veela's face lit up, "Really?" She asked, looking at Harry. He

nodded and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Of course. After all, you're my favorite girl." Gabbi giggled going bright

red. "After you of course." He whispered into Fleurs ear, earning himself a

peck on the lips. Sebastien and Appoline guided Gabbrielle into the Great

Hall where most of the students had made their way.

"Champions! Over here!" Professor Flitwick called out. He had been made

Deputy Headmaster and as such was in charge of all the previous duties

of Professor McGonagall. Fleur and Harry walked over hand in hand to

where the other couples stood.

"Good, you're all here. Mr. Diggory and Miss Chang will walk in first."

Cedric and Cho had been dating for the last couple of months, and if

rumors were true, it was serious between the two. He was happy for

them, especially Cedric since he had been a good friend to Harry. "Next

will be Mr. Krum and Miss Granger." Harry winked at his friend who was

in a constant blush.

He smirked, knowing full well that she was in over her heels about

everything going one at the moment. She was in the position many of the

witches at the school wished to be in. "And lastly, Mr. Potter, and Miss

Delacour will enter. We will be eating first and then you will be asked to

conduct the first dance to open the ball." Harry nodded, understanding

the situation. He had been in this once before, and he thanked his lucky

stars for the French ball.

"You look lovely, Hermione." Harry said once Professor Flitwick left them

to make sure the Great Hall was ready for them.

Hermione smiled softly, "Thank you Harry."

Harry turned to face Viktor. "Krum, if you hurt her, I'll make sure to

embarrass you in the next event."

Both Fleur and Hermione rolled their eyes. The two champions had done

nothing but mock one another, but it was clear by now that it was all in

jest. In reality, Harry really liked Krum and vice versa. He was an

upstanding, somewhat soft spoken, and down to earth guy. But such a

guy was hard to not rib every now and then, and both were very


"Like you could embarrass me Potter?"

"Oh and your loss in the first event wasn't an embarrassment? What are

you, seventeen? If I remember correctly, I'm three years younger and in

first place." Fleur swatted Harry playfully on the arm.

"Now, now mon cheri, don't antagonize ze enemy."

"You vill not stay in first for long Potter." Krum declared.

"Good luck on dethroning me. I have my lead and I intend on running

away with it."

"We shall see."

"You silly boys forget zat I will win!" Fleur chimed in, this time eliciting

eye rolls from both boys. Fleur was smart, powerful even, but she wasn't

in this competition. The first event had shown just who this competition

was between, Harry and Viktor. Cedric was crafty and good at preparing

for things he knew were coming, but thinking on the fly was not his

strong suit. The first task made it clear that being able to adapt quickly

was going to be a major part of these tasks. As far as he knew, no one

had yet to crack the clue inside the egg they retrieved from the dragon.

They still had sometime though and so Harry hadn't thought much about

it. Fleur, like Cedric was smart, but she lacked the necessary killer

instinct to win this event. Harry knew who his real competition was, not

that he would ever tell Fleur his thoughts about this.

"We are ready! Miss Chang! Mister Diggory!" Flitwick called from the

doorway to the Great Hall. Cedric and Cho took each others arm and

walked forward, stepping into the Great Hall. Hermione and Viktor went

shortly after, followed by Harry and Fleur. The crowd of people was

greater than Harry suspected, but remembering that he was also being

awarded a Merlin First Class tonight, it made sense. There were a great

deal of reporters, cameramen, journalists, and politicians also in


Sirius, Remus, Kingsley, Tonks, Sebastien, Appoline, and Gabbrielle, all

sat at the same table, just to the left of the champions table that had the

headmasters, champions and their dates, and the minister and his wife.

Fleur squeezed Harrys hand in reassurance and he gave her a soft smile

in return. He guided her to the champions table where Fudge shook

Harrys hand upon arrival.

"Harry, good to see you again!" He cried boisterously. The students sat at

their respective tables in the hall and soon shouts for certain foods began

to be heard throughout the hall. Unlike during normal feasts at Hogwarts,

tonight, they were given a menu, and the students had simply to say the

name of a dish and it would appear in front of them.

"Minister, everything is going well, yes?" Harry asked, beginning to cut

up his Filet Mignon. Fleur looked sadly at her boyfriends meal. She had

yet to persuade him to more tasteful dishes, a simple steak is what he

considered fancy.

"Very well m'boy! The budget has been worked out and Madame Bones

has begun to bolster the new DMLE." The last several weeks Harry had

spent much of his time on passing the new ministry budget, much of the

funds being transferred to Madame Bones and her department. In fact,

Madame Longbottom was the one appointed to oversee the new budget,

many thanks to his new allies within the Wizengamot.

The pressure on him to do good by the people was increasingly greater,

and he would be the first to admit that the pressure was beginning to

take a toll on his life. He found it increasingly difficult to have a normal

life, attend classes, do homework, have his normal nightly training

sessions, run a Defense Club, and now attend the Wizengamot. It was

becoming a bit much, even though he only had to sleep two hours a day.

"Can I count on your support for the ban of professors bearing the Dark

Mark within Hogwarts?" Harry asked. This was the last step Harry

figured in securing the school. Now that Dumbledore was gone, all that

remained still a threat was Snape. His job was already hanging by a

thread without the old ex-headmaster to protect him. Once Dumbledore

had resigned and disappeared, many students had submitted complaints

towards the potions master, hoping the new headmistress would see

justice done.

He was already being reviewed by the Hogwarts School of Governors, but

just in case that didn't work, Harry figured he could propose a law to

exclude any of those bearing the Dark Mark from teaching schools. It was

just a step below from keeping those bearing the mark from keeping a

ministry job, but that would be hard at the moment to get passed in the

Wizengamot. Keeping teachers away from the school of Hogwarts bearing

the dark mark should be easy and a no-brainer.

Harry had avoided potions class completely the last several weeks. His

relationship with the potions master was rocky at best, murderous at

worst. It was well known throughout the school that they had a hate for

each other that ran deep.

"Of course! Such a law should have already been in place!" Fudge


Harry leaned into the minister, "I proposed this law because a professor

has the Dark Mark here, in this school." Harry watched as the ministers

eyes widened and he looked incredulously at him.

"Who?" He whispered back. He hadn't told the minister yet of what the

actual reason for this law was. He wanted to wait until the minister was

in the very room with the Death Eater that Dumbledore had long

protected before revealing this plan.

Harry jerked his head to a nearby table, "Snape. He has always been a

hated professor within these halls and a loyal member to Dumbledore. He

holds the mark, and it would be in the best interest for the both of us to

get him away from teaching children."

"Of course! How could such a man teach these students!" Fudge hissed.

Harrys shrugged, "Because he was backed by Dumbledore. It used to be

that his word was law. We are beginning to see that Dumbledore himself

was just as corrupted as Voldemort."

"I trust the attack on your godfathers place had something to do with

Dumbledore?" Fudge asked, their quiet conversation continuing to be

unnoticed by others. He was surprised that Fudge knew of the attack on

his godfathers house. Though he shouldn't have been. One didn't become

minister of magic without having access to people that were very good at

acquiring information.

Harry chuckled softly, "You are well informed Minister. Yes, my friends

had a run in with the ghost headmaster."

"Why would he attack Sirius' house?" Fudge questioned further.

Harry thought for a long moment, wondering if the Minister was worth

bringing into the discussion. Of course there were huge benefits to the

minister of magic knowing that horcruxes existed, but it was also a huge

risk. Fudge was a big target for execution by Voldemort, being the

minister and all. He was also known to have a big mouth that was easily

opened by gold, but so far he had put his complete faith in Harry. Maybe

it was time to return that same faith?

"Once this evenings festivities are over, meet me on the seventh floor.

Bring no one, and the meeting we have will make you the greatest

Minister to have ever lived." Harry new the buttons to push by now on

Minister Fudge. He liked gold, but he loved his reputation and legacy

more. Malfoy couldn't put a price on a glory.

"So, Harry, how is your new club going!" Percy Weasley asked, breaking

up his conversation with the minister. Percy was the only, non-important

member at the table, Harry dubbed, and also the only Weasley here this

evening. The rest had gone home for the winter break.

"It's good Percy. I'm up to more than half the school and I take pride in

that most people seem to enjoy the lessons I provide." The Weasleys

weren't on his good list, besides, Arthur, Fred, ad George. Percy was a

ministry lackey, mostly for Umbridge who he had a keen dislike for.

Fudge kept the woman around simply because she was a yes-man.

"A fourth year teaching defense classes, even while your own godfather is

teaching DADA. Is something wrong with Lord Blacks teaching?" Percy

asked, much like Reeta Skeeter would.

"Sirius eez a phenomenal teacher and I wished Beauxbatons 'ad 'im 'as

one." Fleur responded, narrowing her eyes at the elder Weasley. "What

'Arry does eez further ze practical application of defense zan what DADA

class allows."

"Some think he is trying to create his own army. What do you have to say

to that?" He asked in a haughty tone.

"I am merely trying to help others learn defense. I am not creating an

army, only teaching individuals to defend themselves until they can get

away from a dangerous situation. I do not teach anyone spells to attack

one another."

"But some of the spells you do teach can be used to attack another

person, correct?" Percy asked. He was beginning to sound too much like a

reporter for Harrys liking.

"Percy, I can use spells taught in first year to attack people with deadly

results. I teach those that come to my club to use such spells purely in

defense and not to attack. What I do is backed by all of my professors,

the headmistress, the Minister of Magic, your boss if I might add, and the

ICW who have given me letters of encouragement to my teachings. Feel

free to try and undermine my teachings, but they won't work."

"Harry's club is amazing! He has taught me more in defense in the last

several weeks than I was ever taught in the last seven years." Cedric

defended him. Harry smiled at his Hufflepuff friend.

"Percy, I have to ask, where is this attack coming from?" Fudge asked.

Percy went red in the face and blubbered out a weak response, "No where

minister. I was just looking to protect your own interests." Harry new

immediately that something was wrong with the Weasley. It would take

more time to investigate into him further and luckily, he would be

staying around longer. Crouch Sr. had mysteriously disappeared before

his trial involving breaking Crouch Jr. out of Azkaban. Percy had taken

his place and was acting under the Department of International Magical


"Champions! The first dance is to begin!" Headmistress McGonagall

called. She had been taking a keen interest in the topic between Fudge

and Harry, trying to follow along by reading their lips.

"M'lady." Harry kissed the back of Fleurs hand before taking it into his

own and walking with her into the cleared dance floor. The other

champions and their dates took their places next to them. A waltz began

to play and this time Harry took the lead, unlike last time,where Fleur

had led them. Aimee had been a much better teacher than Tonks when it

came to ballroom dancing and so he found himself gliding across the

floor with an angel in his arms.

Just like last time, he was able to completely lose himself in her bright

blue shining eyes. They stole a few quick kisses throughout the dance,

and for the most part, were completely oblivious to everyone else. All

that mattered were each other as they danced. Harry forgot all of his

responsibilities, his duties, his training, as he danced with the silver

haired goddess.

Fleur forgot of her responsibilities of being Harrys mate, his partner, his

equal, a champion, and a veela, as she danced in the arms of the love her

life. This night was perfect as she stared into the glowing emerald eyes of

Harry, his light, and happiness showing through them. She knew she was

in love with him, her senses told her, and it made her even happier to see

Harry reaching that point quickly as well.

Her parents watched them twirl around the floor with a smile on each of

their faces. Both of them new that these two would be together forever.

Appoline of course had been able to sense the love shared between them.

They may not have said the words to each other, but they were already

beginning to feel it.

"You truly do look beautiful." Harry said softly as he twirled her around

the dance floor. His lessons with Aimee had paid off and he looked much

more at ease on the dance floor than he had at the ball in France.

"I love you." Fleur blurted out. She even stopped dancing, realizing what

she had said. She went wide eyed, her heart beat increasing tenfold and

her face reddening. She didn't know what had come over her to say it so

randomly, but she was happy now that she had gotten those simple

words out.

"I love you too." Harry replied without hesitation. He may not have a lot

of experience when it came to love, but Sirius' stories of his parents, and

the way he reacted around Emmy was enough to make him realize what

love was. Sirius would do anything for Emmaline and he wondered just

how long it would be until wedding bells were heard for the couple.

Remus was also an example, although a bad example, an example

nonetheless. He was obviously in love with Tonks, but he was too scared

to do anything about it, no matter what Harry or Sirius said.

Fleur returned his words by kissing him passionately on the dance floor.

Both of them became completely oblivious to those around them. All they

felt, all they saw was each other in that moment. It was however, the

sound of Minister Fudge that eventually broke them from their moment.

"Harry James Potter!" Just the name brought a cheer to the crowd. His

popularity in the school was at an all time high.

"What is there to say about the man that hasn't been said before! He is an

honest, virtuous, courageous, intelligent, and caring man!" Another roar

of cheers shouted from the students as they began to gather around the

center stage where Minister Fudge was speaking. "He has gone above and

beyond the call of duty to our nation."

Minister Fudge took a dramatic pause before continuing. "As most of you

know, young Harry has done many extraordinary deeds while at

Hogwarts. We do not have a great enough honor to show our

thankfulness for all that he has done, all we can give him is the Order of

Merlin First Class. We award him this because of his actions in just his

second year, battling a basilisk at the mere age of twelve with only a

sword. Such a deed is truly remarkable and would earn anyone an award,

but Harry didn't just stop there. He has continued to protect the school by

ridding us of an impostor professor, freeing an innocent man, protecting

others from deadly attackers at the World Cup, and now beginning to

teach our students practical defense. We owe Harry Potter our many


Most of those in the Great Hall hollered and cheered in agreement. Even

some of the younger Slytherins cheered in his stead. He took pride mostly

in changing their attitudes. He knew that those young minds were the

key to the coming war. If the young children sided with him, their

parents were much less likely to face him and side with Voldemort, or

even Dumbledore.

"Join me up here Mr. Potter!" Harry walked up onto the small platform

that Fudge was also standing on and shook the ministers hand. A plump

woman wearing an ugly pink dress that did nothing to hide her rather

large waistline also came onto the platform with a small wooden box.

She opened it up to reveal a blue ribboned necklace with a gold pendant,

a large M emblazoned onto the front.

Fudge took the medal from the box and carefully slipped it on over

Harrys head. The crowd roared in approval. Harry spotted Fleur clapping

and cheering as well, along with Sirius who stood next to Sebastien.

"Harry Potter!" Fudge proclaimed, grabbing Harrys hand and raising it

into the air in triumph. The crowd of students continued to cheer for

their fellow student.

It was now clear to the students that Harry was very powerful and that

his exploits in the last several years were indeed true. His fight with the

dragon was just the icing on the cake for them and so they looked

forward to the second task immensely. No longer was Cedric the favorite

to win this tournament for the Hogwarts students.

Harry stepped down from the platform as the music began to play and

made it back into Fleurs arms. After a quick dance, they were stopped by

Sebastien, Sirius, and Appoline. "Congratulations Harry." Sebastien said,

taking Fluers arm and beginning to dance with her. Harry took Appoline

in stride and danced with her while Sirius continued to dance slowly with


"Thank you. It means a lot to me that you could be here." Harry said

genuinely while dancing.

"We wouldn't miss this for the world." Sebastien responded. Harry knew

that they were here not just to support him, but to further France's

influence in England. After all, England was the first defense against

Voldemort and his followers, and the French would do just about

anything to keep Voldemort from returning to power. They had their own

dark wizards to worry about and if Voldemort returned to form, like

Sebastien knew he would one day, they too would be in trouble.

"You continue to impress us 'Arry." Appoline said.

"I think I'm now expected to impress."

Appoline and Sebastien chuckled, "That, I fear, will be your cross to bear

for many years to come. But, something tells me you're up for the task.

That aside, we do have to talk about my daughters virtue." He added in a

dead pan voice. Harrys eyes widened and he stopped dancing completely.

"Papa!" Fleur admonished, turning beet red.

"I had this whole speech planned about how her boyfriend needed to

respect my daughters wishes, but then she goes and chooses a man that is

impossible to intimidate!" He continued cheekily.

"You're Fleurs father. That's all the intimidation you need." This made the

small group chuckle. They made their way over to an abandoned table

for a break. This gave Harry time to look around the hall and spot his

friends. Neville and Hannah were still wrapped up in each others arms on

the dance floor. Tracy was dancing with Theo who was quickly becoming

one of Harrys closer guy friends. The boy was as sharp as a whip and

easily the best duelist out of all his friends. Apparently his father was a

champion duelist, having competed in various world dueling

championships. Harry did his best to gloss over the fact that his father

was also a suspected death eater.

Susan was sitting at a table with her date, Ernie McMillan, and Hermione

and Viktor. This winter holiday had been odd, he had expected all of the

Weasleys to be here this year, but instead Arthur had apparently wanted

them home. He looked around sadly, hoping to catch a glimpse of

Daphne, but already knew she wasn't actually here. He missed his best

friend and was sad that at this moment, they weren't actually friends. The

both of them hadn't said a word to each other since the hospital wing and

neither had any plans to break their little disagreement.

As he sat watching the students dance and have a good time, he reflected

back on all that had happened. His life had changed dramatically in just

a few short months. Now he understood where his life was headed, what

his duties were, and more importantly, that he had family around him

willing to go the distance with him. He had never felt so loved before,

the small smile on Sirius' face as he talked politics with Sebastien, Fleur,

Appoline, and Gabrielle discussing the latest fashions, Emmy talking with

Remus and Tonks about the ministry. This was his family, something he

had been searching for his whole life and finally had. Now all he had to

do was protect it.

"Minister, what I say here should be kept completely confidential." Harry

opened. He was sitting down at a large round table created by the Room

of Requirement. Around him sat Sebastien, Fleur, Appoline, Sirius,

Remus, Amelia Bones Emmaline, and Headmistress McGonagall.

Gabbrielle had already been put to bed and Professor Flitwick was doing

his rounds to make sure everyone had indeed gone to bed. Amelia had

been present at the ball and Harry asked her to join them here as well.

He figured she would need to be in the know as well about the situation

with Voldemorts horcruxes. She knew that hew as still alive, just not


The Yule Ball had been a success for the most part. Aside from a few

students that had managed to sneak in some firewhiskey and make a fool

of themselves, it had gone off without a hitch. Harry had given a few

interviews to the Daily Prophet and Teen Witch Magazine about being

awarded the Order of Merlin First Class. Fleur had played her part

perfectly, staying by his side and answering any question thrown her


"Is this level of secrecy really needed Harry?" The minister asked, looking

at everyone else a little nervously. He clearly wasn't used to being in a

room where he didn't control or have any influence over the people.

"It is. We know for certain that Voldemort is still alive." Harry said in a

dead pan tone.

Fudge looked around at everyone, trying to figure out if this was some

kind of prank. "Surely, Harry. You can't actually be serious."

"No, because I am." Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes at Sirius' lame

and overused joke. The old prankster couldn't help but take the


"Do you know what a horcrux is?" Minister Fudges expression didn't

change but Madame Bones eyes went wide.

"He wouldn't." She breathed out.

"He did. We know for certain since we were once in possession of one."

Harry said bitterly. He still hadn't gotten over the fact that Dumbledore

had stolen a horcrux from him. He hoped against hope that the old man

was smart enough to destroy it and that it was an honest mistake to take

it from them. By now though, he knew better, Dumbledore had his own

game and reasons for doing what he did.

"Once?" She asked.

Harry winced slightly, "It was taken from us by Dumbledore. That's why

Sirius' house was attacked."

"What! Why would he do that!" She demanded.

"We don't know yet, nor can we find him to ask. At this point we're just

hoping he destroyed it like we were going to do. After all, we may not be

on the same side as Dumbledore, but both of us want Voldemort dead."

Sirius said.

"Hold on! What the hell is a horcrux!" Fudge demanded, entering back

into the conversation.

Madame Bones answered the minister, "Its old, obscure, and very dark

magic. To create a horcrux, one must kill someone in cold blood, thus

shattering their soul and allowing them to place a piece of their soul into

an object. Once done, the person who created the horcrux is in essence,


Fudges face went through a mixture of colors before settling on

completely pale. His mouth gaped open like a fish. "Horcruxes can be

destroyed, but as you can imagine minister, our world has gotten much

more complicated. We also have the problem that he has created more

than one horcrux." Harry added.

"He can do that?" Amelia asked in disbelief.

"We know he has, I was once one. That night at the World Cup, I was hit

by a second killing curse and it destroyed the piece of Voldemorts soul

that resided in my scar." Amelia brought her hand to her mouth in shock.

Apparently, this news was too much for the minister to handle and he

promptly fainted.

"Well, bravery isn't exactly his standout trait I suppose." Sirius said,

walking over to check on the minister.

"Lets-lets back up here for a moment Harry. You said Dumbledore

attacked you to get the horcrux in your possession. That would mean


"That Dumbledore knew of the horcruxes? Yes." Harry cut Amelia off. "I

think he has always known about them, and I think he knew I was one as

well. He has a fourteen year head start on us when it comes to preparing

for Voldemort."

"That bloody bastard." Sebastien muttered under his breath. "Okay, if

there are multiple of these things, and the one in you was destroyed, is

the one Dumbledore stole the last one? Would destroying that kill

Voldemort for good?" This was also the first time Sebastien and Appoline

were hearing anything about this. They had kept them in the dark mostly

because of the distance between them, and Fleur wasn't sure they should

get involved. She had decided that it was now probably best for hem to

know everything going on in England, after all, some of the coming war

might spill over to France and he was the Director of Magical Law

Enforcement there.

"Sadly, we just don't know much as of right now. Dumbledore probably

knows more than us, but we aren't exactly on speaking terms with him."

"Besides Dumbledore, is there any way of learning more about horcruxes?

Or Voldemort?" Appoline asked.

"I can search the Black family library for anything." Sirius suggested.

"And I'll search the Potter library. Fawkes has already told me everything

he knows about horcruxes, which isn't much. Rowena apparently was

fond of them and didn't delve too deep into that area of magic."

"Is there anything else we can do right now?" Minerva asked to the


Harry shook his head, "Nothing right now. Maybe I can ask the goblins

more about horcruxes or any knowledge of Voldemort they have? We

will see I guess, but for now, there isn't much else to do."

"Well, I should probably get the minister back to his home." Amelia said,

concluding the meeting.

"Can you make sure he doesn't freak out when he wakes and does

something stupid?" Harry asked. Amelia gave him a wry grin in return.

"Like declare us all crazy?"

Harry chuckled, "Or worse. Tells everyone and Voldemort goes to great

lengths to hide his horcruxes if he still has any out there. Surprise is still

on our side I think."

Sorry about the slower update. I am in the process of moving. The

next update might be a bit slower in coming out as well, but it

shouldn't be any longer than a week from now.

19. Grindelwald

"Dominant foot forward, keep your profile as skinny as possible!" Harry

called to the class of students in front of him. By now, it just wasn't

Professor Flitwick that would join him in helping out the students in his

Defense Club. Sirius, Professor Babbling, and even occasionally Professor

McGonagall had joined him in helping teach the students defense.

Three groups were created by age group, and all had their specific task.

The younger years were mostly focused on simple accuracy and low level

spells that could save them in a desperate situation. The middle years

were beginning to learn more complicated magic, while the older years

were perfecting more complex defensive shields and distractions to get

away from an attacker.

These classes were no longer just a simple club, instead they were a full

school effort. Many of the professors had contributed in some way or

another. Professor Sprout had given a class on certain plants that could

be used in defensive situations, like the Aerlia Phorantel, which creates a

gas that can knock out an opponent in a few seconds. Professor Babbling

used the Defense Club to begin teaching students who didn't take her

ancient runes class, the art of wards and how to detect and get through


The vast majority of the school, and the other two guest schools, had

begun attending, and often Harry was asked to hold club meetings every

day. He had to decline such things simply because he was too busy.

Having two meetings a week was enough, but he was happy to see that

the students had begun study lessons amongst themselves in defense.

Sirius had also began fitting his schedule into the defense club meetings,

using them as a place to practice practical defensive magic, while he

could focus solely on the theoretical side of things.

"Speed is the goal! Endurance is the key!" Harry shouted to his group of

students. He was focused on the sixth and seventh years. They were the

ones using the more advanced magic and so that's where he focused most

of his attention. Flitwick and his helpers kept mostly to the other two


For the last two weeks, he had begun training them in combat situations,

even creating a mock house in the middle of the Great Hall for the

students to run through. He would split the teams, five to a side. Five of

the older students would act as attackers, while the other five would have

to fight their way out, or figure out a more inventive way to escape,

resulting in the 'death' of none of their friends.

Professor Flitwick had created an ingenious design where the walls of the

house would change with each team that entered to defend the house.

This way, it kept the students from being able to formulate a plan ahead

of time. Harry wanted to instill the ability to think on the fly.

"That's all for the night!" Harry called the club to an end. "Gather 'round!"

Like always, he had everyone surround him so that he could give out

information. Hermione had also encouraged him to give a few words of

encouragement each night.

"Again, thank you to everyone that attended this evening." Harry started

once everyone circled around him. He was becoming very used to

speaking in front of large crowds, and with each speech, it became easier.

"All of you are progressing quickly, much more quickly than I or your

teachers had imagined. Because of this, I will be teaching the older group

the patronus charm next week." Many of the older students cheered. That

was the one spell a lot of them were most anxiously waiting to learn.

"The 4th and 5th years will begin to learn dueling spells, while the

younger years will begin to learn beginning defensive spells. Stupefy,

reducto, expalliarmus, and such. All of you have made this club into

something I never imagined. Something that I am proud to run,

something that I am proud to teach. I thank you all for showing up. Have

a good evening and I'll see you on Thursday."

Many of the students left slowly from the Great Hall. Harry was happy to

see that the houses were growing closer. Usually the Ravenclaws,

Gryffindors, and Huflepuffs were somewhat close, with the Slytherins

being ostracized. That wasn't the case anymore, at least with the younger

years. Many of the younger Slytherins had begun attending the Defense

Club, and because of Harrys rule of partnering with a member of another

house, began making friends with other house members.

Hogwarts was truly becoming one school, instead of four houses inside a

single castle. Teaching students defense was great, but teaching them to

respect different beliefs and making friends with people of the other side

was the real goal of the club. Harry stood by the philosophy that kids

were the way into a parents heart. If he could persuade the spawns of

former Death Eaters, he hoped to get them to side with him, or at least

not against him.

"Harry!" Fred shouted, walking up to him with his twin brother. "We need

to tell you something." He said much more quietly once he was closer to


By now, most of the others had already left the Great Hall, leaving him

alone with the Weasley twins. "What do you want to tell me?"

Both twins glanced nervously at one another, alerting him that whatever

they were about to tell him, he wasn't going to like. "Our mother came

back over the holiday."

"What!" Harry shouted, his voice echoing in the now empty hall.

"That's why our father wanted all of us home for the holidays. Apparently

she came back a few days before and was apologizing non-stop for her


"Tell me everything."

Harry flicked his wand and summoned three chairs that had been set

aside in the hall. Not a second later, Dobby appeared with several

butterbeers. He had taken on Dobby as his personal house elf just last

week. Well, that wasn't entirely true, apparently, ever since freeing

Dobby from the Malfoys, the wonky house elf became his because Dobby

wished it so, but he had formally accepted Dobby's help now. Hermione

wasn't all too pleased with him at the moment because of it, but she

would eventually get over it and see reason regarding house elves. At

least he hoped so.

From what Daphne had explained and what Dobby further confirmed,

was that they were perfectly happy serving wizards. Or at least, happy to

serve when they weren't constantly abused like Dobby was when with the

Malfoys. To them, being apart of a family and serving their masters is the

highest call for a house elf. Harry may not understand it, but if it made

them happy and healthy, they could serve all they want.

"Of course, we had a lot of questions for her, but for the most part she

was a blubbering mess the whole time. It was...hard you know. She's our

mum." George said.

"Said she was potioned by Dumbledore and forced to give potions to


"Do you believe her?" Harry asked, looking skeptically at the twins. He

wasn't buying it for a moment. Molly coming back seemed way to

convenient and a way for Dumbledore to keep a closer on him.

Both the twins shook their heads, "Right now, none of the family believe

her. Dad has her living in a muggle hotel nearby."

"She wasn't too happy 'bout that." Fred added.

"I bet." Harry said. "Did she seem genuine though? Do you think she

actually was being forced to do those things by Dumbledores will?" He

was curious what the twins thought. They were excellent when it came to

pranking, and even better at performing ruses. If Molly was acting, they

should be able to spot it.

"It's impossible for us to tell. She's our mum after all. We have to give her

the benefit of the doubt don't we?" George asked, a little desperation

seeping into his voice. Harry hid his surprise slightly. Maybe he should

have figured they wouldn't be able to look passed the fact that Molly is

their mother.

He shrugged in response. "It's your family, I can't tell you what to do. My

recommendation is to keep her as far away as possible. It's odd for her to

just randomly show up. Did she say where Dumbledore was?"

Both twins shook their heads. "She said she couldn't remember the last

several weeks."

Harry sighed, "That's typical."

"What are you going to do about her?" Fred asked.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Me? She's your family. Look, I'm not trying to

become the next Dumbledore or Voldemort. Your mother is your mother.

Decide if you can trust her or not. I trust you to come to the correct

decision on her. But I will warn you, if I so much as whiff foul play on

her part, I will deal with her personally." Harry warned, his tone turning


"We wouldn't expect anything less."

"I do think a formal apology to Hermione is in order however."

"We can ask her to send a letter."

Harry nodded, "That should be fine."

"Hey Daph! Mind helping me out here?" Harry called to the platinum

blonde haired Slytherin standing nearby him. The last two weeks had

been some of the best of his life. Every since she came back from the

holidays, she had completely transformed. She was again his best friend

and seemingly had no problem with Fleur either. In fact, the two girls

had begun to become friends, much to the surprise of everyone else.

They had quickly taken to each other, so much so, that Hermione, Fleur,

and Daphne were called the new Power Trio of Hogwarts. The three of

them were often seen together, and usually Harry was with them. Some

had even begun to speculate that Harry was having a multi-relationship

with the three girls, but that wasn't the case.

Fleur was still, and always would be his number one girl. "Maybe you

should try water?" Daph questioned. She sat down at the table and pulled

out her homework. Harry played with his golden egg which was

supposed to be hiding a clue to the next task. Daphne grabbed Harry's

ancient runes homework, looking over her and Harry's essays to make

sure they were both acceptable at least. Or more like Daphne's was

Outstanding while Harry's was Acceptable.

"Water? Why would water do anything?" Harry asked. He took his wand

and tried for the one-hundredth time, Expelliarmus. It of course did

nothing to the egg.

"You tried throwing it into a fireplace. Maybe it needs to be submerged in

water instead?" She said, not looking up from the two pieces of


Harry scoffed, "That sounds ridiculous. How would I be able to hear or

see what the clue was if I opened it in the Black Lake. It's called the Black

Lake for a reason you know."

Daphne looked up from the homework and rolled her eyes sarcastically at

Harry, "Who said you needed to do it in the Black Lake?"

"Where else would I submerge myself and this egg?"

"The prefects bathroom." She answered lazily.

"Okay, I have no problem disobeying school rules, but breaking into the

prefects bath is a bit much isn't it?"

"I thought you were always up to a challenge."

Harry opened and closed his mouth a few times before responding, "I

am!" He squeaked out. "Isn't there anywhere else better?"

"We don't exactly have baths in the common bathrooms Potter."

"Well what if your theory doesn't hold up. What if submerging the egg in

water isn't the key. What then?"

Daphne shrugged, "Then you're fucked."

"Thanks Daph. You are so full of encouragement."

"I try." She sighed, looking back down at her and Harrys homework. She

began making a few slight corrections on Harrys homework, mostly


Harry took a quick glance at his friend. It was nice to have his best friend

back. Whatever had happened over the holidays had done her wonders.

She was much more lighthearted around their friends. Still, she kept up

her icy persona when around anyone other than their close friends, but at

least she was back to normal. The jealousy she had of Fleur was

seemingly gone, and she had even gone as far as showing some interest

in Theo. The Slytherin boy hadn't shown any interest back of course,

Harry knew him to be gay, a secret only known by him, and Harry swore

to never tell a soul like he was asked.

He awkwardly found out Theos secret when he found the Slytherin

having a 'private moment' in a bathroom stall with a picture of Troy

Duvall, an American Quidditch player. He had been looking for Theo and

used the Marauders Map to find him in the third floor bathroom. Things

were definitely more than a little awkward for a week between them, but

in the end, they grew closer because of the shared embarrassing secret.

This secret had created a bond between him and the Slytherin. No longer

was Theo a potential enemy because of his father, but now a close friend

he was willing to trust secrets with. None of his friends knew of the

horcruxes, besides Fleur, but Theo would be the first to know, followed

by Daphne and then Neville. Amelia had specifically asked him to never

tell Susan of the horcruxes for some reason, but he would honor her


"Hey Theo." Harry said once the short haired brunette walked over to

them. It was now commonplace for others to see Harry in the company of

Slytherins and so no one questioned. In fact, because of his Defense Club,

the house divide had become less of an issue. Still, the older Slytherins,

most of them remaining in the pocket of Malfoy and suspected Death

Eater pupils, kept their distance. The younger snakes had become quick

friends with their year-mates and others such as Theo, Blaise, Antony

Arguille, Francessca Bellore, and David Yates, became fast friends with

Harry and his friends.

Slytherin house as a whole was fracturing, much to Harrys pleasure. The

other three houses were now firmly on his side, and because of this, he

was the de facto head of the students. Not even the Head boy or girl had

as much power as him in the school.

"You shouldn't trust Molly Weasley." Theodore said, sitting down at his

and Daphne's table. Harry didn't even bother to act surprised. His

Slytherin friend was excellent at garnering information, information he

shouldn't really know.

"I don't. Neither do the Weasleys, but it isn't my call to way in on the

outcome of her. She is their mum after all. They have to make their own

decisions about family."

Daphne rolled her eyes, "You're too noble. She is a threat to you. She has

betrayed you and a close friend once before, whats to say she won't do it


"I know she is very capable of being apart of one of Dumbledores

schemes. I suspect that is the case, but still, I cannot make decisions for

the Weasley family. I will deal with Molly if and when she becomes a

threat to me, but I leave her to the Weasleys to deal with for now. I won't

become another Dumbledore or Voldemort, meddling in the affairs of


"That way of thinking will get you killed." Theo stated.

"I would rather die than become the oppressive, meddling wizards that

Dumbledore and Voldemort are."

Theo sighed, "I know. That's why we're friends. But power can corrupt

even the best of men."

Theo is a scholar, studying the ancient Greek and Roman philosophers.

He would often quote Socrates, Plato, Seneca, and Pliny. All of them

would say the same thing, that humans were inherently greedy, self-

preservative at heart.

Harry prided himself on going against the norm. He liked to think he

wasn't doing the things he does for himself, but for others. He didn't like

his fame or the power it came with, but he understood he had a

responsibility to use his power for the greater good of the people.

Daphne shook her head, "Harrys power isn't in his magical abilities. It's in

his ability to instill confidence and motive in others." She turned to face

Harry. "People follow you. You are a natural leader, one that people will

follow to the ends of the earth."

"You always have a unique way of looking at my situation."

Theo chuckled, "That's why you talk to her isn't it?" Daphne ignored her

friends comment and went back to reading the homework.

"Have you figured this shit out yet?" Harry asked Fleur. He began

punching the golden egg. Anything at this point would be a good idea. It

was just three weeks until the event of the second task and he was

becoming desperate.

"'Arry, we agreed to not discuss ze tournament with eachozzer." Fleur

responded. They both sat on her bed in the Beuaxbatons carriage. Harry

and Fleurs egg sat in-between them. They had both agreed to not reveal

any of the details of the clue. After all, they were both naturally

competitive individuals. Neither of them had yet to crack the clue

however, and Harry especially was becoming anxious about it.

He didn't like not knowing what the coming task was. Maybe it was his

paranoia when it came to others stacking this event against him, hoping

he would die, or simply the fact that even if the tournament wasn't

stacked against him, he could die anyways. Both Voldemort and

Dumbledore had clear investment in this tournament and that made him

especially uneasy. The worst part was that he was being forced to go

through with it all.

"I know, I was just spying." Harry said cheekily. Fleur grinned, wrapping

her arms around Harrys neck.

"Oh?" She pressed her lips onto Harrys. The kiss quickly grew passionate

like their others had. This time Fleur wasn't content with just kissing. Her

desires had begun to demand more, and she knew Harry wanted more as

well, but was just too noble to try anything. It was clear to her that she

would have to instigate most new things in their relationship.

Fleur guided Harry onto his back and straddled his waist. He moaned

into her lips as she began to grind into him. Her hand grabbed his and

she guided it under her blue robes so that his hand touched bare flesh.

His touch burned with greater desire and it gradually moved upwards,

slowly and sensually until it reached her breasts.

He could feel her hardening nipples through her bra that she had on and

it only served to increase his growing desire more. Fleur grounded her

hips into him more causing him to gasp into her mouth. He instinctively

ran his other hand beneath her robes and grasped her other breast

causing her to moan.

Knock! Knock! The door was pounded on twice. Fleur broke their kiss and

sighed, "Go away!" She shouted at the door. Neither of them had time to

move from their compromising and embarrassing position as the door

burst open.

"Fleur? Oh 'arry! 'ow are-oh!" Madame Maxime stopped her greeting,

seeing Harrys hands still up Fleurs robes and her on top of him. Her eyes

quickly dimmed, but a faint trace of amusement showed in them.

"Fleur!" Aimee shouted, barging into the room. "Oh!" She quickly covered

her eyes, also seeing her friends compromising position.

"Whats going on?" Gabrielle asked, also stepping into the room. "Sis!" She

shouted, seeing her sister, red faced and too stunned to move. Gabbi and

Appoline had stayed the last two weeks to catch up with Fleur and be

close to her. Sebastien luckily wasn't here, being a busy man in France

had its benefits for both Fleur and Harry.

"Fleur?...Fleur!" Appoline exclaimed, walking in after hearing the


Both Fleur and Harry stared wide eyed at their new audience, both going

deep shades of red. Harry was completely frozen, forgetting that he still

had his hands underneath his girlfriends robes. Fleur was just as frozen,

not thinking to get off of her boyfriend.

Several seconds passed before Fleur got passed her stunned state. "You

could knock!" She shouted, jumping off of Harry.

"I did. 'ello 'Arry." Madame Maxime said pleasantly, trying to make this

situation a little less awkward. Both Appoline and Aimee were now

giggling like little girls while Gabbi's small mouth dropped in a cute way

and her eyes stared wide-eyed at her older sister in disbelief.

"Hello, Madame. Gabbi, Appoline, Aimee." He replied with an awkward

and nervous smile. He quickly adjusted his shirt that had become ruffled

and untucked somehow.

"Relaxing a bit I see?" Appoline said through her giggles.

Harry choked on air and Fleur slapped him on the back. "Mama! What

are all of you doing 'ere anyways?" Fleur asked, her arms crossing across

her chest.

"It's time for dinner!" Gabbi said.

"Really? All of you barged into my room because it's time for dinner!"

Fleur shouted, causing the other four witches to flinch back.

"We didn't know you had company." Appoline reasoned.

"I-er-should get going. It's dinner time after all." Harry stuttered, getting

up off the bed. He quickly hurried out of the room before anyone could

stop him, desperate to escape the awkward situation he found himself in.

Fleurs eyes rolled back and she collapsed back onto her bed. "Sorry."

Appoline winced when a blue flame fireball shot in her direction. The

three women hurried out of her room, dinner plans were quickly


Harry rushed out of the Beauxbatons carriage as quickly as he could. A

few of the Beauxbatons students stopped him to ask when the next

Defense Club meeting was, but other than that, he was able to make his

escape easily.

His face was the most odd mixture of shock and embarrassment, yet he

couldn't stop smiling. He could still feel Fleurs warm flesh on his hands

and the feeling of her grinding onto him. This was new in their

relationship and he definitely liked it. If her family hadn't barged into

their room, he wandered how far they would have gotten. He had heard

stories from the older students about what goes on between girls and

guys, but to experience it was another thing. He was excited to begin

experiencing the advantages of having a girlfriend. All he and Fleur

needed was a place to not be interrupted by others.

Harry was lost in his day dream when he ran right into Cedric in the

entrance hall. "Harry!" Cedric exclaimed, stepping back. "Just the man I

wanted to see!"

Harry looked at Cedric oddly, "Why'd you want to see me?"

"What I can't talk to my friend?" Cedric then leaned in and whispered

into Harrys ear "I've found the clue to the second task."

Harrys eyes widened, "You did?"

Cedric nodded his head, "I suggest taking the egg to the prefects

bathroom." He stated somewhat cryptically.

"The prefects bathroom?" Harry questioned skeptically.

"Water is the key." Harry cursed under his breath. Daphnes wild guess

was apparently correct. He would never tell her that of course, otherwise

he wouldn't hear the end of it from her.

"Thank you." Harry whispered back.

"So, what put that goofy smile on your face?" Cedric asked in a

lighthearted tone. Harrys blush came back in full force as the imagery of

his time with Fleur came back. Cedric saw right through it at once. "Ahh,

Fleur. I can only imagine."

"That better not be the case Ced!" Cho stated, walking up to them from

behind. She looped her arm through Cedrics and squinted her eyes at her


Cedric began stuttering, "N-no. O-of course I don't imagine a-any other

girl sweetums. You're my world of course."

Cho placed a chaste kiss on Cedrics lips, "Good." She then looked at

Harry. "But I don't blame you, Fleur is hot, no denying that."

Harry sighed, his goofy grin returning, "Yeah..."

Harry snuck his way into the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor. It was

already twelve A.M, just after his nightly training, and so no prefects

would be there. He stripped his clothes and grabbed his golden egg that

he took along with him.

He opened it and tossed it into the large pool-like bath. Not noticing any

reaction, he dove under water to retrieve it but instead of the normal

deafening shrieks that came from the egg, he heard beautiful music and

an entrancing voice.

Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching ponder this;

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour, the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.

He waited for a little while longer to see if anything else was said, but

simply, the song repeated itself. It was clear from the get go that

something important to him would be taken away, and that it would be

hidden under the Black Lake.

The thought angered him greatly, because he knew the ministry wouldn't

think to use material things. No, they would use people, they were what

most people put greatest value on. Since Fleur was a contestant herself,

that would only leave one person he cared for above all others...Daphne.

A fierce anger swelled in him at the thought of her being taken against

her will and dragged into the depths of the Black Lake. It was one thing

for him to participate against his will in this contest, but for one of his

friends, his closest friend, it was unthinkable.

He didn't even bother to grab his shirt or dry himself off as he stormed

out of the prefects baths. Luck would have it, he ran right into Professor

Snape on his way to the Headmistress' office. "Potter! Out after hours I

see." He sneered, his black cloak billowing behind him as he came to a

stop in front of Harry.

"Don't mess with me Snape, it'll only end with you on the floor...again."

Harry hissed back, making to step by the professor.

Snape had other plans and stepped in front of Harry, pulling his wand

and training it on Harry. "I don't think so. Not this time. You get away

with the rules too much, and Dumbledore may not be here any longer,

but that doesn't mean you can disregard school rules anytime you wish."

Harry narrowed his eyes, stepping closer to the potions master and

making zero attempts to grab his own wand. "I would be very careful if I

were you Snivellus. You no longer have any real power here, and once I

have passed the new legislation in the Wizengamot next week, you will

be out of a job." Severus' normally pale face turned a deep shade of

purple and his wand arm began to shake with rage. "I suggest you get out

of my way before I put you down. I have business with the headmistress."

He said, his voice cold. Severus' eyes widened, recognizing the same cold

hiss from another powerful wizard he knew all too well.

His wand lowered and he stepped to the side. Harry brushed passed him,

his shoulder bumping into Snape and knocking him backwards onto the

railing of the stairs. Severus watched as Harry disappeared down the

other corridor and up into the Headmistress' office with a fearful look on

his face.

"Harry?" Professor McGonagall rubbed her eyes, having just been woken

up by her favored student barging into her office. The Headmistress'

quarters were within her office so that she could hear anyone walking

into her office along with anyone trying to floo her.

She walked out and sat into her office chair, adjusting her nightgown to

cover some of her bare skin. Harry didn't care that his former head of

house and new headmistress was somewhat scantily clad. Fawkes

appeared on his shoulder in a flash of fire, nibbling at his ear


Just three days ago, Fawkes and Hedwig had met for the first time.

Hediwg had come into the Great Hall during breakfast to deliver a

message from Sirius while Fawkes was perched on his shoulder. Both

birds had a stare down that lasted several minutes before Fawkes slapped

Hedwig across the head with his large wing.

What happened next would go down in Hogwarts history as the great

bird war of '94. Fawkes and Hediwg slapped each other repeatedly to

kingdom come and no wizard, not even Harry could stop the both of


After both birds eventually grew tired, they came to a somewhat

unsteady peace. "Bloody bird-thing. How can you stand it?" Fawkes asked in

his head. Harry simply rolled his eyes and watched as Hedwig flew off

into the distance after she had stolen some of his bacon. He just

pretended that they hit it off famously and were the best of friends.

"What the hell is going on with the second task!" Harry demanded more

than asked.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for swearing." McGonagall responded in her

normal stern voice. Harrys one had woken her up quickly.

"What do you mean?" She asked much more sincerely.

"Do you know what the second task is?" He asked, his eyes dangerous.

"I was informed, yes." She responded coolly.

"And you're allowing it to happen!" He exclaimed in shock.

"I'm not sure what the clue in the egg hinted at Harry, but I can assure

you, no one, or anything will be in harms way." She tried to pacify his

angry mood.

"You can guarantee that?" He asked skeptically.

"I can't really, but unfortunately I don't have any real power to overturn

the tasks already set." Minerva stated after several seconds of pause. "I'm

sure you already figured out it's a person being taken for the task. I will

say they won't be taken against their will."

"And who can overturn this task?"

"Bartemius. Well, I guess Percy can now that he has stepped in." Harry

didn't wait any longer and walked out of the office. "Poor Weasley."

Minerva muttered, walking back to her bed in the back of her office.

Harry banged his fist on the door to Percy Weasleys private quarters. It

took a quick conversation with Professor Flitwick to figure out where it

was and to explain why he was out of bed at late hours. "What-What!"

Percy shouted, opening the door. "Harry! What are you doing here?"

Harry stepped into Percys room and grabbed him by the collar and

shoved him up against a nearby wall. He glanced around and saw

pictures of a girl he recognized as Penelope Clearwater. As far as he

knew, they had broken up, but maybe they had gotten back together.

"Change the damned second task!" Harry hissed.

"I-I cant." Percy stuttered, his eyes widened in fear.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I don't have the power to change the tasks!"

"And who does?"

"Only Barty does, my boss."

Harry released the stuttering Weasley, allowing him to slump to the floor,

"How is that possible?"

"It's in the bi-laws of the tournament. You aren't the first person to

disagree with a tournaments design. Because of this, only one person is

allowed to legally change the tasks after they've been created."

"Y-yes. I-Im sure." Percy pleaded. Harry allowed himself to use a little

light legilemency and found Percy wasn't lying to him.

"If anything happens to my friends in this task, I will blame you first and

foremost. Understand?" He threatened. Percy nodded fervently as Harry

walked out of his room. Harry didn't notice the door shatter into splinters

or the stone warp and curve as his magic thrashed in anger around him.

Awloude Veriea! Thick black whips shot from Harrys wand and attempted

to wrap around both Sirius and Remus' hands. Sirius was lucky enough to

be moving at that very moment and dodged the spell, but Remus was hit

by it.

His wand dropped from his grasp and Harry wandlessly summoned it

before it even hit the floor. Sirius sent a hexing blast at Harry that caught

him slightly off guard for a moment. In a split second reaction, he raised

Remus' wand that he just acquired and blocked the spell, while at the

same time, responding with his own blasting hex.

The move caught Sirius completely unawares and knocked him off his


"What the hell." Sirius muttered, getting back to his feet with the help of

Remus. "That's new."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. He was still grasping both of the

wands in either hand.

"I've never heard of anyone using two wands at once." Remus spoke up

for Sirius who was still trying to get his breath.

Harry looked down at both of the wands curiously. He turned and faced a

few practice dummies. He concentrated and took careful aim with both

wands. Stupefy! Two red jets of light came out of both wands and struck

their intended targets. "Wha-..." Sirius' voice broke off. Harry felt slightly

more drained than he normally would when performing a simple

stunning spell, but it wasn't anything too drastic.

"That isn't normal?" He asked, looking at his two shocked father figures.

Remus shook his head, "We should know by now that nothing is as

expected when it comes to you."

"So using two wands isn't something either of you can do I take it?"

Sirius shook his head, "I've only ever heard of one other that could use

two wands at once." Sirius said, his face turning grim.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Grindelwald. He supposedly used two wands and that it was a rare

technique." Remus supplied.

Harry looked back down at the two wands in his hands curiously. He

again raised them and pointed them at the two dummies nearby. Avercio!

A black smoky sword from each wand shot out and pierced each dummy.

"Wow." Harry stated. "I know I blew it with the animagus training, but

this, this could be my upper hand."

Both Sirius and Remus nodded their heads, "I believe it could be. Mind if

I have my wand back?" Remus asked.

Harry tossed him back his wand and sheathed his own. "Since you

displayed this new ability, we should get you a secondary wand."

"Is that possible? I though the ministry put strict recommendations on


"They do, but I'm sure we can persuade Ollivander to keep a secret."

Sirius said.

"Does the Black library have anything on Grindelwald?"

Sirius shrugged, "I can check. It's most likely they do, him being one of

the darkest wizards of all time and everything."

"How is it that I'm always linked in someway to powerful dark wizards?"

Harry sighed.

"They may have been dark, evil men, but there is no denying their

greatness." Sirius responded. Harry was reminded of his first conversation

with Ollivander when getting his first wand.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Remus


Sirius rolled his eyes, "Look at you using fancy quotes." He mocked his


"I'm surprised you even recognized that it was a quote."

"Hey! I read." Sirius defended.

"You do? Who did I quote then?" Remus asked, folding his arms.

Sirius squinted, "Hhhhenry-" he stretched out, trying to discern clues from

Remus if he was in any way right.

"John Dalhberg-Acton." Harry answered for Sirius.

"Yeah, thats the one!" Sirius pointed at Harry.

Remus ignored his friend and looked at Harry. "Hermione quote?"

Harry chuckled, "The girl is an endless book of quotes."

Harry walked into Ollivanders shop the next day. He wore a thick black

cloak that covered his whole body. No one had noticed him apparate on

the arm of Remus who was also clad in a black cloak. Sirius was

currently in a meeting with Fudge and couldn't attend his second wand

choosing. Ollivander had been told of their meeting by Sirius just last

night and so was expecting them.

They went on this trip with only Minerva knowing, wishing to keep the

news of his newfound talent as quiet as possible. The only other person

Harry had told was Fleur, who swore to keep his excursion quiet and

cover for him back at Hogwarts.

The shop was empty as it usually was this time of year. Ollivander

garnered most of his business from incoming 1st years to Hogwarts and

so he was now relatively light on customers. "Mr Potter!" Garrick

exclaimed, walking to the front counter from the back of the shop. "Such

a pleasure to see you again. What a marvelous display at the first task."

"Thank you Mr. Ollivander. You know why we are here?"

Ollivander nodded fervently, "Yes, yes. Curious, a need for a second


"I appear to have an unusual talent that needs kept hidden."

Ollivander studied Harry for a moment before his eyes lit up in

excitement. "A duelist!" he shouted gleefully. "How wonderful! It's been a

long time since I have had the pleasure!"

Harrys demeanor turned confused, "A duelist?"

"Yes, yes. A duelist. A user of two wands! Am I correct?" Harry nodded.

"Splendid! I knew you were meant for great things!"

"Err, do you mind explaining what a duelist is?"

"Ah, right. Of course. A duelist is simply a user of two wands. You possess

the rare ability to perform two spells at once, and have the necessary

power to do so. So few do. The last on record was of course Grindelwald.

Rare your type is."

"Right." Harry said lamely, not sure how to respond.

"Now to find you a second wand. How exciting!" Ollivander rushed into

the back of his shop without hesitation. He reappeared a minute later

with a dusty old box. Harry grasped the near black wand and gave it a

flourish. Nothing happened other than a few wand boxes flew off their

shelf. "Hmmm, not right."

Again, Ollivander dissapeared, only to reappear a moment later with

another wand. This continued for another thirty minutes and it left

everyone rather irritated by the end. "Hmmm, I wonder." Ollivander

stroked his hairless chin.

Harry rolled his eyes, recognizing the same look on the old wandmakers

face the first time he had received his wand. "Figure it out?" Harry asked

rather irritably. It was never Ollivanders intention to make things easy

when it came to choosing a wand. Frankly, Harry thought the old

wandmaker was rather lonely and liked to keep his customers in the store

for as long as possible. Or simply he was just batty.

"I think I know the solution. Hold on." Again Ollivander disappeared into

the back of his shop, and returned with a much more clean and new box.

Harry opened it up to see a bright white wand with a bone handle. The

bone was carved to look like a Gryffin and the white wood was etched

with several runes along with the words, "Light from Darkness." It was

easily the most fancy and unique wand he had ever seen.

As soon as Harry touched the wand, he felt the familiar warmth he

normally had when he had his Holly and Phoenix feather wand in hand.

The air around him swirled with magic and the pure white wand shot out

green sparks as opposed to his Holly wand that usually shot out red


"I should have known." Ollivander muttered, watching the display of the

wand with interest.

"Should have known what?" Harry asked, turning the wand over to study

every inch.

"You possess a wand with the same wand core of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-

Named. It is only right if you possess a second wand with the same wood

type as Him. The core is a rather rare and fragile core that I created more

with experimentation in mind than actual use."

"What is the core?"

"Basilisk venom. In fact, it's the very same basilisk venom taken off the

basilisk you slayed. I think it only right that the wand you now possess

comes from your past and future conquers. Yew wood and basilisk

venom, a one of a kind wand for a one of a kind wizard."

"Voldemorts wand is yew with a bone handle?" Remus asked, his eyes

slightly wide with fear. He took several cautious glances at the white

wand Harry held in his hand. Harry could tell he somewhat recognized

the wand in his hand, but their was no denying it was somewhat different

from Voldemorts.

"Yes, though his handle is shaped into a serpent. Harrys is a Gryffin. The

difference is small, but small enough I think."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. He had an idea at what the old

wandmaker was getting at, but he wanted to hear it in words.

"I said three years ago that I would expect great things from you, Mr.

Potter. I feel I have been vindicated on that claim, yet I feel you have

much more to contribute to our world. Voldemort and you are similar,

yet different. Your wands are just an example to the closeness you share,

but the subtle differences in them are what make you truly unique."

"Harry is not like Voldemort!" Remus exclaimed.

Ollivander chuckled, his eyes never leaving Harrys. "No, he is not. Yet, he


Sorry about the slow updates over the last couple of weeks. Finished

moving and so I should have updates coming out quicker again.

Thank you to everyone that has taken to read my story, review,

favorite, and follow. It means a lot to me that so many of you are

interested in what I write.

20. The Second Task

Harry walked down to the Black Lake with Tracy by his side. It was a

normal cloudy, wintry day in Scotland, and though no snow had fallen, it

was still freezing out. Luckily the swim trunks he had been given were

charmed to keep him warm while under the lake. "She'll be fine Harry,

stop worrying." Tracy had informed him earlier this morning that

McGonagall had approached Daphne and taken her away. His fears were

confirmed and that she was most likely the 'prize' at the bottom of the

Black Lake.

"Still, I don't like this." Harry muttered, continuing to walk. He kept his

hands in his pockets, his right pocket holding his key to potentially

winning this competition. Fleur was full of herself, believing she could

win this task despite her natural disadvantage with water. Veela were

naturally not fond of the water, and worse, they were mortal enemies of

the mermaids. It didn't bold well for her, but she continued to display her

confidence about the second task so Harry didn't question her.

He was a little worried for her, but he told himself that he couldn't

always be on the look out for her. After all, she was three years older

than him and completely capable of defending herself. He couldn't

always be there for her and so he trusted her to be able to formulate a

plan to get through this tough task, and if not, get herself out safely.

Fleur had shown a little sign of worry this morning when Gabbrielle

hadn't shown up, but Harry had done his best to comfort her.

He got closer to the platforms where several small boats were constantly

being ferried back and forth. Three large wooden platforms sat in the

middle of the Black Lake, connected by small bridges. Harry wondered

just how the spectators would be able to see them under the lake. It

couldn't be all that great of a spectacle if no one could see anything. But

maybe, that was intentional.

As Harry crossed the Black Lake on the small dingy with Tracy, he

fumbled with his one wand. Sirius had thought it best to leave behind his

Yew wand for this task. Any number of things could happen under the

water, and they didn't want to blow the secret of him being able to use

two wands yet.

"Ready for this?" Tracy asked once they sat foot on the platform.

"Should be a cake walk." Harry said more to convince himself than Tracy.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. However, he wasn't really

nervous for himself, instead, he was nervous for Fleur, Gabbi, Daphne,

and Hermione, who had also disappeared this morning, most likely being

Krums 'item' to rescue.

Harry walked over to where Fleur, Cedric, and Krum were already

standing. Tracy took her place in one of the raised platforms beside

Susan, Hannah, and Neville. Fleur embraced Harry quickly, pecking him

lightly on the lips. Neither said a word, as both of them were focusing on

the task at hand.

Cedric and Krum both watched the water silently and didn't even lift

their heads when Harry walked up to them. Both of them were in deep


"Welcome all to the second task of the 212th TriWizard Tournament!"

Ludo Bagman shouted into his microphone. He had apparently taken over

announcements since Barty Sr. was off in the wind. The current rumor

regarding the former Department of International Magical Cooperation

Head was that he was disposed of by the goblins due to gambling debts.

No one from the ministry could find him and as such, they had given up

looking. The goblins kept quiet on the matter.

Percy Weasley stood off to the side, not too far away. He had stayed quiet

the last several weeks ever since his brief encounter with Harry in his

lodging. Despite Harrys own investigations, he couldn't find any

tampering into the second task, and as such, didn't look further into

Percy. He was firmly in the pocket of Fudge and Umbridge, but that

wasn't necessarily a problem for him.

The Wizarding Wireless Radio had also joined the second task to bring

live commentary on the TriWizard Tournament. This only added pressure

to the champions since now their performance was being broadcast

across the whole wizarding world.

"As you have already guessed, the second challenge involves water!" Ludo

exclaimed, hoping to draw some laughter, but his lame attempt at a joke

fell short. He recovered quite well though, " Our champions will have to

rescue a beloved friend from the depths of the horrid Black Lake." He

played up dramatically.

Harry rolled his eyes. He had now taken many dives into the lake with

Sirius and Remus, and none of those occasions had resulted in a

dangerous situation. Grindylows were the only real threat as far as he

was concerned, as long as he didn't piss off the normally passive giant

squid that is.

Harry scowled at Ludo, he still wasn't happy about his friend being used

in this event. Despite the reassurances that she would be safe, he still

held his reservations. Fleur also had shown some discontent with her

sister being taken. Both had vowed to each other to rescue the others

hostage just in case they couldn't for some reason.

"This task will test our champions ingenuity to overcome a difficult

obstacle while being timed. They have one hour to complete the task,

which involves rescuing their hostage from the mermaids that hold them,

and returning to the surface. Are you ready champions?" Ludos voice

echoed across the lake as the crowd went silent, anxiously waiting for the

start of the second task.

Many of the students, and even some of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

students cheered for Harry and held signs of encouragement. After his

first task and his recent Defense Club teachings, he had become the

favorite of the tournament.

Cedric and Krum both took off their shirts to reveal their bare chest. Both

being Quidditch players were fit and several of the girls nearby nearly

swooned at the sight of their tight, six pack abs. Harry followed suit and

set aside his shirt, leaving him only in the muggle swimming trunks

Sirius had bought for him.

Several people gasped and pointed once they saw Harry's body. Several

scars decorated his pale skin, showing the signs of his past battles. Harry

noticed that no one was laughing or even looking at him with pity, but

instead with reverence. The scars proved his stories true and only

furthered their faith in him. Fleur gave him a soft smile, she had already

seen him without his shirt, and the fact that she didn't care about them

was all that mattered.

"Good, good. We begin in 3...2...1!" The sound of a cannon blasted off.

The three champions dove immediately into the water. Harry hung back

and reached into his swimsuit pocket. He heard a scream as Filch fell into

the lake due to the backlash of the cannon blast that sent him off his

small, high platform. Harry ignored the amusing moment and pulled out

a large glob of Gillyweed, a plant that made the user grow gills and

webbed feet and hands.

Harry downed the gunk in one gulp and did his best to not throw up the

contents. A split second later, he began to feel pain in his neck, feet, and

hands. He more collapsed into the Black Lake than dove. Once in the

water, he found that he could easily breath and move about. Even his

eyes had adjusted to being underwater, and unlike his normal excursions

into the Black Lake, he could actually see quite well.

He thanked Neville and Dobby for the Gillyweed. His Gryffindor friend

had alerted him to the plant and his house elf had gone out to get it for

him. It wasn't a cheap or common plant, but once Dobby had said he was

the house elf of The Harry Potter, it all of a sudden became a very

common plant.

Harry took in his surroundings, he caught a glimpse of Krum who had

transfigured his head into a shark. He wondered how that would effect

the Durmstrang champions brain and if he kept full faculties of his mind

with that kind of transfiguration.

Fleur and Cedric had both opted for the Bubble-Head charm. Fleur and

Krum were moving off to the north side of the lake where Harry already

knew to be the majority of Grindelows. Indeed, a colony of mermaids

lived in the seaweed forest on that side, but the major mermaid city was

located to the southern side where Cedric and himself had begun

swimming towards. It was a fifty-fifty chance on which pair would be

right. Fleur and Krum clearly figured that going closer to danger was

more likely to get better results. Cedric and Harry had taken the opposite

view that since this event was timed, the southern city which was farther

away, was where their friends were.

Harry continued on into the depths of the lake and quickly lost sight of

Cedric who had been trailing behind him. Because of his webbed feet and

hands, he was much quicker in the water. He reached a large clump of

seaweed that he knew was the border to the city. It was the only

southern area with any grindylows and was the only real obstacle to the


Harry pulled his wand out and began cutting a larger path through. He

could see flashes of red a little to left of him. Cedric had apparently

caught up to him. Harry worked quicker until he made it to the other

side without coming across a single grindylow.

Once out of the seaweed, he saw the main mermaid city under the Black

Lake. All of the white marble Romanesque buildings, were set up in a

circle. They all faced the center square where a group of mermaids

holding tridents and wearing some kind of armor, circled four figures

that floated lifelessly in place.

Harry cautiously approached the mermaids and they all stopped to watch

him carefully. He hesitantly swam passed, into the middle of the circle

where Daphne, Cho, Hermione, and Gabbrielle were floating. Still, the

mermaids watched him cautiously but none of them made to stop him.

Harry however wasn't yet going to save Daphne or Gabbi just yet. He had

vowed to Fleur to make sure Gabbi got out of the lake but Fleur still had

time to rescue her sister herself. He checked on the four victims and

made sure they weren't hurt in any way. Satisfied that they were okay, he

waited for the other champions.

Cedric wasn't too far behind. He had a few scratches and fairly deep cut

on his left leg from a grindylow but was otherwise fine. After a brief

conversation, Cedric left with Cho and took her to safety. Harry

frequently glanced at his watch as time began to pass with no sign of

either Krum or Fleur.

Harry studied one of the guards that stood most closely to him. The

mermaid was also watching Harry with the same curiosity. This mermaid

looked a little uncomfortable in the water which struck Harry as odd, but

then again, he didn't know many mermaids and couldn't speculate on

their normal behavior. Maybe this mermaid was just nervous about Harry

being so near him and his home.

He began to get a little nervous as more time passed and their was only

fifteen minutes left. Krum shortly afterwards burst through the seaweed

field, and without stopping, freed Hermione and left. Harry began to get

more and more worried about Fleur, and when there was only five

minutes left, he decided he had waited long enough. He only had taken

enough gillyweed for one hour, and so not only was time running out on

the competition, but time was running out with his air supply.

Harry moved over to Daphne first and cut her binds with a cutting curse

and then moved over to Gabbi to do the same. Once the spell had severed

her ropes, he tried to grab the younger veelas arm but immediately felt a

trident to the back.

"I have to save her!" Harry shouted, his words slightly muffled by the

water. He turned to see the same mermaid that had struck him as a little

odd, now with his trident poking him dangerously in the gut.

"Only one!" The mermaid responded. Harry began to feel completely

uneasy about this situation. How did this mermaid know how to speak

English? Clearly this mermaid saw Harrys confused look and growled.

The mermaid reached out and tried to grab Harrys arm. Harry reacted

instinctively and sent a severing curse at the mans wrist. It cut through

with ease causing the mermaid to cry out in pain. Blood began to spurt

from the wound and muddle the waters around them.

Harry saw as the other mermaids swam into motion, bringing their

tridents up to defend their fellow mermaid. Harry sent a blasting hex at

the nearest mermaid that tried to impale him with its trident, catching

the mermaid in the armor and sending it tumbling backwards into

another charging mermaid.

This bought Harry some time and he grabbed both Daphne and Gabbi

and shoved them upwards as hard as he could and pointed his wand at

their feet. Bellea Pulso! Both girls shot up through the water as the

propulsion charm whisked them to safety, or at least Harry hoped it


Just as he was about to do the same for himself, he felt piercing pain as a

trident successfully stabbed him in the shin. Harry could see the barbed

point sticking out the other end. The trident was ripped out, causing even

more damage to his shin. Harrys occlumency shields locked down

immediately and blocked out any pain.

Harry turned and saw the now one-handed mermaid with his bloody

trident and it made to stab him again. A large golden necklace with a

locket had fallen out of the mermaids armor.

He wasted no time in shooting two piercing hexes at the mermaid,

connecting with the forehead and mouth. Harrys adrenaline had caused

the deadly spells to be a little more powerful than usual, leaving large

holes that connected with each other, forming an outline of an eight.

Blood and brains scattered into the water, further murking the water.

Harrys leg was also bleeding profusely, adding his own blood to the

water. Making things worse, he began to feel discomfort in his hands,

neck, and feet as the webbing disappeared along with his gills. The

gillyweed was wearing off as his hour was up. Just before his gills left, he

took one last gulp of air.

Seeing their own comrade fall sent the other mermaids into an even

worse fury. Without the webbed feet and gills, Harry was very slow, and

he wasn't a good swimmer to begin with. The mermaids swam around

him in a blue and the clear vision Harry enjoyed while having the

gillyweed was gone. The lake was very dark and he struggled to see the


He barely managed to dodge being skewered as a trident flew passed his

side. Harry quickly transfigured it into an electric eel then hit it with a

magnifying charm. The eels electricity shocked the mermaid holding it

and nearly killed it. He was quickly losing any air and could feel the

pressure for him to breathe increase more and more.

Harry saw a spurt of blood as another trident was able to nick his

shoulder. Harry blasted the wielder of that trident without even looking,

relying fully on his instincts to guide him through this fight. He cursed

not having his second wand with him. Never again would he be going

anywhere without it if he made it out of this alive.

Diffindo! The severing charm cut another trident in half that was trying to

impale him in the neck. Harry ducked a second trident that was aimed

for head and snapped off a bombarda to knock the mermaid back. The

need for air was becoming impossible to ignore and he knew he had to

get out of this quickly otherwise the mermaids weren't going to be what

killed him.

Harry began to wrack through the spells he knew to help him get out of

this. Being underwater and attacked by a swarm of mermaids wasn't

exactly something he trained for. Thinking quickly, Harry thought back

to a spell that was designed for displacing air. He had no clue how the

spell would work underwater though.

Veleaum Egrio! A shockwave of air rippled on all sides of him and pushed

outwards. It worked the same as it would above water, blasting back any

nearby mermaid that came at him from any side. Harry used the time to

point at his own feet, Bellea Pulso!

Immediately he began to shoot upwards through the water, quickly

leaving the city behind him. He felt something sharp stab into his foot

and saw that a mermaid was trailing behind him, having been able to

hang onto the trident it used to stab him. He couldn't any longer think

straight, his brain was calling for air and nothing else.

He briefly saw a burst of red light and the stunned body of the mermaid

fall back down. Several arms grabbed onto him as Harry could no longer

fight the need for air. His brain forced himself to breath and the pain and

panic of water filling his lungs shattered his occlumency shields causing

him to promptly passed out.

"He's waking up!" A familiar females voice shouted from somewhere

above him. Immediately he felt a soft warm hand intertwine with his.

Harry grumbled as he slowly opened his eyes to take in his surroundings.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter." Harry moaned, recognizing the voice of

Madame Pomfrey. He blinked away the grogginess and focused in on the

pair of gorgeous bright blue eyes that smiled brilliantly at him. He could

see traces of tears in them, but they held no real sadness, just joy.

"Fleur." He said, his throat hoarse and he winced slightly at the pain of

talking. Fleur couldn't hold back any longer and jumped at him, giving

Hermione a run for her money when it came to fierce hugs. Harrys vision

was obscured by silver and he buried his faced into her soft neck, pecking

her lightly with his lips.

"Are you okay?" He asked into her neck.

He felt her nod, and the feeling of her lips repeatedly pressing into his

own neck, "Ze grindylows dragged me under and I could not escape. Ze

aurors 'ad to come to rescue me."

"Ahem." Madame Pomfrey coughed to break the couple up. Harry glanced

around and saw Sirius, Remus, Appoline, and Sebastien around his bed

all smiling at him. Professor McGonagall stood not too far off with

Madame Bones, the both of them having a heated conversation about


"Gabbi? Daphne?" Harry questioned as Madame Pomfrey waved her

wand over him once Fleur had untangled herself from Harrys arms.

"Both are fine." Sirius responded. Harry sighed in relief. "How is he?"

Sirius asked Poppy. His godfather looked like he had aged more in the

last several hours than he had in all the years he spent in Azkaban.

Remus looked just as bad, but whether that was because the full moon

was almost here, or because he was worrying was impossible to tell.

Harry liked to think the latter.

"He'll be fine. His throat will be raw for another week. There isn't

anything I can really give him for that though. Otherwise, for nearly

drowning, he is perfectly fine." Poppy said, taking a step back once she

had finished her check up.

Harry glanced down at his foot which was throbbing and saw it wrapped

in a bandage, along with his shin and his shoulder. "You call this fine?"

He asked skeptically.

She smirked, "Compared to some of your other injuries? I think so." Harry

rolled his eyes as the others chuckled. Fawkes flashed into the room at

that moment and landed just above Harrys head.

"Oh, you're awake." Fawkes said in his normal uninterested, lazy voice.

"Concerned about me?" Harry mocked.

If a bird could roll its eyes, Fawkes would have done so, "Hardly. Stupid to

attack mermaids, especially when you can't even breathe." The others were

now used to Harrys one-sided conversations with Fawkes. They waited

patiently for them to finish what was usually bickering.

"I could've used your help y'know?"

"I'm not a real fan of water, plus I figured this was your task to do. If you're

killed by mermaids, it's not my fault."

"Sometimes I wonder if you're actually on my side." Harry muttered.

"I'm here to help you, not to constantly babysit you. Rowena used to tell me to

never save her if she got into a difficult situation. She liked figuring out ways

to save herself. Called it character building or something."

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly Rowena. If I'm about to die, I'd

greatly appreciate the help."

"Duly noted." Fawkes flashed back out of the hospital wing.

"What the hell happened with that one mermaid? He was acting

strangely, spoke English, then tried to grab me. I also saw some kind of

golden locket on him." Harry asked the group of adults once Fawkes left.

Madame Bones walked over and spoke up, "There are some things we

have to discuss." Harry noticed an odd beetle that seemed largely out of

place being in a castle. It was resting on a nearby bed and no one else

had spotted or cared to say something about it. Something about it was

odd but he didn't take too much notice of it, focusing more on Madame


"Like what?"

"We can't talk here. We can discuss things this evening in the room."

Harry eyed her curiously before nodding his head. The only other time

they had used the Room of Requirement for a meeting was when it

involved horcruxes. Whatever was going on was something that needed

to be kept secret.

"Who pulled me out?"

"A group of aurors that were on standby." Harry nodded.

Professor McGonagall opened the doors to the hospital wing and Harry

could see dozens of other students waiting outside for him. They all

quickly rushed through, eager to see Harry. Fleur didn't move from his

side and kept her hand grasped in his. The adults stepped back to allow

Harrys friends to crowd him.

"Five minutes and then he needs rest!" Poppy shouted to the students, all

of them ignoring her. The crowd of around thirty students all spoke out

at once and Harry couldn't discern anything from the wall of noise.

Gabbi pushed her way through and crawled up onto the bed and sat in

his lap, hugging him tightly. Daphne also managed her way through,

"You are too damned noble Potter!" She hissed angrily. He winced

slightly at the furious look she was giving him.

"You know me well enough that I couldn't leave behind this adorable

girl." He kissed the top of Gabbi's head affectionately earning a cute

giggle. He had come to see Gabbi as a little sister and him her big


Harry didn't know how much people had seen of his encounter with the

mermaids or what they suspected of the one he killed. He figured it best

right now to act like they knew nothing of what actually happened other

than that he tried to save two hostages.

"I'm assuming Cedric won?" Harry asked.

"You're damn right I did!" The crowd laughed as Cedric stepped forward

grinning. "I should have stayed behind as you did though." He said much

more quietly.

Harry shook his head, "Hogwarts needed to win and I wasn't ever going

to leave behind Daphne or Gabbi. So what was my score?"

"Forty-three points." Cedric said with a grin.

Harrys eyes went wide, "I actually got points? I didn't complete the


"Both Gabbi and Daphne made it to ze surface with a minute to spare,

which was what ze task was. Ze judges gave you extra points for saving

two 'ostages." Fleur explained.

"Fighting mermaids now Harry?" Fred said.

Harry shrugged, "They didn't take too kindly to me trying to rescue two

of their hostages."

"You know we were perfectly safe right? They wouldn't have actually left

us down there!" Daphne said, crossing her arms. She was clearly still

upset with him for risking his life carelessly.

"I didn't know for sure and couldn't take that chance of leaving behind

Gabbi or you." She huffed at his response.

"So how'd you do it? How'd you get out of there!" Neville asked, eager to

hear the story.

"Times up!" Professor McGonagall shouted, earning groans from the

students. "Out! He needs his rest. He can tell you the story later!" She

commanded them to leave Harry alone, only allowing Fleur and the

adults to stay behind.

"I take it they don't know a lot about what went on under the lake?"

Harry asked with raised eyebrows, once everyone else was out of the

hospital wing.

Sirius shook his head, "No, and we wouldn't have either except we

received the body of the mermaid you killed along with a note detailing

the events. Luckily Flitwick knows how to read Mermish." Harrys eyes

caught a glimpse of the beetle again landing back on the same bed

nearby. He didn't know much about beetles, but knew enough to see that

it was odd behavior and when his eyes rested on it, he caught a whiff of

intrigue course through his head as if he was catching a glimpse of

someones emotions.

That intrigue quickly turned to fear and Harry immediately knew what

was going on. The beetle took flight but Harry was quick and before

anyone could blink, Rita Skeeter fell from the sky and crashed to the

floor with a screech.

"What the-!" Professor McGonagall shouted, pulling her own wand from

her sleeve. Rita looked up sheepishly and adjusted her horn rimmed


"Miss Skeeter! Explain yourself!" Bones demanded.

"I heard nothin' I swear. Nothin' at all. I'll just get out of your hair now."

She tried to get up and step away but Bones grabbed her arm and threw

her back onto the ground, taking her arm and pinning it behind her back.

Harry was impressed with the elder Bones ability, but he really shouldn't

have been, she was the head of the DMLE for a reason.

"I don't recall you being an animagus." Bones accused.

"I'm registered and everything!" Rita fibbed. Amelia pushed even harder

on her arm making the blonde witch cry out further in pain. "Alright!

Alright! I'm n-not exactly registered!"

"And the spying on a private conversation? That's how you always get

your exclusives isn't it?" Bones questioned. Rita had been known to

publish some very private conversations between people. She seemed to

have a way in that no other reporter had. One of those conversations was

between Sirius and Emmy when Sirius had finally proposed to her.

Rita had broken the news to everyone just two weeks ago without Sirius

or Emmy having told a soul besides Harry about their engagement. They

wanted it to be a surprise later on, but she had gone and ruined it.

"I swear I won't write anything about what I've heard." Amelia let Rita's

arm go and pulled her back to her feet.

"No, I don't think you will." She silenced Rita and conjured a pair of

handcuffs that had basic runes on them to keep the wearer from using

magic. "I should get her back to the ministry. We'll discuss things later."

Bones stalked off with the handcuffed Rita in front of her.

"Well, that was interesting." Harry stated, breaking the silence that had

come over the group.

"How'd you know she was there?" Remus asked.

"I caught a wave of emotions that shouldn't naturally be coming from a

beetle. Then I put two and two together and figured she was an

animagus. I guess while in her beetle form, she had little control over her

occlumency training if she had any to begin with."

"What do you zink will 'appen to 'er?" Appoline asked.

Sirius shrugged, "Probably nothing more than a magical oath to keep her

from ever saying a word about our conversation here and she will

probably lose her job at the Prophet."

"She deserves worse for spying on people like that." Fleur growled. Harry

knew she was angry about a particular article about her and Harry. They

had small private disagreement over the second task a while back and

Rita had written an article about how Fleur 'refused to listen to her

boyfriend'. He wasn't happy with her participating in an underwater

event involving mermaids, being a veela and all, but she had quickly put

him back in his place.

"Trust me, her losing her job is probably the worst punishment

imaginable for that woman." Harry said.

"After that further excitement, we should probably leave. We'll see you

after dinner Harry." Professor McGonagall spoke up, bringing their

conversation to an end. Fleur parted ways with him, reluctantly leaving

Harry alone. He collapsed back onto his bed.

"No resting yet Mr. Potter. I need you to drink these two potions." Poppy

came back out of her office with two vials of red and green liquid.

"As long as it isn't Skele-Gro that's fine." Harry stated, sitting back up.

"One of them is." She said in way to cheery a tone for Harrys liking.

"Goddamnit." He muttered.

"This is amazing!" Harry shouted with joy.

"'Arry, stop! You're going to crash us!" Fleur screeched in fear. Harrys

laughter grew maniacal as he zoomed through the halls, forcing some

students who hadn't gone to dinner to duck out of the way. He sat on his

wheelchair that Professor McGonagall had transfigured for him and

Professor Flitwick had charmed it to fly. Large Pegasus wings were

attached to the back and would flap to keep the chair in flight.

Harry quickly put the flying chair through its paces, figuring out how fast

it could go. After he had been released for the evening by Poppy to go to

his meeting that was being held right after dinner, he hopped in his new

transport and flew into the Great Hall.

His appearance, being on a flying wheelchair no less, caused quite a riot.

Harry flashed Professor McGonagall a smile, who was giving Flitwick a

death glare like no other. Apparently the half-goblin hadn't told her of his


H swooped down and scooped Fleur into his arms before she could utter

a word and was back out of the Hall to the cheers of the other students.

He could hear their laughter as they flew away and up the staircases to

the seventh floor. Harry came to quick halt once they reached the door to

the Room of Requirement. Fleur let out a loud sigh of relief.

"That was fun!" Harry breathed out.

She slapped him playfully on the shoulder, "Never again." She got up and

opened the door for him. He manually wheeled himself into the Room

which was already made out to be a conference room. Madame Bones

was already there with Remus, Emmaline, Sebastien, and Appoline.

Appoline was gushing over Emmy's diamond engagement ring that sat on

her finger. Amelia was also looking over it, but gushing was not the word

Harry would use to describe her care for the ring.

"You two are early. I thought you were supposed to be at dinner?"

Sebastien asked once Fleur had pushed him over to the table.

Fleur glared at Harry who smiled back, "'e 'as found a new mode of

transportation eet would seem."

"Harry James Potter!" Professor McGonagalls voice shouted from just

outside the door.

"Always find a new way to get into trouble don't you Harry." Sebastien

said with a smirk on his face.

"I call it having a good time." Harry responded cheekily. "I think I'm

entitled to some fun after nearly drowning."

Professor McGonagall barged into the room with Sirius and Professor

Flitwick right on her tail. Both men were red faced and showing signs

they had just recovered from hysterical laughter.

"I demand that wheelchair back at once!"

Harry put on his best pouting face, "Aww come on. It was harmless fun.

No one got hurt." He could tell his sorry face was having some affect on

his normally stern headmistresses face. Just when he thought she might

cave, she flicked her wand and the wheel chair turned back into the

pillow it originally was, causing him to fall to the floor. The pillow did

little to alleviate the impact.

"Hey! I'm injured here!" Harry complained from the ground. Sirius and

Flitwick both burst back into laughter.

"That's your punishment for that stunt you pulled." Minerva muttered as

she walked passed him to sit down. Fleur took some pity on him and

helped him up from the floor and into a seat.

"Fair enough." He murmured. "Why are you laughing?" Harry accused

Fleur when he saw her trying to hide a giggle behind her hand.

"You deserved zat for scaring me."

"It was fun though!" He defended himself. She kissed him passionately on

the lips and gave him a cheeky smile. "What was that for?" He said with a

goofy grin.

"For being you."

"I like me." He said in a dreamy tone. Fleur giggled and a groan from

across the table broke his muddled state. Harrys eyes went wide when he

saw Sebastien squinting at him. "Err, we should begin."

"Yes, I think so too." Sebastien said, his eyes not leaving Harrys.

"Oh stop it, Sebastien. You like 'Arry maybe even more zan Fleur!"

Appoline admonished her husband. He looked like a betrayed puppy at

his wife.

"Why did you have to tell him that! Now I can't play the scary father

card!" Sebastien whined.

"This is lovely and all, but we do have some things to discuss." Madame

Bones interjected. Appoline gave her husband a quick kiss on the cheek

and turned back to the table.

"Right, so what do you know about what happened with that mermaid?"

Harry asked, leaning attentively on the table.

"First and foremost, the mermaid you killed wasn't in fact, a mermaid."

Harry didn't say anything for several seconds, "Er, what?" He asked,

unsure of what he just heard.

"The mermaid wasn't a mermaid at all, in fact, he was a man that was

transfigured to look like a mermaid."

Again Harry took several seconds to wait for some kind of punch line.

"Is...is that even possible?" He asked, looking over to Professor


"I've never seen such complicated transfiguration magic before. In all my

years, doing such a thing is completely unheard of."

"It's possible to transfigure limbs into animal parts, wouldn't it make

sense that you could do the same thing for the whole body?" Harry asked.

He hadn't yet started practicing that level of transfiguration. The work

Krum did with changing his whole head into a shark was quite


"Yes, it is possible to transfigure someone completely into something else.

I could turn you into Newt if I wanted to."

"Please don't." Harry said, getting a few chuckles.

"Another quip like that and I will." Her normally stern look put on a

sickly smile. Harry wasn't sure what scared him more, that look, or her

stern expression. He opened his mouth but quickly shut it when he saw

her eyes narrow. "Good. As I was saying, it's possible to transfigure

humans into objects or other animals. What makes this man being

transfigured into a mermaid remarkable is that mermaids are magical


"I guess that's normally not possible?" He asked.

"It isn't, or at least wasn't until now. Someone has figured a way to do


"So what you're really saying is I can't transfigure Sirius into a


"Why would you want to do that!" Sirius exclaimed.

Harry shrugged. "I think about it sometimes." He responded with a

deadpanned expression.

Minerva cut Sirius off before he could say anything, "Correct. But now,

someone has found a way to fully transfigure magical creatures that

emanate the same properties of said magical creature."

"So, theoretically, someone could create new phoenixes and basically

flash anywhere at will?"

Madame Bones glanced nervously at Professor McGonagall. She clearly

hadn't thought of that before. "I honestly don't know the limits to this

level of transfiguration."

"Right, so this mermaid-man-thing I killed. Who was he?"

"A man named August Rookwood." When Harry didn't have any reaction,

Amelia continued, "A former Death Eater and thought to be locked up in


"Ahh, figures. The prison that can't actually hold anyone." Harry said

bluntly. "How come I didn't or anyone for that matter, know that

Azkaban had lost another one of their prisoners?"

Amelia didn't look too happy with his slight dig at the DMLE for their

inability to keep track of prisoners, but he was right to say such a thing.

"We didn't know he was missing." She stated, slightly embarrassed in

herself. Here she was talking to Harry like he was her boss and not just a

fourteen year old.

"How is that even possible?" Fleur questioned.

"We are investigating what happened and how Rookwood escaped."

"Okay, nevermind that, basically what I'm hearing is that Rookwood was

most likely in contact with Voldemort and that it was him who learned

how to transfigure people into magical creatures?"

All of the adults had clearly come to the same conclusion as well. "Yes,

we think so. The note we received from the mermaids detailing what

happened in the Black Lake earlier also came with a portkey."

"That golden locket around Rookwoods neck." Harry breathed, his eyes

going wide. The realization of how close he was to being taken, hit him.

Fleur gasped a second later, understanding the real peril Harry was when

under the water.

"Yes, it was a portkey. We couldn't trace where it would have sent you, so

that's a dead end. Oh, and the mermaids have recalled their blood feud

against you." She added lamely.

"Well that's something I guess." Harry chuckled, happy to find a little

humor in tonights events. "So what is happening regarding all of this?"

"All I can do is investigate into the events of Azkaban. If I used aurors to

investigate what happened at the bottom of the lake, too many people

would ask questions. No one knows about Rookwood besides us."

"So a man tries to kidnap 'Arry and you can't do anyzing!" Fleur scoffed.

Harry felt a slight increase in temperature to his left where Fleur was


"Sorry Miss Delacour. There isn't anything else I can do."

"That eez ridiculous! 'E almost died down there! Surely that is grounds

for 'im to be able to drop out of zis stupid tournament!" Fleur shouted,

slightly rising from her feet. Harry was now definitely sure the room was

getting more hot and he even began to see some feathers on her arms.

"Fleur." Harry said calmly, placing a hand on hers. He immediately pulled

it back like he had touched a hot stove. She heard his cry of pain and the

room cooled back down.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." She repeated, gingerly taking Harrys hand.

"Poppys either going to laugh at me, or permanently lock me up in the

hospital wing for this." With the promise of Amelia to investigate and tell

him as soon as possible about what was going on, the meeting broke up.

Minerva took some pity on him and conjured a pair of crutches. Fleur

helped him down to the hospital wing where Poppy had indeed

threatened to lock him up for the remaining of the year.

Fleur had jokingly agreed to him being locked up, but Harry could see

she secretly wished he could have him locked up and away from danger.

This morning he could tell had rattled her, not her love for him, but that

she could lose him because of the constant danger his life would be in.

He settled back into his bed after a sensual goodnight kiss from Fleur and

happily went to sleep. He had been close to being taken by Rookwood

today, but he had acted quickly and decisively, even removing the threat

altogether. He was happy with himself and angered with himself at the

same time. Although he had gotten out of his difficult situation, it was

still too close and could have gone either way. Harry made sure to get his

Yew wand back from Sirius, vowing to never be without it again.

Thank you to everyone that has favorited/followed/reviewed. It

means a lot to me and the fact that I have now over 2k favorites and

nearing 3k followers is absolutely amazing. Hope you all enjoyed

the chapter and I should have the next one out in the next couple of


21. Growing Wise

Harry hobbled his way on the crutches Minerva made for him and into

the Room of Requirement for another meeting. This one was different

from the last one he had just two nights ago. Minister Fudge had joined

them for this one, along with Moody who had made a full recovery.

Amelia wanted him here since she had hired him back as a private


"Harry m'boy! Recovering well I hope?" Fudge said from his chair. Sirius

stood to help Harry by pulling out his chair for him. He took his seat

graciously and wandlessly vanished the crutches so that they didn't get in

his way. He was learning more and more control over his wandless

magic, and because of his current, crippled state, it had given him more

of a reason to practice.

"I'm good Minister. It's good to see you well Auror Moody." Harry said,

looking at the old grizzled auror.

"Likewise. I have heard many tales about your...prodigious talent in

certain fields." Harry was impressed with Barty Jrs acting ability. The real

Moody acted and sounded the exact same as the impostor.

"All exaggerated I'm sure." Many of the adults in the room rolled their

eyes. If their was one thing that was true, Harrys achievements weren't in

any way exaggerated. Sometimes the truth was more brilliant than


Around the large mahogany conference table sat Sirius, Remus, Amelia,

Cornelius, Alastor, Madame Longbottom, and Minerva. Amelia had

finished her investigation into Azkaban prison and had decided to share

her results with everyone all at once. Moody was added to this group due

to him putting half of the dark wizards into the prison in the first place.

Harry had studied some of his missions and he definitely had earned his

reputation for being the best in the business. Even if he had gone a little

crazy somewhere along the way, he would still be valuable to recapturing

the escaped Death Eaters.

Harry wasn't sure why Madame Longbottom was invited to this meeting

however. She wasn't privy to any of their other meetings, but her

invitation must mean that something was up. She wouldn't be here unless

absolutely necessary.

"Lets get this over with. I have other things to discuss with Mr. Potter."

Moody said gruffly. Harry raised his eyebrows at Sirius who just

shrugged and shook his head in response.

"Right." Amelia pulled out a yellow folder from the inside of her robe and

set it on the table. She opened it and placed aside a few pages along with

a couple pictures. "The news I'm afraid, isn't good."

"And what's that supposed to mean, Amelia?" Fudge asked, taking one of

the sheets of paper. Harry was surprised that it indeed was paper and not

parchment. Amelia must be more in tune with the modern times than

other wizards.

"It means we are royally fucked." Amelia said bluntly. "Somehow, the

majority of Voldemorts inner circle have escaped Azkaban."

"What!" Sirius exclaimed, the color of his skin turning white as a ghost.

"How can that be possible!"

"In short, the dementors." Amelia said calmly, though Harry could tell

that every word for her was like pulling a tooth. She was probably

blaming herself for whatever happened in Azkaban, when in truth, the

real blame went back further. After the last war, the keeping of prisoners

should have been changed locations since the dementors had sided with

Voldemort. "We checked every cell, especially the ones of known Death


When Amelia paused and pulled out another slip of paper from the

folder, Fudge grew impatient. "And?"

"And what we found were bodies transfigured to look like the Death

Eaters. The real ones were gone, and by our estimates, have been gone

for at least six months."

"The World Cup." Harry breathed out, seeing the connection.

Amelia nodded gravely, "I can only surmise that Voldemort used the

World Cup to break out his most loyal Death Eaters. He replaced his

imprisoned followers with muggleborns that were transfigured to look

like the prisoners."

"So who are we talking about here? Who is missing?" Sirius asked.

"Travers, Dolohov, Mulciber, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange,"

She glanced nervously up at Sirius and Augusta, "...and Bellatrix

Lestrange." Harry heard his godfather curse under his breath.

"How is all of this possible? Why weren't the dementors guarding the

prison?" Fudge questioned in disbelief.

"The dementors sided with Voldemort in the last war. It appears they

chose his side again." Moody answered for Amelia.

"That bitch, I'll kill her!" Augusta screeched, being heard for the first time

this evening. Now Harry understood why she was here. The Lestranges

were the reason her son and daughter in-law were kept in St. Mungos.

This was obviously going to be hard for her, yet she had the right to

know that the Lestranges were free from captivity and had been for some

time. "How could this happen!"

"We aren't sure other than that the dementors had aided in their escape.

We have already moved all other criminals off Azkaban and into Ministry

holding cells as quietly as possible."

"So what are the dementors doing now?" Harry asked.

"For now, they have stayed on the island. We are hoping they stay there."

Amelia responded.

"That's a big hope." Minerva said tersely.

"Do you have a better idea on what to do with them? They're immortal,

we can't just dispose of them." Remus stated.

"I'm not so sure of that." Everyone turned to look at Harry. "Voldemort

has to be able to control them somehow doesn't he? For a creature that is

immortal, the greatest thing they would fear is death isn't it?"

"So you think Voldemort knows a way to kill them?" Amelia asked

skeptically. All of them for the moment ignored Augusta's shocked

expression. She had yet to hear of Voldemort still being alive. She was a

powerful political figure that had been in Harrys camp for the last several

months, not to mention her grandson was Harrys best male friend. It was

probably time to bring her in on what was really going on behind the

scenes. Moodys normal hard-pressed face didn't budge at all as Harry had

suspected it wouldn't. He didn't take Moody to be fool and probably

already had his suspicions that Voldemort wasn't really gone.

"Well, Professor Flitwick and I have been theorizing about my patronus."

"Surely you can't think..."

"We do think." Harry said, cutting Sirius off. Ever since Harry had shown

his patronus to be an actual animal and not just some wisp of silver

smoke, Flitwick had been studying it. In the last several months, he had

theorized that it might be possible to harm, and maybe even kill

dementors instead of just scaring them away.

"That wouldn't explain how Voldemort can kill dementors. I doubt he has

the ability to perform a patronus." Harry nodded in agreement. It was

unlikely Voldemort could perform a patronus any longer. Such a spell

required power and concentration, something Voldemort had, but also an

inherit good and happiness, which Voldemort lacked.

"He has sixty years more experience and knowledge than I do. It's

possible he found another way to control the dementors. All I'm saying, is

I think it's indeed possible to kill them."

"So you think your patronus can kill a dementor?" Amelia asked in


Harry shrugged, "There is only one way to find out."

"And how would you propose to test your theory?" Sirius asked, his

eyebrows raised.

"I could take a quick trip to Azkaban and see?" Harry winced when he

saw Sirius' eyes narrow further. It was clear that he didn't like that idea

one bit.

"There is no way I'm allowing you to go anywhere near that cursed

island." Sirius growled out. Harry and Sirius had a staring match until

Fudge broke it off.

"This is great and all, if you can deal with dementors then great Harry,

but this doesn't solve our other problem which is having prisoners locked

up in the ministry holding cells." Fudge stated, bringing the conversation

back round on topic. "Those cells aren't meant to hold prisoners for long."

"I have an idea." Sirius said, stroking the stubble on his chin.

"Raven Island?" Moody asked, following Sirius' line of thought.

He nodded, "It would be the perfect place. Not even Dumbledore knows

of its location."

"What is Raven Island?" Minerva asked, glancing at the two.

"A very old prison used back in the sixteen hundreds to hold the most

dangerous pirates in the Caribbean. The English government didn't want

them ever returning to the seas and so the King made a deal with the

Ministry of Magic to imprison them on Raven Isle." Amelia explained,

beginning to understand where Sirius and Moody were going with this.

Many in the DMLE knew of the existence of an old prison, but the

location had long since been lost.

"It used to be a magical British colony in the Caribbean but has since

been deserted. The Blacks have always owned the island and still do

today. Its whereabouts are unknown to anyone but me. It's where I hid

from the ministry during my little time on the run." Sirius finished.

"But Bellatrix, wouldn't she know?" Harry asked.

Sirius shook his head, "Only those who have attained the title of Lord

Black learn the location. She wouldn't know, no one would. I wouldn't

have either, but the goblins never saw my imprisonment as legal and so

told me of the island once they declared me the rightful Lord Black."

"Who would guard them? How could we insure they don't escape the

island?" Fudge asked.

"We would need plenty of wards to make sure no one accidentally

stumbled upon it. Otherwise it's a very remote island, I'm talking, not

even the greatest swimmer in the world could swim to the mainland. We

shouldn't need many, if any, guards as long as the location remains a

secret and the wards hold strong."

"This would cost a great deal Sirius, to up and move an entire prison to a

far off location!" Fudge exclaimed.

"I'll pay for it." Harry responded quickly. "I have a near infinite amount of

money and nothing really useful to spend it on."

"And I'll lend the island for free." Sirius added. "Not like I have a use for it

anymore. Vacations in the Caribbean, bah! Who needs 'em!" He chuckled.

"Is this actually possible Amelia?" Fudge asked the DMLE head.

She nodded, "It wouldn't even take Wizengamot approval, only your

signature, thus securing the location even more. The problem I see are

the wards. Who would set them up?"

"We could ask the goblins. It'll cost more I'm sure, but it would continue

to ensure its secrecy." Sirius said.

"The goblins? We can't trust them to keep this a secret." Fudge responded


"I trust them and since I'm paying for the wards, I'd feel better if it were

the goblins doing the work. Gringotts is considered the safest place in

England for a reason." Harry jumped in. He was already on good terms

with the goblins, and lining their pockets with more gold and further

building his trust with them with this secret could do him a world of


"Great!" Fudge clapped his hands, a smile forming on his lips. "The press

will love this new development. A new, much more secure prison for

free? That always will get the voters happy. Raven Island, I like it!"

Everyone rolled their eyes at the minister. He was always more worried

about the latest poll numbers, and as long as Harry kept him popular in

the public eye, he would be his best friend. Harry hoped that once the

word had broken out that Voldemort was indeed back, that Fudge

wouldn't cave at that point to the public's fear. Building a solid

relationship with him now was necessary for the future defense of the

country when the war broke out.

"So what are you telling the public about the Death Eater breakouts?"

Harry asked Amelia.

"Right now? Nothing since we don't have anything to tell them other than

that they're missing. I have my most senior officials working on their

whereabouts and have even called in Moody here to help us."

"Shouldn't the public know? These are murderers and psychopaths we're

talking about." Harry responded. He didn't necessarily like keeping this

from the general public. "They can help us, in spotting one of the Death

Eaters out. Someone is bound to see one of them eventually. Maybe we

can even get the muggle government involved in some way?"

"We can't tell the public, Harry. That would scare them surely, and make

our lives more difficult." Fudge reasoned. Harry ignored the minister,

knowing why he would want to keep this quiet.

"I agree with Harry. We can't keep this quiet." Augusta said. "If only a few

senior aurors looked around, they would never find anything. We

increase our chance of spotting any of the escaped Death Eaters if the

public knows."

"I too agree with Harry. The public needs to be on the lookout and

notifying the muggle authorities will only further help us. Who knows,

someone could even tip us off as to the location of Voldemort and we

could end this whole war within the month." Sirius said.

Harry figured that was a little too optimistic. It wasn't likely they were to

catch Voldemorts whereabouts, especially since he had managed to stay

completely hidden despite Remus' recent efforts to uncover horcrux

locations and Voldemorts location. Still, catching any one of the Death

Eaters out and off-guard was a help and if the general public could help

them, it was best to tell them.

"I still don't agree!" Fudge blustered.

"If you come under heat for this news, I will personally back you." Harry

said. "And put it this way, when we do catch these Death Eaters, you will

look good. When comes the time that Voldemort has publicly returned,

the people won't get afraid. Instead they'll sigh in relief that a minister

that is responsible for the capture of so many Death Eaters is the one in

charge. Think of this as simply a trial period and a way to secure your

position as minister when the real war comes around."

Fudge looked at Harry for several short minutes. "You're right of course

Harry. I'll hold a press conference as soon as possible. It's best to get this

situation over with as soon as possible."

"Very good Minister. I'll notify the rest of the DMLE that we have top

priority targets." Amelia said.

"Minister, there is one last thing we need to discuss, and I think this is the

best time to bring it up." Harry said.

"What is it?" Fudge asked curiously.

"The authorization of lethal force for aurors that have come under fire by

lethal spells."

"This will be crucial Minister. It'll save countless lives on our side if we

can properly defend ourselves." Amelia reasoned in agreement of Harry.

"There's no way that can pass in the Wizengamot." Fudge said. "You may

hold a large amount of the vote, but it would be difficult to turn any

other voter to your side. Not to mention, the public may not agree with

this either."

"Allow us to deal with the political side of things Minister." Sirius said.

"Just deal with the public side, we'll get the proper number of votes to

pass such legislation."

"I'll back up your proposal on the grounds that Harry is by my side when

I tell the public of my support for it." Harry agreed to the ministers

demand. The meeting quickly finished for the evening and just as Harry

was about to leave for the Gryffindor common room, Moody stopped


Sirius stopped in his tracks but Harry waved him away. "There is

something you need to know." Moody said in his normal gruff voice.

Harry didn't respond and waited for everyone else to leave. "You have a

spy amongst your friends."

Harry looked at Moody carefully, "Who? And how would you know?"

"Dumbledore contacted me."

"What!" Harry hissed, "When?"

"Just after I was released from St. Mungos. He wanted me to help in your

training. Kingsley is not on your side."

Harrys eyes narrowed and he took a step back, "How can I trust you?

Why would you tell me this?"

"You saved my life and I feel honor-bound to help you. Plus my friend,"

He spat, "left me in a box for several months. I don't believe he couldn't

have known that Barty Jr was impersonating me."

Harry nodded slowly, trying to perceive any possible lie. Harry allowed

his passive legilemency to probe Moodys mind but his probe was blocked

immediately. "I see you've been trained." Moody said with a wry smile.

Harry smiled cheekily back, "I'm getting there."

"You still have a lot to learn. Dumbledore could always get passed my

shields without me even knowing."

"So Kingsley, he's working for Dumbledore?"

Moody nodded, "He has been training you, yes? He only trains you in

what Dumbledore wants you to know while also spying on you."

"Why would Dumbledore still care about my training? I thought I made it

clear I didn't want his help any longer?"

Moody snorted, "Dumbledore is a man that has had plans in place for

decades. He wouldn't allow a teenager to ruin them. He's smart and

always adapting. There is a reason he wants you trained a specific way."

Harry stood in silence for several minutes, "This is great and all. But I still

can't trust a word you're saying."

"Good! Never trust anyone! Constance Vigilance!" Harry fought the urge

to roll his eyes. "Duel me."

Harry looked quizzically at the grizzled auror, "Duel you? What does that

have to do with anything?"

"Show me you're worth giving up my longest and greatest friendship, and

if you win, I'll drop my occlumency shields for you."

"I'm on crutches."

"I have a fake leg." Moody responded lazily.

"Fine." As soon as Harry spoke, Moody flicked his wand into his hand and

took several steps backwards to create more room. Harry barely got up a

shield in time as Moodys stunner came at him. He side stepped a

bombarda maxima, hopping on one leg, and returned with a cutting curse

to Moodys fake leg.

Harry knew immediately how to combat him. It was fairly easy to create

a plan on the fly when your opponent only had one real eye and a fake

leg. He couldn't move much, and for someone like Harry who could

overpower just about anyone he went up against, it made for an easy

duel. His only problem was that, he too, was limited in movement at the


Still, Moody was no slouch, one eye and all. He had a fair amount of

power and his speed was quicker than Harry thought possible with one

leg. Diffindo! The cutting curse just nicked Moodys leg but didn't sever it.

An orange flaming cutter curse blew by Harrys shoulder as he stepped

away from it, hopping again on one leg, and then he batted away a

Foehammer. The Foehammer was a spell created by a former French

Hitwizard that was designed to pick up an opponent with the floor

beneath them and slam them with ceiling above them. Obviously, this

spell only worked indoors and was definitely borderline dark, if not,

outright dark. Harry had read about it in one of the Black family books

but hadn't yet used or seen it in action. He was glad he didn't have to see

it be used on himself tonight.

Agave Florien! Ten silver arrows shot from Harrys wand and fanned out in

a wide arc. It did exactly as planned and forced Moody to dive to the

ground. Harry followed up with a simple incarcerous expecting to easily

defeat the cripple. Instead of the thick black chains wrapping around

Moody, they were rebounded back instantly, forcing him to dodge his

own spell. This caused him to lose a small amount of focus and he felt his

wand slip from his grasp as an expelliarmus caught him in the chest.

Harry didn't hesitate to flick his Yew wand into his left hand and at the

same time, wandlessly summoned back his Holly wand. Harry could see

the surprise etched across Moodys face as he struggled to get up.

Harry sent two bombarda maximas at Moody who had only managed to

get to one knee. Moody couldn't move anywhere and was forced to shield

both of them. He then had to focus more on his shield as a third

bombarda slammed into his weakening shield and completely shattered it.

He didn't get time to register the fourth bombarda slam into his chest,

sending him halfway across the room and into the wall, knocking him

immediately unconscious.

Harry walked over to the unconscious Moody and began to pry through

his mind. He figured the older auror didn't need to be awake for the

interrogation of his mind. Harry had yet to find a way to make a forceful

intrusion into the mind not so painful. It didn't take very long to figure

out that Moody was actually telling the truth about Dumbledore and his

newfound disdain for the former headmaster. What troubled him greatly

was the news that Kingsley was indeed a spy for Dumbledore.

Now he would need to find a way to deal with him. The only good thing

about this was that Kingsley still wasn't in the know about his ability to

use two wands or the horcruxes. That was something still only known by

a very select few.

Having seen enough, Harry ennervated Alastor. "I knew you were a

prodigy." He grumbled once his eye opened. The magical eye began

whirring around quickly until it settled back on Harry.

"So I have been told. Satisfied?"

"Are you?"

Harry nodded, "I can see you told the truth. If Dumbledore has already

recruited you, you'll have to act like you're still his friend though."

"I've spent the last forty years in this line of work. I know what to do."

"Is there any way to find out where Dumbledore is? I noticed that

particular part was erased from your mind."

Moody shook his head, "I doubt it. I know Albus had created a brand new

type of ward that was based off the Fidelius. Anyone who left the

confines of the ward would forget the location. The only way they could

ever get back was if the creator of the ward invited them back


"So you have to wait to be invited back?"

Moody nodded, "Even then, I'm not sure if owls or any other kind of post

could find me. I definitely wouldn't be able to send anything out.

Dumbledore has always been even more paranoid than I."

"So there isn't any way of getting to Dumbledore?"

Moody shook his head, "No there isn't. You wouldn't want to get to him


"Why not?"

"You're not ready. You have a lot to learn before you can face


"I beat you didn't I?"

"I've dueled Dumbledore. He beat me with one arm behind his back and

blind folded." Moody said gruffly.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Good to know." Harry finished his

impromptu meeting with Alastor and headed back to the Gryffindor

common room for the night. As he walked he began formulating a plan to

deal with Kingsley in the best way possible. He didn't want Kinglsey

spying on him anymore, but he also didn't want Dumbledore to know he

was onto his spy.

It was already well after curfew and so no students were walking about.

He passed Cedric who was on his prefect rounds but Ced didn't even ask

any questions of Harry, simply waving at him and walking on by.

When he walked into Gryffindor tower, Hermione as usual looked up

from her spot on the couch by the fire. She normally waited up for him

after his training to talk. It was one of the few times in the day the two of

them could catch up with one another.

They may not be as close friends as they once were, but that didn't stop

them from being good friends. "How was training?" Hermione asked the

same question she always did when he walked in. She didn't even bother

to wait for a reply, knowing the usual 'fine' response and turned back to

her DADA book.

"Fine." Harry responded as normal and plopped down next to her. He

relaxed back into the couch and temporarily shut his eyes. It was a long,

exhaustive day and the crutches weren't helping his mood. The meeting

had only made him more weary about the coming months. Knowing that

so many of Voldemorts inner circle were out there was unsettling. At

least he had already taken care of one of them and forced another one

out of the school.

"What's troubling you?" She asked, putting down her book. She could

sense his unease this evening. Having known Harry for so long allowed

her to look passed his normally passive face and dig deep into how he

was really feeling.

Harry, now used to womens ability to see beyond a normal 'fine' or 'okay'

spilled his guts. "I'm stressed and each day seems to get harder." He

muttered, not bothering to open his eyes yet.

Hermione shifted to be next to Harry and put her hand on his. "You have

more on your shoulders than anyone ever should Harry. It's alright to feel

stressed. It's also alright to confide your stresses in me, you know that,


Harry opened his eyes and stared into his friends chocolate brown eyes. "I

know Hermione. Its just, you know. Some things are difficult to explain

or talk about." He had given that excuse several times before when she

pressed him to open up further to her.

Just because she wasn't his best friend and that mantle had been taken by

Fleur and Daphne didn't mean she liked being kept in the dark. The way

Daphne acted, it seemed Harry hadn't even told her all that much about

what was going on. Fleur was probably his only real confident and

Hermione knew the veela well enough to know she would never betray

Harrys trust.

"Look, I know we aren't what we once were, but you still can trust me.

Whatever it is, I will always be by your side Harry. You are my first and

best friend. You are like a brother to me and I can see how tense you

have been lately. What's going on? I can take it, whatever it is."

Harry let out a large sigh, "Too much is going on." He wrapped an arm

around her shoulders and closed his eyes again.

Hermione flushed herself into Harrys side and rested her head on his

shoulder, "Whenever you want to tell me, I'll be here."

The two of them sat silently for several more minutes enjoying each

others company. It reminded them of the days of old when they were

completely comfortable with another. Eventually Harry excused himself

to go upstairs to bed. It had been a long day and he had a lot to think

about. Kingsley was first and foremost now on his mind.

Nox! The lights in the room went out and created a pitch black

environment. Sirius heard a brief scream off to his left and immediately

shot off a stunner. Three other jets of red light shot off in the same

direction, illuminating some of the darkness. The only thing they saw was

the downed body of Tonks as their spells went over and hit a nearby


Sirius listened attentively for any sounds, hoping to figure out where his

opponent had gone. "Homenum Revelio!" Sirius muttered. A wave of

energy shot from his wand and bounced back at him like radar, alerting

him to any presence in the room. He caught a glance of a large animal

not too far off, but as soon as the spell had spotted it, the animal


Another scream sounded to his right and Sirius shot a bombarda at the

location. Again his spell hit nothing but the wall, and illuminated another

body, that of Remus."Lumos Maxima!" Sirius had had enough of the dark

and decided to illuminate most of the room.

All he saw were the most fearsome green eyes he had ever seen. They

leaped from the shadows, and he found the eyes attached to a large black

furred tiger. The tiger tackled Sirius and before he could even think to

use his wand, the tiger transformed back into a black haired teenager,

holding two wands. His conscious was taken from him with a single jet of

red that slammed into his chest.

Harry spun just as a blue jet of fire shot to his right. Kingsley and Moody

stood side by side, their wands trained on him. Sirius' Lumos Maxima

continued to show most of the room and so Harry figured his element of

surprise was now gone.

Harry used his Yew wand to duel Kinglsey while he dueled Moody with

his Holly wand. He danced gracefully around anything they sent at him,

not even having to use a shield. Pop! Harry disappeared with an almost

silent pop and reappeared in his tiger form behind Moody. Before the two

aurors could react, Harry leaped onto the back of Alastor and tackled him

to the ground, biting his wand from his grasp.

Sirius had learned that the Room of Requirement allowed for apparition

while in the room, and so he had taught Harry how to do so. It wasn't

long until Harry had learned to apparate while in animagus form, already

knowing how to do some wandless magic as well.

A black smokey spell designed to get inside the brain through the nose

and mouth to cause the person to go insane in a matter of moments shot

just over Harrys body. He quickly transformed back into his normal self

and stunned Moody before turning his full focus back onto Kingsley.

Volto! A stream of blue lighting shot from Harrys Yew wand while he

used his other to defend from Kingsleys bombarda maxima. The advantage

of using a spell like Volto was that Harry could continually use it,

draining the power of his opponent and use both wands to maximum


It forced Kingsley to focus all of his power on shielding and allowed

Harry to send an unseen stunner with his Holly wand, hitting him

squarely in the chest and knocking him out cold. Harry smiled at the

carnage inside the Room of Requirement. He was getting better, and he

knew it. Over the last three weeks, Moody had changed up his training

regiment drastically, focusing more and more on constantly adapting to

situations and being always vigilant.

Moody was also making sure Harry constantly used just below deadly

force when in the mock battle scenarios. He also added an hour dedicated

to using deadly spells on dummies where Harry used to just be practicing

the more dangerous spells by himself or with Sirius' help. They made sure

to practice his technique of using two wands whenever Kingsley wasn't

present. This night however, Harry didn't care if he revealed that talent

to him.

Harry walked over and revived the adults, saving Kingsley for last. "So

what are we going to do about him?" Sirius asked, standing over Kingsley

who remained unconscious on the floor. Harry had decided that it was

time to finally confront him about being a spy.

"Kill him?" Moody suggested. The others narrowed their eyes at him.

"Just a suggestion." He shrugged.


"I don't think Amelia would take too kindly to having one of her best

aurors being obliviated." Sirius shut down Harrys idea.

"It doesn't hurt to try talking to him." Remus said.

"It hurts me." Moody quipped.

"Would he flip sides if we told him what we knew?" Harry asked.

"It would take a great deal of convincing. The man was like me once,

firmly in the belief that Dumbledore couldn't do any wrong." Moody


"We were all like that once." Sirius responded. "He's a smart man. And if

he doesn't agree with our viewpoint, we can obliviate him then."

"It doesn't hurt to try I guess." Harry muttered. Sirius nodded his head

and ennervated Kingsley, grabbing his wand just before waking him back


"Damn Harry. You're gettin' good." Kingsley said, rubbing the back of his

bald head. "When did you learn to use two wands at once?"

"It's all the great training I get." Harry responded, conjuring himself a

wooden stool and sitting down in front of Shacklebolt. "What are your

orders from Dumbledore?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Er, what Harry?" Kingsley glanced around at the other adults who stared

back mutely. "I don't have any orders. I haven't seen Dumbledore since he

was sacked."

"Cut the shit Kingsley. I know you've been in contact with Dumbledore."

Moody growled.

"That's a lie! Harry, you can't believe him! I swear I haven't had any

contact with Albus." Kingsleys eyes widened slightly when both Moody

and Sirius pulled their wands and concentrated them on him.

"Kingsley. Just tell the truth, please. We won't blame you if you did."

Tonks spoke up for the first time since being knocked out. She was the

last one to know of their plan to confront Kingsley this evening. She

wasn't happy about it, being his partner for the last year.

"I am telling the truth goddamnit! I swear, I haven't been in contact with

Dumbledore!" Kingsley cried out.

Harry glanced at Moody skeptically and only saw glee in his face. The

older auror was clearly seeing something Harry couldn't. "I can tell you're

lying Kingsley. I've known you too long." Moody stated.

"I'm not lying! You're mistaken!" Kingsley defended himself. Harry waited

for Moody to make his move. He had no clue where the ex-auror was

going with this.

"January 26th 1978." Harry raised his eyebrows questioningly at Moody.

The others also looked at Alastor like he was truly crazy. Kingsley stared

at Moody and all expression on the senior aurors face disappeared,

becoming blank.

"What-" Harry began but was cut off when Kingsley all of a sudden burst

into tears.

"I'm sorry! I-I didn't want to! It was-he forced me! I-I'm not sure h-how. It

was like I w-was being mind controlled! F-forgive me!" Kingsley broke

down and sobbed, tears streaming down his face. Tonks couldn't take it

any longer and rushed to the broken aurors side.

Harry looked to Moody for answers but he shook his head, 'Later' he


"What the hell?" Sirius said. Clearly he hadn't seen Moodys 'later'.

"I'm confused." Remus stated.

"What's January 26th 1978?" Sirius asked.

"During the first war, I created a spell with the help of Kingsley that

would allow us to break out of any trance with a code phrase. We

couldn't trust anyone, not even ourselves, and so we created this added

defense if we thought one of us was under the control of Voldemort. Or

at least it was designed for Voldemort, but I guess it works for other

wizards as well."

"You paranoid son of a bitch." Sirius grinned.

"Has its uses. Let that be a lesson to you all." Moody said with pride.

"How did you know he was being controlled?" Tonks asked. She wrapped

her arms around her partner and did her best to comfort him.

"The way he fiercely defended Dumbledore. Kingsley, though always a

fan of Dumbledore, wasn't that big of a fan to continuously try and

protect him. He has never been a fanatic of anyones cause."

"Why January 26th 1978? Whats the significance of that?" Harry asked.

"Its the day I was wed." Everyone but Moody looked at Kingsley with

disbelief. None of them had heard of Kingsley ever being married before.

"You were married?" Sirius asked. Harry hit his godfather on the shoulder

to try and shut him up, but the question was already asked. By the look

of sadness on Kingsleys face, it was clearly not a happy memory for him.

"A long time ago, yes. She was killed just a month after out marriage."

Everyone went completely silent, choosing to stare off in any other

direction. No one needed to ask the question how. It was clear that it was

Voldemort. The man had taken so much from everyone and it was easy to

see why Kingsley would join up with the likes of Dumbledore.

"What happened with Dumbledore?" Harry asked after several minutes of

silence, wanting to break away from that depressing subject.

"Just after the World Cup he asked me to spy on you, train you just as I

had been doing the last several months. It was harmless at first I

thought." Harry nodded in agreement. If that was all he was asked to do,

it wasn't a big deal. "Then he asked me to cover up the Azkaban break

outs. I-I couldn't do that. It went against everything I believed in as an

auror. You can imagine Dumbledores displeasure at that and when I

refused him a third time, he used some kind of spell to force me to do his


"It wasn't the imperious spell?" Moody asked.

Kingsley shook his head, "No, it wasn't anything I recognized. I had full

control over my mind, but my body did none of its bidding, only the will

of Dumbledore."

Harry looked at Moody, "Have you ever heard anything like this before?"

He shook his head, "The imperious spell clouds a persons mind. You've

been under it yes?" Harry nodded his head. Sirius had at least tried to put

him under it. He found that the imperious spell just didn't work on him.

Whether it was his natural power, his occlumency skills, or strength of

will that kept his mind from being controlled was unknown. Still, he had

felt the affects of the spell and how it could control someone.

The spell made the person want to do the actions of whoever was

controlling them, sending a small voice into their head that they listened

to. It made them feel good to listen to that voice. What Kingsley was

describing was something different. It sounded like this spell took full

control of a person and didn't bother to make the person think they

wanted to do the things they were doing. It simply made the body react

to whatever the person in control wanted it to do.

"This is something different. I've never heard of a spell that can

completely control someones body without also controlling their mind."

"So, Dumbledore can control people completely against their will, while

the people know they're being controlled?" Sirius asked.

Kingsley nodded, "That's how it was for me. I knew I was under his

complete control, but I couldn't do anything to fight it."

"This is fucking nuts." Harry muttered under his breath. "First its

Voldemort and his ability to transfigure people into magical beings, now

its Dumbledore and his ability to take control of anyone completely

against their will?" Harry ran his hand frustratedly through his short hair.

Fleur had just cut it for him after it had grown a little too long and was

getting in the way of his vision.

"We're playing a game that we are decades behind. It was always going to

be an upward climb Harry." Sirius reassured him, placing a comforting

hand on Harrys shoulder.

"Can someone please go and check on Molly Weasley and make sure she

isn't under the same kind of trance? If she isn't, lock her up somewhere

anyways. I'll deal with the Weasleys if they get mad at me." Harry said

after a few minutes of silence.

"Are you sure Harry? She is their mother and they may not forgive you

for taking such an action."

"I can't afford to take any risks anymore. Both Dumbledore and

Voldemort are playing a game I don't really understand yet. I have to

play safe and that means that I can't be worrying about Molly stabbing

me in the back at anytime. Deal with her, put her somewhere she can't

harm anyone. If she is in some kind of trance, fix her."

"I'll get on it." Moody said. "What about Kingsley?"

Harry looked at the senior auror who was still on the floor with Tonks'

arm wrapped around his shoulders. "If he makes a step against me, deal

with him however you see fit. Just because he said he's is in some kind of

trance doesn't make it true. Watch him." Harry left the Room of

Requirement, leaving behind the adults in silence. All of them were

surprised with Harrys sudden coldness, but they could all see why he was

becoming more cold.

Harry was growing up into the world set before him. One of lies, deceit,

and constant danger. He couldn't be the same naive boy that came to

Hogwarts at the age of eleven. Too many had betrayed him, too many

had made him weak.

He recognized he needed to rise above his enemies to make it out of this

alive. Kingsley for all he knew could still be an enemy, an enemy that

could kill Fleur and shatter his world. He couldn't take risks any longer.

Both Dumbledore and Voldemort were in the game. As far as he was

aware, Voldemort still at least didn't have a body, but that didn't make

him any less dangerous.

Voldemort was smart and always scheming. He had concocted a plan to

steal Harry away during the second task. Dumbledore had his spies, and

was staying up to date with the workings of England even though he had

long fled the island in disgrace.

Both wizards had investments in England and they wouldn't leave easily.

Harry was going to have to fight them back, both of them. They were his

enemies, and it was time he started truly looking at them as such. It was

war, it has begun. Though no attacks had been made by any of the three

sides, the political and espionage war was already well underway, and

Harry needed to catch up.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Harrys training is really

beginning to show, and the injection of a second wand has greatly

improved his power in combat. Things are really going to be heating

up soon, especially with Voldemort, and I'm going to give you guys/

gals a glimpse into what's going on at Riddle Manor in the next

chapter. Thank you to everyone who has Reviewed/Followed/


22. The Mansion

Luna sat down in the library with her books spread out around her. She

sat silently and alone as normal, scribbling on a piece of parchment

various notes for classes she had the next day. Her radish earrings hung

loosely from her ears and her blonde hair was tucked behind a woven

grass headband that Fleur had given her as a gift.

She may be called Loony by many in the castle, but she was a true

Ravenclaw, being one of the top of her class. She was naturally a genius

but hid it under fantasies of fantastical creatures and rhetoric that no one

else could understand. No one, other than Harry Potter, who had recently

taken her under his thumb, new what she was truly saying.

Harry could see the hidden brilliance that lay beneath the aloof and

dreamy persona that Luna put on for the others. She was amazed at his

immediate ability to see her for who she really was, and she loved him

for it. Not in a romantic way, but in a way a sister would love an older

bother. She was happy to know that the sisterly sentiment was returned

as well and it made her feel welcomed in the normally strange castle.

Deep inside she had been hurting terribly. She was alone, friendless,

motherless, and had a father who was in the beginning stages of

dementia. She had no one to turn to, no one to confide in. Then Harry

had come along, asking for an interview just before the start of this year

and completely changed her life.

At the time, Harry of course had no clue she even existed until that

interview. He was always busy with saving the world as was his style.

But ever since that first meeting, Harry had looked at her like no one else

had, like she was just a normal girl, and he never acted differently

towards her like others did. He accepted her, quirks and all, and that one

meeting had completely changed her life.

She had an underlying fear that she would go through life completely

and utterly alone, much as her father had done since her mothers death.

Now though, Harry had given her hope and shown her an outcome that

was different than her lonely state.

His greatest gift to her was his introduction to his friends, and

proclaiming her as his own friend. This year had completely transformed

her. No longer did the bullies in her house steal from her, no longer was

she shunned by the other students. Because of Harry, she was accepted

and had a place in the school she once didn't have.

Her face turned red when her mind strayed to what happened just last

night, when Michael Corner had asked her on a date to Hogsmeade.

Never in a million years had she imagined that a boy would be interested

in her romantically. She had written off the prospect of having a

boyfriend long ago, bu that changed with Fleur.

She smiled, remembering when Fleur had taken her under her wing as a

surrogate little sister. Her father wasn't the greatest when it came to

female fashion, or discussing boys for that matter. But Fleur was the

perfect confidant and the best older sister she could ever have asked for.

The greatest thing about the introduction of Harry into her life though

was Aimee, Fleurs best friend. She had quickly become Luna's best friend

and they had naturally taken to one another. They shared the same

quirky, dreamy personalities that others liked to laugh at, but neither of

them cared. The blue haired witch was the greatest thing to walk into her

life and it was all because of Harry.

"So Luna, I heard you have a date this weekend?" Harry asked sitting

down from the seat across from her. Luna smiled dreamily at Harry,

hiding her blush from him. It was a worthless cause. He had the rare

ability to see right through her.

"Yes, Harry. Michael was very romantic with his asking."

Harry chuckled, "He better have been." Harry muttered, "If he does

anything to upset you, let me know."

"I don't think he will. He is already very scared of you." Luna giggled.

Harry was always happy to hear that odd giggle from Luna, something

that so rarely happened with her. Like Daphne, she was very guarded and

seeing her act almost normal was a blessing.

Harry raised his eyebrows, and underlying happiness in his face, "He's

scared of me?"

"Many in this castle are, Harry." Luna said as if it was obvious.

"Scared? Why is he scared of me?" Harry lent back in his chair, the hind

legs being propped up by nothing but Harrys passive magic that kept him

safe. Such things had started to become common occurrence around the

castle. Everyone began to call it 'Just Harry Things' whenever they saw

him do something that was once thought impossible.

Luna still hadn't bothered to look up from her reading when she replied.

"Scared is the wrong word, more...intimidated."

"Oh. Well good, that just means he won't do anything to upset you."

Harry said cheerfully. He wandlessly floated his Defense Against the Dark

Arts book onto the table and turned it to the correct page.

"I suppose." Luna sighed.

"Fleur is going to be by your dorm tomorrow morning, yes?" Harry asked,

looking up from his own textbook.

"Oh yes. She was very kind to help me with my wardrobe."

"Good, that's good."

"You are not going to confront Michael tomorrow." Luna stated, looking

up from her book for the first time.

Harry did his best to look shocked at her words but Luna could see right

through Harry just as well as he could to she. "Wha-? I would never." He

replied unconvincingly.

"I know you Harry Potter." Luna's normal dreamy personality was gone

for the moment. These were the times where Harry liked Luna the most,

the times when she showed her real, fierce self. "You are very protective

of your friends. But you will not scare Michael tomorrow."

Harry held his hands up in surrender, "I won't, I promise."

"Or follow me and check up on me!"

Harry groaned, "Fine." Harry truthfully didn't like Michael Corner, but he

wouldn't tell Luna that. The Ravenclaw was smart, and decent looking,

but was a bit crass for Harrys tastes. He would put him in the same boat

as Seamus, but if Luna liked him, he would stand by her. And if he hurt

her, he would take great pleasure in returning the favor, so it was a win-

win he figured. "Kick him if he tries anything." Harry said.

"What do you think is going on?" Hermione and Susan sat down in an

abandoned classroom. Both were becoming increasingly agitated with

constantly being left in the dark. It was obvious to them that something

serious was beginning to develop and they were curious as to what it


Susans aunt, Amelia, had made several trips to the castle, and each time

she had only briefly spoken with Susan before heading off to some

private meeting. The fact that Harry was also a part of those meetings

and that on a few occasions even the minister was there was more than

enough to become suspicious that something was happening.

"It has to involve Dumbledore doesn't it?" Hermione asked. "Why else

would they meet so much?"

"But why would my aunt be involved?" Susan asked. "Dumbledore isn't

charged with anything illegal, and she has never told me anything about

further involvements regarding Dumbledore."

"I think we should just ask Harry." Hermione said for the fifth time. This

wasn't the only time the two had met in the last month to discuss what

was going. Ever since the second task, Amelia Bones had made several

trips to the castle, two of them even being with Minister Fudge. Harry

had been present at every single one, or at least they figured he was.

"Why would he tell us anything? If he hasn't said anything to us yet, he

wouldn't say anything to us now." Susan responded. She adjusted herself

in the old rickety wooden chair she sat in. The classroom was very old

with cobwebs covering the ceiling and the furniture close to breaking.

"It doesn't hurt to try." The two girls agreed and began to seek out Harry

in the Great Hall where he was surrounded by several others asking for

tips on their defense capabilities. An eager first year was taking up most

of his time with question after question. Harry took the time to answer

every single one, not showing any signs of irritation. Those that knew

him well however, could tell he wasn't happy being bombarded with so

many questions.

"Harry, can we ask you something?" Susan said once the two of them

drew close.

This was the opening Harry was looking for to escape his prison in the

Great Hall. "Of course." He responded quickly. He hopped up from his

seat at the Hufflepuff table and walked out with the two girls and into

the same abandoned classroom the girls had first discussed their plans to

confront Harry. "Thank you for that." Harry breathed out, sitting down in

a nearby chair. Dobby appeared suddenly with a slip of paper.

"Hold on." Harry said as he grabbed the paper from Dobby and began

reading. "Tell, Sirius, the time is fine."

"Yes, Master Harry Potter sir." Dobby bowed deeply and vanished with a

small pop.

"What was that about?" Susan questioned, sitting herself down. Hermione

did the same. She looked unfavorably at where Dobby had just popped

away. SPEW was still a large part of her efforts at the school, and no

matter what anyone told her of the matters of house elves, she refused to

see them as anything but slaves. Hermione was stubborn beyond reason,

a good trait, and sometimes a bad trait.

"The confirmation for the press conference with Minister Fudge about the

bill to authorize lethal force for aurors." Harry responded casually. "What

is it you wanted to speak about?" He leaned back into his chair, propping

his legs up onto a nearby desk.

"We wanted to know what is going on." Susan said abruptly, getting

straight to the point.

Harry looked at the pair questioningly, "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb Harry. We know something is going on. My aunt

wouldn't be making so many trips here if nothing was happening." Susan

responded tersely.

Harry glanced between the two, studying them. "Right now?" He paused

for a moment. "Nothing is going on. Nothing that I can tell you about that

is." He kept his face completely emotionless, using a new skill Remus had

walked him through using Occlumency. It allowed one to have complete

control over their facial expressions, even the minute ones that humans

were inherently able to pick up.

"That's bullshit, Harry. We know something is going on." Susan

exclaimed. Harry looked at Hermione briefly, seeing as she hadn't yet

said anything. He could see the semi-discomfort in her demeanor about

confronting him. It was understandable seeing as their friendship was

already not what it once was and she probably didn't want to ruin what

they had gotten back.

"Even if something was going on, why would I tell you?" Harry allowed

his cold demeanor out for a moment. He had to develop this personality

when it came to matters regarding Voldemort and Dumbledore. This was

practice for him, to be able to compartmentalize information and

distinguish a loyal, needed friend, from just regular friend. By Amelia's

orders, Susan had to just be a friend, but not a needed one.

Susans mouth opened and closed multiple times before she found the

words. It was clear she hadn't expected him to challenge her on this.

"Because I'm you're friend! Friends tell each other things!" She exclaimed.

"You're right, friends do tell each other things. But friends also trust in

one another, and that means when I'm keeping something from you, you

should trust that I am keeping something from you for a reason."

Susans eyes narrowed at Harry while Hermione stayed quiet, watching

the exchange with interest, "My aunt!" Susan blurted out. Harry was

surprised with her deduction abilities but he really shouldn't have been.

She had announced already that she wished to become a solicitor, so she

already knew she had the ability to read people, even ones as stone faced

as Harry.

"Yes, take it up with your aunt. If you can convince her, I'll tell you what

I know." Harry said, already knowing the game was up between the two

of them. It wasn't his place to get involved in-between family affairs.

"Or you can tell me now. My aunt doesn't always know what's best for

me!" Susan said indignantly.

"I can only tel you to take it up with her. I won't say anything to you

without her approval." Harry responded robotically.

"Hermione, aren't you going to say anything?" Susan asked, looking to

her friend for some help.

"I would hope you can tell me whatever is going on Harry. I don't like

being kept in the dark, but if you feel I need to be, I won't hold it against

you." Harry nodded satisfied at Hermione. She gave him a soft smile in

return and ignored the betrayed look on Susans face.

"Good. Now, I'm starving, let's get some food." Hermione gave a light

chuckle and Susan slightly scowled but followed them anyways. They

walked back into the Great Hall with Harry. Fleur was already seated at

the Hufflepuff table as had become the norm. Cedric sat next to her and

was in conversation about the third and final task for the TriWizard

Tournament. None of the champions had a clue as to what it was going

to be and were growing increasingly nervous about it. Even Krum had

approached Harry wondering if he had heard anything.

It was still a couple months off, but the fact that they didn't know what it

was meant they couldn't really prepare for it. The good thing was that

this gave Harry more and more time to prepare for Voldemort, and with

Moodys and Kingsleys teachings, he was rapidly increasing in skill. Harry

allowed Shacklebolt to continue training him, agreeing with Moody that

he was no longer under the control of Dumbledore. Kingsley was also

very eager to further train Harry, having a renewed vigor to get revenge

on the ex-headmaster. Sirius was a good teacher, having passed the auror

academy with flying colors, but nothing equaled Moodys and Kingsleys

experience in the field and Harry was grateful to be under their tutelage.

Between the two of them, they had begun running Harry through mock

combat situations, forcing him to take on three plus combatants at a

time, and each time Harry had found a way to come out unharmed. After

each night, Harry prided himself on making Moody giddy about the next

night of training. He could tell the grizzled auror was excited to teach

him, and Alastor constantly praised him, spouting that he had finally

found a true prodigy and someone worth teaching.

Tonks a few times had shown some irritation when Kinglsey and Moody

had harped praises on Harry. The two aurors had once been her previous

teachers through the academy, and she was their favorite before him. All

the irritation was taken away by a simple kiss from Remus who could

also see her discomfort at seeing Harry constantly praised by her former


The odd couple had grown more and more serious throughout the year

and Harry was beginning to wonder when Remus would propose, or

Tonks for that matter. She wasn't the kind to wait around for anything

and was just as capable, probably even more capable, of popping the


Sirius had dubbed his and Fleurs relationship boring already since they

were, 'too cute', as Emmy said, and instead focused on Tonks and Remus

where much more drama was to be had. The old werewolf was in a

constant state of unease and never knew what to do with his much

younger girlfriend.

Harry and Sirius had to constantly remind him that Tonks, though

younger, was definitely interested, and yet, even though he was dating

her, he refused to fully accept it, thinking she would leave him at any

moment. It had become a bet between the others on who would propose

first. Harry had his bet on Tonks for July 20th. That was the same date as

Sirius and Emmys wedding where Harry was asked to be the co-best man

along with Remus. It was nice to think about something other than

Dumbledore or Voldemort and he was greatly looking forward to the


What scared Harry however, were the questions directed at him about

Fleur. Everyone could tell by now their relationship was serious, and so,

despite his young age, many began to speculate in the media when he

would ask Fleur to marry him. It was still way to soon for him to be

thinking about such things and the topic scared him. What scared him

more was what Fleur was thinking about it. She was three years older

than him and around the age when many witches got engaged.

The two of them had avoided the topic like the plague, neither even

talking about Sirius' wedding that was coming up in July. Harry hoped

she wouldn't feel it was time for something like marriage just yet. But if

he had anything to go by, the two of them were on the same page

regarding most things, and she probably wasn't yet ready for marriage as

well. Or kids... He shuddered at the thought of having kids at the

moment with everything else he had on his plate. Throw in a baby and

things would get too hectic for his brain to function.

Tracy walked down into the Slytherin dorms deep in thought. She had

just received a troubling letter from her father and wasn't sure what to

think or do about it. Draco watched her keenly as she entered the

common room and walked passed him. She knew full well why he was

interested in her appearance. It was highly possible that he was already

in the know on what her fathers letter contained since it had to do with

his fathers master, and her fathers for that matter.

She wasted no time in leaving the common room eager to leave the

prying eyes of several others and headed towards her own room where

she could have some privacy. Slytherin, unlike Gryffindor, had their own

rooms with which they could do what they wanted.

Because of this, many had learned charms to increase the size of their

room, as well as conjure furniture. It was expected for the females to

know such things since they would be expected to run the household

once married off to another pureblood. The males were supposed to

know the wards to keep their family safe and so Hogwarts had acted as a

trial ground for future couples.

Since the beginning of the house, the males had created an unwritten

rule that in the females dorm you could place a protective ward over a

female, making them off limits to any others in the house. Of course, as

years passed and women stood up for themselves, it had become to mean

more of a couples thing, but some males, like Draco, adhered to the old

pureblood traditions, and placed wards over several of the females in his

year, attempting to 'claim' them.

Tracy was one of the girls that had a protected dorm by Draco, and

because he was considered the leader of Slytherin, no one messed with

her security. It was also happen stance that Draco didn't interfere with

her since he was too busy being with Pansy every evening, luckily for her

and Daphne who was also under the protection of Draco.

She slipped into her room and was surprised to see Daphne already laid

out on her bed reading a book. "Something wrong?" Daphne asked, seeing

Tracys distraught face. She didn't say anything, simply handing over the

letter over and sitting down at her desk to wait for Daphne's reaction.

The two girls were silent for a moment as Daphne read over the letter.

"What are you going to do?" She asked after reading the letter quickly for

a second time.

"What can I do?" Tracy responded, a desperate tone to her voice. She

sagged in her chair and banged her forehead on the desk in frustration.

"Your parents would be killed it you didn't listen! You have no choice

here Trace." Daphne responded. She stood up and walked over to Tracy

and placed a comforting arm around her shoulders.

Tracy covered her face with her arms and began to sob. "W-what i-if

Harry c-can do something about this?"

"Harry can't help you with this and you know that. If you tell anyone

else, that only risks your family."

"Y-you d-don't know t-that." She puttered out. Daphne stayed quiet,

knowing her friend just needed time to think things over. She would

come to the right decision quickly, one that she could see immediately.

Sometimes, people just weren't given a choice in matters.

The two of them stayed close to one another for several hours until Tracy

had finally calmed down. After she had cried herself to sleep, Daphne

slipped out of her room and into the hallway. She looked over the

parchment that was sent to Tracy by her father as she traveled to the

Owlery. She had just enough to time to get off her own message before it

was after hours and could run the risk of getting into trouble by the


The way to the Owlery was quiet and she only ran into a few people she

recognized but no one said anything to her, which she was glad for. Upon

reaching the owlery she called for her Eagle Owl, Achilles, that normally

sat in its roost near Hedwig. The large, gorgeous brown bird of prey,

swooped down to her shoulder upon seeing her.

Daphne pulled a piece of parchment from her robes along with a quill

and began scribbling a note. "Take this to Cygnus." She then shoved the

owl off her shoulder and briefly watched as it took flight into the night

sky. She took a moment to enjoy the cool breeze that flowed through her

long blonde hair before heading back into the stuffy castle.

"Hey Daph!" Harry called from the far end of the 5th floor. He walked up

with Fleur on his arm. "What has you out so late?" She groaned softly

knowing Harry couldn't hear her from this distance. She didn't want

Harry to know what was going on with Tracy, especially if it could mean

her parents lives. If Tracy decided to forsake her parents for Harry, that

was her call, but she wasn't going to betray her best friend if she decided

to side against Harry.

Daphne stopped and put on a fake smile, "Oh you know, just sending off

a letter to my father."

"Ah, are your parents doing well?" The cheerful couple came to a stop in

front of her. Though she didn't have any wanting for Harry, she definitely

didn't like seeing the couple so happy. It only reminded her of her own


"Very well." Daphne began. Harry could immediately sense something

was slightly off with his best friend, he could see some unease in her

posture, but refused to use legilemency to figure out what was wrong. He

had already vowed to not use the mind arts to figure out his friends

thoughts and feelings, especially his best friends, or his girlfriend. It was

a major invasion of privacy Remus continuously reminded him. "My

father sends his regards."

Harry looked at Daphne slightly puzzled, "I wasn't aware he liked me all

that much?"

Daphne turned slightly pink, "He doesn't!" She said quickly, "Or...he does.

It's just, you know, he has a reputation, and can't publicly be seen as

liking you."

Harry nodded his head, "Right. Political differences and all. Well I hope

he doesn't take it too personal with all the attacks against him in the

Wizengamot." The Greengrass' had been opposed to most of what Harry

had tried to pass through legislation. Politics would have it that on a few

occasions, Harry had to attack Cygnus' less than honorable business

tactics. He had monopolized the potions industry through shady business


Daphne chuckled, "No, he doesn't. It's just business, he understands."

"Good, well I should be getting Fleur back to her room. I'll talk to you

later Daph." Harry gave Daphne one last soft smile and started down the

staircases, leaving Daphne alone.

She waited several minutes before following them down and taking a

turn into the dungeons. "Where have you been?" Malfoy asked once she

was back inside the common room. Most people had retired for the

evening, leaving only her, Draco, a few older Slytherins, and Theo who

sat off in a secluded corner reading a book. He looked up once he heard

Draco open his mouth and watched with some interest.

"That's is none of your business Draco." She went to move passed him but

he stopped her by grabbing her arm and yanking her back around.

"Oh, but I think it is." He took a step forward, putting himself only inches

from her. She could feel his vile breath on her face and forced herself to

remain cold and aloof. "You are mine, I have a right to know where you


Daphnes eyes squinted dangerously at the blonde, "You should know by

now, I am not yours, and never will be." She hissed out, her voice cold,

allowing zero emotion to filter through. "Unhand me before you find your

bits in your mouth."

"You are-" Draco didn't get any other words out as Daphnes right foot

came up and struck Draco between the legs. He dropped to his knees and

Daphne followed up with a knee to the face, knocking him onto his back

and breaking his nose.

Daphne leaned over the downed Malfoy, "Never presume that you can

order me around again." She said in a casual manor. Theo watched with

mild interest, the beginnings of a smile on his face as he took in the

pleasure of seeing Malfoy embarrassed in front of the other older

students. Blood poured from Draco's nose and filled his mouth, keeping

him from being able to splutter out a response.

Daphne left the Malfoy scion on the floor and headed to her own dorm.

She sighed, looking down at her robes that now had smatterings of blood

on it. She removed her clothing and placed it in a nearby basket where

the house elves would take her clothes and wash them for her.

She collapsed back onto her bed after removing Tracy's letter from the

bloodied robes and unfurled it once more. She read it for the fifth time

and sighed, "What to do."

Thunder echoed off the rolling hills and lightning lit up the clouded night

sky. Rain poured down onto the old beaten up mansion that rested in the

hillside. The windows shook from the howling winds and rattled as the

heavy rain rapped against them. Inside the castle-like mansion, a large

extravagant dining room was filled to the brim with dark cloaked figures,

many of them drenched from the outside rain.

"How wonderful to see all of you gathered here like days of old. My most

loyal and...competent followers." A sinister hiss crossed the room with no

problem, easily being heard by all, over every boom of thunder or

pattering of rain. "Soon, I will once again regain my body, and we will

conquer this pitiful world."

"Are our plans on schedule?" Many of these dark cloaked figures sat at a

fine long dining table. At one end sat a man wearing a silver mask that

was engraved with several designs depicting battles of long ago. He

remained completely quiet and impassive, not even having his hood up

like the others in the room did.

At the other end of the table was a large snake that sat coiled on the

chair, protecting a grotesque form at its center. The only thing visible of

the grotesque form was a bone white wand that sat pointed towards the

middle of the table.

On the table, being looked at by all in the room was a strangled woman,

dried blood trickling from her mouth, eyes, and ears. Her cold, lifeless

eyes bulged from their sockets and her tongue was bright purple,

protruding out from her mouth. Flies danced around her corpse, buzzing

with glee as they feasted.

"They are m'lord. Our spies have almost finished their preparations."

Another cold gruff voice said from the grotesque figures left. He took off

his black hood to reveal his face in the grim light. It was disheveled and

showing signs of severe wounds inflicted just recently. His whole body

shook with every word and his blue eyes held no light, almost as if he

were some walking corpse.

"Good. Make sure you do not disappoint me again Barty, it will not be

good for you if you do."

"Yes, m'lord." He bowed his head deeply and cowered back into his chair,

placing his hood back over his head to shower his face his in shadow.

"What news of the Wizengamot Lucius?"

A tall man took off his robe, he sat just two seats down from the Dark

Lord. His long silver blonde hair cascaded down his shoulders and his

pale features glowed in the little moonlight that shown through the

stained glass windows.

"The Potter boy has gathered quite a group of people around him. My

money doesn't hold the same weight it once did, I'm afraid to say. Potter

has much sway with the minister and it is making things...difficult on the

political spectrum."

"Do not worry about the boy." Voldemort hissed. "He will soon be dead,

and you will once again regain control over those fools. See that you are

ready to control those imbeciles when the time comes."

Lucius bowed his head low, "Yes m'lord." He also replaced his hood.

"Has anyone been able to contact Severus?" The room stayed quiet.

"Mulciber? I tasked you with this, did I not?" Last month, Snape had been

forced to resign after Harry had successfully gotten a ban on teachers

possessing the Dark Mark passed in the Wizengamot. Snape of course,

had resigned before his arms were forcefully checked by aurors, but it

was a disgraceful resignation nonetheless, and another blow to

Dumbledore, since it was widely publicized that Dumbledore

continuously defended the potions master.

Now, Snape had vanished to the wind, much like Dumbledore himself.

Harry suspected the two were in the same location. Snape had nowhere

to go other than Dumbledore. Without Dumbledores constant protection

and guidance, it wouldn't have taken Snape long to be figured out by

Voldemort for what he most likely was, a spy. There was no other reason

for a man like Dumbledore to keep someone like Snape around.

"It's impossible to find him Lord. Not even the ministry has been able to

locate him."

Voldemort remained quiet for several minutes, "He has either fled, which

makes him an enemy, or gone to the old fool, which also makes him an

enemy. Kill him if he shows his face." Voldemort paused for a moment.

He began to feel the tiredness that came with his morbid body. "Now, tell

me of young Harry. What has become of him?"

"There are only rumors." Lucius started.

"Rumors?" Voldemort hissed out.

"Yes, ones that he has slain a basilisk." Voldemort was for the brief

moment, happy he was just a mere grotesque husk of a baby that

Wormtail had stolen from its now dead mother. It helped hide his

surprise from his followers. "He is also leading a defense club at

Hogwarts, and has shown...impressive abilities during the TriWizard


"Yes, Rookwood. Can I assume Harry killed him since no one has heard

from him?"

"We don't know for sure. What happened under the lake, no one really


"Rumors are just rumors." Travers spoke up, a snarl forming on his face.

Everyone looked at him, waiting to see what he had to say. "The boy is

fourteen and was hospitalized by Bulgarian brutes at the World Cup."

"He killed one and captured the others." Goyle retorted.

Travers laughed a cruel laugh, "They are foreign brutes with no real skill.

A little girl could beat them." Others around the table laughed.

"When will our spy fill us in on Potter?" Voldemort asked. He didn't need

to hear what his followers opinions of the boy were. He needed to know

the truth. He feared that Dumbledore had begun to train him, and that

the prophecy foretold his death at the hands of this boy. But, believing

such a thing is what led him to the current state he was in. The boy was

just a boy, and he had taken steps to make himself immortal, steps no

one would be able to guess about.

"In three days." Barty responded.

"Good. Dismissed, all of you." Everyone in the room quickly filed out of

the room leaving Voldemort to his thoughts. The man wearing black

robes and a silver mask waited for everyone to leave before he himself

left without saying a word.

This body he was in was not one that could sustain him for long. He had

to sleep most of the time and couldn't keep his wits about him for longer

than an hour. This evening was the first time he had felt strong enough to

have a meeting with all of his inner circle.

Nagini uncoiled herself from the protective barrier and slithered down

the chair, only to reappear with a small peace of bread smashed between

her jagged teeth. This was what he hated most of all, not even his

loathing for Potter, muggles, the ministry, or Dumbledore, surpassed this

hatred. Being fed mushed bread by a snake was by far the most

demeaning thing he had ever done in his life.

Still, death was always the worst thing imaginable. It's why he had gone

through such lengths to protect his life. Some would consider it vile, he

however thought it smart. Why would a wizard, one such as he, not take

steps to make himself immortal? He had so much greatness and power to

thrust upon the world, the real ability to enact change for the greater

good, why would he allow himself to die and waste such potential?

Grindelwald had been the true patriot of history, and Dumbledore, the

old meddling fool himself, had gone and thrown the world back into

chaos, making it something weak and corrupt. Something that

Dumbledore, the corrupt individual he was, only benefited himself and

no one else.

It was now up to him to fix the troubled world, and no matter the cost in

life, it was worth it. Once he was in power, the world would be made

right once again. The rightful will live, the weak and corruptible will die.

Muggles and those of lesser blood would be made slaves, put into their

rightful place, and the powerful and mighty would take their places as

the natural rulers of the world. He, of course, would be above them all,

the supreme leader of the world, and the most powerful. A god in the

minds of those lesser than he.

His mind settled onto Harry Potter, the boy who had set his plans back

by a decade. The boy that had remained a conundrum these last several

years. He had killed Quirrell, a weak-minded fool albeit, but still, a

grown wizard with experience in combat.

The magic surrounding the boy was ancient, magic that had taken several

years to figure out, but now he had created the perfect ritual to

counteract it. One that would see his body returned and at the same time

give him the ability to kill Potter.

Ever since returning to Britain, Pettigrew had given him copies of the

various Daily Prophets spouting the praises of the boy, their hero, their

chosen one. It was obviously all lies, fabrications, just like those children

books. No child of his age could slay a basilisk, especially the one that

rested in the Chamber of Secrets. No one could ever be as powerful as

him. Not even Dumbledore was as powerful as him. This was clearly a

ruse by Dumbledore to prop up the childs fame for his own gain. He had

only to figure out what game the old man was playing.

Harry smiled as the patronuses danced around him, silver trails of smoke

left in their wake. All kinds of creatures joined together and their masters

laughed and cheered along with them, happy to be able to perform the

difficult spell. Many in the Great Hall had stopped to watch the display

by several of the older students as they showed off their mastering of the

patronus charm.

"Great job!" Harry exclaimed gleefully, a look of pride on his face. More

than half of the seventh years had been able to perform a full corporeal

patronus and several of the sixth years had also managed it. It was more

than he had expected truthfully. It was rewarding to see others improve

over the course of the months since he had started this club, much like it

was probably rewarding for Sirius to watch his own improvement during

their nightly sessions.

"I think that is all for the evening!" He called out, bringing the session to

an end. The students gathered around him like normal. Harry spotted

Ron amongst the crowd, this being only his third time showing up. Draco

had even begun to show himself at the meetings, though he refused to do

anything that anyone told him to do. He simply stood in the corner of the

hall and practiced beating up his bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy

was the forever cheerleader and praised him throughout the evening

about his magical prowess. Most had just grown accustomed to ignoring


"All of you are improving quickly and I'm happy to see it. Due to the

third task coming up in just a month, I will have to stop my involvement

in the club in order to focus fully on the task." A few grumbles were

heard, but for most others, they just nodded in understanding. Many by

now wanted Harry to win and had even offered to help in any way they


"Professor Flitwick will formerly take over, along with Professor Black."

Sirius had quickly grown to be one of the favorite professors at the

school. Whether it was his boyish charm or his rugged good looks was

still being disputed amongst the girls in the castle that made him easily

the best teacher. Sirius' ego had grown immensely due to this praise but

Emmy was quick to reign him back in when necessary. Harry had grown

quite fond of Emmy over the last several months.

They had spent more time together since she was set to marry Sirius

during the summer, and Sirius thought it a good idea for them to get

know each other better than they already did. She never tried to mother

him like Molly had, instead, she was just another ear for him to speak his

stresses to, and didn't try and solve every issue he had. She didn't try to

act like she understood what he was going through either and he liked

that about her.

"Continue to practice and study on your own and have a good evening! If

you have any questions, feel free to ask if you see me walking in the

halls." The students mingled for awhile longer and Harry spent his time

talking with Filius and Sirius. They knew of his plans to take time off

from the Defense Club and had already come up with a schedule for the

remaining meetings. There were only just ten more meetings before the

end of the year and so they didn't have much to plan for.

Eventually the students disappeared and Harry began his trek back up to

the Gryffindor common room. "Harry!" He let out a groan, recognizing

the voice. He was wondering when this conversation was going to

happen. Harry spun around and saw Ron approaching him.

Just a few days ago, Harry had asked Sirius to place Mrs. Weasley under

further surveillance, or more like, keep her locked down for the time

being. Both Remus, Sirius, Moody, and Arthur had visited with her a

number of times to try and figure out if she was under the same spell that

Kingsley was, but none of them could determine that she was.

It appeared that she had done everything completely of her own free will,

and not because Dumbledore had forced her to. Harry had made the

difficult call to keep her locked up for now in a small room on Raven Isle

that was being attended to by Dobby.

"Yes, Ron?" Harry asked. He kept his hands at the ready, just in case the

red head was looking for a fight.

"What did you do with my mother?" He asked, a dangerous glint in his


"I already told your brothers. I do not think she has come back for good

reasons. Even your father agreed." Harry replied coolly, not allowing any

emotion into his voice. Fred and George had already approached him

about the matter, and he even had received a letter from both Bill and

George. None of the older brothers had any harsh feelings for his

decision, all of them feeling the betrayal of their mother deeply. Ginny

had remained completely silent on the issue, but by the few scathing

looks he had received from her, he knew where she stood.

"She's my mother! You can't just imprison her!"

"You're right, I can't. That's why I asked your father for permission...

permission he granted by the way. Anyways, she isn't imprisoned. She's

being taken care of quite well." Molly was in reality probably having the

best time of her life, having a house elf at her beck and call and staying

on a beach. The irritated look on Dobby's face every time Harry saw him

was enough to know that Molly had many demands of him.

"My father would never agree to this!" Ron scoffed in disbelief.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Do you not speak to your family Ronald? I

already had this talk with them. Even your older brothers agreed with


"They wouldn't talk behind my back about something like this." Ron said

smugly, but Harry could see in his eyes the beginning of doubt in his

words. Doubt that his family would actually include him in on a decision

like this. Doubt that his family respected him anymore.

Harry sighed, hoping to take some advantage of Rons somewhat

befuddled state, "Speak to them about this. If you find my words false,

come see me and yell at me all you wish." Harry turned and began

walking away from Ron who stood frozen, deep in thought at Harry's

words. "Oh, and Ron?" Harry spun back around, getting the attention of

Ron. "Trying to be different from your brothers for the sake of being

different, isn't good. They're your family, you don't have to be better or

worse." Harry left Ron standing alone in the middle of the entrance hall,

silence descending over the empty hall.

Thank you to everyone that has favorited/reviewed/followed.

23. Ghost

Harry slowly crawled into the small, nicely decorated den room through

a window that he had vanished. The room was dark and he was easily

able to creep in the shadows. He had already charmed his feet to make

no noise when he stepped, but still felt the need to step gingerly around

the room. He wore for the first time a dark green, almost black, basilisk

scale jacket that Sirius had gone through great lengths to get him. Along

with the jacket were a pair of similar colored dragonhide gloves, boots

and black cargo pants that had various charms to make them somewhat


Sirius had gotten him this new attire, partly because he swore, along with

Fleur, it made him look like the true, powerful public figure he was

becoming, but more importantly it also kept him safe from potential

attacks. In truth, Harry also liked the look of the new outfit on him.

Sirius said the last piece of the outfit would be coming on his birthday,

and was also to remain a secret, which greatly piqued his interest as to

what it might be.

Once into the room and recognizing no threats, he transformed into his

tiger animagus, Haunt, who had been named so because Sirius said that

there was no other image more haunting than his glowing green eyes in

the pitch black of night.

He used his enhanced senses to try and smell his prey and even put his

ear to the ground to listen and feel for any movements of his potential

victims that were located somewhere in the house. The house itself

wasn't all that large, nestled into a small valley with farmland around it.

It was in essence in the middle of nowhere and the closest village was a

thirty minute broom ride away. He couldn't sense anything and so moved

to the door that opened into a well lit hallway. Not being able to hear or

feel anything, Haunt wandlessly cracked the door just barely. Pictures of

strangers hung from the walls, but do to the lateness of the night, the

figures in the pictures were sound asleep.

Not being able to see any movement and still not hearing anything,

Haunt crept into the hall slowly, wandlessly turning the lights off as he

moved. He paused, trying to listen for any sudden movements to the

lights going out, but still, could hear nothing. His prey was keeping calm

and steady wherever they were, or more than likely hadn't figured he was

in the house yet. He slowly stalked down the hall, his large padded paws

completely silent on the carpeted floor.

As he moved close to the end of the hall, he began to hear the faint

beating of a heart, a slow thud-thud, coming from a room to his right.

Haunt transformed back into Harry and he placed a minor stunning ward

on the door. If anyone opened the door and they weren't paying iny

remote attention, they would be stunned immediately by the ward,

almost like a trip wire setting off a bomb.

Once finishing his work, he went back into his animagus form and

continued further down the hall until it opened up into a large living

room that was connected to a kitchen. He could see some light coming

from the kitchen as well as muffled voices that were whispering quietly

to one another. Haunt sat in the darkened hall, patiently waiting for one

of his prey to move into the open where he could see them.

A few minutes passed before one of his prey, a male with long dark hair,

moved to a nearby couch and sat down. The man was followed by a

female, and she sat down next to the him on the couch, a bowl of what

smelled like popcorn being shared by the two of them. The darkened

living room brightened from a television screen that briefly glowed blue

from the text, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...", which then

gave way to further yellow text.

Haunt crept slowly behind the couch, his midnight black fur briefly

illuminated by the yellow that scrolled down the television screen. "What

are we watching?" The man said, his slick smooth voice broken up sightly

by the popcorn kernals in his mouth.

"Honestly, how can you be so culturally dense!" The woman exclaimed,

rolling her eyes. Haunt silently made his way into the dimly lit kitchen

searching for the last of his prey. He knew there were others lurking

somewhere around the house, but had yet to spot any of them.

His nose began to pick up the intense smell of pipe smoke coming from

nearby. He moved to the back kitchen door and saw two men sitting

down on the steps sharing a pipe. They were talking to one another but

Haunt couldn't hear anything they said. He could sense a silencing ward

over them which was why he hadn't heard them earlier.

Haunt crouched behind the kitchen counter that separated the living

room and the kitchen, and began to formulate a plan. He now knew

where every enemy was in the house if the intelligence he was given was

correct, and was going to be able to surprise them if he played this right.

Quickly, he formulated a plan in his head and padded his way over to the

back door again.

Haunt focused on the door and made it swing open abruptly while at the

same time turned off the lights to the kitchen, putting himself completely

in the dark. "Ruddy doors been doin' that all day. It's time I got it fixed."

One of the men said to the other ear-ringed, dark skinned man outside

after he took down the silencing ward. He walked into the house and

only a few feet from the very large 600 pound tiger that sat patiently in

the shadows. Harry had his eyes closed as to not show his vibrant green

eyes in the dark, using his other senses to know precisely when to spring

the trap he made.

Once the man was fully inside, Haunt pounced, his jaws locking tightly

around his preys leg and dragging him further into the shadows of the

kitchen. The man let out a shout alerting everyone else in the house to a

threat. "Someones here! In the house!" The dark skinned man shouted

from outside, the pipe still in his mouth. He rushed into the darkness that

was the kitchen, as the couple on the couch quickly jumped up and

headed into the kitchen as well. As soon as they were about to light their

wands to illuminate their surroundings, a crash and a yelp sounded from

the hallway. "He's in the back!" The man who had been on the couch

said, rushing off with the other two behind him. Haunt, who had briefly

transformed into Harry in order to choke out his victim, sat still in the

shadows until they left his sight. His victim was only able to watch

helplessly as the air was cut off from his brain and couldn't even say

anything to his friends who rushed off to the back of the house, since

Harry had quickly silenced him.

Just as the couple had rounded the corner, Harry, who had quickly

transformed back into Haunt after dealing with his first prey, followed

them closely, grabbing the dark skinned man by the leg and pulled him

back into the living room where the now orange filled screen showed his

impressive, musculature, figure off to his prey. The man let out a brief

scream of surprise before Haunt had transformed into Harry and stunned


Harry flicked his second wand into his hand and sent a blasting hex at

the hall, catching the woman who had carelessly ran back into the living

room, looking to help the dark skinned man. It caught her in the stomach

and sent her through the front door of the house and out into the open

air. She was instantly knocked unconscious from the force of the spell

and wouldn't get up anytime soon.

The last man tried to aim his wand around the corner blindly to catch

him off guard, but Harry already had another blasting hex sent at him. It

broke through the corner of the wall and nicked the man in the shoulder,

sending him spinning into the wall behind him, hitting it with a dull thud

before falling to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Harry stunned the man

and then calmly walked out into the night air. "Expecto Patronum!" He

shouted. His spectral tiger shot off into the night sky at blazing speed. It

looked like a shooting star as it raced across the night time sky. Two

minutes later, a team of men wearing dark cloaks and black masks to

hide their faces apparated onto the premises.

"You've done well, I see." One of the men said, his voice guff. He walked

up to Harry with a slight limp and surveyed the woman who lay

unconscious nearby, nudging her slightly with his black boot. Harry

could swear he saw a smile on the mans face beneath the mask.

Harry shrugged, "Wasn't difficult." The masked man snorted, moving

passed Harry and into the house without another word. Seconds later,

Amelia and Moody apparated nearby and Harry walked over to them.

Moody had a rare smile plastered on his face and even Amelia looked

impressed at his work.

"You did well." Amelia said.

"Well? The boy is bloody brilliant!" Another masked man said. He was

leaning over the unconscious woman, examining her with his wand.

"I agree with Unspeakable Reaper." Moody said, a hint of pride in his

voice. In the last month his training had moved beyond just that of his

teachers and the Room of Requirement. Amelia and Moody both had

contacts in the Unspeakable Department, a department named thusly for

a reason. They couldn't speak about anything they did, their work

deemed highly classified, and not even the Minister of Magic fully knew

what they were doing.

Amelia had suggested Harry begin to train with a small team of them,

Ghost Squad as they were called. They were a group of seven

Unspeakables, trained to take down the most fierce dark wizards

imaginable. After the last wizarding war, the group was created in order

to stop the rise of any other Voldemort styled Dark Lords. Harry had told

them early on that Voldemort was going to be returning and was never

truly dead. He was surprised to see that they didn't look all that shocked

at the news, having already suspected it for awhile.

This unspeakable team weren't peace keepers like the aurors, but battle-

hardened warriors like Moody, and less beat up...and younger. They had

a great deal of experience in catching dark wizards, having spent the

better half of the last decade tracking and imprisoning them, and were

often employed by various other ministries around the world. This group

was kept so secret, Harry wasn't even allowed to tell Fleur of their

existence. Very few people did know of this group and they were going to

be acting as Harrys team when the time came for war. Amelia only knew

of them because she had full knowledge of any Auror or Unspeakable

operative group actively working in the field since she was the Head of

the DMLE. Moody knew of them because he had trained several of them,

and worked two years on Ghost Squad.

Over the last month they had continuously ran him through the ringer

every night, testing not only his magical prowess, but his ability to

perform under pressure and deadly situations. Luckily for him, he

excelled in such situations, having already had much practice before

hand and it showed in his tests. His nightly trianing with Sirius and

Remus had taken a back foot to them, and each night, harry found

himself doing solo missions like what he had done tonight.

Ghost Squad was much more focused on making the training missions as

realistic as possible. Minerva had allowed him a pass to leave the castle

each night and she knew better than to ask questions, especially when

the permission was personally signed by Amelia. Because of his nightly

training with these battle-hardened warriors, he had now only been

getting two hours of sleep a night, but was glad to know now that he

only needed that amount. His recuperation abilities were quite profound

and he found that he didn't even need to skimp on his normal, morning

physical workouts.

He had yet to meet his team members for real, all of them still wearing

their black masks around him, but that would come after he was

officially allowed onto the team. They didn't want to give up their

identities to somehow who may not make it through the trials to become

a part of their team. There were strict requirements to joining this highly

secret team, and even though he was Harry Potter, they didn't care, and

he like that about them.

Right now, he was still in the training stage. He had insisted on going

through the same trials that the team members had to to earn their spot

on Ghost Squad and he was quickly flying through them. The trials

weren't really designed for someone like him, but Harry still felt it

necessary to go through the same steps and prove himself to them.

"Bloody hell, I wanted to watch that movie!" Harry chuckled, hearing

Sirius' groggy voice inside the house. "I didn't even see the boy! How am I

supposed to fight something I can't see!"

"He's becoming scary for sure. Whoever is training him now is doing a

fine job." Kingsleys voice sounded in the house in response. Kingsley,

Sirius, Emmy, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley had volunteered for this night of

training. They didn't know anything, other than that Harry would be

attacking them sometime this weekend. Harry had begun to stalk the

house on Friday night and didn't attack until Sunday night, as he was

taught to. The two days prior had been entirely reconnaissance before he

made his move. The Burrow had made a fine target for Harry, already

knowing the layout of the place, but it still made a good beginning

mission for him.

Sirius had found an interesting ward in an old, unseen book in the Black

library which allowed the area inside the ward to use electricity. Of

course, Arthur had been thrilled at that when he learned of such a ward

and demanded for Sirius to set him up with it. Emmy, who was

muggleborn, had helped Arthur with setting up the television and bought

a VCR and taught him how to operate it. Rumor had it that Arthur was

having trouble focusing on his work due to things he called 'muggle


"All members were clearly taken out without any harm coming to you."

Another masked man said, walking up to Harry. Unlike the others, this

mans mask was solid gold, showing vibrantly in the pale moonlight. It

was engraved with a black cross that connected the chin, eyes, and

forehead. "The final phase of your training is over, welcome to Ghost,

Haunt." Harry shook hands with the masked man he knew to be the

squad leader and his new boss, Specter.

He had barely spoken with Ghost Leader Specter, usually getting his

training briefings from Reaper or Banshee, the only woman on the team.

The man behind the gold mask was intimidating, his voice cold and

emotionless, the eyes that shown through the masks slits were dull blue

and blank. Harry could only imagine what the man looked like without

the mask on.

"Thank you, sir."

"Due to your status as a student, you will instead report for training every

evening in place of your other private teachings that have been taking

place, as you have this last month. Understood?"

"Yes, sir. Where at sir?" Harry had yet to be introduced to their private

training facility that he knew existed, just not where. Specter handed him

a slip of paper and he immediately realized this meant that the training

ground was under the Fidelius Charm. Specter shook Harrys hand once

more before disapparating without even the smallest of pops. Harry was

impressed with the silence of it, he himself not even being able to be

fully silent when apparating.

"Thank you so much for this Amelia, Alastor." Harry said once the other

members of Ghost had congratulated him and left.

Amelia waved off his thanks, "You needed a team. One that could truly

follow you into the heat of battle, which we know that's where you're

eventually headed. Alastor is old and wounded."

"Hey!" Moody exclaimed but Amelia ignored him.

"Myself and Kingsley are taken by out duties as aurors, and Sirius...he has

other things to worry about now." Harry looked fondly at his godfather

who walked out of the house with Kingsley right behind him. Tonks

trailed behind the two, apparently she was the one that had set off Harrys

stun ward and gone down. Arthur had a white bandage around his thigh

where Haunt had bit him and he hobbled out of the house with the help

of Tonks.

Sirius headed over to Emmy and pulled her into a tight hug, kissing her

soundly on the lips. She giggled, whispering something into his ear. Sirius

grinned from ear to ear and picked her up into his arms making Emmy

laugh even more. They were clearly happy together, a blind man could

see it, and it put a smile on everyones face anytime they saw them.

Harry knew that this war was no longer Sirius' to fight. He was getting

married and probably going to be starting a family soon. Sirius would

kick and scream at Harry and demand to fight along beside him, but

Harry recognized that Ghost Squad was an easy way through the

impending argument with Sirius. His godfather would never allow him to

go off fighting alone and without him, but now that he had an actual

team around him, one that was truly capable of fighting with him, Sirius

might be more easily accepting of staying on the sidelines and playing

the political side of the war. It would still be a very difficult sell though.

He had already written off trying to keep Remus sidelined. The werewolf

would never have it, and neither would Tonks for that matter.

Its funny how things had switched between the two older marauders over

the last year. Sirius had grown more passive and logical as he spent more

time with Emmy, while Remus became more wild and outgoing as he

spent time with Tonks. The dog was tamed and the werewolf set loose.

"So the third task Harry. Any news on it yet?" Moody asked, breaking him

out of his thoughts.

Harry shook his head, "Nothing yet."

"Don't be nervous about it. I'll have extra security for that night."

Harry gave Amelia a somber smile, "We are dealing with two of the most

wise and powerful wizards of this century. No amount of preparation can

keep them away if they truly want to interfere with the third task."

"We will still try though." Amelia stated.

"I know."

Fleur watched Harry from afar as he glanced through books on the

libraries bookshelf, trying to find one that interested him. She smiled

fondly at her boyfriend, the very same flutter flowing through her

stomach as when she had first laid eyes on him nine months ago. She sat

at the same table as Hermione, her potions book laid out in front of her

but had gone unused as she focused on Harry and his rather cute derrier.

The two of them had grown more and more close over the last several

months, beginning to enjoy the pleasures of intimacy. Though Harry was

pulled in many directions at once, he always made time for her,

something she found endearing and it warmed her heart greatly. She

knew he had also begun to train with others, an unknown group of

people that he couldn't tell her about, but she respected and trusted him

enough to realize he probably couldn't say exactly what he was doing. It

didn't bother her like she had initially thought it might. He was a person

that naturally would have to have some secrets, and she knew if he could

tell her, he would. She would never pressure him into anything knowing

that he was already being pressured on all sides of life and didn't need a

nosy girlfriend that had no trust in him.

"He's changed so much." Hermione stated, following Fleurs gaze over to

Harry. "I still remember the shy, bespectacled eleven year old boy that

rescued me from a troll."

Fleur chuckled, "'e 'as saved many women over ze years."

Hermione nodded, "You, your sister, Ginny, me."

"Just Harry things." The both of them said at the same time, breaking into

quiet laughter, trying ot avoid the ire of the librarian.

"You're good for him, you know?" Hermione said, her voice growing

distant and quiet as she began to recall past memories.

"'Ow so?"

"He's more confident now. That was something I could never give him.

He's better, and more importantly, happy. I've never seen him more

happy than he is now, despite all of his new responsibilities." Fleur

watched Harry closely, a small smile on her lips as he conversed with

Daphne who had just walked up to him. The two best friends chuckled at

something Harry had said as he handed a book to her. Daphne lightly

punched him in the arm before heading back to her seat with Tracy.

"You are every bit as responsible for shaping 'im into what 'e eez today,

'Ermione. I can not thank you enough for being 'ere ze first three years."

Fleur paused for a moment, her own voice growing a little distant. "And I

also 'ave a favor to ask of you."

Hermione leaned slightly forward, curious to here what her veela friend

would ask of her, "Of course, anything Fleur."

"I need you to watch out for 'im next year. Do your best to keep 'im in


Hermione chuckled, "You as well as I, know it's impossible to keep him

out of trouble. So I take it you aren't transferring then?" Fleur had been

thinking about a transfer to Hogwarts for her seventh year but had

recently decided against it. Harry was in firm agreement with her, and

based his opinion off that being in France would mostly keep her safe

and away from an impending civil war. She agreed with her parents

however, that it would be too much of a hassle with her school if she

were to transfer the last year, and some of the courses she currently took

were only available at Beauxbatons and she didn't want to not take them.

She didn;t care if a war was soon to break out and that Harry would be in

the thick of it, she had her full faith in Harrys ability to work his way

through it and stay safe. She planned for the future, a future with him by

her side.

The Minister of France had heard of their predicament through Sebastien

and had agreed enthusiastically to have an international portkey created

for the couple so that they could regularly see each other despite being

hundreds of miles apart. It definitely helped ease Fleurs decision on

staying at Beauxbatons.

"I'll be staying in France. Eet will be too 'ard to transfer schools."

Hermione nodded in understanding, "I'll keep a close eye on our favorite

troublemaker." Fleur giggled. Her eyes naturally traveled to the blonde

haired girl he was talking with. He had followed Daphne over to her seat

next to Tracy and had started up a conversation with the two of them.

Her smile faltered slightly as her mind dredged up fears that the Slytherin

had some scheme that could harm her beau. Fleur had found Daphne's

behavior to be somewhat strange the last several months, despite the fact

that they had became friendly with one another. Something about

Daphne just struck her as fake, as if everything she did was to put on a


Each time that thought came to her mind, she shrugged if off, figuring

that it was just Daphne's thing, being the Ice Queen and all. There was no

real way to know what she was thinking behind that impassive face of


She had even taken some time to stalk the Slytherin in between her

classes, trying to find out if she did anything shady throughout the day,

but never once had found any evidence that something was out of norm

with her. It was just Daphne, through and through, and if Harry couldn't

spot anything wrong with her, she probably wasn't going to be able to

either. Still, her gut reaction said something was wrong and she would

continue to watch the Slytherin closely.

She wanted to approach Harry about her concerns regarding Daphne but

was always held back when she saw the two of them laugh and banter

back and forth like the good friends they were. They were close, on a

level that Fleur was sometimes jealous of, but she knew Harry harbored

no romantic feelings for the blonde witch and neither did Daphne for

Harry. She didn't want to break up a happy friendship, or negatively

impact her own relationship with Harry, based on a baseless accusation.

The second Slytherin, Tracy, had clearly been having a tough few weeks.

She was cold and more distant than usual. Daphne had made excuses for

her, saying that the pressure of the upcoming exams was getting the best

of her, but Fleur didn't buy it. She knew something was off with her, and

had approached Harry about this. He agreed with her but wasn't going to

pry into her personal life. That was Harrys stance on most things

regarding his friends. He wouldn't try and pry into their lives since they

had the same respect to not pry into his.

It was just one of many of Harrys noble traits and how he separated

himself from Dumbledore. He was constantly concerned with becoming

like Dumbledore or Voldemort, and had gone out of his way, and even

endanger himself in Fleurs opinion, to not be like either of his

predecessors. There were some things she thought that Dumbledore did

correctly, and even Voldemort had some traits that could be emanated,

but Harry wanted nothing to do with anything that made him like them.

She would never tell him this, but after seeing a few of his training

exercises in the Room of Requirement, she couldn't help but feel that

Harry was imitating himself off of Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and

Voldemort when it came to combat. Personally she was glad to see it,

knowing that imitating those powerful wizards would mean Harry would

actually stay safe in a fight against them. Despite his hate for those men,

Fleur was glad to see he at least recognized, consciously or

unconsciously, the need to be like them when in combat, where those

men truly excelled.

Tracy watched as Harry and Daphne talked quietly with one another, a

frown forming on her face. She had grown a little distant the last several

weeks, especially towards Harry, and her friends were beginning to

notice. She still wasn't sure what to do about the letter she had received

from her father and was putting off replying until the last possible


Daphne had been a good friend to her, and had even been giving her

advice on how to deal with the situation she found herself in. On one

hand, Harry was her friend, a friend she respected like no one else, but

on the other side, her family was at risk. They could be killed or worse,

tortured, raped, then killed in a gruesome manner. Voldemort had a

reputation for not taking kindly to those who went against him.

Could she really put Harry above her own family? Even if her family had

sided with a man so vile and hateful that she herself could never side

with? Also, could she trust Harry to act on the information given to him,

to save her parents, or at the very least, her little seven year old brother

who was completely innocent and already being warped by her father to

hate those deemed lesser than him?

Things had gotten complicated quickly in her life, too quickly for her to

comprehend properly, and she was now without a clear solution. One

side of her leaned one way, and the other threatened to pull the other

way. "Are you alright?" Susan asked from her seat next to Tracy.

Tracy broke away from her stare at Harry and Daphne and looked to her

three friends that sat beside her. Susan, Hannah, and Neville had begun

to notice her cold, distant behavior, and in return, became more warm

and close to make sure she didn't run away from them. They could tell

she was struggling with something, but were respectful enough to not ask

outright what it was that was bothering her, instead waiting for her to

bring the issue up to them.

"I'm fine." Tracy responded absently for what felt like the hundredth time.

She wasn't quite ready to talk about what was troubling her and was glad

that her friends didn't push her for answers. This was something she

needed to work out in her own head first before she sought more help,

other than Daphne who already had her say. No one else could really

help her with this problem.

"That new jacket of Harrys, have you seen it?" Hannah asked, a smirk

playing across her face.

Susan glanced over at Harry and grinned as well, "Yeah, I'm sure Fleur is

happy about that new choice of clothing. I may not be interested in him,

but he is smoking hot with that on."

Hannah scoffed, "Pshh, he's smoking hot wearing anything...or nothing,

I'm sure."

"Hey!" Neville cried out, feigning a hurt expression. "I'm right here you


Hannah pinch Neville on the cheek affectionately, "I know sweety. I think

you should get one. You would look good with something like that."

Neville glanced at Harry even though he currently wasn't wearing his

basilisk scale jacket, "You think so?"

Hannah nodded, "Oh definitely."

"I don't know." Neville muttered, "I'm not as fit as him."

"You don't see what I see. And you have lost a lot of that baby fat you

started the year with." It was true, over the last year, Neville had lost a

lot of pounds on his face and waistline, thanks in part to his training with

Harry and the Defense Club. In fact, many of the boys had started to get

in better shape, along with the girls, due to the Defense Club. Though

they weren't actively running laps around the lake like Harry still did

every morning, the continuous work ethic of defense at least put you into

half-way decent shape. Magic had an odd way with keeping your body in

decent shape even if you didn't try and strengthen it without magic.

"Tracy, what do you think of Harrys new jacket?" Hannah asked, eager to

hear what her normal gossip partner had to say.

Tracy looked up from her book, having only been loosely following the

conversation, once the topic shifted away from her. "It's good looking.

Fits Harry quite well I think." She said absently.

"What fits me well?" Harry asked, walking over with Daphne.

"Your new jacket we've seen you wearing recently." Hannah replied in a

chipper tone.

"Ah." Harry responded, "A gift from Sirius. You think it looks good?"

"Oh yes, I've seen a number of witches watch you carefully whose names

weren't Fleur when you wore that jacket the other day." Harry raised his

eyebrows at Hannah, "Not that they don't watch you everyday anyways."

"She's right though, you looked very handsome in that jacket." Harry

looked over at Susan, surprise showing on his face. She blushed slightly

and everyone chuckled. Normally Susan stayed out of all topics that

focused on fashion or other gossip around the castle.

"What do you think of it Trace?" Harry asked looking over at the

unusually quiet Slytherin. "You always have an opinion on this kind of


"I thought it looked quite fetching. I'm sure Fleur liked seeing you in it."

Harry bit his tongue slightly, knowing Fleur, though liked how he looked

in the jacket, didn't like what it represented, which was basically body

armor for him. It meant he was under a constant threat and she didn't

like that one bit.

"She did." He responded quickly, "So how have things been? We haven't

had much time to talk in the last several weeks." Harry sat down next to

her, Daphne taking the seat across from them and staring at her


Tracy plastered on a fake smile, "Things are good, Harry. Just been busy

with the end of year exams."

"Right, Daph told me you take those things as serious as Hermione." The

others chuckled, knowing full well by now how Hermione was during

this time of year. They had all gotten a dose of her craziness when she

tried to write up a schedule for all of them to study various topics, even

for Fleur and Aimee, which amounted to an extra five hours a day of


Harry had of course bowed out quickly, actually having a reasonable

excuse to skip her study sessions. The others had to come up with

inventive ways to get out of Hermiones schedule. Neville had even gone

as far as to feed his schedule to the giant squid, and when Hermione tried

to write him up a new one, he simply lied and said he had agreed already

to study with Padma. Behind her back, they had all created their own

system where a few of them would be in the library with her at all times.

Right now Aimee, Luna, and Theo were the lucky ones with the time off.

"They're very important, Harry." Daphne scolded.

"How so? I thought only OWLS and NEWTS were important. How does an

end of fourth year exam effect ones life?"

"Simply put, if you don't do well on your fourth year exams, Mr. Potter,

you may not find yourself in fifth year at all." Harry nearly jumped out of

his seat as Headmistress McGonagall approached him from behind.

"Right, yes of course Headmistress. How could I be so silly to think such a


"Yes, how could you be so silly indeed." Minerva gave a rare smile to the

students at the table who were already snickering. "Follow me Mr. Potter.

You are wanted down by the Quidditch Pitch to receive information

about the third task."

Harry jumped up eagerly from his seat and glanced over at Fleur who

was already being talked to by Headmistress Maxime. The two made eye

contact and gave each other a nervous smile. "Right, please, lead on

Headmistress." Harry mock bowed and Minerva rolled her eyes at her

students antics.

Voldemort sat in his throne room with Nagini wrapped protectively

around him. The room was dimly lit, only the moonlight showing

through a small circular window in the middle of ceiling. Its walls were

adorned with ancient suits of armor from various ages of English history

and even a few Roman gladius' hung from the wall just behind

Voldemorts throne of bones.

He had fashioned this throne himself long ago before his accident at the

Potter cottage. It was his pride and joy and built from the deaths of those

that gave him immortality. A few of his inner circle were gathered in

front of him and he sat waiting for the reports. "Is everything in place?"

He hissed out, his voice stronger than it was just two months ago when

he last addressed his followers.

A tall man stepped forward and took off his hood that hid his face, "Yes,

my lord." Unlike the others, this man had an American accent and

appeared to be in excellent shape. "I have personally set up the wards as

you have commanded. They will hold strong through tomorrow."

"Good, good. And the anti-phoenix ward I had you create?"

"Also set up with no problems my lord." Voldemort liked this American in

his ranks. He was smart, smarter than the average follower he had here,

and supremely gifted in the more technical side of magic like himself.

The anti-phoenix ward was a difficult one to create, one that few could

perform and even fewer knew how to do.

He had only learned of the spell because Dumbledore had left around a

personal diary in his office when he had snooped through it as a student,

looking to get ahead in Transfiguration class. That diary had become one

of his best finds in all his time at Hogwarts and is what allowed him to

get ahead of Dumbledore. The man had many weaknesses and they were

all laid out for him to read. Sadly, he had now since lost the diary due to

an insurrectionist Black, but the vast majority of its pages were kept

safely locked away in his mind for further recollection.

"And our spy? Has she finished her job?"

Another man stepped forward, this time revealing himself to be Barty Jr.

"Yes m'lord. She has finished preparations and awaits the start of the


"Good." Voldemort paused for a moment, trying to recall if he had

anything else to ask his gathered followers. "Now leave me." None of

them hesitated to leave, all of them in truthfulness, eager to get out of

the throne room. Even in his current, weakened state, Voldemort was still

not to be taken lightly, and remained very cruel. One wrong word could

see the end of your life in a flash of green. The only one who seemed

completely unconcerned at the presence of Voldemort and remained

unintimidated, was the man who always wore a silver mask and never

spoke. He wandered through the halls of Riddle Mansion, never once

stopping to speak with anyone. For the most part, he kept to himself in

his room that sat next to Voldemorts throne room.

For the first time in a long time, Voldemort felt excited. Tomorrow was

the night that would change the future of his world. He would once again

be restored to full power, and his mortal enemy would fall to his knees,

whether in fealty or death was yet to be answered.

Long had he waited for this moment. Long had he planned for this.

Nothing could stop him from accomplishing the Greater Good. Not an old

man, not a young boy, not even death itself could get in his way. His

destiny to change the world was certain. His whole life had lead up to

this one moment, and though he would be going into it much weaker

than he would normally have hoped for, he was finally there nonetheless.

He closed his eyes and relaxed into his protective cocoon that Nagini had

created for him. Rest was what he needed now, for tomorrow would be a

long and glorious night.

Hope all of you enjoyed this chapter. Ghost Squad will be further

introduced later so don't worry. This was more of a teaser for them.

The next chapter will be broken into three parts due to its length

and a lot of major things will be happening during it, so look

forward to that. Thank you to everyone that has followed, favorited,

and reviewed. It truly means a lot to me the support I have. I read

every review I receive. I know I can't satisfy everyone who reads my

story, but I am happy to at least provide entertainment to those that

do, and enjoy my work. The next three chapters will be coming out

in one day intervals, the first part coming out in just a few days, so

be on the look out.

24. The Long Night Part 1

This chapter is going to be split into three parts. Part two will be out

tomorrow and part three the day after. Thank you all for waiting

longer than usual for an update, but I wanted all three parts to this

chapter to be released close to one another. Hope you enjoy.

Fleur watched as Harry talked quietly with Tracy in the middle of the

darkened tunnel where the champions entered into the stadium. She

waited for him in the middle of the semi-circle arena that was filled to

the brim with students, parents, and various other spectators. The stands

surrounding the champions area for the third task had to be expanded for

the sheer amount of people that had shown up to see this last event.

People from all over the world had taken an interest in the event and

come out to show their support for their favorite champion. Of course,

Harry was by far the most popular champion amongst the four, and many

people held up signs of encouragement for him.

To many not in the know, Harry appeared to have been constantly

practicing for this task, and the others before it. But those who were close

to him knew otherwise. Harry was being pulled in all different kinds of

directions. So far, he has handled the stress rather well, better than

anyone could expect from a fourteen year old.

Fleur had done her best to be as accommodating as possible, but she

couldn't help but feel a little neglected. It wasn't Harrys fault that he was

so busy, and by being with him, she knew that time spent with him

would be little compared to a normal couple, but she often wished for

just a little more time with him.

Tracy reached out and brought Harry into a close hug, whispering

something into his ear. Fleur couldn't make out what she was saying to

him from here, but by his facial reaction, she could tell it worried him.

He gave her a fake, soft smile and said something quietly into her ear in

return before breaking the hug. She walked away and up into the stands

with a sad demeanor to sit with her friends, taking a place next to Theo.

Fleurs eyes gravitated to Daphne who sat on the other side of Theo, her

bright blue, cold eyes surveying everything in front of her. Daphne the

last several weeks had given Fleur a cold feeling, and she had even

approached Harry several times about it.

Each time he had sworn it was just her normal demeanor and that the

stress of the end of year tests were probably getting the best of her. Fleur

knew she was one of the best students at Hogwarts, very similar to

Hermione who had been a nervous wreck the last several weeks due to

their end of term tests, but still it didn't feel right to her.

She had even gone out of her way to follow Daphne a few times and see

if she was up to no good, but each time, she had come up short. She had

forced herself to believe that Daphne was just being her normal self, after

all, she had never been around the Slytherin before this year, but neither

had Harry and that's what had her on edge, for him.

Harry walked into the arena and the crowd roared with chants of his

name. He had garnered a large amount of support throughout the year

and because of this he had to go back to school with Sirius on how to

deal with it all. He gave them a warm smile, followed up by a wave

before walking over to Fleur. He greeted Fleur with a kiss that elicited

wolf howls from the crowd, even the radio host for the Wizarding

Wireless who was mic'd up for the crowd was heard shouting, 'Potter is

seen greeting his girlfriend, Fleur Delacour and fellow champion, quite warmly

upon entering the arena!'.

She could see the troubled look on his face but knew by now that it was

best not to ask. Whatever Tracy said that was troubling him, she wanted

to know, but in such a situation, he would try to play it off like he was

fine to her. That was his way, never wanting to trouble anyone in any

way, especially her. It was an annoying trait she figured by now would

be impossible to break, as it was ingrained into him since birth. The

Potter blood, as Sirius would constantly remind her, was quite strong in

him, and his added stubbornness came from Lily, making Harry a very

steadfast individual. He would tell her after this was all over of course,

but he wouldn't want to worry her going into the Third Task.

Harry kissed Fleur soundly on the lips, faintly hearing whistles and the

cry of an announcer. He pulled back from the kiss and was proud at

himself to see a faint, rose-tinted blush on her cheeks. It was rare that he

got to make her embarrassed, it usually being the other way around. He

kept his arm looped around her waist and looked up to the stands to spot

his friends and family.

Remus sat with Tonks, Emmy, and the Delacours. Gabrielle waved

enthusiastically from her place in Sebastiens lap at the two of them and

they both returned the wave. Sirius approached the couple on the grass

field where they were standing. Harry noticed that Cedric's father, Amos,

stood by him along with what looked like Krums father standing next to


Sirius had volunteered to be here for the both of them and usher them

into the maze. "Are you both ready?" He asked once he had reached the

two of them. Sirius gave Harry an odd look, seeing the somewhat

troubled state he was in.

"I'm good." Harry responded tersely. He began to shut down his mind,

focusing inwardly on his plan that Sirius and him had worked out since

one month ago, when they were told what the third task would entail.

Harry had been asked to join the other champions on the Quidditch pitch

where he was first introduced to the large hedge maze that was created.

Somewhere inside was the TriWizard Goblet and they had been told it

would be acting as a portkey that would bring them back to the start. The

first one to reach the Goblet would be declared the winner of the whole


Both Fleur and Sirius looked worryingly at Harry, but he ignored them. "I

am okay." Fleur replied to Sirius.

He gave a warm smile to Fleur and clapped Harry on the back of his

shoulder. Harry was already deep into his inner mind, completely

focused on centering himself. Just two months ago Harry had begun to

develop his occlumency abilities even further, more so than what Remus

could teach. Harry found that he could meditate for hours, and in that

time, he could go over anything, see any of his memories as if looking

through a pensieve, or recall even the smallest bit of information, like

what morning breakfast on his first Tuesday at Hogwarts smelled like.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Sirius asked, looking concernedly at Harry.

Fleur shook her head and squeezed Harrys hand a little harder.

"Non, 'e was...different when 'e talked to Tracy. She told 'im something

that 'as 'im troubled."

"Tracy?" Sirius asked out loud, looking up into the stands to try and spot

out the brown haired Slytherin. He hardly knew her, only knowing her

from classes. She hadn't yet been formally introduced to him by Harry,

but he knew she was a good friend of his.

Sirius punched Harry in the shoulder to try and bring him out of his

meditative state, "W-what?" He spluttered, realizing he was being called

back to reality.

"What has you so worried?" Sirius asked, his eyes beginning to narrow.

He didn't care like Fleur if Harry didn't want to bother them with


"Tracy told me something is all. It's not a big deal now. I'll tell you once

this is over." Harry responded, his voice still emotionless because his

occlumency shields were on full lockdown.

"Are you sure, 'Arry?" Fleur questioned further.

Harry nodded his head and gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry. It

had nothing to do with tonight." He was glad when the two of them

dropped the conversation, satisfied for now. A loud crack resounded

through the stadium, bringing everyone to silence and they all turned

their attention to the Headmistress who stood with her wand in the air.

"Thank you all for joining us in the third and final task of the TriWizard

Tournament!" A round of cheering and applause broke out amongst the

stadium of students. Some reporters from various magazines and papers

had shown up along with the Ministers of the three countries involved.

Harry could see Minister Fudge talking boisterously with the other two

ministers, occasionally pointing in his direction. Harry had made sure to

where his Templars ring tonight, something he didn't wear all that often.

It was too flashy for his tastes.

"The task is simple! Survive the maze and reach the center!" The crowd

grew silent, eager to hear the rules that the champions already knew.

"Many dangers await our champions and it will be no easy task reaching

the center where the Goblet of Fire resides. The first to touch the Goblet

will be portkeyed back here instantly and declared the winner."

Professor McGonagall paused for several seconds, gathering her breath

again. "Viktor Krum is currently in first place by one point and will enter

the maze first." A round of cheers from the Bulgarians sounded from the

far right of the stadium. "Second will be Harry Potter after two minutes

has elapsed." A much larger round of cheers echoed through the stadium.

"Third will be Cedric Diggory followed by Fleur Delacour." Harry kissed

Fleur on the cheek at the mention of her name and she squeezed his hand

in return. In reality, the two previous tasks had little to due with how this

last task would play out.

A two minute difference in the grand scheme of things Harry figured

wouldn't be all that great in the maze, making things virtually even

between the champions. It was truly anyones game and may come down

to luck more than anything.

"At the sound of the cannon, Krum will enter the maze and begin the

third task!" Again she paused for a moment to catch her breath, the

crowd was completely silent, enraptured by every word and the intensity

of the danger that awaited their champions. "Are the champions ready?"

She looked over to the four of them.

Sirius gave Harry a warm hug and a pat on the back before doing the

same for Fleur. Harry briefly kissed Fleur once more before facing his

entrance into the maze. Once Krum had finished quietly talking with his

father, the sound of a cannon echoed throughout the whole maze and

stadium, signaling the start of the third task.

Krum wasted no time in sprinting into the maze, and his entrance

magically closed behind him, the hedges closing in on themselves to

block the view for everyone else, and more importantly the other

champions. Harry waited patiently, fumbling with his Holly wand that he

had already drawn. The second cannon blasted and Harry sprinted into

the cold, dark maze.

Just like Krum, the tall hedges closed in behind him, blocking his sight to

the arena behind him. Once they had closed in on themselves, the sound

of the crowd was also completely silenced, making Harry realize that this

maze was also heavily soundproofed.

He took a slow jog down his first hallway and came to a T intersection.

He knew this was really just a fifty-fifty guess and the hedges were also

charmed to move and create knew corridors, making things even more

difficult. Harry didn't bother to think about the direction and quickly

turned left, heading down another corridor, keeping his speed up. His

journey through the maze was starting to get boring. Sometimes he

would hit a dead end, forcing him to head back the other way, and each

time he did so, the way had already changed, the hedges doing their job

on making him feel disoriented.

The sound of two cannon blasts were barely heard by him and sounded

much further away than Harry thought they should. He didn't think he

had traveled so far and so figured it was just the charms on the maze to

muffle the sounds from the outside.

Harry rounded a corner at a jogging pace and saw at the end of the

corridor, two very large red creatures. They had armored shells, much

like a turtle, along with a large scorpion tail that was curled

threateningly. He groaned inwardly, recognizing the annoying beasts of

Hagrids own design, Blast-Ended Skrewts.

Blast-Ended Skrewts were rather dangerous creatures, and why Hagrid

ever thought it a good idea to mate a manticore with a fire crab was

beyond him. Both fire crabs and manticores were dangerous enough as is

without being mated together, but Hagrid had a rather odd fascination

with stupid, insane animals that could kill anyone at a moments notice.

The Blast-Ended Skrewts spotted Harry immediately and one shot a

fireball at its own feet to propel itself forward and close to Harry where it

could stab him with its large stinger. Harry slipped his Yew wand out and

shot out a severing charm. The spell was powerful enough to cut right

through the armored stinger with ease, causing green blood to shoot from

its gaping wound and making the animal shriek out in pain. It tried to

quickly retreat back but Harrys Holly wand was already in action, a

piercing hex catching it in the rear. It stumbled to the ground and Harry

followed up with three more piercing hexes to the head, sending the

Blast-Ended Skrewt to its quick demise.

Their armor was normally able to be magic resistant, but Harry knew his

power was way too much for the natural armor of the Blast-Ended

Skrewt. Sirius had already suspected that such a beast would be used in

the maze and had managed to sneak one up into the Room of

Requirement for 'testing' purposes. The second Skrewt watched as its

brother died in front of him, and recognized that the person in front of it

was a real threat and not potential food. It scurried off down the other

hall but Harrys quick piercing hex caught it in one of its legs, causing the

Blast-Ended Skrewt to lose its footing and stumble to the ground.

Harry rushed over and followed up with two blasting hexes and an

Intestines Liquefier for good measure. The animal wailed in pain for a

brief moment before Harry stepped over to its head and finished it off

with a piercing hex, carving a large hold through its skull.

He briefly studied the two corpses of Hagrids once-time friends before

moving further into the maze. As he ventured forward and deeper into

the maze, he began to feel a familiar chill begin to take over his body. He

could feel his occlumency shields come under a small and weak attack,

but the closer he moved to this cold presence, the more powerful the

attack on his mind became. He turned a corner and came face to face

with a dementor.

The attack on his occlumency shields was becoming difficult to contain

and as he began to ready a patronus, he noticed a small glimmer to the

dementor. It was a shimmer in the light that alerted him to what this

truly was, a bogart.

Bogarts were creatures that took the shape of a persons greatest fear, and

the last several times Harry had been in the presence of one, it had been

a dementor. Now that he had developed solid occlumency shields, it was

much more difficult for the bogart to determine what his greatest fear


Because of this, the bogart was only able to briefly skim the outer

perimeters of his mind and had been able to merely glimpse his memory

of third year in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class where the bogart

had taken shape of a dementor.

This bogart tried to copy the same creature, but because it wasn't truly

Harrys greatest fear any longer, it couldn't fully recreate it, making the

'dementor' in front of Harry substandard and easily discernible for what it

really was.

"Riddikulus!" Harry muttered, causing the bogart to transform into Sirius

wearing a pink wedding dress with his wand stuck up his nose. Harry

quickly shoved passed the bogart and continued through the maze. He

came to another T and turned right this time. He was about to turn left at

another intersection when he ran head long into Cedric.

The two of them collided into one another and Harry had to steady

himself on a hedgerow to keep himself from falling down. A few vines

tried to wrap around his hands, but he was able to easily yank them

away. "Harry!" Cedric exclaimed, taking a deep breath. He placed his

hands on his knees to catch his breath. He had obviously been running

most of the maze like Harry had and was drenched in sweat.

"Ced, having fun?" Harry asked with a forced smile, knowing full well

neither of them were having any fun at all. He glanced over the older

Hufflepuff and noticed a deep cut on his right leg, blood beginning to

soak his pants.

Cedric noticed his gaze, "It's nothing. Just a run in with an acromantula.

Find anything yourself?"

"Hagrids best friends and a bogart." Cedric chuckled, understanding that

Harry was talking about Blast-Ended Skrewts. "Are you poisoned?"

"Yeah, I can already feel my leg beginning to go numb. You don't happen

to know any way of healing this do you?"

Harry chuckled, "Sorry mate, no. That's a job for Poppy." Cedric was

about respond when a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the maze.

Harrys blood ran cold when he recognized that scream.

"Fleur!" He shouted, racing off in the direction he heard the scream. He

was briefly aware of Cedric sprinting behind him, trying to keep up with

a gimp leg. Harry rounded corner after corner, desperate to find Fleur

and make sure she was okay. He blasted an acromantula out of his way

as he ran through the hallways of the maze, barely recognizing as it

shrieked when it was sent several hundred meters over the hedgerows of

the mazes.

He took a right turn and came across a scene that sent him into a frenzy.

Krum stood over an unresponsive Fleur, her eyes opened and not

showing any signs of life in them. Harrys eyes focused in on Fleur for a

moment, trying to determine if she was in any way okay, but he couldn't

tell. She looked dead, and the thought turned his world red.

"Avada Kedavra!" Krum shouted. Only Harrys training kept him from

being hit by the killing curse. He managed to side step it quickly, the

green flash flying passed him, creating a small hole in the hedge behind

him. Cedric had to dive back around the corner to avoid the deadly

curse, having just caught up with Harry.

Harry looked up at his opponent and saw Krum, his wand leveled at him

and the tip glowing green once again as he prepared another killing

curse. With his Holly wand, Harry created a wet puddle beneath Krums

feet and quickly followed it up with his Yew wand, freezing the puddle.

This locked Krum in place in a split second, and Harry sent a blasting hex

as a followup.

The red cannonball sized spell slammed into Krums chest, sending him

flying backwards. The force of the spell broke every rib in the Bulgarians

chest along with his ankles since they had been locked in place in the ice

when the force sent him backwards.

At the same time, instead of trying to block any of Harrys spells, Krum

had simply sent another killing curse at Cedric who had sprinted for

Fleur. Harry reacted by conjuring a stone block in front of them. It

exploded from the force of the killing curse, sending shrapnel into the

two, but they were kept alive. Krum hit the hedge behind him, and the

vines inside the hedge began to try and drag him further inwards.

Krum, almost as if possessed by the devil, severed himself from the hedge

and tried to make another attempt at Fleurs life, "Avada Ke-" He was cut

short by Harrys wandless magic. He picked Krum up and squeezed his

hand into a fist around the bone handle of his Yew wand, focusing his

mind on Krums windpipe. His rage at Krum trying to kill Fleur began to

take over, his fear that she was dead, that his world had ended and he

wasn't even there to try and protect her, was taking hold of him.

Krum struggled in the air with his own hands around his throat, having

dropped his wand and trying to breath, but Harry just forced his magic to

strangle Krum even more, cutting off all air for the Bulgarian. He could

see Krums eyes that were slightly glazed over begin to bulge and the

veins on his forehead began to pop.

"She's alive!" Cedric shouted. He was focused solely on Fleur and wasn't

paying any attention to what Harry was currently doing to Krum. Harry

didn't hear Cedric and continued to choke the life out of Krum, his anger

in complete control of him now. His occlumency shields were no match

for the pure hatred that had taken over Harrys mind and the need for


"Harry!" Cedric shouted, looking up and seeing what he was doing.

"Harry!" He shouted again. When he didn't respond, Cedric sent a stunner

at Harry to try and knock him out.

Harry was hit by the stunner in the back of the neck and lost

concentration, dropping Krum to the ground like a bag of bricks. He

stumbled forward, but wasn't knocked out by the force of the spell. He

quickly stunned Krum who lay gasping for breath on the ground and

turned and leveled his wand at Cedric.

Cedrics eyes went wide, seeing the wild look, and glowing pale green

eyes. He quickly dropped his wand and held both hands into the air,

"She's alive Harry!" He shouted again. Harry hesitated for a moment and

glanced down at Fleur and then again at Cedric. "She's okay, just

petrified." He said much more calmly.

Cedric watched as a shiver ran through Harrys body and he closed his

eyes, the pale green glow disappearing when he re-opened them, his eye

color turning back to the normal vibrant green. Harry snapped off

another stunner for good measure at Krum before rushing over to Fleur

and cradling her head in his lap. She was cold to the touch but he could

still sense life in her. He breathed out a heavy sigh of relief and didn't

even notice the tear that fell down his cheek.

"Damn, Harry. What happened! You almost killed Krum!" Cedric


"Something is going on Ced." He ignored Cedrics question. "Krum, as

competitive as he is, would never attack Fleur, let alone use the killing

curse!" Harry said urgently, his wits coming back to him as his

occlumency shields once again regained control.

"We need to get these two out of here first." Cedric responded.

Harry nodded his head and shot out a bright red spark, lighting up the

night sky momentarily. "You should leave too, Cedric." Cedric made to

interrupt but Harry continued. "I'm serious. Something bad is going on

tonight, I can feel it, and you're already having trouble walking."

"And leave you? I don't think so Harry." Cedric said, getting up from

beside Fleur to strecth out his wounded leg.

Harry rolled his eyes at the loyal Hufflepuff, "I'm serious Cedric."

"I'm being serious too Harry, I'm not leaving you here."

"Fine." Harry muttered, "But the moment that poison takes completely

over your leg, you need to leave."

"Deal." Harry nodded at his older friend and walked over to Krum. He

bound him in thick black chains and then headed back into the maze

after creating a simple ward around Fleur to keep away any animals.

Cedric and Harry headed out into the maze together, going deeper and

deeper. The both of them could tell they were getting close to the center

of the maze and began to hear a high pitched whine. "What do you think

that is?" Cedric asked. They had both slowed to a slow walk, knowing

that it was no longer a race and more of an attempt at surviving to the


"I don't know, but chances are it isn't good for us." Harry responded.

Cedric chuckled, "Nothing ever is. Why the hell did I sign up for this?"

"Cause you're crazy. And you wanted your father to be proud of you."

Harry replied somewhat bluntly. He had grown accustomed to speaking

with Cedric about more serious and personal topics. Harry found that he

was much more mature for his age and had no problem speaking about

more difficult things. Cedric had become a close friend and was someone

he could talk to about deeper and more personal subjects like family.

Cedric was like an older brother to him, and Cedric looked at him like a

younger brother.

"You think he will be proud of me?" Cedric brushed aside a stray branch

and ducked under another.

"You know he will Ced. He's already proud of you."

Cedric sighed, "I know. Its just, he has always expected so much of me

and I never wanted to disappoint him."

Harry smiled softly at his friend, "You're his son. As long as you do your

best, you can't disappoint him. Amos may be...difficult at times." Both

Harry and Cedric chuckled. Harry had to deal with Amos on numerous

occasions in the Wizengamot and had gotten to know him quite well.

"But he thinks the world of you, and I know you know that as well."

Cedric smiled more brightly but Harry could see the beginnings of the

acromantula poison affecting him. He was looking very tired and his

breath had grown more ragged in the last few minutes. "I know. How

much further do you think?"

"Not much-" Harry started but stopped abruptly when they turned the

corner and came to a long corridor. In the middle was a dark and very

large creature. Harry could briefly see at the far end of the corridor

something glowing bright white that was pulsating light.

"What is that?" Cedric asked.

"I'm not sure." Harry said slowly, taking a few steps forward. He then

heard a thump behind him and turned to see Cedric had fallen down.

"Ced! Ced! Are you alright?" Harry rolled Cedric onto his back so that he

could breath more easily.

"I-I can't feel my legs anymore." Cedric responded, as his body began to

shake from the cold.

"Right, I'm going to get you help, alright?"

Cedric nodded his head and Harry sent out burst of red sparks.

"Congratulations, Harry." Cedric laughed weakly.

"Congratulations for what?" Harry asked, kneeling down next to his


"You're the TriWizard Champion."

Harry allowed a brief smile onto his face, "I haven't completed the maze


"You will. Everyone knows you will." Harry chuckled, knowing that many

had already written it off as if it were a fact that he would win this event.

"Everyone must know something I don't."

"Take it home for Hogwarts."

Harry patted Cedric on the hand, "Will do mate." He began to hear

footsteps not far off and so figured it was okay to leave Cedric behind. He

began heading down the long corridor towards the dark creature that

stood stoically in front of him.

He approached the creature and after a quick glance behind and seeing

that the hedge had blocked any path but forward, turned back to study

the menacing beast in front of him. "Hello Harry Potter." A feminine

voice called to him as he approached.

Harry studied the creature in front of him and he felt his heart begin to

race. The proud sphinx sat on its hind legs, its beady green eyes studying

its potential prey with keen, cat-like eyes. The muscles beneath its black

fur showed its raw power but Harry knew its real strength was in the

ability to out think its opponents.

Harry was surprised at the ministries ability to get such an intelligent

creature to participate in this event. Sphinxes he knew, normally couldn't

be paid, or bribed, or even intimidated to do anything it wished not to

do. The sphinx could only be here because she wanted to be here, and

that scared Harry more than anything.

"Hello. I seem to be at a loss and do not not know your name."

The sphinx let out a short purr, shifting forward to rest on her front paws,


Harry raised his eyebrows, "An Egyptian queen?"

The sphinx tilted her head slightly to the side, "She was named after me."

"A lovely name."

"You are a flatterer." The sphinx licked one of her large paws, her eyes

never leaving Harrys.

"I try. But I must ask, you don't strike me as one that would be in a

competition like this. You are far too intelligent for something such as


Nitocris nodded her large head, "Yes, you are right. Normally I would

never agree to something such as this, but I found myself curious. For

one as old as me, I do not get curious often."

"What did you find yourself curious about?" Harry asked.

"You of course." Nitocris responded as if it was obvious. "I have heard

your story all the way from Egypt. I wished to meet you in person."

Harry couldn't keep the surprise off his face. "Me? I am honored to be

sought out by you."

The sphinx bowed her head low, "I am honored to meet you as well.

There are few in this world to come across my ears that make me curious.

I wondered if you live up to what the others sat about you."

"How can I prove my worth to you?"

"By answering a simple riddle, as I am tasked to do by your ministry. If

you answer correctly, you go with my respect, if you answer incorrectly, I

will end your legacy."

Harry chuckled nervously, "High stakes."

"Your life has always been high stakes, has it not?"

"You have a point there. What is the riddle?"

"First think of the person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

And finally give me the sound often heard,

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together and answer me this,

which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

Harry looked down to his feet and began to concentrate on the riddle.

The first two lines were obviously referring to a spy, something he had

grown accustomed to dealing with. The two middle lines had completely

stumped him though, unsure as to how they even made sense with the

rest of the riddle. The last two lines had to be referring to some kind of

animal, an animal that most people would be unwilling to kiss.

"Do you need me to repeat it Harry Potter?" Nitocris said. She sat back

onto her hind legs, preparing for attack if he couldn't get the riddle


Harry shook his head and kept on thinking. He began pacing back and

forth, deep in thought, turning the words over and over in his head. He

wished he had Hermione here with him for this moment. She would be

overjoyed with this task, except for that getting this right meant life or


Middle of the Middle and End of the End. He repeated over and over in his

head. Not thinking of anything, he continued onto the last two lines

when the word string struck out on the forefront of his mind as important.

That one specific word was a clue as to the animal being referred to in

this word.

Harry smirked inwardly, Spy...Spyder. The middle of the middle and end of

the end must mean the letter D. An end to many words, and the center to this


"A Spider." Harry said proudly.

The large cats lips curled into a smile, "Very good Harry Potter. You may

pass with my respect."

"It was a pleasure to meet you Nitocris."

The Sphinx bowed her head low, "The pleasure was mine. If you find

yourself in Egypt, you can find me in the old tombs of Cairo."

Harry bowed his head low before stepping passed the sphinx and began

walking further down the long corridor. As he approached, the whine

grew louder and the bright white light that pulsed outwards ceased,

allowing him to see the shape of a goblet at the center. He picked up his

pace to a slow jog and hurried into the center. It was a large grassy

square with several other entrances leading into it, but was empty except

for the goblet in the center that stood on a pedestal.

Harrys face lit up, finally seeing the end of what had been a long

troubling journey. The TriWizard Tournament was finally over,

something he wanted nothing to be a part of in the first place, but was

forced to compete in.

Harry reached his hand out to grab the handle of the Goblet, getting

ready to feel the familiar tug behind his navel, but was stopped short by

the sound of a familiar voice.

25. The Long Night Part 2

"Don't touch that!" Harry spun around abruptly, his hand pulling back

only inches from the cup. He came face to face with the bright vibrant

blue of Daphnes eyes watching him in the dark, a worried expression on

her face. Her blonde hair glowed in the moonlight that shown through

the high hedges and a slight breeze caused it to flow about her head. She

took a step forward, one hand outstretched and Harry noticed for the first

time, a silver ring on her index finger.

"Daphne? What are you dong here?" Harry asked, taking a step back from

her as she approached him. He kept his wand level on her, waiting for

something to happen, anything to happen, knowing this had to be some

kind of test. He only had to figure out what kind of test this was. As he

took another step back, keeping himself still in range to grab the cup

quickly if necessary, he also began scanning his surroundings looking for

any signs of a trap.

"I'm here to warn you, Harry. Don't touch that cup, its a portkey!" Daphne

exclaimed, that same worried expression on her face. She took a step

closer to the cup and Harry. He didn't move back any further, standing

his ground, his eyes still straining to find anything hiding in the shadows.

"I know it is. Its supposed to take me back to the starting area." Harry

again reached out for the handle of the cup, wanting to test a theory, but

was stopped when Daphnes hand slapped his away. He was momentarily

surprised that she was even real. He thought that she would have been an

illusion, some last test to get him to not touch the cup.

"You don't understand! That cup is a portkey, yes, but it will take you to

Voldemort!" Harry took a full step back from the cup as if it suddenly

caught fire.. "How do you know?" He asked, looking around more

urgently for any other threats. Daphne began cackling, something he had

never heard come from Daphne before. His eyes snapped back to Daphne

who was doubled over from laughing so hard. Her cackling was almost

like a five year olds who was being tickled to death..

"What's so funny!" Harry demanded, beginning to get irritated with her. A

cold feeling settled over his heart when her laughter abruptly stopped

and she stood back up to full height, her eyes the coldest he had ever

seen before. It caused a shiver to run down Harrys spine.

"Because I'm the one who created it, and it was all too easy." Harrys eyes

widened momentarily before he snapped off a quick stunner. He had had

enough of her and knew any spell he sent at Daphne, she couldn't block


Harry became even more surprised when Daphne quickly flicked a

twisted, black wand that was not Daphnes from her right sleeve. Harry

knew Daphne usually kept her wand in the left sleeve and her real wand

was brown, made of Holly like his own, and not black like this one.

Daphne easily batted away Harrys spell and began cackling again but her

eyes held no real amusement.

"Come on Potter, I know you can do more than that." She said, her voice

changing slightly. It was playful, much more playful than Daphne ever

had been with him, or anyone. "I have had so much fun this year."

"How? Why?" Harry asked, keeping his wand trained on her just in case

she tried anything.

"Oh this has been too easy. Your quest for friends, real friends. It was so

easy to wrap you around my little finger. I do regret not being able to

share a moment with you in a broom closet though." Daphne chuckled

and reached for a ring Harry had never seen before until this night. It

was silver and had a black B carved into the middle. He could briefly

glimpse several jewels embedded into it as well.

Once the ring slid off her finger, she was instantly transformed into a

beautiful, pale skinned woman with long black curly hair. She had a wild

look about her and her gray eyes reminded him of Sirius, in fact, the

resemblance was uncanny. He had seen pictures of this woman

somewhere, but couldn't quite place her face.

"Oh, wittle Potter looks upset." She mocked, bringing her hands up to her

eyes to wipe away invisible tears. "I think he's gonna cry."

"Who are you? What have you done with Daphne!" Harry demanded. His

wand glowed a dangerous bright red, a severing charm on the tip of his

tongue aimed for her head. The woman lazily placed her wand back into

her right sleeve, a cruel smile on her lips. The school uniform she was

wearing no longer fit her and did everything to show off her womanly

curves. She truly would be a beautiful woman, if she wasn't so crazy


"Has my dearest cousin never told you about me? Oh, that's a shame.

Dear old Bellatrix Lestrange at your service." She bowed her head low,

the long black curls falling over the top of her head. Harry groaned

inwardly, now understanding the gravity of his situation. Bellatrix

Lestrange, the top lieutenant of Voldemort had been acting as his best

friend for the better part of the year. He should have listened to Fleur

and her concerns. He cursed himself for being so easily duped. Daphne

had changed ever since the start of second term when she came back

from winter break and he just wanted to believe that she had gotten over

her crush on him. "She has been well taken care of, I assure you. She is a

daughter of a pureblood family and will make a suitable wife for one of

my masters followers."

"I will kill you for this." Harry said coldly, his eyes beginning to glow a

pale green. The breeze turned into a violent wind as Harrys magic began

pouring out of him. For a second, Bellatrixes eyes widened at the display

of magic in front of her. His hand twitched on his Holly wand and he

refrained from using his Yew wand, wanting to keep that a secret just in

case. It was one of the few things Daphne still had no clue of, along with

his knowledge of horcruxes, and he was greatly relieved he kept some


"Do not worry about her young Harry." She tried to pacify him and even

took a step back. "My master has plans for you tonight, and who knows?

Choose wisely and it might be you who is married to the Slytherin


All of Harrys passive magic stopped swirling around him instantly,

"What?" He then felt the hairs on the back of his neck begin to stand up

again, alerting him to something behind him.

Bellatrix then looked behind Harry, "Take him, I am to remain here."

Harry sensed the presence of someone behind him but it was much too


"Fawkes. I could use your help." Harry thought to his familiar who should

be flying around with Hedwig right about now. After their slap fight,

they had become close friends and were often seen together around the


"I cannot get to you. Something is blocking me."

He tried to dodge the red spell, but the person behind him was already

too close, too well hidden with a disillusionment charm in the shadows,

not allowing him to get out of the way in time. It slammed into his

shoulder, the force of the spell spinning him around and he began to feel

the effects of the stun, but his occlumency shields were able to keep him

from falling unconscious.

Harry raised his wand at the dark figure who approached him, but

Bellatrix already had her own wand in hand, and sent a stunner at the

back of Harrys head, causing him to slump to his knees as a third

slammed into his chest, unconsciousness quickly taking him. Before his

vision turned black, he saw Barty Jr., his face illuminated by his red

stunner, approaching him with a sickly smile, marred by scars.

Fleur sat in the stands biting her lip continuously, not bothering to stop

when she began to taste blood. It had been a long and worrying twenty

minutes since she was removed from the maze. Krum had been

immediately taken away, flanked by aurors. More aurors had rushed into

the maze to try and bring the third task to a close, having learned of

what transpired between the champions and Krums imperioused mind,

but they only returned with an unconscious Cedric, who had collapsed

from acromantula poisoning.

Fleur herself was thankfully revived quickly from her petrified state by

Poppy who still had extra mandrake root from the second year

petrifications, and always made sure to keep them handy just in case.

After a brief talk with her own Headmistress and Headmistress

McGonagall, she was allowed back into the stands to await for Harrys


Appoline sat beside her, holding her hand in a comforting manner and

Gabrielle who had an HP painted on each cheek, climbed into her lap as

she strained to watch the entrance of the maze, hoping to see Harry walk

back out, or to return with the cup in hand. Sebastien had walked onto

the field to help Amelia with anything that needed to be done. But with

every passing minute, Fleurs stomach sank lower and lower, and was

replaced with the knowing feeling that Harry was in some kind of


Aurors moved in and out of the entrance, each time coming back empty

handed. McGonagall ran back and forth several times herself, along with

many of the Hogwarts staff. A light flashed above her head and for a

moment, she felt hope that Harry had returned with Fawkes' help, but

then she felt the birds heavy claws dig into her shoulder, and that hope

faded just as fast it came. Fawkes perched himself on her shoulder, a

concerned look in the large birds eyes. "Can you get to 'Arry?" Fleur

asked the phoenix desperately, hoping that he could do what the aurors

could not.

The majestic bird shook its head somberly and began singing a sad tune,

calming the nerves of her and everyone else in the crowd who were

beginning to get restless. Fleurs eyes roamed the crowd and she noticed

that Daphne was missing from her place next to Tracy and Theo. She

searched further for the blonde haired witch but couldn't see her

anywhere. A sudden coldness settled into her heart, realizing that the

Slytherin must have something to do with what was going on tonight.

"Madame McGonagall!" Fleur called out, getting the attention of the

Hogwarts Headmistress who was talking quietly with Amelia. Fleur stood

up from her seat and made her way down to the low level of the stands.

Minerva held up her hand to stop Fleur, "Fleur please, I know you're

worried. We're doing everything we can to find him. Wait in the stands


Fleur ignored her entirely though, "Greengrass isn't here!" Minerva looked

up into the crowd of students herself and couldn't spot the best friend of

Harry either.

"Auror Michaels, search the castle for Miss Greengrass." Amelia

commanded, overhearing the brief conversation between Fleur and

Minerva. Just as the auror was about to leave the stadium, a voice called

out from the lower tunnels where the champions first entered.

"No need. I'm right here Headmistress." Daphne called out, walking out

onto the field. Fleur narrowed her eyes and drew her wand, hopping over

the short railing and landing on her feet in the arena.

"What 'ave you done with 'im!" Fleur shouted, the tip of her wand

beginning to glow red. Fleurs arms also began to show feathers and her

nose started to turn into a crooked beak. Daphne looked completely

unfazed by Fleurs changing form and kept walking forward.

She simply held her hands up innocently, "I don't know what you're

talking about! I'm just as concerned as you are!" By now, many of those

in the stands were watching the commotion on the field and had grown

silent to better listen in on what was happening.

"Miss Greengrass, what were you doing out of the stands?" Minerva

asked, stepping closer to Fleur and resting her hand on Fleurs arm to

lower her wand. Sirius, Remus, and Moody also approached quickly to

see what was going on between the two girls.

"I ran to grab Harrys map." Daphne said casually, producing the

Marauders Map from her robe pocket. Fleurs eyes widened slightly,

recognizing it at once. "I thought it might help to find him." She took

several steps closer to Fleur and shoved the map into the veelas stomach.

"Now you can go find him." Daphne and Fleur were two of the very few

who knew of the maps existence, and the even smaller group who knew

where Harry kept the map.

"What is that?" Minerva asked Fleur, her eyes still watching as Daphne

climbed back up into the stands to sit by Tracy and Theo.

"Our map." Sirius responded for her, stepping over and taking the map

from Fleur. He laid it out onto the ground and tapped it with his wand.

The Hogwarts castle and grounds appeared in black ink, along with all of

the names of those on the grounds. "I can't believe I didn't think to use

this." He muttered, mentally slapping himself. Remus bent down over the

map as well and began to scan the grounds where the maze was located.

They searched the map for several minutes, looking for any sign of a

Harry Potter anywhere. "I can't find him!" Remus said, beginning to get


"He has to be here somewhere. Keep looking." Sirius replied, just as

frustrated as Remus.

"He's not here." Moody said, his tone definite. "He must have been taken

off the grounds." Fleur felt tears begin to fall down her cheeks as the last

bit of hope that Harry could still be safe came crashing down.

"Wake up Potter." Someone punched him in the gut, waking him up

instantly and also causing him to have to gasp for breath. Harry blinked

several times, forcing his blurred vision to return to normal. His eyes

settled on Barty Jr., a sadistic smile plastered on the mans face. "Oh how

I long to see you suffer Potter. Look what has become of me because of

you." He stepped closer to allow Harry a better look at his horribly

scarred face.

"I don't remember our fight being so one-sided." Harry said. He briefly

turned his attention away from Barty and began to scan his surroundings.

He was currently tied up with thick black chains that kept him in a

crucified position on a tall gravestone. He was thankful at least that he

could still feel his Yew wand holstered on his right arm. They apparently

hadn't bothered to check if he had a second wand on him.

Underneath his feet was a white marble plaque that read, Tom Riddle.

Harry quietly cursed to himself and closed his eyes momentarily to get

control of the panic that began to swell within him, before opening them

to further study everything around him. If he was to have any chance at

getting out of here alive, he needed a plan, and soon.

Around him were dozens of old graves that stood in a field of tall weeds

and unkempt grass. Standing amongst the graves were Death Eaters, their

bone white masks glowing in the crescent moonlight. There were at least

twenty in total, not including Barty Jr. who stuck by Harrys side and

wasn't wearing his mask like the others. In the middle of a small clearing

in the graveyard was a large cauldron that had steam already protruding

from it. Harry could faintly hear the sound of bubbling water coming

from the cauldron. Daphne, or really Bellatrix, was no where in sight. His

attention was brought back to Barty when he spoke up.

"It wasn't one-sided." The man snapped. "This was the price for my

failure." He traced his scars that ran from ear to ear across his face, his

lips twisted at an odd angle from the damage caused to his face.

"More like the price of following a madman." Harry quipped. This earned

him another punch to the ribs from Barty. Harry felt one of them crack

from the force of the blow, causing him to wince.

"You won't be talking so much once my master is through with you." He

hissed, his sadistic smile returning to form, sending a chill up Harrys


"I do have to ask, where is Bellatrix? I thought she'd be here to witness

her beloved masters return." He looked around again in search of the

woman that successfully fooled him, but still couldn't find her amongst

the crowd gathered around him.

Barty laughed, "Our master still has use of her in Hogwarts, not that you

will be around to warn them." Harry just stared at Barty as he laughed,

wishing he could punch him in his crooked teeth.

"Do not play with my food Barty." A hiss sounded out from behind the

Death Eaters. They quickly parted, their heads bowed low as a figure

moved through them. Harrys eyes narrowed, thoughts of Bellatrix/

Daphne leaving his mind when he laid eyes on another traitor. Wormtail

appeared from a dark crypt with something that resembled a baby,

tightly wrapped in black cloth in his arms. "Begin the ritual." A sinister

hiss coming from the bundle of cloth commanded.

"Yes, master." Pettigrew said, unrolling a grotesque and surely dead baby

from the bundle and dumped it unceremoniously into the cauldron.

Steam and fire burst from the cauldron immediately as Wormtail began

to chant from an old book he laid out in front of him. The other Death

Eaters moved closer, eager to watch as their master was reborn.

Harry struggled against his chains, hoping that maybe he could get loose

while the others were distracted, but the more he struggled, the tighter

his chains got to the point he felt them begin to cut into his wrists,

drawing blood. He could only watch as his enemy from birth was reborn

into a new body.

Wormtail lifted a bone from the grave below Harry and placed it into the

cauldron, jets of black and silver fire shot from the cauldron. Wormtail

then took out a wicked silver knife with a serrated edge and approached

Harry slowly, all the while still chanting in a low voice. Despite Harrys

struggles against the chains, he had no choice but to watch as Pettigrew

sliced into his left forearm, drawing a considerable amount of blood. He

was again somewhat thankful that Wormtail didn't try and cut his right

arm where his Yew wand still went unnoticed. Harry fought the urge to

cry out in pain from his new wound and instead used his increasing

adrenaline levels to heighten his wandless magic abilities.

He had one shot at this and needed to time it perfectly in order to make

his escape. Harry focused back on Wormtail who walked back over to the

cauldron and threw the entire bloody knife into the cauldron, streaks of

blue and gold shooting into the night sky. He then took out his wand

again and held it up to his wrist, keeping his arms over the bubbling

cauldron. A flash of red and Pettigrew cried out in pain as he held onto

what was now a bloody stub, his severed hand falling into the pot.

The liquid in the cauldron began to bubble over, thick black sludge

falling over the sides and burning the grass beneath the cauldron. A

strong, foul stench filled the air that made Harry gag. Several of the

Death Eaters also visibly gagged and even one threw up from the smell.

Thick black smoke rose from the cauldron, but it was the bright red eyes

that rose within the smoke that caught Harrys attention. His blood ran

cold and all thoughts of escape left his mind, recognizing those eyes from

his most horrific nightmare.

The black smoke swirled around to reveal a pale, scaly skinned man that

hovered above the cauldron, before the smoke draped over him as if a

robe. His pale, bony feet touched the cold ground and the reborn

Voldemort, stood still, his cold red eyes, staring intensely at Harry.

Voldemort broke eye contact with Harry and turned to his followers after

several seconds of complete silence passed. He held his hands out to

beckon them all forward as if old friends. "Wand, Wormtail." His hiss was

much more sinister than it had been a few minutes ago when he was just

a grotesque form of a baby. Now the hiss in his voice held power and

Harry immediately knew that the stories of Voldemorts power were real,

that he would most likely never face someone as powerful as Voldemort.

He would need to use all of his training to get out of this alive.

Pettigrew stepped hesitantly forward, his head bowed low, fearing to

look into his masters eyes, and Harry could see him shaking with fear

from his position chained to the gravestone. He produced a Yew wand

with a bone handle from his cloak, much like Harrys own wand. Without

another word, Voldemort waved his wand in front of Pettigrews bloody

stump and a silver hand formed in its place. "How the faithful are

rewarded." He whispered to his loyal follower. Petigrew let out a

whimper and quickly scurried away from Voldemorts presence.

"My most faithful followers!" He turned to address the rest of his Death

Eaters in a much more boisterous manner. They had formed a semi-circle

around him, all of them facing Harry with Voldemorts back to him. Only

Barty remained by Harrys side to keep a close watch on the boy. Harry

by now had forgotten about trying to escape and was completely

entranced by what he was watching. "It brings me great pleasure to be

here once more, in front of all of you. This is the night the world finally

changes for the better!" Voldemort began pacing back and forth, fumbling

with his wand, enjoying having it in his hands once more.

"Many years we have prepared for this, the moment of our rising. It has

not been easy, nor will it be easy moving forward. But, the first step is

taken tonight." Voldemort stopped moving and became deathly still. His

bald head slowly turned to look at Harry, his red glowing eyes resting on

Harrys own green ones that had begun to softly glow themselves. "Harry

Potter." He paused for a moment, studying his enemy once more. "How

long has it been?"

"Not long enough." Harry spat out. Barty punched him in the side again,

causing Harry to cough violently and spit out a small amount of blood.

Harry could feel that one of his broken ribs had punctured a lung as his

breathing became heavily labored and each breath was filled with pain.

"Now, now Barty. We shouldn't injure our guest further." Voldemort took

several step towards Harry, raising his wand at Harrys chest and prodded

him with it. Barty backed away quickly, his head bowed low and moved

to stand beside the other Death Eaters. Voldemort stretched out his bony

white fingers to grasp Harrys chin and raised the boys head so that their

eyes met. "You look just like your father. But your eyes, those I remember

quite well from your mother."

"Do not speak about my parents!" Harry spat, jerking his head from

Voldemorts grasp.

Voldemort took a step back, a malicious smile on his face. "It was a pity,

to have to kill your parents. The Potter line is ancient, noble, and long

friends of my own lineage. I offer the same choice I gave your parents all

those years ago. Join me, or die by my wand." Harry was about to spit

out a reply but Voldemort cut him off before he could say anything,

"Think wisely, Harry. Do not suffer needlessly as your parents did."

Voldemort then took several steps backwards, towards his followers and

brandished his wand. "First though, I wish to duel with you. Release

him!" Harry kept his eyes on Voldemorts and began to feel the familiar

prick of someone entering his mind. Unlike before though, whatever he

did, he couldn't completely shut Voldemort out of his mind. Brief

memories of some of his earlier training in the Room of Requirement

were pulled from his mind as well as his battle with the basilisk in the

Chamber of Secrets. Most notably though, were the few training sessions

Harry had received from Dumbledore at the beginning of the year.

Harry felt the chains holding him in place begin to loosen enough for him

to fall to the ground. He landed, falling flat on his face but quickly got

scrambled back to his feet, wiping off some of the dirt that got on his

face. Pettigrew tossed Harry his Holly wand, making him bend over to

pick it up off the ground. He wasn't sure how much Voldemort knew of

his powers and figured it not wise to reveal his full wandless capabilities.

Voldemort had only glimpsed the accidental bout of wandless magic he

had performed on the first night of training.

Harry took several paces away from the gravestone, making sure that

there were no Death Eaters behind him. His body felt slightly weaker

than usual, the cut from Wormtails knife was still bleeding heavily, the

blood dripping from his fingertips as he moved. His breathing was

coming out in labored wheezes due to the punctured lung and he could

taste copper in his mouth. Harry pushed all thoughts of death and pain

away from his mind and instead focused on silver hair and bright blue

eyes. He told himself repeatedly that he would see her again, to never

quit until he was safely with her forever. He would figure out a way to

get out of here, and Voldemort had made a mistake by trying to duel

with him, giving him a better opportunity to escape.

"First we bow to one another." Voldemort lowered his head slightly in the

smallest form of respect, and when he didn't see Harry bow, he sneered

and trained his wand on Harry. "Imperio!" Harry felt his mind being

bombarded by a thousand voices that told him to bow, all familiar voices

that he wanted to listen to but knew weren't real. He shook his head of

the voices, his natural ability to shake off the spell quickly doing away

with Voldemorts power with relative ease.

Though Harry couldn't see the Death Eaters eyes behind their masks,

many of them had widened, not expecting a teenage boy to be able to

shrug off their lords spell with such ease. Voldemort however just

grinned, an impressed look upon his face. "Dumbledore has trained you

well, I see." Voldemort began circling Harry like a predator stalking a

wounded animal.

"He has-" Harry had to stop his sentence as Voldemort sent a simple,

albeit powerful, reducto. It was blindingly quick and clearly meant to test

Harrys own speed. He side stepped it quickly, his built in muscle memory

from long hours of training taking over. "Taught me a lot." Harry finished

his original sentence.

Harry sent three rapid fire piercing hexes of his own and then followed it

up with one of Dumbledores more deadly spells, "Sagitta Muras!" A wall

of silver arrows shot out of his wand. Voldemort was able to easily shield

himself from all of Harrys attacks, not bothering to dodge any of them,

but one of his followers wasn't quick enough to dodge the spells and was

impaled by three arrows, crumpling to the ground without even a sound.

Voldemort glanced back at his dead follower and then at Harry, a cruel

smile forming on his face. "You surprise me, Harry. I did not truly think

you could kill."

Harry kept his eyes focused entirely on the red eyes in front of him, "It's

not the first person I have killed."

Voldemort laughed, "No, I suppose it isn't. I remember Quirrell well." He

stopped circling Harry for a moment and lowered his wand slightly.

Harry knew that even though Voldemort wasn't in an attacking position,

he was more than capable of defending any attack that Harry sent at him.

"You and I are not that different."

"How do you reckon that, Tom?"

Again, Voldemorts smile grew even more at the mention of his real name

and Harrys willingness to use it in front of him. "You and I both see the

need to change the world." All of the papers on Harry Potter this last year

that Wormtail had brought him showed one clear thing. Harry Potter

wanted to change the wizarding world, just as he did. Just as

Dumbledore did before Harry and Grindelwald before himself. They just

had different philosophies, one was idealistic, and the other realistic.

Harry slightly lowered his wand as well but kept his eyes trained on the

white wand before him, "That may be, but killing isn't the way to change

the world Tom. Your path only leads to you ruling over no one. You

would sooner kill everyone than be threatened by anyone."

"No one is a threat to me, Potter." Voldemort snapped, his coldness

returning quickly. "I do not like seeing such wasted blood...like your

parents." Harrys own eyes narrowed. "They would not have died if they

did not stand in my way. They chose their fates, just as you will tonight."

"And the muggleborns? The muggles? Will you give them a choice?"

"Harry, Harry, Harry." He tsked as if talking to a small child. "How naive

you are. Do you not see? Do you not see what I am? What you are?"

Voldemort sheathed his wand entirely and held his hand out behind him.

A scream from behind Voldemort caused Harry to crane his neck to the

side to see what was happening. One of the Death Eaters was lifted into

the air, his hands around his throat and gasping for breath. It was the

same look as Krum had just an hour ago at Harrys own hands.

"We are Gods, Harry. We have power others only dream of, real power to

shape and change the world! You and I, we can make a real difference!

Make this world a better place for our kind!" The Death Eater breathed

his last breath and slumped to the ground lifeless when Voldemort

released him from his grasp.

"Join me. You and I can change the world."

Everything paused for several, very quiet seconds as they all waited for

Harrys reaction. He stood there, staring at Voldemort, studying him as

Voldemort himself studied Harry earlier. He would be lying if he said he

wasn't a little tempted by the offer. Tempted by the idea to join

Voldemort now, invoke real, necessary change on the world, then off

Voldemort when the time was right and make the world a truly better

place. But that would mean allowing innocent wizards, witches, and

muggles to die. To betray his friends, family, to betray Fleur. That was

something he could never do.

Of course, Voldemort would also have the same plans for Harry, to kill

him when the time was right and take the world for himself. It was in the

mans nature to never allow someone as powerful as him to live. Harry

had no real choice but to go about world change by himself, with his

friends, and the love of his life by his side. There was no dealing with a


"I will never join you, Riddle." Harry said, his voice cold and emotionless.

He brought his occlumency shields to full power, all thoughts other than

combat vanished. Harry focused in on Haunt, allowing his animagus'

enhanced senses to become his own, a trick taught to him by Specter. He

still couldn't use the senses for long because it drained him rather

quickly, but he knew he needed any advantage he could get right now.

Harrys green eyes began to glow as dangerously as Voldemorts and his

pupils became a slit much like a cats. Time slowed slightly for him as his

natural reflexes were increased due to Haunt and his eyesight greatly

improved as well. Tracking Voldemorts wand became a lot easier at

night. His sense of smell was enhanced as well and he could even smell

one of the Death Eaters muggle fabric softener. He probably hadn't told

his Death Eater buddies that he liked to wash his clothes the muggle way.

"Then you will die." Riddle brought his wand up with blazing speed, and

if it weren't for the whiteness of the wand and his enhanced senses, it

would have been impossible to track in the nighttime. The pale green

killing curse raced towards Harry, but he was quick as well. Aber Pulve!, a

chunk of broken gravestone intercepted the killing curse, blowing it up

into dust before it reached Harry.

Harry ducked as a conjured black sword swung over his head that was

aimed to sever it from the rest of his body. He was then forced to quickly

jump to the side as the very ground he stood on caught fire. Voldemorts

spells were all coming out silently and at a far quicker pace than anyone

Harry had ever dueled against could throw at him. Not even when

fighting three opponents at a time had Harry had to move as quick as he

did now. Every spell that Voldemort sent was deadly and one mistake

would mean his death.

Harry knew he was outmatched immediately. He didn't yet have the

knowledge to combat Voldemort in a straight up duel. The spells

Voldemort was throwing at him, he had never seen before and was

having to dodge them instead of block them away and focus on a

counterattack. He could only get off a few weak attempts at attacking

Voldemort before being forced back onto the defensive again. His second

wand that remained hidden in his right sleeve was his only advantage

right now. He had to bring it out at the right moment to catch Voldemort

off guard.

Harry could feel himself begin to slow down, his breathing becoming

more and more ragged. By now he had lost a lot of blood and it was

having an effect on him. He was already winded from the maze and the

punctured lung he suffered at the hands of Barty. Harry took a risk and

tried to close the wound on his arm to stop the bleeding, but it left him


A bone breaking hex connected with his right leg, shattering every bone

in it. He fell to the ground, his occlumency shields still keeping the pain

locked out, but he could no longer move his leg, or stand for that matter.

Another spell, this one black in color raced towards him. Harry was

forced to try and block the spell and was relieved to feel it dissipate with

ease against his shield.

Another red spell closely followed that one up and this time, his shield

strained heavily against it. The same red spell was repeated by Voldemort

and Harry knew this one would shatter his shield. Bombarda Maxima! He

was out of ideas and only had theory left. Specter had talked recently

about how some wands that had the same core, shared a special bond

and could potentially connect with one another.

He prayed that his and Voldemorts were such wands. They shared the

same core, from the same phoenix no less, but he had no way of knowing

if this was enough of a bond for them to connect. Harry closed his eyes,

waiting for his last ditch effort to fail and the effects of whatever red hex

Voldemort sent at him come crashing into him.

Instead of death, Harry felt his Holly wand jerk upwards as if it grappled

onto something. He opened his eyes and quickly saw that his wand had

indeed connected to Voldemorts as Specter had theorized. The red light

from both of their hexes were fighting each other in the middle of a

stream of magic.

He could see Voldemorts eyes widen in surprise, the red in his eyes

illuminated by the magic in front of him. Harry saw Voldemorts spell

begin to edge closer to himself, and so he put more of his raw magic into

his own wand and watched as his spell fought back. This just became a

struggle of raw power between the two of them, and it was a struggle

Harry found he stood a chance in.

Several of the Death Eaters pulled their own wands and stepped forwards

but Voldemort held his free hand up to stop them, "Move no more! He is

mine to finish!" He hissed, bringing his second hand onto his wand and

forcing more magic into it. Harry began to feel a surge against him as

Voldemort began bringing his full power to bear. His Holly wand began

to vibrate heavily and he knew this was the moment, now or never.

Voldemort was completely focused on the connection and not on what

Harry did with his free hand. Harry fueled enough magic through his

Holly wand to keep the connection in tact, but held most of his core in


He flicked his Yew wand into his hand with blinding speed and before

anyone knew what happened, Harry snapped off a severing charm aimed

directly at Voldemorts head. Harry could see the momentarily panicked

look on Voldemorts face when he saw the severing charm racing towards

his head. Voldemort jerked his arms upwards to break the connection

from Harrys Holly wand in order to block the severing charm in time.

Their connection broke and Voldemorts arms continued the upwards

motion he started, not expecting to break the connection so easily. It also,

luckily for him, caused his head to jerk slightly back and away from most

of the severing charms path. He tried to shield the charm but was barely

too slow, his wand arm now in the way of his head. The severing charm

easily sliced through Voldemorts hand that held his wand and nicked the

side of his face, creating a deep gash along the side of his head. The pale

hand of Voldemort fell to the ground, his fingers still tightly wrapped

around his wand.

Harry didn't wait around to see Voldemorts reaction. He couldn't move or

apparate, and so he figured he only had one way to go, up. "Bellea Pulso!"

He put all the remaining magic he had into this last spell and shot into

the air. The spell had worked to perfection in water during the second

task, but using it above water was suicidal. Harry rose a hundred feet

into the air, hoping that he would get above the wards.

Voldemort screamed in frustration, "Kill him!" All at once, jets of red and

green shot into the sky, lighting up the night like fireworks. Just before

the spells reached Harry, he disappeared in a flash of fire, a large red and

gold feather of a phoenix slowly fell back down to earth and rested at

Voldemorts feet.

Another loud crack coming from Riddle Mansion echoed through the hills

as someone forcefully broke through the anti-apparition wards. A second

later, the Mansion exploded in flames as fiendfyre raged through the

house, burning anything and everything it touched. Voldemort seethed as

he watched his families grand mansion crumble to the ground.

26. The Long Night Part 3

Dumbledore sat waiting in a small shack just outside the ward line of

Riddle Manor where he had been waiting for the last several days.

Normally he would have had one of his followers doing a job like this,

just sitting here, but he couldn't fully trust anyone anymore, other than

Snape, but he was already off on a very important mission of his own.

Kingsley never reported back to him and neither had Molly. He had no

clue as to what happened to them other than that Harry must have

suspected something and acted.

Tonight he knew to be the night of the Third Task. It was a widely

publicized event that was being watched by the rest of the world. He also

knew that it was highly likely that Voldemort would be making a move

against Harry this night. One thing he had learned about Voldemort was

that the man had a flair for the dramatics.

He sat around and watched the Manor and saw Death Eaters moving in

and out of the large house. Some of them periodically checked the wards

they had placed, specifically those around a nearby family graveyard.

Others were out collecting herbs and other potion ingredients from

nearby plants that grew in the garden. It was clear to him that they were

planning something.

He figured that while they were out completing the task of bringing

Voldemort back from the spectral realm, it would be the best time to

sneak into the Manor unseen and steal a valuable item right from under

Voldemorts nose. He knew one of the madmans horcruxes was hidden

here, somewhere. He only had to find it and slip away unnoticed while

Harry struggled with whatever trap he runs into. If Dumbledore had any

luck tonight, Voldemort would kill Harry Potter, just increasing the speed

at which he could return to Britain triumphantly.

Night began to descend upon the valley, the sun setting behind the hills.

Over a dozen Death Eaters streamed out of the Manor and headed down

towards the graveyard. Lastly, a man Dumbledore recognized to be

Wormtail left with a small bundled figure in his arms. He watched the

figure closely, knowing full well that that was what Voldemort had

become. By tomorrow, he could very well be fighting a full bodied

Voldemort in a world where Potter no longer existed and it excited him.

Dumbledore waited several minutes until he was sure that no other Death

Eaters were remaining in the Manor. He didn't want to do anything until

everyones attention was on Harry so that he could slip in unnoticed.

Night completely fell over the valley which allowed Dumbledore to sneak

right up to the ward line. He began his work on slowly creating a hole in

the wards for him to move through without alerting anyone to his


The sound of a crack alerted Dumbledore that a portkey had just broken

through the wards over by the graveyard. He looked up and saw an

unconscious Harry Potter dragged to the tallest gravestone and was

wrapped in chains, his arms outstretched as if crucified.

He felt little remorse for the boy that spurned him, the boy that kicked

him out of his one true home, Hogwarts. The boy deserved to die, had to

die, for the Greater Good to prevail. This was necessary.

He turned back to his work on the wards and punched his way through

undetected. He slowly walked up to the dark, rundown manor that acted

as Riddles current headquarters, looking cautiously around him. He could

sense no enemies and so turned the knob to the front door of the house.

He kept his keen magical sense on high alert, making sure he didn't

accidentally trigger a warning ward.

The Manor was left completely unguarded like he figured. Voldemort was

egotistical, always thinking himself invulnerable and never taking

measures to protect a stab to the back. Dumbledore slipped inside and

took note of his surroundings. The entrance hall was several stories tall, a

large unlit chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Cobwebs and dust

littered the entire area as if not a single living soul had been in the place

for centuries. Just being here caused the hairs on the back of his neck to

stand up. The place oozed darkness and he couldn't help the shiver that

ran down his spine.

Dumbledore moved through the house calmly and slowly. He wasn't sure

where Voldemort would hide such a precious item in a house like this.

He had already searched the Gaunt shack, the original place he thought

Riddle might hide a horcrux due to its importance in his early life. The

wards that had previously been surrounding the shack just a few days

ago had been taken down. The shack itself was completely destroyed by

fire, leaving nothing behind.

It now only made sense that Voldemort would hide his horcrux closer to

him, or maybe he had need of it in another way. Riddle Manor was the

next logical choice on where he would keep something so precious.

The house was quiet, only the sounds of those by the graveyard could be

heard. Dumbledore caught a brief glimpse of blue and gold fire that shot

into the night sky from a cauldron through a nearby window he peered

out of.

He first made his way upstairs to the second floor, wanting to search

through Voldemorts living quarters first since that was the most likely

place for it to be. Instead of bedrooms or libraries, all he found was one

long room that had been created by destroying the connecting walls

between the other rooms.

This long hall that was created on the second floor of the house clearly

served as some sort of throne room. On the far end of the hall was a tall

golden throne, eerily similar to the one he himself sat on as Hogwarts

Headmaster. All of the windows had been closed shut and blocked any

light getting into the room, other than the one small chandelier that

barely did anything to light up the room.

Dumbledore moved through the hall, studying the paintings as he went.

They weren't muggle paintings like what had once been placed on these

walls, but wizarding portraits of the Hogwarts Founders, portraits

Dumbledore himself had never seen before. There was also a portrait of a

beautiful, dark haired woman that sat closest to Voldemorts throne. He

approached it carefully, wondering who this woman was. He had seen

images of Riddles mother and she looked nothing like this woman. She

was currently asleep as the Founders were, but unlike them, she had an

actual backround instead of a solid canvass cover. It looked like an

Italian Villa and she rested on a luxurious couch that was placed on a

veranda overlooking green rolling hills.

Curiously, he touched the silver frame and took the painting off its place

on the wall, flipping it over to look for any clues as to who she is. He

found writing scribbled onto the back.

Conquer All

Marie Anne Varro


Dumbledore filed the information into the back of his mind. He had to

discover who this woman was, and why Voldemort would have a portrait

of her so close to his throne. He set the painting back on its supports on

the wall and turned to the throne that glimmered in the low light of the


He took out his wand and began searching for any hidden jinxes and

curses that could harm him if he approached or touched it. Finding

nothing, unguarded like everything else in this house, he began looking

for any hidden compartments on the throne. He was beginning to get

frustrated, not finding anything anywhere in this room or the throne. He

was about to move on when a voice stopped him cold.

"Are you searching for this?" A cold, raspy voice sounded through the

otherwise silent house. Dumbledore looked up and came face to face with

a man that wore the normal Death Eater garb, but unlike the others, he

had a silver mask that was carved with many designs depicting battles

between wizards and beasts. He held up a black gloved hand that had the

Gaunt family ring on it and in the middle, a small stone. The thing that

stuck out to Dumbledore immediately though was the symbol carved

most prominently on the forehead of the mask, the sign of the Deathly


"It has been many years." The man said, stepping further into the room

and away from the shadows he was hiding in. "We left things on

such...unhappy terms." Dumbledore gripped his wand tighter and stepped

away from the throne to fully face his opponent.

"I see you have made a new friend, Gellert."

A hollow laugh came from the masked man, "You taught me a valuable

lesson, Albus. Friends are only a weakness. They would sooner stab you

in the back than see you rise above them."

"They can be a great strength too. We were powerful together. We could

have truly changed the world for the better!"

"Not your way, Dumbledore. You only ever wanted what was best for

you! You would see our race destroyed if only it placed you as a God!"

Grindelwald cried out at his long time friend.

"Our race destroyed? Is that what you think I wish? I did not want to see

innocent blood spilled. The killing of muggles was not the way!" Painful

past wounds were being opened for the two older wizards and neither

noticed that their passive magic was beginning to swirl violently around

each of them.

Grindelwald brought his arms up in exasperation as if he had had this

argument with Dumbledore for many years, "It is the only way

Dumbledore! You are weak! It is either us or them, don't you see? We are

the superior beings and for us to be hiding like rats is a disgrace! We

should be exalted, not hunted!"

"I will not let you, or your new pet destroy the world." Dumbledore spat,

bringing his wand up to level with Grindelwalds chest.

"I would sooner see it destroyed than let you sit with a crown on your

head!" Grindelwald flicked both hands, a wand shooting into each one. At

the same time, his black Death Eater robe flew behind his figure to make

a cape and revealed what he had on underneath. He was wearing silver

armor that resembled a Spartan of Greece and continued the designs of

battle from his mask, and on his left breast was again the symbol of the

Deathly Hallows.

In the same fluid motion of flicking his dual wands into his hands, he

snapped off a spell that was colored black while at the same time,

transfiguring the golden throne into a large bull that charged at

Dumbledores back.

Dumbledore batted away the black spell with ease and spun around just

in time to sever the head of the bull, turning it back into two pieces of

the now broken golden throne. Without taking the time to turn around,

Dumbledore turned his wand into a flame whip and snapped it behind

him. He heard it lash onto something and when he turned, he saw his

whip around a Wyverns neck that Grindelwald had conjured.

Dumbledore jerked his hand and severed the head of the Wyvern turning

it back into black smoke and then sent three piercing hexes followed by a

Hammerfist. The spell was one of his personal creations and it was what

caught Grindelwald off guard in their last duel. It was supposed to create

a wall of wind above the opponents head, then slam them down into the

ground, squashing them like a bug. Gellert easily dodged the three

piercing hexes and this time he was ready for Albus' bread and butter

spell, already having a counter for it.

With one wand, Gellert used his own unique spell to counter the

Hammerfist. The air above Gellert instead of slamming down on him,

rapidly changed directions and raced towards Dumbledore at a speed to

quick for him to react properly.

Dumbledore was forced onto the back foot and turned the air rushing at

him into a spray of mist just before the wall of air slammed into him.

Gellerts second wand wasn't inactive and turned the floor beneath

Dumbledore into icy spikes. One of them stabbed through Dumbledores

foot and another caused a deep gash in his inner thigh causing him to cry

out in pain. A third spell of red color came at Dumbledore, forcing him to

rip his foot out of the icy spike and dive out of the way.

As he was in mid air, Dumbledore snapped off a special incarcerous of his

own design that sped at Gellert. The thick black chains changed into

cobras just before hitting Gellert when his own shield failed to block

them. The cobras wrapped around Gellert and began biting him

repeatedly. Any spell Grindelwald used on them made them wrap around

him tighter and grow bigger.

Dumbledore made the floor beneath him springy so that when he hit the

ground, he was flung up into the air. He used wandless magic to keep

himself levitated and sent two bombardas and a stunner to knock Gellert

out. Grindelwald replied by using a controlled burst of wandless magic to

explode the cobras, turning them back into smoke, and was just barely

able to get out of the way of Dumbledores flurry of spells.

Gellert then grabbed both wands in both hands and sent a jet of fire in

the shape of a bull racing towards Dumbledore. Albus knew immediately

that this fight was now over, that the fire heading towards him was

uncontrollable and would consume everything in its path. Fiendfyre was

a nasty spell and only used in desperate situations by wizards. He may

not have gotten what he came for, but he found knowledge, something

just as valuable as a horcrux in this war. Dumbledore turned himself in

mid air and thought of his hidden castle in Germany. He easily shattered

through the anti-apparition wards and left Gellert to deal with his own


Grindelwald let out a frustrated scream when he saw Dumbledore

disappear before his very eyes. All of his pent up anger at the man that

had betrayed him, humiliated him, and imprisoned him was put into the

fiendfyre and there was no stopping it now. Gellert broke off the stream

of fire still jetting from his wand and began his slow walk out of the

burning Riddle Manor. He was seething and lashed out at everything he

saw, causing just as much destruction to the house as the fire.

He kicked open the doors of the manor and walked out into the night air.

Several Death Eaters came running up from the graveyard but all of them

stopped in their tracks when they saw Grindelwald, his armor gleaming

in the moonlight and the frays of his black Death Eater cloak fringed

from the fire. "Dumbledore will die." Grindelwald repeated over and over.

Harry was dropped onto his normal infirmary bed in the Hogwarts

Hospital wing. Fawkes flashed away immediately only to reappear with

Madame Pomfrey and Fleur. "'Arry!" Fleur shouted, rushing to his side

and climbed up onto him, not a care in the world if he was injured,

wrapping her arms around him tightly. She crashed her lips into his and

Harry could feel her tears splash onto his face. For a moment, all the pain

he felt in his chest and leg were forgotten and the only thing that

mattered was the feeling of her lips on his.

He broke the kiss after several very quick seconds and wiped away her

tears with his thumb, "I'm safe." He breathed out, talking more to himself

than her.

"Miss Delacour, I need to check Mr. Potter for injuries." Poppy said,

breaking up their moment. Fleur quickly nodded and clambered off of

him, sitting in a nearby chair and taking his hand. She leaned over and

continued kissing him as Poppy began a full body scan.

"Leg, chest, and I did some shoddy work on my arm." He broke off the

further kissing and looked at Poppy, his occlumency shields taking a rest

and allowing some of the pain back in. Harry jerked his head at all three

wounds, knowing beforehand what Poppy was going to ask. He let his

animagus senses go and he felt the immediate drain of energy as his

adrenaline left him and his body calmed down. The mediwitch nodded

her head and first turned her attention to his chest since that was the

most serious wound. She quickly studied one of diagrams that her spells

produced above his chest and then turned her attention to the cut on his

arm, finding nothing immediately life threatening.

"Shoddy work indeed." She muttered, looking over his left arm that was

only partially closed. Some blood was still oozing from the wound, but it

wasn't freely flowing like it had been for the last thirty minutes.

"What 'appened 'Arry! You 'ad me so worried!" Fleur demanded. "We

know you weren't on 'Ogwarts grounds."

Poppy prodded his shattered leg with her wand causing Harry to wince.

"Sorry, I was portkeyed to a graveyard. How did you know I wasn't on

Hogwarts grounds?"

"Daphne. She brought us your map of the school." Harrys eyes widened,

remembering who Daphne actually was.

"Is she still here?" He asked urgently.

Fleur nodded, a confused look on her face, "Yes, why wouldn't she be?"

"Fleur you need to listen to me closely. Daphne is not on our side. She

helped kidnap me. Its Bellatrix Lestrange, not Daphne. Go tell Sirius and

Amelia that they need to capture her. Fawkes!" He didn't give Fleur any

more time to speak and the phoenix flashed out of the room with her.

Harry ignored Poppys questioning eyes as she continued to work on his

leg, vanishing the many small bone fragments that floated around.

Fleur reappeared next to Sirius and Amelia who had been talking loudly

with one another, arguing over something. "Fleur! Where did you go!"

Sirius demanded, grabbing both her shoulders.

"Sirius, 'Arry ees safe and in the 'ospital wing. Fawkes brought 'im there

and Poppy is already looking after 'im."

"Oh thank god." Sirius breathed out in relief and began walking towards

the school but Fleur yanked him back by his sleeve.

"Non." She hissed, keeping her voice at a whisper. "'Arry said that Daphne

ees a traitor, that she ees really Bellatrix Lestrange and 'elped in 'is

kidnapping." Sirius immediately looked up and began searching for the

disguised pale blonde Slytherin. He did well to hide his anger and

surprise that his cousin was a major part in his godson being put in

danger this evening. Amelia heard this as well and immediately began

scanning the crowd, drawing her wand at the same time. Having Bellatrix

Lestrange on school grounds was a nightmare for any auror, especially

the head of the DMLE. Minister Fudge was also still present along with

the other two ministers and possibly in imminent danger.

"I can't see her." Sirius whispered back after looking over the crowd for

the second time.

"I need to get the Ministers out of here quietly." Amelia said. "Find her

quickly." She hurried off in the direction of the three ministers who were

talking with one another in a private booth. She whispered quietly to

them and handed them a small rope. The ministers quickly grabbed hold

of the rope and disappeared without so much as a pop.

"She must 'ave known something was wrong when Fawkes took me and

Poppy." Fleur said, not seeing Daphne either.

"The map!" Amelia exclaimed, running back to them. The Marauders Map

was still lying out on the grass where Kingsley was currently looking it

over. Sirius rushed over to it and began scanning the map frantically for

any signs of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"There!" Amelia said, pointing at a spot near the edge of the Hogwarts

Grounds close to the Forbidden Forest. "She's trying to get away!" Sirius

kept the question in the back of his head as to how a disguised Bellatrix

Lestrange was showing up as Daphne Greengrass on his map. Maybe

Harry was wrong? The map didn't lie as far as he knew. James had been

the mastermind behind it and was a pure genius when it came to charms.

They thought it impossible to fool the map.

Sirius bounded off, switching into his animagus form. He wasn't going to

let this girl or cousin if that's who she really was, get away and didn't

care if he had to tear her limb from limb to make sure she didn't escape.

He bared his teeth as he sprinted through the open field that separated

the forest and the castle. The sounds of the arena quieted and he could

only hear his own breath as he sprinted closer to his target.

Daphne was close to the ward line where she could simply apparate away

but Padfoot was closing in fast. He caught sight of her hair that

glimmered in the moonlight as she entered the Forbidden Forest. Just

before he himself entered the woods, he caught sight of Kingsley dashing

into the woods as well, Fawkes right above his head. He pushed himself

faster and faster in order to catch up with her and eventually got in range

with his wand.

He dove out of his animagus form upon reaching the edge of the forest

and rolled onto the ground, coming back up to his feet with his wand in

hand, Incarcerous! Daphne was quick, far quicker than she had ever been

in school and abruptly turned, batting the spell away with ease.

She began cackling, a laugh that made Sirius' blood run cold when he

recognized it. "My dear cousin, come to play?"

Sirius stood dumbfounded, "It really is you, Bella?"

Her laughter continued, "The one and only."

"B-but how? How did I not know it was you this whole time!" He

demanded, keeping his eyes on the lookout for Kingsley. Sirius tightened

his grip on his wand. He knew now that since this really was Bellatrix, a

fight to the death could occur at anytime. She was one of the most gifted

witches he ever had the displeasure of knowing and there was a reason

she was feared above all of Voldemorts other lieutenants.

"Have you forgotten your families history already?" Daphne held up her

left hand that had a silver ring with a black B carved into the center.

Three diamonds formed a triangle around the B and in the middle of each

space of the B were two red rubies.

"The family ring." He whispered to himself, looking down at his own

Head of House ring. A new one had been fashioned by his father as was

now tradition and it came with no charms. He had yet to forge his own

yet as his father had done, and his grandfather before him.

This though, was the original family ring of House Black, a trinket he

thought long lost and only a fairy tale told to him by his father when he

was young. It was a very old ring said to go back all the way to Salazar

Slytherin himself and was given to him as a gift by Rowena. It allowed its

user to take the appearance of anyone completely as long as they wore

the ring. It worked by taking some of the persons blood and smearing it

over the two center rubies. Memories, emotions, thoughts, and dreams

were all able to be mimicked while wearing the ring. There was a reason

it was long lost, his great-great grandfather thought the ring too powerful

to pass down onto his son, whom he feared. He supposedly had destroyed

it, but clearly that was not the case.

Daphne slipped the ring off her finger and her body transformed into the

radiant beauty, yet easily discernibly crazy woman that was Bellatrix

Lestrange. She began cackling as she watched Sirius' shocked look and

edged further back into the forest. "I've had so much fun these last few

months, but I should be go-"

A whip from the darkness behind her wrapped around her throat and

slammed her into the ground, knocking her out cold. Kingsley appeared

from the shadows and walked over to Bellatrix, kicking her wand away.

Shacklebolt then wrapped chains around her and placed handcuffs on her

for good measure. Fawkes flew down from a low tree branch, grabbed

onto Bella and then flashed away with her, briefly lighting up the forest.

"What the hell!" Sirius shouted, coming out of his shocked stupor. "Where

is Fawkes taking her!"

Fawkes dumped the unconscious Bellatrix onto the cold marble floor in

front of Harry who was sitting upright in his bed. Poppy had already

started the Skele-Gro treatment for his leg and chest and so he kept his

occlumency shields strong to block out the pain. He was also in the

middle of downing a blood replenishing potion that was quite difficult to


"That ring, I recognize it. Its one of Rowena's creations." Fawkes said.

Harry wandlessly summoned the Black ring that was still in Bellatrixes

grasp and turned it around in his hand, inspecting it with curiosity. He

placed the ring on his own hand and was immediately transformed into

Daphne. He refrained from glancing down his shirt to see what Daphne

looked like underneath her clothes, something that was difficult for his

fourteen year old self. His mind was bombarded with personal memories

of her before she even had met Harry, along with emotions and desires. It

was an insight into her world he wished not to see and quickly slipped

the ring off his finger, transforming back into himself.

"Interesting." Harry muttered.

He looked around the room cautiously to make sure no one had seen him

and slipped the ring into his pocket. Fleur had yet to return and Poppy

had run off to help Minerva in any tasks needed since she had finished

with his treatment for now. The room was quiet and empty, save for him,

Bellatrix, and Fawkes who perched himself on Harrys shoulder. Harry

lifted his shirt up to reveal his left breast, and where it had once been

pale skin, was now a black tattoo of a large tiger that was lying down.

Harry held the tip of his Yew wand to the tattoo and watched as the

Tiger got up and began baring its teeth in a menacing manner.

He only had to wait thirty seconds as seven figures in black cloaks with

masks covering their faces, appeared from wisps of smoke. The Ghosts

had their own unique way of travel, a way only few knew how to do and

it was something Harry had yet to be taught.

Specter looked down at Bellatrix having noticed her immediately, "Care

to fill us in, Haunt?"

"I just had a midnight outing with Voldemort." All of them who had

begun looking at Bellatrix stopped and turned back to Harry, the air

sucked out of the room. "Took his hand on the way out."

"Nice." Reaper slapped Harry on his wounded leg causing him to cry out

in pain. "Sorry." He said gruffly, earning a punch in the shoulder from


"Anyways, Bellatrix here was impersonating my friend and I need to

know the location of the real Daphne Greengrass."

Angel, their prodigal information extractor approached Bellatrix and

began invading her mind without further instruction. He looked for a

location or any useful information on a Daphne Greengrass in the crazy

witches mind. It wasn't hard to invade ones mind while they were

unconscious and he could do so without causing pain, something Harry

still wasn't able to do.

Harry watched fascinated as Bellatrixes eyes opened, but instead of

white, they were only black and he could see images in her eyes as if he

was watching her life on a movie screen. The images stopped when they

came to a clear picture of Daphne and another smaller boy inside a small

stone-walled room.

Bellatrixes eyes closed and she again went back into unconsciousness as

Angel pulled out of her mind. "Greengrass Manor. There is another boy

being held there as well. An Andrew Davis I think."

"Tonight is probably the best time to try and free them." Harry said. " I

know they're being held against their will. Andrew Davis is the younger

brother of another friend of mine who was blackmailed to work against

me and supply information to the Death Eaters." Harry added.

Specter nodded, "We'll see what we can do. So the war is on?"

Harry relaxed back into his bed, "Yes, Voldemort is back with his body.

War has come."

"Then we get to strike first gents!" Harry knew that they were all grinning

under their masks. They had been eager to get into a true war. They were

soldiers, not cops, and tracking down simple, wannabe dark lords wasn't

cutting it for them. Taking down Voldemort was a real prize worthy of a

soldier. "Get some rest, Haunt. I want to see you ready by this weekend.

Your real training begins then." Harry nodded, knowing an order when

he heard one. After all, he couldn't do much with a busted leg and

Fawkes refused to use his tears to heal him. Phoenixes apparently had a

limited supply of tears to give and only used them when their familiar

was in grave danger. Simple wounds, like healing bones in a leg or chest

was not worth a tear. Or Fawkes was just being an annoying brat like

usual since he was having to do actual work for once, which was

probably the real case.

Sirius pushed through the doors of the infirmary just as Ghost Squad was

turning back into wisps of black smoke. Fawkes flashed away as well to

give updates to Harry on what was going on with the attack on the

manor to rescue Andrew and Daphne.

"Harry!" Sirius ran up to him and hugged him tightly, stepping over the

unconscious and bound Bellatrix as he did so. "It's good to see you safe."

Harry hugged him back, "It's good to be back. Had a helluva night."

"What happened?" Sirius asked, pulling back from the hug to study his

godson and assure himself that Harry was in fact here and safe.

"I have some memories to show you if you can get a pensieve here. The

others should see what happened as well. I don't think I can accurately

put into words what I saw." The doors burst open again and in ran

Minerva, Amelia, and Remus.

All three of them stopped abruptly, seeing Bellatrix lying on the floor and

approached them cautiously. "I-is that who I think it is?" Minerva asked,

her wand out and pointed at the unconscious Bellatrix.

Sirius nodded his head gravely, "Yes, my cousin Bella. She was using my

families rings to disguise herself as Daphne Greengrass. Its how she

fooled the map and was able to successfully stay undercover for so long."

"At least we have her in custody." Amelia breathed a sigh of relief. She

sent off a quick message, using her patronus, to her aurors that were still

searching the grounds for Bellatrix Lestrange.

"What the hell happened this evening?" Amelia demanded once she was

done with her message. Fleur walked in shortly after them with Appoline

and Sebastien behind her. Gabrielle had been left in the care of Madame

Maxime who was working with other Hogwarts staff to get everyone to


"I am heading out to grab a pensieve so that we can see everything that

has happened." Sirius said as he pushed passed the others and left the

room. Minerva followed him to help him retrieve the pensive she had in

her office. Fleur walked over and propped herself up behind Harry and

allowed him to relax back into her. He rested his head underneath her

chin and she squeezed him closer to her, relishing in the warmth of

having him close and away from danger again.

"So if Bellatrix was acting as Daphne, where is the real Daphne?" Remus

asked. He levitated Bellatrix to nearby bed and wrapped even more

chains around for good measure.

"I have people already working on getting her back." No one bothered

asking what Harry meant by that. They all knew he was working with a

group in the ministry and wasn't allowed to tell them exactly who they

were. If Harry trusted them and worked with them, it was good enough

for the rest of them. Amelia just nodded her head in full understanding

and continued to study the Marauders Map which she had brought with


"Amelia, its beginning." He didn't want to say much while in the hospital

wing, just in case if another Rita Skeeter was hanging around where they

weren't supposed to.

Amelia looked up from the map and her eyes widened, "You mean-?"

Harry nodded his head, "Yes, you'll see everything in the pensieve."

She took out her wand and pointed it at the doors. A silver fox shot out

of her wand and headed for whoever was meant for the message. "I'll

want Moody and Kingsley to see this then."

"I will see it too." Fleur announced.

"Fleur-" Harry began.

"I don't think that's a good idea dear." Sebastien finished for Harry. Both

men glanced at each other while Appoline just rolled her eyes at them,

already knowing what her daughters response would be.

"I was not asking for permission from either of you." She gave her father

a narrowed look to get him to shut up.

Harry though couldn't see her face, "Fleur its not a good-"

"I do not care. I wish to see what you went through and zat eez final."

Harry didn't bother replying and relaxed into her more, having learned

that arguing with her was like arguing with a brick wall. She was easily

the most stubborn person he knew, more so than Hermione even. He was

saved from further ire by his girlfriend when Sirius and Minerva walked

back in with the pensieve and placed it in front of Harry.

He wasted no time in thinking back to the start of the third task all the

way through until Fawkes got him into the hospital wing. He figured it

was best for them to see everything, even Krum being imperioused and

casting the killing curse, and Harry almost killing him in return.

Harry watched as they all dipped a finger into the silvery liquid and their

eyes glazed over as their minds went into the memory. Harry used the

time to place wards around them as a precaution then in his own mind

he listened carefully for any reports of Fawkes and Ghost Squad.

"Demon, how much longer?" Specter asked over the muggle voice comms

they had been given by British SAS. The communications were built into

their masks and had several magical enhancements as well. Night vision

had been added to the masks through glass eyes that were placed in the

eye-slits of their masks. They could also switch them to infra-red, another

muggle invention. The muggles were an inventive race and it would be

stupid to not copy some of their technological advancements, especially

since they were experts at killing humans, something Ghost Squad was in

the business of doing. All it took was bribing Dumbledore six years ago to

get the specific rune that allowed muggle inventions to work around


"30 seconds." Demon responded. He was their expert on wards and could

break through even the most complicated ward scheme with relative

ease. They all sat just outside the Greengrass Manor wards, keeping

hidden in a nearby treeline.

So far they hadn't yet seen anyone, most of the Death Eaters that lived

here were still likely with their reborn master. Their goal was clear, get

in, rescue two children, get out. Dispose of any threats if necessary but

don't get bogged down in a fight. Worst comes to worst, they all had

emergency portkeys embedded into their masks and could escape quickly

that way.

"We're in." Demon sounded through the comms.

"Good. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." Specter repeated the mantra for

any infantry unit that was about to bust down a door to a house. They

quietly crossed the large open field under the cover of night and made it

to the back door of the large house. It was nestled into the Welsh

countryside with high trees surrounding the whole property. There was a

barn not far away from the house that housed several horses and on one

side of the house was a large grazing pasture for goats.

Specter held up his hand as the seven of them stacked on the door. They

had practiced and executed this a million times before. His hand held up

three fingers...two...one. Demon was the fourth man in the stack and had

his wand at the ready. He blasted the door off its hinges and Reaper went

in first, followed by Banshee closely behind him.

The others filtered through, all of them with their wands trained carefully

at predesignated killzones, none of them finding a target. The room was

empty, and from what they could tell when waiting for Demon to break

through the wards, the whole house was empty of any threats, but it was

better to be safe than sorry.

"Split teams, check the whole house. Regroup here in three." Everyone

nodded and began moving through the house methodically in teams of

two. Only Spirit stayed behind to keep the entrance secure. He shut the

door behind them and set up perch by a window overlooking the front of

the house. He also took the time to shut down the floo network just in

case they tried to come in that way. They didn't bother to place their own

anti-apparition wards. Those wards were time consuming to set up and

this mission was only going to last a few minutes.

Specter worked with Banshee as they moved through the second floor of

the house. Each room they cleared, they found nothing. The house was

definitely lived in, but there was no sign of Daphne Greengrass or

Andrew Davis anywhere. "Anything?" Specter asked over the comms.

All replies came back negative and just as they had finished the second

floor and began moving back downstairs, Shadow spoke over the comms,

"Think we have somethin' here. This room is heavily warded. Basement,

third door."

The other teams converged on their position. The basement was just as

large, if not larger, than the floors above but instead of the nicely

decorated rooms, this place was made entirely of stone. It was also

freezing cold and had no light, being underground. They were forced to

activate the night vision on their masks to see in the pitch darkness. All

of their eye-slits glowed green when they did so.

Demon had already begun working on identifying the wards that were

attached to the door that Shadow discovered. "What do you have?"

"Not sure. The wards are designed to keep people in but not out. Its like

its a makeshift prison."

"Must be who we're looking for right?" Banshee asked.

"I thought they were just kids? These are some heavy wards for just kids."

Reaper responded.

"Its safe to go in." Demon said.

The six of them stacked up on the door, Spirit still on the first floor

providing a lookout. This time they used the quiet approach, Reaper

barely edged the door open and peaked inside. He slowly moved further

in, not seeing anything and the others followed closely behind. They

found themselves in a large room that served as a library, and unlike the

other rooms in the basement, this one was nicely furnished.

All lights were off and they kept it that way, moving to another door on

the far side of the library. "Sir, I've got six DE's that just apparated onto

the front lawn. They'll be at the door in ten seconds." Spirits comms came


"Shit." Specter muttered. "Demon, Banshee, and Shadow, move to assist

Spirit. Ambush them when they walk in, capture if possible, kill if

necessary." The three Ghosts moved upstairs without a word and went to

help Spirit in the front hall.

Specter, Angel, and Reaper continued forward and stacked on the last

door. Specter edged it open and walked in, the lights still off. Inside were

two prone figures lying on two separate small cots that were pushed to

the far end of the wall. The room wasn't large, barely big enough for the

three Ghosts to fit in all at once.

One of the figures woke up, a girl who looked to be roughly Harrys age

but looked much worse for wear. Her hair was unclean and ragged, cut in

odd angles to hang just below her ears. She was too skinny for one her

age and her clothes were thin and full of holes. "Daphne Greengrass?"

Specter whispered, he didn't want to disrupt his teammembers in any

way upstairs.

The sounds of several bangs alerted them that the ambush was underway.

The girl shrank back into the corner of her bed and the smaller figure, a

boy also woke up. He began screaming and jumped over to Daphnes bed

that was connected with his. "Shhh!" Reaper whispered, putting a finger

to his lips. "Are you Daphne Greengrass? Harry Potter sent us."

The girls eyes were wild and full of fear, but it was clear she recognized

the name, "H-Harry?"

Angel approached slowly, his hands displayed in a non-threatening

manner, far away from his wand that showed visibly on his belt, "He's a

friend. He found out that someone was impersonating you at school, that

you were in trouble. He couldn't come himself because he's hurt but he

wanted to be here. We're going to get you out now okay? Your safe."

"Sir, four down up here, two were able to escape. We don't have much

more time." Spirit spoke over the radio.

"Right, grab them and go." Specter ordered. Reaper grabbed both by the

collar of their dirty and ripped shirts and activated his emergency

portkey. They disappeared without even a sound. "Mission complete.

Grab the downed DE's and activate your portkeys."

Fawkes appeared back on Harrys shoulder just as the adults came out of

the pensieve. All of them were visibly shaken and pale from what they

had just seen. Only Moody had a large grin on his face and Harry knew

why. "Spent ten years gettin' a body only to lose a hand in the first ten

minutes!" He began laughing uproariously, breaking the tense mood that

had fallen over the ward.

Fleur moved back to her place behind Harry and squeezed him back into

her. He softly kissed his temple and rested her head on the top of his


"I'll need to alert the aurors to free Krum." Amelia said. "There are a lot of

things that the aurors will need to be alerted to I guess."

"Fudge isn't going to like this." Sirius added.

"No, but he will have to accept it. We just need to make sure he doesn't

get cold feet if the public becomes difficult to deal with." Harry


"How do you think Voldemort is going to play this? I'm sure he didn't

intend on you escaping."

Harry allowed a smile to cross his face, mostly at the news Fawkes had

given him that Daphne and Andrew were safe at the Ghosts training

grounds. "I'm sure he didn't. My guess is slow. He probably would have

revealed himself to the world tomorrow if I were dead, but now that I'm

still alive, he might bide his time. With his body back, he can possibly

attract more followers to his cause, and we will have to use the time to

prepare. Sebastien, we might have need of the French Aurors."

Sebastien grinned, "Oh the minister would love that. Having the British

ask for his help would be christmas come early for the man."

"And what are you going to do Harry?" Remus asked.

He shrugged, "Continue to train so that my next severing charm takes the

snakes head off and not just his hand."

Thank you everyone for the favorites/follows/reviews. Hope you

enjoyed the three part chapter. The next chapter should be out in a

few days.

27. Desperate Times

The Great Hall was filled to the brim with students and reporters alike.

They had all come to witness the ending ceremony to the TriWizard

Tournament. Headmistress McGonagall presented the cup to Harry who,

though technically didn't reappear with the cup, was still declared the

winner. Due to the last cup being 'lost' a new one was commissioned. The

official story was that the portkey had been incorrectly made and sent

Harry into the Atlantic Ocean where Fawkes then saved him from the icy


Harry stood in front of the Great Hall to the sounds of cheers and

hollering of his classmates and the flashing lights of reporters cameras

going off. Fleur sat in the front row, cheering louder than everyone

around her. She blew him a kiss when he looked her way, making him

blush slightly.

He held the cup up in victory to more cheers before beginning his walk

back down to sit next to Fleur who kissed him soundly on the lips,

eliciting more cheers. The twins were the loudest of all and let out

several of their whizbangs that garnered much applause themselves.

Minerva held her hands up for silence, "This concludes the TriWizard

Tournament! Again, I must thank our fellow schools who joined us this

year, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang." Applause again sounded through the

hall. The Hogwarts students were easily the most boisterous in the Hall,

excited that they were the ones walking away with the win.

"Many of you have made great friends this year from the other schools."

Aimee who sat next to Harry and Fleur pinched his cheek affectionately

making Harry scowl at the blue haired witch. "These relationships you

have made now will define you in the future." Harry kissed Fleurs temple

and squeezed her closer to him.

"Enjoy the feast one last time!" Food prepared by the Hogwarts elves

appeared all at once at the four tables. Many of the reporters had been

standing in the back of the Hall and filed out when the feasting began.

Harry glanced around the hall and settled his eyes on all of his friends

that were gathered along the Gryffindor table. A lot of good and bad

happened this year, and it made him excited for the future. He had made

a lot of friends and was for once, perfectly content with his life.

Dumbledore and Voldemort be damned, at the moment Harry could care

less about them. He was just happy to still be here in the moment.

Harrys eyes settled on Tracy who was talking animatedly with Susan and

Hannah at the Hufflepuff table. Today was the day that Andrew would be

coming to the school so that he could go with Tracy on the Hogwarts

Express. They would then be going with Harry back to Grimmauld Place

for safety.

Daphne, the real Daphne would also be coming back this evening and

Harry was slightly nervous about it. Many months had passed since he

had spoken with the real Daphne and according to Banshee, she wasn't a

normal teenage girl anymore. He felt sorry for her and couldn't help but

feel guilty about not knowing it was Bellatrix instead of his best friend.

The rest of the school thought she was at St. Mungos for Dragon Pox the

last week, but she was really at the Ghost Headquarters recovering from

the mental and physical abuse she went under. She was apparently on a

rigorous supply of potions and needed a lot of sleep still.

Her mind had been repeatedly intruded upon by Bellatrix who sought to

learn every little detail about Daphne. The ring wasn't enough for her to

properly pull off a convincing Daphne Greengrass for so long and had

gone through her mind to learn better about the girl she impersonated.

Such things had their consequences and Daphnes mind had completely

drawn into herself for her own protection. She would be on a long road

of recovery but Harry would be there every step of the way. Apparently

she had been asking none stop about him which gave him hope that she

would come out of her shell to him.

They would be staying together at Grimmauld for the summer, along

with Tracy and Andrew. Sirius had already prepared rooms for them

along with Fleur who would be staying for the week before going back to

France. Harry would also be going with her to France for two weeks

before coming back to Britain. He figured after everything that happened,

he needed a small vacation and couldn't think of anything better than

being in France with Fleur. She was already raving about the places they

would go and things they would see.

It would be the last time they were around each other full time until

Harrys schooling was over in three years and the thought saddened him

greatly. He had taken it for granted having her by his side everyday and

he knew she was also feeling the uneasiness at not being around him.

They hadn't talked much about being apart from one another but they

knew it would be something they could get through.

The evening feast ended with everyone laughing and having a good time.

The school choir had performed a song to commemorate the four

champions and the three tasks they went through. It was rare to have the

whole castle in joyous celebration, and even more rare for Harry to

temporarily forget the troubles of his life. Still, in the back of his mind he

knew that these joyous times were going to come to an abrupt end.

Minister Fudge had been told of Voldemorts return, and for now, the

minister was staying calm which was all Harry could ask for. Voldemort

had yet to make a move against the ministry or the people of Britain.

There were rumors that a large, old mansion in Little Hangleton had been

burned to the ground. That was the same area as Harrys kidnapping and

he remembered seeing an old manor sitting on the hillside above the

graveyard. It was possible that Voldemort had also lost his headquarters

that evening as well, setting him further back.

The rest of the public hadn't been told of Voldemorts return, a decision

Harry didn't necessarily agree with, but Fudge had been adamant about

that decision. As long as Voldemort didn't show himself, he wasn't going

to be announcing that name to the public, but he would give the aurors

more money to prepare. A bill, headlined by Sirius was already on the

table in front of the Wizengamot and would be voted on in a week to

increase the DMLE budget by another twenty-five percent. They would

also begin looking outside Britain for recruits and offering citizenship to

those who wished to serve two years in the auror corps to gain it.

Harry for his part kept himself out of the newspapers as much as he

could, other than the TriWizard Cup questions and what happened

during the third task. He didn't want too many questions about the third

task or his unusual win.

Ever since the last weekend he had been training extensively with Ghost

Squad. He had begun to learn their names and for the first time saw their

faces. The first thing he learned was how to apparate as they did. In

reality, it was quite simple and just a variation of normal apparition that

had been lost to time. It didn't take him long to master it and they had

quickly moved on to working as a team and clearing rooms.

Harry quickly found that it took a great deal of teamwork to work with

them and they had to know what a team member was going to do

without any communication at all. He had been placed on team two,

something new to Ghost Squad. Specter, Reaper, Demon, and Angel

worked as team one. Team two consisted of Haunt, Banshee, Spirit, and

Shadow. Despite his age and general lack of experience in the field, he

found himself thrust into the leadership position of team two, a whole

other responsibility to add to his rapidly growing list of duties.

They split up the squad so that they could act independently of one

another when needed. This was going to be a war, and unlike muggle

wars, due to the ease of travel for wizards and witches, magical wars

were fought on many fronts. The Death Eaters in the last war liked to

split their forces up and attack multiple targets to cause the most amount

of panic while also making their forces seem bigger than they really

were. Ghost Squad, though much fewer in number, were going to do the

same while allowing the aurors to counter any other attacks the Ghosts


"Come on 'Arry. We're to meet Daphne soon." Fleur nudged him in the

side, bringing him out of his thoughts. Harry smiled softly at his

girlfriend and pecked her on the lips before getting up. She took his arm

and together they strolled out of the Great Hall. The other students

continued to talk boisterously to one another as they finished their meals.

Tracy had gotten up as well once she saw Harry and Fleur move from

their seats and into the Entrance Hall.

"Thank you, Harry. I can't say that enough." Tracy said once they were

outside the Great Hall.

"You know there is no need for thanks. I would do anything for a friend

and was happy to help get your brother to safety." Tracy hugged Harry

anyways and when she pulled away, a tear fell down her face.

"Not just for that, for taking us in as well. O-our parents..." Harry brought

her back into a hug and she began crying into his shoulder again. It had

been a rough couple weeks for the witch having to deal with choosing

him over her own parents. It was a decision made easier when she

learned how her younger brother was being treated at Greengrass Manor.

"You can thank Sirius for that. It is his house after all."

She pulled back from the embrace, a teary smile on her face, "I will."

"Tracy!" A young boy around Gabrielles age ran through the front doors

of Hogwarts. The boy rushed into Tracys outstretched arms and she

wrapped him up in a big hug. Behind him was a tall man, roughly in his

early forties, with brown eyes and messy brown hair. He had a long scar

that ran from his right eye down to the left of his lips.

"Daren." Harry said, walking up and shaking the mans hand. Specter

without a mask was just your ordinary guy who loved Quidditch and

hated bureaucrats, just like all the other members of Ghost Squad.

"Where is-?" He trailed off mid question when his eyes found her walking

silently into the hall.

Her long bleach blonde hair was gone and instead it was a more dirty

blonde color and much shorter. Her blue eyes that had once been vibrant

were wild and slightly scared looking. "Daphne?" Harry called to her,

getting her attention immediately. She didn't meet his eyes and stood

still. He walked up to her and held out his arms, trying to hug her but she

flinched away from his touch.

"S-s-sorry, Harry. I-I..." She trailed off, her eyes going distant.

"No, you have nothing to be sorry about. I should be the one who is

sorry." Harry said.

Daphne looked up and met Harrys eyes for the first time, "I thought I'd be

held there forever." She began sobbing and rushed into Harrys arms,

wrapping him up in a bone crushing hug. Harry rubbed her back

soothingly and looked sadly over at Fleur who watched them with a

somber smile.

"You're safe now. You'll be staying with me, along with your sister, Tracy,

and her brother." He felt her nod into his chest as tears began to soak

through his shirt.

The trip to Grimmauld place the next day went by uneventfully. Harry

had said goodbye to a teary eyed Aimee and reassured her that he would

be seeing her at Fleurs place in just a weeks time. Fleur had gotten

permission from Madame Maxime to ride with him on the Hogwarts

Express since she was going to be staying in England with him.

The group consisting of Daphne, Harry, Fleur, Andrew, Tracy, and

Astoria were all picked up from the bustling platform 9 3/4s by Sirius

and Remus. Many students walked up to Harry and said their goodbyes,

asking about books to read on defense and when the club would start up

again next year. Even a few parents approached him and congratulated

him about his win in the TriWizard Tournament.

It didn't take long for reporters to begin swarming him and Sirius and

Remus rushed them all off the platform and into the nearby floo network.

Grimmauld Places ward schemes were completely changed and no longer

under the Fidelius, instead they had equal wards to Gringotts created by

the goblins. The only difference was that the goblins had placed one of

their more unknown wards that kept the house from being revealed to

anyone wishing harm onto the family inside. It cost a pretty penny but

Sirius knew it was worth it.

They all arrived in the den of the large Black Town House. Immediately

Harry noticed that it was much more clean and well decorated than when

he was last here. Emmy had really turned the place into a home and

restored the house to proper order. She greeted them and Harry

immediately spotted a glow about her, but refrained from commenting

on it for now. Emmy began helping the others up to their rooms and

Sirius turned to Harry and Fleur.

"So, I er-wasn't sure if you two would be staying in the same bedroom or

not, so I made up one for you just in case Fleur." Sirius said, rubbing his

hand through his shoulder length hair, looking anywhere but at the


Harrys jaw dropped and he tried to stammer out a response but Fleur

quickly beat him to it. "Merci. I'll stay in 'Arrys room if eets no problem."

Harrys eyes grew wide and he stared at Fleur dumbfounded, his cheeks

turning a deep shade of red. The two of them had grown more and more

intimate with each other, but they hadn't slept with one another. Harry

knew that something like that might happen over the summer, he was

ready for it, and he knew she was as well, but he didn't expect it to be so

soon. He felt his heart begin to pound in his chest at the thought being

with her in that way.

"Er-right. Well...just use silencing wards please." Sirius said, he himself

going bright red, not sure how to react with the somewhat awkward

situation he found himself in.

Again Harry tried to blather out a reply but found he couldn't even utter

a sound, "We will." Fleur put on a bright smile and quickly pulled Harry

up the stairs to his room on the third floor. Harry didn't complain even a

little as she hurried him to his room and slammed him into his door,

crashing her lips into his. She kissed him with reckless abandon and he

began to lose himself in the feeling of her lips. They didn't get too many

opportunities to be intimate with one another and they weren't going to

waste having their own room. He felt her hand travel down to his nether

region and began to stroke him above his pants, making him groan into

her mouth with pleasure.

He eventually got the door open and their kissing didn't cease. She

guided them back onto the bed and straddled his waist, her hips

beginning to grind onto his growing erection. Harrys brain shut

completely off when he felt her hand slip inside his pants, "I want you."

She breathed into his ear. Harry wasted no time in wandlessly shutting

the door and gave in completely to her every command.

"I told them to use a silencing ward." Sirius muttered, covering his eyes

with his hand in embarrassment. Emmy laughed beside him on the

couch, curled up reading a book on the Roman Empire and the wizards

they employed.

"They're young and forgetful." She said, not looking up from her reading.

"Sebastien will kill me if Fleur gets pregnant while at my house."

"Kill you? He'll kill Harry before you. They're smart, just let them have

their fun."

"Is there any way to shut them up?" Astoria asked, walking into the room.

She sat down next to Emmy and peered over at her book.

"I'll go silence the room for them." Sirius said, getting up quickly and

walking up stairs.

"Is your room alright?" Emmy asked, looking up from her book and

wrapping an arm around the young Slytherins shoulders. Emmaline had

quickly taken on a mother role for the young women and Andrew that

were brought under the roof. Sirius looked at the two girls with a soft

smile on his face, knowing she is the perfect mother for his children.

"Yes, but Daphne and Tracy are using it at the moment." She was staying

in the same room as Daphne. The two sisters were close and they felt it

best if Daphne stay with a friendly face while Andrew stayed in Tracys

room. Andrew was currently on the floor with an old practice wand of

Sirius' trying to get a chair to levitate.

"How is your sister doing?" Emmy asked, a concerned look on her face.

She knew that the last few months for Daphne were extremely difficult.

They didn't yet know of everything that she went through and was only

telling Tracy and Harry anything. It was good sign at least that she was

talking about any of it, but she was still very shy to the touch and was

very quiet.

Astoria shrugged, "Better I think. She doesn't talk much. Have you heard

anything about my parents? I can't believe they would do something like


Emmy shook her head sadly at the young girl, "Sorry, the ministry hasn't

found them anywhere. Your house was burned to the ground in the raid

to save your sister and your parents scattered." Ghost sqaud had captured

four individuals, but all four of those were French and German

internationals that were living in the house. They suspect that the two

that escaped were the two Greengrass elders, but it was impossible to

confirm it at the moment.

Those individuals also didn't help with anything, having known nothing

and not even stepping a foot inside Riddle Manor, another old mansion

that burned to the ground the same night. They received a one way trip

to Raven Isle where they were left stranded with no way of escape. The

ministry stationed only two guards on a nearby island and they would

frequently check the island to make sure no one escaped each day. The

lack of need for guards and not having to pay for a prison was a major

reason the ministry could give more money to the DMLE and Madame

Bones had already begun putting that money to good use.

"Why would my parents do this?" Astoria asked, tears beginning to form

in her eyes. She was still young and had a deep love for her parents,

especially her mother, but Daphne had always been her role model, the

person she looked up to the most. When her parents had imprisoned her

sister and replaced her with a convicted criminal, her world was

shattered and she was struggling to come to terms with it.

Emmy pulled Astoria closer to her and wrapped her in a firm hug as she

began crying into Emmys shoulder. Emmaline slowly rubbed her back,

"They grew up a certain way, and that way taught them to hate those

different from them." Astoria only sobbed harder into Emmys shoulder as

the last few weeks began to catch up with her.

Harry and Fleur walked down from their room for dinner and neither

could hide the radiant smile on their faces. Kreacher had set out a better

than average meal since Harry was in the house and the old house elf

liked Harry above everyone else. Sirius wasn't all that imaginative when

it came to naming the new house elf he acquired. Harry figured that

Sirius still had fond feelings for the late Kreature and was trying to

replace him outright with a new one. Dobby had also come with Harry to

Grimmauld Place and was driving Kreacher up the wall at the moment

with his constant praise for Harry and wanting to do everything for him.

It became a war between the two to see who could please Harry the most

and it was quickly becoming another hassle on Harrys shoulders.

Sirius coughed, breaking up the smiling glances Harry and Fleur were

sharing, "I did tell you two to use a silencing ward, did I not?" Both Harry

and Fleur immediately went beet red, their mouths opening and closing

but no words came out.

"Sorry." Harry managed to squeak out.

"You did use protection, yes?" Emmy asked, her eyebrows raised at the

red faced couple. Remus had joined them for dinner this evening and was

laughing heartily behind his hand at the predicament his adopted

nephew was in. Daphne and Astoria were doing their best to pretend to

not hear the conversation while Tracy was covering Andrews ears who

was trying to break free from the headlock he was in so that he could

hear the conversation. She herself was laughing at the horrified looks on

her friends faces and taking great enjoyment from it.

Harry sneaked a glance at Fleur, "Er yes?" He said in an unsure manner.

"Yes, we did." Fleur finalized with a roll of her eyes.

"Good, I think that's enough about that." Sirius said. "Harry, you have

training at 0600 tomorrow."

Harry nodded his head and began to fill his plate up with meats and

breads, eager to move away from that embarrassing topic. "Have the

goblins taken care of Hermione, the Bones, and the Abbots?" Harry had

sent a letter a week before leaving Hogwarts to have the three families

homes heavily warded. He would pay for it of course, and in the manner

of the Bones and Abbots, the goblins didn't have to add much more to

them. Madame Longbottom had already upgraded the wards on her home

earlier in the year when she learned that Voldemort wasn't really dead

and didn't need Harrys help in the matter.

"Its all done. Hermione and her parents were also given emergency

portkeys that would take them here just in case." Sirius said.

"Good. Lets just hope we can ride out the summer without any


"Where is he!" Voldemort demanded from his white masked follower who

bowed to him, his knees on the ground. He sat on his new throne in

Malfoy Manor. He had taken it as his headquarters when Riddle Manor

was burnt to the ground by his former ally.

"I could not find him, my lord." The man winced when he spoke those

words and for good reason. Voldemorts Yew wand flicked into his hand

and the Cruciatus curse was hurled at his follower. The Death Eater cried

out in pain as every ligament snapped and every muscle tore in his body.

The pain quickly became unbearable and he passed out. Two more Death

Eaters who stood in the shadows quickly walked forward and helped

their unconscious brother out of the room as Voldemort sat on his chair


Grindelwald had disappeared ever since the graveyard and had yet to

return. What made him fearful was that he was carrying one of his

horcruxes, something Grindelwald knew all too well. He had immediately

set his followers after the man but not a single one of them had found


It was a mistake to put any faith into that man. He was insane, driven to

madness by his years in prison and need for revenge against Dumbledore.

Now he was a loose cannon, something he couldn't control any longer

and was likely out searching for the old man. For now it wasn't a

problem, as long as he didn't do anything to stand in his way in Britain. It

was also possible Grindelwald would do him a favor in this frenzy and

kill Dumbledore, making his way to the English throne much easier.

Riddle stood from his iron throne that had been made for him by his

followers in place of his golden one. It wasn't to his tastes but it would

have to do for now. He would eventually take control of Hogwarts and

secure the Hogwarts throne for his own, a seat he always desired.

He began pacing back and forth as his mind strayed to Harry Potter, the

boy that had managed to take his hand from him. It was surprising to see

the power behind the young boy, and it scared him greatly, to the point

that he wasn't yet sure how to proceed. The prophecy was clear, that

Harry had the power to defeat him, and the duel in the Graveyard was

evidence enough that the boy did indeed have the power. He was strong,

maybe even stronger than himself, something he would never openly


All this meant was that he had to outsmart the boy and avoid battles of

power like what had occurred in the graveyard. He still had a vast

advantage over the boy in terms of knowledge of spells and experience

and he would use this greatly to his advantage.

The real threat still remained Dumbledore who lay in hiding. He was a

much more dangerous foe now that Voldemort had no clue what the old

man was up to. Dumbledore had stormed his headquarters for a reason,

and that reason only meant one thing, he knew of his horcruxes. That

was the only thing he could fathom that Dumbledore would be after.

Because of this, he had already begun to take drastic steps to hide his

other horcruxes and at this point, could only hope that Grindelwald

wouldn't freely give up the horcrux he had given to the old man. He had

little doubt the man would since it was supplying him with his old

magical prowess as if he was in his prime again.

"My lord, our emissaries have been dispatched as you ordered." Lucius

Malfoy stepped into the room and bowed his head low. He refrained from

looking his master in the eye, having seen what happened to the last

Death Eater in this room. Lucius was tasked with increasing recruitment

in Eastern Europe, especially Russia, along with recruiting in North

Africa and the Middle East. He needed hardened soldiers and not the

usual scrabble he attracted. Having many of the purebloods on his side in

Britain afforded him the ability to hire mercenaries that would be

necessary to win a war.

Even though the ministry hadn't officially announced that they knew of

his return, it was obvious they were preparing for him. The new bill to

increase the DMLE budget was a clear sign that they were going to begin

preparing for a war and war was what he planned on giving them.

"Good Lucius. And what news of Harry. Where is he?"

Lucius kept his eyes firmly on his own feet, "I am not sure my lord. He is

in hiding and no one is talking, or knows of his location."

Voldemort stood silently for a moment, staring at the blank grey wall in

front of him, "As I figured. We will need to draw him out. Begin

formulating a plan so that we can kill Britains favored son." He looked at

his new hand, silver in color that he fashioned for himself. It was his

constant reminder to never underestimate the boy again.

Dumbledore stepped out onto the large ramparts of Heidelberg Castle in

Germany, overlooking the small town just below him. Night had fallen

over the town that was nestled into the mountains by the Neckar river. It

was a calm and peaceful evening and Dumbledore roamed his safe haven

alone, as was normal for him now.

He had no allies to turn to at the moment and couldn't trust anyone in

Britain. Harry Potter had somehow lived through the trap set for him by

Voldemort and had gone home for the summer. He was in this fight alone

and now not only had to deal with both Harry and Riddle, but

Grindelwald as well. It was quickly becoming too much for even him and

he needed to look for help.

He walked through the quiet castle, looking at the old suits of armor and

muggle paintings that hung on the walls. His feet carried him to a thick

wooden door on the first floor of the castle and he was about to open it

when his hand pulled back from the handle.

"I can't be this desperate, can I?" He mumbled to himself. This door had

remained shut for forty years now, and for good reason. He didn't dare

walk back down there, but now he was questioning if he should take the

risk. Dumbledore took a step back and shook his head, but his hand

remained outstretched towards the bronze handle, almost daring him to

open it.

Dumbledore knew he was getting desperate in this war. He had no

followers, no one to do his bidding and help him destroy his enemies.

This was not a fight he could do alone, but was walking through this

door worth the inevitable price? Albus stood there for several minutes

before he steeled his nerves and placed his hand on the handle and

walked in.

It opened up into a dark staircase not lit by any torches like the rest of

the castle. Dumbledore lit his wand and began walking down the steep

stairs and into the bowels of the castle, heading for the dungeon. He

reached the landing and opened another thick wooden door, walking into

a dark, thin hallway with several wooden doors that had iron barred

windows so guards could peer into the cells.

It was a struggle to take any step further but Dumbledore quelled the

voices screaming out at him in the back of his mind, knowing this needed

to be done to accomplish the Greater Good. Albus walked down the dark

hallway and towards the last cell on the right.

He peered into the cell through the barred window and saw a large figure

curled up in the corner of the small stone room. "Finally come to kill

me?" A course voice echoed in the room. The large figure slowly stood

up, bringing himself to his full height. He was easily seven feet tall and

was a mass of muscle, wearing only ripped linen pants.

The figure approached the barred window and the light from

Dumbledores wand illuminated him further. He had a short haired

mohawk with a long braid that reached the middle of his back. Tattoos

covered the bald parts of his head and further tattoos covered his chest

and arms. He had a long white beard that was braided and his blue eyes

could pierce even Voldemorts fractured soul. Dumbledore felt a chill run

down his spine just looking at the massive figure in front of him.

"I have a deal to make with you." Albus said, forcing his voice to be calm.

"A deal you say? Someone must be desperate to deal with the devil." The

Scandinavians white hair glimmered in the wandlight and he smiled

cruelly at Albus, showing his yellow rotten teeth.

"If you can convince your men to fight for me, I will give you land and

status in the new world I create."

The old Viking laughed, "I was promised that by another wizard. The

reward I received was your prison cell."

"That's because you followed someone weak. You know my power, you've

seen it first hand." Dumbledore allowed a little of his passive magic to

overflow, causing the iron bars on the door to vibrate.

The viking paused for a moment and studied Dumbledore. "Even if you

were to release me and allow me to go back to my people, how could I

convince them to ever fight for you? I've been missing for years, I am old.

My people do not follow the weak."

"You are still a king."

He shook his head. "No, I am king of this cell maybe, but nothing else.

My son would kill me rather than give up his power. You must be

desperate to have come to me for this."

"If you convince your people to fight for me, I'll give you a piece of

something every man covets." Dumbledore said, knowing what he

showed him would be enough to convince any man to fight for him. He

reached into his pocket and pulled out a large ruby red stone that pulsed

with powerful magic. The vikings eyes widened when he saw it and tried

to rip it from Dumbledores hands through the barred window.

Dumbledore quickly stepped back out of reach and re-pocketed the stone.

"Immortality. The ability to rule your people for all time and become a


The viking king stood silently for several minutes thinking about his next

move before he finally spoke, "I will raise the Varangian Guard once


Thank you everyone that has favorited/followed/reviewed my story.

Forces are beginning to gather between all opponents. Look out for

another chapter sometime this weekend. It will focus a lot on

Harrys training with the Ghosts and you'll get further introductions

to all of them.

28. Breaking Walls

"Anything here?" Banshee asked. She kicked around the burned rubble of

the former Riddle Manor in Little Hangleton. Angel and Demon were sent

with her to recover anything useful from the wreckage and see if they

could find any whereabouts as to Voldemorts location or what had

occurred to set fire to the house.

When Harry had left the graveyard the night he was kidnapped, the

manor was still in tact he had said, as well as when he left. That meant

that something, or someone, had purposefully set fire to the building and

that it was unrelated to Harrys duel with Voldemort. It was possible that

in Voldemorts rage for Harry getting away that he destroyed his own

headquarters, but that was unlikely.

From what they could tell, the house was destroyed by fiendfyre. The

spell left a clear signature across the foundations of the house, and who

ever used the fiendfyre was powerful, beyond a normal wizard. That

meant only a few people, Harry, Voldemort, Dumbledore, or someone

they didn't yet know about. They were hoping it was Dumbledore but

had no way of knowing.

"I think I have something!" Angel shouted. The other two rushed over to

where he was kneeling down. He had a small piece of what looked like

canvass in his hands. On the back of the burnt canvass was clear as day,

the name Marie Anne Varro.

"Who do you think that is?" Demon asked, taking the piece of canvass

and examining it further.

"Not sure, we can figure it out later." Banshee responded. Demon slipped

the piece of canvass into his pocket and continued looking through the

rubble. The only other thing any of them were able to find were the

remains of a golden throne that was severed in two. Finding nothing else,

they moved onto their next location, Malfoy Manor.

"You're gettin' better." Daren said, helping Harry back to his feet after

reviving him from his unconscious state. Harry groaned as he took a few

steps to get the blood pumping back in his legs. He had been hit by a

spell that locked up his legs, closely followed by a powerful stunner to

the back of the head. Spirit was hovering over Shadow, trying to wake

him up from the duel that just took place. Reaper had already recovered

and was sitting on a nearby bench to catch his breath.

"I still lost." Harry muttered. He sheathed both his wands and sat down

next to Reaper. Daren walked over to him and laid a reassuring hand on

his shoulder. They had been at this for several hours and each time he

was barely coming up short. He could always get at least two or three

down but the last person would blind side him at the right moment. It

was starting to frustrate him that he wasn't yet quick enough to get all

four of his opponents.

"Maybe, but you're improving rapidly. You can take three of us on at a

time consistently, and are working your way towards four of us. No one

here an do what you can." Harry nodded his head and took a deep breath

before getting back to his feet.

"Lets get back at it." He removed his basilisk skin jacket to reveal a tight

fitting black t-shirt Fleur had bought him yesterday. He tossed the jacket

to a woman who stood off to the side. She was the squad healer and

stayed in house to watch their training sessions, making sure they didn't

kill each other on accident.

His constant workouts had done wonders for him and he was in excellent

shape. The shirt did a lot to show off his abs which was why he suspected

Fleur had bought it for him. Harry now had allowed some of his facial

hair to grow on his face, making him look slightly older than he really

was. It wasn't a full beard by any measure, just stubble, but it kept him

from looking as young as fourteen, soon to be fifteen.

By now, the others had been completely revived and were setting up for

another round of dueling. This was every day life for them. They were

used to getting knocked around only to go for round two. That's how they

trained, to take hits but always stay in the fight. Being tired or hurt was

no excuse for the Ghosts. Perfection was all that mattered.

Harry took a deep breath and fully locked down his occlumency shields.

He then concentrated on bringing out his animagus senses and felt the

familiar sensation of time slowing down. Every movement by his

opponents was clearly visible, every breath they took was heard, he could

even hear their hearts beat and knew if he had surprised them or scared


He felt a spell rush at his back and ducked below it, using his Yew wand

to send a blasting hex aimed at the ground behind him, catching the feet

of his opponent. His Holly wand batted away a flame cutter curse back

towards another opponent who was then forced to dodge it. He side

stepped a stunner and turned his Yew wand into a Flame whip, lashing it

all around him. He heard one person cry out in pain, and without looking

shot a stupefy in that direction. He was rewarded with a thud as a person

fell to the ground.

A bright green spell shot at him from the side and Harry batted it away

with ease while sending an incarcerous at another foe. It was shielded

against and a yellow acidic curse headed for his chest. He barely moved

out of the way in time, only a small spray hitting his shirt. It created

several burning holes in his black shirt exposing his skin underneath.

Visible above his right breast was a tattoo of a pair of angel wings that

pulsed blue.

Harry then used a Black family spell and created a wall of fire around

him to obscure his opponents vision. He then changed into Haunt and

leaped from the fire and bit into one opponents hand, ripping his wand


He changed back into Harry and turned the fire into thick black smoke

while stunning his injured foe. Harry moved into the smoke while

creating an air bubble around him so that he could breath. The smoke all

of a sudden began to attack his air bubble and even popped it, causing

him to splutter for air. He barely caught sight of organ liquefier flying

through the remaining smoke and dove out of the way.

Harry snapped off a bone breaker hex mid dive and used a burst of

wandless magic to upright himself so he landed on his feet. The bone

breaker connected and he heard someone scream out in pain. He sent a

stunner at the scream and it immediately ceased.

The smoke began to dissipate and when it did, Harry couldn't see his last

opponent, only three unconscious bodies lying on the stone floor. Daren

was the one missing. Harry paced the room, keeping his senses on the

highest alert. All of a sudden the lights in the training room turned off

and he felt his right ankle being snagged by an invisible rope, launching

him into the air. Harry quickly severed the invisible rope and barely

missed a stunner that was targeted at him. He fell to the ground and

twisted himself so that he landed on his feet.

Harry quickly turned the lights back on but still could not see Specter.

Harry then shot a spell at his own feet and a large wall of wind shot in

every direction around him. He heard someone yelp and turned to see

Specter thrown backwards, an invisibility cloak flying off of him.

He snapped off a stunner and caught the Ghost leader in the chest,

knocking him unconscious before he even hit the floor.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and allowed a smile to cross his face. He

was about to relax and sheath his wands when he felt the hairs on the

back of his neck rise. Harry spun just in time to see a stunner heading for

him. He batted it away and faced his new opponent, or really, three new

opponents as they entered the dueling room.

The rest of Ghost squad had joined the training session, being back from

their reconnaissance mission. The three Ghosts didn't wait long and

began firing every hex and curse they knew. Harry dodged them all and

even sent some of their own spells back with practiced ease. Fighting

Voldemort had been very valuable to him, letting him know truly just

how strong he was compared to the rest of wizard-kind. Sirius had told

him stories of the snakes power and absolute destruction in combat, and

though he was outmatched when it came to spell knowledge, he could at

least stand toe-to-toe with him when it came to power. It had given him a

great deal more confidence to know he actually could win against


Any spell he sent was a struggle for anyone to block, even his fellow

Ghosts who were no slouches when it came to magical power. A simple

stunner was difficult for any of them to block, let alone something like a

bone breaker hex which was an innately more powerful spell.

It didn't take long for the last three Ghosts to be on the ground

unconscious with Harry standing over them triumphantly. He had

practiced many times against three opponents before and made short

work of them now. This was the first time he had taken down four at

once and now he believed he could do so again. Despite his recent

frustration, he could feel himself getting faster, smarter, more powerful.

As Dumbledore had told him early on, he had yet to reach his full

magical maturity. There was no telling how powerful he would grow to

be in the next few years, and with each passing day, Harry felt himself

becoming stronger.

Not only was his raw power increasing, he now had full time access to

the Black family library, along with his Potter Anybook, and now the

Unspeakable library which contained more ancient texts than the other

two combined. He had taken to reading a book a night, sometimes having

Fleur read to him when he was too tired to do so himself after the days


In just the one week of summer so far, he felt himself truly becoming

better, thanks to the day long training sessions with the Ghosts. It was

like a job for him. He ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the team and

in-between meals were constant exercises. They were molding themselves

into a hard hitting fighting force that could combat the best of

Voldemorts Death Eaters and anyone else thrown in their way.

He also began to understand the genius behind Specter making him the

leader of team two. It gave Harry free reign to make quick decisions

based on his own personal skill and not have to rely on orders from

someone else to get him in the most effective position.

Harry slowly made his way to his unconscious team members and

revived them all. Once they were all checked and cleared from the one

medic they kept on staff at the headquarters, they decided to call it a day.

Harry wandered the small Irish castle that was built just off the coast of

Northern Ireland. It was nowhere near as large as Hogwarts and had a

much more cozy feel to it. It acted as the living quarters for several of the

Ghosts as well as the headquarters and training facilities. The floo

network was connected directly to the Unspeakables library back in the

Department of Mysteries inside the ministry.

The whole castle was completely state-of-the-art and had the best

protections. Very few knew of the castle and when Andrew and Daphne

had left it, they had their minds carefully altered to make them think

they were in St. Mungos. Harry had made sure that it was safe to alter

their minds like that, especially Daphne since her mind had already been

screwed with enough.

The outside grounds consisted of a mile long track for running along with

a whole slew of weight equipment and an obstacle course. Instead of the

empty suits of armor that decorated the halls of Hogwarts, the suits of

armor in this castle actually moved and patrolled the grounds. The whole

place was under high security and only nine people in total knew of its


"So, you have that big vote tomorrow, yeah?" Sue asked, coming up

beside Harry as he walked out onto the ramparts to overlook the Atlantic

Ocean. The sun had just begun to set and if Fleur were here, it would

have been very romantic.

Sue was the only woman on Ghost squad, callsign Banshee. She was a

good looking woman in her late twenties, formerly a Ravenclaw before

joining the Unspeakables, and later Ghost Squad. She came from an

unwealthy and small pureblood family.

"It should pass with no problems. We have the votes to get it through."

She nodded next to him and grew silent. They both watched as the sun

set completely over the water and the sky turned dark. Not a single cloud

was in the sky and the stars showed brightly. It was a full moon tonight

and so Remus was in the secure room made for him back at Grimmauld


"Dinner's ready!" They both turned to see Reaper, a tall man with a

scruffy beard and short brown hair. His real name was Eric Antoniski, a

Polish national that came to England when he was just five. His parents

were muggles and so it was quite the shock when they learned he was a


They walked back inside and entered the small dining hall. Specter sat at

the head of the table and they all sat around him. House elves, much like

with Hogwarts, worked in the kitchens and kept the place tidy as well as

cooked the food. The food they cooked was definitely nothing like at

Hogwarts though, instead it was almost entirely meats, breads, and

vegetables. Beans and potatoes were also in plenty but butter, salt, and

pepper were missing from the table.

"How was the mission?" Daren asked the three that had been out on a

reconnaissance mission earlier today. They were searching for

Voldemorts whereabouts, having started with the ruins of Riddle Manor.

The wards around that manor had been dismantled during the fire that

brought the house to the ground. They suspected he was at Malfoy Manor

and had sent Angel, Demon, and Banshee to investigate.

"We got this." Demon produced the piece of canvass with the name on the

back of it. Daren grabbed it and looked over. "We don't know who it is,

but we'll begin looking. It was at Riddle Manor."

Specter nodded and set the canvass aside, "And Malfoy Manor?"

"All we can safely say is that the wards are extremely powerful." Angel

said. He was scrawny man with long brown hair and dull green eyes.

"They're impossible to get through. It'd take me days, maybe months, to

figure them out." Demon added. He sat next to Angel and when they

were close to one another, it was easy to tell that they were twins.

Demon kept his hair short and was slightly taller and more well built

than Angel, but the likeness was unmistakable.

"They were advanced too, as if someone with a highly advanced

knowledge of wards and arithmancy had created them. We couldn't

identify what they were and they blocked any sight into the Malfoy

grounds." Banshee gave her own input.

"Riddle." Harry muttered.

"Probably." Banshee agreed with him.

"So what's the next plan?" Spirit asked. He was one of the older members

of the group, being in his late thirties. He was just as grizzled and battle-

hardened as Specter and was often looked at as the second in command

of the group.

"We can't strike anywhere without knowledge. Move onto the Carrows

house in South London tomorrow."

"Yes, sir." The three responded at once.

Harry walked into the Ministry of Magic with the hope that he wouldn't

have to be here for long. Today was the day that the Wizengamot would

be voting on the new bill to increase the DMLE's budget by another 25%

and it was crucial that it passed. As soon as he stepped foot in the

ministry atrium he was swarmed by reporters and cameras flashes

temporarily blinded him.

Fawkes had come along for the ride and stood proudly on his shoulder,

profiling his head to make himself look better in the photos. "I'm beginning

to enjoy being your familiar." He heard Fawkes say in his head.

"Adventure, fame, and near death experiences, what's not to enjoy?"

Harry muttered back sarcastically. He waved and smiled at the cameras

and pushed his way past the reporters. His mind was on the upcoming

vote and didn't feel like talking with them yet.

Harry checked his Holly wand into the front desk and continued back to

the courtrooms. He didn't bother checking his Yew wand in since it was

still a secret to most and wasn't registered by the ministry. Just before

walking into courtroom ten, he waved his hand in front of him and his

attire turned into the dark red robes of a Wizengamot member. He

climbed to his normal seat where he then sat down next to Sirius and

Amelia. They were both in deep conversation with the Minister who was

also already seated and didn't pay him any attention, giving him time to

study the crowd.

There had been some odd, yet legal changes to many of the Wizengamot

members in the last few weeks. Many families had begun to sell their

seats of power and were then replaced by questionable people in Harrys

opinion. He knew it was a ploy by Voldemort to begin undermining his

political power, but the Death Eaters still didn't have the power to beat

him yet.

Minister Fudge brought the room to order and began the normal

headcount when the time came. Amos Diggory had been declared the

Chief Warlock when Dumbledore was sacked and so called roll. Everyone

was present for the meeting which was rare and set Harry slightly on


With each week, there were less and less people he recognized sitting in

the room, and even though everyone knew it was because someone was

buying up all the seats, it was still legal as long as a pureblood family

replaced the seats. It was slowly beginning to polarize the Wizengamot to

the point where there would soon be only Harry Potter supporters and

Pureblood Supremacists. The neutrals were a dying breed in England and

Harry knew it was only a matter of time before everyone had to choose a


Once roll was done, the first motion was brought to the floor. The day of

politics started with a small bill on helping restore small magical

communities. For the most part, Harry tuned the meeting out, not having

much interest in anything currently being talked about. He didn't much

care for politics and had lately just been having Sirius act as his proxy,

but he wanted to be here for the important vote today.

"Now, we come to our last piece of legislation. Sirius Black has placed a

bill on the floor for all those to vote on. All of you have had a week to

read the legislation over and today we vote." Minister Fudge announced.

He looked just as bored as he sounded. "All those in favor?" Harrys heart

raced when he saw how few wands were raised in favor of the bill. He

couldn't tell if it was still above the majority or not. Voldemort had been

working quickly on trying to seize a large amount of political power it


"Those against?" A similar number of wands were raised and Harry could

feel the air sucked out of the room. His eyes settled on Lucius Malfoy

who sat in a chair next to Emily Goyle who was sitting in proxy of her

son. Goyle Sr. had unfortunately passed away the same night of Harrys

fight with Voldemort from asphyxiation and the position had passed onto

Goyle Jr.

Harry waited with abated breath as the scribe counted the votes and

tallied them on his parchment. Percy had unfortunately been given this

job, and though Harry didn't like the Weasley, he was at least good at his

job and completely loyal to the ministry.

Percy finished counting the votes and handed the parchment to Minister

Fudge. The Minister cleared his throat before speaking. "The motion

passes!" Harry let out a sigh of relief. That had been close, too close for

him. He was going to need to start acting quickly to keep his power in

the Wizengamot.

Harry congratulated Sirius and Amelia on their hard work for the bill and

made his way down, back to the atrium. He was earlier declared the

spokesman for the bill by Fudge and had his job to do. He entered the

atrium to more flashes of cameras and was bombarded by questions from

reporters about what took place in the courtroom.

Before he took any questions, Harry got his Holly wand from the front

desk and waved it just in front of him. A small table formed and he

climbed up on top of it so that everyone could see him. He then waved

his Holly wand again and transformed his clothes back into the basilisk

scale jacket and pair of blue jeans he was wearing earlier. Fawkes, who

had perched himself on the Fountain of Magical Brethren while he as

inside the courtroom came flying back and reclaimed his spot on Harrys


"The legislation has been passed!" Harry declared to the crowd. He stood

up there for what felt like hours as he answered question after question

about the recent legislation and why it was so hotly contested in the

Wizengamot. Most of the public couldn't see why a bill such as this was

so heavily disputed, but Harry couldn't exactly say that Voldemort was

beginning to make moves within their own ministry. Minister Fudge still

forbade Harry from saying anything on the matter, but he wasn't going to

argue with the man as long as he actually worked to help prepare those

who would be fighting the war.

Sirius and Amelia had eventually bailed Harry out of the rest of the press

conference and brought Harry to the side of the atrium. He was about to

step foot into the floo network to go back to Grimmauld Place with Sirius

when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Harry Potter." He spun around to see an older man. His eyes were a dull

grey and his hair was cut short, much like Harrys own. He wore tattered

robes that showed he didn't come from wealth. The only thing that stood

out on his figure was a gold ring with an unusual stone in its center that

he kept on his left hand.

"Can I help you?" Harry asked, taking a step backwards and instinctively

getting ready to flick his wands into his hands. For a second, Harry

thought he saw the old man smile, but the expression was gone in a flash.

"I saw your performance in the first task against that dragon. Also, with

all of your added exploits written about in the papers, I was wondering

how you were able to do such powerful magic?" The man had a slight

accent similar to Viktor Krums.

"Er...excuse me. I didn't catch your name?"

"Sorry for my rudeness." He held out his hand which Harry shook. "The

name's Peter Bernoval."

"Well, Mr. Bernoval, I have been known to be lucky on numerous

occasions." The man smiled, showing several missing teeth and nodded

his head.

"Yes, yes of course Mr. Potter. Sorry for disturbing you, I should be going.

It was a pleasure to meet you." The man bowed his head deeply before

walking away and disappearing into the crowd.

"You attract all kinds of crazy." Sirius said from just behind Harry.

"Comes with the name." Harry stepped into the floo and quickly forgot

his brief encounter with the old man. Sirius came in behind him and they

walked into the kitchen where Remus was waiting for them. He had large

bags under his eyes, having not slept much from the full moon last night.

Andrew was also in the kitchen being served by Dobby. The young boy

quickly hopped off his stool and rushed over to Harry.

"Can we do it now?" He asked, an eager look in his eyes.

"Of course." Harry was extremely tired, having not had a full nights rest,

or even a nap, in a long while, but he had made a promise to the boy.

Fleur demanded his attentions in the evening, something he wasn't

complaining about in the slightest, and he had many other duties

throughout the day. "Go fetch the broom."

Andrew quickly scurried out of the room to fetch the training broom.

Harry had promised to teach him how to ride and since Tracy

disapproved of him learning, they had to conduct the training sessions

when she wasn't here. All of the girls were currently out shopping for the

upcoming wedding that was less than three weeks away.

Sirius, just two days ago had pulled Harry to the side to give him the

happy news that Emmy was pregnant, something he had suspected when

first seeing her. The news was music to his ears and it meant his family

was growing a little larger. Sirius had already confessed that if it was a

boy, they would name him James, and if a girl, Lily. Sirius wouldn't be

continuing the Black family tradition of naming their offspring after stars.

The baby was also still a secret to everyone else besides Remus, himself,

and Emmys sister, Jolie.

The girls for the last week had been completely transforming the house

and getting things in order for the wedding. The actual wedding would

be taking place in a small nearby church and was being kept small in

numbers. Afterwards, they would all be heading back to Grimmauld

place for the after-party and then Sirius and Emmy would be taking a

honeymoon for two weeks in Rome.

Andrew came running back into the room just as Remus brought out the

firewhiskey. "Congratulations on your win today." He poured a small

glass for Sirius, Harry, and himself. Sirius was rather loose when it came

to some underage drinking laws, as long as Emmy wasn't around. They

all drained the shots quickly and Harry was rushed out of the kitchen by

an excited Andrew.

The girls of the house arrived back in the Grimmauld Place den through

the floo network. They had spent the day shopping in Diagon Alley and

muggle London. It was the first time Tracy, Astoria, and Daphne had ever

been shopping in muggle London and had been blown away by what they

saw. Fleur, though also never having shopped in London before, had been

to the muggle shops in Paris and was well up to date with the latest


Emmy was a muggleborn herself and so had been many times to London

to shop with her mother and sister and showed the young girls the ropes.

They had spent the day trying on clothes and most importantly, searching

for their bridesmaids dresses and Emmys wedding dress. Jolie had also

joined them for the shopping trip since she was to be the Maid of Honor.

All of the girls saw that this trip had done wonders to help relax Daphne

and bring her back to her normal self. She had been quiet all week and

had hardly talked with anyone other than Harry and Tracy. Today

however, she had seemingly forgotten her struggles and enjoyed being a

teenage girl, shopping with friends and family. It was nice to see her

acting her normal self and come out of her shell a little.

"What happened here?" Emmy breathed out, looking at the destruction of

the den room. The other girls appeared from the fireplace and Fleur had

even pulled out her wand. The den was in complete shambles, the

furniture turned over and whiskey glasses shattered on the floor. A

painting of one of Sirius' ancestors had fallen off its hinges on the wall

and lay face down on the floor.

The girls were about to move further into the house when they heard

shouting nearby. They briefly caught a glimpse of a large shaggy black

dog running down the main hall followed by a much larger black tiger

with a young boy riding on its back, giggling and demanding the tiger to

go faster.

They were followed by a house elf desperately trying to keep up with its

arms outstretched to try and catch the boy just in case he fell and finally

Remus followed them all on a small training broom with a bottle of

firewhiskey in his hand.

"What the-" Fleur muttered under breath.

"Boys..." Astoria shook her head disappointingly.

"They never change." Emmy said.

Remus caught a glimpse of the girls watching him as he flew by the den

and became distracted. He crashed right into the wall in front of him, but

instead of hitting solid wood, he flew right through the wood wall with

ease and hit a stone wall on the other side. He went down hard, the

broom breaking in two.

The girls heard the crash and rushed out into the hall to make sure their

boys were alright and found the large hole in the wall where Remus was

scrambling to get back up, still holding the bottle of firewhiskey, having

saved it from breaking. "We're good." He proudly proclaimed, stumbling

to his feet and placing a hand on the wall to keep himself upright.

Haunt and Padfoot came running back down the hall having heard the

crash. Andrew slid off Haunt and watched with wide eyes as both Haunt

and Padfoot turned back into Harry and Sirius. "You alright mate?" Sirius

asked, stepping over to Remus.

"Look at this." Harry said, having stepped into the small room Remus and

Sirius were in. He had punctured through a wooden wall and accidentally

found a hidden room inside the Black family house. It was a dark, narrow

staircase he found himself in that went down at least thirty feet.

"I didn't know this was here." Sirius muttered. Next to him, Remus took

another swig of firewhiskey and nearly fell down the stairs in the

attempt. Fleur quickly reached over and took the bottle from the drunken

werewolf and tossed it to Dobby who had an embarrassed look on his


"Huh." Harry grunted as he took a step down into the staircase. He sent a

small light probe towards the bottom to illuminate the rest of the

staircase. It lit up the bottom landing of the stairs and showed that their

was a larger room at the bottom. "Might as well see what's down there."

Sirius, Fleur, Emmy, and Harry walked down the stairs with their wands

drawn. They left Remus to look after the rest just in case something bad

were to happen. They reached the landing and found themselves in a

small stone-brick room. Dust and cobwebs littered the room and it looked

like no one had been here in centuries.

The only thing in the small room was a wooden chest with steel locks on

it. Harry was about to reach down and touch the chest when Fawkes

flashed into the room and landed on his shoulder. "Do not touch it!"

Everyone had stopped to wait for what Harry would say when his short

conversation was done with Fawkes. He finally spoke up after several

long minutes, "There is a horcux in there, but it's not Voldemorts."

Thank you everyone that has Favorited/Followed/Reviewed.

29. France

"Welcome to our 'ome 'Arry." Appoline greeted him and Fleur at the front

door of their large beachside villa in Southern France. The two of them

walked into the main atrium hand in hand with a happy glow about

them. The villa was Roman in design with large white columns holding

up the red shingled roof. Water filled the shallow pool in the middle of

the atrium and beautiful and ancient mosaics covered the walls.

The Delacours were definitely among the wealthiest families in France,

and one of the oldest, dating back to the House of Julii of Rome. The

villa was located atop a small sandy hill that rested just above the

Mediterranean Sea, having one of the grandest views Harry had ever

seen. It was only an hour long trip by car to Marseille and had its own

private beach.

"'Arry!" Gabrielle shouted, rushing out from her room when she heard

them walk in. She leaped into Harrys arms and he spun the giggling girl

around before setting her on his shoulders.

"I'm 'ere too, sister." Fleur complained, but a small smile formed on her

lips nonetheless. It meant a lot to her that her family, especially her sister

and mother, were so accepting of Harry.

The little veela stuck her tongue out at her older sister. "I like him more."

She replied in French, not having the greatest handle on English yet.

Appoline had begun to teach her and she was starting to catch on, but

wasn't confident enough to speak much of it.

"Not as much as I." Fleur stuck her own tongue out at her sister.

"What's this I see?" Appoline said, a small smile quickly forming on her

lips. She was staring directly at the tattoo of angel wings above Harrys

right breast that was pulsing blue through his white shirt. Both Harry and

Fleur flushed slightly and Gabrielle gasped, covering her mouth as her

eyes widened.

"You know very well what zat eez mother." Fleur said, her eyes

narrowing dangerously, not wanting to discuss it further. The blue angel

wing tattoo was the mark of a veela, allowing the veela to claim a lover

for herself. It acted as a defense against other predatory veela who were

looking for a mark. Veela were no longer like that, the evils of men and

their physical nature had done away with predatory veela by turning

them into slaves, but the tradition still existed for a veela who fell in love

to claim that lover as her own. It kept any other veela from trying to lay

claim over him.

It was also a risky thing to do, which was why it was so rare. The mark

could only be accepted if the love was reciprocated completely by the

lover. If Harry truly, deep down hadn't loved Fleur, the mark wouldn't

have taken hold. Now without question, Fleur knew Harry loved her, and

she loved him. The world could see it as well and she took a huge

amount of pride in that fact. Sometimes she had to pinch herself when

she lay awake in his arms at night that she was really with him.

Many witches wished to be in her position, probably many she even

knew, yet it was her that he loved. It made her heart flutter at the mere

thought of it. A part of her still had doubts and in the back of her mind

still worried about the coming years with Harry still being in school,

especially this next year as she would still be in France. Love could fade,

not for a veela, but for a man, and Harry was definitely one who would

have his pick of women to be persuaded by, not that she thought he


They had already worked out a plan to see each other every weekend. He

had Fawkes and Minister Montagne had provided a portkey for herself, so

seeing each other wouldn't be too difficult. Distance wasn't going to be a

problem for them, only time.

"So you're my brother in-law now?" Gabrielle asked bluntly, running her

small hand through Harrys short hair.

"Gabbi! Non, you know zat tradition isn't followed anymore." Fleur was

thankful Harry only understood a little French. Taking the mark used to

be a marriage contract, but such traditions were no longer followed in

todays societies except in the most fanatical veela colonies. In the back of

her mind though she couldn't help but look at Harry a little as her

husband, or at the very least, a fiancee.

"I have something for you, Gabbi." Harry said, not following the

conversation between the two French girls. He reached into his pocket

and pulled out a small silver ring that showed some signs of recently

being recast. A black G was carved into the medal with a single red ruby

at the center. Three diamonds formed a triangle around the G and

glittered in the sunlight that shown through the atrium.

Gabbi greedily snatched the beautiful ring from Harrys hand and placed

it on her left ring finger, holding it up to the sun to admire it. "I love eet!"

She screeched in English, smothering the top of Harrys head with kisses.

Fleur knew what the ring was and had some trepidation in giving it to

her, but she understood that a ring like that was best left in the hands of

someone completely innocent and away from a war. No one would think

to look for it on the hand of a young French veela, especially not Death


"That is beautiful 'Arry." Appoline breathed out, looking at the ring as

well. "You shouldn't spoil my daughter like this." She joked.

Harry chuckled, "She's a princess."

"See mama, I told you so!" Gabrielle exclaimed proudly.

"Princess or not, you still have studying. Leave 'Arry and Fleur to get

settled in." Harry slowly set her on the ground and watched with a smile

as she dutifully headed back to her room, marveling at her new ring the

whole way. "She will be insufferable the next several months." Appoline

said, a smile playing on her lips as she too watched her youngest

daughter disappear into her room.

"I would be dead in the water if I didn't win the approval of the younger

sister." Both Fleur and Appoline laughed at Harrys statement.

"Very true. Come, I'll show you to your room, or rather, Fleurs." She

smiled cheekily at the two before leading them to a large open room in

the back of the villa. It overlooked a valley, opposite of the beach.

Nestled into the valley was a small magical town similar to Hogsmeade.

The room itself was easily double the size of his room back in Grimmauld

Place and made entirely of white marble. The bed was king sized and

covered in pure white linens on an ornate mahogany frame. Fleur had

definitely lived the life of a princess growing up, a far cry from his own


A small warm breeze flowed through the room, coming from the large

open veranda that allowed Harry and Fleur to walk out on and observe

the peaceful town below. They had gotten here midday and there was

still plenty of sunshine left.

They dropped off their luggage and headed out for a walk along the

beach. Sebastien would be coming back from work for dinner and they

would all be eating together later. Aimee would be arriving tomorrow

and staying with them for a week. He was excited to see his blue haired

friend again, having not been around her joyous personality the last


The two of them talked quietly with one another as they walked along

the beach, enjoying being near each other with no one around for miles.

After many stolen kisses and 'stops' along the beach, the sun had begun to

set and forced them to start heading back to the Delacour Villa.

"'Ave you 'eard anything about the 'orcrux we found?" Fleur asked,

breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded them as they walked.

The last of the sun disappeared behind the calm Mediterranean sea as the

villa came into sight.

Harry shook his head, "Nothing. My team is working on it, but no dice so


"I can't believe Sirius' family 'ad something like zat under their 'ouse all

this time. Eets disgusting."

"They were once a very dark family, still are really. Sirius is an oddball

when it comes to the Blacks. It doesn't really surprise me that they would

have something like this."

"Any guesses on who eet eez?"

Harry shrugged, "The chest itself is roughly 900 years old, so that keys us

in to a potential time frame, but it's impossible to determine who it is. It's

also possible that a person used a 900 year old chest to store his horcrux

in when in reality he was born in the 1800's or something. I'm at a loss

and so is my team."

"Whoever eet eez, they probably won't like that their 'orcrux was


"Probably not." Harry muttered to himself. They continued to walk along

the beach in silence until they reached the Delacour Villa.

"Good, you're back just in time." Appoline said, seeing them walk into the

main atrium. She was wearing an apron and had several house elves

behind her, wearing similar but smaller aprons. "Dinner's almost ready."

Fleur showed Harry into the dining room where Sebastien and Gabrielle

were already sitting. She was currently showing him the ring Harry had

given her and he looked up at Harry, giving him a wink and a nod.

They took their place on the opposite side of the them. "So Harry, I heard

you got that bill passed the other day."

Harry nodded his head, "Barely. It was a lot closer than I had hoped for."

"Is he making moves?" He asked cryptically.

"We think he is." Gabbrielles head moved back and forth between the two

with a cute, confused look on her face.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"If I could speak with your minister that would definitely help." Sebastien

nodded his head and relaxed back into his chair. He had already been

told of Harry taking the mark, something he himself had on his right

wrist. It may not be official, but Harry was family now and he had a deep

respect for the boy that sat across from him. If Harry already wasn't with

his daughter, he would have tried to find a way to bring them together.

"I can do that." Sebastien responded.

"Enough talk about work you two." Appoline said, walking into the

dining hall with a large plate of Coq au Vin. The house elves filed in

behind her and delivered their own plates of food. Harry waited patiently

to make sure they didn't have any pre-dinner rituals and was happy to

see they didn't. Everyone dove into the plates of food and Harry, being

adventurous, tried a little of everything, not recognizing a lot of the food

in front of him.

He found for the most part, he liked a lot of the foods in front of him. All

of them had an interesting blend of sweet and tangy that he enjoyed,

especially the chicken. The only thing he refused to try much to the

laughter of everyone else was the Langue de Boeuf, cow tongue. Over the

course of the night, they talked about little things and Harry was given a

crash course on magical France.

They had several small magical communities scattered about, but most

French magicals lived in the main magical city within Paris. It was much

like Diagon Alley, except instead of just a shopping center, this was a

whole city with thousands of witches and wizards living in it. Gringotts

had a bank opened up there, much like in Britain, but they also had a

competing bank run by trolls. Supposedly there was an ongoing war

between the two factions beneath the streets of Paris, but the wizards

stayed out of it.

France also had their own problems when it came to pureblood

supremacy and dark lords. It was a popular thing for up and coming dark

lords to try and get the purebloods on their sides since they controlled

the majority of the wealth and political power in the country. They too

had the problem of the Malfoy family, though not as rich or powerful as

their English counterparts, still created some problems for those who

didn't agree with pureblood ideology.

The Malfoy family in France had veela blood in them, and most likely so

did the family in England. Lucius' grandfather had fled France and made

a haven in England after declaring open war against the French Ministry

and losing. The remaining Malfoys who had decided to not flee their

homeland had sworn loyalty to the free French Ministry, and though not

openly trying to overthrow it, were still subversively trying to do so.

Overall, Harry found France to be very similar to England, and if that

was the case for France, much of Europe was probably the same, which

scared Harry. Voldemort would have a lot of recruits that would follow

him, especially since Voldemort actually had the power to potentially

overthrow governments unlike the wannabe dark lords that had sprung

up when he disappeared for a decade.

The rest of the evening concluded nicely and Harry was led back into the

bedroom he shared with Fleur. Sebastien had refrained from

commenting, having seen them go to the same room and knowing he

already had the mark. It was the last step for him as a father, knowing his

little girl was no longer his, and now belonged to another man.

"Is anyone going to recognize me?" Harry asked Sebastien before they

headed to the French Ministry.

"Harry, everyone will recognize you." Sebastien responded cheekily.

"Wishful thinking." Harry took a deep breath and stepped into the floo

network. He was immediately transported to the French Ministry. He

stepped out of the floo easily, now being well practiced with magical

travel, and calmly stepped into the main Hall of the grand building he

found himself in.

The French Ministry was made entirely of white marble and had a large

open dome similar to the Roman Pantheon. Beautiful carvings were

etched into the dome ceiling and marble statues of famous French

wizards were displayed proudly around the large open space. Exquisite

paintings created by French artists were plastered on the walls, making

the place look more like a museum rather than a place of work.

Harry even heard above the talking and bustling of wizards, Mozart play

a calming tune over hidden speakers. The place screamed wealth and

power where as the English Ministry only had a single golden fountain to

display its wealth, or really, bigotry.

As Harry followed Sebastien through the grand halls, many people had

stopped to stare at him as he passed. He was dressed in a muggle suit, a

well fitting grey Armani that showed off his growing, muscular frame. It

was customary to wear nice clothes when meeting with the minister as

with any other minister besides Fudge, and Fleur had enjoyed playing

dress up with him. Luckily for him, he left before Aimee had arrived and

was saved her constant teasing about being a plaything for Fleur.

The halls were littered with famous pieces of artwork and Harry passively

wondered if there were any art thieves in the magical world. This place

was a gold mine for Picasso's, Leonardo's, and Van Gogh's. Harry thanked

Hermione's knowledge of things he thought would be useless, but

knowing famous artists was actually coming somewhat handy here.

Harry was led through grand hall after grand hall until they came to a

large set of double doors made of cherry wood. The handles were made

of beautifully smelted silver, crafted into the shapes of Eagles. Sebastien

rasped on the door three times and a young woman, around twenty years

old and very beautiful, opened the door. She flashed Harry a quick

surprised glance before letting them in upon seeing Sebastien. He was

wearing his white auror robes with several medals attached to it. The

English aurors wore dark purple with gold trim which Harry personally

didn't like.

"Monsieur Delacour, Monsieur Potter." The woman said, bowing her head

slightly as she greeted them. She led them into the large, well decorated

waiting room and pointed towards a pair of red velvet chairs. "Wait here,

Minister Montagne will be with you shortly."

"Thank you." Harry responded, ignoring the womans predatory glance.

He and Sebastien sat down in the lush chairs pointed out to them and

waited patiently. He knew he didn't look his age any longer, having

stubble along his chin and cheeks, and was taller and much more broad

than your normal fourteen year old and it saw him drawing unwanted

attention from older witches. He personally liked his older look and so

happily suffered their attentions.

"Screw you!" A woman shouted from the nearby double doors that acted

as the entrance to the ministers office. A woman came barging out of the

room, red faced and clearly angry at something. Minister Montagne

poked his head out of the doors and upon seeing Harry and Sebastien,

put on a happy grin.

"Harry! Good to see you. Sebastien, not so much." Minister Montagne

came over and shook Harrys hand, smiling further when he saw Harrys

Templar ring. Sebastien grunted, a brief smile flickering across his face,

and shook the ministers outstretched hand as well.

"We aren't coming at a bad time are we?" Harry asked, glancing back at

where the woman had stormed off.

"No, of course not! Please come in." He ushered them into his luxurious

office. The office, unlike the rest of the ministry, was made of a dark

wood Harry didn't recognize. Several paintings hung on the wall behind

the ministers desk, and the actual desk was the most beautiful Harry had

ever seen. It looked similar to the one he had seen the President of the

United States sit at, but for all he knew, there were differences.

Minister Montagne sat behind the intricate desk and smiled warmly at

the two in front of him. "So what do I owe the pleasure?"

"To get right to the point Minister, England may need your help soon."

Montagne furrowed his brow, "Help? How so?"

"The military kind." Sebastien said.

Minister Montagne looked skeptically at Sebastien, "Military? Is this

another one of your attempts to increase the DMLE's budget Sebastien?"

"Its my idea, sir." Harry responded. Minister Montagne raised his

eyebrows at Harry, so he continued, "War is coming to England and its

not a war we can fight alone."

Montagnes bushy grey eyebrows miraculously raised even higher, "Even

if that were true, why would we get involved in an English war?"

"Because the madman we face will not stop with England. France will be

next on his list, and if he were to completely take over England, it will

make it much easier to take France next." Harry said.

"This madman, who are we talking about exactly?"

Harry glanced at Sebastien who only shrugged, giving Harry free reign

over this conversation. Harry paused for several seconds, already

knowing it was highly possible he would have had to tell the minister the

full truth about their predicament before even walking into the office.


The French minister began to laugh but his laughter faltered when he

saw both Sebastien and Harry with deadpanned expressions. "Y-you can't

be serious?" He asked, looking at Sebastien.

"He's telling the truth." Sebastien confirmed, a grim look on his face.

"The night of the third task, you were quickly portkeyed to a safe house,

correct?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I was never told why though." The Minister responded focusing on

Harry. He was a seasoned politician very good at spotting liars, but the

boy wasn't showing any signs of deceit.

"That same night, I was transported to a graveyard in Little Hangleton

and dueled Voldemort himself. You can have some people fact check that

a large manor was destroyed the same night, its name, Riddle Manor.

Riddle is the man that controlled the basilisk inside the Chamber of

Secrets, one of my exploits you have read about, and something very few

know, another name for Riddle is Voldemort."

Minister Montagnes expression would have been comical if it wasn't

about such a serious topic. "As you see Minister, war is at Englands

doorsteps, and if it we don't act, it will soon be at ours." Sebastien

finished their little speech.

Montagne sat in silence, looking back and forth between the two in front

of him. He had gone deathly pale and Harry was beginning to get

worried the older wizard had had a stroke, but eventually his mouth

opened. "What needs to be done?"

"The DMLE needs to be brought back to full power. In the event that war

breaks out in England, we will need to be prepared. We think Voldemort

has begun to heavily recruit in Eastern Europe and Africa, two areas we

can have some influence in." Sebastien paused for a moment to formulate

his next words. "This war will be on the scale of the Dumbledore-

Grindelwald conflict in the forties. If we lose, we lose everything."

Montagne closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. This was not

the meeting he had wished to have today. He was already dealing with

elections this coming winter, and now, had a potential full blown war on

his hands. He took a deep breath before speaking, "I'll do what's


"Have a hot date tonight?" Aimee teased Harry as he walked into the

atrium in the same muggle suit he wore to the ministers office, just with

a different tie.

"You know I do. Aren't you supposed to be helping Fleur with her

makeup or something?" Harry responded cheekily. Fleur and him were

heading to Paris for the evening and had rented a hotel room for the

night. It was a simple getaway in the city of lights that the couple was

greatly looking forward to.

Aimee was great to be around, but she could sometimes be overbearing,

and they wanted to be alone together again. Half of their vacation had

passed in what felt like a single day. Both were beginning to feel the

dread of what the ending of this vacation meant. All they would have

was Sirius' wedding before they would then be separated by the English


Aimee stuck her tongue out at Harry, "She doesn't need my help to look


Harry looked up and down at Aimee and smirked, "You're right, you

would only ruin her beauty, which is saying something because she is a


Aimee scowled at Harry and punched him in the shoulder hard. Harry

put on a mock hurting face and rubbed his shoulder. "I am sought after

by many wizards for my beautiful looks, you should know!" She said

haughtily, sticking her nose up into the air.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Harry questioned.

She flushed slightly and stuttered, not expecting Harry to actually

question her on it. "None of your business."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Who is it?" He asked, getting straight to the

point, realizing that she actually might have someone she was

romantically involved with.

Aimee blushed, a look that was foreign on the blue haired witch, "No


"Its Viktor!" Fleur exclaimed proudly, walking into the room. Harrys jaw

dropped, not because of the name, but because of the radiant beauty he

saw in front of him. Fleur was wearing a pale blue, tight fitting dress that

had a long slit up her right leg, showing plenty of skin while still leaving

much to the imagination. Harry thought about dragging her back into the

bedroom and ripping the dress of immediately, but refrained from doing


"Fleur! You traitor!" Aimee shouted.

Fleur just giggled, "Don't worry Aimee. I'm not sure 'Arry even 'eard what

I said." Aimee looked at Harrys stunned expression and giggled as well.

Aimee again punched Harry in the shoulder to break him out of his

stunned state. "Right. You look beautiful." Harry said, shaking his head

and subconsciously rubbing his shoulder. Fleur smiled and pecked him on

the lips for his compliment.

"'Ave fun you two!" Appoline called out from the den room. Sebastien

stood just behind her with a smile on his face.

"We will." Fleur said, turning to hug Aimee briefly. She was heading back

to her parents house for the rest of the summer once they left on their

trip to Paris. Her week with Harry and Fleur was over. She had at least

gotten one great memory out of her short time spent with them. The two

girls had dragged Harry to Marseille to shop and played dress up with

him, making him try on hundreds of different clothes. They had even

made him try on a few speedos which greatly embarrassed him. He at

least got a consolation surprise and saw both girls pick out their own new

swim suits, very revealing bikinis, and was even more happy to spend

some time with them on the beach.

Throughout the week, anytime Fleur and him weren't out doing

something, usually with Aimee, Harry spent time with Gabbi who

demanded his attention anytime he was in the house. He loved being

around the small veela. It felt like having a younger sister, further

increasing his family that he was steadily growing.

At nights he would spend time in the den with Sebastien and the

occasional guest he brought over. Sebastien hadn't wasted the political

potential of having Harry in his house, drawing some influential French

politicians to his home to meet Harry Potter. He was already openly

declaring Harry as his son-in-law, and though it wasn't official by any

means, everyone knew it was the future for them. It was useless to

pretend otherwise.

Because of his late night meetings with Sebastien and the various French

politicians, Harry had begun to acquire quite a wide array of contacts

that could be used in future situations. Friends and allies were always

useful, no matter how little they could actually contribute.

One man Harry met was a fellow Templar, a doctor who had made great

strides in medicines, mostly focused on patients that had undergone

severe mental trauma. Harry had explained his friend Nevilles situation

with his parents and their stay at St. Mungos. Doctor Emry had promised

to check in on them and see if there was anything to be done as well as

follow up with Madame Longbottom. Harry didn't hold out much hope

for the Longbottoms and neither did Doctor Emry in their conversation

about them, but it was worth a shot.

Fleur and Harry stepped into the floo and made their way to the Parisian

magical city simply named La Rue, wizards were not always the most

inventive when it came to naming places. Much like Diagon Alley, it had

one large street that was filled with shops and government buildings. The

French Ministry building was on La Rue, its wide white marble columns

towering above every other building. Gringotts bank was the only other

building that stood out amongst the shops. The trolls bank, Vilignes, was

across from Gringotts, and instead of a large white marble building, was

simply just a wooden hovel. The bank was situated entirely underground,

and where the goblins interior was bland compared to the outside, the

trolls interior was filled with gold and precious gems, showing off their

great wealth.

Having already explored La Rue to its fullest a few days before, Harry

and Fleur headed for muggle Paris where their hotel was located in. First

they headed for the most iconic spot in Paris, the Eiffel Tower, where

they had dinner reservations at Le Jules Verne.

Dinner passed much more quickly than either would have liked and they

made their way to the observation deck to overlook the city of lights,

taking in its beauty together as many couples in love have done. Despite

the late hour, Fleur demanded they make their way to the Pont des Art

bridge to inscribe their names into the bridge love stone as many

wizarding couples had done before them.

The bridge was long considered the bridge of love, and later muggles

would take to the tradition of leaving locks on the bridge, but wizards

had started the tradition first, inscribing their names on the bridges

stones with their wands. There were wards placed long ago that kept the

names from being seen by anyone other than magical beings and had

names dating back to the late 1800's.

Eventually, after several detours through the city, they made their way to

their hotel, the Hotel San Regis. It had a beautiful view of the city of

Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the skyline. Neither could imagine a more

beautiful place to vacation and vowed to come back here once their

duties to the world were over.

"This has been perfect." Harry breathed out after a vigorous amount of

love making to Fleur. They both were entangled in each others arms,

enjoying the warmth of their naked bodies pressed against one another.

"Tell me about eet." She replied, nuzzling her face into Harrys neck,

kissing him lightly.

"Promise me something Fleur."

Fleur continued to press kisses into his neck, "Anything."

"If I don't make it through this war, come back here for me. Remember

this day."

Fleur stopped kissing his neck and propped herself up on both elbows to

look Harry in the eyes. He avoided eye contact, knowing she didn't like

what he had said, but he knew it needed to be said. There were no

guarantees he would make it out of this war alive. "Do not say that now,

do not say it ever. We will come back 'ere together, or not all." She

responded with a fierce look in her vibrant blue eyes.

Harry immediately understood the insinuation in her words and made to

interject, but she spoke before he could. "That eez final." She then pressed

her lips into his and it wasn't long before Harry lost any coherent


"We 'ave a gift for you." Appoline said as she stood next to Sebastien. The

happy couple had just returned from their wonderful night in Paris and

were feeling more rested than they ever had before. Sebastien pulled out

a small bronze key from his pocket and handed it to Harry.

The couple looked questioningly at Sebastien and Appoline, Fleur also

didn't know what this key was and looked just as confused as Harry. "It's

the key to a town house in Annecy, it's yours to do with as you wish."

Sebastien said with a smile.

Both Harry and Fleurs eyes grew wide at the implication, their own

house. The couple glanced at each other before breaking out into

multiple thank you's. Neither knew anything else to say other than thank

you. To be offered a house, their own house was something neither had

been expecting at all.

"We know you're young and won't be able to move in there for awhile,

but we wanted to give you something that showed our 'appiness and faith

in your relationship." Appoline said.

"Can we-?" Fleur started.

"Of course!" Sebastien exclaimed. Harry was too dumbfounded to say

much other than express his constant gratitude for what they were doing

for them. Fleur and Harry immediately stepped into the floo since their

town house had already been connected with the floo network at

Delacour Villa.

Harry and Fleur stepped out into their town home that was located near

the lake Gorge, along the main downtown area of Annecy. The city was

considered the Venice of the Alps and had a bustling population with a

rich night life. It was the perfect spot for a young couple and Harry and

Fleur now had a prime location in it.

They first stepped into the living room area. The house was completely

barren of furniture, allowing them to design the floor plan and furniture

to whatever they liked as a couple. The kitchen was adorned with the

latest muggle equipment, the only things actually in the house. All the

other rooms were completely free of anything which they liked since it

allowed them to do as they wished.

There was a basement that Harry immediately knew would be perfect for

a dueling ground. The second floor had three guest bedrooms and baths,

and the top floor was only the master suite and bath. A balcony

overlooked the lake and part of the city connected to the suite as well.

Both Harry and Fleur immediately got the impression that this could be

their home, that they could raise children here. Neither were necessarily

thinking about kids, but it was a subconscious thought in their minds.

"This is..." Harry trailed off as he walked out onto the balcony to look

upon the city and lake.

"Perfect." Fleur came up behind him, echoing the same words spoken last

night in Paris, and wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed

herself into his back. She began to nibble at his ear making Harry lean

his head back further into her touch.

Fawkes suddenly flashed above them and landed on Harrys shoulder,

making Fleur jump back. "Is there something wrong?" Harry asked

urgently, stroking the birds feathers.

"No? Why would there be?" Fawkes responded in his head.

"I don't know, because you flashed here so suddenly?" Harry said a little

irritably at the bird.

"I was just curious to see where I would be living. Is this my room?"

"Your room?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows.

"'Appy birthday Mr. Potter." Fleur said, sliding off his naked body and

covered herself in the white linen sheets. Fleur and Harry spent the last

week of their vacation in Annecy at their new home, furnishing it

together and making it livable. Sebastien and Appoline had made

frequent trips to help where needed and Dobby had even take some time

off from the wedding preparations to help them around the house.

It was now his birthday and Harry wanted nothing more than to spend

the day entirely with Fleur. Gifts had been delivered to the house

throughout the last two weeks when they realized he would be having a

private birthday was just Fleur as company. Harry had extended his

vacation another week to completely move into the house and secure it

with the best wards. Almost no one knew of the location of his house in

Annecy, and many were guessing incorrectly that it was in Marseille,

something Harry didn't bother to deny.

Because of his extended vacation, Fawkes had grown grumpy since he

was being constantly used to ferry Harry back and forth to the Ghost

Castle for training each day. The phoenix was placated a little when he

did receive his own room since he was basically Harry and Fleurs kid at

this point. He wouldn't be all too happy when they kicked him out of the

room when they actually did have kids of their own, but that was years

down the road.

The house wasn't going to get too much use over the next several years,

but they would at least be able to meet here for the weekends, happy

with having their own place to go back to. They had spent many hours

each day searching for furniture, with Harry even going to his vault in

Gringotts to see if he had anything worth putting in the house. He chose

several things for the basement, the place he converted into a dueling

room, which also acted as his own little space in the house. Fleur had

taken a spare room for herself, creating an art studio for her recently

developed interest in enchantments.

"Presents?" Harry asked once he had caught his breath. Fleur giggled next

to him and placed a tender kiss on his lips.

"Of course." The two eventually made their way out of the king sized bed

and into the room that acted as a den. On the ground in front of the large

roaring fireplace were over a dozen wrapped presents. There was also a

very large stack of cards from random people wishing him a happy

birthday as well. The house wasn't allowed to get mail through owls, only

Fawkes could get in, but Sirius had delivered the letters on behalf of the

mail service.

Harry sat down cross legged in front of the stack of presents wearing only

shorts with Fleur sitting just behind him, pressing her near naked form

into his backside, only wearing lacy black underwear. Harry allowed a

smile to flutter across his lips, his mind briefly thinking how good his life

had become this last year.

He picked up a small box from Sirius and Emmy and tore into the

wrapping paper. He could tell it was a book, a heavy one at that, and was

eager to see what it was. Harrys eyes widened at the title, The Family

Black Anybook. A brief note was attached to it simply saying, Keep the

Black Family knowledge for yourself, my family starts anew. All of the Black

family library had been condensed into a single book, just like the Potter

library, but according to the note, Sirius must have gotten rid of any

other trace of the very dark library.

Harry began methodically moving through his other presents, getting two

new wand holsters from Amelia, a design not even available to the

aurors. They had blood wards on them, not allowing anyone to so much

as touch the holster without being injured except by the wearer. They

were considered dark items, but Harry knew better than anyone that dark

was a loose term in the ministry.

Remus had given him an album of photos of his parents from their time

at Hogwarts, something that brought a tear to his eye, and Fleurs as well.

Daphne, Tracy, Andrew, and Astoria had combined to get him a few new

pairs of shirts since he seemed to be cycling through them like crazy. The

teaching staff at Hogwarts had sent a letter with a prefect badge in it.

Harry wasn't sure how to react to this one, but he knew he didn't have

the time to be a prefect. It was a great honor to be chosen, but he had too

much to worry about. He quickly scribbled a response to Sirius who was

Head of House Gryffindor saying that Neville should be the prefect in his


Eventually, after receiving many useful items, Harry reached for a plain

wooden box that was nailed together. On the top were the words We

March, stamped in blue ink into the yellowish-white wood. "Who eez that

from?" Fleur asked from over his shoulder. She was currently threatening

Fawkes with a small leash that Sirius had given him as a gag gift.

Harry had an inclination, knowing well what the words meant. He tore

the lid off the box with ease, the nails easily being pried from the wood.

Inside, set upon various kinds of packaging, was a dark green mask made

of the same basilisk scales of his now famous jacket, after it was

discussed repeatedly in fashion magazines. He slowly picked up his mask,

inspecting it with awe. It was some of the finest work he had ever seen.

Inscribed along the edges of the mask were various goblin runes used to

enhance the masks capabilities. The thing that stuck out though was the

image of a tiger in mid leap with a phoenix flying just above it,

emblazoned in real gold.

Harry turned the mask over and saw on the inside along the right cheek

was an inscription, Become the Night. He slowly placed the mask on his

face and was amazed at what he saw. When he had seen the Ghosts wear

their masks, he though some of their visibility was compromised since

the masks only had slits for eyes, but instead, he found his peripheral

vision enhanced. His normal vision was also much better and Harry

briefly channeled his animagus abilities and saw his vision become even

sharper, the mask working in tandem with his animagus abilities. He

blinked three times and the mask turned to night vision, a fourth time

and infra-red appeared.

Harry took off the mask after briefly getting used to it and set it aside.

"Thank you, Fleur." Harry said, turning to face her and planting a searing

kiss on her lips.

"For what?" She asked.

"Making this the best birthday I could ever have hoped for." The two

continued the day in bliss, enjoying their last day completely alone.

Tomorrow was going to be a long and hectic day, and afterwards, they

would mostly be contained to just weekends to see each other. They

spent the majority of their night curled up in the bed, forgetting their

troubles for the time being.

A fairly fluffy chapter for those who love fluff. Also the story needed

a bit of a breather I think. Next chapter will pick up again with a

wedding and Vikings. Thanks to everyone who reviewed/followed/


30. Homecoming

Harry stood around a long wooden table along with the rest of the Ghost

Squad. The room they were in was large with a high vaulted stone ceiling

being supported only by old wooden arches. Stained glass windows

showing medieval battles bathed the room in colorful light. This was

called the War Room, and though it had never really acted as one, it was

the main room the Ghosts used for business. In the middle of the table

was the old wooden chest Harry had found in the hidden room in

Grimmauld Place. They had refrained from ever opening the chest until

now, after Angel had had enough time to determine its safety.

Specter, being the leader and completely fearless when it came to these

things, placed his hand on the chest and slowly began opening the old

iron locks that kept it secure. The two locks clicked open and some dust

flew from them. "Here goes nothin'." He opened the chest, wincing

slightly as he did so.

Nothing happened and everyone leaned forward to more clearly see what

was on the inside. A glimmering sword, its hilt covered in sparkling

jewels, the handle made of Yew wood, and its blade made of steel, rested

in the bottom of the chest looking like it had just been forged yesterday.

The sword was sharp on both sides as well as its point and appeared to be

Nordic of origin. There were ancient runes along the blade in a language

no one could read.

"What exactly are we dealing with here?" Demon asked, breaking the

silence that had enveloped the room as they all stared at the sword.

"A viking sword?" Shadow suggested weakly.

"Why in the hell would the Blacks have a viking sword that had been

turned into a horcrux?" Spirit questioned.

"I think the more important question is, who is the owner of this sword?"

Harry asked, silencing the others as they all peered back down at the

sword, baffled at the questions pertaining to this sword.

"Oh good, you're here, you can help me with the flowers!" Daphne

exclaimed, dragging Harry out of the floo before he could even dust the

soot off of his clothes. During his absence in France, Daphne had become

more and more like her normal self. There were still signs of the abuse

she went through, but she was healing quickly enough. Being around her

friends constantly was definitely a good thing, especially Tracy who was

a mainstay in her life long before Harry had entered it. She just needed to

slowly be helped back into her normal routine, and being in the presence

of Tracy was helping immensely.

Also, the potions the Ghosts had given her were doing wonders, helping

her sleep easily through the night and blocking out any pain from

headaches she might have. She was also on some kind of special potions

meant to help brain trauma victims. The treatment was experimental, but

it was working so far on Daphne and that was all that mattered.

He was led to the rooftop, the place being used for the wedding

reception. The two of them stepped out onto the roof and saw Tracy and

Andrew already working, moving things around by hand. Sirius asked

Harry to not tell them that they could use their wands here since he

didn't yet trust them with their magic.

"Oh you actually came back? I thought you would sneak off until the

wedding!" Tracy said upon seeing him. Andrew was currently next to to

his big sister, helping her with the tables and chairs. Dobby and the new

Kreature were popping in and out of sight with various dishes of food

and other assorted items. Harry shook his head at seeing the new Black

House Elf, he swore Sirius had gone out looking for a grumpy old elf to

replace the one he once had. Though Sirius would never admit it, he was

fond of that old elf because of his dutifulness to his brother who had

turned out to be good, or somewhat good.

"And miss out on all of this fun work? I could never." Harry replied

cheekily, sarcastically rolling his eyes. Daphne ushered him over to a

place where several hundred plants and bouquets were placed

haphazardly on the ground.

"The bouquets go on the tables, only place them after the white dining

cloth has been added, and the flowers go around the edges of the

rooftop." Daphne ordered him.

Harry clicked his heels together like a soldier and saluted, "Yes ma'am."

Daphne rolled her eyes at him, but a faint smile fluttered across her lips.

He began to dutifully get to work, sneakily using some wandless magic

whenever no one was looking.

By now, Sirius and Remus should be helping each other get ready. Harry

and Remus were sharing best man duties, but Remus was the 'main' best

man as it were. That meant he had to do the speech and make sure Sirius

didn't get cold feet while Harry dealt with the actual preparations for the

ceremony. Emmy was at her sisters house in Cambridge and would be

arriving by portkey to the small church only a mile from Grimmauld


The wedding was entirely magical since the only people on Emmy's side

she wanted to invite already knew of magic. Harry got the impression

that despite the outgoing personality she put on, on the inside she was an

introvert at heart. He had never heard of her going out with 'girlfriends'

or having many friends for that matter. Her friends were also Sirius'

friends as they were in the same year at Hogwarts. She had many stories

about his parents and was good friends with his mum.

Emmy is a potioneer working for a beauty company that supplied make-

ups and other such commodities aimed at both women and men. She is

the brains behind the operation and had gotten her mastery in the art of

potions from, by happenstance, Doctor Emry who Harry had met only a

week ago.

Daphne had been enthralled when she learned of Emmy's profession and

had asked question after question about what she did and how she got to

where she is today. The Greengrass' were known for their potions,

Cygnus, Daphne's father was a potioneer as well, and Daphne had the

same interest. Astoria was very different however, having taken a liking

to runes. She was brilliant in the subject and had even been allowed to

start taking Runes as a second year.

"I think that does it, yes?" Harry asked, placing the last of the bouquets

on the tables. Tracy and Daphne had already left, leaving only Andrew

and himself to finish up. The girls complained that they wouldn't have

enough time to get ready if they didn't leave early.

Andrew was sitting in a chair looking bored but looked up hopefully at

Harry when he said they were finished. "Can I play with your firebolt?"

Andrew asked with excited, wide-eyes.

"Er-I don't know. Your sister would kill me and we don't have a lot of

time before the wedding." Harry responded, trying to avoid the puppy

eyes the young boy was giving him. He had a soft spot for children, it

was the reason Fleur said he would be a great father, yet a horrible


"Aww come on! Please! Please! Please!" He continued to repeat please

over and over and hopped off his chair to bounce up and down, doing his

best to make Harry cave. Harry made the grave mistake at glancing at

Andrew and immediately caved in when he saw his large hopeful eyes.

"What can go wrong?" He smiled and headed to get his broom with an

excited Andrew following close behind.

"Where 'ave you been?" Fleur hissed angrily when they entered into the

chapel where the wedding was being held. "You're a mess!" They had

sprinted from Grimmauld Place to the church, a full mile mind you, to

get to the ceremony in time. Harry was sporting a scratch just above his

right eye that was beginning to bruise and Andrews medium length,

wavy hair was a mess and full of twigs.

Appoline who was nearby came over and began to tidy up Andrew as

Fleur began working on Harry. "Oh we were just out and about." Harry

said, glancing at Andrew who began to giggle.

Fleur narrowed her eyes at him which made Harry wince slightly. "Did

you take him flying?" She accused.

"Wha-No! How could you think I would do such a thing! He's too young

of course." Harry responded, sounding utterly unconvincing and he knew

he was dead in the water when his girlfriends eyes narrowed even


"It better have been the training broom at least." Fleur covered her

forehead with her hand when she saw his guilty expression. "Your

firebolt? Really? You thought eet was a good idea to train 'im on ze

fastest broom in ze world!" Sirius had given him a new firebolt after his

old one had been incinerated by the Hungarian Horntail in the first task,

and now he would have to be asking for a new one, or more likely go out

and buy one himself. They had had an unhappy accident involving the

side of a very big clock tower named Ben.

Harry cowered back and looked to Appoline for some help but she only

shook her head, a large grin on her face, enjoying the scene in front of

her. "It sounds dumb when you say it like that."

"That's because eet was dumb!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms into

the air in frustration. "Tracy will not be 'appy when I tell 'er about this,

and if she tries to kill you, I won't stop 'er."

"No!" Both Harry and Andrew shouted at the same time. Fleur raised her

eyebrows questioningly, her face morphing into a threatening look, "I

mean no?" Harry asked, wincing even more.

"Why would I not tell 'er?"

"Because you love me and don't want to see me die?" Fleur scoffed and

crossed her arms. "Also!" He held his hands up to stop her reply. "-also

because it would put unneeded stress on Tracy. We're here safe and

sound and in time for the wedding and we promise to never do

something like this again, right Andrew?" The young boy nodded his

head fervently, putting on the same puppy-eyed face he had used on

Harry earlier. Even though Fleur like to tout that she could be tough

when it came to discipline, she was just as soft as him.

"Fine." Fleur said. Then she stuck her finger into Harry's gut, "But, if I so

much as get a whiff of 'im being around a broom again, you will be in

trouble." Harry smiled and kissed her quickly on the lips.

"Deal. I should get going now." Harry escaped further ire from his

girlfriend and headed down the aisle of the chapel, taking his place next

to Sirius and Remus at the front. Both older wizards raised their

eyebrows at his somewhat haggard appearance.

"Later." Harry muttered. The chapel was small and could only seat around

fifty people in total. Overall, there were probably half that number in

attendance. They had wanted to keep this ceremony very private since

neither had much care for the public. Only their close friends and family

were present and all were invited back to the reception.

White flowers adorned the aisle and an organ was playing by itself in the

back. The only people walking down the aisle was going to be Emmy and

her father, John. He was a nice enough man that Harry had only briefly

met once. He knew very little of the magical world and had retired as a

police captain and was now living in Scotland with his wife.

Fleur, Daphne, Tracy, and Jolie quickly made their way down the aisle to

take their place opposite the boys. Harry winked at Fleur who rolled her

eyes, but she couldn't help the small smile that played on her lips. He

thought she looked amazing in her tight fitting pink dress, Emmy's

favorite color. Fleur's hair was up in a bun with a few stray strands to

frame her face, something he wasn't used to, but liked nonetheless.

The wedding march began to play as the doors opened and Emmy walked

in, wearing a long white gown with short sleeves. Beside her was John in

a black tux which was what the rest of the men were wearing as well.

They slowly made their way down the aisle and he presented her to a

teary-eyed Sirius who couldn't wipe the silly grin off his face. Kingsley

had been chosen as the minister for the ceremony, being an ordained

minister and a deeply religious man himself.

Harry watched Fleur for most of the ceremony, watching as her face lit

up with more and more joy as the ceremony went on. It wasn't until

Remus nudged him with his elbow that Harry was brought back to

reality. "The rings Harry?" Harry glanced around and noticed that

everyone was staring at him.

"Oh! The rings! Yes, er..." Harry began furiously patting down the few

pockets in his tux.

"You have them right?" Sirius asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Ah!" Harry exclaimed, proudly presenting the two golden bands that

were in his left pocket and handing them to Sirius.

The crowd burst into laughter when, as soon as Sirius' hand touched the

rings, his tux turned into pink and yellow poke-a-dots and his hair turned

a vibrant purple. "Harry!" Sirius growled.

Harry in return pointed at Remus, "It was his idea, I swear!"

Sirius narrowed his eyes at the old werewolf who looked shocked at

Harry, "Don't lie! This was your idea!"

Harry shook his head, "He paid me to do this! He has the real rings in his


"No, I don't!" Remus said as he began pulling out the insides of his

pockets to show proof, and when he patted down the pocket on the

inside of his tux, he felt the real rings. "How!" Remus barked at Harry

who was doing his best to look innocent in the matter. When he had

stepped over to hand the fake rings to Sirius, at the same time he was

able to slip the real rings into the pocket of Remus' tux.

Emmy all of a sudden had a wand in her hand and Harry really thought

he was about to die from an angry witch, but instead of a dangerous

curse being hailed at him, his own tux turned poke-a-dotted and his hair

grew long and purple to match Sirius'. Harry looked up to Remus and

found him to look similar, the small goatee he had just as purple as his

new hair.

"The groomsmen should match the groom." She said with a smirk as the

girls across the aisle burst into laughter.

"Where did she even pull that out from?" Harry asked, looking over her


"I don't think we want to know." Remus remarked.

"I think Sirius wants to know." Harry said with a grin.

"'Arry James!" Fleur admonished like she was warning a toddler.

"Désolé mon amore." Harry replied, thoroughly cowed from the look she

was giving him, especially since he was already in hot water with her.

"Ignore the boys Kingsley, please continue. I love him poke-a-dots and

all." Emmy cut in. The ceremony continued on despite the new shocking

look for Sirius and his groomsmen. Harry winked at Fleur who simply

rolled her eyes at him, but he caught a fleeting smile that she did well to


"You may kiss the bride!" Sirius wasted no time and eagerly planted his

lips on Emmy's to the sounds of cheering and wolf howls. The newlyweds

made their way down the aisle with the wedding party following them

out. They made their way back to the house, walking the whole mile

with Harry, Remus, and Sirius' hair all glinting brightly in the sunlight. It

was just as bright as Tonks' pink bubblegum hair that she was sporting.

The three groomsmen excused themselves to get changed and fix what

had happened to their hair before heading up to the party. Emmy had

also gotten out of her dress and into a more comfortable one. By the time

they made it up to the rooftop, people had already begun to dance to

loud music being played from a record player.

"May I have this dance my lady?" Harry asked dramatically, bowing in an

overly exaggerated manner.

"I am flattered Monsieur Potter." Emmy giggled, taking his outstretched

hand. She tried and failed to sound French as she did so. "Did that sound

enough like Fleur?"

Harry laughed and guided her onto the dance floor where other couples

were already twirling around. Sirius was currently dancing with Emmy's

sister. "With practice maybe."

Harry began to lead her through the dance with practiced ease, now

being confident on the dance floor. "I want you to be careful Harry. You

mean a lot to Sirius and if anything were to happen...well I don't want to

think about what he would do if something happened to you."

Harry smiled softly at Emmy, "I know. I'll talk with him about things. I

know you two have already started a family and it's important that he's

around to be with you and be in your child's life."

Emmy stopped dancing for a moment, "He told you?"

"Was he not supposed to?"

"We had agreed to not tell anyone until after the first trimester."

"Ah." Harry said, having no idea what that meant. He looked over to

Sirius who had a large smile plastered on his face. "He's just so excited

about it, I'm sure it was difficult for him to not tell anyone."

"Who knows already?" She asked.

"Remus and I for sure, and I think your sister." They both watched as

Sirius switched partners and had Emmy's mum in his arms as they moved

around the dance floor. John and Emmy's mum, Emilia, both glanced

over at them with large smiles on their face. "And probably your parents."

Harry added.

Emmy rolled her eyes, "I swear you boys are nothing but trouble."

"You married one of the good ones though."

Emmy nodded her head and looked back at Harry as they began to dance

again. "So, when are you and Fleur going to tie the knot. You already

have a house together, that's a pretty big step."

"Not for awhile. I'm still fifteen, although an emancipated fifteen year

old. We are both still in school and well, you know what we have

looming over our heads." Emmy nodded, her face going grim. It wasn't

just looming over Harry and Fleurs heads, but over Sirius and hers as

well. They were all going to be dragged into this war. She hoped that by

the time her baby came around, the world would be a much better place.

Emmy smiled as something came to her mind, "Since Sirius has ruined

the surprise of my being pregnant, I want to ruin his surprise of asking

you to be the godfather. Would you do us that honor?"

Harry didn't miss a beat as they danced, only the slight widening of his

eyes showed his surprise, "Of course!" He planted a kiss on her cheek and

danced the night away happily. He ended up being a popular person to

dance with, having spent most of the night on the dance floor in the arms

of various witches, most notably Fleur, Gabbi, and Daphne.

"Bets on when Andrew and Gabbi fall in love and get married?" Harry

asked, sitting down at a table with Fleur in his lap and Tracy and Daphne

beside them. They watched as Andrew and Gabbrielle danced with one

another to no music under the starry sky. Almost no one remained at the

party, it already being very late into the night, but none of them could

muster up the courage to break up the young ones from their dance,

especially since it had taken Andrew most of the night to muster the

courage to ask the veela to dance with him.

Fleur softly punched him in the shoulder, "Twenty-five, and you had

better be sure it's not a day before that!" She said threateningly at Harry.

"I thought it was your fathers job to scare off potential boyfriends?"

"You're much scarier." She lightly kissed him on the lips.

"Ooh, don't tell your father that." She giggled and kissed him more

fervently, bringing the night to a final close. Sirius and Emmy had

already left on their honeymoon in Rome and wouldn't be back to

England for two weeks. Fleur was due back in France tomorrow so they

made most of their last night together, leaving the others to clean up the


"Hey Nev." Harry said as he sat down across from him at the small picnic

bench style seating in the cafe they were at. Diagon Alley was full of

people beginning to get ready for the coming year of Hogwarts. There

had also been a Quidditch match between the Vratsa Vultures and the

Chudley Cannons taking place in a nearby stadium and so many came

here after the game to enjoy the various pubs and eateries.

Sirius and Emmy were a week into their honeymoon and they had only

received one letter from them by a very tired Hedwig. Attached was a

postcard of the Roman Coliseum and Harry was amazed by the size of it

and desperately wanted to take a trip there himself. Fleur had already

agreed to take him during the next summer and show him around since

she had been several times before.

"Hey Harry." Neville responded. He put down the Daily Prophet he had

been skimming through and took a sip of his tea. They were having a

boys day out on the alley, away from girlfriends or any other distractions.

They had invited Theo but he said he couldn't come and Harry knew

why. It was going to be interesting to see how the next year would play

out involving Theo as now Voldemort had returned and Theo's father was

a devout follower.

"I did want to thank you." Neville said, placing his cup down and looking

up at Harry.

"For what?" Harry asked.

"Doctor Emry came to speak with my grandmum and I."

Harry nodded, "Ah, good he did reach out to you. I can't promise

anything, I just thought maybe he could help."

"He said the same thing, and we aren't getting our hopes up or anything,

but just, thank you for caring enough to try."

Harry smiled softly at his friend, "Your mum is my godmother, she's

family, as you are. You know me well enough by now that I'd do

anything for family." The two grew silent for a moment until a woman

spoke up, getting their attention.

"Mr. Potter, it's an honor to have you here. How may I help you?" A tall

woman with long brown hair walked up to them at the table. Harry

immediately recognized who she was since her daughter was the mirror

image of the woman in front of him.

"Just what he's having Madame Bell." Harry replied with a well practiced

smile. The woman looked slightly shocked that he knew her name. He

could tell she was about to ask how, but Harry supplied the answer for

her, "I go to school with your daughter and she is the spitting image of


She chuckled, "Don't tell my Katie that. She's been trying to make herself

look different from me since she was ten!"

Harry laughed, seeing some of the differences. Katie's hair was shorter

and dyed to be slightly more red. She also wore much more colorful

clothing than what her mother was currently wearing. "Well, she is doing

herself a disservice then. You are a stunning woman." Harry ignored

Neville's eye roll.

"Oh! You are such a flatterer. Just as charming as the papers have

described you to be."

"Mum!" Katie came rushing over when she caught sight of her mother

talking with Harry and Neville. "I thought this was my table!" She had on

a white apron and was carrying around an empty tray, having just served

another table of drinks.

"I couldn't resist the opportunity to make my acquaintance with Mr.

Potter here. Why didn't you tell me you knew him in school?"

"Of course I know him, we're in the same house!" Katie said


Katie's mother then winked at Harry, "Well, if I were your age, we'd be

more than just in the same house." Harry's eyes widened at the

insinuation and he immediately began to feel blood rush into his cheeks.

"Mum! He has a girlfriend!" Katie cried out, covering her face in


"That didn't stop me from getting your father." Madame Bell replied as

she walked away from the table.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry Harry. She's deranged, absolutely barmy." Katie tried

to explain her mother, looking anywhere but at him. Neville was

laughing behind his hand at what just occurred and Harry kicked him in

the shin under the table to get him to shut up.

"It's no problem Katie. Parents can be like that sometimes."

Katie let out a breath of relief, "Are your parents-" Her eyes widened

when she realized what she was about to ask. "Sorry, I'm so sorry. I

forgot, I'm stupid. I shou-" She said, completely flustered.

Harry chuckled and placed a hand on her arm to stop her, "It's alright

Katie. Sirius did his best to embarrass me when I was around Fleur in the

early days of our relationship. One time he hid in a bush for a whole day

just to make my pants disappear when I was talking with her." Both

Neville and Katie laughed at the image. Sirius, although he was now a

teacher, still retained his pranking reputation by disciplining his students

in unconventional ways.

"Oh look, what do we have here?" A familiar voice said from behind


"The Great Champion of Gryffindor!" Another, similar voice added.

"The slayer of Basilisks!"

"The protector of beautiful women!"

"And we can never forget the most important thing!"

"What's that dear brother?"

"Our business partner!" Harry chuckled at the twins antics as they came

up to greet him. Fred sat down next to him and George took the place

next to Neville. "Two teas please Katie dearest." Fred said.

"I'm serving Harry and Neville, not you two nitwits." Katie responded but

she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Oh you wound us!" George said, placing both his hands over his heart as

if injured.

Katie rolled her eyes and left the table to get them their drinks. "Business

partner?" Neville asked, looking between the three.

"I may have made the grave mistake in loaning them a thousand

galleons." Harry replied, putting on a guilty face.

Neville brought his hand to his forehead, "You've doomed us all." He said,

shaking his head.

"Mayhems our mission, fun is our game!" Fred said with pride.

"World destruction is not our aim!" George finished.

"Well..." Fred trailed off.

"It actually might be." George said. "Who knows!"

"Right, here are your drinks, please don't destroy the glasses like last

time. They do cost money." Katie said, placing the drinks down on the


"We would never!" Fred defended himself and his brother.

"Uhuh." Katie grunted before turning back to check on her other

customers. The Belle Inn was a small bed and breakfast similar to the

Leaky Cauldron but this was much more centered on Diagon Alley, being

directly across from Gringotts. Because of its location and distance from

the muggle world entrance, they tended to get much more wealthy,

pureblood customers who thought even being near muggles was a

disgrace to themselves.

"So what are you two fine chaps doing out here in Diagon Alley by

yourselves?" Fred asked, looking between Harry and Neville.

"We could ask you the same thing." Harry responded.

"We are out here looking for a shop to buy with our money."

"Ah, should I go with you to find the shop? Seeing as it's my money."

"Do you not trust us?" Fred asked.

"Would I have given you a thousand galleons if I didn't?" Harry replied

with his own question.

"Good point." George nodded his head.

"Harry!" He turned to see Aimee running up the small steps and towards

the table they sat at, her long blue hair flowing behind her. Krum

followed her at a much slower pace.

She rushed up to him and wrapped him in a tight hug before he could

even stand from his seat. "Aimee, what are you doing here?" Harry asked

once air returned to his lungs after the bone-crushing hug.

"I came to see Viktor's game! Did you see it?" She asked excitedly,

glancing at her new boyfriend who stood behind her as surly as ever.

Harry stood up and shook the star seekers hand, "I didn't have the

chance, sorry. You win?"

Krum snorted, "Do I lose?"

"The World Cup, the TriWizard Cup, the Champions Quidditch Cup,

Europe A League." Fred responded, counting off his fingers.

"Your forgetting last years Bulgarian League finals and even the

Durmstrang house finals match." George added. Harry winced at the

fierce staring match going on between the three males. Aimee and Lee

Jordan, the twins best friend, didn't have the greatest of breakups after

the Yule ball, and now that she was dating Krum, they weren't going to

be on the best of terms.

Aimee cleared her throat to break up the staring match, having quickly

recognized the hostility between the three males. "Well, I just wanted to

come say hello. Have a good rest of the summer, Harry." She hugged him

once more and gave him a parting kiss on the cheek before dragging

Krum out of the small Inn before a fight could break out.

"Well, we should get going too." Harry announced, staying standing up.

"You're free to join us if you want?" He looked at the twins as Neville

stood up to leave as well. Harry placed a few galleons on the table to pay

for everyones drinks.

"Sounds like a great idea!" Fred and George responded at the same time.

The four of them made their way into the town streets to peruse the

shops. Harry had to fight the crowds as his appearance had garnered a

large amount of attention, but for the most part, it was an enjoyable

afternoon and nice to be out with friends of his age and of the same


Summer was flying by for him and he was surprised that there was still

no word on Voldemort that pulled him away from doing such things with

his friends. The Ghosts and the increasing auror force had started to

receive reports of mass movements across Eastern Europe, Northern

Africa, and Northern Asia, with many foreign nationals headed towards

England. The ministry was also receiving a much higher amount of

American wizards coming into the country which could only mean one


Voldemort was recruiting from all areas of the globe, which meant Harry

would now have to look beyond just England and France for help. Riddle

was making this a global war, and with Dumbledore vanished somewhere

in Germany, he would need the help from more governments willing to

take a stand against the tyrannical. The war was quickly coming to a

knifes edge, and at any moment, everyone would be shoved off into the

deep end.

"Olaf, your father is back!" A large man dressed in furs and ragged clothes

shouted, running into the large hall. He had a large round wooden shield

strapped to his back with a small sword hanging off his hip.

Another very tall, muscled man with long blonde hair and piercing blue

eyes sat on a sturdy wooden throne. He had a beard that was intertwined

with several gold braids and beads, and he wore silver chain mail with a

leather tunic underneath. His bright gold plated helmet rested on the

table in front of him with horse hair coming out the top of it. Over his

chain mail was a bear skin coat with the head of the bear draped over his

right shoulder, mid roar.

He was a hulking man that looked large even sitting down, having come

from a giants heritage as many of those around him also did. Next to him

was a tall woman of the same heritage. She wore a long leather dress and

her hair was braided and clean. In her lap was a small boy, no older than

ten that was playing with a wooden sword.

They sat in a Viking Long Hall. The place was made entirely of perfectly

carved wood, decorated with ancient runes and carvings dating back

centuries. A roaring fire was at the center of the hall and the smoke rose

up through a small hole in the roof. On either side of the fire were two

long tables that many of the village people sat at, feasting on foods that

were already laid out. All of them were above seven feet tall, having

descended from old gods long forgotten by the rest of the world.

"My father?" Olaf clarified for himself, sitting up in his throne to be more

alert. His hand naturally went down to the hilt of his sword he kept next

to him, the Sword of Kings, his fathers sword, or what used to be his

fathers sword.

"He just arrived on horseback with a wizard. Dumbledore." Olaf's eyes

narrowed at the news and knew exactly what his father was doing here.

Frankly, he was surprised that his father was even still alive. He had gone

missing in the last great war, having taken a number of warriors with

him and never returning.

Olaf took up ownership of the lands in the absence of his father, after

killing his brother of course, so that he may rule as sole king of their

people. Now though, his father was still alive and had returned,

something that didn't bode well for him.

The doors burst open and in walked his father, Harald Hardrada, the

most feared Viking to have ever lived. Even being the great vikings son,

he feared the man. Harald embodied everything it meant to be Viking.

The viciousness in battle, the ingenuity in strategy, the cunning in

politics, his father had it all.

Harald walked into the Viking Hall that was once his, looking every bit

the warrior he once was. Dumbledore had gone out of his way to dress

his new mercenary in the finest of equipment so as to have a better hope

in recruiting more. Dumbledore himself followed behind Hardrada with

his head bowed lowed, obscured by a silver hood that made his face a

shadow. Only his long silver beard was visible and is what had alerted

them as to who he was.

Harald was wearing thick black chain mail that covered his whole body.

He had hard black leather on underneath the chain mail and a long wolf

fur cloak over it. The wolfs head on the cloak was draped over his right

shoulder, its teeth bared in a threatening manner. On the vikings back

was the largest weapon anyone had ever laid eyes on. The battleaxe he

had was unique in design, having blades on either end of the wooden

staff. Both points were also iron tipped to act as a spear so that Harald

could thrust with his weapon as well as slash. The fearsome weapon was

six feet long and could easily cleave three men in one blow as well as

pierce two with a single thrust.

Olaf stood up from his throne to address Hardrada, though he couldn't

stop his legs from shaking slightly in the presence of him. "Father, I did

not know you were alive."

"I see you weren't so quick to figure out if I was truly dead or not either,

son." Hardrada replied, marching further into the Hall. Many of the other

vikings moved to the edges of the hall as to not get in the way of the two

kings. Hardrada had a fearsome reputation of killing those that got in his


"We received no news of what happened to you or the rest of our men.

We assumed the worst." Olaf responded, beginning to pull his sword from

his hilt, knowing where this might be headed.

"How convenient for you." Harald then glanced at the woman and child

that sat next to his son. "Your family?" He asked, stretching out his hand

to touch the boys head.

"Yours as well father. My son, Bjorn, and your daughter-in-law, Ageall."

Harald grunted and then looked back at his son, "How lovely." Before

anyone could blink, Harald's battleaxe was in hand and swung home,

cleaving Olaf's head from the rest of his body. Blood sprayed onto those

nearby as well as the throne. Ageall screamed and held her son close to

her chest, cowering back into her chair, too scared to move otherwise.

Olaf's head rolled down the chair and onto the floor and no one in the

Hall did anything to avenge their fallen king. They all watched the scene,

some even with an amused expression on their face. "I release you to

Valhalla." Harald muttered, picking up the decapitated head of his son

and placing it on the table next to his sons golden helmet. A loud screech

was heard and a black shadow with blue eyes launched itself from Olaf's

body and vanished through the roofs small hole along with the smoke

from the fire.

Harald pushed his dead sons body off the throne and sat down in the

blood. He then leaned his large battleaxe against his new throne and

sighed in content, a smile on his face. Dumbledore approached slowly,

still with his hood over his head, "Will you march?" He asked.

Harald allowed a cruel smile onto his face, "We will raid."

Thank you everyone that has favorited/reviewed/followed.

31. Outbreak

"Hey pup, hold the house down for us?" Sirius asked, walking into the

hallway and embracing Harry. Sirius and Emmys honeymoon in Italy had

come to a close and now they were back in London. They didn't get home

until late in the afternoon and both of them looked tired upon walking

into Grimmauld Place.

Remus and Tonks stayed in the house for the two weeks to watch over

the kids and make sure the house elves didn't burn the place down. In

reality though, it was Harry who was in charge of the house since he was

still the heir despite Emmy being pregnant. That would change with the

birth of their child, but they were keeping him as the heir just in case

something terrible were to happen.

"Well, its still standing so I guess I did a good job." Harry replied with a

smile after kissing Emmy on both cheeks. He led them into the kitchen

where Dobby already had a meal prepared for them. Daphne and Tracy

were sitting around the table already, digging into their food.

"Oh you're back! How was it!" Daphne exclaimed as she stood up to rush

over and hug Emmy. The two had grown close and Daphne looked at

Emmy as another mother, a role Emmy was proud to fill for her.

"It was amazing!" Emmy responded excitedly. "We bought each of you a

present!" She set her purse down on the table and began to rummage

through it. Harry felt Sirius' hand grip his shoulder to get his attention.

"I need to talk with you Harry." He looked up at Sirius and knew it was

about something important and he couldn't wait to tell him. Harry

nodded his head and walked out of the kitchen, ignoring the concerned

looks the girls gave them as they left. He followed Sirius upstairs and into

the library so that no one could pry in on the conversation.

The Black library was completely cleaned out like Sirius had promised he

would do. What happened to the originals, Harry didn't know, but at

least he had the Anybook to still use. Now the library was acting as a sort

of office for Sirius and a place to get away from everything.

Harry sat down on a black leather couch and waited for Sirius to speak.

"A man approached me in Rome." Sirius said as he paced back and forth

in front of Harry. He looked a little uneasy with how he was fumbling

with his new wedding ring.

"A man? Who?" Harry leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.

"He said he knew you, or met you once. A Peter Bernoval, I think his

name was."

Harry recognized the name from somewhere but couldn't quite remember

where he had heard it or met this man. "What did he say?"

"He said that he could help us, help you, that he knew Tom Riddle better

than anyone, better than even Dumbledore." Harrys eyes widened at the

implication. Whoever this man was could be a valuable asset to him, but

the likelihood of this being some kind of trap was high. No one knew

Voldemort more so than Dumbledore, or at least Harry didn't think

anyone did.

Harry sat silently turning the words over in his head while continuing to

wrack his brain for the name Peter Bernoval. "Did he say why he would

help us?"

"He disappeared before I could ask, just vanished, like he was smoke.

Gave me the creeps really."

"Typical." Harry muttered. "This man, he just sought you out, told you he

could help then vanished?" Harry asked for clarification.

Sirius nodded his head, "Its as weird and random as it sounds. I was in at

a nearby muggle cafe early in the morning while Emmy was still asleep

when he appeared, I don't even remember anything about him, just an

odd gold ring and what he said to me. I can't even picture his face."

Harry sat silently for a few minutes and watched Sirius as he sat down

behind his desk and began to rub his eyes tiredly. He looked exhausted

and clearly this impromptu meeting with a boogeyman had concerned

Sirius greatly. "Let me meditate on it, see if I can remember who this man

is. We can speak more tomorrow, for now, you should probably get some

rest." Harry said.

Sirius mumbled something and failed to open his eyes. Harry smiled

softly at his godfather and slowly levitated him out of the library and into

the master bedroom. Emmy came up the stairs as soon as he had turned

off the lights and shut the door behind him.

"Is he asleep?" She whispered, moving passed Harry and to the double

doors of the master bedroom.

"He was tired. You going to bed as well?"

Emmy answered his question with a yawn, opening the door and slipping

into the dark room. Harry spent the remainder of the evening in his

room, searching through his memories for the man with a golden ring.

Harry was brought from his trance by his tattoo as it began to burn and

turn red in color. The large black tiger was standing on all fours, pacing

dangerously in a small circle, baring its teeth on his left breast. Harry felt

the back of his hairs stand up and he knew immediately this wasn't a


He quickly threw on his basilisk jacket and black cargo pants. He

wandlessly summoned his mask from across the room and pressed his

Holly wand to the burning tattoo, disappearing in a black wisp of smoke.

He reappeared inside the War Room of Ghost castle and the other

members of the squad were appearing in as messy a state as himself.

Only Specter looked awake and ready for whatever was going on, already

wearing his golden mask and covering the rest of his head with a black


"The warning wards at Bones manor that we placed have just gone off."

Specter announced to the gathered group. Harry began to feel adrenaline

course through his body, knowing very well that a fight might be on his

hands. Fawkes flashed in with his wand holsters and Harry strapped both

his wands to his arms. He then placed his mask over his face as did the

other members as well as draping a black cloak around his shoulders and

a hood over his head. The cloak didn't get in the way as one might

suspect, it was heavily charmed to be fire resistant and moved around the

body as if smoke. It was very similar to what Voldemort himself wore or

a dementor used to cover its scaly body.

They all took a brief minute to prepare their gear for battle. Shadow

strapped a long dagger to his thigh and Spirit had a sword on his back.

Angel had some kind of body armor Harry had never seen before that

had odd stitching in it, similar to what muggle soldiers would wear into

battle. Once everyone was set, they all apparated away without so much

as a sound. They had prepared for this, trained hard for years, in Harrys

case, much of the last year.

All of them appeared inside the wards of Bones Manor and Harry

immediately noticed around twenty Death Eaters sending spell after spell

at the wards to break them down as quick as possible. He also could feel

anti-apparition wards and anti-portkey wards around them that the Death

Eaters must have placed. The wards around the manor were being lit up

as they were battered by the Death Eaters, causing the night sky to light

up and illuminate the entire front of the large manor.

The Manor was situated in a small valley with grassy hills surrounding

the entire premises. The Death Eaters were on the large hill, hitting the

wards with everything they had, not bothering to be quiet about it.

"Team two, take positions inside the house and make sure the family is

away to safety."

"Yes sir." Harry responded over the radio comms inside his mask. He

sprinted off to the house with his team hot on his tail. He broke down the

front door and found Madame Bones with her wand out, pointed right at

him and a very frightened Susan and Hannah next to her. Amelia

immediately relaxed her wand when she saw who it was but Hannah was

too frightened and snapped off a simple bombarda as a reflex.

Harry easily batted it aside, the wayward spell hitting a wall harmlessly.

"We're friendly. Amelia, get them out of here, we'll take it from here."

"The floo is down and they've already put up anti-portkey, floo, and

apparition wards." Amelia responded quickly while quickly grabbing

Hannahs wand from her.

Harry wasted no time in formulating a plan. "Fawkes!" The golden

phoenix easily broke through all wards and flashed above the three

womens heads and took them away without a word. "Civilians away, sir."

Harry sounded over the comms.

"Good, take up defensive positions inside the house. We spot twenty out

here and we'll surprise them when they try and breach the house."

"Roger." Harry then pointed to various places within the entrance hall, so

as to set up a crossfire for anyone who enters through the front door. He

could hear as magic was crackling against the outside wards as the Death

Eaters tried to break through them. It was taking awhile which meant no

one with any skill or power was here which boded well for them.

Voldemort obviously wasn't here at least for now, and based on Harrys

fight with Barty Jr, he wasn't either. Bellatrix was still locked up in Raven

Isle and was no problem for anyone at the moment.

Harry activated his night vision to see more clearly while shutting off all

of the lights in the house to make it seem as if its inhabitants were still

asleep. They were hoping the Death Eaters would think they hadn't yet

been spotted, despite the racket they were making. No one ever said they

were smart, and they clearly weren't being led by a top lieutenant. Such

an attack struck Harry as odd, but for now, he put that thought of his

mind to focus on the battle at hand.

Team one had taken up position on the side of the house, just out of sight

of the Death Eater assault force. They were going to wrap around them

and hit them from behind when the DE's committed to the attack on the

house. The DE's weren't the best when it came to strategy, relying on out

of date tactics developed in the first world war.

Fawkes flashed back in, temporarily blinding Harry with his night vision

on, "The Longbottoms are under attack."

"Specter, the Longbottoms are under attack as well." Harry alerted his

leader through the comms.

"Take team two and go to help. We have this under control here." Harry

didn't waste a second and apparated away, easily breaking through the

anti-apparition wards along with his team. They appeared inside the

grand manor that sat atop a large grassy hill overlooking a small English

muggle town.

Harry immediately spotted through a window, a team of ten Death Eaters

being led by a man who wore no mask. His scars and vicious eyes were

clear to him through his night vision, Barty Jr. was leading this fight.

Harry felt the back of his hairs rise and turned just in time to block a

spell aimed at his back by Madame Longbottom. She tried to curse him

again but Harry held up his hands, "We're friendlies."

His team had their wands trained on her, ready to stun her just in case

she didn't listen, but luckily for them, she did. Neville appeared around

the corner with his wand in hand. "We're getting you out of here and to

safety." Harry said.

"Are you aurors? How did you get into my house!" Madame Longbottom

said, not dropping her wand one inch.

"Fawkes!" Harry shouted again and watched as the great phoenix flashed

in and snatched the two, only to disappear again in a flash of fire. Harry

knew he would have some explaining to do in regards to his friends, but

that wasn't important now.

"Shadow, take position by the front door, Spirit, back him up. Banshee

with me." Harry and Banshee rushed out of the back door just as the

large boom of the wards breaking echoed through the house. "Get ready."

Harry said through his comms to Spirit and Shadow.

Harry ran along the side of the house to spring the same trap team one

would be doing at the Bones Manor. He stuck close to the shadows,

ducking into a few bushes to remain in cover. He watched as the ten

Death Eaters ran up to the house and immediately began blasting it full

of holes with simple bombardas and reductos, one also began setting fire

to the base of the house. It was Barty Jr. that led the charge and kicked

down the front door of the house, rushing inside.

Spirit and Shadow opened fire and spells of all colors flew out of the

house, lighting up the night sky like fireworks. Harry waited five seconds

for the rest of the Death Eaters to focus in on the front of the house

before springing his trap. He and Banshee stepped from the shadows in

unison and fired.

Two Death Eaters went down immediately, two holes blown clean

through their chests. The four other Death Eaters who hadn't yet rushed

into the house turned to face the new attackers. Harry's wands were a

blur as he hurled spell after spell at a power no one was a match for.

Harry stuck to piercing hexes, knowing they were strong enough to break

most peoples shields besides a select few, and deadly enough to quickly

drop them as well. He wasn't looking to take many prisoners tonight.

Before the Death Eaters could move, one of them had his head blown

clean off by Harrys piercing hex, a second one creating a foot-wide hole

in his chest. The spray of blood distracted the Death Eater behind the

man Harry just killed and another piercing hex went through his chest

cavity, hitting the Death Eater behind him.

Banshee was able to put one down herself and Harry turned to face the

fourth attacker. This Death Eater was slightly different looking, sporting a

black mask to go with the black cloak. Harry sent a piercing hex but this

man easily dodged it. It was easy to see this man had skill in a duel and

wasn't like the other Death Eater rabble they had been fighting. Banshee

began circling to the side to make it much harder for this Death Eater to

defend against their attacks.

Harry launched a bombarda at the mans feet but he quickly parried it,

sending the large red spell back at Banshee. She was forced to dodge and

sent a bone-breaking hex of her own at the man. He dodged it easily and

surprised her with a powerful form of incarcerous that shot flaming

chains at her. She tried to shield them, but they easily broke through her

shield and wrapped around her, making her scream out in pain.

Harry knew the counterspell and quickly broke her free of it, having seen

it in the Black Library. The Death Eater shot a powerful lumos into the

night sky, lighting it up and temporarily blinding Harry for a moment as

he turned off the night vision on his mask.

He barely dodged a killing curse and sent a shadow sword at the man.

Another spell from the Black library and one Voldemort tried to use on

him in the graveyard. It was a spell nigh on impossible to dodge due to

its speed, and very difficult to shield against. The problem with using it

was that it was very difficult to control and even more difficult to aim.

The shadow sword caught the Death Eater off guard and he tried to

dodge, recognizing he didn't have the power to shield against it, but was

too slow. The sword sliced the mans wand arm off and he screamed out

in pain, dropping to his knees and clutching at the open wound. Banshee

hit the man with an incarcerous of her own and rushed up, kicking him

in the head and knocking him unconscious. "Keep him alive." Harry

ordered which she responded by nodding her head.

Just as Harry was about to rush into the house, Barty Jr. came flying out

of the front door and landed in a heap on the grass lawn. Spirit emerged

from the doorway, his wand aimed at Barty who lay alone in a pile of his

dead comrades. Barty slowly picked himself up, clutching his side, and

Harry turned to face him, holding his hand up to stop Spirit from

finishing off the wounded Death Eater.

Barty turned to face his foe who appeared to be the leader and stared

into the cold green eyes that looked back at him. The dark green mask

covering his face along with the black hood that obscured the rest of the

mans head made for a frightening foe and Barty felt his blood run cold

when he saw the two wands in the mans hands.

"Do you see what I have become?" Harry asked his old foe, dropping his

hood and sliding the mask to the top of his head to reveal his face.

"Potter." Barty spat out dark red blood, his breathing disrupted as he held

onto his ribs. "You'll pay for this." Barty tried to raise his wand but Harry

was far too quick for him.

Harry lifted both his wands and simultaneous attacked his already

wounded foe. The first spell knocked the man into the air, sending him

flying like a rag doll, and the second ripped him in half before dropping

him onto the ground in a spray of blood.

He slowly walked over to Barty who was still gasping for breath, the life

quickly leaving his eyes. "Following a madman only left you broken in

two." Harry said, standing over the upper half of the man. Only the sound

of gurgling came from him as he choked on his own blood and life left

him. A bright white flash lit up the sky from beside Harry, causing him to

jump backwards and move into a defensive position, but his eyes focused

on a young woman with a camera. Before Harry could stop her, the

reporter was gone, having used a high-level ministry portkey to rip

through the anti-portkey wards already in place around Longbottom


"Shit." Harry muttered, knowing what that picture was going to show. He

could already imagine tomorrows headlines. Who the hell that was, and

why she was here was going to be interesting to find out.

Harry took a quick glance back down at his dead opponent before

sheathing both his wands, "Head count?" Harry asked, looking back at his

team members who were rounding up the survivors and making sure the

dead were actually dead.

"Up!" All three responded automatically.

"Specter, team two all good. Longbottom Manor defended, civilians safe.

We have multiple kills and captured." They had captured three of the ten,

killing the rest. Among the three captured was Crabbe Sr. along with the

man behind the black mask who didn't appear to even speak English.

Voldemort had sent two of his top lieutenants for the Longbottoms, while

sending no one of true value for the Bones. It was an odd move that

confused Harry greatly.

"Roger, Haunt. Rendezvous in Ghost Manor in ten. Hand off casualties to

the aurors."

"Yes, sir."

Shortly afterwards, aurors apparated onto the scene and Harry handed

off the captured Death Eaters to them. Amelia herself had come to

inspect the manor having already visited her own house after the brief

battle with the Death Eaters. Team One, because of the odds against

them, were only able to kill a few before the rest successfully retreated,

they took no prisoners in that brief battle. Tonight would be a wake up

call for Voldemort and his forces, and also alert them that there was a

group out there ready and able to take him on.

Team two apparated away and back to the castle where a bottle of

firewhiskey was already waiting for them. "Voldemorts going to take this

hit hard!" Angel shouted boisterously.

"Harry got Barty Jr!" Shadow exclaimed, slapping him on the back.

Cheers rang out in the war room, echoing off the stone walls.

Harry only allowed a small smile onto his face, "This is the beginning and

we don't yet know if there were other attacks tonight." Harrys words

quickly crashed the joyous mood and everyone placed their drinks back

down on the table without anyone having taken a sip.

"He's right." Specter said. "The night may not be over for us, and if it is,

we may not have actually won."

"There he is!" A woman shouted from the sea of people that stood all

around him.

"Its him! Its Harry Potter!" Another man shouted at the same time,

drawing the attention of everyone in the tightly packed ministry atrium.

So many people were crowded in the small place that some had resorted

to climbing the golden statue in the center. Hundreds of witches and

wizards were crowded, wanting to hear straight from the ministry as to

what happened last night.

Harry was forced to push his way through the frenzied crowd as they

reached out for him, just to touch him. Many of the people shouted

questions, others thanked him, but none of them went heard by Harry, as

the cries of voices drowned each other out.

He still hadn't slept, and as consequence, hadn't changed his attire from

last night either. The spattering of blood could still be seen on his jacket

if one looked closely. This morning had brought many things to light and

all of them would change Britains future, whether for good or bad was

yet to be seen.

The Daily Prophet pictured him front and center, standing over the dead

body of Barty Jr, both wands in hand. What made the scene even more

memorable were the glowing green eyes that showed brightly in the

night. The whole article was about last nights attacks on Longbottom

manor and what took place. The reporter who broke the story was a

young woman by the name of Ariel Mallory who was close friends with

Madame Longbottom and had just happened to be entering the grounds

at the same time the Death Eaters began the assault. She was just in the

right place at the right time for a breaking news story and was able to get

away because Madame Longbottom had given her a portkey for safety

reasons. Banshee was already tasked with finding out everything there

was to know about this woman, just to make sure she wasn't tipped off

about the attack and it was just a coincidence she was there at the same

time as the Death Eaters.

The Bones Manor attack wasn't in the initial article this morning since

Ariel had no clue of it, but the story on that had already broke as well by

a second edition of the Daily Prophet that came out this afternoon, along

with the attack on the Corners house in Cambridge. Why the Death

Eaters attacked them was still unclear, but due to the randomness of the

attack, it was unfortunately successful and the whole family was

slaughtered in barbaric fashion. Harry nearly threw up seeing the photos

just a short hour ago. He hardly knew Michael Corner other than that

they were in the same year together and he was a Ravenclaw. He had

seen him around the Defense Club last year, but never talked to him.

Overall, the Death Eaters had suffered large losses, ten in total dead, with

another three captured and being interrogated. Now though, the

knowledge that the ministry had a secret team, one involving Harry

Potter, was out in the open for everyone to see. Luckily only Harrys

identity was outed by the papers, the rest of Ghost squad remained a

mystery, one many people were asking him about.

Harry successfully pushed his way through the crowd and made it to the

elevators where Amelia was already waiting for him. She ushered him

inside and two aurors blocked anyone else from trying to get into the

elevator with them.

"Susan and Hannah alright?" Harry asked as he studied the woman next

to him. He had never seen her look more tired than she did now. The

girls were moved to Grimmauld Place for the time being as the Bones

Manor had still been destroyed in its entirety during the attack. The

Death Eaters at least accomplished something with their deaths, though it

wasn't much. Hannahs parents were away on a short getaway which was

why she was staying at the Bones house.

"Emmaline and Remus are looking after them." She sighed heavily,

pausing a moment. "You did well Harry. Its unfortunate the pressure

you'll be under now."

Harry gave her a reassuring smile, "This would have happened

eventually. Part of me is glad that it's all out in the open." She raised her

eyebrows, urging him to further his comment. "The war is started and the

people will need a person to stand behind. I think we both know Fudge

isn't the prettiest person to follow."

Amelia chuckled, "No I suppose he isn't. Still, its a lot of pressure, Harry.

No one expects you to be that person."

It was Harry's turn to laugh, "Did you not see the people when I walked

in?" His laugh subsided and his face again turned passive, "I won't be

alone though. I know that I have all of you to count on."

Amelia nodded her head, looking at Harry with an even greater respect.

"The public isn't reacting as badly as I thought they would to all of this."

"I think the blow was lessened slightly by the fact that the Death Eaters

suffered heavy casualties. Its a shame we couldn't save everyone last

night though."

"They are the first in what may be a long line of casualties."

"Hopefully the war doesn't last that long." Harry responded. The doors to

the elevator opened and they stepped off into a frenzied office with

aurors running left and right, not paying them any attention. The trainees

in the Auror Academy had been brought in to run the office while all

active duty aurors were immediately sent into the field, protecting

Diagon Alley and other heavily populated magical towns.

"Are we sure Voldemort wasn't at the Corners place?" Harry asked as they

began to walk through the chaos, ducking flying memos and side-

stepping trainees.

"We don't think so. Investigators are still there trying to find out

everything that did happen. It was smart of him to still not show

himself." Harry nodded his head at Amelia's statement. It allowed

Voldemort's supporters in the ministry to continue to deny that the Death

Eaters were anything but a rabid terrorist group with no leadership or


Fudge had ordered a state of emergency and the entirety of the

Wizengamot was brought in this morning to decide on what to do. Sirius

was acting as proxy for the Potter house so that Harry could recover from

the night, as well as get a better feel of the people and the ministry as a

whole. He hadn't yet heard from Fleur, but did send Fawkes with a note

to let her know he was fine.

"Well, whether people think that Voldemort is back is a moot point now.

The people recognize that someone, whether Voldemort or a wannabe, is

in control of the Death Eaters and just as dangerous. They'll demand the

ministry take action." Harry said.

"That's why last nights attack confuses me, and it has me greatly worried.

It doesn't make sense for Voldemort to send out his forces. Attacking my

home and the Longbottoms makes sense, but why the Corners? They

weren't particularly wealthy or strictly against Voldemort. They were

neutrals. Something just doesn't seem right." Amelia voiced her concerns.

They stepped into her office and Harry shut the blinds so no one could

peak inside. "I was thinking the same thing, as was Specter when he

heard about the attack on the Corners. Voldemort had to have attacked

them for a reason, we just need to find out why."

"Next time you have a friendly conversation with the snake, ask him for

us yeah?" Harry chuckled and rubbed his eyes. His eyelids began to droop

and was feeling the effects of not having slept for a whole day.

"At least our fearless minister isn't actually running scared right now."

Harry muttered.

"Its about the only real good thing to come out of today."

The doors burst open to the office and a young auror trainee peered

inside. "Yes, trainee Gabbard?" Amelia asked tersely.

The young woman glanced nervously at Harry before turning back to

Amelia, "The Wizengamot has just brought the ministry to full war status,


"Thank you, gather everyone still in the office to meet in the briefing

room please." The trainee nodded her head and shut the door behind her.

"War status?" Harry asked the Director.

"It gives the minister the ability to make executive decisions without

approval from the Wizengamot as long as those decisions help the war


Harry nodded his head. In reality, nothing would probably change since

it was Fudge who had that power. Probably why the Voldemort

supporters didn't put up much of a fight against it. "A speech to rouse the

troops?" Harry asked when Amelia stood up.

"In a way. You look tired. Go home, get some rest. I'm sure the minister

will want to talk with you later." Harry nodded and pushed himself out of

his chair. "Use my floo so that you don't have to go back through the


"Many thanks." Harry stepped into the fireplace without another word

and disappeared in a flash of green.

Before Harry could even blink, his entire vision was obscured by silver

and the feeling of very soft skin pressed into him. "'Arry!" Fleur breathed

into his neck. Harry hugged her back, squeezing her even closer to him,

reveling in the warmth of having her in his arms.

"What are you doing here? Didn't Fawkes give you my note?"

"The woman kept demanding to see you so I took her here. She wouldn't shut

up." Fawkes sat on a nearby table where Astoria was slowly stroking his

feathers. Everyone was huddled in the den and were all watching Fleur

and him.

"A note ees one thing, but I 'ad to see you for myself." Fleur responded.

"Well I'm here." Fleur broke apart the hug and kissed him fervently,

forgetting that they were in a room with many other people.

"So what is going on at the ministry?" Daphne asked, breaking up Fleur

and Harry's kiss. Harry sat down in a nearby empty seat and Fleur

relaxed into him, resting her cheek against his own.

"The ministry is moving to a war footing, I have no clue what that

actually means in the grand scheme of things, but they recognize this

attack is a cause for war. Voldemort didn't show himself anywhere last

night so Fudge still isn't openly telling the people he is still alive.

However, there are rumors being passed around that Voldemort is

actually back, or someone just as bad as him. Right now, people don't

seem as scared as I had originally thought they would."

"That's because the Great Harry Potter is with us now." Astoria said with

a roll of her eyes. Harry liked the younger Greengrass a lot. She was

smart and had a good sense of humor, and showed more personality than

her older sister.

"That article made you out to be the next Merlin." Susan added with her

own smirk. For the most part, Susan looked better than he expected her

too, having just lost her house and all. Hannah was still here with her

after a brief interlude with her parents, providing comfort however she

can. It was good to see the both of them were still in high spirits after

what happened last night.

"When is Neville going to come here?" Hannah asked eagerly. Everyone

this time just rolled their eyes. She caught all of their looks and blushed.

"I'm curious."

Harry chuckled, "He'll be here later today after grabbing some things

from his home." Neville would also be joining them for the remainder of

the summer, turning this place into a very busy house. Dobby and the

new Kreacher had their work cut out for them.

"Harry, you look like you need some sleep." Remus cut in before further

questions were asked.

Harry yawned at that moment making everyone laugh. "Come on, I'll get

you to bed." Fleur dragged him upstairs and into his room. She curled up

into his side and placed her head atop his chest once he was under the


"I've decided to stay in England with you this year." Fleur said just as

Harry's eyes began to shut.

"What?" He asked, his eyes remaining closed, struggling to stay awake.

"I'm transferring to 'Ogwarts for my last year."

"We talked about this Fleur."

She placed a finger over his lips, "That was before last night. Before ze

actual war started. I don't want to be away from you."

"But your-"

"I can 'ire a tutor for the courses I'll miss out on by attending 'Ogwarts.

I've already made up my mind."

"And your parents?"

"Will understand my decision." Fleur finished. "Now sleep. We can talk

more later." Harry didn't need to be told twice and quickly succumbed to

a much needed deep sleep.

32. The Chosen Son

"Thank you for meeting with me Harry." Minister Fudge welcomed Harry

into his lush office located in the heart of the ministry. He was gestured

to sit down on a nearby leather couch while Fudge sat down opposite

him, a coffee table with drinks already placed on it, in between them.

The fireplace had a roaring fire that served as the only light in the

slightly dark office. It made for a cozy, homely feel to the office which

was probably meant to make people feel comfortable.

"You have a busy day tomorrow, yes?" The minister asked after sipping

on his tea.

Harry placed his own cup down and relaxed back into the couch, "Yes, I'll

be heading back to Hogwarts."

"Good, good. And Miss Delacour, she transferred to Hogwarts?"

Harry nodded in affirmation, "She did." He replied simply, wondering

when the minister would end the small talk.

The conversation paused for a short moment as Fudge took another sip,

"Good then. As you know, aurors will be placed at the school for safety.

What you don't know yet is that I will be placing Madame Umbridge at

the school as well."

Harry raised his eyebrows at this, "May I ask why? There aren't any open

teaching positions at the school as far as I know." Sirius would again take

his position as DADA professor and another former professor by the name

of Slughorn would be heading the potions position as well as Slytherin

Head of House.

"She won't be there in a teaching capacity, simply as a liaison between

myself and the school. Many of our citizens want to see the ministry take

a more active role in our children's safety and I think this is a good way

to show that the ministry is directly involved with the school."

Harry began shaking his head and was about to speak up when Fudge cut

him off, "Now I know you have reservations about Madame Umbridge,

Sirius was very clear with his dislike of her as well, but I trust her

implicitly. She has no real power, and between you and me, I just want

her out of my sight for awhile." He chuckled at his own implied insult of


Harry sat silent for a moment, staring intensely at Fudge, causing the

minister to squirm under his gaze, before slowly nodding. "As long as she

stays out of everyones way, I don't see a reason why she can't be at the

castle. If she does get annoying, I'll make sure she's out of the castle one

way or another."

Fudges eyes widened slightly and he visibly gulped, "Of course." He

squeaked out. Fudge then cleared his throat and took a large gulp of his

tea before speaking again. "Now, for the real reason we're here. Ready?"

Harry nodded his head and stood up with the minister.

They both walked out of the office and many heads turned to watch them

walk through the interior offices. Many of the people working in Fudge's

offices were young, making little pay, with aspiring dreams of political

careers in the ministry.

Fudge led Harry through several corridors before opening a large door

that opened into a grand room with vaulted ceilings. The walls were

made of stone brick, much like Hogwarts and along them were paintings

of older ministers dating back several centuries. In the center of the room

was a large wooden table where many people were currently sitting at.

Everyone stood up upon seeing Harry and Fudge walk into the room. A

woman stepped from the side to pull out two chairs for Harry and Fudge

to sit down on, which were located on the end of the table. When Fudge

and Harry both sat down, the others sat as well.

Minister Fudge started the meeting, "Thank you all for coming, I know it

wasn't easy to make room in all of your busy schedules."

"No, it wasn't so why don't you just get to the reason why you called for

us all to be here." A man spat out. He had an American accent and by his

dress, was from the Western United States, sporting a tan and sunglasses.

Another man with a Spanish accent also spoke up, "If this is about your

little war, I'll be leaving immediately. We have no interest in your

troubles." Many of those around him nodded in agreement. Harry caught

Minister Montagne's eye and he winked at Harry. Minister O'Connell was

also at the table, the Irish Minister, as well as Minister Strumyav, the

Bulgarian Minister. Along with them were the other major European

nations ministers, as well as the American and Canadian ministers.

Harry waved a finger to signal the woman behind him to hand him a

large stack of yellow folders. Harry lazily opened the folder on top and

the table quickly quieted, waiting to see what Harry was doing. The

Russian minister broke the silence, "Why is the boy here Fudge?"

"Because Grand Chancellor." Harry called out, allowing some of his

passive magic to get away from him and increase the volume of his voice,

"This boy is exactly why you will help us out."

The Russian Chancellor began laughing which the Spanish minister and

German minister followed. Harry silenced them again by shoving the top

file over to the Spanish minister. "James Borrios. One of your citizens I

believe?" Harry asked, a smirk forming on his face when the Spanish

ministers face paled once he opened the folder.

The Spanish minister looked up at Harry and stuttered, "H-how?"

"I had a run in with him two weeks ago. He tried to attack a friend of

mine and now he is in custody. The man is linked to twelve murders,

magical and muggle, in your country, along with weapons trafficking,

and illegal poaching of magical animals. He was wearing the Death Eater

cloak when I fought him."

Harry wasted no time and slid three files over to the Russian minister.

The man sneered at Harry before opening the files and promptly shut

them, "What is this!" He demanded.

"Nicolav Shovsky, Armeni Atol, and Aleksander Durmrov. You know

them, yes?" Harry asked, his smirk staying firm on his face. He was

greatly enjoying what he was doing to what many would consider the

most powerful people in the world. They would learn that there were

many kinds of power, and that some trumped others. Sirius had taught

him how to play the more 'dirty' side of politics, which Harry found that

it basically came down to who could act the toughest in a room. Despite

his young age, in this regard, Harry had a natural advantage, one he

intended to use. He allowed a little more of his passive magic to let loose

in the room, beginning to make the air around him static. The Greek

Minister who sat closest to Harry, sported side burns that began to stand

on end, and the man even scooted his chair slightly away from Harry

upon feeling his magic. Harry caught Minister Strumyavs eye and the

man had a veiled smirk that he hid behind his hand. It was the Bulgarian

Ministers idea to use this tactic to sway the other countries.

The Russian minister only nodded so Harry continued, "Between the

three of them they have twenty-two murders, all magical, along with

quite a long list of crimes, most notably, having ties to the Russian Mafia.

I killed those three in the same attack that I captured Borrios. All of them

were working for the Death Eaters." Harry then began sliding file after

file towards the various ministers. The German Minister got three files,

the Spanish Minister, another two, the Greek Minister four. France, the

United States, Canada, Ireland, and Bulgaria all had one.

"As you can see gentlemen, this little war we're having isn't between just

English citizens, but all of yours as well."

The German minister pushed his files away, looking disgusted with what

was being said. "What my citizens do, or where they go, or who they

follow is of no problem to me. They are free to do as they choose."

Harry began laughing and it took him a moment to regain control of

himself, "Lets ignore how idiotic that statement was Minister Weirecht."

The minister narrowed his eyes and was about to snap back a reply but

Harry cut him off, "Even if what your citizens were doing was legal, it

would still be your problem."

"And what makes you think that boy?" The Spanish minister asked with


"Because, if England were to fall to these men, do you think they would

stop there?" Harry paused for a moment and watched as his question

played across all of their faces. "I'll answer for you, no, no they won't. All

of you have citizens flocking to the Death Eaters here in England, so that

they can later conquer the countries they came from."

Fudge took over for Harry, "Now, you might be thinking, we can deal

with them if they come. Well, I can tell you they are a strong force now,

how strong do you think they will be if they have the entirety of England

behind them? Do you really want to gamble now, instead of just working

together to crush this terrorist group before it even gets started?"

Harry knew they had them when Fudge's question went without any

snippy replies. He could see they were all in deep thought so he allowed

his own mind to move away from the meeting before him and onto the

greater war he was facing.

In the last two weeks, the Death Eaters had stayed completely silent all

around England. There wasn't even any recruiting movement in all of

Europe. It was as if the entire Death Eater force had vanished over night

which both made Harry relieved and unnerved at the same time.

Whatever had happened two weeks ago was either a mistake, one

Voldemort was now trying to find a way to rectify, or it was a major

success and they would soon see how great a success it was.

The Daily Prophet as well as other papers and magazines had been

running stories non-stop on the battles that took place, and many claimed

to know exactly who these Ghosts were, writing in editorials to the major

papers. All of it was rubbish of course, and it only served to make the

Ghosts even more of a mystery that captivated the nation.

The one thing that was for sure though, was Harry Potter and his

involvement with them, along with the ability to use two wands at once,

an ability people only believed Grindelwald could do. The papers had

given him another new title, The Chosen Son of Britain, or the Chosen

One for short. Harry naturally hated it even more than The Boy Who

Lived moniker, only because it sounded so campy.

What was even more odd for Harry was the sheer amount of mail he was

now receiving and not just from people in Britain. His fame had

apparently spread to Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, Asia, and North

America. It was Dobby's new job to sift through his mail and sort them

into piles, a job that took Dobby a few hours a day.

The goblins also requested a meeting with Harry to discuss the war. They

had as much investment in winning the war as the wizards did as it was

not likely Voldemort would sit around and let the goblins control the

wealth of wizards if he were to take over. Harry quickly became thankful

that he didn't need much sleep, only two hours a day at most, otherwise

he wouldn't be able to keep up with everything.

The Ghosts had kept the man wearing the black mask for themselves

after the battle to figure out just who he was. It was clear the man was

better trained than the usual Death Eaters that wore white masks and

that he had a decent amount of magical power to boot.

Angel was told to pry what he could from the mans mind but quickly

found himself stopped by very powerful occlumency shields that could

stop almost anyone. Luckily, Harry wasn't almost anyone and within a

matter of a few minutes, he had the whole mans life history. James

Barrios, a Spanish national from Madrid, the son of a wealthy merchant

who belonged to the Royal Spanish Wizarding Family.

James was the son of a Baron and his father owned several small magical

towns along the Mediterranean coast. He left for Germany after

graduating school from Beauxbatons and joined a small mercenary army

that was more a thieving group than an army. There he learned advanced

dueling from a man named Aleric Giovinni and when Aleric died in a

small skirmish outside of Milan, James traveled to Bulgaria where he was

then recruited by Lucius Malfoy.

However, Harry found something in the mans mind that was far more

troubling than where he came from. It was the man that ordered him to

attack that scared Harry, a man that could easily become his greatest

enemy in this war.

Harry was brought from his thoughts as Fudge addressed everyone in a

clear strong voice. This was the first time he had ever seen Fudge in a

commanding role, and he didn't look too bad at it. "Are we in agreement


Minister Montagne spoke up, "We are. Teams of hit-wizards will be

dispatched to your ministry to help with this war immediately. We will

also help with finances until it's deemed necessary they are not needed.

The British ministry will repay all gold received and wages given, plus

interest, in five years time."

"Good. That should be all. Thank you again for coming."

Voldemort held his wand before him, keeping the torture curse on his

writhing follower that screamed in agony for several minutes before

passing out. A pool of urine slowly spread below the unconscious man

along with blood streaming down the mans nose, ears, and eyes. The

sheer power of Voldemort's torture curse being held on someone for so

long was enough to kill a man, causing every blood vessel in the body to

pop, along with rupturing organs, and breaking bones.

Lucius Malfoy stood in between the two dead bodies of his fellow

comrades, shaking with fright. He had his head bowed low as to avoid

eye contact with his enraged master. "You had better have a clear answer

for me Lucius, or share the same fate as they do." Voldemort hissed

angrily, resting his wand in his lap.

"Y-yes m-milord. W-what they s-said was true. G-Grindelwald he-he told

our f-forces to attack." Lucius stuttered, keeping his eyes closed, waiting

for his inevitable doom.

Voldemort snarled and brought his wand up, but stopped just before

cursing the man, "Is that all you have to offer me Lucius? It would be a

shame if you have failed me." After the battles that took place against his

wishes only a few weeks ago, he wasn't too keen to kill off one of his best

lieutenants, no matter how mad he was at the moment.

"N-no milord. I have more news." Voldemort relaxed back into his throne

but kept his wand trained on Lucius, waiting for disappointment to

overtake him. "Grindelwald, he came to your lesser followers, the ones

you would never stoop so low to go near. H-he convinced them that he

was still in your good graces milord and told them to attack on your


Voldemort heard enough and flicked his wand, sending Lucius through

the double doors and out of the throne room. He then flicked his wand

twice more and the two dead Death Eaters were hung up by their feet

with thick steel chains that hung from the ceiling. He then cut their

heads off and watched fascinated as blood poured from their bodies and

pooled on the floor underneath them. Another couple flicks of his wand

and the two heads were spiked on either side of his throne, making for a

truly terrifying throne room for any of his followers to walk into. It

should paint a clear picture that incompetence was not to be tolerated.

Voldemort calmly sheathed his wand and sat in perfect silence in the

room. If it was true that Grindelwald was behind his forces making a

blind attack on the Bones and Longbottoms, then he needed to deal with

Grindelwald quicker than he had thought.

He had lost several good followers, Barty Jr. most notably who lost his

life to none other than Harry Potter. The boy had a team behind him, one

that was deadly and had easily cut through the forces that attacked the

manors. There was a third attack that took place in some half-breed

families home, the Corners, if he remembered correctly. What was odd

was that his followers had nothing to do with that particular attack,

which meant Grindelwald had used the Bones and Longbottoms attacks

as a diversion, but why?

He needed his most reliable lieutenant by his side, but unfortunately she

was locked away in a prison he couldn't find. Azkaban was completely

abandoned, save for the dementors that still resided there. He still had

control of them, and they would be very useful allies for when he

launched his full attack on Britain. Now though, his attack was delayed

greatly by Grindelwald and he needed more time to prepare properly.

Things were made worse now that the ministry declared open war on the

Death Eaters. The only good thing was they hadn't yet declared open war

on him, which meant his identity was still in the dark.

"Lucius!" Voldemort called from his throne room. The long blonde haired

man stepped back through the door, an ice pack on the back of his head

to nurse the wound he received from being blown out of the room the

last time.

"Yes milord." Lucius bowed deeply.

"Find me this Raven Isle." Voldemort flicked his wand again and sent

Lucius flying back out of the room in similar fashion as last time.

Before the doors shut a man with a black mask walked in and spoke in

Italian. He then quickly stepped to the side to make way for a beautiful

woman with long black hair. Voldemort upon seeing her immediately

rose from his throne.

"Mr. Potter, what do you think of the ministry's actions to better protect

the school?" One reporter called from the crowd of people gathered

around him.

"I think they are a good start, Mr. Blomkamp. Time will tell if things need

to be changed further." Harry responded in a loud voice. He had to shield

his eyes from the repeated camera flashes going off in his face as he

walked through the crowd and towards the ruby red train. The platform

was packed with students and their parents as they said their last minute

goodbyes before boarding the train to Hogwarts.

"Miss Delacour, how does it feel to be joining the Hogwarts elite for your

last year?" Another reporter asked, one Harry recognized as Ariel

Mallory. Fleur was on his arm as they walked through the crowd of

reporters and journalists. The others that had been living in Grimmauld

Place were already on the train as it was set to leave in just under a

minute. Harry had agreed to a short press conference before heading off

to Hogwarts, something he was now regretting.

"I am very excited. After spending last year 'ere, I couldn't stay away."

She kissed Harry on the cheek as many in the crowd chuckled. Fleur was

good with press, even better than Harry. She was raised with the press

always being around her since her father was a prominent and powerful

politician in France.

Daphne watched Harry and Fleur from her window in the train

compartment. Tracy, Hannah, and Susan sat with her as well. Hermione

was going to spend some time with the Parvati twins before meeting up

with them later and Astoria had already ran off to be with her friends.

Andrew would be spending the year at Grimmauld Place and was quite

excited about it. Sirius had promised to begin teaching him magic and

had even bought a practice wand for him.

"They are something aren't they." Susan mused as she too watched Harry

and Fleur from the window.

"I don't know how they deal with it." Tracy responded. "All of those

people wanting to know every little detail about your life. It sounds

horrible." The train whistle blew and the couple began to push their way

through the crowd of reporters to make it on the train in time.

"They were born knowing how to deal with all of that." Hannah said,

making the others look at her confused, so she continued. "Harry, even if

he weren't The Boy Who Lived or whatever they call him now, would

have been like a Prince of England. Fleur, she is like a princess of France.

They were a smart match." Silence temporarily fell over the group as they

thought about what Hannah said.

"I was stupid last year, wasn't I?" Daphne asked her friends. All of them

turned their confused looks onto her.

"Stupid?" Tracy asked, wondering why her friend said that.

"I crushed on him." All of their eyes widened and Daphne rolled her eyes.

"Oh stop, I know you all knew. It was painfully obvious." The girls began

giggling and nodded their heads.

Tracy was the only one that didn't smile. "Do you still have a crush on

him?" She asked.

Daphne shook her head, "No, not after everything that..." She trailed off

and the other girls nodded their heads sadly. It was still a touchy subject

for Daphne, and probably always would be. "Its just h-he was the first

boy that didn't try and get with me, in that way. He liked me for me and

not just my looks." The train began to make its way out of the station and

headed for the countryside.

"You weren't the only one that had a crush on him." Tracy blushed

heavily when the words escaped her lips. All of the girls looked at the

blushing Slytherin before breaking into an uncontrollable laughter. "We'll

get our own Harry Potters one day." Tracy said once she stopped


Daphne snorted, "I don't think that's possible Trace."

"I got mine!" Hannah responded gleefully making the girls groan.

"I hate to break this to you sweety, but Neville is no Harry Potter. I know

you love the guy and all, and I'm happy for you, but just, you know."

Susan said, making the girls chuckle.

"Well I'm not exactly a Fleur Delacour either." Hannah responded.. "We're

a smart match and that's all that matters."

At that moment, Harry and Fleur opened the door to the compartment

with Neville on their heels. "It was a zoo out there." Harry muttered,

collapsing into a seat next to Daphne and resting his head on the

headrest. Fleur sat down, looking just as tired as Harry and rested her

head on his shoulder.

"Oh the woes of being Harry Potter." Susan rolled her eyes making Harry

glare at her.

"So when is the first Defense Club meeting? You never did tell us."

Daphne asked eagerly. The others looked just as eager to hear when the

meeting will be as well.

"This Saturday. You're all fifth years so you get to beat up the fourth

years this time around."

"Sounds like fun." Hannah said. The doors opened again and Hermione

walked in with her trunk. Neville helped her place it in the upper rafters

before sitting back down.

"So, I heard that the potions position was given to someone named

Slughorn? Apparently he was once a potions master here before retiring

but is coming back."

"Ugh Hermione!" Susan whined. "You've been in the compartment for all

of two seconds and you're already talking about classes!" Hermione at

least had the decency to blush while the others laughed.

"Like, how about, how was the holidays Hermione? Or have you met any

cute boys?" Hannah played off her best friend.

"We exchanged letters." Hermione said, rolling her eyes. "You already

know I was in Italy for most of the summer."

"And any cute guys?" Fleur asked.

"I-er. No!" Hermione squealed making everyone in the compartment

laugh. She huffed and crossed her arms as she sat down next to Neville

on the bench opposite Harry.

"I know very little about him other than that Slughorn is a bit of a

celebrity chaser. He likes to make himself cozy with people who might go

on and accomplish great things." Susan answered Hermione's original

question to save her more embarrassment.

"In other words, Harry you're screwed." Daphne said cheekily.

"Sounds wonderful." Harry mumbled. He closed his eyes and relaxed

himself into Fleur's side. "Wake me when we're in Scotland."

Before Harry could even begin to get close to sleep, the door opened and

a small girl with Hufflepuff robes poked her head in, "I-im looking for

Harry Potter." The girl squeaked out, turning a deep shade of red.

Harry opened his eyes and leaned forward, "I'm him. Oh! Emily, it's good

to see you again."

The girl miraculously became even redder but a brilliant smile formed on

her face. "Y-you remember me?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I? You're one of my friends right?" The girl

nodded her head furiously, making her long hair whip back and forth.

The girls in the compartment couldn't keep shut the small giggles that

began to develop and Harry had to elbow Fleur to get her to stop.

"I have this for you." She handed him a small note with his name

scribbled on the front.

"Thank you, Emily." Again, the girl nodded her head furiously before

sprinting out of the compartment. This was all it took for the girls to

break into full blown laughter.

"I think you have some serious competition, Fleur." Tracy teased after her

laughter subsided.

"I suppose I do." Fleur responded, still giggling. She kissed Harry on the

temple before looking over his shoulder at the note in his hand. Harry

opened it up and read the short script. He was told to meet with

Professor Slughorn in the front compartment in thirty minutes for tea. It

also said to bring along Fleur. "I guess 'e wants to meet you." Fleur


"Us, dear. Us." Harry replied. They stayed in the compartment for another

twenty minutes before deciding to leave for the meeting with Slughorn in

the front of the train. Fleur and Harry entered the large compartment and

found it to be already full of other students. A large table was built into

the room and had various drinks and snack foods laid out on it. Cedric

Diggory along with Cho Chang were there as well as a few other older

students Harry knew from the Defense Club. Harry was the youngest one

at the table besides Draco Malfoy, Theo Knott, and Pansy Parkinson.

Harry nodded to Theo who returned the gesture which Harry found to be

a good sign. Malfoy merely sneered at Harry when they made eye contact

but he kept his mouth shut, a surprise for everyone in the room. Harry

and Fleur took their spots next to Cedric and Cho while waiting for

Slughorn, a large man with an ugly bowler hat who sat in the middle of

the table, to begin whatever this was.

"Ah good, good. Our last invitees have arrived, thank you for coming Mr.

Potter and Miss Delacour, such an honor to have you at my table this


"Er, thank you for inviting us Professor Slughorn." Harry responded


"Please Mr. Potter, outside of the classroom you can call me Horace."

Harry bowed his head slightly, "Then you can call me Harry, Horace."

"Wonderful!" Slughorn exclaimed. Harry caught Cedric and Cho's

eyerolls, but from their smiles he could tell they meant the gesture to

mock him. "For those who don't know who I am, I am Horace Slughorn,

former professor at Hogwarts and a potions Master. I will once again be

taking over the position of Slythern Head of House and potions teacher,

coming out of retirement." The professor glanced at the several Slytherins

around the table, most notably Draco.

"I do something none of the other professors do which is organize a little

club of mine. It's for making business partners and helping bright minds

find their way into the proper places to better our society. Think of this

as the first club meeting." Slughorn explained.

Harry looked at Cedric who only shrugged in response. "So, I think to get

things started, we should learn some more about each other, yes?" Harry

bit his tongue to stop himself from groaning as Fudge began asking each

person in the room to describe themselves, or really, their families and

famous relatives. This room was full of people that had good connections

with prominent politicians, businessmen, and influential leaders. It was

clear from the get go that Slughorn was a man that prided himself on

who he knew.

"And last but not least is Harry Potter." Harry didn't allow any emotion to

cross his face, locking his occlumency shields in place just in case

Slughorn was anything like Snape. "A man that needs no introduction.

Truly, I am honored to have you here. And if I'm frank, you were a big

reason I came out of retirement." Draco snorted, but Harry ignored the

blonde ponce. He wasn't expecting much trouble from him this year

besides maybe a few snide remarks.

"Well, thank you professor." Harry responded coldly, his occlumency

shields also blocking any emotion from his voice, making him sound

hollow. The professor clearly wasn't dumb, which was a surprise to Harry

as he quickly got the hint and didn't ask him any questions about his

family or his latest adventures.

"Of course, of course m'boy." Horace responded cheerfully. "Please,

everyone eat up! Enjoy the merry company and make some friends."

Harry didn't do any of that, choosing to speak only with Cedric and Cho

the whole time. Fleur made friends with some of the seventh years she

didn't know from last year. Since she was going to be a student here this

year, she wanted to get to know people better and this club would

actually be good for her. Harry could care less about it however, and did

his best to stay away from Slughorn despite the mans attempts to corner


Its not that Harry didn't like the man, he hardly knew him. Its just that

the man creeped Harry out somewhat and he wasn't sure why. He was

snobbish and persistent, but so were most reporters and he dealt with

them all the time. This man had something else about him that rubbed

Harry the wrong way.

The meeting lasted for an hour before Slughorn called it to a close and

ushered everyone back to their compartments. Along the way, many

people stopped Harry to ask about the Defense Club and when it would

be picking back up again. He also stopped by a couple of compartments

to say hello and talk. Fleur stayed with him the whole way and continued

her outreach to the Hogwarts students. She wanted to meet as many

people as possible as her sorting would be tonight and she wanted to

already have friends in every house.

The train continued along the countryside, passing rolling green hills,

and deep dark forests. The sun shown down on the brilliantly red magical

train as it powered its way up north and into Scotland. By the time Harry

and Fleur had made it to their compartment, everyone was taking a short

nap and they quickly followed their friends into sleep.

Harry was roused awake by Fleur with a kiss, making Tracy mock gag.

"Oh stop it, I think it's sweet." Hannah said, sighing as she looked at

Neville with her own lips puckered for a kiss.

Neville clearly didn't get the hint and continued to stare at his girlfriend

confusedly. Her puckered lips turned into a pout and she sighed more

deeply, shaking her head. "You have a lot to learn still."

"Learn what?" Neville asked, still completely confused. Everyone else

broke into laughter which only served to confuse Neville even more.

"What did I miss?"

"Nothin' Nev. Women are crazy!" Harry responded. This caused him to be

on the receiving end of several glares that manged to make even him

nervous. "Er..."

"Out! Get changed before you make more of a fool of yourself." Fleur

commanded her boyfriend. Harry didn't need to be told twice and quickly

left the compartment with Neville quickly behind him.

"I'm still confused Harry." Neville said once the compartment door was

shut behind them.

Harry only laughed as he waved his wand in front of himself and Neville,

changing their clothes into Gryffindor robes. "How's your grandmum?"

"She's doing good. We are waiting on the results of Doctor Emry's tests."

"Oh, so he was able to look at your parents?" Harry asked.

Neville nodded, "Just last week. He said it would be a few weeks before

he could tell us if he could help at all."

"Well, hopefully he can."

"Hopefully." Neville agreed. The door opened and Fleur ushered them

back inside. The girls had changed into their school robes, Fleur's colors

were grey since she had yet to be put into a house. She would have a

private meeting with Minerva and the four house heads after the feast to

determine her house.

The sky began to darken as they moved further and further north into the

Scotland countryside, making their way into the highlands and towards

Hogwarts. Soon, the train began to slow as they pulled into Hogsmeade

train station. Slowly they made their way off the train to the sound of

Hagrid's booming voice calling for all first years to follow him.

They waited around for the last carriage as a group and took it up to the

castle together. Harry, Fleur, and Neville were the only ones that could

see the thestrals that pulled along the carriage and the others thought

they were crazy for seeing the animals that represented death. Harry

found them to be beautiful creatures and easily approachable. Anytime

Neville or Fleur went near one, they were spooked and tried to move

away from them, but for Harry, they actually approached him. It was

slightly unnerving that they liked him so much, but he didn't think much

of it.

The carriage pulled up to the entrance courtyard where many of the

students were still gathered, talking with friends and enjoying the warm

summer evening. Harry was again the last into the castle, having spent a

lot of time talking with other students who wanted to know more about

his summer. The most popular question was how it was to fight in a

battle. Harry politely answered the questions he could and moved his

way into the castle with Fleur. His friends had already left to take their

seats in the Great Hall.

Harry entered the large Hall and found it looking the exact same as it

always had. The night sky showed brilliantly in the ceiling just as it did

the first time he ever set foot in it as a first year. The four houses had

their banners proudly displayed above the tables and floating candles lit

up the hall. The castle ghosts roamed around, talking with students and


Sirius waved at Harry when they made eye contact, a gesture Harry

returned before sitting down at Gryffindor table with Neville and

Hermione. Fleur joined him at his side as well since she didn't yet have a

house to sit with. The only change from last year was that the Head seat

was taken by Headmistress McGonagall instead of Dumbledore and Snape

was no longer present as well. Harry saw Umbridge sitting on the edge of

the staff table, the other professors ignoring her for now.

Once everyone was settled into their seats, the doors to the Great Hall

opened and Professor Flitwick walked in. It was an odd sight since Filius

was the same height as the first years walking behind him, almost

making him look like one of the new students. He could only imagine the

surprise of the first years having been led across the lake by a half-giant,

only to be handed off to a half-goblin.

This year they had a larger group of first years than the last. It seemed

each each year after Harrys, the incoming class grew larger, and looked

shorter. Harry, being at Gryffindor table, sat where the first years walked

passed and many of them recognized him and quickly grew wide eyed

upon seeing him. Harry simply smiled at them all, watching them walk

down the aisle as he did not too long ago.

Flitwick pulled out a stool and the sorting hat from the side of the Great

Hall and unfurled a parchment. As he did that, the sorting hat broke into

song, and if Harry remembered correctly, it was a mixture of the second

year and third year songs, just with mismatched verses.

Once the sorting ceremony was complete and all the new first years were

sitting down, Professor McGonagall stood up to make her opening speech

but was stopped as a large red and gold phoenix flew in from the open

rafters of the Great Hall. Fawkes flew down and circled low over the

students heads, making some duck, before landing proudly on Harry's


"Fawkes. What are you doing?" Harry muttered, his face going slightly

red from having everyones eyes on him.

"I wanted to make a grand entrance to start the new year. Was that good

enough or should I put on a better show?"

"I think you made an impression alright." Harry responded, glancing at

the new first year Gryffindors who were staring at him with even more

awe than they had earlier.

"I'm not so sure." Fawkes replied. He then launched off Harry's shoulder

and darted towards the staff table at great speed. His wings burst into

fire, leaving a trail of smoke behind him. Minerva's eyes grew wide as

Fawkes raced towards her and ducked under the table just as Fawkes

rapidly changed directions, flying up into the rafters. He then dive

bombed the Slytherin table before disappearing in a flash of flames,

making the new Slytherins shriek out in fright.

"Sorry. I told him not too!" Harry called to the staff table, most notably

Headmistress McGonagall who was glaring daggers at him as she picked

herself up off the floor. The hall burst into laughter and even some of the

teachers, especially Sirius, joined in the merriment. Fawkes reappeared in

a flash on Harry's shoulder and began nibbling his ear affectionately,

something he picked up from Hedwig.

"Did that get their attentions?" Fawkes asked.

"Yes, yes that did." Harry mumbled as Professor McGonagall continued to

glare at Harry. She took her place on the front podium and began the

normal beginning of the year speech, the exact same one Dumbledore

would do, minus the odd words that made him sound crazy.

Minerva quickly ushered for the house elves to make the food appear on

the table. Dobby was also back in the Hogwarts kitchens and helping

clean the Gryffindor common room as well as Harry's dorms. Harry had

grown to be dependent on the house elf for a lot of things, especially

message carrying when Fawkes was being too stubborn to do anything.

Everyone in the castle knew Dobby was his personal house elf, and even

Hermione had stopped ragging on him for taking a house elf. She was

slowly starting to recognize that muggle values didn't always apply in the

wizarding world.

Harry spent his time talking with his fellow Gryffndor house mates, even

talking a little with Ron. He was still the same eater, throwing any food

in front of him into his mouth and disgusting everyone around him, but

he also had some sense of maturity surrounding him. For the most part,

Ron stuck by Seamus and Deans side as he did last year. Harry had grown

to realize they were just different people, in different places of their life,

with different goals. Their friendship was based off Harry not knowing

what a friend was, and Ron wanting to step away from his older brothers

shadows. Once both moved away from those two things, they found they

shared almost nothing in common, and that was fine by them.

Fleur sat nervously by his side thinking about how her sorting ceremony

would go down. Harry knew she was hoping for Gryffindor, wanting to

be with him, but Harry had a sneaking suspicion she wouldn't be in his

house. It wasn't that she wasn't brave, she definitely was, more brave

then even him, but she didn't value her bravery as he did, she valued

knowledge above everything. Harry figured she would be in Ravenclaw

and had already been telling her all the good things about the house.

The feast concluded after a short two hours and Headmistress

McGonagall released them to their dorms. Neville, who had been chosen

as prefect along with Hermione helped lead the first years up to the

Gryffindor dorm. The position of prefect had made Neville happier than

Harry had ever seen him, and part of that was because Neville's father

wasn't a prefect and it was something his grandmum could be proud of

him for and not equate him to his father.

Fleur kissed Harry on the lips before heading to the Headmistress' office

alone. Only she was allowed into this meeting, along with the four house

heads who would also be present. She wrung her hands nervously as she

ascended the cold stone steps that led to the office. The gargoyle had

easily slid aside upon seeing her and once she reached the heavy wooden

door at the top, it swung open. Inside were the house heads, Black,

Flitwick, Slughorn, and Sprout, with Headmistress McGonagall sitting in

her chair behind her desk.

"No need to be nervous, Fleur." Sirius said, sensing her unease. "Really,

you can just choose your house."

"Do not divulge my secrets Black, or I will divulge yours." The sorting hat

spat out, making himself known to the room. He sat on a stool near the

back of the office. Flitwick walked over and picked the hat up.

"I can choose my 'ouse?" Fleur asked. That wasn't something Harry had

told her.

"No, I choose for you." The sorting hat replied but Fleur glanced at Sirius

who shook his head in response. Fleur allowed a small grin to play on her

face as she sat down in the seat closest to the Headmistress' desk.

"Did Harry tell you the story of his sorting?" Sirius asked Fleur who shook

her head in response. "He chose Gryffindor when the hat wanted to put

him in Slytherin." Pomona and Horace's eyes widened at the thought of

the Golden Gryffindor being in Slytherin. Horace's surprise was almost

disappointment as well. Both Flitwick and Minerva looked unperturbed,

having already known about Harry's sorting.

"Really? Harry might have been in Slytherin?" Sprout asked


"Yes, if he hadn't had an unfortunate run in with that ponce Malfoy, he

would have been." The hat replied, clearly annoyed with the current

conversation. "It's a shame, Slytherin was a perfect fit for him."

"Slytherin, I can't believe it." Professor Slughorn breathed out.

"So I can choose as 'Arry did?" Fleur asked.

Sirius nodded his head, "You can, but I will say now, Harry sometimes

wonders how his life would have turned out if he were in Slytherin. The

Hat, although an asshole."

"You're the asshole." The sorting hat spat.

"Is still wise." Sirius continued, ignoring the hats comment. "If he thinks

you should be in a house that isn't Gryffindor, I would listen to him.

What house does Harry think you'll be sorted into?"

"Ravenclaw." Fleur responded.

Flitwick clapped his hands together gleefully, "And we would be

delighted to have you. If I may say so, I think Ravenclaw is the perfect fit

for you as well."

"Oh stop before you embarrass yourself Filius. She's clearly a Hufflepuff."

Pomona cut in.

"Alright, alright. Just stop the talking and get this over with why don't

you." The hat said irritably. Flitwick walked over and placed the hat on

her head. Fleur felt her mind being probed. Her occlumency shields that

she had worked on since she was ten shut down innately, but the hat

easily breezed by them like they were nothing.

"Hmm, yes. Harry Potter truly has become something I see. The youngsters this

year had nothing but praise for him. But you, you have something altogether

for him, love. You're loyal to him, that is clear, but I do not think that drives

you. Bravery, you have it in droves, but you don't value it like your love does.

Cunning and ambitious you have been raised to be, but that's not what defines

you. It's the value you place in knowledge I see, your drive for strengthening

your mind is your true power."

Fleur sat silently in the chair, listening as the hat talked to her, or itself,

she wasn't sure. She knew deep down that the hat was right, and of

course it was because it was designed to read her emotions, her thoughts,

her feelings. She knew Ravenclaw was right for her, and if Harry thought

so too, as well as Sirius, she should listen to it.

"Ravenclaw!" The hat bellowed out once Fleur agreed with the hat.

Swords clashed on heavy wooden shields in unison followed up by a

chant being sung altogether. Dumbledore walked up and down the lines

of the vikings that stood before him and Harald, wearing their battle

armor proudly. They wore thick chain mail with plate armor helmets that

covered their heads, only allowing their eyes to show through. All of the

soldiers were over seven feet tall and just as menacing looking as Harald,

carrying heavy weapons that could cleave any man in two. The armor

was designed to block spells, a gift from their seers, the men in the

village who could communicate with the ancient magic that ran through

this land. The Varangian Guard was being called to action once again and

it acted as the foremost force against magicals.

The vikings themselves didn't use magic to wage war, only the village

seers were allowed to use magic, but the seers did provide their village

warriors with weapons and armor that allowed them to fight battles

against wizards and witches along with other magical beings. Goblins

and trolls had been driven out of their lands long ago, and many had fled

to England as a result of those wars.

Dumbledore's eyes strayed from the impressive formations in front of him

and wandered out to the sea that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Dozens of beautiful viking longships floated in the bay, expertly carved

and crafted, designed to look like dragons, wolves, and other beasts to

intimidate their foes.

The Varangian Guard was three hundred in number and full of battle-

hardened men all looking for riches, glory, and blood. They had a

reputation for being some of the most fearsome warriors the world had

ever seen and Harald Hardrada was one of the greatest military

commanders, having once worked with the Byzantine Empire. After

several years taking castle after castle in the Mediterranean, he returned

to Scandinavia where he was pronounced king.

From there, he raided England, wanting to make himself King of Britain.

His forces were eventually defeated at the battle of Stamford bridge

where the British claimed he was killed. This wasn't the case however.

During his time with the Byzantines, he ran into a young Greek wizard

who granted him the gift of immortality through something called a

horcrux. For one such as him, killing an innocent and shattering his soul

was easy, and the process of making a horcrux was something he brought

back with him and introduced to his people.

Now it was a common thing for his people to create a horcrux. It was

considered a coming of age event for a twelve year old to take the life of

a slave and create his or her own horcrux. Immortality was the gift he

gave his people, and they awarded him the kingship in return. After his

defeat at Stamford bridge, he laid low, regaining his body, and recouped

his forces, waiting for someone to weaken the world so that he could

once again lead his people to greatness.

It wasn't until Grindelwald that Harald thought he found a person to

follow that would break the world open. That wasn't to be however and

he found himself in a jail cell for his belief in that man. Now though, he

was following the very man that had jailed him. Of course, he would

simply kill the foolish wizard once he was of no more use, still, he had to

follow for now.

"We are almost ready to set sail." Harald said.

Dumbledore nodded his head, still looking out to sea as if trying to look

upon Englands shores. "Soon." He mumbled to himself.

33. A Necessary Lesson

Harry woke up to the sound of Fawkes singing loudly in his head, "Shut

up you stupid bird." Harry muttered as he groggily sat up in his four

poster bed. He sighed, looking around the circular room where his

dormmates were still fast asleep. Looking through a nearby window, he

could see that it was still dark out, and the perfect time to go for a

morning run.

"You told me to wake you up, stupid human." Fawkes snapped back. He

hopped onto Harry's chest and pecked at his neck in order to wake Harry

up further.

"Don't always listen to me." Harry responded as he rubbed the sleep from

his eyes and yawned.

"If you say so!" Fawkes said excitedly.

Harry caught what he had just said and quickly retracted the statement.

"No, nevermind. Disregard what I just said."

"You sure? Because you seemed sincere when you told me to not listen to you."

Harry narrowed his eyes at the large phoenix that sat in his lap, "Shut up.

I didn't mean what I said."

"Damn, I'll go and find Hedwig, she'll be better company than you." Fawkes

jumped off his lap, pushing down hard on his nether region as he did so,

making Harry wince from the sudden pain. The pain did a lot to wake

him up quickly and he slid out of his bed, staying quiet so that he didn't

wake up his dormmates. He opened his trunk and put on some work out

clothes, having shed his sleep wear.

Harry then slipped out of the common room and headed for the Black

Lake where he did his normal two laps. Upon completion he continued

with various other workouts that Specter had him doing every day, push

ups, sit ups, pull ups, and using weights that Harry conjured for himself.

What felt like only thirty minutes was really two hours as Harry lost

himself in his first workout back at Hogwarts. The night sky began to

brighten as the sun started to peak over the eastern hills. Harry began his

cool down lap around the lake, enjoying the cool breeze of the morning

blowing on his face. As he made his way for the castle, he noticed a

familiar face watching him from the entrance courtyard.

"Luna? What are you doing out here so early?" Harry asked as he jogged

up to her. He conjured himself a towel to wipe down his forehead that

was covered in sweat.

"Oh hello, Harry. I like to come out here sometimes to get away from the

nargles." By now, Harry was used to her odd words and animals that he

was pretty sure didn't actually exist. He figured it was some kind of code,

a code he had yet to crack, and probably never would. She was still

dressed in her pajamas which was a onesie with pictures of odd babies

with large heads on them.

"Are the nargles bothering you again?" Harry asked. He had heard of

them early on last year where she said they would take her things and

hide them. As the year progressed, she had said less and less about

nargles, so Harry figured they weren't a problem anymore.

"They were all over the place last night. That's normal though, with the

start of the new year. Many students bring nargles with them from their

homes." She responded with her normal dreamy expression. Luna looked

out over the lake, her back turned to the rising sun which made her pale

blonde hair glow. "It's good to see you didn't bring nargles with you."

Harry chuckled, "I'm glad I didn't. From your description of them, they

sound like such pesky creatures. I'd hate to have them around me."

Luna nodded her head, "Yes, they can be quite mean at times." The two of

them fell silent for several minutes as they watched the lake. "You are

very kind Harry Potter." She remarked, catching Harry by surprise.

Harry looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Thank you?" He responded,

unsure of what to say.

"Not many people are nice to me, but you're an exception, you and Fleur

and Aimee." She took a deep breath and Harry could sense a sudden

sadness in the young Ravenclaw. "I miss her." Luna sighed as her mind

turned to the blue haired French witch. Upon hearing that Fleur had

transferred to Hogwarts, Aimee had tried to as well, but her father forbid

it. She was still trying to transfer to Hogwarts since she was seventeen

and could make her own decisions about such things, but she may not get

in until the start of next term.

"She misses you too. Have you kept in touch with Aimee?" Harry asked.

He snaked an arm around the Ravenclaw's shoulders and pulled her into

his side. She happily responded to his touch and burrowed into him,

sighing contentedly. Together, they sat down on the steps of the castle

and enjoyed the comfort of being near one another again. Luna, very

much like Gabbi, had become almost like a little sister to him over the

last year, ever since meeting her for that first interview before the start of

fourth year.

Luna nodded into Harry's side, "We write letters. Fleur was also very kind

to me last night. I'm glad she's in Ravenclaw with me. It's good to have a


"You have many friends Luna." She looked up at Harry and smiled.

"I know now Harry Potter." The two of them sat there in comfortable

silence for another thirty minutes before they agreed to get changed for

the day and meet back up in the Great Hall for breakfast. By the time

Harry had made it into his dorm room again, his fellow Gryffindors were

just waking up. Harry took a quick shower and got changed into his

uniform before heading into the common room.

Fred and George were already waiting at the base of the stairs for him,

"Hello Chosen One!" George exclaimed with a mock bow, making Harry

roll his eyes. Several others stopped to watch Harry and the twins,

hoping something amusing would happen between the three as so often

something did.

"Fred, George." Harry nodded at the both of them, "A fine morning yes?"

"A fine morning indeed our great leader." Fred replied with his own mock


"Is there something you needed?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows.

When it came to the twins, he never knew what they were going to say or


Both twins' smiles left their faces and they became momentarily serious.

Harry knew immediately that something was up since it was rare the

twins were ever this serious. "We have something to show you." Fred said

in a whisper, leaning slightly forward so no one else could hear.

"Follow us." George added. Harry nodded and followed the twins out of

the common room to many curious stares of other Gryffindors, most

notably Hermione who watched with an inquisitive eye. He followed

them up to the seventh floor, and instead of making the right turn to

head for the Room of Requirement, they took a left and made their way

into an abandoned classroom.

Fred opened the door and beckoned Harry into the classroom. "What do

you think!" He asked excitedly. Harry was blown away by what he saw

before him. The entire classroom had been made into a makeshift shop

full of items designed to prank and distract people. Shelves upon shelves

were stacked full of odd trinkets and objects that could do any number of

things. Above the shelves was a large wooden sign that said, Weasleys'

Wizarding Wheezes.

Harry walked over to the first shelf and picked up a remembrall, identical

to what Neville had in first year. Along the shelf were other things, from

Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder to Swamp Makers. The twins seemed

to have acquired it all and somehow smuggled it into the castle.

"So?" George asked anxiously, wanting to hear Harry's comments on the


"I think it's brilliant!" Harry breathed out making the two twins smile. "I

take it McGonagall doesn't know about this?"

Both the twins lost their smiles momentarily and rubbed the back of their

heads guiltily, "Not quite, mate."

Harry chuckled, "It's fine. Is this place warded?"

Both twins nodded, "We did what we could and we were maybe hoping

you might be able to add to the wards?"

"If you know a way to keep this place a secret, it would be helpful." Fred


Harry thought for a moment before allowing a smile to form on his face,

"How does the Fidelius sound?"

Both twins eyes widened, "You know how to do that?" George asked in


Harry nodded his head, "I do. I'll make myself secret keeper and that way

your shop should stay hidden forever. Only those you want to know

about it will know of its location."

"That sounds brilliant, mate." Both twins responded at the same time.

Harry chuckled to himself and walked back out of the makeshift joke

shop with the twins and began casting the Fidelius. It was a complex

ward to perform and required a great deal amount of power. Demon had

taught him the spell, one that was older than all the others spells Harry

had ever learned. He wandered what other things in this world were

under the fidelius, never to be seen again.

Harry took several minutes to complete the ward and upon doing so,

wrote down on a small piece of parchment the location of the shop and

handed it to the twins. The door to the abandoned classroom appeared

before them and they all walked back in to make sure everything was

still in order. "Brilliant." Both twins muttered with wide grins on their


Harry and the twins walked back out and down into the Great Hall

together. They were somewhat late to breakfast and Harry made his way

to sit down at the Ravenclaw table. Fleur and Luna were already sitting

together having a quiet conversation. "Ladies." Harry said as he sat down.

Fleur pecked Harry on the lips before turning back to Luna.

"So Harry, there's a rumor going around that you're Merlin incarnate.

What do you have to say about that?" Cho asked with an amused grin on

her face.

Harry let out a groan making those nearby laugh, "We all know I'm-"

"Just Harry." Those nearby at the table said in unison making everyone

laugh further. Even a few of the nearby Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors

laughed. For Harry, being asked if he was the incarnate of Merlin was a

common question and everyone at the school was used to his usual


"Just Harry." He echoed the others with a chuckle. "Good, you've all been


"Why'd you never tell us you could use two wands at once?" Padma

asked. She sat next to Seamus who joined her at the Ravenclaw table

since they were still dating.

"I have my secrets." Harry replied cryptically, a smirk forming on his


Fleur rolled her eyes, "'E eez a pain non?" She asked the group, making

everyone chuckle. "'Arry didn't want to bring more attention to 'imself

than necessary." She explained for him.

"Hey Harry!" He turned in his seat to look at Katie who approached him

from the Gryffindor table. Behind her was Angelina and Alicia, both

smiling at him. "We were wondering if you were going to tryout for the

Quidditch team this year?" She asked nervously.

Harry was very aware of a lot of the students who were suddenly

interested in the conversation he was having. It was well known that he

was the best seeker in the school, only Cedric being close to him in skill.

Harry put on a guilty smile, "Sorry, I just have to much on my plate right

now to do Quidditch."

He felt bad when he saw the disappointed looks on the three girls faces

and ignored the sighs of relief from the other nearby students. "It's okay,

we understand. Do you think you can at least come out to tryouts and

help us choose your replacement?"

Harry nodded, "I can do that."

"Great!" Katie gave him a warm smile and quickly headed back to the

Gryffindor table after a quick nervous glance at Fleur. Harry felt Fleur's

hand tighten around his under the table and he squeezed it back, earning

an appreciative smile in return.

"Thanks for handing us the win, Potter!" Cho exclaimed happily.

"And what makes you think you'll win dear?" Cedric asked, walking up

behind Cho and placing a kiss on her cheek.

"The fact that Ravenclaw has a better team, and the best seeker."

"I wasn't aware that you were better than me." He responded, sitting

down next to his girlfriend. He began piling food onto his plate while

bickering back and forth with Cho and Seamus about Quidditch.

Breakfast passed quickly for Harry as he talked with the Ravenclaws.

Sirius had walked over to hand him his schedule for the year and

unfortunately, he had potions in the mornings as was normal for

Gryffindors. At least this year he didn't have to suffer through Snapes

lectures and miserable classroom atmosphere.

He parted ways with Fleur and Luna and met up with Daphne, Tracy, and

Hermione for potions in the dungeons. The classroom had stayed the

same and upon entering it, they found the entire layout the same as well.

Slughorn sat in the front of the classroom watching his students walk in

and take their seats. Hermione and Harry paired up while Tracy and

Daphne took seats next to one another. Theo and Neville paired together

which Harry was happy to see. So far it seemed that Theo was unchanged

despite the summer with his father who was one of Voldemort's top

lieutenants. He would have to have a conversation with him sometime

soon to know for sure what was going on with him.

A loud bell rang through the castle that signaled the start of classes.

Slughorn began to take roll and half way through, Malfoy walked in with

Crabbe and Goyle behind him. All three of them caught Harry's eye, and

Crabbe and Goyle especially glared daggers at him. He didn't blame them

since Harry was partially to blame for their fathers death or capture.

Voldemort had killed Goyles father during the night of the third task and

Crabbe's father was taken captive during the botched attack on

Longbottom Manor.

The sudden tension in the room was obvious but it was quickly broken

up by Slughorns voice, "Gentlemen. You are three minutes late. I will

have to unfortunately dock points."

"What!" Draco exclaimed, turning to face the professor without taking his

seat. "That's not how Professor Snape ran this class!"

Slughorn looked at Draco with no emotion on his face, "I am not

Professor Snape. I run my class more efficiently and I run my house

differently. I thought I was clear about that last night during our house


Draco snorted and took his seat next to Pansy. Crabbe and Goyle sat

behind them. "Five points from Slytherin for being tardy and another five

points for your attitude." Harry found himself immediately liking this

professor more than he had initially back on the Hogwarts Express. Draco

looked ready to retort but Pansy placed a hand on his arm and motioned

for him to shut up.

"Good. Now we may continue." Slughorn's teaching method was radically

different from Snape's Harry found. He actually taught the proper method

of brewing potions along with chopping up the ingredients, and cleaning

the tools. Snape would merely put up the instructions for the potion on

the blackboard and leave the students to figure it out for themselves.

Slughorn would walk around the class like Snape did, but unlike Snape,

he offered advice and showed students how to properly do things,

whereas Snape would ridicule his struggling students.

By the end of the class Harry actually found himself somewhat enjoying

potions. After the class, the fifth year Gryffindors had Herbology with the

Hufflepuffs. He met up with Susan and Hannah in the greenhouses where

they partnered up for the lesson. It turned out to be a note taking class

where they simply learned about what they would be doing throughout

the year. Professor Sprout showed them various kinds of plants they

would be handling, none of them Harry cared for, but by Nevilles

fascinated look, they must be something interesting.

Lunch didn't come soon enough for Harry and he found himself hungrier

than he had been in a long time. He piled his plate full of different kinds

of sandwiches and also made another plate full of salad. He felt someone

slide into his side and looked over to see Fleur. "How were your first

classes?" Harry asked after he swallowed a bite of his pork sandwich.

Fleur shrugged as she took a turkey sandwich and began nibbling on it.

"Good I guess."

Harry nodded, "You have tutoring this evening?"

She nodded her head. Fleur had hired private tutors so that she could

take a few classes that weren't offered at Hogwarts. The class she was

mainly excited for and the one she cared most about was enchanting. She

also hired Madame Pomfrey to teach Beginning Healing. Poppy tutored

several other students at the school in healing but it wasn't an official


Both were clearly hungry and spent most of their time eating, only

sharing short sentences with one another to detail their day. Luna had

come along half way through their meal and sat down with them. She

chose not to eat anything which Harry found odd, but he didn't question


"You 'ave DADA?" Fleur asked which Harry responded by nodding his

head. The warning bell rang which signaled the students that they had

five minutes to get to their classes. "Be good." Fleur kissed him on the

cheek and got up to go to her own charms class.

Harry made his way up to the DADA classroom where Sirius was already

waiting for everyone at his desk. The middle of the classroom was

cleared with the desks and chairs pushed to the side. More students

filtered into the class behind Harry and they all huddled in the center of

the room, waiting for Sirius to speak.

The bell rang and Draco scampered in in the last second with his two

bodyguards. "As you can probably tell, today will be a practical lesson.

Last year I tested everyone in their dueling, now I want to test you again

to see how far all of you have progressed."

Murmurers rang through the class and Harry found himself on the

receiving end of a few nervous glances. It was clear no one was really

interested in dueling with him. "For a quick demonstration, Mr. Potter

and I will duel." Harry stepped forward and took his place across from

Sirius. He flicked his Holly wand into his hand and squared off against

his godfather. Only Draco looked on unimpressed.

"What? So you can make Potter look good like the papers? I'm not scared

to duel him if you want a proper demonstration!" Malfoy exclaimed with

a smirk, silencing the excited whispers amongst the students.

Harry glanced at Sirius who only shrugged and stepped back over to his

desk so that Malfoy could take his place. Draco wore a victorious smirk

on his face and it only grew wider when he noticed Harry only holding

his Holly wand. "I told you what the papers said was a lie. No one can

use two wands." Several other whispers broke out in the crowd of

students which didn't sound as good to Harry.

Harry simply replied by flicking his Yew wand into his hand since he had

nothing to hide anymore. Draco's smirk was wiped off his face and his

eyes grew slightly wide with surprise. "First you bow." Sirius called to the

two duelists.

Harry lowered his head slightly but made sure to keep his eyes on Draco

the whole time. He wouldn't put it past the snake to try and cheat. Just as

Harry was beginning to stand back upright and take a dueling stance,

Draco launched into his attack. He started with a more powerful than

average blasting hex, but Harry easily sidestepped it and put both wands

into motion. Draco had openly challenged him in front of his fellow

peers, and he knew a lot rode on this one small duel so he didn't go easy

on the Slytherin.

Harry blasted away Draco's hastily raised shield, sending him flying

backwards. Before he could even hit the wall, Harry's Yew wand was

turned into a whip which wrapped around Draco's waist. Harry then

jerked his arm backwards, sending Draco flying back into the middle of

the room just before he had hit the wall. Harry's Holly wand sent a a

stunner which connected, hitting Draco squarely in the chest and

knocking him out immediately. Harry then let Draco fall to the ground

and after changing the whip back into the yew wand, he tied Draco up in

thick black chains that bent his arms and legs together like he was about

to be roasted over a pit. The fight had lasted all of a few seconds and the

other students looked at Harry in awe.

"Well, I guess the first lesson should be to not challenge someone who's

better than you in a duel." Sirius spoke up, bringing the class out of their

shocked state. None of them had fully seen Harry's skill in a duel until

now except once before in the Defense Club. Sirius quickly walked over

and dispelled the chains before reviving Malfoy. After a quick check over

him, he determined Malfoy should probably get to the hospital wing.

Harry's stunner was extremely powerful, especially on those with not

fully developed bodies. Crabbe and Goyle were tasked with getting the

unconscious Malfoy to the hospital ward.

For the rest of the class, Harry patrolled around the others with Sirius to

help him make notes on who is good or who needs improvement. Harry

could also use these notes for himself for the Defense Club. Neville had

done a lot of growing over the summer and so did his magical prowess it

seemed. He was finally getting used to his new wand and it was greatly

helping him. He also showed a confidence he didn't have before and that

confidence made him the best in the class at dueling. Daphne was also

good and she showed a fire that she hadn't had early last year.

Hermione's strength was still in spell use and knowledge. It seemed

reading a lot of books had come in handy for her when it came to duels.

She didn't have the greatest magical power, but she able to skate by by

surprising opponents with spells they had never seen before. Tracy was

also rather skilled with a wand, but it was clear her strength wasn't in

dueling. She relied too heavily on transfiguration, something that could

take up a lot of time in a duel, and when combating someone who knows

how to duel, they could easily punish you for depending on


What felt like five minutes was really an hour and a half. The bell rang

alerting everyone to the end of the class. They all broke off of their duels

and gathered their books, heading out of the classroom after Sirius had

alerted them to their homework, mandatory attendance to the Defense

Club on Saturday.

Harry let out a groan when he saw who was waiting for him in the

hallway. "Potter." Draco snapped. Behind him was Crabbe and Goyle

looking as murderous as ever. Draco had a bandage wrapped around his

head from where he had hit the floor after Harry dropped him in their


"Can I help you Draco?" Harry asked as he slowly approached Malfoy.

"I didn't get the chance to say good duel." Draco held out his hand for

Harry to shake. Harry glanced at Neville who stood next to him and he

only shrugged in response. A crowd had formed around them, all of the

students hoping to see a repeat of what happened earlier in the


Harry quickly looked Draco up and down trying to determine if the

handshake was in someway a trap. It definitely wasn't like Malfoy to do

something like this. Seeing nothing, Harry shook the Slytherins hand. He

waited for something to happen, anything to happen as he slowly shook

Draco's hand, but after several seconds, he felt nothing but his hand in


"It was a good duel. Sorry if I hurt you or anything." Harry replied as he

took his hand back from Draco's cold grasp.

Draco put on a smirk, "Nothin' Poppy couldn't handle." Harry nodded his

head and stepped around Draco in order to head for charms class. He

took several steps passed Draco when he felt the back of his hairs stand

on end. Without even turning around, Harry had his Yew wand in hand

and used a shield to absorb Malfoy's incoming spell.

With his left hand, he wandlessly banished Malfoy back into the wall and

the sound of cracking bones was heard by everyone. Draco slumped to

the ground as his wand fell from his grasp. He coughed up blood from

the damage to his core and blood ran down the back of his head. Draco

was clearly stunned by how quickly he found himself in the wall and was

struggling to stay conscious.

In a second, Harry turned into Haunt and walked up to Draco who turned

even more pale than his normal complexion, making him as white as a

ghost. Many of the nearby students screamed and jumped back as the six

hundred pound, jet black tiger approached Draco. Haunt placed one of

his large paws on Draco's chest making the boy scream out in pain due to

his several broken ribs.

Harry caught sight of Crabbe and Goyle who thought they were being

sneaky despite their size. Before anyone could blink, Harry was standing

over them with both wands pointed at their unconscious forms as they

lay next to their leader.

"You should know better than to attack me from behind. Its never worked

out well for you." Harry said just before leaving the three snakes on the

ground. Pansy who wisely stuck to the backround, rushed over to Draco

and tried to help him. She was the only one from the crowd who seemed

to care as everyone else followed Harry away.

"You're bloody scary you know?" Neville remarked as they headed for the

charms classroom for the last class of the day.

"Yeah Harry, that was brilliant and all, but scary as hell." Dean added.

"I remember your animagus form from last year, but it seemed even more

terrifying this year." Seamus said. He then guiltily glanced over at Ron

who walked next to him. "Er, sorry mate."

Ron simply waved off his apology. "I'm just glad to not be on the

receiving end this time." He responded, making everyone around them


"What have I told you about fighting in the halls, Mr. Potter?"

McGonagall asked from behind her desk. Harry was forced to go to the

Headmistress' office after dinner in order to have a 'little chat' with the

Headmistress and for some reason, Umbridge who was here as well.

Sirius stood in the back of the office with his arms crossed over his chest.

"To not fight, but in my defense, he did try and hit me in the back, the

bloody coward." Harry muttered the last bit making Minerva groan.

"Draco will be punished for what he did, I can assure you of that, but you

must be punished as well." Sirius spoke up, getting the attention of Harry.

He looked more mad than Harry had ever seen him before. "I must say, I

am disappointed in your actions today."

Harry felt his heart drop at those words. He had never expected that his

actions would disappoint Sirius, the closest thing to a father he had. He

thought he did what he was trained to do, to fight, what Sirius wanted

him to do. He had thought Sirius would be proud of him for making a

lesson of Draco in the way he did.

Sirius could see the sudden confusion on Harry's face and so explained

himself, "You have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders Harry, too

much really. One of those responsibilities though, is to use the power you

have in a responsible way." Harry continued to look at Sirius like he was

crazy, causing Sirius to sigh. "What you did to Draco was wrong."

"But he attacked me! What was I supposed to do, just let him hit me in

the back?" Harry asked, getting a little irritated. Why was Sirius trying to

pin the blame on him?

"No, no, you were right to act, it was just the manner in which you

acted." Sirius responded.

"What?" Harry asked, still confused.

"You didn't need to be so brutal with him." Sirius said with a knowing

look on his face.


"No." Sirius cut in. "You know you didn't have to change into Haunt. You

didn't have to break his ribs or smash him into the wall. I know one

stunner from you is all it would take. You showed off and that is not

what I have taught you to do. I thought taking your mask off during the

Longbottom raid would be enough of a lesson for you, but I see it wasn't."

Specter had ripped into Harry for that mistake. He had jeopardized his

entire team doing something stupid like that. They wore those masks for

a reason and Harry had screwed up.

"I-I'm sorry." Harry said after taking a deep breath. He couldn't help but

feel anger, anger at himself, and a guilt that cut down to his bone. He

knew he let Sirius down, and that was something he had vowed to never

do. Looking back, he knew he didn't have to be so hard on Malfoy, he

was a prick, an annoying prick, but someone who couldn't really harm

him. He knew he had screwed up, just like he had screwed up back at

Longbottom Manor.

"You will have detention with Slughorn for the next week for fighting.

Now go, I believe you have somewhere else to be." Sirius commanded

him. Harry nodded his head and did his best to avoid Sirius' eyes. He

made the mistake of glancing at the grey eyes of his godfather upon

parting the room and saw the disappointment etched in them that only

served to make Harry feel worse.

Harry flashed away with the help of Fawkes upon making it outside of

the office. "Somethin' wrong Haunt?" Banshee asked upon seeing him

arrive in the training room. He clearly looked troubled about something,

angry even. Harry shook his head while locking down his occlumency

shields to shut out the feelings plaguing his mind.

"I'm good." Harry responded coldly. He ignored Banshees raised eyebrows

and threw off his Hogwarts robe. With a wave of his wand, his school

uniform was turned into a workout outfit. Reaper walked in at that

moment and headed for the stack of weapons that hung on the far wall.

He pulled off a sword and a battlestaff, tossing Harry the sword. Harry

deftly caught it in one hand and held it out before him.

"Ready to train?" Reaper asked. All it took was a nod from Harry for

Reaper to charge. He rushed Harry and began twirling the staff around

him at a high speed, making it whistle in the air. He struck low which

Harry parried and made his own attack in the same movement, slicing at

Reapers chest missing him only by centimeters. Reaper was able to jump

back just in time and returned with his own strike aimed for Harry's


Banshee watched the two from the sidelines with an amused expression

on her face. It was always something amazing to watch Harry train. He

was impressive with magic, and though he wasn't as good with a sword,

he still had a natural flow about him when he had the weapon in hand.

After another couple years of training with a sword, Harry could become

one of the most accomplished sword masters in the country, muggles


Specter walked into the training room and stood next to Banshee,

watching the two train as well. "He's getting good." Specter remarked.

Banshee nodded her head absently, "Very good." Just as she said that

however, Harry was caught off guard by a leg sweep from Reaper, which

flipped Harry into the air. He landed hard on his back, knocking the wind

out of him and Reaper followed up with a stab towards the throat,

stopping just short of actually hitting him. "Just not quite there yet."

"I yield!" Harry exclaimed after catching his breath, dropping his sword.

Reaper smirked and helped Harry back up to his feet after tossing aside

the practice battlestaff.

"Damn." Harry muttered as he rubbed his lower back.

"Gotta watch out for every-" Reaper began speaking but was cut off by


"What the-" Harry felt his blood run cold as memories of first year came

back to him. Everyone turned to see where Harry was looking and all of

their eyes widened in surprise. A black wraith of some sort with bright

blue eyes came flying into the room. The blue eyes glanced around the

room for a moment before flying through another door on the side of the

training room.

"The hell was that?" Reaper asked out loud once the wraith had vanished.

"I don't know." Specter mumbled. He sprinted for the door that the wraith

had flown through. Harry, Reaper, and Banshee quickly followed Specter

and the wraith out into the hall. They just caught sight of it turning left

down another corridor. The wraith then vanished through an old wooden

door. It was clear the wraith knew exactly where it was going and it also

didn't seem particularly harmful to any of them.

Angel and Demon both appeared on the far side of the corridor,

breathing heavily. Clearly they had seen the wraith as well and were

chasing it through the castle. "What is going on?" Angel demanded as he

sprinted towards the door the wraith had vanished through.

"I've seen one of those before." Harry responded. "Voldemort was like that

after losing his body."

Specter pushed open the room and all of them piled into the cramped

space that housed the viking horcrux. They had kept the chest with the

sword in this room having no clue where else to put it. Angel had spent

several weeks trying to study it but found nothing in return. The black

wraith with blue eyes hovered above the old chest that held the viking

sword. "You're telling me, this is a person with a horcux?" Specter asked


"It appears the horcrux it has is the one in that chest." Demon surmised.

Peter Bernoval walked through the streets of Hogsmeade and made his

way to the Hogs Head. He stepped inside of the small pub that also acted

as an Inn for those willing to pay. Behind the bar was an older man, older

than your average wizard, who sported a long silver beard very similar to

the former Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Sitting at the bar were several witches and wizards that appeared shady

at first glance. The Inn had a bad reputation for allowing those with a

history of being dark to stay within its rooms. As such, it attracted some

of the lower scum of the wizarding world and the owner didn't seem to

care as long as he was paid.

Peter approached the bar and placed a medium sized bag of gold onto the

counter. "A room for the month." The bartender looked over at his new

customer and narrowed his eyes. It was unusual for someone to stay so

long and he didn't want more trouble than he already had.

"Yer name?" The bartender asked as he walked over. He prodded open

the bag of gold and was surprised to find that it actually was real gold.

Whoever this was, he was a well off man despite dressing like a beggar.

The only thing on him that showed off his wealth was the gold ring on

his finger. In the center of the ring he could make out a stone, something

about it seemed familiar but he couldn't quite place it.

The sight of the gold quickly made him lose interest in the person before

him however, and he quickly pocketed the bag. "I have an open room,

second floor, first door on yer left."

Peter smiled at the man, reached into his pocket and pulled out a few

more gold coins. "A pint of your best ale?" The bartender nodded and

poured out a large cup of mead that came from Brussels. He placed the

tin cup in front of Peter and turned to serve his other seedy customers.

Peter sat in the bar for another hour surveying his surroundings. He

noticed a hatch that was hidden well behind the counter. It could be

where the ale was stored, or it could be something else altogether. The

only other exit was the front door.

Finding the place good enough for him and his purposes, he ascended the

stairs and made his way to his room. He found it to be quite small with

only a bed and barely enough room to move around in. Still, it was

enough for him and he wasn't going to complain. Peter sighed in relief

and stripped off his clothes until he was stark naked. His body began to

shift and reform until he was a different person altogether. Where his

head had been balding, was now short white hair. His eyes had turned

from a dull grey to a bright green and his broken and missing teeth had

been replaced by a dazzling white smile. His posture also turned more

rigid and his skin scarred to show the battles he had once been through.

In the middle of his back was a large black tattoo of the symbol of the

Deathly Hallows.

In order to make more room for the ritual he was about to perform, he

vanished the little furniture that was in the room. He then pulled three

vials of blood from his coat pocket and began pouring them out to form a

pentagram on the wooden floorboards. The blood was a gift of sorts from

a kind half-blood family he had run into in Cambridge. Though he didn't

like spilling magical blood, it was necessary for the Greater Good and

their sacrifice would not be in vain.

After drawing the pentagram, Gellert slit his own hand and watched his

blood to drip into the center. Having allowed enough of his own blood to

leave his body, he healed the cut then took off the ring Voldemort had

given him. Grindelwald's skin began to wrinkle and his rigid, proud

posture slumped slightly as age appeared to take him quickly. His full

head of hair thinned and his green eyes turned dull.

He placed the gold ring in the center of the pentagram, making sure to

smear his own blood in the ring. The pentagram made of blood began to

glow bright white, making him have to squint to see what he was doing.

Gellert then pointed the tip of his Ebony wand at his heart and muttered

the incantation. A blinding pain took hold of his body and he had to fight

with everything he had to stay upright and conscious.

A wisp of black smoke appeared at the tip of his wand, much like pulling

a memory from the mind, and Gellert hovered the black smoke above the

golden ring covered in his own blood. The smoke detached itself from his

wand and completely enveloped the ring. It hovered several feet above

the floor and twisted and turned as the smoke swirled around it.

With another blinding flash that Gellert was forced to shield his eyes

from, the smoke flooded into the ring, warping it and turning it as black

as midnight. Blue streaks of pulsating magic glowed from the ring as it

slowly lowered back towards the ground. The pentagram stopped

glowing white and once again became the color of blood as the ritual


Grindelwald didn't hesitate to pick up the new ring and place it onto his

finger. He felt a sudden rush of power flow through his body. His white

hair turned midnight black and his green eyes once again glowed with

power as they had so long ago. The scars and wrinkles in his pale skin

disappeared and he also tanned slightly. His posture once more became

rigid like a soldier and muscles that had never been there before began to

show. He all of a sudden looked like a thirty year old male despite being

over a hundred. Grindelwald smiled to himself as he looked in the mirror

he had conjured.

34. The Castle

"Always move, never stop!" Harry commanded as he walked through the

ranks of dueling students. Many were sweating profusely from the

workout they were receiving at the hands of Harry. This year, he wasn't

going to go easy on them, especially since total war was fast

approaching, and who knows if they would truly need this training. He

intended to make them as well trained as possible in order to give them

the best chance at surviving this war.

Sirius had just a few minutes ago gotten back from a session with the

Wizengamot. The entire country had gone into full lockdown, wizard

wise. The British Muggle Prime Minister had been told of the entire

situation happening in the wizarding world and talks were still being

made on what the muggles could do to help, after all, it was their country

under attack as well and the Death Eaters definitely weren't going to

leave them alone. At this point, Harry wasn't even sure if Dumbledore

would leave the muggles alone. Everything he had once known about

Dumbledore was thrown completely out of the window after he made a

deal with the devil Hardrada, something their new friend had told them


The Wizengamot was also missing a third of its members, all suspected

Death Eater members and supporters. This also meant that some of the

Department Heads were missing, along with a few aurors. It was clear

that Voldemort had given up on trying the subtle infiltration method and

was now preparing for full war.

Harry stopped to correct a sixth years form when he caught sight of

Umbridge watching from the doorway of the Great Hall. He stopped to

look at her for a moment and didn't notice anything odd about the

woman. She simply watched with a distasteful look, but she kept her

mouth shut and stayed out of his way which was all he could ask for. He

still didn't like her being here, but so far, she hadn't been any problem,

staying well out of everyone's way like Fudge had promised she would.

Seeing another sixth year focus on simply trying to shield instead of

easily dodging the slow attacks from his opponent, Harry stepped in.

"Stop for a moment and gather 'round." Harry called to the group of

seventh and sixth years. Fleur, Cedric, and Cho were among this group

and they hurried over to Harry, forming a circle around him.

"A lot of you are getting tired, I can see that." Harry started as he looked

at everyone around him. Many of them were hunched over trying to

catch their breath. Their shirts and hair were soaked in sweat from the

workout they were going through. "But, that does not mean you should

ever start using a shield instead of dodging. I constantly hammer into you

to dodge so that when you are tired, when you feel you can move no

more, your muscle memory forces you to dodge. Now get back to it, and

do things right." Harry ordered them. They all moved without word or

grumbling back to their original positions and began sending spells at

one another again. He was happy to see that at least they had started to

dodge again instead of getting lazy and shielding.

He continued walking around the Great Hall, helping Pomfrey revive

anyone who did manage to get themselves knocked out or hurt in other

ways. Sirius and Flitwick stuck to the younger groups to teach them the

basics of dueling. Harry noticed that Umbridge continued to watch from

her place in the entrance of the Great Hall, but never did she make a

move to actually enter the hall.

As Harry brought the first Defense Club session of the year to a close, he

was bombarded with questions, most notably about everything going on

in the ministry. It was well known that other countries were lending their

support England which only affirmed the populations fears that war was

brewing. At least they were quelled by the notion that the ministry was

acting quickly and were being helped out by what seemed like the rest of

the worlds nations. Due to the influx of new personnel the DMLE had to

work with, Amelia had bolstered Hogwart's defenses with another six

man American and French hit wizard team that worked under

Shacklebolt and Tonks.

Once Harry had answered as many questions as he could and the Great

Hall had begun to empty, Sirius approached him. "Given any thought on

how to deal with the dementors yet?" Lately Harry had been asked again

and again by Amelia on what should be done with the residents of

Azkaban. He had told her early on that Flitwick and himself had

theorized that he might be able to destroy the dementors for good. But

now, his patronus had changed again and he wasn't so sure.

Harry muttered expecto patronum, and from his yew wand sprang a

midnight black tiger with startling green eyes. Where his patronus had

once been silver in color, was now completely solid and resembled

nothing of a patronus at all. It looked like him in animagus form and so

he was unsure if it even was a patronus any longer. There was only one

way to check if this was actually still a patronus, but he wasn't too keen

on taking a trip to the former dungeon island.

"That thing is scary as hell." Sirius said as he watched the patronus

Haunt, prowl around the Great Hall, scaring the last of the lurking

students out.

"I'm unsure if this even is a patronus. Have you ever seen Dumbledore

use a patronus?"

Sirius nodded his head, "Coincidentally, his patronus is a phoenix, but it

retained the same silvery wisp form as a normal patronus."

"So we're just going to chalk this up as another Harry thing?" He

halfheartedly asked with a chuckle.

Sirius chuckled along as well, "I guess. Those things seem to be ever


"At this point, I'm not sure if there's a normal bone in my body." Harry


Sirius got an amused grin on his face, "Fleur either must be pleased or

very sad at that."

Harry looked at Sirius confused before it dawned on him what he was

saying. "Oh Sirius! That's-just-no!" Harry squeaked out, going red in the


"Such disgusting talk from the father of my child." Both men jumped from

surprise at the sound of her voice. Emmy approached them with Fleur on

her side. Emmy's belly was growing rapidly and she had a glow about her

that could never be extinguished. Since Sirius was a teacher and the Head

of House Gryffindor, he had difficulty making it back to Hogwarts each

night. As such, she had come to the school full time to be with him,

which made Tracy very happy since she now got to see her little brother

every day who came as well.

Harry's patronus saw the newcomers and slowly approached the two

females. Neither were afraid, having seen the large tiger before and Fleur

even started scratching it behind its ears. The Haunt patronus had a

liking for her more than even Harry and was always glad to see her.

"Daphne wanted to talk with you." Fleur said after giving him a quick kiss

on the lips.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." She nodded and watched as Harry

walked out of the Great Hall. He spotted Daphne waiting for him by the

doors of the Entrance Hall. He noted a small sense of uncertainty about

her but didn't comment on it"Daph?"

She gave him a small smile, "I thought we could go for a walk, like we

used to." Harry smiled brightly at the idea and nodded. Together they

stepped out into the warm nighttime air. The stars were out in full force

and the moon was just a crescent in the dark sky. The Black Lake

sparkled under the stars and Harry could occasionally catch glimmers of

light bouncing off Daphne's short blonde hair. She had decided to keep

the short hair she received at the hands of her captives, figuring she

actually liked it. She would joke that at least she gotten a new look out of

her time with the Death Eaters. It was at least something to laugh about

given the situation, Harry figured.

"My uncle tried to contact me." Harry stopped mid step and looked at her,

his eyebrows raised. Noticing that he had stopped, she spun around to

face him. She rummaged through one of her pockets and pulled out a

small slip of paper. Harry took it and quickly glanced over what it said.


Daphne nodded her head, "He and my father, even though brothers,

hated one another. He left the family and went to America a long time

ago. I haven't ever heard from him until now."

"Well, I think you should take the opportunity." Harry said without

hesitation. He could see some hurt flash through her blue eyes that

glinted in the moonlight.

"Harry-" She began but Harry quickly cut her off.

"Daphne, this is your chance to get away from everything. After what you

went through, I-I..." He trailed off unsure of what to say.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him in for a hug,

placing a quick kiss on his cheek as she did so. "You're sweet Harry, but

you know I'll never leave you here while your situation persists. I could

never forgive myself for leaving you now."

"But you have Astoria to worry about Daph. She's your family and you're

being given the opportunity to have a brand new life, away from war,

away from danger."

Daphne pulled away from the hug and chuckled. "We both know that I'll

never be out of danger, especially if you were to fail. I can help you here

and Astoria would never agree to leave England, she loves Sirius too


It was Harry's turn to chuckle. "He finds his way into the hearts of all


"That he does."

A silence enveloped the two for a moment before Harry broke it, "If

things aren't looking good, just promise me you'll get out of England."

"I can promise I'll get Astoria out of England."

"Daphne-" Harry started but was quickly cut off.

"I'm with you, to whatever end we find ourselves in."

Daphne woke up the next morning to the sound of a blazing warning

horn in her room. Immediately the sleep left her eyes as she recognized

what that horn meant. Quickly, she flung herself out of bed and threw on

whatever nearby clothes she could find scattered throughout her already

messy room.

Grabbing her wand, she opened the door to her room and saw just who

she figured she might have. Draco Malfoy stood completely frozen, save

for his eyes, in front of her door completely naked. His pale body was

still sporting some of the bruises from his fight with Harry a few days

ago. The Slytherin Prince's eyes were wide with fright upon seeing her

angry demeanor. She swiftly brought her foot up between his legs and

connected with the frozen body part that hung inbetween. She got some

satisfaction when she saw Draco's eyes fold back into themselves as he

passed out from the pain he just experienced.

She thanked Fleur for the brief lesson in useful wards to put around her

room. The French witch had learned the wards from her mother to

protect her during school. It was common for a young veela to lose

control of their allure during sleep and for the boys to be woken up by it

and driven mad. Daphne had seen the potential usefulness of those wards

and placed them on her own, Tracy's, and Astoria's rooms.

Realizing that it was only Malfoy outside her door and that his usual

bodyguards weren't in sight, she began searching for Tracy only to find

her room without anyone outside it. She felt her heart move to her throat

as panic hit her that the wards may not have worked for her sister.

She rushed through the common room, ignoring the stares and headed

into her sisters hallway. There she saw at the end of the hall, just outside

of her sisters room was Crabbe and Goyle completely frozen and nude

just as Malfoy had been. It seems the three of them had decided to get

back at Harry through Daphne and Astoria, but had come up wanting.

She was about to administer the same punishment to Crabbe and Goyle

but was stopped by Astoria as she opened her door. "Oh!" Astoria

exclaimed upon seeing the boys in front of her. The youngest Greengrass'

face filled with rage when she recognized what the two boys were up to

when they were frozen in place. Where Daphne had only supplied one

kick to Malfoy, Astoria required more vengeance.

"You...stupid...pigs...thinking...you...could...touch...me!" With each word

she brought her foot up between each boys legs, making even Daphne

wince in pain. There was no way either boy was going to ever be able to

have children after what happened to them. The only thing worse for

them would be if Harry found out about this as he wouldn't just stop at

making them barren.

Sensing someone watch her, Astoria looked down the hallway and saw

her sister watching her with a smirk on her face. "Did you have a visitor


Daphne nodded her head, "Draco apparently thought he could enter my


"Should we get Harry?" Astoria asked with a cruel smile. She then turned

to Crabbe and once again kicked him for good measure.

"Harry would kill them and then get himself expelled from the school.

Professor Slughorn should do fine."

Astoria nodded in agreement, "I'll get him." She rushed passed Daphne

and exited the hallway. Daphne also headed out of the hall and back into

her own hall to check back in on Draco. Several of her year mates had

woken up and immediately noticed the nude Draco frozen in their hall.

Pansy was fussing over him, trying every spell she knew to try and

unfreeze him. Tracy poked her head out of Daphne's room upon hearing

the hall door open and sighed in relief when she saw her.

"Oh thank god you're fine." Tracy exclaimed, rushing over to hug her best


"Fleur's wards worked perfectly. Crabbe and Goyle are currently frozen

outside of Astoria's room." Daphne responded.

"These fucking pigs." Tracy muttered. She broke the hug and pushed

Pansy out of the way of her boyfriend, then proceeded to repeatedly kick

Draco in between the legs. Millicent Bulstrode, a hulking girl who acted

as the bodyguard for Pansy quickly stepped in and made to push away

Tracy, but Daphne was quick with her wand, freezing Millicent in place.

"You bitch!" Pansy screamed, a cry that could easily be heard by

everyone in the common room. Daphne didn't hesitate to cast a stunner

at Pansy that quickly knocked the witch out.

As a last good measure, Tracy socked Draco in the face, breaking his nose

and causing a stream of blood to run down his face. Unfortunately for the

witch, he had gone unconscious again from the repeated kicking to his

nether region and didn't feel his nose break.

Upon hearing Pansy's scream, many of the students in the common room

rushed into the hall. "What the hell is happening here!" Alexei Volter

asked upon walking into the hall. He was considered the head of

Slytherin students, being the seventh year prefect and current Head Boy

of Hogwarts. He was well respected and one of the few that Harry

actually liked in the house of snakes. Alexei was a commander, took no

shit, and didn't care for the bigoted minds of purebloods, being a half-

blood himself. He excelled in Slytherin not because he was ambitious, or

even particularly cunning, but because he had an air about him that

demanded respect. Also, if it weren't for Harry, he would easily be the

most powerful student in the school, which caused many in the house to

be wary.

"Draco tried to invade Daphne's room at night and if you go down to the

third year dorm halls you'll find Crabbe and Goyle frozen outside of

Astoria's room as well." Tracy answered the Head Boys question.

"It's true." A fellow female third year spoke up, having seen the two fifth

year boys naked in her hall.

"And the two other girls who are stunned or frozen?" Alexei asked,

glancing at Millicent and Pansy.

"It was just a small duel." Daphne responded with a shrug. The Slytherins

had a strict code to allow duels with housemates as long as they stayed

within the house halls. A small skirmish in the morning was actually

commonplace in the house of snakes, but the attempt of obvious rape by

these three fifth year boys was something not tolerated at all.

"What is going on here?" Everyone turned to watch as Slughorn walked in

with Astoria just behind him. "Oh my!" He breathed out upon seeing the

frozen Malfoy at the end of the hall with the two girls around him.

"And Miss Greengrass, you told me that a Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle are

outside your room in the same condition?" Astoria nodded when

Slughorn looked back at her. "And the two girls stunned over there?"

Alexei spoke up for the girls after a quick nod at Daphne, "A simple duel

sir. Nothing more." Slughorn nodded at his prefect.

"Very well, if what I'm told is true, this will have to be dealt with by the

Headmistress. Please excuse me for a moment while I call her." He

walked out of the hall leaving the rest of the students to silently look

about. Those that had gone to check on Crabbe and Goyle came back

with smiling faces seeing the same picture as Malfoy.

Both McGonagall and Pomfrey came rushing in a few minutes later and

called for everyone to leave the hallway. All of the students moved to the

common room and gathered around in small groups to talk quietly about

what was going to happen to Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. The common

room grew silent as they watched all three boys stretchered out, still

frozen, and Pansy, and Millicent followed behind after being revived and


Harry walked into the entrance hall after his normal morning workout.

He had a towel wrapped around his shoulders which he used to dry his

head and neck from the sweat that built up on his skin. Upon walking

into the hall he noticed Madame Pomfrey escorting Draco, Crabbe, and

Goyle, all of which were frozen, up to the hospital ward.

Before Harry could get the chance to investigate further, someone called

his name from the same direction that the stretchers had come from.


He ran up to Harry with a smile on his face. "You should have seen what

happened to them, embarrassing it was!"

Harry chuckled, having recognized the particular spell they were under.

Fleur had used it on him once during their stay in Annecy just to mess

with him, something she still found hilarious. "I bet it was."

"I need to talk with you, and those Death Eater spawn being gone gives

me the chance."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "What about?" He pulled his wand and created

a temporary silencing ward around them to keep away prying ears.

Theo's voice turned to a whisper just in case, "Voldemort, my father...he

thinks I'm going to follow in his footsteps. He's trying to mold me into a

future Death Eater and so he tells me things."

"What things?" Harry asked curiously. He kept his eyes on the lookout for

anyone but never spotted a soul.

"Grindelwald, he was the one that ordered the attack on the Bones,

Corners, and Longbottoms." Harry nodded his head as he had already

learned this from his interrogation of Barrios.

"I was able to learn that, yes." Harry responded.

Theo nodded his head as if it weren't a big deal, "Grindelwald though,

had a falling out with Voldemort prior to that attack. It wasn't on

Voldemort's orders that those families were attacked."

This caught Harry off guard however. He had thought Grindelwald was

working with Voldemort, at least that's what it seemed like from Barrios'

memory. If Grindelwald and Voldemort weren't on the same side, then

that meant the Death Eaters had their own inner battle going on. It also

meant that it was Grindelwald that had something to gain by attacking

the Corners, and not Voldemort.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

Theo nodded his head, "Very sure. Father ranted for a whole week about

the botched attacks and Voldemort's displeasure at what took place.

There was something else though." Harry continued to look at him so

Theo continued. "There's a woman there apparently, I've heard my father

talk about her with his friends. She apparently locks herself inside the

throne room with Voldemort for hours on end."

"A woman?"

Theo simply shrugged, "That's all I know. I never heard a name or


Harry nodded his head, "Thank you for this."

Dumbledore walked onto the long dock that several dozen large,

menacing viking ships were tethered to. Giant, seven foot tall vikings

hustled to and fro the shore carrying food, weapons, and armor. Women

were also joining this journey, adorned in their own armor and carrying

just as deadly weapons. They were intending to fight alongside their men

as they so often did.

The flagship which Dumbledore would be spending his voyage in was

adorned with large black sails with two white coiled snakes emblazoned

into them. A large serpents head was carved into the front of the ship and

it was easily the largest of all the others. It could seat sixty men whereas

the other ships allowed for around thirty men.

Dumbledore readjusted his silver hood over his head to protect his head

from the heavy rainfall. He had already cast warming and drying charms

on his clothes that protected him from the rain. Being completely dry

attracted odd glares from those around him as they were not used to the

ways of wizards.

He was an outsider in their culture and was greatly distrusted. He could

speak their language and would often hear others talk about him in a less

than favorable light. He didn't mind though as long as they did his biding

and granted him England on a silver platter. He also wasn't a fool,

Hardrada was a man that wanted power for himself, he would make a

move against him soon, and he was expecting that. For now though, they

both needed one another.

Dumbledore stepped onto the flagship and took his place at the front by

Hardrada's side who watched with a keen eye as his people prepared for

their launch from shore. No sun showed through the dark dreary clouds

that poured rain down on them. To the vikings, this rain was actually a

good sign, an omen that the land they currently were in was not the

place to be, and that their gods beckoned them out to sea to conquer the

sunshine lands in the west.

"Tell me once again of England." Harald spoke over the yelling of his men

and patter of rain.

"It's weak, ripe for the taking and in need of a strong ruler." Both men

understood that each of them wanted sole control of England. Time

would tell who would be victorious in this endeavor and neither would

go down without a fight in the end.

"And Voldemort?"

"A powerful wizard, but he shouldn't be a match for you or your warriors.

He is egotistical and a poor military commander with weak soldiers."

Harald sat silent for a moment before speaking again, "My people hear

word of a Harry Potter. They say he is a great fighter."

Dumbledore scoffed, "A former student of mine. I will deal with him."

Harald nodded but he didn't look convinced with Dumbledore's words.

Instead of replying to the wizard however, he instead signaled to a

nearby man holding a large horn. The man, seeing the signal, blew loudly

into the horn. A thundering blast echoed off the high mountaintops that

rose on either side of the large bay that held the viking fleet. The horn

blast was answered by a dozen other horns, all signaling they were ready.

The rowers began to move their paddles in a circular motion and the

great viking ships pushed off from shore and into the great sea.

Harry walked into the ministry atrium flanked on both sides by the other

members of Ghost Squad. All of them were wearing their masks and dark

cloaks that flowed around them as if smoke. It was as if all the air had

been sucked out of the large hall where ministry workers had been

bustling back and forth. They had all stopped to watch as the Ghosts

silently walked though the crowd and towards the golden elevator at the

far side.

Amelia, with two of her fellow aurors behind her, Master Auror

Scrimgeour, her second in command in the DMLE, and Lieutenant Auror

Shipple, approached them and shook Specters hand. The two aurors both

shared nervous glances with each other as the Ghosts approached. "Thank

you for coming. If you would follow me please, I'll show you to the

auditorium." Amelia beckoned them into the golden lift but no Ghost

followed her. Instead, they all disappeared in a wisp of smoke, even

surprising Amelia who had planned this day.

Today the Ghosts were going to be putting on a small show in order to

make the people believe that the ministry had everything under control

when it came to the Death Eaters. This went against what the Ghosts

were originally created for, a covert group that could move anywhere

undetected and surprise enemies, but this war required something else.

The war they would be stepping into would be different than what they

had trained for, as so often happened to soldiers.

They had now figured out what they really were up against when that

wraith had invaded their castle. Olaf Kyrre, youngest son of Harald

Hardrada, famed viking king that had once tried to conquer Britain, was

the owner of the horcrux they now possessed. Harald by himself didn't

sound like too much of a threat, but it was the wizard controlling

Harald's strings that worried Harry greatly.

Unfortunately for them, they hadn't yet figured out a way to get Olaf a

body yet without killing someone else. They could only briefly

communicate with him through dream sequence rituals that Specter

would go through. It was ancient magic that hadn't been used by humans

in hundreds of years, and they were afraid to use it often just in case

something went wrong. What information they could gleam from Olaf

was profound though, and it gave them a much better idea of what they

were dealing with moving forward. The game had opened up wide and

Harry didn't like the players he found himself fighting against.

All of the Ghosts reappeared simultaneously inside the great auditorium

that the ministry normally used as a place for press conferences. Now

though, the auditorium was filled with hundreds of hit wizards from all

over the world. Most of Europe was represented, along with the US,

Canada, and Mexico. Brazil and Argentina had both sent a team and in

Asia, China, Japan, and Korea had sent teams as well.

Looking out in the sea of witches and wizards was like looking at a color

palette. Wizards really did have an odd sense of fashion that Harry found

unsettling. All kinds of colors, vibrant, dull, black, white were present

before him. Why ministries chose such garish uniform colors for their

aurors was beyond him.

The hit wizards immediately quieted upon seeing the cloaked and

masked figures appear before them, some even moving for their wands.

The Ghosts were decked out in full combat gear. Some of them had

swords like Harry, others carried daggers, and Specter carried a muggle

Glock 9 pistol in a side holster. Harry had recently begun to carry

Gryffindor's sword on his back after hearing about the possible viking

invasion and their potentially impervious to magic armor.

"Who are they?" A man asked out loud, breaking the silence in the room.

He wore the blue robes of an American hit wizard.

The woman next to him rolled her eyes, wearing the same blue robes.

"Honestly, do you know nothing?"

Before he could respond, the doors swung open and Amelia walked in

with Scrimgeour and Shippley on her tail. She glanced at the Ghosts who

stood silently on the side of the stage but didn't say anything, only a

small smirk played on her tired features.

"Thank you everyone for joining us here." Amelia began the meeting.

"Now, I'm sure all of you have been briefed by your own ministries before

being sent here." She paused for a moment to let some tension build

before continuing. "By now, all of you know the situation we are facing

here, a full blown civil war. We are fighting an enemy so entrenched in

their beliefs they have no qualms about laying down their lives for the


She then glanced nervously at the Ghosts, making sure they were still on

board with what she was about to say. Harry pulled his wand and flicked

it at the doors while Angel created a strong ward around the entire room

to make sure no one could get in or hear what was about to be said.

"What your first briefings didn't tell you, is the real gravity of the

situation we now face."

Harry could feel the tangible tension rise in the room. He could feel the

magic of everyone increase as their hearts began to race. He could hear

and smell the uneasiness of everyone as she spoke more. After learning

how to have Haunts senses with him for a great amount of time,

eventually he forgot to turn off the senses altogether and now they

remained with him full time. The slit pupils of a cat had stayed as a

consequence, but Fleur said she liked them, so he never bothered to find

a way to turn the switch back off. Specter had no clue how he did it, but

they just chalked up as another Harry thing since he seemed to be

breaking every rule in the magical rule book.

"The man behind the Death Eater attacks is Voldemort." Just like how the

Ghosts had entered the ministry atrium and sucked the air out of the

room, Amelia's words had the same exact effect. The room stayed

perfectly quiet as everyone tried to adjust to that new piece of

information, but Harry knew it was about to get a lot worse. Voldemort

was a world renown name, striking fear into those in the far reaches of

the world, but he wasn't the only well known name.

"Now, normally, that would be all the bad news I have to give, but

unfortunately that's not all we face." Again, perfect silence descended on

the room as everyone focused entirely on Amelia. These people weren't

the soldiers that the Ghosts were, but they were warriors in their own

right. They were used to facing down death and walking away victorious.

Still, even the bravest of men can falter against impossible odds.

"We have discovered that Grindelwald is no longer in prison and is

somehow involved with Voldemort." Harry almost wanted to laugh at

some of the reactions he saw when the hit wizards heard that name. If

Voldemort was a world renown villain, Grindelwald was a world renown

devil. The effects of his reign of terror had caused millions to die, not just

in Europe, but in Asia, Africa, and North America as well. Voldemort was

a simple sadist compared to some of the horror stories Grindelwald was

involved in.

"Well, a challenge never hurt anyone." The same American auror

remarked causing some nearby to chuckle. It did much to alleviate some

of the tension that had built up in the room.

"I'd agree with you, if that was the only challenge we faced."

"You're shitting me, there's more?" A French auror asked this time, in

surprisingly good English. Just as the tension had left the room, it

returned immediately.

"We have just received knews that Albus Dumbledore is amassing an

army to the east with intent on conquering Britain as well." Amelia


"What kind of fucking mess did we stumble into?" A German auror

muttered making a few nearby grumble as well. Harry could sense some

of the hit wizards begin to panic. He didn't blame them either. They had

just been told that two of the darkest and most powerful wizards in the

history of mankind were intent on killing them if they stayed in Britain,

and to make things worse, the greatest wizard of of their age had gone

rogue with the intent on conquering all of Britain as well. The stories and

mythology surrounding these men made them gods, and as far as anyone

knew, a god could not be struck down by mortal men.

Harry glanced at Specter and all he received was a small nod of his head.

Harry took a step forward and away from the rest of Ghost Squad while

at the same time, Fawkes flashed brilliantly into the auditorium and

made one loop around the room before settling onto his shoulder.

One of the witches in the front rows eyes widened when she recognized

the noble bird and exclaimed, "You're-"

Harry pulled off his mask to reveal his identity, "Harry Potter." He

finished for the woman. Amelia stepped back from the podium she had

been standing at to give Harry the stage for himself. "I know many of

you, even if you would never admit it openly, are wondering what the

hell you just got yourself involved in. Wondering why your ministry

would ask you to come here to help in what now sounds like a suicide

mission, and frankly, I don't blame you for your doubt in the cause."

Harry paused for a moment and slowly began pacing back and forth,

looking intently at everyone in the crowd. "We are besieged ladies and

gentlemen. England is our castle and we have an army at our gates. To

make things worse, a disease has spread through the population that

threatens to kill us from the inside. It may sound like a lost cause, it may

sound like we stand no chance, but I'm here to tell you that we still yet

have hope to cling to."

Harry stood in place and closed his eyes. When he reopened them, he let

loose all of his passive magic. Much like how Fleur had to keep her allure

inside at all times while in public, Harry normally kept his magic

contained, but now he let it run wild around him. His eyes glowed a

vibrant, deadly green that could swell up hope in any ally and cause all

enemies to cower in fear.

His back cloak swirled around him as if a strong gust of wind was present

inside the auditorium. The storm of magic built up so intensely that small

bolts of lightning began to dance and crack around Harry and the light

around him got so bright that those close had to shield their eyes. Fawkes

stood proudly, unwavering on his shoulder and his own feathers began to

alight with fire and the red eyes of the phoenix glowed just as bright as

Harry's green. Just as soon as the outburst of magic had come, Harry had

reigned it back in. "I have talked with the men we face, learned from

them, fought them. They are beatable and we are not without hope.

England is the last castle and if we fall, so does the world." After his last

words, Harry disappeared in a wisp of black smoke with Fawkes flashing

away from his shoulder.

35. Not a Scratch

Lucius Malfoy walked into the long dark hall that acted as Voldemort's

throne room. Still hanging from the ceiling were the two deceased death

eaters who failed to do their jobs, their bodies well on their path through

decomposition. As such, the fowl smell that could make the strongest

stomachs gag plagued the room, but it didn't seem to faze Voldemort in

the slightest. Lucius kept his head bowed low for fear of upsetting his

master by looking into his cold red eyes. Walking behind him and

wearing thick chains that were clasped to his wrists, squirmed a scruffy

man wearing ragged blue robes. This man didn't have the same fear as

Lucius, despite being chained up, and looked Voldemort square in the

eyes the whole way into the room.

Beside Voldemort stood a tall dark haired woman who rested her slender

long hand on Voldemort's shoulder. She wore regal green robes and had a

silver bracelet depicting the Ouroboros. Hanging from her neck was a

gold necklace with a glowing blue sapphire inlaid in it. She stayed silent

the whole time, watching with cold grey eyes, and even shrunk further

back into the shadows upon seeing their guests.

"Milord." Lucius kept his head bowed low as he spoke. "This prisoner can

deliver us the location of our enemies prison."

Voldemort stayed silent for a moment, fondling his yew wand as he

watched the two men before him. "Can he?" Voldemort hissed out with

an odd inflection in his voice, breaking the unsettling silence in the room.

The woman to his side at this point completely vanished into the

shadows, all traces of her gone from the room. It was as if she were a

ghost that could fade in and out of reality at will.

The ragged shackled man spoke up in place of Lucius, causing Voldemort

to raise his hairless eyebrows. "I can milord. I was once one of the few

guards on the island and now wish to join you."

"Do you now?" Voldemort stood up from his throne and walked down

from the raised platform it sat on. He began dangerously circling the two

men and this time, the shackled man averted his eyes as fear began to

take him.

"I-I do m-milord." He stuttered out.

"And pray tell why you would want to join me?"

"The mudbloods." He spat out, regaining some confidence as anger at the

mere thought of them took over. "They are taking over our country,

stealing our jobs as the government does nothing."

Voldemort gave a rare smile to the newcomer, but it did nothing to calm

him. "Yes, I know that problem well. What is your name?"

"Michael Carnegie." The American said this with a hint of old pride in his

families name. Voldemort's smile turned into a full grin. He knew of the

Carnegie family. Rich and powerful, even in the muggle world they were.

Having access to their money would do him quite a bit of good.

"Release him Lucius. We don't want our newest follower to suffer now do

we?" Lucius looked a little surprised at this, having expected Voldemort

to simply kill the man. He had never heard of the Carnegie's before and

was unsure why Voldemort would so suddenly become kind to a guest.

"Tell me more of your family, Mr. Carnegie."

Lucius unshackled Michael and Voldemort even summoned a house elf

who delivered drinks and food for the man. Michael gratefully accepted

the food and sat down in a chair Voldemort conjured for him.

"My father." Michael began with clear contempt, "Is unfit to lead our

family any longer. He believes that those mudbloods are as valuable as the

old magical families. He actually thinks they can properly run the

country! It's a disgrace!" Voldemort climbed back up the small steps to

his throne and sat down.

"If something were to happen to your father, what would become of your


Michael immediately knew what his new master was asking, "My brother

would take over the family. He is just like my father, in fact, maybe even

worse. He's actually already here, in England. He works as a hit wizard

and was sent to help the British Ministry fight you."

Voldemort sat quietly on his throne for a moment, thinking. "Then we

will need to deal with the both of them, if that is what you wish?"

"I would see my family restored to its proper heights." Michael


Good my new friend. I will see to it that your family is once again in its

proper place." Voldemort paused for a moment as he stared at his newest

follower for a moment before speaking up again. "Now, what can you tell

me of the islands defenses?"

"Only wards created by goblins are present. They are powerful, but not

fullproof." It was what he had thought originally. The goblins were

known to have close ties with Potter and it would make sense for them to

be the ones to place the wards. This meant he would have to be directly

involved in the assault on the prison since no one other than him would

be powerful enough to break through those wards.

Voldemort waved his hand, his knew hand that he had created out of

solid gold after Potter had taken his real one. In reality, losing his hand

turned out to not be such a bad thing. He found that his wandless magic

was able to channel much more quickly and powerfully through the

metal and he had even begun to inscribe runes into the metal in order to

improve it. With a simple word, his hand could create a shield, and with

another word, it would shoot flames. He was still working on other

methods to improve what had once been a hindrance and


A large globe made of pure light appeared in the room, illuminating it

entirely. For a moment, both Michael and Lucius had to shield their eyes

from the sudden change of light. "Tell me where the prison is." Voldemort


Michael quickly walked around to the side of the globe and pointed to

piece of ocean in the Caribbean. "This map of Earth doesn't show the

island, but I suppose it wouldn't because the island itself is hidden to

those who do not know where it already is."

"And you can get us there?"

Michael nodded, "I can milord." Voldemort grinned at the response and

relaxed back into his throne.

"Lucius, see to it this man is fed and properly clothed. Report to me in

one hour with a team ready to attack the prison." Malfoy bowed low

again and scurried out of the room with Michael following close behind


"This could be promising." A woman said from behind Voldemort's

throne. She moved away from the shadows and again stood by his side.

"Do you actually think that prison is only guarded by a small amount of

guards and wards made by goblins?" Voldemort asked his closest advisor,

the one he trusted above all others.

She shook her head, a small chuckle escaping her lips. "No, our

adversaries, though dumb, are not that dumb. You must go yourself to

see this mission complete."

"We can safely camp here." Dumbledore said to Harald as they

approached the barren shores of southern England. They had been sailing

for three days straight and finally reached England under the cover of

darkness. The large viking longships began speeding towards the shore as

every man was placed on the oars to quicken their approach. Ahead of

them was a bright white shore and high cliffs, perfect for staying hidden

when offloading. Not far off to the right was a dense forest that would act

as perfect cover for their camp where they could direct all future raids


The longships touched down on the shores and the vikings immediately

hopped off and began offloading gear, food, and weapons. Orders were

barked by company commanders and Harald and Dumbledore simply

stepped off the shore and moved near the forest to scout. Up ahead,

Dumbledore could make out his allies standing silently by the treeline

waiting for them.

The two darkly cloaked men approached Dumbledore upon seeing him

and Hardrada. The lead man took off his hood to reveal his pasty face

and long dark hair. "All is well I hope, Severus?" Dumbledore asked upon

seeing his most faithful follower, or in reality, the one follower he knew

couldn't betray him.

"I have done as you asked. They wait for you, hidden in the treeline."

Snape glanced nervously at the fearsome viking that stood off to the side,

his piercing blue eyes looking straight through Snape's very soul.

Immediately, Snape realized he didn't like being in the presence of this

man, he was a predator, and anyone before him was prey.

Dumbledore nodded his head and turned to the second man who kept his

hood up, obscuring his face in shadows. "No reports of us as we crossed

the sea? And our location is safe?"

The hooded man spoke up in a raspy, deep voice, "I have made sure your

arrival was unseen. The forest you see beyond me is heavily warded and

your army can camp there."

"Good, good. Get back to the ministry before you are missed." The

hooded man bowed low before quietly dissaparating away. Dumbledore

then turned back to Snape and began walking towards the nearby forest.

"It took you awhile my friend."

Snape snorted, "It wasn't the easiest of tasks."

"How many did you persuade to our cause?"

Snape stayed quiet for a moment as they reached the forest line. "Five."

He said quietly, already knowing it wasn't good enough. He winced

slightly when he felt Dumbledore's magic slightly get away from him. It

came off like a furnace suddenly being opened up next to him, scorching

his skin. He had to take a few steps away from the great old wizard to

relieve himself of the sudden heat.

"Just five?" Despite the anger Snape could feel coming off of his master,

Dumbledore remarkably kept an even, impassive tone. Harald followed

them, not saying a word, simply choosing to listen in on the two wizards.

He knew already of these allies that would be joining them, and was

equally not pleased to hear how few actually did take up their cause.

"Avery was there as well. He proved to be more...persuasive than me I'm

afraid to say."

"And how many has our enemy converted to his side?"

Snape audibly gulped and took another step away from Dumbledore as

they walked further into the forest. "At least fifteen." Snape closed his

eyes expecting some form of punishment like he would normally get from

Voldemort, but nothing ever came. When he reopened his eyes and

glanced at Dumbledore, he found the man completely lost in his


They continued to walk silently until they reached a large grove in the

forest. The pale full moon shown down, illuminating everything in the

center as if it were day. A large campfire with roaring flames and a

skinned cow roasting above it flickered more light around the grove. Five

large giants sat huddled by the campfire joking and laughing with one

another. They all grew silent upon seeing the wizards, distrust in their

eyes, but they were at least here Dumbledore figured. He didn't care if

they didn't trust him, they were not the smartest of peoples after all and

could be easily dealt with if things went sour.

To break the sudden silence that had come over everyone upon entering

the grove, Harald's commanding voice resounded through the trees, "In

here men! Get the camp set up!"

Harry began to feel an intense burning on his left breast that immediately

woke him up. He quickly sat up in bed and noticed his Haunt tattoo was

on the prowl, barring its teeth menacingly. Fawkes flashed in a moment

later and dropped his basilisk jacket, cargo pants, and mask into his lap.

"What eez eet 'Arry?" Fleur asked groggily, having been woken up from

Harry's sudden change of position and the bright flash of Fawkes. She

had been resting comfortably on his naked chest and didn't feel the tattoo

heat up. They had been using the Room of Requirement every now and

then to get away from the everyday normal life of Hogwarts and to just

be alone with each other. It also served well as a bedroom and they had

made good use of it recently.

"Something's happening. I have to go." Harry quickly threw off the covers

and got out of bed. He threw the jacket on, not bothering to put a shirt

on first, then quickly put on the trousers Fawkes had given him and

grabbed his wands and holsters that lay on the bedstand.

Fleur looked up worriedly from her place in the bed, the covers falling

away from her chest to reveal a mesmerizing sight to Harry that he so

desperately wanted to revel in more, but the intense heat coming from

his chest told him he had to go. "Promise me you'll be careful." She

demanded from him, a small pout on her lips.

Harry gave her a soft smile and quickly leaned over and kissed her

fervently on the lips before Fawkes grabbed onto his shoulder and flashed

away. As soon as he was gone, she threw off the covers as well and

quickly got changed, stalking out of the Room of Requirement and

headed for the Headmistress' office.

Ghost Castle was abuzz with activity as the members scrambled into the

War Room where Specter was already waiting. He too however, was

adjusting some of his gear and hadn't yet placed his gold mask over his

face. After all of the Ghosts were in the room, Specter spoke up, "Raven

Isle is under attack."

"What!" Harry exclaimed in surprise, making himself drop his right wand

holster. Sirius and he had advocated for that island thinking no one

would ever be able to attack or escape it. Very few people in the world

had the power or expertise to break the wards surrounding the island,

and even then, they would need to know where the island was in the first

place. Only one person came to Harry's mind on who had the skill,

power, and need to attack the prison, but how would he know where the

prison was?

"Hit wizards have already been dispatched before us. We are apparating

into what could very well be an ongoing battle. Lets get to work and be

safe out there. Harry if you find him, send him back to the inbetween."

Specter finished his quick pre-battle speech. Harry nodded his head and

finished prepping his gear, lastly placing his cloak around him and

putting his mask on. Harry then called to Gryffindor and the ancient

sword appeared in flames above his head, before magically levitating into

a scabbard that Harry strapped to his back. Once everyone was ready,

they all disappeared in a wisp of black smoke with Harry being

transferred by Fawkes.

Once the flash of fire had disappeared from around him, Harry could

easily make out that the entire island was indeed a war zone. Spells of all

colors flew around the night sky, some impacting with the large stone

fort that had once served in the British Empire as a refuge against pirates

before being claimed by the very pirates it was made to defend against.

Large flames poured from the great keep that was so hot that it melted

the stone. Sand had been kicked up across the battlefield and did much to

obscure the vision of everyone around. This was far more chaotic than

any other fight Harry had ever been, and the chance of being hit by a

stray spell was high if one wasn't constantly on alert.

It was a full moon and so despite it being dark out, the area was still

easily visible, moreso with the large bonfire that was once the castle. He

didn't dare try and use the night vision built into his mask for fear of

being blinded by the spells.

Harry briefly caught sight of Bellatrix Lestrange battling two hit wizards

in white robes, signifying that they were French. With every passing

second, more and more hit wizards popped onto the scene and quickly

began to turn the tides of battle.

Just as he was taking in his initial surroundings, the flash of the pale

green killing curse headed straights toward him. He didn't have any time

to react, seeing it too slowly, but still tried to dive away from instinct.

Fawkes, being much quicker than he was, dove in front of the killing

curse and erupted into a small ball of flame.

"Last time I do that." Harry heard Fawkes grumble in his head. His familiar

poked his small baby phoenix head out of the ashes, now being useless to

do anything other than watch his newest friend.

A second killing curse rushed towards him from the same location, but

this time Harry was completely alert to his surroundings and easily side-

stepped it. "Riddle, I see you still rely on that old spell." Harry mocked as

he turned to face his oldest foe. Voldemort stood only twenty feet away

with his pale Yew wand in hand and a gold hand that gleamed in the

moonlight brought up to protect his face as if he were boxing. His black

cloak flowed around him as if smoke, just as Harry's now did, and his red

eyes glowed brightly in the darkness.

Harry brought himself into his dueling stance, brandishing both wands

and preparing for a difficult fight. A stray blue spell flew over his right

shoulder and headed towards Voldemort who easily batted it away. "Why

use other spells when I can kill you so easily with just one?" Voldemort

asked back as he too took an attacking stance and prepared for a fight.

Voldemort wasn't going to underestimate his opponent this time. He now

knew Harry had power to match even his own, still he found his

advantage in knowledge and experience. The sound of a scream as

someone was blasted far into the ocean rang nearby, but Harry focused

completely on Voldemort, tuning everyone else out, just as Voldemort

was doing as well.

All around the two great wizards, spells of all kinds impacted with people

as the hit wizards and death eaters faced off with one another. Screams

and cries for help sounded across the island as the battle waged on.

Nearby, Moody successfully brought a death eater to his knees before a

follow up spell turned his head into a red mist. Moody quickly moved

onto another death eater who tried to approach Harry from behind. From

a quick scan, Harry could see that the hit wizards were slowly winning

the fight, and the addition of the ghosts meant that the death eaters

really stood no chance as long as he could tie up Voldemort.

"Easily? We both know I've lived through one of your killing curses. Are

you so sure I can't live through another?" Harry responded with a smirk.

The two of them began to circle one another, not willing to throw the

first spell just yet. Harry knew this duel would likely last only a few

seconds as all it took was one slight error for the other to win. He had a

plan going into this duel, but usually plans went out the window with the

first spell thrown.

"I'd be happy to test that theory, Potter." Voldemort sneered. "Are you

willing to test it as well?"

Harry shrugged, "Not particularly. But maybe-"

Riddle raised his wand again with blinding speed, cutting Harry off, but

he was just as quick now and easily side-stepped the spell. The killing

curse had one flaw, it moved slowly and could be dodged quite easily.

Harry returned with an organ liquefier spell that Riddle easily batted

away. Harry's yew wand aimed at the ground and turned several hundred

grains of sand into small snakes that quickly slithered towards Tom.

Riddle, slightly caught off guard by the spell that even he didn't know,

replied by placing a wall of flame in front of himself using his golden

hand, protecting him from the snakes. A black spell that Harry

recognized could temporarily close his throat and stop all breathing,

raced towards him through the flame wall a split second later. Harry

quickly shielded it and sent the spell back at Voldemort while following

up with an arrow wall.

Sticking to his plan, Harry then cast his patronus and sent it at Voldemort

while making himself invisible. The wall of flame did much to obscure

Voldemort and his own vision and so he used it to his advantage. The

large black tiger that looked just like Haunt drew Voldemort's attention

after he dealt with the arrows, using a shield that turned them into water.

He sent spell after spell at the large black tiger racing towards him but

nothing hit it, all of his spells passing through as if the tiger was made of

smoke. Gambling he figured the illusive tiger was just that, an illusion

meant to distract him and looked back up to where Harry had been, but

found him missing.

At that moment, the patronus Haunt leapt through the fire and bit deeply

into Voldemort's arm while at the same time, Harry had moved around

the flame wall and to Voldemort's side. He sent three quick piercing

hexes at Voldemort, all aimed to kill.

Despite the pain, surprise, and the large tiger trying to rip off his arm, he

successfully shielded Harry's hexes and then used a blast of wandless

magic from his golden hand which did have an effect on the patronus

Haunt, turning it back into mist.

Sensing a temporary weakness in his foe, Harry hurled spell after spell at

Voldemort forcing the great dark wizard onto the defensive. Voldemort

was bleeding heavily from the wound inflicted by the Haunt patronus

and was struggling to defend himself from the sheer power and speed

Harry attacked him with. Sensing that his mission was done here and that

this may not be a battle he could win, he muttered Maria, and

disappeared with a small pop just before Harry's piercing hex struck true.

Harry, still in his attack mode, quickly scanned the beach for new threats

but found almost all of the fights already beginning to conclude as many

death eaters disappeared in similar pops as they activated portkeys. "You

good Haunt?" Specter asked, rushing up to him.

Harry nodded, "Not a scratch on me."

Amelia floo'd into the ministry late at night after being informed of the

attack on Raven Isle. She had coordinated the defense of the prison but

their was nothing she could do about Voldemort who had destroyed the

wards in little time. A quick call to Specter and Ghost Squad was on

scene within a matter of seconds, but that response time wasn't enough to

save the prison or the initial hit wizards that went in to try and protect it.

The battle concluded with a total of six dead on their side, while the

Death Eaters suffered eight losses, with another four captured. What

made things worse was that Voldemort was successful in breaking out the

prisoners, most notably Bellatrix Lestrange. She had thought that the

attack on Raven Isle would be the worse thing she heard tonight, but that

thought turned out to be dead wrong as new reports started to come in.

In the far north, from the old Azkaban prison, it was reported that all of

the dementors had disappeared entirely. It was as if they had moved off

into a dark storm only to never reappear. They never went to mainland

England because if they had, the DMLE would be having a much worse

time tonight. Where they had gone was a mystery, but they had to have

been told to go somewhere, and as far as she knew, only one man had

sway over those creatures, which only caused more concern for her.

In the south was possibly the more disturbing news, that giants had been

smuggled into the country. A total of twenty of them with possibly more

on the way from France. The first thing she had done was notify

Sebastien of this and he was already working on stopping any giant

colonies from moving to England from France.

The only thing she knew was that the giants had been successfully

smuggled into the country, not how, or where they were. "Scrimgeour, I

need you to go to southern England. Find those giants and don't report

back until you have. Understood?" Amelia asked after dragging her

second in command into her office to talk privately. The DMLE had

started creating rapports with citizens who live around the beach areas

for fear of viking invasions which is how they knew giants had entered

the country.

Scrimgeour nodded, "I'll take two with me and we should find them in no


"Good, go quickly." He left the office and barked an order to two nearby

young aurors, giving Amelia a rare moment of silence inside of her office.

She closed her eyes and rubbed them tiredly, wishing she could be back

in her bed asleep. The small moment of peace didn't last long as a young

intern knocked on her door.

"The minister is here and he wants to speak with you." Amelia groaned

but nodded nonetheless. She walked out of her office and made it to one

of the lower levels where Fudge's offices were located. The place was

swarming with people working off little sleep. The whole ministry had

been called in to work due to the recent attack.

Harry stood just outside of the ministers office, still in his green jacket,

black cloak, and mask that was pulled up onto the top of his head in

order to reveal his face. He was on the receiving end of a few nervous

glances but no one dared approach him, especially because of the

gleaming sword of Gryffindor that was strapped to his back. A baby

Fawkes sat perched on his shoulder, the bird growing larger with every

hour passing.

Amelia, unlike most others, wasn't scared to approach Britain's Chosen

Son, "Another run in with Voldemort I hear?" She asked openly, not

caring who heard her. It was now undeniable by anyone that Voldemort

was still alive and well. The various papers and magazines would be

running wild with the story tomorrow morning and it would be

interesting to see how England takes the news.

Harry allowed a small smirk, "Our talks ended prematurely."

Amelia chuckled, "From what it sounds like, you forced him to run."

Harry simply shrugged, "I caught him off guard. Something I've now done

twice. If he's as smart and powerful as many proclaim, I don't suspect it

will happen again."

The doors burst open to the ministers office before Amelia could respond

and Specter walked out, glancing at Harry and Amelia as he walked by.

Fudge appeared from the doorway and motioned the two of them to

follow him inside.

"The report of this evening is truly horrific. They say you dueled You-

Know-Who and forced him to retreat?" Fudge asked once they had all

taken their seats.

"I was able to surprise him and capitalize on it, yes sir." Harry responded


"Glorious indeed!" Fudge proclaimed with a smile. "That will be quite the

story for the Daily Prophet! Should I set you up with an interview?"

Harry refrained from snapping back at the Minister. He had a thought to

blast him away for his careless attitude of tonight's events.

"Maybe sometime later, minister." Was all Harry responded with. He

wasn't too thrilled with being here in the first place, wishing to be back

in Fleur's arms and safely asleep in his bed in the Room of Requirement.

This whole night was leaving him a little irritated, not something he

thought he would feel after successfully beating Voldemort in a duel.

"Minister, we have other things to worry about. They were successful in

breaking out many of the inmates of Raven Isle, and now we don't have a

secure place to put new prisoners." Amelia responded, causing Fudge's

smile to falter for a moment. For Fudge, dealing with bad news was the

most bitter of tastes. "We also learned that the dementors have left

Azkaban and their location is unknown, and on top of that, giants have

been smuggled into England."

"Giants?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows. He hadn't yet heard that


Amelia nodded her head, "I already have Scrimgeour looking for them.

Right now we don't know much about them or why they are here."

"Could they be a part of Dumbledore's army? We know they left their

village of Kattegat." Harry responded curiously. Olaf the Shade as they

were calling him now, told them of the location of where his viking

brethren were from, a small secluded and ancient village called Kattegat

in the Kattegat region of Denmark. By the time Banshee and Shadow had

found the village, it was completely abandoned, save for a few women

and children that stayed behind. It was clear the army had already

moved on, and their was only one place they could go.

Attempts to find the large viking fleet in the open waters had gone

without reward. Dumbledore was with them and must have known a way

to keep them well hidden from spying eyes. It would make sense if

Dumbledore had sought help from Giants, and since no word on Snape

had been discovered in months, that could very well have been where he


Amelia simply shrugged, "Right now, we know nothing. Scrimgeour will

tell us more when he reports back."

Scrimgeour moved slowly through the wheat fields surrounding a small

village on the southern shore of England. Ahead of him was a quiet and

seemingly untouched forest that whispers had alerted him to be the area

recently inhabited by a small clan of giants and other monstrous humans.

Curious from the whispers, he decided to have a look and investigate

these claims, bringing along the two younger aurors with him.

Together, the three of them stalked slowly through the field and made

their way into the forest treeline. They had cast charms to make

themselves not just invisible, but quiet as well, but still they moved

through cover and crept as silently as possible just in case.

Moving into the forest from the field carefully, they scoured it for any

signs of giants. As Scrimgeour walked, he cast spell after spell in order to

detect any wards or traps nearby, hoping to get lucky. Eventually, his

detection spell came back with a hit, alerting him to a relatively powerful

charm that was protecting a large area in the middle of the forest. He

motioned his two aurors to come to him and they began further

inspecting the ward.

After identifying all of the wards surrounding this place in the forest, the

three of them began to cut a whole through the ward in order to look

through and spy. Whatever this place was was beng well protected by

spells that his it from the naked eye. Once a small hole was opened up,

Scrimgeour poked his head through undetected and looked around.

Immediately he noticed a large open space where dozens of large tents

were set up. In the middle was a campfire with smoke rising high above

the treeline. Large men sat around in groups drinking and eating

boisterously. They wore thick menacing armor and had large weapons

strapped to their hulking figures.

Also in the middle of the camp were five large giants that towered above

these men, even while sitting. They were mingled with the viking men,

drinking and eating in great amounts. It was clear all of them were

having a good time, and he also noticed a fair amount of women amongst

the men as well. He watched wide eyed at the culture shock he was

experiencing before him. These men seemed like beasts, unkempt, dirty,

and abhorrent. The women were free with their bodies, some not even

bothering to cover themselves as they walked freely around the camp. A

few men and women were off to the side, laying naked in the grass and

enjoying the pleasures of touch.

Ale and food was passed around freely and no one showed any signs of

superior wealth or stature. All except for one man who Scrimgeour's eyes

naturally settled on. The man was larger and more broad than the rest

and easily had the most fearsome weapon he had ever seen. Just seeing

this hulking figure caused the hairs on the back of his neck to raise up.

There was something about this man that screamed importance and he

even had an heir of royalty about him.

From the respect the others gave him, this man was clearly the leader.

Scrimgeour watched as the man turned his head towards the largest tent

in the camp. It bore the symbol of a great phoenix with a wand in its

beak. Smoke rose from a small hole in the top of the tent.

A man wearing a silver hood poked his head through the tent flap and

began muttering words to the leader viking. Only his long silver beard

was visible and Scrimgeour felt his blood run cold when he recognized

just who that man was. A few short words were exchanged between

wizard and viking and Scrimgeour's eyes widened when the viking leader

abruptly turned his head, his cold piercing blue eyes settling directly on


In a panic, he immediately pulled his head from the small hole in the

wards and stood up. Scrimgeour felt fear begin to rise up in his chest and

the only thought coursing through his brain was that he needed to warn


"What did you see?" Both young aurors glanced nervously at each other,

seeing the fear on their superior officers face.

"We need to go! Hurry!" Scrimgeour barked out, an urgent tone to his

voice. They didn't need to be told twice and both made to stand up, but

the sound of two thwacks stopped them dead in their tracks. An arrow

embedded into each of the two young aurors necks, dropping them

immediately. Both of them tried to scream in agony, but only the sound

of gurgling from their throats was heard as they choked on their blood.

Scrimgeour pulled his wand and sent a severing charm off into the

woods, hoping to hit something, but no scream followed it. It was the

sound of a bellowing cry that responded and a massive viking charged

from a nearby tree, carrying a tall barbed spear and thick wooden shield.

Scrimgeour frantically sent another severing charm at the charging viking

but watched hopelessly as it bounced off the magical armor with ease.

He didn't get another chance as the viking thrust his spear and struck

true, connecting with Scrimgeour's mouth and killing him instantly. The

master auror fell to the ground without a sound, only the widened eyes

showing his surprise that death had come so quickly.

36. Seeking Giants

"Have you seen this yet, Harry?" Neville called out to him as he sat down

at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Neville shoved the Daily

Prophet in front of Harry before turning back to his own food and

grovelling it down with hunger. Harry glanced at the title accompanied

by a picture of himself, both wands in hand, his black cloak flowing

behind him, making him look like a conquering Roman general in the

dawning light upon the beach of Raven Isle.

The main article was about everything that had happened last night,

from the attack on Raven Isle, the appearance of Voldemort and Harry's

fight with him, the disappearance of the dementors from Azkaban, and

lastly, rumors of giants being smuggled into England. The papers had a

lot to talk about this morning, and thankfully it didn't yet have the

knowledge to start talking about the disappearance of Scrimgeour and

the two younger aurors who went missing searching for said giants.

Amelia was trying to keep that news as quiet as possible, hoping they

would show up, but was growing with despair as time continued on.

Fleur sat down with Harry, her hand clenched in his, looking just as tired

as him. She had stayed up the whole night with Professor McGonagall

where they both had waited in the Headmistress' office for any news as to

what was going on. "Oh." Fleur gasped as she read through the account of

the massive battle that took place on the island from over Harry's

shoulder. Harry hadn't given her much detail on what went on, and

frankly, she didn't care too much to know, not wanting to know how

close she was to losing Harry just a few hours ago.

Her grip on Harry's hand tightened as she read the account of Harry's

quick fight with Voldemort and subsequently making the most feared

dark wizard retreat from the island. "Did you really duel You-Know-Who

Harry?" Katie asked, capturing the attention of just about everyone in the

hall with her question. The silence in the hall was palpable and even

some of the professors leaned forward from their chairs to listen to his


"I did." Harry replied simply as he turned his focus onto piling eggs and

toast onto his plate. After the events of last night, his stomach was

running on empty and he was eager to refill it. Excited murmurs and

gasps echoed throughout the hall and with a quick glance up to the staff

table, Harry could see many of them broke into their own smaller

conversations to discuss the news. Sirius sat in a grim mood next to

McGonagall and the two of them talked quietly with one another.

Fortunately, no one else had pressured Harry further for details, Fleur

had done a good job of staring down anymore curious students. Harry sat

in silence for the remainder of breakfast in order to readjust to not being

in the chaos of battle. It had been his first major fight, and he had walked

away without a scratch, but not everyone was so fortunate. If it wasn't for

the quickness of Fawkes, who was now resting in Harry's dorm, he very

well may not have made it through a single second of that fight. Fawkes

was also never going to live the moment down.

The loud chimes in Hogwarts sounded throughout the entirety of the

castle, signaling the start of class and Harry was thankful that today

would simply be a transfiguration day. Headmistress McGonagall was

still teaching the transfiguration classes this year, despite her higher up

position, but there were rumors that someone would be helping out with

the older students. This left Harry quite curious since he had yet to see

any new faces at the castle, besides the rotating auror guard that had

taken up residence.

He departed from Fleur with a quick kiss and climbed the steps to the

second floor where the transfiguration class was this year and opened the

doors with Neville right behind him. McGonagall was perched on her

desk in her animagus form just as she was in Harry's first year, but just

behind the teachers desk was Emmaline who sat on a pillow, her figure

very clearly showing signs of being late into her pregnancy.

More students filed in behind Harry and together they all began to take

their seats. Many of them gave Emmaline odd looks while glancing

nervously at the cat that perched itself on the desk. No one was falling

for the animagus trick anymore.

Neville nudged Harry in the side and jerked his head at the tabby cat

with a wicked grin on his face. Many of those nearby who had caught

Neville's subtle nudge gave Harry their own looks of encouragement. A

small grin formed on Harry's face as his godfather's influence began to

run through him.

Seeing that no real wrong could be done, Harry leaped from his desk, and

in one fluid motion, turned into Haunt, crashing onto the professors desk,

sending papers flying. The tabby cat leaped backwards, tumbling off the

desk in a fright as McGonagall's cat senses had momentarily taken over.

She turned back into her normal self gasping for the breath that left her

while on the floor, and Emmy who sat next to where the Headmistress

had fallen was doing everything in her power to not laugh. She calmly

pet Haunt who laid down on the desk and gratefully accepted the

attentions of Emmy.

"Mr. Potter, what did I say about abusing your animagus abilities!"

Minerva demanded from her student. All she got in response was a short

chuff before his attention was back to Emmy who continued to rub

behind his ear, making his head lean to one side. The whole class

laughed at the interaction playing out before them and even Minerva,

despite knowing she should be mad, couldn't help but smile at what

unfolded. She had a particular soft spot when it came to the green eyed

Gryffindor, and the fact that he was a cat, albeit a much larger and

scarier one, was something she was proud of.

"Get back to your seat Mr. Potter before I take points." Minerva said,

trying her best to keep her stern and unforgiving attitude prominent

among the students. Haunt let out another chuff before hopping down

from the desk and turning back to Harry who calmly took his seat like

nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Many of the students

continued to laugh and since this wasn't a class with a single Slytherin in

it, none of them glared daggers at him.

"Good." Minerva continued once the laughter had died down enough for

her to speak. "As many of you have already guessed, we will be having a

new professor come in to teach the older years while I continue with the

younger years. Please treat Mrs. Black with the same respect you do me,

or I assure you, a number of people in this castle will not be too pleased."

Everyone understood the threat Minerva left hanging out in the open,

and none would dare disrespect the new Mrs. Black. Sirius' punishments

were already legendary in the castle, but nothing compared to the

possible wrath that could occur at the hands of Harry Potter.

"Harry, if you will follow me for a moment." Minerva finished her

opening speech. Harry nodded and stood from his seat and followed the

Headmistress out of the classroom. He briefly caught Emmy begin to take

attendance of the class and ignored the odd looks given to him by many

of his classmates. It was remarkable how peoples perceptions of you

could change with a simple picture and story. Before today he had been

looked upon as a great teacher and very skilled in dueling and powerful

to boot, but now, he was a god amongst his classmates and many of the

citizens of this country. That one picture left a mark upon all of them,

and it was clear to Harry that they expected him to forever live up to that

picture. He hoped to never let them down.

The door shut behind them and Harry followed Minerva a few paces

away until she turned abruptly and began to speak. "I just wanted to tell

you the results of Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle's expulsion trials." When

Harry didn't say anything in response, she continued. "All three were

expelled from the school for misconduct and illegal activity. Amelia

however couldn't place any criminal charges on them and they were all

released back to their parents custody."

"Nothing? Not even their wands snapped?" Harry asked, slight frustration

edging into his voice. He had been hoping for more than just expulsion,

after all, they had tried to rape a friend and her sister, who had already

undergone many horrific events.

"Sadly, having a students wand snapped when expelled only applies to

those of muggle blood." Minerva replied with a slight bitterness in her

voice. It was clear she was equally displeased with Amelia's ability to do


"Figures." Harry grunted.

"It's a flawed system." Harry raised his eyebrows at that and Minerva

chuckled softly. "A very flawed system." She added.

"So the junior Death Eaters will now learn full time from their parents

and become full Death Eaters?" Minerva could only shrug in response.

"It's better than them staying in the school I guess." Harry was about to

reply but then began to feel an intense burning pain above his right

breast and knew immediately what it meant.

Minerva caught his sudden change of expression and grew worried,

"What is it?"

Harry only shook his head, "I'm not sure." Without a second thought, he

drew his wand and placed it on the tattoo of Haunt, then vanished in a

swirl of black mist, leaving Minerva staring at the spot her student once


Amelia paced back and forth in her office, biting her fingernails as she

did so. With every second passing, she grew more and more worried for

her colleagues and friends. Already, she had sent out a small party to

search for Scrimgeour and the two aurors he had taken with them, but

they reported back with no new knowledge of them.

Now, she had received a floo call from Mrs. Scrimgeour looking for her

husband and had to tell her the hard truth, and shortly after, a fiancee of

one of the younger aurors. This day was spiraling out of control for her

and she would do anything to go back in time and keep herself from

ordering Scrimgeour on that hunt for giants. It was becoming more clear

that they had been captured, or worse killed.

Her office door opened and for a brief moment, her heart fluttered with

hope, but it was quickly extinguished as she saw her assistant standing in

the doorway. "The press have gotten word of the story, they want a


Amelia sighed heavily and sank into a nearby chair. She rubbed her eyes

tiredly, still not having gotten a wink of sleep since last night. A yawn

escaped her lips before she could respond. "I'll give them a statement in a

moment, give me a second." The assistant nodded his head and shut the

door, once again leaving Amelia in the silence of her office.

Seconds turned into minutes as she rested in the chair before eventually

she willed herself to stand up and face the music. Just as she was about

to open the door of her office and feed herself to the wolves, she got a

sudden idea.

Turning back towards her floo, she threw in some powder and muttered

the name Avelia Dorma. She only kept her face pressed into the floo as to

not actually travel, instead to just talk with whoever was on the other


Her eyes settled on a large white marble entrance room with old armored

knights on either side of the walls. Unlike Hogwarts, these armored

knights actually moved and adjusted their heavy weapons in their grips

as they stood guard. Above them were paintings that moved around

restlessly from frame to frame, but all had stopped upon seeing the

fireplace light up green and Amelia's head stick through.

"Hello Amelia. What can I do for you?" Daren appeared in the hallway

wearing only a black robe. From the wetness of his hair, it was apparent

he had just taken a shower to rub away the grime of battle.

"I need your help again." Amelia said shortly. She was tired and growing

irritable with every second in her sleep deprived state.

Daren let out a small chuckle, oblivious to Amelia's tired state, "You seem

to be in need of a lot of help, Madame."

"Three of my aurors are missing. They were last seen in southern England

and I was hoping you could send someone to track them down." She

continued, ignoring Daren's joke.

Daren's smile quickly faded when he heard the request. "Of course. Who

are we looking for?"

Amelia quickly told him of the aurors and the last known location of

them. His eyebrows were raised when he heard she had sent them

looking for the giants. Both knew it was not the greatest idea to send just

three looking for such aggressive people, especially ones untrained in the

art of tracking. Daren immediately had his suspicions that they were

already dead, but didn't voice them. He simply responded with an okay

and left Amelia to return to her duties.

She brushed the soot off her face when she reappeared from the floo, and

after a quick glance over a mirror, she opened her door to her office.

Immediately she was bombarded by questions and constant flashes of

lights from cameras as they all clamored to get a statement on what was

going on.

"Stop squirming." Marie hissed frustratedly as she wrapped a bandage

around her husbands arm. He let out a hiss when her cool touch brushed

his pale skin.

"Stop causing more pain." Voldemort responded, giving his wife a cold

look, one that would normally frighten even his most brave followers, but

to her, it was the look of an adorable puppy. Despite his changed look, he

was still handsome to her, and truthfully, she was never really attracted

to him because of his handsome looks and charms of his youth, but from

his power and desire to change the world.

She wanted the same and had found an equal, kindred spirit in Tom. He

was a...difficult, yet easy man to love. He was ambitious and charismatic,

a man that could inspire thousands to follow him and even die for him.

How could you not fall in love for such a man?

His ways were harsh and maybe even barbaric at times, but they proved

effective, and if some had to suffer for the bettering of the world, then it

was just in her eyes. The Greater Good he preached to her, and she had

fallen in love with the ideal just as much as she had fallen in love with

the preacher.

She was just a young half-blood, cast aside from the magical world after

her schooling in Beauxbatons. It was impossible for her to find a job

anywhere in Europe due to the bigotry of those that deemed themselves

of pure blood and automatically superior because of this. She was also

scorned by her muggle father after her mother, a witch, died during

childbirth. Cast aside at a young age and sent to an orphanage on the Isle

of Corsica, she lived a dreadful and fearful life, scared of the kids that

always called her a freak.

She was then visited by a young woman who promised a world full of

happiness and magic, but quickly found it to be just as dark and angry as

the world she thought she left behind. All that changed however when a

handsome young man walked into her muggle Roma tourist shop some

forty years ago.

What ensued was a whirlwind romance, something she thought only

existed in sappy romance novels that left her breathless, and in her case,

the whirlwind never ceased, only changed directions. They were quickly

married, and since neither had family to speak of, the ordeal was kept

quiet. Together they planned their life and goals of the future. They were

the best of partners, where he was powerful, she was cunning, where he

was idealistic, she was pragmatic. Tom had insisted she stay away from

England until the time was right, but upon hearing of his death at the

hands of a young boy, she hurried to England to seek him out, only to

find a mere ghost of the man she had loved. But for her, that ghost was

enough and it had been her that kept the vision of the Greater Good alive

and well until his resurrection.

"The boy has proven quite the foe." Marie said with a grin. She liked to

tease her husband when possible, especially when it came to affecting his

ego. It was something she had made great effort to reduce over the years,

but it was difficult to kill altogether. He took great pride in the fear he

instilled in people, and his ego only grew upon seeing the fear his very

name inflicted even after his death.

"The boy has many surprises, none shall get to me again." Tom responded

with a hiss. He didn't take too kindly his defeat being rubbed in his face,

but he would never lash out at her. She had full control over him, and

she knew it, yet she never abused her power and it only made him

respect her more. He may lack empathy and not understand something as

complex as love, but he understood respect, and there was no one he held


"Overall though, it was a success yes?" She asked after conjuring an ice

pack and placing it onto his wounded arm. Again he hissed as the cold

connected with his pale scaly skin.

He nodded, "Bellatrix was freed, among others. We now know that more

countries are allying against us as well."

"That means we will have to act quickly. If they truly get into this war

and send their full forces against us..." She trailed off, leaving the

implication out in the open.

"We will strike hard and fast. What worries me though is this." He held

up the front page of the Daily Prophet for Marie to skim through. She

moved around and sat in a chair that was placed just beside Riddle's

throne, holding the prophet in her slender hands.

"I thought you only persuaded fifteen giants?" She asked after reading the

report that twenty had been smuggled into the country.

"I did." Voldemort muttered. If he had only fifteen, that meant someone

had taken the effort to smuggle another five into the country, and only

one man would do such a thing. Now the reports of Snape being seen in

the giant colonies made sense, and that it was Dumbledore who was

seeking their support.

"Dumbledore?" Marie quickly came to the same conclusion as her

husband. Voldemort only responded with a simple nod and faded into

deep thought.

"You sure they were here?" Reaper asked as they crept through a wheat

field on the outskirts of a small southern English village. It sat near

towering cliffs and a small dense forest lay just on the other side of the

field. A cold breeze whistled through the field and did much to keep the

two Ghosts on edge.

"Yes I'm sure. All the evidence points to them disappearing around here."

Demon replied in an irritable tone. He had reason to be irritated as well

since that was now the twelfth time Reaper had asked him that very


"Just askin'." Reaper replied quickly, sensing the irritation coming from

his partner. They had been sent by Specter to investigate the missing

aurors and finish their mission if they did indeed prove to be dead. For

the last five hours they had been nonstop apparating to different villages

alongside the southern coast of England tracking them down, and luckily

they weren't too far behind the tracks.

Together they pushed their way through the wheat fields and silenced

their communication between each other. Both were on the lookout for

potential threats as they were hunting giants, giants that had possibly

killed already.

The wheat field gave way to an old, small forest that blocked out the

afternoon sun. They moved into the shade and both pulled their wands.

Reaper felt the hair on the back of his neck begin to stand up as he came

into contact with magic, "You sense that?" He asked in a hushed tone.

Demon nodded his head, "Someones put up some very powerful wards

here." He answered back in a whisper. They moved through the forest as

silently as possible, avoiding sticks and leaves whenever possible.

The both of them searched for the edge of the ward line and eventually

Demon hit what he was looking for. He waved his wand in front of him

and illuminated a piece of the ward, a silver translucent dome beginning

to form in front of him. He motioned for Reaper to move towards him

and without any other communication, Demon began to go to work on

the wards while Reaper turned to stand guard.

It took Demon three minutes to break through the wards that guarded

whatever lay in the forest. Reaper seeing that his teammate had broken

through the wards, took up position behind a tree as to remain out of

sight just in case a patrol of enemies found them spying. Demon moved

through the small hole in the wards he had created for himself and crept

into a nearby bush.

He used his wand to pry a few stray branches away from his eyes so that

he could better see everything before him. His eyes widened upon seeing

the great camp lay before him, the Vikings moving in and out of large

tents, fires stretching far and wide with very tall humans huddled around

them, talking boisterously and munching on large sums of meat and

bread. Women moved through the camp in little clothing and would

often be grabbed by men who shoved them into tents, but where Demon

thought they would scream, he simply heard laughter and groans of


These barbarians before him were just as Olaf had described, great giants

of men and women surely descended from gods of old. He could see why

they had been feared warriors for ages and for the first time in his life, he

felt despair for his cause, for in that moment, his eyes rested on the five

giants that stood double the size of the large vikings, wielding great

spiked clubs and they too wore armor of some kind. Amongst the five

giants was a silver bearded man wearing a matching cloak that obscured

any other feature, but one had only to have seen Dumbledore once to

know it was indeed him shrouded in that cloak.

Reaper stood behind the tree keeping a watchful eye on Demons back to

make sure no one could sneak up on them. Whatever they were dealing

with here required them to be on full edge and they weren't going to take

any chances with their lives. All was quiet in the forest and an eery

feeling fell over him, as if he was being watched by some fell creature

that only wished harm upon him.

In a second, all of the birds and other critters of the forest quieted and

only the sound of his own heartbeat could be heard. Reaper began to feel

sweat beat down upon his brow as an uneasiness spread through him.

Just as he was about to call Demon back to him, a loud cry rang through

the trees, awakening the birds who scattered from the branches high

above with loud answering cries of their own.

Reaper poked his head out from behind the tree and saw a great man

bearing a large two handed ax high above his head, screaming a loud war

cry, and his crystal blue eyes set upon Demons back. Reaper stepped from

behind the tree and caught the viking by surprise, pulling two slim long

knives that were strapped to his lower back, and used them to great

affect, placing one in the gut of the viking and the other through the jaw.

The vikings cry suddenly ceased and was replaced by a gurgling sound as

he choked on blood and steel. Reaper pulled his knives from the man and

swiftly moved to the back of him, placing both of his weapons across the

vikings throat and slitting it, sending a spray of red into the forest green.

Demon heard the cry suddenly silenced behind him and watched as

everyone in the camp abruptly turned towards him as if they could all

see him disguised inside the bush. He looked behind him to see the

viking slump to the ground and stain the forest floor in red with Reaper

just behind him. "Time to go!" Demon called to his friend. Without a

moments hesitation, the both of them vanished on the spot in a wisp of

black smoke as several arrows passed through the smoke and hit nothing.

Harry appeared in the entrance hall of Ghost castle. The sun had already

set upon the high cliffs and the towering white walls were illuminated by

the stars and full moon. Great silver armored knights patrolled the

grounds and great halls as Harry briskly walked through. He pushed open

the large wooden doors of the war room and came upon the rest of the

Ghosts, all shrouded in their cloaks and masks. Reaper and Demon had

made it back from their trip in southern England only an hour prior and

reported the news to Amelia. Aurors had been sent to the site and

surrounded the forest, but all traces of giants and vikings were gone.

Justice was not in the cards today for the Director of Magical Law


Resting upon the table before them all was the chest that held Olaf's

horcrux, the actual blade sitting on top of the closed chest, glowing a

faint blue. The great stained glass windows that decorated the halls

glowed in the light of the full moon and where the pictures had once

depicted great battles between man and beast, now showed allegiances of

all kinds of Earths animals working in unison for a better world. Written

into the window were the words, 'One always suffers for the People'.

Those words were illuminated onto the sword and chest and the Ghosts

around it didn't bother to look up upon Harry's entrance.

"Seek what you have found." Specter said ominously once Harry took his

seat in the War Room. The others had done the same once Harry had sat

at the far end of the table, Specter on the opposite side. Harry wore his

mask as well, and where it once had been dark green, was now

emblazoned with the depiction of a gold dragon on his right cheek, a

silver tiger upon his left cheek, and lastly, upon his forehead were blue

Angel wings that pulsed in a blue light, forever signifying his tie to Fleur

and her kind.

"And may your findings bring comfort." Answered the Ghosts in hollow

unison. All of them kept their eyes on the sword and it answered by

glowing an even brighter shade of blue.

"The body we have." Continued Specter in a hard voice.

"Is one you may take." The Ghosts continued to chant. Harry sat back in

his seat as he was not told of what was being done tonight, but in his

watchings, it was easy to see what was happening. The horcrux further

glowed blue to the point it was turning a brilliantly shade of white that

pierced the darkness of the war room. Harry had to shield his eyes as the

Ghosts continued to chant and the sword grew brighter with every word.

"Fear no darkness and walk with the light once more." All of the Ghosts

said in unison. A small shockwave echoed from the sword upon those

words and Harry was once again forced to cover his eyes as a blinding

flash of light took hold of the room. Several of the Ghosts were rocked

back in their seats from the force of the shockwave.

The flash of white quickly died down and Harry was allowed to lay eyes

upon the sword which had began to emit a dull yellow light, and without

warning, it burst into flames making Angel and Shadow jump back from

their seats in fright.

The fire dissolved the steel sword, handle and all, and only left ashes in

its place on top of the chest which was left unharmed. "Err, what

happened?" Harry asked after several minutes of silence and intense

staring at the chest.

"That-I-He was supposed to be resurrected." Specter sputtered out in

disbelief. His face was full of confusion and shock as to what had taken

place before him.

"Are we sure we got the spell right?" Shadow asked, looking over to his

friend and leader.

Banshee replied by setting a large and clearly old tome onto the desk,

"We did, I'm sure of it." She began to turn the pages at a frantic pace until

she suddenly stopped and began to reread. "We did. I'm not sure what

went wrong." She looked up at the rest of the Ghosts with a lost look on

her face.

Specter sighed and began to stand up when a sudden boom echoed just

outside the war room. All of a sudden, one of the gleaming silver knights

that guarded the castle was thrown through the doors and slammed into

the table, shattering into different bits of armor pieces revealing that no

one actually was alive underneath the armor.

In strode a man around seven feet tall with young features and had a

large braided golden beard with thick long blonde hair. He was

completely naked and seemingly unaware of that fact as he walked into

the room with a confidence that surpassed even Voldemort's. His blue

eyes however were what drew notice with the Ghosts as they all

recognized them at once.

"You have held your end of the bargain, I shall hold mine." Olaf said in a

deep and gravely voice.

37. A Nation Rises

"Lord Dumbledore, we received a report that another village is under

attack in Northern Scotland." A young man stepped into his tent with a

wooden shield strapped to his back and strong mail armor covering his

body. His great black helm was resting in his left hand and his long spear

was held tight in his right, prepared already for battle.

Dumbledore looked up from the map he was studying to inspect the

messenger, "We shall go to their defense. Sound the horns." The man

nodded his head and quickly moved out of the tent. Only a few seconds

later, a large horn echoed through the camp and was met by the cries of

men who began to shout out orders. Others answered the horn with

cheers as they now actually had something to do other than waiting

around the makeshift camp.

Albus put down the quill that rested in his hand and stood from his chair.

He moved to the far side of the large tent and grabbed his silver cloak

that he normally wore about him while outside. He drew the hood to

shroud his face in shadow and placed his wand inside its old but trusty


After a brief glance over a mirror, he left his tent to watch the army of

vikings prepare for battle. Most of them were already anxiously waiting

around, long had they wished for this moment. Harald appeared from a

nearby tent dressed in his full armor, black mail with a large black bears

coat, his great weapon strapped to his back. His helm which he kept in

one hand for now was carved from dragon bone and was truly a

menacing sight to behold when upon the head of the large viking king.

The vikings formed into ranks and the captains moved up and down the

files to quickly inspect their men. After they all gave the okay to Harald,

he turned to Dumbledore and gave a simple nod. Dumbledore pulled his

wand, the Elder Wand, the one he had won off Grindelwald many years

ago, and waved it in front of himself.

He began to chant a string of words in ancient Gaelic, and the

surrounding area began to turn a dull gold. The night was illuminated by

the magic Dumbledore began to perform and the quiet of the forest they

camped in was broken by his words.

With one last cry, the dull gold flashed bright yellow and in an instant,

everyone vanished into nothingness. They all reappeared just outside a

small village that was nestled into rolling green hills. Already they could

hear faint screams as the muggles ran from the dementors that hunted


No one charged, all patiently waiting for Dumbledore's orders. "Protect

the villagers, slay the dementors." Dumbledore said in a whisper. A great

cry answered his order and the battering of shields sounded from the

vikings as they swelled up in glee at the impending battle.

With one last shout by Harald, the great vikings charged from the green

fields they had been transported to and rushed into the village. It was an

older village with cobblestone streets and dainty houses. Screams and

cries of pain echoed through the streets and a deep silvery mist had

descended upon the village, obscuring vision and causing an increased

chaos to the ensuing battle. What was normally an advantage for the

dementors had now been turned against them.

Dumbledore moved in just behind the charging vikings and watched as

they began breaking into houses and others raced across the small town

square, disappearing into the thick mist. He could hear the vikings hack

and slash at their foes and piercing wails cried out as the dementors were

struck down. The vikings weapons were imbued with ancient magic long

lost to the rest of the world and that allowed them to cut down these fell

beasts without impunity.

Standing just behind Dumbledore were the five giants he held in reserve.

All of them were just as anxious to get into battle, but despite their size,

they stood no chance against the dementors. They were not immune to

their cold fear, and the weapons they carried would simply pass through

the dementors as if they were just smoke.

Dumbledore stepped into the middle of the village and sent his own

patronus, one that had changed from the royal phoenix into a beautiful

silver mare, and sent it, not after the dementors, but the mist. It drove

the cold and damp weather away from the village and took away the

dementors natural environment. Screeching sounds echoed through the

village and overtook the cries of the villagers that still sounded

throughout, even piercing high above the shouts of battle from the


Black cloaked figures began to flee from the village in fear and the

vikings chased after them with reckless abandon. Dumbledore briefly

caught sight of a blue spell speeding towards him and turned abruptly,

batting it away with ease.

Emerging from a nearby cottage was a man dressed in Death Eater garb,

his wand at the ready, and instead of a white mask, he wore black.

Dumbledore knew that meant the man was a trained mercenary, a

warrior wizard by trade who only fought for the highest bidder;

Dumbledore had little respect for such men.

He waved his Elder wand and sent a blast of white light at the man that

was far too quick and powerful to stop. The Death Eater was sent flying

back, only a small yelp escaping his lips, and landed in the street with a

bone-crushing crunch. Dumbledore was about to finish the filth off when

several figures appeared from black smoke just behind the Death Eater.

He brought up his wand to engage what he thought would be more Death

Eaters, but hesitated for a moment.

Six in total appeared, and two figures immediately caught his eye. One

wore a bright gold mask and stood at the lead position, but just off to the

mans left was a shorter man who wore a dark green mask with silver,

gold, and blue designs inlaid in it that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

It was not the mask that was the dead give away as to who this young

warrior was, but the two wands he held at the ready. Harry Potter and

his Ghosts had come to join the fray.

One of the black masked Ghosts pulled his wand and stunned the Death

Eater who lay gasping for breath just before them, but none made a

specific move for Albus. Dumbledore held up his hands in a

nonthreatening manner and slowly began to back away. He did not yet

wish to fight Harry, in fact he never would pick a fight with Harry unless

absolutely necessary. His whole plane hinged on Voldemort killing the

boy, a task he thought would already be accomplished by now, but alas,

he had to wait a little longer.

Dumbledore took a quick glance of the small village which really only

consisted of a few streets of houses and noticed that his vikings had

already finished dispatching of the dementors who were escaping into the

night sky. "Run for the forests!" He called to the men and women under

his command. His job here was done and he was once again on his way

to restore his proper place amongst the world.

Harry took a step forward and away from the other Ghosts who all had

drawn their wands and were fixing to curse the former headmaster.

Harry though, only watched his former mentor, this being the first time

he had seen him in a year. They stood staring at one another for a brief

moment, green meeting blue, until blue broke contact and fled the village

with the remainder of his men.

Harry watched as the silver cloaked man vanished with a hushed word

and the other vikings fled over the green hills, disappearing from view.

The giants had been the last to flee, their great height only vanishing

when a flash of gold briefly lighting up the sky. The Ghosts gave no

chase, their mission was to dispatch of the dementors, not fight an army

of vikings and giants. Revenge for Scrimgeour and the other aurors would

have to wait for now. The sound of popping broke the sudden silence that

had descended upon the village as aurors apparated onto the scene and

began to fill the village with life once again.

Specter moved off to talk quietly with Amelia who appeared alongside

Kingsley, her new second in command. Several aurors who had begun to

move through the houses looking for survivors reappeared with black

cloaks that still had smoke coming off of them. The vikings had clearly

possessed a way to kill the foul creatures and had done the ministry a

service today.

"You must be quicker!" Olaf commanded as he brought his heavy sword

down upon Harry, who swiftly brought his own sword up to block the

attack. Harry then swiveled to the right, but his movement was already

foreseen by Olaf who swiped his left foot across Harry's legs and caused

him to crash to the floor. Olaf's sword was brought high into the air until

he swung it down with great speed. He held his attack just before the

point of his sword could cut into Harry's neck, only the tip slightly

scratching skin and drawing a small amount of blood.

"You will get better with time." Olaf said as he helped Harry to his feet.

Harry could only nod his head as he searched for his breath, great beads

of sweat ran down his face. The other Ghosts had been watching in

fascination at the combat prowess of Olaf and of Harry. No one could

contend with Olaf in a duel for longer than three seconds other than

Harry, and as such, Olaf had taken Harry under his wing.

Moving from September to October, and with November quickly

approaching, the war between Voldemort and Potter had begun to swing

in full. Riddle was attacking village after village without relent to

devastating effect. The aurors were being stretched thin and hardly had

time to rest, despite their increased numbers. Casualties had begun to

build up on both sides, and the unspoken toll of the loss of life fell on the

muggles which is what Voldemort mostly targeted. Dementors had

proven Voldemort's greatest fighting force since little of the aurors knew

how to repel them properly, and the muggles couldn't even see them to

begin with.

Because of the increased loss of life on the muggles behalf, the muggle

government had begun to take a greater involvement in the affair of

wizards, even if they didn't quite know they had. Prime Minister

Edgerton was constantly demanding status reports of the ongoing civil

war and had even begun to order SAS strikes on targets that muggles

could actually hit, such as muggle ships that were being used to bring in

wizards since the magical ways were blocked off or being watched. It was

effecting little in the grand scheme of things since the wizards the SAS

rounded up mysteriously disappeared when placed in jail, but some good

was still being done. Harry wished more could be done in regards of the

muggle military, but the need to keep the statute of secrecy between

wizard and muggle was greater.

Maybe if the world were a brighter and more understanding one then

those of different backrounds could live among another. But such a world

Harry had yet to see, the only muggles he knew hated him for his gifts,

and if they felt that way, there were bound to be others who felt the

same. The ways of wizards and witches was better left a secret, not just

for the betterment of magic kind, but for those of non-magic as well.

Despite the wary ways of muggles and wizards towards one another,

Amelia had begun to talk with Prime Minister Edgerton abut merging a

force between SAS members and the Ghosts. Still, such talks were far

from producing anything as of yet. Laws and regulations were fickle

things and required a great amount of trickery of words to surpass.

The last two months had brought about the start of what was looking like

a long and grueling civil war. Voldemort would use terror tactics, strike a

village and vanish into the night just as the Ghosts and aurors arrived.

Images of dead women, children, and men flowed through Harry's mind

and it did much to humble him, and also light a fire in his heart to end

this as soon as possible. The other ministry's had begun to see the cost of

the war, most notably to their own aurors and were growing more wary

by the day to keep them there.

Because of the hit and run, terror attacks that Voldemort had begun to

employ upon England, Scotland, and Ireland, the papers had ripped into

Fudge and his inability to successfully predict the attacks. Of course, it

was impossible to predict Voldemort's attacks since he was striking

completely at random, wishing to inflict pain and break the ministry

from within. Fudges popularity was beginning to decline as a result and

the minister grew more and more panicky which caused even more

irritation onto Harry.

He was already angered by the great loss of innocent life that occurred

within the country, but the Minister constantly asking him and the

Ghosts to do something was getting on his nerves. Sirius, Amelia, and

Daren would constantly tell him war is war and innocents are always

sacrificed, but it didn't make the fact any easier. Harry was quickly

becoming depressed at the state of the war and the only thing keeping

him from rushing out to meet Voldemort in a state of fury was Fleur and

her calm words.

Slight hope had begun to flow within him though just last night when he

came face to face with his long lost mentor for the first time in a year.

The old headmaster was back in England, that much he had known for a

while, but he never knew why until now. Dumbledore was still

continuing his old war against Voldemort, which was good. He only

hoped that was all Dumbledore was interested in, but something told him

it wasn't to be, that Dumbledore wanted something else, more than likely

to take England for himself.

At the moment however, they weren't strictly enemies, merely foes

against another greater foe, which meant they would soon be fighting

one another. Dumbledore had giants, Voldemort too had giants that had

yet to be seen. This war was becoming increasingly difficult for Harry to

adjust to, and with simple and quick math, he found himself without

much hope, and despair was beginning to seize his own heart.

"Olaf, any word from those you've sent messages to?" Daren asked,

stepping out from the side of the room. He handed Harry a towel to wipe

away the sweat, Olaf stood by without looking even a little tired. Upon

reentering the world of the living, Olaf had agreed to try and rally some

of the older, more ancient warriors of the world that he knew of, those

that had remained lost to time.

"I have only received word back from one man, though he cannot be

trusted." Daren raised his eyebrows and waited for Olaf to speak further.

"He has long wanted to kill me."

"And why is that?" Angel asked, stepping in behind Specter.

Olaf narrowed his eyes at the question, "I may have had a disagreement

with him over a woman."

"Many a men do." Daren said through pursed lips. "Will this man fight

with us?"

"Again, he cannot be trusted. I think it a trap to kill me."

"I do not care." Reaper hissed, also stepping out from the side of the

room. Olaf turned his narrowed eyes onto him, but didn't say anything

back. Due to his resurrection, he was honor-bound to help the Ghosts in

their plight, and revenge against his father kept him from breaking the

oath, no matter how much he was annoyed by these wizards.

"I will leave as soon as possible." Olaf answered through gritted teeth.

"Good." Daren responded simply.

Harry watched as Hedwig flew into the Great Hall and landed on the

table before him. It was now rare for him to receive any mail at Hogwarts

unless by Fawkes. Sirius had begun to take precautions and set up a

system where his mail would be delivered to Grimmauld where the new

Kreacher would sort through it then give it to Dobby. Only the most

important of mail would go straight to Harry and only a few could send

such mail.

Fleur who sat next to him as usual, snatched the mail away before Harry

could grab hold of it. She had recently begun to take it upon herself to

check his mail in case there was anything vile in it. It was something

Harry had numerous times told her to stop doing but had given up hope

that she ever would. She had a deep anxiety that he would be taken from

her by some obscure mail that was poisoned or contained a hidden

portkey, and she wished to take the bullet for him if such a thing were to

occur. It was something that unsettled Harry greatly, but Fleur refused to

listen to him on this matter, and he knew her to be the most stubborn

woman alive. There were many safeguards in the mail he received from

Hedwig and even his faithful companion acted as another safeguard, for

Hedwig would never carry anything dangerous to him.

Once she had ripped open the letter and nothing happened, she simply

handed it back to Harry to read and returned to her breakfast as if

nothing had happened. It was like risking her life by opening mail for her

boyfriend was a fate she accepted long ago and was okay with dying as

long as he lived on. It was scary yet breathtaking to Harry the love and

care she showed to him with such an act.

Harry grabbed the letter and slid out the contents. He didn't recognize

the scribble upon the first page and opened up the rest of the letter. He

was acutely aware of many others in the hall who watched for his

reaction as he read.


I have urgent news from the East.

Please meet me tonight at 2300 by your tree.


Harry quickly folded it up to keep prying eyes from seeing the message.

Charlie Weasley? That was the last person he was suspecting to have

written him a letter. News from the east also sounded ominous and the

fact that Charlie worked with dragons meant something serious was afoot

in Romania.

Hedwig hooted once before taking flight and heading out of the Great

Hall. If Hedwig's appearance hadn't attracted everyone in the hall, her

disappearing flight certainly did. Harry received many suspicious looks

and questioning glances, but he didn't say anything on the matter, and

they all knew better than to ask at this point. The war had begun to take

its toll on the students, and though magical villages hadn't yet been

attacked and very few in the castle had experienced any real losses yet,

the growing anxiety and fear was setting in.

Harry headed for his classes that day with deep and troubling thoughts as

to what he was about to learn. The day passed slowly for him, but the

night was taken up mostly by his training with Olaf. The former viking

king would soon be heading off on his trip to unknown lands. He refused

to tell them where he was going as of the moment, and it was a great risk

to let him go in the first place. Specter wanted to send Shadow with him,

but Olaf was adamant about going alone and so Specter gave up fighting


Harry got off training early in order to meet with Charlie by the Black

Lake at 2300 as asked. The night sky was full of stars and the moon was

only in crescent form. The Blake Lake was peaceful and reflected the

night sky perfectly, the stars glittering off the water like shining

diamonds. Harry moved to his favorite tree by the waters edge and drew

his cloak close to himself; the had descended on Scotland. Below the tree

he saw a hooded figure that kept his head on a swivel as if looking out

for a grave threat. The hooded man stopped looking about and his eyes

focused entirely on Harry as he approached.

"Harry, its good to see you again." Charlie said, taking off the hood that

hid his face from the light.

Harry quickly approached and shook the Weasley's outstretched hand.

"It's good to see you too. Why all the secrecy?" Harry asked, cutting

straight to the point. He was never one for small talk.

Getting the hint that Harry wasn't here for anything less than an

important discussion, Charlie began to speak, "Death Eaters have began

to approach us at the Romanian Dragon Reserve. We have said we aren't

interested, but they are getting...pushy."

"Did they threaten you?" Harry asked, concern immediately showing

through his voice. Due to the darkness of the light, his face was

completely hidden as well as Charlie's and they were working off the

sound of each others voices alone. Neither wanted this meeting to be

seen by many, and a light would surely give them away to whatever spies

remained in the castle. It was after hours, but Harry had placed several

wards around them anyways for precaution.

"Most definitely they have. You-Know-Who plans on taking and bending

the dragons to his will. However he plans on doing that I have no clue.

They were hoping that we would freely let them go and even help in the

process of keeping them stable."

"Would they even be able to control the dragons without you?"

Charlie only shrugged, "I'm not sure. We hardly can keep the dragons

docile ourselves. If they were to take them, there is no knowing what

would happen."

"How long do you have until the Death Eaters try and take the dragons

into their own care?"

"We were given only three days to decide our fates."

Harry stood silently in the darkness, "Harry?" Charlie asked after several

quiet minutes.

"Head back to the reserve and wait for Fawkes. He will bear you a

message from me."

"So you have a plan?" Charlie asked with surprise etched into his words.

He wasn't expecting to be heading back with any amount of hope for

Romania was far away and Harry was in the midst of war.

"I'm forming one, yes." Harry replied quietly, his mind beginning to delve

deeply inwards as his thoughts turned to what he could accomplish with

this news. Real tangible hope may yet be on his horizon.

Harry passed by the Gringotts goblin guards who stood proudly in their

dark steel armor, their spears held out before them. The two guards

bowed lowly to Harry as he passed and returned to staring menacingly at

the other nearby wizards. Harry walked into the great wizarding bank

wearing midnight black robes and the Gryffindor sword strapped to his

back. He walked alone through the bank floor and kept his eyes focused

in front of him.

Upon Harry's entry to the Great Hall of Gringotts, many a goblins heads

looked up and grew wide eyed. A door opened at the far side of the hall

and a grin formed on Harry's face as he recognized who soon approached

him. Wizards, witches, and goblins alike all watched as Harry casually

approached the goblin who stepped out from the bowels of the bank to

greet him.

"Griphook! How good to see you." Harry called out to the approaching

goblin. He was clad in a dark pinstriped suit and had glasses that were

hastily laid upon his face. His beady black eyes displayed no emotion, yet

the slight upturn of his green lips showed his demeanor.

"Honorable Potter, a pleasant surprise as always." Griphook bowed low to

his account holder. "What business do you have today?"

"I wish to speak with King Ragnok. I have an urgent matter to discuss

with him." The hall which was already silent, all wizards and goblins

equally invested in what was happening before them, grew static with

anticipation after the question. Wizards were not known to have dealings

directly with the king of English goblins, and none knew of Harry's

relationship with Ragnok until now.

Murmurs began to break out and Harry knew immediately that the press

would be all over this story in a matter of minutes. Upon conclusion of

this meeting he would undoubtedly be called upon many reporters alike

to discuss what transpired today. These stories could very well be ones

told for many centuries to come, and possible pave the way for closer

relations between the goblin nation and the wizarding one.

"He can see you now." Griphook said with a feral grin, his eyes tracking

the looks of astonishment written on many peoples faces within the bank.

Griphook had already been in talks with Harry prior to the meeting today

and was greatly looking forward to what entailed. He then led Harry

through to the far end of the bank hall and into the maze like depths of

Gringotts. Harry was lead through winding passages and towards a

simple, small wooden double door. Two goblins stood on the outside,

resplendent in gleaming golden armor and holding wicked steel-tipped

spears. They stepped aside upon spotting Harry and Griphook and

Griphook opened the doors for Harry to step through.

Ragnok stood up upon seeing his doors open, knowing that only those of

importance were allowed into his office without notice. Harry stepped in

and bowed deeply to the king of goblins before taking his seat. "This

meeting has come at last I see." Ragnok opened the conversation, his

deep gravely voice breaking the electrified air.

"We both knew one day it may come to this." Harry responded casually, a

small smile upturned on his lips. Ragnok's own lips upturned and he took

his seat upon a simple wooden chair. Harry sat down himself and

Griphook moved around to the other side of the table and sat next to his


"Griphook tells me you have something to bargain." Harry nodded his

head and unclasped the scabbard that held Gryffindors sword on his

back, and placed it in front of King Ragnok. The kings grin grew feral for

a moment when he spotted the glittering, ruby encrusted handle.

"Death Eaters have begun to encroach upon the Romanian Dragon

Reserve and Voldemort wishes to use those dragons in his war. A friend

of mine who works their believes that Voldemort may have found a way

to control the dragons minds."

Ragnok kept his eyes focused on the sword for a minute longer, not

muttering a word before he looked up to meet Harry's naturally glowing

eyes. "And this news should concern me?"

Harry titled his head to the side slightly, "We both know that Voldemort

is not too fond of your race or the power you hold over wizards wealth.

You also happen to have several dragons of your own and he would wish

to control them."

"My people are warriors, we would fight him and his followers." Ragnok

responded with a hiss.

"Yes your people are warriors, good ones." Harry paused for a moment to

gage the large goblin across from him. They had talked of the time when

they may have to join forces, but Ragnok was always hesitant of it. His

people had been deceived by wizards before and Harry didn't blame his

lack of trust in them now. "But alone, they would never stand a chance

against the combined might of Voldemort's dragons, giants, dementors,

and other fell beasts he has yet to unleash, should he defeat us. He would

crush you and your people and so goes into the night the legacy of

Ragnok King of Goblins under Gringotts."

Ragnok's eyes turned into small black beads and hew as about to snap

something out. Griphook next to the large goblin grew wide-eyed at

Harry's words, not expecting the meeting to go like this.

Harry however wasn't done and where his features were once hard,

softened slightly as did his tone. "But that does yet have to be the history

of your people. I will give you the sword of Gryffindor, for I know its

value to your people, and the Romanian Dragon Reserve also gift you

their dragons, for they know no better dragon tamers than your people."

Ragnok's gruff and leathery features softened slightly as well when Harry

laid out the price for what he was about to ask of him. "And for the

kingly gifts you offer, what is it that you wish?"

"For your warriors." Harry replied, his tone even and his eyes stayed firm

on Ragnoks, neither blinking. Griphook could only look back and forth

between the two and waited for his kings response. Goblins fighting

alongside wizards had never been accomplished before in the written

histories of their peoples, but times changed, and people along with it.

Ragnok finally broke eye contact and looked back down at the sword

before him. He reached out to grasp the handle and pulled free the silver

blade of Gryffindor. The sword glinted in the firelight of the stony room

they sat in and the two goblins looked in awe of the sword.

Suddenly, Ragnok sheathed the sword and pushed it back over to Harry.

Harry felt his heart drop as Ragnok stood up and took a step back from

the table. He had thought he could convince the goblins to join their side

finally, to fight with them.

"It is no longer our people's sword, but yours Lord Potter. Use it well."

Ragnok turned his back and approached a back door. Griphook gave an

apologetic look to Harry and made to follow his king out of the room.

Ragnok stopped suddenly in the doorway and turned his head to look at

Harry who still sat in his chair, looking dejectedly at the sword. "The

Goblin Nation shall rise to fight our foes like days of old."

Harry sat in the astronomy tower with his legs dangling off the edge. The

cool breeze that came with the morning light caught his bare legs and

sent a shiver up his spine. He sat in much needed silence, meditating on

the days to come. Neither Dumbledore or Voldemort had shown their

faces in the last several days and for the first time in the last few months

it seemed as if things had calmed down. The war had grown to a

stalemate with the appearance of Dumbledore and none of the three sides

were sure how to react. Harry hoped to use this lull of battle to progress

his own side, a side that was in dire need of help.

Two days had passed since his meeting with King Ragnok and he had yet

to hear when the army would be assembling, or even if they actually

were going to. Maybe it was the goblins turn to deceive the wizards in

times of war?

Olaf had also left the Ghost castle in search of his own allies to further

aid their cause. Harry had half a heart to think they would never see the

former viking king again, but a gut feeling told him Olaf would not

disappoint with his promise. He said he would bring soldiers, and Harry

was putting faith in the wraith turned man. From what he could tell, Olaf

was a man of honor, and his honor tied him to the cause, for as long as

some hope remained at least.

Harry watched as the sun rose above the towering green hills to the east

of Hogwarts. The rays of sun began to catch hold of the Black Lake and

illuminate it with strands of gold. He kept his eyes keen on the western

horizon however, half suspecting dementors to come flooding into

Hogsmeade which rested peacefully within his eyesight. A great

uneasiness had settled within him the last few days. Voldemort had not

attacked and neither had Dumbledore shown his face. It caused Harry to

sit more on edge than usual.

Instead of dementors and the cold they brought however, a loud trumpet

blew to the south from where the Forbidden Forest lain. Harry's head

jerked in the direction of the horn blast and watched keenly upon the

forest edge. Several more horns answered the call and Harry began to

feel a vibration even in the tall tower he sat in. Thud! Thud! Thud! Echoed

from the forest and birds and other critters sprang away from what

marched through the tree's.

Harry watched enthralled as leagues of goblins, a thousand in total,

marched out of the Forbidden Forest, led by a large goblin displayed in

golden armor that caught the reflection of the rising sun, illuminating

him as if he were a sun on Earth. Harry pushed himself off the edge of

the astronomy tower and at the same time, pulled his Yew wand and held

it below him, slowing his fall. He landed upon the soft grass with little

impact and quickly walked over to the goblin army which had stopped

marching once clear of the Forbidden Forest. They formed ranks proudly

on the grass that separated the castle and the forest. Aurors and

professors began to stream out of the castle to meet their new guests, but

it was Harry who reached them first.

The goblin warriors were dressed in heavy grey armor and all carried

long spears twice the goblins size along with thick shields that were

decorated with intricate designs. Harry approached the lead goblin who

wore pure gold and immediately recognized him as King Ragnok.

Harry bowed low to the King and the gesture was returned in kind, "King

Ragnok. I did not think you would lead your people."

"I am a warrior, as are my people. We are ready to fight with you, Lord

Potter." The goblins behind Ragnok all beat their spears against their

shields once and let out a grunt in unison sending a shiver down Harry's

spine. He was about to reply to Ragnok when a loud screech sounded

through the morning air, causing everyone to stop in their tracks and

look to the skies. Minerva had rushed out of the castle still in her

nightgown and a black robe thrown around her. Sirius was not too far

off, staring in wonder at something high above the broken clouds.

Harry saw Charlie and several others wearing the garments of dragon

handlers emerge from the forest just behind the goblins, their figures

much taller. Another screech cut through the air and Harry found himself

bathed in shadow as a great beast flew high above him before settling on

top of the astronomy tower.

Charlie approached Harry with a wild grin, "Norbert was intent upon

helping his friends." Harry looked up to the astronomy tower and saw

Norbert, the great dragon he had helped to get to Romania. It sat proudly

high up on the tower, its great red scales glimmering in the morning

light. As if hearing his introduction to Harry, Norbert let out a loud howl

that shook the very castle and answered it with a burst of fire that lit the


"I'm glad to see he thinks so highly of me." Harry muttered to himself as

he stared in awe at the great dragon.

38. Total War

Harry paced back and forth along the front of the staff table in the Great

Hall. Its ceiling was dark, showing the storm passing over Scotland, great

heaps of snow descending upon its grounds. Sitting beside McGonagall

was King Ragnok proudly displaying his families golden armor, his large

battleaxe placed on the table in front of him. Harry kept his hands

clasped behind his back as he moved back and forth in deep thought. The

Hall was empty save for the teachers and a few goblins that stood watch.

Goblins along with aurors were now patrolling the halls of Hogwarts,

along with standing watch over its ramparts and scouring the nearby

lands for any massing threats. So far, no patrols had reported any sign of

armies ready to attack from either Voldemort or Dumbledore. Harry

didn't expect any attacks on the castle anyways, at least not for awhile.

More goblins had been placed in contingency around Hogsmeade and

Diagon Alley, and all forces could move quickly to each location if either

were attacked. Each band of goblins were linked with a hit wizard team

carrying ropes that could quickly be made into portkeys and transfer

them anywhere.

Norbert kept to the grounds of Hogwarts, choosing to fly around the

southern hills and over the forbidden forest, stretching his great wings

more than he ever had before. Charlie and the other dragon tamers who

had followed the great dragon to England had also taken up residence in

Hogwarts or Hogsmeade, staying close by to help Hagrid. Hagrid was

beyond ecstatic to have his baby back home as he liked to call it, but it

was quite clear he didn't really know how to care for it properly.

The newspapers were constantly talking about the sudden new alliance

between goblins and wizards in the fight against the Death Eaters and

Voldemort. Such news was the beginning of bringing the goblins and

wizards closer together and Harry and Ragnok had hopes such a

closeness would remain long after the war.

Due to the acquiring of the new ally, it was Fudge who was reaping the

benefit in the press' eyes, but Harry didn't mind. As long as the people

were further protected, he didn't care who got credit for the work. With

Olaf still gone and out of contact, Harry could only hope that the

reinforcements of the goblins will indeed be enough to turn the tide of

the war in Britain.

"When will he attack?" Minerva asked. She always placed the students

first and her greatest fear was an attack on the school.

"If he will attack, either of them. Things are quiet at the moment."

Ragnok responded, taking a bite out of a loaf of bread. Things had been

completely still, as if the war had just up and left the country. The

appearance of Dumbledore had stopped Voldemort from making more

moves on the people of Britain, and the news of the goblins choosing

sides had completely ceased the war altogether. Three weeks had passed

with no attacks on any villages or other places.

This stalemate couldn't last long however. Soon things would begin once

again, and when they did begin, it would be a far more deadly war. Now

everyone understood the stakes and all the players. With Olaf seemingly

gone, most likely taking his chance and running away with his freedom,

Harry had his dragon, the goblins, and the ministries of the world at his

backing. Dumbledore had his vikings and giants, Voldemort with his

Death Eaters, dementors, and giant contingent as well as rumors of him

aligning himself with werewolf packs. The pieces were laid out on the

board for all to see, and now all that remained was how each person

moved their forces.

"Do you think You-Know-Who left?" Sprout asked with a hint of hope in

her voice. Harry looked sadly at the older professor and shook his head


"It's just the calm before the storm I'm afraid." Harry replied in a whisper,

voicing his own suspicions as to what was happening.

Harry sat down alone, a rare thing for him, in the library. He turned the

pages in his Anybook, learning more about older, darker spells. His

knowledge of the unknown spells of the world had grown vastly, and

now he found himself one of the more learned wizards in the world. The

downtime in the last several weeks had given him much time to study, to

learn and bring himself up to the same level of his enemies. He knew that

he was still at a disadvantage in terms of experience, but he hoped to

even the playing field when it came to knowledge at least.

His reading was interrupted by the appearance of ethereal beauty. Fleur

sat down in the seat opposite of him and placed an old textbook on the

table and began to turn its pages. Dust flew from the old tome yet she

hardly noticed, just as she didn't notice Harry's soft eyes admiring her

beauty. Even in this seemingly normal and unromantic place, she was

perfect to him. And yes she was veela, he knew all too well that she was

veela, having the mark upon his right breast that forever glowed blue to

remind him who Fleur was. Still, her beauty took his breath away each

time he saw her, and it wasn't from the allure.

As he looked at her, he knew why he loved her. It wasn't the natural

beauty, the perfect face and dazzling eyes, the unblemished skin and

slender build. It was the book that she read, or more importantly what

that book meant, why she was reading it, what it meant to her. The

books title was Agesti's Darkest Places, a book about locations tied to dark

magic. She had hope, a fools hope, yet hope still, that she would uncover

a possible location for his enemies. He loved her most of all for her

unrelenting attitude, something that would push him to seek out

something greater inside himself, something he never knew was in him.

She could see him when no else understood him, and he trusted her to

guide him forward.

"What are looking at?" Fleur asked after she caught onto Harry's gaze.

She glanced innocently behind herself but only saw a bookshelf.

Harry shook his head and offered her a soft smile, "Just watching you."

A small smile formed on her perfect pink lips, "Why?"

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Fleur chuckled at his words, shaking

her head.

"You are very 'andsome yourself." Harry chuckled this time and finished

with a sigh, a sadness overcoming him which she picked up on. "Whats


He sat silently for a moment and closed his book, "Lately I can't help but

feel overwhelmed, feel like I want to run away from everything, just

leave it all behind."

Fleur reached across the table and placed her soft hand in his and

squeezed it, "It's okay for you to feel like that. It's natural for you to feel

that stress and anxiety."

Harry slowly nodded his head and stayed silent, he looked out a nearby

window and watched the Hogwarts grounds. Snow had come to the

Scottish castle and the Black Lake was now covered in ice, several of the

muggleborn students ice-skating on its surface. He briefly saw Hedwig

and Fawkes racing across the skies, playing as they usually did.

"You need a break 'Arry. Being in this castle is stressing you out." Fleur

said when he had stayed quiet. He looked at her with raised eyebrows,

wondering where she was taking that statement. "Come with me." Fleur

didn't bother to wait for his response and took his hand, jerking him

upwards and leading him from the library after they had gathered their


Together they walked to the Headmistress' office and the stone gargoyle

slid to the side to let them pass, not bothering to wait for a password

from either of them. "What are-"

"Shhh." She cut him off, leading him up the stairs. She knocked on the

door and the sound of 'enter' was heard. The both of them walked into

Minerva's office and found her sitting on the opposite side of her desk

peering at several parchments with a quill in hand. She had her glasses

on the tip of her nose and seemed to be in study of whatever words were

before her.

"What can I do for you two?" Minerva asked without looking up from the

parchment. Fleur approached the desk and Harry followed, taking a seat

in one of the plush chairs that was placed in front of her desk. The office

had changed a lot from when Dumbledore had left. Gone were the many

trinkets, many things used to once spy on Harry and his stay with the

Dursleys. Gone was Fawkes' podium, gone was the pensieve, gone was

the vast library, now all belonging to Harry and placed in storage at

Grimmauld Place.

Harry looked at Fleur with confusion, waiting for her to answer, "I was

wondering if we could go 'ome for the weekend. 'Arry 'as been stressed

and needs the break." This caused Minerva to peer up from her

parchments, her beady eyes looking over her glasses.

"Is that so?" She asked Harry more than Fleur.

"Err." Fleur nudged him softly in the ribs, "Yes, I could use a break."

Minerva took her glasses off and rubbed her tired eyes. "God knows

you've earned it. Where will you go?"

"Our 'ome." Fleur responded, offering nothing more. It was still a well

kept secret as to where exactly their home was. Minerva knew better

than to pry further.

"Very well. Return Sunday evening, I want to see your faces at the feast."

Both Harry and Fleur smiled at the permission they received and offered

many thanks to their headmistress before leaving. They left the

headmistress' office with smiles and Harry looked happier and less

stressed than he had been in the last several weeks.

"I'll get my things and meet you 'ere in an 'our?" Fleur asked as they

walked along the hallway, towards the moving staircases.

"Things?" He asked, turning to her abruptly with a mischievous smile. He

then planted his lips on hers and kissed her fervently. "What do you need

really?" He asked after breaking the kiss. She was too dazed by the

sudden passion in his kiss to offer any other words, and in a second, they

both disappeared in a flash of fire as Fawkes transported them to Annecy.

"Fleur!" Gabbi cried out upon seeing her favorite and only sister. She

hardly noticed that Fleur was wearing only a bedsheet when she rushed

over to her and wrapped her small arms around her sister. Appoline was

much more alert to her eldest daughters lack of clothing and couldn't

help but chuckle. Fleur's silver hair was a mess, its normal perfect

straightness was all over the place and her pale skin was rose in color


Fleur planted a kiss on the top of her growing sisters forehead, hugging

her tightly for she missed her greatly. "Mama, how are you?" Fleur asked,

looking up to see her mother in the doorway.

Appoline smiled and walked into her daughters home, shutting the door

behind her. "I'm good as is your father. He will be here after work.

Where's Harry?" This question caught hold of the little veela and she

broke the hug from Fleur and looked around wildly.

"E's still sleeping. It's been a stressful couple of weeks for 'im." Fleur said

with a solemn sigh which Appoline understood all too well. Her husband

was in a constant state of stress and pressure and often he was kicked to

the ground because of it and it was her job to help him back to his feet.

"Can I wake him!" Gabbi asked with a mischief she had never seen in her

sister before. Clearly Harry and Sirius' influence was taking its toll and

the boys would soon reap what they sowed. Andrew Davis was becoming

quite the prankster within the castle, often being used by Sirius to prank

his students who had gotten into trouble in his class. She feared for the

future professors of Hogwarts when they would have to deal with him,

and possibly Gabbrielle who now wished to go to Hogwarts instead of


Gabbi didn't wait for a response and rushed up the stairs of the town

house. "How is he, truly." Appoline asked seriously once Gabbi had

disappeared upstairs.

Fleur sighed again and took a seat on a nearby sofa in the den room.

"Tired." Appoline took a seat opposite her daughter and reached over and

took her hand, squeezing it gently.

"I don't blame him. He has the world on his shoulders." The two women

sat in silence and soon they heard a squeal followed by childish laughter.

The laughter continued downstairs and Gabbi reappeared on top of

Harry's shoulders with Fawkes on top of Gabbi's head.

"A pleasure to see you Appoline." Harry said with a refreshed smile upon

his face. Months of stress that had been etched onto his face had

disappeared overnight and he looked just as lively as when Appoline had

first met him, yet despite the refreshed state, a newfound wisdom was

behind his eyes, a wisdom that would never go away.

"A pleasure as always Harry." Appoline responded. She stood up and

kissed Harry on the forehead before retaking her seat. Harry slowly set

Gabbi onto the floor and took a seat next to Fleur and Gabbi quickly

climbed into his lap and rested her head against his chest.

"So what are we doing today?" Appoline asked with a joyful smile,

clapping her hands together. Both teenagers glanced at one another and

it was Fleur that responded for them.

"It's not too cold out, we could go to the lake?" The other three merely

shrugged, not having a better idea and they wrapped themselves in

warmer clothing before stepping into the cold air. Annecy was relatively

protected from the harsh winters, but it still got relatively cold and snow

sometimes fell upon the small town.

The four of them headed for the docks where a boat awaited them, one

that Fleur had bought just for this occasion. On the outside it looked like

an old fishing boat that didn't belong on the lake anymore, but inside,

much like a magical tent, it was large and rich. It descended under the

lake and one could see into the water, catching the occasional fish that

swam by.

The decks were warmed by magic and one could stay outside and observe

even in the dead of winter. A full kitchen was in the lower decks and

Dobby had appeared once they stepped onto the ship, recognizing that

Harry might be needing his assistance.

The ship kicked off the dock and self-propelled into the middle of the

lake. They played games on board the ship and ate a feast that Dobby

had made for them, relaxing in the company of one another. These times

were rare and they made the most of it, telling stories of the last several

months. They stayed away from Harry's battles and dealings with war,

instead focusing on the the going-ons of Hogwarts. Gabrielle was

particularly interested in Hogwarts since she was wanting to go their

instead of Beauxbatons.

Soon it was time for them to head back to shore. They had eaten their fill

and complemented the chef, Dobby looked ready to cry at the praise and

he popped away before tears fell. They walked back through the lightly

snow covered streets and made it into the town house. Harry entered

first, a habit he had gotten into, and upon entering, he felt the hairs rise

on the back of his neck and whipped out his wand while placing his other

hand on Fleurs shoulder, stopping her from entering the house.

"No need for that." Harry heard a rasp voice coming from the dark and he

recognized it immediately. Sebastien appeared from the shadows and

stood in the hallway with a smirk on his face. Harry lowered his wand

and stepped into the house. "Though I do commend you for the caution."

Harry walked over to Sebastien and shook his hand, "I almost took your

head off."

Sebastien chuckled, "You may be Britain's Chosen Son, but it wouldn't be

so easy to take me."

Harry chuckled himself and stepped to the side to allow Fleur to greet

her father. They all settled into the den and Dobby provided drinks for all

of them. "The South Africans are thinking about joining the fight."

Sebastien said once the conversation about school had died. Both

Appoline and Fleur groaned, shaking their heads at the two men.

"Really? When did this come about?" Harry asked, ignoring the two

women. Gabbi listened intently to them. She wasn't quite old enough to

understand everything going on, but she was fascinated by it nonetheless.

"Just a few days ago. They saw Ghana support us and don't want to be

left out."

Harry nodded his head slowly, "Whatever gets their support I don't care.

We need the help. I fear what is to come."

An intense silence fell on everyone in the room as they all briefly

imagined Harry's own fears as if his images were projected onto them.

They all saw a shadowed man sitting upon a golden throne, children

bowing before it and cloaked men standing around them with their

wands pointed inwards. A great flash of green brought them out of the

sudden trance. They all looked around stunned at one another, their eyes

falling to Harry who looked ghostly pale for a moment.

Sebastien was the first to break the silence, "What the hell?" He breathed

out, sweat upon his brow. Harry glanced at Fleur and Appoline who

looked just as tired and out of breath as Sebastien. Gabbi who sat in his

lap was shivering slightly and Harry wrapped his arms around her

protectively. She responded to his touch and burrowed herself into his


"Harry?" Appoline asked, looking at him inquisitively.

Harry could only shrug, "I-I don't know. I'm just as shocked that all of you

saw that."

"How did you do that?" Sebastien asked.

"I'm not sure." Harry responded weakly.

"Whatever that was-" He stopped mid-sentence when a high-pitched

whine sounded from his pocket. He pulled out a small whistle that was

blowing all on its own. Appoline immediately looked concerned, knowing

what that whistle meant. "I have to go." Sebastien said, standing up


"But you just got here." Fleur said sadly. He gave her a sad smile and was

about to say something else when Harry felt an intense burning on his

left breast. His eyes immediately caught Harry's and both men knew

something serious was happening. Fleur also caught Harry's sudden

change of demeanor and understood what it meant. "Be careful." She

leaned over and placed a kiss on Harry's lips.

Harry stood up, setting Gabbi on the couch behind him after placing a

kiss of his own on her forehead. "I'm sure its nothing." He said, offering a

weak smile to Fleur who looked at him concernedly. "I'll see you in a

few." With that, Harry pressed his Yew wand into his Haunt tattoo and

disappeared in a wisp of black smoke. Sebastien kissed his wife on the

cheek and hugged both Fleur and Gabrielle before stepping into the floo

and disappearing in a flash of green fire.

Harry appeared in a wisp of black smoke, completely cloaked in black

save for his dark green mask that showed blue and gold designs. Gone

was his green basilisk jacket and black cargo pants, now he wore black

Horntail dragon armor and pants with gloves and boots to match. They

weren't as strong as the basilisk armor, but they were far more easy to

maneuver in, something Harry found he needed more than actual


As soon as he appeared, he scanned his surroundings, both wands ready

to be let loose on his enemies. He found Specter and the rest of Ghost

squad waiting for him in a wheat field. The night sky was occasionally lit

up by a blast of fire and other spells that sailed high over their intended


"Death Eaters are leading a joint assault, with dementors and giants

backing them, werewolves are also present. The students are the priority,

get to the school first and get them out." Specter said quickly when Harry

appeared. Harry turned to look at the battlefield he was called to and

found himself in southern France, not too far away from where he had

just been.

A beautiful building stood in an open grass field that was surrounded by

wheat fields and thick, dark forest. The building was large and beautiful,

a palace with intricate gardens that stretched hundreds of meters behind

the building. It was several stories high and all along the walls were

stained glass windows showing images of wizards doing great deeds. He

could see in the front of the building, stone giants battling the Death

Eaters and with each blast of light a piece of them was obliterated. It was

clear they couldn't last long in a fight and was more of a means to create

time rather than actually defend the school.

Shouts of panic were heard above the blasts that impacted with the stone

giants and an anger swelled within Harry when he recognized just what

school this was. A large blue flag waved in the night sky, illuminated by

the full moon, its golden crest of two wands behind a sun showed clear as

day. Beauxbatons was under attack. It seemed Voldemort thought

Hogwarts to too easily defended and now preyed upon schoolchildren of

a different country.

"Move quickly. Harry press the attack and let us slip into the palace."

Harry nodded his head and placed his mask over his face. He then

charged out of the wheat field and headed down the small hill into the

heat of battle. As he sprinted towards the enemy, he saw several

professors fighting off the Death Eaters, their white masks glowing in the

moonlight. Dementors moved ethereally over the grass fields, obscuring

vision with the mist that trailed behind them. Through the mist he saw

werewolves charge the field, one of them leaping high into the air and

taking a professor by surprise. Harry quickly took aim while still at full

sprint and sent a large silver spear through the air. The werewolf was

thrown back into the mist, a howl of pain echoing above the battle as the

spear connected with its chest.

Several giants were already on the east side of the building carrying trees

they had torn from their roots and were battering them against the stone

walls. He saw a few spells bounce harmlessly off their thick magic

resistant hides as several of the older students tried to defend their


Harry sent a blast of white light that pierced the night sky, forcing those

in front of him to shield their eyes. He followed that up with blue

lightning that shot from his yew wand and connected with a charging

werewolf who tried to leap on another unsuspecting teacher. The

lightning bounced from one werewolf to another and soon, it had down

seven of the charging werewolves, their bodies sizzling on the field.

Passing all around his body and over his shoulders, several spells whizzed

by him as the Ghosts charged into battle and turned towards the school.

Several of the Death Eaters who were caught in battle with the professors

were taken by surprise and downed easily. Harry sent his patronus into

the sky, and whether it was the adrenalin he now felt, or what his power

could now create, a midnight black Haunt shot from his wand, and where

it recently looked exactly like his patronus, now it was only a shadow

that somehow was even darker than the night.

Haunt sped towards the dementors who descended on the school and

leaped into their midst, sending them fleeing. One of them who had been

feeding off the soul of a professor was bitten in the neck by the shadow

Haunt and burst into smoke, a high-pitched wail sounding from the

creature just before it died, its cloak falling to the grass with smoke rising

from it.

Harry stepped into battle and used his wands to great effect, his arms

moving in a blur, all kinds of colors jetting from his wands, striking those

before him. Death Eaters and werewolves alike were blasted away,

incinerated, and decapitated with Harry's quick motions. He cut through

the battlefield like a hot knife through butter, and quickly his enemies

fled before him. Harry quickly caught sight of the giants now being

battled by someone who knew what they were doing, one of them felled

by several arrows to its throat.

A crack of lighting lit up the night sky and smashed into the field only a

few meters from Harry. Suddenly a figure shrouded in black appeared

from the spot the lightning struck. When Harry's eyes readjusted to the

dark light, he saw the pale, snake like figure of Voldemort, his gold hand

glinting brightly under the moonlight with his yew wand in it. When he

appeared, the Death Eaters, dementors, and werwolves rallied and

charged back into battle. The giants continued to wail on the palace walls

while the students desperately tried to defend against them.

"I was hoping to find you here Potter." Voldemort hissed. The two of

them began to circle one another, ignoring the rest of the battle for the


"Well I'm here Riddle. Should we end this?"

Voldemort smiled and flicked his wand, a jet of black hurled towards

Harry who easily batted it away. "Nothing would please me more." Tom

responded. Harry sent his own chain of spells at Voldemort and all were

deflected or evaded by Voldemort. Spell after spell they exchanged with

one another, all meant to kill, and none broke through their shields. The

energy from their spells began to create a wall of smoke and heat, pure

magic, around them as they dueled.

A sudden flash of gold lit both Voldemort's and Harry's eyes briefly,

forcing them to look away from their duel and at the newcomers to the

battle. Dumbledore, in his silver cloak, appeared at the front of a

formation of three hundred vikings, all clad in silver mail and leather

armor. Both Harry and Voldemort had stopped their duel completely and

stared in wonder at the army before them, taken in by its vastness and

sudden appearance.

The vikings suddenly cried out in deep voices and smashed their spears

into their shields, causing a boom to echo across the field that caught the

attention of everyone. Even the dementors stopped from their feasting

and looked to the vikings who stood ready to charge.

All of the air was sucked out of the area when a loud blast from a horn

sounded by the lead viking, a man taller than the rest wearing thick

horned armor that was black as night, a bear cloak upon his shoulders.

The vikings responded with another deep cry and all at once charged the

field of battle, their spears and swords held before them, ready to strike

down any foe in their wake.

Harry hardly noticed Dumbledore approach him and Voldemort on the

field of battle, his interest in the charging vikings being too great. Just as

the vikings were about to charge head long into the ranks of dementors,

werewolves, Death Eaters, and giants who had turned to fight, a second

flash of gold lit up the sky.

This light took Dumbledore by surprise and he stopped walking to watch

what occurred next. Ranks upon ranks of goblins, resplendent in their

iron armor, led by the golden king Ragnok at its front, appeared on the

field of battle. They stood on top of the small hill Harry had run down to

join the beginning of the battle. The vikings stopped mid-charge to gaze

at the new army that stood proud. One viking who had strayed too close

to a dementor shrieked in surprise as he was picked up and his soul was

sucked from his body.

This shriek brought everyone from their stunned state and the battle

commenced one again. Half of the viking forces charged into the

dementor and werewolf ranks, the other half turned to fight the incoming


The goblins in perfect uniform, lowered their spears and with one horn

blast, charged down the hill and swallowed the vikings. A great flurry of

steel and iron turned to blurs as the vikings, being much stronger and

bigger than their enemy, wreaked havoc on the lines. Goblins were

hurled through the air as the great axes of the vikings connected with the

iron armor the goblins wore. Still though, the goblins were skilled

soldiers and surrounded the vikings, hacking and slashing at their legs,

bringing them down to eye level then finishing them off one by one.

Dumbledore looked on in anger as half his force was decimated in a

matter of minutes. He turned his attention to the boy that spurned him

and sent a jet of blue that hurled across the field. It was increasingly

becoming clear that his return to England would not be one of triumph,

but of conquest, and it started with that boy. Harry side-stepped the spell

and unleashed his full arsenal of spells onto Dumbledore. Voldemort

understanding what was going on, began to press his attack onto Harry

as well. The two older wizards were for the moment momentarily

aligned, anger bringing them together. They had been swiftly defeated in

battle by a mere boy, and they would exact their revenge quickly. Both

wanted him dead, but for different reasons, and for this moment they

found common purpose.

The vikings fought a losing battle against the well disciplined forces of

the goblins, their spears too long, and their armor too thick. Ragnok

fought proudly on the front lines, his golden armor forever a shining light

to his forces to press the attack. The giants brought by Dumbledore began

to fight the other giants who turned their attentions from the school,

already several dead. Their battle caused devastation across the field,

their large feet stamping on anyone who got to close. The dementors

fought anyone nearby, even occasionally feasting on their allied

werewolves, but due to the vikings weapons, their numbers quickly

dwindled and fleeing was the better option for them.

Just as they were about to leave the field of battle, a shriek sounded from

the heavens above. Werewolves, dementors, and Death Eaters alike

stopped cold at the sound, something all had heard, and all feared. The

great red dragon, Norbert, crested the night sky and soared above the

battlefield. He roared with fury and breathed a hail of fire down onto the

ranks of werewolves and dementors, incinerating them on the spot. The

goblins pushed forward as Ragnok brought a horn to his lips and its great

deep sound echoed through the hills. Working as one, they slowly pushed

across the field, killing anything not friend in front of them. It wasn't

long until what remained of the werewolves, dementors, giants, and

Death Eaters had fled. The vikings were soon to follow, taken wholly by

surprise and suffering many casualties, their large captain blasting his

horn and fleeing into the woods.

All of this went unnoticed by the three leaders that battled amidst

everything. None payed attention to who was winning the battle, all their

focus was on their own private one.

Harry was under attack from both wizards, their full efforts on him. He

quickly found himself overwhelmed. He never had prepared for both

great wizards to align against him in a battle. Both his wands were

working desperately to keep him safe and the heat from them began to

turn to steam. He continuously moved out of the way of all kinds of dark

spells, and whenever he could, attacked, but found his attacks worthless.

He had no time to surmount an actual attack and was constantly on the


A purple spell headed towards him from Dumbledore and he dodged it,

but was then taken surprise in his exhaustion by one of Voldemort's spells

that connected with his thigh. He felt a million daggers stab into his leg

all at once and he was thrown into the air, his Holly wand flying from his

grasp. He just managed to roll to the side as a burst of fire hit where he


Harry shielded himself from both of Dumbledore's and Voldemort's

attacks, but his shield was quickly failing against their onslaught. He

glanced past his foes and saw that Norbert had entered the fray and

many a foe were being burned upon the battlefield. A calmness settled

over him, thinking his job was done, that Voldemort and Dumbledore

were finished. Harry felt his shield break and saw a black spell he knew

meant death hurling towards him.

Just before the spell reached him, a stone shield surrounded him, the

black spell breaking upon it like water. Quickly, the rock shield dissolved

and Harry saw Sebastien charge the field with many aurors from all

nations behind him. The night sky lit up like fireworks and both great

wizards were forced to flee. Dumbledore and Voldemort disappeared

with a flash of light, activating portkeys designed to cut through all

wards. Norbert barely missed Voldemort with his great jaw and let out a

roar in anger.

Harry breathed out a sigh of relief, and collapsed fully onto the grass in

exhaustion. Appearing above him was Sebastien who looked upon him

with a smile. "Hell of a day."

Harry only grunted in response, eliciting a chuckle from Sebastien. He

was then helped to his feet and Harry then looked upon the battlefield.

Bodies littered the grass fields and the actual palace that acted as a

school was in ruins. Fires were still blazing within the palace and where

the giants had attacked, only rubble remained. Students began to pour

out of the palace along with the few professors that remained. The

goblins stood stoically outside in neatly filed ranks while Ragnok moved

up and down their lines, individually inspecting each goblin warrior. The

aurors who had answered the call this evening began rushing into the

palace to search for survivors and students too scared to move from their

hiding spots.

Sebastien helped Harry to his feet, the pain in his leg making it difficult

to walk. They inspected the vikings who lay dead on the battlefield along

with black cloaks that still simmered. Men also lay upon the grass, in

black cloaks with white masks and blue professor cloaks of the school.

Goblin medics moved through the field, tending to who they could and

Ragnok had a place designated for his wounded and dead. He looked at

his dead with sadness, a short tear falling from his eye. Norbert roared

once more and took his place on the highest tower of the palace, standing

guard for all.

A bright flash of lighting illuminated the sky and was quickly followed by

a deep thunder that echoed along the hills. Rain began to patter the

grounds and set a somber mood on everyone, as if the weather herself set

out to remind everyone of the loss of life on this evening.

Harry stepped into the palace and found it in ruin. Fire had wrecked

havoc in the palace halls and several bodies were littered within it, young

students too soon taken from this world. His eyes however quickly fell

upon a sight he never thought he would see. Around two cloaked bodies

were Ghosts, their masks all placed above their heads, revealing their

faces to all. At their feet were the bodies, their black cloaks still around

them and their masks obscuring their faces.

"How?" Harry asked as he approached slowly and looked over the golden

masked Ghost and his oldest friend. Shadow and Specter had both fallen

this evening, going out like the soldiers they were.

"They went to save first years from the giants in the early stages of the

battle." Reaper said solemnly. The remaining Ghosts looked at their

leaders sadly, tears escaping each of their normally stoic eyes. Harry

collapsed to his knees and looked upon the two Ghosts, his mind

swirling, thoughts of revenge entering them.

Banshee reached down and pulled off the gold mask that was still caked

with blood and handed it to Harry. "This is yours now." Harry looked at

the gold mask and then at the other Ghosts who stared back at him. He

wanted to refuse the mask, refuse the responsibility, but when he looked

at his comrades, he saw a determination he never had seen before, an

anger never revealed, a thirst for death that could never be satiated. They

now looked to him to lead them, and he wasn't going to deny them their

revenge, their lust for blood by refusing the gold mask.

Harry took the mask, slipped off his green one, and placed the gold one

upon his face. "We have much work to do." Harry said. He then flashed

away in a fiery storm and the remaining Ghosts disappeared in wisps of

blacks smoke.

39. The Wand

"We can defeat them in battle, but if we don't find his horcruxes, we will

never win this war." Harry slammed his fist onto the stone table, causing

the actual stone to crack from the passive magic that formed around his

fist. Electric blue shocks waved away from his fingers as he did so. The

thud of his fist opened the eyes of those around him and they looked at

him with an almost hint of fear, but the fear was quickly swallowed up

by determination. "Find them." He demanded. The Ghosts scrambled out

of the war room, each already having a specific place to look.

Harry knew what the key to this war was, the horcruxes. As long as those

vile things still existed, this war would forever continue on, making

victory impossible. He looked sadly at the golden mask he had placed out

before him. A solemn sigh escaped his lips. He was becoming increasingly

tired and frustrated with the ongoings of war. The Defense club he

started was now completely passed off to Sirius and Flitwick. He also no

longer attended any classes, having neither the time or need for them.

One of the biggest things to happen this week was the moving of the

Beauxbatons students to Hogwarts. Aimee got her wish after all and was

able to become a student of Hogwarts, though it wasn't under the

conditions she wished it to be. She had spent the night of the attack

fighting the giants along side Specter and Shadow and was saved by them

when a tree trunk nearly killed her, but the blow was taken by Shadow


With the attack on Beauxbatons, the rest of the ministries of the world

who stayed at bay, away from war, knew it was no longer possible to sit

back and watch. Reinforcements from around the globe flooded into the

English ministry with each passing day. The greatest minds of military

warfare were sent as well, and Harry now found himself at the forefront,

discussing war with much older and wiser people than he.

Harry called for Fawkes and vanished from the castle in a flash of fire,

reappearing in the ministry. His appearance was waited upon, and as

soon as he touched ground, flashes from cameras went off in his face.

Questions were called out to him from the crowd of reporters but he

ignored them all and continued to push through the waves of people.

The ministry atrium was constantly full of wizards and witches wishing

to hear the current news of the ongoing war. The people were in a panic

as words of attacks all across Europe spread. Durmstrang was attacked

just a few weeks after the battle of Beauxbatons. Ilvermony was not far

behind, and that attack greatly angered the Americans. They sent hordes

of wizards and witches, all eager to join in the war. None of the attacks

were of great success, all disjointed and none who attacked actually wore

the white masks of Death Eaters. It was clear that this war was turning

global, and that followers of all kinds were flocking to either side.

Dumbledore's vikings began to diminish, their numbers slowly dwindling

as they gave way to the goblins who proved superior in fixed combat. He

replenished his forces with common folk, muggles succumbed to his will

through potions. Muggle weapons had also entered this war, and as such,

muggle governments had entered as well. Britain had activated a team of

SAS soldiers to work closely with Ghost squad, and Germany was

currently bringing their GSG9 forces up to speed as well. Global war was

upon the world and no one would be an innocent any longer.

Harry headed for the golden elevator where Amelia was waiting for him.

She held the door and gave him a reassuring smile as he entered.

Together, they moved to the third floor of the ministry and headed down

a darkened hall, only lit by flickering torches. They reached a door that

was protected by several goblin warriors who saluted their presence and

opened the doors for them. "They look to you now." Amelia whispered

into his ear as he entered before her and into the large room before him.

Upon seeing him, everyone in the room stood up. Again he found himself

in the large conference room of the ministry. Where there had just been

ten ministers meeting with him a few months ago, now their stood fifty-

two. The world has seen the war, and they have answered, and found

their captain to lead them through it.

Harry calmly walked to the head of the table, Minister Fudge sitting on

the opposite side, so far away he could barely see the color of his eyes

even with his enhanced vision from Haunt. Ragnok sat in the middle

along with another goblin who stood a head taller than the Gringotts

goblin king. He was Dimfold, the goblin king of the Iron Mountains in

Eastern Russia. They agreed to fight with their goblin folk, placing their

spears at Harrys disposal.

When Harry sat, so did the rest of the world. "So begins the first council

of the Aelthfold." Harry glanced at Dobby who sat at the table wearing a

proud grin. He was elected by his people to represent the house elves at

this meeting. The meeting had used the name Aelthfold, an old elvish

name meaning friend, since it was considered the most neutral word,

being goblins and men who still held some ill will towards each other.

This meeting incorporated not just wizards, goblins, and elves, but

muggles, whom the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of

England, and the Chancellor of Germany were representing. The three of

them sat silently in the middle, across from the goblins, looking at the

odd house elf of Dobby as well as Firenze who was elected to represent

the centaurs. Remus sat silently next to the old centaur, representing the

few werewolves who hadn't yet sided with Voldemort. Hagrid and

Maxime were chosen to represent the few giants who had yet to choose a

side in this war.

"Chancellor of Germany, Mr. Weisereicht has the floor." Harry started the

meeting. Several of those who already knew Harry chuckled to

themselves. Grandeur speeches were rare from the young wizard, he

much more liked to get straight to business rather than talk idly and gain


"Yes, er." The German Chancellor started, slightly surprised that the

young boy had so quickly begun the first meeting with him speaking. He

had just learned of this young boy and from the first moment he saw him

when he walked in, he immediately knew the boy was as special as

everyone proclaimed him to be. An air of power unlike any he had seen

before oozed from the boy. "The man you call Dumbledore has taken

much of southern Germany." He stuttered, still his eyes and mind

wondered at the creatures before him. "Many of our citizens in the south

have begun to act strangely, some disappearing into the night. Our

scientists think it has something to do with the water."

"Strangely, how so?" Minister Bagnold asked from his place nearby Fudge

at the far end of the table.

"Many are abandoning their homes, women, children, men alike. They

disappear into the forests of the Ardennes and when anyone has tried to

follow them, they too disappear. I have reports that they are glassy eyes

and don't speak as if in some kind of trance." The German had a worried

look about him as he spoke.

"We can send our healers." The Swedish minister said, standing up to

make his presence known. Next to him, another man that Harry thought

resembled Olaf stood up as well.

"Finland can help as well." The Finnish minister then looked to Harry.

"Our forces are eager to join your war as well, young King. Where can we

be of use?" Harry was slightly taken aback by the title given to him by

the Finnish minister, but looking around, none seemed fazed by the title,

except for the muggle leaders.

Harry stood up abruptly, "I am not a king, just a student and a soldier."

He paused for a moment and looked around the room, he saw many look

upon him as if he were above them all, that they owed him something.

"This war is stretching wide, from Asia." He glanced at the China and

Japan ministers, "To Africa." Then he looked to the South African and

Ghana ministers, "And all the way to the Americas." His eyes fell on the

muggle and magical ministers who sat watching him back. "All of us will

have to rise above ourselves to defeat these foes."

Again Harry paused and looked around the room, "Magic is a deadly, yet

great gift. In the hands of someone who wishes his common us all harm,

it can be truly terrible, yet in the hands who seeks to better us, it can be

great. Unfortunately, two terrible men are highly capable of the most

dark magic ever seen in the world. Hundreds of years of experience and

knowledge are at their disposal, and worst of all, hundreds of years of

oppressed beings are flocking to their sides. Men, giants, the corrupted

goblins from Greece and Romania, werewolves, and dementors seek to

destroy us all and build a new world." When Harry stopped speaking, the

whole hall sat silently, watching their leader with awe, for a shade of

gold began to form around him, as if magic herself was bathing him in


"A new world." Harry repeated his words. "That is what they seek, and

that is what we must make." That statement caused a few questioning

glances at him and others looked scandalized at the idea of a new world.

"Goblins, men, centaurs, giants, and other folk are no different from one

another. Sure we look different, but we don't think differently. We live in

the same world, see and experience the same things, love and hate the

same way. We are more alike than we often care to admit. It's time to end

our differences, here, now. We must unite, not under the same banner or

country name, but under the same ideal, that we are all free, that we are

independent, and no man or other being is lesser than the other. The time

has finally come, and if you refuse to unite now, we will all perish


Harry sat down in his chair and stared back at everyone just as intensely

as they had watched him. Dimfold was the first to make a move, standing

from his seat next to Ragnok. He was wearing crude iron armor and had

a wicked battleaxe strapped to his back. He stood on his chair so that

everyone could easily see him. "I stand with you, Harry Potter." His gruff

voice rung throughout the hall, the words cutting through the air like a


Ragnok soon stood up as well, breaking the sudden silence and

unsheathed his wicked steel blade, a few specks of viking blood still upon

it, "I too stand with Harry Potter!" His voice cried out. Dobby then

quickly followed and echoed the same cry. Soon, the whole hall was

standing, shouting their support for Harry's new world. Harry only sat

silently, listening to the world cry out for him to lead them into a new

magical age.

"My liege." Ragnok bowed deeply to Harry when he entered the Room of

Requirement. The room was small, only a round stone table was within it

and there sat Harrys most trusted advisers. He only bowed to Ragnoks

call, being as it was something he was still getting used to. Everywhere

he went goblins were calling him king, Chosen, or liege. Wizards were

saluting him as well and calling him Lord. Sirius had instructed him that

such titles, for a goblin and a man to bow his head and proclaim a new

master was rare, and that to refuse the title was equally as rare.

Harry entered into the room and everyone stood up at his presence. He

gestured for them to sit again and he too took his seat next to Sirius and

Sebastien. Fleur sat beside her father and Appoline beside her daughter.

Minerva, Flitwick, Remus, Amelia, Tonks, Moody, and Kinglsey rounded

out the rest of the people sitting at the table. Harry dubbed the group the

Secret Keepers, or really the Horcrux Hunters is what he called them in

private. The Ghosts were also out searching for the horcruxes, but they

were often needing to be called to battle.

"Anything yet?" Harry looked to Remus. He was the one in charge of the

horcrux search and had studied them the most over the last year. Already

he had traveled all over the world looking for the souls of Riddle, but had

come up empty thus far. Luck had changed for him though.

"I have one good lead I'm working on." Remus responded. Harry waited

for Remus to continue further. "Riddle hid his horcruxes once again

several months ago. He's desperate to keep them safe, knowing both you

and Dumbledore know of them. I think one was taken to Bulgaria."

"Bulgaria?" Amelia asked aloud in an unimpressed tone. "What makes you

think he would take one there?"

"Other than that that he once hid there when he was but shadow?"

Remus responded shortly, not liking his hard work judged harshly. "We

know his horcruxes have something to do with Hogwarts, Ravenclaws

diadem, Slytherins locket, Hufflepuffs Goblet, and possibly Gryffindors

wand. All four were thought long lost until we found the locket which

was stolen by Dumbledore and is now hopefully destroyed and the goblet

taken and destroyed by goblins when they searched their bank vaults. All

that remains is the long lost diadem and the wand. I think I found the


"And where is Gryffindor's wand? It hasn't been seen for several

centuries." Minerva asked skeptically, though a grain of hope that it had

been found sounded in her voice.


Remus and Tonks walked into a small inn named Venturi. Upon their

entrance, many a faces looked up to watch them with cold, keen eyes.

The Inn was rather large and cozy, a warm fire lit in the back half where

a small band played sad music that was mostly ignored. Tables and chairs

were haphazardly placed around the large room and were decaying from

a lack of caring by the establishment. A barkeep and barmaid rushed

from table to table placing orders and delivering food and drink to their


The odd couple sat in the dark corner near the band and waved over the

barmaid, "Two whiskeys." Remus said once the young girl approached.

She nodded her head and turned away.

"This is kind of fun, you have to admit." Tonks said with a small smile.

Remus looked back at his friend but didn't offer a smile in return. He was

taken by her beauty, an odd beauty that wouldn't captivate most men.

She was different from anyone he had ever met. Young, yet old, fair, yet

plain, enchanting, yet bothering. She was full of good and bad, and

surprisingly it was the bad that drew him more. She was unrelenting with

her tongue, always wanting to speak while he always wanted to sit in

sullen silence.

She wanted to constantly do something, anything, while he wanted to sit

still and wait out whatever storm came his way. They were opposites, yet

they were the same, and the mystery compelled him to explore her more.

He feared her, yet loved her, and the thought scared him, yet captivated


Her short hair was bright pink and she wore gold earrings that glinted in

the firelight. She took a sip of the ale that was provided and scanned the

other patrons of the inn. Her purple colored eyes showed brightly in the

flickering light and her slender frame was well seen by the clothes she

wore, her fur cloak placed on the coat rack by the front door.

Remus could only watch her, fear taking him, not the fear of talking to

her, or the fear of falling for her, but the fear of her falling for him. He

had gone as far as he thought he could with her, taking her out on

several dates. He knew he could never fully be with her however, his

condition would never allow it. She wanted something he could not give,

something he could never give, and the thought pained him so.

Tonks looked up from her drink and caught Remus' brown eyes, her lips

turning into a soft smile, "You will break eventually." She whistled. She

knew all too well the thoughts racing through his brain, thoughts she had

for the past year tried to expel, but now had given up hope. Remus was

Remus, and she was done trying to change him, now just loving him for

the man he was.

"We've talked about this." Remus grunted, taking his eyes away from the

beautiful witch before him and instead choosing to scan the patrons.

Tonks gave him a sour look but didn't say anything more, her eyes also

scanning the room. Remus' eyes fell on a shaded figure in the opposite

corner of the inn, his own eyes watching the room just as Remus and

Tonks' were.

The shrouded figure and Remus' eyes connected for a moment, and they

both stared at one another. The man stood up suddenly and headed for

the back door. "I think that's our man." Remus said, jerking his head in

the direction the cloaked man walked. Tonks looked where Remus was

watching and tracked the man as he walked across the room and out the

back door. "Come on." She said, and the two left out the door in pursuit.

They both walked into the back alley of the Inn. It was covered in a new

layer of snow and though the snowstorm had ceased, it was soon to

return. They saw the tracks of the man they were following heading east

and they ran after him.

The tracks continued to lead through the back alleys of the largest city of

Bulgaria. The footprints grew wider which alerted them that their prey

had started to run, and they too followed at a sprint. They rounded a

corner and saw the footprints head towards a main street, muggle cars

raced by on either side of the road. The man they chased had managed to

cross the street unscathed.

Tonks and Remus raced into the middle of the road, dodging the cars as

best they could. One grew too close and Remus was forced to shield

himself from it, the car sent flying upwards and landing on its top a few

meters away. "We'll be in the pictures 'cause of that!" Tonks said as they

continued across the road. Remus didn't respond, his mind completely on

the trail ahead of him.

The footprints led them to the riverside where they turned left and ran

under a bridge. A mighty river flowed next to them as they sprinted and

many hanging lights from looming marble and stone buildings shown

their path. Once underneath the bridge however, everything turned dark

and the footprints disappeared.

"What now?" Tonks groaned, coming to a halt. She rubbed her arms to

try and keep warm in the cold around them.

Remus began to turn to his werewolf senses, his nose searching for where

the runner had left. His eyes which were great in the dark of the night

spotted a passageway under the bridge, half-obscured by snow. He raced

over to it and Tonks followed in interest.

"He went through here." Remus said, placing his hand on a wooden door

and pushing forward. The door gave away and revealed a stone

passageway that lead deep underneath the city. Darkness was all that was

to be seen but Remus stepped into it without fear, Tonks closely behind

him. Together they walked into the bowels of the ancient city and as they

got closer to the bottom, they began to see light once again.

"They're getting close!" A voice hissed, the sound echoing off the stone

walls. Both Tonks and Remus stopped in their step once they heard the

voice that came from below them, where the light shown.

"Are you sure you lost them?" Another voice asked in a thick eastern

European accent.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure." The first voice answered in an aggravated tone.

A deathly pause enveloped the two and was only broken by the second

voice, "We must move the wand." Remus and Tonks' ears perked up at

that. They were searching for a wand, a specific wand, Gryffindors wand,

and it seemed they were indeed on the right track.

"We can't with Potters forces moving about." The first voice responded

with despair.

"Are you even sure you were being followed, that they were indeed with

Potter?" The second voice asked.

"Of course I'm sure." The first voice answered. Remus had heard enough

and looked to Tonks who stood just behind him. They nodded in

agreement, discussing their plan with a simple look, and Remus finished

his trek down the stairs. He found himself in an old sewer system,

muddled water ran through drains on either side of the room. The two

men stood on a small stone platform used for maintenance purposes.

Both were equally shocked to see another figure appear before them, and

without another sound, both were struck down by Remus and Tonks.

Their bodies were floated through the sewer drains and would later be

picked up by muggle police, their files never being solved.

Remus scoured the small room and saw at the far end a wooden box that

was clearly old and well worn through the years. He picked it up in his

hands and slowly opened it. Dust flew from the compartment and Remus

saw inside a brown wand with runes engraved into it. The wand was

clearly very old and most definitely Gryffindors if the sigil of Gryffindor

carved into the box was to be believed.

Tonks looked over his shoulder and a gasp escaped her lips, "Never would

I have imagined."

"Imagined holding a piece of our history worth unimaginable wealth?"

Remus finished for her, a small smile escaping his lips. Without a second

thought, he then placed the wooden box in his robes, and together they

ascended the dark stairs and back into the old city.

Voldemort walked back and forth in his throne room reading the letter

that was just delivered to him. Its message was clear, but the intent

behind it was not. His old foe was always cunning, always planning many

steps ahead and he knew he was lost in the games of the old man. This

letter could easily be a trap, yet it could easily be the greatest thing he'd

seen in the last year. He was becoming desperate, the might of Potter was

becoming great, his skill and knowledge quickly becoming too much to

handle. His ability to withstand the might of himself and Dumbledore at

once was greatly concerning.

Despite the new forces that were flocking to his side, all wishing to join

his ranks, he couldn't keep up with recruiting. His new recruits were

worthless, beggars, robbers, true scum of every society. They had neither

money nor real usable skills for him, just their lives to be used as fodder.

He was glad to make use of them of course, but still he wished for better

soldiers to replace the ones he was losing rapidly.

This letter now offered some hope, a hope to the extent to defeat his most

immediate enemy. Of course, the defeat of Potter would quickly lead into

a second war against the wizard he never thought in a million lifetimes

he would potentially ally with. Thoughts of that war though were quickly

being pushed to the back of his mind. "How are you going to respond?"

Maria asked from her place on the smaller throne next to her husbands.

Voldemort briefly turned his eyes to her before looking back at the slip of


"I'm not sure." He hissed, the paper loosening from his grasp and

fluttering to the ground.

Dumbledore paced back and forth in the small camp, a much smaller

contingent of men from which first sailed with him were present. Half of

his forces were gone, lost to the goblins who were under the control of

Potter. An anger he had never known before still raged within him, his

outpour of magic having lit afire several tents. Now he understood why

Riddle liked his throne rooms made of stone.

Because of the boy, he was now forced into making a deal with the devil.

He knew this was a desperate action, but at the current rate, Potter is

only going to grow stronger, and he needed to be killed quickly before all

was lost. Tom was the only hope he had left, their combined forces just

might be enough to finish Potter. Now all he could do was wait for the

devil to show, if he ever showed.

"You promised me land in England!" Hardrada spat out, walking

menacingly over to the old wizard. Dumbledore sighed and sat down in a

chair inside the tent he had yet to set aflame. Three battles had now

passed, and all were lost. The only thing he had going for him were the

swell of muggle recruits he had taken against their wills. He wasn't proud

of what he was doing, but it was for the Greater Good, and once Potter

was dealt with, he could return those still alive to their homes.

"And you will receive it friend. What has happened recently is only a set

back." Dumbledore replied calmly, knowing full well he was lying to a

very intimidating foe.

This only served to make the viking king more angry, he bent down low

and put his face in Dumbledore's, "Half of my men are dead because of

you! I should have your head now. It's clear you are just an old fool!"

Harald moved his hand to his back and gripped the large axe that rested


Dumbledore swiftly held his hand up, halting the viking with wandless

magic, save for the eyes which grew wide with a sudden fear. "A set back

is not a defeat." Dumbledore hissed dangerously. Then out of the corner

of his eye he caught a glimpse of something behind the large viking, and

his defeated look turned to a grin. "The war has only just begun." With

another wave of his hand, the large viking was set free. Harald glanced in

the same direction of Dumbledore and saw out of the forest several

hundred Death Eaters, their white masks bright and polished. Just behind

them were werewolves and still a few giants remained in Voldemort's

camp who lingered behind the army.

At their lead was a man in a black cloak that moved about him as if

smoke. In the shining sun, the pale lead mans golden hand gleamed and

the white yew wand he held was down at his side, ready to strike just in

case. "A troubling time we find ourselves in, old man." Riddle hissed,

walking into the camp of Dumbledore.

Harry walked down the main alley of Hogsmeade with Fleur on his arm.

His friends were scattered behind him, disappearing into shops. Harry

breathed in the fresh cool mid-December air. This he knew was going to

be his last bit of fun before the war kicked off once again. He could feel

his enemies regrouping, searching out where to strike next. Neither

Dumbledore nor Voldemort had been seen once in the last several days.

Voldemort's last strike had been on Ilvermorny, while Dumbledore had

stuck to smaller towns. None of their attacks had worked well, the

response times of the aurors greatly improved and the sheer force behind

them just as great.

Now with both of their sudden silences, he began to get slightly nervous

again, just as he had done before the sudden attack on Beauxbatons.

There was no knowing what was happening with those two. Dumbledore

they knew was amassing an army of muggles, stolen from southern

Germany, and now Switzerland, and Austria. Voldemort was taking on

new recruits, not good recruits, but wizards and witches that possessed

wands no less. Some goblin forces had also joined in with Voldemort as

well, looking to topple their much more profitable kindred, the Gringott's

and Dimfoldur's.

Goblins marched in file through the streets, their eyes on the constant

lookout for trouble. Aurors wearing all colors patrolled the outskirts of

the village as well and high up on the astronomy tower was Norbert who

dutifully kept a keen eye on all horizons.

The good thing about all of this added security was that the press were

no longer allowed anywhere near the village or castle unless given

approval by the goblins, the ministry, and Minerva, which meant no

press ever was allowed. It was nice just to have a day out with his friends

without having to worry about pictures or interviews.

Snow had fallen heavily on the magical town last night but the villagers

had quickly done away with the snow on the streets making it easy for

everyone to walk around. Nearly bursting from too many students was

the Three Broomsticks where Harry caught a glimpse of red hair flash

into it. Fleur continued to guide him through the street, intent on getting

some shopping done first, most notably to buy herself a dress. Harry was

cordially invited to the ministry's Christmas ball this year and Fleur

already had her dress picked out.

Only a week away and it hardly yet seemed like Christmas to him. Rarely

did he ever have good Christmas' thanks to his time with the Dursleys,

but the last couple years had been rather nice. This year he had a feeling

it would not be like the last. His mind was occupied on other things and

getting gifts was not one of them. The whole of joy of Christmas seemed

to have been sucked out of him this year. Knowing him well, Fleur

declared to everyone that all of their presents to everyone was from the

both of them, that way Harry didn't have to worry much about getting

presents for each individual person.

He already of course had gotten Fleurs, Sirius', Gabbi's, Remus', and Mr.

and Mrs. Delacours presents, but everyone else's would be from both he

and Fleur. It took some edge off the holiday season, but not much.

After paying for the dress and Dobby transporting it back up to the castle,

they continued their walk through the streets of the busy magical town.

Everywhere he went, the villagers smiled at him and some walked up to

shake his hand. The goblins he passed bowed low and even some of the

aurors crossed their wands over their hearts in a sign of respect. He

hoped never to get used to the sight and feeling of people showing him

such reverence.

As they walked, Harry caught sight of someone watching them from the

darker alleys, his gaze ever following them. When Harry would glance

the watchers way, he disappeared into the darkness, only to reappear

sometime later. Once, Harry caught a flash of green eyes in the dark, and

long raven hair that swished behind him as he rushed away from


"You see 'im to, no?" Fleur leaned into him and whispered as they

walked. They came into view of the Three Broomsticks which was still

crowded with students trying their best to obtain firewhiskey and other

goods banned from them. Madame Rosmerta was well versed now in

dealing with children of the school and easily denied them their goods.

Harry nodded his head and again scanned his surroundings but found no

one in particular watching him, "He's been watching us for awhile."

"Should we alert the aurors?" Fleur asked with a hint of concern as her

eyes immediately went in search of the rainbow cloaks of the various

aurors who patrolled the town.

"Not yet. I'm curious as to who he is and if he will show himself more."

Fleur looked back at him with much trepidation but didn't question him

further in the matter. Instead she put on a bright smile as a young girl

and her mother approached them. Fleur knelt down in the snow to match

the girls height and took the purple flower that the girl offered her, a

rosy blush on her cheeks.

"This eez very beautiful. What eez your name?" Fleur asked as she sniffed

the flower.

"Alexandria." The girl responded, nervously wringing her small and

delicate hands. Harry looked at the womans mother and offered a small

smile. She mouthed a 'thank you' in return which Harry responded with a

simple nod.

Harry then knelt down in the snow as well and the girl turned her head

and looked back at him with innocent, large blue eyes. He flicked his

hand and a blue colored rose formed in it. He handed it to the girl which

she took with a hint of fear and excitement. Her embarrassment getting

the better of her, she raced back behind her mothers legs who chuckled

at her daughter. "It was a pleasure to meet you." Harry said as the mother

guided her embarrassed daughter back into the crowded streets.

Both of them stood back to their feet and Fleur looked at him with an

amused smile. "I should 'old on to you tightly. All ze women in ze world

wish to be in my position."

Harry leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "You have nothing to fear,

for any man would wish to be in my position as well." Fleur laughed at

his words.

"'Ere, I think eet will look even better on you." She proffered the purple

flower which Harry grasped by the stem. In a split-second, before either

could react, he disappeared from sight with a small pop.

40. Seizing Advantages

Fleur looked horrified at the place Harry had just been, ice began to

settle in her blood and fear gripped her heart. Harry had vanished before

her eyes and a numbness swiftly settled in. She stared in shock at her

hand that had once held the purple flower. Soon, her eyes were searching

the crowd for the young girl and her mother, but there were too many

students moving in and out of her vision.

A panic began to build in her, "'Arry!" She shouted, knowing full well that

she wouldn't hear his voice call out in response. The panic in her voice

did however gather the attention of those around her.

"What's wrong?" Neville asked, rushing up to her after having heard her

cry. Hannah was not far behind and Susan emerged with Daphne from a

nearby coffee shop.

Tears began to streak down Fleur's face as the shock began to wear off

and her friends rushed over to try and console her. Aimee was quickly on

the scene and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "What happened?"

She asked in a soothing voice.

The crowds sudden attraction brought the aurors and goblins who began

to look curiously in on what was happening. "'Arry was taken." She

managed to say through her sobs.

"What do you mean he vanished?" Amelia shouted at her assistant who

was given the unfortunate job of informing his boss that Harry Potter had

disappeared from Hogsmeade. The assistant quickly rushed out of the

room before papers and books were sent flying in all directions by the

angry and worried witch. "Kingsley!"

The tall and dark auror appeared in the doorway quickly, "I have already

assembled a team. "He said, already knowing the order he was about to

be given.

She nodded her head in a response. "Find him, quickly." Kingsley made

leave and a dozen other aurors who had all volunteered for this mission

followed him out of the office. She began to frantically pace back and

forth, ignoring the dozen letters that began to flutter outside her door.

Her assistant was frantically trying to deal with them, but each time he

answered one, another three came in.

Word had quickly spread of Harrys sudden disappearance. There was no

point in trying to play it off like he had simply run away for some free

time with his girlfriend. The fact that he had disappeared in front of his

girlfriends eyes quickly squashed that potential story.

Fleurs recounting of Harrys disappearance caused them to go looking for

the woman and her young daughter. It wasn't hard to find them, and it

also wasn't hard to determine their innocence in the matter. The young

girl had been given the purple flower Fleur talked about by a man

wearing a dark hood. There was no real lead, no trace of the portkey

could be found. Whoever made it was very good at what they did, and

that scared her and everyone else greatly. Voldemort and Dumbledore

were the only two she knew that had the possible ability to do such a


Her door suddenly flung open and a very worried Cornelius Fudge raced

in, his face green and pale at the same time. "How could this happen

Amelia?" Fudge asked, rushing to the cabinet on the side of the room and

taking out a bottle of whiskey. Amelia stayed silent and took the shot of

whiskey the minister poured for her. "We're doomed without him!"

Amelia continued to stay silent, downing the shot quickly and taking

another. For once, her mind and Cornelius' were one. She also couldn't

see a way through this war without Harry. There wasn't a great amount

of hope to begin with, she knew the odds of coming out of this war alive

were slim. Now though, without Potter, the odds were impossible. He

was the only thing that truly kept the enemies at bay. The only hope she

could cling to now was that he was somewhere safe and would soon

return, but something in her gut told her otherwise.

"My Lord!" A woman wearing a black cloak and a black mask to match

came rushing into the tent. Both Dumbledore and Voldemort looked up

from their places on opposite sides of the large tent they rested in. Over

the last couple of days, neither had dared to take their eyes off the other

for fear of being stabbed in the back. What occurred was a staring match,

a game of wills, and neither blinked. Enemy had met enemy inside the

tent, and neither wished to retreat from the small battle that occurred.

The battle was broken however at the voice of the young mercenary

Death Eater, one of the few that had survived the last several weeks.

"What is it?" Voldemort hissed, annoyed that someone had interrupted

his game with the old wizard.

She glanced nervously at Dumbledore before turning back to her master,

"People are saying Potter has disappeared, kidnapped even!"

Both Voldemort and Dumbledore glanced at one another with

uncertainty. Voldemort then turned his red eyes back on his follower,

"How did you come by this news?"

"It's spreading all over the country like wildfire m'lord. They say he

vanished by the touch of a rose." The two older wizards sat in silence

wondering what that meant. Dumbledore looked at his foe keenly and

Voldemort merely shook his head.

"It was not I." He hissed out. Then his snake-like nostrils flared and a

fiery light shown in his eyes when he realized that the only other wizard

in this war who could kill Harry was sitting across from him. With

Grindelwald seemingly vanished, Dumbledore was the only other person

with a stake in this war. His yew wand was drawn in a flash, "You have

tricked me old man!" Voldemort shouted, rushing to his feet.

Dumbledore drew his own wand quickly but only for defense. "I did

nothing. This is news to me as well."

Voldemort was about to curse Dumbledore, but the sparkling blue of

Dumbledore's eyes held his hand, his own wand slowly dropping to his

side. Different thoughts began to race through both older wizards minds,

Voldemort's on the possible destruction of Potter at the hands of another,

and Dumbledore's at the thought of finally having a good chance to shape

the world in his image."Who would take the brat besides us?" Voldemort

suddenly asked.

Dumbledore only shrugged, "Does it matter?" A sadistic smile grew on

each old mans faces as they realized what was before them. "Once this is

over, I look forward to finally setting you to rest."

Voldemort laughed, "Long will I continue to haunt you professor." He

then walked out of the tent, Dumbledore quickly on his heels. Both

leaders looked to their encampment, one that now stretched far, almost

to the horizon. They could no longer camp in Britain due to the amount

of new followers they had undertaken and so had taken up residency in

the far east of Russia.

As their various followers saw them emerge from the tent, they began to

stand and looked excited at the prospect of doing something. "The time

has come! We strike the heart of our foes tonight!" Dumbledore shouted,

his wand pressed to his throat so that it carried across the whole

encampment. Cries of joy and shouts of triumph sounded throughout the

camp as the warriors began to prepare for battle, eager to wage war

against a people without their leader.

It wasn't long before an army of a thousand vikings, dementors, Death

Eaters, werewolves, and corrupted goblins were ready to fight. Their

various commanders ran along up and down their files, making sure their

soldiers were ready for war.

Dumbledore received a nod of approval from Harald who had a gleeful

look about him. "Tonight, we will forever change the world!" Another

sound of cheers echoed Dumbledore's cry. The goblins stamped their

spears, the vikings banged their swords against their shields, the wizards

and witches shot fireworks into the sky.

Both Dumbledore and Voldemort began to chant in unison and a golden

glow began to surround everyone in the camp. A blinding flash of light lit

up the night sky and they all vanished from sight. Soon, they reappeared

in Diagon Alley, their appearance was immediately spotted by several

goblins and aurors who were patrolling the streets late at night. Most

civilians and shopkeepers were already home due to the late hour.

The sudden appearance and overwhelming force quickly subdued the few

defensive forces in the magical town. Voldemort and Dumbledore both

helmed the army, marching for the main entrance of the British Ministry.

At its doors they found several more aurors who grew wide-eyed at the

force that approached them. Before any of them could react, they were

torn to pieces by the quick work of Voldemort's wand. Dumbledore didn't

bat an eye at the deadly effect of his allies spells.

Loud chimes began to ring through the streets of the alley and the

ministry sending out a warning. The combined army of Dumbledore and

Voldemort rushed into the ministrys atrium, and due to the hour of the

night, it was mostly empty. Only a few stray workers were walking about

and all stopped to stare, fear taking hold of their bodies. Again

Voldemort raised his wand and a thundering strike lit up the atrium.

Several men and women were immediately electrified, one of them

falling to the ground lifeless, his bright red hair scorched and a muggle

trinket falling from his grasp.

Several aurors began appearing all around the atrium, walking out of all

kinds of doors and even some flashing in through the floos' in response to

the warning call. The sheer size of the army quickly overwhelmed the

initial response units however.

Voldemort and Dumbledore both began to laugh at how easy it was to

storm the ministry, wondering why they hadn't done it before. Both old

leaders made their ways to the golden elevators, their intent on finding

and killing the minister and the director of magical law enforcement.

Dumbledore stepped off at level three and Voldemort at level six. Their

combined army stayed behind in the atrium to guard the entrance and

repel any attacks against them.

Just as the two leaders ascended in the elevators, a golden light flashed

throughout the atrium, forcing everyone to shield their eyes for a brief

moment. When they reopened them, the combined goblin army of the

Gringotts and Dimfoldur stood menacingly, their long spears held out

before them, ready to march on their enemies.

Ragnok stood proudly next to Dimfold, his golden armor bright in the

torchlight of the atrium. He drew his wicked steel blade and held it high

above his head. "Our friends are in need! Great now is the hour to answer

our call!" He brought his sword forward and urged his goblinfolk onward.

"To battle and glory!" The goblins roared in response to their king and

commander and charged the battlefield.

Werewolves took up speed first and headed straight for the goblin lines.

The dementors, corrupted goblins, and vikings were not too far behind. A

great clash echoed in the atrium and battle ensued all around the golden

fountain. Arrows flung about and pierced their enemies, a mist spread

through the lines and obscured everyones visions, creating a chaotic

fight. The eery sounds of the dementors were heard as they found their

prey and sucked out life from them.

Appearing behind the armies of Dumbledore and Voldemort from the floo

networks came many of the aurors who had pledged to the cause of

Harry Potter. They were led by Reaper who had taken up charge in

Harrys stead. At the Ghosts side were SAS soldiers wearing all black and

carrying muggle rifles, their weapons beginning to crack and snap and

tear through the backs of their foes.

The sound of gunfire began to be all that was heard as the muggles in

control of Dumbledore who also possessed such thunder weapons turned

to face the SAS and fired back. Blood began to spray everywhere, and left

and right man and beast fell. The werewolves punctured through the

lines of the goblins, ripping, tearing, and biting their prey. The vikings

followed their werewolf allies and hacked and slashed, and due to the

chaotic nature of the battle, they found themselves at an advantage.

The giants who stood outside the atrium, once being too tall to enter,

crashed in, their mighty clubs made of tree trunks carving a way inwards.

They swung with all their might and took the aurors by surprise. One of

giants smashed his club down on the gold fountain, flattening it in one

blow. Screams and cries of pain echoed in the hall as many men and

beast were felled in the bloody fight.

Voldemort sniffed the stale air of the third floor of the ministry. He

hadn't been here since he was a young lad, curious to the inner-workings

of the ministry. Still though, he knew the way well and walked silently

and alone towards his goal. He passed several double doors that he knew

led to a conference room, one used often by the minister to barter

agreements with other ministries of the world. Already he had plans to

turn that room into his throne room, Marie would sit upon a golden

throne with him him next to her.

He continued walking down the hall and turned right to head down

another hall where the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was

kept. He stepped around the corner and almost didn't have time to block

the sudden flash of red that erupted in his face. He lowered his wand and

looked at the enemies that stood before him.

Just kids, young and unproven interns. He smiled at them, and one of

them bravely tried to send another spell. Voldemort merely stepped to

the side and flicked his wand, the brave young man was skinned alive, a

loud shriek sounding from his throat as immense pain wracked his body.

His fellow comrades looked at their friend in horror, forgetting the

monster before them.

Suddenly a flash of pale green came Voldemort's way and he was forced

to dive to the side, slight fear taking over him. "Potter." Her murmured to

himself, thinking this might be a trap. He never had seen the young boy

resort to an unforgivable but he didn't think it out of his wheelhouse.

Voldemort raised his wand in a defensive manner, but then saw an older

woman appear from behind her men. "Go back to the hell from whence

you came!" Again a pale green flash flowed from her wand and

Voldemort was forced to dodge it. Amelia stood proudly in front of her

office, her black wand held before her, ready to kill, ready to die.

Voldemort again smiled, "Ahh, a welcome treat. The Director." He held

his wand up, ready to cast and strike her down whenever he felt like it.

Instead he stood stoically in the hallway. The young aurors who had

surrounded Amelia looked at her with a mixture of uncertainty and fear,

but their fear of the Dark Lord before them was of more concern.

"You will not get through me." Amelia responded defiantly, though in her

heart and mind she hardly believed the words she spoke. As if picking up

on her very thoughts, Voldemort laughed, his voice echoing off the halls.

"A proud warrior you are Amelia. A shame that you must die." Without

any warning or movement from Voldemort, a sudden blast of wind

slammed into the aurors and Amelia, sending them flying backwards.

Then with a flick of his wand, Amelia was held frozen in mid-air, her

arms at her side and her wand dropped to her feet.

Voldemort then flicked his wand again and dozens of black chains

wrapped themselves tightly around the young aurors, causing them to

drop their wands and cry out in pain as the chains squeezed tightly and

began to burn their flesh.

Voldemort slowly approached Amelia who looked defiantly at him, not a

trace of fear or surprise in her eyes. An admiration for the elder witch

grew within him as he looked at her. He raised his wand and prodded her

cheek with it, his head cocking to the side. It was rare for him to meet an

opponent who didn't fear him. As if to answer his thoughts, the elder

Bones spat in his face.

He wiped the spit off and shook his head somberly, "Such a shame to

waste noble blood." He then flicked his wand again and the young aurors

cried out in horror.

Dumbledore reached the sixth floor and a calmness overtook him. Many

years had he patrolled these corridors, though it was under much

different circumstances. Things had changed, he had changed, the world

had changed. One thing though remained a constant, the Greater Good.

Forever it drove him, forever he looked to it to make the world a better

place. The common people may not yet understand what the greater

good meant, but soon they would. It started with the death of Harry

Potter, something that maybe was or was not yet complete. Now though,

he had a chance to accomplish one of his goals, the ultimate destruction

of the ministry. After tonight, the English Ministry would be no more,

and that was key to his ultimate goal.

He walked through the hallway and came to the double doors of the

minsters office. With a flick of his wand, they were blown wide open and

two aurors who stood guard behind them were blown away, hurt badly

but still alive. Dumbledore walked into the room that usually had several

secretaries and other assistants, but was at the moment clear of anyone.

He stunned the two injured guards and walked across the room.

Again, with another flick of his wand, the doors to the minsters office

were blown open. Dumbledore walked inside and found no one, not that

he was expecting the minister to actually be here. He walked passed the

ministers desk and grabbed a pinch of floo powder that was located just

above the ministers private floo network. "Fudge residence!" Dumbledore

shouted and was soon surrounded in a flash of green fire.

Dumbledore walked out of the floo and into a small den room. Pictures of

several old Fudge ancestors hung on the walls. He walked into the

kitchen and then into a hallway. The house was completely quiet and

dark, no lights in it, save for the dull one Dumbledore allowed from the

tip of his wand. He then found a staircase in the entrance hall and slowly

began to walk up it.

As he ascended the stairs, one of the steps creaked loudly, being made of

old wood. Dumbledore froze and stood still in the silence of the house.

He began to hear a grumbled voice, but it wasn't answered by footsteps

or anything of the like. Slowly, he began to continue up the stairs.

No sound was heard again as he reached the top landing of the two story

town house. Upon reaching the landing, he glimpsed Big Ben out the

window, its clock illuminated by lights in the dark of night. He ignored

the rare sight and turned to the door where he heard the grumbling


With his wand before him, he approached an old wooden door at the far

end of the second floor landing. He slowly grasped the bronze knob and

turned it. He pushed his shoulder into it and the door swung open. Before

him he saw Fudge sleeping next to his wife, neither of them hearing him

enter. A small smile escaped Dumbledore's lips at the sight.

Harry reappeared in-between two towering stone walls, a grass plain

behind him, and a large and decorative castle gate before him. High on

top of the hill in front of him was an old and destroyed castle that once

was the home of many noble knights and lords. He looked about him, a

slight breeze ran around him, and the cool winter air didn't affect him as

much as it did in Scotland.

He looked to his hand which still held the purple flower. Curiously he

hadn't noticed any magical trace coming from it, in fact he felt something

familiar, something that he once knew but had long since forgotten. He

placed the flower in his pocket for safe keeping and continued to look


The walls that were on either side of him towered high above. Whoever

had built this castle was truly a magnificent architect and a commander.

Her walls were built to last, thick and sturdy. The castle was built upon a

towering hill that looked the surrounding areas. Only grass and other

crop was to be seen for many miles on all sides. A muggle village was

nested in the middle of many wheat fields, only visible from the ruins of

the castle atop the hill.

Harry's eyes were naturally drawn to the ruined castle and he found his

feet moving towards her still standing and splendid gates. The road he

walked upon was of stone brick, carved to the perfection of Rome, the

street wide and smooth for horses and men to travel a great many

distance. As he approached the old gate, he began to notice more details.

The great wooden doors were in fact bronze, turned blue with age. They

were carved expertly by masters in the art of metalworking. Medieval

battles once only told by word of mouth showed upon this great castles

gates. Amidst the battles he saw what appeared to be a wizard, his staff

raised high above his head and a wave of energy rushing from it. Men

fled from that wizard and near the bottom of the carvings, men bowed to


Whispers began to sound in Harry's ears, urging him to cross the gates.

Quickly Harry drew his wands, and as soon as he had done so, the

whispers ceased from his head. He looked around him, searching to find

the culprit who spoke to him, but found no one near. Thinking nothing of

the sudden voices, Harry stepped through the gate and his eyes widened

with shock.

Where once was just a grass hill with the ruins of an old castle, now

stood a grand keep, her stone walls still proudly standing, and her tower

still guarded well. Upon the rooftops men with bows knocked arrows,

awaiting approval to fire down upon the newcomer.

Leading up to the grand keep was a stone road and on either side were

many shops and houses, people bustling through its streets. The sight

reminded him greatly of Hogsmeade, except instead of wooden buildings,

these were made of pure white stone and were decorated and carved as if

the goblins themselves had built this city. Men stood guard upon the

ramparts of the walls that traveled around the hill, walls he hadn't seen

before entering the city. The guards wore thick plated steel and carried

bows, broadswords, and shields. It was like he had walked back into the

medieval times that he had learned about as a young boy.

When he entered the city, many looked at him with a hint of fear and

curiosity. Mothers hid their children from him, ushering them back into

their houses. The sounds of boots on stone was soon heard and Harry

found himself confronted by several guards, their swords and spears

pointed at him.

Harry kept his hands far away from his wands when he sheathed them,

even though he was a wizard, he didn't trust his own speed to take all the

guards out before being stabbed by one of them. "I'm simply a lost

merchant." Harry said to them, but none responded.

One of the guards prodded Harry in the back with a long spear and urged

him forward. Harry found himself being taken to the top of the hill where

stood the large keep. He was escorted inside where the guards then shut

the door behind them and continued prodding him forward. Harry had to

blink several times to get used to the darkened hall, as opposed to the

bright city he was just in.

As Harry approached, he noticed a man sitting in darkness on a wooden

throne, two guards wearing black plate armor stood next to him. A fire

was lit in the middle of the hall, but it provided little light for how vast

this hall was. It towered many meters above him and was the width of

the Great Hall back at Hogwarts. A large window on the far side of the

hall provided much of the light, but due to the position of the throne, it

kept its keeper in shadow.

Harry was prodded forward until he was hit suddenly in the back of his

knees, forcing him to kneel. "Long have I wished to meet the great Harry

Potter." A cold raspy voice sounded through the hall. The shadowed man

stood from his throne and took several steps down from the platform he

was once on. His face began to show more clearly and Harry saw a man

with long raven black hair and cold, desolate green eyes that showed

with a power that was withering away.

"You were in Hogsmeade!" Harry exclaimed, recognizing the man at once.

He took another step forward and his entire face was illuminated by the

firelight. He was younger than his eyes gave him credit for. His skin was

unblemished and youthful, his eyes though indeed old and waning of

power, still held some semblance of strength. He looked not unlike Harry

himself, but some differences were clear. Harry glowed with power,

youth, and strength, his eyes bright and vibrant, where as this mans

black hair was greying and his power decaying quickly.

The man smiled, "I have been a great many places." He began to walk

around Harry, inspecting him as if one would a livestock soon to be


"What am I doing here?" Harry demanded from the man.

He simply chuckled and climbed the few steps back to his throne. "I have

many stories to tell you. Do you not want to hear them?"

Harry was quickly growing frustrated with this kind of talk. He never

dealt in riddles or half-truths, and disliked people that did so. They

reminded him of Dumbledore, and he only found such people to be

treacherous. "I have no time for your games!" Harry said. He stood

abruptly and began to head for the keeps doors. Both guards crossed their

spears in a threat to keep him from passing, but with a wave of his hand,

both guards were sent flying into the opposite walls.

A loud laughter sounded from behind Harry which stopped him in his

tracks, his hand pressed to the door ready to open it. "I offer you much

wisdom young King. Wisdom I believe is what you seek more than


Harry looked back at the shadow king, "And what wisdom do you speak


"Such wise words cannot be spoken with a hostile guest." The king

responded. Harry narrowed his eyes but was curios as to what the man

had to say. After all, this king had gone at length to bring him here in the

first place. He stepped back near the central fire and took warmth in it,

waiting for the king on top the hill to speak.

"I know your enemies very well." Harrys eyes narrowed even further and

a cold chill began to run down his spine, causing the hairs on the back of

his neck to stand. "They were once acquaintances, allies, friends. I know

them, and I can help you kill them." Harry then noticed the kings crown a

symbol on it was familiar from a book he read in the Potter library. His

eyes traveled further upwards and looked at the large single window and

saw the same symbol again, the Deathly Hallows.

Harry pulled both his wands now realizing the situation he was in. The

king quickly stood from his throne and he too pulled out two wands. He

then descended the steps once again and his face was illuminated by the

firelight. "I only seek vengeance." He said. "My vengeance is not on you."

"Snakes speak many lies." Harry responded, his wands trained carefully

on his foe. He knew the stories of Grindelwald, the horrors this man had

done under the cause of the Greater Good. The same cause Dumbledore

was now acting under.

"Snakes can speak truths as well." Gellert said. He then sheathed both his

wands and held his hands up in a sign of innocence which took Harry by

surprise. "I will never lie to my heir."

Those words caught Harry completely off-guard and his arms fell to their

sides. His heir? What did that mean? His thoughts began to race and

Harry forcefully shook his own head to break his thoughts away from

what Grindelwald said. He brought his wands back up to bear on the old

wizard. Gellert continued with his words however, noticing the shock

upon Harrys face. "You have much to learn young Harry."

"I am not your heir, we aren't even related!" Harry replied defiantly,

though a hint of uncertainty crept into his voice. He knew little of his

family history, but this he thought would be something he would have

been told.

"You are correct." Gellert said, and Harry felt himself breath out a slight

sigh of relief, only for that breath to be taken away. "But you are my


Harrys wands faltered before him again and his arms began to grow

heavy, "What do you mean?" He asked.

"The one thing all great wizards know is that magic is mystical in her

ways, always working in random, unpredictable thoughts. The more we

study her, the more lost in her world we get."Grindelwald said as he took

his seat back in his throne and looked at Harry with thoughtful green


Harry began to grow more frustrated with this situation. He cared little

for what the dark wizard that had killed so many had to say to him.

Harry flicked both his wands and watched as lightning poured from

them. The blue streaks of energy lit up the hall, cackling and cracking as

they bounced off the stone walls and hit everything in the room.

When the bright flash of blue light disappeared and only the firelight

remained once again, Harry was shocked to see Grindelwald still sitting

unharmed, an amused look upon his face. "Magic, she is a mysterious

creature." Grindelwald said with a small chuckle.

Harry glanced back and forth at his wands and Grindelwald in a state of

shock. "You are my heir, Harry Potter and so cannot harm me, just as I

cannot harm you. Magic herself has seen fit to place us together in these

times of war. We may not share blood, but the same magic you possess

also flows through me, and I will not allow my heir to perish in the

darkness of these times."

41. Finishing the Fight

Harry looked on horrified at Grindelwald who sat on the wooden throne,

an amused look on his face. Again he was shrouded in darkness as the

great windows light caused him to be shadowed in the keeps hall. "Don't

look so sad Potter, it's not all that bad." He said with a hollow chuckle. "If

it makes you feel any better, I was hoping to kill you just a few months

ago until I discovered our bond."

"How exactly is that supposed to make me feel better?" Hary asked with

narrowed eyes. Grindelwald only shrugged in return. He held up a pale,

slender hand and a beautiful young woman appeared from the side of the

room. She wore very little and by the way Grindelwald's eyes lusted for

her, he figured her lack of dress was by his orders. He whispered

something into her ear and she responded by nodding and again left the


Standing behind Harry were knights in silver plated armor, designs of a

sun with two spears crossed behind it on their breastplates. Each held a

spear in one hand and a kite shield in the other. On their waists were

longswords bejeweled to look like kings swords, showing off the wealth

of the city they guarded. Around the hall as if out of the woodwork of the

white stone keep came men and women dressed in the fashions of the

late sixteenth century and Harry for a moment thought he had been sent

back in time.

"Such a cruel twist of fate forced onto the both of us." Gellert said. He

stood up from his throne and descended the steps and to stand in front of

Harry. They were near the same height and the resemblance between

them was uncanny. If Gellert had glasses, a more rounded chin, and

shorter hair, he would have looked just like James Potter but with Lily's


"How exactly did you surmise our bond?" Harry asked, still skeptical of

the situation. Most of him was screaming for it to not be true, but

something deep within him knew Gellert was being honest. The feeling of

being transported away by the flower came to the forefront of his mind.

Now he understood what he had not recognized earlier. It was the feeling

of home, like he was finally heading to his refuge to be with his own

family. However, this was not the family he expected to find on the other


Gellert shrugged nonchalantly. "Honestly, I killed the Corners and

performed a ritual to steal their magical blood to provide longer life to

me." He said, openly admitting to the gruesome murder of a family as if it

meant nothing. Flashbacks of the images of the bloody scene of the

families death flooded into Harry's mind, which only furthered his anger

at the situation.

Harry's wands were in his hands again in a flash and he sent two flame

cutter curses at Grindelwald, but both just as they were about to connect,

diverted away and smashed into the keeps walls. Several of the silver

knights rushed forward but were immediately stopped when Gellert held

up his hand. "A cruel twist indeed." Grindelwald said, smiling as he

looked at the scorched impacts of the two spells.

"I will kill you for what you did to them!" Harry threatened, his hands

beginning to glow blue as electricity began to crackle around them.

Grindelwald smiled, "You can try. Just as I will try and kill you, though I

very much doubt either of us will succeed in the matter."

Harry's eyes narrowed, but the electricity in his hands pacified and his

anger calmed for a moment. "What does me being your magical heir

mean?" Harry asked, curiosity in the situation beginning to get the better

of him. For now it seemed like he had to actually deal with the dark

wizard and he wanted to know everything going on.

Grindelwald smiled, "When I performed the ritual, I was supposed to

regain the same looks of my youth, but instead, as you can see, I look

unfortunately much like you."

"A weaker and older version of me maybe." Harry replied.

Grindelwald narrowed his eyes, "A wiser version."

"So you look like me? So what? That hardly makes me your heir." Harry

said, still not convinced.

"And the fact that your spells glance away from me isn't enough proof?"

Gellert said with raised eyebrows. He circled around Harry and watched

him carefully, sizing him up. "If it weren't, I can tell you that if you

weren't my heir, you would never have even set foot into this hidden

city. Magic has long protected her walls, and she has freely let you into

them. Lastly and most obviously, you and I possess the very rare talent of

using two wands at once."

Harry stood still and thought desperately for any hole in Grindelwald's

logic. If the world were to learn of his bond with one of the most evil

men in history, it would hurt his ability to lead in the future. Also, Harry

didn't want to be linked to something so dark, so evil. Already he had

been linked to Voldemort in a way, once possessing one of his horcruxes.

He didn't wish to be bound to another dark wizard.

"Together we can defeat them. I know everything there is to now about

young Riddle and the old fool Dumbledore." Gellert said, continuing his

walk around Harry. "I can teach you as well. You have well developed

your fighting ability with two wands, but you have not mastered it."

"I'm doing just fine." Harry snapped.

Gellert paused for a moment, stroking his chin. "Maybe. But just fine is

not good enough and you know that to be true. I can teach you to be

great, better than any wizard to ever have lived before you. A thousand

years from now, the world will speak of you just as they now do Merlin."

"I have no such ambitions." Harry snapped again, though his tone was

less hostile as his will began to bend to the older wizards train of

thought. He was quickly seeing what this alliance could mean for all of

Britain. It would be a deal with a devil, one that may cost his life later

on, but if it meant taking down Dumbledore and Voldemort in the

process, it may be worth it. His life was not as important as the rest of

the worlds.

"Neither did Merlin. He wished to serve the common people, as you do

now." Gellert looked at Harry's face, studying it, reading it like an open

book. Harry's distrusting, unwanting nature was clear to see for him, but

his steadfast attitude was beginning to waver, so Gellert pressed forward.

"I may be the devil in your eyes, but sometimes a deal must be struck for

the common good of the world."

Harry looked at Gellert's green eyes and though he saw pain and old age

in them, he also saw a vibrancy that began to glow. "How can I strike a

deal with someone I don't trust?"

"With a leap of faith, young prince." Gellert responded. With the word

'prince', a golden hew surrounded Harry, enveloping him fully. The entire

hall was lit up in the golden light and Gellert was forced to shield his

eyes momentarily. Soon, the light began to subside, and when Harry

reappeared, his clothes had changed into silver armor. His shoulders

were adorned with silver epaulets crafted to look like tigers, his breast

plate was made to look like a mans hardened body, His legs were also

covered in silver, his greaves decorated with a sun and two spears

crossed behind it, the symbol of the old white city of Belogradchik. On

his head sat a silver helmet, a plume of fiery red standing proud on top

and only the slit of his green eyes could be seen.

When Harry reappeared in his silver armor, the guards who were

stationed around the hall bowed low. "What did you do?" Harry asked,

his voice hollow from behind the helm.

"I confirmed you as my heir and future lord of Belogradchik and all its

lands." Gellert responded casually.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Harry asked through gritted teeth. He

inspected his hands which now had thick silver guantlets on them. When

he moves his body, he surprisingly found the armor to be very light and

quite agile. If he were to look in the mirror, he figured he would look like

a Spartan king, wearing silver armor instead of the bronze of the warrior

Greeks of legend.

Gellert shrugged again and took a seat back in his throne. Harry's eyes

were quickly averted to another throne which was now present next to

Gellerts. "Well, if one of us does manage to kill the other, our people will

at least still have a ruler."

"They can rule themselves." Harry said, ignoring the clapping of the

nobles and citizens who had flooded into the keep to look upon their new

prince. He had only the eyes and patience for the dark lord who now

paraded as a kindly ruler.

Gellert only laughed, "You haven't met them and yet you are already

dictating that they should be without ruling. Maybe they don't wish to be


"Why wouldn't they want to govern themselves?"

"Do you not know yet? The weight of ruling? Crowns are heavy burdens,

I know you feel this."

"But surely-" Harry began but was quickly cut off by Grindelwald.

"Surely they seek their freedoms?" Gellert shook his head. "They have

their freedom. I leave them to have their families, farm their fields, keep

their shops. That is freedom enough for the common man. Peace is what

they really want and as long as I provide that, they are content to live

their lives." Gellert then stood from his throne again, "Before you speak of

your people, maybe you should meet them first."

Harry wanted to retort, saying that they weren't his people, that he

wasn't a prince or Gellert's heir, but something held his tongue. It wasn't

magic, at ;east he didn't think so, but his own mind that kept him from

retorting on the situation. Something in him wanted this to be true,

something hoped that he could benefit from all of this. A feeling of

having a true family began to squirm into his mind, something he was

desperately trying to bat away. Over and over he told himself that Sirius

and Remus were his true family, but in neither situation was he their true

heir, in blood or magic. Magic herself seemed to have placed him as the

heir of Grindelwald, and no matter how bad of a man he was, magic had

her ways, and Harry trusted in her to do right by him.

Gellert began to walk down the great keep halls, and the crowd that had

formed around them parted. Harry found himself following

absentmindedly, the people of the white city wishing him

congratulations, and none to few young women already trying to

showcase themselves before him.

As he walked however, his thoughts were entirely on the bizarre situation

he now found himself in. Being one of history's darkest wizards heirs

surely was not a common thing to have to work through. Especially when

said dark wizard actually offered lands and a new people to govern and

protect. He wanted nothing more than to see Grindelwald dead, his name

lost to history, and Gellert wanted the same thing for him.

As he walked through the gathered crowd that had swarmed around him,

he immediately began to feel a connection to them, as if these were his

people. England had always been a funny and odd place to him. Never

once had he felt like he fit in. Between his muggle family that oversaw

his childhood and his mentor in Dumbledore in the magical world, Harry

felt somewhat ostracized from it all.

Sure he had Fleur and Sirius and Remus and the rest of his friends, but he

didn't have an identity. England wasn't much to him, he didn't identify

with a country that tossed and turned, their faith in him constantly

changing. The pain of second year when they all thought he was the

future dark lord still cut deep. The way these people looked at him

however was different. He wasn't a savior to them, he wasn't the chosen

one. He was just a young boy, proclaimed to rule them when the time

came, but they looked at him as if he were apart of their family, not some


Harry found himself engaging with the people, a natural connection with

them beginning to form. He didn't notice Gellerts small smile that began

to form. The nobles of the city introduced themselves, presenting their

daughters and sons to him. He felt very much like the title given to him,

a prince. All of them bowed low to him and called him 'your majesty.'

Again he felt himself being sucked back in time, like he had walked into

a world where knights and chivalry still existed.

He was broken from his conversations when the scantily clad servant

broke through one of the doors and quickly rushed over to Gellert who

had been speaking with an older gentlemen. She stood on her tip-toes

and whispered something into Gellert's ear which Harry strained to try

and hear.

"Your precious ministry is under attack. We must go." Harry felt his heart

clench in his chest at those words. He cursed himself, his mind

immediately beginning to think this was his fault. His presence of being

gone surely had been noticed by all and Voldemort and Dumbledore had

most likely taken advantage of it. Gellert quickly whispered something in

her ear again and she raced off out of the hall.

"Now that you are officially my heir and the prince, you may apparate

from here." Harry wasted no time upon hearing Gellerts words and

disappeared from sight with not even the slightest of sounds. Many in the

hall gasped and applauded the display of magic. They weren't used to

such displays by wizards and seeing their new prince disappear without

the slightest of sounds was something that would be talked about for a

long time. Gellert quickly followed his heir once his guards and other

knights had assembled around him.

"Surrender now!" Voldemort hissed out, raising his wand threateningly

towards his enemies. "Or your minister will share the same fate as your

Director Bones." He pulled a severed head from his black misty robes and

threw it into the middle of the large atrium. Many of the ministry forces

shouted out in anger and others could only stare in shock. Several of the

ministry fighters threw up at the sight of their Department Head. Ragnok

growled, seeing one of his few witch friends displayed in such a fashion.

Dumbledore appeared through the crowd of their combined forces that

stood behind Voldemort and shoved Fudge forward who was bound in

thick chains. He poked Fudge in the lower of his back to keep him from

trying anything, then motioned for a nearby Death Eater whose long pale

blonde hair showed from under his hood, to grab hold of Fudge.

The atrium was clearing of the smoke and mist of battle and the two

sides faced one another, forming back up into ranks, taking a breather

after the long and chaotic fight. Bodies of all kinds were laying out on the

floor, men, goblins, werewolves, and giants alike. At Voldemort's and

Dumbledore's side were still their forces, Harald stood with a sinister

grin, blood still dripping from his large axe. Several of the remaining

dementors swirled above them and the two remaining giants stood in the

back. In total, their forces now outnumbered the goblin and ministry

wizard army two to one.

Reaper stood at the lead with Ragnok whose golden armor was heavily

battered and covered in blood and grime. Dimfold had been forced to the

back for treatment, taking a bite from a werewolf early into the fight.

"Your lives will be spared if you just put down all your weapons."

Dumbledore called out to them.

The last SAS soldier who was still alive in the fight, his brothers taken by

the speed of the werewolves and strength of the vikings, answered

Dumbledore's words with a statement of his own. Crack! The bullet from

his rifle barely missed Dumbledore's head and instead it hit a werewolf

behind him, taking its head off and spraying the old professor with blood.

A second shot sounded but Dumbledore had already shielded himself

from the muggles weapon, the bullet turning into just a misty spray as it

connected with his shield.

"We will never bow to the likes of you!" Ragnok shouted out, his voice

defiant, and the goblin forces that still remained standing bellowed out in

deep voices, answering their kings words. Many of them were sporting

wounds, haphazardly covered in strips of linen, but they still bravely

fought on.

Dumbledore stepped forward, away from the army behind him, "You are

beaten. You're outnumbered and have no hope of defeating us. Don't

throw away your lives needlessly." Dumbledore pleaded to them. "Talk

peace with me."

Ragnok looked to Reaper who gave only a small nod, but the look in

Reapers eye alerted him to the true meaning of the nod. Ragnok walked

forward and met Dumbledore in the middle of the open hall, having to

step over the bodies of vikings and werewolves as he did so. He took off

his golden helm and rested it in the crook of his arm, placing his shield

on his back and just holding onto his spear. He dropped his voice to a

whisper when he arrived in front of the older wizard, "I've never liked

you Dumbledore."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at the goblin king, "You don't have to like

me, just not fight me."

Ragnok in that moment looked more tired than he had ever before in his

long life. He glanced back behind him and looked at the amount of dead,

the amount of suffering his people had gone through. Then his eyes went

higher and saw his brothers that were still alive, all looking to him.

Standing next to them were the wizards they had fought and died with

them in this battle. His eyes latched onto Reapers for a moment and the

two stared at one another.

Making up his mind, Ragnok clenched tightly onto his spear and made

ready to thrust it upwards into Dumbledore's throat, knowing it would

likely be the death of him as well. His action was held however when he

heard a loud horn being blown, the sound echoing off the walls from

behind the armies of Dumbledore and Voldemort. Ragnok could barely

glimpse soldiers clad in decorative silver armor appearing in flashes of

fire. In total there were only twenty of these silver knights, but the two at

their front was what breathed new life into the fight.

Blazing green eyes from behind his silver helm alerted everyone to just

who this newcomer was. Next to him was another wizard in equally

splendid silver armor, but his eyes didn't glow with the same power as

his friend. He too held two wands in either hand and together, with their

knights behind them, they charged the battlefield. The silver knights

threw javelins into the ranks of vikings, piercing many with practiced


Suddenly Fawkes flashed in and grabbed the minister and disappeared

before quickly reappearing above one of the silver warriors and flew

ahead of him, turning into flames as he too raced into battle. The two

silver clad wizards shouted out at once and four large and powerful spells

slammed into the ranks of the surprised werewolves, vikings, and Death

Eaters, blasting them to the side and creating a large hole in their lines.

Seeing his opportunity, Ragnok thrust his spear upwards and plunged it

deep into Dumbledore's stomach causing the old wizard to gasp out in

surprise. Albus flicked his wand and sent the goblin king flying back into

his own kind who caught him. Dumbledore tasted blood in his mouth and

he suddenly began to feel a coldness sweep through him. Fear began to

grip his heart as he stared at the goblin and wizard army before him,

charging into battle with renewed vigor. Quickly his ability to think was

leaving him and all hope and strength left him. He closed his eyes and

felt death rushing up to finally greet him, but it never did.

Voldemort screamed in frustration at his new enemies that began to tear

a hole in his army. He knew immediately who they were and turned to

face them, but when he didn't feel Dumbledore next to him, Voldemort

glanced back and saw the old wizard impaled by a spear being charged

down by the goblin and ministry armies. Turning completely from the

two dual wielding wizards, Voldemort rushed to Dumbledore's aide,

grabbing his arm and turning on the spot, abandoning his armies with a

small pop.

Harry charged into battle at the helm of a wave of silver that crashed into

black, the golden goblin army meeting them in the middle. Caught

between the two armies, the black forces had no choice but to scramble

and try and escape with their lives. It took little time for the already

battered army of Dumbledore and Voldemort to be beaten and retreat

completely from the ministry. Many were killed or captured in their

attempts to escape, but still some did manage to evade death.

Harry caught a brief glimpse of long pale blonde hair rushing away with

his son in front of him. Bellatrix also managed to escape with the

Malfoy's along with many of the werewolves whose naturally fast speed

helped them leave quickly. The vikings weren't so lucky and were cut

down. Only a few managed to escape, but Hardrada was not among

them. He was personally captured by Banshee who took great pleasure in

her prize. The last two giants were cut down by Harry and Gellert who

made short work of them.

When the smoke and dust had finally cleared, Harry got his first full

glimpse of the destruction that had come to the ministry. The golden

statue was fully destroyed, no piece of it remained. Bodies of all kinds

were lying about. The goblins had rounded up the captured and held

them at the end of their spears in the corner of the very large hall.

The early morning light began to show light through the entrance that

was now only rubble. A deep fog began to seep into the building from the

entrance, making the place look like dementors were currently infesting

it. It added an eery atmosphere to the already horrific look of the place.

Harry wanted to throw up at what he saw. He had seen the horrors of

war, what happened on a battlefield and what it looked like afterwards,

but this was unlike anything he was used to. The sheer amount of dead

was overwhelming. In some places there were piles of dead bodies where

people had bravely tried to hold their ground, but lost the fight. Random

body parts were thrown around the room and puddles of blood were

impossible to not step in.

"You may wish to have nothing to do with me, but you and I can agree

on one thing. This war needs to end soon, or we will all become

casualties in it." Grindelwald said, stepping next to Harry and taking off

his helm that was now covered in blood. Harry looked at him, the

morning sun showing the old and wise eyes that came with living and

leading for a long time.

Harry turned his attention back towards the atrium and looked on sadly

as Ragnok cried over his fallen brothers, their bodies piled high before

him. Wizards and witches who had taken up the call from around the

world were laid out in rows, each with a sheet to cover their figures.

Hundreds had died in this needless fight, and a sudden anger had taken

over Harry.

He turned his wand on the old wizard, "Why did you take me? Why not

approach me on better terms!" Harry shouted, both his wands pulled, one

stabbing the gut of Gellert and the other under his throat. "If I wasn't

thought dead, Dumbledore and Voldemort never would have attacked."

Harry jerked his head towards the atrium, "All of these lives lost are on

your shoulders."

Gellert swatted away the wand that was at his throat and his eyes

darkened, "You forget your place Potter." He spat, his voice suddenly full

of venom. "I have no wish to see you or your cause alive. The only thing I

care for is the death of two men, no matter the cost."

"You will die before this war meets its conclusion." Harry growled.

"Maybe I will, but I will see my mission through first." Gellert responded.

He then turned to the woman who was at his court earlier, now clad in

silver armor. He whispered in her ear and upon the sound of a horn, the

army of Belogradchik disappeared in a golden hew.

"Come to me in two days time. I will begin to teach you then." Gellert

said. Before Harry could even refuse, Gellert disappeared in a flash of

fire, a golden phoenix whisking him away from the British ministry.

Fawkes who had perched himself on Harry's shoulder looked on in awe at

the phoenix, a royal phoenix, the king of his kind.

"I never knew." Fawkes said.

"Knew what my friend?" Harry asked his familiar.

"That my king still lives. Bound to a dark lord no less, though if my king has

bound himself to such a wizard, can he really be dark in nature?" Fawkes

questioned. Harry thought about it for a moment, but was quickly taken

by more urgent matters.

"Haunt, what are your orders?" Reaper asked, walking up to him with the

rest of the Ghost squad behind him. Harry was glad to see the remaining

members of his force still alive and well. Banshee had a cut above her

right eye and Angel was being helped along by his brother, but they were

healthy enough.

"The search for Voldemort's horcruxes is more crucial than ever. Find

them so that we may soon end this war." The Ghosts bowed low to their

leader before disappearing in wisps of black smoke. Harry again found

himself looking on the battlefield, watching as the wounded were cared

for, and the few that remained healthy rush back and forth, following the

orders of their commanders. Ragnok approached him with an injured

Dimfold, an eyepatch around the old goblins right eye.

"And where were you?" Ragnok asked, his voice low and hollow.

"Acquiring allies, against my will." Harry responded, a small smile

cresting his lips. Dimfold looked at Harry and he began to laugh, his

voice echoing across the expansive chamber. As if a great tide had

turned, the hall turned merry as the weight of the dead left and victory of

battle entered the minds of those still alive. Goblins began to chant as

they continued to work on their wounded, singing in an old tongue in

ancient and deep voices. Wizards began to cheer and shoot off fireworks

into the sky, hugging one another, celebrating the victory and the

honoring the sacrifices it took to secure such a win.

"We thought you dead." Ragnok said stepping to Harry's side. The three

commanders watched the aftermath of the battle with keen eyes and

small smiles. For the moment, they were safe, but this war was far from

over. While both Dumbledore and Voldemort lived, this war would never

end. Now Harry had to deal with Grindelwald, but that would be another

war altogether, and one not fought with soldiers.

"I still draw breath. It will take more than this attack to be-." Harry's

words were broken up by a contingent of goblins that approached, their

heads bowed low, and upon a stretcher they carried a small shrouded


Harry hesitantly stepped forward and pulled back the shroud and

immediately recoiled at the sight. Amelia's head, her eyes glossed over

and her mouth made out to scream, sat upon it. His eyes closed in sorrow

and his hand absently placed the shroud back over her severed head.

"Find the rest of her." He commanded the goblins. They bowed low and

rushed off to search the battlefield, but they wouldn't find her until

tomorrow when they began to scour the rest of the ministry's halls for


"Who is our new ally?" Dimfold asked, looking back to where the silver

knights had disappeared just moments ago.

"Not an ally, more of a necessary evil. Grindelwald." The old goblin kings

looked at Harry with wide-eyes.

"You can't-"

Harry held up his hand to stop Dimfolds question. "Yes he is still alive.

No I don't trust him. No, we will never do his bidding. I will find a way to

kill him before this war is over."

"And why is he helping us?" Ragnok asked.

"I'm his magical heir and he wishes death upon two old wizards."

Olaf sat still in his dark cell, water dripping from the ceiling as a storm

raged outside. He had a small barred window to look out on the world,

but nothing more. Little food had been provided to him the last several

weeks and his figure had begun to weaken. Whenever possible, he had

taken to biting into the flesh of rats and other small critters that

unfortunately wandered into his cage.

He cursed himself, his loyalty to a cause, his loyalty to his people, and

the honor that bound him to act in foolish ways. When he was released

by the Ghosts, given a second chance in the living world, he should have

run, disappeared in a far off land. But no, his honor bound him to do the

bidding of the young King Potter. That weakness caused him to find this

cell in a foreign land.

The last several weeks had been miserable for him. Long had he searched

for the old army that his father had once talked about. Germania had

seen many wars, but two peoples had long battled for it, and one army

had thought been lost for good, but was saved and bound by an old order

of mystics. Their Eagle standard was supposedly lost forever, but it was

only placed in another time, and still held by the might of the finest army

the world had ever seen.

Olaf had foolishly gone in search of this army, expecting to persuade

them in joining the cause of his new king. That, he now realized, was the

worst idea he had ever had. They quickly placed him in prison and

haven't once spoken to him since.

As he sat in his miserable, gloomy state, he didn't hear the sound of his

jail cell being opened. "On your feet!" A guard said in a harsh tongue.

Another guard walked over and forced Olaf to his feet, not waiting for a

response. "The general wishes to speak with you."

Olaf, malnourished and weak from his days in captivity, could only nod

in response. He was shoved out of his small cell and forced out into the

open. For the first time since his capture, he laid eyes on the great fort.

Tents a mile long surrounded him on either side, and surrounding the

entire fort were wooden walls thirty feet high. Guards patrolled the walls,

their eyes keen on the horizon.

He had little time to look on the sights, glancing at soldiers, some who

wore steel plate armor over their chests and shoulders with leather skirts

and steel greaves to protect their legs. Others simply wore chainmail and

had fur coats, some coming from wolves, others bears. Each carried a

thick rectangle shield and a javelin in their hands.

Olaf was led to a large tent that sat in the middle of the camp. Officers

wearing leather armor that was decorated with gold leaf designs went in

and out of it. On either side of the tent flap entrance were two soldiers

who stood guard in black leather armor with purple cloaks. They held the

flap open for Olaf to enter.

When he stepped into the tent, he found it to be quite warm, a fire

burning in the corner. Several animal skin chairs were placed in front of

it, and in the center of the large tent was a table with wooden figurines

on it and a map of Europe. A wooden desk was off to the left and Olaf

found a man wearing white leather armor with gold designs on it and a

purple cloak around him. He sat still in his wooden chair behind the

desk, watching Olaf intensely.

"Why did you come?"

42. Finding Family

"You found it?" Harry asked redundantly as he took his seat at the long

wooden table in the Room of Requirement. Around him were the rest of

his close friends and advisors, but one person was missing, Amelia. The

seat was empty and all glanced at it with sadness. Susan had been an

absolute wreck the last several hours. The way she looked at him when

he personally told her the news would forever be etched into his

memory. The sheer anger, fear, and despair behind her eyes scared him,

and he didn't blame her for being angry with him.

Harry felt awful, like he was responsible for what took place at the

ministry. The sheer amount of death within that hall was staggering and

Harry felt guilty for it all. He knew he wasn't to blame, Fleur, Sirius, and

Remus had repeatedly told him so, but he still couldn't help but feel

partially at fault. Guilt was something he would have to live with though,

he was a leader in a time of war, and there would be more death before


Right now, Ragnoks and Dimfolds goblins were concentrated in two

places, inside the halls of Gringotts and others had taken up guarding the

ministry while it still remained vulnerable to further assaults. The aurors

were currently being regrouped, a total count of all those still able to

fight being gathered in the ministry. Kingsley had been quickly elected as

the new Department Head of Magical Law Enforcement and Moody came

out of retirement to begin working full time again. They were two that

had fought valiantly only half a day ago at the ministry, taking down

several of Voldemort's inner circle between them. Moody walked away

with another scar to add to his ever growing collection, a cutting curse

slicing deep into his forehead by Bellatrix as she retreated from the fight.

Harry turned his gaze away from the empty seat and looked to the

middle of the table where a wand sat, brown in color along with a dozen

old runes that had been expertly carved into it. The handle was made of a

soft black leather and overall, it looked rather ordinary, definitely not

what he was expecting Gryffindor's wand to look like.

"We did. Voldemort had it hidden away and under guard." Remus

responded. He had arrived back in England with Tonks only an hour after

the battle at the ministry. Harry nodded his head and curiously looked at

it, then turned his gaze to the wooden box the wand had arrived in.

It was a rich, dark color and etched with the same runes that were on the

wand. Stamped onto the lid was the Gryffindor coat of arms. Inside the

wand had sat on plush velvet and was well taken care of, only the

wooden box settled with dust and worn down from age.

"What do the runes mean?" Harry asked, pointing his finger to them.

Both Tonks and Remus shrugged, "We can't read them, don't even know

what language it's in, though it's clearly old."

Again Harry nodded, "Safe to touch?"

"We did, couldn't detect anything sinister from it. It's definitely not a

horcrux." Tonks said.

Harry looked curiously at them, "Then why would Voldemort try and

hide this? Seems odd..." He trailed off and absently reached for it. His

fingers touched the soft black leather and a warmth rushed through him,

something he had never felt before. It was like his insides had turned to


He jerked his hand back as if burned from it and many looked at him

with worry. "What is it?" Minerva asked quickly.

"I don't-" Harry stopped his sentence when the wand, all on its own,

levitated to Harry's eye level and began rapidly spinning around in place.

A wave of air pushed out from the wand in all directions, causing Fleur's

hair next to Harry to whip violently backwards.

"What the hell did you do?" Sirius asked, standing up in surprise.

"Nothing!" Harry replied, standing up as well and taking a step back from

the wand-gone-crazy. It continued to spin, moving quicker and quicker

until it was just a blur. Then, in a split-second it stopped, its tip pointed

directly at Harry and a golden spell shot from it. Taken completely by

surprise, the golden spell slammed into Harry's chest sending him flying

across the room and into the back wall.

He was immediately knocked unconscious by the blow and fell to the

ground like a bag of bricks. Fleur shrieked and rushed to Harry's side

while Sirius reached for the wand. Before his hand touched the wand

however, a brilliantly flash of white light lit up the room and when

everyone was no longer blinded, Sirius was also on the ground


The wand then moved by itself, floating over to the unconscious Harry

and sent another spell at him, this time red. Fleur tried to swat at the

wand just as Sirius had done before but was thrown back by another

flash of white. Her parents quickly rushed to her side while Remus tried

to spell against the wand, which it simply turned in mid air to deflect his

attacks with ease.

Again, the old wand turned to Harry and sent another spell, this time the

spell as black as a shadow, and instead of hitting the chest, it connected

with Harry's forehead. As soon as it sent off the black spell, the wand

floated back to the table and placed itself back in the box from whence it

came, Remus quickly shutting it.

"What the fuck did you do Remus?" Sebastien called angrily to the

werewolf while checking on his daughter who was still slumped

unconsciously next to Harry. Appoline was looking over Harry and

checking for breathing.

"'Arry eez breathing, though it eez very light." She called to them.

"I'll get Madame Pomfrey!" Minerva shouted, rushing quickly out of the

Room of Requirement. Moody and Kingsley had immediately begun to go

to work on the box, trying to figure out what kind of runes were on this

thing, but they came up just as empty as the other two.

Remus looked at the box in shock, wondering what the hell had

happened. None of the spells Tonks and himself had performed on it

showed any signs of the wand being harmful or dark in nature, and he

himself had touched the wand. He looked to Sirius, hearing his old friend

cough and saw him helped up by Emmy.

He rubbed his chest, "What happened?" He asked groggily. Fleur wasn't

far behind Sirius in waking up, but Harry's condition remained

unchanged, his pulse faint and his breathing shallow.

"I'm not sure." Remus responded, still in shock. Tonks looked on the verge

of tears as she looked over Harry, thinking that just maybe she might be

responsible for the death of The-Boy-Who-Lived. Sirius, remembering

where he was, abruptly stood up and rushed over to Harry, checking for

breathing just as Appoline already had.

"H-Harry come on." He said over and over again. Fleur began to feel tears

well up in her eyes as she clutched Harry's hand in desperation, willing

him to wake up, but his skin felt colder than it ever had before. The

blood was beginning to leave his face and his complexion was turning

deathly pale.

Suddenly, Minerva emerged back through the door with Poppy just

behind her. The mediwitch quickly rushed over to Harry and began

studying his condition while asking questions as to what happened. "So

he was hit by some spells?" Poppy asked somewhat skeptically. She had

never seen someone in the condition Harry was in. None of her

diagnostic spells came back with anything of use, the scans all over the

place. Some said he was dead, the others said he was perfectly healthy.

Whatever was happening was beyond anything she had ever dealt with


"We need to get him to St. Mungos." Poppy said, an urgency in her voice

that caused even more concern on all those that looked on.

"I don't think that would be the best idea." Kingsley said, stepping closer

to the group, Moody standing beside his auror friend.

Poppy looked ready to snap back, but Minerva spoke first. "He's right

Poppy. We already learned what happens if Dumbledore or You-Know-

Who knows that Harry is out of the fight. We can't risk that."

Poppy understood the full gravity of the situation and nodded, though

she still didn't look happy about it. Sebastien voiced his idea for the

situation they now found themselves in. "I have an old friend, he would

be very discreet and is already a friend of Mr. Potters here."

"Can you trust him with this?" Sirius asked, understandably skeptical in

light of the situation.

Sebastien nodded his head. "He would never betray a fellow member of

his order."

"1...2...3!" Voldemort yanked upwards and removed the spear that had

been lodged in Dumbledore's gut. Marie quickly began casting spell after

spell to lessen the bleeding and try and close the gaping hole in the old

wizard. Dumbledore at this point had completely passed out from the

pain and was resting on a metal table Voldemort had conjured.

"Will he live?" Voldemort asked her, no worry in his voice, just curiosity.

It was an odd and twisted world Riddle found himself in. Just a matter of

months ago, he would have happily been the one to drive a spear

through the ancient wizards stomach, but here he was trying to save him.

It wasn't the end of the world if Dumbledore died, but it would make

things more difficult if he did.

Marie looked up, her hands covered in blood from where she had tried to

apply some pressure to the wound, "I'm not sure. We will have to wait

and see. How many have come back?" She asked, taking a seat in a

nearby chair. Riddle stood standing and poured all amounts of healing

magic he knew, which frankly wasn't much. He never cared for that

particular branch of magic, never really having use of it before now.

"Half." Riddle quietly responded, not wanting to be reminded of his most

spectacular defeat at the hands of the boy. Half, only half of their

combined forces remained, the rest were dead or captured. All of his

giants and Dumbledore's as well were dead and Dumbledore's Viking

King was captured or dead. He quickly had to deal with the vikings who

wished to leave now that they had been defeated heavily in two major

battles and lost their king. Several of the dissenters were displayed

outside his tent with severed heads on pikes to show his power and

absolute rule in this army.

The dementors were nearly entirely slain as well, only their leader and a

small band of them remained. The werewolves remained healthy in

number as well as the corrupted goblins under his control. His personal

Death Eaters had been heavily battered while trying to escape and many

of his inner circle had been killed. Now all that remained of the circle

was Lucius, Bellatrix, and Dolohov.

Voldemort collapsed back as exhaustion began to take him. He found he

didn't quite have the same stamina as his older body. Magic was more

difficult to perform, especially with his golden hand instead of the one

taken from him by Potter. Marie moved around to Riddles side, "I think

it's time, Tom."

Riddle looked at her angrily, "I will never go to him!" He snapped at her

for what felt like the millionth time today.

Unwavering, she continued to press, "You don't have the forces to fight

Potter. Every day he is growing stronger. You're in need of an ally,

especially if Dumbledore doesn't recover."

"I would sooner die than fall at that cretins feet." Voldemort responded

darkly, threatening her with his eyes, but still she was never scared of

him. She knew he would never lay a finger on her no matter how upset

he got with her.

"You're too proud for your own good. It will be your death and all you

have striven for will be for naught. All I have striven for will be for

naught." This slightly pacified Voldemort for a moment as her words

began to play around in his head. Death was his greatest fear, but death

and never being remembered for what he accomplished seemed worse.

Would he be okay vanishing from the world, his name only remembered

as the dark lord slain by Harry Potter?

It didn't take long for him to come to the conclusion that she was right,

that he had to swallow his pride in this matter. "Send him a message, I

will visit him soon." Voldemort then stood up, the exhaustion leaving him

and he walked out of the makeshift infirmary to prepare.

Fudge sat in his office looking over the official report of the battle that

had taken place just several stories below him. The building was still

closed, bodies were still being removed, and the atrium was being used

as a hospital of sorts for those too severely injured to safely transport to

St. Mungo's.

He was already flooded with owls from ministers from around the globe

wishing to know exactly what took place. Normally he would have one of

his secretaries take care of such mail, but many had died in the attack,

working late and caught in the initial crossfire. The biggest blow to the

ministry as a whole was Mr. Weasley, one of the first lost in the battle.

Secretly though, Fudge was already looking to the benefits of the elder

Weasley's death. Bill Weasley, a very bright wizard had immediately left

his job with the goblins and come to work in the ministry, joining up

with the aurors who were now in desperate need of more recruits,

recruits that were going to be hard to find. Charlie Weasley, another

brilliant wizard in his own right, was already in England, and though

hadn't participated in the fight at the ministry, was joining up with his

brother. Mr. Weasley was never a fighter, but his two boys were and he

was glad to see them amidst the few that had put forth their names to


Percy was all that remained in the office outside his door, but he was

already tasked with other things. Umbridge had been called in, pulled

away from her useless position at Hogwarts and put to work with

meandering tasks that she thought didn't fit her position or title. He

didn't care, he just didn't want to do the work himself.

Fudge stood from behind his desk, sending the last owl off to the Minister

of Sweden and sighed heavily. He lumbered over to the nearby fireplace

and fingered the new golden chain that sat around his neck. A gift from

an old wizard and one that scared him so. He could feel the magic

pulsating in the necklace, tied to his blood and very life. A small diamond

pendant rested on his bare chest, hidden underneath his robes. It glowed

a soft blue and lightly vibrated, as if it were taking a breath every time

he did so.

When Dumbledore had taken him hostage, he had with him three

necklaces, one for his wife, another for him, and also one for his young

daughter. Dumbledore threatened him, saying that they were charmed to

kill his family and him if he disobeyed any commands from Albus. The

diamond pendant on the necklace was charmed so that Dumbledore

could hear and see everything Fudge did. He couldn't take a chance with

his family and was forced to do Albus' bidding.

Right on time, his door opened and Reaper, clad in his black robes and

black mask walked in. "Have a seat." Fudge gestured to the couch, and he

too sat himself in a nearby chair. Reaper only moved further into the

room but didn't sit.

"What can I do for you minister?" Reaper asked, his voice hollow behind

his mask. He hadn't been expecting a call from him and was slightly on

edge, especially after learning of Harry's condition only a few minutes


"I was wondering where Harry was? Minerva refused to tell me." Fudge

questioned, trying to sound as innocent as possible. He was a career

politician and his whole life he had deceived many, though he was

uncertain he could lie to a trained soldier, especially one as skilled as a

Ghost. Sweat began to form on his brow when Reaper didn't immediately

respond, but he was quickly relieved by the Ghosts next words.

"He is at his home relaxing after a hard fought battle. I can take a

message to him if you would like?" Reaper replied evenly.

"I was really hoping to speak directly with him."

"Sorry, that's just not going to happen." Reaper replied coolly.

Fudge narrowed his eyes, "I am the minister!" He said, a slight anger

beginning to build up in him. He wasn't used to being defied by someone

so nonchalantly.

"He is Harry Potter." Reaper replied casually. "Is there anything else you

wish to ask?"

Fudge stared at Reaper but found himself only being stared back by cold

eyes from behind the black mask, the man not moving a muscle as he

stood in the office. It was slightly unnerving the way the Ghost looked at

him and Fudge thought better than to press further on the matter. "Did

Harry say anything to you about who his new allies are?"

"Very little Minister." Reaper replied simply. The evasiveness of the Ghost

was really stretching Fudge's already thin nerves. He had a mission to

accomplish and he didn't want to even think of the outcome if he failed.

"And?" Fudge pressed.

"Only that they were Bulgarians. And obviously one was Grindelwald,


"Grindelwald!" Fudges eyes went wide, not expecting to hear that old

name. His goal was to confirm Harry's death, but that rumor had already

been proven not true by his showing up at the fight. He wasn't

specifically given new orders, but he knew the way Dumbledore worked.

If he had lived through the fight, which is what he could gleam off the

stories of it, then Dumbledore would expect news of Harry's whereabouts

and who the new allies were. Grindelwald entering the fray, on Harry's

side no less was not something he was expecting however.

"And do you know the location of Grindelwald and why he would ally

with Potter?" Fudge questioned further.

"I think you overestimate my closeness with Harry Potter, sir. He tells me

what I must know and nothing more."

"Right, right. Of course." Fudge said quickly. "Well, when he leaves his

home, please tell him I wish to speak with him." Reaper bowed his head

and left the office in silence. Slightly annoyed with the way that meeting

went, Fudge began pacing back and forth, his hands locked behind his

back. The fire glowed vibrantly, then abruptly turned a dark green and a

face appeared in it.

Thinking it was Dumbledore, Fudge began spewing out greetings,

stuttering over himself. "Silence!" The voice hissed from the fire and

Fudge's eyes widened in fear when he saw the head of a bald man with

slit red eyes and a forked tongue. "What news do you have for me?"

Fudge swallowed heavily before recanting everything he had just

gleamed off of Reaper and the other reports of the aftermath and state of

the ministry. Voldemort sat in silence, listening to everything the rat

minister had to say to him. "Find the Ghosts headquarters. You have one

day." The flames in the fire returned to their normal yellow as

Voldemort's face disappeared.

Fudge collapsed back into the couch and placed a hand over his heart to

feel its quickened beat. His mind continued to flash with images of his

family and he willed himself to continue further down his road of doom

for their sake.

Doctor Emry overlooked Harry who was still laying unconsciously on the

bed that had been created for him within the Room of Requirement. He

was deathly pale and barely had a pulse. Sitting diligently next to him

was Fleur and Sirius who refused to move from his side, both of them

holding his hands. Remus was not far away, pacing constantly back and

forth and biting his nails nervously. He was the most scared of all,

thinking he may have killed a young man he looked at as a nephew.

When Emry had gotten to the castle and began inspecting his new

patient, he made everyone else leave the room. He would have made the

other three leave as well, but he feared for his life by asking such a thing.

"Do you know what eez wrong with 'im?" Fleur asked hopefully, looking

at him with desperation. Emry ignored her however and continued to

wave his wand over the teenagers body, trying to figure out the cause for

his state. He had never seen such a thing, and he had dealt with many

strange cases before. The Longbottoms were his most recent patients and

he was just beginning to explore the minds of wizards and witches, but

the agony their brains were under was very much different than what

Potter was going through.

For all he could tell, Potter's brain was perfectly healthy, and in fact, it

was more active than ever. However, his entire body was on complete

shutdown, barely operating at the minimum requirements to keep him

alive. It was quite strange and though he already had some ideas as to

treatment, he greatly doubted anything would work.

From what he could tell, and what he was told, a spell had indeed caused

this state, one he had never seen or heard of before. And with Potter's

brain still quite active, his only guess was that Harry was inside some

kind of dream or trance, trapped within his brain.

"I can't do much for him right now." Doctor Emry said. "From what I can

tell, he is in some kind of dream-like state."

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked.

"I mean that only he can wake himself up. Whatever spell he was hit by,

Harry will have to fight through it."

"And if he can't fight through it?" Remus asked, stopping his pacing to

look at the doctor.

Emry's face saddened slightly and he looked at Harry, "Then I will do all I

can for him." Silence descended harshly on the room, all knowing what

Emry's words meant.

Harry woke up panting and was heavily covered in a thick layer of snow.

Storm clouds were overhead and snow continued to fall down on him. He

scrambled to his feet, brushing off the snow from his Hogwarts robes. He

stopped suddenly and looked at his robes, wondering when exactly the

last time he had worn the school robes was.

His mind began to search backwards trying to figure out exactly how he

got here, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember anything. His

mind was drawing a blank on everything, like a great veil was over his

memories. Everything seemed familiar to him, but his mind was so blurry

and he couldn't think straight. He blinked several times and when he

looked up, he noticed a great castle that was heavily covered in the snow.

He stepped forward slightly, his feet sinking into the deep snow. The

castle was greatly battered, caved in on some parts, and only rubble in

others. A large tower still stood high, but part of its roof was missing.

Something in his memory jogged and he remembered where he was,

Hogwarts. Still something wasn't right to him, this wasn't the magical

castle he remembered being his home for several years. It was once full

of children and still stood powerful in the world. Now, it was desolate

and a husk of its once former glory.

Harry cautiously approached it, making slow time in the deep snow as he

moved towards the ruined castle. The large entrance doors were blown

clean off and only scattered stones remained on the left wall. Snow had

filled up partly into the hall, taking up space where allowed by the holes

in the roof. As Harry walked into the entrance hall and found himself

stepping on tattered rugs and scorched stone, he saw off to his right, a

large set of wooden doors that were slightly open. A golden light showed

itself from them and Harry found himself drawn to it.

Just as he touched the door, again he found himself remembering what

this was, the Great Hall. As he pushed open the doors, memories of his

sorting came flooding back into him. He naturally looked up to the

ceiling half expecting to find the night sky, but instead he only found the

wooden rafters with several holes where snow fell through.

His eyes began moving downwards and he found the four house banners,

all of them tattered and blowing in a gentle breeze. When he took

another step into the room, three of the four banners broke free from

their holds and gently floated to the floor, only Slytherin's banner

remained attached.

Harry saw at the far end of the hall at the staff table, the golden throne

that many an old headmasters used to sit in. Seeing it once again brought

memories of his second and third years and all it came with. Dumbledore

and his benevolence, his kindness towards him. But then fourth year

came, and all he found was destruction and madness in the old

headmasters eyes. As he looked at the throne, he saw Dumbledore sitting

there, calmly staring at his domain, his blue eyes watching calmly over

his half-moon glasses.

He looked so calm, so powerful, so serene, and so real. Dumbledore

looked at Harry and winked, before vanishing into a flurry of snow that

floated softly to the ground. Harry blinked several times and strained

harder to see Dumbledore, but found himself once again only staring at a

golden throne.

Something compelled him to continue further into the Great Hall. When

he reached the middle of the Hall, a great crash sounded from behind

him and Harry turned abruptly, instinctually pulling both wands from

their holsters. He found himself face to face with a basilisk, its ferocious

yellow eyes staring at him intently. His mind flashed with memories of

his fight with the basilisk in second year and the chamber it was kept in

along with the master that controlled it.

The basilisk let out a shry shriek when its eyes did nothing to Harry,

having expected its normal method of killing to slay the wizard. Harry

was just as shocked to find himself not dead, but he didn't let his surprise

get the better of him, keeping his eyes trained on the basilisk.

It lunged, its fangs a foot long snapped down at the air where Harry had

once been. He rolled to the side and brought his wands to bear, snapping

off spell after spell. Two silver spears embedded into the basilisks flesh

and made it roar in pain. It tried to snap at Harry again but the wizard

was much quicker. Having fought a basilisk once before, with just a

sword no less, he knew now how to kill them effectively and decided to

use the same tactic as last time, just with a bit more flash.

Harry used his Holly wand to lasso it with a flame whip, pulling its large

head towards himself. He baited the snake into lunging at him again and

when it did, Harry apparated away just in time, appearing above the

basilisk. He called out for Gryffindor and the sword of his house

appeared in flames above him, resting comfortably in his outstretched

hand. Harry fell down at great speed and plunged the sword deep into

the snakes brain, killing it instantly.

The snake wailed one last time before turning limp. Harry slid off of it

and the sword disappeared immediately from his grasp. He wandlessly

summoned his yew wand which he dropped when grabbing for the

sword. Harry walked along the snake and studied it with some curiosity,

his memory finding it to be the exact same basilisk he had killed three

years ago, or a near replica of it at least.

As he studied the basilisk, his eyes caught on to the fact that its blood

was acting strange. The basilisks blood trailed out of the Great Hall and

began to ascend the grand stairs. He was compelled to follow where the

blood led him and as if a river that defied gravity, it poured upwards and

Harry walked alongside it.

Suddenly, the blood began to pool on the second floor and Harry looked

around confused, wondering why it had so suddenly stopped. He didn't

have long to contemplate the curious nature of the blood however when

a large badger, bigger than any bear, broke through the second floor halls

doorway, sending splinters everywhere. Harry was forced to cover

himself momentarily and that proved costly as the badger didn't stop,

sprinting through the basilisk blood as it charged for Harry.

As it ran through the blood, the badger grew in size, becoming at least

three times the size of a bear, and thick green armor built itself around

the crazed animal. The badger sprinted at Harry with great speed and hit

him with its head, sending him flying into the wall behind him.

Harry felt one of his ribs break, but he didn't let that slow him. The large

badger charged again, intent on pinning its prey to the wall, but Harry

was quick. He turned into a wisp of black smoke and reappeared behind

the charging badger. Using his wands in quick succession, he tied the

hind legs of the large badger with thick ropes then hit it with his most

powerful stupefy.

The badger was unfazed by the stunning spell, it easily was deflected by

the basilisk armor that had formed around it, and it quickly broke free of

its bonds. Even more angered, it charged at Harry with even greater

speed and forced Harry to jump over the railing of the staircase. He

apparated in mid-air back to the second floor landing and this time began

using more deadly means. He baited the badger to charge him once

again, backing up several steps so that he was only a few paces from the


The badger began to charge him once again, this time incensed that its

prey had gotten away from it twice in a row. Harry sent one silver spear

at the badger which connected with its forehead, hitting it squarely in the

middle of its eyes, puncturing through the thick armor. He felt his arm

vibrate with the power he put into that spell and it came out like a

rocket. The badger continued to charge however and Harry then sent a

cutting curse with the same power that hit its front legs, slicing them

clean off. The badger fell to the ground with a crash and rolled until it

rested just in front of Harry. He aimed both his wands at the badgers

head and put it out of its misery with two strong blasting hexes.

Instead of the blood and gore he was expecting, the badger turned to ash

which slowly began to float upwards. Harry looked at it oddly,

wondering what had become of his foe, seeing if it was even really dead.

He followed the trail of ash up the stairs and eventually found himself on

the fifth floor where suddenly the ash turned into a large eagle and

swooped down for Harry.

It was larger than any bird he had ever seen, larger than Buckbeak if that

even classified as a bird. Its feathers were midnight black and it had a

wicked curved beak. Upon its head was a ring of golden feathers that

gave the appearance of a crown. Its yellow eyes reminded him of the

basilisks, but still it had no effect on him.

Harry just barely got out of the way of its razor sharp talons and turned

his wands on it. The eagle moved through the air with grace and beauty

and easily dodged Harry's attacks. It made for another pass but found the

human elusive. It let out a loud shriek in frustration, its cry echoing off

the stone walls.

Harry found that he had to begin predicting the erratic movements of the

great eagle, but the kingly bird was proving very smart, always changing

direction at random and keeping to no pattern. The eagle dove for him

again and Harry stepped to the right, but the eagle had predicted this and

swooped in for the kill. Its sharp talons dug into Harry's side and picked

him up into the air. Harry's arms were pinned to his side and the bird

began to rise high into the castle, reaching the seventh floor. With every

second in the birds grasp Harry found his breath leaving him, the eagle

squeezing harder and harder.

Harry channeled all of his magic, not into his hands like normal, but

through his arms and forced it outwards. A burst of white magic lit the

castle and the eagle gave a squawk of surprise. Its grip on Harry loosened

slightly, just enough for Harry to point his wand at its underbelly.

A red flash of light connected with the stomach of the eagle and a large

hole was blown clean through it. With one last shriek, the eagle turned

into dust and Harry now found himself falling down the middle of the

grand staircases. He concentrated and apparated back to the seventh

floor, landing on shaking legs.

He let out a sigh of relief, for a slight moment having briefly thought he

might never make it out of the grasp of the eagle. "You were sloppy and

slow." Harry turned abruptly at the voice, surprise taking him. He felt his

heart catch in his throat and his tongue immediately went dry upon

seeing what was before him.

A large lion, at least three times the size of a normal lion, sat in front of

him, licking one of its paws and watching him with beady black eyes

carefully. "Errr." Was all Harry could manage.

"I suppose you were good enough though." The lion continued in a deep

voice. "You have an immense amount of power, though lack experience

and the skill that comes with age." He stopped licking one of his paws

and stood on all four, standing to full height. The lion towered above

Harry on his four legs.

"Good enough?" Harry managed to ask, confusion written all over his

face. The lion began to approach Harry slowly, its eyes never leaving

Harry's. When it was close, Harry could hear it sniff two times heavily. It

let out a deep breath and its entire demeanor changed, one from a very

menacing and predatory look, to one of almost happiness.

"So the moment has finally come." The lion said. Harry caught a glimpse

of its very large and sharp teeth.

"What?" Harry asked dumbly.

"I can smell my blood in you. Who are you?"

"Harry Potter."

"Potter?" The lion questioned, beginning to walk around Harry. It wasn't

in a predatory manner however, instead the lion looked as if it were in

deep thought. "I have never heard of a Potter. Are you related to


"Err, no? I don't think so. As far as I know, my descendants are from the

Peverell family."

The lions eyes lit up with recognition at that moment. "Ah! My grandson,

yes. I should have known. Diluted your blood is, but still strong enough

to conquer my trials."

"Your trials? That's what this was?"

The lion looked at Harry like he was dumb, "Yes? What else would this

have been. I worked hard on it you know. Rowena was always laughing

at my attempts but I think I showed her."

"This...this isn't real?" Harry muttered to himself, looking around. All at

once, his memories of his life beyond this world came back to him. Fleur,

the war, everything. Suddenly he felt foolish for not immediately

recognizing that this wasn't real.

"Maybe we should start with the basics boy. My name is Godric

Gryffindor, or rather, I am an imitation of him created long ago."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "An imitation?"

"Yes, an imprint of sorts. I put part of myself into my wand so that I may

guide my family further if need be."

Harry's eyes darkened, "You're a horcrux!"

The lions eyes darkened just as much as Harry's had, "No! I would never

use such foul magic. Death never was something I wished to escape. No, I

am just a well thought out charm, my memories and knowledge laced

into the wand that you have activated."

"So it was your wand that has done this?"

"Your blood must be very diluted to catch on this slowly." Godric replied.

"Yes, it was my wand. I couldn't let it fall into the hands of the

undeserved. Only those of my blood who are also worthy of it, may use

it. Which makes you a rare figure my boy. Truly you must be of some

importance that my wand activated for you, and that you cold pass my


"I am no more important than anyone else."

The lion laughed deeply, "So modest, how annoying. You're a Gryffindor,

know who you are and your importance in the world and it will only

make you stronger."

Harry shrugged, "That's not me, and that's not my way."

Godric nodded its large head and looked down upon Harry, "Maybe so. I

can see that my wife's humility flows strong within you. Such a shame,

ahh well."

"Is that a bad thing?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows.

"Sometimes." Godric responded. "Please now dear Potter, take me away

from my prison."

"But what will happen when I leave, if I can even leave?" Harry asked,

not ready to just leave this place yet. He still had questions.

"I'll be able to speak with you through the wand of course. Hasn't your

family told you anything? Surely this wand is still being given to the

eldest son in the family as I instructed." Harry's eyes saddened for a

moment at the word family and the lion immediately understood the

look. For a lion, he could show empathy well. "I see our family has not

had the greatest of times as of late. Well, that will change."

"Why do you keep saying family? I'm a Potter and we're only linked

through an old family that no longer exists, the Peverells."

"You share my blood, no matter how little you are still my family. Magic

is funny in her ways and it seems she has brought this wand to you and

that you capable of restoring our house to its former glory."

Harry nodded his head and stood silently for a moment. "Okay, what-"

"Oh stop with the questions please. I'll answer them when I'm out of this

hell." Godric cut him off.

"You created this."

"I did, I also never said that it was a good creation."

"You said you were proud of it."

"Just shut up and take me away, heir."

Harry stared confusedly at the lion, "I don't know how to."

"Wow my blood must be very diluted." Godric muttered. Harry was still

finding it difficult to believe that this lion, a lion that could rip him apart

in the blink of an eye, was talking with him, and that it was Godric

Gryffindor no less.

"Do you know how to?" Harry asked, looking at the lion with raised

eyebrows. Godric furrowed his bushy eyebrows and stared at the floor,

pawing his other leg for a moment.

"Well, I er don't actually think I planned that far ahead." Harry let out a


"Now I can blame my carelessness on him at least." Harry muttered under

his breath. "So you have no idea how to get out of here?" The lion shook

his head. Harry rolled his eyes and turned his back to him. He thought

through any spell he knew but came up empty. In a last ditch effort, he

spoke to Fawkes through his mind and was surprised that a flash of fire

appeared above his head.

"Wow a phoenix!" Godric said in a dismayed voice. "Wait, I know that

phoenix. Fawkes?" The phoenix grabbed hold of Harry and flashed away

without answering the words of the lion.

Harry suddenly woke up, his breathing heavy and his heart beating a

mile a minute. His vision was blurry as he was readjusting to the light in

the room and he saw two shapes standing over him. They mouthed

words, but he heard nothing but murmurs. In his head however, he heard

as clear as day the words of Godric, "Fawkes my old friend!"

"Oh goddamnit!" Fawkes replied.

43. Caesar

"Shacked up with my heir eh?" Godric asked.

"I see you haven't changed one bit." Fawkes snapped back.

"After all these years you still can't have fun?" Godric laughed.

"After all these years you still haven't developed a sense of decency?" Fawkes

replied quickly.

"Will you both please shut up?" Harry asked, breaking up the two's

bickering. He sat up in the bed, the sheets still around his chest, and his

eyes rested on Fleur and Sirius who looked at him with startled

expressions. He realized that he had said that out loud, talking to the two

voices in his head. "Sorry, I wasn't talking to you." He directed at them.

This only served to make both Sirius and Fleur look at each other with

concern towards him. "Who were you talking to? There's no one else here

but us." Fleur asked, concern written clearly on her face.

"Wow she is beautiful! I highly recommend adding her genes to our family,

Potter." Godric said.

"He already is. Get with the times you louse." Fawkes replied.

"Holy shit, shut up you two!" Harry snapped at them, aloud again. He

already struggled with having to deal with Fawkes in his head, but now

having two voices who clearly had little love for one another, was going

to be difficult.

Both Fleur and Sirius looked slightly hurt at his words but they quickly

hid that, instead a serious concern replaced the relief that were on their

features. They looked to doctor Emry who stood slightly back, waving his

wand at Harry and trying to diagnose if he was indeed fine. Seeing that

they thought he might be an insane person coming out of whatever sleep

he had been, Harry spoke to them."Sorry, Fawkes and Godric won't shut

up." He forgot how crazy that might sound.

"Godric? As in..." Remus trailed off, stepping to the side of Harry's bed.

All of them looked at Harry as if he were crazy and even a tear began to

well up in Fleur's eye which only made Harry groan and roll his eyes.

"The one and only!" Godric replied in Harry's head.

"Yes, as in Godric Gryffindor. My lineage seems to trace back directly to

him and he now seems keen on annoying me." Harry said, doing his best

to ignore the ongoing conversations in his head that was already working

quickly to drive him insane.

"Were you raised to talk about your elders like this? If I had been in your life,

I would have beat you silly for talking about me in such a way!"

"You should have been beaten for your infidelity!" Fawkes replied, a clear

anger in his voice. Harry successfully tuned them out, not wishing to go

down that road with them. They were turned into just a small buzz that

sat in the back of his mind as he focused on his surroundings.

Remus glanced nervously at Emry who only shrugged in response. Harry

could see on all of their faces that they were having a hard time believing

that he was talking to a wizard that had been dead for a thousand years.

He helped himself to sit further up in the makeshift bed and the sheets

fell down, revealing his bare arms and chest. His tattoos still remained on

either breast, but it was the tattoo on his left breast that caught his


Normally it was a tiger, Haunt, laying around waiting to be put to use.

Instead, the tattoo had changed to the form of a lion, its mane large and

black as midnight, and dark red eyes glowed from it, pulsating with each

breath he took. Fleur and Sirius immediately caught notice of the change

as well, "What happened to Haunt?" Sirius asked.

"I-I don't-" Harry started, but was cut off by the voice of Godric in his

head. "You have finally accepted your rightful place in my family. A lion you

are, a lion you have always been."

Clang! Clang! Clang! Great, deep sounding bells echoed throughout the

castle and its grounds, different from the ones used to usher students to

and from their classes. These were bells of true importance, not used in

hundreds of years and long forgotten to the world. "Ahh, long have I

missed that sound." Godric said.

Out from the walls the ghosts that occupied the castle came floating in,

their heads bowed low. They all carefully formed around Harry's bed and

one stepped forward, away from the pack. Harry recognized him to be Sir

Nicholas, the house ghost of Gryffindor. Fleur held fast her position by

Harry's side, though he felt her hand clench more tightly to his. Sirius,

Remus, and Emry backed off, moving to the side of the room and away

from the party of ghosts."My Lord Potter, I knew it would be you from

the moment we met." Sir Nicholas said.

"Err, what is he talking about?" Remus asked, looking to Harry who only

shrugged in response.

Another of the ghosts stepped forward, this time a woman, the Grey Lady

he knew her as, but he also knew her real name, Helena Ravenclaw. She

curtsied and did something he had never seen or heard of her ever doing

before, she smiled. "My Lord, welcome home."

Godric could read Harry's thoughts now that he was in his head. He could

sense his uneasiness along with surprise and even a hint of hope.

Memories of his childhood came flooding to the front, quickly followed

by the emotions of being told he was a wizard and then being introduced

to Hogwarts. In that moment, Godric understood who Harry really was,

why he had no clue of his lineage and his potential claim to an old

Lordship. A sadness crept through him, but it was quickly extinguished

by a fire of raw anger and a desire for vengeance.

"It is yours to do with what you will. Deny it, control it, pass it off to

whomever you choose, the castle and all its secrets are yours, my son." Godric

said, his tone completely changed from the teasing voice of earlier. Now

he was more somber in nature and Harry felt a strength coming from him

within his own mind that eased him, like he had a sturdy hand gently

squeezing his shoulder in reassurance.

Harry swung his legs over the side of his bed, ignoring Fleur's protests.

He touched the cold ground with his bare feet and noticed that it

immediately warmed to keep him comfortable. As soon as he stood, all of

the ghosts knelt down to one knee and Harry even saw Peeeves knee as

well. "The castle and all she has is yours to command, you have but to

issue the order." Sir Nicholas said. Harry was even more surprised to see

the Bloody Baron beside Sir Nicholas, bowing as well, his ghostly rapier

placed on the ground before him.

"Rise." Harry commanded, his voice firm and controlled, a strength in it

that surprised the humans in the room. In that instant, Harry looked

different from anytime before. He was once a boy thrust into a difficult

situation, looked upon by those older to lead them through a great war,

but he was still a boy. The Harry that stood before them now was

changed. He had a glow about him, as if a thousand suns had descended

from the skies and placed themselves within him. A mighty warmth

swirled about him and the room choked with the magic that poured from

him. His eyes were ablaze with light and they held the wisdom of a man

that had seen many years upon this earth. However, as soon as the image

had come, it fled and Harry returned to his normal boyish self, the magic

around him receded and those of mortality could breath in his presence

once more.

He turned to look back at Fleur who watched him with a slightly opened

mouth and tears in her eye, not out of sadness, but out of happiness.

Remus and Sirius looked upon Harry with awe, like they were truly

seeing him for the first time in their lives. A compulsion hit them to bow,

and they did as if they were in the presence of a great lord. Harry

repeated his command to them and they rose to look upon Harry again,

his eyes soft and kind as he looked at them.

The door to the Room of Requirement burst open and Minerva, along

with the rest of those that were present just a few hours ago at the

meeting, rushed in. "We heard bells! Is the castle under attack?" She

asked in a state of panic, not noticing that Harry was standing up from

his bed or the ghosts that surrounded him.

"We are currently safe, Headmistress." Harry said, drawing the attentions

of all the newcomers to the room. He stood before them in only simple

black trousers, his hair cut short as normal, the scar on his head almost

invisible. No one would ever look to his forehead again, instead they

would first see his eyes that constantly glowed green with the power of a

hundred wizards.

"My Lord, if I may?" Emry bowed low when he made himself known.

Doctor Emry's breath was taken away by what he witnessed before him.

Harry Potter, the boy he had met only a little over a year ago was now

something different altogether. He didn't know what compelled him to

bow his head or call the young boy a 'Lord', but it felt right and his gut

told him that Potter was truly something special.

Harry chuckled, his image breaking completely from the older, more

lord-like figure, and returning to the boy he really was. "I won't have any

of this bowing. I am still me."

"Ugh, so very much like my wife." Godric murmured and Harry could

almost feel Fawkes rolling his eyes.

Emry took that as a yes and began to perform diagnostic spells on Harry,

muttering and grunting as he did so. Harry looked at the older doctor

with raised eyebrows, "Anything interesting?"

The doctor looked at Harry like he was crazy, "Interesting? I can't make

sense of any of this!"

Harry cocked his head to the side and looked at him inquisitively. "How


"Well, for one thing, none of my scans are working. Hell, I can't even tell

if you're alive or not!"

"What do you mean?" Fleur asked, worry once again taking over her

perfect features. She had grabbed Harry's arm and rested her head on his

shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his warmth again. In that little time

where it was gone, she fully realized just how much she couldn't live

without him.

"I mean what I say. All of the scans are fuzzy, like they can't tell if you're

dead or alive, or something in-between. The other scans I've tried also

come back with odd results, such as testing how healthy your magic is.

My scans are either so off the charts that it's coming back negative, or

you just don't have any magic anymore."

Harry heard several people gasp and for just a split second, he felt his

own heart begin to beat quickly. "Where are my w-" He stopped when

Sirius pulled his three wands from a pocket in his robe and handed them

to Harry. "Thank you." Immediately upon contact with them, he breathed

out a sigh in relief when he felt a familiar rush of warmth flow through

his body.

Harry curiously glanced down to the lion that rested on his left breast

and swished Godric's wand, thinking of the spell he wished to cast. With

ease, as if water flowed from his hands and through his wand, a gigantic

lion sprang to life from the tip and raced around the room looking for

any threats to its master. It was completely solid and Flitwick who stood

not far away gazed at it with wonder.

"That's...different." Sirius said, watching the lion prowl the room. The

school ghosts watched as well with awed looks, the Bloody Baron a wide

grin on his face. Peeves approached the lion but immediately ran back to

the comfort of the other ghosts when the lion growled at him.

"It's joyous to have a true heir back in this castle. She has been suffering

for many centuries, her magic slowly leaving her." Helena said. "The rest

of the castle will want to be introduced to you of course and you have

many other matters to attend to."

"Err, what matters?" Harry asked, not exactly liking the sound of having

more tasks to add onto his already full plate of things to do.

"I will handle such tasks until the young lord has time to see them

through, Lady Helena." Everyone looked to the lion in surprise, including

Harry who wasn't expecting his patronus to be able to talk. Then it hit

him that he hadn't heard Godric's voice in his head after casting the spell.

He looked to his tattoo and found it missing from his skin.

"Of course my Lord." Helena bowed low and stepped back into the crowd

of ghosts. They took several steps back as a group to make way for the

large lion that approached the group of humans. "Who of you controls

this school?"

Minerva hesitantly stepped forward, steeling her nerves to look upon the

face of the large lion that towered above her. "I do, Minerva McGonagall,

Headmistress of Hogwarts and former Head of House Gryffindor."

Godric nodded his head, "Continue in your management of the school. I

will see to the castles defenses with the help of my heir." Godric turned to

Harry, "Cancel your spell, I wish to speak with you in private." Harry

flicked his wand and the patronus of Godric disappeared from the room,

leaving everyone but Harry in a state of shock.

"I can see your mind, your memories. I see your enemies and all that you have

accomplished before my time here. Truly remarkable you are and from your

victories before this moment, I would be a very proud grandfather." Harry felt

something lodge in his chest, something he had never felt before, but it

felt good, it felt homely. "Your fight is not finished however, and in these late

hours, I will be here to help you through them."

Rain poured from the sky, coming from dark clouds that stretched as far

as the eye could see. Hundreds of witches and wizards were stretched

across the various hills, clumped in groups and all gazing down sadly at

the newly found graves. Harry stood next to Susan, dressed in a black

suit. He had already put a spell over the burial sight to block the rain. In

the middle of the group of people was a simple stone slab, the name

Amelia Bones written on it, along with the words, "Death is only a door."

Susan cried heavily onto Harry's shoulder, clutching at him like he was

the last person on earth. He stood stoically, an arm wrapped around her

shoulder and letting her cry to her hearts content. She had quickly gotten

over the quick spell of hating him for what happened to her aunt,

realizing it was never his fault, even though he himself still partly blamed

himself for her death.

His eyes scanned the horizon, watching the other funerals that were

taking place all alongside the great valley they found themselves in. The

Valley of Mourning, an apt name for it, Harry figured. Hundreds of

gravestones littered the area, it being a popular sight for many wizards

and witches from old families to be buried. One had to take but a few

steps away to find the graves of many ancestors of the Longbottoms. Only

the Peverells and the Potters had other gravesites away from this valley.

Always independent from the normal ways of wizards they were and

Harry could always smile at that fact.

Not too far away he caught a glimpse of bright red hair through the rain.

Ginny stood beside her mother who was sat in a chair, her head bowed

low as she continuously wept. The brothers stood on the other side of the

grave as well as several work friends and other family that had gathered

at the funeral of the Weasley patriarch. Harry felt a stab of sadness run

through him in that moment as memories of events not long away went

through his head.

Mr. Weasley had always been a father figure to him, one before Sirius or

Remus had become them. The Weasley family in general was like a

family to him despite his falling out with the youngest male. George,

Charlie, and the twins had been friends to him these last couple years

and even Ginny had started to escape her fanboy persona and become her

own person around him. He was sad to have heard of Arthur's death at

the ministry and wished he could ease the pain of their loss.

He turned his attentions back to the funeral at hand and continued to

stand there, offering what little support he could to Susan. Many had

come out to Amelia's funeral and Harry was thankful they could all be

here. Slowly, one by one, people began to say their final goodbyes and

leave the gravesite. Harry was one of the last to leave, only waiting for

Hannah to escort Susan away and head home for the weekend to recover

from her loss.

Seeing that the Weasleys were still there, Harry decided it would be a

good time to pay his respects to Arthur. He descended the hill that

Amelia was buried on and entered into the valley, passing by several

other funerals as he did so. Many people looked at him as he walked by,

but none said a word.

As he made his way to the Weasley grave, Bill was the first to notice his

approach and stepped forward to greet him. Harry shook hands with him,

then Charlie and the twins. Ginny and Ron kept their distance, standing

by their mother who still hadn't noticed his presence. "Thank you for

making it, Harry." Bill said. Harry nodded his head but didn't say a word,

turning his attention to the gravestone.

"I'm sorry for what happened." Harry whispered to himself, hoping that

maybe Arthur could hear him in some far off land, through shadow and

cloud. He glanced at Mrs. Weasley and found her to be in a near

catatonic state. She was no longer crying and instead, just looking

straightforward, her eyes glassy and distant.

"Will she be okay?" Harry asked Bill, jerking his head at Molly. After the

incident involving her and Dumbledore was taken care of, she had

remained quite passive, giving no reason to Harry to involve himself

further in the matters of the Weasleys. Still though, he kept himself on

guard around her just in case.

Bill glanced at his mum and then back to Harry, "She'll be fine. It's just

been hard on her...hard on all of us."

"I'm sure." Harry responded, not sure what else to say in the matter.

"Well, we need to go, have training with Moody this afternoon." Charlie

said, though he hardly looked ready to leave the area. About them all,

Harry could see they were in deep pain. From his time with them he

knew the family to be closely knit, and Arthur was the one that kept

them altogether, especially after the events of just a year ago.

Harry nodded his head solemnly, "Good luck." Both Charlie and Bill went

to help Molly to her feet and guided her away from the grave. He

watched the rest of Weasleys follow the oldest sons away from the valley,

disappearing from view behind another hill.

He stood by the grave all alone, the wind beginning to become more

violent and the rain began to heavily pour down. He had stepped away

from the wards placed over Amelia's grave and so now he was drenched

from the rain. "A king always stands alone." Harry turned his head to the

unfortunately familiar voice. Gellert approached him in a heavy black

cloak, its hood drawn over his head to obscure his identity from prying

eyes. Gellert looked over Harry's shoulder, "A friend of yours?"

"A father." Harry replied.

"Ahh." Gellert walked around Harry and looked at the name carved on

the gravestone. "At least a father is not burying a son."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to fetch you. We have much work to do."

Harry landed just outside the looming gates of Belogradchik, its great

doors already swung open for him. The guards wearing their silver armor

bowed for him as he walked through. Upon entering the main street

where many shops and other houses were located, two loud trumpet

blasts sounded throughout the entire city. The citizens looked to the gate

and saw their new lord enter and they all bowed to him.

Gellert walked in just after Harry, "You can't tell me you don't love this

power." He whispered into Harry's ear as he walked by him. Harry

wanted to retort but found himself alone as Gellert had already started

walking up the hill, talking and joking with his subjects as they all

crowded around him as if he were loved by all. It was an odd sight to see,

in great contrast to the horror stories he had heard of the man.

Harry began walking up the hill as well and quickly found himself

surrounded just like he was used to in Diagon Alley. People were calling

out to him, wishing to even just touch him in the hopes they would have

good fortune for the action. He could see how someone would come to

think themselves a god when people worshiped them like this. Gellert

was thriving in the attention. In Harry's opinion he was making a fool of

himself, but based off the laughter coming from those around him,

Harry's opinion was quite foolish.

Many of the citizens cried out to him, some wanting him to visit the Inn

and share a few drinks. Others wanted to fashion him in the latest

designs of their people, which Harry figured were quite out of date, even

moreso than the wizarding world. And the girls, they latched onto him

like he was a great prize to be won and when harry actually thought

about it, he probably was in their eyes. Unfortunately for them, he

already had a queen of his heart, and no one could hope to replace her.

He continued to climb the mountain, fighting his way through the hordes

of citizens as he went. Eventually he made it to the grand doors of the

white keep that stood proudly on top the hill. He noticed high atop the

tallest tower of the keep, a banner fluttered in the wind, the symbol of

the Deathly Hallows embroidered in gold with a white background. The

doors were carved from a black wood and they were infused with gold

and silver designs depicting dragons and Holy Knights in combat. The

silver guards opened the doors up for Harry and he was inside just

shortly after Grindelwald had made it in himself.

The keep looked just like the last time he had been there, save for the

great stone table that was placed in the middle. Gellert stood on one side

of the table and two other men stood on the opposite. Both were clad in

thick full plate armor, one colored black, the other silver. They looked

something like out of Harry's muggle textbooks on the late middle ages in

beginners school. As soon as he walked up to the table, the two knights

placed their fists over their hearts and bowed their heads.

"Harry, these men are Sir Galdrey and Sir Mol, they are the senior knights

of the realm and are in charge of the safety of the kingdom." Gellert

introduced them.

Harry bowed his head to them. "A pleasure my Lords."

Both knights looked up at him with surprise, not expecting the

courteousness of their new prince. "The pleasure is ours." Sir Mol said.

"Now, you are progressing quite quickly in your magic studies every day

and have grown very strong. However, you won't be able to win this war

by outfighting them on the battlefield, this war will be won with your

head, through good, decisive strategy. That's what we will begin to teach

you." Gellert said.

Harry glanced at the table and noticed that upon it was a sprawling map

of Europe. On the map were iron pieces that were scattered around in

different countries. Sir Mol caught his looks and explained, "We have put

forth a bit of a testing scenario for you. As you can see here, Julius

Caesar commands four legions in northern Gaul." He pointed to a cluster

of iron pieces that were in modern France, shaped to look like Roman


He then pointed to many more figures that surrounded them, "The Gauls

are much greater in number and have surrounded Caesar on three sides.

How do you defeat an enemy that is well entrenched in the country they

grew up in and outnumbers your forces?"

Harry studied the board for a moment. He knew little of Julius Caesar

and the Roman Empire. He was a famous general turned dictator that

was later stabbed by friends but that was the extent of his knowledge in

the matter. Harry continued to look at the board, hoping to find some

clever ruse to not only destroy the Gaul, but save as much of his men as

possible as well. Not seeing anything, Harry shook his head. "I don't


Sir Galdrey slammed his fist down on the four legions in control of

Caesar and they all turned to dust. "And that is what happens to a

commander who is at a loss as to what to do. Forty thousand men gone in

the blink of an eye because of the ineptness of a general." Immediately

Harry was cowed by the wrath and sudden anger in the older knights

voice. He was expected to lead a war, and he needed to know how to

fight one, something both Dumbledore and Voldemort had experience in

doing. These men were going to teach him to not stretch out blindly in

the dark, but to plan long in advance and win the wars of the mind.

Sir Galdrey raised his fist from the table and the four legions returned

from the dust. "You can learn a lot from the Romans. Good and bad, they

did it all. There is a reason they conquered much of the world and there

is a reason they lost all of it."

"Now look again." Sir Mol continued. Gellert waved his hand over the

board and the pieces began to move. One of the Roman legionnaires

moved north and attacked small villages, then defeated one of the Gaul

tribes. At the same time, another legionnaire moved south and did the

same while the two remaining legionnaires struck in the middle, creating

a wide hole. "The Romans advantage was always their ability to strike

hard and fast against forces that were ill-equipped. They were masters of

the pitched battle, to the point they were unbeatable."

Sir Galdrey then took over, "Rome may have had less soldiers to call on,

but they were very well armored and brought with them weapons of war,

great siege engines that could topple fortified towns." Harry was

beginning to lose these two knights point. Wars of a long time ago,

especially wars between muggles hardly seemed relevant to the war he

faced now.

Gellert seemed to sense his confusion and so took up the lesson. "Julius

Caesar was a brilliant commander, not because he had the better soldiers,

but because he could always envision a way to success. You and him are

in a very similar position. You are both men of the people, have the will

of an army and a great horde of people, and are feared by deadly foes,

hidden and seen to you. Study him, learn from him, and maybe you won't

share his final fate."

"So, tell me more of this, Harry Potter." General Artorius Scorni said,

sitting down in his wooden chair. Behind him was an older man wearing

tattered clothes. His face was painted blue in a rough design and to Olaf,

he looked wild, like he had been in the woods away from humans longer

than was healthy. His hair was thick and dark brown and had some

leaves and sticks scattered throughout it. He looked like a feral beast and

if it weren't for the stock still nature in the way he stood, Olaf would

have thought him a strange animal.

In the wild mans hand was a plain brown staff that he lent heavily on. At

the tip of the staff was a strange crystal that had a faint blue glow coming

from it, the light pulsating soothingly outwards. Any time that Olaf said a

word, the Roman General that sat across from him would translate to the

older man in a harsh foreign tongue that he didn't quite recognize.

The tent they sat in was very cozy, a fireplace roaring off to the right

bathing the room in flickering light. On the desk that separated him from

the general was a large, finely made desk that had a map of the

surrounding lands on it. The general had placed his sword on the desk

beside it. Olaf looked at it and found it to be richer in design than any

other sword he had ever seen carried by a mortal man. Potters sword was

the exception, but Potter was also seemingly not mortal.

"Stories of him have passed through this land. They say he is a great

warrior, born from Jupiter himself, sent to rid the land of a festering

darkness. Tales of his exploits are great and I find myself increasingly

wondering if any of them are indeed true." The general continued.

"I'm not sure about being born from a god, though he does hold himself

as one. His mere presence in a room is suffocating, the power in his

stature is truly something to behold. He walks like a wolf amongst sheep,

acts like a Lord born of old, and fights like a demon tasked with

destroying absolutely. I have never met one such as him." Olaf replied.

"You speak high praises, viking. Why? Pray tell your story, and how you

became a party of Harry Potter." Olaf nodded and relaxed into his chair.

A nearby servant brought a cup of wine for everyone in the tent and Olaf

dove into his tale. He spoke of his father and the demise he found at the

end of his axe from the word of a silver wizard. He told of his journey

through the plains between death and life and his eventual resurrection.

All that he had seen and heard of Potter he told to the Roman General,

not skimping on any detail. He looked to recruit, not to dissuade by

omitting truths.

Several times he caught the eye of the older, wild man, and several times

he saw his eyes flash brilliantly in the fire, specks of gold and purple in

them. The man was clearly of some kind of power, unknown to Olaf, but

surely strong and wise despite his looks. As he wrapped up his stories and

having answered many more questions from the general, the wild man

moved for the first time.

He bent low and whispered into the Romans ear, and Olaf strained to

hear, but heard nothing. The Roman listened intently, softly nodding in

response to each word he spoke. Olaf could easily tell that this wild man

held true power over the Roman general which made him even more

curious as to who he was.

"I give you leave to walk my camp freely. We will speak more in the

morning." The general finally said. Olaf stood up, knowing that he was

dismissed, and bowed his head, leaving the tent. As he stepped out into

the cold night air, he immediately began to further study his

surroundings. The sounds of hammers echoed in the night, laughter and

song came from nearby. He walked over to it, curious to see the life of

these people.

He found many surrounding a campfire, men and women dancing and

singing and drinking. It was not unlike his own people and he felt an

immediate homely feel to it all. These small parties were scattered

throughout thousands of tents that had been set up in a perfect square.

High wooden walls surrounded the encampment and before the walls

were deep trenches and hills to impede besiegers. Men with spears and

bows walked along the walls, ever vigilant for an enemy long defeated.

The smell of food drew him and he immediately found himself hungry,

not realizing how long he had gone without nourishment. He followed

his nose and came upon a large tent, the largest in the entire

encampment. There he found hundreds of tables where men dined, a long

line at the far end where the soldiers grabbed whatever food was

available to them.

Eager, Olaf walked towards the line and no one questioned him. He

received a few odd glares, but it was clear everyone knew of him, and of

their generals orders. Olaf grabbed what food he could and left the tent,

eating as he walked since he didn't feel comfortable with all of the stares.

His forefathers had talked of Roman legions and their great aptitude for

killing. He had little love for them, and they the same for him, but old

enemies didn't always remain that way. Olaf now looked to the future,

having already envisioned a new place for his people in a grand empire

that would one day span the globe.

A great flash lit up the night sky and Olaf looked up and was amazed at

what he saw. Rain clouds, darker than the night sky, unleashed

themselves onto the Earth, but no water fell into the camp. An invisible

barrier of some kind blocked natures path. It was as if a dome had

formed around the camp, protecting it from the world and it made Olaf

wonder. He looked more closely at the tents and the soldiers within. The

harsh language he heard wasn't something he didn't know, but was

something he had forgotten, a lost language spoken by no one, save these

people. It was Latin they spoke, and continued to speak and he began to

put two and two together.

He had heard stories of these mystics, wizards of Germania and Brittania

that were said to have great power, bending nature to their wills. The

wild man was a mystic and a powerful one at that. To create something

the likes of this would rival Potters power. His mind shifted back to when

he had been caught searching the forest for this very encampment but

never found it. One second he had been walking alone in a dark forest,

the next he was hit over the head by the hilt of a sword, his

consciousness leaving him.

"I see you have come to realize what this place is." A gruff and deep voice

broke Olaf from his thoughts. He spun around to find the old, wild mystic

standing before him, heavily leaning upon his staff, a crutch for an old

man. A youthfulness still ran through the mans eyes, but his body looked

ready to fail at any moment.

"I've never seen the likes of it before. I'm not sure even Potter could do


The old man smiled and ran a withered hand through his beard. "Harry

Potter can do a great many things, I have heard." Olaf got the sense that

he was talking to someone who knew a great many things, yet revealed

little. The man coughed, his body shaking as he did so, but the corners of

his lips were upturned like he had tried to chuckle but was too frail to do


"I am old and dying." He said, wiping his mouth of spit that had dribbled

onto his chin. "I have not many days left and no sons or daughters to see

them through with me. My time and my peoples time ends with me." Olaf

stayed silently, listening to the man with his full attention. In fact, even if

he wanted to walk away and leave the man to ramble by himself, he felt

like he couldn't. It was as if a spell of some kind had descended onto him,

locking him into place as he was so captivated by the purple and gold

eyes that flashed in the lightning.

"I have been here many years, watching, guiding, and protecting these

people. Soon I feel that privilege will fall to another. When you leave

here, I wish to venture with you and meet this Harry Potter. I have heard

and seen through my mind the wonders of the modern world, but never

experienced them. I should wish to do so before my last day."

Olaf bowed his head for it seemed right in the moment. He felt that he

was talking quietly with a great ruler that had served his people for many

years. A benevolence and wonder was in the old mans eyes and Olaf

would not refuse his last request. "I will take you to meet him. He would

wish to meet you as well for you are very wise and full of harsh lessons."

The mystic smiled before coughing violently once more. "I look forward

to it."

44. Corrupted Kings

Daphne sat down in the Slytherin common room with her sister nearby.

Tracy was also close, sitting on the floor beside the fire with a potions

book in her lap. The three of them sat silently in the dark light, the

fireplace barely burning just the way their house liked it. No longer did

she have any reason to fear being a friend of Potters while in her house.

After Draco and his bodyguards were expelled from the castle, the danger

she faced was lessened greatly.

In fact, now it was like the supporters of Potter and his side came

streaming out of the woodwork. Whether they were genuinely supporters

of Harry and his cause or just wishing to end up on the winning side was

yet to be seen. Still though, it made things much easier and safer for her

and her friends.

A few of those in Slytherin still sided with their parents ideologies,

embracing the Death Eater cause, especially since most of said parents

were dead and their offspring wished for revenge. A silent war had begun

within the house and their Head had remained either oblivious to it all,

or just willing to turn a blind eye. It was more likely the latter, Slughorn

wasn't the type who cared for the students, only himself. Each night there

was some kind of attack, nothing harmful where it would attract the

attention of the Headmistress, or worse, Harry Potter himself whom was

feared above all.

These attacks were borderline pranks, but never were they funny, and

almost always the Death Eater side ended up worse for wear. The attacks

also stayed above the fourth year mark, which was wise since anything

below would attract Harry's attention who made his intentions known

that none younger should ever be involved in something as stupid as in-

house fighting.

Each night, Daphne and Tracy planned their own attacks, with the help

of the older years who sided with them. They were winning the fighting

and soon, they expected absolute victory, having brought many of the DE

supporters to their side.

Harry Potter was now truly one to be feared within the halls of Hogwarts.

The very breath of his name sent a shiver down many peoples spines, but

it wasn't necessarily out of fear, but reverence and awe of him. Among

the students he was a legend, a god not to be messed with. Each morning

they were reminded of Harry's prowess with magic when the Daily

Prophet was delivered, spewing forth fantasies of his battles, true and

fake alike.

When he walked through the castle, he was like a King, an entourage of

soldiers followed him, all much older. Aurors, goblins, and centaurs all

walked with him, talking and advising him in ways of the war. Even in

matters of the ministry he was often being looked to, his place having

risen higher than the minister himself.

Daphne noticed that with each day, a glow began to grow around him. It

was like magic herself began to wrap converge around him, adorning him

with a golden cloak of protection. He truly was the Chosen One in many

peoples eyes. The prophesied one. To Daphne though, Harry was more

than just the Chosen One, or a warrior, or a King. He was a friend and

she loved him as one. Her love for him had pacified, knowing that he

would never return the love she once had felt for him. Since then, she

was able to move on, but she had a feeling no man would be like Harry.

Theo Knott walked in through the hidden entrance and took his place by

Daphne on the couch in front of the fire. It was usual for the three fifth

years and Astoria to be seen together, and if any Slytherin wished to get a

message to Potter, they all knew who to go through.

Knott looked slightly disturbed, as if he had received an ill-fated message,

having just come back from the owlery. He leaned over and spoke in a

whisper, "Harry needs to know. Voldemort plans on meeting with

someone." This immediately caught her attention and she sat upright.

"Who?" Daphne asked, matching Theo's whisper. Theo had become

somewhat of a spy for Harry within the camp of the Death Eaters. His

father was one of the last still alive in the inner circle, and Theo's father,

Avery still believed his son true to the Death Eater cause. Theo of course

had long turned from that cause and was willing to risk himself for


Theo shook his head, "My father doesn't even know. But it's someone that

even Voldemort fears. He said that his master was actually trembling

before he set out."

"Someone Voldemort fears?" Daphne asked skeptically. She may not

know Voldemort, but she had heard many stories of him, none which

involved him fearing anyone, save Dumbledore. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." He took out a crumpled piece of parchment from his robe and

handed it to her. Daphne read through the quickly scrabbled letter. Avery

gave little details in it, just expressing that he was well and further asking

about Theo's schooling. He also asked some general questions with the

ongoings of the school and that if he sees Potter much. What grabbed her

attention though was that Avery did talk of Voldemort setting out soon,

and that he looked even more pale than usual, as if he was scared of

something or someone.

"I'll get this to him." Daphne said finally. "Thank you." She put her book

to the side and stood up from the couch. "I'll be right back." She

addressed to her sister who barely even looked up from her book in


Quickly, she left the Slytherin dorms and stepped out into the cool, dark

dungeons. Always damp and cold with little light to see. She liked it this

way, the dark, the slight rush of adrenaline that immediately enters your

blood as soon as you walk into a place that isn't cozy and friendly. It was

late at night and currently after hours, but no one would stop her if she

was seen, so she didn't try and hide.

Along the way she passed Professor Flitwick who hardly even glanced in

her direction. He noticed she had a crumpled slip of paper in her hand

and didn't bother to say anything, instead, just continuing on his rounds

of the castle.

Hogwarts was a completely different thing at night while the students

rested. Without anyone walking its halls, it had a haunted feel to it.

Thousands of people had walked them over the many years since the

Founders. At night she got the sense that none of those before her ever

truly left this place, that a part of each person that attended this school

stayed here forever.

Continuing up the steps towards Potters room which was located on the

seventh floor, she passed by a squad of goblins that were being addressed

by their commander. The captain was barking orders in an foreign tongue

and he looked up as Daphne passed by.

She couldn't help but shutter slightly when the large goblins beady black

eyes focused on her. They were strange creatures she found. She had

tried to talk with several of them, but the conversations were usual

awkward and forced. Most of the goblins didn't speak any English which

made things even more difficult. What was more odd about them was

how quickly their persons would change if Harry or King Ragnok were in

the room.

If it was just her, like now, walking alone in the castle at night, the

goblins would watch her curiously, if not a little concernedly, as if they

expected her to attack them in some way. However, if Harry were to be

walking through the castle, the goblins would stand up straighter and

bow their heads in respect. Some would draw their swords or brandish

their spears in his presence. Truly they were a warrior culture and

respected warriors above all other things.

Eventually she reached the top floor, and walked down the hall, passed

the Room of Requirement which wasn't visible at the moment. She came

to a door with two armored goblin guards standing outside of it. Upon

seeing her, they stepped to the side and Daphne walked up and knocked

on the door.

It didn't take long for her to hear footsteps, closely followed by the sound

of a bolt unlocking and the door opening. Harry stood in front of her

with only a pair of shorts on, a firelight flickering across his chest. She

quickly turned her head away and blushed a deep red, not expecting

Harry to lack clothing, "Err, sorry. I-I just have...this." She held out the

crumpled piece of paper for Harry to take. She may not have those

feelings for him anymore, but their was no denying that Fleur was a very

lucky woman.

"Sorry." Harry muttered sheepishly. "I half thought it would be Sirius. Its

a bit late for you to be out, isn't it?" Harry asked, taking the piece of

paper and beginning to unfurl it.

"Its from Theo." Daphne explained, still keeping her eyes averted and

unable to calm her blush. Her words went unheard as Harry began to

read the note.

"Did he say anything else to you?" Harry asked once he had finished with

the letter.

Daphne shook her head and braved a glance at him, keeping her eyes

focused on his bright green eyes that danced with light. "He only knows

what is in that letter."

"Thanks for this." Harry said. He turned to leave but noticed that Daphne

hesitated and was biting her lips as if nervous about something. "Is there

anything else?" He asked, taking a step out of the room and towards


"Er, no, no. Have a good night Harry." Her nervous attitude turned and

she put on a wry smile. "I hope you got me a good present."

Harry chuckled. "I hope you will like it."

"I'm sure I will. Won't give me any clues as to what it is?" She asked with

raised eyebrows.

"That would ruin the surprise of Christmas if I did. What's my present?"

"Who said I even got you a present?" Daphne mocked. Harry pouted, his

lower lip sticking out and his eyes widened to look like a small child.

Daphne couldn't help but laugh at the look of the most fearsome wizard

in the entire world. "I'll see you tomorrow Harry." Daphne finished,

walking away from him and back down into the dorms.

As she began her descent down the grand staircase that was located in

the heart of the castle, she began to hear muttering from nearby.

Whispers came to her, carried by a breeze that flowed from nowhere. The

quiet words surrounded her and she couldn't make anything out. One of

the whispers suddenly became louder and she was then able to hear

which direction it came from.

Curiosity took her and she found herself walking down the sixth floor

hallway. It was dark, only a few torches lit the long hall up. Suits of

armor decorated the walls as well as a few paintings of old, famous

wizards that had once walked these halls while still students. Most of this

hall was abandoned though, only the entrance to the astronomy tower

was being used now.

She followed the louder voice to an abandoned classroom at the far end

of the hall, and the voice was muddled by a large amount of whispers.

She could tell that a group of people were having an argument of some

kind, but as she strained her ear against the door, she couldn't hear what

their words were.

Nothing came to her until a woman's voice was clear above all others,

"We're not alone anymore." Daphne's eyes widened and she tried to

quickly step away from the door, but she was too slow. Several of the

house ghosts appeared, walking through the walls of the classroom and

joining her in the hall.

"Well, we now don't have a choice but to tell him of this." Sir Nicholas


The room was dark, only the flickering of a few candles illuminated it.

Pale stone walls were all around him and Voldemort sat solitary in the

desolate room. It was as if he were in a tomb buried thousands of feet

below the surface. In the middle was a stone slab where Dumbledore was

resting, his breathing shallow and his skin paler than ever.

Riddle sat on an old rickety wooden stool that barely supported his

weight. It was a far cry from the grandeur halls he envisioned himself in

by this time, and it was far sight from the world he thought would exist.

He sat next to the dying image of his oldest and most feared rival, but

instead of celebrating his coming death, he was saddened and scared by

it. With the coming death of Dumbledore, he would be forced into

making deals he could never hope to take back.

He watched as the old wizards chest rose and fell, waiting for the

moment it no longer moved. The healing he and his wife gave to Albus

was not enough to sustain his life and bring him back from the land of

shadow and disease. He was passing onto the next adventure and Riddle

was mixed with his feelings for his.

With each passing moment, Voldemort found his hope of a better world

leaving him. Only rage filled him now, rage towards the boy that

constantly thwarted him. He was becoming desperate to beat his foe and

was now looking to make a deal with the true devil. What the world

would become, he didn't know, but he also didn't care, as long as Potter

wasn't apart of it.

His forces were scattered and just beginning to be brought back to full

power. Allies from around the globe were beginning to wain. He was

drawing upon the last and least powerful soldiers he could muster. Potter

would have a greater army, and he would be even more powerful than

himself soon. He had to draw blood quickly, especially against Potter

himself, and he only knew one way to do so. It would require walking

into Hell.

Dumbledore choked, his last breath beginning to leave him. In his

unending sleep, he gave out one last desperate attempt for air before

suffocating. Voldemort watched the whole thing, offering no support to

his old enemy. He looked on amused, yet saddened and angered at the


"So goes the Light of the World." Voldemort said, his voice hollow in the

enclosed burial tomb he sat in. Voldemort flicked his wand and a slab of

thick stone hovered in the air before enclosing itself all around

Dumbledore, molding itself to the old wizard. It shaped itself into the

form of the dead wizard and created a sarcophagus that looked just like


The only thing Voldemort took from Albus was the Elder Wand. He felt

the magic of the Hallow rush through his blood, the wand accepting him

as its true owner. The power he felt was unreal, greater than anything he

could have imagined and now he knew why Dumbledore was one of the

most powerful men in the wizarding world. Just one second with this

wand made him feel completely invincible.

Without a second thought, he waved the wand and transformed his

golden hand back into the pale, bony hand he had before. The hand that

Potter took from him was made whole and as he took the wand into it, he

felt the familiarity of his power from before take hold. For a moment, he

thought he could do without meeting the Grand Wizard, but he thought

better of it. Potter was strong, even without the Elder wand, posing a

challenge to Dumbledore when he was the master of it. Voldemort would

still need help to fight the boy even with this new strength.

He waved the wand again, and his figure turned into black smoke that

floated through the small cracks of the earth and he floated into the night

sky. He dashed off through the air at great speed, flying across Germany

and heading south to discuss allies with devils.

"Why wasn't this found earlier?" Harry asked, looking directly at Helena

Ravenclaw who stood just beside him, her ghostly body standing in the

table itself. Next to her was a diadem, beautiful and serene, glowing

diamonds encrusted in silver with a large blue sapphire that pulsated

with power. It was the long lost diadem of Ravenclaw. Flitwick sat on the

other side of the table, staring at it with awe, his jaw dropped as he

gazed at it with wonder and glee.

"No one asked me to retrieve it. Only after you became Lord of the castle

did I wish to gift it to you." Helena responded. Inside the Room of

Requirement was all of his normal advisors, save for Moody and

Shacklebolt who were busy training the new auror recruits at the

ministry. Daphne was the only newcomer to this group since it was she

that had convinced Helena to show the horcrux to him. It didn't take as

long as he thought it would to bring Daphne up to speed on the full

situation of the horcruxes, and she took the news quite well.

They all sat around the table and looked intensely at the diadem. It was

clear to all that some dark intent was upon the object and from the few

diagnostic spells Remus had cast, it was clear this was indeed a hocrux.

"Destroy it." Harry commanded, standing up and making his leave from

the room. Everyone watched him leave, not uttering a single word.

Helena clearly looked distraught at the thought of her mothers heirloom

being destroyed, but she was ready to obey her new master. It was clear

to her that this diadem had been tainted beyond all repair, but she still

had had some hope Harry might know a way to save it while purging the

darkness within it.

He didn't wish to wait to watch the actual object be purged of its heresy.

Instead he made his way outside the Room and began walking down the

long seventh floor hallway. As he reached the far end, as if sensing his

presence, a door appeared. It was made of pure gold and was bordered

by red metal. The door swung open at once and Harry walked in. Two

goblin guards who had been standing off to the side walked over and

took their place in front of the door to guard it while Harry was inside.

Inside was a large room, roughly the same size of the Gryffindor common

room. However, this wasn't a place for students to talk and study, but

instead his new quarters. Godric had begun to show him the many secret

rooms of the castle, places that not even Dumbledore ever could find.

Within this large room was a library that reached to the ceiling.

Hundreds of ancient textbooks, used by the Founders themselves and

some even written by them, were kept in these bookshelves. He hadn't

had too much time to go through many of them, but Godric had pointed

out a couple that he should read as quickly as possible.

One of the books Godric had him read was a book that had compiled

accounts of historical battles, fought by Romans, Greeks, and Persians. In

this book were the thoughts and minds of the commanders of those

battles, writing down why they made certain choices which led to victory

on the battlefield. Combined with the training he was receiving from

Grindelwald, and now this, he found his knowledge in warfare greatly

increasing. To him, it was quickly becoming obvious that he couldn't win

this war off the back of his raw power. And even if he could, many of his

friends and family would die in the process. Out thinking Voldemort and

Dumbledore had become his top priority.

All about the room were books and papers that had been set aside by

Harry for studying, transforming this place into an office for himself.

Fawkes had a perch by the simple desk he used that was stacked with

various sheets of old spell designs. As soon as he walked in, he flicked his

wand, and Godric leapt from it. He trotted around the room for a

moment, stretching his muscles before laying down by the fire, the large

lion completely blocking it.

"Have you fixed the wards?" The lion yawned, the power from it causing

the very walls to vibrate.

"Yes, the wards are taken care of." Harry replied. Once he had taken

control of the castle, he took control of the wards as well. Godric had

shown him how to pour his own power into the wards, strengthening

them. Moody, Shacklebolt, and Sirius had all try to break through the

wards simultaneously, but none succeeded. It would take someone with a

great amount of power to break through them now.

He tiredly set himself up in his chair and began to look over the stacks of

papers that was before him. Reports of his entire forces had come in as

well as many messages from foreign ministers wishing to speak with him.

Try as he might to change this, Fudge was no longer the recipient of said

messages and he was being burdened with them now. It was clear by all

that Harry had taken up the ruling of the country despite Fudge still

being the minister.

He placed the pile of letters into a bin which Fawkes flashed away with,

delivering them to the ministry so that they could actually do their jobs.

Such things he had no wish to deal with, and no time as well. His full

attentions were on the war effort, placing groups of soldiers in certain

locations and the handling of information passed to him from spies.

After the battle of the ministry, Harry found that his forces were nearly

cut in half, but he was surprised to find that with each day, more and

more people willingly signed up to fight with him. The goblins were

nearly spent, Ragnok and Dimfold only having four-hundred soldiers

between them that could fight. Harry himself only had around eight-

hundred wizards willing to fight but he was finding replacements

elsewhere. Dobby started a small militia of house elves who began to

patrol certain locations and the centaurs of England had joined into their


In total he was looking at an army of around a thousand and a half. All

he could hope for was that it would be enough. Voldemort and

Dumbledore were surely gathering allies in one way or another and the

fact that they had lost a lot of their own forces worried Harry greatly.

Voldemort would surely resort to gathering allies he normally wouldn't

have due to the desperation he was feeling. What these allies could

potentially be scared Harry greatly. Inferi were the first thing he thought

of, an army of undead was definitely something he wouldn't put passed

Voldemort to create. Dumbledore also was bending the wills of muggles

to fight with him which made it difficult for Harry to fight them since

they were really innocent in all things.

The door to his room suddenly opened and he looked up to see Fleur

enter. The guards knew to let her in when she wished since she often

slept here as well. "I thought you should know eet was taken care of."

Fleur said, walking up to him and sitting in his lap. His arms

automatically went around her waiste and pulled her closer to him. He

was hit by her perfume, the smell of lavender. He breathed it in and

sighed contentedly. These times he had with her were becoming fewer

and far between.

"Are you staying with me tonight?" He asked hopefully.

A smile played across her face and she stood up and then straddled his

lap instead, giving Harry a very generous view of her chest. "Would you

like me to?" She breathed out, her lips beginning to tug on his ear. She

felt his soft lips begin to caress her neck and a shudder ran down her

spine at his touch.

"Always." He responded quietly, his hands beginning to feverishly search

her body.

"Do you forget that I am here?" Fleur jumped off his lap suddenly at the

words. Harry let out a groan and began cursing at the large lion who, if

an animal could, looked quite amused. "I had half a mind to watch to be


"That's disgusting, always been a foul prick." Harry heard in his head as

Fawkes flashed into the room and landed on the lions head. Fawkes'

talons must have dug into Godric because he let out a small roar and

quickly stood up, attempting to swipe at the phoenix with his large paws,

but missed wide as Fawkes danced around his head. The two continued

at it for another minute, and Hedwig who had been resting on the nearby

window sill, saw the game and decided to join. Both Fleur and Harry

could only watch half-amused, half-annoyed as the birds played keep

away from the lion.

As Godric tried to swipe at Hedwig, missing easily, his large paw came

down wide and hit one of the wooden chairs, showering the room with

splinters." Alright, enough!" Harry commanded finally. The three animals

didn't seem to hear him so Harry snapped his wand and in a split-second,

the lion had vanished.

"Ahh! Let me at them, those pesky vermin!" Godric growled in his head.

Harry did his best to ignore the ensuing name-calling fight that took

place between Fawkes and Godric. Hedwig seeing that the game was

over, flew over to Fleur and landed softly on her shoulder. Fleur had

been laughing the whole time and was trying to calm her giggles as she

ran her slender hand through Hedwig's feathers.

"Sorry 'bout that." Harry said, a small grin on his own face.

"I can't imagine being around them all the time."

"It's a challenge." Harry replied. The sudden excitement over, he felt his

eyes begin to close as exhaustion took hold of him. It had been just short

of two full days since he had last slept. Granted, he didn't need much in

the way of sleep, but going this long without any still took its toll.

Fleur noticed how tired he was, "Come, lets get you to bed." He knew he

couldn't stay awake much longer and so pushed aside the papers on the

desk and stood up. He flicked his wand and a nearby door swung open to

reveal a small bedchamber he would use every now and then. Not

bothering to take off his clothes, he simply collapsed onto the bed and

promptly fell asleep. Fleur chuckled at his sorry state and slowly began to

take off his shoes and clothes, then finally tucking him under the covers.

She placed a soft kiss on his brow and left the room to head for the

Ravenclaw dorm.

Olaf felt someone shake his shoulder violently. He had been sleeping

deeply, having participated in some of the fun activities with the Roman

soldiers after his brief talk with the mysterious mystic. He was surprised

at the ease with which the Romans allowed him to join, and he quickly

found himself the center of attention. His vision was blurry when he

opened his eyes and he rubbed them harshly.

"The commander wishes to speak with you." A soldier said, taking a step

away from the small cot that Olaf was sleeping in. His vision cleared just

in time to see the Roman leave through the tent-flap. He felt a weight on

his right arm and looked over to find a woman, very much nude and still

fast asleep on his arm.

Slowly, he loosened his arm from under her petite figure and sat upright.

He climbed out of the bed and began to throw on his clothes that lay

scattered around the small tent. He gave one last look to the olive

skinned woman in the bed before departing. The soldier waited for him

dutifully outside and began to lead him through the camp. Many of the

soldiers were already out and about, dressed in full armor, and going

about their normal duties.

They made their way to the Generals tent near the center of the camp.

The two guards stepped to the side to allow Olaf to pass through, his

escort staying outside. Inside he found the general in his normal seat with

the mystic standing just off to the side.

The general stood up upon Olaf's entrance and beckoned for him to sit.

When Olaf had sat, so did the general. "I trust your evening was well?"

Artorius asked. In truth, Olaf couldn't remember much of last night after

he was invited to drink with the Romans. It must have been a good night

for him to find a woman in his bed the next morning.

"It was pleasant general." Olaf replied evenly.

He smiled in response, slowly nodding his head. "Good, good." The

general paused for a moment, as if in a last bit of deep thought. "I have

decided on your request." Olaf sat with abated breath. This was what he

was sent to do and he didn't wish to fail in his task. "I have decided not to

go to war." Olaf felt his heart drop and made ready to protest. Seeing

this, Artorius quickly continued, "I do not wish to see my people fight a

war that is not theirs."

"But-" Olaf tried to interject but was quickly cut off by Artorius.

"But, as you learned last night, my friend will be traveling back with you.

He will be of some use to your cause I'm sure. This is all the aide I can

afford to give you." Olaf looked to the mystic and noticed that he actually

looked like he had bathed for once. His beard was combed and braided,

gold rings lopping through it. In fact, he almost looked Viking, save for

the deep blue tattoos that criss-crossed his face, making him look like a

banshee of the forest. His hair had a sheen about it that caught the light

of the fireplace and his eyes shown with more life. He looked far changed

from the old man Olaf had spoken with last night.

Still though, the man leaned heavily on his wooden staff and at that

moment, he coughed violently. Gone was the image of a man that had

many years left to live, and it was replaced by the same old mystic Olaf

had met with yesterday. He seemed to age in a second, his cheeks sinking

in and his skin began to shrivel slightly. The mystic lifted his staff and hit

the end of it on the ground, the blue sapphire on the end flashed

vibrantly for a small second. The mystic once again took on the

appearance of his younger self and the old image he had a moment ago

was gone.

Olaf knew better than to argue with the general and so didn't reply. "You

may leave." The Roman commanded. He gestured with his right hand,

and a servant who waited in the shadows of the tent appeared with a

brown bag. "Here are the things on your person that we took when we

captured you. Take them and leave." The servant tossed the bag onto

Olaf's lap.

Olaf stood up and bowed his head. As he was about to step out of the

tent, he heard the generals voice again, "If you ever enter my lands again,

you won't find yourself spared twice." He threatened. Olaf stepped out of

the tent without a word or a glance back.

The mystic walked out just behind him with the support of his staff. High

above their heads the storm of last night continued to wage war across

the lands, but still the magic that surrounded them protected the

encampment. "Are you sure you wish to leave this?" Olaf asked, looking

to the old man as they walked down the main road of the fort. Around

them the citizens of this place gathered, watching them as they left.

"I have wished it for many years." He responded quietly. They

approached the main gate of the fort, the great wooden doors swung

open for them as the Roman soldiers that manned it pulled on a heavy

iron crank. They stepped outside, continuing into the forest that lay

beyond. The guards saluted them, or rather, they saluted the mystic as

they passed through.

As soon as they had made it into the forest, the doors began to shut and

when they did so, a boom echoed throughout the woods. Olaf noticed

that as soon as the gate shut, all the sounds of the fort ceased to exist. He

looked behind him and found that it had completely disappeared, as if it

never existed in the first place. He looked to the mystic just to make sure

he hadn't dreamed any of this up.

The heavy rain that managed to cut through the forest canopy began to

pelt them, immediately causing Olaf to be miserable. "Harry Potter, when

shall I meet him?" The mystic asked, unconcerned about the rain that

began to soak through his cloak. He had pulled up a thick grey hood over

his head to protect himself from nature.

Olaf began rummaging through the bag of his things and pulled out a

small golden chain. "Soon, very soon." He held the chain up, "Hold onto

this." He proffered the chain to the mystic who grasped it with one hand.

"Fire!" Olaf shouted.

The two of them vanished from the forest without even the smallest of

noises. They reappeared in the war room of Ghost castle. Reaper looked

up startled, his wand trained on the newcomers. Olaf was holding tightly

onto the mystic who almost fell over as the result of the magical travel.

"Woah! Its just me!" He said quickly.

"Olaf?" He turned to the familiar voice and saw Harry standing in the

doorway of the war room.

Fudge sat in his office nervously biting his fingers. It had been a week

since Voldemort had given him his task of finding the location of the

Ghost castle and still he hadn't gotten close to discovering the

whereabouts of it. So aptly was the name, Ghost castle, to him it was just

that, a ghost. Ireland, that was all he could get out of anyone he invited

into his office.

After a few days, the Ghosts had all-together stopped answering his

summons and Fudge feared that he had tipped them off as to his true

purpose. All he could hope for now was some miracle, that either

Voldemort wouldn't ever contact him again, forgetting that he was tasked

with this mission, or that Voldemort no longer needed the information.

He knew Harry Potter was back from his Home, but the boy was still

refusing his summons. He was becoming increasingly annoyed with

Potter. "How does he think himself above me!" Fudge muttered bitterly to

himself. "I'm the minister!" He hadn't left his office in the last two days

and already had sent his family far out of England, to America where he

hoped they would be out of reach of Voldemort just in case things went

poorly here.

His office had been receiving less and less letters with each passing day

and for awhile Fudge had wondered why. He thought that it was just a

lull in his work and he was thankful for the time to focus on finding the

whereabouts of Ghost castle. Not too long ago however he had learned

that many people were going around him and instead asking Harry Potter

on matters of state.

When he had learned of that, he nearly blew up his entire office in a state

of rage. A mere boy! To think himself above the minister! Fudge could never

allow that. He now knew what Potter wanted, power, absolute control.

He was no better than Voldemort or Dumbledore. Potter wished to usurp

him as the minister. Fudge knew he couldn't let that happen, that he had

to remain in control somehow and so he found his mind wondering down

desperate paths.

He had little friends in the ministry, most of them being Potters friends

and allies now. Even if a certain ministry member wasn't an ally of

Potter, he would sooner betray Fudge than Potter. The boy was too

powerful, the way they talked about him in the streets suggested he was

Merlin incarnate, come to save them from the evils that plagued this

world. He couldn't compete with him and so he had to look towards more

unsavory places.

Voldemort was out of the question. The man, if he even was a man, was

crazy and only wished power for himself. No, he had to look deeper then

that. Men with a great amount of power also had a great amount of

enemies, and whether Potter knew it or not, he does indeed have a great

host of wizards and witches that wish to destroy his life.

The fire flashed bright green, taking Fudge by surprise. He felt his breath

catch in his throat and his heart began to rapidly beat. He breathed out a

sigh of relief when he found that it wasn't Voldemort's head waiting to

speak with him. "Five million." The face said, not offering any other


Immediately Fudge understood who this man was. He had placed a

bounty on Potters head and ran it through some black channels, hoping

for some who wished to take the bait. This was the first fish and

hopefully the last. "Deal." Fudge responded. Without another word, the

man disappeared back into the fire and Fudge relaxed back into the


A smile began to form on his face as his mind ran wild with a world

where Potter, Voldemort, and Dumbledore didn't exist. Such a world

would be his kingdom, a place where he could rule in absolute authority.

He had only to wish it so, and the money to do it.

Tom Riddle walked through the heavy rain, the dark clouds blocking out

any ray of sun. His cloak was battered by the high winds and heavy spray

of rain that soaked him thoroughly. Anytime he felt the rain touch his

pale flesh, it burned, as if it were acid trying to dissolve him. His bare

feet walked upon the molten rock, its blackness caking his toes.

Just in front of him was a looming mountain that rose high into the sky,

towering above the rain clouds that drenched him thoroughly. All around

him was black rock made from the dried lava that was unleashed by the

volcano that dominated this area. The fire mountain was old and hadn't

been active in a thousand years, but in its time, it had destroyed much of

the ancient world.

At its base, built into the side of the mountain using the materials around

it was a great castle, built of pure, polished obsidian. Black walls and and

a black keep towered high, reaching half-way up the mountain.

Voldemort slowly walked across the jagged wasteland and approached

the black keep.

It was a menacing sight to behold, even for him. Horror stories stretched

across the world about this place and even he feared them. He feared

them because he knew the stories to be true. The Great Sorcerer, the

Wizard of Wizards, the Feared. He was the king of such a castle, and all

the surrounding lands. One had to be very careful when entering them.

Already he had had to battle two manticores and a flock of deranged

hippogriffs just to get to the walls. Other beasts, all tainted by foul magic,

roamed these lands, and he was thankful he didn't run into any of the

truly horrifying creatures that plagues this rock.

Riddle also knew that this land wasn't always black and corrupt. Once

long ago, it had been green and full of life, a kingdom that had

commanded much respect and power. Even muggle Kings paid their

respects to this land, but no longer. The master of this land was corrupted

by darkness and fell into shadow, and over the many years was slowly

forgotten to the world.

The black stone gate he walked up to slowly opened. Not a sound was

made as the heavy doors swung wide. A thick, dark mist was all that

Voldemort could see from the outside. He slowly walked into the ancient,

corrupt kingdom, into the blackening mist that swallowed him whole. He

could barely make out shapes in front of him. He used the Elder wand

and held it before him. The mist fled from the power of the wand,

rushing away and clearing Voldemort's vision.

Inside the curtain wall was a town made of obsidian as well, and

completely abandoned. He had to walk several hundred more yards

before reaching the main defensive walls of the castle. The inner walls

were thick and tall and every twenty meters were large towers. The main

castle gate was already open as if expecting him, and so he walked

through carefully, his eyes always on the swivel and his wand held out

before him.

He found himself in a small courtyard where the black keep loomed over

him. It stood perfectly, as if it had been just carved yesterday. It was a

magnificent piece of architecture and was definitely made by craftsmen

whose ways had been lost to the world long ago.

As he approached the midnight black doors that secured the keep, they

swung open ominously without sound, just as the other gates. He walked

into the keep and found the entire palace to be made of obsidian as well.

The black stone was perfectly polished so that he could see his own

reflection in the stones. At the far end of the keep he saw a hooded figure

sitting upon a black throne, his head bowed low and he seemingly didn't

even notice his presence.

Voldemort carefully approached the figure, knowing just how dangerous

this man was. He kept the Elder wand in hand, but he didn't dare point it

in the direction of the King. With every step he took, he wished to turn

back more and more. However, a force pushed against him that made

him continue stepping forward.

"Why do you come?" The hooded figure asked in a raspy voice. He looked

up, his face still completely shrouded in blackness, only the glimpse of

two golden eyes shown in them. The voice echoed off the empty hall and

sounded loud and hollow.

Voldemort immediately stopped upon hearing the words and averted his

eyes, bowing his head. "I seek your help." Voldemort responded, wincing

at his own weakness.

The hooded figure didn't say anything, simply staying quiet. Voldemort

refused to look up out of fear of the wizard before him. Eventually, the

hooded man spoke, "And why would I help you?" The hooded King

cocked his head to the side, curiously studying the bowed wizard in front

of him. It had been many years since he had last had a guest in his halls.

"Because the foe I face will turn on you once he is done with me."

Voldemort responded, forcing himself to remain calm. Death was what he

feared above everything else, and this place screamed a graveyard.

"The foe you face doesn't even know of me." The hooded King responded.

"The foe I face will one day know of you, and when he does, he won't

stop until you are conquered."

The hooded man stared at Voldemort with his bright golden eyes. "You

are weak. It is not my fault you cannot deal with this Potter." He spat.

Voldemort bit down on his tongue, keeping himself from replying with

an insult. The man before him would smite him where he stood if he

lashed out. "I will deal with him if he becomes a threat." The hooded man


"Why then? By the time he becomes a threat to you, it will be too late. He

will be the death of you. I know you've seen him, I know you know of

him. He has come at last, the incarnation of a lost magic. His Throne

awaits him whether he knows it or not and only you hold the Key to it."

Voldemort replied quickly, finding some courage in his own words. "He

will come for you, and he will slay you." Voldemort didn't wish to wait

around any longer and so turned from the hooded figure and walked out

briskly, his cloak swishing behind him, making him look like smoke. He

made his plea, and that was all he could do. To stay further would only

risk certain death.

The hooded man sat upon his throne, not moving. He was deep in

thought as to his next course of action. Coming to a conclusion, he stood

up abruptly, and upon dong so, the throne suddenly changed to gold and

hovering above it, suspended in mid-air, was a beautiful sword. The hilt

was made of solid gold with a golden dragon as its pommel. The blade

was a glimmering steel-blue that radiated with non-existent light and

upon its edge was the word, Excalibur.

45. The First Knight

"Move left." Reaper called through his comms, ordering the second team

through a wide door in the large manor they found themselves in. It was

near pitch black in the countryside house and so quiet that he could only

hear his own heartbeat. The house was without light and looked

completely abandoned from the first glance, but he knew better. Banshee

had long stalked this house and had reported that its owners frequented


The Ghosts broke off into two smaller teams as designed, two soldiers in

each team. Reaper moved with Angel at his back, both heads on the

swivel as they moved through the dark house. Shadows cascaded

throughout the rooms where the bright full moon hit through a grand

window in the front. He took a glance out the window and saw the view

to be quite spectacular. The house was located on a tall grassy hill that

overlooked the raging sea that beat against white cliffs.

"Room clear." Reaper heard through his headset. He knew team two had

just finished looking through the kitchen, Demon and Banshee moving

just as quickly as them. The two teams met in a large hallway where a

wooden staircase ran up to the second floor. Silently the four of them

made their way to the top.

Banshee had stalked this manor for a long time and had been the one

who chose this time to attack. The owners were inside and were high

priority targets for Harry. Alive is how he wanted them and alive is how

they would bring them back to Ghost Castle.

The stairs, just like the rest of the house, were well made and didn't creak

a single bit as they ascended them. Soon they came to the second floor

landing and found it to be just as dark as the first floor. There were even

fewer windows for the moonlight to stream in. "Vision." Reaper

murmured into his mask. At once the eye-slits in the masks the Ghosts

wore lit up green as their night vision activated, allowing them to see as

if it were day.

Creeping along the wall, they made their way to a finely carved wooden

door. Reaper slowly turned the brass knob and opened the door without

noise. Inside they found what appeared to be an older couple sleeping

peacefully in a large bed with velvet covers. The curtains on a nearby

window were drawn to block out any light, but the Ghosts didn't care due

to their masks.

"We have him." Reaper confirmed into his comms, talking with the man

back at Ghost castle who listened to everything going on. Reaper pulled

his wand from his sleeve and made ready to stun both figures but was

suddenly stopped when the lights in the room abruptly turned on. His

vision was obscured by the sudden light and he quickly made to turn off

his night vision. Before he could so so, he felt a white hot pain pierce his

shoulder and flew backwards, smashing into a wall.

He shook off the sudden pain and the darkness that tried to cloud his

vision. All out war in the tiny room erupted as blasts of spell fire rocked

the house. He heard the shrieking of a woman who sounded above all the

spells and shouting. The man they were after emerged from a nearby

closet, his wand rapidly spewing spell after spell at the Ghosts. The sound

of popping is what caught Reapers attention however, and his blood ran

cold for a moment.

"Grab him and go!" Reaper shouted into his comms. This proved trickier

than any of them thought. The man was a very skilled dueler who had

been clearly ready for their attack on his manor. He was wearing thick

armor made of either basilisk hide or dragonscale. Most of their spells

were bouncing harmlessly off of him, if they were so lucky to even hit


Reaper heard the front door crash down and the stream of boots enter

into the house, as well as shouts. "Shit!" Demon said, a spell from the

armored man hitting his chest and sending him through the window and

out into the grassland below.

"King, we need you." Reaper quickly said, watching as Banshee was hit in

the back of the thigh by a silver spear. She cried out in pain, spinning on

the spot and sending a large blasting hex at the door behind her,

connecting with a Death Eater who tried to rush into the room.

"On my way." He heard in his ear. A killing curse just missed his head,

smashing into a vase nearby, shattering it completely. Angel was able to

subdue the armored man after hitting him with a bone breaking hex in

the shin followed by a blasting hex to the head which knocked the man

out cold. With every second, more and more pops were heard as enemies

joined into the battle. It was clear to the Ghosts that this mission had

quickly gone south and that they were now desperate for any escape.

Crack! Reaper felt a smile form behind his mask. Their rescue had come.

Another Death Eater showed himself in the doorway and Reaper quickly

hit him with a cutting hex that tore the man almost in two. Blood

sprayed onto the walls, making the place even more grim than it already

was. Next to him, the woman continued to scream and she even

attempted to use her wand, but a swift punch from Banshee knocked her

out cold.

King landed in a grassy field only a few yards from the large manor

where a battle was already ensuing. Quickly, he flicked both his hands

and two wands appeared in them, one light, one dark. The golden mask

that had been on the top of his head moved down and a black hood took

its place, shrouding the rest of his head in darkness. King stood still,

gathering his senses for a moment, his golden mask and green eyes the

only thing that could be seen, the rest of him was just shadow.

A blue spell rushed towards him and King easily batted it away, sending

it back at another Death Eater who raised his wand against him. The

spell hit the Death Eater in the chest, sending flying back into shadow.

King then quickly went to work, his wands a blur as spell after spell shot

from them. He didn't have to worry about blocking anymore spells, easily

being able to dodge whatever was sent at him.

He quickly dispatched the six Death Eaters that had been sent to guard

the house. They were now lying on the grass, only one of them still alive,

but King didn't have much hope for him to remain that way. A large gash

in his side was spilling what was left of his blood and the wound couldn't

be fixed, not even by himself.

Looking around, he saw a man lying nearby, his body covered in broken

glass. King looked up and saw a shattered window where the man had

fallen. Inside the house he could hear shouts and cries of pain as a

ferocious battle ensued. He pointed his white wand forward and a giant

lion leapt from it, rushing into the house. Shrieks of surprise and screams

of agony were quickly heard afterwords.

King rushed over to the fallen Ghost and placed his hand on the mans

chest. He muttered a few words under his breath. A golden glow

surrounded his hand and the Ghost who was lying still, began to breath

once more, gasping for breath. King didn't waste any more time and

rushed into the large manor after the lion.

Spells were flying every direction as the Death Eaters tried to defend

themselves against the large lion that bit heavily down on its prey

without mercy. Limbs were torn left and right and a great manner of

blood sprayed across the house. Where the lion went, death quickly


King saw a Death Eater manage to dive out of the way of the lions

menacing jaws, but he couldn't dodge King's aim. A large bolt of silver

energy punctured the Death Eater's chest, blowing a two foot wide cavity

right through him.

The lion snapped at another Death Eater who tried to climb the stairs and

escape the beast, but was unable to go far. King's spell from his second

wand hit him in the legs, severing one, while the lion closed in and

ripped off the other leg as well as part of his chest. King was about to

make his way up the stairs to deal with the rest of the Death Eaters who

remained in the manor, but he turned abruptly and stepped out into the

brisk cool air to face the new foes he sensed.

Rushing towards him were a swarm of dementors bringing with them an

impenetrable mist. They let out a loud shriek to try and fear the wizard

that stood before them. King sheathed both his wands and watched with

amusement as the foul black-cloaked creatures charged him. As they got

close, a loud roar shook the very foundations of the earth, causing the

dementors to stop their assault only a few yards from the wizard who still

stood without any fear.

The roar was soon followed by a crash and the sound of a man

screaming. King watched as the large lion burst through the thin wooden

wall of the second floor and leapt into the air at the dementors, still with

a screaming Death Eater in its mouth. The dementors fled in terror at the

new beast that had emerged onto the battlefield. The lion landed on the

ground, dropped his now dead prey, and roared once more.

The sounds of the battle inside the manor subsided and King casually

walked up to the lion who continued to eye the retreating dementors

with a snarl. He placed a soothing hand on its side, rubbing the soft fur.

Another several pops sounded from nearby, but King didn't looked

perturbed, having expected them.

Rushing up to the house was a small squad of goblin soldiers and aurors.

All looked at the lion with some uneasiness, but when they saw King step

away from the beast and show himself, they ran up to him. King lowered

his hood and took off the golden mask, showing his face to the


"My Lord, we came as soon as we could." One of the aurors said, a fresh

recruit from the auror academy who was rushed through training after

the fighting at Beauxbatons.

Harry put on a smile, "You came just in time. We have two prisoners for

transport, and as you can see, a number of dead." He looked around the

grass and found it to be littered with the unfortunate souls who had to

come up against him or Godric. The young auror was a veteran of the

ministry fight and was now used to the carnage of battle. He nodded his

head and immediately set to work.

Fawkes flashed into the sky at that moment, and without a word to

Harry, he flew into the large manor to begin his search for any remaining

horcruxes. The Slytherin Locket, the Hufflepuff Cup, the Riddle Diary,

and the Diadem of Ravenclaw he knew to be horcruxes of Tom. Three of

them were confirmed destroyed and he was still hoping for the Locket to

be destroyed as well, but he wouldn't put it passed Dumbledore to hold

on to it.

Another problem was that there was no telling how many Voldemort had

made. It was already unheard of by anyone, including Fawkes, of

someone making more than one horcrux, yet they had four confirmed

ones. Moody, Flitwick, and Remus all banked on there being seven.

Sirius, McGonagall, and Kingsley thought it would more likely be nine.

Sebastien and Kingsley thought Riddle might go as far as to make

thirteen of them which made Harry shudder. Could a man stay a man if

he divided his soul so many times?

In all the books he had read on the subject of horcruxes, and all the

knowledge his advisors had read, none could find all that much that

pertained to the limit a man can split his soul. There was no knowing

how much Voldemort made. Maybe he made one for every person he

killed? Could that even be possible? These were the questions that

plagued Harry's mind. He knew this war was coming to a close,

Voldemort was running out of allies to draw upon, he only had his souls

left. Harry knew the alliance with Dumbledore was a complete act of

desperation on the part of the most feared wizard, and now that even

when they combined, they had been defeated. Voldemort now didn't

have any places to go for help, at least that's what Harry hoped for.

"Sorry, nothing's here." Fawkes said into Harry's head.

"Nothing? Are you sure?" Harry felt his heart sink. He had hoped

Voldemort would give a horcrux to one of his last remaining inner circle

members, and the man had put up a good fight, as well as having a force

to quickly respond with. That got Harry thinking, why would Knot have

been already prepared to fight this night? How could he know the Ghosts

would attack?

"Of course I'm sure you nitwit." Fawkes snapped back.

Harry ignored the birds snappy reply, being well used to his manner by

now. "Reaper." He said through his comms. At that moment, Reaper came

out of the house with an arm around Banshee, helping her to a goblin

medic that was waiting nearby. Demon was already being tended to for

his injuries sustained in the fighting and Harry was told he would pull

through and be ready to fight again soon. The spell he learned from one

of the books in Godric's study payed off tonight.

"Yes boss." Reaper replied after setting Banshee carefully down on the


"Did you trip any wards?" Harry asked.

Reaper shook his head, "Our breakthrough was clean. They had no way

of knowing we entered the grounds."

"So they guessed we would attack this night?"

"Or baited us into the attack." Angel responded, walking up to Harry.

That gave Harry pause for a moment as he thought about that. It was

possible that Voldemort hung Avery out to dry, to be attacked, but why?

And why waste more of his dwindling men in the process? Nothing about

this night was making sense. No horcrux, but still a protected house, and

it was as if this house was protected just to be a ruse. Something was

very off about this fight, but there was little he could do about it now.

Harry shook the thoughts from his head for now, "Have the goblins and

aurors continue to search the house for anything. Come to me at once if

you have anything."

The two Ghosts bowed their heads and walked away, stepping back into

the manor. Harry saw far off in the distance a group of people begin to

apparate onto the grounds, holding quills and cameras. Thinking it was a

good time to depart, Harry snapped his wand, bringing Godric back

under control, and Fawkes flashed away with him.

"I'm sorry about the wait, had something to take care of." Harry said after

appearing in a large common room inside the Ghost castle. A fire was

blazing in the corner and his guests sat in front of it. One he knew, the

large viking who was currently looking at his sword in the firelight as if

it were something he had never seen before. The person he didn't know,

the mystic who had returned with Olaf, was sitting calmly, his arms

folded into the sleeves of his brown robe and his odd staff lain across his


"Do not worry." The old man said, standing up in the presence of Harry.

"Please sit." Harry replied with a polite smile, gesturing for the older man

to sit once again. The mystic looked old, his beard had turned to grey and

with his hood down, he had little hair up top. His skin was leathered and

wrinkled, his face shrunken in as if diseased. The only thing that still yet

had life were his eyes, purple with streaks of glowing gold. Harry could

sense the power in the old mystic, and even though he could tell that

power was beginning to waver, it was still quite strong.

Olaf remained standing, and when Harry moved closer, he quickly knelt

to one knee, his sword point digging into the rug underneath him. His

head was bowed, "My King, I am sorry I failed you."

Harry cocked his head to the side, unsure of which way Olaf had failed

him. "I do not know what you think you have failed, but fear not, I do

not place blame upon you." Harry said. Olaf looked up in surprise.

"But I was to bring you an army." Olaf responded with dismay. He was

used to cruel masters, his fathers cruelty to be exact.

Harry only smiled at the viking who even on his knee, reached to Harry's

chest. He sent a knowing glance at the older man, "And indeed you did."

Olaf looked slightly guilty at the mystic before speaking again. "But he is

just one man."

Harry chuckled which made Olaf feel slightly foolish, as if he was apart

of some punchline to a joke he didn't understand. Quickly, though, he

was disarmed by the words of Harry. "One man is an army. One man can

change the fate of a battle. One man can change the fate of the world.

You have done your duty to me and I release you from the bond that

once held you to me."

Olaf's face only grew grim at that statement. "I have nothing to go to. My

people forsook me, my father killed me. My family quickly forgot me. I

wish to stay here and fight for you, my King."

"Ahh, your first pledge sword. I remember mine. A hearty fellow he was, only

lasted six days sadly." Godric said in his head. "With a warrior like Olaf, it

would be rude to refuse his offer."

Harry knew the intentions of Olaf and what he was wishing for. Harry

nodded his head and raised his hand into the sky. He was expecting a

flash of fire followed by the familiar grasp of Gryffindor's sword fitting

into his palm. Instead, a bright light lit up the entire room, so bright that

all those around had to shield their eyes.

Harry though, he could see into the heart of the light without problem. It

didn't blind him, and in his grasp he felt a sturdy grip made of smooth

leather. The light, as bright as a sun, faded away just as quickly as it had

come. He gasped when he saw the longsword in his hand now. Gleaming

blue-steel that danced with flames in the firelight. Its edges were razor

sharp as if freshly sharpened. The hilt was made of solid gold, adding a

perfect balance to the sword. Upon either end of the hilt were two

glowing deep red rubies that pulsated with an ancient magic. The

pummel was solid gold as well and was crafted into a dragon, its fierce

jaws in an endless roar. What caught his attention however was the

name, Excalibur, etched into the blade.

The mystic had stood up to witness the wonder of the returning blade,

something lost many millenia ago. His old visage disappeared in a second

and he looked in wonder at the blade as if he were a mere, giddy boy. "So

the stories are true." He gasped, his voice amazed and ecstatic at the

same time.

Olaf continued to kneel on the ground, but Harry thought that more out

of his inability to move because of the shock on his face, rather than still

waiting for Harry to Knight him. He too was gazing in wonder at the

legendary blade that rested in Harry's outstretched hand.

Harry looked just as shocked as the both of them and blinked several

times, trying to find if his eyes were deceiving him. Hearing his unsure

thoughts, Godric brought a reasoning voice, "I should have known." He


"And how could you have known?" Fawkes replied for Harry.

"We've both been in his head long enough to know that Harry isn't of some

common blood. He's powerful yes, but power doesn't equal royalty. No, Harry

oozed royalty from the very beginning, an ancient kingship that had been long

forgotten. The bloodline of Arthur has awoken once more."

"But-" Harry stammered in his head, unsure of what to make of this

sudden notion that he truly was some king. Arthur? That was an old

legend told to kids before they go to bed. It wasn't real, none of it was.

Yet, here he stood, holding the fabled blade of Excalibur, and deep down

in his heart, he felt Godric's words to be true. The Bloodline of Arthur has

awoken once more. A warmth flowed into his veins like none other. He

closed his eyes and took in the feeling that passed through him. It felt

like a great weight was lifting from his shoulders and now his visions of

the future were cleared. Avalon, he understood in that moment what that

ancient Kingdom once was, and what it must become again. He now had

a clear goal for the future of wizard-kind.

He looked down to see Olaf still on one knee and his head had once again

bowed in respect for the true king that stood before him. Harry lowered

Excalibur, somehow knowing what to do, and used the sharp tip to create

a shallow cut on Olaf's cheek. A small amount of blood protruded from

the cut, but Harry was amazed when he saw the cut quickly heal. "Arise,

Olaf Kyrre, Son of Harald Hardrada, Lord of Norway. I make you my First

Knight." Excalibur glowed a deep gold which moved from the hilt to the

tip and then surrounded Olaf entirely. Olaf slowly rose and the gold mist

that had surrounded him faded away. He was left standing, a wide grin

on his face. Shining golden armor now covered him, plate armor with

white chainmail underneath. On his head was a splendid golden helm

with a red plume of feathers that rose upwards. His chestplate had a

golden sun carved into it.

Harry grasped the muscular vikings armored forearm and embraced him.

"Olaf the Righteous so you shall be known."

"I will not fail you, my King." Olaf responded, a wide grin still on his face.

"To my dying breath, I will serve you."

"Ahh, truly remarkable!" The old mystic couldn't contain his excitement

any longer and made himself known once more. "Olaf the Righteous, a

truly deserved title, such a gift you have given me! Only a few hours ago

I thought I would be witnessing a lie, a boy inept at leading men, but

now I have found the King come again!"

Harry smiled at the older mystic, "I haven't quite gotten your name yet."

"Yes, yes, pardon my rudeness. I've dwelt with men that have known me

for hundreds of years, little did I ever have to make an introduction. My

name is Wyltt." The mystic bowed his head in respect.

Harry bowed his own head, returning the same respect. "Mr. Wyltt, it's a

pleasure. Hundreds of years? You have lived quite a long life." Harry

responded with raised eyebrows.

Wyltt chuckled, "Indeed I have, and I believe my looks give away the

years. Yes, I have long walked this Earth and experienced many times

and peoples, but I find myself soon passing into the next world to


"And if you don't mind my asking, why have you chosen to come here?"

"The stories of you had reached my ears and I wished to know if they

were true." His face burst into a jolly smile once again as if he were a kid

in a candy shop. "I can safely say they were true. How marvelous it was

to witness such an event. Truly amazing!" He paused for a moment and

he became aware that he was getting lost in the moment and so

continued on after clearing his voice. "I also wished to see the modern

world. I had heard stories of its wonder and beauty and the

advancements the muggles have made were apparently unlike anything

before! Iron tubes floating in the sky sound quite ridiculous!"

Harry laughed at this point, "Iron tubes, yes. They do indeed exist.

Airplanes is what they are called and they ferry muggles across thousands

of miles of Earth. You will see one of them soon I'm sure. I was raised in

the muggle world and would gladly be your guide of it."

"That would be very kind of you." Wyltt responded jovially.

Harry nodded his head, "Well Mr. Wyltt, I must leave you now. I'm sorry

our initial meeting is so short. Olaf can show you to a free room we have

in the castle for guests."

Wyltt bowed his head low, "You honor me with even this short of a

presence your majesty. I am an old man and require much rest anyways."

Harry smiled, "I will see you again in the morning." Wyltt nodded his

head and left with Olaf leading him with his arm looped around Wyltt's

arm, guiding him through the castle towards his new chambers.

Due to the ministry still undergoing repairs, and the fact that many had

died within its halls not long ago, the annual Christmas Eve Ball the

ministry threw every year was moved to Hogwarts. Because of this, many

of the older students were allowed to attend the festivities.

The castle was bedecked head to toe in decorations. It already had the

snowfall to set the mood, a fresh layer of snow coating the grounds just

this morning. The Great Hall was made to serve as the main ballroom in

the same fashion as last years Yule Ball during the TriWizard Cup. The

sun was soon to set and the first guests would be arriving shorty after. A

magnificent ice sculpture was front and center in the hall for all to gaze

at. A large lion with its teeth bared and its mouth gaped in a silent roar.

Harry stood alone in the hall waiting for his date to arrive. Fleur had

kicked him out of his own room so that she could prepare for the night.

She was much better at these formal occasions than him, and he was

grateful that she was. Meeting with politicians and businessmen wasn't

something he greatly enjoyed, but she was amazing in these situations.

Excalibur, he still hadn't told her of that and he wasn't sure why he held

his tongue. Part of him feared the notion of being a King, another part of

him still had hope that the sword was some ruse and that it would just

eventually disappear. He knew it wouldn't though, and he was ready to

accept his position as long as people wanted him to.

He was brought from his thoughts when he heard Cedric's voice from

behind him. "Don't like the sculpture?" Cedric asked, his normal cheeky

grin set upon his face.

Harry shook his head, "Not my style I suppose."

Cedric chuckled, "My father had it commissioned."

Harry grimaced slightly, "It's not b-"

Cedric outright laughed, making Harry chuckle as well. "Its garish, I

know. But you know my father and he thinks very highly of you." Harry

saw Cedric's face harden slightly. His relationship with his father was still

somewhat strained as far as Harry could tell. The events of the TriWizard

Tournament only helped to make Amos even more demanding of his son.

Thinking best to change the subject, Harry quickly asked, "What are your

plans after school? We're halfway done already."

Cedric sighed, "I'm not sure yet. Quidditch obviously, and I've had a few

good offers from some of the smaller clubs around England and Ireland."

Harry could see however that he didn't sound all that happy with those

propositions. Cedric turned to face Harry, his face hard as if stone. "But I

can't just leave England with all that is going on."

"This is the best time to leave England." Harry responded whit a sad


"Yeah, its winter." Both Cedric and Harry laughed, turning to face Neville

who walked up to them. For Harry it was always odd to see the Neville

that stood before him now. Long gone were those early days in first year.

The chubby and frightened boy from the past was gone and now a

confident and handsome young man was in his place. His studies had

soared this passed year to the point he was right on the heels of


Harry finished laughing and put a hand on Cedric's shoulder, "Leave. You

owe this place nothing and you'll be all the more merrier for it."

Cedric's laughter died down as well and his face became stone once more.

"You remember our fight with Krum in the maze?" Harry nodded,

wondering why Cedric was bringing that up. "You saved my life that

night you know. That killing curse was about to hit me but it was your

spell that blocked it." Harry stayed quiet, listening to Cedric as he talked,

his eyes distant in deep memory. "I remember the green flash, how bright

it was, and all I felt for that split moment was fear and hopelessness.

Then that stone came from nowhere and I remembered just who was by

my side and all the fear that had paralyzed me left just as quickly as it

had come." Cedric's eyes became less distant and they focused in on

Harry's. "I'm not leaving England, Harry." The two stared at one another

for several more seconds, speaking to one another without using any

words. Eventually Harry nodded.

"I'm not leaving either, just so you know not to ask." Neville added,

causing Cedric and Harry to chuckle.

The doors to the Entrance Hall swung wide open and Minister Fudge

walked in with his normal auror detail around him. Behind him were

several of the early comers to the party, among them Harry saw Amos

Diggory. Cedric saw him too and left to greet his father.

The minister walked up to Harry and shook his hand. He looked paler

than the last time the two had spoken. It was as if he were sick, but

Harry didn't think to ask. "Harry m'boy. All is going well I hope?"

"Yes minister, everything is fine. I trust the same with you?" Harry asked

with raised eyebrows.

"Yes of course. A splendid evening this shall be and I'm quite glad you

could make it."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Fudge nodded his head and continued

on into the Great Hall.

"What's wrong with him?" Neville asked, stepping to Harry's side and

watching where the minister had disappeared.

Harry shook his head, "I'm not sure, probably just tired. I imagine his job

has kept him awake at all hours of the night these last few weeks." More

and more witches and wizards from all over England came streaming into

the Entrance Hall. Harry stood inside, greeting whoever wished to meet

him, which happened to be quite a few of them. Every couple minutes he

found himself glancing to where the stairs came down, hoping to see

Fleur and save him from the endless procession of people.

He was rewarded after a half-hour when he saw her descend the last of

the steps and the sight, as always, took his breath away. Every male in

the room, and even many of the females, stopped to watch the glowing

veela step into the hall. She was wearing a sleek green gown that formed

to her body. Her silver hair was placed into a bun with a few strands of

hair that framed her perfect face. Despite all of the eyes on her, her own

eyes were set on one man that watched her with the goofy grin that

could always make her smile.

"Who allows you to walk around with a crooked tie?" Fleur asked with a

soft giggle, stepping over to Harry in order to straighten his tie. She

glanced at Neville who was doing his best to not stare at her, "'Annah will

be down soon." Neville only nodded dumbly, not trusting his own voice.

"Tu es belle." Harry mumbled, making Fleur chuckle.

"You're not so bad yourself." Fleur responded, kissing him softly on the


"Already at it I see! The party hasn't even begun!" The both of them

rolled their eyes and turned to see Fred and George walk up to them.

"'Aven't secured dates boys?" Fleur asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Who does she think we are?" Fred asked his brother.

"A couple sorry sobs I think." George replied. Harry chuckled at the back

and forth banter that ensued between Fleur and the twins. She could

easily match them in wit and the three often got into small arguments

like these. Harry turned his eyes away from their joking and looked to

the dungeons where Daphne and Astoria were just walking out. On their

arms was Blaise Zabini and Theo Knot. Harry and Theo's eyes locked for

a short second and they both nodded their heads in recognition. It had

been Theo's idea to initially scout his fathers home. In a letter, Avery told

his son that Riddle had given him something of great importance. That

something was yet to be found, if even it existed in the first place.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts when he began to hear music

playing from within the Great Hall. He felt Fleur tug on his elbow and so

let her guide him inside with their friends following. Neville, Fred, and

George and been joined by their dates just before entering and so the

eight of them walked in at the same time.

Harry had an assigned seat at the ministers table and so took his place

along with Fleur. Also at the ministers table was unfortunately for them

all, Umbridge who stared at Harry with beady eyes, not bothering to hide

her contempt for him. Several other prominent business men who had

payed well for the seats also sat with them.

Fleur was a natural in situations like this, striking interesting

conversations with the business men, while letting a bit of her allure out

in order to keep the attention off of Harry. She knew above all how much

he disliked talking with those he didn't know.

The dinner that was served was uneventful, and besides having to tell a

few stories about the recent battles he was a part of, it passed quickly

and painlessly. A live band took to the stage and began to play. Many of

the younger crowd stood up and went into the middle of the hall to

dance. Harry watched Theo and Daphne begin to dance with a small

smile, glad to seem them looking happy.

His eyes strayed to another table where Sirius, Emmy, Remus, and Tonks

were sitting, talking with several people he didn't recognize. Andrew was

sitting at the table as well, well amused by Tonks' usual antics.

The sun had completely set behind the hills and the ceiling showed the

night sky. A few stars and a bright moon poked their way through the

cloud covering while a few snowflakes slowly fell to the ground. The

large window at the front of the Hall, close to where the ministers table

was, had a string of bright colorful lights wrapped around the sides. A

large wreath hung over it, also wrapped up in lights.

After having glanced at Fudge throughout the night, Harry was becoming

more worried about the health of the minister. He was sweating profusely

and his hands were clearly shaking. "Are you alright, Minister?" Harry

asked quietly, leaning to the side so no one else could hear him.

Fudge turned and Harry could see that Fudge indeed hadn't slept in quite

awhile. His eyes were bloodshot and he had dark bags under them. His

cheeks had sunken in as if he hadn't eaten much either. Fudge put on a

nervous smile. "I'm fine m'boy. Don't worry about me. Just a passing


"You look like you can use some rest." Harry responded.

Fudge chuckled, "Cant we all. Well m'boy, I think I spotted a tasty treacle

tart over there. Pardon me while I snatch it." Fudge stood up from the

table and walked over to the desert counter which was on the far end of

the Hall. Fudge glanced back as he departed and the look made the hair

on the back of Harry's neck stand up.

He immediately looked around the room, searching for any danger.

Nothing came, yet still he felt like something was wrong. He chanced

another glance at the minister and saw him picking up the desert like he

said he was doing. Another few minutes passed with nothing happening

and Harry felt the hairs on his neck start to slowly go back down.

"You promised me at least three dances mister." Fleur softly poked him in

the side, drawing his attention away from the minister. Harry smiled at

Fleur but she could easily see some of the worry he was trying to contain.

Her face tightened, "What's wrong?"

Harry shook his head, "Nothing I'm sure. Don't worry." He stood up from

his chair and held his hand out to her. She took it gracefully and as she

did so, her foot got tangled with his and she fell into his arms. In that

same second, a crack sounded throughout the hall and Harry felt

shattered glass fall down on him and Fleur.

Harry felt a warm spray of water hit him in the face and he naturally

grabbed Fleur and brought them both to the ground, quickly reaching for

his wands as well. When he settled Fleur to the ground, and just as he

was about to stand back up and turn and fight whatever had so suddenly

attacked, he saw Fleur and realized that it wasn't water that had sprayed

onto his face, but blood.

His eyes widened at the sight of Fleur clutching her shoulder, her wails of

pain silenced by the anger that flooded into him. Everything in him went

numb for a moment, colors greyed, sounds ceased to exist. Blood was

pouring between her fingers as she clutched desperately at her new

wound. Harry shook himself from the shock, diving back onto the ground

as he heard another loud crack.

He covered her with his own body, and felt a sharp pain shoot through

his leg. "'Arry." Fleur mumbled through her cries of pain.

Harry ignored his own sudden pain and focused his hands onto her

wound. He pressed both hands to the gaping hole in her shoulder where

blood poured out like a river. A golden glow surrounded his finger tips

and rushed into the wound. Fleur cried out in further pain as the magic

began to work through her. The spell did what it was meant to do,

searing the wound shut. She would always have a scar there, even being

a veela, but at least her life was saved. Fleur passed out from the sudden

pain and went limp in his arms.

He glanced up and the sounds of the hall came rushing back to him as he

saw people running left and right in a panic. Aurors and goblins had

quickly rushed into the hall, some of them sprinting for Harry. One

goblin had dove in front of Harry just as a third crack sounded, and the

goblin fell lifeless to the floor. Several more goblins reached Harry and

they formed a wall of shields around him and Fleur.

"Harry!" Neville shouted, rushing up to him, taking cover behind the

goblins wall of shields. Several aurors as well as Cedric came quickly to


"Fleur, get her out of here. She's hurt." Harry ordered.

"So are you." Cedric replied, jerking his head at Harry's leg. Harry

glanced down to where he felt that sharp pain form earlier. Indeed he too

had been shot by the muggle gun. Harry took a deep breath and

performed the same spell on his leg as he had done with Fleur. He felt an

intense searing pain shoot throughout his body as the wound sealed

itself, the small bullet popping out just before the wound closed


"I'll be fine. Get her out of here." Another crack sounded, the bullet from

a rifle snapping at the shield wall. The goblins thick shields proved too

tough for the muggle weapon. Cedric picked Fleur up into his arms and

the goblins held the shield wall, slowly marching backwards as they

retreated from the Great Hall. Another bullet skipped off the marble

flooring, ricocheting and hitting one of the aurors in the shin. Harry

snapped his wand and levitated the auror out of the Hall. They took

cover in the Entrance Hall and the sound of gunshots ceased and only an

eery silence mixed with the cries of a few injured was all that could be


"What the hell was that!" Sirius said, rushing up to them. His first priority

had been to get his wife and Andrew out of the hall. Remus was with him

as well as Tonks who had immediately linked up with a squad of aurors.

Kingsley was on scene and Harry saw him rush out of the hall in search

of the shooter.

Harry ignored the question and looked around the Entrance Hall in

search of the one man that had given him cause to be worried. Just as he

feared, Minister Fudge was nowhere to be found. "Find the Minister."

Harry ordered to those nearby. Several of the aurors and all of the

goblins who were close left without question, knowing an order when

they heard one.

"What? Why the minister?" Sirius asked, confused.

"You think he had something to do with this?" Remus asked.

"He looked off tonight." Neville said, catching onto Harry's thought


"Why would he plan something like this?" Sirius asked.

Harry shook his head, "Just find him." He turned his attention back to

Fleur who looked peaceful in his arms, her head resting in his lap as they

sat on the floor. He slowly stroked her soft hair and kissed her brow. He

watched constantly as her chest rose and fell, not wishing to tear his eyes

away from the sight for fear she might sop breathing.

"My Lord!" Harry heard someone shout from the entrance courtyard.

Harry didn't wish to respond to the urgent voice, but he was called again

and was forced to move.

"Neville, watch her." Neville nodded his head and sat down beside Fleur

with Hannah staying watch as well. Cedric, Harry, Sirius, and Remus

rushed outside into the entrance courtyard to find three aurors, all with

their wands pointed at a scrawny man who was kneeling on the stone, a

silver arrow protruding from his right thigh. At his knees was a broken

muggle rifle.

"We found him trying to escape into the hills." One of the aurors said.

The man was wearing all black, his clothes were definitely muggle,

military by the look of him. His head was shaved and he didn't have any

facial hair. Despite his scrawny size, he was in very good shape.

Harry knelt down to be eye level with the man, "Who ordered you to do


The man laughed, "Ordered? I am not ordered by anyone boy."

"Mercenary? Fanatic? What are you?" Harry asked further, anger

beginning to seep into him. The man only spat in Harry's face. Taking a

deep breath and calming himself, Harry slowly wiped away the spit and

stood back up. "Take him to Moody, he'll have his fun with him." The

aurors dragged the man away and never once did the man mutter a word

in protest.

46. Light and Shadow

Harry watched the new Ghost recruit move through the small training

house that had been built under the castle. He could sit on rafters up and

high and gaze down below, watching as the new recruit slowly made his

way towards the hostage on the far side of the practice kill-house. Each

room he had to clear, quick and proficiently, and some of them had

enemies just waiting to catch the recruit off guard.

The recruit was quick, that much Harry was impressed with, but he still

had a lot to improve upon when it came to decision making. He hesitated

every time he ran into an enemy and that would almost certainly get him

killed later on.

He continued to move through the house, checking his corners until he

forgot to check a small hallway on his right. One of the hidden enemies

sent him flying into a wall with a blasting hex and even though the

recruit tried to recover, he couldn't get a strong enough shield up in time

to stop the powerful stunner that hit him in the chest.

"Shit." Reaper said from next to Harry. He had been put in charge of the

new recruit's training by Harry, and in the last two weeks, the recruit had

shown some good improvement. Today was supposed to be a day to

impress Harry and his recruit had gotten knocked out cold in the first


"I'm sure he'll improve. None of us were good the first couple of weeks."

Harry said.

Reaper chuckled, "Maybe you don't remember the beginning of your

training. Within a couple days you were already better than me. You're a

natural at all this."

Harry only shrugged, "He'll learn quickly. Look, he's already shaken

himself from that stunner." Reaper looked back down into the room and

indeed saw the recruit pushing himself to his feet, now standing on

uncertain legs.

"That's impressive to say the least. Banshee didn't hold back with her

stunner either. That would have knocked your average wizard out for a

couple hours. It wouldn't stop him from being killed though." Reaper

said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Take a break!" He shouted from the

rafters. The recruit looked up to see Harry and Reaper watching him. He

had on a wooden mask to symbolize that he was just a recruit. He

nodded his head and walked out of the small room, into a stone tunnel

that led back up into the castle.

"When is Olaf going to do weapons training with him?"

"Olaf said he would be running him through a few beginner drills

tomorrow." Olaf said. Harry simply nodded in response. "You need to tell

him to stop polishing that armor, the stink of the stuff he is using is


Harry laughed as the image of Olaf in his golden armor raced through his

head. The viking turned knight was extremely proud of his new look and

had taken drastic measures to keep himself looking perfect at all times.

Every morning and evening he would clean and polish his armor and

sword. The other Ghosts who now lived at the castle full-time had

searched for other rooms away from the barracks due to the smell of the


"I'll see what I can do, but I don't promise anything." Harry responded,

still laughing. Together, they headed into the castle, entering into the

unused dungeons. Before his death, Specter had told him of the secrets

and histories of this particular castle. English prisoners and Spanish

sailors had once been held in these dungeons. None of them ever left the

castle alive. It was a grim dark place and Harry didn't like being down

here much more than needed.

Just to the left of him was a locked wooden door. It led down to the

catacombs where the old lords of this castle were buried. He had taken a

short walk among the sarcophagus', and there he found a curious person,

someone he wasn't quite expecting to find. Sure enough, inscribed on the

side of one of the sarcophagus' was the name Lord Bran MacDermot, Baron

of Connacht. If it weren't for his recent studies inside Godric's quarters, he

never would have know who this person was. The rest of the world only

knew him now as the Bloody Baron. A love-struck man never to have his

feelings returned and made a mistake that took away his soul. His body it

seems, was brought back from Albania and was laid to rest beside his


Harry finished his short walk through the dungeons and made his way

upstairs into the main foyer of the castle. The castle wasn't the most rich

place, especially when compared to one the likes of Hogwarts, but it did

its job. The walls were barren and the floor made of rough, cold stone.

No lush carpets or rugs were to be found anywhere in this castle, save for

two rooms, the lords chambers, and the throne room. In those two rooms,

no expense was too much it seemed.

It was the latter room he found himself walking into. A deep red carpet

led the way to an old and dusty wooden throne that hadn't been sat in for

over a century. Along the walls were thin windows that let light stream

into the otherwise dark hall. Suits of armor, swords, shields, and old oil

paintings decorated the walls in lavish excess.

Admiring one of the many paintings, Wyltt sat in a chair, his staff by his

side as usual. Sensing his presence, Wyltt spoke, "Tell me Harry, how

does ruling suit you?" They had spent a few hours outside the castle,

looking through muggle London as Harry had promised. Other than that,

Harry found himself so busy, he hardly had had the time for Wyltt.

Harry stepped further into the hall, waving his hand and conjuring a

chair. He took a seat next to the old mystic and gazed at the same

painting. A young man rode on Pegasus, a white sword that shown as

bright as the sun in his hand. He held it high over his head, made ready

to strike down a ferocious dragon that hurled fire at the nobleman. His

armor was as white and splendid as the dragons scales black and

corrupted. The horse flapped its wondrous white wings with a mighty

ferocity and grace, and together, they stood defiant in the face of the

deadly dragon, unflinching as the fire made ready to swallow them


"I don't rule." Harry finally said, breaking a minute of silence that

followed the question.

Wyltt turned to look at Harry with raised, grey bushy eyebrows. "No?"

Harry looked at Wyltt as well, but didn't reply so he continued. "A great

many people seem to believe you do. That sword on your waist betrays

your words." The last several days Harry had taken to wearing Excalibur

on his hip, placing it in a simple leather scabbard.

"I did not ask for it." Harry said softly, talking more to himself than Wyltt

who listened carefully.

Wyltt nodded to himself, taking a deep breath. "Do you know who is

depicted in this painting?" Harry shook his head so Wyltt continued. "The

same man that once wielded the sword you now carry."

Harry looked at Wyltt like he was crazy. "Arthur on Pegasus? The painter

must have taken some liberties with mythology."

Wyltt chuckled, "I suppose he did but can you blame him? King Arthur is

forever remembered for a reason Harry Potter. It wasn't because he

wished to be King, it wasn't because he was simply born to be one, its

because he could command the respect of people he had never even met.

It's a rare trait that comes around only once in a long while and it's one

that resides in you. In the beginning he didn't wish to rule over people,

but there came a time when he realized he would be far better off ruling,

rather than watching his home dissolve into endless war and bickering

between old men who played games with the lives of their citizens. He

took control because he could, because in his heart he knew himself to be

a just and good man. You have only but to ask yourself the same thing,

and if the answer to both are yes, then take your claim. Become what you

were always meant to be."

Wyltt stood up from his chair and made to leave the hall. "You speak as if

you knew him." Harry said in a questioning manner, turning to watch

Wyltt leave.

Wyltt stopped in his tracks, but didn't turn around to face Harry. He

spoke so softly that Harry almost missed his words, "I did for a time."

With that, he continued out of the hall and the iron doors of the throne

room shut with a loud echoing boom.

Harry sat in silence, his eyes looking over the painting of Arthur and his

endless battle with the dragon. He knew what needed to be done, his

heart screamed one thing, yet his brain told him another. His mind went

back to his initial sorting and his talk with the hat as he sat so young, so

naive to the ways of wizards on that old and rickety stool being stared at

by everyone in the school. He remembered their eyes, all watching him

with abated breath, hoping he would be sorted into their house. How

they all wished to have the famous Harry Potter be their friend just for

the sake of his name and the fame of being the Boy-Who-Lived.

The sorting hat wanted him to go to Slytherin, to follow where his brain

lie. Cold logic and ambition, the house of the snakes, and in reality,

Harry knew he would thrive in such a place. The hat was right about

that, the house could have helped him along the way to greatness. But

there was one thing Slytherin never would have allowed him to do.

Grow, learn, make mistakes and brave dangers that prepared him for the

coming storm, prepare him for this very moment.

As he had upon that stool, he listened to his heart and chose the path

that was laid before him, King. Harry stood up from his chair and pulled

the gleaming sword from its scabbard. Excalibur flashed brilliantly in the

window light of the throne room. He held it out just before him, studying

the blade in further detail. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and

began to pour his magic into the blade. Electricity began to fill the room

and a violent storm of magic surrounded Harry, causing the entire room

to shake.

His green eyes glowed brighter and brighter to the point they were like

two green suns that could never be extinguished. Upon the blade, old

runes began to glow a brilliant blue, and though the language was old,

Harry could read the words easily. Tamer of men. A shock wave of power

rippled from the blade as blue electricity began to dance around it in

excitement. Lightning shot from the tip of the wand and smashed into the

high vaulted stone ceiling causing a great crash. Smashing through the

stone, the lighting shot high into the sky as it unleashed its full power

upon the world.

From far away, it looked like the small castle was being hit by a lightning

strike, but really, the lightning shot upwards and into the darkened

clouds. Harry began to feel rain as it pattered on him from the open hole

in the ceiling. The blue lightning left the sword and the magic that

surrounded him began to discharge until only Harry was left standing,

holding Excalibur.

The iron doors to the hall burst open a second later and the four Ghosts

as well as their new recruit, still wearing the wooden mask to hide his

identity, rushed into the room, all out of breath. "What happened! Are

you okay?" Banshee asked, rushing over to him. The others looked at

Harry with wide eyes and gaped mouths, unable to utter a sound. The

Harry that entered this hall was not the same one that would be leaving


Harry was always young, only fifteen years of age and though he was one

of the most beloved, feared, and powerful wizards in the world, he was

still young. Now though, Harry was changed completely. His body had

shot up another several inches and his physique had grown even

stronger. It was his face that had changed the most though. He looked

like he had aged at least four years in the span of a minute. His once

hairless face now had the beginnings of a rich black beard that made him

look even older. His hair, once being cut short, had grown to shoulder

length and hung messily about his head. His cheeks were prominent and

his chin pointed making him look like a man of noble birth. To those who

knew him, Harry looked like his father now more than ever, but instead

of a wiry body and glasses, Harry was built like a warrior that could truly

rival Olaf, and his eyes now glowed even brighter than before, and many

swore they could see electricity dancing behind them.

Olaf who rushed in after the Ghosts, still wearing his golden armor, sank

to his knee at the sight of his king. Harry saw Wyltt standing from the

doorway, leaning heavily on his staff, a small smile upon his face. Still

with the rain pouring down him, Harry didn't feel a single drop of it, the

water merely gliding off of him as if even nature herself didn't wish to

anger him.

Fawkes flashed in at that moment, landing on Harry's now broader

shoulder. "I like the look." He said while dropping a small parchment from

his beak. Harry took it without question and read the short note.

"Olaf rise, please. I've told you to stop doing that." Olaf rose with a

sheepish smile, but he still kept his head bowed. "I have something to

attend to, Olaf you and I are heading to the ministry." He made to leave

and Olaf followed him out of the hall.

"What the-?" Reaper made to ask but Harry turned and cut him off.

"I'll explain when I get back." Harry replied with a small smile.

"Aren't you going to leave that?" Angel asked, jerking his head at the

sword still on Harry's hip. Even though Harry had worn the sword around

the last couple days, it had never left Ghost castle.

Harry shook his head, "Not anymore." He turned again and left with his

golden knight right on his heels and Fawkes still perched on his shoulder.

Harry nearly laughed at the looks of awe that followed him in the once

ruined ministry atrium. It had been restored to its proper place, the black

stones once again whole and polished. The golden elevators were in full

working order and the floo networks were fixed. The only thing still

missing was the horrid golden statue that once had been in prominent

position. There were talks to replace it with some visage of himself, but

Harry had fought against having himself erected in the middle of the

ministry. Because he didn't want a statue, the ministry had begun

searching for other ideas for a statue.

Trailing behind Harry was Olaf who marched silently, his hand on the

hilt of his sword. Fawkes still sat on Harry's shoulder enjoying every

second of the attention he received. Around them, ministry members and

citizens alike all watched with awe. A great many whispers and talks of

amazement followed them, all gazing at the brilliant golden hilt that

gleamed at Harry's hip. The look of the fabled blade was known to many

wizard families in Britain.

There were whispers of wonder, many trying to figure out just who he

was. His new look was drastically different and he didn't blame anyone

for not recognizing him. That was until he saw Sirius in the crowd whose

jaw nearly dropped at the sight of him. "Harry?" Sirius asked in wonder

as he pushed himself to the front of the crowd.

Harry gave him a cheeky smile. He now found him just as tall as his

godfather and now he looked more like a younger brother to Sirius rather

than godson. "Thought I could use a new look." Harry spoke. Gasps of

excitement sounded throughout the crowd quickly followed by endless

flashes from camera's and the clamor of people to ask him questions.

Harry stepped passed Sirius, giving his godfather a sympathetic pat on

the shoulder, "I have some business to attend to. I'll meet you later at the

castle to explain things." He said into Sirius' ear. He continued through

the crowd that began to surround him. Olaf helped to politely move

people to the side and eventually he reached the golden elevator. When

he and Olaf were both inside, Harry reached over to the handle and

yanked it down. The elevator jerked downwards and began moving


After doing some odd turns and continuing ever lower, they finally came

to a halt at a large, cold damp hallway made of crude black stone. The

bowels of the ministry wasn't the most pleasant place, and the people

kept here weren't the most pleasant of people. Torchlight lit up the

hallway as Harry stepped out of the elevator, the light flickering

brilliantly off of Olaf's golden armor.

A shrouded man stepped out from behind a dark wooden door that had a

small window in it. "Potter, this way." Harry recognized the voice to be

Moody's. The auror didn't seem at all fazed by Harry's new look or the

looming golden knight followed silently behind him. Olaf and Harry

followed the grizzled auror deeper into the ministries dark dungeons

where they kept the most dangerous of criminals. Every few feet on both

sides of the cramped halls were wooden doors where Harry could see

huddled figures, cowering in the corner of his or her cell.

They continued through the dungeon, passing by the most lowly of

criminals in the wizarding world. Harry recognized a few of them, some

of them he had put away himself. Ever deeper into the dungeon, the faces

Harry saw were ones he recognized more and more, people captured

during some very recent battles. Avery was one of them, the famous

dueler lying on the cold floor, not even bothering to look up as they

passed by his tiny cell.

"Boy!" Olaf and Harry stopped to look where the shout came from. Across

from Avery's cell was a large figure, his bare skin shone to all. He had

dark tattoos that covered his entire body and his hair was long and

unkempt. Olaf immediately stiffened upon recognizing the figure. "This is

whats become of you. Kissing the arse of a pathetic boy." The prisoner


"Harry come on, he's this way." Moody said, stepping back to Harry.

"Go, let me talk with him." Olaf said, looking at Harry for approval. Harry

nodded and followed Moody further down the dungeon.

"He give that fancy armor to you? Make you think you're some proud

soldier? To him, you're just a glorified dog, bred to be beaten and taught

to do tricks." Harald continued to sneer at his son, his lips snarled like a


Olaf felt the words bite into him. For a long time he had idolized the man

in front of him. The famous Harald Hardrada, the viking that conquered

the world according to his own lore. Here and now however, he looked

pathetic, a far cry form the stories Harald told him when he was a young

boy. Still, the broken and crazed man was his father. The man had taught

him to fight, taught him to lead, he was Harald's heir. Part of him always

would be and seeing his father here, despite the harsh words from his

tongue, he wanted to free him, gain favor back with the father that raised


"I was the one that protected you all these years. I taught you everything

you needed to know to live in our world." Harald's demeanor changed

suddenly and he put on a soft smile, the same kind of smile he would

always wear when he played with his young son so long ago. "Free me

and we'll be father and son once more. Everything will return to the way

it was before all of these wretched wars."

Olaf stood there for a moment, his face made of chiseled stone. Not a

single emotion fluttered across his face and his father watched with

hopefulness that his words struck home. His hope though quickly faded

when his son began to laugh, his laughter deep and dark, echoing off the

dungeons walls.

"You always thought yourself smarter than you really were. Imprisoned

by one wizard, only to join him later and once again find yourself in a

small cell." Olaf laughed further.

Hardrada's sneer came back with fury. He stood up and banged his large

fist against the door in anger. "And what are you but a slave to that boy!"

Olaf only smiled at his father, "I am something you could never even

hope to dream of becoming. I have risen higher than you father, and all

you are now is but dust in a cold room, crushed by the weight of the

entire earth." Olaf's voice grew more quiet and sinister as he talked. "This

cell will be the last thing you ever know. Your life will dwindle away

until even you forget your own name. Your body will wither and die, and

once it does, your spirit will descend into the sky, forced to roam the

world in an endless shadow, always watching as the world passes you by.

Even then, the years will pass and your own spirit will die just as your

body did and in all that time, you will hear my name uttered in legend, a

mockery to forever anger and poison you." With that, Olaf turned and left

his father who shouted curses, banging on the door in anger. Olaf could

only smile as his fathers voice grew quiet the further he descended into

the dungeon.

He came to an unlocked door at the far end of a long hallway, even

deeper underground than where his father was held. He pushed it open

and found Harry and Moody standing over a cowering figure in ragged,

black clothes that looked foreign to him. He was whimpering as he talked

through his sorry sobs, tears streaming down his already dirty face.

Harry looked up to Olaf when he entered the room and locked eyes with

him. Olaf gave a single nod to Harry who turned back to face the

prisoner. His words became clearer, the sobs that racked his body

subsided. "Just don't kill me! I'll tell you what I know!" Olaf couldn't help

but allow a soft smile onto his face. Whatever Moody had done got the

bird to sing.

"Where is Minister Fudge!" Moody demanded, his wand pointed at the

assassins forehead. The minister still hadn't been found after the events at

the Christmas Eve Ball. Fudge was the prime suspect in coordinating the

attack against Harry and was being sought after by the entire world's

auror forces, but no one could find him. The minister wasn't the smartest

or best wizard and so he either had help in staying hidden, or he was

already dead.

"He-he's dead." The pathetic man sobbed.

"How?" Harry asked, his voice much more soft than Olaf would have


"I killed him, just after trying to take out my target."

"Me." Harry responded casually, as if it were no big deal that he was

talking to the assassin that had so nearly killed him and his girlfriend. It

was the times like these where Harry really showed his magnitude for

being a King. He was always calm under pressure and was learned in

dealing with his emotions.

The assassin grimaced and nodded his head. "His body, i-its in the forest,

that forest by the castle."

"Were you working with anyone else?"

The man shook his head violently. "No, no. I was payed to do the job.

That's all."

Harry stood still for awhile, deep in thought. At last he moved from his

place and turned to leave. His voice rang out in the dungeon room, "Keep

him here until we've found the ministers body and proved his words true.

After that, move him to a more cozier cell. But if what he just said isn't

true...kill him." With that Harry left the room and Olaf quickly followed.

They could hear the mans sobs as they left and walked back down the


"Was that your father?" Harry asked after awhile of silent walking.

"What's left of him I suppose." Olaf responded.

"He could be moved to a more comfortable cell if you wish."

Olaf chuckled, "No, I don't wish it. He has done many horrible things in

his life. It's time he truly pays for them." They both continued through

the dungeons underneath the ministry and eventually rose back up to the

surface through the golden elevator, only to be swarmed by waiting

wizards and witches wishing to greet him. Fawkes, though he liked the

crowds and camera's, listened to Harry's order and flashed away with him

and Olaf.

They landed in the war room of Ghost Castle. Reaper was already waiting

for them and spoke as soon as they appeared, "We found something."

"What is it?" Harry asked, standing outside a closed off stone entrance

that had been buried under the Knot house. Theo stood next to him as

well as Sirius and Remus. It took some time just to explain his own new

looks and what it meant. They all looked at him differently than before, a

small hint of fear in their eyes. Hopefully it will be a look that is absent

on Fleur's face when she sees him.

"I've never seen it before." Theo said, shaking his head, more confused

than anyone else around. The stone door was completely blocked by

mortar and brick and it looked like it had been recently closed. Above the

doorway were ancient runes that no one seemed able to read.

Goblins had begun to dig underneath the house, searching for anything

they could find. That's when they came across this old doorway that had

been initially blocked off by a concrete wall. The basement underneath

the house had recently been put in, within the last couple years while

Theo was away at school.

"You can feel that right?" Remus asked, the old werewolf clearly spooked

by what he was looking at. Harry knew what Remus was talking about. A

hidden breeze was blowing through the blocked doorway, somehow

finding a way passed the mortar. It came in waves and sounded like

something on the other side was breathing.

"What do you think this is?" Harry asked, looking at Ragnok who also

stood nearby. It was he who was first told of this doorway.

"It's old, goblin made as well. But for what purpose it was built, and

where it leads, I do not know." Ragnok responded.

"Olaf." Was all Harry had to say. The large golden knight stepped out of

the gathered group and approached the breathing door. He took out his

greatsword and smashed the pommel into the brick wall that blocked

their way. The wall gave way to his great strength and began to crumple

inwards. A wave of foul air escaped through the newly opened doorway,

forcing Harry to cover his mouth from the stench. Nothing could be seen

inside the door, only pitch blackness.

"What the hell is that smell?" Sirius asked, pulling his loose shirt up and

over his nose to try and block the smell.

Harry pulled Excalibur from its sheath and made to walk through the

dark doorway, but Olaf placed his hand on Harry's shoulder. "I'll lead."

Harry nodded and followed the viking into the dark abyss. He took his

Yew wand into his other hand and created light from it, shining

brightness on the surrounding room they found themselves in. Sirius and

Ragnok followed in after him while Remus waited outside with Theo and

the others that stood watch.

The walls were made of stone and completely barren, but also perfectly

smooth and clearly made by hands that knew what they were doing.

They continued further until they reached a staircase that descended

down into more darkness. Harry shot a ball of light down the stairs and

the four of them watched the light travel downwards until finally it

reached the bottom where the hallway seemed to turn right.

Olaf didn't need to be ordered to travel down the stairs. Holding his

sword before him, he continued downwards, Ragnok following, with

Harry behind, and finally Sirius in the rear. The staircase was smooth and

beautifully carved. "This is wondrous work." Ragnok breathed out, taking

in the sights of his kind and their abilities to carve stone.

Down they went and eventually they reached the bottom landing. Here

they found the air to be even more foul and Harry was forced to place

bubble head charms on everyone so that they could even continue to

move. They followed another dark hall with barren walls until they

reached a stone door with a handle carved into it.

Olaf looked back to Harry, awaiting his approval to open the door. When

he received it, Olaf pushed open the door and made ready with his

sword, but no threat presented itself. Harry sent several balls of light into

the room and watched as they ascended, reaching to great heights and

lighting up a cavernous hall. Thick stone columns sprang from the

ground and held up a monstrous ceiling. Everywhere were carvings,

statues, and pictures depicting goblins and their triumphs. On the far end

of this cavern was a stone throne that had a set of stairs leading up to it.

Ragnok, seeing what it was, rushed up to it. Upon the throne were

several runes that only he could read. He translated them for the group,

"Here sits the King of the Dead." Ragnok's voice echoed off the walls and

it sounded hollow and cold. When his words were heard, a great wind

rushed around them and moved upwards and out of the staircase they

just came from.

"That sounds lovely." Sirius muttered. He walked over to a statue of a

small goblin holding a spear in a saluting motion. From the look of it, he

had thick armor, far more advanced than the armor that the goblins

currently used.

"A goblin throne room, but nothing else? King of the Dead? What is this

place?" Harry asked more to himself than anyone else.

"Not just a throne room, look!" Ragnok responded, pointing the curved

sword he held in his hand behind the throne. Harry looked and indeed

saw many more doors that littered the back half of the enormous cavern.

If each door led to a hallway, which lead to more hallways and rooms

like he knew the goblins capable of making, this place was huge.

"Know anything of this?" Harry asked Ragnok hopefully.

"I only know of old legends that resemble something like this place."

"Is there any possibility the legends are true?" Sirius asked.

Ragnok shrugged, "Legends begin somewhere I suppose."

"Who enters my kingdom unannounced?" The four mortals jumped in

surprise and all turned their weapons towards where they heard the

voice. It so happened that they all looked in different directions, thinking

the voice had come from all around them.

Harry turned to look at the empty stone throne and found it no longer

without person. Sitting on the throne was a ghostly goblin, clad in thick

armor and holding a wicked sword across his lap. From the back of the

cavern, an army of ghosts began to emerge from the various doors, all

carrying weapons and wearing armor like their king.

"I am Harry Potter and these are my companions, King Ragnok of

Gringotts, Sirius Black, Lord of House Black, and Olaf Kyrre, First Knight

of Avalon." Sirius gave an odd look to Harry, not having ever heard him

say the name Avalon before. He knew of the blade and what it meant,

but Avalon was another story.

"No pretty titles for you, Harry Potter?" The goblin ghost king asked with

a sneer, clearly unimpressed by the other names given to him.

Harry bowed his head, "I am a simple mortal who has stumbled upon

your kingdom. I beg my leave from it, never to return again."

The goblin began to laugh cruelly and his laughter was echoed by his

fellow soldiers that began to surround them. Such a chorus of laughter

shook the very ground. "Such humility in a king is a rare quality." Harry's

eyes widened, which was caught by the goblin. "Don't be so surprised, I

know the blade you carry." The ghostly king paused for a moment and he

again sneered, "It was forged by my father."

"Agodad?" Ragnok asked, stepping closer to the ghost king in

astonishment. The legends of the ancient goblin kingdom of Daggo were

true if it was him. They held much of the underground world long before

Gringotts. Agodad was the last king of that ancient realm and legends say

they were cursed, forever to be hidden to the world. The ghost turned to

look at Ragnok with curious eyes.

"Yes, that is what I am called. And you are Ragnok, King of Gringotts as

your King friend announced you. Such interesting company you keep for

a goblin." He spat back.

"These are interesting times we find ourselves in."

Agodad nodded his head and further settled into his throne. "Yes I have

heard the rumors of your war above ground. Still my question has not

been answered, why have you come?"

Ragnok spoke for them, "We entered your lands by mistake. A door was

opened to us and we took it not knowing what we would find on the

other side."

"An unfortunate mistake." Agodad replied with a cruel smile. The soldiers

that surrounded them lowered their spears and swords, ready to advance

on the small party in the middle of their circle.

"You would kill Kings within your halls without just cause?" Ragnok

asked, his voice spiking with some fear.

"I would kill thieves." Agodad replied, his voice turning to acid. "The

blade that boy you call King wields is not his by right, but mine! Stolen

from my family many centuries ago, long had I searched for it. Then that

usurper Arthur took it and slaughtered my people when we asked for it

back! It seems fate has finally smiled upon me and brought the sword

within grasp once more."

Harry felt his spine begin to tingle, and slowly the ghostly goblins began

to move inwards, tightening the circle around them. All of them had

eager, gleeful looks upon their faces, ready to finally right a wrong in

their past.

"The goblin lies. That blade, though forged by his father, was freely given to

the Lady of the Lake to be given to her champion." Godric said in Harry's


"And how do you know?" Harry asked, taking a step backwards. He felt

himself pressed to Sirius who stood with his wand trained at the

approaching goblins.

"There were stories of the ancient goblins son, Agodad, corrupted by a

powerful wizard, influenced to kill his father and retrieve the blade. Due to his

actions and the murder of his own father, the son was forever cursed, as well

as all those that followed him. It seems we fell into their resting place."

"I've heard those stories as well, bu they were always legends, childrens tales

told by Rowena to her daughter. I didn't think them true." Fawkes said. "I'll

come to get you."

"No, you wouldn't be able to get everyone in time. We'll find a way out of


"Harry." Godric pleaded, but he shut them out with his occlumency


Harry tossed the sword to the ground, "If I give this to you, would you let

us leave?"

"The blade was tainted by your filth, I must cleanse it...and you." Agodad

responded. "Kill them!" The ghosts rushed the last few meters and tried to

plunge their swords and spears into their foes. All of them were thrown

back by a shield as Harry used both his wands to create a dome around

the four of them. He grabbed hold of Excalibur and pointed it at the king

who sat wide eyed on the throne. A burst of lighting shot from the tip of

the sword and smashed into the ghost. Agodad disappeared in an instant

but his army still remained.

"Run!" Harry commanded. He shot another strike of lighting into the

ranks of the ghost warriors, creating a narrow hole for them to run

through. He led the way and was thankfully able to block the blades of

the ghosts with his own sword. Olaf tried to do the same, but a ghosts

blade swung right through Olaf's sword, going through his armor as if it

were nothing, and connected with his flesh. He cried out in pain but

continued running after Harry.

They had almost reached the steps to Knot manor when they were halted

by Agodad reappearing before them. "Give me the blade you welp!" He


Harry continued his sprint however, the sword pointed before him.

Agodad was forced to leap to the side, as Harry raced passed and headed

up the stairs. Sirius was the last to make it to the stairs and just as he was

about to step upwards, a sword from a ghost soldier swung true and

connected with his heel. Sirius fell to the ground and clutched

desperately at his bleeding foot.

Hearing the cry, the others turned around and attempted to help. "Go!"

Sirius shouted. A second blade sliced downwards and hit him in the

shoulder, causing a spray of blood to decorate the once barren walls.

Ragnok leapt forward without hesitation and placed himself in front of

Sirius. He took the shield he kept on his back and held it firm, blocking

any more attacks against Sirius. The goblin metal worked against the

ghostly goblins weapons, protecting the both of them. Olaf picked Sirius

up and heaved him over his shoulder. Harry sent a blast of raw magic

towards the ghosts, not even thinking of any spell. A shock wave

connected with the goblin soldiers, sending them flying backwards and

out of sight. They sprinted up the steps, and collapsed in exhaustion once

they had reached the top.

The shadow king screamed in anger, his voice echoing off the black

obsidian halls that surrounded him. A golden throne stood in front of

him, now cracked in two. Around the shadow king was a whirlwind of

raw magic that tore anything and everything it hit. Obsidian columns

that held the hall up were beginning to crack and give way due to the

force of magic that bombarded them.

The king held his staff firmly in his hand, its tip violently pulsating blue.

He sunk to his knees as his breath left him. Expending as much magic as

he had took its toll on his old body. As he took several deep breaths and

calmed himself, the magic that tore the hall up began to subside until it

was perfectly calm and quiet once more.

"My sword taken from me!" He shouted again. "That boy! I will show him

who is the rightful keeper of it!" His anger was getting the better of him

again and magic poured from every pore in his body, surrounding him

completely. If anyone were to walk into the hall, it would be like they

were walking into a furnace due to the heat coming from the magic that

poured from the king.

He stood up and smashed his staff into the obsidian floor, causing a

fissure to form for several meters in every direction. The ceiling above

the king gave way and crashed down all around him. A bright light

emerged from the staff and jetted out across all sides of the surrounding


He stood still as rain began to pelt him. The grand obsidian castle he

stood in collapsed all around him, leaving him standing in rubble. Still he

did not move an inch, his breathing heavy and full of hatred. Soon, a roar

echoed across the desolate lands and shook the earth.

From the once extinct volcano the castle was built into, fire burst from its

tip like it once had long ago. Thick, back ash poured into the sky and hot

lava began to cascade down all sides of the ferocious and menacing

mountain. Another roar sounded once more and the king smiled cruelly.

A shadow, blacker than the clouds appeared in the sky, emerging from

the fire of the mountain. The shadow swiftly moved through the clouds

and descended to earth, landing just in front of the king. A great dragon,

as large as the hall it now sat on top of and black as midnight, stood

bowed in front of its master. Alloria the Black, the Queen of Dragons. She

had been his constant companion for the last thousand years and would

forever continue to be his only friend.

"We ride north to slay the usurper." The king said. Alloria let down her

giant wing and helped the king up onto her back. He settled himself

between several of her large spikes that ran down her spine. She took off,

batting her great wings. Together they soared north towards war.

47. Making Sacrifices

"I'm not sure I like the beard." Fleur said, running her soft hand through

his rough facial hair that began to grow. A blush formed on her own

cheeks as she thought about the other advantages to his sudden growth

and maturity. A man he was now and the muscles she felt under her

hands could make any woman swoon.

"I can shave it." Harry offered, placing a kiss onto her neck. Together they

stayed tangled in the sheets of their bed in Hogwarts castle.

She shook her head, "No, I'll have you stay the same. Though the

discomfort is mine, truly you look very handsome with it. Kingly even."

Harry smiled and continued to trail kisses down her neck and towards

her awaiting pleasures. She arched her back to give him better vantage.

"You know what this means don't you?" Harry asked, his breath hot upon

her bare skin.

"What does what mean?" She asked, her eyes closing as she gave into the

passions of the moment.

"If I am to be King, you will be my Queen." Fleur suddenly stopped Harry

from going further down her body. She pulled his chin up so that she

could look into his vibrant eyes. He was smiling at her, knowing full well

what he had just said. A smile formed onto her own lips in response.

"Do you mean?" She asked, her breath beginning to leave her.

"We both knew what this was from the moment we first met." Harry said,

his grin growing even more.

"I remember you being foolhardy and overly brave the first time we met.

Nearly got yourself killed that night." Fleur responded, her smile growing

even more.

"And what a night that was." Harry replied. He placed a tender kiss on

her stomach before resting his head on it and sighing. Fleur absently ran

her hand through his longer hair, placing her fingers on his scalp and

massaging it. She couldn't keep the grin off her face, the images of her

and Harry old, a child or two running through their house. In her mind

their children looked like him, both son and daughter, raven hair with

startling green eyes.

The house they lived in was the very same they currently had in Annecy,

yet some things were changed. Upon Harry's head she caught sight of a

golden crown, simple and elegant. An odd stone was placed in at the

forefront, surrounded by glowing emeralds. She watched as the older

Harry bent down and took his son into his arms, placing him onto his

shoulders, the boy laughing. The little girl danced around him, her small

sundress waving about.

She caught a glance out the window and found the sky to be without

cloud, a warm sun beating down onto the house. This wasn't the same

house as the one they had in Annecy, though the insides looked similar.

This house was on a hill that overlooked a small town. At the base of the

hill and just before the town were wide, tall walls that surrounded them.

She could just make out guards patrolling the walls, wearing gleaming

gold armor.

"Indeed it was." Fleur said softly. The sound of Harry's snores began to

sound in the room and Fleur smiled softly at him. She stayed still and let

him rest, enjoying the feeling of his warmth on her. They never got much

time to lay like this, alone and without care for the world. She would see

to as much time as she could even if he were asleep to see it through.

Time flew by for her as she gazed down at him, the look upon his face so

peaceful. She would have it remain that way forever if she could, but

sadly she knew it wasn't meant to be. The duty he headed towards would

forever put him in a troubled life, something she knew full well he didn't

choose, but now was thrust into. She however was bred for something

like this, not Queen per say, but a figure in the public eye, to be always


Slowly she set Harry's head upon a pillow and stood up from the bed.

Uncaring of her nakedness, she walked across the room, wincing as her

feet pattered on the cold stone floor. On the far end of the room she

opened up a small window and stared out into the night air, taking in the

freshness of it. Far off she could see Norbert roaming the castle grounds,

going about his watch as usual. At the lake, a squad of goblins practiced

with their blades.

The flutter of wings came to her ears and soon it was answered by the

vision of Hedwig flying through the window and softly landing on her

shoulder. The magnificent snow white owl landed delicately, aware of

her being without clothes. Hedwig hooted softly and nibbled at her ear.

Fleur chuckled, "Having a good night?" Fleur asked the bird. It was

always odd being in the presence of Harry's owl. She was highly

intelligent and Fleur thought she could even understand English. Hedwig

hooted once in response and began rubbing her head against Fleur's ear.

Fleur responded by lightly stroking her pure white feathers.

Together they watched the night pass by as Harry stayed asleep for

longer than usual. Normally he had only been getting an hour or two of

sleep a night, so Fleur let him sleep in this one time. If any man deserved

more rest, it was him.

Sleep escaped her this evening, in part because of the happiness that

swelled in her that Harry voiced thought to her own future desires. Her

happiness however was clouded by other thoughts less than savory. The

danger he will be placed in the coming lifetime meant a lifetime of worry

for her, to always fear that one day he wouldn't return home to her.

Her eyes looked to the new scar on her shoulder, still red with anger.

How close she had come to death herself. In an instant she could have

left this world, never to know what future had been laid out for her with

him. And he, how would he have reacted to her fate? How would the

world suffer if she were to die so suddenly in his arms, and how would

the world suffer if he were to die in hers? Life was fleeting and in this

moment she felt more vulnerable than she ever had before.

As if sensing her worried thoughts, off in the distance she heard a

melancholy song that began to lift her heart. It was somber in tone, yet

happy and full of meaning and power. Fawkes came into view, flying as

he sang his tune to calm her heart. Hedwig took off from her shoulder

and joined her friend in the night. She watched as the two birds sped off

higher and higher into the night sky before disappearing behind dark


Even though Fawkes had once again left, and his song with him, Fleur

could still hear the tune, feel its rhythm. The magic in the music lifted

her heart up and filled her with hope that she would see old age with the

man still asleep in her bed. She looked over to him and smiled softly.

Slowly she walked back over to the bed and brushed away some of the

hair that covered his face. She kissed him on the brow and then began to

put on clothes for the coming day.

She saw in the distance the beginning of the morning sun and so left her

room to walk the castle halls. It was still early, the sun just rising over

the eastern hills, and so the halls were devoid of any life, save for the

paintings that just began to stir from their sleep.

The grand staircase, a place that often messed with students, always

switching positions forcing students to take more time in their steps

down and up the castle, guessed where she wished to go and responded

by placing the stairs before her. It was unusual that her journey down the

staircase was made this easy, but she counted her lucky stars and

continued forward once she reached the entrance hall.

She pushed open the doors and stepped out into the cool morning air.

"Fleur! Wait!" She turned to see her best friend coming down the stairs,

her long blue hair swishing behind her as she did so. Aimee was in her

black Hogwarts robes, trimmed with blue and the Ravenclaw crest upon

her left breast.

She jogged up to her friend, "What are you up so early for?"

"I could ask ze same of you?" Fleur replied with raised eyebrows.

Aimee only smiled at her friend, "Had a late night and didn't wish to see

the morning to its conclusion."

Fleur's eyebrows raised, "Fred?" Aimee's smile grew even wider at the

name. "Aimee he is just a prankster!" Fleur admonished.

"He's a very fun prankster." Both girls chuckled and began their walk

around the grounds. Fleur found herself laughing more than she had been

in a long time, her worries taken from her by her friend for the moment.

Another thing she had missed these last several months were the talks

with Aimee. It seemed as of late they didn't have much time, because of

school and the goings-on of Harry's life and the war.

As they walked the grounds, they came across a squad of goblins, their

swords singing in the cool morning air as they practiced, urged on by the

harsh barking of their leader. When they grew closer, making intent to

pass by and head for the lake, the leader saw them and barked an order.

All of the goblins immediately stopped and turned to look at them,

bowing their heads in a manner of respect.

This took both girls off guard but Fleur, having seen the same sign of

respect given to Harry, bowed her head as well. Once Fleur had risen her

head back up, so did the goblins and they then continued to train.

It wasn't until they had reached the lakes edge did Aimee speak, "What

was that about?"

Fleur shook her head, "I'm not quite sure. They've never done that before

for me." Both girls quickly shrugged off the odd event and continued

about their walk, joining arm in arm, comforted in the closeness of

friendship once more. On they talked and gossiped and laughed the

world away, strolling slowly around the lake.

The sun began to rise higher over the hills, ushering a rare wintry

cloudless day. Actual warmth came from the skies today, a rare sight for

this time of year. Already Fleur wished she didn't have schooling this

day, wanting to spend the day outside with friends and in the arms of

Harry. Maybe she would be lucky and he wouldn't have anything calling

him away this day?

Soon they were heading back to the school, the goblins they had passed

by earlier were gone. When they made it into the school, they saw the

Bloody Baron gliding through the hall, heading towards the Great Hall to

talk with his Slytherin students. As if sensing their presence, the Bloody

Baron turned and bowed low to the girls, "My lady." He said, the first

words Fleur had ever had directed at her by any ghost.

"My Lord." Fleur responded absentmindedly, her well taught courtesies

taking over the confusion and surprise that wrapped her. The Bloody

Baron gave her an odd grin before vanishing into the Great Hall.

"Has something happened?" Aimee asked, confusion clearly written

across her face.

Fleur could only shrug and so the two continued into the Great Hall for

breakfast. Already the hall was filled with many students. Her eyes

scanned, looking for the long, regal black hair of her boyfriend. She

found him sitting at the Slytherin table with Daphne, Theo, and Blaise,

talking and laughing. Susan and Hannah had joined them as well, with

Neville wrapped in conversation at the Gryffindor table.

Aimee and Fleur took their seats at the Slytherin table as well, no one

batting an eye as they did so. Ever since the removal of Snape and Draco,

there wasn't a person in the castle that cared where one sat during meals.

In fact, it was heavily encouraged to develop friendships across houses,

after all, when working a real job no one will care what house you were

in during school.

"A shame the current state of the Gryffindor team." Theo teased, directing

the comment at Harry. This year, Gryffindor hadn't been looking the best.

With Harry gone from the house team, the seeker position was absent a

champion. Ginny was the go to new seeker for the house, but she had yet

to look as promising as Harry once was. Angelina was confident that next

year they would be the best team however.

"It's a shame that Slytherin can't keep up with Cedric." Hannah mocked

Theo. Cedric was the best seeker in Hogwarts at the moment, and he was

easily finishing games, making Hufflepuff the team to beat this year.

Theo stuck his tongue out at the 'puff in response.

A heavy thud sounded next to Fleur and she didn't need to look over to

know exactly who it was. Hermione joined them at the table, a stack of

arithmancy books she had borrowed from the library placed before her.

Madame Pince had given up on trying to keep Hermione from taking her

books out of the library. She knew the Gryffindor would also never

willingly harm a book either and so figured it not so big a risk.

Fleur caught the shy glance of Theo when the bushy haired Gryffindor sat

down, and the following blush upon her cheek. Daphne caught the glance

too and looked at Fleur, winking with a small smile. Both girls hid their

chuckles and turned back to their conversations.

"I think I found the solution to your problem, Fleur." Hermione

announced. Without response, she immediately opened up one of the

arithmancy books and began to turn the pages. Once finding the correct

passage, she began to read aloud. "The number seven is commonly

acknowledged as being one of the most powerful numbers in magic.

Three, Five, and Thirteen are also known to hold power. We still can't

divine why such numbers are more powerful than others, but we know

this to be true. The number five is often used in rituals while thirteen and

three are used in powerful potions made to curse individuals. However,

the number seven is unique in that it is used to enhance a being, and as

such see's prominence in potions made to empower a person. The number

seven is also commonly used when dealing with death, such as attempts

to prolong one's life, or bringing someone back from the dead."

Hermione finished reading the short passage and closed the book. "Why

did you ask for this? Not that I mind. I enjoy a good read, and any excuse

to go through the forbidden section is a good one." Hermione finished.

Fleur felt Harry's eyes blazing into the back of her skull. There was none

better in the castle when it came to researching subjects, finding the

smallest of passages in an old and forgotten book that could bring light of

day on a once hidden subject. She may have lied about what she needed

and why, but it wasn't the worse of lies she figured. In fact, she was

amazed that Hermione had even found anything that could be of use.

"For my research paper I have in enchanting. I needed the help and

figured you wouldn't mind my access into the forbidden section."

Hermione only nodded her head, smiling. "Thank you Hermione. That

was very helpful."

"If you need any more help, I'll gladly do so."

"And I'll be sure to ask if I do." Hermione beamed in response. Fleur

turned to Harry and saw him already deep in thought, his eyes distant,

staring across the Great Hall. He had heard his friend's words and now

wondered if they knew the exact number of horcruxes to be found. The

bell rang for classes and Fleur stood up, placing a kiss on Harry's brow

and left the Great Hall. She glanced back and saw Harry standing up as

well, making his way towards Sirius at the staff table.

Grindelwald watched from afar as Harry talked with Sir Galdrey and Sir

Mol. Potter was becoming smarter in the ways of waging war. The

moving of units, sacrificing when necessary, attacking when possible.

Both of the grizzled old knights sang praises of his mind for war, a

natural they called him. Last week the boy had come in with a sword not

even Grindelwald thought truly existed in this world.

Upon seeing the blade, his citizens, his people had begun to worship him

more than just a prince, but as if he were the king of this city and land. It

angered him that this boy, one he would have killed if possible, was now

reaching higher than even himself had gained.

If he had a way around magic, to go against her very force, he would. But

alas, he did not know of such a way. Now he was forced to stand on the

sidelines as the boy proved himself more capable and worthy to take a

leadership role than himself. There was also no way of approaching

anyone even capable of killing Potter. Voldemort couldn't do it, even

with the help of the old fool. It would be up to him to finally strike the

killing blow and see out his earlier visions of grandeur. Once Riddle and

Dumbledore were dead for good, and the stone uncovered, the need to

train Potter would be nonexistent. Then, he can look to finally killing the


He relaxed back into his throne, his eyes slowly closing. The sacrifice he

made of those lowly wizards in order to retain his youth was beginning

to wear off. His age was beginning to show, his raven black hair showing

signs of grey. His eyes were dulling, turning grey from green.

As he watched Potter talk with the two knights, he couldn't help but feel

jealousy. The boy had it all, power, youth, respect. He was what Gellert

wished to be while growing up. How could magic be so cruel? He asked

himself constantly these days.

"Slower." He hissed to the woman behind him that rubbed her knuckles

into his aching shoulder muscles. He hated this city and its people, but

they were useful for…certain things and he did not wish to see those

things be diminished. Already the servants had taken to Harry, standing

around waiting for his every beck and call. Soon, he would need to find a

way around magic and rid himself of the boy.

"Keep your enemy trained on one fixture, then flank with your leftover

soldiers." Gellert heard from Sir Mol. He stood up and approached the

table, roughly throwing the servant girls hands away from him. None

looked up as he approached, focused on the table where small iron

figurines were being moved around. Potter's knight flanked Sir Galdrey's

line of soldiers and crashed into the back of them as they were being

distracted by Potter's own line of soldiers.

"Good, good. You're getting better." Sir Mol congratulated Potter. "The

lesson on Hannibal seems to have rubbed off on you."

"Yes, very good." Gellert said, his voice even. "They are teaching you very

well." It was time to finish off the dark wizard and his pet silver bearded

friend. "Sir Mol, Sir Galdrey, would you excuse us?" Both knights bowed

their head and left the hall as did all of the other servants.

Harry continued to look at the board, continuously searching for better

ways to win the simulation war put in front of him. Gellert stood quietly

for a moment before he spoke. "The horcruxes, how far along are you?"

This immediately got Harry's attention. "We have destroyed a number of

them." Harry replied, his nature guarding.

Gellert nodded his head and summoned a nearby chair to sit in. "How

many left do you have to destroy?" An uneasy pause formed between the

two when Harry didn't respond. They both stared at one another, and

eventually Gellert budged. He held up his hand, the gold ring upon his

index finger. "This is one of them."

This did take Harry by his surprise, his eyes widening and he naturally

recoiled from the thing. "Why do you have that?" He asked.

"Voldemort gave it to me, for without it, I would be dead." He played

with the ring, turning it on his finger. "The soul within this ring is what

keeps me alive." He could see the emotions play off the boy's face. It was

almost amusing to watch as Potter first thought of taking the ring right

off his finger, then moving to frustration in not being able to do so.

Clearly he had just run into the problem that magic wouldn't just allow

him to take the ring.

"And do you plan on parting with this ring?" Harry asked after a moment,

his face contorted into a frown.

"We both know I won't…unless." Gellert said, egging the boy on.

Harry looked at him with increased frustration. "Unless?"

"Unless we find a way to prolong my life. The taking of innocent magical

lives is only a short term solution and I wish not to be a vampire of my

own kind."

Harry raised his eyebrows at this, "Really? You already seem much like a

vampire to me. Don't forget that I remember your slaughter of an

innocent family."

Gellert's eyes narrowed, "And don't you forget what I have done for you

these past few months."

"It will not involve your current way of sustaining life. Otherwise, I will

kill you." Harry quickly responded.

"You can't kill me boy." Gellert spat. "We both would have tried now if it

were possible." He paused for a moment and allowed the temperature in

the room to cool. "No, I seek something that is in the possession of


Harry understood at once what Grindelwald was after. It was the perfect

way to prolong his life. Now he knew why Gellert was being so helpful,

he wished for the Philosophers Stone for himself and wanted him to get


"And if I were to help you in this?" Harry asked. "I could just wait for you

to die naturally, then take the ring from you then."

"Don't be so naïve boy." Gellert said. "I still have many years left with this

ring and I'm sure you don't wish the war to continue on that long."

Harry stared long and hard at Gellert, studying the cold wizard's eyes. He

always knew something like this would happen. Grindelwald was always

forming some kind of scheme, some way to see himself to the forefront of

the wizarding word. The prize of the Philosophers Stone was his end

game it seemed, and what he would do with it, Harry didn't want to

think about.

"I will retrieve it for you." Harry said at last. "But…" He added, "Once in

possession of it, you will never step foot into Britain."

It was Gellerts turn to stare at Harry, a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"Then you will never get this ring." He said after a pause, turning his back

to Harry and walking up to his throne. "Now go, Potter. You have more

important matters to discuss with your…friends." He spat out the last

word. Harry growled, but didn't say anything more, turning and walking

out of the great white keep.

He entered into the street and was immediately swarmed by small

children, all wishing to see some magic trick. Sir Mol was outside as well,

talking quietly with a few of the soldiers that had joined in their assault

on the ministry. They all looked up at him and bowed their heads in

respect. He did the same and continued through the streets, enjoying the

sights and smells that came with it.

A little girl, no older than eight stopped him in his tracks. She had tear

ridden cheeks, her chin was dirty, and her clothes were torn and ragged.

Through a rip in her shirt he could make out a small dark mark upon her

collarbone, a dragonfly in black ink. Her eyes were puffy and she

clutched onto a dirty doll that looked ready to fall apart at the seams.

Without warning, she sprinted to him and wrapped her tiny arms around

his thigh and began to sob.

Unsure of what to do, and looking sheepishly at the crowd forming

around him, he comforted the girl as best as he could. He lowered

himself to one knee and ran his hand soothingly through her strawberry

blonde hair. "What's the matter?" He asked at last.

"M-my mother, I can't find her." The girl sobbed.

"I apologize milor-" An elderly woman began but Harry held his hand up

to silence her.

"Do you know something of this?" He asked her.

The elderly woman shook her head, "No milord. But it is common for

woman to go missing from time to time."

"What do you mean?" Harry questioned further.

"Our master, he takes them into his keep and they are never seen again.

Sofia's mother, she was taken into the castle three days ago." The woman

responded, jerking her head at the young girl named Sofia.

"And what does your master do with these women?" Harry asked.

The woman shrugged, "I am not sure. No one truly knows, though there

are rumors."

"What is going on here!" Sir Galdrey asked, stepping into the gathered

crowd in the main street. With him were a half-dozen guards, equipped

with spears and strong silver armor that shined in the afternoon light.

Immediately the older woman cowered, as did much of the crowd,

"Nothing sir. We were just admiring our new prince is all."

Sir Galdrey looked to Harry, "They aren't bothering you my Lord?"

"Err, no Sir Galdrey. I'm fine." The knight responded by barking orders at

the villagers and sending them scurrying back to their houses and shops.

Still the little girl clung to his leg, no longer crying, but instead scared of

the soldiers that surrounded her.

"You too little girl." Galdrey barked.

Harry placed a reassuring hand on the girl's shoulder, "It's fine Sir

Galdrey. I was just taking her to her home." Sir Galdrey looked

questioningly at him but finally nodded his head and continued on his


"Come." Harry said, lightly pushing the girl in the direction of the gates.

"I'll find your mother." He had heard enough from the older woman to be

scared for this girl's safety. "First let's get you out of here." He helped the

girl along, taking her down the giant hill that the city rested upon. They

came to the gates where the guards hardly bothered to look at him, so

used to seeing him walk in and out. The little girl got lost in his dark

cloak and the guards never saw her.

They walked out of the magical city and into the grassy fields that

surrounded it. As soon as the two were outside its magical wards, Harry

made ready to call Fawkes to him, but a loud boom echoed across the

countryside. It came from the city and Harry turned around and was

shocked to find that he could still see the city. In fact, the feeling of the

ancient magic that surrounded it was gone. The wards had come crashing


Screams quickly followed the boom. "Fawkes!" Harry called out loud. In a

second the golden phoenix had appeared and flashed away with young

Sofia to Ghost castle. Harry flicked his wand and Godric came charging

out of it, a deafening roar filling the air. Together they charged back into

the city only to find it in sudden panic. Soldiers were running around left

and right and up on the hill, Harry saw Grindelwald in his dark armor

ushering commands. Godric stood guard next to Harry, growling and

ready to pounce on any foes that approached.

"Potter! What did you do!" Gellert shouted from the hill, his voice

carrying very far.

"What do you mean! I merely tried to leave! What happened?" Harry

asked in return, rushing through the streets, dodging the soldiers and

citizens as they scrambled through the town. Many of the people had to

dive to the side to avoid the large lion that kept on the heels of Harry.

"Did someone leave with you?" Gellert asked once they were closer.

"What do you mean? Are these people not allowed to leave?"

Gellert's eyes narrowed. "Someone left with you!" He stated. In a split

second one of his wands was out and he hurled a deadly curse at Harry,

but it only dodged to the side, impacting with the roof of a tavern and

setting it ablaze. "You fuck!" Godric tried to punce on the wizard, but a

golden shield surrounded Gellert and sent Godric flying into the air.

Harry snapped his wand and Godric was brought back into it, ready to be

called once again if needed. He tuned out Godric's insults and cursing's

that filled his head.

"What are you doing with the women of this town?" Harry asked, not

even bothering to comment on the attempt of his life.

"That is none of your business Potter! These are my people to do with as I


Harry shook his head, "No, these are people, not slaves. You've kept them

here, all this time? Do they not know of what lies beyond these walls?"

"That is not your concern. Now tell me where she has gone!" Gellert


"She? How would you know it's a she?" Gellert didn't say anything, but

his face dissolved into a torrent of hatred.

"You spoiled welp! You do not know this world! These people adore me!"

He shouted his words to the high heavens, his head lifted upwards to the

sky. "I have protected and guided them, but now you have ruined them.

Soon the world will be at their door."

From the hill Harry could look out across the plains and see a muggle

village. Already there was a car, travelling on dirt roads towards them.

Clearly this place had just been seen by all in the area and it wouldn't

take long for the world to know of it. What once had been an old ruin is

now a perfectly preserved castle fit with citizens.

Harry paused for a moment, his eyes tracking back and forth between the

car that loomed ever closer, and the people that had begun to gather in

the streets to listen to him and Grindelwald argue. He grounded his teeth,

caught between a rock and hard place. He wanted to scream in

frustration at this moment, or better yet, punch Gellert in his jaw.

Eventually he came to a decision, "Fawkes!" He called once again. In his

phoenix's claws was the young girl, her eyes widened until she saw where

she was once more. Another loud boom echoed through the castle and

the vision of the muggle car and town vanished in a second. A calm

silence once more fell over the city and Harry could feel the wards

activate around him.

Gellert leaned low and grabbed the girl from Fawkes' claws. "Wise

decision, young King." He mocked. Harry watched as the girl's eyes

welled with tears and many of the other women looked horrified at the

scene. Sir Galdrey appeared in the crowd and Gellert handed Sofia to


"What are you doing here Gellert?" Harry asked.

"Something you would never understand." Grindelwald responded,

turning his back on Harry and beginning to walk away. Sofia was

dragged up to the castle, her face though lingered on Harry, tears

streaming down her small face.

"I'll come for you." Harry promised to her under his breath. He then

turned and walked back through the crowd, vowing in silence to kill

Grindelwald and free these people from whatever captivity they were in.

Voldemort read and re-read the short letter given to him by a simple owl

that now rested in his chambers. An anger swelled within him and he felt

his magic begin to lash out at its surroundings. Ancient vases and famous

paintings were torn from their places, crashing to the ground and tearing


This was not the message he wished to receive ever, but it was also not

the message he could disobey. Making a deal with the devil had its

consequences, and this was one of them it seemed. He stood up from his

throne and began to pace back and forth in the room. The letter in his

hand crumpled and turned to ash, falling to the floor before being swept

away by an unknown wind.

"What is the matter?" A calm and soothing voice sounded from the

shadows of the room. Marie appeared through a small door, sensing her

husband's anger.

"I knew this was a mistake. I should never have gone to him!" Voldemort

hissed in anger.

"And if you didn't, you would have no chance in this war." Marie


Voldemort continued to pace angrily, his demeanor not calmed by the

presence of his wife. "He is asking the impossible!" He finally spat out.

"Oh?" She asked. "The impossible? Or merely something you don't wish to

do?" An empty pause followed so she continued. "I don't remember you

being hampered by things that were once impossible. That was not the

wizard I married."

She could feel the anger in the air diminish with every word she spoke. It

was his way, to act impulsively, to strike with his emotions. It was her

job to calm him down and see him to true purpose. That was what made

them so formidable. "Do as he says for now, for he guides you in the

proper direction. Then when opportunity arises later on, we will stab him

in the back."

Voldemort felt his anger completely leave him in that moment. The

torrent of magic that surrounded him left and he felt his body grow cold

and old. Horcruxes kept him alive, but they didn't keep him forever

youthful. He found that sacrifices of his more powerful followers were

what kept him strong.

"I will do as told...for now." He hissed, walking out of the throne room

and into the grand hallway. He had taken Heidelberg Castle for himself

upon the death of Dumbledore. It was the perfect location for staging

attacks and keeping an army. It was large enough to house several

thousand soldiers and located in the mountains so that no one

unsuspecting would stumble upon it. It was also close enough to a

muggle town where the few dementors and werewolves he had could

feed and swell his ranks.

During this time, he also had undergone extensive research into the

place, attempting to discover where Dumbledore kept his hidden objects.

He knew the old man was the possessor of the Philosophers Stone, but

Voldemort had yet to find its hiding place. Hopefully, it would come to

him soon however.

He walked through the halls of the cold and cramped castle, avoiding the

stares and bows of his lowly followers. His inner circle was all but

diminished. He was forced to start taking on the sons of lesser men,

Draco Malfoy being one of them. He despised that boy, impulsive and

egotistical. Marie would say Draco was like himself, just weaker. It made

him hate the boy even more, but he was loyal, something that could be

counted on. The two young boys that followed Draco were even more

useless, unlike their fathers that had died heroically for their cause.

Reaching the stairs to the dungeons, he lit his wand and descended into

its depths. Winding staircase after winding staircase, forever he

continued downwards into the bowels of the castle. Finally, he reached a

landing and upon his entrance, several torches lit themselves. A small

room with a wooden door was all that he saw, but Voldemort knew

better. He walked over to a brick wall and used his wand to tap three

separate bricks.

The wall gave way to form a door, much like Diagon Alley would.

Voldemort walked through and found himself walking even further

underground. This time the staircase was well lit and with each step, a

new torch would light up to shine the way downwards. It wasn't long

before he hit another landing, and turning right, found himself at another

wooden door.

Voldemort turned the silver knob and walked into the stone brick room.

No torches lit up for him this time, and Riddle didn't bother to make any

further light. He simply walked into the pitch blackness of the room, a

sigh escaping his lips.

He wasn't sure what was about to happen and could only hope it would

turn out well for him. He flicked his wand and sat down on a simple

wooden stool. "Nagini!" he hissed. As he waited for his pet, he sat

contemplating what he was about to do. The thought sent his stomach

churning. Sadly, he knew he was desperate, this was a last ditch hope in

accomplishing his goal. If he didn't take this risk, he would forever be

forgotten to history. His name would be a brief side note in the history of

Potter, and that was not something he could ever think to behold.

Riddle felt Nagini descend the final stairs and slither into the darkened

room. The large snake wrapped itself around Voldemort's leg as if

caressing him. Tom flicked his wand once again and this time the room

lit up in a pearly light.

It was barren save for the stone sarcophagus that stood erect in the

center. Dumbledore laid peacefully, his image clear to see. Riddle looked

over the tomb, it not being long since he had last seen it. How quickly

things could change. With another flick of his wand, the sarcophagus was

ripped from its floor and now hovered in the air. He then created a

pentagram underneath it, using five diamonds that he had in his pocket

to use as the points. The lines he made with his own blood, slicing his

hand to do so. Without hesitation or warning, Voldemort then flashed his

wand at Nagini, a cutting curse hitting it in the head. The large snake

writhed as its life fled from its body, blood spraying everywhere.

A loud shriek filled the room and a dark shadow rose up from Nagini. It

had terrible red eyes and stared angrily at Voldemort, but it did not


Voldemort hovered some of the spilled blood and placed a drop on each

diamond. Then he began to mutter words in a dead language and with

each word, the pentagram grew brighter and brighter. The shade of

Voldemort's horcrux finally moved and looked to Dumbledore's

sarcophagus, which had also begun to glow. It rushed into the deceased

body underneath the thin layer of stone and vanished from Voldemort's

sight. Soon, the entire room was lit up completely and it became so

bright that Voldemort had to close his eyes. He finished his incantation

and waited.

The bright light began to dim and Riddle stared coldly into the center.

Where once a stone sarcophagus of a dead wizard sat, now the silver

wizard stood in its place. He looked different however. His face was

devoid of life and his silver beard was streaked with red and black. He

looked younger, yet older, and his eyes held no meaning.

Riddle approached his old foe, "Albus?"

Dumbledore's eyes were distant, but when he heard his name, his head

snapped to the voice. "My master." Riddle felt his mouth widening into a

grin at those words.

48. Finding Power

Harry sat in a sturdy wooden chair, watching as Olaf wailed away at the

young new Ghost member as he desperately danced around the floor,

trying to avoid the heavy attacks of the knight. In both his hands were

two slim long knives, their blades black as the night and as sharp as any

magical blade smithed by goblins. The recruit was getting better and was

able to somewhat hold his own against Olaf. Soon, he would be taking

his final test in order to become a Ghost full-time and Harry had hope

that he would succeed.

Seconds after that hopeful thought, the new recruit took a kick to the

chest and was sent scrambling to the floor. With a swift swing, Olaf's

large blade cut down, only stopping just before it pierced the recruits

neck. "Yield." Olaf barked.

The recruit was out of breath, but nodded his head vigorously. Olaf then

grinned and helped him to his feet, giving the young man a hard slap on

the back. "You're getting better!" The recruit, his face still hidden behind

the wooden mask, merely shook his head, frustration clear upon him.

Seeing this, Harry stood up from his chair and walked into the center of

the room. "We gave you those weapons for a reason." Harry said. The

recruit looked up to listen to Harry. "You tried to dance outside of Olaf's

attacks but what you needed to do was step inside his guard and stab low

and quick. Now try again and if he tries to kick you, slash his fucking

foot off."

With that, Harry walked back to the side of the room and took his place

next to Reaper who was also watching their recruit with curiosity. Again,

the recruit and Olaf took stage, brandishing their weapons. Banshee also

walked in at that moment and took a seat next to Reaper. The twins were

off on mission, searching France with a team of French aurors for

potential whereabouts of Voldemort.

"Wyltt wanted to speak with you." Banshee said as she took her seat.

Harry looked over to her, "Where is he?"

"Inside the war room." Harry nodded and stood up. He took one last

glance at the pair as they began to spar once again. The recruit

successfully got inside the guard of Olaf and used the broadside of his

knives to hit Olaf, showing that he could have killed the knight. With a

small smile, he walked out of the room and began ascending a short

staircase before heading down the large hall and into the war room.

He found Wyltt dressed for travel, clad in a light brown cloak, his grey

beard the only thing seen underneath his large hood. Ever leaning on his

staff that pulsed with a dull blue light, he looked to Harry. "I thank you

very much for your kind hospitality." He said.

"You have it as long as you wish to. Where will you go now?" Harry

asked, stepping further into the room.

Wyltt chuckled softly, "There is much of the world for me yet to see. Any


Harry smiled, "I would recommend somewhere not so cold."

"I'll keep that in mind." Wyltt softly chuckled, walking passed Harry and

towards the iron doors. "I wish the best of luck to you, and in time, we

may yet see each other once more."

Harry nodded, feeling somewhat sad that Wyltt would be leaving. He had

been a good source to learn from in the last few weeks. He was very

knowledgeable of passed times and magics and even though he had only

known Wyltt for such a short time, he was easily the wisest man he had

ever met. If it weren't for him, he didn't know if he ever would have truly

accepted the sword that now hung by his side.

Wyltt turned around just before leaving through the doors, "Magic has

truly blessed you young Lord." With that, he turned and left the room,

disappearing from Harry's view. Harry stood still for a moment, letting

the sudden silence come over him. He then glanced down over the long

table that sat in the center of the room. A map of Europe was placed out

upon it, and many iron soldiers representing real squads of men and

goblins were placed around it. The iron pieces would slowly move,

showing in real-time where a unit would travel.

Groups of aurors were scattered throughout mainland Europe, but the

vast majority were held in reserve in England. All of the goblin forces

had already been relocated to Hogwarts with only a few squads left to

protect Gringotts and the ministry. The various ministries kept their own

guard of aurors, but they all went to skeleton crews in order to help with

the war effort. America and Canada had sent more aurors than anyone,

almost doubling their auror forces. Due to Voldemort's recent defeats, all

of the Death Eater threats in other continents was all but destroyed by

the local forces.

Centaurs had completely left the Forbidden Forest, save for a few who

remained on constant vigilance for any unseen attacks. The spiders that

dwelt there Harry figured would be enough to deter any small-scale

army. It would take Voldemort himself to carve a path through that

forest, and as such, Harry would have ample time to prepare.

The hills to the east were constantly roamed by Norbert and the goblins

had begun to dig into the ground there, creating their own little village.

Hogsmeade now had become a busy town, instead of just seeing a boom

when the students were let out of the castle, now they had constant

customers. With every passing day, wizards were becoming more and

more use to the dealings with goblins, and though Harry knew such

tensions between the two peoples would never be fully forgotten, they

learned they could at least tolerate one another.

As he stood there in the silence of the castle, a rare moment for him, a

brilliant flash of green came from above. A short letter floated slowly

down into his palm, the edges slightly burned. He looked up just in time

to see the magnificent the large faithful follower of Gellert, a Royal


"This ought to be good." Harry muttered to himself as he unfurled the


I agree to your terms. Get me what I wish, do not meddle in my affairs, and I

will forever remain away from your precious Kingdom's shores.

Harry re-read the letter multiple times before crumpling it up. It burst

into flames in his hand and fell to the floor in ashes. He waved his hand

and a chair formed beneath him just as he sat down at the table. Could

he agree to such terms? Agree to never doing anything about Gellert and

his city of slaves? At the same time, he had just secured his own citizens

from the possible threat of an evil wizard and if he were to refuse these

terms, he would risk their lives. This was something he would have to

think on for a while longer before replying.

Voldemort once more found himself walking into the depths of the

ancient castle. It was a maze of cold and dark hallways underneath and

would be easy to get lost in. He knew exactly where he was going

however, having just learned of its place from his new follower.

Down he went until he reached the same room, where once he turned left

to open a secret passage that led to Dumbledore's old tomb. Now though,

he continued straight, walking through a wooden door that led to

another dimly lit passage. The torchlight did very little to light the way

before him and so Riddle used his wand to create more.

He came upon stairs that went even further down. Here, cobwebs were

abundant but Riddle didn't mind them. Down he went until he came to a

landing. Water had flooded this hall, leaking in from a nearby cave

where a river ran through. This river was the castle's main water supply

and had served the defenders of it for centuries.

At this landing, he flicked his wand and spoke a few short words in Latin.

A door formed in the stone-brick, moving to the side all on its own. A

blast of cold air hit Riddle, making even him shiver. It was pitch black

inside the newly opened room and so Riddle flicked his wand once more

and a bright silver ball moved into it, illuminating the room completely.

What was most odd was that no water rushed into the room, instead it

stayed perfectly still at the edge of the door.

Riddle stepped in and gazed all around. Carvings of all kinds were

scattered throughout, etched into the walls with crude instruments. Tom

could make out hieroglyphics, Latin, Greek, Persian, and even Japanese

words and pictures. Each carving glowed a soft blue that grew brighter

the closer Tom got to them. He kept his distance from the walls, for fear

of some kind of trap. Dumbledore hadn't warned him of these symbols

and he didn't quite have the knowledge in ancient languages to

determine if they were safe.

In the middle of the room he found an old and dusty wooden chest. On

this chest were many of the same runes that were inscribed on the walls.

He looked all around it and began to decipher what he could, but found

his knowledge truly lacking in the area. The old Headmaster was smart,

smarter than even himself when it came to things like these.

As he was bent over, slowly moving his wand over the chest in order to

read some of the ancient runes, his finger barely brushed the wood. The

runes immediately flashed a cold and hollow green before turning angry

red. The chest began to grow large, forcing Riddle to take several steps

backwards. The red runes began to grow brighter and brighter with every

passing second until Riddle could no longer look at the chest and had to

shield his eyes from the light.

He used his hand to guide himself backwards, searching for the door he

had walked through, but now he only felt stone walls. He was trapped

with Dumbledore's chest. Even with his eyes closed he could still see the

angry red light, growing even brighter. A heat swept throughout the

room, and soon it felt like Riddle had stepped into a furnace. A sharp

pain began to burn within his forehead and he clutched at it, a cry

escaping his lips. He dropped to his knee's from the pain in his head and

could tell he was soon to pass out.

Then, all of a sudden, everything went cold and dark. Nothing sounded,

only the slow drip of water leaking from the old ceiling. Riddle slowly

opened his eyes, his body still shaking from the pain that had also

vanished from his head. All of the runes upon the walls had once again

turned blue but on the chest, the runes were silver and gold. Two iron

latches which had kept the chest closed were now unlocked.

Riddle slowly reached for the chest, his hand shaking somewhat from the

fear of what happened before. His hand touched the cold wood, but

nothing happened. He opened the lid of the chest and found an old,

gnarled black wand, and two things he long strived to find. A sinister

smile formed on his pale lips as he reached for the two items.

His bony fingers clutched a large red stone that had swirls of gold. He

held it up in front of him to get a better look at it. The Philosopher's

Stone. A powerful warmth came from it and the feeling of youth filled his

body. He looked hopeful to his skin, wishing to see it return from the

scaly and pale visage it had become, but found himself disappointed. He

knew he looked the same, warped by his years of dark magic and his

recent resurrection. Part of him had hoped to return to that youthful boy

he once was, but it was never to be.

A greater feeling formed in the pit of his stomach however. He felt the

same strength he once had when he was young. His power had been

reformed. Riddle reached into his wispy cloak and grasped the handle of

the Elder Wand. A warm wind swept through the room and Voldemort

could feel the tangible power in the air. Two ancient items, reunited once

more. He now knew what made Dumbledore one of the most powerful

wizards in the world.

Placing the stone into his pocket, he reached down and once more held

one of his most prized possessions in his hand. Slytherin's Locket, as cold

and beautiful as ever. He could still feel the darkness of his soul resting

within it. This was it, he knew. The last piece of his soul still bound to

this Earth, his most precious item he had. In this day, there was only one

person he could ever hope to trust with this. He wished to keep

something like this away from her, knowing it would make her a target,

but now he was forced to do so.

Riddle slipped the Locket into another of his pockets, grabbed the old

wand, and shut the chest. The silver and gold runes flashed white before

returning to a blue color. He found the door open once more, and walked

out, back into the cold and damp underworld of the castle.

The Shadow King enjoyed the feeling of the fresh air upon his skin. It had

been a long time since he had left his castle, having no cause to do so

until now. His black robes swished around him as he sat atop his faithful

friend. Her giant wings flapped strongly against the wind, and though she

worked tirelessly and the journey was difficult for her, she made his

journey effortless and comfortable. Alloria was one of a kind and there

was no one her greater.

Below him the lush green countryside rushed by. He hated the look of the

land, such a place sickened him. He had been gone too long, the muggles

and their expansive cities, uncaring for the wizards that hid away behind

wards. His people had become spineless fools, peasants compared to the

muggles who built ridiculous contraptions. An iron tube he saw not long

ago, how it travelled, even faster than Alloria, was truly a marvel. How

such lowly beings could surpass his kind in ingenuity he did not know,

but now he saw he needed to rectify this problem. His people needed true


Countryside gave way to small hills which began to grow ever taller,

forcing Alloria to climb high into the clouds. They flew over white peaks

and deep valleys filled with crystal clear water. Eventually a small sleepy

town began to come into view and Alloria descended until she soared

only a few hundred feet above it. A deep and great shadow formed

underneath her and some muggles cried out in fright, thinking an

airplane was making a low pass over the area.

Alloria continued over the town and made break for an open field that

began to sweep upwards, forming into a mountain. Crested into the

mountain was a snow covered castle, smoke coming from recently lit

fires upon her walls. Alloria let out a deafening roar that shook the entire

castle and all those in it. Cries of fear and surprise echoed the roar and

the Shadow King laughed, watching as the figures below ran to the cover

of any nearby building. His sight however was taken by a lone figure that

stood upon the roof of the keep, unmoving.

The Shadow King ordered Alloria to slow and she beat her wings harshly

against the cool air, coming to a halt just in front of the lone, unflinching

man. The lone man was shrouded in dark robes and kept his head bowed.

"I didn't expect you here so soon." Came Riddle's voice from underneath

the hood.

"Maybe your lack of foresight is why you have come for my assistance."

The Shadow King replied harshly. "Your men flee at the very sight of me.

Maybe you need more than just my foresight."

Voldemort bit back a sharp reply and simply kept quiet. He watched the

Shadow King slide off the dragons back, dropping a few feet onto the roof

of the keep to be level with him. The two were of the same height, and

the Shadow King held himself as if an old man. A wooden staff with an

odd blue gem pulsated with power and the king put his full weight onto

it. Alloria rose high into the sky, batting her great wings and forcing

Riddle to shield himself from the powerful wind that followed. The great

dragon soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

He slowly walked over to Voldemort, "Assemble your forces. I wish to see

them." He hissed, continuing to hobble by Riddle and disappearing

through a door which led down into the castle. Orders, they were not

something Tom was used to taking, but for now he knew what was best.

He simply walked to the edge of the keep and looked down, gazing over

his domain.

Below him he saw many of his followers who had been frightened by the

great dragon, returning from their holes. Amongst them he saw a wizard

dressed in silver robes, the light reflecting off of him with true brilliance

and power. Dumbledore was risen from the grave once more, but was no

longer the same man he was before. His eyes had turned red to match

Riddle's and his silver hair and beard was turned black as the night with

streaks of silver and red running through them.

Sensing the eyes of Voldemort upon him, Dumbledore looked up. "See to

the men. Have them assembled in the courtyard." Voldemort shouted to

him from above. Dumbledore simply nodded and turned, saying a few

soft words to a nearby soldier. Word quickly spread through the castle

and soon every soldier in Voldemort's command was assembled in the

castle for the viewing of the Shadow King.

Voldemort stepped outside into the main courtyard with the Shadow

King by his side. It was a large area with high, thick walls on all sides.

Tall towers were placed every thirty meters that had roofs of wood. The

gate was on the far side, opposite the keep, and was the most protected

place in the castle. Just outside the inner walls was a second wall, not as

broad or tall, but still well-built. Inside was a small village where most of

the soldiers lived. Always guards patrolled both walls, ever vigilant.

Dumbledore stood still in front of the assembled army and he clutched

his gnarled black wand. His eyes were cold and distant. They didn't burn

with the same desire and rage and power that Voldemort's did, instead

the emotions of the broken old man were kept deep within himself. He

had said very little ever since being re-animated and Voldemort wasn't

too sure he was anything but a husk of the former great wizard.

The Shadow King stepped onto the grass that made up the courtyard and

walked over to the lines of wizards, corrupted goblins, and werewolves.

The one and a half thousand soldiers were all Voldemort had left in his

retinue, save for a single dementor and a handful of Vikings. He knew of

their horcruxes, that each one of those warriors could potentially become

whole once again, but that would take too much time to coordinate and

Voldemort couldn't spend that time in waiting. Potter was becoming too

powerful and needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

"Is this it?" The Shadow King asked in hoarse whisper.

"It is." Voldemort said quickly. "Potter has more troops at his disposal,

and I am told he is still gathering more from around the world with each

passing day."

The Shadow King continued to walk up and down each individual row of

soldiers. He looked at them, even asked a few questions here and there.

Throughout it all, his hood was kept low over his face so that only

shadow could be seen. His black robe hung loosely around him and it

looked more for comfort than for practicality.

"It will do." The Shadow King finally said to Voldemort after an hour of

walking the lines, looking over every single individual soldier assembled

in the courtyard.

This took Voldemort by surprise. He was expecting anger or frustration,

not a simple 'It will do.' "What?" Voldemort asked without thinking.

"Come with me." He responded. Riddle did as asked and walked with the

Shadow King. They stepped back inside the keep, the fireplace roaring

not far away, keeping the large room warm. A throne made of solid black

wood was placed at its center, sitting upon a stone pedestal that one had

to climb a few steps to reach. Red carpet with gold trimmings and a

silver flowery design flowed up to the throne. On the walls were rich oil

paintings of a time long passed, showing the previous rulers of this castle.

Dumbledore's portrait was even there, at the far end of the hall behind

the throne. Just above it was a large stain glass window depicting a

medieval battle. Knights clashed with one another upon an open green

field, the sun shining high and a Christian cross blazed with golden glory

in the background.

The Shadow King ascended the throne, the same seat Dumbledore had

once sat, the same seat that just a few hours ago Voldemort had sat as

well. He took his place and stared back at Voldemort, almost daring a

reaction. Riddle though kept himself calm, biting a cold remark.

"An army does not win a war." The Shadow King said at last. The stain

glass window bathed his black robes in colorful light, and for the first

time, Riddle got a look at his eyes. Deep rich purple mixed with golden

specks that showed a power unlike anything he could ever imagine.

"Individuals who command armies win wars. You have not managed your

forces properly, which is why you have lost your war."

"He did not lose it." Marie came out from the shadows of the hall and

took her place beside Tom, in front of the Shadow King.

A sickly chuckle came from the darkened hood, "Oh? He didn't?" A short

pause followed as he regained his composure. He cleared his throat and

spoke once more, "If he had won, why are any of us here? If he were

winning, why would he have need of me? You need me, that is why you

have asked me to come, to take command and win your war. And do not

worry, I will win this war, as I have done so for over a thousand years.

Once I have my prize, I will once again leave you to your troubles."

"And your prize?" Riddle asked.

"Just a stolen sword."

Grindelwald paced back and forth high upon the rafters of his white

keep. It glowed in the pale moonlight of the full moon. Millions of stars

showed down upon him like tiny diamonds and the cold wind that blew

forced himself to be wrapped in heavy cloaks that whipped behind him

like a cape. Three days ago he had been forced into accepting Potter's

terms, ones he had no real desire to abide by. He just had to find a way

to kill Potter. A plan had formed in his head since the beginning. But that

wand was in the hands of his oldest rival, and it would be very difficult

to rid him of it.

Potter needed to win the war, he needed to kill Dumbledore, and during

the chaos of battle, he had to be there to take the Elder wand for himself.

That was the only way he could think of. All of his knowledge, his long

years spent studying, and this stupid plan was all that came to mind. So

many things could go wrong, worst being Potter taking the wand for

himself. Luck is what he needed, but the Lady had abandoned him long


As he gazed out at his city, off in the distance he began to hear what

sounded like a drumbeat. He looked out to where he thought the sound

was coming from, but his eyes only saw the pale gold of a wheat field.

The drumbeat began to grow louder and closer with every passing

moment. As the drum became close, a fierce chill wind came with it.

Gellert wrapped his heavy cloaks around him further, trying to beat back

the cold.

His eyes caught something in the night sky, a shadow that was briefly

illuminated by the moon. He peered outwards, but didn't catch sight of it

again. The drumbeat turned into the sound of great wings that beat

heavily in the air. Gellert's eyes widened when he realized what it was,

but it was too late for him to react.

A great black dragon descended from nowhere and hovered only meters

from his keep. Upon its back was a cloaked figure who carried a glowing

blue staff. The dragon let out a menacing roar, the vibration of it shook

the entire city. Below, Gellert could hear screams coming from those that

spotted the dragon hovering above them.

"Who are you!" Gellert demanded as he reached for his wands. The

shrouded figure was quick, far quicker than him, and raised his staff high

into the sky. A pale blue stream of light jetted from its tip and quickly

surrounded Gellert. Grindelwald found himself unable to move, only his

head could do so.

"I am your King!" The shrouded figure hissed angrily. With it came

another blast of cool air. "I have need of your assistance in the matter of

a usurper. Help me, and I will give you the world. Refuse me, and I will

kill you here, now."

A million things rushed into Gellert's mind, the biggest thing being panic.

Never before did he feel so much fear pass through him. The dragon

looked ready to swallow him whole at even the slightest nod of approval

from its master, and he wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it. No

amount of wandless magic was strong enough to break the bond he found

himself in. In fact, he quickly found that any amount of magic he tried to

use at this moment was draining him.

Who was this person? His king? Only one name floated to his mind, but

that man was long dead. He couldn't be here. Yet something in his gut

told him that the shrouded man before him was that dead man. How was

he here?

"Who is this usurper?" Gellert asked, his voice trembling. He would like

to say it was from the cold, but he knew it really was from fear. A

darkness oozed out of this shadowed man, a darkness unlike anything he

had ever felt before.

A cold and sinister laugh came from the shadow. "You know him well.

You have helped to train him."

Potter? Grindelwald's mind buzzed again as a million thoughts flooded

into it. What did the boy do to make such an enemy? Then it hit him all

at once, the sword. Excalibur now gleamed brightly on the boy's hip and

this man had come back for it once more. This was a man that could

indeed give him the world, and kill Potter, freeing him from that hated

tether. A smile formed on Gellert's lips. He had but to play a small part

now and reap the rewards of it.

"I will help in any way I can, my king." Gellert said.

"Good." Came the cold reply of his new master. The shadow lifted one leg

over the dragons back and slid to the floor, hitting it with a thud. A black

robe hung loosely over the King, and his hood blocked out any light save

for his eyes which glowed gold and purple. "We have much to discuss."

49. The Three Wizards

"Are you going to the match tomorrow?" Katie asked. She was sitting

down next to Harry at the Gryffindor table, along with many of their

other friends. Neville sat to the other side of him and they were enjoying

small talk, something Harry so often missed ever since stepping into his

new role. Fleur sat at the Ravenclaw table this evening with Aimee,

Daphne, and Tracy. It was a quiet night, thankfully one of many over the

last few weeks.

"You better be there! It's the last game of the season!" Alicia quickly

added. Fred and George nodded their heads as well as many of the other

students who listened in on the conversation. Harry hadn't yet been to a

single Quidditch match this year, something he regretted. He loved to fly

and play the game, but now that he was expected to put his talents

elsewhere, he didn't have much wish to be around the game he sorely


Harry chuckled as many others began to demand his presence at the

Gryffindor-Slytherin match that was taking place tomorrow. He had no

excuse to refuse them as things had been rather quiet these last few

weeks. Spring was beginning to move into Scotland and the snows had all

gone. Warmer weather was once more upon them, something Harry was

grateful for.

Voldemort had yet to show himself after the ministry battle and it was

becoming very worrying for Harry. Something was happening, that much

he could feel, but what was concerning was that Voldemort had to be

swelling his ranks somehow. There was no other reason for Voldemort to

not be attacking. He now must be waiting for the perfect opportunity to

attack, but when would that opportunity ever come? Harry knew his

position well, knew that he most likely he had more soldiers at his

command. Riddle had to have something up his sleeve, otherwise,

knowing Tom, he would have struck out quickly after the ministry in

order to preserve his ever so fearsome reputation.

The people of England no longer have the same fear of the man as they

once did. Harry showed them that the Dark Lord could be beaten, that

the Light could prevail. Even though the forces of the Light were stronger

than they had been in many years, Harry knew well that if one wrong

fight was taken, they could lose everything it had gained in the last year.

One mistake by him could be deadly to millions and the pressure Harry

felt was almost unbearable. If it weren't for Fleur, or these times like now

in the Great Hall, he would have long ago succumbed to the weight of

the world.

"I'll be there." Harry said to the sound of cheers.

Sirius looked down at Harry from his place at the staff table. He sat with

Emmy who was now very pregnant and was any day now expecting their

first child. Neither wanted to know the sex of the baby until it was

birthed and so Fleur had already gone out and bought many items for

both genders. Harry thought she was more excited about this baby than

even Sirius and Emmy, since she was named the godmother and Harry

the godfather.

Sirius, though he didn't understand the pressures his godson was facing,

he understood that it was taking a toll on him. He looked older, older

than he should be for a boy of his age, if he really was a boy any more.

That sword that gleamed ever on his hip had changed Harry

dramatically, to the point he looked just like his best friend. They were so

similar looking now that at times Sirius had to stop himself from calling

him James.

If Lily and James were alive this day, they both would be so proud, and

so scared and worried for Harry's future. At the same time, they would

probably curse Sirius to hell and back for how things occurred in Harry's

life. The smile on Sirius' face turned to one of happiness as he watched

Harry laugh at a joke from one of the Weasley twins. It was always good

to see his godson smile, something he hadn't been doing much lately.

He knew his godson was becoming increasingly worried about the state

of the war. No matter how many people reassured him that Voldemort

wasn't doing anything because he was in no place to attack anywhere,

Harry was still constantly bothered by the quiet. A young King with the

worries of a nation upon his shoulders was a difficult thing to watch. If

Sirius could take away those worries, he woulddo so in a heartbeat, but

he wasn't the person that could.

His eyes drifted to Fleur who sat laughing with her blue-haired friend at

the end of the Ravenclaw table. There wasn't any other young woman in

the world he would ever deem worthy for Harry. She was completely

perfect for him and both thought the world of each other. He knew both

had begun to talk marriage, and the way the castle ghosts and goblins

acted around Fleur now, it was as if they already saw her as a Queen.

Everywhere she went these days while within the castle, ghosts,

paintings, and goblins would bow to her. Even Firenze would bow to her

when he roamed the castle grounds with his pack. It truly was a sight to

watch, and she looked the part attention in stride. She always found time

for everyone that approached her, speaking in her musical, soft voice.

Her allure was constantly tamed back when around the males, but

something was different about it now. It wasn't as strong as it was before,

like her very nature recognized she no longer really needed it.

If ever there was a couple he could bow to, it would be those two. Many

of those in England felt the same way, that the time of the ministry was

coming to a close and that stronger leadership was needed when moving

forward. Many saw Excalibur as Harry's rightful place to take the throne

of England, some even believed that he had the right to rule over all

magical-kind. Others only saw the sword as just that, a sword, and Harry

as a boy who had no place at the table of politics. It would be a debate

for another time and Sirius knew that if Harry could have his way, it

would be to relax quietly after the war with Fleur. Harry was now used

to not having his way however and understood that if asked to become

King, it would be his duty to respond to the call.

Sirius watched as Harry's face briefly contorted into one of pain. He

quickly clutched at his chest where Sirius knew was his tattoo that was

connected to the other Ghosts. Immediately Sirius grew worried when

Harry abruptly stood up and looked to Fleur with a reassuring smile. She

saw his pain as well and looked ready to bolt over to him and wrap her

arms around him, but she kept her composure and simply blew him a


Harry's eyes then turned to Sirius and he winked just before Fawkes

appeared and flashed away with Harry in a ball of bright orange flame.

The entire hall fell into a hushed silence, the only thing moving was

Cedric who quietly slipped out of one of the side doors.

"Begin the assault!" The Shadow King muttered, his voice hoarse and

cold. It carried with power across the night sky, as if it were a cold wind.

The battle lines had been drawn, a thousand and a half men and goblins

and beasts charged at once. Their target was a seemingly innocent

cottage that sat in a small lush green valley. Voldemort stood beside the

Shadow King, his black cloak whipping around his pale frame. The both

of them sat upon a hill to overlook the battle, their figures illuminated by

the moon which shown through the clouds.

Dumbledore led the charge and he was easy to spot at the front of the

army. His cloak was bright silver that gleamed under the night sky, and

he held his wand out before him, already a jet of blue streaming from its

gnarled tip. All around the silver wizard others charged, the werewolves

beginning to overtake their leader. A lone dementor floated along,

without care for the others, his own pace bringing a different level of fear

and strength to the battle.

The lone cottage began to illuminate with lights and soon several jets of

red, blue, and green shot across the valley and towards the charging

army. The spells hit a few unfortunate souls, sending them flying back

without limbs or life. The Shadow King merely smiled, taking in a deep

breath as he watched once more a world wage war upon itself. He was

home at last, in the chaos of life.

The few French Aurors who were left to defend this once thought hidden

outpost had little chance. The opposing numbers were far too great and it

didn't take long for the quick werewolves to be at the door and bursting

it down. Inside was their target, a small fireplace which acted as the

emergency ministry floo network.

Quickly tearing apart the few aurors that guarded the fireplace, the

werewolves took hold of the cottage and waited for the other part of the

army. Dumbledore was the first through the door and quickly took

charge of the werewolves, some who were still feeding on their fresh

kills. He flicked his wand and the fireplace roared to life, sickly green

flames spewing from it.

"Through the fire!" Dumbledore commanded, and at once, the

werewolves dove into the flames, disappearing from view. Dumbledore

soon did the same, ordering the corrupted goblins to follow him with the

rest of the Death Eaters coming in last, commanded by Voldemort. All of

them could easily sprint through the network as if it were a portal. It was

built in such a way for the minister to escape quickly, but that idea had

now backfired.

Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace and into the chaos that now

surrounded him. The floo they had taken opened into a small room

where two aurors, their white robes stained with blood, lied on the floor

as the last of their life left them. Albus took no time to look at them,

simply stepping over their bodies and opened up another door on the far

side of the room. He walked into a large office he knew to be the aurors

main office. Papers were flying everywhere, chairs were toppled over,

desks overturned.

The first thing he heard were the screams of innocents as they ran wildly

around, being chased by the bloodthirsty werewolves who took their prey

at will. Pandemonium had erupted within the halls of the French

Ministry, and soon, silence would follow as they killed every living soul.

A cruel smiled formed on his thin lips.

Dumbledore had his mission, so he left the werewolves to do as they

wished, and walked out of the offices they wreaked havoc in. He found

himself in a narrow hallway, and with a swish of his wand, he sent an

auror who bravely tried to stop him, flying across the hall and hitting the

far wall with a heavy crunch.

As he continued down the hall in search of his prize, the door behind him

burst open and Voldemort stormed out with a band of Death Eaters

behind him. Riddle glanced at Dumbledore before continuing the

opposite way towards where the battle raged most fierce. Another small

group of aurors had rushed out from other doors in a desperate attempt

to stop the initial forces before the entire army of Voldemort could rush

through the single portal.

Dumbledore left them to their battle and turned the corner, finding

himself face to face with a set of splendid wooden doors. They were very

well crafted and had been recently polished. He flicked his wand and

turned the doors to ash and continued through the hole and into the

office. He peered around with his hollow eyes and found nothing, which

only enraged him.

He began to lash out with his wand, turning it into a flame whip which

he cut across the room, destroying everything in its path. Papers, books,

and furniture were sent flying everywhere. His whip then connected with

a bookshelf that rested behind a large mahogany desk, and instead of the

shelf being destroyed like the others, his flame whip simply bounced off

of it.

He approached the bookshelf curiously and found on the corners, two

small runes that barely glowed. A smile spread across Dumbledore's grim

features, and it looked very much unlike him, and more like Riddle. He

raised his wand and put his full power into his next spell. A red ball of

energy jetted from his wand and slammed into the bookshelf, causing it

to explode. It hit with so much power that it shook the entire building


When the dust and debris cleared, Dumbledore could see, huddled in the

corner of a small room were two men and a woman, cowering. All three

had their wands out, but were still shell-shocked from the blast. One was

able to quickly get over his shock, an older man in pure white robes like

the aurors, but he also had gold lettering and a badge upon his left

breast. The man tried to curse Dumbledore, but the spell was far too slow

and the man looked beat up from the blast, blood pouring from his nose

and ears.

Albus easily blocked the curse and answered with a quick flash of green,

dropping the auror where he stood. The body fell lifeless to the floor and

the woman next to him screamed. A second flash of green silenced her

and Dumbledore turned to the last victim, the one he was really after.

"Please!" The man shouted. He looked worse off than the other two had.

He was drenched in blood, a cut on his abdomen and left arm the

culprits. He was also older than the others and had on much more fine

clothing. "I have children." He pleaded.

His words were met with nothing more than a cold smile. Dumbledore

flicked his wand once more, and a third flash of green lit up the small

room. He then turned and left to rejoin his master in the slaughter of the


Harry apparated directly into the main hall of the French Ministry. It was

as wide as the Great Hall and made completely of white marble. The hall

stretched on as far as the eye could see and on its walls were many fine

paintings. The statues which once had sat lifeless upon pedestals, were

roaming the hall in defense of the ministry.

Around him the Ghosts appeared, their bodies forming from black smoke.

Their latest recruit had newly donned the black mask and was eager to

participate in his first real battle. He looked around with some unease,

his wand out and ready to fight as he was taught.

Screams echoed throughout the hall and people were running left and

right, trying to find an escape. Just as he landed in the hall, Harry could

feel the beginnings of anti-apparition wards being placed around the

building. They had been lucky to respond as quick as they did, otherwise

help wouldn't have reached these people in time.

Harry caught a flash of white from the crowd of scared citizens which

began to gather around the Ghosts. They knew who they were, all of

Europe did, and Excalibur which gleamed on Harry's back was an easy

thing to spot. That and the fact Harry didn't bother to wear a mask

anymore, the gold mask once worn by Specter he had passed over to


"What's the situation?" Harry asked the white robed auror.

"The minister's and auror's offices were hit first. Voldemort and

Dumbledore are there!" This brought many cries of fear from ministry

workers. Banshee shot off a rocket which quickly silenced everyone.

"Did the minister get out?" Harry asked once it was quiet. The auror

looked grim and shook his head in response. "Right, we need to set up a

defensive line here. Have every able auror protect these people. My team

and I will go in search of the minister. Reinforcements will come as soon

as the wards keeping us from leaving are broken down. Demon, work on

that as quickly as possible. I don't want to get stuck down here with an

army charging us." Demon was already beginning to work on the wards

before Harry had even said anything.

Harry motioned for Banshee and Angel to start moving forward. As if

recognizing Harry's authority over the situation, the stone statues also

began to form into the defensive line of the few aurors who yet remained

alive. All of the ministries had gone to skeleton crews, diverting most of

their forces to England. Very few aurors remained within the building,

and the ones that did weren't the most experienced.

As Harry and the Ghosts began to break away from the gathered group

which huddled in the middle of the hall next to the apparition point, at

the far end Harry could see the beginnings of a spell fight appear. He

watched as an auror was blasted off his feet and a stone statue was

turned into dust. A large swarm of black cloaked soldiers appeared

around the corner and immediately began to launch spells at them.

Banshee and Angel who had ran ahead were the first to engage the line

of Death Eaters which began to slowly move down the hall like a wave of

black. Harry ran up to meet them with the other Ghosts in tow, all

hurling spell after spell. He quickly blasted a whole into their lines and

didn't stop his sprint. Instead he sheathed his yew wand while at the

same time sending Godric forth.

The great lion leapt high into the air and pounced down upon several

Death Eaters at once, a spray of blood flying into the air as his giant

claws ripped through human flesh. Harry pulled Excalibur from his back

and smashed into the line of Death Eaters, taking them by surprise for

getting in so close. Wizards often times weren't used to fighting someone

so close to them.

He hacked and slashed, covering himself in blood as limb and head flew

in every direction. He swung with quick, practiced precision, his lessons

from Olaf paying off greatly. "Potter!" Harry heard the familiar voice of

Voldemort hiss angrily. Harry had charged completely through the entire

formation of the Death Eaters and had come out the other side to find

himself facing Riddle. The Ghosts continued to fight the Death Eaters and

Godric tore his way across the lines, biting down on any unsuspecting

foe. The Death Eaters didn't bother turning around to curse him in the

back which meant they already knew this was going to happen and were

given orders not to do so.

"Riddle." Harry answered, sheathing a bloody Excalibur and once again

pulling out his yew wand. "Getting a bit desperate to be attacking this

place?" Even with being separated from the Ghosts, he knew he could

defeat Riddle in a straight up duel.

It wasn't the laugh that followed but the way in which Riddle smiled that

raised the hair on the back of Harry's neck. It was one of victory, as if he

had a card up his sleeve and Harry had walked right into his trap.

Immediately Harry looked around, but only saw his soldiers continuing

to fight, and slowly winning that fight.

"Your time has finally come Potter." Riddle responded, a cold sneer on his


Harry kept his cool however, not wishing to show the sudden panic that

began to build in the pit of his stomach. He continued to look around for

hidden dangers, but still found nothing. "And why is that Riddle? I've

beaten you plenty of times, the world knows you are no match for me."

"That will change!" Riddle snapped, anger building in his voice. He raised

his wand and Harry noticed his hand was fixed and no longer gold.

Riddle sent a black ball of light towards him. Harry jumped to the side

with ease and responded with his own string of spells. Riddle blocked or

dodged them all, sending what spells he could back at Harry. Voldemort

was quickly finding the same problems of Dumbledore, that even with

the Elder Wand and the Philosopher's Stone in his possession, something

wasn't quite right. The wand had accepted him, he knew that. It felt

right, like he was pouring water from his fingertips when he used the

wand. But whenever he tried to use the wand against Potter, it felt like

the wand was slightly fighting him, that it didn't wish to harm the boy-

king. It was also another problem that Potter was extremely talented and

powerful, more so than even himself now.

As such, he quickly found himself on the back foot, only able to get a few

attacks off compared to Harry's many. He quickly knew he couldn't keep

this defensive game up for long so Riddle reached into his mind and

summoned his new pet. It only took a few seconds for Dumbledore to run

around the corner, his wand already blazing with ferocity.

Harry was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Dumbledore, no less

a Dumbledore who looked nothing like the aged Headmaster he once

knew. This old man was devoid of all life, Harry could easily see it in the

man's now red eyes. His hair was no longer silver as it once had been,

instead it was jet black with silver and red streaks. The wand he once

used was gone as well, and the new wands color was as black as his hair.

The two older wizards pressed the attack against Harry, but he was able

to handle them. Using both wands, one to press a constant attack while

the other defended, he was able to hold both wizards off and get in a few

shots of his own. Harry didn't notice that the corrupted goblins along

with a few werewolves had entered the battlefield and were streaming

passed the Ghosts who were still struggling to deal with the Death Eaters

who ran into the hall in seemingly endless waves.

His entire focus was on the two wizards in front of him, none uttering a

single word as they all looked to kill. No killing curses were used, this

being far beyond such a common and easy to block spell. Every spell used

was deadly in their own right as a game of chess began to develop. Harry

began to recognize patterns in the two wizards and crutch spells they

relied on.

He began to dance around, using his shields less and less in order to

conserve his energy. He bided his time, waiting for the perfect

opportunity to strike since both wizards were doing well in covering each

other's tracks. It was as if both wizards could talk to one another

telepathically with how well they coordinated.

Harry didn't notice that the Ghosts had been forced back, retreating

towards the civilians and other aurors who stood their ground by the

apparition point. The statues charged the battlefield, slamming into the

lines of Death Eaters who gave chase in order to give the Ghosts time to

make it back to the defensive line. Godric had also been forced to retreat,

being hit by a dozen spells, and since he couldn't return to Harry's wand,

he had to preserve his own life.

He could see that the two older wizards were beginning to tire as the

battle continued on. Duels usually lasted only a minute but this was

closing in on five and even Harry was showing signs of fatigue. That was

when the moment opened for Harry. Riddle let his guard down in order

to preserve energy and so Harry aimed his wand carefully and let loose

with a cutting curse, aimed directly for Riddle's head.

The snake-like man's eyes went wide, knowing that death was awaiting

him from that red flash. He had no time to dodge the spell and simply

accepted it. The spell never hit however as a silver shield formed in front

of Voldemort.

Harry's eyes widened at the sight of the spell and he briefly dropped his

own guard. This gave Dumbledore time to connect with a piercing hex

which hit Harry in the shoulder, sending him spinning onto the floor. He

jumped back up to his feet just in time as a bone-breaker hex smashed

into the ground where he once was.

A dark-robed man entered into the fight, his hood low over his head to

hide his face in shadow. He walked with a staff that pulsated violently

with blue light. The staff looked oddly familiar but Harry quickly cast the

thought aside as Riddle attacked him once more.

The appearance of this new contender seemed to invigorate Voldemort

and Dumbledore and they attacked with reckless abandon, forcing Harry

onto the complete defensive. The man with the staff didn't attack himself,

only watched, and on rare occasion, put up a shield to save one of his


Harry could feel himself losing the fight, fatigue beginning to take him,

and the loss of blood from the open wound in his shoulder wasn't

helping. He continued to fight as best he could, but now that he couldn't

press any kind of attack, he knew he was in a dire situation. Sweat began

to pour down his face as fatigue turned into exhaustion and each

expenditure of magic was draining him more and more.

A blue pulse of magic from the shadow wizards staff fled from its tip and

wrapped Dumbledore and Voldemort in a pale silver light. Both wizards

looked immediately relieved of their own exhaustion and the spells they

sent at Harry hit like cannons against his weakened shields. His arms felt

like they were ready to wither and die due to how tired he was getting

and it was a struggle not only to cast magic, but to simply move.

He couldn't keep this up for much longer and so he began to look for a

way out. Whenever possible, he glanced around him to get the lay of the

battlefield. Bodies were all around the area, mostly those with the white

masks and black garb of Death Eaters and one with a golden mask and

dark robes. Harry shoved that sight way deep into the back of his mind

and refocused on his fight.

Anyone that could potentially help him was a hundred meters away and

still fighting their own battle as a wave of Death Eaters descended upon

the final defensive line. He had no one to save him this time and so he

had to look for his own escape.

His vision began to blur as he was nearing magical exhaustion, each spell

from Dumbledore and Riddle hitting his shield like hammers chipping

away at an already broken wall. The shadowed man seemed to recognize

Harry's weakness and slammed the bottom of his staff into the floor. A

ripple ran through the ground as if an earthquake. Harry was too tired to

jump over it and so lost his footing and fell to the ground.

He barely got up his shield in time as a blasting hex hit it, sending a

shower of red sparks all around him. A green flash hurled at him and

Harry was barely able to roll to the side before it hit the ground, leaving

a scorch mark. As he rolled, another piercing hex hit him in the shin,

creating a two inch hole in his leg.

Harry cried out in pain and his vision began to blur even more, to the

point where he could barely even make out his enemies. A flash of red

filled his vision and Harry felt more pain in his right thigh as his femur

shattered from a bone-breaking hex.

The familiar flash of pale green once more lit up his vision. It was all he

could see, the jet of green light streaming from the shadowed man's staff.

Time slowed for a moment as Harry lay there, waiting for his death. It

was a familiar feeling to see that spell come for him. Only two years ago

he had seen that spell, expecting death to follow. He had been lucky

then, waking up in a hospital with his godfather looking over him. This

time, he wasn't so sure. Part of him hoped that when he woke up this

time he would see his mother, her promise to him fulfilled. He longed to

see her, hear her voice once more. That dream, if it even was a dream,

was so long ago and every night he wished to relive it. This green spell

may be his chance, but the thought also came with anger and fear.

Bright blue eyes and silver hair flashed into Harry's mind. He longed to

see his mother, but he longed to see Fleur even more. He wished to hold

her one last time, wished that their last moment was more than just a sad

smile shared across the hall. The faces of his people, the ones he vowed

to protect entered into his mind. He felt like he was giving up on them,

that he failed them and the world he worked so hard to build these last

years was all for naught. A single spell ended his dreams.

The green light flew ever closer and Harry closed his eyes, awaiting his

death, something that had escaped him for so long. Harry felt a brief

flash of pain in his head, then nothing as he succumbed to exhaustion

and unconsciousness.

"Get him out of here!" Gellert commanded to his soldiers as he charged

into the fight, his stone shield shattering from the strength of the killing

curse. A piece of the stone smashed Harry in the head and knocked him

out cold. Sir Mol, Sir Galdrey, and Olaf charged at Voldemort,

Dumbledore, and the Shadow King, their greatswords raised high over

their heads ready to swing down upon their foes with ferocity. Ragnok

appeared with a host of his kindred, and they quickly surrounded Harry

who lay unconscious, blood pooling beneath him from his various


The Ghosts charged with Grindelwald, their wands working as quickly as

possible in order to aide in the attack against the three dark wizards.

Their newest recruit had half his mask blown off, revealing much of his

face. Cedric hurled spells as quickly as he could, an anger built up in him

as he watched Harry be carried a few meters away by several goblins. His

anger was fueled even more when he saw the golden mask of his teacher

lying bloodied on the ground. He quickly picked it up and placed it in his


Once the goblins had grabbed hold of Harry's body, Fawkes flashed into

the fight and grabbed hold of Harry's wrist. The two disappeared in a

bright ball of fire. The goblins then charged what enemies they could.

The Death Eaters and corrupted goblins were all that remained of

Voldemort's forces, the werewolves and lone dementor had been slain.

The Death Eaters were forced backwards to take cover behind the three

dark wizards who held their ground.

The Shadow King moved his staff with lightning speed and its tip trailed

with blue smoke. Jets of all colors streamed from the staff, each spell

sending two or three people flying backwards, killing them instantly. The

spells from his staff were far more powerful than any other in the fight

and no one could stand up to his power and skill. Any spell that got close

to him simply withered and died and with every passing second, more

and more bodies fell at the King's feet. He was a whirlwind of black death

as goblins were sent flying and aurors who chanced an attack were hit by

Voldemort or Dumbledore.

The three dark wizards were proving too tough of an opponent without

Potter and so the remaining forces of the light were forced to quickly

flee. The anti-apparition wards were broken and so they were easily able

to apparate away. Gellert was the last to leave, no one seeing the small

bow to the Shadow King. Not even Voldemort saw the small gesture, he

being too angered with Potter once more escaping his grasp.

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