Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One Piece The Third ApprenticeВан Пис Третий Ученик


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One Piece: The Third Apprentice

Anime & Comics




Author: ArifuretaForever


(18 ratings)


Everyone knows about the Roger Pirates two apprentices Red-Haired

Shanks and Buggy The Clown.

But what if there were a third apprentice? One who happened to be a

soul transmigrated into the world of One Piece knowing of the events to


What changes will said apprentice make, and just how far in the world of

One Piece will he rise after learning from the Pirate King Gol D. Roger


Read this and find out.


One 17 and Under Admitted

MC Profile

Name: Noctis D. Siegreich


(Image Here)

Height: (10'2")

Date of Birth: December 25th

Place of Birth: South Blue

Epithets and Moniker(s):



Emperor of the Sea

Apprentice of the Roger Pirates

Abilities and Equipment:



Immense strength.

Immense speed.

Armament Haki.

Observation Haki.

Conqueror's Haki.

Balmung: One of the meito. A sword of the skillful grade. That is until

Siegreich turned the blade black and it became a sword of the great

grade. A formidable weapon. It is not to be trifled with in the slightest.

Kumo Kumo No Mi: The cloud-cloud fruit. One of the most powerful

devil fruits. It allows its users to generate, manipulate, and turn into

clouds. They can also manipulate all weather phenomena associated with

clouds. Such as lightning, hail, raging winds, etc. Making them


Awakening: Users can create a perpetual cloud over any environment and

control its weather pattern. Meaning he can make a lightning storm and a

hail storm over an island which will go indefinitely, changing its

environment forever.

Full Crew *Spoilers* (Revised)

Ages of the Crew by the time Canon begins:

Captain: Noctis D. Siegreich (10'2") (37 years old)

Devil Fruit: Kumo Kumo No Mi (Cloud Cloud Fruit)

First Mate/Vice Captain: Alise Lovell (8') (40 years old)

Swordsman: Arthur Pendragon (6'9") (37 years old)

Navigator: Stella (6'4") (39 years old)

Devil Fruit: Yume Yume No no (Dream Dream Fruit)

Sniper/Spymaster: Shimada Hanzo (6'2") (38 years old)

Doctor: Brad (6'5") (41 years old)

Devil Fruit: Chi Chi No Mi (Blood Blood Fruit)

Shipwright: Douglass Bullet (12'3") (43 years old)

Devil Fruit: Same devil fruit as in canon

Helmsman: Excel (9'10") (34 years old)

Musician: Gild Tesoro (8'6") (39 years old)

Devil Fruit: Onpa Onpa No Mi (Sound Sound Fruit)

Boatswain: Yamato (8'8") (26 years old)

Devil Fruit: Same from Canon

Lookout: Enel (8'9") (37 years old)

Devil Fruit: Same from canon.

Combatant: Lupine R. Fenrir (11'2") (36 years old)

Nico Robin (6'2") (28 years old)

Devil Fruit: Same as in canon.

MC Harem (Revised)

1. Alise Lovell

2. Excel

3. Nico Robin

4. Boa Hancock

Alliance *Spoilers* (Revised)

Seven Seas Armada: A coalition of pirate crews. One from each of the

world's seas, including the calm belt. Formed and led by Siegreich

himself. While some are his direct subordinates, others are simply his


North Blue:

Mad Dog Pirates

-Eris Boreas Greyrat

South Blue:

Round Table Fleet

-Artoria Pendragon

East Blue:

Dreadway Pirates


West Blue:

Happo Navy

-Don Chinjao

Grand Line:


Sun Pirates

-Fisher Tiger

New World

Samurai Navy

-Shogun Kozuki Oden

Calm Belt

Kuja Pirates

-Empress Boa Hancock

The Beginning of it all


That is the only certain fact in life itself.

Which is pretty ironic when you really think about it.

But let's not go down that particular rabbit hole.

Instead let me tell you why I decided to bring up death in the first place.

You see to put it simply I died.

Yep, I died.

I don't think I can be any clearer than that.

Now then, as to how I met my end. Truth is I have no idea.

I didn't get hit by the fabled truck-kun, I didn't get crushed to death

under a piano, and I didn't die from overexerting myself physically trying

to save a girl from a tractor despite her being in no real danger at all.

None of these things led to me dying.

Simply put I was alive one moment, and then dead the next.

Nothing else to that.

But the thing is death was not the end.

At least for me it wasn't.

No, in fact death was only the beginning of a much greater journey for

me than I could have ever dreamed.

Though at the time I had absolutely no clue.


*Swish Swish*

Sitting atop a cliff I looked out at the vast ocean in front of me. Listening

at the waves slammed into the cliffside.

Pondering and thinking, as I usually did when I came to this place.

As to what I am thinking about it is the same question that is usually

always on my mind. Even when I am not focusing on it directly.

Why am I here?

And by here I mean the world of One Piece.

Yes, I am in the world of One Piece.

After dying this is where I ended up.

But unlike in those webnovel fanfictions I read in my last life I didn't

meet a being that took the appearance of Morgan Freeman or a big-titted

blonde goddess. Nor did I get any instructions before coming to this

world, or receive a cheat or golden finger like a system or something

along those lines.

No, for me I was simply reborn in this world with my past life memories.

Well most of them anyway.

I can't re-call my name from my previous life. Nor can I re-call the names

of my family and friends. I know that I had them of course, I just can't

remember them.

Which is actually ok by me.

Since thanks to that little malfunction with my memories I have not spent

all my time worrying about the people I cared for in my old world, and

have instead been able to focus on my new life in this world of One



Since as I just said I still ask myself the question from time-to-time, why I

am in this world and how did I end up here?

Though I suspect my questions around the matter will never be


Oh well.

Nothing I can do about it.


Let me tell you about myself and my new life.

First off my name.

It is Siegreich Noctis.

People who know me call me Sieg for short.

Wait, let me re-phrase what I just said.

My name is actually Siegreich D. Noctis.

But the D. is not something I tell people about.

For obvious reasons as you can imagine.

So yeah, I'm a person bearing the hidden name of D.

My mother in this world told be about it five years ago.

Right before she passed away from illness.

Morbid I know, but it's the truth so I'm just being upfront with it.

Besides, I already cried my eyes out for a week straight after she died and

have come to terms with her passing.

She was a good woman and I miss her everyday. But I know she would

not want me mourning her for the rest of my life and would instead want

me to do the opposite.

Live life to the fullest.

Which I try and do each and everyday.

Despite the fact that my mother passing made my an orphan.

What about my father you ask? I have no idea.

Never met the man, and my mother never mentioned him nor even told

me his name. For all I know he is dead at the bottom of the sea or in a

ditch somewhere.

And again, since mom was the only living relative I had for the past five

years I've been living in an orphanage with a bunch of other kids funded

by the island residence themselves.

I just turned ten years old by the way.

I'll admit, I thought living in an orphanage was going to be horrible. But

actually it's been pretty decent.

Sure our meals don't have much substance to them but we still get three-

squares meals a day and some free education. One of the people who run

the orphanage teach us kids reading and writing so that we can survive

in the world when we become adults.

I am thankful for this, because although I have been able to understand

the language since I was a baby, reading and writing it were another

matter entirely.

But after five years of classes at the orphanage I am proficient in both

subjects now.

Go me.

It is also thanks to these classes in the orphanage that I learned by

current whereabouts in the world of One Piece.

My home sea is the South Blue, and the name of the island I currently

call home is Bunny Island.

I am not fucking with you.

Bunny Island is literally the name of this place I live.


Because it's shaped like a bunny's head.

Upon learning this I did all I could not to crack up in laughter.

Since I didn't want to be disrespectful after all.

Around other people that is.

Because as soon as I was alone I laughed my ass off at the name of this


It was just too hard not too.

Now then, since that's out of the way I think it's time I tell you about my


I have dark-brown hair and red eyes. Along with pale skin.

To be honest I sort of look like a chibi-vampire.

Since I have seen myself in a mirror several times since being reborn.

But to put your minds at ease I am not a vampire. I am just a normal and

regular human.

As far as One Piece world standards go.

Since there are some pretty crazy humans walking around this world.

Newgate, Linlin, and Kaidou are prime examples. Hell I'm not even sure

Kaidou is human to being with.

Considering those horns atop his head are not apart of his devil-fruit


Bottom-line is this world is strange.

And I now call it home.

A world that is dangerous beyond belief.

Filled with beings that can crush me in an instant without even batting

an eye.

Because of this I made a vow to myself.

A vow to gain some strength so I can really enjoy this second life of mine

without worry.

However I know that gaining strength is not easy.

Well most of the time.

But in the One Piece world there is a surefire way to gain some strength

easily enough.

The corner stone of One Piece, the devil fruit.

One of which I have in my possession at this very moment.

Looking down into my lap I saw the devil fruit I collected earlier, sitting

there in all its glory.

It is a light-colored fruit with a singular stem

[Pic Here]

No idea which fruit it is since I never saw or heard about it in One Piece

lore in my last life. And as an orphan on a small island in the South Blue

there is no way in hell I am getting my hands on a devil fruit

encyclopedia to identify this thing.

Which leaves me two options really.

Either I take a bite out of this devil fruit right now and discover what

powers it has for myself, or I hide this fruit and wait to eat it after

gaining a bit more information about it.

Between the two options I have already decided I am going to go with

the former.

Since I have no idea when or if I will ever be able to discover what

powers this devil fruit in front of me has. It could be a completely

unknown fruit that isn't recorded about anywhere.

And the longer I wait to consume it the greater chance someone has of

finding it or taking it from me.

I got lucky with finding this fruit.

Walking towards my spot where I am now I suddenly saw a pineapple up

in a tree change into this fruit. Which means its previous consumer died.

The moment I saw the devil fruit completely form I climbed the tree and

snatched the fruit for myself like a madman.

Since I wanted it badly.

Now that I have this thing I will not let anyone else have it.

My decision made I brought the devil fruit up to my mouth and took a


Crossing the point of no return.


A/N: I know I said I would do a Marco self-inert the other day, but this

fic just came to mind. An OC who learns under Roger himself just like

Shanks and Buggy. Hope you like it.

Devil Fruit

The second I took a bite out of the devil fruit in my hands I immediately

wanted to spit it out.

Oda wasn't lying.

Devil fruits taste like shit.

Worse than shit actually.

I can't even begin to describe the horrible taste in my mouth right now.

Feels like my taste buds are getting murdered.

Seriously, I want to hurl.

But I want devil fruit powers more.

So using all my willpower I sucked it up and chewed up the bits of devil

fruit in my mouth and then swallowed.

Then immediately after I did so I dropped the fruit and started spitting up

onto the ground.

"Gross." I said in between spitting.

Whatever being decided to make devil fruits taste that way is a super

sadist for sure. Since only they would think up such a way to make

people's mouths suffer in such a manner.

But at least now that suffering is over.

Once I could feel my mouth returning to normal I looked at the devil

fruit, and saw it transform back into a regular pineapple.

'I guess that's what happens when a person eats part of a devil fruit to

gain its power.' I thought.

Then immediately after I did so I stood up from the ground.

I then moved into the forest.

Since now I have the powers of a devil fruit and want to test them.

But doing so by that cliff would have been a stupid move.

Since I have no idea what devil fruit I just ate. If I got a volatile power

and somehow managed to blow up the cliff I was standing on, then I

would have taken a header into the ocean which is instant death for me


So yeah, learning about my devil fruit powers in the forest it is.

After walking for five minutes I reached a clearing in the forest.

Then once I did so I got to work.

Closing my eyes I tried to feel something inside of me.

I did that for ten minutes straight but no changed occurred. So I opened

my eyes.

Once I did so I stared striking some poses trying to get my power to

activate. Whatever it is.

But nothing worked.

Twenty minutes of trying and I had nothing to show for it.

"Fuck!" I muttered angrily. Stomping on the ground as I did so.

Despite having died as an adult in my last life being a kid again has

messed with my emotional maturity.

That's why I'm throwing a tantrum right now.

I continued stomping on the ground, angry that my devil fruit powers

won't activate.

"Dammit work!" I shouted.

Then as soon as I did so something happened.

Lightning of all things shout out of my left hand and struck a nearby tree.

When it did so I went from angry to scared and fell on my ass.

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself. "Did I just shoot lightning?" I


Even though I already know the answer to the question.

I definitely did just shoot lighting out of my palm.

Which means the fruit I ate is definitely not a zoan or an ancient-zoan. So

that only leaves me three choices.

Paramecia, mythical-zoan, or logia.

"Wait, did I perhaps eat the Rumble-Rumble fruit before Enel?" I asked

myself. Standing back to my feet as I did so.

Wanting to test my theory I held up my left palm and then thought about

lightning again. A second after I did so it shot forth from my hand and

struck another tree.

But unlike a moment ago another change has taken place.

My left hand has transformed into something else entirely.

A white and foamy substance.

Looking at my transformed left hand I titled my head and examined it.

Finding its resemblance uncanny to the things currently floating above

my head in the sky.

I'm talking about the clouds.

Right now my hand looks like a cloud.

"Wait a minute." I muttered to myself. "Maybe I didn't eat the Rumble-

Rumble fruit, but a different and even more powerful fruit." I said.

As soon as I did so I moved to test my theory.

Thinking about strong winds I aimed my cloud resembling left hand at

the trees again, and then a few seconds after I did so strong winds blew

from my palm and slammed into the tree.

"Ok. Next up is snow." I said.

I then raised my right-hand and thought it blowing snow. A few seconds

after I did so my right hand also transformed into a cloud-like substance

and then a mini blizzard shout out of it and struck some more nearby


As soon as I saw this I put a bright smile on my face.

Since my theory was just confirmed.

I have not eaten the Rumble-Rumble fruit, but a different devil fruit.

One with a lot more potential.

Whatever forces are at work in this world saw fit to allow me to eat the

logia-type Cloud-Cloud Fruit.

A powerful devil fruit that was talked about a lot on the fanon One Piece

websites back in my last life.

A logia-type devil fruit. The Cloud-Cloud fruit allows one to turn into,

manipulate, and generate clouds. The clouds one generate from this fruits

power can be made harder or softer based on its consumers mastery over


But that's not all.

Clouds encompass a lot of aspects, more specifically they encompass the


Like I just proved creating lighting, wind, and a mini blizzard.

Consuming the Cloud-Cloud fruit means that I can now control aspects of

the weather. I can conjure lightning, gale force winds, blizzards and hail,

even fog and probably even rain.

Luck was seriously on my side this time.

I've just gained the powers of one of the most powerful devil fruits


Getting a huge grin on my face I will my hands back to normal and then

started jumping for joy.

Since today has been the best day I've had in a long time.


In class with my fellow orphans I paid attention as the teacher wrote

down notes on the board.

A week has passed since I discovered which devil fruit I ate.

Every day I go out into the forest and train my powers.

It's a super slow-going process.

But I am making progress at least, which is what matters in the long run.

I have no idea what I want to do in the future yet, but at least now my

options are better. Since having powerful devil fruit abilities will open

doors for me completely sealed off before.

Though what most of those sealed doors are I have no idea.

Guess I just have to wait and see.

The teacher finished writing notes on the board and then turned to face


"Ok students, please write this down." He asked us.

We all nodded.

We then picked up the pencils sitting on our desks and then started

writing down the notes.

Funny thing, school in the One Piece universe it just like it was in my last

life. The only difference is that there is no central education system in

this world and most kids stop going to school at thirteen years old after

learning the basics to get through life.

Arithmetic, writing, and reading.

Hell some kids don't even go to school.

But since I have been attending school for the past five years I figure I

might a well finish out.

I've got nothing else to do right now after all.

My fellow students and I continued taking down notes.

But we were interrupted when a loud ringing sound suddenly occurred.

*Ding Ding*

We all knew that sound well.

It was the town warning bell.

Signaling that pirates were approaching the island.

An event that hasn't happened in the past ten years since I've been reborn


Despite this everyone is still taught to recognize the warning signs. Since

most pirates in the One Piece world aren't like the ones shown in the


No, they are scum whose crimes would probably make the most

hardened criminal throw up their intestine quite easily.

Since whenever the adults on the island have mentioned pirates a lot of

them start visibly shaking with fear.

Telling me all I need to know.

"Children, evacuate!" The teacher shouted.

The moment he did so we abandoned our note-taking and then started

following the established procedure.

We all stood up from our seats and filed out of the room in the orphanage

we were using as a classroom.

Once we did this our teacher then led us outside and started marching us

towards the town hall.

Which is where everyone meets up the moment the warning bell is


As we made our way towards the town hall we passed by an ally, and

when we did so I split off from the group.

Quite easily in fact since I was at the back of the line.

I know this is an insanely stupid move, but I want to catch a glimpse of

the pirates.

Besides if it comes down to it I can use my devil fruit powers to escape. I

am at least good enough with them to manage that.

Moving through the ally I quickly made my way to the islands only port.

The moment after I did so I used a stack of boxes and climbed onto a

nearby roof.

I then sat down and gazed out at the ocean in front of me, spotting the

pirate ship sailing towards our port instantly.

The moment I spotted said ship my jaw hit the floor.

Because the ship currently heading towards our island is the Oro Jackson.

I would never forget that ship.

Since it is the ship used by the OG pirate king himself Gol D. Roger and

his crew the Roger Pirates.

Who are sailing towards my home island right now.

All I can say is this.


Author's Note

About those of you complaining about my choices for the harem.

Shut the hell up.

I get this is One Piece, but my MC is the same age as Shanks.

Sure he can go for Robin or Boa Hancock, but I am trying to make this fic

a bit more realistic.

So if you are going to read it stop complaining about the choices I make

and write your own fucking One Piece harem story.

Since this isn't simply a wish-fufillment smut fic.

Though there will be lemons in the future of this story, which is why the

MC's harem is so close to him in age.

All I had to say.

Roger Pirates

AN: I will say this once more. The MC is the same age as Shanks and

Buggy. Meaning he is going to be 37 years old when canon begins.


I continued staring at the Oro Jackson.

Since once again I am still in complete disbelief at what is happening

right now.

Thee Roger Pirates are about to dock at my home island.

This is so unreal I can hardly believe it.

Yet the proof is right in front of my eyes.

As I continued looking at Oro Jackson another few minutes passed until

the ship finally docked.

Then a few moments after it did so people began disenmbarking from it.

The first being the future King of the Pirates himself, Gol D. Roger.

Following him was Silvers Rayleigh, his first mate and brother in all but


After the two of them came the various other crew members currently

aboard the ship. With the last two being some more really familiar faces

to me.

Buggy The Clown and Red-Haired Shanks, or rather just Shanks at the


The former is a scaredy-cat who somehow ended up as one of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea in the future.

While the latter is a future Emperor of the Sea and the man who inspired

the second king of the Pirates, Luffy, to set sail.

Though right now both of them are just kids.

Who are the same age as me by the way.

After I learned to read and write I got my hands on some old newspaper

and found out the famous "God Valley Incident" took place a year after I

was born.

Well said paper I found didn't go into the incident in detail, it just talked

about Garp gaining his title as "Hero of the Marines" but thanks to my

previous life's memories I knew exactly what the truth was. Which

allowed me to calculate my age without issue.

By the way, my birthday is December 25th.


The moment all the Roger Pirates disembarked Roger himself shouted.

"Hello, anyone here?!" He asked. "I'm hungry and thirsty. Can I get some

food and drink?!"

Seeing this I shook my head.

Because what Roger is doing fits his personality to a tee.

A man who enjoys life and marches to the beat of his own drum.

Roger continued shouting but no one answered him back.

That's because everyone on the island but me is hiding in the town hall.

Eventually Roger stopped shouting.

"Looks like we're not going to get a warm welcome here boys." He said to

his crew.

"Of course not we're pirates after all Roger." Rayleigh said.

"That we are." Roger happily said. A smile on his face as he did so.

Seeing this I couldn't help but smile as well.

It's infectious.

Feeling the way I am right now I can truly understand how Roger became

as great as he is and inspired a new generation of pirates.

He truly is a person that only comes along only once in a lifetime.

"Captain, since no one is coming to greet us I say we go ahead and check

out the town ourselves." Gaban spoke up.

"We could do that." Roger said. "Or maybe we can just ask out little

observer to show us around." He said.

As soon as Roger did so he looked exactly in my direction.

But I'm not surprised at all.

Since by this point in time Roger and his crew have already reached

Lodestar Island in the New World. So they definitely know haki, and as

strong as Roger is he is definitely well-versed in all three types.

So he simply used his observation haki to spot me.

Nothing else to it.

Knowing I couldn't hide any longer I stood up and then made my way off

the roof.

I then walked right up to the Roger Pirates until I was standing only a

few feet away from them.

Doing my best not to fanboy as hard as I could.

"Hello there." I said to the Roger Pirates.

"Hello young man." Roger said. "The. same is Roger, and who might you


"Not telling. You guys are pirates after all." I retorted.

"Oh, and yet despite us being pirates you don't seem afraid of us at all."

Rayleigh said.

"No, I am a bit scared." I admitted.

"Yet you're not running away." Roger said. "Why?"

"I just have this feeling that despite being pirates you guys aren't really

evil." I told Roger and his crew.

Since I can't very well tell them the truth about how I know about them

from my previous life.

They would think I was insane.

Which is why I will take the secret of being reborn into this world with

me to my grave.

"Oh interesting." Roger said. "Now I want to know your name even more

young man. Come on and tell me. If you do I'll give you some candy."

As soon as Roger said that I took a few steps back.

He just said something very pedo-like after all.

"Roger watch your words." Rayleigh told him. Smacking him upside the

head as he did so.

"What the hell Rayleigh?" Roger shouted at him.

"You were acting creepy again." He told him.

"Was not." Roger retorted.

"You were." Rayleigh said.

The moment this happened Roger and Rayleigh got into a back and forth

bickering match as the rest of the crew commented from the sidelines.

Letting me know this is a normal thing amongst them.

As the adults continued messing around Buggy and Shanks walked right

up to me.

"Hey I'm Shanks." Shanks said. He then pointed to Buggy. "And that's


"Idiot!" Buggy shouted at Shanks. "I can introduce myself!" He said.

Buggy then turned towards me.

"The name is Buggy!" He told me.

"Nice to meet you Buggy, and you as well Shanks." I told them. "My name

is Siegreich Noctis. But most people just call me Sieg." I explained to


"Good to meet you Sieg." Shanks said.

"What red-hair said." Buggy told me.

I nodded at that.

"So, you guys are pirates huh?" I asked them.

But as soon as I did so Roger walked up behind the two of them.

"So your name is Siegreich huh?" He mused.

'I guess he and Rayleigh finished their argument and he overheard my

name.' I thought.

Oh well.

I nodded at Rogers question. "Yes sir, Siegreich is my name. But most

people call me Sieg." I explained to him.

"Hahaha! Alright then Sieg, mind showing me and crew the place to eat

around here?"

"Sure. Follow me. But just so you know no one is there right now." I told


"That's fine. I'm sure they'll stop hiding eventually. Now then, lead the

way." He said.

So that's exactly what I did.

I began walking towards the town bar, all of the Roger Pirates following

right behind me as I did so.

Thanking the heavens themselves we were able to meet like this.

Conversation & Decision

It didn't take me any time at all to lead the Roger Pirates to the local bar.

There is only one on the entire island after all.

After we arrived the entire crew went inside and sat down. Me following

right behind them as they did so.

Once we were seated we simply waited.

Then 20 minutes later some men I recognized from town came and

confronted the Roger Pirates.

Weapons in hand as they did so.

Sitting in the corner of the bar with Buggy and Shanks I shook my head.

These guys really have no idea who they're messing with. But I do

commend their bravery in wanting to fight to protect their home.

One of the men in the group stepped forward and towards Roger.

"Pirates, leave our home." He said.

"Sure, as soon as we get some food and drink." Roger told the man.

When he did so the man, and the rest of his allies titled their heads in

utter confusion.

"Come on then. Make my crew and I some food and get us your best

booze. Of course we'll pay for it all. We have the money." Roger said. A

happy smile on his face as he did so.

Again, the men from the town simply looked at him completely


This lasted for fifteen minutes until eventually they saw Roger and his

crew were not a threat to the town and the islanders.

Once this happened the men left and eventually people started flooding

the streets again.

Including the owner of the bar.

After he returned he decided to serve Roger and his crew. Then before I

even knew it a full-on party was taking place.

With even some of the townspeople coming to join in as well.

All their fear from earlier completely gone.

It's actually quite incredible to see.

Still sitting in the corner with Buggy and Shanks I took a sip of my juice.

Because despite the loose drinking laws of this world they still won't

allow ten-year old's to drink alcohol.

There is some kind of sense here after all.

But only just.

Placing my cup back on the table I leaned back in my seat. Looking

around as I did so. "Quite the party." I said.

"Yeah." Shanks said. "But honestly this is on the smaller side. The captain

and the others have thrown way bigger parties than this before. We've

seen it. Right Buggy?"

"Whatever red-hair." Buggy grumbled.

Yet Shanks just let the comment roll over him.

I guess he's always been that kind of guy, even now.

"So, how did you guys meet up with Roger and his crew if you don't mind

me asking?" I questioned.

Since that part of Shanks and Buggy's stories were never explained in the

One Piece back in my old life.

"Hm, well since you asked so nicely I guess I'll tell you." Buggy said

smugly. "I was born great. My skills were so exceptional from the time I

could walk I put everyone else around to shame. I continued to do so as I

got older and eventually captain Roger happened upon me and saw my

greatness. That's when he recruited me." He explained.

"Eh, but didn't you get down on your knees and beg the captain to take

you aboard the ship?" Shanks said.

As soon as he did so Buggy deflated and got red in the face. "Idiot, shut

up!" He shouted.

"So Shanks, how did you meet up with Roger?" I asked him.

"Well originally I was born in West Blue." Shanks began.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Buggy shouted.

But that's exactly what Shanks and I did.

"I was an orphan who was born on a small island just like this one. But I

longed for adventure. Then one day captain Roger and his crew arrived

on our island. They were running low on supplies and just came for a

quick stop. But the moment I saw them and their ship I felt something

inside me spring to life. So that's when I decided I wanted to join that

ship. My decision made I went up to captain Roger and asked him to join

his crew. Which he allowed me to do. That was a year ago, and I haven't

ever regretted my choice since." Shanks explained to me.

I nodded as he did so.

"I see." I said.

Then after I did so I looked at Roger.

A smile on his face and a mug of beer in his hand.

My gaze fixed on the future pirate king something inside me began to


I can't explain it, but when I looked at Roger I got the urge for adventure.

To see the world at large.

Ever since I've been reborn I've been thinking about what I want do with

my life.

I already ruled out being a marine, and I certainly didn't want to do a

menial job.

No, I want adventure and to see the world at large.

And now after meeting Roger and his crew I have come to a decision.

I want to be a pirate.

Not only that, but I want to join Rogers crew.

Since I don't know any One Piece fan who would pass up a chance to sail

with the pirate king in his prime and witness his greatness first hand.

I certainly am not.

My decision made I put a satisfied smile on my face.

I then continued to enjoy the rest of the part alongside Shanks and


Who are hopefully going to be my future crew mates.


Opening my eyes I sat up and cracked my neck from side-to-side.

I then stood up from the floor.

Since last night I fell asleep in the bar along with Roger and his entire

crew. As well as a few townsfolk who partied with us into the late night.

Stifling a yawn I moved over to the bathroom and took care of morning


Then as soon as I did so I stepped outside to get some fresh air.

Right as I did so I saw Roger standing against the side of the building.

Looking up at the rising sun, a smile on his face.

Within a moment he noticed me and then looked in my direction. "Oh

Siegreich. Good morning." He said.

"Good morning to you to sir." I said.

"No sir, simply call me Roger." He told me.

"Ok then Roger." I said. "Well that was quite the party you had last night."

"Of course. Got to party while you are alive after all." Roger said.

"Because once your life ends that's it. No more parties or anything else.

That's why so long as you are alive you should live it to the fullest, that

way you'll have no regrets." He told me.

"Thanks for the advice." I told him. "And on that note I have something to

ask you."

"Oh, and what might that be?" He questioned.

"If you would allow me, please take me with you and let me join your

crew?" I asked him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because after talking with Buggy and Shanks last night, and seeing you

guys I realized what it is I want in life. I want to be a pirate, and I would

like to learn how yo be one from you guys." I said. "My mother died five

years ago and I have no living relatives on this island. So I would not be

missed if you take me with you." I explained to him. "I understand if you

want to say no, but even if you do I won't give up on becoming a pirate."

"It's your dream then?" Roger asked me.

"Yes. I decided on it last night but I am firm in my choice." I told him.

Looking him directly in the eyes as I did so.

"Hahaha! Alright then, I like that." Roger said. "Fate, destiny, dreams, so

long as these ideals are present in the heart of man these things shall

never vanish from this Earth. And from you Siegreich I see resolve. I like

that. So to answer your question, yes I will take you aboard my crew.

Welcome to the Roger Pirates, apprentice Noctis."

"Thank you Roger. I mean captain." I said.

Putting a bright smile on my face after I did so.

Since now I get to sail the seas with the most legendary pirate himself.

A journey I know will not be disappointing in the slightest.

Joining the Roger Pirates

As soon as Roger officially made me a member of his crew we parted


But that was only so I could go to the orphanage and collect my small

amount of personal belongings.

Which is exactly what I did.

Not wasting a second I ran back to my room and cleaned it out.

Saying goodbye to the orphanage matron on my way back out as I did so.

I then quickly returned to the bar.

All within 30 minutes.

The moment I arrived back at the bar all of the Roger pirates were awake

and functional. Even Shanks and Buggy.

Which just goes to show the people on the One Piece world are made of

sterner stuff than the people back in my old world.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make." Roger said. He then looked

at me and I walked up to his side. "From today onwards Siegreich is a

member of our crew. An apprentice." He told them.

"Captain, when did you make this decision?" Spencer asked him.

"Why just this morning. Right before all of you woke up." Roger said

casually. A smile on his face as he did so. "Siegreich came to me and told

me his dream of being a pirate. Liking the look he had in his eyes I

agreed to let him join our crew after he asked me."

"Another one huh." Rayleigh mused. Rubbing his beard as he did so.

"Well if that's your decision captain we won't argue with it." He said.

"Right boys?"

"Yeah!" The rest of the crew cheered.

"Ah, thanks." I said to the crew. "And I promise I won't waste this

opportunity that has been given to me. I will work hard to earn my

keep." I said.

"That's the spirit kid." Rayleigh said. "We don't need another Buggy after


"Hey!" Buggy shouted.

When he did so everyone shared a laugh at his expense, even me.

We stopped a few moments later.

"Ok, now that that business is handled, Shanks and Buggy take Siegreich

back to the Oro Jackson and show him around. Along with some of you

others. Meanwhile the rest of us will gather supplies."

"Yes, captain." The crew said.

Then as soon as they did so we split into our groups.

Roger led one, while Rayleigh led our group back to the Oro Jackson.

As soon as we arrived we boarded the ship.

Then Shanks and Buggy took me into the interior and showed me to a


It had four bed and a small window.

"This is where we sleep." Shanks explained to me. Taking a seat on one of

the beds as he did so. "Buggy and I have already claimed our beds, but

you can pick whichever of the two that remain as yours." He told me.

"Understood." I told Shanks.

I then selected my bed.

The one right near the window.

So I could look out at the stars and sea during the night if I wished.

After selecting my bed I unpacked. Then once I did so I took a seat on my

new bed and just took a moment to take everything in.

I am now a member of the Roger Pirates.

Sure I'm just an apprentice but still, it's the Roger Pirates we're talking

about here.

I'm sure many people all over the world dream of traveling with these

guys, and here I am doing it.

Which is both super exciting and super scary at the same time.

Still, I am not regretting my decision at all.

Not one bit.

I put a smile on my face.

Then I look towards Shanks and Buggy. "So, what exactly do we

apprentices do?"

"We mostly clean the ship. Go into town and help retrieve supplies, and

train." Shanks explained to me.

I nodded at that. "Ok. So, what do we do when other pirates attack us?

Do we fight?"

"No." Buggy said. "All of the fighting is handled by captain and the

others. We simply hang back and observe."

"I see." I said. "Well thanks for the explanation you guys. It's vey much


"Of course." Shanks said. "We're fellow crewmates now after all. I'm going

to help you out whenever I can Buggy as well."

"I will." Buggy added. "Even so we're senior to you on the ship, so never

forget that." Buggy explained.

"Yeah, yeah." I said to Buggy.

Just as I did so Rayleigh opened the door to our room.

"You three, topside now. We're about to set sail." He said.

"Yes!" All three of us said in unison.

Right after we did so we left our room and followed Rayleigh topside.

Arriving we saw all the rest of the crew members on deck. Including the

ones who went to gather supplies earlier.

Standing at the front of the ship, Roger looked at all of us. "Ok. Now that

we're all here let's set sail!" He happily exclaimed.

"Yeah!" The rest of us shouted.

As soon as we did so the sails of the Oro Jackson were unfurled and we

were off.

While we sailed away from Bunny Island I moved over to the left side of

the ship and gazed at it.

The place had been my home for ten years in this world after all.

It's where my mother died, and where I got my devil fruit powers.

I am grateful to the island.

Maybe I'll come back and visit it someday.

But that's going to be far in the future.

Since now I am going to adventure on the high seas.

I continued looking at Bunny Island until I could see it no longer.

Once it was out of sight I turned back around, only to find Roger looking

at me.

"Feeling homesick already?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "Not at all captain. I don't regret my choice to crew up

with you guys." I told him.

"Well I would be disappointed if you did." He retorted.

"I'm sure." I said. Giving him a small smile as I did so. "On that note

captain I have two things to tell you. Since I am a member of your crew

now and all."

"Oh, and what my that be?" Roger asked me.

Several of his crew mates listening in on our conversation as he did so.

Even Buggy and Shanks.

Which I have no problem with.

Since we are going to be traveling together for the foreseeable future.

Trust is a must in this regard.

Which is why I am doing what I am right now.

"First off. My full name is Siegreich D. Noctis." I said.

"Oh, so just like me you have D. in your name huh?" He asked.

"Yes." I told him. "And as for the second thing, I have devil fruit powers."

I told him.

I then changed my left arm completely into a cloud and held it up for all

to see. Then after a few minutes I changed it back.

"Oh, a devil fruit user eh." Roger said. "Now that I didn't expect at all.

Especially outside of the Grand Line."

"What can I say, I just got lucky. Saw a devil fruit and decided to try my

luck and ate it." I explained.

"Hahaha! Now that's the spirit." Roger said. "What's life without taking a

few risks?"

"Exactly." I added.

"Hey Siegreich, who told you about devil fruits?" Rayleigh asked me. "I

don't think there are too many people in the South Blue who know about


I figured this subject might come up, which is exactly why I have already

created the perfect lie to answer it with.

"My mother." I told Rayleigh. "She passed when I was five years old. But

before she did she told me about our name being D. and about devil

fruits in general. Though I never had the chance to ask her how she knew

about such things." I explained.

"I see." Rayleigh said. "Sorry for your loss kid."

"It's fine." I told him. "I came to terms with it a long time ago. And

besides she was the type of woman who wouldn't want me mourning her

for the rest of my life, but rather she would want me to live life without

any regrets. Which is exactly what I'm doing." I said.

"Then keep it up and we'll help you out." Roger told me.

"I will captain." I said.

Smiling brightly as I did so.

Once again marveling at the fact I am now an apprentice of the Roger


Life sure works in mysterious ways.

Training Montage

Standing on the deck of the Oro Jackson I continually swung a sword in a

set pattern.

Beads of swear pouring down my body as I did so.

Six months have come and gone since I've joined the Roger Pirates.

In that time nothing much has really happened at all.

We haven't encountered any marines, nor other pirate groups. All we've

been doing is leisurely sailing around the South Blue, exploring its

various islands.

Which is nice in its own way.

For one it's given me time to really bound with the crew on a much

deeper level.

As well given me a chance to start training.

Because out of everyone aboard the Oro Jackson I am the weakest right


Despite having devil fruit powers.

Hell, even Buggy is stronger than me at the moment and he hasn't even

eaten his devil fruit yet.

So yeah, I am not going to let that stand.

That's why a week after I got used to sailing with the crew I asked

Rayleigh to train me.

I would've asked Roger, but Buggy and Shanks told me not to when I told

them of the plan. They told me Roger is not good with explanation.

When they asked him about haki and how to gain its power he used

words like "Bam!" and "Boom!" in his explanation.

The moment I heard this I put a wry smile on my face. Then I

immediately decided to ask Rayleigh to be my teacher.

Also yes, all three of us apprentices have been taught about haki. Devil

fruits as well.

Makes sense really.

Since the Roger Pirates regularly sail the Grand Line, both Paradise and

the New World. So if they left us in the dark about such matters we kids

would be screwed.

And since they allowed us to come aboard I know they don't want that,

which is why they informed us of such things.

These guys really are great.

Ignoring the increasing sweat on my body I continued swinging my


"67, 68, 69." I said.

Counting out the number of swings I took.

Until finally I reached 100.

When I did so I placed the tip of my blade into the deck of the ship and

then grabbed my towel from nearby to wipe off all my sweat. I then did

several cooldown stretches before taking a break for ten minutes.

Then I got back to it.

With sword training out of the way for the day, next up is time to work

on my devil fruit powers.

The best part of my day if I am being honest.

A smile on my face I raised my right arm into the air and turned it

completely into a cloud.

Thunder cloud to be precise.

Pointing it out towards the ocean yellow electricity started sparking

along it and building up. Until finally enough gathered and I was able to

fire it off in a concentrated blast.


I cried out.

A second after I did so my attack slammed into the water, creating a

small wave as it did so. Seeing this I smiled.

Since it means my attack is much stronger than what it was before.

Because when I first came up with the idea and put it into action I could

barely generate more than a small spark, but now things are different.

Training will do that you know.


[Rakiri] is a technique I created a few months ago after boarding the Oro

Jackson. I have created several other techniques as well.

All of them based around weather phenomena.

So far that is.

But I am not stopping there. Not by a long shot.

I've actively been trying to change the density of the clouds I create, but

that is a slow-going process.

It's actually much harder than it sounds.

During these past six months I have not been able to change my clouds

density successfully even once.

Though right now that's not a big deal.

I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. Especially when the crew heads to

the Sky Islands. I know going there is going to help me immensely in

regards to my devil fruits powers.

Speaking of I have even attempted to re-create Kaido's flame clouds, but

on that I have had no luck whatsoever. No matter how many times I try

to do it it just won't happen.

Which means either I'm not strong enough yet, or the flame clouds are an

exclusive power only available through the devil fruit Kaido consumed.

And if it's the latter case it means I may never be able to create flame

clouds no matter how hard I try.

But, if I somehow awaken my devil fruit one day things may change

regarding that.

However awakening is way off in the future.

Right now I am simply focusing on getting a better handle on my devil

fruit powers as a whole. Not to mention swordsmanship and haki


As well as my duties as an apprentice.

I have a full plate, but I'm not upset at all. Rather I am excited to have so

much to do. Since I truly enjoy doing these things with all my heart.

Focusing on my right arm once more I changed the composition of it

from a thunder cloud into a winter cloud. I then began generating

massive amounts of snow and pointed it at the ocean once more,

releasing a concentrated blast after I did so.


I said.

My attack hit the water, and after it did so I kept it up for ten minutes


Then I stopped and changed my arm back to normal.

Since not only am I working on the strength of my attacks, but I am also

working on the duration for how long I can sustain them.

Because I know in the future battles will last for days, especially in the

New World.

So if I run out of stamina during such a battle my life and the life my

comrades is forfeit and that is something I will not allow.

Inhaling and exhaling several times I worked to catch my breath and


As I did so Shanks and Buggy walked up to me.

"Hey Sieg, mind if we join you in training?" Shanks asked me.

"Yeah, allow us to show you how its done." Buggy said.

"Sure, I would be more than happy to have you guys join me." I told


Because training with allies will make you stronger faster.

At least in my opinion.

Once I agreed with Shanks and Buggy's request we three got down to


And to kick things off Shanks and I had a mock sword battle.

Facing him even now, I can see how Mihawk will consider him a rival in

the future.

He's got a natural affinity for the sword.

But even so I am not going to lose to him.

And maybe in the future Mihawk might consider me a rival as well.


So here it is, I would like some help on deciding these two things.

First up in the name of Siegreich's pirate crew in the future.

-Tempest Pirates

-Noctis Pirates.

:Place any suggestions here.


Next up is the name of the ship.


-Storm Surge

:Place any suggestions here.


Oh and one more thing. I know I keep stopping and starting stories.

That's just me.

But for the foreseeable future this is going to me my man fic. I decided

that today. So I'll try to put out a chapter every day, but I will put one

out once a week.

That's all.

And I will post the results of the poll in a few days.

The Beginning of Rogers End

A crate in my hands I walked up the blank onto Oro Jackson and placed

it down on the deck.

Using my left arm to wipe the sweat off my brow after I did so.

A year has passed since I became an apprentice of the Roger Pirates.

I am now eleven years old.

(A/N: There will be timeskip's all around in the beginning. But when we

get to Siegreich's own pirate adventures and those of his crew it will

stabilize out more)

During this first year of my apprenticeship I haven't gotten to experience

much. Mostly because all we've done this past year is sail around the

South Blue.

Though where my personal strength is concerned I have gotten stronger.

My swordsmanship skills are steadily improving everyday. The same with

my devil fruit powers. I am even learning other basics skills like

navigation and whatnot.

Concerning haki, I am doing the training alongside Buggy and Shanks but

haven't made any progress in that area at all.

Even so I won't give up.

Done wiping the sweat from my brow I walked down the plank again and

then walked over to the stack of crates, picking up another one and

bringing it onto the ship.

At the moment the Oro Jackson is docked at an island and we are re-


The same old, same old.

Placing the crate in my hands down on deck again I turned around to

head back down the plank to retrive another.

Only to see Sunbell and Mugren bringing the last of the crates on board.

Even though it was my job to do so.

"Thanks guys." I told them.

"No problem Sieg." Sunbell told me.

"Yeah. Seeing you work so hard we thought you could use a break."

Mugren added.

"Well it's much appreciated." I told them.

I then sat down on one of the crates and enjoyed the nice breeze that is

blowing today.

My break lasted for fifteen minutes and then I got back to work.

I moved all the crates down into Oro Jacksons' storage room.

Which ended up immediate duties for the moment.

Coming back up to the deck I arrived just as Roger and the others

returned to the ship.

But a moment after they all stepped back on board Roger started to fall

towards the ground.

"Captain!" Shanks shouted in worry.

And I don't blame him.

Since after being by Rogers side for a year I know he is not the type of

man to simply fall over, even when drunk.

Which means this can only be one thing.

His incurable disease has finally reared its ugly head.

And now that is has the final chapter of Rogers life is about to begin.

The journey that will lead him to gaining the title of "King of the Pirates"

and turning himself in to be executed rather than sail the seas until he

draws his last breath.

Honestly, with what I know is going to happen in these next few years I

am torn up inside.

After personally getting to know Roger and spending time with him I can

admit I don't want him to die.

Rather I want him to fight his disease and stay alive so we can continue

adventuring together. Even if it is selfish of me.

But because I have gotten to know Roger personally I know he won't

stray from the path he sets for himself. Despite it leading to his death.

Otherwise if he did then Roger wouldn't be Roger anymore.

So that's why I'll simply stay by his side until that fateful day, and watch

over the next generation of pirates once he is gone.

That's the least I can do for the man who has given so much.

Roger continued falling towards the ground, but at the last second he

caught himself and stopped. Despite this he is shaking life a leaf.


"Sit down!"

"Rayleigh, Gaban come quick!"

One by one the other Roger pirates cried out their concerns and worries.

Until eventually all of us were assembled on the deck.

"Looks like I made you all worry. Sorry." Roger said. "That's not what a

captains job is supposed to be."

"Enough of that." Rayleigh told him. "We need to get you to the doctor,

and fast."

"Ok." Roger said.

Choosing not to argue.

After he did so a few of the crew members left the ship with him.

Rayleigh included, while Gaban stayed behind to supervise the rest of us.

Shanks and Buggy walked over to me, worried looks on their faces.

"Hey Sieg, the captain is going to be alright, right?" Shanks asked.

"Of course. He's the strongest you idiot." Buggy said. Though I can sense

the worry in his voice.

"The captain is going to deal with whatever comes." I said.

Since I really don't have the heart to lie to them.

This is one of those rare moments where having foreknowledge of events

is truly more of a curse than a blessing.


(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in his personal cabin with a glass of whiskey in hand Roger looked

out the window. His mind wandering.

It's been a month since he almost fainted in front of his crew.

After that he was immediately taken to the islands doctor. Who in just

two days gave him the answer to why he almost passed out.

He was dying.

The doctor told him he had an incurable disease.

Hearing this Roger understood.

Even so he still got two more opinions.

He and his crew had traveled to two more islands in the past month, and

Roger went to see doctors there in secret.

Both of them told him the same thing as the first doctor.

That he was dying, and that there was nothing they could do for him.

Once this happened Roger couldn't deny the fact in front of his face any


Even though he had been hoping in the back of his mind the diagnosis

was wrong.

After all he had many things to live for.

His crew, his three apprentices, and most recently added to the list was

the love of his life.

A woman he met by chance.

Named Portgas D. Rouge.

Roger had been with many women in his life, but Rouge was different

from them all. Before he knew he it he found himself in love with her,

and she was the same way.

Rouge told him so the last time they saw each other.

Now just after they had confessed their love for each other this happens.

Roger found it ironic in a funny sort of way.

After being in countless life and death battles during his long years as a

pirate, it was not the marines or another pirate that was going to be the

end of him but his own body.

Thinking about this Roger let out a small fit of laughter.

After he did so he finished off the whiskey in the glass in his hand in one

go. He then slammed the glass onto the desk in front of him and stood up

from his chair.

A look of determination appearing on his face as he did so.

"Ok, that's enough moping about." Roger said to himself. "If my last is

coming to an end then so be it. But before it does I'll see my dream come

true." He said.

Rogers dream was to sail to the end of the Grand Line.

The true end.

Over the years he had gathered information from various sources and

come to learn there was another island after Lodestar Island.

Reaching that final island and discovering all the secrets it held was

Rogers final wish.

And right now in this very moment he is swearing to himself, before this

disease claims his life he'll see that final hidden island with his own two


Once Roger swore this to himself he started moving.

Since he had various preparations to make.

Not only for the journey to reach the final mysterious island in the Grand

Line, but also for his encroaching death.

Since it won't just be him who is affected, but the people he loves and

considers family as well.

Putting a bright smile on his face Roger started walking, determination

clearly visible in his eyes.

For this is not a man who will cower in the face of death.

But rather embrace his life until death finally comes and takes him.

Since that's just the kind of man Gol D. Roger is, and will always be.

And thus, on this night Gol D. Roger began setting in motion preparations

for his greatest voyage ever.

The one that would lead him to conquer the seas and gain the title of

"King of the Pirates".

It now all begins.

Poll Results

Well I know I just posted it a few hours ago, but the results are already


The crews name will be Tempest Pirates.

While their ship's name will be called Storm Surge.

And here's a little extra something

Tempest Pirates Pirate Flag

[Image Here]

Storm Surge ship

[Image Here]

Hope you enjoy.



Sitting on the deck of the ship with Buggy, Shanks, and the rest Roger

stood in front of us, explaining his current situation.

Which is just as I suspected.

His incurable disease has reared its ugly head.

Despite this he his not sad right now, instead he has a big and bright

smile on his face. Just like usual.

He really is one of-a-kind.

"And so that's how things are." Roger said. Finishing his explanation. "I'm

not long for this world." He told us.

"Roger." Rayleigh began.

But that's when Roger held up his hand, silencing our vice-captain.

"Rayleigh I know what you want to say. Probably what most of you want

to say but I have already made my decision on this matter." Roger said.

"And as such I have a favor to ask of you all." He said.

Roger then got on his hand and knees and bowed his head to us.

Making my eyes go wide in shock.

Roger is a man who embodies freedom. He will never cow-tow, and yet

here he is bowing his head to us.

I understand the immense gravity of what he is doing it's not even funny.

"Before I die, please accompany me on one last grand adventure?" He

asked us. "I know very well what I am asking you all to do, but please. I

cannot achieve what I have left to do without you all. That is why I am

asking right now. Stay by my side until I do so."

"Captain." Gaban said.

"Idiot." Rayleigh said. Wiping away tears from his eyes as he did so. "Of

course we'll stay by your side. You are our captain after all. Right


"Yeah!" We all shouted in unison.

Trying to stifle our own tears as we did so.

Until the end we will stay by Rogers side.

Lifting his head up Roger showed us a bright smile. "Thank you." He told

us. "From the bottom of my heart I truly thank you all." He said.

Roger then stood to his feet. "Now that that's settled, get preparation

underway. Because it's finally time for us to head back to that sea. We're

returning to the Grand Line men."

"Yeah!" We all shouted.

Everyone then started moving to make preparations.

As I did so I couldn't contain my excitement.

Since I am about to enter the greatest sea in the world.

I can't wait to see what kind of adventures are in store for me there.


Standing at the front of the ship with Buggy and Shanks by my side I

looked out at the rough waters ahead of us.

As well as the upward flowing stream that would take us into the Grand


Reverse Mountain.

After a week of sailing we have finally arrived.

"So, have you guys used Reverse Mountain before?" I asked Buggy and


"No." They both answered in unison.

'Ah, so it looks like we're popping this cherry together then.' I thought.

I then immediately shook my head.

Since my though just now was wrong on so many levels.

Moving on.

The Oro Jackson continued approaching Reverse Mountain getting closer

and closer until eventually it entered into the upward stream and started

shoot skyward.


Shanks, Buggy, and I screamed at the top of our lungs. Since as soon as

entered the upward stream we were forced onto the deck like pancakes.

We three continued screaming, until eventually we shot up above the

clouds and into the sky.

Then a few seconds later we started screaming again as the ship started

descending and we grabbed onto it for dear life.

"Hahaha! I always miss this feeling!" Roger shouted as the Oro Jackson

landed in the stream leading into the Grand Line.

The ship speed down the waterway incredibly fast.

But eventually it stopped.

When it did so Shanks, Buggy, and I stood to our feet breathing sighs of

relief. Since the whole mess was over.


We immediately got worried again though when we heard a thud behind

us. Turning around we saw captain Roger lying flat on his face.

The moment we did this worried marred our faces.

"Captain!" We three shouted in unison.

Getting up we moved over to him, helping him stand to his feet as we did


"It's fine. Boys. This won't stop me." He said.

As soon as we did so we heard a voice shout at us from the side.

"Hey, you ok up there?" A male asked us.

Moving over to the side of the ship the four of us looked over the edge

and saw a man standing near the entrance of the lighthouse.

It is a young Crocus.

"I got a glimpse of you falling there. I'm a doctor despite living in a place

like this. The name's Crocus. Need some help?"

"Much appreciated." Roger said.

Smiling at Crocus as he did so.

And so with this we have our doctor.

As well as another good friend to have on our sides.

Moving quickly we took captain Roger off the Oro Jackson and brought

him over to Crocus.

Having no idea what was coming for us.


(3rd Person: POV)

Just as the Roger Pirates arrived in the Grand Line a marine vessel was

passing by.

Who happened to stop them.

Standing on the deck of his ship the captain of said marine vessel began

trembling a bit. But he steeled himself and then turned to his

subordinates. "Men, contact Marine HQ immediately. Tell them its an

emergency. The Roger Pirates have just re-entered the Grand Line." He


As soon as the captain did this his men ran off, contacting Marine HQ as


The moment this happened a priority message was sent out towards the

only two people who stood a chance against Roger and his pirate crew in

the Navy at the moment.

Garp and Sengoku.

Roger and his crew didn't know it yet.

But they were about to enter into a harrowing battle after stepping back

into the Grand Line.

A battle that would greatly affect their three apprentices in ways they

couldn't even imagine.

Garp & Sengoku


Sitting a flat rock near the lighthouse I waited until Crocus finished

examining Roger.

Just like everyone else.

The examination had been going on for over an hour now.

But I know that Roger is going to be just fine.

After all he's not going to die now but in a few more years.

An event I am slowly coming to terms with.

Since its never easy when someone you know and care about dies. Even if

you know its coming.

A few more minutes passed and then I heard the door of the lighthouse


Turning around I saw Roger walking out, his usual smile on his face.

Looking good as new.

"You can stop worrying boys, I'm right as rain now." Roger said.

"No, you are not. It's a miracle you're even able to move at all." Crocus


"Well its all thanks to you, Crocus." Roger said.

Which is true.

It's all thanks to Crocus that Roger will be able to continue his journey

for the next few years.

Which really just speaks to his skills as a doctor.

To be honest I would place Crocus as one of the top five doctors in the

entire One Piece storyline. I mean the man was able to halt the

progression of an incurable and unknown disease, which is not an easy

thing to do.

Even in my last life a lot of the doctors probably wouldn't be able to do


And it's not only his medical skills, Crocus is also a skilled harpoon

master. He was able to keep up with the Roger pirates and even traverse

into the New World without getting himself killed.

So yeah, Crocus is a badass.

Which is why I will feel safer with him a part of the crew.

Though I wonder who will watch over Laboon while he is with us.

And speaking of the island whale ever since we docked at the lighthouse

I have not seen or heard him.

Well I'm sure he'll come out eventually.


Roger turned to face Crocus. "Crocus. Let me ask you, would you come

along with us and help me out, just for a few years?" He asked. "There is

something I wish to do, but these damn disease keeps getting in the way

and so far you are the only doctor I have met who has been able to do

anything about the symptoms. So what do you say, join my crew and

become a Roger Pirate?"

Crocus looked at Roger for several seconds before nodding his head.

"Sure. I don't see why not." Crocus said. "But I admit I have ulterior

motives for doing so. You see while sailing on board your ship I will be

looking for certain people." He said.

I know he means Brook and the Rumbar Pirates.

"That's fine by me." Roger said.

"Alright then." Crocus said. "But before we leave there is one thing I need

to do." He said.

Crocus then moved away from Roger and walked towards the edge of the

cape near where I was seated. After he did so he shouted.


A few seconds after Crocus shouted the surface of the water was

shattered, and then Laboon himself appeared. One of his eyes focused on

Crocus after he did so.

"Laboon listen, I will be going away for a while but I'll be back." Crocus

told the island whale.

"Ehhh!" Laboon cried out.

"I know." Crocus said. "Believe me I do, but I am doing this so I can look

for those guys. And I promise I will return. So until I do, please be good?"

He said.

Laboon stared at Crocus for several seconds before whining again.


"Thank you Laboon." Crocus told his old friend.

Right after he did so Laboon went back under the water.

After this happened I returned to the Oro Jackson.

While Crocus collected his things and then boarded the ship.

Once he did we set sail once more.

Then a few minutes after we did so the Oro Jackson suddenly found itself

in a storm that is raining ice spears the size of semi-trucks.

I knew the weather in the Grand Line was crazy, but knowing and

experiencing are two very different things.

"Agh, we're going to die!" Buggy cried.

As several ice javelins were coming straight towards the ship.

"Quiet Buggy, we're not going to die." I told him.

As I did so I turned both my arms into cloud and used [Rakiri] to destroy

two of the ice javelins heading towards the ship.

Meanwhile Rayleigh sent out a single flying slash, destroying the rest in

an instant.

"Good job Siegreich." He told me.

"Thanks." I said. Turning my arms back to normal.

Just as I did so a massive wave slammed into the Oro Jackson from the

right, reigning down a massive torrent of water onto the deck.

I felt weak for a second before I regained my strength.

As I did so I saw a 10 meter high tidal wave heading towards the Oro

Jackson from the front.

"You're wrong Sieg, we're definitely about to die!" Buggy screamed at the

top of his lungs.

"Ah Buggy, don't you have any faith in the captain at all?" Shanks asked


Because as the massive tidal wave approached us, Roger stepped up to

the front of the ship a massive grin on his face.

"A puny wave like this won't stop me!" He shouted.

Roger then unsheathed his sword Ace, and sent a flying slash out.

His attack sliced right down the middle of the way, parting it without any

trouble at all. Once this happened Roger pointed Ace forward.

"Straight ahead men!" He shouted.

"Yeah!" We all shouted.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Crocus asked.

He doesn't realize it yet, but he's just entered into the greatest adventure

of his life.


Sitting a barrel on deck I let the gentle breeze currently blowing brush

against my face.

We were stuck in that ice javelin storm for two days straight.

But just a few hours ago we managed to make it out.

Since then the weather has been nice like this, and me and the rest of the

crew are enjoying it. Given what we just went through.

However I know that was simply a small pump in the road.

It's nothing compared to the weather we'll face ahead, especially once we

enter the New World.

But I'm not scared at all.

Rather I welcome all this crazy weather. Since its perfect hands-on

experience for when I face such things after forming my own crew in the

future and we start sailing the Grand Line.

I continued letting the breeze brush against my face.

That is until I spotted something out of the corner of my eye.

It was a fleet of six marine ships, approaching us fast from the left.

I wasn't the only one who saw them.

Everyone else did as well.

"Oh, and I wonder who is chasing us today?" Roger asked.

A second after he did so I saw something racing towards the ship from

the deck of the other ship.

It is a freaking cannonball.

And in the entire One Piece story I know of only one man who throws

cannonball's with his bare hands.


Which means he is the one after us at this very moment.

"My, what a greeting as always Garp." Roger said. "Allow me to return

the favor." He spoke.

Roger then unsheathed Ace and sent out a flying slash, destroying the

cannonball Garp threw before it even reached the ship.

But immediately after Roger did this several more cannonball's started

flying towards the ship. Roger sending out slashes to cut each and every

one of them down.

As he did so I noticed the marine ships had split apart, and were forming

a circular pattern around us.

They are intending to entrap us.

"Men, prepare for battle." Rayleigh said. "Looks like we're not getting

away so easily today." He spoke.

"That's right." A voice spoke up.

The navy ships are now close enough for me to look at the decks


When I did so I saw not only Garp, but also Sengoku standing right next

to him.

"Roger, today you and your pirate crew fall." Sengouk told him and by

extension us. "Maybe if you give up now things won' be so bad for you."

"Give up Sengoku, don't make me laugh. Freedom is what being a pirate

is all about. So I'll do what I want until my very last breath." Roger told


"So be it." Sengoku said. "Men, open fire!" He shouted.

Releasing a burst of Conquerors haki as he did so.

"Boys, take them down!" Roger shouted, pointing Ace at Garp. Releasing

a burst of his own Conqeurors haki as well.

His and Sengoku's clash, creating black sparks in the air itself.

Their clash created mini waves.

As I watched this happened I swallowed a lump in my throat.

Since I am about to witness a battle between legends.

To say I'm not excited is an understatement.

Battle Between Legends

A/N: This is my first time writing a fight like this so please bare with me.


(3rd Person: POV)

As Roger and Sengoku's Conquerors haki continued to clash, the six navy

ships under his command started firing volleys of cannonball's at the Oro


While some missed the ship entirely, other slammed right into the hull.

Damaging it and causing it to violently shake.

"Hey, stop destroying my ship!" Roger shouted.

Taking Ace he sent a flying slash towards one of the six naval ships,

slicing it into pieces in an instant.

The moment Sengoku saw this he disengaged his Conquerors haki,

allowing Roger to do so the same.

Turning to one of his subordinates standing right next to him, Sengoku

took up a den den mushi radio he was holding in his hands.

He then began contacting the remaining ships. "Fall back to a safe

distance and continue firing. I don't want to lose another ship. While you

all are doing that Garp and I will engage Roger and his crew directly."

Sengoku told the four remaining ships.

He received confirmation that his orders were received seconds later.

Once this happened Sengoku hung up the den den mushi radio.

He then turned forward again, while Garp was busy cracking his


A smile on his face as he did so.

Following Sengoku's order the other four ships began to put distance

between themselves and the Oro Jackson. Meanwhile Sengoku's flagship

started moving in even closer.

Seeing this the Roger pirates instantly knew what Sengoku's plan was.

Over the years they had come to know the man very well, given all the

times they had done battle.

"Captain, what's the plan?" Rayleigh asked Roger.

In the next instant Roger gave orders without any hesitation.

"Gaban. Take command here and keep those other navy ships off of the

Oro Jackson. Meanwhile Rayleigh and I will go and engage Garp and

Sengoku." Roger said. A smile on his face as he did so. "It's been a while

since I've had a good workout after all."

Hearing the last bit of Roger's words all of his crew put wry smiles on

their faces.

But they said nothing since they all knew that is just how their captain is.

After Roger gave his orders the crew sprung into action.

That is except for Buggy, Shanks, and Siegreich.

As soon as the battle began the three apprentices froze in place. Stunned

by what was happening around them. Since this is their first time

experiencing such a battle after all.

While the three apprentices watched the battle in front of them, each of

them had their own thoughts on the matter.

Buggy was scared shitless. He knew being a pirate was dangerous, but he

never expected it to be this dangerous.

Shanks was amazed. Since this type of life and adventure is exactly what

he had been hoping for.

Finally Siegreich was scared. But he was also feeling extremely excited.

Even he didn't notice the smile that was forming on his face while

watching the battle unfold.

Seeing this all happening in front of him made Siegreich realize just how

far he truly had left to go, but also just how much he wanted to reach the

pinnacle he was seeing in this very moment.

For just like Roger right now Siegreich also wanted to fight against strong


This thought racing through his mind, Siegreich finally realized what

kind of pirate he wanted to be.

One who would sail the seas and fight epic battles any chance he got.

Marching to the beat of his own drum, without being a subordinate of


Yes, that's the kind of life Siegreich wanted to live from now on.

And that's exactly what he is going to do.

At the time Siegirech also didn't realize he was starting to become a

battle maniac.

But that's a discussion for a much later date.

Moving on.

Gaban took command of the Oro Jackson just as Roger instructed.

Once he did so the crew took action.

From both sides of the ship cannonball's began firing from below deck,

towards the remaining four navy vessels.

At the same time Sengoku's flagship finally made it within range of the

Oro Jackson.

Then as soon as it did so Roger and Rayleigh leapt onto the deck of the

ship without any hesitation.

Their weapons drawn, and the two of them ready for battle.

As soon as they landed on deck they came face-to-face with Garp and


No other naval soldiers near them.

Garp and Sengoku had ordered them all to stay back after all. For their

own protection.

Which none of them objected too, since they all knew very well they

didn't stand a chance against Roger and Rayleigh and would only get in

Garp and Sengoku's way.

Garp turned his gaze upon Roger. "Roger today is the day we end things

between us once and for all." He told him.

"Hahaha! Sorry Garp but no. I've got a few other things to do, so today all

I can give you is a good workout." Roger retorted.

"Enough talk." Sengoku said.

"I couldn't agree more Sengoku." Rayleigh said.

Roger and Rayleigh, Garp and Sengoku. Two sides of the same coin.

One pair pirates and the other marines.

It's ironic how they are the same and yet different simultaneously.

Deciding to kick things off Sengoku transformed into his Buddha-human

hybrid form.

He then launched his attack

[Impact Wave]

Seeing the powerful shockwave incoming Roger and Rayleigh coated

their perspective blades in armament haki and then swung them,

destroying Sengoku's attack with ease.

Just after this happened Garp used Soru and appeared in front of Roger.

He then threw a left hook, landing a direct hit into his belly.

Despite this Roger stood his ground.

"Good punches as always Garp." Roger said. "Now try one of mine." He


Roger then used his free hand and punched Garp right in the face,

sending him flying back a ways.

Once this happened Sengoku moved towards Roger intending to punch

him, but before he could do so Rayleigh appeared before him and swung

his haki-coated sword toward his chest.

Stopping in his tracks Sengoku moved to block the attack but was a

second too late.

He got hit, and then coughed up a small amount of blood.

Despite their being no wound on his body.

Seeing this from the Oro Jackson Siegirech immediately knew Rayleigh

had just hit Sengoku with internal destruction haki, or Ryou as it is called

in the Wano Country.

'To be able to use an advanced form of haki so easily. Seriously, I really

have a long way to go.' Siegreich thought.

A small smile on his face Rayleigh dashed in towards Sengoku and began

slashing at him with his sword.

But Sengoku countered all his attacks. Coating his fists in armament haki

to do so.

Meanwhile Garp had managed to recover.

Coating both of his fists in armament haki as well he moved towards

Roger and prepared to punch him.

Seeing this Roger took Ace and swung it in Garp's direction. The blade of

his sword meeting Garp's fist.

As the two clashed, black sparks and shockwaves rebounded through the

air itself. Neither Roger nor Garp giving an inch as they faced off.

While all this was happening the rest of the Roger Pirates were handling

the remaining naval ships quite well.

Several of the cannonball's they launched struck the enemies hulls.

Creating problems for them.

Meanwhile the Oro Jackson was holding out, no major damage to its hull

at all.

But then again it is made of Adam's Wood, the strongest wood in

existence after all.

The clash between Garp and Roger finally came to an end, when both

decided to back off.

But that only lasted for a second before Garp appeared in front of Roger

and aimed a punch straight at his face.

Reacting in time Roger dodged the punch and then moved to slash at

Garp, but he brought up his leg and countered it with ease.

Kicking Ace out of his way Garp threw a punch into Roger's chest and

struck him. Sending him flying back a bit.

But in the next second he managed to stabilize himself.

Once Roger did this he sent out several flying slashes in Garp's direction.

Seeing this Garp chose to block each and every one of them. Because he

knew if he didn't the ship would be damaged and those under his

command would end up dead instantly.

A situation he wanted to avoid.

So Garp blocked all of Roger's slashes, some of them managing to cut him

and make him bleed as a result.

Despite this Garp was far from down for the count.

As this happened Rayleigh and Sengoku continued to clash.

Sword and palm meeting each other head-on, both coated in armament

haki. Black sparks created each time they met.

Realizing that things were getting stagnant Sengoku decided to take

things up a notch.

Stopping his clash with Rayleigh for a second he put a bit of distance

between them, and then transformed once more.

This time into his full Buddha form.

[Image Here}

(A/N: The One Piece wiki was never clear if the transformation Sengoku

used at Marineford was his hybrid form or full form, so for the purposes

of this fic I decided to make the form shown in the anime his hybrid

form, and given him a full form)

Seeing Sengoku transform Rayleigh put a wicked smile on his face.

"Looks like you're finally going all out Sengoku. Good."

"You're going to regret those words in a moment Rayleigh." Sengoku told


He then moved his new sets of arms to strike at Rayleigh from several

different angles all at once.

[Heavenly Palms]

Sengoku said.

As his attack raced towards Rayleigh he continued smirking.

He then took his blade and sent out a massive slash towards Sengoku.

One so big it tore through the deck of the ship.

Seeing this Sengoku immediately stopped his attack on Rayleigh and then

used his palms to destroy his flying slash.

Clicking his tongue as he did so.


Because Rayleigh's attack just now caused a hole to appear in the bottom

of the ship, which began allowing water to leak into it. Putting the vessel

in danger of sinking.

Which is exactly what Rayleigh planned from the beginning.

"Crafty as usual Rayleigh." Sengoku said.

"Coming from you that's a little rich." He retorted.

Right after Rayleigh did so he moved back, sending several more slashes

into the marine vessel as he did so.

Sengoku wanted to chase him.

But the lives of his crew came first.

So begrudgingly he allowed Rayleigh to retreat.

Just as this happened Garp managed to land another punch on Roger,

causing him to cough up a bit of blood.

Despite this he still had a grin on his face.

As did Garp, given all the cuts and bruises on his body.

Both of them were enjoying the fight, though only Roger would ever

admit that.

Noticing the situation between Sengoku and Rayleigh having ended

Roger took a particular stance.

When he did so Garp raised his guard even more, sine he knew

something big was about to come his way.

"Really Garp it's been fun. Thanks for the workout. But it's time for me to

go." Roger told him.

"You think I would let you?" Garp asked him.

Roger shook his head.

"Of course not. Which is why I'm knocking you out of the way." Roger


Right after he did so massive amounts of red sparks appeared all around

Ace. A pressure filling the air after this happened.

Seeing this from the deck of the Oro Jackson Siegireich knew Roger had

just coated Ace in Conquerors haki.

A technique known as Infusion.

And since he did this Siegreich could guess exactly what move Roger was

about to use.

Taking Ace Roger swung it towards Garp, a black slash attack racing out

towards him right after he did so.

[Divine Departure]

Feeling the pressure from Rogers' attack Garp raised his fists in front of

his face and coated them in armament haki once more.

Just as he did so Roger's attack made contact, and created a massive


Giving Roger the chance he needed to return to the Oro Jackson.

As the smoke cleared from his attack Garp stood tall and proud.

His arms were cut and bleeding, but his life wasn't in any danger.

Despite this he didn't dare go after Roger.

That's because his ship was currently taking on water, not only that but

so were the other four naval ships remaining.

Gaban and the other Roger Pirates having handled them during the


Not the type of man to abandoned his fellow marines Garp stayed put.

As he did so Roger gave him a bright smile, as the Oro Jackson started

sailing away from his ship and the other navy ships surrounding them.

Cutting through the waves the Roger pirates made their escape.

All of them having enjoyed their first major battle upon returning to the

Grand Line.

Even their three apprentices.

Since it gave them many new things to think about.

First Kill

A/N: Big news my friends. The final saga of One Piece is going to be

starting this July. After twenty years the end is near, and I have to say I

am both excited and saddened at he same time.

Now here is the chapter, please enjoy.



Sitting on a rock I looked out at the ocean in front of me.

Just like I did when I used to live on Bunny Island.

Doing this not only calms me, but allows me to think.

And right now I am thinking about several things.

Over a week has passed since we entered the Grand Line and our crew

faced off against Garp and Sengoku.

A battle which I can't get out of my head.

No matter how much I try I just can't stop thinking about the fighting I

saw on that day.

The way Roger & Rayleigh clashed with Sengoku & Garp. It truly showed

me just how small in the world I am right now, and how far I still have

left to go.

Which makes me excited.

So terribly excited the next day after made our escape from the marines I

asked Rayleigh to increase my training load.

A request which he agreed to.

I have the bruises to prove it.

Even so I know I am getting stronger, that's a fact.

So I won't stop. Even if my life ends up in danger.

Because Roger is right, what's the use of living life unless you do so to the


The man knows what he's talking about.

Moving on.

I continued looking out at the waves, until suddenly I spotted something

out in the distance.

As it got closer I saw it was another pirate ship.

It is on a course directly towards the island we Roger pirates are

currently on.

Which is uninhabited by the way. We stopped here only to repair the

damage to the Oro Jackson during our most recent battle.

The moment I confirmed another pirate ship was approaching the island I

got up and ran back to the Oro Jackson.

Arriving I spotted the others.

"Everyone, another pirate ship is approaching the island!" I yelled out.

"Oh, so someone wants a fight eh?" Roger mused. "Well then, they can

come at us. We won't lose, right boys?"

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted.

"Excellent. Prepare for battle." Roger said. "You three apprentices as well.

Depending on the enemies strength this might be a good chance for you

all to get some hands-on experience in battle." He explained to us.

"Yes captain." I said.

"Yes." Shanks happily said.

"Right." Buggy said. His entire body shaking as he did so.

I guess his cowardice is starting to rear its ugly head.

Well whatever. Since he is my crew mate at the moment I won't let him


But after we part ways he's on his own.


It will all depend on how I'm feeling in the future.


I drew my blade and got ready for battle. Same with Shanks.

While Buggy took out his knives.

We three then got ready as did the rest of the Roger pirates for our guests

to arrive.

Twenty minutes later the enemy pirates made landfall.

As they stepped off their ship I counted 70 to 80 of them.

Once they all disembarked one man stepped forward. "Roger pirates,

surrender now and maybe we'll let you live." He said with arrogance.

'This dumb bastard.' I thought.

"Hell no." Roger said.

"Men, kill them!" The captain of the enemy pirates said.

His entire body then transformed and he became a Rhinoceros.

'So he's a zoan-type huh?' I thought.

As I did so the enemy captain charged right at Roger.

Who unsheathed Ace and did the exact same thing.

Meanwhile Rayleigh unsheathed his blade and pointed it towards the

enemy crew. "Take them down and take all their treasure." He told us.

As soon as he did so we sprung into battle.

Sticking together with Buggy and Shanks the three of us entered onto the

battlefield. Watching each others backs as we did so.

All three of us shaking.

This is our first time in a real combat situation after all.

Usually Roger and the others handle this, but today we are a part of it as

well. Which means we are going to have to kill.

But that's the life of a pirate.

We three knew this when we chose this for ourselves.

And unlike Luffy who has plot armor we can't avoid killing our enemies.

Also personally I don't want to. Since I am not a shounnen protagonist

who allows enemies to live just so they can come back stronger in the

future and fuck with me.

So yeah.

These guys are dying.

A few of the enemies started approaching me, Buggy, and Shanks.

Probably thinking we are easy targets.

They are sadly mistaken.

Turning my right arm into a cloud I unleashed [Rakiri] and struck several

of the enemy pirates down.

"Fuck, that kids a devil fruit eater." One of them cried.

"I got this." A guy said.

He then aimed a pistol at me and pulled the trigger.

I flinched, despite the bullet passing right through me thanks to me

having logia powers.

Not many people have been shooting at me after all.

But I need to get used to that, otherwise it will be a weakness in the

future, and that I cannot allow.

"The fuck?" The man who shot at me questioned.

Ignoring him I turned my arm holding my sword into a cloud and sent it

towards the man holding the pistol.

When it reached him I sliced open his neck. Blood spurting into the air as

I did so.

"Little shit!" An enemy cried.

He then charged toward me, his blade raised.

But before he could reach me Shanks stepped in.

Getting in front of the enemy pirate he parried the blow and then slashed

the man across the stomach, forcing him to stumble back.

Once this happened Shanks stabbed him through the gut.

Killing him.

As the enemy pirate fell to the ground dead Shanks threw up a little bit.

But that's understandable.

Even I have a little bile in my throat right now.

Despite this I am holding it down until the battle is over.

While Shanks worked to get his bearing back I covered him.

As for Buggy...

He is actually doing alright.

Currently he is facing off with an enemy pirate using his knives.

Parrying blows he slashed at the man and stabbed him repeatedly. Doing

well not to get injured himself.

Eventually Buggy managed to slash an artery on his opponent and then

the man started bleeding out.

Giving Buggy his first kill and his first win.

Just as this happened Shanks managed to stand back up again.

When he did so I looked at him. "You good to continue?"

"Yeah." Shanks said, looking me in the eyes.

I knew I could trust his words so I stopped covering him.

Once I did so we charged right back into battle.

Staying in it until everything was over.

Once it was Roger gathered the three of us before him.

"So, you all killed for the first time today." He said.

We three nodded.

"Yes, you never forget your first time. Trust me." Roger said. "But don't let

it weigh down on you. Those men you killed were enemies, and if you

didn't kill them they certainly would've killed you. Remember that. Also

remember this, killing is necessary sometimes but not all the times. It all

depends on the situation and your own strength." He explained to us.

"One more thing. If you three need to talk about anything I am always

ready to listen."

We three nodded.

As we did so Roger walked off.

The moment he was gone I dropped to my knees and took several deep

breaths and exhaled.

Working to process what had just happened in my own way.

Since I will get through this.

It's just another road on my journey as a pirate after all.


A/N: Ok let me clarify something.

My MC's name is Siegreich D. Noctis. But Siegreich is his first name and

Noctis is his last name.

The thing is English is my first language so that's why I wrote it like that

in the beginning.

But again Siegreich is the MC's first name and Noctis is his last name.

Now onto the chapter.


*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

"Not again!" Buggy screamed.

And since he is right next to me and doing so straight into my ear I

punched him in the gut.

"Be quiet Buggy." I told him.

Just as I did so another cannonball landed in the water right next to the

Oro Jackson.

Courtesy of the one of the marine ships currently attacking us.

Three months have passed since we entered into the Grand Line.

During this time we've visited quite a few islands.

None of which were even shown or mentioned in the anime or any of the

One Piece lore in my last life.

One place we visited was known as Circus Island.

An island filled with mostly with performers who put on grand

performances all-year round.

While another island we visited had nothing but constant storms of acid

rain. Despite this the animals and plant-life on said island adapted and I

have to say it was quite interesting to see such things.

But enough about that for now.

Let's return to the annoyance that is the Marine's.

They fired off another volley at the Oro Jackson, but the Roger pirates

sent out their own volley and countered.

Leaving our ship with no damage at all.

Once this happened Roger ordered us to destroy the marine vessels and

so we started sailing in their direction.

But as soon as we did so they started sailing away, running from us.

This has been going on every day for the past month.

Marine ships will show up and attack us, and then as soon a we start

going on the offensive they flee.

If this happened just once I would think nothing of it, but since this has

been happening for the past month I know someone is coordinating these


I just have no idea who.

Garp definitely isn't the type to pull this. He's always been a straight-

forward kind of guy.

Sengoku would definitely use this kind of tactic, yet this strategy doesn't

feel like him either.

Which means it's probably someone that I never even heard of in the

original One Piece story.

Either way I just know things are going to get worse before they get


Still, I know we Roger pirates can weather this storm.

After the enemy ships were out of range we got back on our original


As we did so I began wondering just when the mastermind of these

attacks on us would finally show themselves.

I want to wrap this up after all.


(3rd Person: POV)

As the Oro Jackson returned to its original course on one of the fleeing

marine vessels a person was standing on deck.

Using a pair of binoculars they watched as the Roger Pirates ship

departed from the area.

A small smirk on their face as they did so.

Which did not bode well for the Roger Pirates at all.



My back against the side of the ship I flipped a page in my book.

It is an adventure novel.

Which I purchased with my own money.

Since Buggy, Shanks, and I are part of the crew we also get shares of any

treasure the Roger Pirates acquire.

But if we find something on our own like say a devil fruit then it is ours

to keep personally.

I like this set-up, which is why I am going to use it for my own crew in

the future.

I turned another page in my book and read it, completing the chapter I

was on. After I did so I closed my novel and then shut my eyes.

Since it's time for my afternoon nap.

Right after I shut my eyes those I immediately opened them.

Since I sensed several presences approaching us through my observation


Oh, and that's right. I've managed to unlock observation haki. It took

constant training but I've done it.

Though I'm not making much progress with armament haki yet, and I

don't even know if I have the Conquerors haki.

But well progress is progress.

Jumping to my feet I ran over to the left side the ship and looked out.

As I did so I spotted fifteen naval vessels sailing right towards the Oro

Jackson as breakneck speed.

"Another naval attack."

"And so soon as well."

"This time it looks like they're serious."

"Dammit, they just won't give it a rest."

The crew continued commenting about the approaching naval fleet.

As they did so I finally realized the overall plan of whoever put this

together. They have been trying to wear us down. Bit by bit they've been

chipping away at our stamina and now they're about to deliver the final


I'll admit its a good strategy.

But this isn't enough to defeat us Roger Pirates.

Coming out of his personal office Roger came to stand on deck and

looked directly at the approaching naval fleet.

"So it looks like its time to end this." Roger said.

Looks like he's already figured out the enemies objective as well, but I'm

not surprised at all.

Despite his flamboyant attitude most of the time Roger has a good head

on his shoulders. He's an excellent strategist.

Unlike a certain Nika-human captain.

Putting a smile on his face Roger pointed to the enemy fleet. "Gaban, sail

straight towards them. We're ending this today." He told him.

"Aye aye, captain." Gaban spoke.

He then turned the steering wheel and the Oro Jackson changed course,

heading directly for the enemy fleet.

As we closed the distance we started firing volley's of cannonball's toward

the enemy vessels, and they vice-versa.

We managed to strike them, but they didn't manage to hit us.

Then just before we got in range of the enemy vessels we managed to

sink two of them.

Just after we did so a person on one of the ship stepped forward.

As they did so I turned m gaze toward them.

When I did I found myself looking at a female.

She has dark-silver hair and matching eyes.

[Image Here]

Also she is wearing an admiral's coat of all things around her shoulders.

So it's just like I thought.

This plan was put together my a person not mentioned in the original

One Piece story at all. Since there was never a female admiral mentioned.

I would've remembered.

My guess is this female admiral standing in front of me either died or

wasn't important enough to be mentioned in the original story. Either

way I am not going to underestimate her.

Because just from looking at her I can tell she is strong.

This is going to be a tough battle no doubt.

"Well, well, well it's so good to see you again Roger Pirates." The female

admiral spoke to us. "Now then, give up or else we'll blow you out of the

water and send you straight to Davy Jones Locker." She said.

"Sorry, we can't do that Teressa." Rayleigh said to the admiral. Drawing

his sword as he did so.

The moment Rayleigh spoke a massive wave of killing intent started

coming off the admiral, directed straight at him.

"Who gave you permission to use my given name you pervert! Know your

fucking place!" The admiral named Teressa shouted at Rayleigh.

Releasing even more killing intent as she did so.

"Scary!" Buggy shouted.

And I have to agree with him.

This admiral Teressa is a little nuts.

"I wonder why she hates Rayleigh so much?" Shanks questioned.

My next question exactly. Since out of everyone on board admiral Teressa

has been eyeballing Rayleigh with a murderous glare ever since we got

close enough for her to do so.

"I can answer that."

Turning around the three of us saw Sunbell.

"But first let me tell you about the opponent we're facing. Admiral

Teressa Argent. She's a marine admiral. Not as well known as Sengoku,

but even so she does her job well. Many pirates have fallen to her hands.

Also she's a devil fruit eater. She ate a special-paramecia type. A Mercury

Mercury fruit and became a Mercury human. Which is why normally

she's known by her codename Gitsune." Sunbell explained to us.

'Gistune.' I thought. If I'm translating that correctly it means admiral

Teressa's codename is Silver Fox.

Which actually fits perfectly considering her hair color and devil fruit


"As to why she hates Rayleigh..." Sunbell put a wry smile on her face.

"The last time we faced off against her while in the Grand Line Rayleigh

gave her a smack on the ass."

"Ah, I see." I mused.

So Rayleigh sexually harassed this female marine admiral.

He really has a set on him.

But I give him mad respect.

"Enough of this bullshit. Men attack!" Teressa shouted.

"Took the words right out of my mouth Teressa." Roger said. "Attack!" He


Thus the final battle after the month-long skirmish began.


So yeah, I am going to try and give my MC a personality similar to

Rayleigh's. A calm and collected individual.

Roger Pirates vs The Silver Fox

(3rd Person: POV)

As soon as Roger and Teressa gave their signals, the battle finally began

in earnest.

Following the admiral's orders all remaining navy ships began firing

volley's of cannonball's toward the Oro Jackson.

Some striking the ship, and some missing entirely.

While this happened the crew of the Oro Jackson did not just sit by and


They returned fire, striking several of the remaining navy ships as they

did so.

While this happened Roger unsheathed Ace and sent out a flying slash,

cutting one of the remaining navy ships clean in two.

He then pointed the tip of his blade at Teressa's flagship.

"Some of you come with me, the rest stay behind." Roger told his crew.

"Aye, captain!" They shouted in unison.

After they did so Rayleigh and a few others went up to Rogers side and

then jumped across to Teressa's flagship.

The moment they landed Teressa's entire body transformed into a silver-

colored mass.

All thanks to her devil fruit powers.

Since again she ate the Mercury-Mercury fruit and became a Mercury


"Today is the day you all die." Teressa said. Her voice a bit distorted after

her fully-body transformation. "Especially you Rayleigh." She spat out.

"Come now Teressa, can't you just let it go?" Rayleigh asked the admiral.

"I promise I won't ever smack your butt again, that is unless you want me

to of course."

The moment Rayleigh spoke and tried to make his joke the killing intent

leaking from Teressa magnified even further.

Right now she is both angry and embarrassed.

If she were in her human form her face would be a bright shade of red.

Seeing Teressa's reaction to Rayleigh's comment Roger walked up to him

and lightly patted him on the shoulder. "Old friend, good luck." He said.

"Hey Roger, what do you mean?" Rayleigh asked him.

"Boys we're going to deal with the other ships. Rayleigh will handle

admiral Gitsune." Roger said.

Ignoring Rayleigh's question entirely.

"Yeah!" The other Roger pirates shouted.

They all then started running away towards the other navy ships.

Since they didn't want to be anywhere near admiral Gitsune at the


All of them were thinking the same thing as well.

This is Rayleigh's fault so he should deal with it alone.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Teressa shouted at the scattering

Roger pirates. "Don't think you can escape from me that easily!" She


Right after Teressa did so she began spreading mercury across the deck of

her ship, creating spikes along it as she did so.

Her goal obviously to turn the Roger pirates into human meat skewers.

Seeing this Rayleigh took his sword and sent out several haki imbued

flying slashes, destroying the mercury spikes Teressa made in an instant.

"Sorry, but I can't let you kill my friends. How about you and I play again

today?" Rayleigh said.

"That's fine." Teressa mused. "I can deal with the others later after I

finally kill you." She spoke.

"Then bring it on." Rayleigh said. Putting a small smirk on his face as she

did so.

"Time to send that arrogant face of yours into a watery grave!" Teressa


The moment after she did so she fired several mercury-shaped bullets at

Rayleigh from her main body mass.

But thanks to his observation haki Rayleigh dodged every single one of


Though right after he did this he jumped back and into the air.

The second after he did so several mercury spikes exited the ground right

where he had been standing.

Courtesy of Teressa.

"Fufu, don't think you can get away from me that easily." Teressa said to


After she did so she sent out several spike protrusions from all across her

body towards him.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge this time Rayleigh coated his sword in

armament haki and then unleashed a powerful slash.

As his attack raced towards Teressa she coated the tips of her spike

protrusions in armament haki, allowing them to clash with Rayleigh's


The second after this happened Rayleigh moved forward and closed the


After he did so he coated his fist in armament haki and delivered a punch

to Teressa's mercury body.

Scoring a direct hit he sent her flying back across the deck and crashing

into the ship.

But that only kept Teressa down for a moment.

She quickly got back up and then re-took her fully human form.

Once she did so Teressa aimed her left palm at Rayleigh and then a

second after she did so a high-speed mercury bullet launched from it,

heading straight towards him.

Not losing his cool Rayleigh took his sword and slashed the bullet

straight down the middle. Destroying it as he did so.

But when Rayleigh did this Teressa used Soru to close the distance, and

then turned one of her fingers into mercury. She then used said finger to

send a Shigan towards Rayleigh's chest.

He didn't have enough time to block, and thus took the attack head on.

Getting sent flying back after he did so.

While the intense battle between Rayleigh and Teressa was raging, the

other Roger Pirates were making good work of the remaining navy ships.

Despite them having thousands of more men none of them could stand up

against the Roger pirates for very long.

It was a truly a case of quality over quantity.

Especially where Roger himself was concerned.

In just this short amount of time he had taken down two navy ships on

his own, a bright smile on his face as he did so.

As this happened the battle between Teressa and Rayleigh continued.

A bleeding wound on his chest Rayleigh looked at Teressa, cracking his

neck as he did so. "So rough." He said.

"Keep talking, you won't be for much longer." Teressa told him.

"Really, are you sure about that?" Rayleigh asked her. "Because from

where I'm looking we're the ones who are going to win this battle." He


"Oh really, I wonder about that?" Teressa mused.

Putting a small smirk on her face as she did so.

Seeing this Rayleigh instantly knew Teressa had a trick up her sleeve.

And a few moments later he found out what it was.

Sensing something heading towards the battlefield from the right with his

observation haki Rayleigh looked in that direction.

When he did so he saw more naval vessels approaching.

About 20 to be exact.

Which is all according to Teressa's plan after all.

She is a follower of "smart" justice.

When facing an enemy she tries to gather as much information about

them as possible, and put into motion several plans at once to bring them

down. Making sure the lives of her men are not thrown away in the


Like right now for instance.

Most of the personnel under Teressa's command are fleeing toward the

incoming reinforcements on life boats.

Just as she had told them to do before the battle started.

Since she knew that most of them would stand no chance against even

one of the Roger Pirates.

Really, the personnel she brought with her were only there to lure the

Roger Pirates into her trap, and now that they are here she isn't letting

them go.

This is one of the reasons Teressa Argent was given the codename Silver


You never know what she might have up her sleeve.

"Ah, looks like we might be in trouble." Rayleigh spoke. Rubbing his

beard as he did so.

"You are in trouble." Teressa said. "So like I said earlier, surrender or be

sunk. The choice is yours."

"No, I'll go with option three. My crew and I escape." Rayleigh said.

Right after he did so he sent a powerful slash into the deck of the ship,

splitting it apart without any hesiation.

Seeing this Teressa clicked her tongue and then started using Geppo.

Because as a devil fruit eater if she fell into the water then it was game


As Teressa worked to stay away from the water Rayleigh made his way

back to the Oro Jackson. The other Roger Pirates who had joined him in

attacking the enemy vessels doing so as well.

Including Roger himself.

The moment they all arrived on deck Gaban began maneuvering the ship

to flee.

As he did so Teressa made her way to the reinforcement vessels and

landed on the deck of one. She then turned to look at the Oro Jackson.

"Sink them." She said. "Don't let them escape." She ordered.

"Yes, admiral!" One of her subordinates shouted.

He then relayed her message to the other naval vessels.

Once this happened all ships started firing at the Oro Jackson without


While a lot of the shots missed, some managed to hit the hull of the

Roger pirates ship, rocking it and shaking it violently when they did so.

"Damn, to think she had this trick up her sleeve But I guess that's the

Silver Fox for you." Gaban said.

"Yeah, so right now we need to run away from her as fast as possible."

Roger said.

"Even though that's easier said than done." Seagull Guns spoke.

Just as he did so a cannonball fired from one of the navy ships managed

to strike the Oro Jackson right in the mast.

It didn't break, but it did splinter.

Seeing this the Roger pirates knew that if the mast got hit again it would

probably slow them down and allow the navy to catch up with them.

A scenario they could not allow to happen.

So they started thinking of ways out of the mess they were in.

Then while the Roger pirates were thinking the sky itself suddenly


Right after it did so all the Roger pirates looked up.

When they did so they found themselves looking at several raging

waterspouts forming all around them.

The moment Roger saw this he put a grin on his face.

Seeing this everyone on board could practically hear this thoughts.

"Men, straight ahead. We'll sail through these waterspouts and use them

to get the navy off our tail." Roger said.

'That's what I'd thought you say.' Everyone of the Roger pirates thought

the moment Roger opened his mouth.

But seeing as he was the captain they had chosen to follow no one spoke


Instead they just followed his orders.

Steering the ship Gaban directed the Oro Jackson directly into the path of

the waterspouts in front of them.

Several more forming and the storm around then getting even more

violent as he did so.



Rain drops and water are pounding me from all directions.

Wind is blowing violently.

I am soaked to the bone, and holding onto the Oro Jackson for dear life.

And yet despite all these things I can't help but have a smile on my face.

Just like everyone else on the crew at the moment.


Well except Buggy that is, but that's normal for him since his cowardly

personality is starting to show.

The point I'm trying to make is even though I am in this life or death

situation I am having fun. Probably because I am doing it with people I

cherish, and living my life the way I want to.

Either way I will certainly never forget this as long as I live.

A wave came from the left and slammed into the Oro Jackson. Flooding

the deck with water. But that only lasted for a moment before it was


Just this happened one of the waterspouts started moving closer to the


'Ok. Now I think we might be in a little trouble.' I thought.

Sure, sailing into these rough seas got admiral Gitsune and her marine

fleet off our backs but with the way these waterspouts are getting

deadlier at the minutes pass by I can only think we left one shitstorm and

ran right into another.

Then there's the fact that the mast was damaged earlier during our battle

with the navy. So if we stay in these rough waters too long and the mast

takes even more of a beating then we really will be up shits creak

without a paddle.

Which is why I hope Roger has a plan.

"Full speed ahead Gaban." Roger said. A smile on his face.

"Yes." Gaban said.

He then sailed the Oro Jackson full speed ahead, ignoring the waterspout

getting closer to us as he did so.

As we moved on ahead and the waterspout moved ever so closer

suddenly another one appeared and clashed with the one heading

towards us.

The two waterspouts canceling each other out.

Seeing this I let out a low whistle.

We Roger pirates really do have some grade A luck.

"Don't worry boys, we're not dying here today!" Roger shouted. So we

could hear him over the storm.

"Yeah!" We all shouted.

Even Buggy this time.

All of us believing in Rogers words we stayed strong, and eventually we

made it out of the rough seas.

Seeing the sun high in the sky the moment we did so.

"Finally." I mused.

"Yeah. I'm glad that's over." Shanks said.

"We made it!" Buggy happily cried.

"Ah, well that was certainly exciting." Roger said. "But we're not out of

the woods yet boys." He said. Turning to face us. "Getting working on


"Yes, captain!" We all said.

We then moved and started tending to the Oro Jackson as best we could.

Since I have devil fruit powers I worked with Gaban and some others on

the mast. Since if we lost that we would literally be dead in the water.

As we worked on it we heard a creaking sound.

"That's not a good sound for the mast to make right?" I asked.

"No Sieg, it isn't." Gaban said. "Captain!" He shouted to Roger.

"Mhm, what's wrong Gaban?" Roger asked him.

"The mast is more damaged than we thought." He explained. "Our repair

work should hold it for now, but it needs some major work done or else

it'll fail."

"Well then break out the eternal pose for Water Seven. It's time to go visit

Tom." Roger said.

A smile on his face as he did so.

Gaban nodded at his words.

Meanwhile I started wondering just what Tom, the most skill shipwright

currently in the world, was like as a real person.

I guess I'll just have to find out when we meet in person.

Should be very interesting.


We sailed for two weeks straight, basically not stopping at all.

Eventually we reached our destination.

Water Seven.

As we approached the island I gazed at it. Marveling at just how different

it looks now than what it will look like when Iceburg takes over and

becomes mayor of it in the future.

The Oro Jackson pulled into one of the water channels of the island.

We sailed up it and eventually came to a stop, weighing anchor.

That's when we disembarked.

As soon as we did so a giant and familiar fish-man came up to greet us.


"Roger, hahaha it's been to long. Tom happily said.

"The same Tom." Roger said. A smile on his face as he did so.

The two of them then shared a brief hug.

"So my friends what brings you to me today?" Tom asked Roger.

"Ah, you see our mast took a beating recently and we need you to repair

it." Roger explained.

"Well then let me take a look and see what the problem is." Tom said.

"Thanks as always Tom." Roger said. "Say, I know you say no every time I

ask this but how about you finally join my crew and become my

permanent shipwright?"

"Sorry my friend but just like every other time you've asked me I'll have

to decline." Tom retorted. "While I love working on your ship I also love

working on the other ships I build as well."

"Well so long as your happy." Roger said.

"I am." Tom said.

He then walked with Roger to the Oro Jackson.

As they did I found myself liking Tom even though we haven't spoken


He's just that type of guy you can't help but like.

So it pisses me off just thinking how that worthless piece of shit Spandam

screws him over the in the future.

The same with the World Government.

Who only follows the rules when it suits them.

They clearly say all the time those who build ships for pirates cannot be

held accountable for their crimes. But with Tom things were different, all

because he happened to be the one who built the pirate king's ship.

For that he was put on trial and then eventually killed.

Well that's not going to happen this time.

Tom isn't dying on my watch.

Not by a long shot.

The Demon Heir

The crew spent a month at Water Seven.

Not only to get the mast completely repaired, but also to take care of any

other damage the Oro Jackson had sustained.

The ship hadn't had a proper look-over for two years from what the rest

of the crew told me.

While we stayed on the island I got to know Tom better.

As well as Kokoro and Tom's giant frog bet Yokozuna.

But I never got a glimpse of Franky or Iceburg.

Which made me realized Tom hasn't recruited them yet.

Though I know it's only a matter of time before he does.

Overall the stay on Water Seven was nice.

Really relaxing, considering I didn't do any training at all that entire


But as they say: All good things must come to an end.

Once the new month began we set sail, bidding Tom and his workers

farewell until the next time we met.

Having no idea what was waiting for us ahead.


A crate in hand I walked alongside Buggy and Shanks who are also

carrying crates.

We are headed back to the ship.

Having stopped on an island we are making a re-supply run.

In fact this is going to be our last one for a while.

Since the other day Roger told us he's seen enough of Paradise and wants

some more exciting adventures, so he announced we are finally heading

to the second half of the Grand Line.

The New World.

Which matches up perfectly with what I remember about the timeline.

Since next year the Roger Pirates will face off with Shiki "The Golden

Lion" and his fleet, an event that will become known as the Edd War.

And honestly I can't wait.

Since that war will be the perfect chance for me to see exactly where I

stand against those who have traveled the New World extensively.

Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.

"Hey Sieg, why are you grinning like that?" Shanks asked me.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm just thinking about something that makes me

extremely happy is all." I told him.

"Alright then." Shanks said.

We three then continued in silence and arrived at where the Oro Jackson

was docked.

Placing the crates on board we all sat down to rest, since our job is

finally finished.

But right after we did so I immediately stood up and got on guard.

Since I sensed an extremely powerful presence filled with malicious

intent approaching us.

And I wasn't the only one.

Sunbell and several other of the Roger Pirates who are currently aboard

the Oro Jackson put up their guards as well.

As the presence continued to get closer and closer I moved to the side of

the ship to see if I could spot the threat.

I did.

It was none other than Douglass Bullet.

Also eventually known as "The Demon Heir".

A guy who managed to destroy an entire nation on his own. A guy who

has all three types of haki, and a powerful devil fruit. A guy who trashed

members of the "Worst Generation" like it was nothing, and a guy who

could only be stopped by a Buster Call.

He's here.

(A/N: I messed up. The wiki said Bullet challenged Roger at age 15 and

then joined his crew. But for this fanfic I will make Bullet 17. That way

he is the proper age when canon begins)

I knew he challenged Roger and then joined the crew but I never knew

exactly when.

Looks like that time has come.

Bullet continued walking until he came to stand in front of the Oro


The moment he did so he looked up at me and we locked eyes.

As soon as we did I felt an overwhelming pressure. Still I chose not to

back down.

Seeing this Bullet gave me a grin.

Though I have no idea if that's good or bad.

"Hey, you." Bullet called out to me. "Bring me your captain."

"That's quite a demand." I retorted. "Why?"

"Don't talk back you weakling. Just bring me your captain." Bullet said.

"First off he's not on board. Secondly, my name is Siegreich. What's

yours?" I asked him.

"You'll never know." Bullet said. "Well then if your captain isn't here then

call for him."

"No way." Sunbell said. Coming up to my side to look at Bullet. "We

would never bring our captain around for the likes of a kid like you." He


"I see. Then if you won't willingly bring him to me I'll just have to make

you." Bullet said.

As soon as he did so the air changed again.

Then before I could even blink Bullet was in front of Sunbell. Delivering a

punch to his face.

Taking the blow head on Sunbell was sent flying across the deck.

Landing Bullet turned to me and punched.

But that's when I turned into clouds and avoided his blow.

Praciticing with Rayleigh and the others I've gotten better at using my

logia defense on command, as well as staying calm while doing so.

Seeing Bullet was stunned for a moment I acted.

I turned both my arms into thunder clouds and then hit Bullet with


It blew him back, but that only worked a second.

In an instant he was in front of me again.

"Nice try. But its worthless." He told me.

Bullet then coated his right fist in armament haki and slammed it into my

face, driving me into the deck of the ship.

Ignoring the ringing in my ears I marveled at Bullet's power a bit.

To think he would already know haki.

He really is strong.

That's why I want to fight him even more.

"Sieg!" My crewmates shouted.

As they did so Bullet turned towards them, cracking his neck as he did so.

"So I hurt your friend. Then come at me and try to avenge him." Bullet

said. Making a "come hither" motion with his hands as he did so. "Be a

good warm-up before Roger gets here."

"Heh." I said. "Bullet you are strong, but defeating captain Roger is

something you will never be able to accomplish." I said.

"Quiet weakling!" Bullet said.

Kicking me in the gut as he did so.

"For someone who got beat so easily to tell me that I will lose. Pathetic."

Bullet spat at me.

"Sure I may be weaker than you now, but that might not always be the

case." I retorted. Ignoring the pain in my gut as I did so.

"Know your place." Bullet told me.

He then hit me with a wave of his Conqeurors haki.

'So he even has this already as well.' I thought.

Feeling his power.

Despite this I won't back down.

I won't falter.

I won't take back my words.

And I will not stay on the ground.

I will not!

Looking Bullet dead in the eyes I moved to stand to my feet, and as I did

so his Conquerors haki increased.

But I pushed back, showing him my own resolve as I did so.

"I won't back down from you!" I shouted at Bullet.

As I did so I felt something inside me awaken.

A power that made me feel like I could stand above all.

Instantly I knew what it was.

The Color of the Supreme King.

Conquerors haki.

Looks like I have it after all.

Feeling the power awaken I put a smirk on my face.

Then I unleashed my Conquerors haki and it clashed with Bullet's

Causing the future "Demons Heir" to look at me dumbfounded.

Now that is priceless.

Bullet vs. Roger

Mine and Bullet's Conqerors haki continued to clash.

But that only lasted for about a minute before Bullet's overpowered mine.

Though it comes as no suprise.

Bullet has had access to his Conquerors haki longer than me.

Still the fact that I awakened mine and managed to use it to go against

his for a minute at my current level of strength is a win in my book.

After Bullet's Conquerors haki drowned out my own, he stopped using

his. Giving me a pointed look as he did so.

"What's wrong, are you scared now?" I asked him.

"Don't make me laugh." Bullet said. "Though I will admit, that was

unexpected and a bit impressive." He said. "Maybe you aren't such a

pathetic weakling after all."

"Why thank you, I try." I told him.

"Still, you're nowhere near strong enough to beat me." Bullet said.

He then got ready to rush at me again, but when he did so he looked to

my side and put a grin on his face.

Turning I saw why.

Roger, Rayleigh, and the others had returned.

"Finally, you've arrived." Bullet said. Looking directly at Roger as he did

so. "Now the real battle can finally begin!" He shouted with glee.

"Sorry, but what's going on here?" Roger asked.

"Ah captain please help us!" Buggy cried. "This guy just charged on board

the ship and started beating up everyone demanding for you." He quickly


"I see." Roger mused. He then looked at Bullet. "Tell me young man, why

did you attack my crew and why are you looking for me?"

"I heard that you're strong Roger." Bullet said. "So I came to see if its true.

Fight me." He said.

"Captain screw this kid." Spencer said.

"Yeah." Mugren added. "He just barges onto our ships, attacks our

crewmates, and now demands a fight with you. We should give him


Several other crew members voiced their anger at Bullet as well.

Until Roger held up his hand, silencing them.

"Enough boys. I have made my decision." Roger said. A smirk on his face

as he did so. "Tell me boy, what is your name?" He asked Bullet.

"They call me Douglass Bullet." He spoke.

"Well then Bullet, if it's a fight you want then its a fight you'll get." Roger

told him.

The crew wanted to protest, but one look from Rayleigh caused them all

to keep their mouths shut.

Roger has made his decision, and since he is our captain is is final.

No matter how we all may feel about it.

I'm fine with it by the way.

Since I know Bullet will join the crew after getting his ass handed to him.

Which is perfect, since that will give me the chance to convince him to

join my pirate crew once the Roger Pirates disband.

Bullet will make the perfect shipwright, and he's basically a one-man


Sailing the seas with him will certainly never be boring.

All I need to do is figure out how to convince him.

Things are getting more interesting by the day.

Hearing Roger agree to fight him Bullet put a smile on his face.

"Excellent." Bullet said. "Let's not waste any time."

Roger nodded.

Once he did so the rest of us quickly moved back and gave the two some

space on the deck of the Oro Jackson.

Right after we did so Bullet kicked things off.

Appearing in front of Roger he threw an armament haki coated fist

toward his face.

Leaning Roger dodged the punch and then delivered a kick into Bullet's

gut, sending him sailing across the deck and into the side of the ship.

Quickly standing up Bullet started moving around Roger, leaving

afterimages as he did so.

Until eventually he stopped and appeared right behind Roger.

Throwing a punch towards his back as soon as he did so.

Quickly turning around Roger brought up his left arm and blocked

Bullet's punch.

Despite this he skidded back on the deck a bit.

"Yes, give me more!" Bullet shouted.

Coating his fists in armament haki he closed the distance to Roger and

started hammering his body with punch after punch, like a machine gun

Bullet didn't let up.

"Captain Roger!" Buggy cried.

"Quiet Buggy." Rayleigh said. Slapping him upside the head. "Don't talk

or you'll miss it."

As soon as Rayleigh said that the battle turned.

Roger took a step back and then delivered a kick to Bullet's gut.

Sending him flying into the side of the ship again.

Just like before Bullet got back up. He then charged at Roger again and

started throwing punches, but unlike a moment ago Bullet's attacks aren't

landing at all.

Even as Bullet increased his speed Roger continued dodging.

Actually looking at Roger it seems almost like he's dodging before the

punches are thrown...!

Of course, Roger is using future sight Obersvation haki.

The original work never mentioned Roger having such an ability, but if

Luffy and Kaido can have it then it stands to reason Roger can as well.

A grin on his face Roger continued dodging Bullet's punches.

Then when a tiny opening appeared Roger coated his left fist in

armament haki and planted it straight into Bullets face.

Which is a satisfying sight to look at.

Taking the punch straight on Bullet sailed into the deck once more.

Yet just like the other times he got back up. "Not done. I'm nowhere near

done!" He shouted. "Once you stop moving your dead, and I am not going

to die!" Bullet screamed.

He charged at Roger while still doing so.

Reaching him Bullet planted both fist into Rogers body, but the captain

didn't even budge.

Most likely due to a combination of armament haki and infusion.

As Bullet continued driving his fist into Roger's body, black lightning

bolts started appearing in the air.

"Go down!" Bullet shouted.

But Roger didn't and still continued smiling.

"You are strong son." Roger told Bullet. "I enjoyed this fight, but its time

to end things here." He said.

As soon as Roger said that he suckered punch Bullet in the jaw.

Some blood coming out of his mouth Bullet crashed into the deck, the

light in his eyes gone.

Letting everyone know he was down for the count.

"Yeah, nice job captain!" Buggy cheered.

"As expected Roger." Rayleigh said.

Yes, just like one would expect from Roger.

He truly is amazing.


A/N: Ok so once again the MC is an apprentice on Roger's crew. He isn't

having his own adventure's yet. Rather right now he's tagging along on

Roger's adventures. Following his journey first-hand.

But when Roger dies that will all change.

However that's not to say the MC won't have some developments.

But not many major ones will take place until the apprenticeship arc is


So until then suck it up or don't read the fan fiction.

All I have to say.

Chapter 18: Bullet Joins The Crew

A/N: I'm back. I know I start stories and don't finish them. But this will

definitely be one I finish. I promise. So one chapter a week from now on,

unless real life gets in the way.

Hope you enjoy and continue to support this fic.


Eating some candy I sat on a barrel next to the unconscious Bullet.

The crew needed someone to watch him and I volunteered.

So after Crocus gave him a thorough medical exam to make sure he

wasn't knocking on death's door I started my assingment.

"Mhm." Bullet moaned.

He then slowly but surely opened his eyes and looked right at me.

"So, you're finally awake." I said. Popping another piece of candy into my

mouth after I did so.

Turns out the world of One Piece has gummy-bears.

Who knew?

"Have a nice nap?" I asked Bullet. Putting a cheeky smile on my face as I

did so.

Getting an enraged look on his face Bullet attempted to attack me only to

wince in pain as he did so. Looking down he finally noticed the bandages

covering his body.

"Our Dr. Crocus patched you up on our captain's orders." I explained to

him. Eating another gummy-bear after I did so.

"I don't want pity." Bullet spat.

"Wasn't my decision. It was captain Rogers'." I explained. "A lot of the

crew wanted to toss you onto the dock and then immediately set sail, but

captain Roger vetoed that idea and went this way. So if you have an issue

with being treated for your injuries take it up with him."

"Whatever." Bullet said.

'Looks like he's accepted things as they are.' I thought.


At least he's somewhat reasonable.

Seeing that Bullet wasn't about to go on another rampage I called for the


"Everyone he's awake!" I shouted.

As I did so Roger and the rest of the crew came from where they were on

the ship and within a few moments Bullet was surrounded.

With basically the entire crew eyeing him warily.

Except for me, Roger, Rayleigh, Crocus, and Shanks.

"So young Bullet, looks like you've finally awoken." Roger spoke.

"Yeah, I have." Bullet said. He then put a feral grin on his face. "So, let's

continue where we left off." He spoke.

"Captain enough of this. There's no need to keep indulging this brat."

Spencer spoke.

"Yes I have to agree captain." Crocus spoke. "Fighting this boy anymore

would put his life in serious danger, and will not stand by and just let

that happen." He explained.

Several other crewmembers voiced their protest about Bullet as well.

Which only made Bullet angrier and angrier until finally he snapped.

"Shut the hell up you weakling's!" Bullet shouted. Releasing a burst of

Conqueros haki as he did so. "This doesn't concern any of you. Only me

and Roger!"

"Alright that's quite enough." Roger said. "I've already made my decision

about the matter. Bullet, I'd be happy to fight you again."


"No, don't!"

The crew started to protest, and that's when Rayleigh finally spoke up.

"Enough!" He said with authority.

This caused everyone to shut their mouths.

"The captain has made his decision." Rayleigh said. "Nothing else to it."

At this everyone simply stopped talking and went along.

Even Crocus, despite his grumbling.

Seeing this Bullet happily smiled.

He then got up and prepared for another fight with Roger.

Only for the match this time around to end in less than a minute, when

Roger knocked hi out with a single punch.

Man I wish I had recorder den-den mushi right now so I could've

captured that moment.

Note to self: Get one of those in the future.

This time around it only took a few moments for Bullet to wake up

instead of over two hours previously.

Just like before he was raring to go.

But that's when Roger denied him.

"That's enough for today." He said. "But if you wish to challenge me again

in the future then I'm up for it, anytime."

Hearing this Bullet put a contemplative look on his face. Bu then after a

few seconds nodded. "Alright, let's end things here for today." He spoke.

"But mark my words Roger, next time we face off I won't lose."

"Hehe, well then I look forward to our next match." Roger happily said.

Bullet simply gave a curt nod at his words.

He then moved to leave the ship.

As he did so I waved at him but he ignored me.

Ah, and I thought we bonded a bit. Looks like I was wrong.

Oh well, not like I'm uspet.

Since there will certainly be more chances for us to get to know each

other better in the future.


A cup of juice in my left hand I watched as Bullet was k.o.'ed by Roger

yet again.

For the 30th time.

Several weeks have passed since Bullet appeared.

During this time he's continually challenged Roger, and continually lost.

It's actually getting a bit sad to watch.

Despite this I can't look away. Since this is a part of what makes Douglass

Bullet who he is. And I want to understand that. So I can better convince

him to join my future crew.

Regaining consciousness after five minutes Bullet simply sat up.

"Looks like I win again young Bullet." Roger said.

"Yeah, you do." Bullet said, putting a small smile on his face. "Anyway,

let's go again."

"Sure." Roger said. "Ah but just so you know this might be our last fight

for a while." He said.

"Why?" Bullet suddenly asked.

"Because we're getting ready to head for the New World." I explained to


"I see." Bullet spoke. "Well then let me come along."

"What?!" Several crewmembers who were also watching the fight


"Oh, so you want to join my crew huh?" Roger questioned.

"That's right." Bullet stated. "You're the first person I've ever come across

that I couldn't beat. And so until I do I won't allow you to escape. So

wherever you go, I go."

"I see. I see." Roger mused. "Alright then, welcome aboard." He said.

"Captain, no!"

"Don't do this!"

"Please for once, think things threw before making such a decision!"

"It'll be fine." Roger said, dismissing everyone's cries of protests.

Some to more senior members like Rayleigh and Gaban for aid in

convincing Roger to change his mind about Bullet joining us.

However the former simply smiled as usual, while the latter shrugged his

shoulders in resignationg.

So with that things are settled.

Bullet is now part of the Roger Pirates.

Moving over to him I stuck out my hand.

"Welcome aboard Bullet." I told him.

"Huh, what you want Siegreich was it?" Bullet rudely asked.

"Yes, that's my name. Siegreich. But since we're crewmates now just call

me Sieg. Again, welcome aboard." I spoke.

"Piss off." Bullet snarled.

"Really, because I was hoping we could do a little sparring." I said.

As I did so Bullet looked me directly in my eyes. "You looking to die?"

"Not at all. Just to get stronger. So, you up for it?" I questioned.

"Heh, yeah sure." Bullet said, putting a grin on his face.

The two of us then sparred.

Well rather Bullet beat my ass black and blue without any hesitation.

As I laid on the deck of the Oro Jackson I felt pain all over, but had a

smile on my face.

Not because I'm a masochist or anything.

But because now I can truly start working on making Bullet my comrade.

As well as my future crewmate.

Which I won't give up on doing, no matter what.

Chapter 19: Nimbus

Stepping off the plank leading off the Oro Jackson I stretched my arms

into the air. A smile on my face.

Because after three weeks at sea we've finally found an island to make

land-fall on and stretch our legs.

Which feels good.

Especially considering the area of sea we just finished traversing.

The temperatures were below freezing during the day, but then reached

close to 100 degrees fahrenheit during the night.

To say sailing through that particular stretch of water was not fun would

be an understatement.

But I didn't complain one bit.

Since going through things like that is what happens when one chooses

sail on the Grand Line, especially once they enter into the New World.

Where the crew and I currently are.

We entered the second half of the Grand Line just a few weeks ago.

Right after we did so I immediately came to understand why this sea is

nicknamed Hell.

The weather phenomenon I've seen since coming here would make the

eyes of meteorologist and weather scientist back in my old world pop out

of their skulls.

I myself was at a loss for words at the things I saw, and I was witnessing

them first-hand.

But eventually I came to terms with it all.

Following me several other crewmembers de-boarded the Oro Jackson.

Until eventually we were all standing in front of the Oro Jackson.

"Alright men, we'll make camp here for the next week or so before setting

sail once more." Roger said.

Everyone nodded.

Once we did so we went about completing several tasks. Such as

surveying the surrounding area for any dangerous beasts, and looking for

sources of fresh food and water.

Then once all this was done Roger gave everyone some much needed free

time to do whatever they wanted.

After he did this I moved over to a secluded spot in the nearby forest.

This way I could practice my devil fruit powers and not accidently injure


Well I don't think my powers could actual injure of the Roger pirates,

save for Buggy and Shanks, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Standing in the middle of the clearing I found I practiced turning my

body completely into clouds and then back again as quickly as I could.

I counted the time it took me to transition between the two states in my


After preforming this over 100 times I stopped.

"Three minutes." I muttered.

Out of all my attempts as switching between states that is my fastest time

to date.

I shook my head at this. "Not good enough." I muttered.

My goal is to be able to shift between states instantly like the future navy

admirals. This will give me a huge edge of many opponents I will fight

against in the future. Especially once I form my own crew.

Taking a seat on the ground I let my body rest for five minutes before

continuing. Moving on to another aspect of my devil fruit powers that I

have been constantly trying to grasp.

Changing the density of the clouds I create.

Which is more difficult than it sounds, believe me.

Even so, I feel like more recently I am close to grasping the concept.

After my five minute break came to an end I stood to my feet. I then

generated a nice amount of clouds in my left palm and focused on it.

As I did so I finally noticed the clouds in my hand becoming heavier,

until finally their consistency changed.

Seeing this I smiled.

It's true what they say, hard work pays off.

Jumping for joy a little bit in finally grasping the ability to change the

density of the clouds I can create I also didn't forget to memorize the

feeling itself.

Then once I did so I repeated the process several times until I felt I got a

good handle on it.

"Alright, let's try it out." I said to myself.

I then started producing a cloud underneath my feet, while also changing

the density of it.

Focusing with all my might I created a circular cloud 2 meters (6.56 ft.)

in length and then before I knew it I was floating in the air about a meter

above the ground.

When this happened I put a smile on my face.

"Yes, finally." I said.

I had achieved a technique I have been working on for the past two


[Flying Nimbus]

Now its time to test it out.

Directing my personal Nimbus I started moving higher into the sky, and

picked up some speed as well.

I wobbled at first since I wasn't used to flying on my cloud creation, but

after a few minutes I got the hang of it.

Then once I did so I truly began to enjoying soaring through the air.

The feeling it brings me is indescribable.

This is probably what birds, and air benders from Avatar series feel like

when they fly as well.

I think I just found a new hobby.

Circling over the forest I then headed in the direction of the beach and

started flying over the Roger pirates and my fellow apprentices.

"Hey guys!" I shouted down at them from above.

"Eh, Sieg is flying!" Buggy shouted. His eyes and tongue then extended

like in the anime.

"Oh, looks like he's coming along quite nicely in mastering his devil fruit

abilities." Rayleigh commented. Stroking his beard as he did so.

"Hey Sieg, are you having fun?" Shanks asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, this is the best." I said.

Now more than ever I am glad I ate the devil fruit I found those few

years ago.

I am also happy I am one step closer to mastering my powers.

Since this means I am one step closer to awakening my devil fruit.

The original One Piece work never featured an awakened logia-type devil

fruit. But a lot of fansites and fanctions speculated that an awakened

logia-user could permanently change the environment of an island or


So following that logic if I am able to awaken the powers of my fruit then

I should be able to pull it off. Only considering I ate the Cloud-Cloud fruit

I'll probably be able to create several different type of storms to

permanently change the environment.

Though I am not sure.

Which is exactly why I'm going to work my ass off to find out.

Life isn't worth living if you don't have goals after all.

Chapter 20: Buggy An Emperor?

(3rd Person: POV)

Jumping back Siegreich dodged a punch from Bullet.

Who is currently wearing a frustrated expression on his face.

Since once again he challenged Roger to a battle, and once again got his

ass handed to him.

And like always after losing to Roger Bullet ended up in a foul mood.

Seeing this as usual Siegreich asked him for a spar. Since it always helped

Bullet calm down after a loss.

It also served Seigreich as a way to train to get stronger.

Because ever since he started sparring with Bullet after his matches with

Roger he has improved in leaps and bounds.

His durability has risen. He's also shaving down on the time it takes him

to become intangible with his devil fruit powers when faced with

incoming attacks. His observation haki is improving as well.

But more than that thanks to these battles with Bullet Siegreich has

finally unlocked his armament haki.

Sure, it's only at the first stage but he's unlocked it. Which is better than

not having access to it at all.

So in these spars both Siegreich and Bullet win in the long run of things.

Closing the distance within a second Bullet aimed a punch at Siegreich's

face, which he blocked using his left forearm.

Even so, Siegreich was blown into the ground.

Since the Roger pirates are currently docked on an island, re-supplying

on fresh water.

Quickly jumping back to his feet Siegreich moved in close to bullet and

started throwing punches and kicks in his direction.

Which Bullet blocked effortlessly.

Even so Siegreich still persisted with his attacks. Not even calling upon

his devil fruit powers. He's not even using a sword in this battle.

That is because Siegreich is trying to train his physical body and physical

combat skills, as well as his haki during these fights more than anything


Because unlike some others in the world of One Piece he doesn't want to

be a one-trick pony. No, he wants to have multiple high-level skills and

be prepared for almost any situation.

That's why he works to improve himself in all categories.

And even though it is slow-going Siegreich knows it will be worth it in

the ned.

Eventually Siegreich stopped attacking Bullet and jumped back.

As soon as he did so Bullet moved forward and landed a kick in his chest,

driving him itno the ground once more.

He then followed it up with a punch fo Siegreichs' chest, causing him to

lose all the air in his lungs.

Siegreich even blocked out for a second.

Sensing this Bullet stopped attacking.

Regaining consciousness Siegreich worked to catch his breath. He then

stood to his feet.

"Once again you win Bullet." He said.

"There wasn't going to be any other outcome in the first place." Bullet


"Maybe for now, but just watch. One day I'll not only catch up to you, but

surpass you." Seigreich said.

Bullet snorted at his words. "Yeah right." He spat. "That will never

happen. Especially with how you pathetically rely on others."

"There's nothing wrong with relying on others." Siegreich retorted. "I

mean isn't that what friends are for?"

"Friends, don't make me laugh." Bullet spoke. "People will just betray you

in the end. The only one you can truly rely on in this world is yourself.

Since others will just weigh you down and make you weak."

"Well captain Roger has friends and comrades, yet you've never been able

to beat him." Siegreich retorted.

As soon as he did so Bullet was in front of him, clutching the front of his

shirt, a pissed off expression on his face.

Despite this Seigreich wore a calm expression on his face.

"Listen hear, Roger is only winning for now. But that'll end soon. I'll

defeat him and when I do I'll be the strongest. And I'll have done it

without relying on anyone. Got that!" Bullet shouted.

"Yeah, I got it." Siegreich replied. "But listen Bullet, just so you know

everyone on the crew already considers you a friend and comrade despite

everything that happened when we first met. Me included. I don't know

what happened in your past, but always know we've got your back and

won't ever abandon you." He spoke.

Since he remembers Bullet's backstory thanks to his previous life's


That is why Siegreich is offering a hand of friendship. So that he doesn't

go down the same path.

He also wants him as a member of his future crew really badly as well.

"Whatever." Bullet said.

He then dropped Siegirech onto the ground and walked away.

Even so he couldn't get what the young logia user said out of his head.



Reading one my many books as usual I looked over at Buggy to see him

on his hands and knees crying, a black cloud of depression hanging over

his head.

He's like this because he finally ended up eating his devil fruit, as well as

losing the treasure map he had in his possession as well.

It happened three days ago and he's been like this ever since.

Even though Shanks has apologized to him several times already he stays

the same.

It actually hurts me to look at him.

So its time to do something about it.

Marking the page in my book where I am at I closed it and walked over

to Buggy.

He then looked up at me, but then immediately went back to looking at

the deck of the ship.

Seeing this I sighed.

I then reared my leg back and kicked Buggy right in his little clowns


"Enough!" I shouted.

"Aghh!!!" Buggy screamed.

After my kick he stared rolling on the deck, clutching his precious pearls.

Until after five minutes he stopped and then looked at me with an angry


"Sieg, what the fuck!?" Buggy shouted. "That hurt!"

"I know, that was the point." I retorted. "Now that you're not looking at

the deck we can finally have a proper conversation."

"About what?" Buggy retorted.

"About your sulking." I said. "Enough is enough. Grow up Buggy. You lost

a treasure map. It's happened and there's nothing you can do to change


"I lost more than that!" He angrily shouted. "I also lost my ability to

swim." He said, crying large anime tears.

"Yeah you did. But you also gained a devil fruit power." I told him.

"That's not something just anyone can obtain. So maybe if you stop

whining for a bit and actually examine your fruit and its abilities you

might find you you gained more than you lost. Well that's all I had to

say." I explained.

I then walked off and went back to reading my book.

As I did so I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Buggy got a

contemplative expression on his face.

Must mean he's thinking about what I just said.


If Buggy learns to properly use the powers of his fruit maybe his future

will turn out a bit different than it did in canon.

'Not like he'll do any worse.' I thought.

Then the moment after I did so images suddenly flashed through my


But as quickly as it began it ended.

Despite this I am still left reeling. Since the images that just ran through

my mind are chapters of the One Piece manga that came out after I died.

And all I can say is wow.

(A/N: our MC died just after chapter 1052 of the manga came out)

All the info I just got dumped into my brain is insane.

First off Oden's father is actually alive. Not only that but a copy of the

ancient warship Pluton is somewhere in Wano Country.

Luffy, Law and Kid all gained bounties of 3 billion.

Then there's the appearance of admiral Ryokugyu, also known by his true

name Aramaki.

I'll admit I like his character design, and his fruit. But it turns out he's an

Akainu fanboy and a zealot who believe in the absolute power of the

World Government.


I was hoping he was more along the lines of Fujitora.

Moving on from that I'm glad Sabo didn't get captured when he and his

fellow Revolutionaries attacked Mariejois. Though I am a bit upset that

Oda once again made his fate unkown right after showcasing he was


And all because he discovered the existence of Im.

Who is definitely the one who blew up the island Sabo was on.

Either that was one of Im's powers or the last ancient weapon Uranus.

Since in mythology he's the god of the Sky and Heavens.

I'm not sure which one is the case, but I'm certain Sabo is still alive.

Since Oda definitely wouldn't be a dick like that and kill him off.

At least I hope not.

But I was not expecting king Cobra to get killed and for Vivi to disappear.

That came out of left field.

I also didn't expect Oda to blue ball the readers by not making either

Carrot or Yamato a part of the Straw Hat crew.

Everyone knew it was probably going to be either one of those two,

especially after Yamato kept saying she would join them.

But in the end neither did.

I had no idea Oda was such a tease.

Who knows, maybe the whole thing with Vivi is a set up for her to rejoin

the Straw Hats as their final member on their voyage.

I mean with that guy you can never tell what's going to happen.

Like pitting Law against Blackbeard or having Kid end up at Elbaf.

I really hope Oda doesn't kill off Law. I love his character so much. He's

one of my top five favorites in One Piece.

Moving on from that, after so long Oda finally revealed the mysterious

Dr. Vegapunk and I have to admit he didn't disappoint on that in the


Especially with the revelation that Vegapunk gathered and protected all

the knowledge from Ohara.

Speaking of, I can't believe that Jaguar D. Saul survived.

That probably means Kuzan helped him out.

Though all this pales in comparison to one thing.

Buggy was named one of the new emperors alongside Luffy.

Turning my gaze to Buggy I observed him.

As I did so I saw him picking a booger from his nose, by using his devil

fruit powers.

'No, no, no, no, no.' I thought. Slightly shaking my head.

After getting to personally know him I can't believe anyone would think

he is Emperor material.

I can't see it.

I seriously can't.

Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

Almost as much as those Serpahim Vegapunk created. To think that crazy

bastard would find a way to splice Lunarian DNA with those of former

Warlords and also artificially give them devil fruit abilities as well.

That man really is a mad genius.

Then there's also the small fact that Kuma is Bonney's father.

All these revelations are so overwhelming I don't even know where to


I also don't know why this knowledge suddenly got dumped into my head

but I can't say it isn't extremely appreciated.

But again, Buggy an Emperor of the Sea?

My mind just can't comprehend that.


Hey all you readers.

I want to inform you that I will be putting this story on Hiatus for now. I

have no idea where I want it to go, and I keep getting jumbled up trying

to plot it out. So until I figure things out I'll take a break.

But I am still writing One Piece.

Check out my other fic Once Piece: Rise of Achilles.

I promise you it won't disappoint.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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